#this is one of my fave tops tbh .... its really hard finding tops this color in styles i like
todayisafridaynight · 2 months
Each time you draw Daigo or Masato in a corset I gain 500 HP thank you
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do you accept corset tops. may you live a thousand years
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ace-trainer-risu · 3 years
what are your fave diana wynne jones books that aren’t howl’s moving castle??
Oh whattt a lovely and fun question which I was definitely not secretly hoping someone would ask!!!! Yay!!
Hm okay so, not specifically in order, probably my top fave Diana Wynne Jones books would be:
Deep Secret! Deep Secret is not just one of my favorite books by DWJ but one of my favorite books full stop! It’s so good. Basically, the premise is that there is an infinite series of interconnected worlds, some of which have magic and some of which don’t, at the center of which is a vast interdimensional magical empire. Magic in the multiverse is overseen by an organization of magicians called Magids and there must always be a specific number of Magids in existence. When Rupert, a young Magid living on Earth, discovers that his mentor has died (ish) he becomes unexpectedly responsible for finding and training the next Magid, which is extremely inconvenient timing for him because the aforementioned magical empire is on the brink of civil war and chaos and its his job to stop it. And also almost all of this takes place at...a science fiction convention. It’s amazing.  I have read this book minimum four (probably more) times and every time it’s absolutely delightful and hilarious. I would like to go to the sci fi convention in this novel more than anything. It’s such a good read and its one of her few novels which is specifically aimed at adults, so I would EXTREMELY recommend it. Plus the romance in it is extremely good...not exactly enemy-to-lovers but more like ‘annoys-the-shit-out-of-each-other’ to lovers.  (**One note about this one...there’s a few very briefly mentioned side characters who are gender noncomforming and even tho they are actually portrayed very positively, it’s not necessarily ideal and 100% respectful (basically the protags comment on them being very beautiful and nice but also keep trying to guess their “real” gender). Additionally there’s a different briefly mentioned side character who is fat who isn’t portrayed very nicely. Both of these are brief incidents, just wanted to provide a warning for them)
Dark Lord of Derkholm - Okay this one is weirdly hard to summarize but it’s about this magical fantasy world which has been taken overy and is being used as a tourist destination by a non-magical world (heavily implied to be Earth) for people who want to role play at being in a classic high fantasy story, including fighting and killing THE DARK LORD...who is really just a random magician pretending to be evil. The inhabitants of the fantasy world do not enjoy this and are trying desperately to stop the tours, but unfortunately according to a magical oracle, their best hope of stopping the tours is this year’s Dark Lord, a hapless farmer magician named Derk, and his, um, eccentric family consisting of his glamorous wife, seven children (of whom five are griffins and one is a bard) and a simply improbable amount of magical animals. And also there is a very good dragon.  I think Derkholm is so great as a novel b/c it’s a very funny, loving but sharp, parody of high fantasy stories...but a lot of the time parodies only function as parodies but not as good stories in their own right, you know? But this novel completely functions as a story too, and in fact the first time I read at maybe age nine or ten, the high fantasy parody went completely over my head...but I still loved it. I also really love that this novel is very accessible to all ages, I think I enjoy reading it as an adult just as much as I did as a kid, which is rare.  For anyone who has read Howl’s Moving Castle but nothing else by DWJ and isn’t sure where to start, I think this is a great place to start. (TW: There’s a brief, non-explicit scene which has implied sexual assault.) 
Fire and Hemlock - This may be the most controversial one since it features a romance with a significant age gap where the two characters meet when one is a child and the other an adult. And I fully agree that that’s :/ and normally that trope is NOT my thing but it doesn’t come off at all creepy in this story imo, and if you think you can deal with that then this is a very weird, atmospheric, cool book about storytelling and fairy tales and growing up. The short summary (this is another hard to summarize one) is that as a child, Polly encounters and strikes up a friendship and correspondence with a young man, Tom, which mainly consists of the two of them jointly making up a silly, ongoing fairy tale type story...but things get weird when parts of their story start to come true in real life.  I’ve only read this one twice but it really stuck with me and in fact just describing it here...really makes me want to read it again!
The Chrestomanci Series - So all of the above are either specifically aimed at adults or a general audience whereas the Chrestomanci series is aimed at children, mainly a middle grade type audience. And tbh I started reading them as a kid (fond memory - I bought an omnibus of the first two with my allowance money...b/c it had a cat on the cover!) so I don’t know what it would be like to first read these as an older teen or an adult. BUT. Honestly they are really good and would be a quick read so I do still recommend them. There’s seven overall, with th seventh being a collection of short stories, and they’re only semi-chronological so the reading order isn’t vital. My recommended order (b/c this the order I read them in, haha) is Charmed Life, The Lives of Christopher Chant, The Magicians of Caprona, Witch Week, The Pinhoe Egg, Conrad’s Fate, and then Mixed Magic you can read whenever you want so long as you read it after Charmed Life and The Magicians of Caprona.  So the very core premise of it is not dissimilar to Deep Secret - there’s an infinite series of worlds/universes and there’s a magician, called the Crestomanci in this case, who is responsible for making sure magic isn’t abused across the multiverse. The Chrestomanci is an extremely powerful enchanter who has nine lives, and the novels are various semi-connected stories about the adventures of Chrestomanci as an adult and child. Chrestomanci is a title so it’s not always the same person, but for the majority of the stories it is the same guy and he’s...the best/worst...He’s this extremely handsome, charismatic, powerful enchanter who is very good at his job, loves his wife a lot, wears very beautiful clothes and makes, um, questionable life choices and is very annoying to everyone. I’ve thought about this very hard and I believe that he’s what happens when you take a fundamentally chaotic good person and make him do a fundamentally lawful good job; yes, he’s going to do it and do it well, but he is going to do it in the most chaotic, ridiculous way possible, and he IS going to die at an ALARMING rate, doing things that would not normally kill a person, such as playing cricket and trying to catch stray cats. He also, as previously mentioned, frequently wears very dramatic silk dressing gowns with elaborate embroidery, which the protag of Charmed Life finds deeply alarming.  It’s very odd to me how these books don’t seem to be well known, because the Chrestomanci books were some of my absolute favorite books as a child. I still have my omnibus editions of the first four novels and they are very worn and very beloved. And it’s so WILD to me that I don’t think I have ever talked to someone who also read those as a kid! Like I’m not saying those people don’t exist, I’m sure I just haven’t met them, but that’s so weiiirddddd to me. If I bring up Tamora Pierce or Garth Nix or other authors of weird, eccentric children’s fantasy novels to other avid childhood consumers of fantasy, people usually know what I mean, but Chrestomanci and its just..crickets. Is it b/c she’s British? Anyway all of the Chrestomanci books are very degrees of good, but if I had to pick a favorite, I think, controversial choice here, it would be Conrad’s Fate. Particularly in terms of recommendations to others, Conrad’s Fate works as a standalone and, unlike the other books in the series, it’s aimed more at a YA audience, so if you wanted to read a Chrestomanci novel without getting into the whole series, that’s a good way to go. It’s about a boy, Conrad, who is told that he has a terrible, possibly fatal Fate awaiting him unless he goes to work as a servant at a wealthy, and weird, estate neighboring his town, at which place he encounters things including color changing livery, an extremely annoying teenage Chrestomanci, and the greatest liminal space house EVER. It’s like a combination of an upstairs/downstairs Downton Abbey type social drama with bizarre fantasy shenanigans. How could that not be good??
Also as Honorable Mentions - A Sudden and Wild Magic and The Time of the Ghost. A Sudden and Wild Magic is fun b/c it’s one of her few works aimed specifically at adults and it’s (gasp) a little bit NAUGHTY which I was very surprised and delighted by when I read it. (This may seem like an unfair statement considering that Deep Secret fully has an orgy in it, but Rupert is so fundamentally unnaughty of a character that he completely unnaughtifies the whole novel, whereas Sudden and Wild Magic embraces being a (little bit) naughty.)   The Time of the Ghost on the other hand is weird and haunting and creepy and atmospheric. I only read it once but it’s one of those novels you just think about periodically and go “wait what the fuck that was a weird novel” (Also known as the “Garth Nix” effect) 
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oysters-aint-for-me · 4 years
This is such a weird question and I’m sorry but I have a HUGE fascination with San Francisco it’s one of my special interests and I spend a lot of time just dreaming it there and stuff but sadly I’ve never actually been, so how is it really like there?
okay first of all, i love weird questions, so no need to be sorry! :) 
right now i’m living in massachusetts, i’ve been here since March to ride out the quarantine with my family. so keep in mind that that’s probably coloring my feelings about san francisco.
i miss it so much. it’s not without its share of significant issues. for example, the city doesn’t really care about the amount of people who are unstably housed or who are homeless. well, it doesn’t care until it becomes a problem of optics: a major tech company decided to have its convention in las vegas instead, citing the homelessness problem (via the thinly veiled phrase, “poor street conditions”) as a factor. so now the city is doing some stuff to help, finally, but only after it’s been proven to be a cause for loss of revenue. 
also, the tech culture is frustrating. i hate tech bros, who can be any gender tbh but it goes without saying that the straight white dudes are the worst. i don’t work in tech, and i don’t get paid as much as tech people, and housing is by and large hard to afford for anyone who isn’t in tech. so then you have gentrification, too....
but in spite of all that, i still miss it. here’s why:
the city itself is undeniably beautiful. the houses are the colors of ice cream, and a lot of them are victorian-style. the weather is usually mild, rarely straying from between 40 and 70 degrees (F). the famous fog really is amazing. i could stare at it for hours when it rolls in. 
the many hills in the city mean that sometimes, if you’re in the right place, you can look out onto a beautiful, huge valley of houses, or you can see across the bay all the way to oakland, or you can look up and see the sutro tower and twin peaks...i have pictures somewhere, i’ll look for them and reblog this with them.
the hills also provide an excellent lesson in patience and perseverance. trains and busses tend to avoid the steeper hills, so you often have to decide if you want to walk up a shallow incline for more time, or a steep incline for less time. but either way, you’re gonna have to walk up a hill. and it’s gonna suck, but you’re gonna get to the top eventually. people who have lived in SF for their whole lives still get winded if the hill is particularly long or steep. it’s kinda fun. 
currently, my apartment is near the ocean, on the western perimeter of the city. and the ocean, dude....fuck. i mean, it’s the ocean, so big points right there. but the beach is facing the west, so the sunsets are just incredible. i also have pictures of those, i’ll see if i can find some.  
i also love all the little coffee shops around the city. i really love coffee and before covid, my favorite weekend activity was going to a coffee shop, getting a latte or something, and reading or writing for a few hours. they’re all different and some of them have really shitty coffee but an excellent vibe so i keep going back. and the more expensive the coffee, the worse the vibe is, usually. one of my faves is this ethiopian cafe; their “pour-over” or whatever is absolutely delicious, their decor is confusing, they have a ton of food options (including those giant round plates of different kinds of ethiopian curries that come with injera), there’s a lot of seating, the people who work there are extremely kind, and also they serve mead, which i don’t like but i just think it’s cool that they do. 
you can get some pretty amazing burritos, too. i know there are arguments among ppl in southwestern cities about who has the best mexican food; i don’t know anything about that. every city does something a bit different and i think they all taste great. and the burritos in SF are great. and so are the pupusas, which aren’t from mexico but el salvador and honduras, and they are SO GOOD.
as i said before, a lot of the city has been gentrified, but there are many “pockets” of...i don’t know what the word is, but for example, i’ve gotten to know the filipino community in SF over the years, due to various theater projects i’ve worked on, and this community is extremely passionate and active, they have a lot of celebrations with cultural art forms (like dance and poetry) and they keep alive the history of filipinos in SF. and that’s hard to do in a city that is so gentrified. 
anyway, i guess like any city, SF has its flaws and strengths. it can be frustrating, and it can be pretty magical. i don’t know what the city would be like as a tourist, since i’ve never experienced it like that, but i can say that i’m happy to live there.
thanks for the ask, anon! <3
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kyuala · 5 years
monsta x in são paulo (19.07.19)
hey y'all this post is to tell my experience during my concert and hi touch event of the we are here world tour last friday night 🤩 so buckle up bc its a LONG ONE but i divided it into categories so u dont have to read everything if u dont want to!
