#but she is THE Queen of Darkness
The Morning Routine of the Queen of Darkness
Part of the Magic, Mayhem, & Other Misadventures series
The morning after a party on the Liberty is always... interesting. But that just means it's the perfect opportunity for Juleka to revamp her morning routine. With a little help...
Notes: Ver, Bloody, Miraculous_Muse, and I were sharing some Juleka Aesthetic items, and we began spitballing, which turned to snowballing, which turned to a plunny, which actually fit with a story I already had in my hoard so… now I guess I have a series 😂 And thanks for letting me borrow Dingo and Bri, Ver!!
It was officially November first. It was officially no longer her birthday. But she didn’t mind. Not in the slightest. It had been an amazing day. An incredible day. 
A perfect day. 
But a tiring one. 
Couffaine parties tended to be… a spectacle. Usually a giant chaotic spectacle. And her sixteenth birthday… well, it had been a special day. A witch only turned sixteen once, after all. Couffaines had flocked to the city from all the corners of the world they had wandered to to help celebrate it. Of course, all her friends had been there too. As had most of their families. 
A sixteenth birthday was a big deal, and everyone had wanted to be there for the day she had been waiting for since forever. 
The party had started before the sun have even set, and it had lasted well into the darkness of the night. The last of their guests hadn’t left until the wee hours of the morning. No one had wanted to miss a moment of such a big day. She smiled to herself as she leaned back in her chair, lifting her hand to let purple sparks shimmer in the air around her. 
The entire day, from the moment she had woken up, had been rife with magic. 
And she had been able to fully partake in the magic for the first time. Now that she was a fully-fledged witch. 
She wasn’t usually one for showing off. But everyone had come to celebrate her birthday. To celebrate her gaining her full powers. And everyone had wanted to see her demonstrate her new powers. 
So she had given the people what they wanted. And she would have been lying if she had said she hadn’t been dying to show off…   
Just a little bit. 
She grinned at the memory of her seanmhair’s face when she had made ghostly tigers prowl the waters of the Seine while lights danced across the sky and shimmering sparks rained down on the Liberty. Maybe she had overdone it a little… but after the show Luka had put on when he had turned sixteen… 
 She could still see the delighted faces of her friends and family and the sound of Rose’s excited squeals in her ears. She could still see Luka and her ma beaming with pride as she showed off her new powers. Surrounded by everyone she loved and finally able to say she was a real witch… 
Everything had been perfect. 
She hadn’t even been able to bring herself to be annoyed by the fact that Luka and Marinette had made goo-goo eyes at each other the whole night and still refused to admit they were hopelessly in love with each other. 
But now, even after all her guests were gone and the rest of her family had turned in for the night, she was still buzzing. Buzzing with the magic that was flooding her body, having finally been unlocked. And with excitement now that she finally had access to her full powers. But she was also tired. Exhausted. It had been a perfect day. But it had been a long one. And no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t quite settle herself. And how could anyone expect her to sleep when there was still so much energy running through her? 
She sighed as Roarr let out a rumbling purr from her lap. Absently, she began to stroke her familiar’s fur as she gazed around her room. She had already put most of her gifts away to try and burn off some of the energy coursing through her. Not that it had helped much. Or at all. 
Her eyes drifted down to the panjas bracelet her ma had given to her as the marker of her coming to age and gaining her powers. She turned her hand from side to side, watching the gem shimmer in the low light of the new lamp Rose had given her. Her gaze travelled up from her bracelet to land on the lamp she had placed over her dressing table. 
She tilted her head to the side as she appraised the lamp. 
It was in the shape of a raven, holding a lantern from its beak. Rose had gotten it for her because she knew how much she adored ravens. They were such beautiful animals. They were wickedly clever too. And loyal. 
She frowned in thought. 
She had always been good at the minor conjuring they had done in school. They had only ever done the simple things. Tiny, inanimate things. That was all anyone without their full powers was able to manage. But she had always been good at it. The only one in her class who had her beat when it came to conjuring was Marinette. 
