#but not Mitsuba because that would make it even more confusing
elizabethzoopzoop986 · 3 months
Quick question for those who understand the lore more than me:
Who gets to remember things in the new time? Like i know it’s probably just like the main cast but seriously Akane says here:
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But I feel like on this logic Nene shouldn’t be able to remember because in this timeline she shouldn’t have any super natural connections. So why can she? And on that note why can Nene see LET ALONE touch supernaturals in this timeline?
I mean I get she’s the main character so therefore she’s kinda gotta but still it doesn’t really make much sense. Like on Akane logic because Amane doesn’t have any supernatural powers in the new tl he shouldn’t remember but he seems to??
Honestly idk pls give me answers
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thelunarfairy · 29 days
I was surprised to learn that Nene was the protagonist and not hanako lol
I mean it makes sense now that I think about it, since hanako disappears from the manga all the time like right now lol
I always saw hanako as the shujinko and Nene as the heroine and I just learned about the word shuyaku (I didn't really understood the difference😔) too
It's confusing so I wanted to ask if you knew what kind of role the characters play in this manga and what kind of title would be labelled on them?
Nene, Hanako and Kou are protagonists. In a story you can have as many protagonists as you want, but you have to be prepared to develop all of them.
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How do you know when a character is the protagonist? When he has a clear objective and is so important to the plot that the story only develops if he exists, and in some moments (or all of them) you can see the character's point of view very often.
In JSHK, Hanako's goal is to save Tsukasa, and later, Nene. Kou's goal is to be a great exorcist, and later, to save Mitsuba. Nene's goal is to find love, and later, to help Hanako (this is because we don't know her goal clearly).
The three work together and we get to see the point of view of the three individually at times. Just as we see the development of the three happen simultaneously, they have their own arcs.
The important point here is that even if the story has more than one protagonist, it is important to focus more on one, the most important of all and the one who will guide the solution or failure of the other protagonists' objectives. For this reason, it is common to say that there is only one protagonist, while the others are the co-protagonists.
In this case, it is Nene, she is the number 1 protagonist, we see much more of her point of view than those of the other two. Hanako is the number 2 co-protagonist and finally Kou.
Antagonist Characters: Tsukasa, Sakura, Natsuhiko.
These are characters who play a fundamental role in the narrative by opposing the protagonist's objectives, values ​​or ideals. They create conflicts and obstacles that the protagonist must face and overcome throughout the story, driving the plot and providing tension and challenges.
Secondary, supporting or opposing characters: Aoi, Akane, Teru, Mitsuba, Tsuchigomori and the other mysteries, etc.
These are characters who have objectives linked to the main plot. They may or may not have development, but their main function is to help the narrative unfold, but their role is not necessarily related to the main character.
Supporting Characters or extras: Lemon, Satou Yokoo.
These only appear when necessary, have no objectives and do not develop.
Villain: ???? Hypothesis: entity.
So, this is the basis of the character structure. Regarding the names you mentioned, I researched and found this answer:
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Remember that I do not know if it is completely correct, you should check if you have any doubts.
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sillyyuserr · 6 months
ever since chapter 108 tbhk has been getting progressively worse, after reading chapter 112 i had to take an hour long lap around my room before i could write this 😭
Chapter 112 analysis/thoughts
❗️obviously, chapter 112 spoilers❗️
aoi is seemingly less popular, and the burden of that has been lifted, her and nene also being much closer.
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ALSO WHAT?? Like ok lesbians
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Mei’s alive, which kind of confused me because she died due to illness?? But i guess not if shes here
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This page really intrigued me, not because of kou or anything but because of what aoi says
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She refers to teru as “teru-kun” differing to that of what she used to call him
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Which i guess means she’s close to him too
after kou runs back to the stand it shows this
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Kou and mitsuba??? HE’S ALIVE?? This is literally all we get of them so i don’t have much for this part
Nene singing at the play, having a thought just at the back of her mind, thinking she was wanting someone to watch her, but not sure who
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Until they’re finally done, everything’s quiet, she looks up at the crowd to see
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Hanako?? Im not quite sure if he was actually there or if she was hallucinating or something but she remembered him, enough to remember his name. ALSO HE KEPT HIS PROMISE AUGH 😭💔
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i dont have much to say for this because i really dont know whats going on but im interested to see what happens next w/ them
This next part especially killed me
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Teru is distressed, he’s fucking devastated, he feels betrayed and hurt by the only person he’s trusted as much as he has, teru reacts impulsively when it comes to something that weakens him. akane was right when he referred to him as a little kid, he is like a child, he does not know how to control his emotions since he wasn’t taught, and sure as hell not having a mom made it worse
also his face 😭 my mans is HURT
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Him not knowing if he should treat akane like a human or like a supernatural hurts me. this reminds me of the picture perfect arc with hanako and nene, akane being in hanako’s place and teru being in nene’s. akane making the decision for the greater good that he doesn’t even fully believe in, just as hanako did when he made shijima make the painting
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I have so much to say about this panel its insane
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The tension goes CRAZYY but also wtf
The demotion from “aoi” to “clock keeper” back to “aoi” shows he really doesnt know. Also showing he really did trust him, but now that he’s done what he did, he doesnt know how to feel about him. The “you really let me down” again suggests he didn’t at one point, and he did like him. GOSH AidaIro sleep with one eye open tonight
Akane looking worried like that shows he really did care about teru too, and what he thinks of him, i mean like look at him he looks disappointed too, but in himself
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His face he feels so bad 😭😭
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Teru gripping his tie like he’s onna run away 😭 my mans ur ON TOP OF HIM i think you got him
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Teru looking progressively more worried/concerned as akane continues explaining whats happened
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Teru’s perspective shot on the top left is painful like the rest of this chapter, him looking down at akane with a face of disbelief, as akane removed his hand from his tie, and redoes it, explaining the rest.
again, reminding me of the picture perfect arc, with the whole “be here long enough and you’ll forget your past life” with again, akane in hanako’s place and teru in nene’s
Akane says this could be a better present for Nene, and we see her initial hope of being popular come true (also taking aoi’s problem away, as stated at the beginning)
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but he also says this could be a better/more preferable present for teru aswell, which makes me want to see how teru’s life changed, and what akane considered something teru would want, and what he lost to gain it. (like how nene gained popularity but lost hanako and the connections she made bcs of meeting him)
Fuck i just realized something. Akane was under the impression teru has a crush on aoi so what if he made them closer as in like dating closer SHE CALLS HIM TERU-KUN is this what akane meant by “some people might prefer this ‘present’ over the former one. could be you president.” HUUH
i have a problem with saying “this will never happen, i know it wont, and i wont even consider it” and genuinely will be under the belief that it wont, but then it fucking happens and if thats what happened here i might as well archive my acc
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Back to the current topic, as a wielder of time, an important part of making this present, is making sure there is no way his memories will be replaced too, or so im guessing. He says "some" and “their” instead of "we" or “people like us” when talking about the people that will forget the old present. Meaning if akane des remember, he will be so indefinitely alone and self aware (him knowing so much more than the rest of them) and have to play along with everything. Everyone else has the comfort of forgetting, which will make it much easier to adjust, meanwhile if things stay the same, akane will be the only one to remember and will be like this for as long as they stay like that.