the concert in general: ok so the concert was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. there were about 7 songs i didn’t really listen to a lot or liked before the concert but even those were amazing and had me jumping and screaming and going crazy. they’re all SO much more beautiful irl which is like !!!!!!!!! HOW. and they’re so so SO talented all the choreos were incredible and their voices!!! sound even better irl. hyungwon asked minhyuk to sing a little bit of play it cool acapella for us and his voice 😭😭😭 so sweet it’s like honey. they brought hero back to life which was. an experience to see live tbh. i got to the venue line at 9:30am (10.5 hours before the concert) and i was about maybe 15? rows away from the stage (bc i had to go pee real quick as soon as they let us inside) but im like 158cm (5'2) tall so even tho i was standing on this little protection thingy to be taller i still couldn’t see them that well :( i dont think i saw any choreos in full bc of that but it was still amazing to see them do it irl. they all introduced themselves in portuguese during the first ment it was super 🤩 adorable! most of them only said “oi, eu sou ___” (“hi, i am ___”) but some of them had longer phrases prepared (maybe kh, jh and ck? i believe) which was so awesome to see!! during the second ment, hw talked about how some of their songs were composed by their own members and he did that to introduce “our maknae’s song” (aka mohae) and my soul left my body. after jealousy there was the first vcr which was like a youtuber au vcr and it was so!!!!! cute hyungwon, minhyuk and wonho giving us styling, skincare and exercising tips respectively, jooheon making a burrito he named "honey-to", kihyun and kyun teaching us how to make coffee and how to speak english resp and of course nunu's famous asmr mukbang 🥰🥰🥰 it was honestly superrrrr cute and funny i remember hyungwon trying to spell a word in english and just going "..........ne" after the first two letters and then kyun snickering skejdkksdk and jooheon making fun of ck for something and ck laughing the fakest laugh i ever seen in my life lmao and i also remember ki telling us to be careful about a lot of things but most of all our hearts bc he's gonna steal them 😷🤒🤕 but yes i loved it it was v cute and v funny and i loved how they were all interacting with each other even tho it was separate videos. after the unit stages, hyungwon revealed that joo had actually changed up his routine for a more samba-like beat specially for brazil 🥺 he confirmed that and we went INSANE and started showing them our own beat (a classic carioca funk "tchu tcha tcha tchu tchu tcha" that we fo with our mouths/words) and at first they were all like ??????? but then they LOVED IT and joined in on the fun. mh and kh were dancing to it the most and it was so funny. hyungwon or minhyuk then asked jooheon if he could incorporate our beat into his beatboxing and he said it was possible and then we were all just going TCHU TCHA TCHA TCHU TCHU TCHA while he was beatboxing along and he said it was difficult skdjkekddk around five or six different times they told us to take steps back and step a little bit away from each other so we wouldn't hurt ourselves or feel ill (hyungwon did it the most, he actually spotted a girl nearly fainting in the front rows and brought staff's attention to her and he only stopped talking about it/got more relaxed when they did something about it). during this same ment they talked about sn's and wh's different choice of clothing for their unit stage and said it was more daring and sexy and shownu said that kihyun actually chose those clothes for them lmao and ki said he chose them bc he knew us brazilian mbbs would love it and we were like wow. They Know we're whores love that. then someone was like "u chose that?? ur kinda conservative tho????" and ki said he's been "open-minded since birth" KDJSKFKDK rip conservative brothers but the way the lady translated it accidentally kinda made it sound that he was like. open for romantic/sexual advances and we were all like 👀👀👀 OKAY. oh also sometime during the concert one of them slipped and nearly fell doing something stupid (i think wonho or changkyun) skndkskdk the second vcr was the seven deadly sins themed and wow. the PRODUCTION. the absolute ARTISTRY of it all. wheres their oscar. it was honestly super cool but minhyuk was the only member that hadn't appeared yet and the only sin left was lust so we were all like 👁️😏 but then it said AGONY. ????????? it was kinda confusing but amazing nonetheless kyun wanted to shoot hyungwon but then he didnt bc the underlying message was that they all committed sins and blamed themselves but managed to find forgiveness by being together aw <3 a random moment that i dont remember when it happened was when kyun was speaking portuguese to us and he was trying to say "vocês querem curtir?" (which is something like "do you want to have fun?") but he messed it up a bit and accidentally said "vocês querem cu...?" which means "do you want asshole?" and we were all like BOY DKEJDKEJDIDKFKS i dont think he knows what it actually means but he corrected himself real quick and moved on to the next song 💀 for the second to last ment they tried to convince us the concert was ending (lmao) and there was only one song left, so we were all shouting "não" ("no") and they were like "we cant go??????" and we were like "no!!!!!" and they were like :/ oh well guess we gotta stay kdnskdjs they had the brazilian flag up there for some time but they also somehow got an lgbt pride flag there too for the pics??? before the ending ment kihyun said that they all have strengths, as i recall kyun's was writing cool songs/lyrics, shownu's was being fun, i think minhyuk's was having a voice like honey? and i dont recall the rest but when he got to hyungwon he just said "being very tall" and we were all like LMAO SAY SOMETHING ELSE ABOUT HIM!!!! and then he said an actual compliment lol for the actual last ment they each said goodbye to us, i specifically remember wonho telling us that the energy we had and him performing on stage for us reminded him of why he was a singer and why he had to be on stage 🥺🥺🥺 and shownu agreed 🥺 kyun(?) said even though he's going back to korea he's gonna feel incomplete bc he's leaving brazil, ki said he liked us so much he could have another 6 concerts here bc our energy would be enough to keep him going and then said something really greasy that i dont remember but obviously loved at the moment. and then they said they're coming back next year 🤩 and they told us to take care of ourselves and wait for them and come back next year (in a bigger venue, they said!) and they all had their pinky fingers up and were saying "promete" ("promise", but as in the imperative verb) to us 😭😭😭
the songs: i was going to put my videos in this post but there’s a video limit so i’m gonna post them separately later but the first song was shoot out and unfortunately i didn’t get to film any of it because i was in SHOCK that they were REAL PEOPLE and RIGHT THERE u know dkjskdkd then was hero and it was INSANE to see it live??? seeing them do the “i can be your hero i can be your man” move IN REAL LIFE????? not to be a kihyun stan but i had kihyun tunnel vision during the entirety of the song lmfao then it was trespass and the energy was INSANE everybody was going absolutely crazy to it esp during the chorus and jooheon’s “excuse my charisma"s!!! after the ment they performed party time and we had this fan project and the people in my area had yellow cellophane on their phone lights and the people in the back had green ones (brazilian colors) and we had them on during the entirety of party time bc they mention brazil in the song and it was just so 🥰🥰🥰 such a vibe! one of the only songs i actually danced to lol party time was next and also a ~vibe~ we all danced a lot to it and after it was over, during the ment, hw asked mh to sing a little of it for us and he was sooo happy to see us sing along and sing the entire chorus even after he had stopped! it was super cute to see him smile so proudly like that. and then it was the loml, my fave mx song, a booty call anthem that somehow moves my heart, miss mohae and as soon as i heard the first few beats i SCREAMED and i was the only one doing that before everybody else realized the song had already started but i didnt even have time to be embarrassed bc i was literally tearing up. honestly hearing it live was one of the best moments of my life bc i have this huge emotional attachment to the song and it was just all super special, i was screaming the lyrics at the top of my lungs and dancing and jumping and yelling. seeing kyun’s rap live was amazing and you could actually SEE how proud he was seeing so many people sing a song HE composed you know? he let us rap most of his part bc he was just in awe and wanted to see us sing it back to him. and hyungwon tried to rap jooheon’s part but he got it all messed up halfway through it was SO CUTE and jooheon had an arm around him and was BEAMING WITH LOVE the entire time 😍😍😍 everyone was fonding HARD at him. and the crowd was SO loud during the "don’t kill my vibe, i be on your way, i be, i be on your way” part it was actually deafening. i only recorded one of the choruses bc i wanted to enjoy the rest of the song but here it is! the next song was one of the other lomls, miss jealousy!!! it was absolutely STUNNING!! and yes the crowd went crazy when wonho mentioned shownu and yes that hyungwon+changkyun part IS as overwhelming to experience irl as it looks. after the youtuber vcr came the unit stages and oh. my. god  mh, hw and kh came out first and it was just. so sexy and elegant. and the vocals? 10/10 LOVED that men in suit shit. then was jooheon's and changkyun's stage and HOLY. FUCKIN. SHIT. absolutely my favorite performance of the night it was EVERYTHING to me. the energy was super fuckin cool and we were all jumping around and screaming while they rapped in sexy robes over a cool ass beat it was awesome. in the middle of the performance joo tried to flip a water bottle (???) and he actually failed lol but we were so hype we didnt even notice/care we just hyped him TF up. he later apologized for it during the next ment and the real time translator lady said "desculpa" ("sorry") and changkyun said "yeah, desgupa" immediately after 🥺 then jooheon had a drum solo which ??????? i had zero fucking idea about i was just kinda standing there in shock while he absolutely murdered that drum set right in front of our eyes. AND THEN ck came back and started to rap along to his drumming and i know im saying this a lot but it was SEXY okay i have no other words they were both in muscle tees just out there being their sexiest selves UGH. and AS IF THAT WASN'T ENOUGH then came wonho and shownu's stage and uhhhhhhh wow. SEXY AS WELL but also kinda angsty? idk but i loved it they absolutely killed it with the dance and they were wearing see through shirts and the crowd went insane. after that there were the songs i didn't listen to a lot or liked before the concert but they were all still amazing to me!! honestly, i do love u, white sugar and no reason were all SUPER cute!! AND THEN. miss myself came on and oh my god. it was a spiritual experience to see it live. absolutely amazing and breathtaking even though it's so simple. like it's just so elegant and moving. i had to close my eyes a couple times to feel the moment and it was an amazing sensation. also!! a few girls gave us free banners to lift after kihyun's high note and they said 주변을 돌아봐 내겐 다 너니까 꿈이 아냐 (shownu's line, "turn and look around, because you're everything to me this isn't a dream") and it was SO emotional to see a sea of these red banners showing them our love!! 
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it was amazing AND THEN. dramarama oh my god it was so freakinggggg cool! to see the performance live, jooheon milly rocking right in front of my eyes... amazing. everyone went insane during rapline's first part. one of my fave performances for sure!! next song after the ment was oh my and IT WAS AMAZING!! the choreo was just stunning and the energy!! everyone was just jumping around and screaming the lyrics, esp kihyun's line before the last chorus!! and im absolutely obsessed with the choreo, honestly. then special and fallin' were SO COOL, just like the other upbeat songs, the energy was amazing, everyone was jumping around and screaming the lyrics. fallin' was especially hype as hell and minhyuk did this funny low voice dkjskdkd then it was alligator and listen. i hated it when it came out but when they performed it i had never loved a song so much in my life. it was CLEAR it was one of the performances they were working the hardest on and their talents were really shining through 😔 i had ki and shownu tunnel vision unfortunately i missed kyun's iconic hip thrusts sksjdks but theres always next year i guess! so they had just convinced us it was their last song but after a few mins hyungwon came back out and we met H.One hehe i didnt think i would like it bc i thought it would be mostly edm and i dont really like edm but it was just some really good remixes?? he played taki taki and mi gente and everybody went fuckin insane like i remember my knee hurting super bad during this part and he was just. chilling on the stage sjejdjsk BUT THEN CAME THE TRUE GO CRAZY AAHHHH GO STUPID MOMENT OF THE CONCERT: RODEO. boy was it a fuckin ride. truly the time to fuckin wild out at an mx concert. i think it was during this song that minhyuk (?) put a brazilian flag around jooheon's shoulders so we were even more hype!! last song was by my side and it was super calm and bittersweet and like a "goodbye, ily" song :( we had these paper hearts someone gave us and we kept them up for them during the entire song, it was so lovely
the hi touch: ok so the concert ended and we waited around 50 mins for the ht event to start and we were all in a single line that went behind a curtain and THEY WERE ALREADY BEHIND THE CURTAIN SO THERE WAS NO WAY TO PREPARE FOR IT KDJDJDJD they were all standing behind a table and on the other side of the table was some of their staff on a single line to keep people from taking pictures of them and we had to go through the line of staff and the table to see them/touch their hands. it was SUPER rushed i dont think i spent 3 seconds there. my brain absolutely froze bc it was my first time at a hi touch (or first time meeting a celebrity, ever) and it was like 7 people i love and admire all at once so i couldn't manage to say more than "hi" to them and just look at them in shock and i was going faster as they (staff) told me to go faster (stupid) but they were also telling us to use only one hand and not touch their hand with both of ours but fuck that lol so in general they are all real people which is insane??? but also they ARE all SO much more beautiful in real life. like they literally glow. my friends told me they would seem taller and skinnier than i thought but i honestly didnt have the time or the brains to think about that or notice any of that. hyungwon IS tall as fuck though
kihyun: just my luck, my first bias was the first one of the line. as i walked behind the curtain there was a taller girl in front of me in line so i couldn't see much so i had like no time to process anything ksjskdks as soon as i saw it was him i went "oh my god, hi" (yes in english bc i know he understands basic english and doesn't speak portuguese lol) and he was SO sweet like it was literally half a second but his face softened and he said "hiiii" back and gave me the sweetest smile :( hes an angel on earth and i can prove it ok. hi touch aside, he's VERY confident onstage and also VERY greasy lmao he was shooting greasy stuff at us left and right and we ATE IT ALL UP. but he's also incredibly sweet and funny but like we been knew. every time he said something greasy he would expectantly wait for the lady to finish translating so he could see our reaction and afterwards he ALWAYS had that smile where he gets those dimples below his eyes :( he's one of the most talkative members!
shownu: mistre hyunwoo was second in the line and i was still in shock from seeing the loml so all i said was "hi" and he honestly seemed confused that i, a brazilian, was trying to speak english to him, a korean DJJSKDKD but he said hi very quick and had this small smile. he's taller than he seems?? i think? at least onstage and he's also very bashful no matter what he's saying lol unless it's serious stuff like him agreeing with wonho during the ending ment
wonho: ok so i dont remember the order exactly after the first two bc i started to like. have brain death but i THINK it was wonho but i saw him VERY quickly. idk if it's bc i saw him right after shownu or if he was bending forward or what but he's actually shorter than i thought he was. he had the HUGEST smile on his face and was super excited to say hi back to my dumbstruck face lol he's also?? surprisingly commanding?? like he's not imposing or anything bc he's super gentle but he told us to be quiet while he was speaking (.......lol) bc we were screaming and when he started to speak again this group of girls continued screaming and he looked at them DIRECTLY, FROM THE STAGE, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MENT, POINTED AT THEM and deadass went "i have already told you to be quiet twice" and everyone was like??? in shock bc we didn't know if he was serious so we were just like 😳😳😮😮 it was very bizarre honestly a surreal moment to see wonho talk like that to any monbebe ever (for the record im not saying he was rude or anything, it was just very surprising to see that happen). i clearly remember these 3 older ladies referring to him as "primo" ("cousin") for some reason during the entire concert and idk why but that's so funny to me? it's kinda stuck in my mind now im gonna start calling him primo. he ripped his shirt off a total of two (2) different times, maybe three, one of them unprompted and unrequested, during a slow song. love that for him
hyungwon: oh boy. here we go. when my friends told me he was the most different one irl and that he was incredibly prettier i was like ok and then i saw him on the stage and was like yeah alright he's a little different but nothing too exceptional but holy. crap. he was never my type but when i saw him face to face i think my mind literally blacked out. like my body was still functioning but my mind just completely shut down when i saw him smiling at me and saying hi. like that didn't happen with kihyun, one of my ULTIMATE BIASES, but it happened when i saw HIM, that's how beautiful he is. im not using any of these words lightly, but he's beautiful, pretty, stunning, overwhelmingly handsome, an angel. he's just indescribable. his hair is so long and pretty and his face is just so soft and beautiful and he has the prettiest looking lips. has heavy vampire boyfriend vibes also. one of the quietest members, i barely have any pics of him bc he was rarely ever on the big screen bc he didnt say much. tall as hell too
minhyuk: listen i am SO SAD about this i was so overwhelmed by hyungwon's face my mind completely blanked when i got to minnie and i have no idea what i did, i don't even know if i said anything or if i just stared at him dumbfounded sjejjdjsd i have no recollection of his face at ALL like my mind was not able to process anything after hyungwon BUT i know he is pretty as hell (wbk) and he's also even sexier on stage!! like his presence and his moves are just very sensual and he is one of the most talkative ones too! we already know that but he is SUPER funny he never missed an opportunity to do something completely bizarre i just love that funky lil cowboy HE HAD A COWBOY HAT OVER HIS CAP DURING RODEO AND HE ALSO WORE THE FUNNIEST BRAZILIAN FLAG SUNGLASSES DURING HIS ENDING MENT HERE HE IS
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jooheon: yall. he is SO. so so so SOOOO much prettier irl like he doesn't LOOK any different like hyungwon does but he's just even more beautiful up close and he also looks taller than i pictured? his whole face was just lit up seeing us and he was super excited to be saying hi to me it was so sweet :( like i am actually even more in love with him now after experiencing that i even dreamed about him that night lmao and oh god I cant even describe how cute his eyesmile + dimple combo is irl 😔😔😔 he talked a lot too and he literally speaks in POUT whenever he said something most of the time it sounded like he was whining it was so cute jdjdjfjd but when he's performing he's a BEAST his stage presence is un-fucking-paralleled he definitely has the strongest one in the group. his mere being there just commands you to pay attention to him in awe it's just very inexplicable. he's just super cute and nice and an angel 
changkyun: oh god I didn't wanna write about my experience with him during the hi touch jsjsjdjs but im gonna try to keep this as neutral as possible. so after i got to jooheon he was the last in line (which was my ideal situation, my two biases - ki and him - in opposite ends so even if i did freeze when i saw one id have time to get over it before the other one) and when i got to him he didn't look at my face, he was looking at the beginning of the line (???) for some reason, so even though i grabbed his hand and said hi i dont remember if he even said it back and i didn't get to look him in the eyes like all the others, which made me really angry as soon as i walked out and then really upset bc i spent 110 reais to see them and one of my two faves didn't look at me when i was right in front of him, but u know it is what it is. i dont think he did it on purpose or that he's an asshole or anything like that, it's just something that happened and upset me. but aside from that, the thing that stuck with me the most out of the entire concert: HE IS INCREDIBLY!!! SEXIER IN REAL LIFE like all my friends who saw mx say hyungwon is the most different but for me it was kyun. he's SO MUCH MORE HANDSOME than in the internet, pictures really do not do him justice. and he has this really hot careless, cool guy attitude in general, like when they/we were hyping him up bc of mohae he was like 🤙🏼 he stared at the floor a lot while the others were talking and like. he knows he's hot thats VERY clear lmao. he's surprisingly talkative. he's very effortless with his moves when he's dancing and that's not saying he doesn't put in effort he just makes it seem so. easy and nicely flowing idk. he was wearing a cap during the hi touch and holy fucking hell he has the nicest profile ive ever seen. thats all
sidenote: PLEASE be careful when camping days before a concert or even hours. a LOT of the people who had spent too much time in line to be closer to the stage had to leave the concert halfway through bc they were literally about to pass out after having spent so much time with poor sleep and unhealthy eating/drinking. enjoy your concert but also take care of yourselves!!
