#but oh boy not looking forward to saying no
murder - Jegulus Microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - word count: 204
Though Regulus had been anticipating this moment for weeks, his stomach still jumped to to his throat the moment James wrenched the microphone away from the commentator at the end of the Quidditch game.
"Attention, everyone!" the older boy yelled, staring out onto the pitch, his grin visible even from Regulus's spot a hundred feet away.
"Oh, I will murder him," Regulus mumbled, knowing trying to stop him was no use.
"I would just like to take this moment to- no, Professor, sorry, just one second," James protested, turning so an irate-looking McGonagall couldn't take the microphone from him. "I just want to take one second to ask: Regulus Black...will you go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?"
And Regulus sighed. Because every damn time a Hogsmeade weekend came, James insisted on doing this. One-upping his last outlandish request by asking him out in increasingly dramatic ways.
He pretended to hate it, of course. But secretly? He fucking loved it. Not that he would ever tell anyone.
So he shot forward towards his boyfriend and took the microphone from his hand, rolling his eyes and saying flatly, "Yes. Now stop making a spectacle, Potter."
But later as he fell asleep, he couldn't stop smiling.
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ghost-bxrd · 1 day
For the ask game! I (this too) alive
“Your brother,” Bruce starts, stops, steels himself, “He is… Talia’s?”
Damian looks utterly confused, and, oh no, Dick can just feel the onset of a migraine happening like a train crash in slow motion.
“Of course.”
From where he’s sitting, wounds forgotten, Tim is openly gaping now, something like horror in his eyes. No doubt he’s currently imagining another demon spawn trying to cut his grapple line and succeeding, “Never come up— are you kidding!?”
Bruce’s face spasms. Dick wonders hysterically if he’s about to witness someone having a stroke.
“And how old,” he butts in quickly, trying to stick to the important facts because there’s still a good chance that even if the second demon child is also Talia’s, he’s not Bruce’s, and also because, frankly, if he takes more than ten seconds to really think about it he might just try and brain himself on the next good bannister. Something that Alfred would not like at all.
“Nineteen,” Damian responds readily, but there’s a glint in his eyes now that hadn’t been there before, something cautious. Dick knows that look, and he tries to subtly alert Bruce that they have a couple questions left at most before the boy will shut them out.
Bruce, though he’s got the emotional intelligence of a tea spoon, thankfully catches on after a few beats of intense staring, and bulldozes straight to the next question. (Dick is not looking forward to the breakdown from hell a’la Bruce happening later today.)
Which, smart. Damian looks like he’s down to strict, preferably monosyllabic, answers and will fight Bruce with his teeth and an assortment of disguised weaponry if he pushes for more.
Either way, considering it’s Damian, it will end in blood.
“Nineteen, that’s quite…“ Bruce visibly struggles, “old.” He finishes lamely.
Damian’s expression becomes positively frosty and Dick tries to make it look like an accident when he steps on Bruce’s foot. With force.
“Mother and I are grateful for every year we are granted with him,” the boy says stiffly, the barest hint of an accent slipping through the way it tends to when Damian feels cornered and angry, before he visibly reins himself back in and Dick mentally counts down to one.
One more. One question until the baby demon starts throwing sharp things.
B better make it count and ask for the poor kid’s whereabouts or Dick will—
“And why did your mother not bring him to me also?”
— Dick will put laxatives into B’s morning smoothie. God help him, he will dump an entire pharmacy worth of it in there and shove it down B’s throat and make him attend every grueling board meeting he tends to skimp on right after.
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littlelamy · 2 days
reader gives rafe and his friends a whats in my bag😭😭👛
a/n: thank you so much for sending a request! 🤍
you’re sitting cross-legged on the couch in rafe’s living room, casually flipping through a fashion magazine while rafe, topper, and kelce talk. your oversized tote bag is propped beside you, and the guys begin giving you amused glances.
rafe leans over, nudging your leg lightly. "what's in the bag, princess?" his voice is teasing, but there’s that familiar spark in his eyes.
you blink innocently, flipping your hair over your shoulder. "why? you curious about my makeup routine now?" you giggle, already knowing how this is going to play out.
topper smirks. "careful, rafe. she’s probably got a stash of face masks in there."
you roll your eyes playfully. "oh, please, like you guys couldn’t use a good skincare routine."
kelce laughs. "yeah, right. you’re gonna pull out a face mask next, aren’t you?"
rafe leans back with that cocky grin of his. “let’s see it then. give us the grand tour.”
you tilt your head, batting your lashes at him. "fine, but no judging, okay?"
he raises his hands in mock surrender. "scout’s honor."
you pull the bag into your lap, pulling out your wallet first. “obviously, you know, basic essentials.” you set it aside with a little flourish, making a show of it.
rafe chuckles. "very exciting."
you smirk, digging around some more. “next... lip gloss.” you pull out a sparkly tube and hold it up proudly. “can’t live without it. wanna try?” you toss it over to him, half-joking.
rafe catches it with ease and twists it open, pretending to apply it. “oh yeah, pink shimmer really brings out my eyes, doesn’t it?”
you giggle, reaching over to grab it back. “you wish. this shade is exclusive.”
you continue rummaging, pulling out a small compact mirror. "obviously a must-have," you say, flipping it open to check your reflection. "can’t have a bad hair day around you guys."
topper laughs. "you literally look perfect 24/7. why even bother?"
you wink at him. "because you never know who’s watching."
rafe leans forward, his voice dropping a bit. "who exactly are you trying to impress, huh?"
you shrug, tossing the mirror back in your bag. "maybe someone in this room, maybe not." you give him a playful look, enjoying the way he leans in closer.
next, you pull out a small perfume bottle and spritz it in the air. "a girl’s gotta smell nice," you say with a giggle.
rafe reaches over, catching a whiff. "mmm, smells good. gonna have to steal that."
you roll your eyes dramatically. "yeah, sure, because floral perfume is so you."
kelce nudges topper, laughing. "hey, rafe might be into that vibe."
you laugh along with them, pulling out your phone charger. "okay, now this one’s boring, but essential. gotta keep my phone alive for those late-night calls."
rafe raises an eyebrow. "late-night calls, huh? who are you talking to that late?"
you flash him a cheeky grin. "wouldn’t you like to know?"
then, you pull out your last item—a cute pink journal covered in stickers. you hold it up proudly. “and finally... my journal.”
topper leans over, squinting. “what’s in there? love letters?”
you hug the journal to your chest, feigning shock. "this is very private, thank you. no boys allowed."
rafe chuckles, his voice dropping lower as he leans in close enough to make your heart flutter. "no boys allowed, huh? guess i’ll just have to get an invite."
you smirk, feeling the flirty tension between you two. "maybe... if you’re lucky."
as the conversation shifts back to their jokes, rafe keeps stealing glances your way, and you catch yourself smiling, knowing that this playful game between you two is far from over.
taglist: @namelesslosers @princessslutt @averyoceanblvd @iknowdatsrightbih @starkeysprincess @sixrosberg @anamiad00msday @ivysprophecy @wearemadeofstardust0
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Stuffed Full ~ LMH & HJS
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☪GENRE: established relationships, anniversary,poly relationship, threesome, sweet, SMUT MINORS DNI, the boys taking care of their girl, hand necklaces, anal, double pen, unprotected
☪PAIRING: Minho x Fem!Reader x Jisung
☪Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - October 2024
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The sound of the hotel room door softly clicking shut echoed in the quiet space, your eyes darted around at the room that the three of you were going to be calling home for the next two nights. It was perfect.
It was luxurious yet cosy, the kind of place you’d expect for a special getaway, which is exactly what the boys had planned for you. There was a huge, king-sized bed sitting in the centre of the room, draped in crisp white sheets with plush pillows scattered across the headboard. There were even rose petals scattered around on the bed making your heart flutter a little.
"Look at the tub," you whine heading into the adjoining room, which you had just walked into, there was a large bathtub sitting to one side, surrounded by candles, their flickering flames creating soft, dancing shadows on the walls. There were even fresh towels, folded neatly, and stacked on the counter, next to a vase of white lilies.
"I think I might want to live here." Jisung mumbles as he walks up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face into your neck, letting out a small sigh of relief.
"I might join." You giggle a little and Minho smirks from behind you, snapping a photo of his two favourite people together, at this point his camera roll was only you and his cats back home.
"Expensive life," Minho smirked as he thought back on how much the hotel room had actually cost the three of you, but all of it was worth it for your one-year anniversary. The three of you had spent the entire day together, exploring the city, laughing, and taking in the sights. But now, as the evening settled in, the anticipation in the air was undeniable.
"I'm trying out the bed!" Jisung yelled before running off and back into the bedroom. You watched and smirked as he collapsed onto the bed with a dramatic sigh, his usual playful energy tinged with exhaustion. Minho smirked placing a soft kiss on your temple and you relaxed against him.
"I can’t believe we walked so much," Jisug groaned, sprawling out as if the bed had been his goal all along. Minho chuckled, rolling his eyes as he kicked off his shoes,
"You say that every time, Jisung. Yet somehow, you’re always the one dragging us to one more place." He leaned back against the wall, his eyes flickering between you and Jisung, a soft smile playing on his lips.
You stood by the door, heart racing as you glanced at the two of them, this was perfection to you. This was your version of heaven right now.
Jisung’s adorable antics and Minho’s laid-back charm were enough to make anyone’s heart flutter, but you had something special planned tonight. You had been thinking about it all day, and now that the moment had come, you couldn’t help the smile that crept across your face.
"Hey," you said softly, grabbing their attention. Both of them looked up at you, curiosity gleaming in their eyes. Jisung raised an eyebrow, sitting up slightly.
"What’s up?" You bit your lip, eyes sparkling as you stepped forward slowly. You wondered how all of this was going to go down.
But it was your one year together and you knew they'd been wanting to try something for a while, something you'd had to train for and you were finally ready.
"I have something to show you," you murmured, letting the words roll off your tongue in a tone that was just suggestive enough to get their full attention. Minho’s gaze sharpened, intrigued. He crossed his arms over his chest, tilting his head.
"Oh? What kind of ‘something’?" Without answering, you turned around to close the bathroom door so that they couldn't follow you inside.
"What do you think it is?" Jisung whispered as Minho joined him on the bed, both of them had their eyes trained on the door waiting for you to come back out and show them what it was that you had to show them.
"A new set? She went shopping the other day." Minho shrugged a little as his imagination began to run wild at all of the things you could have done for them. But none of them would ever come close to the truth.
After a while, you came back into the room wearing nothing but some crotchless panties and a bra to match it,
"Damn, look at you. Your thighs are already shiny from how wet you are...do we make you that turned on?" Jisung smirks, his cocky attitude coming out of nowhere and almost giving you whiplash.
"I wanna show you, what I've been doing." You whisper as you turned around, bending over so that they had a perfect view of your ass, or much rather, what was in your ass.
