#but possibly she has those too
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millidew · 9 months ago
rip lucy and mina you would’ve loved farcille. rip marcille you would’ve loved westenray (falin lost interest and fell asleep before finishing the book)
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cassidyamber · 1 month ago
looking at the imitation art and seeing how many versions of characters are depicted in each.
two versions of the same character: damon, eva, toshiko, ulysses, mark, diana, wolfgang, jett, cassidy
one named character, other faceless characters depicted: desmond, ingrid
one named character, other characters implied but not depicted: eloise (she looks like she's being chased by someone or something offscreen)
more than two versions of the same character: wenona, kai, grace, jean
alone(?): cara
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grahamcarmen · 6 months ago
And my thing STILL is that as carmen gets a stronger sense of her past and better connections with her friends and allies the need/desire for Gray in her life doesn't decrease and dissapate, it INCREASES and is refined. All while constantly being more sincerely layered in romantic tones as the show goes on.
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smalltimidbean · 1 year ago
wait is Hot Dog Water (mentioned in earlier post) an actual clone? i need to know more about this individual.
Hot Dog Water was indeed a clone! She was #4640 and made with Virginia Opossum and Bat Rat DNA
'Was' bc while she escaped the crumbling of the Tower, there are a lot of dangers outside which are completely new to clones
But she looked like this
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lunarharp · 1 year ago
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"Found out" set in kind of a made-up chapter where the girls are in trouble, or something.
#witch hat tag#orufrey#i hate having a strong cinematic image in your mind for months..working hours on it..& at the end looking you have to be like “Sure. :/"#i'm especially unsatisfied with the beginning and the end and how i can't get eyebrows to work as i want#but i dont care any more... this is probably the comic that has given me the most trouble ever i just dont care#i barely even care whatsoever if anyone even sees this..Ugh..but at least i can move on to the next era now#i'm just annoyed i cant get out good enough my image of qifrey flinching bc he thinks oru will hit him but then he is not hit#i feel like sensei will do something along these lines. i want to see what she will do.#there are also other variations i have in my mind. i just want to know#i just don't want it to happen with qifrey on his deathbed or something. but it possibly will. I DONT EVEN KNOW.#i have another very cinematic image in my mind for something sort of along those lines which i will do soon. it never ends...#btw after this is probably my fics. yeah.... i think it has to be my fics. jasmine sort of goes along these lines#i need that space for dialogue. look - i'm a writer. this is HARD for me. so i am really glad i had the space and freedom of words#to process all the feelings. but i tried to get something out in a quick visual space too. <- me defending myself to myself at cai court#anyway going along the lines of 'Jasmine' - they talk this out and argue and cry and oru pushes the hat at him and tells him#why not just erase every memory i have of you then. That would be easier for us all wouldn't it?#they kiss and sob and kiss and lie outside in the flowers for many hours in that one. and then there's 'Deep End' where it turns out#way way way way more time and words is needed for this actually and that's upsetting for everyone.#the destruction of the hat is certainly another path to take. Can you make this work without that hat going up in flames?#something you have always had and have been clinging to will have to be destroyed. You have to lose something now. This is the crux qifrey#I CANT GET IT OUT IN ONE COMIC!!! I CANT DRAW IT OUT!!!! I NEEDED THOSE FICS!!!! PRAISE WORDS!!!! whatever im going to have dinner now
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maulfucker · 1 year ago
Yeah yeah jedi Maul au we've all seen him. But what about senator Maul au. Representing Dathomir, a neutral world like Mandalore that is still somewhat hostile to outsiders. Wearing fancy clothes that show a bit too much skin for the cold climate of Coruscant. Falling in hate at first sight with Padmé, the only other senator who brings a gun to the senate floor "just in case". The two of them having a weird rivalry because Maul doesn't trust the Jedi and is neutral in a lot of subjects that Padmé is a vocal defender of.
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chaos-bringer-13 · 1 year ago
Tumblr deactivated my account but I am back. And I brought you some chaos.
Now, hear me out. Danny Phantom x Frozen crossover.
Just Danny being somehow teleported to Frozen world and meeting Elsa. They bond over royalty problems and ice powers (and their initial struggles with controlling their powers), and Danny uses his Phantom form to match Elsa's white hair, and they complain to each other about how they were hunted for who they are, and Elsa says something about how she's scared that her powers can hurt people after that time when she froze everything and Danny goes "Me too! A version of me once destroyed the world and I had to prevent that from happening!", and Danny's reaction to Olaf is just "It's like when hotdogs come to life in my house but friendly, so cool!"