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paradoxhamartia · 5 years
About me
I was tagged by @nimudashh. Thank you so much for thinking of me! :D
- How tall are you?
Haven’t checked in a while, but last time i was 1.86 cms.
- What color and style is your hair?
Black. About the style...do i even have one? My hair are so afro that it’s almost impossible to find a way around their consistency, in order to give them some kind “of style”. I tried multiple times, in so many ways, to make them softer so that they could be worked with, but...it was always a failure. The most i can do is get a regular ass haircut. Eh.
- What color are your eyes?
For the longest time, i just assumed they were two pits of absolute, dark black. Turns out, they’re actually an extremely dark shade of brown. But if you look at them under a direct/strong light, you can clearly tell that they are brown.
- Do you wear glasses?
Yes, i do. They are a part of me, at this point. I’ve been wearing them since i was...seven? Eight? Still, it’s been a long ass time. They are my most valuable tool for living, cause without them i literally cannot see a single thing. I would die in something like, 30 minutes. If you want to kill me and get away with it, literally just take my glasses away and i’ll do the rest on my own.
- Do you wear braces?
Nope, never had to. The dentist always said that i have the most beautiful teeth he ever saw.
- What’s your fashion sense?
I’m really just a huge slut for beauty and elegance. Still, multiple individuals told me that my style is really close to that of an hipster. I guess.
- Full name?
I have two names. An italian one (Marco) and a senegalese one (Youssoupha).
- When were you born?
October 9th 1997 (i’m a libra).
- Where are you from and where do you live now?
I was born in Dakar (Senegal) and i lived there until i was around one, with my motherly relatives. At that point, my italian relatives came in and took me with them. Since then, i’ve been living in Abano Terme (a thermal city extremely close to Padua, near Venice).
- What school do you go to?
At the moment i’m working, but in the past i went to this Liceo Classico named after Tito Livio (in Padua). I’m also preparing myself for an audition at a drama school in Milan. I’ll probably give it a shot in around a year.
- What kind of student are you?
The smart but extremely bored one. Every professor had to go extra hard in order to keep me entertained. I was lost in thoughts 90% of the time.They always joked about how i was a philosopher that time traveled into the wrong era, lmfao. And my classmates always asked photos of my notes.
- Do you like school?
I loved it. When you go to school, you get to learn something new. You get the possibility of looking at reality from yet another, new viewpoint. Also, going to school forces you to stay with others. And i’m an extremely social individual. Being alone kills me. So, yeah. High school was dope.
- Favorite subject?
Mostly the ones related to human sciences. Aka ancient greek, latin, philosophy and history.
- Favorite tv shows?
My fave ongoing show is Shameless. Yes, i know it’s basically a shadow of its former self. But it’s my dear child and i’ll always love it, even tho it has obvious flaws. I recently discovered Now Apocalypse. It’s most likely fave material, can’t wait for season 2 to drop. If we’re talking about shows that already ended, Awkward (known in italy as diary of a superstar nerd) was my shit. Started a rewatch the other day. I love it so much.
- Favorite movie?
This will probably put a smile on your face, but it’s a tie between LaLaLand and Moonlight. They both resonate with me on extremely deep levels.
- Favorite book?
South of the border, West of the Sun (by Haruki Murakami). I could talk for weeks about this book. I resonate with Hajime so. Fucking. Much. Looking for an event to consider the “real beginning of your life”, so that you can completely invalidate the past that you simply cannot accept, is something that i do as well. Always looking for “rebirth”, basically (coff ken kaneki complex coff). But the one character that really pierced my heart was Shimamoto. We both are that kind of person that naturally attracts others, but is unable to be understood by them. We both are that kind of person that finds inconceivable the idea of being completely honest about the situation we’re living, even with those that are extremely close to us. That book is a gem. I’m rereading it asap. Higly recommended.
- Do you have regrets?
Having regrets is basically my main personality trait. Most of the time i’m unable to focus on the present cause i’m too busy wondering about what i could have done differently, and the scenarios that could have been but will never be cause of the choices i made.
- Dream job?
Actor/writer (for both books and series/movies).
- Do you like shopping?
Yup. As i said, i get easily bored. So i need to keep myself stimulated with new stuff.
- What countries have you visited?
Oh boy. Need some focus for this one. Italy (fucking duh, Marco), France, Spain, Germany, England, Sri Lanka, Senegal (again. no shit sherlock) aaaaand...that’s it? I think so. Dunno tbh.
- Scariest nightmare you have ever had?
I had this recurring nightmare where i was running aways from Gollum (he scared the shit out of me as a child), and while he was fast as fuck boiiiii i was extremely slow (imagine running underwater) so he always managed to get me and eat me alive. But if we’re talking about something recent...i would say my two cases of sleep paralysis. The first time it was about the main hunter from Bloodborne. But the second one is the one that really scared me. Korekiyo Shinguji came and, unlike the hunter, he didn’t just stare at me from a corner of the room but he legit came on top of me and chocked me. It was so surreal cause i could physically feel his hands around my neck. Weird. Especially cause i, like, really love Korekiyo as a character.
- Any enemies?
Not really. I’m that kind of person that goes along with everyone.
- Do you believe in miracles?
If with miracles we mean extremely positive but random events, yes. If we’re talking on the religious side, i dunno. My whole thing with religion is that i really don’t care about it (aside for the philosophical side of it) cause even if there’s actually a God i wouldn’t really be ok with how he’s managing this whole humanity thing so, yeah.
- How are you?
Don’t want to seem like a major edgelord so let’s just SKIP.
I’m too awkward to tag anyone, and also 90% of y’all probably already did this. So, if you see this and feel like it, just go for it.
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princeyitz · 6 years
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[ loner | family oriented | lazy ]
GET TO KNOW ME TAG why r there so many questions </3
@viiavi​ tagged me(and mayb someone else??? i dont know tumblr notifs are awful)
uhhhmmm i tag @ratboysims​ @felicitum​ @bullsim​ @keysims​ @bratsims​ and uhhmmmmm any1 else that wants to do it just say i tag u
also here’s a bad edit of my simselfs outfit its cute and basically what i wear everyday gotta wear those nikes get some good ass arch support u feel me
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3. BIRTHDAY? june 3rd babey
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? i dont think i have one. picking faves for literature has always been hard for me
8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ANYTHING? ummm dark chocolate or mango
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? thank you next look its a good song ok
11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WORD? ridiculous but how my mom says it like a harry potter spell
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? ummmm something by halsey i think
13. WHAT TV SHOW WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR EVERYBODY TO WATCH? im binge watching greys anatomy so that i guess but also my fave show of all time stargate
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? i have no patience and i worry too much
21. ARE YOU IN A RELATIONSHIP? yes! we’re getting married next october :-)
22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? no responsibilities!!! no bills!!!! also my moms cooking
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? her name is lauren but also my fiance and my dog
24. WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? dark green
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? my fam, my fiance, my dogs, my close friends
27. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU TRUST? my fiance 100%
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? my parents i worry about their health and also my sister bc she’s in a new relationship
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? my sisters dog just had puppies so im excited to see them
30. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OBSESSION? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm rn sims
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? probably rugrats and also x files
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? hell yes big time
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? well i still cant drive so like. driving i guess
35. DO YOU PREFER TO BE IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA OR BEHIND IT?uhhh behind i hate when others take pics of me lol
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? writing and simblr i guess
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? actually i think it was the adventure zone graphic novel does that count
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? the crimes of grindelwald
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? i feel like im on the spot ummmmm @felicitum @keysims @smart--milk @surreysimmer @hesitantpixels
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? u ever seen heroes? remember how peter was like a sponge well i wish i could do that but with like, normal knowledge/skills. like if i met someone who was a carpenter or dr i could shake their hand and i knew everything they did about that and could learn new languages that way too. i wanna b a sponge
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? in my bed w my fiance and dogs in a cuddle pile
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? when we ask blu if she’s a sleepy baby and she tilts her head
46. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? water all day every day im a camel hi
48. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? as i get older yes
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? when people talk down to me because of my identity or age
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? yea!! the last one we went to was p!nk im pretty sure
53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN? hmmmmmmmm probs harry potter tbh
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? yes and no
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? yup!!! i dont sing as often as i used to tho its sad
58. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE ON THE PLANET? i really love big bear and catalina island
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? doesnt really matter as long as its not a big city and relatively close to family
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? we have 2 doggos
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? tbh i am a mix of both now, tho i used to be a night owl
64. DO YOU PREFER EARBUDS OR HEADPHONES? earbuds sometimes headphones hurt my ears esp bc i always wear glasses
65. HAVE YOU EVER HAD BRACES? yes and im getting war flashbacks
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? pretty much anything besides hardcore rap, country, and religious music, also nothing too poppy
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? probs my mama
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? when they only brew decaf at work
71. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? i really loved english
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? i have two brothers and two sisters
73. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? flowers for my mother in law
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5′7″
75. CAN YOU COOK? yes
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? coffee, purple flowers, the lil potbellies that all puppies have
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? decaf coffee, peas, when people say my name wrong
78. DO YOU HAVE MORE FEMALE FRIENDS OR MORE MALE FRIENDS? uhhh i guess just bc thats who im around more
80. WHERE DO YOU CURRENTLY LIVE? i live in southern california
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? garrett watts is fun
85. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE APP? digit it saves me money
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? im super close with my parents and relatively close w my fiances parents as well
87. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOREIGN ACCENT? hmmm probs middle eastern
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? lmao no
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? not really
92. DO YOU FIND OUTER SPACE OR THE DEEP OCEAN TO BE MORE INTERESTING? both but i tend to lean more towards the ocean
93. DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE A DAREDEVIL? not at all im a chicken
97. HOW OFTEN DO YOU ADMIT THAT YOU WERE WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING? when i am wrong lol i dont care too much about being right
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? sometimes
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? pick it up and return it to its owner
107. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF CHANGE? yes but they have to believe in it too
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? yes but u cant tell nobody knows ok thanks
109. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON A PLANE? yeah they’re cool
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? my ears and my septum
111. WHAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER DO YOU WISH WAS REAL? sam carter from stargate shes smart
112. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOOS? yeah i have 10 i think
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? 110% yes
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? yeah i want 5 but i dont think i can afford that many someone start a gofundme for my future babeys
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? i told my middle school crush that i liked her and then she told everyone and thats the story of how i repressed me sexuality until i was 20
121. DO YOU LIKE ADVENTURES? yes but carefully planned and well thought out adventures where i have a checklist and a binder of all the information i need listen i am v anxious everything is scary
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? when i was a baby i was on the news lmao
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 25
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? to thine own self be true wow super lame and cliche thanks im tired is this done yet
125. DO YOU PREFER SWEET OR SAVORY FOODS? savory i dont have much of a sweet tooth
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shatteredlovers · 6 years
I’m gonna fight u
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? u2. Are you outgoing or shy? shy3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? u... and my nj peeps at the end of the semester4. Are you easy to get along with? ye i think so5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? u do lol6. What kind of people are you attracted to? u 7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? yes (:8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? i’m wondering how my little brothers are making out in college!!9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? no10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? wendy, lexie, or dom I’m not sure11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “she’s just bein safe!!”12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? “Rivers and Roads” by The Head and the Heart, “Feels like Summer” by Childish Gambino, “Fallingwater” by Maggie Rogers, “Peach Scone” by Hobo Johnson, and I can’t think of another rn but I’m listening to “17″ by Youth Lagoon.13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? YES14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? yeah15. What good thing happened this summer? I got to spend it with u making memories16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? hell yeah (;17. Do you think there is life on other planets? yes18. Do you still talk to your first crush? no19. Do you like bubble baths? yes!!20. Do you like your neighbors? i don’t know them /:21. What are you bad habits? i’m messy tbh22. Where would you like to travel? oh god everywhere, but i’d really like to meet my cousins in Scotland23. Do you have trust issues? I did but I feel good now24. Favorite part of your daily routine? putting my feet up at the end of the day to eat and watch New Girl or Big Mouth25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? maybe my teddies mostly bc they hurt my back lol26. What do you do when you wake up? i hit snooze about 6 times27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? nah i’m chill28. Who are you most comfortable around? wendy29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? all but one30. Do you ever want to get married? yes i do31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? yes!32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? rihanna and harry styles are prob my top33. Spell your name with your chin. sd jk,hg34. Do you play sports? What sports? i don’t anymore lol35. Would you rather live without TV or music? tv36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? that was my entire childhood-adolescence 37. What do you say during awkward silences? nothing, they don't bother me rly38. Describe your dream girl/guy? u wendy!!!!39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? i like thrift stores, h&m, target, honestly wherever40. What do you want to do after high school? I’m gonna be a music therapist41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? no42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? I’m probably either observing, spaced out, sleepy, or fuming.43. Do you smile at strangers? yeah44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? ocean45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? there’s stuff i gotta do46. What are you paranoid about? figuring out internship stuff coming in the next year47. Have you ever been high? once48. Have you ever been drunk? plenty49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? no50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? gray51. Ever wished you were someone else? when i was like 12/13 i did a lot52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? i wish i was a little more organized53. Favourite makeup brand? thATS HARD54. Favourite store? barnes and noble55. Favourite blog? urs56. Favourite color? dark green57. Favourite food? eggplant parmesan 58. Last thing you ate? a lifesaver gummy that my client’s sister gave me!59. First thing you ate this morning? baby carrots60. Ever won a competition? For what? idk honestly lol i’ve won singing things61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? no62. Been arrested? For what? no63. Ever been in love? i’m falling right now.64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? i was taken advantage of so it kind of blew65. Are you hungry right now? very66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? i like you all equally!!!!67. Facebook or Twitter? neither68. Twitter or Tumblr? tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now? no70. Names of your bestfriends? i have quite a few71. Craving something? What? u wendy i want to snug72. What colour are your towels? turquoise72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 173. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? sometimes but i usually hug wendy or my pillow74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? 1, I got rid of everything but a sloth that my friend got me when i got into my car accident75. Favourite animal? dogs and owls76. What colour is your underwear? i’m not wearing any lol77. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate all the way78. Favourite ice cream flavor? chocolate fudge brownie ben and jerrys
