#something something the maintenance of systems of power and belief
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Need to write a 4000 word essay and take a neurobio final before I’m done with the term and both are due Thursday so we’re going back to the procrastination doodles again
#spade pirate sabo au#sabo#my essay is kind of a banger!!#it’s a Japanese literature class#something something the maintenance of systems of power and belief#through the idea that sight and knowledge are power#which interfaces interestingly with the supernatural which by virtue of its unknowability has some inherent value greater than mortals#and how these folktales are a way for the working class common folk to fantasize about the higher class and nobility through storytelling
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do u ever think about raileon as being two sides of the same coin? the dragon guarding a castle and the king who loves his subjects yet is trapped in a tower. childhood friends (perchance) turned into friendly rivals and eventually lovers.
do you think they idolized red and blue as kids or teens (depending on how old you think they are bc in my mind reguri are slightly older, maybe like late 20s while raileon are early 20s) and they dont talk about it but you can clearly see the parallels of battle prodigy child who goes on to be champion and rival who ends up becoming the 8th gym leader who prefers double battles plus a researcher (and both r super gay)
yes to all of that a million times ❗️these characters are so intertwined to me.
i have all kinds of scattered thoughts
i think leon would have invited rednblue to galar to get their input/expertise in creating his battle tower (since they have the experience in setting up the battle tree 😋)
blue would love how cutthroat the galar league is/the gym leadership system, also really enjoy the commercial appeal of it/spectacle of the stadiums. red doesnt really care for any of that but he fucking loves gigantamaxing his charizard. he feels his cool meter thru the roof. when he sees gigantamax pikachu for the first time his heart explodes
there is something to say about red and leon confronting its hard(scary) to go back home. but its nice to have someone on your side to remind you of who you are and who you can be.
red especially, who "threw away" the obligations of being champ because the core of his journey was to test the limits of his strength, learn and grow, and battle for the sake of it because its what he loves to do. period. (and ending up becoming a hero just because he saw abuses of power and knew he could stop it, since no one else was.) leon realizes that living and battling really could be simple and fundamental once he's free of the excess of championing lol, and the only real pressure and maintenance of reputation comes from a personal definition within. that's it.
red as a character, to me at least, symbolizes we get to choose what we let go of, what we carry on, and what's new that we'll venture into. nobody's judgement, no matter how big or loud it seems, can "make" us do anything, that is, if we have the courage to decide what defines us and act accordingly
basically. i think red is a character who is the epitome of authenticity (the responsibility we have to our own life and dreams.) he is just doing his thing forever fuck the haters. mad respect. everybody can learn from him
on the other hand, i think leon symbolizes possibility. the way identity is a constant process. like the many lives we have the fortune to live in our one life, if we have the courage and resilience to begin again. (resilience and not stubborn kind that makes you blind to opportunity. im talking like a strong acceptance of reality, unwavering belief that life is meaningful. i think that's what leon's growth arc is about 🤧)
blue and leon could become drinking buddies over the self-reinventing journeys they undertook after losing 🫣. its so fascinating to compare the outcomes of someone who was champ for less than an hour vs. someone who was champ for over 10 years (a whole childhood/teenagedom!). also considering leon just had a whole fucking terrible week before his loss that probably already put his identity on shaky foundation. (the darkest day and losing to eternatus in front of hop. being betrayed by rose. etc).
when i think of older blue and post game leon they are a reminder of at the end of the day its that you gotta make sure the things you do is for You
baseline reguri for me is that blue never actually "hated" red. jealousy and frustration can make a kid who just wants recognition and praise pretty volatile. for raihan, especially when he was younger, he had to be pretty vigilant to not let his jealously of leon taint their friendship/rivaly. it could be a factor in his investment of a personal brand and celebrity through his influencer status(quiet his inner doubt/impostor syndrom/make up for the he perceivs he lacks).
but i also think raihan's interest in history makes him the contextual thinking type to have been skeptical of leon's experience as champion, especially since leon's hard to read. (the way they both have different types of trust issues. lol) it kinda protected his heart from being too hurt of the physical distance leon's championing put in their friendship over the years too, especially since their rivalry continued on into a professional, profitable setting and they both had images to maintain. (whereas red and blue are coworkers also lol, but working side by side.)
i want to talk about raileon slow burn so bad but i have to go to work rn 😭
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the thought I am about to voice is going to be very messy and rough and probably overly generalised, but I’m coming to the point in my education (& I’m picking out Fanon, Said, Cesaire in particular here) where I feel like empiricism as a system of thinking is at a crisis point for me. rationalism and positivism and scientific discovery broadly as a way of systemising information and thinking about the world has been so deeply bound up in projects of capitalism and empire, legitimising the “civilising efforts” of colonial occupations of various “irrational” societies across the world, producing “The West” as a political entity that is seen as ultimately rational, and creating this body of secular authority (“scientific knowledge”) that is imbedded in the maintenance of “The West” and its component states, an authority that can only be understood and contributed to as an academic via the same capitalistic market logics that govern everything else - that to be “empirical” about the world, to present myself as someone whose beliefs are informed by provable discoverable “facts” about reality, feels very similar to an allegiance to capital-E Empire in general.
And Marxism has been very clarifying for me in this regard, to be able to use empiricism and make empirical claims that are fundamentally counter-hegemonic to capitalism, but it still comes out of this same European enlightenment tradition. But absent that I don’t know what else there is lol. Like empiricism feels like the only game in town but it’s a game with so much blood on its hands that I don’t know if it’s something you can export out of capitalism. To use an example, is eugenics a “misuse” of science? My answer to that question is both yes and no - yes in the sense that a belief in eugenics is not backed by evidence, that when you put the idea that some “gene pools” are “better” than others and that you need to get rid of “the bad ones” to scientific tests, this does not stand up to scientific scrutiny because the categorical bins you use to define good and bad gene pools are also not biological or scientific (eg race), as well as a bunch of other issues, so eugenics fails the empirical smell test. But eugenics is also effectively “true” because the belief in it has produced unquantifiable amounts of imperial violence. It’s “true” in the sense that it has become a rational logic by which empire justifies itself, and so imperial powers behave as if it is true. And because eugenics emerges out of enlightenment scientific thinking, a project itself that emerges from capitalism/colonialism, can it really be called a misuse if it’s accomplishing exactly what European imperial powers need it to?
Like I guess basically what I need clarified for me is, is it possible to believe in empiricism as an epistemic authority without it being ultimately used for imperial ends. If you believe that capital-T Truth is discoverable, and that the more that Truth is used to inform the organisation of society, the better off society will be (which, as a communist, I generally do believe), does that lead you to fundamentally imperialistic conclusions?
