#but really its about yakuza
majimemegoro · 2 years
when someone does prev tags it feels like “this article is well-argued and represents an important contribution to the literature on x. It presents compelling new evidence and will likely change the future of debates on X. do not recommend for publication.”
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markodragic · 8 months
I dont think anything on this earth tickles me so hard as how busted white people look in the yakuza franchise
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its so dhsjdjfjxjfjgk
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todayisafridaynight · 4 months
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[[ reward doodle for @flashbackepisode : tyvm for supportin me ! ]]
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skrunksthatwunk · 9 months
look i know the violence we saw from mine in y3 was largely caused by him losing daigo but i think it's way way funnier to imagine him doing regular tojo stuff with his beloved chairman and also being just an unfathomable and kind of unstable person only moments away from doing something drastic. like one good morning from rokudaime = one reset to mine's orphan-bulldozing doomsday clock
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kimokura · 1 year
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i realized i've never drawn majima with two eyes before so i did a little redraw
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mechazushi · 2 months
Kafka Hibino
Kafka Hibino.... with visible salt and pepper side burns.
Kafka Hibino.... wearing glasses and has salt and pepper side burns.
Kafka HIbino.... in that black turtleneck and a dark brown leather jacket and also wearing glasses and has salt and pepper side burns.
Kafka Hibino.... wearing that outfit and is an Animal Biology Professor in an College Au.
Kafka Hibino..... asking out Hoshina who is an Advanced Mathematics Professor working at the same college, to have an after-work drink with him.
Slightly DRUNK Kafka Hibino... becoming very forward with an also slightly drunk Hoshina
Slightly Drunk Hoshina... immediately matching Kafka's freak tenfold and Kafka is very much fine with this.
#My Brain: Ohhh! What if we also make it a Yakuza AU and Kafka has tattoos and is an-#Me: *Slaps my brain and watches it jiggle like a domed jello cake* NO! No no no no no NO!!!#Me: *To my brain* YOU HAVE SIX FANFICS TO FINISH!#THREE Kn8 FICS : TWO OF WHICH ARE NOW MULTI-CHAPTERED!#TWO RONTOTO FICS: ONE OF WHICH YOU HAVE STARTED!#AND A MDUD FIC THAT YOU STARTED AND HAVE HAD THE ENDING PLANNED OUT FOR OVER TWO MONTHS NOW#THAT YOU HAVEN'T WRITTEN IT BECAUSE YOU CAN'T BE PATIENT ENOUGH TO FIGURE OUT THE MIDDLE!#My Brain: *sobs* Bu-But *Sniffs* I wanna write about Isao being a Yakuza Director General...#Me: . . .#Me: *Puts Brain in an industrial juicer in an attempt to make it behave*#with that out of the way#Professor Kafka (Trying) to act like a sorta beast-like dom Seme archetype toward Hoshina ( it kinda works)#Only for Hoshina to Unleash The Crazy#And Kafka just switches gears and (happily) accepts his new position as the bottom.#If I make it through the ones above#I MIGHT; MIGHT! make a short story about Ex-yakuza Professor Kafka and his budding relationship with fellow professor Hoshina#really just the idea of Suped Up Kafka and some of his Kaiju feats-#being translated to a more normal version of Kafka and just chalking up some insane shit to Yakuza training and adrenaline#like he' still goofy and shit- just recontextualized into a crouching dumbass/ hidden BADASS.#is what's fueling the desire to keep this in my backlogs for a later date#LEGIT: I ALREADY have a scene (In my head) where he flips a VAN onto its side#But then BRUSHES OFF A HEAD WOUND THREE MINUTES LATER#AND LATER GETS STABBED AND IS MORE OR LESS FINE#TWO WHOLE SCENES WHERE HES SURROUNDED BY- LIKE- TEN GUYS! KNOCKS ALL ASSES FLAT!!!!#WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??!?!?!?!?!!?#kaiju no. 8#kafka hibino#soshiro hoshina#kafhoshi#kn8
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odessa-castle · 1 year
I'm bouncing around a larger post about Nishiki and the mortifying ordeal of being known, but in the meantime I'm thinking about Nishiki and Kiryu and how the clothes make (or don't make) the man. Like, beyond my visceral horror that Kiryu begged Nishiki to pick out a safe and boring suit for him in Y0 and then said he was envisioning something purple with gold stripes.