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? gray-blue
80. What colour pants? gray81. Favourite tv show? i love the office, criminal minds, and new girl82. Favourite movie? When Harry Met Sally or Dead Poets Society83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? original84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? idk they’re different types of funny lol85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? idk86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? squirt87. First person you talked to today? lexie88. Last person you talked to today? my supervisor89. Name a person you hate? i don’t really hate anyone, i just distance myself from people that are toxic to my wellbeing.90. Name a person you love? I love you, Wendy.91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? nope!92. In a fight with someone? nope!93. How many sweatpants do you have? 3 pairs maybe94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? too many (i.e. not enough)95. Last movie you watched? Scarface96. Favourite actress? eh97. Favourite actor? eh98. Do you tan a lot? no99. Have any pets? I HAVE A BUNNY HERE IN AZ AND IN JERSEY I HAVE TWO DOGS AND A FISH AT MY PARENTS100. How are you feeling? p good 101. Do you type fast?decently fast if i don't think about it lol102. Do you regret anything from your past? not really103. Can you spell well? yes my grandpa made me spell all the time as a kid104. Do you miss anyone from your past? no105. Ever been to a bonfire party? yes they're my fave106. Ever broken someone’s heart? yeah107. Have you ever been on a horse? no108. What should you be doing? my session summaries and activity write-up for tomorrow109. Is something irritating you right now? i slammed my foot getting out of the car and idk if i super fucked something up bc its hurts rly bad110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? yeah111. Do you have trust issues? i did but i’m ok now112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? probably wendy113. What was your childhood nickname? M&M114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? yeah115. Do you play the Wii? i have before lol116. Are you listening to music right now? yes “let’s talk about feelings” by joywave117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? yes118. Do you like Chinese food? YES119. Favourite book? idk i rly like classics120. Are you afraid of the dark? partially121. Are you mean? i can be122. Is cheating ever okay? N O 123. Can you keep white shoes clean? no i suck124. Do you believe in love at first sight? no but you can click w someone125. Do you believe in true love? sure126. Are you currently bored? no127. What makes you happy? you, my friends, my family, animals, music128. Would you change your name? thought about changing it to my middle name129. What your zodiac sign? libra130. Do you like subway? eh jersey mikes is better131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? say thanks but i love wendy132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? i think i already answered this133. Favourite lyrics right now? idk134. Can you count to one million? no i lose focus easily135. Dumbest lie you ever told? idk lol136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed and often locked137. How tall are you? 5′2138. Curly or Straight hair? i have straight hair but i love curly hair139. Brunette or Blonde? i love brunette hair140. Summer or Winter? summer in jersey, winter in AZ141. Night or Day? night142. Favourite month? October143. Are you a vegetarian? not a chance144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? DARK CHOCOLATE145. Tea or Coffee? i like both146. Was today a good day? yeah it was my session went rly well w my client147. Mars or Snickers? snickers all the way148. What’s your favourite quote? “If flowers can grow through blankets of melting snow there is hope for me” - @tylerknott149. Do you believe in ghosts? yes150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? i don’t have a book anywhere near me unfortunately lol
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comicteaparty · 6 years
July 12th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on July 12th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on The Guide to a Healthy Relationship by Dani .
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✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Good day everyone~! This week’s Comic Tea Party is now officially beginning~! Today we are discussing The Guide to a Healthy Relationship by Dani~! (https://tapas.io/series/TGtaHR) For those new or in need of a reminder, discussions about the comic are freeform, so please feel free to bring up whatever you wish. However, every 30 minutes I will be dropping in a discussion question to help those who would like a prompt. These questions are totally OPTIONAL to answer, and you can pay them no mind if you wish. If you miss out on any though, they’ll be pinned for the duration of the chat once they’re posted~! Remember, constructive criticism is allowed, but the primary focus here is to have fun and appreciate the amazing comics that the community makes~! As a bonus, each chat a top comment will be picked and featured in the archives and on an ad for CTP! All that being said, let’s get started and have a great discussion!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
i don't know why, but the scene where apollo is asking around and trying to find julian really stuck with me. it's not the most artistically vivid scene (there are quite a few of those), but that one stood out.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
anything particular that made it stand out to you? just asking out of curiosity cause honestly i barely remember that scene just because its not the most artisticially vivid(edited)
i'm not sure. i think apollo realizing he wasn't crazy in seeing julian the other night made me feel, like, emotions.
Really any scene with Julian that exhibits his psychosis are ones that I particularly like Like, I find it very relatable and the art just perfectly displays what that Actually Feels Like imo
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
the way the art reflects mental states in general is incredibly well done
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Just wanted to pop in and say hi.
I agree
hi justin
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
hi justin
yeah i have to agree with turnish that my fave scenes are probably the ones showing julian's mental problems. although i think the one that sticks with me the most is the one where julian is talking to a younger version of himself and his younger version is calling him lazy. i feel like its a great blend of mental illness but kind of normal self esteem issues perhaps. in that he does seem kind of sick yet here his younger self is berating him. @snuffysam thats a fair point. i did feel emotions when it turned out apollo was indeed not crazy. XD
HH YEAH that was like a punch to the gut
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
If I had to say anything about this comic, it's got a really nice traditional artstyle and all the detail in the characters populating the pages
And some great BG work too
Hello everyone! I'm the creator of 'The Guide to a Healthy Relationship', I'll be helping my ma out with dinner so I won't be on much, but just wanted to pop in to say hi and answer any questions and such whenever possible.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Hi Dani!
hi dani!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
thanks for coming dani~!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Great to have ya here~
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes. i really like the day of time reflections. particularly i think the way night is portrayed is really spectacular. https://tapas.io/episode/804141 like that page. youve got the light glow effects going on, you have some excellent reflections on the door that really make it look like night. its just all really well done.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
it's all very well done
especially the glow from the sity
the colors and lighting are just incredible
in general
i reread it today entirely bc my brain is Crap and i don’t remember stuff well but man i agree
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
yeah i probably should have done that lol
The night is still young
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I wonder how you do sunsets cause I have a soft spot for epic sunsets
tbh big same
I like how the colors are shaded with completely different colors most of the time (e.g. a blue shirt has orange shading). that's super cool to me. something that very few artists do.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Colored shading alone is awesome when done right
color theory is so important
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
and it also brings out the colors themselves
it also helps capture that feel of night time. which is when most of this story takes place.
yeah! agreed
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
This is a cool looking comic all around
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah there are really just great color choices all around. i especially like the contrasts. cause one of my biggest issues with traditionally colored comics is theres not usually enough contrasts. so everything kind of winds up looking muted and its hard to tell things apart from one another. but i feel this comic doesnt have that problem at all
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
and all in traditional too!
and I second that
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I made it. ^^ I'm inclined towards the Julian scenes too, though I actually liked the scene where he was doing his janitor stuff and tidying up, making things sparkling. In retrospect, it was nice to see him (seemingly) taking pride in something.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Hey Math!
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Also, I'm very impressed by going the traditional route with such a blend of colours.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 2. Given he was supposed to be dead, Julian’s appearance in Apollo’s life opens up many questions. First off, do you believe this is indeed Julian, or do you have reason to doubt this claim? What do you think Julian meant by telling Apollo that, “his friend is dead?” Was it just a way to get Apollo to leave, or is there a deeper meaning? Where do you think Julian has been all this time? Throughout, we also see that Julian has both physical and implied mental health problems. Do you believe this has something to do with his appearance? Do you think Julian dealt with these problems all his life or are they a new development? Lastly, where do you think Julian came from considering Apollo relays they pretty much found him in a bag?
Ah! Thank you all! Seeing the positive reactions to Julian's mentally ill scenes is really encouraging. I've been doing a lot of research on the subject since I've never experienced it myself, and it's tough to know when it's being done well. Also I feel so bad for having Julian ruin that emotional scene with Apollo, slamming the door in his face was kind of a mood killer. Lol. @Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨ A sunset scene is going to be coming up in a couple pages, so we'll all see how that turns out. xD I've never drawn a sunset before.
Sorry! I type a lot, and I type slow.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
and that's alright!
I think Julian metaphorically died when... something happened to him. Don't know what.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I think there's a deeper meaning in that the person he was doesn't exist any more. Though honestly, I'm not sure they were as good of friends as Apollo thinks; Julian seemed to keep to himself even then.
Julian was a nice person to Apollo, but I'm not sure if he ever really liked him.
when reading “your friend is dead” I chose to interpret that as the Julian Apollo once knew no longer exists, and Julian considers himself a different person now. or he’s running away from his past
i think i made the same point as math whoops
in terms of where he came from, i'd imagine russia, because he only spoke russian
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
It may be worth saying that, as a 40 year old teacher, I don't think I'm the demographic for this comic. Every time I see Apollo I kind of want to get in his face and shout "shape up man!". If he was as oblivious now as he was in the past, I kind of get why Julian would want to move on from his old life.
yeah honestly i get why julian wouldn't be too psyched about seeing apollo again. he's kind of a difficult person to have in your life.
especially if you have your own mental health problems to deal with
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i feel apollo is a bit self involved and just wouldnt notice julian's suffering. so while julian was there to care for apollo, apollo wouldnt notice when someone needed to care for julian persay
i second that
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I think Julian saying something to the effect of "I don't have what you need" kind of emphasizes that.
That time Apollo jumped out of the bushes.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Lol, Prince
I lost it when you brought up "shape up man!"
i wouldn't want to go back to that kind of one-sided relationship either tbh
Aw man, those are really good questions, with some really good answers! I won't confirm much because I like things being left open for interpretation, but Apollo is 100% a moron. Also I don't mind throwing it out that he's a homeschool kid, so no social skills.
I love a moronic boy
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
tbf i could also see the hes dead mean something deeper. like maybe julian was in an accident and lost part of his memories. like all the good memories of apollo and just remembers the shitty times.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Also "Get off my lawn". (Your drunk ass is scaring the squirrels.)
that's awfully convenient re: losing all positive memories of someone
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Interesting, so I guess Julian was homeschooled too? Since they grew up together?
(Also, for a moment I read that as "Apollo is 100% a mormon" and I did a double take.)
yeah that doesn't exactly fit with most of the stuff he's done lol
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Rebel: Maybe? I kind of feel like Julian might have faked his death to get away from creditors and people who just generally were treating him lousy though. But maybe things didn't go as planned.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
What's kind of interesting is how Apollo has problems too, with his eyesight, so you'd think he'd be able to empathize a bit with Julian having his own issues. But it does seem like he doesn't have much experience with that.
empathy and sympathy both seem to be problems for apollo
Math: Lmao! Oh no, not a mormon! But for the homeschool question, nah. Julian is a public school kid, they hung out almost 24/7 but they grew up in different environments with Julian staying in an orphanage and Apollo living in a fancy house.
especially when it comes to julian
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Ahhh, interesting. I think I misunderstood and thought he'd been adopted like a brother. That adds an interesting element of class to things too.
Apollo is very much "live in the moment". I would not want him doing my tax returns.
the fancy homeschool tutors may have neglected to teach him, like, responsibility
going back to what rebel said - were there any positive memories of apollo julian had to begin with?
like, even apollo's recap at the beginning paints himself in a bad light
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
probably. homeschool can be pretty lax from what i hear. so apollo's education in general might have sucked.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe they went sledding together.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
and yeah its possible that julian doesnt have positive memories
albeit there must of been a reason julian chose to ahng out with apollo
though that may have something to do with apollo's mental state making himself out to be worse than he was
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
and why julian didnt make an effort to move farther away
cause if i didnt want someone to find me i would not be living in driving distance of them
maybe he couldn't move further. relocating is hard
especially if you don't have financial means
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
true but he has had something like 5 years to make arrangements. i think 5 years. its years at least. but it really all depends where he was. it could be that hes been in the hospital or something
or a mental hospital
Misunderstandings is totally understandable, a lot of stuff in the comic is very vague right now, and some of it will only be shown in snippets. I can't say much, but Julian does have some positive memories, there's just not many and it's harder to focus on the good over the bad.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Also as a homeschool student myself, the education does suck. I pretty much cheated my way through middle school because my teacher was a Christian booklet.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Oh really?