#book club#making this not rebloggable lol. theory mutuals please chime in though#or anyone actually. I feel like the conclusion I’m at about empiricism is inevitable#but I don’t know what to do with it#and abandoning it seems like not an option#I’m also using a bunch of words that I’m not defining super clearly#like I said this is messy#and gets into the level of theory I’m not equipped to deal with#like debating Is Empiricism Good is not something I’m academically equipped to do#I tend to be more at the level of using theory to talk about history or policy or etc
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I read a book of a Khmer Rouge survivor in senior yeah, he had to learn his little brother died starving wondering where he was. And he was forced to killed a injured kid to put them out of their misery.
It fucking disgusting that people still believe communism will solve everything. Not to mention these modern commies are the same ones that will slurp up articles saying I need classes on how not to rape because of my genitalia at 13 yet says I’m oppressed because of my skintone.
Why should I want communism when commies have shown time and time again that they will treat people they hate the same way Nazis treated the Jews?
Difference between the two falls into the theory vs practice, there's really no way you can paint the nazi ideology to make it look anything other than hateful so both in theory and in practice it's evil.
Socialism/communism doesn't require the extermination of anything but the individual. I've used "The Borg" from Star Trek as a example of a model socialist system. Everyone plays their part for the advancement of the collective no individuality no actions that aren't for the benefit or maintenance of the collective.
If you peacefully join and assimilate then there's no need for a war, if you don't want to join that's when the death and destruction begins.
Easy example would be the Antisemitism of karl marx that's baked into everything that has branched off of his philosophy.
'on the Jewish question' the answer is, there's a place for Jewish people in communism, but there's no place for being Jewish in it, as humans they're welcome but they have to stop being Jewish, and assimilate into the machine that is the state.
So what with the 'we don't actually need to murder millions of people to make it work' bit making it sound like a good way to get everyone taken care of and with the added punch of slogans like "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" really makes it sound utopian, which if you could manage it it might be.
But the difference between human beings and the borg, other than one being fictional, (you can decided which is which) is the cyborgs don't retain the sentience needed to do things like create art, appreciate beautiful things, fall in love, or any of the negative issues like greed, racism, intolerance of any sort, belief of a higher power outside of the collective.
So the TL:DR; here is that the only way humans could get socialism to work on a large scale would involve making them less human.
But that doesn't get brought up when people are talking up socialism, either because the thought never occurred to them or because they're the ones that are looking to be in charge of the killing.
Guy that got called a poser on a twitter thread because he said he wanted to be a farmer or do manual labor instead of designing uniforms for the new secret police or something like that should be about as much of a tell about what the folks that are pushing for this are like.
I'm all for social programs, I just don't trust the government to be in charge of them, every single one around the world has a bad record on human rights after all,
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*puts a water gun to your head and smiles sweetly* Crow/Amanda
It's my unwavering belief that proper Crow/Amanda MUST involve ship repair and maintenance. Do YOU want ME to write/draw something outside my usual body of work? Asks are open!
“It’s all ours,” Amanda Holliday beams, gloved hands on her hips, as she regards the abandoned jumpship. A true specimen of retro engineering locked in time by the desiccated atmosphere of 10 Pallas, they've been called out by its owner, who asks for nothing in payment except its removal.
“If we can get it to move,” Crow reminds. “Do you really think we can?”
“No ship’s bested us yet.” A determined smile spreads across her face as she opens the hood. "I don't intend for her to be the first!"
Crow approaches, already assessing the motor. Everything he knows about ship repair he learned from Amanda — an impromptu boot camp she insisted on after he almost blew up the Accipiter bringing it to jump-speed without sufficient coolant. So too had he gotten all his gear from her: the toolbelt and safety goggles and mechanic's jumpsuit all rummaged from her workshop. The heavy canvas garment is a smidge short on him and bears Holliday in red embroidery across the breast pocket. Somehow, the signs it's hers makes him cherish it even more.
"Looks pretty good, considering how long it's been here," he says, leaning into the engine bay. Amanda is already chest-deep into the compartment, fiddling around with … he can't see past the parts in front of him. "Maybe a little corrosion on the rotors."
"Stators," Amanda corrects.
"Stators, right."
"Gimme the wrench, would'ya? Blue handle," she specifies, and Crow rummages through the toolbox to find it. Hands it to her, their gloved fingertips brushing as he passes it off.
While she works on that, he tasks himself with cleaning rust, checking wiring against schematics sent to Glint, and sweeping out a long-abandoned bird's nest in the turbine. Hours of pleasantly monotonous work pass. Amanda eventually emerges, smudged in more grease than usual, and climbs into the cockpit to run system tests. Finds the power shot.
Crow rotates sternward, locating the fuel cell. Disengages the lock, and pulls the handle — nothing. He gives the block a second yank, two-handed this time, and still cannot move it.
"We might have a little problem," Crow hedges, and Amanda wanders out back. "The cell's stuck. Like, stuck-stuck."
"Ah, for the love of—" Amanda mumbles, bracing herself against the ship with one leg, and giving it a pull. She doesn't unseat it, but manages to budge it slightly.
"Maybe if we both pull. . ." Crow approaches behind Amanda, "May I?"
Amanda nods. There's no way not to press against as he wraps his chest around shoulders, gripping the pull on either side of her hands. She counts down, three-two-one, and they heave together. The flex of her muscular triceps against his sinuous arms flusters him enough that he has to remind himself to hold on —
There's a heavy mechanical clack as it slides from the receptacle, both giving a long exhale of relief.
When they finally replace it and finish diagnostics, the ship starts easily. Amanda excitedly springs from the cabin, practically jumping into Crow's arms with jubilation. "We did it!" She exclaims, as he swings her around in a hug.
"I'm so happy I could –" she looks into his eyes, and flicks her gaze away with a rosy blush. "Well, I could kiss y–"
He presses his lips to her forehead in a quick, sweet kiss. "I could too."
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A disquieted murmur began around the cafeteria. Lunchtime. Pasta, Pizza, or Soup was available today, and the synthesizers are best at the start of the cycle.
The murmur turned to confused chatter. Some blamed the intercom system; a bored prank from a technician perhaps. Others suggested a collective hallucination. Some began to pray, a mixture of beliefs singing out into the room far away from Earth, traversing the stars with hope.
The voice booms, and cutlery and kitchenware rattles in sympathy on trays and tables.
And then it began.
A pinprick. A deep indigo puncture in the air that expanded, and grew, and widened, until a vortex of purples and an infinite cosmos of black stars and untold billions of songs and laughter and dancing tunes was beheld by all in the cafeteria.
Some began to weep, others took to giggles and merriment.. One, an engineer, still a little grubby from the rush to get to the best pizza (a little tomato sauce on their nose), stepped forward, entranced.
From within the aperture, a hand composed of the stuff of stars reached forth.
Few were watching as it deposited something into the arms of the engineer.
Then the hand withdrew, and with a gesture approximating a cheerful wave (the thirteen seven-jointed fingers took umbrage to this, and chose not to cooperate so the wave was slow and precise), it departed, and before long the aperture shrank and was gone.
Those that weren't having a religious experience or enraptured by what happened returned to the queue by the synthesizers, one or two even skipping spots in when the opportunity arose.