"Princess," They both moaned out in sync as they saw the silver plug sticking inside of you with the pink heart-shaped diamond. You bite your lip and blush as you reach behind and start toying with it, small moans fluttering out of your lips as you do so.
Minho licked his lips like a beast ready to pounce on you and Jisung rubbed himself through his sweats, his hard cock already hurting at the sight of you.
"You ready for us both, huh princess?" Minho asked as he slowly got up from the bed and walked over, kneeling behind you and gently touching the plug. You let a small moan and nodded your head,
"Please." you practically begged before Minho crashed his lips to yours. Jisung's finding their way to your neck as he sucked and bit all over your exposed skin.
Soon clothes were lost, the boys were naked and you were laid down on the bed looking up at them as Jisung slowly slid out the plug from your ass, moaning as he saw you clenching around nothing.
"Fuck, puppy. I don't know how long I'll last in there," he smirks as he reaches down to the bag you'd given them and grabs the lube. Wasting no time he began to squirt some onto your already waiting hole and all over his cock, which twitched from the small touches.
"You're sure you're ready for this princess?" Minho asked as he placed small kisses up your neck, and you whimpered nodding your head.
The boys exchanged a look before they moved you to have you laying on your side, and Minho hitched your leg up pulling it to rest on his hip, smirking down at you.
"you're so beautiful like this for us," He whispers as he taps the head of his cock against your cunt, you whined at him impatiently before he pushed up into your wet pussy making you moan out loudly. Once he was deep inside you, you felt Jisung push into you and an unhinged noise fell out of your mouth as he stretched you further than you thought humanly possible. The two of them stopped and looked down at you, neither of them proceeding until they knew you were okay,
“You doing okay, Princess?” Minho asked you softly, Jisung softly rubbed your side with his thumb and you screwed your eyes shut for a second. It was a little too much, they were pulling you apart, and yet it felt too good as you stretched around the two of them. Parts of you were humming with pleasure that you didn’t even know existed and you whimpered a little.
“Are you alright?” Minho demanded gripping your jaw tightly and bringing your face to his, there was no way he was going to go through with this if it meant you were going to be in pain the whole time. You opened your eyes and let out a breath you didn’t realise you’d been holding.
“It’s a lot. But it’s good f-fuck, Minho, it's really good.” You answered but no one moved, you rocked your hips a little only for Minho to pin you down and stare at you. Minho gave you a stern look trying to make sure you weren���t lying, his fingers brushed your clit and your whole body spasmed, a loud moan escaping your lips. Jisung pushed himself further and you were trying not to cry again.
“F-Fucking hell, That’s tight, puppy, Minho she’s so tight.” Jisung took a strong grip on your breast and Minho practically growled as he felt your pussy clench around him.
They moved in and out of you with a competitive nature that had your body singing as you arched toward Minho, your ass clenching around Jisung as he grunted loudly, his hips snapping at a brutal pace but the pain was gone and replaced with pleasure. You felt so full from both of them and you couldn't stop as the screams of ecstasy left your throat.
Jisung’s fingers wrapped around your neck and bent down to your ear,
"Such a good fucking puppy, taking both of us like a good girl," He grunts, looking up at Minho who was blushing a little thrusting roughly in and out of you.
“I need more” You choked out, reaching down to rub your own clit but Minho quickly replaced your fingers and chuckled softly as he looked at Jisung.
“I’m not coming till I feel that tight ass clench around me again puppy,” Jisung said and Minho moaned out, nodding his head in agreement. His fingers started making steady circles on your clit, your body arched, your moans getting louder with each pound of their hips.
“That’s it, princess, clench down nice and tight like a good slut.” Minho said through gritted teeth and that’s all it took to take you over the edge. You felt your body tremble as your orgasm hit you like a brick wall. Your nails clutched into the sheets ripping them as you came loudly and violently around them both.
"S-Shit, puppy...I-I'm gonna-" Jisung barely had time to finish what he was saying before bottoming out inside of your ass and cumming into you, your whimpers turning strained as you glanced at him. Minho grunted as he looked at you both,
"Y-You're both so fucking hot." He grunts loudly before emptying inside of you.
A whine of protest left your throat as you felt them both pull free of you, you glanced at them and Minho said something to Jisung before getting up. You hated the feeling of them leaving you, but warm arms quickly engulfed your frame.
“Did we hurt you love?” Minho asked and you shook your head. He gently ran his fingers over your forehead, your eyes struggling to stay open as you fell limp against him.
“I think she’s just overwhelmed. That was a lot for a little lady.” Jisung said as he carefully began cleaning you up with a warm wet cloth you hadn't realised he'd gone to get just yet.
"Hmm, you have to pee princess." Minho reminded you, not wanting you to get a UTI if you didn't take proper care of yourself.
Somehow you'd managed to make it to the toilet and back into bed but you quickly fell asleep against their chests.
You woke up at some point in the evening to shift yourself realising that they’d managed to fall asleep around you, Minho on one side and Jisung on the other. Both of them were covered in small bite marks you'd given to each other and you giggled a little.
"Princess, sleep." Minho scolded when he felt you moving around in the bed. Jisung humed in agreement, wrapping an arm around your waist. It didn't take long for you to fall back asleep wondering when the next time you could try that out again would be.
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@chiisaiblog @sw33tnight @kaitieskidmore97 @laylasbunbunny @stayconnecteed @saymyspringrain @toplinehyunjin @katnisspeetaprim @acciocriativity @just-aelia @choisoorin @straykids5star @midnightfrog625 @beccaskz @scarletemeterio @halesandy @junhannies @gothic4under4lord @lixie-phoria @soulphoenix1618 @aerastus @jin-from-the-block @lensfilm @elizaschuyler18 @piratequeen-impact @kpopsstuffs @chaeyoungs @delulu18 @xyahrinx @katsukis1wife @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @blairscott @4-chan-inpadella @niktwazny303 @moonlight-the-writer @armystay89 @hadassahchan @yxngbxkkie @myyouthdonut @extrhotjne @ca11me3mily @elissasimp @piercedddriver
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soobinsonly1bf · 3 days
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a simple head can't ruin a friendship, right?
(soobin x m!reader)
warnings: nsfw, sub!loser!soobin, m!meandom!reader, oral (male receiving obviously), degradation, A LOT of dirty talk, a whole lot of cursing, in reality reader is sweet, soob is just a massive freak (and a homosexual)
!!nsfw under the cut, minors dni!!
you were laying on your best friend's bed, like everyday, while he was playing some stupid video game on his computer, also like everyday. he was venting for the last few hours about some girl not wanting to go on a date with him. not like you were exactly listening to him, you were too focused on your phone.
"jeez, soob, all that talking only because of some girl? come on, bro..." you chuckled, not even hiding the amusement over the whole situation.
"hey, it's not funny! she's really pretty... and she was really different over texts. i thought that after our first date she will want to go on another one, but... she just refused."
"she just saw how much of a loser you are and panicked!" you said, laughing. "i bet she realized that even if she would let you hit, she would have to fake her orgasm."
"you're saying that as if you'd be able to make anyone cum." he said, frowning and stopping his game. he turned around on his chair to face you.
"it would be really nice if you could shut your mouth for once, you know?" you said, trying to ignore him and respond to some random person texting you.
"you don't even look like you'd be able to make anyone make a sound." soobin continued, he was the one to laugh now.
hearing that you just put your phone away, looking at him with annoyance painted on your face. "bro, you're a fucking virgin, so don't even try to be so damn cocky now."
"what? i'm just telling the truth!"
"is this a challenge?" you asked, getting up from the bed. "maybe you could shut your mouth if i kept them occupied." you said simply, just ignoring the way the other boy looked at you.
"what if- what if that is a challenge?"
"then you'll lose pretty quickly." you said, chuckling, as if it's the most normal conversation in the world. well, considering how long you know each other, it kinda was the most normal conversation. you knew this can turn out to be fun... or to be the biggest regret of your friendship.
"on your knees." you interrupted him, genuinely curious of what his reaction even would be. your eyes opened wider at the sight of your friend getting on his knees in front of you, without a second thought, as if his body reacted to your words faster than his mind.
"oh my... you really are that desperate for some action? or maybe you just like dick after all?" you looked down at him, meeting his dark eyes, locked on yours. "which one is it? or maybe both?"
after soobin stayed quiet, you spoke again. "open your mouth for me and be good, yeah?"
once again, soobin without any hesitation opened his mouth, waiting for your next move. with every moment, you were getting more anxious about doing this with him, but if you already went that far... besides, he would tell you if something was wrong, you're sure of it.
you quickly unzipped your jeans, letting them fall to your knees. soobin was keeping eye contact with you non-stop, not even daring to look down at your cock the moment you took it from your boxers and gave it a few pumps.
maybe it was embarrassing, but seeing soobin on his knees right in front of you, ready to obey and please, was enough to make you hard. he was waiting for your cock, his mouth open. both of you already forgot about the whole challenge thing, now the only thing on your mind was what was about to happen.
"you know, you look pretty when you're on your knees... but if that girl saw you like that, she'd laugh in your face. hope you know that." you said and took a small step forward, now touching soobin's cheek with your dick. you chuckled, smearing your precum on his skin.
"you never did this before, yeah? let's just hope that will shut you up for good." you almost put your dick in his mouth, but you spoke again. "if anything's wrong, just pinch my thigh, alright? now, stick your tongue out a bit and keep your teeth away... don't force yourself." you said, putting your cock in front of his mouth, letting him start at his own pace, which he probably would thank you for, if he wasn't already licking along your length.
soobin immediately went to work, excitement obvious on his face. carefulness thrown through the window, he already put your dick in his mouth, trying to take it deeper. you hissed at the too sudden friction.
"jesus christ, soobin, calm the fuck down." you said, taking a handful of his hair and pulling him away. "start slowly or you're gonna hurt both yourself and me. i seriously didn't know you were so damn desperate to have my dick in your mouth." you sighed, your grip on his hair loosening, but still being there, to remind him to take it slow.
he only mumbled something you didn't even catch and licked the head of your cock. "yeah, just like that. don't try to fucking deepthroat me the second you see my dick."
he gave long licks along your lenght and little sucks on the head, his eyes closed. you fully let go of his hair, letting him do what he wants. now enjoying both, the feeling and the sight, you can't help but chuckle. you never expected to have soobin of all people giving you head. you couldn't complain though.
"tell me, have you always wanted to do that? it really seems like it." you wanted to laugh, but to your surprise, a groan was pulled out from you. soobin took your dick in his mouth again and looked up at you.
you felt yourself throb and you weren't sure if it was because of the sight in front of you or the way soobin rolled his tongue around the head of your cock. probably a mix of both, actually. "fuck, is this really the first cock you have ever sucked? you're a goddamn natural, bro. i'm starting to think it would be a waste if you got yourself a girlfriend."
it didn't took long for the taller boy to have his mouth fully occupied, bobbing his head up and down on your length. he wasn't able to take your whole dick, but for some reason it was still completely enough for you to get closer and closer to the edge. you weren't sure when, but your hand was back in his hair, your head thrown back in pleasure. you couldn't care less about staying quiet. god, soobin really was good with his mouth.