That's... interesting
Oo! Since this isn't super important, Julian and Apollo actually grew up in Ohio in a town based of Newark. When Apollo "grew up" he moved to a city in California based of a mix of San Diego and LA.
is it possible julian faked his own death specifically to get rid of apollo for a while? like, he didn't have the capacity to take care of him anymore, so he just cut him out of his life.
lol "grew up" in quotes
so yeah, julian may not have known where apollo was, and didn't intend to be in the same city as him
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
man now thats got to be the shittiest coincidence
julian is like "im free from apollo oh shit wait theres apollo"
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
No kidding
yeah, but looking at julian's reaction - he clearly did not intend to run into apollo any time soon
"and Julian's evening was ruined" -ugly cry-
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i wonder if apollo just didnt even know how julian "died." like one day whoever took care of julian was just like "nah man he dead" and apollo just made a goofy face and accepted it
QUESTION 3. Despite most definitely being adult, protagonist Apollo is a little bit immature. Why do you believe Apollo is so irresponsible? Is it just his personality, or are his habits a way to avoid certain aspects of his life? Do you think his ocular albinism plays a role in why he acts the way he does? Do you think it will be good for Apollo to reconnect with Julian, or will the events of the past send Apollo into a downward spiral? What do you think Daniel’s role will be in Apollo’s life? Lastly, what do you think it will take for Apollo to get his life together a bit more?
if his ocular albinism plays into his irresponsibility, it's only as an excuse. "well, i can't see normally. better get sloshed!"
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
(Sorry, sometimes I have to dash off if the little one is crying.) Oh, being away in a mental hospital would be an interesting development.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
i think apollo just has serious issues with self control. he started out with alcohol and drugs to get away from some aspects of his life, and then it just got worse from there.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Snuffy: I don't know about that. If he's sensitive to daylight, it makes sense that he'd be out and about at night, which is when the parties happen.
true, that may be a source of some temptation. but if he was healthier, that wouldn't be a problem.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
But yeah, agree about the self control thing. Guy doesn't know when to say "no". Also doesn't seem to know a good thing when he has it.
Fair. I don't think he eats from the proper food groups.
i meant mentally but yes
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Can't help you feel active.
Like, if you're always eating junk food I mean.
Ahh, gotcha.
he doesn't have much of a support channel to help him with his issues, and a lot of the people who do try and help him out don't like him very much because of the whole personality thing
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i think the ocular albinism does play a role. cause as someone who is awake all night, there is nothing to do outside. like the options are go to dennys, go to waffle house, go to walmart, or go to a bar. so i think it more than increases the temptation for apollo. it hampers a lot of paths to recovery.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Is it cool to bring up Daniel? Because he's such an interesting counterpoint.
I cannot see Apollo as a greeter at Wal-Mart.
his boss puts up with so much from apollo, it's a wonder she hasn't fired him
Math: Sure! He's going to be in the comic a lot more from this chapter on.
Apollo really does have control issues, it'll come up why later but he's never had an issue with getting whatever he wanted as a kid.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Oh cool~
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
they dont have greeters at night. in fact i think the greeters all leave before 8pm at the latest
yeah apollo's boss deserves a boss of the year award
cause man
i wouldve fired apollo 10 billion years ago
Ahhh Apollo’s boss deserves the most
and his other coworkers too. who was the woman he asked for help and then called a slur? galia?
Rebel: Yeah, being awake at night sucks. I used to be a night owl, waking up at noon and staying up till 4am. There isn't anything to do, at least anything that's a good idea.
Yup, that's her name! Poor Galia, she's only been in the comic a couple times so far and it sucked for her.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I'm hoping Daniel can get through to Apollo. Challenge him without going so far as putting him off.
Same here Math
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i feel at the very least daniel will openly pull up his flaws in a way others dont. cause the others say it with anger and derision and lots of ppl just flat out tune out criticism at that point. where as i feel daniel would be the one whod be like "hey apollo maybe you should clean up your place some?"
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Or maybe Apollo will just want to, so that his date doesn't get a bad impression.
Cuz the Apollo/Daniel ship is sailing.
yeah, i think that's going to be one of the major themes coming up. trying to reconnect with julian isn't healthy - julian doesn't want anything to do with apollo, and he has his own physical and mental issues to deal with without taking care of apollo. meanwhile daniel will push apollo (either wittingly through calling him out, unwittingly through apollo wanting to get better for him, or both) to get healthier and turn his life around
whether apollo goes into a downward spiral or begins recovery depends on which path he chooses
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
It's a good point though, Rebel, about how to get across criticism.
I wonder if maybe Daniel starting to spiral down would help shock Apollo to his senses?
in that, apollo drags down everyone around him with his toxicity?
could happen, but i hope not. i like daniel.
Oh man, I'm loving the Daniel discussion! He'll definitely be challenging Apollo in one way or another.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe Daniel starting to date Julian will shock Apollo to his senses.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i believe in daniel to be self confident enough to fall down apollo's hole. but on the opposite turn i do think julian will be important for apollo cause i think only julian can point out some of apollo's flaws from the past and give apollo pause. tho im not quite sure how outside of giving apollo more clarity of the things julian is dealing with
daniel can even use the perfect pickup line that he's been saving for such an occasion
"i like my men like i like my alcohol - russian, and found in a bag"
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Okay, you win with that one.
julian can point out problems that apollo has had since childhood, but question is, will he want to?
or will he just want to keep apollo out of his life?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Back on the question of why Apollo is so irresponsible, I think it comes from his position of privilege. His parents probably made sure that he never suffered real consequences from his actions.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i feel julian wont succeed in keeping apollo out of his life because 1) apollo is apollo and 2) julian's young ghost self is telling him to not be lazy and i think julian will give in to that for a while
yeah it absolutely stems from that
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
A restraining order might be needed to keep Apollo out of his life. ^^
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
and yeah i agree with math, i think apollo has no real concept of consequences
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Napples agrees too.
where are apollo's parents anyway? do they know what's happened to their son's life?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Do they care?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
they might not care? or they might not know. cause apollo does not seem the type to call home frequently and i doubt their once in a blue moon phone calls consist of apollo saying "yeah i got wasted every night this week"
cause consequence conscious or not thats just not a thing i think any kid would talk to his parents about XD
QUESTION 4. The comic’s title, “The Guide to a Healthy Relationship,” seems rather revealing of the story at hand. What does the title mean to you exactly? How do you think the story will live up to that title? Furthermore, the three chapter titles (“Hypomania,” “Monophobia,” and “Psychosis”) all share a theme of mental issues. Does this change how you interpret the title at all or how you interpret the story itself (whether the entire story or a specific chapter’s content)? What role do you think these titles play in regards to the mental illnesses we’ve seen in the story so far? Finally, do you feel the story is about relationships with others, relationships with ourselves, both, or something else entirely?
yeah there's a reason i've been referring to things as healthy and unhealthy all night lol
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
for me personally i feel the title is both about relationships with others and with ourselves. tho i lean more towards the latter if i had to pick one. because of how apollo treats his own self.
yeah, having a healthy relationship with yourself seems like a big theme
i also think the unhealthy relationship apollo had with julian growing up will keep coming back
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Wow, I hadn't even picked up on the chapter titles. Hmm, I guess at first my mind went to romantic relationships, but yeah it makes sense to be more friends and such.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
"Guide to a Healthy Relationship - Don't act like Apollo."
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
thats the real lesson we should take away from this
dont be an apollo
be the best daniel you can be
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I gotta wonder a bit about Apollo's circle of friends too. They seem like real enablers, I wonder if they have day jobs.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
probably. despite their party habits more of them seem to have their crap together perhaps.
tbf tho i think apollo is equally an enabler. so i think its just a circle of friends who see nothing wrong, enable each other, and spiral down and down
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
There is that, yeah.
do they know how bad apollo's life is? or do they just think he's that wild guy who likes to drink on the weekends?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Speaking of spiralling down, that one panel with the pill on the tongue was cleverly done. Just wanted to get that out there.
I think they believe Apollo's got an amazing life. Bartender with access to free drinks, his own place without a roommate to bug him, the ability to afford random merchandise for thousands of dollars... what's not to like?
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
If anything, the search for Julian might be helping to pull Apollo away from the bad influences.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
math has a point
cant be out drinking when youre haunting a school at night
looking for ghost friends
maybe apollo will be like "wow so this is what being sober is like"
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
"I can walk without running into trees. My friends, however..."
though nothing stopping you from drinking before starting the search
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe julian will say something
like "please dont come here reeking of alcohol"
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Julian just needs to keep throwing water into Apollo's face. Like that first time.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Try it like eight more times
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Though the fact that he did reach out there implies that at least part of him doesn't like seeing Apollo down on his luck, perhaps?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah i dont think julian hates apollo persay. i think hes just tired of dealing with apollo
cause ive dealt with ppl like that
where you dont hate them
but man do you have your own shit going on and theres only so many hours in the day
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
"And now I have to mop the floor AGAIN, geeeez."
yeah, that's the thing, i think julian does care about apollo, but their relationship is so one-sided that it isn't worth it
The answers about the tirle, and this discussion is soooo gooood! I didn't think anyone would pay that any mind. -sobs- I wish I could spill the beans, some of you guys had some really spot on theories.
Sorry I’m hella cleaning so I couldn’t participate as much as I wanted to,,rip
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Apollo knows not of this "cleaning".
yeah didn't you learn from the story, turnish? you have to live your life like apollo! that's the moral!
Dang ur right I should become a slob
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Don't lose your glasses though. That's a bad plan.
Yeah, man. Just throw it all on the floor, the nanny will take care of it. Everyone's got one of those, right?
Man I Wish
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah i store my nanny in my closet when not in use
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Hm, this sequel to Mary Poppins took a NSFW turn...
Ah, I'd suggest storing them in a jar. It's more cost effective.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Anyway, last remark from me, again impressed by the use of colours and drive to experiment with some different perspectives and the like at times.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Unfortunately, the scheduled Comic Tea Party time is now up~! Thank you everyone so much for reading and joining this week’s chat~! We want to give a special thank you to Dani, as well, for making The Guide to a Healthy Relationship and volunteering it for our reading queue. If you liked the comic, please be sure to support Dani’s efforts however you’re able to. All that being said, if you would like to continue discussing this week’s comic, we highly encourage you to do so~!
For next week, Comic Tea Party will focus on Wednesday7 by Viki Kuli. As always, please use the next several days to read as much of the comic as you would like. We hope to see you next Thursday on July 19th from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat~! Until then, happy reading~! Comic: https://tapas.io/series/Wednesday7%20
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royal-kard · 6 years
bigger kpop tag!
I was tagged by @curledlife thank you for the tag angel!!
1.) 5 favorite groups?
shinee, exo, vixx, f(x), kard
2.) Top 5 on your bias list?
jonghyun, suho, leo, victoria, all of kard 
3.) Ult Bias group and why you love them?
shinee. hands down. the boys, all five of them, were made ( I believe) to be shinee. it was fate for these five to be in one group. their individual personalities and skills are amazing and wonderful, and these boys excel in all areas that they take on. they’re always shifting and transforming their music and their style, but they always do these things in such a shinee way. let me be completely honest and say that no other group really compares to these boys to me. they are a group of five boys each with their own distinct and vibrant color, and when they come together everything just works. they’re a group whose music has helped me get through some rough times, and they’re the group i’ve grown up listening to. their the group that paint my happiest moments, that help lift me up in my saddest times. i’ve laughed with them and cried with them. they’re like family to me. they’re so brilliant each in their own way, and i love them so much. its really hard to put into words just how much i love these boys. im so proud of all five of them. 
4.) Ult Bias and why you love them?
jonghyun. I could write a whole essay on why I love him so much, but to keep it short I suppose, he had a very wonderful and kind soul which is something that I admire because in spite of the things he was going through he always looked after others and brought comfort to those around him. His words always came to me at the right time, and the way he thought was never sugar coating anything, but rather, his words were comforting because they were realistic in the most considerate way. (That probably doesn’t make sense, but I’m not too sure how to word it.) His musical artistry is also something to be admired. He was made to create beautiful music. He wrote from within himself, and created music that was fun, music that touched and moved people in various ways. To me, there will never be anyone else who impacts me in the way that he has. He was and is someone I respect so much, and I am thankful every single day that I was able to find him, his music, and shinee. 
5.) Favorite Kpop Meme
that one gif of hyungwon from monsta x with the coffee and mic
6.) Favorite pic of your ult? (I dare you to only pick one)
every picture of him is a blessed one, but i really love this one too:
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7.) 5 Favorite Kpop MVs
shinee | view , f(x) | red light , vixx | voodoo doll, shinee | lucifer, jonghyun | she is 
8.) 10 Favorite Kpop songs?
this changes all the time, but these are some I guess: view by shinee, the chaser by infinite, eternity by vixx, airplane by f(x), replay by shinee, moonlight by exo, i need u by bts, hallelujah by jonghyun, love belt by jonghyun, trust me by b.m and somin 
9.) Favorite Kpop crack video?
this one 
10.) Favorite content creator within the fandom?
within the kard fandom: @somin (quality content right there).
11.) What fandoms would you say you’re an active member of?
I’m pretty much just an active member for five groups which is shinee, exo, vixx, f(x), and kard (and im failing at kard lately tbh sorry :( )
12.) Take your top 3 biases- fmk
I’m gonna take jjong out of the mix because I don’t feel comfortable with that. 
f- matthew i guess
m- leo
k- suho (he doesnt like to clean so he’s gotta go) 
13.) If you could be best friends with any idol, who would you choose?
ALL OF KARD, hongbin, and kyungsoo
14.) If you could date any idol, who?
any one of the kard members, or maybe like kyungsoo ( he seems reliable) 
15.) What’s one Kpop album you think everyone should have listened to?
ALL OF SHINEE’S MUSIC. yes. also you & me by kard because every song on that album was gold, and you all need to hear the greatness of every single track. 
16.) Are you a soft or a hard stan?
98% soft. i think. 
17.) An idol that makes you go into soft mode?
all of my faves. they’re all so wonderful, and they all make my days so much better!
18.) An idol that makes you want to smash the empire state building with one single punch?
19.) Favorite vocalist?
20.) Favorite Rapper?
21.) Favorite dancer?
kard. taemin. hakyeon. ten.
22.) Things you have in common with your ult?
we both enjoy dark spaces and time on our own.
23.) The most beautiful trait any idol can have?
being humble and kind. i really admire that in people because plenty of people are not that way.