Which i like this new one, as mitsuba and kou can be friends without one of them literally being dead, and how aoi can be more open and is closer to nene, but if this is how it ends (obviously not this chapter but if it ends with them staying in the new present) tbhk is so fucked.
its kind of a win-lose, lose-win type of thing, but either way akane’s cooked.
Todays a rough day for everyone 😭
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musicalmoritz · 5 days
Can you analyze Aoikane? Like does aoi really like Akane? Is Akane a good person to her? Doesn’t he just treat her like everyone else? Even after the severance arc?
I’m glad you asked this! I’ve written a lot about Aoi and Akane as separate characters but I haven’t really gotten to go in depth explaining their relationship. This won’t cover everything but I’ll try to address all your questions. Just a heads up, I incorporated a mix of canon evidence and personal interpretation here. I tried to address each time I was purely stating my perspective but be aware that this is very opinionated
So to answer your first question, “Does Aoi really like Akane?” the answer is no…Aoi LOVES Akane. Aoi is love with Akane to an embarrassing degree, dare I say more embarrassing than the time Mitsuba said “yes sir” to Kou
On a more serious note, Aoi loving Akane is a core part of their development. If Aoi didn’t love Akane, Akane never would have fallen in love with Aoi
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This right here is the key moment, the moment when Akane realizes what he means to Aoi. He offhandedly tells her he hates her, and it makes her cry. At that age, nothing made Aoi cry, not even bullies. But she felt so strongly about Akane that the mere thought of him hating her was enough to bring her to tears
Akane’s character arc centers largely around coming to understand, empathize with, and help the people around him, so when he sees someone who needs him he goes all in offering his help. When he saw that Aoi loved him, that she would cry if he hated her, all he wanted to do was make her happy and make her feel loved. This is what he dedicated his life to, judging by everything we know about his relationship with Aoi after this event
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Another way we know Aoi loves Akane is because she tells us this herself! She asks Hanako to talk about love and then explains her past with Akane. Before this, when Aoi got left behind leaving Hakubo’s boundary, she confessed to the audience that she loves Akane (“I never got to tell him I like him”). That line has clear romantic connotations, especially for a series that places so much emphasis on confession scenes. But on the train, we learn why Aoi loves Akane
To Aoi, Akane is everything she is not. He is naturally liked by people, hard-working, and kind. Aoi seems to view Akane as the epitome of a good person, and herself as the opposite. Think of it as a sun/moon dynamic, we see this with many ships in the series. Hanako seems to think similarly about Nene, considering himself a murderer and then viewing Nene as this ball of sweetness. When asked what he likes about her, he simply says “Everything.” Even Aoi was shocked lol (but this ain’t about them)
It confuses me that a lot of fans ask why Aoi likes Akane when she’s outright stated it herself. It could be that some of them haven’t finished the manga (not saying that’s you btw that wasn’t one of your questions), and hey there’s no shame in that. I just wish they would either admit they haven’t read it or look up the chapters they need to read because their arguments are lacking some pretty key information😭 Guys, step one of analyzing is to READ. But I digress
I think another explanation would be that fans don’t understand Aoi’s character, they still subconsciously view her as Nene’s popular best friend. They may not think they do, because they think the extent of her facade is pretending to be perfect. They don’t understand how she looks down on people, how she only thought about herself when Nene and Akane started acting different, and how she gets emotionally dependent on the people closest to her. There’s a reason for that too, many fans don’t like that side of Aoi. They see her express an unhealthy attachment style and decide the problem is AoiAoi rather than Aoi as a character, so they completely erase her flawed management of relationships when they write her
Aoi displays an avoidant attachment style, she pushes away the people she wants to be close with. She also arguably shows signs of BPD, and though I won’t get into that today, one of the defining symptoms is intense and unstable relationships. The sad truth is that people really hate people with avoidant attachment styles, and they really hate people with BPD (and any Cluster B personality disorder in general), so when they see Aoi expressing these traits they erase them rather than admitting they don’t like that side of her. Which is sad because you rarely see people doing that with male characters. Teru and Hanako are loved for the aspects of their personalities that are unlikable to the fanbase, whereas Aoi’s toxicity is ignored because it doesn’t fit the image fans have of her. Aoi is misunderstood by the fandom the same way she’s misunderstood by the characters in the manga
One last note on this, if you dislike Aoi just say that (again this is aimed at the general fandom, not you specifically). Don’t erase her obvious signs of mental illness, that representation is important to a lot of fans. When I wrote my TikTok essay on Aoi having BPD, I had people with BPD in the comments telling me how much they related to her. On other posts about Aoi, I’ve had people tell me how much it means to them to see a character realistically portray an avoidant attachment style. Mental illness is rarely portrayed correctly in media, and it is highly offensive to those who have it irl to erase those traits in a character just because they don’t fit your cookie-cutter image of them. And yes, I know Aoi doesn’t canonically have BPD but slandering her for traits that strongly relate to BPD is also weird (this is the opinionated part I warned you guys about lol, but yk a psych student is gonna have to lecture you on ableism)
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Aoi’s feelings for Akane have also been teased since the beginning of the manga, through jealousy. She claims not to like him back, but she completely shuts down whenever he shows interest in someone else (or when someone else shows interest in him). Again, this is not a healthy response by any means but I personally think it’s an interesting character flaw, you are welcome to think otherwise🤷🏼‍♀️
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She actively encourages his confessions with her point system, if she didn’t enjoy his confessions she would have turned him down from the get go. This connects back to the avoidant attachment style thing, Aoi wants Akane’s attention but she maintains distance for fear of letting him in. She keeps walls up to protect herself, because while Akane is the sun she basks in, she doesn’t really believe he likes her
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This is because Akane puts her on a pedestal just like the rest of the school does. Some fans overlook this because they’re focused on post-development AoiAoi but at one point Akane made Aoi feel very isolated. It must have hurt extra since he’s her childhood friend. She thought Akane was only in love with the perfect version of her, which I don’t believe to be true. Akane loved Aoi, flaws and all, and that’s why he saw her as perfect. Most of the information we learn about Aoi is given to us through Akane, so it wouldn’t add up for him to not know her real personality. During their fight scene, he lists all her worst qualities and proceeds to kiss her hand and tell her he loves her
My conclusion is that Akane’s love for Aoi was so intense, he saw her through a rose colored glass. He knew the real her, but he loved her so much that her flaws didn’t bother him. He only focused on the good parts, and thus ended up putting her on a pedestal. He didn’t realize his behavior was hurting her up until the truth came out in chapter 69, and to answer that one part of your question, yes his behavior did change after that
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He encourages Aoi to talk about herself, offering to do all of her favorite hobbies with her. He gives her free reign and support here, letting her talk and then offering solutions to her worries. He reassures her that she can fix things with Nene, which is like!! A major step in the right direction!! Akane is usually very possessive of Aoi, even when it comes to her friendships, but here he is encouraging healthy communication between her and Nene. He doesn’t deny her bad actions, but he gives her room to resolve them