* runs out of breath, pauses *
And Danny and Elsa both have red-headed sisters who at some point dated not-good-for-them guys. And Anna was frozen before being brought back to life and what if she's a halfa now? She had her hair turning white like a ghost, and she sort of died, right? She should be at least liminal! And Elsa actually could be some kind of Infinite Realms entity, with that whole fifth spirit thing from the second part.
And then Danny shows this cool new world to Jazz, and Elsa introduces Danny to Anna, and now Jazz bonds with Elsa over having chaotic younger siblings who want to save everyone. And when Dani joins, she immediately goes to explore and cause chaos, and she meets that giant snow monster (did you know that his name is Marshmallow? Adorable) and for no particular reason they form some kind of friendship, so now people can see Dani being carried oh so gently by this living mountain. Well, when she's not out of kingdom, of course. She might be starting a revolution in some authoritarian country, don't mind her.
Danny thinks that Sam probably wouldn't like Anna and Kristoff much because they're just such naive sunshines and Sam is, well, goth. Sam tells Danny that if she hadn't liked naive sunshines, she wouldn't have befriended him and Tucker, and proceeds to have a long conversation with Anna about how being from a rich family sometimes makes having any relationship so much harder. She then starts talking with Kristoff about animals rights, and Danny thinks that maybe he unleashed a power he wouldn't be able to stop.
Tucker probably doesn't find anything that really catches his attention in this world because there's no cool tech, but maybe he tries to apply his tech knowledge to magic and gets some crazy results (what do you mean you can't use "water has memory" thing for phone/computer memory? Well, watch him make this new cool computer that can make pictures out of ice and is even capable of making 3-dimensional ice sculptures images! How? Well, some ecto, some runes that Dani found for him in this world, some science... He's just that smart, yes.)
There are unconfirmed sightings of very confused Dan surrounded by trolls. They might have accidentally adopted this sad angry boy to show him love and affection.
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cherrirui-official · 8 months ago
!! Cw // blood + knife ... Yeah that's pretty much it ahaha !!
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firebirdsdaughter · 24 days ago
I'm not…
… Gonna tag this as the show, just my personal show tag, bc (apparently???) it's a wide spread take and I'm in no mood to be kicking any hornet nests, and it's probably based on personal experiences, but…
This 'Neal isn't Peter and El's son he's June's' take? Just completely bewilders me.
Now, as mentioned, I assume this is based on personal experiences, bc for me, June in no way acts as a mother to Neal. To me, he is one billion percent Peter and El's adopted son—they love and support him and think he's brilliant and are proud of him, but also try to challenge him and want better for him. They have expectations and all the complications and love that come w/ them. They try to help guide him and teach him things.
But June? June is Wine Grandma. And it is Wine Grandma's gods given right to spoil her grandchild as much as she damn well pleases. I never see a mother in June, at least, not what I consider a mother figure to be. She doesn't try to teach or raise or guide Neal. That's not that she never gives advice, grandma's give plenty of advice, but she's not trying to help him Be Better, that's not grandma's job. June is the Wine Grandma that will sit and play games w/ your friends, she's smart as a whip and quick as one, too. She's wealthy and cultured and she dotes on her darling boy however she wants and the parents can't stop her. Wine Grandma gives hundred dollar bills as pocket money, lets her grandchild eat and wear whatever they want. No expectations.
And both those familial aspects are just as important. This is not to in anyway diminish June and Neal's relationship, bc it's still familial to me and it's still a part of what shapes him. He loves her and looks after her and he reminds her of Byron (I've seen that cited as why she's a mom and I just… Again, for me, that whole thing was framed in a much more 'grandparent' fashion, like when something skips a generation). She pulls out pictures and tells stories of a time long gone and he listens and is interested. At most, she's Wine Aunt, but I prefer Wine Grandma (and he's the only grandchild).
That, to me, is the beauty of WC, is that they form this whole family network. Neal lost his parents at a young age and there's no mention of grandparents, or aunts and uncles beyond Ellen. But now he has something like that, he has a network, he has multiple people who love him just as much in different ways and fulfil different, equally important roles. And that's why it's such an interesting study.