I'm thinking about Nishiki's incredible sensitivity to image and his need to control how he's perceived. I'm thinking about Kiryu's inability to let go of the past. I'm thinking about how KIryu dresses like who he thinks he is, and Nishiki dresses like who he thinks he wants to be.
There's some interesting incidental dialogue between Nishiki and Kiryu in Y0 while they're en route to the men's suit store. I wish it wasn't so easy to miss, because there's a lot to unpack here. (I'm just transcribing the English in-game subtitles here; I don't speak Japanese so I have no idea how loose vs. direct the localization is in this part.)
NISHIKI: …now that I think about it, you've been dressing like an old man since we were kids. KIRYU: Have I? NISHIKI: Yeah. The few times we got to pick our clothes, it was always like, "you're choosing THAT?" NISHIKI: I wouldn't say you're a plain guy…You'd pick shirts with weird prints though. KIRYU: Guess I forgot all that. It's weirder to me that you haven't. NISHIKI: Well, confession time. You're why I started caring about fashion. I swore I'd never go out dressed like you. KIRYU: Come on, I'm not THAT bad. [we have already discussed why kiryu is, in fact, that bad.] NISHIKI: [laughing] Aww, did I hurt your feelings? NISHIKI: Well, this time you've got me with you. I'll see my bro gets taken care of. KIRYU: Heh. What an honor. NISHIKI: Leave it to me.
Nishiki doesn't bring up Sunflower Orphanage much; when he does share memories of his childhood, those memories are kind of painful (see: "do orphans not get to dream?"). Kiryu's surprised that Nishiki remembers how they dressed as kids, but it makes sense that wearing a limited selection of hand-me-downs stuck with Nishiki so strongly. His clothes announced his poverty, and they weren't even his -- he had to share them with the other orphans, so what he wore showed he belonged to yet another stigmatized group. And I'm sure people picked up on those visual signals, especially other kids. Kids can be vicious, and appearance is an easy and immediate target! We don't know for sure how young Nishiki interacted with his peers and teachers, but given what the Morning Glory kids go through in Y3 (and given, like, everything about Nishiki), he probably didn't have a great time.
Kiryu frames his childhood as poor but loving, and places much more emphasis on the latter. There might be some rose-colored glasses at work there -- let's look at the flashback where Kazama tries (and fails) to violently dissuade Kiryu and Nishiki from joining the yakuza.
KIRYU: I owe you everything, but this isn’t about that. [...] We’ve looked up to you for all this time. Your car. Your confidence… The way everybody bows to you. We idolized you. I want that life, too. Is that so wrong!?
Nishiki doesn't really speak in this flashback, but like, Kiryu uses "we" enough for us to draw some obvious conclusions about Nishiki's own motivations. That being said, I don't think Kiryu's being dishonest or disingenuous when he describes his childhood as happy, and himself as well-loved. He's not ashamed of his upbringing, and he doesn't hide where he came from. Nishiki seems to have the inverse view. It's not that he doesn't love (at least some of) the people he grew up with, but what comes up first for him is what he didn't have. He didn't have money. He didn't have respect. He didn't have a cure for his little sister. He didn't have a lot of choice, right down to the clothes he wore.
(There's a whole other essay here about why Kiryu's and Nishiki's perspectives diverge on this, but I'm trying to limit the scope of this post. Suffice to say that, while I don't think game canon gives a timeline, I do think Nishiki was a little older when his parents were killed -- old enough that he actually remembers them, at least.)
The same mindset fuels Nishiki's interest in fashion. Yeah, part of it is that he's ribbing Kiryu, but I think it goes deeper than Kiryu wearing ugly shirts. Nishiki doesn't want people to look at him and see what's missing. Fashion isn't a means of personal expression for him, really. It's a message. It's the interplay of knowledge and resources and presentation: knowing what clothes read as successful and trendy and expensive, being able to afford those things, and convincing people that your successful important outfit makes you a successful important person. And he's not wrong about the social dimensions of fashion.