And while they had only ever done minor conjuring, they had learned the theory of major conjuring… 
And she had always wanted to try… 
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in. Focusing on the steps they had learned in class, she imagined a raven taking shape in her mind. She imagined it appearing, feather by feather until it was fully formed. The image of the raven stared blankly back at her in her mind’s eye. When she was finally happy with the mental image she had formed, she took another deep breath in and reached for the energy coursing through her. She let the warmth of her magic wash over her in a wave of light as she willed a portion of it to gather. She visualized the magic pooling in a mass of purple sparks, and once she had gathered enough, she sent it raining down on the raven in her mind’s eye. The purple sparks disappeared where they touched black feathers, and the raven's eyes lit up.  
Her exhale was shaky from the exertion, but she was careful to keep it controlled as much as she could. 
When she opened her eyes, the raven was perched on the mug Rose had gotten for her. The raven looked at her with sparkling dark eyes, bright with intelligence and her magic. She held out her hand to it, and it hopped on. She stroked the silky soft feathers of its head. It let out a happy little chortle and affectionately tugged at a lock of her hair. 
She had actually done it. The raven was real. Well, not real, given it was a manifestation of her will and magic. But she could see it and it was solid, and it was acting real. All of which were the signs of a good conjuring.  
Of course, the sign of a masterful conjuring was if the conjured creature would develop a will of its own. Only time would tell but… 
The raven cawed, head butting at her fingers that had stilled on its head. She shook herself and smiled as she stroked his feathers. 
A shaky but ecstatic laugh escaped her as she continued to stroke the raven’s head. “I think I’m going to call you Nevermore.”
Roarr purred again from her lap before sitting up to nuzzle against her affectionately. Nevermore hopped to her shoulder and began gliding his beak through her hair. 
A slow grin spread its way across her face as she absently scratched the sweet spot behind Roarr’s ears. She turned her attention from Roarr—though she didn’t stop with the cuddles—to look at herself in her new mirror.
From the second the clock had struck midnight, signifying her birthday, she had felt different. It was only natural. She had finally become a fully-fledged witch. Of course, she would feel different. With all of her magic suddenly at her fingertips, coursing through her like liquid light, how could she not feel different? But…
She tilted her head. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but she looked different too. Though, of course, that could have something to do with the magnificent nightgown and dressing robe. Her grin softened. Marinette had truly gone overboard for her birthday. But that was typical Marinette… 
Her gaze swept from her reflection to the mirror itself. The mirror was round and framed in black. And around the mirror itself was another frame. The mirror was intentionally off-centre in the outer frame and only took up a portion of it. The design was clever, with the outer frame forming a crescent moon around the mirror, with a space between the inner and outer frames. In the crescent-shaped space, there was a flock of bats whose wings connected the two frames together. 
She furrowed her brows as she stared at the bats. Then her gaze darted to her reflection, and Nevermore still perched on her shoulder. Conjuring Nevermore had certainly tired her out. But she was still filled to the brim with magic that she wasn’t used to yet. 
If she was going to get any sleep, she needed to tire herself out. Or use up some of the energy she was still buzzing with. 
And there was no reason she couldn’t do both…
He groaned as he—unsuccessfully—tried to escape the pounding in his head by burying it under one of his pillows. Last night had been a wild party, even by Couffaine standards. Which wasn’t a surprise. Jules was the baby of not just his immediate family but the entire Couffaine Clan. And as such, her birthday had been an even more momentous occasion than it already had been. 
So naturally, the party had been wild. 
It had been fun. 
Too much fun. 
She deserved it all. Stars knew she had been waiting for her birthday for such a long time. So he, his ma, and the rest of the family, and all her friends had gone all out for her. They had even warped space around the Liberty so they wouldn’t get any noise complaints. But of course, that meant his head felt like it was trying to split itself open now… 
But it had been worth it. It had been the best party the Liberty had ever played host to. Guests hadn’t started leaving until close to three in the morning. 
He was pretty sure his voice was entirely gone from all the singing and laughing. And the talking… his mind drifted to the times when he and Marinette had found themselves alone together in the crowd. Dancing together. Sipping on punch and eating the cake her parents had made for Juleka. At one point they had even managed to have a quiet moment in the greenhouse. Just the two of them. Just talking. 
