#vesta dnd
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ourstochoose9 · 2 months ago
I've become incredibly obsessed with my dnd character and I don't have anyone to talk to about her RIP
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artistic-antics-off · 3 months ago
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bibliosims · 1 year ago
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vesta d'ghallanda · half-drow · enchantment wizard
for @hauntedtrait’s murder on the eberron express one-shot
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tfwstherapist · 7 months ago
speaking of dnd <3 here’s my character in ky current campaign. her name is vesta zaixori, she is a tiefling blood hunter/sorcerer with an absolutely fucked background. she keeps a human skull in her satchel and frequently speaks to it.
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velnna · 6 months ago
I would like to know more about Nita! She looks really cool and I am invested in whatever she's got going on. What's her race? Is she a hybrid? How did you come up with her design? (I would ask more but my brain is not working today)
Nita was a tiefling dnd character from back in 2020 that I decided to snatch for ThUG hehe. Her OG design (cw old art):
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Then she died and came back as an undead so she had a moment of
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Then when we imported her to ThUG we changed it to
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And now we've decided to buggify the Brimstones more since they're half bug so i gave her little horns n stuff
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She's the sister of the one and only Staeve/Vesta but estranged from him for a while now, and is part of a pirate crew of sorts, captained by her partner (in crime and otherwise) Serafina. In her youth she wanted to have a normal orderly life but things didn't exactly work out that way so she put her background (artificer ish) to use and watches over the gunnery first and foremost
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itsfurrealartie · 29 days ago
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DnD character! Her name is Vesta (previously Hestia) and she’s a fire genasi barbarian!!! She was one of my first ever pc’s in a campaign from high school which didn’t really last very long, but I hope to play her again in an upcoming Curse of Strahd campaign 👀
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pearls-of-taal · 2 months ago
since now very obviously rolls dice, hits 20, successfully casts [queer] on target
Valgrace is a ship name. Valdez x Grace.
Basically it mean you and Leo are in LOVVVVVEEEEEE :3
??? Huh?? Im so confused. Since when??
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ashes-in-a-jar · 11 months ago
In my head, you’re a Magnus Archives blog. I mean, I know you obviously listen to other things, but In my mind it’s things like Welcome to Nightvale, Malevolent, Hello from the Hallowoods, The Sheridan Tapes, things like that, horror and supernatural.
So I had to do a double-take when I saw a Dungeons and Daddies post from you, I really didn’t know you listened to it. Then I see you reblog a Fawx and Stallion post, and now I’m just wondering how many podcasts you’ve listened to that I’ve also listened to.
Hahaha yes this blog has been mainly for tma stuff for years now, I still feel like I'm new to the fandom but honestly I've been here through a lot of it since the beginning of season 5
Buuuuut in the past few months I've stopped going into the tma tag regularly and been feeling a little detached from it, at least as opposed to before. My listen to tmagp has been way less interactive and I hardly reblog content anymore (which is something I like doing but because of various bad experiences on the internet recently I have yet to recover from I feel safer posting my own original posts rather than reblogging)
And that freed up a space in my mind to realize I've actually been listening to a lot of podcasts besides tma and it's honestly a shame not to talk about them more with others
I do listen to a lot of horror fantasy supernatural and science fiction podcasts! I also love a lot of dnd and ttrpg podcasts, I also love everything dropout and wish I could get into critical role but it's so big I don't think I'll manage it
I put under the cut a (quite long) list of the podcasts I have listened to and/or have notifications turned on
Anyone following me, you're welcome to send me an ask about one of them if you like them as well or want to hear about them!
I also put a list of podcasts on my to listen to list. Feel free to drop a recommendation for which them to listen to first!