The engineer stood in a room sheathed in pale freezing vapor, staring at the stuffed rabbit in their hands. Nobody else was around, people having returned to their tasks on the colony ship once lunch was over. Apparently, most people got over or plain forgot what just happened, and seemed unaware of the stasis affecting the ship.
The rabbit had a little waistcoat, a little tie, and was very clearly well-loved. Chew-marks on an ear, scuffs and scrapes on the buttons, and a stain on the waistcoat pocket that could have been dirt.
Dirt, that found its way onto a colony ship far, far away from home, bound for a new home attached to the best friend of a child.
The engineer allows themselves a smile, smooths down the fur and the waistcoat, and steps forward.
A canister of metal and glass, linked up to so many pipes and tubes, with frost built up heavily on the glass. At the base of the cryo chamber sits a draw - SUZIE GREENFORD, PERSONAL EFFECTS - emblazoned across the front. The engineer inputs their access code, and the draw slides out.
A small backpack, bearing a beloved character from recent children's media. A small bracelet with a powered down holo display. A half-eaten snack, preserved perfectly by the draw's monitoring systems.
The engineer leaned down and nestled the rabbit onto the backpack, carefully looping the straps over the arms of the toy. Once done, they stepped back, closed the draw, logged a maintenance check.. And around them the colony ship set back into motion, an adventure once again in progress with all things set right.
Still smiling, the engineer got up, dusted off their legs, and went about their work keeping the cryo chamber systems in top condition for an eventual, distant arrival.
As the colony ship set to carry the first humans out of the Sol system reaches the Heliopause, it suddenly stops, and everyone aboard hears a mysterious booming voice yell "NO, YOU MUST NOT LEAVE!"
#writing-prompt#silly little thing I wrote#I'm sick and stuck in bed#writing prompt#have a lovely day#is this how this works?
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Hi I sent that ask. It was bait but I'm not FBI. I sent that ask to a few people I saw touting accelerationist or anti-democratic rhetoric.
I am bothered by people's attitudes toward revolution on this site. They seem to be unaware of just how scary, tedious, and hard work revolution really is. They think it's a quick, glamorous solution to a problem they can only see the surface of. While i recognize the necessity of violence in both the evolution and maintenance of society, I'm not willing to risk countless lives by destroying the government when that will in no way unseat capitalist oligarchs from their power. They are in our food, in our phones and in the way we have be taught to treat people like vending machines. Annihilation of government could only work in their favor. I'm honestly starting to wonder if the glorification of revolution is some plot to discourage disenfranchised people from doing real work to better society.
Excellent response, by that way.
Ok. Dude.
I'm trying to find a nice way to say this, but like... maybe don't . do that. in the future?
Like you don't have to send obvious bait messages to random tumblr users because you're worried some people might have some harmful beliefs or something, for one thing I'm not an influential person, I have like 800 followers and half of them are probably bots or dead blogs, I really don't think anyone is going to take any actual political advice from me and maybe you shouldn't put so much stock into the posts of randoms online, those people/posts are not indicative of the actual material reality of poltical beliefs in the real world and for another thing it's just kinda not really ... worth it?
Like its a real, "people will go online and talk about firebombing a walmart and then won't firebomb a walmart" situation, those people don't actually think they're gonna have to take up arms in a revolution they're just too online and tired of the status quo disenfranchising them and don't understand how to do real life community outreach all they understand is that the government has abandoned them and will not do anything to fix the fact that our entire society is run by oligarchs and that the system itself is actually designed to work exactly how it currently does and that it can't be allowed to continue to treat its citizenry this way and they've spent their lives watching the only "opposition" party they have tout lines about incremental change and then do nothing to implement even those small incremental changes they promised while the party actively trying to make things worse for everyone can come in like a bulldozer and destroy the tiny bit of work done to try and address the issues within the system every time they get a modicum of power making it so that the only option left is radical change because the incremental change has been absolutely demolished by the people in charge and to the desperate people looking up at the oligarchy oppressing them they see the only radical change as being violent, I don't agree with the conclusions they've drawn, but I understand where it comes from, it's motivated by the same places that motivate the radicals on the other side, they know that something is wrong they just come to the wrong conclusions on how to fix it, the more radical beliefs of random people are much like the other issues in this world, they come about from the material conditions of the society around the people and the media they consume, but also the nature of the internet is that the more radical talking points will always get the most attention, just because you're seeing it online doesn't mean it exists in any actual influential capacity outside of those certain online circles
And like not to be that guy, but sending them messages on a social media website is not going to change their minds nor their political opinions and will probably just make your own experience online a giant headache, if you notice someone spouting beliefs you don't agree with you could send an actual message to ask for some clarifications on their beliefs or you can just block them and ignore that kind of stuff, you're the curator of your own online experience
If you wanted to ask me about what I thought about that kind of weird radical accelerationist mindset you could have just done that instead of sending me a bait message and testing me for the correct response, like I do agree that that rhetoric is harmful and that it's probably being used by some people to obstruct actual change and community outreach, but like also what is you sending bait messages to random people online doing either?
#ignore me#anon#answered#anonymous#sorry if this is coming off as rude but like im not a fan of this kind of behavior and would rather it didnt happen again
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➝ Acceptability of Reality - Power Differential.
Substance vs. Appearance, Authentic vs. Inauthentic, Truth vs. Falsity
Images and Appearances matter for most people in order to have people “accept” us as we appear to be, not as we actually are. This is how our society functions with PR, spin doctors, disinformation and propaganda to have falsity accepted as actuality. These are all images, not substance. They are lies and the sacrifice of Truth to present an idol as reality (false image, something visible but without substance). False appearances mask the accurate representation of reality just as gradualism masks reality. We also have many layers or masks as part of our ego-personality-identity construct. People are so busy trying to maintain and sustain their self-images and worldview, that they do not spend time focusing on the substance of who we are choosing to be and how we live. They clean and prop-up their appearances, but not the deep quality substance of their being and doing, who they are choosing to be.
Acceptability works by comparison. We have images of appearances to uphold in society that conform to what is expected. Ex: hair length & facial hair. If you don’t look like your gender model, and have hair that other people aren’t accustomed to or normalized to, then their acceptability of you as a person may be impacted. If your look isn’t right, you may not get a job. The same with clothes, a house, a car, etc. It is about people’s personality conforming to the social engineering of accepted norms. Some people escape the clutches of false appearances and don’t put much weight on the physical appearances of people, but they are mostly oblivious to the appearances of the secondary perceptual reality of illusions and delusions through the Science of Images.
When there is more of a contrast to the norms of acceptability (by comparison), then it is less acceptable to be discussed. Normalization is a false “balance”. This is how all injustice is ignored and avoided by society. The current accepted condition is what most people remain attached to and will not let go of, fighting to preserve it, no matter how wrong it is. They only think of themselves, and the benefits they derive from the sustenance, maintenance, continuation and perpetuation of their wrong ways (that they tell themselves is right), having little to no compassion or care for other beings outside of their beneficial circle.