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After that, we see him start to treat her normally. He acts like himself around her, the same version of him we see around Teru and Nene. None of that lovestruck, over exaggerated worship we’re used to seeing him show towards Aoi. Even during the Severance, he took time to work with Nene and Teru rather than obsessively focusing on Aoi. He gave Teru motivation when he felt like quitting, even felt comfortable using their mutual love for a Aoi to fuel their rivalry. He formed an alliance with Nene even though he initially felt bitter towards her for Aoi’s disappearance. He learned to look past his own feelings enough to be there for his friends, likely because Aoi taught him to remove those rose-colored glasses. He saw that only focusing on what he wants (only focusing on Aoi) was hurting the people around him, including Aoi herself. Post chapter 69, Akane becomes much more down to earth. He still loves Aoi deeply and puts her first, but he treats her like a normal human being. This allows him to treat other people normally too
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A lot of people use this chapter as evidence that Akane hasn’t changed but guys, he’s allowed to be jealous over the girl he loves. He panics here, but he doesn’t try to get violent with Teru the way we used to see him do when guys would express interest in Aoi. He doesn’t look possessive or angry here at all, just sad. He’s genuinely devastated that he’s in a world where he can’t be with the girl he loves. This is bad news for both him and Aoi, judging by the sad look she gives him as she leaves and the events of last chapter, it’s clear that this Aoi is still in love with Akane. Our Akane knows how dependent Aoi is on him, he knows that he’s the reason she’s started taking steps towards healing. Without him, all of her development gets erased, and there’s the simpler sad fact that she can’t be with the man she loves. Akane wants happiness for both of them, there’s nothing wrong with that
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Even when he confesses to her, it looks so much more genuine than the old scenes of his confessions. It gets a full page, they’re both blushing and their eyes are full of light. His words are so genuine too, he doesn’t wax on about how perfect and delicate she is, all he does is promise to love her forever. For someone with such severe abandonment issues like Aoi has, those words are all she’s ever wanted to hear. Her father left when she was young, then the two people closest to her started to pull away from her (not in this universe but still). She’s terrified that people will hate her, that everyone will leave her if she reveals her true self. And here Akane is, promising to love her and only her for as long as they both shall live (and beyond that)
So, yes, I truly do believe Akane’s behavior towards Aoi has changed. And keep in mind, the manga isn’t over yet, they will have more development. We just learned Aoi’s backstory with her father leaving and her mommy issues, there’s still so much we don’t know about the characters. They still have a long way to go, so if they haven’t grown as much as you’d like then give them some time!! But they have made a lot of progress already, and I wish more fans recognized that
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As for the question of whether or not he’s a good person to her, that’s very subjective!! Some fans don’t like any level of toxicity in their ships, so chapter 69 was enough for them to write off AoiAoi entirely. That’s perfectly fine, no one should feel forced to like a ship that makes them uncomfortable. Some love toxic ships, some only love toxic ships if they have development, and others love ships with extreme toxicity (I finished Interview with the Vampire season 1 today so that is where I’m at right now lol)
Let me ask you a few questions though. Is Kou a good person to Mitsuba, for mimicking the actions of his abuser and force-feeding him?? Is Hanako a good person to Nene for attempting to trap her in a fake world and kill her best friend? Is Hakubo a good person to Sumire for eating her alive? Is Natsuhiko a good person to Sakura for letting them destroy the world? Are any of these characters good people to each other???
All of those situations have nuance, and so does AoiAoi. Yes, Akane choked Aoi, but only because she was about to kill herself. She was in a shinigami’s boundary, talking about wanting to “go somewhere far away” and never return. If he hadn’t done something, she never would have returned from the far shore. That doesn’t excuse his actions, but it provides some perspective. Akane wouldn’t choke Aoi under normal circumstances, just like Kou wouldn’t force-feed Mitsuba under normal circumstances. However, both of them would go to those extremes if it meant protecting the ones they love. I personally believe it’s toxic, but some fans insist it’s completely justified because they were doing it for the greater good. Again, it all comes down to perspective
Their dynamic also largely relies on the yandere!Akane gag, which is very hit or miss for some people. Although it’s for comedic purposes, those scenes did happen in canon and they happen a lot. They can be very distracting and cause fans to feel confused once they’re introduced to the deeper side of AoiAoi, which is understandable. Part of peoples’ interpretation on AoiAoi’s level of toxicity comes down to how serious they take the yandere jokes, and how much they like yandere characters. If you hate yandere characters but don’t take the gag too seriously, you’ll be able to overlook it. However, if you hate yandere characters AND you take the gag seriously…AoiAoi might be a difficult ship to accept
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Otherwise, Akane does look out for Aoi a lot. He beats up guys who harass her, he asks her how her talk with Nene went, he checks on her injured hand, he will stop at nothing to save her when she’s in danger and, well…the list goes on. There’s no denying Akane cares about Aoi, though some fans may argue he cares about her to a toxic extent. I find that attitude a little hypocritical when they like every other toxic canon ship, but every ship has different appeals so I get it. I’m very biased tho so every argument I see against AoiAoi is just words, words, words
Keep in mind that the TBHK characters and their relationships are all meant to be flawed. This is an imperfect cast of characters who all want to be loved, who have their own goals and try desperately to save each other even though they’re doomed to fail. I wouldn’t call every character morally gray, but they’re realistically flawed. Akane and Aoi want to be together, but they have a lot of individual issues to work through first. They’re undoubtedly better together though, seeing as the progress they make is because of each other (I gave Akane credit for Aoi’s development earlier but it goes both ways!!). If they were separated, we wouldn’t see them grow as much as they have. That doesn’t have to be romantic ofc but I do believe that Aoi and Akane make each other better, they just have to go through the process of making each other worse first in order to get there
I am a person who LOVES flawed characters and relationships. If the ship doesn’t have a splash of codependency, I don’t want it. I incorporate sadomasochism into almost every fic I write. My view of AoiAoi is going to be different from that of someone that isn’t interested in flawed characters/ships (yes, you’re allowed to prefer characters that are “morally pure”). If you’re looking for something that’s pure fluff then AoiAoi most likely isn’t for you, very few TBHK ships are unless you’re heavily fanonizing them. That’s simply the nature of this manga, there’s a reason we’ve seen every canon couple hit each other at some point. It’s not as bad as some fans suggest, but it’s still messy. I want to reiterate that this isn’t aimed at you specifically but I feel it’s something the fandom as a whole needs to hear. Of course, there are toxic ship enjoyers who may not find AoiAoi interesting, but every complaint I’ve heard about them so far has been about their toxicity so that’s what I’m addressing. I personally find it to be tame compared to the other ships but not everyone is going to interpret it the same way
Thank you very much for this ask, I got a little carried away with the yapping lol. I’m a bit worried I’m gonna get hate for this one since it’s kinda controversial and I got very opinionated at times…please know that I didn’t mean to offend anyone or invalidate any other opinions. If you feel that I did that then feel free to block me. I hope everyone reading this has a nice day <3
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mari-lair · 2 years
Mitsuba didn’t lure Kou into the aquarium, he was lured by it.
