#and belief system
majorasnightmare · 1 month
like just for the record ive been using this lil freak as a coping method to get through TWO moves and im so invested. he is NOT well in the head and i thought too hard about ketheric and him pre head stabbing and isobel with autopsy scars and i am just losing it like jesus christ. you probably restored her corpse and then bhaal tells you to kill her again! and this is AFTERRRR being used as a goddamn medical manikin so kressa can croon to her hubby how cute your intestinal tract is. giving me mental illness for REAL
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marimbles · 9 months
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ok ok I’ll STOP now (me when I lie)
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thedarklyblue · 1 year
he's so all or nothing jesus fuck
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spectral-honey · 2 years
AU where Jason gets his revenge by becoming a lawyer and getting joker sentenced to the death penalty
Bruce is conflicted about it but any time he tries to say anything on the subject Alfred just talks over him like "oh we're so proud of you master Jason you finished college and you didn't even use your father's extensive resources that could've easily gotten someone in this family a degree aren't we so proud master Bruce that Jason got himself a respectable profession--"
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communistkenobi · 1 month
the crazy thing about systemic oppression is that it actually doesn’t require the active conscious participation by millions of random individuals all spontaneously deciding to be bigoted for oppression to work
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 4 months
one of my favourite things about being aroace is going to my allo friends and asking them questions about how they experience attraction that break their brains
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airoarts · 1 month
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"yellowfang? what are you doing in bluestars den? well its none of my business" -fireheart, probably
[ID: a digital painting of Bluestar and Yellowfang, two battle-scarred gray cats, from Warrior Cats. They are cuddling in loaf positions in a den with sunlight streaming in, looking towards the entrance with slight smirks. The image is drawn in a semi-realistic art style with soft colors and shading. End ID]
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otaku553 · 27 days
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Need to write a 4000 word essay and take a neurobio final before I’m done with the term and both are due Thursday so we’re going back to the procrastination doodles again
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superhell · 1 year
house md is wild because house tells wilson that he’ll sacrifice many things but never himself and then he sacrifices himself for wilson. and then he sacrifices himself for wilson. and then he sacrifices himself for wilson. and then he
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The real reason Lucifer is so short is so that he can have better access to give the best head of all time
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pippuns · 1 year
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or: the one where shen qingqiu stumbles on a bunch of compiled evidence from qi qingqi that he is Not The Same Person as shen jiu
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violetsandshrikes · 9 months
This is an insane question to dodge 😭
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general-yasur · 3 months
“I do not experience heightened emotions “ … stop lyingg zane STOP LYINGG
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pizzazz-topaz · 10 months
Petition for a group of small clowns to be called a giggle
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corgoship · 2 years
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faunandfloraas · 8 days
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Sometimes I think "Should I follow other people's standards?" but if I went on like that, I'd be missing my own standards. For a long time I stayed busy and felt accomplished about the records we set, but when I looked back... Everyone has their own joys in life, but I had come so far from my own joys.
SONG By Seungmin, Episode 02- High and Dry.
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