Related to this is the blind Faith and Trust people have in the system, in others, and in their conditioned beliefs. Uncritical, unquestioning, undoubting, full of false certainty. But, they don’t have much Faith and Trust in Truth and Morality, because they have rejected it and do not have it in them as fully as they can have it. They Trust and have Faith in man’s systems (illusions) and devices (technology) over finding the way towards the substance of living in true freedom and peace. We live in mass psychosis and delusion.
This ties into the false self of appearances: the maintenance of delusional self-images to preserve attachment to falsity while projecting the opposite illusion as if it was reality. This is ego attachment. When everyone is into the normalization of acceptability and conforming to the social image, they do not have the substance of honesty, respect, care, Truth and Morality that they pretend to have. It is mostly a facade, a pretense, pretending, posing, faking, frauds, liars, hypocrites. People lie to themselves the most to uphold their self-images of being “good” and “right”. They can’t actually become more “good”, better, to heal and improve themselves by facing their wrongs, because they are far too busy lying to themselves, upholding and defending their delusional self-image they project onto themselves, as actually being “good” and not doing any wrongs. The projections is a defensive capability of the ego-personality-identity construct that protects them like a shield/bubble. There are many psychological defensive mechanisms that insulate people from reality.
People think they are entitled to maintain their false images, not allowing people to criticize their work, information presented, their actions or thoughts expressed as writing or speech.
Casting aside these delusional self-images of false appearances, the real substance is to become that which is right, good and true. This is Truth, Love, Good, Right, Morality, Natural Law, True Self, Higher Self, Higher Will, etc. as I describe the aspects of this force. This is about Actualized, Realized, Authentic Living in the Substance of Truth and Morality, vs. the inauthentic conditioning into the false appearances and idolatry of man’s fictions and illusions.
Appearances fool and deceive us. Appearances infatuate us. Appearances are the subject of magic and illusions. This ties into language, words and their definitions that construct our secondary reality of perceptions. (more about this in the future)
The world is obsessed with appearances and visual affinity into bullshit. There is little to no care for meaning, purpose, depth and the substance of it all.
The world is a stage for sorcery (manipulation according to selfish will and ego), the negative form of alchemical magic (influence to align with Higher Will of Natural Law). We are presented with misdirections and distractions to keep us from the substance of our self-inflicted suffering. These diversions also keep us from the substance of our True Self, Higher Self, Higher Will, Natural Law, Morality, Right, Good, Truth, Love: the higher force that can bring us to Actualize and Realize our infinite Potential and Value to create a Heaven on Earth, and not the continued Hell we have been manifesting as far as history can show us. History is a battle between Good and evil, Truth and falsity.
In the magic of the modern day illusionists or the sorcery of our manipulated, mind controlled, duped, conned, tricked, fooled, bamboozled and hoodwinked lives, the goal is to have us looking in one place, while things are going on somewhere else. This is the principle behind sleight of hand. Fooling people into accepting an illusory appearance, and not the actual substance that reveals reality as it is. Look here at X, not there at Y. It is to distract from looking at what is actually going on in reality, in our lives, in ourselves.
People remain inauthentic, unawakened, uninitiated, unbegun, unarisen, unactualized, unrealized and dead shadows and shells of the True Self, of the Higher Self, of the Higher Will, because they are not looking to live in reality, but instead encouraged to enjoy their pleasantries, gratifications, amusements, enjoyment, convenience, comfort, feel-good sensations, entertainment and distractions of the Pleasure Trap and false appearances of reality. All of that occupies a large portion — if not most — of our time, from birth to death. All of life, going along with the motions of conditioned programming from society, doing anything but seeking to know the hidden aspects of reality and ourselves we are encouraged to ignore.
The hidden, occulted aspects of reality and ourselves are the Key to regaining our Power. Gaining occulted knowledge about the real substance of ourselves and losing attachment to the illusory self-images of appearance is how we shift the Power Differential back into our favor, Empowering ourselves.
The psychological and “spiritual” alchemical process is how we Empower ourselves to Change and create the Heaven we want to live in.
The Actualized, Realized, True Self, Higher Self, Authentic Being, can only be progressively realized in time through self-examination, self-reflection of our falsity, bullshit, wrongs, errors and incorrectness. This is alchemy. It is facing the mirror in full honesty and self-respect, having the Courage to own up to the Responsibility of our Actions and delusional appearances we have bought into and accepted as reality. Once we Face the reality of ourselves and the world, the beauty and horror, good and bad, positive and negative, light and dark, and Accept this current condition as it is, in Truth, then we can begin to Change, Heal, Grow, Evolve, Improve, Sublimate, Transmute and Purify ourselves. We can develop the Care, Courage and Will to Empower ourselves with Knowledge and Understanding of reality, targeting the root causal core foundational factors that have us continually collectively co-creating self-inflicted suffering and Hell on Earth. It’s all up to each one of us.
Purpose in Life (Seek Infatuation with Appearances, or Deeper Substance of Meaning)
The 2 main choice:
• Pleasure trap focus, seek to fulfill enjoyment, happiness; polarized focus on myself and those in my bubble of reality that I identify with and care for, make sure they “enjoy” life and are “happy” in whatever they do.
• Evolving consciousness, living in the Wisdom of Right-Action, not seeking pleasure trap fulfillment, pleasure as simply a part of life, not the main focus, but Truth and Morality as the main focus.
When you are attached to illusions and false appearances, you are grasping onto things that aren’t there for support and grounding in your life. Essentially, you are not grounded in reality, but are floating in delusional a fantasy of imaginal spells controlling your mind, heart, and consciousness. Locked in a prison, thinking you are free. What a joke this all is, a sad joke.
That movie was all about the Noble Lie, to manipulate and control society with the allegedly “greater good” Noble Lie of “necessary evil”. It’s all manipulation through false appearances. The only hero was Rorschach, a man after my own heart, and as the fate of the hero often is, they get sacrificed and murdered by the delusional people around them who do not Care for Truth like the hero does. They are sacrificing the Truth and the hero who defends her.
People are so in fear of being corrected that they run from the True Self.
We currently unite on base personal commonalities of the appearance of our lower selves, instead of the profound, deep unity from the Substance/Essence of the Higher Self/Truth. If you understand what I mean when I say Truth is Love is Right is Morality is Natural Law is True Self is Higher Self is Higher Will, then you can see how all of our personal commonalities and differences pale in comparison to the commonality and differences of our alignment with the Higher Self of Truth and Morality. The differences and commonalities that matter most are Moral ones. True Unity is based in Morality. True Freedom is based in Morality. True Spirituality is based in Morality. Those who unite with immoral falsity cannot truly unite with those who unite with Moral Truth.