This is the real Mitsuba, there is something wrong going on with him, he explicitly told Kou that he is not okay, but even with all the unanswered questions of why and how he was in Kou’s house, it's hard to deny he is the No.3 Mitsuba we know.
When his body started to melt, we see an amalgamation of other supernaturals stuck together, which Tsukasa had explained is how Mitsuba was built
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Now, let’s talk about the aquarium!
The aquarium is full of ghosts, but no human. We know this because Kou pointed out every victim are ghosts.
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It makes sense in hindsight: The night streets are empty, and yet, the aquarium is full. Kou mentioned the aquarium didn’t use to be there, so is not a physical place, normal humans probably can’t even see this aquarium: It does not care about human, it want to lure ghosts. 
And who was the one that was mesmerized by the aquarium? Mitsuba.
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Mitsuba is consistently shown to not know how the supernatural world work very well. He wasn’t aware of what’s Obon, got panicked by the severance, and use his mirrors to learn more about the school, he is very new to it all, so I can see him easily fall for a trap.
Mitsuba also isn’t a good liar, as shown in picture perfect. There is no way he would be having so much fun, going as far as to smile gently when he comments on how kind Kou can be, if he had the intention to betray Kou.
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He is oblivious to the danger, genuinely confused and surprised by the attack.
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I just find it strange.
If he was a fake mitsuba, or this was indeed a trap, Mitsuba could have said “let’s go to the aquarium before i answer your question~”, instead of wasting time letting Kou decide where to go, incentivating Kou to find a fun place of his choice.  So I think he was honest, he really just wanted to enjoy the night before sharing bad news.
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sunnnfish · 2 years
Due to the mental anguish I am rambling about tbhk. I WAS going to put this under a readmore but that keeps breaking the post on mobile so. Im sorry. Tons of spoilers for chapter 99. And like the whole series. You know how it is.
I feel like I need to make an itemized list because there’s so fucking much I need to talk about right now
The violence and parallels to tsukasa. I mean who can forget tsukasa prying mitsubas mouth open to feed him number 3s heart. Who knows what tsukasa’s intentions were but they weren’t necessarily bad— as we know now mitsuba needs to eat to survive plus number 3 was like a pretty big power boost that would keep him together for a longer time. So he likely just wanted mitsuba to live comfortably. BUT ALSO there’s the beginning of the chapter where tsukasa tells mitsuba to dig the heart out himself vs kou who gets it for him. Anyways. With kou here it clearly came from a similar place of wanting mitsuba to not disappear. There’s a desperation to it and fear and it’s one I personally actually know quite well. I’ve dealt with friends refusing to eat and take care of themselves and it is a violent frustrating feeling that just ends with crying after the anger fades. There’s a lot of confusion like. Why do you not care about yourself as much as I care about you. Anyways. His actions make a lot of sense to me bc I have felt and done the exact same things.
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Me core ^
and THEN there’s mitsubas feelings of wanting to be fucking exorcised and going to the fucking minamoto household to do it there’s so much here hang on. Like. I think he went to the minamoto house for some sliver of hope. If he wanted to for sure disappear he probably could’ve waited it out or something better but he went to the place where, depending on who answered the door, he’d either die or be faced with fucking. Kou minamoto. And the fact the he chose to reveal himself to kou it’s like. Did you really want to disappear. Did you really. And then taking him out on a fucking date basically like. You don’t want to disappear do you. You just don’t want to be. This. He wants to be human. He wants someone who will understand him and. And. Kou so readily accepts and understands him. Even the parts he thinks are ugly or unworthy. Fuck.
AND THEN. Kous feeling of inadequacy and fearing that mitsuba trusts tsukasa more than him and connecting to the vision he saw in the red house. Whether he accepts it or not he wants mitsuba to need him. The red house showed him a mitsuba who told him that he needs kou that he wants kou to be a supernatural with him and he brushes it away knowing mitsuba would never say that to him. He tells himself that mitsuba would never trust him or want him like that but he wants it to be real and he’s still hurt when the real mitsuba won’t open up to him. And it all comes back to his overall self worth issues of wanting to be strong and dependable and worthy.
AND this is all under the context of Teru finally letting kou have some responsibility and telling him to go exorcise the low level spirit that came near their home and AaaaaAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUU. KOU MINAMOTO……..
God its just. Kou minamoto cares about mitsuba so so so much and neither of them completely understand the gravity of it all. Also at this point hes said like 3 times that mitsuba is the root of all his worries. ALSO dont even get me started on the art and expressions this chapter. It’s so gorgeous like as always but. God. Also the keychains. Im gonna[blaring truck horn]
ALSO the way mitsuba says at the end like ‘you’d be lonely without me’ or whatever and kou almost looks shocked for a second like. Oh. And its like he thinks about it more and cries more because yeah, he would be lonely. He’s been lonely. Mitsuba somehow inexplicably became like his closest friend that knows everything about him and god he was lonely when mitsuba disappeared. The first time and the second. And he’s barely had time to process any of it because to everyone else around him mitsuba doesnt really. Matter. And because kou is so kind he is always putting everyone else’s problems in front of his own. The severance happens and it becomes a journey to help nene bring hanako and aoi back—next to no mention mitsuba aside from the leads to the red house, much less trying to find and save him too. The whole time theyre in the boundary to the far shore its all about hanako and nene and number 6. And there’s STILL the conversation about how to become a supernatural that he brought up with nene but noooooo we cant ever know anything about what kou wants. And like. It all comes back around this chapter because he so so selfishly wants mitsuba to live. One of the only things he lets himself want. And it aches. God. I wish i was any good or natural at prose writing because god the things i would write about minamoto kou. AND TO TOP IT OFF HES LIKE FUCKING 14 YEARS OLD…. Okay. Okay im done.
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2n2n · 11 months
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(Hey do you know if hanako kun seal come off, the entire world will fall in disrray..... * that was close-!!* *heart thumping*)
If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your opinion on this?
It's primarily just a joke because Aida-sensei messed up and didn't include the seal on a random drawing suddenly... but I do think it's worth looking at the joke itself. Rather than imagining a Hanako saying "I'M FREE!!" or "nyahahaha", AidaIro-sensei imagine him desperate to secure it back onto his face... we can think of that as something! The gag drawing could be Kou trying to force it back on or idk, Hanako doing something silly without limits, but it's Hanako scared it came off. We can just take the silly drawing as a statement of: Hanako's desperate to keep that thang on. What does it mean to be a dog desperate to stay chained?
I do think Hanako's seal is important to him, and something he seems to want to keep. I often say it but-- I imagine Nene-chan could probably just peel it using her powers, right? But he never asks her to, and he never alludes to his seal as some sort of pain, or problem, or annoyance. There is no underhanded goal to get it off. He doesn't joke about it; he acts as if it is entirely not there and not a concern for anyone, despite it being so plain and obvious. Nene-chan seemingly hasn't worried about it ever since Kou's vague explanation, and Hanako isn't interested in doing any correcting or expositing. He isn't defensive about it, or self-pitying.