Podcasts I'm caught up on (the lists are long so it's alphabetical without "the")
Ongoing podcasts
The Amelia project
Ask your father
A voice from darkness
Black box
Brimstone valley mall
The cellar letters
Death by dying
Eeler's choice
Ethics town
Fawx and stallion
Hello from the Hallowoods
The hundred handed
Lost terminal
The Magnus protocol
Midnight burger
The mistholme museum of mystery morbidity and mortality
Neon inkwell
New years day
Not quite dead
Old gods of Appalachia
The penumbra podcast
The program
Red valley
The Sheridan Tapes
The silt verses
The sound museum
Super suits
Tell no tales
Tiny terrors
Traveling light
The vesta clinic
The white vault
Completed podcasts
Absolutely no adventures
Archive 81
The bright sessions
Camp here and there
Give me away
I am in eskew
Monstrous agonies
Parkdale haunt
The Magnus archives
Re: dracula
The secret of st kilda
Spirit box radio
Steal the stars
We know none
Wolf 359
Wooden overcoats
The adventure zone
Campaign skyjacks
Chapter and multiverse
Dark dice
Dice shame
Dimension 20 (not a podcast but I listen to it like one)
Dungeons and daddies
Not another d&d podcast
Rusty Quill gaming
Worlds beyond number
Podcast on my listen next list:
The Alexandria archives
Alice isn't dead
Ars paradoxica
The Black tapes
The box
The bridge
The cryptid keeper
Darkest night
The darkroom
The dark tome
The deca tapes
The deep vault
Dreamboy (this one is nsfw so it makes me nervous lol)
Duggan Hill
The earth collective
The far meridian
The fountain road files
The glass canon
Jar of rebuke
Kings fall am (I started but heard not great things about it)
Knifepoint horror
Kollok 1991
Less is morgue
The leviathan chronicles
The lost cat
Mockery manor
Next stop
The no sleep podcast
The orphans
The Orpheus protocol
Out of place
The phone booth
Point mystic
The right left game
Shadows at the door
Stellar firma
The storage papers
Stories from among the stars
Super ordinary
Vast horizon
Victoria's lift
Video palace
Welcome to night Vale (I listen to this one very sporadically lol)
We're alive
Within the wires
Woe begone (I started but got stuck on episode 20ish but want to continue)
Wrong station
Critical role (it's sooo long tho)
Dames and dragons
Dragon friends
Join the party
The lucky die
Queens of adventure
Realms of pearl and glory
Rude tales of magic
Skyjacks courier call
Three black halflings
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kyunu-kun · 1 year ago
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Vesta, my Fire Genasi for a DND campaign I'm in! 💙💙🩵🩵🩶🩶
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ourstochoose9 · 5 months ago
Earlier tonight I had a dnd session where my character (a warforged wizard with major amnesia) had her first emotion-induced flashback, gaining back a few scraps of memory (some that even I the player didn't know about).
I wasn't originally gonna post about it, because it's a dnd campaign and no one else knows about it but the dm and the other four players (none of whom are on tumblr afaik). But then I thought "hey, the session ended immediately after that flashback, I'll write a bit about how my character is handling it!"
It ended up being longer than my last actual fanfic. And I spent an hour and a half on it max.
Soooooo if anyone wants that lmk I guess.
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realbigpodcastslut · 8 months ago
Lee's Podcast Master List (Current)
This is def incomplete and not all caught up anymore and I lost all the podcasts I have listened to. Do with that what you will. Bolded are podcasts I talk about the most.
Currently Listening To
The Silt Verses
Welcome to Night Vale (relisten)
Audio Dramas:
36 Questions
A Scottish Podcast
Alba Salix
The Alexandria Archives
Alice Isn't Dead
The Amelia Podcast
The Angel of the Vine
Archive 81
Attention Hellmart shoppers!