"shit, i'm close." you warned him, feeling the familiar sensation in your lower abdomen. at your words, he only started bobbing his head faster. "pull- pull away..." you said, knowing it won't take long till you cum. when he didn't move, you needed your full self-control to do it yourself.
he whined at the burning sensation on his head, caused by you roughly pulling him away from your dick by his hair. you couldn't even say anything and you were already cumming right on his face.
when your cock stopped throbbing, you took a deep breath, trying to calm down your breathing. you finally looked down at soobin, who just sat on his ass where he was kneeling a moment ago.
"i told you to pull away." at that he just shrugged, smiling. you sighed, but an amused smirk appeared on your mouth at the sight of your friend's face all dirty with your release. "god, look at you. you're really fucking proud of yourself, aren't you?"
"hell yes i am, i just made you cum." he said in a "duh" manner, making you chuckle. his voice was a big rough, his face all red and hair messy. you couldn't help but think he looked perfect like this.
"you're really fucking dumb... but you did well, bro. even really well, i'd say." his stupid grin only grew wider at this. "now go clean yourself, my cum is not becoming your new skincare product."
a/n: i highkey want to write a part two where they remember about the challenge and reader shows soobin he can make him make noises he didnt even know hes able to make...
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katsu28 · 10 hours
summer's golden haze - chapter two
pairing: lando norris x reader
summary: backyard barbecues, the local market, and an unexpected discovery that has you wondering what exactly you may have just gotten yourself into. (5k)
warnings: angst (this early on, i know i'm sorry but it's for the plot i promise <3), lando and max f bickering like an old married couple
a/n: she's here!!!! sorry it took a little longer than expected but i hope you all enjoy this chapter :) pls feel free to come chat in my asks if you want to, i'd love to hear what everyone think about it so far!
previous chapter | masterlist
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“Are these guys rich or something?”
Camille voices exactly the thought running through your mind as you roll to a stop to the address Lando had texted you yesterday, gawking out at the sprawling acreage in front of you. 
You peer at the impressive villa through the windshield, taking in everything with baited breath. She’s absolutely right. 
This house has to be two, if not three times the size of the one you’re all staying at, and that’s just what you can see so far. Vines bursting with colorful flowers crawl up white stone walls, curling around trellises of even more foliage, shutters on huge windows. There’s even a massive fountain in the middle of the courtyard, pristine marble, spewing crystal clear water in streams. 
It’s a classic old money countryside villa—worth millions, you assume, not even taking in the gathering of vintage and expensive sports cars parked along the cobblestone driveway. You suddenly feel so, so small compared to the extravagance of just the exterior of the place. 
Who are these people? 
A guy with brown curls similar to Lando’s pulls open the door when you ring the bell, in the middle of yelling something at someone further inside the house, before turning his gaze on you all. His face lights up in recognition at the sight of you. “Oh, hey, you’re the girl Lando won’t shut up about! I’m Max, but I’m sure he’s told you all about me, hasn’t he?” 
So this is Max. Lando’s told you a little about him, but mainly just funny stories. You wonder if Max knows his best friend is going around telling girls he’s just met about the time Max walked into a glass sliding door. 
“A little bit, not much. It’s nice to put a face to the name though!” You say politely. 
Max sighs dramatically, shaking his head in faux disappointment. He and Lando must be close. “I’m the best part of his life, and he doesn’t think to share it! What a knob. Anyways, welcome, come on in, make yourselves at home!” 
He ushers you all inside, leading you through the house and out huge double French doors leading to the backyard. The rest of their group sits on couches gathered around a stone fire pit, drinks in hand, chatting amongst themselves until they see you all coming. Max does the introductions between your two groups, but there’s one person missing. The one person you were looking forward to seeing again is nowhere to be found. 
Max must notice how your eyes search for Lando, because he grins knowingly. “He’ll be out in a bit. Work called.” 
“Oh, what does he do?” Samira chimes in. You fight the urge to throw a stone at her, because you know what she’s doing. She’s getting information on Lando because you haven’t got the guts to do it yourself yet. 
“Has he not told you yet?” Max raises a brow, taking a sip of his drink. When you shake your head, he presses his lips together, like he’s debating whether or not to tell you himself. “Yeah, sorry, I think I’m gonna stay out of this one. He gets pissy when I meddle with his budding relationships.” 
Budding relationship. Your face flames hot at the insinuation, but Samira takes it in stride, raising a skeptical brow. 
“What, is he in the mafia or something?” 
“‘Course not, that’s ridiculous. Pretty boy like him, he’d never make it in the mafia,” Max snorts. “No, he’s…look, it’s not really my place to say. I’m sure he’ll tell you when he’s ready.” 
Lando materializes from inside at that very moment, brows furrowed. There’s a tic going off in his jaw and he looks a little pissed off about something, but as soon as he looks up and sees that there’s company, he composes himself in a split second. 
“Hey, guys!” He chirps, hand raising in a wave. He makes his way over to where you all are, plopping down in the empty spot beside you without hesitation. “Glad you could make it.” 
“Thanks for the invite,” Maren replies, ever the polite one. “And the coffee yesterday.” 
Max makes an offended noise from the back of his throat at his friend. “You bought them coffee yesterday? Where was mine? You never buy me coffee.” 
“Mate, you don’t even drink coffee!” 
“Maybe I would if you bought it for me!” 
The two boys continue to bicker with each other in the same way all evening, which leads you to believe this is just how they are with one another. It gives Lando another dimension in your mind, and you like it.
There are a handful of common interests amongst your friends and Lando’s, ones that spark conversation immediately. As the night goes on, it feels like you’ve all been friends for a while, and you’re glad. Part of you was worried things would be awkward between everyone, but thankfully that isn’t the case.
It passes the time quicker than you expect. Soon enough it’s nearing midnight and you’re close to nodding off onto Lando’s shoulder, fighting to stay awake and looped into the ongoing conversation despite the sleep threatening to overtake you.
It certainly doesn’t help that he exudes warmth from where you’ve wound up pressed against each other on the small couch. You turn your head to look at him, to take in the little details of him. The angle of his jaw, the slope of his nose. The smattering of moles across his face and neck.
One wayward curl hangs over his forehead, and you want to reach out, brush it away. You don’t think you’re quite at that stage of comfort with each other yet, but then he tears his attention away from the rest of the group and meets your gaze with what you can only describe as pure fondness dripping from his lazy grin. 
“You alright?” He says softly, shifting his body to face you a little more. 
You nod, because you’re more than alright. For the first time in a while, everything feels just the way it should be. “Are you?” 
“Hm?” Lando replies noncommittally, sipping his drink. “Fine, why?” 
“Earlier, after your phone call, you seemed…upset. I don’t mean to pry, I just wanted to see if everything was alright.” 
“Oh, that? Nah, that was nothing, just my boss. Wanted to talk work stuff, but I wasn’t feeling it, y’know?” He shrugs. It feels like there’s more to what he’s saying, but you don’t want to push too hard. You’re still familiarizing yourself with him. “You’re sweet to check on me, though.” 
“Okay. But if you, um, if you need to talk or anything, I’ve been told I’m a good listener.”
Lando traces a finger briefly over the thin strap of your dress, just over your shoulder, before dropping his chin into his palm. You already know he’s about to change the subject. Involuntarily, you shiver at his touch, and he definitely notices, because he suddenly looks a little smug.
“Pretty dress,” He hums, tilting his head. 
You weren't trying to make a good impression on Lando, but you weren't exactly not trying, if that makes sense. It doesn't really make sense to you, but you’d gone for cute but comfy with a dress you’d borrowed, hoping it says you’d made an effort, but not too much of one. 
Suddenly you can’t remember what you were just thinking about not being at a certain stage of comfort with one another. Is it weird that you're secretly pleased he liked it enough to mention it?
“It’s not mine,” You say softly. Lando lets out a noise of question. “I borrowed it from Maren.” 
“Ah. Well, you should definitely get one for yourself then. It’s a nice color on you.” 
You want to say thank you, or really just say anything at all, but the moment your gaze flicks back up to his, you’re lost in his eyes again. Everything around you blurs into the background until it feels like it’s just the two of you. You’re teetering on the edge of something, and fuck, it would be so easy to just go over. To let yourself fall and fall and fall into his waiting arms at the bottom. 
Suddenly you hear your own voice in your head.
Don’t get attached. 
Clearing your throat, you pull back from Lando as smooth as you can manage with him muddling up your brain like this. “It’s late. We should get going,” You say, a tad louder than necessary. 
“She’s right,” Camille chimes in, taking note of the slight urgency in your tone. “We’ve got a guided hike in the morning—sunrise, can you believe it?” 
Lando’s mouth dips into a tiny frown for a moment, but it disappears as quickly as it appeared. He nods understandingly. “Sure. I’ll walk you out.” 
You all say your goodbyes and thank you’s, to which the boys wholeheartedly agree you should all do this again sometime before you part ways. 
Lando trails behind a bit like he’s unsure, but catches up to you quickly on the way out, shoulder bumping against yours lightly as you fall into step with each other. His hand brushes yours and lingers a little, pinkies almost intertwining. 
“Tonight was nice,” He says casually. 
“Yeah, it was,” You agree, bobbing your head. 
“Would you—I dunno, maybe want to hang out again?”
“With you guys? ‘Course we would, I’m sure the girls would love to.” You smile, casting a glance at your friends. They’ve all coincidentally already gotten into the car, but if you squint hard enough you can see them gawking at Lando and yourself through the windshield.
How very not subtle of them. 
Lando rocks on the balls of his feet almost nervously, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck. “No, I meant, like…just the two of us.” 
“You mean, like, alone?” 
“A date. I’m trying to ask you out on a date,” He blurts, nose scrunching. “And failing miserably apparently.” 
“Oh!” You feel your face burn hot, yet you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face even if you tried. You’re about to take him up on the offer, but before you can say a word, another voice pops into the conversation. 
“Yes! She says yes! Whatever you’re asking, her answer is yes!” Samira yells through the window enthusiastically, muffled through the glass but still very audible.
Neither you nor Lando can stop the laughs that escape your mouths, especially when you turn around and all three girls are shooting you excited thumbs ups. 
“Guess that’s settled then,” You giggle, turning back to face him. 
“It’s a date.” He pushes forward, catching you by surprise when he presses a soft kiss to your cheek. As cliche as it sounds, the touch of his lips against your skin, although fleeting, sends a flurry of butterflies through your stomach. “I’ll text you later to plan, yeah? Get home safe.” 
He waits for you to pull around the circular driveway, and as his waving form gets smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror, a glimmer of hope worms its way through you. 
In the back of your mind, you know you should keep it in check. This could be totally casual. A short summer fling that won’t hurt anyone no matter how it ends. But maybe, just maybe, it could turn into something more. 
Your schedules don't end up giving you a free afternoon together until a few days later, though you come to realize it only makes you look forward to seeing Lando again even more. 