She had looked so beautiful…
She was always beautiful. But in her gossamer dress, under the twinkling lights of the party… she had been like a fairy.
He grimaced as another pounding throb ricocheted off the inside of his skull. The cool, silky feeling of scales slipping against skin tickled the back of his neck. A second later, he felt Sass’s tongue flickering at his ear. 
“Yeah, yeah, ok,” he grumbled. “I’m getting up. But you have to move first, buddy.” 
Once Sass had slithered off his back, he slid—toppled—out of bed. He glanced groggily around his room. His housecoat was… somewhere… They had been so busy cleaning—cleaning was a loose term—the rest of the Liberty that he had just shoved everything they didn’t want their guests to see in various rooms. Including his bedroom… 
He could look for it… but he didn’t really need a housecoat. Pants on the other hand… He ran a hand through his hair as he began scanning the room for anything even vaguely resembling pants. But the only pair he saw were the ones he had worn for the party last night and had kicked off as soon as the last guest had left. They were on the far side of the room, where he had flung them as he kicked them off. His room was small, but it seemed so far…
He groaned as another wave of exhaustion washed over him, along with another throbbing pound in his head. 
Pants weren’t worth the effort. He needed coffee. Like, ten minutes ago. 
Besides, it was just Jules and his ma—the out-of-towners were staying at a local B&B a friend of his ma’s owned—and they had both seen him in his boxers. Besides, it was unlikely Jules would be up quite yet. So she wouldn’t be able to make fun of him for actually wearing the boxers she had gotten him, the ones with the stupid cartoony snakes. 
He shoved his feet into a pair of slippers that weren’t actually a pair. One was from a pair of bunny slippers he had no memory of buying, and the other was plaid wool. 
More or less satisfied, though no more awake—or alive—he gathered Sass in his arms and draped his familiar over his shoulders, then trudged out into the kitchen.  
He had just poured some of the coffee he brewed into his mug when his sister emerged from her room. 
To say she was glowing was an understatement.
She swanned out of her room. The nightgown and dressing gown Marinette had made and gifted to her—stars Marinette was so talented—flowed around her in a cloud of purple and black tulle. Marinette had been so proud of herself when she found the spiderweb-patterned tulle, and he had to admit, it suited Juleka perfectly. 
Maybe too perfectly. With the dramatic sleeves and the billowing fabric, she was definitely channelling her Queen of Darkness energy.
A level of Queen of Darkness energy it was entirely too early for…
Something black fluttered up near the ceiling. He blinked, then rubbed at his eyes. He had thought he saw… But there was nothing there… 
“Morning, stupid.” 
He jumped. Juleka was standing beside him now pouring, coffee into the mug he recognized as the one Rose had given her as part of her present. 
“Wha…” She smirked and, with a raised eyebrow, nodded to his mug. He glanced down at it. Of course, he had grabbed the “Call me stupid’ mug she had gotten for him. He screwed his eyes shut and shook his head to try and clear it of the exhaustion still fogging his mind. But when he blearily blinked them open again, he nearly dropped his mug. 
Had that raven been sitting on her shoulder this entire time? 
Where had she even gotten a raven and- he rubbed at his eyes. Those were bats hanging from the beams that ran along the ceiling. 
Had she seriously… 
No. There was no way. He had to be-
“Problem?” she asked, in a voice that was somehow mild and teasing at the same time. 
“I’m going back to bed,” he grumbled before dumping the rest of his coffee down the drain. 
“Suit yourself,” she said as she turned, her dressing robe flaring out behind her. Then she swept back into her room. 
She hummed happily to herself as she took another sip of her coffee. This morning so far had been pure bliss. She had woken up to the the most wonderful feeling of magic flowing through her veins. Her ma and Luka had told her she would get used to the feeling. But for now, she was more than all alright with not being used to it. Because waking up feeling that way—and just existing feeling that way—was amazing. 
And, of course, she had woken up to find Nevermore perched on one of the posts of her footboard, standing sentinel. Her bats had all found places to roost, scattered around her room. Waking up and seeing all of them there, physical embodiments of her magic and will… it was a feeling words couldn’t even begin to describe. It had been something she had been longing for for so long, and now that she was living it, it felt like a dream. 