The Black Tapes
The Blood Crow Stories
The Bridge
The Bright Sessions
The Bubble
Brimstone Valley Mall
Charlie’s Mailbox
Dead Serious
Death by Dying
The Deep Vault
The Directive
The Elysium Project
EOS 10
The Far Meridian
Girl in Space
Greater Boston
Hadron Gospel Hour
Herbarium Podcast
Here be Dragons
Hosts of Eden
I Am in Eskew
It Makes a Sound
Jim Robbie and the Wanders
Kakos Industries
Kevin’s Cryptids
King Falls AM
Lake Clarity
The Last Movie
Lesser Gods
lif-e.af/ter / The Message
The Lost Cat Podcast
The Magnus Archives
The Magnus Protocol
The Meat Blockade
Misadventure By Death
Old Gods of Appalachia
Olive Hill
The Orbiting Human Circus 
The Penumbra Podcast
Point Mystic
Return Home
Rex Rivetter:  Private Eye
Rose Drive
Rover Red
Small Town Horror
Space Log
Star Tripper
Station to Station
Steal the Stars
The Strange Case of Starship Iris
Subject: Found
SubverCity Transmit
Testing Connection
Uncanny County
Under Pressure
Video Palace
We Fix Space Junk
Welcome to Night Vale
What’s the Frequency
The White Vault
Within the Wires
Wolf 359
Wooden Overcoats
Zero Hours
Hello from the Magic Tavern (On ep 300-something I think?)
The Adventure Zone (Balance, Amnesty, Graduation)
The Folktale Project
Heme Review
My Brother My Brother and Me
This Podcast Will Kill You
The Topical (Onion)
To Listen To
Camp Here and there
Red Valley
Hello From the Hallowoods
Midnight Burger
Midnight Radio
Moonbase Theta, Out
The Godshead Incidental
Janus Decending
The Petrol Station
Cthulhu and Friends
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity and Mortality
Kakos (relisten)
Mabel (relisten)
Old Gods of Appalachia (relisten)
Second Star to the Left
The Sheridan Tapes
Who Watches the Birdwatchers?
The Vesta Clinic
Spirit Box Radio
The Dead Letter Office of Somewhere, Ohio
Dead Man’s Notes
Life With Althaar
The Pale
The Secret of St Kilda
Last updated: 6/25/2024
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starrysansa · 5 months ago
made dnd characters based off of sansa and daenerys <3
these characterizations are based on their starting arcs in the first book
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aneira stark
species: half northern snow elf, half southern woodland river elf
class: HEAR ME OUT ON THIS — sorcerer descended from a line of divine silver direwolves (cold-focused)
starting class level: 5
alignment: lawful neutral (though she wants to be perceived as lawful good)
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vesta targaryen
species: eladrin elf
class: sorcerer of the brass draconic bloodline (fire-focused) — though i also see her as a multi-class sorcerer and rogue later on
starting class level: 7
alignment: lawful good (however others may view her as chaotic neutral ngl)
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ihavenohotcocoa · 2 years ago
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@iwantfruitsnacks OK SO
Hestia, right? First born of Kronos and Rhea, goddess of the hearth, all that. Now, what if I made that into a ✨ DnD character ✨
[Skye dont look past this point]
Ok so basically she’s the oldest of six siblings, having taken care of them back when they still lived with their father. A lot of my ideas are world building things I need to discuss with my DM, but basically the idea is that the Olympians are a group of siblings that rose to prominence as essentially a massive enterprise.
Hestia didn’t care much about the business, sticking around to make sure her siblings were okay, until one of her brother’s children, born out of wedlock, argued he deserved a seat at the table as a birthright. Hestia gave up her seat in the business for him, and went off to do her own thing
She would be a cleric-monk multiclass, with a gimmick where if the fire in her fire ever gets extinguished, she would die on the spot (taken from the belief in ancient Rome that horrible things would happen if the sacred flame of Vesta was ever put out)
I imagine being mostly chill and laid back, but when she snaps, everyone is fucked.
Also she’s a lesbian for reasons
ask me about my new dnd character i dare you
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velnna · 6 months ago
Hii I started following you recently and I absolutely adore your work and your characters but Im just genuinely unclear on Staeve and bg3/the Under Garden. Like is Staeve canon in the Under Garden and Staeve in your bg3 content is like an au?? Is there technically a bg3!Staeve??? I dunno maybe it's just me but I just noticed Staeve shows up in both and on patreon you separate the tags so I haven't really figured out this whole situation yet 😅
That's alright haha I know it's a bit confusing if you didn't follow the origin story on discord 😂 my bad! Staeve was created as a tav in BG3, then transplanted into The Under Garden as a joke, then as we worked on the main plot we gave him more and more of a relevant role and now he's basically set to integrate our main party in the second stage of the story
The main reason he's in ThUG is actually that I wanted to include an old DnD character in the comic as a side character, Nita:
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And when i was jokingly proposing staeve being included as well it clicked that they could be siblings (similar colour schemes, etc) and from there a whole backstory developed with them and their family. And then we copied it into his bg3 backstory and so on haha. So basically any post that has astarion or standalone staeve or any bg3 reference is tagged BG3, and any other might be tagged ThUG if it's more relevant to his storyline there.