You're supposed to be meeting him at the local market in the center of town at half past one, but you find yourself there early, wanting to get a lay of the land before he gets there.
Evidently Lando had the same idea, because you spot him within the first few steps into the open air marketplace, squatting next to a stand with crates and buckets of bright flowers. He’s already got a bouquet clutched in his hands, but still he browses through the different bunches. 
“Flowers for Max?” You joke. 
Lando shoots to his feet so fast he nearly hits his head on the lightbulb hanging above, only managing to miss it by mere inches as he startles at the sudden voice. When he realizes it’s just you, he snorts with laughter. “He wishes! They’re for you, actually.” 
“Yeah, you,” He says teasingly. You don’t even know what to say. Flowers on the first date might be normal, yet nobody’s ever done it for you before. You’re touched, but he must take your silence as something else, because his smile drops the tiniest bit. “Unless you see something you like better? I can still put these back.” 
You study the flowers he’s picked out already. A little on the smaller side, it boasts a beautiful mix of both soft and brighter colors while still being simple—it’s exactly the sort of thing you would’ve chosen if you were buying flowers for yourself. “They’re perfect.” 
He pays for the flowers and passes them over to you with the biggest smile on his face, one that grows even bigger when you tuck them carefully into the crook of your arm after giving the delicate blossoms a sniff. 
You notice the camera hanging around his neck at that moment, despite knowing close to nothing about golf, you do know a thing or two about photography. “Golfer and photographer? Impressive.” 
“Amateur at best.” 
“Oh, I’m sure you're just being modest.” 
“Not even a little bit. I just enjoy taking pictures of things I like.” 
He swings around to face you fully, bringing the camera up to his eye and pausing only a second to make sure you're in focus before snapping a photo of you. The shutter clicks twice before you have the sense to hold up a hand out in front of you, a surprised laugh spilling from your mouth. Even then he grins, takes another one before lowering the camera. "What, you don't like having your photo taken?" 
“I’m just not very photogenic!” 
Lando scoffs immediately, shooting you a pointed look. “That is such a lie.” 
“I probably just broke your fancy expensive camera,” You joke. 
“We’ll just have to wait til I get it developed and see. I think it’ll turn out wonderful.” 
“And if it doesn’t?” 
“I’ll buy you dinner. If I’m right, then…you let me buy you dinner.” 
You let out a noise of surprise. “Well, that doesn’t seem very fair, does it? You’d have to buy me dinner either way.” 
“I can think of worse things than taking a pretty girl out for a nice meal.” His words take you by surprise, but judging by the smug grin on his face, Lando takes pride in eliciting a reaction from you. “Shall we?” And just like that, he’s sauntering off down the path like he didn’t just leave you at a loss for words, pep in his step even as he turns around to shoot you a roguish smile. “You coming or what?” 
You push aside the fluttering in your chest, giving your head an amused shake before catching up with him. It’s cute that he thinks he’s funny. Even cuter that he seems rather eager to take you out on a second date before the first one has even started. 
The two of you wander through the market aimlessly, stopping here and there at various stalls to have a look around. If you had the means, you’d buy everything you see. You wind up picking up some gorgeous looking fruit and a bottle of locally pressed wine, a few small souvenirs for your family back home, but the most important thing you buy isn’t even for you. 
Lando had lingered at a stall selling handmade jewelry early on, seemingly interested in a woven bracelet of blues and whites, but didn't pick it up. Part of you wonders why, but it sparks an idea in your head. 
You tug at Lando’s arm lightly, smiling guiltily when he turns to look at you. “I think I left my phone at that fruit stand a few stalls back.” 
“You’d forget your head if it wasn’t attached to your body, you muppet,” He chides, shaking his head fondly. “C’mon, let’s find it.” 
“No, I can get it. Why don’t you find us something good for lunch? I’m starving.” 
“Are you sure?” Lando cocks his head, shoulder bumping against yours. “I don’t mind.” 
“I’ll be right back,” You promise. To sweeten the deal, you make the bold move of pressing a kiss to his cheek. He freezes under your touch, but you pass it off as him not expecting it and being taken by surprise. “Two minutes, okay? Maybe less.” 
As soon as you confirm he isn’t paying any attention to you, you slip back through the crowd, finding the same stall and buying the bracelet he’d been looking at. You tuck it safely into your pocket, quickly making your way back to Lando before he realizes you’ve been gone long and comes looking for you. 
“All good?” He asks upon noticing you reappear by his side. 
You wiggle your phone in the air. “Never better. What's for lunch?” 
Lando grins happily, reciting the spiel that the very friendly older man at the food stand gave to him when he’d decided on the delicious looking food. Sure, maybe he stumbles over his pronunciation a little bit, but you find his giggled embarrassment sweet. 
You find a semi-secluded bench a little jaunt away to enjoy your food, and you do enjoy it. You think it might be one of the best things you’ve ever had, and when you tell Lando, he looks pleasantly surprised. As you continue to savor every bite, Lando’s eyes light up with amusement, so much so that you wonder what’s suddenly got him all smiling big like this. 
“What?” You say incredulously. 
He gestures to the lower part of his face. “You’ve got a little…” 
Mortified, you mirror his actions on your own face, searching for the food you’ve somehow gotten smudged on your chin. After a few tries that have him shaking his head, you whine, “Help me, please?”, to which he obliges with a soft chuckle. He reaches out, thumb rubbing at the corner of your mouth briefly. 
This moment almost seems too intimate, but then again, so have a lot of moments between the two of you. The way he’s looking at you makes you feel like you’ve still got something on your face, but then his gaze flicks down to your lips again almost imperceptibly, and you have an inkling of what’s about to happen. 
“Did you get it?” You ask softly. You’re not sure why you break the silence, but it's definitely not because you don’t want him to kiss you. If you think about it, you’ve wanted Lando to kiss you this whole time. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I got it," He replies. His hand lingers, long fingers splaying flat under the curve of your jaw now. You surprise yourself by shifting forward slightly, as if encouraging Lando to close the gap. He leans in closer and closer still, and your eyes fall shut on their own accord, heartbeat hammering against your rib cage. 
You nearly melt the moment his lips touch yours, held up only by the firm grasp of his hand cupping your face. It’s a little awkward with the food in between the two of you blocking you from pushing closer to him, but you make it work, reaching over it to wrap your fingers around Lando’s forearm. You feel like you need it to ground yourself, because holy shit, you’re kissing him. 
Well, more like he’s kissing you, because you’re definitely not the one leading the way. Lando kisses like he knows exactly what he’s doing, and judging by how you feel weak in the knees when you’re not even standing, he does know exactly what he’s doing. 
You’re falling, falling, falling, getting lost in him, until— 
“Wait, hang on,” He breathes, pulling away. Your eyes flutter open in an almost dazed sort of way, focusing on him in hopes of finding him in the same state, but all you’re met with is…guilt? Sadness? Shame? Maybe a mixture of everything, you’re not sure. All you know is that it has your heart plummeting in your chest. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.” 
Everything hits you at once, and suddenly you’re crashing back down to reality. Lando thinks kissing you was a mistake. You were so sure he liked you back, sure enough to go on a date with him, and now here you are with egg on your face, feeling unbelievably stupid. Hurt. 
“I’m gonna—I have to go,” You mumble, scrambling to your feet. You don’t even have an excuse prepared, you just need to get out of here, get away from Lando before you spontaneously combust from the sheer embarrassment. 
His hand encircles your wrist before you can make it even a step away. 
“No, no, don’t! Please, just let me…let me explain. I promise things will all make sense in a second, if you’ll just hear me out,” He says pleadingly. Despite your better judgment, you sit back down, expression guarded. Lando blows out a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose briefly. “Look, I like you. I really like you, and I wish things were as simple as that, but there’s things I’ve not told you. Things that, if you knew, you might not want to be with me.” 
You squeeze your eyes shut as hard as you can, burying your burning face into your hands with a muffled groan. “Oh my god, you are in the mafia, aren’t you?” 
“The—what?” Lando blurts, sounding wildly confused. “No, I’m not, I’m not in the mafia. Are you mad? I’m a Formula 1 driver!” 
You crack one eye open, then the other. “Formula 1.” You repeat, disbelieving. “Like, the racing thing?”  
He nods enthusiastically, tells you everything—how his childhood dream turned into a career, how he gets to travel all around the world doing what he loves. The fame, the lifestyle, the opportunities he’s worked so hard for, all while sounding entirely humble and grateful for everything and everyone who’ve gotten him to where he is today. 
It’s impressive, to say the least. The fact that he’s still fairly young and has already accomplished more than what some people have in a whole lifetime. Then he gets to how the chaos that doing what he does at the level he does it at wreaks havoc on other parts of his life, and you feel a wave of sympathy roll over you. 
The tradeoff for all that success is not getting to have a normal life in almost every aspect, and given the downward set of his brow as he tells you about it, this isn’t the first time he’s had this conversation with someone. 
“It makes being in a relationship…difficult, is the best way I can describe it. I’m never in one place more than a week most times, and the whole time zones thing makes it harder too. And after these two weeks are up, I’m already off to somewhere else, jumping right back into the second half of the season and hitting the ground running.” 
Realization hits you like a truck at this point, and you have to fight the urge to laugh out loud. Of course Lando is who he is. Of course you had to form a connection with someone with a life as complicated and as far away from your own as possible, someone who couldn’t be in a normal relationship even if he wanted to. 
“I wish it were different, but I just—I wanted you to know what you might be getting into if we…” He trails off, but you know what he means. If we want to get involved with each other. If we want to be together. 
“So like, long distance, but infinitely harder.” You’re doing your best to put a light spin on the massive amount of new information you’ve just acquired, but you’re barely managing to process it all, let alone even think about what it would be like to date someone as well known as Lando. 
“Yeah, something like that,” He says softly, shoulders creeping up towards his ears. “It’s—well, it’s a lot of baggage for anyone to have to deal with. Lots of eyes and ears, pretty public. Not really your cup of tea, I’ve noticed.” 
He’s right. You’ve never been one to enjoy being the center of attention, preferring to fly under the radar. Blend into the background. And you hate to say it, but knowing all of what he’s just told you changes things. You don’t think you can handle being thrust into the public eye, and it makes you feel like the most selfish person in the world to walk away from him just because of who he happens to be. 
Your life would be forever altered, your sense of privacy and security gone, and that isn’t something you want to compromise. You’re comfortable being nobody significant. With Lando, that would change, no matter how many measures you take to make sure it doesn’t. 
As much as you’ve come to like him—and you really like him—it’s just not something you can see yourself being fully okay with. 
“I’m so sorry, Lando,” You say quietly. He just smiles sadly, like he already knew it was coming, and you can't help but think about how many relationships—platonic or romantic—that he's lost out on because of his status. The thought alone makes you feel even worse. “I like you too, but I can’t—I don’t think I can be what you want me to be. It’s not me, it’s not the way I can live my life.” 