Her entire morning had felt like a perfect, blissful dream. 
 Her morning routine had never been chaotic. It was one of the few aspects of her life she refused to allow the Couffaine Chaos to touch. But with Nevermore and her bats—she would have to name them all later—it was going smoother than it ever had been before. 
While she had washed her face, one of her bats had fetched her a clean washcloth so she hadn't had to hunt blindly for one on the towel rack and drip water everywhere. Another of her bats had unscrewed all the lids to her skincare potions for her so that they were all ready to go for her. And as she had finished with each potion, the bat had secured the lids back on the vials for her. While all of that had been happening in the bathroom, Nevermore had been busy at work in her bedroom. Already, the raven had found an earring she had resigned herself to never seeing again, and he had also found the missing button to one of her shirts. The rest of the flock of bats had set themselves to work making her bed for her and sorting through the basket of laundry she hadn’t gotten around to putting away yet. 
By the time she had floated back into her room in a cloud of tulle, everything had been put in order for her. 
 She sighed as she placed her mug back down on her dressing table, taking a moment to smile at the lid of the mug. The black cat with devil horns was certainly her style, but the overall cutesy look of it was very much Rose. It was perfect. Just like the rest of her morning. 
Caffeinated, she turned her attention to her reflection; she couldn’t help but smile at her appearance. She was still in her new nightgown and dressing robe, and she was loathe to ever take them off. She may have technically been the self-proclaimed Queen of Darkness, but she certainly felt like a queen in her new pyjama set. And there was something decidedly luxurious about getting ready in such a magnificent outfit. 
She picked up her eyeliner and, after uncapping it, leaned in closer to her new mirror. She concentrated as she slowly traced the eyeliner along her lash line, listening to the chittering and squeaks of the bats and Nevermore’s chortles with half an ear as she flicked the end of the line out with practiced ease. The second eye took a little more concentration, but it was still effortless enough. 
Satisfied, she turned her attention to Nevermore. “Yes, that’s the one,” she said, nodding as the raven held up one of her chokers. The jet beads glittered in the light as Nevermore hopped off her jewelry box and flapped over to perch on her shoulder. He dropped the necklace into her hand and titled his head to the side. “Do you think you could get me my amethyst drop earrings? I think they would go nicely with my new bracelet. Thank you,” She pressed a featherlight kiss to his head. Nevermore chortled happily and then took off from her shoulder. 
She watched as he swooped across the room, back to the dresser where her jewellery box was before letting her gaze trail down to her new panjas bracelet. She had been beyond jealous when Luka had gotten his ouroboros. So jealous, she had counted the days until she would receive her own miracle stone. But it had been so worth the wait. 
The bracelet was beautiful. The black metal of the bracelet and rings and the connecting chains was delicately wrought, and it glinted in the light, not unlike the way a raven’s wing did. And the central stone… it shimmered the same deep violet as her magic. 
She couldn’t wait to put it back on. 
But first, she needed… she glanced over her shoulder at the two bats picking through her box of gloves. “No, the fingerless short ones. Yes. Those ones.” The bats fluttered over to her, each clutching a glove in their feet. Once she had taken the gloves from the bats and given them both a cuddle, she pushed her chair back and turned in her seat to survey the rest of the progress. 
As she had done her base makeup, the bats had pinned her hair up in rollers for her; to coax her second-day curls into loose waves. But that work had been quick for the nimble little creatures, so they had set themselves to work scouring her closet for outfit options for her. “The skirt on the left,” she said, directing the bat away from the lace skirt and toward the black velvet one. “And I think…” she mused, “I’ll go with the purple blouse,” she said. The bat holding said blouse squeaked and flapped over to her while the other bat put away her sole white blouse. “How’s it going, Nevermore?” 
The raven ruffled his feathers as he held up the earrings she had asked him to find in his beak. 
“Perfect.” She rose from her chair and shrugged off her robe into the waiting claws of some of her bats. As she retrieved her day clothes from the rest of the bats, they carried the robe to her closet to hang it. 