We may stick to his "old" name Vesta in ThUG, and are obviously not including anything explicitly BG3 in there, but there are aspects inspired by his in-game shenanigans, etc
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sexiestpodcastcharacter · 1 month ago
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Who is the Sexiest Fictional Podcast Character? 2024 Edition.
Alright. It's been months, but here we go! After 153 submissions, 10 preliminaries, some eliminations, and a number of poll-runner additions, we are going to have a 64 character bracket for the Scripted Bracket, and a 32 character bracket for the Unscripted Bracket.
Round 1
Kayne (Malevolent) vs ANDI (Marsfall)
The Obituary Writer (Death by Dying) vs Madge Stallion (Fawx & Stallion)
Sister Carpenter (The Silt Verses) vs Val Torres (The Night Post)
Doug Eiffel (Wolf 359) vs Lawry (We Will NOT Play DnD)
Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives) vs Graham Casner (The White Vault)
Jonathan Harker (Re: Dracula) vs Mab (Monstrous Agonies)
Mari Datuin (Hi Nay) vs Fayth Alden (Zero Hours)
Eisen Iyer (The Kingmaker Histories) vs Jib Janeen (The Thrilling Adventure Hours)
Michael Walters (WOE.BEGONE) vs SPEAKER (SAYER)
Antigone Funn (Wooden Overcoats) vs Ryan Dalias (EOS 10)
Rowan Chow (Camp Here & There) vs Angelique (The Secret of St Kilda)
Lord Arum (The Penumbra Podcast: Second Citadel) vs The Keeper (The Finder's Keeper)
Juno Steel (The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel) vs Tasha Flanagan (Shadows at the Door)
Yaretzi (Hello from the Hallowoods) vs Cheri (Fuck Humans)
Damien (The Bright Sessions) vs Lucifer Kane (Kane & Feels)
Burt Harddrive (Anime Sickos) vs Kate Burnham (The Bridge)
Alice Dyer (The Magnus Protocol) vs Reva Luther Santiago (Station to Station)
The Angel of Death (Death by Dying) vs Mariana (Sherlock & Co.)
Paige Duplass (The Silt Verses) vs Ikogrisk (The Vesta Clinic)
Renée Minkowski (Wolf 359) vs Morgan (Give Me Away)
Gwendolyn Bouchard (The Magnus Protocol) vs X (Girl In Space)
Ty Betteridge (WOE.BEGONE) vs The Presenter (Monstrous Agonies)
Tor Client (Anime Sickos) vs Father Liberty Hale (Zero Hours)
Polly (Hello from the Hallowoods) vs Mabel Martin (Mabel)
John Doe (Malevolent) vs LEO(h) (Life With LEO(h))
Eric Chapman (Wooden Overcoats) vs Bryony Halbech (Red Valley)
Sydney Sargent (Camp Here & There) vs Seth (Lost Terminal)
John Peters (Welcome to Night Vale) vs Jasper Moon (Badlands Cola)
Buddy Aurinko (The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel) vs Stella Reyes (Life With Althaar)
Ariadne Culver (The Kingmaker Histories) vs Bask (Fuck Humans)
Dr. Joan Bright (The Bright Sessions) vs Malachi Tessera (ROGUEMAKER)
Helen Distortion (The Magnus Archives) vs Lia Haddock (Limetown)
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luseals · 3 years ago
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Art Fight made me realize that I never draw my own OCs?? Time to fix that!
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