24.) Songs that will always make you jam along?
oh nana | kard , ring ding dong | shinee , papi | f(x) , what u do | exo , really really  | winner , neverland | ukiss , breathe | miss a , roly poly | t-ara.... there’s so many
25.) Your worst wrecker?
26.) Any kpop concerts you’ve been to?
shinee, kard, exo, got7, bts, ukiss, big bang, kcon and a couple other music festivals with various artists (la gets a lot of events) 
27.) Favorite choreo?
all shinee choreo, exo’s monster, bts’s i need u, kard’s trust me, f(x)’s 4 walls & red light, infinite’s the chaser, gugudan’s the boots, red velvet’s peek-a-boo, hyuna’s roll deep, vixx’s scentist & fantasy, snsd’s mr mr...and others. 
28.) Favorite live performance?
shinee’s lucifer (rock vers) and their performance for symptoms
29.) Favorite debut mv?
replay| shinee & sorry | the rose 
30.) Recommend a rookie group!
i would say kard, but since all of you following me are hiddens, you know how great they are already!! so... they’re more of a rookie band, but the rose is fantastic. their music has a really distinct and captivating sound. if you follow kard, you know that b.m is friends with sam, but the rest of the boys are fantastic too!
31.) A kpop song you could listen to every day for the rest of your life?
love belt | jonghyun
32.) Tag some cute mutuals you’d like to get to know better (and to do this challenge)!
@somin @oliviahei @voonbora @jiwoojisoo @jeonjiwwoo @jsephology @sujiwoo @sominbiased @wendynasty @stefdonyx (you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to!)
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whatiputonmyface · 6 years
What’s your drugstore holy grail?
Drugstores: not just stores for drugs. Whether it’s Rite Aid, CVS, Duane Reade or an aisle at Target, drugstores are the spot to find great beauty & skincare without exposing your poor wallet to Sephora.
OGX Argan Oil of Morocco Weightless Healing Dry Oil 
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If beachy / messy / wild hair ever goes out of style, I am royally fucked. My hair is fine, but I have a literal metric ton of it (shout-out to my stylist for putting up with my horse mane!), and I am a sweaty, impatient person. This, of course, means that I spend very little time on my hair. A few years ago I discovered Organix Argan Oil of Morocco, and I've never looked back. I use the Extra Penetrating (heh) Oil, as well as the Weightless Healing Dry Oil. After washing my hair, I towel dry, brush through with my Wet Brush (a close runner-up for my drugstore holy grail), and then apply the Extra Penetrating Oil; I let my hair air dry and that's it! It works perfectly with my hair texture, and shines up my waves without making my hair hang like a rug around my face. If my hair is feeling extra damaged, I'll double up and spritz the Healing Dry Oil on after my hair has air-dried a bit. Maybe my hair looks like shit when it air dries, but I THINK it looks good and that's all that matters!
L’Oreal Voluminous Lash Paradise Mascara
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I first discovered this fabulous mascara about a year ago and have been obnoxiously stanning for it ever since. *Extremely Stefon voice* This mascara has everything: it is very, very black; it doesn't clump; it lengthens AND volumizes; it grabs even your smallest lashes and Gets Them Involved for a dramatic, put-together eyeball situation. Besides clumping, my biggest mascara pet peeve is a product that dries immediately, robbing me of those pivotal moments to-- for lack of a better term-- "fuck it around a bit," wiggling the brush back and forth, poking stray lashes into place, and adding volume before it's too late and things get spiky. I use the washable formula on a daily basis, but also have the waterproof for tearful occasions such as weddings, funerals, and my annual performance review. This might be the best mascara I've ever tried, and it's $10! That's a win-win-win, with the last win being leftover $$ for tequila.
Garnier SkinActive Micellar Water All-In-One
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Micellar Water: I love thee, but I am also very suspicious of thee. 
Micellar water, as far as I can tell, is slightly soapy water that you wipe your face with but do not wash off. This makes no sense! How does it work? Should I splash with water after, just to be sure? Should I.... double micellar? Just in case?
Should I follow up with witch hazel? Sometimes I do this. Should I do the rest of my skincare routing without washing after? I don’t know! What a conundrum.
YES, I only use this after drinking and YES it doesn’t remove every speck of makeup but YES I will have a bottle of this in my medicine cabinet forever.
L'Oreal Magic Skin Beautifier BB Cream
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I’ve been using this BB cream for over three years. Putting aside the fact that it's only $7.00-$8.00, making it a quarter of the price of many other BB creams, this product works magic, hence the name I guess. It hides imperfections, evens skin tone, moisturizes, and has vitamins C and E. It's also the perfect amount of coverage for a BB cream - not so heavy that you can't wear it underneath other products, but not so light that you can't also wear it on its own. It gives a natural finish and has good staying power throughout the day. The only negative is that it comes in just four shades, but the product itself does somewhat blend to your skin tone if you're close enough to one of the shades. n the Summer or when I'm traveling, I often wear it alone with a dusting of powder on top. I will also mix it with other tinted moisturizers or skin illuminators. In the winter, I'll wear it under my foundation, as it helps me look less like I just surfaced from beneath a gravestone after being summoned in a seance.  
Revlon Ultra HD Matte Lipcolor
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I love the drugstore for makeup because honestly there is some great stuff out there. There is also some pretty rotten stuff, but on the whole competition in the American drugstore makeup market keeps quality ridiculously good and prices very very low. Things I DON’T buy at the drugstore: foundation and concealer (I find fancy options to be more foolproof and less likely to oxidize) and blush (I just haven’t found a drugstore brand with decent payoff and tend to prefer cream and liquid blush and haven’t found good drugstore versions of those).
It’s really hard to choose just one makeup drugstore product to recommend but my LATEST find has been these matte liquid lipsticks from Revlon. I’m a little late to the matte lip trend and tbh I still tend to top ‘em with a little bit of gloss or lip oil sometimes. The colors are amazing and flattering, my 2 current faves are a bright strawberry red, HD Love, and a pretty pinky nude, HD Embrace.
CeraVe Moisturizing Cream
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Skincare wise, I’m a huge fan of CeraVe Moisturizing Cream. In the summer, I’m more of a body oil gal (currently a DIY mix of jojoba and sweet almond oil), but CeraVe is my winter go-to. I slather myself LITERALLY from head to toe in this stuff during the colder months of the year - I use it as a night cream for my face and as a body cream when I get out of the shower. It has saved my skin countless times, which can be finicky and sensitive especially in the winter when it gets super dry. It’s fragrance free and chock full of super high quality hydrating ingredients and is a holy grail product for a good portion of the skincare internet, where it affectionately known as “CeraVe in the tub.” Don’t believe me? Check out this super nerdy review that is the kind of shit I read for fun because I have no life.
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urscottsdale · 7 years
1-100 😌
1:when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? i rarely eat cereal but i think i usually balance them pretty equally or try to lol
2:do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? i love it as long as im all bundled up
3:what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? usually the closest piece of paper i can find
4:how do you take your coffee/tea? with lots of sugar 😏
5:are you self-conscious of your smile? very
6:do you keep plants? nope
7:do you name your plants? nada
8:what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? writing and music
9:do you like singing/humming to yourself? sometimes
10:do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? all of the above
11:what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? no friends, no jokes other than maybe im the quiet one
12:what’s your favorite planet? pluto
13:what’s something that made you smile today? my dog
14:if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? my room: messy, theirs: clean
15:go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! uranus is tilted on its side 😉
16:what’s your favorite pasta dish? spaghetti
17:what color do you really want to dye your hair? blue
18:tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. idk tbh
19:do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? i dont
20:what’s your favorite eye color? brown eyes 😍
21:talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. who comes up with these questions? bc i dont have a favorite bag
22:are you a morning person? no i hate mornings
23:what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? listen to music
24:is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? theres a couple, one doesnt know it tho
25:what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? never broken into anywhere lol
26:what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? vanz
27:what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? mint
28:sunrise or sunset? sunset
29:what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? randomly checking up on me and actually meaning it when they say they care
30:think of it: have you ever been truly scared? a handful of times yes
31:what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. love socks and wearing them, dont sleep in them and i have an assortment of colors bc white is boring
32:tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. there was this time i went out drinking with my friend after graduation, these two guys were hitting on her after she called them gay (even bought us drinks), my friend is gay so that was interesting lol
33:what’s your fave pastry? doughnuts
34:tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? winnie the pooh and hell yes i still have it
35:do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? love them but never use them
36:which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? backstreet boys
37:do you like keeping your room messy or clean? i like keeping it clean but it tends to stay messy lol
38:tell us about your pet peeves! i have too many pet peeves tbh
39:what color do you wear the most? blue and maroon (not together tho)
40:think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? cross necklace is self-explanatory, dog tag necklace i got from my parents so it holds a special meaning to me
41:what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? to kill a mockingbird
42:do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! starbucks…
43:who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? lol one of my friends back in like 5th grade
44:when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? summer and winter breaks in high school
45:do you trust your instincts a lot? yup
46:tell us the worst pun you can think of. sex while camping is fucking in tents ;)
47:what food do you think should be banned from the universe? most kinds of fish
48:what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? being alone, and yes actually
49:do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? yes but i cant remember tbh. most i have were gifted to me.
50:what’s an odd thing you collect? keys
51:think of a person. what song do you associate with them? @thisvanessa - count on me by bruno mars
52:what are your favorite memes of the year so far? im pretty sure ive never seen a meme i didnt love so. the spongebob one is pretty good tho.
53:have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? i wish i could tell u
54:who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? my dog lol
55:what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? idk im pretty passive aggressive so i do a lot lol
56:what are some things you find endearing in people? same as earlier, randomly checking up on me and also saying they miss me
57:go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? nope
58:who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? my ex friend is the wine mom and idk maybe im the vodka aunt lol
59:what’s your favorite myth? the earth is flat
60:do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? yess langston hughes and edgar allan poe
61:what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? cant think of any tbh, maybe the dancing chicken that used to be passed around for years in my family
62:do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? orange juice and cran-grape juice
63:are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? i just leave them be
64:what color is the sky where you are right now? gray
65:is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? yes
66:what would your ideal flower crown look like? idk not big on flower crowns
67:how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? i love them so much
68:what’s winter like where you live? hot with a random cold day here and there
69:what are your favorite board games? wahoo/marbles, sorry, candyland, pretty much all of them lol
70:have you ever used a ouija board? nope
71:what’s your favorite kind of tea? sweet tea
72:are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? yes but im also too lazy to note things so i end up forgetting a lot
73:what are some of your worst habits? procrastination
74:describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. beautiful, bubbly, cute, always smiling even tho i know they r sad deep down
75:tell us about your pets! small, black fur ball full of energy
76:is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? so many things
77:pink or yellow lemonade? pink
78:are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? neither im a minion dc club
79:what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? idk told me i give them butterflies or get nervous when talking to me
80:what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? i think they r an off white an bc my apartment landlord wont let me change them lol
81:describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. dark pools of chocolate
82:are/were you good in school? i was alright could of been better if i wasnt so lazy
83:what’s some of your favorite album art? never thought about that maybe something justin bieber has done
84:are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? i want to but im not sure tbh
85:do you read comics? what are your faves? nope
86:do you like concept albums? which ones? yes theres a lot
87:what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? high school musical
88:are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? yes
89:are you close to your parents? yes
90:talk about your one of you favorite cities. im pretty sure i could never get tired of nyc
91:where do you plan on traveling this year? i successfully did not travel anywhere this year, thank you bank account ur the best
92:are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? drown it in cheese
93:what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? short hair, short on the sides and longer on top
94:who was the last person you know to have a birthday? me
95:what are your plans for this weekend? lazy days
96:do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? procrastination is my middle name
97:myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? INFP, scorpio and hufflepuff
98:when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? i dont think ive ever been hiking but i want to
99:list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. over and over again by tim mcgraw, make you miss me by sam hunt, remember when by alan jackson, unhinged by nick jonas, chainsaw by nick jonas, untitled by simple plan and welcome to my life by simple plan
100:if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? damn thats a really hard one. probably the future tbh.
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alicedoessurveys · 7 years
100 Questions
1. What color are your eyes? : green
2. What’s your favorite type of milk? : I have goats milk for cereal and milkshakes but hot chocolate has to be normal cows milk. 
3. What’s your passion?: if I knew that I wouldnt be an unemployed 22 year old with no idea what to do with my life
4. What’s your favorite color?: purple, teal, sky blue, black
5. Are you shy? : yup
6. What is/was your favorite school subject? : honestly nothing, I hated school  
7. Do you celebrate Christmas? : Yasssssss
8. What’s your favorite quote? : “and above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it” - Roald Dahl
also by Roald Dahl- “we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams”
pretty much anything by Roald Dahl
9. What is your natural hair color? : auburn/brown
10. Do you like it? : yes
11. Are you happy with the way you look? : No
12. What would you change about your appearance if you could? : straight teeth, get my 18 year old body back
13. What would you change about your bedroom if you could? : I’m literally in the process of redecorating. I've painted all but one of the walls a light grey colour and one of those great walls is this wallpaper with bumpy lines on it and I'm painting those bumpy lines copper. The wall I didn't paint is purple and has been purple for years, but I like it. 
14. Are you rich or poor? : not rich, but compared to most of the country not poor either. 
15. Are you double jointed? : no
16. What’s the most physically painful thing you’ve ever experienced? : a few months ago I sprained a ligament in my back and couldn't move for like a week, SO painful I cried a lot :’) 
17. Do you like shots? : No
18. Are you afraid of spiders? : some spiders yes, others I can deal with 
19. Have you ever had an allergic reaction to something? : Yes, my skin is a sensitive soul so I have to be careful what creams and wipes I use :’) also every summer when its ‘flea season’ I tend to get bitten a lot (doctor said I have sweet blood..?) and I'm allergic to flea bites so yay for that...
20. Name a food that you like that’s green.: peas
21. Do you like to read? : Yes, but I have to be in the right mood. also I'm dyslexic (why the fuck use such a hard word to spell) so reading can be difficult
22. Do you know what your purpose in life is? : NOOOOOOOOOOOO and I think about that every day.. 
23. Are you lonely? : Yes
24. What’s something you are good at?: being clumsy af
25. What’s a color that looks great on you? : black... also Burgundy and blue according to my mother
26. What’s something you would like to improve at? : Life? <same gurl
27. Do you believe you have great potential? : nope
28. What’s one word to describe you? : complicated
29. Are you spiritual? : Yes
30. What’s one thing that you get a lot of compliments on? : My hair
31. What’s one hidden talent that you have? : eating a whole tub of ben and Jerry's ice cream in like 15 minutes and not feeling sick.. 