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Effective Affect: Between Realism and Idealism
I draw upon Spinoza's theory of emotions according to which when "the mind is assailed by any emotion, the body is at the same time affected with a modification whereby its power of activity is increased or diminished."[12] This is what Deleuze and Guattari more specifically call "affect."[13] Often emotions are considered a mere inner phenomenon, a subjective state, something with little to no relevance in the objective world of political theory and processes. But with Spinoza's connection between emotions and power they become highly political. They are no longer a subjective epiphenomenon but something that changes the world by increasing or decreasing the agent's capacity to act in certain ways.
This is a material and physiological process, as should be evident if you consider something you might be very afraid of - for example spiders or heights. If you suffer from a phobia you might rationally know that there is no real danger, and you might be able to force yourself to go against your fear, but you also know that it is not merely a matter of making a rational decision to override a purely mental feeling: In the decision to act you will feel your muscles tighten and your adrenalin rushing as your entire body resists doing the particular act. Your power to perform that act is diminished; even thinking about it might be hard. If you suffer from sociophobia or anthropophobia your ability to engage with other people is similarly affected. This is the goal and function of the Hobbesian narrative: To instill in people a fear of each other, to prevent them from trusting each other too much, to make them unable to even imagine that cooperation and mutual aid could be possible without a system of domination.[14] In short, to make another world not only impossible but also unimaginable. For Hobbes, emotions were deeply relevant to the maintenance of political systems, making him perhaps the first political affect theorist.
While climate change is certainly frightening, it is crucial that we reflect upon how the narrative of social collapse, whether it is from scientists or popular fiction, affects our power to act, because if nothing else is true, our survival depends on us acting as if a different social system is both possible and desirable. Exaggerating the threat of social collapse is more likely to make us cling to the social system that exists, to make us want to preserve the status quo and the system of domination and exploitation that is causing the crisis. Panic is easily exploitable by authoritarian figures that promise to maintain order.[15] Alternatively, the belief in the Hobbesian "state of nature" can lead to an obsession with individualist survival and solitary retreat[16] which is a misguided reaction when we need collective solutions both to halt climate change and to survive it. As the sociologist Eric Klinenberg has documented in his studies of disasters, it is isolation that leads to death while social connections and community is what helps us to survive.[17] Seen this way, the narrative of social collapse might be part of the problem, leading to counterproductive and even harmful affective states and behaviors.
The Hobbesian version of politics, based on an account of "human nature" as fixed and ahistorical,[18] is often portrayed as the "realist" view. It eschews normative commitments and values and proclaims to work exclusively from the premise of how the world "actually" is. Morality it leaves to the philosophers; it does not belong in the political realm. This is in contrast to the political "idealists" who aim to realize a normative vision of how the world "should be" and insists that politics should be committed to a set of values and principles. I believe both are partially wrong. Political "realists" like to believe they are beyond ideologies and sentiments, but their cynical worldview is deeply affective and ideological. It does not just take the world "as is" but actively creates the world: By thinking about the world and humans in a particular way we can only act in particular ways, and that shapes our social world. Idealists on the other hand, tend to forget how the political realities shape our ideals. Our normative imaginations and principles do not come out of nowhere. They come from embodied experiences and social practices in the present. That means that it is only by doing new things we can think new things, and only by thinking them can we do them.
We do not have to start with an entire vision about how the world should be, in the sense Karl Marx would call "utopian," as that would not necessarily provide us with the steps towards its realization or the convincing belief that it is possible. What we can do is to change our social practices in the here and now and look towards those who are already engaged in different practices. By doing that we can change our affective states and expand our imagination towards different possibilities. This, I believe, is the essence of the concept "prefiguration."[19] Contrary to what the realists would have us believe, the future is not determined and the present is not a monolith of mechanical forces. It contains a multitude of different practices and which of these we focus on matters greatly to our political and collective imagination about what is possible.
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The Power of Rudraksha Bracelet: A Sacred Accessory for Well-being
In today’s fast-paced world, people often seek ways to connect with nature, spirituality, and inner peace. One way to achieve this balance is through sacred accessories like the Rudraksha Bracelet. This bracelet holds a deep spiritual meaning and offers various physical and mental benefits. Whether you are looking to improve your well-being or wear something that reflects your beliefs, the Rudraksha Bracelet is a beautiful and meaningful choice.
What is a Rudraksha Bracelet?
A Rudraksha Bracelet is made from the seeds of the Rudraksha tree, which is considered sacred in Hinduism. These beads are believed to carry the blessings of Lord Shiva, who is often associated with destruction and transformation. Wearing Rudraksha is said to help individuals connect with their inner selves and maintain a peaceful, balanced state of mind.
Rudraksha beads are not just religious symbols; they have been used for centuries for their healing properties. These beads are known to create a protective energy field, helping to keep negative thoughts and stress at bay.
Benefits of Wearing a Rudraksha Bracelet
Many people wear the Rudraksha Bracelet not just for its spiritual significance, but for the various benefits it offers. Here are some of the key advantages:
Reduces Stress and Anxiety: The energy emitted by Rudraksha beads is believed to have a calming effect, reducing stress and anxiety. It helps in balancing emotions and bringing mental clarity.
Boosts Concentration: The Rudraksha Bracelet is known to improve focus and concentration, making it a perfect accessory for students, professionals, or anyone looking to sharpen their mind.
Improves Health: Wearing a Rudraksha Bracelet can support better blood circulation and lower blood pressure. It is also said to boost the immune system and enhance overall health.
Promotes Spiritual Growth: For those on a spiritual journey, Rudraksha beads are essential. They help connect the wearer to higher energies and foster a sense of spiritual well-being.
Protects from Negative Energy: The Rudraksha Bracelet is believed to create a shield around the wearer, protecting them from negative energy and external disturbances.
Shankha Bangles: A Symbol of Elegance and Tradition
Alongside the Rudraksha Bracelet, another traditional accessory worth mentioning is the Shankha Bangle. This bangle, made from conch shells, holds a special place in Hindu rituals and daily wear. The Shankha Bangle symbolizes purity, longevity, and good health.
Just like the Rudraksha Bracelet, Shankha Bangles are worn for both their spiritual and physical benefits. They are known to enhance positivity, bring peace to the wearer, and are often worn by women during festivals and religious ceremonies.
Why Choose Rudraksha Bracelet from PriyaPujaGhar?
At PriyaPujaGhar, we offer authentic Rudraksha Bracelets that are sourced directly from trusted suppliers. Each bracelet is carefully crafted with genuine Rudraksha beads to ensure that you receive all the spiritual and health benefits associated with them. Our products are created keeping in mind the traditional values while also catering to modern tastes.
Whether you are looking for a Rudraksha Bracelet for spiritual reasons, health benefits, or simply to wear as a unique accessory, you can trust PriyaPujaGhar to provide you with a high-quality product. Additionally, our collection of Shankha Bangles is ideal for those who want to adorn themselves with meaningful, traditional jewelry.
How to Wear the Rudraksha Bracelet?