NISHIKI: Try sporting a suit that runs 500 grand for once. Trust me, you’ll see the world in a whole new light. KIRYU: Fashion’s not my thing. Besides, Kazama-san never wore flashy clothes. NISHIKI: You do realize he’s the family captain, right? Number two in the whole Dojima operation? You get to that level, you can wear whatever you damn well please. But for the rest of us, “flashy” is part of the business. KIRYU: So that fancy new car you bought was just “business”. NISHIKI: Yeah, and that fancy lighter of mine, too. Which you still haven’t given back. KIRYU: You want to play the rich guy, quit being so stingy. NISHIKI: But you get what I’m saying, right? People see the expensive car, the designer jacket, and the gleam of that little Dojima pin, they pay attention. A yakuza’s only as good as his image. [...] Take your buddy today. These squeaky-clean idiots, borrowing money just to blow on tits and booze… Nobody in this town gives a crap about substance. What you see is what you get.
That's our first take on one of the major themes of the game: what does it mean to be yakuza? Again, there is truth to what Nishiki's saying here, particularly in terms of the ethos of the eighties. I'm not an expert on the bubble era, but the worldbuilding in the game speaks for itself. People hail taxis with 10,000-yen bills. You punch money out of punks during random street battles. Nishiki keeps a personal bottle of high-end booze at a bar he's visited twice, mostly because he "can’t stand being taken for a bum." The act of spending is important, not what you're spending it on.
Nishiki's outfit in Y0 is perfectly suited (heh) to that outlook. And look, I might be inviting controversy here, but in context, I think it's a werq. Yes, it's loud. But the silhouette -- squared shoulders, single breasted, thinner peaked lapel -- is right on trend for the time period, and it fits him well. The colors look good on him. The bold pattern (no, it's not animal print) under the solid maroon is a risk, but he pulls it off. And excess aside, he knows when to pull back on the accessories. It's bright and confident and memorable, and boy would Nishiki like to be all of those things.
Also -- and importantly -- Kiryu would never go out dressed like that. Because we can't talk about Nishiki and Kiryu without talking about Nishiki's Mt. Fuji-sized inferiority complex. Mastering image doesn't just make Nishiki stand out; it makes him stand out from Kiryu. Let's go back to the beginning of the game.
NISHIKI: I’ll admit, though, you’re finally starting to look the part. You make a pretty convincing yakuza. You’re done with collections today, right? KIRYU: Yeah. NISHIKI: Good. That should put Kazama-san’s mind at ease a bit. KIRYU: Heh, dunno about that. But he always knew all I could do is fight. You’re the one who’s good at the dance.
Nishiki then calls attention to the "rags" that Kiryu's wearing, which...is not an unfair assessment. (TUCK IN YOUR SHIRT, KIRYU. HEM YOUR PANTS.) As the two of them walk around Kamurocho, Nishiki offers Kiryu plenty of hot tips, from meeting girls to making big bucks to cozying up to the brass. But even when Nishiki's opining on his area of expertise, there's a competitive edge to it. "You asking me to pick out clothes for you means you admit you have terrible taste," he tells Kiryu on the way to the suit shop. Kiryu tells him to shut up, but there's no actual hurt behind it. Kiryu doesn't really care that his taste in clothes sucks. Fashion isn't important to him. Most of the things Nishiki knows so much about don't really matter to Kiryu. And that makes Nishiki feel more insecure! Because if Kiryu rolls out of bed looking like a yakuza, if Nishiki's image counseling sessions aren't helpful or meaningful, if Kiryu can skip the dance and get to the top on the strength of his fists and convictions, then who cares about Nishiki's 500 grand suit or his hourlong hair care routine? If image isn't what makes a yakuza, what does that make Nishiki?
At the end of Chapter 6, Nishiki tries to look out for Kiryu again -- this time, by granting him a merciful death before the Dojima Family drags him to the Hole. It's one of my favorite scenes in the game. Nishiki's crying too hard to aim the gun properly; Kiryu tells him to man up and shoot. Finally, Nishiki collapses.
NISHIKI: Can’t do it… How could I shoot you!? Without you, I’ll always be nothing. Can’t make it as a yakuza… No. I wouldn’t even still be alive now if I didn’t have you beside me! I’m just… If you’re not with me, I’m useless! Nothing means anything!
Mastering image hasn't granted Nishiki anything of substance. At the end of the day, Nishiki's playing dress-up, and he knows it.