I think the seal represents repression, "holding back". Nothing could be more important to Hanako than repression, amirite? I think it's an important memory, whatever occurred, that he doesn't want to lose as a reference point. Because the Minamoto family were aware of the Red House, and their grandma forbade them from ever nearing it, and at some point, also sealed Hanako, we can assume the sealing of Hanako may have touched upon a lot of sensitivities.
Hanako is a person who deflects everything. He is cryptic, obtuse, he jokes and handwaves things, he lies. He's always compromising, or trying to run away. He'll only tell Nene-chan his wish when he believes he will never see her again. He seems afraid of leaning into his own feelings. He won't say anything out loud, not until pushed to the limit, and even then, he doesn't cede much. He is a person who surely feels it would be bad if he did all he wanted, or told the truth. Perhaps the truth is ugly, or what he wants is terrifying.
As Yako talks about "going berserk", Hanako touches his seal. He seems uncomfortable with the notion "you're still you; you don't become somebody else".
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Perhaps for Hanako, it would be convenient to believe you become somebody else, or are fundamentally altered. Perhaps he would like to not have to owe all of his actions to only himself, his nature. It would be more convenient to be infected with something external that makes you behave badly, than simply have your heart speak out in its natural tongue.
(by the way, this is why I don't personally like drawing a distinction between 'Amane' and 'Hanako', and I think it is drinking the kool-aid to argue their difference. I do not think the manga's message would be "well, you're different!" versus the FAR more potent message of "you're still you, no matter what", especially when we're arguing about the personhood or authenticity of people like Tsukasa and Mitsuba. We shouldn't be calling anybody 'fake' or 'gone', and we shouldn't really be calling damaged people 'irreparably altered and lost'. Surely, we should accept and love all of somebody, and see them as themselves, at their best, or at their worst. Lost, confused, fractured-- Hanako and Amane have the same heart, and it is miserably in love.)
As humans, it's relatable. We'd often like to imagine it's not our own fault, or not our nature when we react to something. We like to think of some people as "bringing out something bad" in us, or influencing us, changing us, to become bad-- due to THEIR nature, not OURS. We don't like to take ownership of who we are. It's a complicated notion for Hanako, who both wants to be held accountable and given credit for the choices Amane made.....
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.... and struggles with full ownership of his selves, his past, his present, his future. Or perhaps he struggles with the continuity of his existence? Those fragmented, lost, altered parts?
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... all things his seal makes me think about.
Could Amane really become this? What Hanako is? Could Amane do all Hanako has done. I mean yes, but.... things he has to think about.
The boy behind that seal-- what did he do? What was he like? If we remove Hanako's seal, will some part of him come back-- a part he doesn't want to interface with? Is he reluctant to have access to certain power? Just how much is really behind it? It is a warping abstraction, is it an irrational sense of self-apprehension, or could it be that dramatic?
I enjoy AidaIro joking "the entire world will fall in disarray", it's like his catastrophizing is fodder for THEM to mock (I love how they bully Amane.... the normal Amane is normally useless...)
Well, whatever the case... he must be attached to the self that is sealed, the way he behaves now. He seems to prefer this for himself, but Hanako hates himself.
meanwhile sympathy for Aida-sensei who has to flipflop between sealed and unsealed boys as she draws the living and the dead boy for any random chapter or event. I cannot imagine. it's literally sf hard when drawing the boys to mind the seals.
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amyyythestarry · 9 months
Plz Mitsuba confuses the heck out of me.
Multiple days he wishes he wasn’t lonely, wishes he stays in everyone’s memory, wishes to be a normal human being, wishes to be with his friends forever and ever, wishes to exist and live.
Then one day he wakes up and decides he wants to get exorcized…
LIKE IT’S SO FKING CONFUSING, why did he come to that conclusion, how did he come to that conclusion??
He couldn’t have to just woken up and chosen masochism, couldn’t have just grown suicidal over night, right???
Now he wants to die, after all of that wishes for things to be better for him, wishing to be a human and to live and exist in the near shore, have friends, ect ect ect.
It does not add up.
Tsukasa tried to get Mitsuba to stay in everyone’s memory, with little specific details from Mitsuba so he had to work with what he could do ( Because he isn’t a genie ). Then Mitsuba changed it so suddenly to “I want to have friends,” so Tsukasa figured he wanted to be friends with Kou. Then that whole thing didn’t work so he made another Mitsuba, hoping his wish would come true that time, Mit2uba wished to be human, Tsukasa tried making that come true giving the whole Picture Perfect arc, BUT THEN Mitsuba 2.0 started to rethink reality because of Kou and they broke out of the fake world.
I really can’t think of any other instances where Tsukasa tried granting Mitsuba’s wish, but heck that’s a lot to even do with little to work from because even after his wish becomes more specific, he keeps changing it.
And really, the only one who sees problem with this is me, Tsukasa doesn’t care that Mitsuba keeps changing his mind, he just wants to help make his dreams come true, no matter how many desires Mitsuba has. Because he’s extremely tolerable, patient, he believes people should have whatever they desire, there are no limits ( But somehow he claims he’s only wanted one thing, only ever had one wish granted ), which is realistic giving fking Mitsuba. He knows the desires are just gonna keep coming in, and he doesn’t care, he’ll tend to them.
It’s not a problem, though, it’s realistic. Humans are gonna keep wanting, and supernatural are professionals at dreaming and wanting things ( But ones like Hanako just don’t want to admit it ). I’m really just saying that I could never have as much tolerance and patients with Mitsuba as much as Tsukasa has.
Even with Hanako/Amane. Amane as a little kid wanted to be better, he wanted to be healthy like Tsukasa so he could live a normal and untroubled life. Tsukasa granted that wish, with none of that benefitting him because he then was trapped in the Red House, only to figure out that Amane was going to die sooner than intended, at 13. Throwing away all of Tsukasa’s efforts.
But still, Tsukasa still doesn’t mind all of that, he still wants to see what Amane most desires, just like how he is with Mitsuba.
I could never, as soon as they come up with another fking wish I’m quitting my job. 💀
I wonder what Tsukasa would think and do if Mitsuba announced to him that he wanted to disappear ( Or, if that was just a thought for that moment, and he doesn’t really want that???? ). How could he make that wish come true? Make Mitsuba disappear. Canonly, Mitsuba says he doesn’t want to go down meaninglessly ( I hate him, now he’s being too specific ), wants to be exorcised my Kou ( FOR TOTAL MASOCHISTIC REASONS YOU CAN’T MAKE ME NOT BELIEVE THAT ).
But I’m really frustrated that he doesn’t come to Tsukasa for that. Tsukasa is and always will be the one to grant his wishes, Kou can’t do that as Tsukasa can ( I still love Kou don’t give me wrong, he’s trying his best ). Now, Mitsuba’s just totally closed off from Tsukasa, he doesn't want Tsukasa to figure out he has anymore wishes, he doesn’t want to give in to his desires like Tsukasa wants him too.