Wearing a Rudraksha Bracelet is simple, but following a few guidelines will enhance its effects:
Always wear the bracelet on your right hand, as it is believed to be the hand of giving and receiving positive energy.
It’s best to wear it after taking a bath, when your mind and body are fresh.
You can also meditate while wearing the bracelet, as it helps in aligning your thoughts and emotions.
Care and Maintenance of Your Rudraksha Bracelet
To keep your Rudraksha Bracelet in good condition and to retain its spiritual power, it’s essential to care for it properly:
Clean it regularly with clean water and wipe it with a soft cloth.
Avoid wearing it while swimming or showering, as the water may damage the beads.
Store it in a clean, dry place when not in use to maintain its longevity.
Wearing a Rudraksha Bracelet is a great way to stay connected with your spiritual side while also enjoying several health and emotional benefits. Whether you’re seeking inner peace, protection from negative energies, or a boost in concentration, this sacred bracelet offers much more than just an accessory. Similarly, Shankha Bangles provide both elegance and spiritual significance.
At PriyaPujaGhar, we are proud to offer high-quality Rudraksha Bracelets and Shankha Bangles, allowing you to embrace traditional values with modern style. Whether for personal use or as a meaningful gift, these sacred accessories are sure to bring positivity and balance to your life.
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Navigating Waters of Quality: Your Ultimate Guide to Suzuki Outboard Motor Accessories
When it comes to enhancing your boating adventure, Suzuki Outboard Motor Accessories stand out as the epitome of quality, performance, and innovation. At Globalmarineoutdoor, we take pride in offering a diverse range of top-notch accessories designed to elevate your boating experience to new heights. Whether you're a seasoned sailor or a weekend enthusiast, our carefully curated selection ensures that you find the perfect Suzuki outboard motor accessory for your boat. Join us as we explore the world of marine accessories and discover how Globalmarineoutdoor can help you enjoy the ultimate boating experience.

Unrivaled Quality and Performance:
Suzuki has long been synonymous with reliability and precision in the marine industry, and their outboard motors are no exception. When it comes to accessories, Suzuki maintains the same commitment to quality and performance. From propellers to control boxes, each accessory is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring durability and optimal functionality on the water.
Globalmarineoutdoor takes this commitment a step further by offering an extensive selection of Suzuki outboard motor accessories. Our products are sourced directly from reputable manufacturers, guaranteeing authenticity and performance. With our accessories, you can trust that your Suzuki outboard motor will operate at its peak, providing you with a smooth and enjoyable boating experience.
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Solar Energy and Job Creation: 8 Ways the Industry Is Boosting Employment
When people establish a business, they create goals to achieve and ensure the company will survive and thrive for years. This belief also applies to other industries, like Newcastle solar companies. There are various ways to know a brand is successful, like their financial performance and customer satisfaction. But aside from these, the jobs they create are another sign. To see more of this advantage, here are ways the solar energy industry is boosting employment:
Solar Panel Manufacturers
The first position you will see when it comes to solar energy job creation is solar panel manufacturers. As the job title says, they manufacture solar panels and solar cells using specialised techniques. Some good examples are crystalline silicon growth and thin-film deposition. Solar cells will capture the sunlight, converting it into electricity.
Installation Technicians
Solar energy-related jobs are incomplete without installation technicians. Installing solar panels in your home or office is not something you can DIY, so getting the assistance of professionals is necessary. Aside from installing the solar panels, they also check everything in your place that could affect the installation process and longevity. So if they notify you of an issue in your home, do not get discouraged and ask about your repair options. They will inform you of the actions you need to take to ensure you can achieve solar power.
Solar Design Engineers
Solar design engineers are also getting more in demand because of the continuous growth of solar energy. They have a crucial role to play because they make solar power installations safe, effective, and efficient. They also ensure that different industries can take advantage of solar power, including commercial, residential, and industrial settings. Some of the jobs of solar design engineers include system design and layout, energy production estimation, and equipment selection.
Sales and Marketing
Since more and more people are interested in obtaining solar energy in their homes and businesses, effective sales and marketing are vital. The team assigned to this department must know how to catch the attention of their customers and convince them that they are not wasting money. Sales and marketing professionals must promote solar products and services to consumers, so being mindful of words and having a pleasing personality might be necessary.
Solar Energy Consultants
People who are not knowledgeable enough when it comes to solar energy need to coordinate with consultants. They provide guidance services to governments, corporations, and organisations to explain the importance of using solar energy. They oversee almost every factor in the business because they need to understand everything about it. They conduct feasibility analysis and site evaluation. Solar energy consultants also have a role in project management to ensure that every plan is followed, like the budget, design, and timeline.
Research and Development
Solar energy will not be possible without research and development. It is where everything starts because new things need to be learned and examined. Discovery requires experimentation, so researchers and scientists go hand-in-hand to continuously improve solar cell efficiency and reduce costs. If there are issues with the model or the overall technology, you will hear it from them.
Solar Energy Instructors
You will see solar energy instructors in learning institutions because they teach subjects or courses that focus on one area. They help young ones be more knowledgeable about this energy source, giving them the chance to voice out their opinion and share their knowledge. More educational institutions recognise solar energy as part of daily life, so do not get surprised if you encounter solar energy instructors.
Solar Maintenance Technicians
Solar energy does not just start with installation and end with using it. Solar maintenance is necessary because it helps you protect your investment and be ready if there is an emergency. Not getting the help of solar maintenance technicians can affect your energy production and the system's lifespan. Its performance will also weaken because the solar panels and components do not produce the needed electricity for your place. You do not need to do the job, making solar maintenance technicians a needed one in the industry.
Many solar energy companies efficiently provide services to customers with the help of their workers and employees. But aside from the ones mentioned, a successful solar energy company can also create more jobs for battery storage experts, solar project managers, and lawyers. And once the company is already on top, it might also create solar energy community outreach to educate more people about the benefits of solar power.
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This is an interesting little interview! I'm putting my answers under the cut so it won't be so long on people's dash.
Can you tell me your specific religious identity? (I.e. religious organization, faith system, general religious orientation, etc.)
I'm a Kemetic polytheist (one who follows the Ancient Egyptian gods), a chaote (practitioner of chaos magic), and a mystic.
What are the core beliefs of your religious orientation?
Other than the existence of many gods, kemeticism revolves around the belief in two diametrically opposed forces, Ma'at and Isfet (commonly translated as Order and Chaos), of which all life and all good things are on the side of Ma'at. With good behavior and participation in the cultus of the NTRW, Kemetics contribute to the creation, maintenance, and defense of Ma'at. Humanity, divinity, the spiritual world and the physical world are all intertwined and interdependent, and what's good for one is good for the others. There's a lot more, but that's the most fundamental belief involved.
Do you have a place of worship or some other way you create a sense of community within your religion? Can you describe what a meeting within your religion looks like?