She could definitely get used to mornings like this. 
She was dressed in record time and back at her dressing table to finish her makeup. As she dithered between lipstick shades, her bats eased her hair out of the rollers, and Nevermore straightened the choker around her throat while Roarr watched from where she was curled up on the bed. She had just finished dabbing on her deep purple lipstick when there was a knocking at her door. 
Well, a banging. 
Her ma didn’t exactly knock…
 “How’re ye adjustin’ this morn,’ lass?” her ma asked as she stuck her head through the door. Then she grinned. “I see ye be adjustin’ well. How’s that jewel of yers?” 
“It’s perfect,” she said, holding up her hand with the panjas bracelet. “It’s better than anything I could have ever imagined.” 
“Good.” Her ma’s face softened into a rare, tender smile. “Bein’ fully-fledged suits ye, lass. Now,” her ma said, her voice going gruff again, “where’s that lad?” 
“He went back to bed.” 
“And he still be sleepin’ at this hour? Tosh. I’m off te work now, be a good lass an’ wake ‘im before ye leave.”
“I will.” 
She turned back to look in the mirror. She was almost ready. But there were still a few finishing touches she had to do before she was ready to leave for brunch with the girls. And there was no reason she couldn’t delegate… 
“Nevermore, could you do me a favour?”  
He knew he wasn’t asleep. Not really. Not fully. He was in the foggy place between waking and sleep. He knew he would be miserable when he came out of it; he knew he would be groggy and even more tired than he had been when he had collapsed back into bed. He also knew the longer he stayed half-asleep, the worse waking up would be. 
But he couldn’t bring himself to force himself awake. 
Not when he was having such a good half-dream. 
It was just him and Marinette. Just the two of them. Together. Surrounded by music and softly glowing lights that reflected off her fairy-like dress. Maybe they were dancing, or maybe, they were floating. He wasn’t sure. All he knew was that everything was soft and gentle and perfect. 
And that it was a dream. 
Because he and Marinette were just friends. He knew it was stupid to indulge in dreams like this. And yet, here he was. Apparently, Jules had gotten him that mug for a reason. 
His dream self reached up to cup her cheek. “You’re the most extraordinary girl, Marinette. As clear as a musical note and as sincere as a melody. You’re the music that’s been playing inside my head since the first day we met.” The words he had rehearsed and failed to say so many times were so effortless to say in the realm of dreams. “Marinette… I love you.” 
Her doe eyes widened until they were impossibly large, and her cheeks flushed the same hue as her favourite roses. She leaned into the hand cupping her cheek, even as her gaze darted down. He could practically see her mind working, searching for the words she wanted to say. But then she looked up at him through her lashes. And she smiled. Her dazzling, shy smile that was like a blanket of stars. 
She took a breath, her eyes still locked on his. Tentatively, she parted her lips. 
“Wake up, dummy.” 
The words came out of Marinette’s—dream Marinette’s—mouth, but that was not her voice. 
He jolted awake. His eyes flew open, and he couldn’t stop the yelp—not scream—that escaped his lips as he tumbled out of bed. 
“Time to get up, dummy.” 
He groaned and rubbed at his head where he had thwacked it against the floor. He squeezed his eyes shut and hoped he had just been seeing things. But when he opened them again and blinked the spots from his vision, the raven was still perched on his headboard, though it had hopped closer to the edge to continue to stare down at him. “Up and at 'em,” it said in a voice that was almost a perfect mimic of Juleka’s but was just off. It tilted its head to the side, staring at him expectantly with unblinking black eyes. 
He groaned again, letting his head fall back against the floor. So he hadn’t imagined the raven… 
Maybe if he just laid there, it would get bored and leave? 
He could practically hear the seconds ticking by as he lay on the hard ground. Sass was slithering over him, curling around him. But the room was silent, save for the rustling of feathers. He was just about to give up and open his eyes again when he heard the flapping of wings. 
But the sound wasn’t getting farther away. It was getting closer. 
A blast of air brushed against his face as he heard the raven landing on the floor beside his head. There were some scuttling steps. And then the bird began nudging at the side of his head with its beak, tugging at his hair and nibbling his ear. “Wake up, dummy!” 