“Don’t be sorry. You haven’t got a reason to be,” He murmurs, thumb rubbing across your knuckles comfortingly. “Knew it was too good to be true, didn’t I?” 
“I’m sorry,” You say again, hoping that Lando knows you truly mean it. “I wish it were different, but—”
Lando shakes his head, interrupting before you can grasp for any other ways to apologize. He squeezes your hand reassuringly again. “Hey. It’s alright, I promise. I’d never ask anyone to do something they aren’t comfortable with. Especially not you.” 
Even when he’s sad, he’s still so thoughtful. It would take a different kind of awful monster not to want to be with him. Apparently that monster is you. 
You wish you were someone else, someone who could take huge changes in stride and never miss a step, but you’re not. Someone who knows what they want and goes for it—who knows who they want and doesn’t let anything get in their way. 
Unfortunately, you’re not that kind of person. 
“What do we do now?” 
Lando drops your hand to run his fingers through his curls, down to the back of his neck sheepishly. “Dunno about you, but I’ve—d’you think there’s any chance we can still be friends? I really do enjoy spending time with you lot, we all do.” 
“Friends would be nice,” You say softly. It feels strange to agree with him so wholeheartedly. 
Maybe it’ll be awkward between the two of you, maybe you won’t even be able to sit next to each other with what’s happened today, but you can’t bring yourself to care all that much. The only thought running through your mind is that you don’t want to lose Lando, even as just a friend. 
You’ve gotten attached. 
The bracelet you’d bought Lando burns a hole through your pocket. It would be weird to give it to him now, after you’d just turned him down, but you can’t exactly just return it either. You don’t really want to. 
Maybe it won’t go to him, but you’re sure you’ll find something to do with it someday.
The girls are waiting in the living room when you finally make your way home, gathered on the sofa with identical innocent smiles like you hadn’t seen them with their heads poked through the curtains. Samira bounces off the cushions with what you can only describe as a gleeful cackle to grab your flowers, showing them off to the other two like a game show host before grabbing your hand and dragging you into the center of their blanket pile. 
You know they're expecting good news and you wish you could give it to them, but you can’t. 
“So??? How’d it go?” 
“He got her flowers, obviously it went well!” 
“Okay, spill, now,” Camille presses, easing the bouquet out of Samira’s hands and setting it on the coffee table. “What’s he like, what’d you do—” 
“When’s your second date?” chimes in Maren excitedly. The other two nod their vigorous agreement. 
“Lando’s amazing,” You sigh, letting yourself fall back against the plush pillows. “He’s super sweet and really funny, we walked around and looked at all the vendors, and then we had lunch and talked for ages, and…there won’t be a second date.”
“What? That’s impossible, you guys were like, made for each other!” 
You sigh, rub at a flower petal that’s fallen away from the bouquet. “It’s complicated. I don’t—I’m not ready to get into all of it again this soon, but long story short, our lives are just too different. Being with him would mean compromising things I’m just not ready to lose right now.” 
If any of them wants to push for a better explanation, and you know they do, they refrain from doing so. They know you’ll tell them when you’re ready. 
But even Samira can tell you’re not quite as okay as you insist you are, and she’s been rooting for you extra hard. She leans her head onto your shoulder, squeezes your hand reassuringly. “You did what was best for you, and that’s all that matters.” 
“We agreed to still be friends, so we can still hang out with the guys and stuff like that, but—I mean, yeah, it just didn’t work out.” You don’t think you sound very convincing at all, but it’s the bed you've made, you’ve got to lay in it. “I just don’t really want to talk about it right now, but it's fine. I'm fine.” 
It has to be. You have to be. You’ve made sure of it.
follow @katsu-library to be notified when i post a new chapter :)
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loves0phelia · 2 days
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Summery: You and your friends get detention, find a weird video game, decide to play and earn the consequences.
Words: 2.3k
Warnings: bad grammar.
A/N: Idk why i decide to do a jumanji au fic but here it is i hope you'll like it xxx
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The sound of footsteps echoes in the hallway as students exit their receptive classroom after the bell rang signalling the beginning of lunch break.
You kept your gaze low, clutching your books tightly to your chest, and headed to your locker. You let out a quiet sigh of relief as you reached it. You began spinning the combination lock, when—
"BOO!" A loud voice shouted right next to your ear.
You jumped,  heart, leaping into your throat, nearly dropping all the books you held. You whipped around, eyes wide, only to be met with Chrissy’s grinning face.
"Gotcha!" Chrissy said, laughing playfully.
"Chrissy! You scared me!" you managed to say, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Sorry. It's just too easy to scare you! You're always so jumpy." Chrissy giggled, flipping her strawberry blonde hair over her shoulder, and leaning against the locker next to yours.
“So… where are you going to eat lunch? At my table or are you going to go with your boyfriend?” You both started walking away from the lockers, lunchbox in hand, to join the other students in the cafeteria.
Her question made a blush creep into your face, tinting your cheeks a rosy colour.
“Eddie is not my boyfriend, Chris. I barely even hang out with him” You sighed.
“It's kinda funny how you knew exactly who I was talking about though” She giggled again, and bumped your shoulder with hers, teasing you.
You only rolled your eyes at her and pushed the cafeteria doors open ignoring her. The doors swung open and right away you were both met with the bustling noise of the lunchtime crowd, students chatting, trays clattering, and the usual lunchtime chaos filling the air. But something was off.
You slowed down and noticed a cluster of students gathered in a tight circle near the center of the cafeteria. There was a low murmur spreading through the crowd, the kind of tension that only meant one thing.
“Wait… what’s going on?” you asked, your brow furrowing.
“I don’t know… “ Chrissy stood on her tiptoes, trying to see over the heads of the crowd. “it looks like—oh no.” Her face paled, and before you could ask anything, Chrissy darted forward, pushing through the crowd.
You rushed after her and muttered apologies every time you squeezed past another student.
When you finally pushed past the last student blocking the view of the middle of the circle, you saw them. Jason and Eddie. They were squaring off, chests puffed out, faces red with anger. Jason's hands were clenched into fists, and Eddie looked like he was one second away from throwing a punch.
“What the hell are you two doing?!” Chrissy shouted, storming right up to them and grabbing Jason’s hand in hers in case he was ready to throw his fist at Eddie’s face, her voice was cutting through the noise like a blade.
“The freak started it,” Jason accused, his voice sharp with frustration.
“Are you kidding me?” Eddie shot back, stepping forward. “You were talking sh-”
“Seriously? I was talking shit?!” Jason stepped forward too. Making both boys inches apart.
"What's going on here?" 
You felt your stomach drop as you turned to see Principal Coleman standing at the edge of the circle with his arms crossed, his eyes sweeping over the scene. The whole cafeteria seemed to fall silent the moment he appeared.
“Oh no,” Chrissy whispered under her breath, shooting you a worried look.
The principal walked forward, his gaze moving between Eddie, Jason, Chrissy, and you. 
“Mr. Munson, Mr. Carver,” Principal Thompson addressed them, his voice cold, “would either of you like to explain why there’s a crowd gathered around you, and why you two looked about ready to throw punches in my cafeteria?”
Jason shifted uncomfortably on his feet, rubbing the back of his neck. “We, uh… It was just a misunderstanding, sir. Nothing serious” 
“Nothing serious? When all the students are surrounding you guys I know everything is serious.” The principal raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed.
Both boys opened their mouths to speak but couldn’t come up with anything that would change the principal’s mind. Principal Thompson’s gaze then shifted to you and Chrissy, his eyes hardening.
“And what about you two? Just bystanders?” His tone suggested that he wasn’t buying that for a second.
You felt a lump rise in her throat as you shook your head quickly. “No, we didn’t do anything! We just got here and tried to stop them before it got worse.”
Chrissy nodded in agreement. “We weren’t part of the fight, I swear.”
“Well with what I can see right now you’re involved” His eyes shifted to Chrissy's hand that is still holding onto Jason's fist, and then to you in front of Eddie suggesting you were in the middle of it all. “The four of you need to understand that actions have consequences.”
“I expect more from all of you, especially you two,” he said, glancing between you girls. “I’m disappointed. You should’ve come to me or a teacher immediately instead of trying to handle it yourselves.”
Chrissy opened her mouth to protest, but Principal Thompson cut her off with a sharp look. “Enough. All four of you—detention. Today after school.”
Your heart sank, you never got detention, and now you were getting one unfairly? You wanted to say something but Instead, you just stood there, not wanting to aggravate the consequences.
“I’ll see you all in detention. And trust me, if this kind of behaviour happens again, there will be far more serious consequences.”
With that, he turned on his heel and walked away, leaving the four of you standing in stunned silence. The cafeteria slowly resumed its usual noise, but for you and Chrissy, the weight of the unfair punishment lingered.
“Detention? Seriously?” Chrissy muttered under her breath, crossing her arms tightly.
You and Eddie exchanged looks and you saw the guilt in his eyes. You were mad at Principal Coleman but you couldn't bring yourself to be mad at him even though he and Jason had put you and your best friend in this situation.
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“Welcome to detention” The woman smiled brightly but was met with frowns and sighs which was expected.
“Mister the principal thinks it would be too easy for you all to sit and look at the ceiling for a couple of hours so he thought of a brilliant idea” She pointed her finger to the mess on the floor and the shelves. All of you looked at her quizzingly.
“This place is gonna get turned into an office and obviously we need it cleaned out so today you are all going to be cleaning out the mess, and don't worry if you're not done today you can come back tomorrow” She smiled but her voice was full of malice.
“Tomorrow?” You all said in unison.
“But tomorrow is Saturday?!” Jason added. 
“Well I guess then you should get to work” She clapped her hands together and left the room leaving you all alone in the dark and cold basement.
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“I can't believe we're stuck here because of you guys!” Chrissy groaned, you had been down here for hours now and the room didn't seem to get any cleaner.
The gray walls were still lined with old posters that had been hanging there since forever, and the desks were scratched with initials from past students who had served their time. You sighed and tried to continue cleaning. The clock on the wall ticked slowly, the minutes dragging by painfully.
Your eyes lazily scanned the room, and that's when something caught your attention in the back corner.
Curiosity tugged at you, and before you knew it, you had started to make your way over to it.
“Y/N,” Chrissy whispered harshly, “What are you doing?”
“I just… want to check something out,” Y/N muttered, brushing off the dust from the top of the box. The box had a symbol, indicating that it was not to be opened.
Jason noticed and leaned over. “What is that thing?”
You shrugged, “I don’t know… but it looks like it has been here for a while.”
Eddie stood up from his chair across the room, curiosity getting the better of him. “Open it,” he said in a low voice, leaning over you, his chin almost laying on your shoulder  “Come on, let’s see what’s inside.”
“Maybe we should leave it alone” Chrissy warned, though her eyes looked nervously toward the box as well.
Ignoring the voice of reason in your head, you carefully pried open the latch. The box creaked as it opened, revealing an old gaming console nestled inside. It was strange—unlike any console you had ever seen. It had a small screen on the front and four controllers with wires. 