There are Kemetic temples, but none near me/online that I personally want to be in. I worship alongside Heathens and Hellenic practitioners more often than Kemetics irl, but we have discord servers where we can all collectively do (or listen to) rituals honoring the gods together remotely.
How do you “become religious” or a part of your religion? Is there a specific process? How does one "fit in" when it comes to your religion?
Anyone can be a Kemetic practitioner. Just read some books, set up an altar, and get started.
How did you personally choose to join your religious group?
Set, the god of chaos, approached me when I was 14 to essentially ask me to convert. Two years later, I did.
What are gender roles like within your religion?
In the spaces I'm in, there are very few gender roles to speak of. Men, women, and nonbinary people can all worship any gods, offer to any ancestors, and fulfill different priestly responsibilities.
Can you describe if you've had any religious or supernatural experiences? (I.e. sightings or supernatural beings like ghosts or angels, communication with the dead, miracles, spiritual healing, clairvoyance, premonition, etc.)
I have experienced many of the above, and a few more things like it, but it's not something I want to post about extensively online these days. Just be aware, things can get weird.
What is your religion's relationship with science like?
Most of the Kemetics I know of believe that faith is not a substitute for science.
How do you see the future of your religion in America and the world?
Considering the religious right's gaining more and more power, including the right to discriminate based off of "religious beliefs", I don't feel particularly optimistic about it. I hope to see a greater mainstream acceptance, or at least tolerance, toward neopagan faiths and practices, and other religions in general.
Attention anyone who identifies as pagan or a New Age belief system!
I have an assignment for school where I need to interview someone about their religious beliefs. I wanted to get some information about different pagan or New Age beliefs, so feel free to reblog and give your answers! (Don't feel like you have to give an answer for every question!)
Disclaimer: no names or identifying information would be used in my assignment.
Can you tell me your specific religious identity? (I.e. religious organization, faith system, general religious orientation, etc.)
What are the core beliefs of your religious orientation?
Do you have a place of worship or some other way you create a sense of community within your religion? Can you describe what a meeting within your religion looks like?
How do you “become religious” or a part of your religion? Is there a specific process? How does one "fit in" when it comes to your religion?
How did you personally choose to join your religious group?
Can you describe what it is like to participate in your religion with others of the religion as a group. What kind of group behaviors do you notice?
How does your religious orientation influence your political views?
Do you think racial identity has a role in how your religious group functions?
What are gender roles like within your religion?
In what way does your religion approach media? What role does media play in your religion? When relevant does the media accurately portray your religion?
Do you think that globalization has had an impact on your religion? If yes, how so?
Would you describe your faith as a New Religious Movement? If it is not, how does your religion address NRMs? If it is, how are you and your religion treated as an NRM?
How does your religion feel about marriage and family?
Can you describe if you've had any religious or supernatural experiences? (I.e. sightings or supernatural beings like ghosts or angels, communication with the dead, miracles, spiritual healing, clairvoyance, premonition, etc.)
What is your religion's relationship with science like?
How do you see the future of your religion in America and the world?
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A lot of people seem to implicitly believe (or desperately want to believe) something to the effect of "the facts of the world make my value system convenient."
For example, anarchists tend to have a value system which says that hierarchies and systems of domination are inherently unethical. This is something I agree with very strongly, and is why I often describe myself as an anarchist. A common question then posed to anarchists is how, without hierarchy, bureaucracy, or other such systems of social control/management, it would be possible to achieve the large-scale coordination needed to accomplish certain tasks that are considered necessary for human flourishing: industrial-scale production of antibiotics and vaccines, management of carbon emissions, maintenance of a power grid, and basically anything else that requires a sustained, large-scale and legible set of social processes. Rather than addressing these (in my view) very valid concerns, most anarchists respond by dismissing the question. They claim, for example, that without capitalism we would have no need to manage carbon emissions, because the market incentives to emit would be gone. Or that industrial production of medical supplies isn't really necessary, because sufficient quantities could easily be made by small-scale local producers, etc.
And I'm always tempted to say "wow, how incredibly convenient". We don't even have enough understanding of human psychology to successfully model human behavior in our own society, and yet you're absolutely sure that in your hypothetical future society, humanity would just... no longer have any desire to engage in high-emission activities? You're absolutely sure that the physics and biology and chemistry and engineering involved in medical production all just happen to work out to make small-scale manufacture consistently doable? You're absolutely sure that all these problems people are posing just happen to be non-problems?
You may be right, certainly. It would be lovely if these things all worked out to be non-problems. But that's not something that can be determined through political theory. It's something that can only be determined through rigorous empirical study and technical work, and the conclusions that work comes to might just not turn out to be very convenient ones. This is why I sometimes don't call myself an anarchist.
But either way, my values stay unchanged. No matter what the answers to these technical questions are, I remain absolutely steadfast in my belief that systems of hierarchy and control are deeply unjust things. Either way, I will continue (as much as I can) to work towards a society in which these things can be done away with to the greatest degree possible, and their deleterious effects can be mitigated wherever they remain. And I think that I'm far more able to actually do that for being honest with myself about what the challenges of this project really are.
I want to be clear, this is not just a tendency I find with anarchists. I've encountered people of basically every political ideology engaging in this sort of dismissive optimism, insisting that the questions raised by their value system in fact demand no answers. But ultimately, it's not intellectually honest to insist that the universe has conspired to make your value system an easy one to hold. And that kind of intellectual dishonesty actually gets in the way of successfully working towards realization of the values you have.
Which is why, in my view, the most effective way to approach your social values is not as positions to be defended but as goals to be achieved. Inconvenient facts are not points against you, they are obstacles in your way. Perhaps they're insurmountable obstacles (that really would be, I think, a point against you), but perhaps they're not. The only way to find out is to acknowledge them as genuine obstacles and to try to find solutions. The inability to acknowledge the challenges in front of oneself has been the downfall of many, many movements, and the solution is as simple as having a little intellectual humility. And personally, I'd rather not let my ego get in the way of building a better world.
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Fun with Symbolism: Gods & Monsters
So I’ve been wanting to do something about Garou’s posture/body + the symbolism for awhile (and I have, in bits and pieces, especially when it comes to his hands), and I’m actually glad I waited--it’s only gotten more interesting with his recent evolution.
In this panel, Garou’s arms evoke images of Hindu deities, often portrayed with multiple arms:
Hindu gods from Lakshmi to Ganesha to Saraswati are always depicted with four or more arms. They are two-armed only when they take mortal form, like Ram or Krishna. Four arms do what the halo did in Christian art — help the viewer quickly establish who is divine, who is supernatural, and who is worthy of veneration.
Garou has 11 arms here... in my experience, most deities have an even number (4, 6, 8, or 10)... but then it made sense, when I considered it in context of the panels:
(Notice the Moon is watching here... nothing sus about that, I’m sure).
Garou has 11 hands for 11 techniques, because he’s about to come up with the 12th one: Monster Calamity God Slayer Fist.