And I'm almost certainly getting into overthinking-this territory now (if I haven't gotten there already), but I kind of like the spin this puts on Nishiki ripping his expensive suit off in Chapter 14 when he decides to fight the Dojima Family at Kiryu's side. Like yes, ripping off your outer layers to get at the naked (so to speak) truth -- your irezumi, and what it represents -- is just Yakuza Storytelling 101. It's decisive, it's kind of dumb, it's great, it gets me hyped every time. But I like that Nishiki's honest answer to "what does it mean to be a yakuza?" isn't about looking the part. I am genuinely trying not to end this paragraph by saying that Nishiki must become like a dragon, but like...you get where I'm going with this.
Of course, Nishiki's back to playing dress-up in Y1/Kiwami. I'm not the first to call the Patriarch Nishikiyama look a glow-down (though I like the patterned white tie). Like, fashion-conscious Nishiki would look good in a Hedi Slimane/Tom Ford-esque skinny black suit. But he picks a silhouette you'd expect to see on a much older man, torso-swallowing pants and all. The slicked-back hair doesn't help. He's just so transparently trying to look bigger and broader and older, and he doesn't pull it off. Big Bad Patriarch isn't a good look for him, in any sense of the phrase.
A final thought: Kiryu's clothes, and Nishiki's commentary on them, are the subject of their first conversation in Y0 -- and of their last. Kiryu's costume progression in Y0 is a pretty obvious commentary on his journey, to the point where Kiryu and Nishiki explicitly call attention to the color connotations in their final exchange. As a Dojima grunt, he wears black, and it doesn't look good on him because "brutish thug who keeps his head down and does what he's told" isn't a role he's comfortable with. He wears white when he works in real estate, but the change in color isn't enough to sell anyone on his transformation into a civilian. Although it's a little rich for Oda "Red Clown Shoes" Jun to chide someone for not wearing a proper suit. At the end of the game, Kiryu's in his classic grey suit, and well, the game spells it out:
KIRYU: I’m not feeling black or white these days. This is where I’m at right now. I chose it myself. I’m making it a fresh start. NISHIKI: Fine, fine. See if I care! Wear it the rest of your life!
Nishiki, dismayed, tells Kiryu that the grey suit already looks dated, but for Kiryu, "fresh start" doesn't mean "on trend". His image might be out of step with how other yakuza view themselves, or want to be seen, but if he's always going to look like a yakuza, he might as well stake his claim on what being a yakuza means. Still, it's telling that, even as a young man, Kiryu looks like a throwback to an earlier era. As the series progresses, the games hammer this home more and more. How many antagonists tell Kiryu that he's out of touch with the modern world, that he represents a version of the yakuza that no longer exists, that it's time for him to make way for the next generation?
"Wear it the rest of your life!" is a funny little in-joke, yeah, but...it's a little sad when you think about it, isn't it? Kiryu gets new outfits from Y3 on -- and in every game, he ultimately puts the suit back on and heads to Kamurocho. It's exactly of a piece with how Kiryu views being yakuza. We, and he, can debate the exact extent of his retirement from the Tojo Clan's affairs, but the yakuza isn't a career for Kiryu, it's a set of beliefs he carries with him. He wears the suit the same way he wears the dragon on his back: as an indelible part of his self-image.
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jichanxo · 6 months
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beloved patriarch (inspired by the lower mv)
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amoebeau · 6 months
nishiki will never leap out of the water to be transformed into a dragon like that one tale. his sworn brother was gifted the dragon from the start. his determination to rise to the top to be seen as equal in power just makes him desperate and angry and upset in more ways than one... he is a fish in a too small of a bowl swimming in short circles as his only enrichment until he dies prematurely.... so sad!
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moophinz · 4 months
A lot of people have shared this information, but there’s still a lot of people who haven’t seen it so I wanted to try to spread it out more. From this article on Amazon’s site
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Some have noticed that Kiryu’s dragon is very different than the one in the game. The promotional image features a very edited version of it, but the gold screen to the right shows that it’s practically entirely black. While I haven’t seen anything to explain the differences they made, I can only guess at least part of it must be due to how much it’s being pressed this is something of an “alternate” or kind of redone version of the games. As also displayed by the Japanese title.