Jason leaned in closer, squinting. “Dude, it looks like something out of ancient history” You rolled your eyes in your head, it didn't look that old.
Chrissy, despite her initial hesitation, stood next to Y/N. “It kind of reminds me of a Nintendo, maybe it's an old console of the company or something?” 
“Do you think we should try it?”
Eddie grinned, always up for something reckless. “We’re already in detention. What’s the worst that could happen?”  Earning nods from everyone he took the game from your hands and plugged it in the old dusty TV that was in the corner of the room. The console buzzed to life with a low hum, and the screen flickered open, displaying the name.
“I've never heard of this game before”
Suddenly, the screen blinked again, showing the words “Choose your player”
“Cassian Vox, the skilled leader," Eddie said as he read the name and description of one of the characters. He pressed a button on the controller signaling he had chosen his avatar.
“Come on your turn, sweetheart” he took the second controller and handed it to you, your eyes scanning over the 3 remaining characters.
“I'll be… Kyomi, the killer of men?” Eddie laughed beside you and bumped his hips against yours. 
“My turn! I'll pick Ivy, nature expert” Chrissy chose her character excitingly.
“I'll be Professor Oberon, curvy genius” Jason laughed, “of course, I'm the genius” 
Without warning, the controllers vibrated in everyone's hands. You all exchanged nervous looks. 
“Welcome to Jumanji” The sound echoed in the basement. 
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a deep, rhythmic thud filled the air.
It was slow at first—like the beat of a drum. 
Thud… Thud… Thud…
The sound reverberated through the basement, growing louder with each beat.
“What the heck is that?” Chrissy yelled over the drums beating.
You pressed your hands to your ears. The pounding wasn’t just coming from the game—it was like it was in the air, in the entire school.
“It's the game!” Jason shouted over the noise. “It’s doing something!”
Thud… Thud…
You all exchanged panicked looks as the sound grew louder, each beat shaking the ground beneath you. Chrissy's face paled, her eyes wide. “Stop this game!”
“unplug it!” Jason yelled. 
Eddie rushed forward to the cord and pulled it. For a brief second, it seemed like it was back to normal. But victory was short-lived when the game came back to life with a green explosion. 
Thud… Thud… Thud..
You felt your entire body go numb. A powerful wind whipped through the detention room, though there were no open windows.
"What's happening?!" Chrissy screamed,
“What's wrong with your hands!” Jason shouted over the drums.
“I don't- I don't know” You felt a strange pulling sensation, like something was yanking you into the console itself. Your arms were blurring into a green wave, your entire body was starting to disappear leaving the others absolutely shocked.
“What the hell!” Eddie yelled, but his voice was distant like it was coming from underwater because of how his own body was getting pulled into the game like you just had.
Both Eddie’s and Chrissy’s screams faded into the void as they were completely disappearing.
“I don't want to die!” Jason cried when his turn came.
Suddenly the room filled with noise was silent as if nobody was even there in the first place.
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You landed hard on your back, the impact knocking the breath out of your lungs. You blinked rapidly.
“What the heck?" You groaned, slowly pushing yourself up onto your elbows. The ground beneath you wasn’t the cold, tiled floor of the detention room anymore. It was soft grass?
You looked around, your eyes widening in disbelief. You weren't in the school anymore.
"Where… are we?" Chrissy’s voice was barely a whisper.
Jason and Eddie groaned, both sitting up and brushing dirt off their clothes. “Okay, what kind of joke is this!” 
You all turned facing each other but it wasn't you?
“Who are you?” Jason asked
“Who are you?” Eddie returned the question
“Who is she?” Jason ignored his question.
“Who are you guys?!” you yelled and scanned your eyes over all of them.
But nobody answered, you were all too busy noticing your new features. Your voice all sounded different, your hair and your clothes were all changed.
You looked down at yourself finally noticing the gown that you did not have on before, your hair was silky and cascading down your shoulders. Your hands were bare before and now they were dressed with fingerless gloves and some kind of golden art piece.
“What happened to my hair?!” Your eyes shot up to the voice.
The guy had short jet-black hair and was dressed in black and gold armour. He had a weapon on the side of his hip and some kind of green scarf around his shoulder down to his thigh.
“What is this!” Your eyes left the guy to scan over the girl.
Her hair was a beautiful shade of red and braided to the side, a sword accompanied her pirate-looking corset and The boots she had on were almost to her knees.
“No! No, no, no!” 
The last one remaining had a bucket hat and glasses, he looked like an amateur detective. 
“I don’t like this. I don’t like this at all.”
“I think we're in the game…” you muttered.
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blingblong55 · 23 hours
Earned release-König NSFW
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Based on a request:  Dom!konig breeding sub!transmasc!reader 😍 (or m!reader if you don’t feel comfy writing that.)
I can 100% imagine this man putting his partner into a mating press, entirely fixated on how he can pump his seed into reader without them being able to squirm away. Even if in the back of his head he knows he can’t *actually* breed them, he’ll still damn sure try. Grunting praises and compliments in german, knowing either way they wouldn’t be able to comprehend whatever he said from being fucked too dumb on his cock. ♡
A/N: oh anon you ate with this request, anyway...we are getting straight to it 
---- Trans!Masc!Reader, M!Reader, MDNI, 18+, smut, unprotected!sex, MLM, established!relationship, husband!König, breeding!kink, Dom!könig, sub!reader ----
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His blue eyes glisten in the dim light as König buries himself deep inside you, every vein of his cock pulsing with life. There’s no movement, no thrust from his hips—he's waiting for you to say the right words, the ones you both know will set him off.
"Look at me like a good boy, Y/N. I want to see that pretty face while I fill you again," König growls, his voice thick with desire. One of his large hands moves to your chest, fingers teasing your nipples as a moan escapes your lips, making his cock twitch inside you.
"Come on, Y/N, be daddy’s good boy and say it for me..." he continues, his voice husky, low, eyes heavy with expectation. He’s got you at his mercy, and the power play is as intoxicating as the physical pleasure.
You whimper, hips shifting slightly beneath him, desperate for more. You can see the faintest grin pull at the corner of his lips as he takes in your needy, submissive state. A deep chuckle rumbles through his chest.
"That’s what I like, mein Schatz. Such a good boy for me, aren’t you?" he purrs, his thick accent rolling out the words in a mixture of praise and possession. His mask hovers above your face, and you can feel his breath against your skin.
His free hand drifts downward, past your stomach, until it reaches your entrance. He teases you, circling your hole with his fingers, making you whine for more. 
"You’re so perfect, so tight for me. I can’t wait to feel you wrapped around me properly," he murmurs, before replacing his fingers with the head of his cock, the heat of him radiating against your skin, the tension building between you.
"Tell me, Y/N. Tell me you want it. Beg for me to breed you." His voice is ragged, his patience wearing thin as he stares into your eyes, waiting for the words that will break him.
"Breed me," you moan, your brow furrowing as you pant beneath him. "Please... please breed me," you plead softly, almost breathless.
The second the words leave your lips, König is gone—lost to the primal hunger within him. With a deep, guttural growl, he thrusts forward, sheathing himself completely inside you in one swift motion. 
"Fuck, Y/N... You feel incredible," he groans, his head falling back as he savours the feeling of you around him. His pace quickly becomes brutal, each thrust powerful, filling you up, stretching you most deliciously. The slap of skin against skin echoes around you, mixing with your desperate moans and gasps for air.
He leans down, capturing your lips in a heated kiss, his tongue claiming you just as thoroughly as his cock does. His hands grip your hips tightly, holding you steady as he pounds into you, angling himself perfectly to hit that spot deep within you.
"Take it, take my cock like the good little boy you are. I’m going to fill you up so well, pump you full of me until you’redripping with it," he growls against your lips, his words sending shivers down your spine.
You can feel him getting close, his thrusts becoming more erratic, his balls tightening as he nears release. König pulls back slightly, hot breath brushing over your face as he watches your expression twist with pleasure.
"Come for me, Y/N. Come on my cock, be the good boy I know you are," he rasps, voice rough with the strain of holding back. One final thrust has him buried deep inside you, his cock throbbing as he spills inside you, filling you with his warmth. His deep moan vibrates through his chest, your name spilling from his lips like a prayer.
Your legs wrap around him, your body trembling with the overwhelming pleasure. "Ahh... f-fuck...ngh~...König!" you cry out as you reach your peak, your body shaking from the intensity of your release.
Even as your orgasm crashes over you, König doesn’t stop. He grinds his hips against yours, ensuring every drop of his seed is buried deep within you.
"That's it, Y/N. Take it all. Let me fill you up," he groans, his voice rough, satisfied. He presses soft kisses along your neck and jaw, whispering in German, "Du machst mich so stolz, mein Junge. So perfekt." 
You’ve been such a good boy for him, and he tells you that over and over, his hands caressing your face, wiping away the tears of pleasure that have fallen.
Slowly, König pulls out of you, a hiss escaping his lips at the loss of your warmth. He watches with a satisfied smirk as his cum leaks from your well-used hole.
"Look at that," he murmurs, "all my cum where it belongs." He scoops some of it onto his fingers and presses them to your lips. "Taste what we made together, Y/N."
You obediently clean his fingers, the taste of your shared moment heavy on your tongue. He pulls you into his arms, holding you close, keeping you safe in the afterglow of your passion.
Tags: @frizzseaberries @jinxxangel13 @enarien @ikohniik @sae1kie @sparky--bunny @konigssultwithghost @lovelyvqer @nobodys-coffee @a-goose-with-a-knife @foxface013 @marshiely @noodlezz-bedo @queen-ilmaree @avidreadee123 @luvecarson @aidey860
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lovelytsunoda · 3 days
still alive | pato o' ward
summary: pato's girlfriend really likes halloween. in fact, it's her whole brand. especially since her dad starred in 'scream' and 'scooby-doo' and 'five nights at freddys'. like seriously, this holiday was made for her
pairing: pato o' ward x lillard! reader
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yn.lillard just posted to her story!
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yn.lillard just posted
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liked by patriciooward, matthewlillardofficial, indycar and others
yn.lillard its the most wonderful time of the year
see all comments
patriciooward my skeleton gingerbreads are cooler than your skeleton gingerbreads
-> yn.lillard say sike rn! we all know mine are better. i can call my dad and he can be the deciding vote
-> patriciooward no need, i ate them all already anyways :)
-> yn.lillard i love you you big dork
-> patriciooward i know. but do you love me as much as you love billy loomis?
-> yn.lillard see it sounds odd when you remember that to me, he's just uncle skeet.
davidmalukas you got the pumpkins i got the paint and the hocus pocus dvd. what do you say we all meet at yn's dads and have ourselves a pumpkin painting party?
-> yn.lillard you just want to drink beers with my dad and uncle skeet, don’t you?
-> matthewlillardofficial how does friday sound?
user they give such black cat orange cat energy
patriciooward added to his story!