So, admittedly, I had to do a bit of research for the next part. I was certain that incarnations of Vishnu or Shiva or possibly Durga or Shakti (female consorts) had 12 arms... but actually I was wrong. It is quite an awful lot of arms to draw or sculpt. Still, I felt like I had seen that number somewhere and continued digging (and will continue to dig!) but so far I’ve only found one: Kartikeya/Lord Murugana. From Wikipedia:
Kartikeya symbolizes a union of polarities. He is handsome warrior and described as a celibate yogi. He uses his creative martial abilities to lead an army against Taraka and other demons, and described as a philosopher-warrior. He is a uniter, championing the attributes of both Shaivism (worship of Shiva as supreme deity) and Vaishnavism (worship of Vishnu as supreme deity)
Shiva and Vishnu represent two thirds of the Hindu trimurti-- or the 3 supreme deities that represent the cosmic forces of creation (Brahma), destruction (Shiva), and maintenance (Vishnu). They represent a lot more than that, but that’s the upshot.
Shiva (Destruction) and Vishnu (Maintenance/Preservation) have appeared in OPM before (literally spelled out as sound effects), which I wrote about here--but not Brahma, notably. Some schools actually worship Vishnu and Shiva as one entity--creation and destruction being viewed as two sides of the same coin--and Karikeya is similarly seen as a bridge between opposites.
Due to it being past my bedtime time constraints, I haven’t been able to do much research into Karikeya since this is the first time this concept has come up for me. But I did notice that Kartikeya is renown for victory over several major asuras (malevolent entities), which are (again from the Wikis!):
Asuras are a class of beings in Indic religions. [Asuras] are described as power-seeking clans related to the more benevolent Devas (also known as Suras) in Hinduism. In its Buddhist context, [Asura] is sometimes translated "titan", "demigod", or "antigod".
“Anti-god” is an interesting concept (also new to me) and I’m excited to look into this more.
As I’ve mentioned in the past, I’m a bit of a theology geek. I was raised Christian (but, like, the “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” type) so my yoga practice (which includes elements of Hinduism/Buddhism) has helped me process all the baggage that comes with spending your formative years believing you are damned for all time.
Something that I’ve been advised in my learning is that in the “West” (I use that term loosely; it’s complicated), we’re used to clean divisions between concepts like Good and Evil. Even though early Abrahamic religions were largely syncretic, incorporating elements from various belief systems, “Eastern” religious (again, not necessarily to over-generalize–it’s complex) like Buddhism/Hinduism don’t have such a divide. In fact, they emphasize and encourage non-duality (we’re all part of the ONE one), including the interconnectedness of all things, the illusion of individual identity, and ability to hold multiple, sometimes conflicting truths in the mind at once...
Wrathful deities, present in Buddhism and Hinduism, could be seen as one example of contradictory concepts manifesting in harmoy: From Wiki (again):
[Wrathful Deities] are protector deities who destroy obstacles to the Buddhas and the Dharma, act as guardians against demons and gather together sentient beings to listen to the teachings of the Buddhas. In Tantric Buddhism, they are considered to be fierce and terrifying forms of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas themselves. Enlightened beings may take on these forms in order to protect and aid confused sentient beings. They also represent the energy and power that is needed in order to transform negative mental factors into wisdom and compassion
Even deities of love and compassion, like the Buddha, can manifest in terrifying forms as needed. Thinking back to it, I’ve always viewed Garou as a kind of Wrathful deity, because he embodies these outwardly disparate ideas.
You know, it reminds me a little of this scene from an old sitcom, My Name is Earl.
Randy Hickey: But karma doesn't have fists.
Earl Hickey: You know what, you're right. Karma doesn’t have fists.
Randy Hickey: Karma doesn't have hands at all. Or feet. Does karma have feet?
Earl Hickey: Maybe karma's behind this whole thing, Randy. I mean the guy finally got what he deserved. Maybe karma just borrowed my fist to give it to him…Wow, karma used me to do its dirty work. Nice move, karma, nice move!
Getting back to Garou, though… Garou didn’t actually have multiple arms in the panel above—he just appeared that way, due to the speed at which he was moving, But later on, Garou does indeed evolve some extra arms:
I could probably find a panel where Garou looks less goofy, but I won’t >:)
As referenced in my earlier quote, multiple arms can mean divinity BUT, of course, it isn’t so simple as that. Psykorochi also has four arms, so does true form Sukuna in Jujutsu Kaisen, and he’s about as evil as they get… JJK is obviously a different fandom, but you get my point. Artistic license is a thing, which is why I like to call out parallels and potential areas of interest, but I hesitate to make predictions or claim I know what the author is thinking because I, an author, never quite know what I am thinking.
That’s the flip side to symbolism in art--symbolic images have a generally agreed-upon meaning, but human culture is so varied and diverse it’s rarely so simple as that. Sometimes a creator uses their artistic license to evoke elements of the divine, or the frightening, or the other-worldly and there’s no deeper meaning to it. My insurance card has a caduceus ☤on it, but I don’t think my insurance company intended this as an homage to Hermes Trismegistus or even just plain ol’ Hermes... I think they just needed something that looked doctor-ish to most people, and they picked this one--the weird sticky, snake-y thing with wings on it. So it goes with symbolism, sometimes.
That being said, though, Garou’s emotional progression over the course of the chapters has gone from more noble (if misguided) to downright angry. When he meets Saitama, he’s literally walking on water right alongside him, but by the end of this scene, well:
He’s literally a fallen angel with broken wings. And Murata only hammered that image home in the re-draws:
Assuming there’s some deeper, lore-informed artistic choice beyond the aesthetic, that would make more some interesting meta--particularly when it comes to Garou being “tempted” by God. If something (or someone) has already fallen (lost everything), it’s hard to tempt them in any meaningful way. Acting out of desperation isn’t a choice (although it is arguably a consequence).
I (like most people with a Christian background) probably think “Fallen Angel = Damned by their own life choices/only meant to serve as a bad example.” But in some traditions, particularly esoterica, fallen angels are a bit more complicated than that.
Some of my recent reading from The Hermetic Tradition (Julius Evola), touched on this:
some say that “the whole corpus of the ancient magico-hermetic sciences was revealed to men by the fallen angels” (so they fell, but they shared their divine knowledge with humans to free them from bondage, or at least decrease suffering)
some sources posit that angels fell in their quest for power
others say they embody the “glorious and warlike” nature of humans--in other words, exceptional heroism
...or some combination of all these things. Allegedly this esoterica is similar across both Abrahamic and Buddhist/Hindu/Vedic traditions, and I’ve seen this come up a few times in my reading, but admittedly only in books written for/by English speaking (Western European/North American) audiences.
...Oh man, I hope this still makes sense when I wake up.
::queues post and passes out on keyboard:
#one punch man#opm#meta#garou#symbolism#opm symbolism#esoterica#i'm just a girl who teaches yoga for fun#Ca-Chan can't sleep
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