The timeline for this series covers 1995 to 2005 which is pretty much the first game. However, there’s been a focus on Kiryu’s childhood friends and telling stories the games didn’t get to. Multiple articles have also stated this is going to be an “original story.”
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As of now, it’s almost feeling as though this won’t be a retelling of the first game. Usually, RGG adaptations don’t seek to do that so it’s not too surprising.
In case someone also doesn’t know, yes, it’s going to be a Japanese acted series in the same language and shot in Japan. (I saw some confusion and fears on that)
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dirt-str1der · 8 months
I still get scared when i remember kiryu is canonically quite lean and not a fatty at all
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
Each time you draw Daigo or Masato in a corset I gain 500 HP thank you
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do you accept corset tops. may you live a thousand years
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trixibebe · 5 months
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oc x canon ~ moving in
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lordichamo · 3 months
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hey guys i think there's something wrong with my copy of gaiden
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designernishiki · 2 years
The Kiwami Millennium Tower showdown definitely ended with Kiryu being shaken awake by Haruka, who frantically pulls him over to Nishiki, half-buried in rubble and in a pool of his own blood, and Kiryu carrying a badly injured Nishiki out of the building to safety and still holding him close and not letting go when Nishiki regains consciousness in his arms and starts to weakly struggle against his grip, gives up, and breaks down sobbing, clutching Kiryu’s shirt and pleading to him–
“Please don’t do this– please don’t force me to live with this– just end it. I don’t deserve to live, I don’t want your mercy or your pity– it wasn’t supposed to go like this. I failed– I fail at everything– I even failed at ending my own life. I’ve hurt and betrayed everyone I’ve ever cared about and been a burden on everyone I’ve ever known. I’ll never be enough. Why the hell are you trying to save me? What the hell is there to save? Let me do one useful thing for once in my life and leave me to bleed out like I should. Please, Kazuma.”
And with teary eyes squeezed shut, his head down, Kiryu holds him so tightly to his chest it makes Nishiki’s burns sting and tells him,
“Everyone hurt you, and I left you to hurt alone. I broke our promise. I should’ve never left you to cross the line alone. I was supposed to be there for you, and I wasn’t– but I’m here now and I’m not letting you go. Never again. I need you here. I want you here. Just being here is enough, Akira. I promise.”
And Nishiki gives into his instinctive need to just cling to him and cry, as if making up for years of pent-up tears he’s forced himself not to shed out of an intense fear of vulnerability. He does what he should’ve done a long time ago, fakes his death, and leaves the yakuza life behind in favor of something more mundane, but something that’s actually him– something that allows him to accept himself as he is rather than being forced to live up to the impossible standards of others.
Trust me this is absolutely how it went. The End.
#didnt mean for this to be like. a miniature fic but. oops#also feel free to take this as platonic or romantic its really not important the point still stands#nishiki#kiryu#akira nishikiyama#kazuma kiryu#nishikiryu#yakuza kiwami#yakuza kiwami spoilers#cw suicidal ideation#i just. i want them to make up. and i want nishiki to break down crying. and i want him to be told hes enough. gaghghfgdhghh#long post#like legit tho. narratively speaking. i think just blowing up nishiki and having that be the end of it is... so much missed potential and#definitely not the most satisfying and emotionally engaging way of going about nishiki's overall story#something about suicidal characters being put up against horrible odds and struggling and in the end just being left to die without#anyone ever truly getting through to them that they are enough and deserve to exist and etc– at least enough to back away from the#ledge so to speak. idk. i just. dont like it#no one wants to see a character suffer like that for so long while being shown Clearly the causes of their self loathing and what Made them#fall as far as they have into self destruction- thus knowing they truly WANT to live. they just dont believe being happy or feeling content#is ever possible for them based on what they've been told and what they've gone through. and then watch them successfully kill themselves i#in an act of volatility and hostility essentially affirming that they'll forever be remembered for being malicious and as horrible as#they believe themselves to be and etc etc etc#sorry im rambling here#but#it just. i dont know man i just dont like it. and like i said its just. theres so much wasted potential for character growth and a more#well-rounded story overall....... sigh
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kamuro-junrenka · 7 months
So why did rgg just make ebina ichibans brother and then have absolutely nothing happen with it
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