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blood-choke · 1 year ago
hi! i have a question, but before that i just wanted to thank you for giving such amazing sapphic rep in both of your games. as someone who's sapphic (Im a bi girlie) I'm always a little bit disappointed when the female sapphic characters are given not as much thought even when it comes to both female gender locked ros and the female/nb counterparts of gender selectable characters in comparison to the male characters/male counterparts of gender selectable characters in other ifs. i absolutely adore both of your games and the fact that you take such great care with each of the characters' identities, even if they share the same sexuality or gender, they express their gender and sexuality in different ways and i also love the stud rep with hana. And I love that your gender selectable ros in tnp present in a similar way regardless of gender, yet there are still differences in the way that they express it or experience it. my first language isn't English so if i get any terminology wrong please lmk. ❤️
as for my question I was wondering what your thoughts were regarding sapphic ros in IF. do you think gender selectability could be used in a better way to explore a characters' identity in some circumstances. i am curious as to what you think regarding gender locked and gender selectability especially regarding to female/nb ros. i always love to hear your thoughts on different topic so i thought i would ask. ❤️❤️
thank you so much! 💗 now, get ready for a really long-winded response!
honestly, my opinion on genderselectable ROs tends to fluctuate. it's kinda a love/hate relationship, hahaha. there are a lot of games that i think do a fine job handling it, and overall i prefer having the option as a lesbian because typically we don't… get sapphic/gay female characters… like, at all.
now for my controversial opinion: i don't really think most of these female genderselectable characters are actually sapphic. they're just playersexual. and this goes for the opposite, as well, for the male versions. they're not gay or bi they're just playersexual. genderselectable characters can only work if the author is willing to make an effort & flesh out both/all versions of a character as well as acknowledge their sexuality. if one version of the character is meant to be a bisexual woman, then you should be writing her as a bisexual woman. unfortunately i'm sad to say i've seen more than one author publicly admit that this is "too much work," but i suppose i can commend them for being honest about it…
it's been interesting to see this kind of stuff in the IF tag recently. for a while it seemed like we were actually moving more towards favoring genderlocked characters, with set sexualities, and then suddenly it feels like we've ended up in a worse spot than we used to be. i see some really egregious gender essentialism with some genderselectable ROs, down to even their sense of fashion and tattoos changing so the female version can be more feminine and dainty. it's very bizarre, and i really, really do not like it.
i don't necessarily think it's a bad thing for selectable characters to be different. it makes sense in some cases, like if you had a character that was gender nonconforming in all variations. it would make sense that their clothes would be different and their experiences would be different. i even think it can be interesting to explore how certain characters are affected differently by society because of their gender. if you had a character like Lea that existed in a misogynistic society like ours, their experience as a butch would be very different from their experience as a masculine trans man or androgynous nb person… and they would also share a lot of similar experiences, too! but this is not what i usually see. it's usually just… woman: wears pink, is shorter and skinnier, has long hair. man: wears blue, is big and muscular, has short hair. nonbinary (if there even is a nb variation): thin and androgynous artbreeder mashup of the other two. and then in every other aspect they are the same. unfortunately, that's as far as some authors are willing to take it. the rare times i do see someone add in differences it's always just the female version experiencing some form of misogyny that her male counterpart does not, with very little elaboration or reflection.
i don't really think i need to explain why that kind of characterization is a problem.
i do think there is a lot of potential with the gender selection mechanic. i've tried to do something interesting with Lea, and i like to think i've been successful with it. but in my honest opinion, if you want to write a story about gay and/or sapphic characters, you should just genderlock them. for one, the IF audience at large is always going to favor the male version of your character. that is just a fact. if your only female or nb characters are selectable, they will be erased by the wider IF audience. i know this sounds kind of cynical, but this is my honest opinion & my experience as someone who has been involved in this community for almost four years now.
i think if you are someone who is setting out with the intention of writing a sapphic RO, you are doing them a disservice by making them genderselectable. just genderlock them! you may get people that complain, but they can suck it up or go play something else. and i don't think i need to tell you this but just to be clear, genderlocking gay or trans characters is not the same as a game with an all straight or all cis cast. it just simply is not. cis, straight, & white people are already considered the "default." most games already cater to this demographic. it is not the same to genderlock or even lock your characters race or ethnicity to something other than cis, straight, or white. cis, straight, white people are not a minority. you are not underrepresented. there are millions of games out there for you to play. & it's irritating when people pretend like someone getting upset at the exclusion of gay people (or any other minority, for that matter) from a game is somehow comparable to another game "excluding" straight people (or white people, or cis people). arguing this is just blatantly ignoring the reality of our misogynistic, racist, homophobic & transphobic society. again, straight people are not underrepresented. you are automatically included in almost everything except the gay media that gay people create themselves.
gay women especially are repeatedly left out of IF. unless you want to go read yuri VNs (which, no offense, don't really do it for me most of the time) you're pretty much shit out of luck. there are very few lesbian ROs out there, fewer gnc women, almost no butches and definitely no studs that i've seen in this specific tumblr/cog IF space.
so all of this to say, if you do really want to make your characters genderselectable, then just take your time with it. really think about how their gender may change their experiences within the world of your game. does it change anything at all? maybe not. there does not need to be a drastic difference at all if it's not applicable. don't loop back around into gender essentialism. but you should still think about it, and consider what the gender selectable mechanic can offer as a narrative and characterization tool.
what is my plan for this character? what am i trying to accomplish with them and their story? does making them genderselectable add to that narrative or does it hinder it? how can i explore the potential differences between these versions of this character without falling into and reinforcing harmful stereotypes? how does their sexuality impact their experience? i think these are some of the questions authors should ask themselves when deciding if they want to make their characters genderselectable.