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halloween horror nights
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tagged: patriciooward, elbaoward
liked by patriciooward, yourbestfriend, skeetulrich and others
yn.lillard its a hot ghoul summer!!! #hhn24
see all comments
elbaoward please tell me you got a video of pato screaming when the clown on stilts came up behind him
-> yn.lillard of course i did, i'm the best girlfriend ever
-> patriciooward delete that
-> yn.lillard what are you going to do to make it worth my while? 😏
patriciooward repeat after me: pato you are the sweetest most loveable man on planet earth. god created men and then sent me as an apology
-> yn.lillard someone has a big ego (i love you too sweetheart!)
alexanderrossi so where is this video of pato
-> patriciooward GONE
-> yn.lillard ill send it to u when im done jumping his bones
-> matthewlillardofficial YN YMN LILLARD
user theres so much hot in this post i dont know where to look
Pato O'Ward talks victory at Milwaukee, summer break with his girlfriend and the first time he met future father-in-law Matthew Lillard
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yn.lillard and patriciooward
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tagged: patriciooward
yn.lillard hey google, play i miss you by blink 182
see all comments
yourbestfriend i realize there was a specific lyric you were trying to reference there but it is not coming across right bestie
-> yn.lillard ok let me be more specific *clears throat* HELLO THERE THE ANGEL OF MY NIGHTMARES THE SHADOW IN THE BACKGROUND OF THE MORGUE
patriciooward we can live like jack and sally if we want and we'll have halloween on christmas ❤️
-> yn.lillard and in the night we'll wish this never ends, we'll wish this never ends
user oh that boy is so whipped
skeetulrich kid why did i just get a text message from lover boy here asking if i knew your ring size?
-> yn.lillard YOU WHAT
-> patriciooward no reason!! totally not planning something!!
-> matthewlillardofficial ahem. do we need to have a talk?
-> patriciooward nope! all good here!
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yn.lillard just posted to her story
[location tag: calgary, alberta]
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I'm so proud of you, sweetheart. And remember, I still have the Ghostface costume so if you ever need me to get rid of him, just give me a call.
DAD! I promise you'll never have to do that.
Good. I'm looking forward to having him as my son in law.
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jenniferjareauwife · 18 hours
hi love i hope you're doing well :) i really love your writing - do you think maybe we could get a jennifer jareau x reader (romantic) where jj notices the readers old sh scars from when they were young? thank youu❤️
When I Was Young
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pairing: jennifer jareau x fem reader
category: hurt/comfort, fluff
warnings: self harm
word count: 635
I laid my head across JJ's lap as she stroke my hair, taking another sip of her red wine. "What movie do you wanna watch my love?" I could feel her eyes gaze down at me.
"Hmm...Beautiful Boy?" I offered, we had only watched it once together but it was one of my favorite movies.
"Whatever makes you happy." She caressed my cheek and reached for my hand, squeezing it.
As we eased into watching the movie she continued to caress my palm, looking down at me every so often with a smile. "Baby?" She asked softly.
"What's this?" She pulled my sleeve up slightly, revealing some faded but slightly scars. I held my breath. I knew I was going to have to tell her about them soon, we had been together long enough that I was comfortable with telling her...I just wish she hadn't found out like this.
"Oh just...when I was young, you know?" I was hoping she would get the hint, I didn't really want to go into any further detail at the moment but she tapped my hip, signaling for me to sit up so I did.
"Why didn't you tell me before?" She asked in a whisper, one hand on my cheek as she gently stroked it with her thumb.
"Well I don't really tell anyone. Not really something I like to talk about, you know?" She nodded, signaling that she understood. I didn't really want to talk about it anymore so I turned my head.
"My love...I wish you would talk to me about it." I looked back at her and leaned forward, my head resting on her shoulder.
"I just wasn't in the best place...mentally when I was a teen. No one really is but I don't think a lot of people realize how...bad it can get." I felt her nod in agreement. "A lot of the times I just felt like I wasn't good enough for anyone, like no one loved me." My voice got quieter and quieter as I held back tears. "Now I know that that's sort of...not true but when you overthink every single thing someone says to you, it's really hard to be happy." I took a deep breath as she started playing with my hair.
We sat in silence for a few minutes, I get it, sometimes there's just not a lot someone can say after they hear something like that. Eventually, she broke the silence. "Thank you for telling me." Her breath was hot in my ear. "And I want you to know that...if you ever start feeling any of that again, please come to me."
"I haven't felt that way in a long time. I mean...I've had the ideations just not that bad." I sighed, knowing I was doing a horrible job at explaining things.
"I know...but I also know how easy it is for things like that to come back. Once you've felt it it's easy to feel that way again." I couldn't tell if she was speaking from experience or if that was just part of her knowledge as a profiler but I knew that now was not the time to ask, I just appreciated her support. "I don't want you to ever doubt my love for you." Her voice was getting quieter and I wondered if she was trying not to cry like I was just minutes before.
"Thank you." I whispered, hiding my face in her neck. I had never been close enough to someone where I was able to be this honest about my past, and it felt good to be able to talk to someone I trusted completely.
"Of course my love." She planted a gentle kiss on my temple, causing me to melt into her.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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adrift-in-thyme · 3 days
Whumptober: Day 2 Trust Issues
Ao3 link
Legend & Wind
Summary: Wind finds Legend injured…and strangely transformed
CW for blood and injury and slight dehumanization
Something glitters on the beach.
It is a lengthy thing, slim. Its form is similar to that of a teen boy. But the scales that decorate its body, glinting a deep indigo violet, are decidedly not human-like. They resemble those of the vibrantly colored fish that weave with tranquil grace through river waters.
Wind walks forward, head cocked, boots making gentle sounds in the supple sand.
An intake of breath, sharp and ragged as a damaged blade, splits the air. The creature shifts, moves with the imprecise swiftness of the wounded and desperate. The next thing Wind knows, a pair of wide violet eyes are gazing with utter terror into his own.
The familiarity sinks into him like a boulder into mud. Wind gasps.
His feet move before thought can catch up. There is blood upon the sand. Blood tangling with the sharp, mangled pieces of what was once a net. Blood adorning taloned fingers, matting petal pink hair.
I have to help him! It is the only thought that comes to his mind, one born of instinct and empathy, of fear and the unbreakable bonds of friendship.
But when he drops to his knees and reaches out, Legend draws back.
“How?” he hisses through bared, bloodied teeth.
They’re pointy, Wind realizes with a spark of curiosity. Cool.
…cool but confusing.
Just what is this? A curse? A spell? A special ability Legend had chosen to keep secret?
Oh, like the old man’s masks! He thinks. Yeah, that must be it!
“How do I know that you’re him? That you’re our sailor?”
Wind shakes his head, reaches for him again, desperate to aid his friend. This time his fingers come to rest upon the layer of sleek scales climbing the veteran’s forearm. Legend flinches back as though his touch is flame.
“Don’t,” he growls in a tone so deep and hoarse, so animalistic and eery that for a moment, the sailor is certain he had uttered the word in another tongue.
Wind retracts his hand, holds it to his chest. Tears burn at the edges of his eyes. He bites his lip in an attempt to hold them back.
Now is not the time to cry.
“I-I…” He inhales roughly and swipes a fist across his eyes. “Of course, I’m your sailor, Legend! Why wouldn’t I be? And more importantly” — he gestures to Legend’s prone form — “why didn’t you tell anyone about this?”
Delicately finned ears flatten against damp locks. For a moment, Wind is sure he is going to growl again, and perhaps sound a bit more like Wolfie this time. But then, Legend bites out a choked cry and his hesitation flees once more.
“Here.” He fishes in his pouch and holds up a bottle containing an eagerly glittering fairy. “This’ll work on you in this form, right?”
Legend’s eyes flick from the bottle to his face and back again. Slowly, he nods.
A grin splits Wind’s face like the sun after a rainstorm.
Unscrewing the lid, he watches gleefully as the little creature flits determinedly forward. It twirls, graceful and quick, in four looping circles around Legend. And then it is gone, faded into the aether, leaving only the remnants of its whirling magic behind.
“Thank you!” Wind waves to the last gleam of pink that disappears into the sunny sky. He turns back to Legend. “Feeling better?”
The veteran shifts. He lifts his hands and turns them over, inspecting the palms and backs of them. Cautiously, he moves his tale. Wind lets out a hushed “oh” as the scales absorb and reflect the churning green of the sea.
“You’re super cool, by the way,” he chirps before he can shut his mouth. “What’re you? A merman? I’ve never seen one before!”
He may be imagining it, but Wind is sure he sees the faintest smile lift Legend’s lips.
“Yeah, I’m feeling better,” he says, quietly. “And yeah, I’m a merman. I don’t know if it’s cool though. More like a pain in the ass.” He looks down at his tail and sighs. “Like this, I’m interesting to bad people. Like this, I can be caught.”
The sailor breathes in. The net still lies beneath Legend, torn, bloodied by his efforts to free himself. Suddenly, the crimson seems to glare in the sunlight.
“So, that’s what happened!” he exclaims. “Someone tried to capture you!”
He stands, sword drawn so quickly it hardly makes a sound. But Legend holds out a hand.
“Don’t worry about it, sailor. They’re long gone.”
He drags himself fully up onto land. Wind watches, wide eyed as his tail splits into two legs, scales rippling away, claws retracting into fingernails.
“Idiot.” He ducks his head, curls his hands into fists. “I shouldn’t have hesitated. I should’ve known something was wrong the minute I thought I saw you.”
Wind’s thoughts scramble over one another, trying in a panic to catch up.
“Th-they…the people who hurt you…they looked like me?”
Legend lifts his eyes, his expression dark. “There were three of them. They each looked like one of…one of my brothers. It was just a coincidence that one looked like you.” He shudders. “I would’ve run or attacked, but they somehow knew I wouldn’t. Not if I saw your faces. And faltering for even just a second…was enough.”
Wind gnaws his lip. Legend’s tone is bitter. But his posture, his tense stance, it speaks to something deeper than anger.
He sheathes his sword and kneels. Then, he places a hand on Legend’s shoulder.
“I’m really sorry, vet.”
Legend is still for a moment, breath shuddering out of him. When he speaks, his voice cracks over itself like a crumbling structure of stone.
“There’s nothing for you to be sorry for. Thank you…for helping me out.”
The sailor smiles. “Of course! That’s what brothers do! Real brothers anyway.”
He pulls Legend close, and the vet allows his head to rest on his shoulder. Wind counts it as a win. Seldom does the prickly hero let himself display such vulnerability. But he emanates hurt and exhaustion far deeper than he is showing.
Wind has more questions than he can hold. If he doesn’t ask them soon, he’s sure he will burst. For now, however, he will wait. For now, he will sit with his brother (who can turn into a fish for some reason, his mind so jovially reminds him). He will sit beside him and guard him as he rests.
