they/them, not goyish, look at it--it's got anxiety. beating my spoons into plowshares. techie scum, tired leftist, COVID-conscious, forever LARP apologist
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anyone else need like. verbal confirmation that someone is your friend. like aaa i cant call you my friend if you haven't confirmed it yet!!! that's rude!!! and it only works in your case of course
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Both Selfish; you each lose 2 points
You Selfish, prev Cooperative; You gain 2 points
You Cooperative, prev Selfish; You lose 1 point, prev gains 1 point
Both Cooperative; You Each gain 1 points
(ps make sure to say what you voted)
Making this post long so you have to scroll to see prev's tags.
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being obsessed with characters who fucking suuuuck is awesome cause when u suck u can go waow I am Just like [x] and thentake a moment to process that's probably not a good thing and then shrug and keep being a boy and/or girl failure or just like a failure in general too i guess
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want more juice but i drinked it all. this is, i cannot stress this enough, utterly fucked
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they call me the bug whisperer. because i whisper to bugs
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haaate when i actually find advertisements funny. makes me feel dirty . makes me feel impure
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Princess with an empathic link to her sworn protector but she has severe anxiety so her door keeps getting thrown open and someone in full armor runs in yelling I'LL PROTECT YOU MY LADY, WHERE'S THE DANGER? and she's just got outlook open and there's two (2) emails she needs to reply to
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lot of posts out there on an age of suffering - "if you are 14 right now i'm so sorry" "19 year olds. hold my hand. we will make it through this" "do not kill yourself while 21" - and they're all correct. but let's be positive... let's choose an age that we will assume was awesome for everyone. and post about it in celebration. if you are 2 right now well it is awesome right
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the unabridged princess bride 🤝 goncharov 🤝 the monster mash
The Princess Bride is such a funny book to read after ONLY seeing the movie. Like Goldman made up a fake author from a fake country and proceeded to write the book as an abridged version of what the fake author wrote... and then he proceeds to add in notes to the "abridged version" mentioning all the boring world building stuff he skipped because it was boring.
Like shout out to William Goldman, man really did make an entire book that is just "the cool scenes you thought of in your head" and then made up a fake author to abridge so he doesn't have to connect them.
And it slaps
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A game of tentacles and self-discovery, for 3–5 players
One unearthly night, a ray of colourless light descended from the stars, and under its warping radiance, creatures unlike any the world has ever seen were born. They do not know the world, and they do not know themselves. Unfortunately for the world, they’re quick learners!
Keep reading
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sometimes i feel like im climing up this incline again alone but thankully sisypus and the itsy bitsy spider and here with me
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Concept: puzzle game that plays with the formalisms of obtuse true ending requirements in console RPGs. The combat tutorial involves confronting and defeating the "final boss", after which it proceeds to a "post-game" walkabout sequence where you can wander around town talking to all the NPCs you notionally met and befriended on your journey. At any point you can decide to go home and receive the game's "normal ending"; however, performing a specific series of not-intuitively-obvious actions hinted at in NPC dialogue, you can unlock a "secret post-game chapter" (i.e., the game proper).
At this point you're probably thinking okay, so what – that's just the last two hours of ever Persona game. Now, here's trick: we nest this bullshit. You can complete the "secret post-game chapter" and get the game's "true ending"; or, by puzzling out a second, even more obtuse set of criteria, you can short circuit the "true ending" and unlock a secret post-post-game chapter which leads to an even truer ending. The secret post-post-game chapter in turn contains a hidden set of unlock criteria for a secret post-post-post-game chapter, and so forth. This goes on for like a dozen layers, with each layer unveiling increasingly nonsensical revelations about what's "really" going on, together comprising a full-length game.
(To anticipate the obvious question, no, the final layer is not the "it was all just a dream" ending. That ending is only about five layers deep, with the secret secret secret secret secret ending unlock in that layer revealing that the reveal that it was all just a dream was itself a cunning trick perpetrated by... well, let's not get ahead of ourselves!)
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