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ethereal-occultist · 3 months ago
I am building my dvd collection up for the inevitable loss of my favorite movies on streaming services. I bought like 20 movies off of my sister for $10 and I’m excited about it
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villain-in-love · 25 days ago
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I like how the way I just off-handedly mentioned this fact perfectly reflects the way Kiera herself talks about her experience with torture.
One day in a conversation with Thistle she just casually goes "So here I was in that basement, hanging off the hooks that were stuck into my spine, and I distracted myself by thinking about-"
Aaaaand now Thistle is even more determined to never let Kiera out of the "safety" of his dungeon ever again. No more military campaigns for you, young lady. Enough is enough.
Kiera herself didn't quite understand what was with that shocked expression on Thistle's face when she told him what happened. She spent at least two centuries at war, did he really think that she was so lucky to never get caught as a war prisoner? Did he think there were no curious people who took advantage of her regeneration abilities to learn more about human anatomy?
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the-way-astray · 1 year ago
holding out hope . . . don’t act like it’s set in stone . . . it’s not . . . yet . . .
(much ranting in the tags)
#kotlc#yes this is about the POSSIBLE keefe short story collection or book or novella about his time in the forbidden cities emphasis on POSSIBLE#i can’t deal with anymore keefe content guys i can’t do it anymore there’s already too much#let me OUTTTTTTT shannon i just wanna be done with this series stop holding me hostage let me FREEEEE /hj#if it's keefe-centric and away from the main story why can’t she just release it AFTER the series is finished? like this is SOPHIE'S story#obviously with the baby and whatnot i’d be cool with her not releasing a book for another year but releasing extras IN PLACE of a REAL book#i don't understand /gen#if she has the energy to write a book why doesn't she just write the next one#it might not be that though that's just a possibility obviously i'm just curious#in the case that this extra is going to be released in the place of book ten this year it's like well. why doesn't she just do book ten#i wish i could say “i'm not a keefe hater but this is too much keefe content” but i am a keefe hater so#IT'S FINE IT MIGHT NOT BE THAT MAYBE WE'RE ALL SUPER WRONG AND SHANNON'S JUST HAVING A SILLY GOOFY TIME#also even if this IS a special announcement we could still get book ten news? along with the announcement? mayhaps?#manifesting book ten news along with the special announcement please shannon#sigh hoping praying manifesting anything not keefe#if it is a short story collection i cannot tell you how BADLY i want it to be the adults' backstories#like i'm rereading unlocked rn and grady edaline alden and della all have so many blank spots in their registry files???#an extra could fill those in . . . just saying . . .#also the ancients#the ancients are super interesting . . . just saying . . .#luzia's pyrokinetic friend! fallon and luzia's mom! fintan (possibly) throwing vespera in the dungeon! luzia and vespera light experiments!#fallon and the other two on the original council! bronte and fintan's relationship! fintan and luzia's relationship!#bronte working under fallon as an emissary! them going to meet the ogre king! luzia and orem's relationship! why orem doesn't like his mom!#so many possibilities . . . come on shannon . . . please . . .#give us this . . . just this . . . begging pleading imploring shannon to hear my prayers#throw a great gulon incident short story in there to keep the keefe stans happy and then get into the juicy stuff#anyway. if we manifest no keefe content there won't be keefe content <- lying#kotlc unraveled#unraveled#mine
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redbean-nom · 1 year ago
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redesign of the Vespa Kids from book of boba fett
thoughts & closeups under cut
so i tried to keep their general appearances/colors intact while adding some actual personality (because i think the main problem with the original designs is that they feel like extras, not side characters).
Red: Zabrak orphan who grew up on Tatooine. 18 years old, was a member of the local insurgent group around the end of the empire era. Has a combo blaster/interrogation droid arm. Speeder is a repurposed version of Maul's speeder from phantom menace.
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Blue: Human raised in the non-Tatooine parts of the Outer Rim. 23 years old, known assassin who worked for Jabba. Uses a scavenged magnaguard-type electrostaff. Has basically a version of the mandalorian helmet visors built into his face. Speeder is an abandoned scout trooper speeder.