32. What are three girls’ names that you really like? : Esther, Lilly, Leah
33. What are three boys’ names that you really like? : Ezra, Ethan, Samuel
34. What is the most beautiful scenery you have ever beheld? : pretty much every part of Australia I visited (travelled along the east coast from Sydney to port Douglas) 
35. What is your favorite pizza topping? : extra cheese and meatballs
36. Name a food that you like that’s red.: tomato soup
37. Are you color blind? : No
38. Have you ever had a crush? : Yeah
39. Can you type fast?: Yes if I'm not being watched
40. What’s your favorite type of cereal? : I like krave choco roulette, and coco pops. so basically chocolate
41. What is one of your dreams in life? : to be in a stage musical, but I have no talent so yay for dreams
42. What are your top three favorite colors? : I swear I already answered this... purple, teal, black 
43. What is your favorite book? : the Narnia chronicles. the harry potter books. 
43. What is your favorite amusement park ride? : I dont really like amusement park rides because anxiety but I do like water rapids. 
43. What are three middle names you wouldn’t mind having? : my middle name is Frances. When I was younger I hated it but now I'm older I like it. I like that its not a very common middle name and that its my great grandmothers name (apparently I'm a lot like her & having her name makes me feel closer to her). tbh, I don't really want any other middle names. 
44. Are you flexible? : Nope
45. Do you consider yourself religious? : Yes
46. Are you bold? : no... I don't really know what that means.. 
47. Are you spontaneous? : not really no
48. Do you have a significant other? : Nope.
49. What’s your pet peeve?: just people in general. especially morons. example; today at a roundabout I nearly had a car crash because this absolute dickface didn't seem to know how to use his indicators. THAT is a huge peeve of mine. 
50. How tall are you? : 5,8 I think 
51. What’s your sexual orientation? : Straight
52. Can you sing? : when I sing it tends to rain..
53. Can you dance?: I like to think so. I mean, I used to be a Zumba instructor and you kinda need to be able to dance for that so I guess yeah 
54. Can you draw? : if I have the patience I can be quite good at drawing but most of the time I just cba to sit and do it 
55. Do you play an instrument? : I play ukekle
56. What school subject do you hate the most? : science
56. What’s your least favorite color? : mustard yellow or fluorescent green 
57. Do you eat healthy? : I try, but nope not really 
58. Do you think you look better with short or long hair? : I don't know. I did have long hair but I recently got it cut quite short and I don't know what I prefer. 
59. What’s a color that doesn’t look good on you? : white
60. Are you passionate? : don't think so 
61. Are you doing the most you can with your life? : Nopeeee.
62. Are you proud of yourself for the way you are living?: No I’m very disappointed in myself
63. Do you love yourself? : No
64. Do you have regrets? : Yes
65. Do you have wishes and dreams?: to be healthy again. to be more confident. to be able to sing, and act. and to be a professional dancer. to basically be living a different life 
65. Do you have a huge secret you are keeping from the world? : not a huge one no
67. Do you have neat handwriting? : if I write slowly then I can be neat but I find it hard to write slow so it tends to be scruffy af
68. Name a current favorite song.: reggaeton lento
69. List a song lyric that you like.: “its never too late to turn it back around, and I know you can. don't bury your demons deep in the ground. when it all falls down, the only way is up” - James Morrison
70. Are you happy? : nope
71. Are you a generally optimistic person? : it depends what mood I'm in 
72. Have you ever had something horrible happen to you? : of course, everyone has. thats life 
73. Have you ever been abused?: thankfully no 
74. Have you ever been harassed and/or bullied? : bullied yes
75. Do you love nature? : I can appreciate its beauty, but I’m not one to spend much time out in it. <same
76. Are you free-spirited? : I don't think so nope 
77. Are you carefree? : no
78. Would you say you are an overcomer? : I try 
79. Are you a good friend? : again, I try
80. Do you like animals? : better than humans 
81. Do you meditate? : No
82. Do you pray? : Yes a lot 
83. What month were you born in? : June
84. What’s your favorite season? : spring, and Christmas (yes I class it as its own season)
85. What’s one place you’ve been to that you want to visit again? : Disneyland
86. What’s one place you want to go that you’ve never visited before? : New York & Italy
87. What’s your favorite type of tree? : christmas
88. Are you laid-back? : sometimes. it depends who I'm around 
89. Are you hard on yourself? : Very
90. How’s your self-esteem? : Crappy
91. What medical conditions do you/have you had? : I'm currently on levothyroxine (which I will be on for life). I used to be on paroxetine (antidepressants) but I managed to get off them.
92. What are you allergic to? : flea bites, which sucks when I live in a house full of animals that get fleas every summer and according to the doctor I have ‘sweet blood’
93. Do you like to try new things? : not really no 
94. What’s one word to describe your style? : comfortable 
95. What’s one word to describe your bedroom? : gold
96. What’s one thing you like about yourself? : my eyes
97. What’s one thing you dislike about yourself? : My teeth
98. Are you competitive? : sometimes 
99. Are you faithful? : Yes
100. Can you cook? : quite well yes, I have my handful of recipes that I can cook well (all Italian dishes)
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parkwoojin · 7 years
thank you to my loves @minhwangs​ and @king-jaehwan​ for tagging me!! sorry i took so long to get to it also; i’ll put it under a read more!
drink: water (that’s rlly all i ever drink my parents dont ever let me buy soda/teas/juice)
phone call: my younger cousin (i called him to come outside bc we were going out to eat)
text message: to my group message w/ my two best friends! 
song you listened to: wanna one’s energetic! im constantly streaming it on youtube tbh
time you cried: don’t make fun of me but it really was when woojin was picked for wanna one..... my heart really soared yall!! id been a fan of woojin since ep. 1 and he really stole my heart bc he worked so hard and is just so talented and lovely and i was just so proud and thankful that he got in that i cried ;;;;;
dated someone twice: nope!
kissed someone and regretted it: nope
been cheated on: no
lost someone special: yes
been depressed: yes
gotten drunk and thrown up:  never, ive actually never had a drink LOL
pastel blue
pastel pink
pastel yellow (can u tell i like pastels)
made new friends: yes
fallen out of love: no
laughed until you cried: i’ve never had this experience b4 i hope i do one day
found out someone was talking about you: no
met someone who changed you: yes
found out who your friends are: yes
kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes
how many Facebook friends do you know in real life: about 95% of them
do you have any pets: no ;; but i consider my bf’s cat my cat if that counts hdjsfklj
do you want to change your name: no, i rlly like my name!
what did you do for your last birthday: nothing special, it was a really busy week for all of my friends due to senior activities and my family was out of town; so i just had a simple lunch with my bf!
what time did you wake up: 8AM for church 
what were you doing at midnight last night: going on twitter and screaming over woojin fanaccs from all of the fan signings  
name something you can’t wait for: my wanna one album and donghyun slogan set to come in the mail!
when was the last time you saw your mom: like 15 min ago
what are you listening to right now: still energetic i literally have a playlist up
have you ever talked to a person named tom: i dont think so...
something that is getting on your nerves: my college orientation times they’re rlly ridiculous its 10 days and each day spans 12 hrs like this is not rlly necessary sigh 
most visited website: tumblr and youtube
hair color: black, but my tips are brown bc they lightened due to chlorine LOOOL..... a free and natural ombre look i suppose 
long or short hair: rlly long omg it reaches to the middle of my butt LOL
do you have a crush on someone: my bf!
what do you like about yourself: i think i’m funny sometimes! my prime humor time is in real life, 10:00 PM -12:00 AM catch me on my late night show 
blood type: i actually have no idea and neither does my mom.... ive tried to donate blood to find out but i was under the weight limit by just a few pounds
nickname: k, kaikai, han (my viet name) 
relationship status: taken for 3 yrs hehehe
zodiac: pisces; rabbit/cat for chinese/vietnamese respectively 
pronouns: she/her
favourite tv show: running man probably! i dont watch much tv
tattoos: none, but i want one someday!
right or left handed: right handed
surgery: i had it done on my eye once to remove smth from it - it was a sad yet funny experience; after i came out of the anesthesia they gave me icecream but i couldnt taste the icecream bc of the anesthesia..... 
sport: i used to do swimming, soccer, and track at my local park when i was younger but now i do none of the above hdJFL
vacation: my last vacation was to universal studios in florida! harry potter world is amazing 
pair of shoes: my fave pair of shoes are my superstars!
eating: just finished eating some cantaloupe 
drinking: again, water
I’m about to: go to bed
waiting for: my woojin key strap! i love buying merch online i have a problem
want: to roadtrip around america (which will probably not happen anytime soon) ;;
get married: yes but not too soon, i guess once i’m at the stage where i’m ready for commitment
career: psychologist (looking at going into research)
hugs or kisses: hugs
lips or eyes: eyes for sure!
shorter or taller: taller
older or younger: older
nice arms or nice stomach: arms
hook up or relationship: relationship
troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
kissed a stranger: no
drank hard liquor: no
lost glasses/contact lenses: i aLWAYS LOSE ONLY ONE CONTACT...
turned someone down: yes
sex on the first date: no
broken someone’s heart: no
had your heart broken: yes it was mad awkward bc he swung for the other team
been arrested: nope
cried when someone died: yes
fallen for a friend: yes
yourself: yeah! i think i’m doing alright
miracles: yes, i like things like little miracles
love at first sight: no
santa clause: no
kiss on the first date: for sure, if you’re feeling it you do you!
angels: yes!
eye color: dark brown
favourite movie: its probably mulan!
i think everyone’s done this already so i wont tag anyone specific but if you haven’t done it pls do and tag me in it!!
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telrtot · 7 years
All bet
well fuck, you got me
1: name? taylor irl and lacey here cause its cuter2: gender? on the Girly side3: birthday? feburary 5th 20014: age? 165: zodiac sign? aquarius6: sexuality? bisexual with a Strong leaning towards girls7: hobbies? playing d&d and thinking too much about characters i make. i also play a lot of video games and cosplay sometimes8: aesthetic? the night sky, a swirl of purples and blues and shades of grey, bare shoulders, sunsets9: dream home? somewhere in the city, close enough to walk were i need to. rainy weather is prevalent and in a short while i can find myself in the woods.10: OTP? umm not any Main Ones right now but AraSol will always have a special place in my heart11: favorite band/music genre? indie folk and folk rock. ringlefinch is my favorite band but nobody has heard of em. gotye and hozier are also up there in my favorites.12: favorite songs? hell by ringlefinch ; beneath the brine by the family crest ; beekeeper by keaton henson ; heart's a mess by gotye ; third eye by florence and the machine (perfer the demo version tbh)13: do you have a favorite book? if so, what book? mmm, haven't read enough in the last year or so to really make a choice. i used to Love the hunger games books when i was 10 and read Catching Fire 4 times through...if that counts. gosh i need to read more.14: favorite food? chEese. especially in Queso and Fried forms15: favorite TV show? fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood16: favorite character? aradia megido will always be a love of mine. mercy from ow is also a fave of mine.17: favorite animal(s)? foxes, 'cause they remind me of me, and all avians ever, 'cause they are friends.18: favorite color? plum purple and mauve19: favorite beverage? diet dr pepper with cherry20: favorite holiday? new years because every year i watch (bad) anime over at one of my best friends house 21: relationship status? who knows tbh22: last text you've sent? "gotta say, im intrigued to see what you could come up with"23: last text you've received? "as am i"24: last person you told you loved? my mother when she came in to say good night25: last time you felt jealous, and why? probably like an hour ago cause i was looking at selfies of people with nice skin26: are you insecure about anything? my skin, my nose, and my weirdly shapen hips27: where do you want to be right now? 27: where do you want to be right now? playing d&d but alas....28: what are some habits of yours? i bite my nails hardcore, talk really fast when i get excited or nervous, forget to shut cabinets, chew straws, and bite hard candies because i have no self-control29: three turn ons? umm, hm. either sitting in someones lap or having someone sit in mine, nEcK BiTiNG, and when someone wearing plaid or a button up shirt rolls up their sleeves.....30: three turn offs? generally immaturity. if someone - even in a jokin manner - calls me a bitch (especially if its a guy sayin it) not cool not funny please stop talking to me. whEn people can't hold a conversation to save their life (like i might be bad at it but at least i am Tryin, ya feel?)31: do you have kik, skype, or any other social media? i do32: pet peeves? wHen people with a runny nose sniff really loudly and make gross sounds. also when people use their hands or just don't cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough33: what're you wearing? my pjs. why? what r u wearing bbby?34: career goals? medical examiner in the forensic field or someone that travels a lot35: are you a student? yep, in high school36: what country do you live in? america37: do you have any pets? a labradoodle named patrick and a schnauzer named max38: tattoos you have/want? oh boy, that would be its own post. i honestly want quite a few, all in black and white and generally for the Aesthetic39: piercings you have/want? i have regularly lobe piercings and a double helix in my left ear40: morning or night? night41: guilty pleasure band? ninja sex party42: guilty pleasure song? samurai abstinence part by ninja sex party...43: top 5 favorite memes? tag yourself memes ; Gun ; the firefly 'you would not believe you (blank)' one ; maybe the real friends.... ; and those strange animal pictures with Russian captions44: one band you don't get the hype for? i don't know how much hype she has now but i don't really enjoy halsey all that much45: one band you wish more people knew about? rinGLEFINCH46: do you practice any religion? not currently47: do you believe in any form of a God? i believe that there is a God, possibly many, but i cannot say that i believe any doctrine of god is correct48: what do you think happens after we die? i like the idea of reincarnation49: have you ever done alcohol or drugs? i haven't done anything but drugs i have been given by a Doctor and i drank alcohol before....with my parents permission50: what's the worst thing that's ever happened to you? not actually dying when i was born 51: what's the best thing that's ever happened to you? not dying when i was born?52: have you ever had a near death experience? my heart stopped beating when i was a baby, so yeah53: is there someone you can tell anything to? myself....?54: what's the most amount of notes you've ever gotten on a post, and what was the post? it was a fallout meme i made and it got like 200 notes i think (maybe the real shaun was the friends we made along the way)55: are you right or left handed? right handed56: Would you be in a relationship (platonic or otherwise) with the last person you texted? If it's a family member, the last person you aren't related to. we are friends, so yeah57: who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? the gaggle of gurl and ungendered pals of have are p good listeners58: would you want to change anything about yourself? make me less of an asshole and actually use my good brain to do work59: what's the first thing you notice when meeting someone? how they react to different brands of humor60: have you ever been hurt by someone you trusted? Who? ex-best friend of mine, who outted me to my family when i was like 1061: have you ever hurt yourself? yeppers. middle school was a rough time for me62: do you believe in an afterlife? maybe63: do you believe in ghosts? sure do64: what should you be doing right now? finishing my garbage dotters spell list like I said i would65: are you pissed at anyone right now? not really66: do you believe everyone has a soulmate, platonic or otherwise? i do, or i at least think the idea is nice67: when is the last time you were scared to tell the truth? i ate my brothers skittles on accident and oh boy was that rough, also pawned it off on my dad68: when is the last time you screwed up something important? everyday my guy69: is there anyone you were close with and are not anymore? there are two that come to mind. one is the ex friend i mentioned before and the other is my actual ex.70: what's the last promise you made? i think i was not play a suicide game that is popular in texas right now? my mom made me promise not to do it cause she's paranoid and honestly i hadn't even heard about it until she brought it up. 71: what's your outlook on life? we are all on a rock floating through space at thousands of miles per hour72: have you ever loved someone who didn't return your feelings? oh boy howdy yes. 73: if you could change your eye color, what would it be? a shade of hazel-green so i look even more ginger74: Are you dating the last person you talked to? nope, i don't believe me and @neoxnocturne are dating. unless we are and he never sent the email confirmation for it, if that's the case then i need the tax report on my desk by monday (short version: just a pal)75: does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you? yeah, me and my gay squad do it every time we are together tbh76: do you think someone has feelings for you? yep77: has anyone ever told you they never wanted to lose you? a few come to mind78: do you replay things that have happened in your head? all the time79: have you ever felt replaced? every day if i am being honest80: last person you cried in front of? my mother, about my Ex81: if your ex asked to date you again, would you? um. maybe. i honesty don't know. 82: if you died right now, what song would you want to play at your funeral? no mercy by the living tombstoNe83: would you ever be in a long distance relationship? have been in one before, so maybe.84: what can make you upset easily? when people refuse to listen 85: do you have a good relationship with your father? depends on the day86: do you have a good relationship with your mother? i like to think so, she's probably who i am closest to87: do you have a good relationship with your siblings? nope88: have you ever been hurt physically or mentally by a family member? yeah89: are your parents divorced? no, but i think if they had less kids they would be90: what do/did people say about you in school? im the jokester that goes hard in arguments91: what do/did you say about people in school? depends on the person?92: is any mental or physical illness hindering your life? adhd since i was little, general anxiety, depression, and the potential to further develope bipolarism 93: have you ever had to end a friendship or relationship? why? yeah cause shit happened94: are there things you wanted in your childhood but didn't get? a horse and to learn to ride horses95: have you ever kept a journal? i tried when i was little but also bought a new journal and started a new one so they never got far96: do you believe that birthmarks are scars from past lives? sure, i can get behind that97: if so, do you believe there is a story behind your birthmarks? dont have any98: do you look after yourself? not in the slightest99: do you put yourself or others first? i am a selfish kid who happens to care about select people. i tend to put others first more than i think i should, which is already not a lot.100: Ask your own question! No thanks.