I don’t know, I feel like Mitsuba is just being a pVssy, he’s gone too deep in these wishes and desires, why is he stopping now? Why does he want to disappear so suddenly?? ( If anyone knows plz let me know I cannot figure him out )
Conclusion, everyone needs to appreciate Tsukasa.
( This also goes into the thought ‘what would they think if Tsukasa were to disappear?’ Would Mitsuba’s desire to let go be stronger, would he break down, would he pretend that everything’s fine, would he hide from the fact that Tsukasa wouldn’t come back, OR would he give in to all of his desires afterwards because Tsukasa wanted him to, as a type of coping mechanism??? )
Questions, questions.
I really want this whole Clock Keepers business to be over with so we can get to Tsukasa and Mitsuba ( Mitsu’s yorishiro and yorishiro Tsu ).
I swear it’s gonna be Tsumitsu in the future.
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mikeyelistsukasa · 2 years
Hiiii mikey! Could I request separate headcanons of yandere Tsukasa and Mitsuba with a smart soft cute shy fragile s/o? I just need some fluff in my life 🥹
Feel free to ignore I just thought you were bored so have a good day!
Yandere! Tsukasa & Mitsuba with a smart but shy Darling
Ofc sorry for the wait♥︎
I sadly failed to make it very yandere im sorry i read the word yandere at the end of writing
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He actually very much liked you.
It was fun to tease you around because of how shy you were
You two are a cute couple if you ignore Tsukasa‘s possessive behaviour
He didn’t like it when Sakura Natsuhiko or Mitsuba talked to you for too long
He sometimes doesn’t even realise that he is jealous
So if you end up talking for too long with someone, it can even be your classmates. He will start standing next to you and eventually hug you wanting for you to make an excuse to leave the person early
If you do end up leaving. Then- hooray! He is do happy as he started to give kisses all over your face
If you don’t. Then he will start to get a little more annoyed and telling you to hurry or else things might get messy
He wishes he could just kill everyone in this school but he knows it would traumatise you and you wouldn’t return his affection
I headcanon that he once heard sakura or natsuhiko talk about a certain „popular handsome guy“ named teru, who made everyone love him,
Something about this made tsukasa…worry?
Sounds weird for him to worry am i right?
What if that prince boy will also make you fall in love with him???
You can’t!!! He is your boyfriend and your eyes should be only on him
He thought he will end Teru if he will cause too much trouble
(I can totally see him one time wanting to attack teru bit accidentally attacked kou instead. Rip kou 😭)
Tsukasa is definitely the type to be by your side 24/7
No matter how smart you were,You mostly always gave in for his hugs and affection in general because your soft personality just couldn’t say no to him
He without hesitation killed people 100% if they ever abused your weakness
He loves that you love him even if he can’t leave the school
„S/OOOOOOOOO let’s do something“
„Oh no oh no oh no oh- o-Oh! Tsukasa!!! You startled me“
You said sighing in relief that its just him, your reaction confused him obv
„ne S/o why were you panicking a second ago??? Did something bad happen???“
„Oh its just.. one of my classmates asked me if i could help them with homework and..since im smart they came for help to me and-and i dont know if i should say yes or no…“ you answered shyly
„No! Of cours not!“ he quickly replied „you don’t have time to help dumb people like them!!! You need to hang out me right now and not them!“ he said sounding pretty annoyed but his face kept a smile which was pretty unsettling
„Alright ill say i can’t today..“
He definitely asks you who wanted to do homework with you and then kills him at the end
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When he first met you
He thought you were weird for being so shy
Are you trying to copy him with you cuteness?
Because he accidentally fell for you-
And when i say he fell for you, then i mean he fell for you 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚕𝚢
Would ask tsukasa and natsuhiko to help him so that you can see him(unless you already can)
He would take so many pictures of you, wether its you eating your lunch, talking with someone, or accidentally falling asleep in class
Oh btw i probably totally forgot to say this but Mitsuba HATES it when you talk with someone else
He wants all your attention on him, might try to guilt trip you by saying
“please stay with me s/o…you’re the only one who can see and hang out with me *insert puppy eyes*”
It is hard for him to confess tbh
But he will probably eventually confess first considering he knows your shyness will prevent you from confessing first
He would ask you stuff that he knows that you 100% know.
10% him paying attention 90% him looking at you while you’re talking/explaining to him
When he finally confesses and you accept he will be so overjoyed
I mean its not like he expected something else- he totally knew you’d accept such a cute boy like him😙🫶
There is a small chance that he would kill anyone, he definitely considers it when he feels jealous, but he does not want to distance yourself from him because you found out how obsessed he is over you
He found most likely just make them trip or get them in trouble. Or maybe just scare them to stay away from you
You would probably be upset that almost noone talks with you anymore for some reason. But hey…
You have him,and you don’t need anyone other than him♡︎
„s/oooo…you will stay at school this night too right?“
„Oh i-i don’t know mitsuba…i have do much stuff to do an-„
„B-but kou-kun might be upset if i wont come since we-„
„Kou??…tch that lame ass boy with trafficker on his ear??? Why the hell do you spend time with him in the first place?!“
„Well i-„
„it doesn’t matter, you’re staying because i said so“
You are eventually not able to escape his grasp and you ended up apologizing to kou for not being able to come
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Thank you for your wonderful request! I hope i left you satisfied. Please visit again! ♥︎
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aranarumei · 2 years
I’m losing my mind over mitsukou. together and separately all the time honestly…
anyways my point that I was ruminating over this time is that I think it is genuinely evil (in a good way) how we’ve been seeing mitsuba like. while he hasn’t been here. like, in the red house, kou sees a bunch of temptations / wishes, right? and he starts off by cheerfully ignoring them, saying he’ll ignore everything, only for the red house’s mitsuba to go “who are you going to ignore?” and appear right in front of it.
which. considering the last time kou and mitsuba were actually spending time together, kou was stressed out over what he should be prioritizing and worrying that he wasn’t actually doing anything of value… I imagine that question is especially hurtful. and of course considering mitsuba’s own hang ups and what he’d been through, of course it would hurt more. but kou’s reaction to that entire scene with mitsuba in the red house is really interesting, because it’s like… comforting in this twisted way, right? mitsuba depends on only him and asks him to please die. he believes in kou and kou never thinks that people are capable of believing in him (he thinks he’s making mitsuba anxious!) and that’s sort of what snaps him out of it. we see snippets of other things, too—hanako being unrepentantly evil so kou can exorcise him without remorse, teru changing his attitude towards supernaturals… and those are kind of the same, right? kou like. likes hanako as a person. it’s not good to think that’s he’s 100% evil.
but even though kou will confront all of that and say yes it would be easier if things are like that, but they’re not, when he gets the mitsuba the manga has him go “and mitsuba…” AND THEN HE NEVER FINISHES THE SENTENCE. listen it’s wonderful character writing. it’s the same way that kou tell everyone he’s coming along with their expedition to save aoi to protect nene, and then adds “and I have something to take care of…” while we’re visually shown mitsuba. the way he speaks about becoming a supernatural to nene and thinks of mitsuba during the severance but doesn’t say things about it. the way that during his fight with no.6 he talks about solving peoples problems and bringing them happiness and calls mitsuba “that guy.” hell nene doesn’t even know about the entire mitsuba thing until she meets mitsuba herself and even then kou is really casual about the whole thing, not even revealing much about the situation.