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Yellow: Tusken orphan from the clans around the podrace area. 19 years old, became a bounty hunter after his tribe (and bantha) were killed by the Pikes to expand spice routes. Has a Vader-style chest panel and rocket feet. Speeder is a custom pod attached to one of Sebulba's engines, with attached rancor teeth and horns from his late bantha.
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Green: Human who grew up on Coruscant, but family fled the Empire to Tatooine around A New Hope. 21 years old, originally worked as a local enforcer for various Hutts. Has super battle droid arm & leg attachments. Speeder is stolen from local nikto gang.
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original designs for reference:
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#star wars#bobf#tbobf#book of boba fett#redbean art#vespa kids#i tried to keep at least one original design element completely intact for each of them#so Red has the same hair and similar vest#Blue has the grey slacks and similar shirt#Yellow changed a bit more because i couldnt find a full reference for yellow or green but he still has the grey jacket with orange shoulder#and Green kept the green ombre hair#the podracer speeder is mostly because i wish they had more salvaged podracer part stuff#like. those things crash a LOT. obviously local people are going to pick up whatever still works#Yellow definitely has the most distinct speeder silhouette#and Greens cybernetics turned out well#the original design for her looked a little too star trekky so i just gave her a flightsuit#but yeah part of the problem is that they originally looked too clean#not just shiny but also no scratches or dents or scorch marks#so for this i was going for something like the esb boba armor#and design wise something like krayts claw but dustier#so funny how pretty much everyone from tatooine tries to leave as soon as possible because its dry and sandy and full of criminals)#but then boba (career criminal who grew up on kamino) goes to tatooine once and is like I LIVE HERE NOW#also they originally didnt really have clear motives?#so for my redesigns Red is kind of ezra-like and sees bobas crime gang as sort of family (the rancor is their dog)#Blue is there because boba (and fennec) are famous and hes hoping to get recognized as an established assassin#Yellow respects boba's tusken family and wants revenge on the pikes#Green is there because she's getting paid
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ourstochoose9 · 2 months ago
I've become incredibly obsessed with my dnd character and I don't have anyone to talk to about her RIP
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sysig · 1 year ago
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Really digging out the old OCs now; Pan-na, Pilok, Azalea, squirrel boys Will and Damien, and Cupid and Venus <3 (Patreon)
#Doodles#Original#The Original Onslaught has begun >:) *stock maniacal laughter*#Lots of old faces! Lots of unfamiliar faces haha#You might actually recognize the last two individual boys as Blind Willie and Big Boy - those two I've Actually posted over here lol#The rest not so! Goshdang! I actually don't think I post Azalea much of anywhere lol like Maybe once on DA? Possibly? Heck#Same with Pan-na now that I think of it actually she's a Tomodachi Life-specific character haha#I had a few that despite not being fandom-tied I just can't get rid of to make room <3 They're residents! I'd miss them!#I really spoiled Pan-na - lots of cute clothes and a pretty room - so she gets special treatment in doodles too haha#Pilok was made while I was really into making original species on DA - anyone else here fill out the long development sheet? Fun stuff haha#I wish I'd finished a few more memes that got popular on DA back then ♪ Like the OC Remix! Very fun I made a rough of one years ago#Looking at Pilok now she kinda reminds me of the aliens from the DBZ special where Bardock gets sent to the past lol#Azalea was another random design that got a few doodles 'cause I thought she was edgy and cool haha#A more animalistic take on a stomachmouth - I don't think she can talk even she's just shaped like a humanoid maybe to blend in? Dunno#Oh looking back at my notes she was only supposed to have three fingers lol oh well#I don't think I ever drew her with her stomach open either but I'm pretty? sure I always imagined it being teeth-lined haha#Chomp#Squirrel boys! If you remember a few years ago I tried to draw Will again and was like ''>:?your face'' lol - I think I got it better now!#Still not 100% but better! He has very Shaped features haha#Big Boy turned out silly haha very one-large-anime-eyed - he deserves it lol#His hair falling over itself looked cool in my early doodles :0 Careful lines! Not so careful now lol#And Buzz is just missing haha#And finally Cupid and Venus <3 <3 I don't remember now but those two and their third girlfriend Spider might've been my first polycule? :0#These two were a couple before inviting her in tho haha - there's a whole big backstory of how they met and all that#Venus was one of the main characters in Other Side of the Gun and then split off into her own side story with Cupid- It's a whole Thing#They're very sweet tho <3 I love them ♥#Kinda seasonal for Cupid haha I didn't plan that! Her favourite holiday is Valentine's Day of course
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