He had to wonder if Jules had told it to talk directly into his ear or if he was just unlucky. 
“Fine, fine,” he grumbled, opening his eyes and sitting up. “I’m getting up.” 
The raven didn’t seem to fully believe him because it watched him as he dragged himself up off the floor and gathered Sass up, and draped him over his shoulders. And when he schlepped out of his room, it followed him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw it settle itself on the back of one of the barstools. He sighed and rolled his eyes as he set about making a fresh pot of coffee, as the one he had originally made was now stone cold. 
He could feel the raven’s eyes on him as he made the coffee and scrounged up some cold pizza from the fridge. By the time the coffee had brewed, and he had poured some into a fresh mug—one that didn’t point out his idiocy—the bird still hadn’t lost interest in him. He glanced toward the living area, wondering if the bird would follow him if he went to have his breakfast on the sofa. 
Before he could find out, the door to Juleka’s room opened. 
She swept out of her room—because that was the only word that could describe the way she was walking—looking like the queen she proclaimed she was. 
“You lose something?” he asked, nodding toward the raven that was watching him from its perch on the barstool. 
She stopped and turned to stare at him. Then she tilted her head and gave him that innocent little frown that was the very definition of wicked. “No.” 
“So the living alarm clock…” 
“Ma said you needed to get up.” 
“And you had to get birdbrain to do it?” 
“His name is Nevermore,” she sniffed. “And I was busy getting ready.” Roarr yowled in agreement from where she sat at Juleka’s heels. 
He rolled his eyes and scoffed. But then, despite his annoyance, he smiled. “You’re wearing your cape.” He had been so proud of the idea when he thought of it. Of course, Marinette had been the one to actually make it, but he had picked out the fabric. With her help. And the idea had been his when he commissioned her to make it… 
“Of course I am, dummy! I love it.” To demonstrate her point, she twirled, letting the star and moon-spangled chiffon flow around her. 
“I’m glad. But you’re going out, right?” She nodded. “Aren’t you going to be a bit cold, going out like that…” his question trailed off as she raised an eyebrow, and bats came fluttering out of her room, carrying her wool coat. 
“You are saying?” 
“When did you find the time to conjure all of those?” There had to be at least a dozen bats. Plus the raven- Nevermore. And who knew what else she had up her sleeves?
She shrugged. “Couldn’t sleep last night, new magic and all that. I figured I might as well try some conjuring out. Thank you,” she added as the bats helped her into her coat. They squeaked in response, and some of them nuzzled her before they ascended to the ceiling to hang from the beams. 
“But don’t you think you’re taking this a bit far? I mean, you don’t have to use magic for everything.”
“I’m not actively using magic right now. You know how conjuring works. Or at least, you would if you paid attention in class instead of daydreaming about Marinette-” 
“I pay attention in class!” 
“Not according to Dingo-“
“You’re going to listen to Dingo over your own brother?” 
She raised a brow. “On this, obviously,” she deadpanned. “Besides, Bri says it too.” Heat flooded his face. It was too early to find out his friends were apparently traitors- “And I didn’t ask them to do anything,” she said, gesturing to her flock of flying friends, “I just wanted to try conjuring a few new friends. They’re the ones that wanted to help me get ready.”
Nevermore cawed in what was obviously agreement. Above him, the bats let out a series of squeaks. 
“Anyways,” she said breezily, “I’m heading out now.” She paused and sent a deliberate smirk his way. If Roarr could smirk, he would swear the tiger was smirking too. It was enough to send even more heat flooding through his face. But her words didn’t help. “I’ll be sure to say hi to Marinette for you.” 
He may have been more asleep than awake, but her insinuation wasn't lost on him. He spluttered out nonsense, fighting for some semblance of a dignified response. But he was severely under-caffeinated, and all his wit seemed to still be curled up in bed. All he could do was watch as she flounced toward the door, Roarr trotting beside her. But her bats and… 
“Aren’t you uh… forgetting something?” he asked, jabbing a thumb in the direction of the flock of bats hanging from the ceiling and the raven that was still perched on the back of the barstool. And was still staring at him. 