I think there’s just so much there. and ultimately I think it’s a lot of like. wow. kou is confused about how he’s feeling! what should he be doing! and I think while kou does see what’s good about hanako in his introduction chapter, and that supernaturals r not necessarily monolithic evil, mitsuba’s also a huge facet in determining kou’s views towards supernaturals—he wants to exorcise this ghost and then through that trip ends up wanting to be friends with him and feeling so so so joyful when he sees him again. god. don’t even make me talk abt the moment where kou grabs mitsuba’s hand. that’s another post. but yeah I feel like he’s very careful and secretive about how he feels towards mitsuba because it’s very complicated for him and maybe hard to understand or express
so yeah. and now we have like, mitsuba showing up again (and I still have trust issues bc of the red house), right when kou’s been told to exorcise a low grade spirit, and he’s doing it in an effort to prove himself… man do things feel circular as hell. (side note why is mitsuba registered as a low grade spirit? only time will tell)
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kittytheartist · 2 years
tsumitsu hcs?
hi Anon!
coming right up!!
Tsukasa comes and always checks what magazines Mitsuba is reading! he's very interested
Tsukasa also bugs everyone and anyone on getting more magazines and picture books for Mitsuba
speaking of Tsukasa getting more magazines once he brought one from a boundary and the book itself was a supernatural that Tsukasa thought Mitsuba would like
Mitsuba was terrified and told him to bring that ugly ass book back, Tsukasa was very sad, so he brought Mitsuba STACKS AND STACKS of regular magazines to make it up to him!!
Mitsuba found lots of new foods to make lmao
Tsukasa always sticks around Mitsuba and is very interested in who he's hanging around, like Kou or some random students he's around.
Mitsuba likes to sit around at the school watching people or the sunset and really enjoys when Tsukasa comes to quietly join him!
Tsukasa got a sweater to match Mitsuba but that lasted two seconds before he took it off because all the layers were uncomfortable and then forgot about it eternally
Mitsuba and Tsukasa really like watching television together!! whatever it is they want to see/hear it!!
Mitsuba secretly really likes when Tsukasa falls asleep around him jdjdhdh
Tsukasa gets embarrassed about Mitsuba caring about him and Mitsuba thinks it's really sweet!!
mutual embarrassed idiots over the other actually caring, they didn't know they were so loveable to the other!!
also a lot of misunderstanding on Mitsuba's part trying to decode how Tsukasa acts even just asking Tsukasa don't work because his answers only arouse more QUESTIONS!!
Tsukasa likes to stare at Mitsuba a lot, just staring, Mitsuba is very confused
"is it because I have pink hair?" "no." "then why??" "because.." *runs*
okay Mitsuba gets jealous just saying, like over Sakura, okay bye
Tsukasa got Mitsuba hair pins and he loved it, Tsukasa just silently handed it to him without saying anything and then ran off
Tsukasa eats Mitsuba's scarf a LOT, nom
Mitsuba whenever he sees Students doing something for their S/O he mimicks them, kinda confusing Tsukasa.
Mitsuba tried doing the romantic sunset thing he read in a magazine but then when him and Tsukasa were at the sunset he realized he didn't know what to do in front of the sunset so they just kinda shuffled around the school.
sometimes they pull pranks on the student !!! especially the ones in Kou's class or especially his friends Satou and Yokoo
sometimes after they've been stupid all day they kinda just stand there staring into nothing thinking of how else they can be annoying
Mitsuba loves to invite Tsukasa to cook with him, and Mitsuba ends up scolding Tsukasa on messing up their food
but his food ends up being a monstrosity but also a work of art????? like it's crazy talent only Tsukasa could have
okay that's all for now!! maybe more in the future<33
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purple-link · 7 days
Alisaie and Purple Link
FFXIV Write 2024 Story Entry
Spoiler: Story takes place after WoL reaches Garlemald in Endwalker, but but before the Tower of Babil dungeon. Story will be largely sfw, but will adhere to FFXIV's level of mature storytelling.
Chapter 13: Butte
[It’s basically a tall hill or landmark with a narrow flat-ish top on it, btw.]
Purple Link and his friends started asking around the Enclave.
Generally, it was a good idea to talk to the Lupin that were around the place, but it was always a good idea to chat up just about anybody. Never know what you’re going to find out.
“I’m sorry, blokes, but I haven’t a clue,” said Mauto, a Lupin that was surveying a specific spot, “I was in the army at the time, I had no idea Kaien even did a ceremony, let alone there was a ceremony for Lupin.”
“That’s alright,” said Purple Link, jotting things down on a slip of paper, “I’d argue keep your ears open, but they already appear to do that.”
“Is that a Lupin joke, sir?” said the Mauto, cocking an eyebrow in uncertainty.
“Maybe you can tell us if you know the history between the Rijin lineage and the Lupin?” asked Alphinaud.
“All I remember is from the stories I was told about Lord Hien’s family,” said Mitsuba, a lady overlooking construction, shrugging her shoulders, “I didn’t actually attend the ceremony, but I do remember Kaien making a big deal of it at the time.
"I think it was sort of hush-hush, if you know what I mean.”
“Unfortunately, I do,” said Alphinaud, jotting things down on a slip of paper.
The Wolf Burglar was asking a pair of Lupin that was standing just outside the Kienkan building.
“My family went to the last ceremony, I didn’t go,” said the first Lupin, on the left, “At the time, they were calling it the ‘Garo Yasumi.’”
“The ‘Fanged-Wolf Festival?” said the Wolf Burglar, jotting things down on a slip of paper, “Sounds kind of awesome.”
“Yeah, it is, but they never explained why,” said the first Lupin, “I think I was too young at the time.”
“I couldn’t go,” said the second Lupin, “I was conscripted. I was in Garlemald the entire time. I came back when I heard Doma was rebuilding, but I couldn’t find any of my family members.
"I think they all became bandits."
“Good, this is excellent,” said the Wolf Burglar, “This already goes a long way.”
“Um, thanks?” said the first Lupin, “Listen, are you going to be riding that bird all day?”
The Wolf Burglar cocked his head to the side in confusion. He was riding on the back of his trusty bird pal.
“Hey, I haven’t seen Montaro in a long while,” said the Wolf Burglar, “You’d be clingy too, if you’ve been separated from your best friend!”
“Skree!” said Montaro, who was just happy to be there.
“I think in general, you’ll want to talk to Lord Hien himself,” said Kozakura, a hyur woman, “He knows more about his own lineage than perhaps anyone in the Enclave.”
“I see,” said Alisaie, “You don’t have any more to say?”
“Not really,” said Kozakura, who bowed apologetically, “My family has said Rijin have been the leaders of Doma for the last 8 centuries, but they had never explained why. Hien is going to be your best bet.”