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robo-writing · 1 hour
Kinktober Day One: DOFP! Logan - Lingerie | Kinktober Masterlist |
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“I’ve got a surprise waiting for you at home,” you said, giggling into the phone. Logan’s not much for surprises, but for you? He’ll make an exception.
“How kind of you,” he says back, still rummaging through his desk. “Can I guess what it is?”
“Mhm, nope,” you reply, making a show of popping the p at the end of the word. “No hints for you, you’ll just have to wait and see tonight.”
He groans out loud, much to your amusement. You know he’s not a patient man and you’re hoping that the anticipation will eat him alive. He pauses for a moment, talks back to you in that voice that you fully recognize as his bedside voice. “Not even one?”
“Not even one.” You answer. “And stop it with your voice, you know what that does to me.”
“Yeah,” he whispers, sending a shiver down your spine. “That’s kind of the point.”
You’re real tempted to let the secret slip, but not tempted enough. With another laugh you bid him farewell, and hang up.
Logan looks at the phone in his hand amused, going back to searching for his lesson plans, your conversation still in the back of his mind.
Guess I’ll just have to find out for myself.
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The day couldn’t have ended any faster, driving home at exactly the speed limit to get home as fast as possible. Curiosity eating him alive, he steps into your shared home and to his surprise, you’re not there to greet him like normal.
“Doll, I’m home!” he calls out, and his ears perk up when you reply a faint in here! from the bedroom.
His shoes heavy against the hardwood floor, he follows the sound of your voice, opening the door to find you—
Oh god.
He doesn’t know what he expected when you called him, but this certainly wasn’t his guess. Lit candles, the faint smell of vanilla in the air, lights dimmed and you—just you—looking pretty in a set he’s certain he hasn’t seen before.
God, where does he begin?
“Oh, princess…” he says, still in awe at the wonderful display. You rise from the sheets, allowing him to fully take in the lace that hugs your every curve, the same lace that lets him see everything and nothing all at once. From your chest, to your ass, to the garters that fasten the stocking onto your thighs—you’re wrapped up like a present, and it’s not even his birthday.
Your smile breaks him from his trance, fingers beckoning him toward you coyly. “Come over here, lover boy,” you whisper, and he feels his heart skip two beats.
“Don’t need to tell me twice,” he said, already making his way towards you. Sat on your haunches, you look up at him with faux innocent eyes, relishing in the sight of your husband speechless at the sight of you. Slowly, your hands glide against his shirt, every button removed between deft fingers. He lets you, chest heaving with each pop, until his torso is bare before you and you can feel the bare skin beneath your fingertips, firm and hot.
“Can’t tell if I wanna rip this off of you or fuck you in it,” he sighs, fingers playing with the soft fabric. “I don’t remember buying this for you.”
“I bought it,” you mutter, rising forward to place a kiss onto his adam’s apple, enjoying how it bobs under the touch of your lips. “Do you like it?”
A rhetorical question, but one he plans to answer anyway. He grabs your wandering hands suddenly, pushing you into the soft mattress below. You squeal, your eyes widening in shock before soon turning into something much more hungry.
“Do I fuckin’ like it?” he scoffed in that same honeyed voice from before. The clink of his belt rings loud in your ears as it falls to the ground, your thighs pressing together at the sign of what’s to come next. 
“Gimme a couple hours and I’ll show you just how much I love it.”
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anxiousthoughts365 · 2 days
'You're fucking ridiculous.' The door almost slams shut in Sirius' face, but he catches it in time and shoves it open again roughly as he barges into the dorm after Remus. He doesn't even pause to see if James and Peter make it through unscathed.
'Me? I'm being ridiculous?' he scoffs, his fists clenched at his sides as he glares at the taller boy currently easing himself down to sit on his bed while trying his hardest to pretend that every little movement doesn't cause him intense pain. 'You were awake for four days before this moon, Remus. It's not ridiculous for me to suggest that you've earned at least one day of rest before rushing back to lessons.'
'I said I'm fine, Padfoot,' Remus snaps, his gaze sharp as he stares up at Sirius.
It's the nickname that breaks him. All of the fear and tension and anger suddenly bleeds out of him, and he sags. Remus' eyebrows rise in surprise as Sirius seems to fold in on himself.
'I'm just so worried about you,' Sirius breathes, his voice catching and his eyes stinging as he stares at his boyfriend. 'You're so pale, Moony, and it took you so long to climb just one flight of stairs. I'm not in all of your classes today. How can I make sure you're alright if I can't be with you the whole time?'
'Oh, Cariad,' Remus sighs, scrubbing at his somewhat sallow face before reaching one hand out to Sirius. He takes it, and lets Remus pull him forward, to stand between his thighs. The werewolf's face softens as he gazes up at Sirius, and he rubs soothing circles against Sirius' hipbones as he murmurs, 'Here's the deal, then. I'll sleep until 12, then I'll come down for lunch and go to my afternoon classes. The only one we'll be separated for is Ancient Runes, but I'll have Lils with me, and you can brief her while we eat.'
There's more than a hint of dryness to Remus' tone, but the knowledge that he's willing to meet Sirius on this is enough to soothe his inherent urge to fight. He even lets himself smirk as he runs his hands through Remus' curls, watching as the boy closes his fatigue-puffy eyelids and leans into the touch.
'Deal,' he says, bending down to kiss Remus gently. The werewolf hums contentedly, but he's already swaying, so Sirius eases him back, helps him to lie down. Remus' breathing evens out instantly, and Sirius' smile softens as he turns back towards the room, ready to shoo the others out of the dorm. Only to find that the room is empty. He snorts quietly to himself, and allows himself one last look at Remus' sleeping form before he slips silently out of the door and makes his way back to the Common Room in search of two cowards.
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peaches2217 · 2 days
“Did I ever tell you about Peasley’s little post-surgery scare?”
While normally this would be a worrying statement to open with, the mischievous grin on the Queen’s face assures Luigi that the story itself is lighthearted. It would seem, however, that his beloved doesn’t share the sentiment, which he voices before Luigi can say anything.
“Mother, please,” Peasley groans into his hands. He’s never been one to hide his face in shame, yet here he is, sinking into his chair as if hoping it will swallow him whole, his cheeks flushing dark green with a rush of chloroplast.
Well now Luigi has to know.
“What happened?”
Queen Bean chortles with delight, clapping her hands together as she often does before speaking at length. “He had just woken up. He was alright at first, clearly quite drowsy but in good spirits, when all of a sudden he started weeping. And I said ‘Oh, my baby, what’s the matter?’”
“My sweet boy looked down at the blanket covering him and, with fat tears running down his cheeks— ”
“He said, ‘Mother, they took my legs! Order the fiends to return them at once, I beg you!’”
Luigi snorts so harshly that his throat burns and his body lurches forward, and then he collapses into uproarious laughter. The Queen’s guffaws overpower his, bellowing deep and clear through the dining room, and her delight only serves to amuse Luigi that much more.
“I was still under the effects of a very potent anesthetic, mind you,” Peasley snaps, but the way his voice pitches and wavers assures Luigi he’s not angry, just deeply embarrassed. “And she could very well be making it up, my love. I don’t recall this conversation ever occurring.”
“Shall I summon the royal anasaziologist, then?” The Queen dabs at her eyes with a cloth napkin, careful to ensure her bold makeup remains pristine. “She remembers the ordeal quite well, too!”
“Assuredly, that won’t be necessary.” Glancing back to Peasley, Luigi finds him slumped so deeply within his chair that his feet fully touch the floor, his arms crossed over his chest and his cheeks puffed in indignation. The sight is almost enough to make Luigi feel bad for him.
If only that sight wasn’t so charmingly hilarious as well. He stifles another chuckle and pats Peasley’s shoulder, if only to assure him that the ribaldry is all in good fun.
“Oh, Luigi, dear!” the Queen says. “I have so many stories to tell you. My son is quite the handful, after all!”
Dinner hasn’t even been served yet, but Luigi fears his stomach will be too troubled from all this laughter to eat once it arrives. To spare both of them, he doesn’t take her up on her offer just yet, instead smiling up at her as he squeezes Peasley’s shoulder once more. “Well, he’s worth it, Your Majesty.”
This earns him an approving hum from the Queen and a resigned sigh from the Prince. Sandwiched between them in an overstuffed velvet chair at an ornate oak table, he feels, somehow, that he’s home.
@smokszyvverstar I believe you wanted to be tagged in this? 💗
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chrisbitchtree · 20 hours
There seemed to be interest in a part two of my little fic about Billy wearing short shorts to Family Video, which can be found here, so here you go!
For the first while, Billy had enjoyed the unseasonably hot weather. Being from California, he’d always been partial to warm weather, so he’d loved slipping back on shorts and tank tops in mid September.
Now though, the temperature had stopped going up and down, and it was early October and in the low 90s for the sixth straight day. It was made worse by the fact that he’d barely even started a long Saturday shift at the auto repair shop he’d picked up a job after the pool closed down for the summer. Already drenched in sweat, he was so fucking over it.
At least he had a night out in Chicago to look forward to at the end of the day. He was feeling flush just thinking about his date, and between that and the heat, he had to take a quick break to chug some water.
Just as Billy returned to the old, beat up car he was working on, trying to get himself in the right frame of mind for figuring out what the root cause of the grinding noises that the hunk of junk was making, Harrington drove into the parking lot, a dorky smile lighting up his face as he spotted Billy.
Billy put down the wrench he was holding and made his way over to Steve’s car as he parked it and cut the engine. “Hey, pretty boy,” he said by way of greeting. “What brings you here?”
“Well,” Steve replied, his smile growing wider, “I have a hot date tonight, in the city, and I want to make sure everything’s in tip top shape with my car before we head out.”
“Hot date, huh? Who’s the lucky lady?” Billy gave Steve a wolfish grin.
“Who says it’s a girl?” Steve laughed, winking.
“Certainly not me,” Billy replied. “Now about your car; it’s going to be a bit of a wait to get it looked at. We’re pretty busy today. Will that be a problem? You can wait inside the office. There’s air conditioning.”
“Oh no, no problem at all. I can’t start my night out until my date’s ready anyway.” With that, Steve stepped out of the car, and Billy noticed for the first time that Steve was wearing indecently short jean shorts.
“You’re wearing my shorts,” Billy managed to choke out, his throat suddenly dry.
“Well,” Steve said, looking down at himself. “You forgot to take them with you this morning when you snuck out of my house without even waking me up for a goodbye kiss. I figured I’d return them later, but I can give them back now if you’d like?” He started to reach for the button and Billy grabbed his wrist to stop him before he got reported for indecent exposure.
“You know, I think later will be ok. You could even wear them out tonight. I bet your date would love that.”
Steve snorted. “Did you forget this was a double date, Hargrove? The last thing I need is Robin and Heather making fun of me for that for the rest of my life. The shorts stay at home. I can wear them for you later if you want though.”
“Oh, I want,” Billy replied, pushing Steve towards the office before he did something dumb like kiss him in public. “I most definitely want.”
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thedarklyblue · 1 year
he's so all or nothing jesus fuck
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