“Nope,” she said popping her p. Then she smirked. “I”m going out with Marinette, so they’ll stay here to keep you company. Wouldn’t want you getting lonely while you pine away, now would we? You all be good and take care of Luka, won’t you?”  
Her bats let out another cacophony of squeaks as Nevermore chortled. She smiled and then turned in a whirl of flowing hair, and laughing, climbed up the stairs and slipped out the door. 
Nevermore hopped over to the bar stool closest to him and cocked his head to the side. “Idiot in love,” he said, in that voice that was so close to Juleka’s, it was downright unsettling. 
He groaned. Jules had been so excited to gain her full powers. But he was beginning to think it maybe wasn’t so great…
Ravens can talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfsnHVaScjg
Juleka’s mirror https://www.joann.com/place-time-halloween-mirror-wall-decor-with-bats/18746420.html
Juleka's mug https://twitter.com/SoftnessDaily/status/1576286090285109248?t=ls2kBzdSp2dwZcObJ1SVoQ&s=19
Juleka's nightgown and robe https://www.instagram.com/p/CjN97c0rpma/?igshid=NjZiMGI4OTY%3D
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helenofblackthorns · 3 months
I'm constantly thinking about this passage & I need other people to talk about
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like "here is someone you already know"????????
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panksage · 3 months
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I know I’m milion years behind with this but I’m finally paying tribute to that infamous (and iconic) painting of King Charles by celebrating my favourite girlboss princess Orin at the same time.
Very much in the spirit of bad bitch (durge) fake enjoyers when the real bad bitch shows up.PNG
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valtianan · 9 months
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"i think we deserve a soft epilogue."
queen bee honey flower (queenie) belongs to @mermianar
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velo-cats · 3 months
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evilreverend · 6 months
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eir-trixa · 2 months
Okay, this was probably already said before and I might be slow in this uptake but don't you think that Annabeth's fear of Percy controlling poison in HoH is less because she fears him using that against Akhlys or against her or anyone, but more on that she was getting flashbacks of Luke as Kronos and how the same kind of anger and unlimited power lead him to betray his family and leave her behind?
I think to see that same thing that happened to Luke happen to someone she loved as much as Percy was what triggered her. Cause she's already seen Percy harness so much power before, probably had the front seat to most of his feats. But seeing the same anger as Luke's - which Percy already admitted to having understood in MoA - and having been presented power great enough to allow him to get revenge was probably the combination that threw her off like... that's not Percy. If he continues to that same path she's gonna lose him, like she did her older brother.
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yashley · 11 months
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"Yeah, but we talked about it and I didn’t want it." "Why not?" "Because it scared me."
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fecto-forgo · 1 year
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kirbtober day 6 -royalty
king and queen.
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cg-cookierun · 8 months
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yeah this is the best your gonna get from me
(The new Legendary in Ovenbreak is Region Specific I guess)
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pomegranatepanacea · 11 months
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dailyclassicwho · 1 year
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Chantho in "Utopia" (DOCTOR WHO・3.11・2007) Fortune Teller in "Turn Left" (DOCTOR WHO・4.11・2008)
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sanasanakun · 9 months
If you’re romancing Shadowheart as Dark Urge, our girl is straight up insane for bringing them to that lake in her big romance scene. Like not even three nights ago they were thrashing around on the ground desperate to tear her limb from limb and she’s taking them to a body of water. Alone. And she can’t swim. Like yeah love conquers all you can defeat the darkness in you blah blah blah but a LAKE? ALONE? Swimming skill level 0???? Like I get that I’ve never had a down bad situationship with a serial killer before, but we need some self-preservation here, Ms. Shart. Why not try a picnic first? In the middle of camp? Just keep the others like within a reasonable distance lmao anything to avoid the potential for spontaneous drowning😭
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mccallhero · 8 months
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favourite ouat scenes: 55/?
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miaiminnis · 2 years
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i didn’t have it in myself to go with grace 🍂⚜️
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shisasan · 2 months
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by Zoltán Boros & Gabor Szikszai
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