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Hi! 👋 hope you, and your loveones are well. Ask game: 1-20 17 25 27 33 47 56 78 87 99 100
Hey! Hope things are great with you. Thanks for the ask, much love to ya! (ps. sorry it took a while to get to it.)
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? I think I end up having more milk than cereals. Don’t really like having dry ass cereals. 
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? Yes, very much. Love winter in general. 
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? I’ve used my phone when I couldn’t find paper but only when I need to leave the room while reading in bed. Other than that just random paper. 
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? I don’t. Not a coffee lover and I only like Ice Tea. The mango one is my fav. 
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? Really like my smile but sometimes I do get self-conscious about it, especially when I’m somewhere I don’t really feel comfortable.
6: do you keep plants? Yep, I have three. A cactus, an aloe vera and this other little plant that I have no idea what type it is but it was dying when I saw it at the shop and I had this need to buy it and nurse it back to health, which not to toot my own horn, is currently thriving now.
7: do you name your plants? Nope, but now I totally want to because it’s such a Lorelai Gilmore thing to do. 
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? Writing, I guess. Drawing too but I haven’t done any in a good while. 
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? Yeah but I only do it when a song is stuck in my head or when music is playing. 
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? On my stomach. 
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? There are a few, and they’re just so weird and difficult to explain. One has to do with a soda can, KA to be specific.
12: what’s your favorite planet? Saturn. Simply because E and I want to have milkshakes on the rings of Saturn, and I just love that thought. 
13: what’s something that made you smile today? Well, Gilmore girls. Was watching an episode during breakfast. It never fails to make me smile.
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? No idea, but there would be a lot of books and movies in my room. (just like now tbh) We would jam music with her Alexa. There would be pizza in the freezer and loads of pasta in our cupboards. Skincare and hair care products that would mostly be her's in the bathroom. A gin bottle and maybe some wine here and there. 
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! If you drilled a tunnel through Earth and jumped in, you would reach the other side in 42 minutes and 12 seconds, and your top speed would be 17,670 mph. An epic slide. Might be a little hot and death will be at the end of it but you know...fun. lol.
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? All of them tbh but I guess mac and cheese and spaghetti bolognese are my favs to make and eat. 
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? Purple! Wanted to for a good few years now, but I love my hair and its natural colour too much to change. 
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. I can’t think of anything rn, but my cousin likes making fun at the fact that when I was little I jumped on an Argos book and slipped on it and hurt myself. I also remind my bestie of the time she tripped while running in the library at school. Love the fact I got to see that. Really great moment. 
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? Yeah, I finished the first one I made a few years ago and so I started an online one which I kept up to date for a few months and then forgot about it. So I recently started writing and updating a new physical journal. My hand hurts from all the writing. It’s mostly just writing and sometimes it becomes a scrapbook when I have tickets or little things from events to add to it. 
20: what’s your favorite eye color? Probably blue but honestly they’re all so beautiful in there own way. 
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? Don’t think I have ever broken into anywhere. I guess I’ve been in places I probably shouldn’t have been like classrooms (during lunch and break), teacher’s office and the upstairs area of the library that ended up being like a clubhouse for me and my friends in our last year of school. 
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? Don’t think I have one but I like fruity flavours better. 
33: what’s your fave pastry? Damn this is hard because I just want to say all of them. Here are a few though: Danish pastries, croissant, pain au Chocolat and Palmier.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? Carob. My Dad got it once when we were in Maderia and I just hated everything about it. Its smell makes me want to throw up. Not my thing for sure. 
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? I love how unique people are. No one is exactly the same and I love that.
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? Don’t hate em, don’t love em either. 
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Back to the future, It happened one night, Casablanca, bringing up baby and The Philadelphia Story. Some classics I’ve fallen in love with and need more love shown to them. 
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. I was wrong by ARIZONA, Hatefuck by Cruel Youth, Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish, Wasted Roses by JT Roach, You're Not Missing Me by Chelsea Cutler, Numb by Hayden James and Right Where You Should Be by Quinn XCII, just to name a few.
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? I think I would go with five years in the past. I would be nice to relive somethings again knowing the future and being able to appreciate it more. 
Thanks again for the ask, this was fun to do. All the best to you!  💕
0 notes
graveyardclaws · 8 years
multiplies of 3 for that ask meme?
thank you!!!!!i suck at math so i might do this wrong
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?usually a receipt or random index card i find on the floor
6: do you keep plants?just one. two actually, but they share a pot. they’re both aloe. i’ve had them for almost two years, when we planted them in the pagan club i go to
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?kind of but i’m really self-conscious about it
12: what’s your favorite planet?i know this probably means real planet but all i can think of is coruscant from star wars. if it has to be real i guess i’d pick neptune.
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!If two pieces of the same type of metal touch in space, they will bond and be stuck together permanently.
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.i don’t have friends tbh but i can tell you about one with my family? we were playing apples to apples (basically a family friends version of cards against humanity) and there was one card with the word “hippopotamus”. i was like ten and while i totally knew what a hippopotamus was i had never seen it written down so i horribly mispronounced it. they bring it up Every Time. the same thing happened a few years ago when we were playing this american history trivia game and i mispronounced monticello. also with one of my friends in high school (hi gabby) we were hiding in the stairwell during lunch because we didn’t want to go to the cafeteria and she picked up the lid of my water bottle and pretended to ring it like a bell and made this ridiculous noise and i laughed so hard i had to go back downstairs to the water fountain so i wouldn’t literally choke and die.
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.my favorite bag? idk. i used to carry this purse that had a blackbird embroidered on it. it was grey and had a really cool design. i’d pinned a lot of stuff to it like a rainbow ribbon (for gay pride and all) and a few band pins and others from hot topic. the bag started getting really worn out and i decided not to replace it because i feel like carrying a purse really feminizes me. other than that i guess it’s just my backpack. i mostly use it for school but it’s also really great for carrying stuff when i’m going into the city or headed up to boston to stay with my sister. the trials of not having any one specific home…
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?hell no i have so many horrifying secrets even i would run screaming if i hadn’t lived through it
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?i did not know bubblegum came in different flavors. i thought bubblegum was its own flavor. i’m so uncultured
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?yes
33: what’s your fave pastry?probably cinnamon rolls? i don’t know that many different pastries
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?fall out boy. specifically folie a deux
39: what color do you wear the most?black
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!it’s this new place you might’ve heard of it. starbucks?
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?i try to but idk if i have that much opportunity
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?when i was a kid it was ghosts/monsters. also being abandoned by people but i didn’t really put it into words at the time. and it kind of is still the same? i hate being alone in the dark because the monsters could get me and also i feel abandoned
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?idk what person to pick… sick little games by all time low makes me think of stuff my cousin and i talk about a lot
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?does myself in the mirror count?
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?it reminds me of sitting in the car with my sister driving when i was like fourteen. also my dad relentlessly mocking us for literally everything we’ve ever done. overall i like the song, but it has Memories
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?yes i love poetry!! my favorite poems are the fairy reel by neil gaiman, alone by edgar allan poe, do not go gentle into that good night by dylan thomas, and everything ever written by either emily dickinson or sylvia plath
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?i try to keep anything from getting damaged but other than that i’m only fussy about collector’s items, irreplaceable stuff and vinyls
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?white roses are my favorite flowers but i feel like i’d need something in black. with vines or something badass.
69: what are your favorite board games?it isn’t a board game but i just found this cool card game called timeline. there’s a deck of cards with historical events on them and you have to put them in order of when they happened (dates are on the back). they have different themed packs and you can combine them it’s really cool
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?i should but i don’t. i sometimes make lists or schedules of what i’m going to do but i always end up ignoring it.
75: tell us about your pets!i only have one dog. her name is Chloe Belle we got her when i was eight. my entire family picked the name Chloe but the name Belle was my suggestion. she’s a yellow lab. we also used to have cats (Rainbow and Sunshine) but they died a few years ago. we had them since i was two. before we had Chloe we had another dog named Chelsea but she died. we also used to have my sister’s rabbit named Honey, my hamster named Acorn, and our three hermit crabs (Hermie, Hermietta, and Hermione, yes we were in fact that stupid)
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?they annoy me but i guess they’re not that bad
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.i suck at writing but i’ll tryI’ve only been to the ocean a few times in my life but I’m ok with that. The depth and complexity of the sea is no comparison to whatever is raging inside this girl, and you don’t need to be in love with her to see it. I still can’t decide if her eyes were blue or green but I can promise you they were the exact color of the water that morning at Thunder Rock when we said goodbye. When she smiles at you somehow her eyes get wider and you feel like she’s pulling you into her soul. She really is, but it’s still a trap. You’ll never be able to stand by the shore again without remembering her every word and the way she grabbed your hand and how the particles of sunlight reflected equally of the water and through her eyes. She was a source of light herself and when she finally noticed she left to irradiate the life of someone who deserves it, taking that intensity with her.
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?hells yeah i want so many tattoos. the first one i’m going to get is the thing frank drew for me at the show last week. i’m doing that one really soon because i’d like to be able to show him when i see him in april. i also want to get a constellation on my left wrist, i’m thinking the pleiades. i have a vague design for an mcr tattoo in progress, involving a compass and the lyrics “nothing you can say can stop me going home”. i also kinda want to get fall out boy lyrics “mummified my teenage dreams no it’s nothing wrong with me the kids are all wrong the story’s all of heavy metal broke my heart” tattooed on the back of my left shoulder. also idk how safe it is but i kinda want a metallic gold bird wing tattooed on my entire right side but i’ve hear metallic tattooes are dangerous. when i get top surgery i’m going to design something to cover the scars. also i want a spiderweb on the right side of my neck (not sure if i want a spider in it or not) and on my right hand and forearm (just the back) i want the human skeletal system as it actually appears in my body, in greyscale. the last two i’m not getting unless the musician career works out because i need to be able to get a real job. also if i ever end up getting married i want the date of my wedding tattooed on the inside of my right wrist in roman numerals. i will probably add many more but that’s all i’ve thought out so far
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?Pan’s Labyrinth, Mad Max: Fury Road, Gone Girl
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.NYC is anyone at all surprised? sadly i have never lived there but it has always felt like home even since i was too young to have any concept of that. especially at night in the snow. walking through central park on a winter evening is a profound experience. also there’s just so much there!! so much culture and so many people something is always happening. i know beyond any doubt that that’s where i belong
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?since i got my hair cut short i can’t really do different styles. right now it’s buzzed on one side and a few inches long (but uneven) on the other. it just sits like that. i want to grow out the long side so that it’s chin length and leave the short side buzzed but i don’t think i have the patience.
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?hardcore procrastinate
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.twin skeletons, you’re crashing but you’re no wave and headfirst slide into cooperstown on a bad bet by fall out boy. ghost of you, the world is ugly, the light behind your eyes, the only hope for me is you, mama and all of i brought you my bullets you brought me your love by mcr. holy, eyelids, and fire by pvris. the wasp, dead as fuck, abigail, eternally yours and immaculate misconception by motionless in white. paralytic states and dead rats by against me! therapy, a love like war, satellites, cinderblock garden and painting flowers by all time low. wrecking ball and little pistol by mother mother. oceans, world destroyer, all i want is nothing, and where do we belong? anywhere but here by frank iero and the whatever the fuck he’s calling it now.
also my apologies for going into way too much detail about most of this i know no one cares but i had nothing else to doand thank you so much for asking!!!!!!
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