They all gathered around the Aetheryte crystal. The Wolf Burglar’s ears were flicking at the side of the Aetheryte, getting more and more annoyed as time wore on.
“Does it have to make that humming noise?” said the Wolf Burglar, “It’s like standing underwater in a lake.”
“Or the Ruby Sea,” said Purple Link.
“Hardy har,” said the Wolf Burglar, “Just because you can breathe underwater doesn’t mean you have to remind everybody.”
“So, what have we gathered?” said Alphinaud, showing his notes, “I’m afraid I haven’t collected a great deal.”
“I know what the festival is called,” said the Wolf Burglar, “It’s an official festival, so it seems like it ought to be memorable, but all the young pups I talked to were too fresh for it.”
“The last ceremony was ten years to the day,” said Alisaie, “That would be understandable. I’m afraid all our answers lie with Lord Hien and Hakuro.”
“Hmm,” said Purple Link, “The ceremony is a festival…It would have to be a place that’s easily accessible.”
“My word, but there does appear to be lively conversation happening,” said a familiar voice. They all turned to look.
It was Lord Hien, coming into Tenkonto. He seemed to be wandering the campus.
“I was just overlooking the progress,” said Lord Hien, “Construction has been going well in the western section. I had just finished my rounds when I heard that you were in the neighborhood.”
“Lord Hien!” said Purple Link, “This is rather fortuitous!”
“Hien, good to see you,” said Alphinaud, with Alisaie repeating a similar comment. The Wolf Burglar remained eerily still. He hadn’t been noticed yet.
He cast a very careful glance to the mountains, one of the large buttes that surrounded the Doman Enclave. Either Akimitsu was watching, or the opportunity to watch was presenting itself, and the leader was missing it.
A part of him severely hoped that they could enter the Kienkan and just get it over with.
“So, how goes the mission, hmm?” said Lord Hien, “I’m sorry I have to ask you to turn over every rock in Othard for me, but unfortunately, I have to balance watching over this place with diplomatic meetings.
"I don’t think I caught a wink of sleep.”
“That’s more relatable that I’d like to admit,” said Purple Link, a comment that was shared by most of the group.
“It appears that the mystery continues to remain,” said Alphinaud, “But we have learned of the title of the festival.”
“And that is?” asked Lord Hien.
“Garo Yasumi,” said Alisaie, “Apparently, it means ‘Festival of the Fanged Wolf.’”
Lord Hien looked quite pensive all of a sudden. The news seemed to him a lot harder than the others thought.
“Lord Hien?” said Alphinaud, “Is something the matter?”
“‘Garo,’ you say,” said Lord Hien, “I had almost forgotten.”
He bowed deeply.
“My friends, it is good to see you, and I’m sure your travels has you exhausted,” said Lord Hien, “But please permit me a moment to invite you into my parlor, that I may relay some much needed information unto you.”
From one the mountsides, the butte that had the bonsai tree sticking out of the side, Akimitsu used his spyglass to watch Purple Link and his party enter the Kienkan, the stately building housing the halls of the Rijin clan, with great sincerity.
He grumbled and pulled it back, beginning to relax.
“Well, that’s it,” said Akimitsu, the Lupin leader sighing, “They’ve gone inside. Only the Wolf Burglar will tell us what went on.”
“Do you think they have some valuable information about the ceremony?” said one of the male Lupin. Akimitsu shook his head.
“It’s likely, but don’t get your hopes up,” said Akimitsu, to his group, “Keep a sharp eye, and an even sharper ear. We have our rendezvous, but we also have our own sources.
"Let’s regather, and make sure we keep our end of the bargain.”
“Aye aye, sir!” they all replied.
“Thank you, Purple, Hakuro, Alphinaud and Alisaie, and…uh…” began Lord Hien, but stalled as he tried to mention the Wolf Burglar’s name, but couldn’t precisely remember what it was.
The Wolf Burglar tried to ease his troubles, even if it meant sacrificing easing his own.
“Uh…I’d rather keep to myself, if that’s alright with you,” said the Wolf Burglar, “Less people are hurt if I’m kept anonymous. Anybody learns my name will connect me to countless I have helped, and I don’t want to see them hurt.”
“Fair enough,” said Lord Hien, “I am not encouraging you to embrace your thieve’s livelihood, till the end of your days. I do hope you understand you are still responsible for a number of charges against you.”
“What I do with my life should be no concern of yours,” said the Wolf Burglar, “You are paying me for a job, and there is little else in it for me.”
“You can act as hardboiled as you like,” said Lord Hien, smiling, “But know this: you have a heart purer than diamond, and it’s in service to Othard and those in Kugane. Even after all that you have committed, in truth, I have much I owe you.”
“Lord Hien you are too kind,” said the Wolf Burglar, sounding as if he meant it, “I know what I am precisely responsible for, and I do not require any real reward for my services.”
“You have my respect,” said Lord Hien, “While I shall dispense with my greetings, I would like to reintroduce a great friend of mine. He’s recently been returned to us from the Garlean military, and now we work together towards the good of Doma.”
“Hullo,” said the rather tall Lupin, “I am Hakuro Gunji, and I am at your service.”
After taking their seats and talking a while, the Wolf Burglar mentioned why they had come here.
Hakuro scratched the underside of his chin.
While most furred beast races tended not to have stubble, or any other hyur equivalent, a good scritch under the chin helped very much in the way of releasing the stress, and allowed one to think more clearly.
Or maybe he just wanted to scritch under his chin. Either way, he did it with all-out gusto.
“So, we finally know the name of the ceremony,” said Hakuro, “Hien, does the name ‘Garo’ mean anything to you?”
“It does to a degree,” said Lord Hien, “I mostly know my history through stories and fantasies, so I would hold onto at least one grain of salt.
“But if my suspicions are correct,” continued Lord Hien, “They may be referring to the legend of Garo the Lupin.”
Both Hakuro and the Wolf Burglar perked their ears up. Hakuro nodded quickly.
“That’s what I thought,” said Hakuro, “The first of the alliance between man and wolf.”
“Wait, is Garo a person?” asked Alphinaud, “Although that would make sense. There is a pattern, that the names of the citizens often have another meaning attached to them.”
“All names have different meanings,” said Lord Hien, “But yes, our culture utilizes it more often. Not always, but sometimes a name can not only mean different things but also determine a person’s destiny."
“Well, if that were the case,” said the Wolf Burglar, “Purple Link here seems to have fulfilled his destiny.”
“Well, now wait a minute,” said Purple Link, nervously, “Just because purple is my favorite color doesn’t mean it’s connected to my name.”
“Oh, and what, your parents were just really considerate and named you a normal name, so you didn’t get teased?” said the Wolf Burglar, who wasn’t buying it for a second, “Unless you named yourself, I have a hard time believing your parents were that cruel.” “You know, I really don’t care anymore,” said Purple Link, “I never hated my name.”
“Right, you left your home because the name was alright,” snided the Wolf Burglar.
“I don’t have to talk to you, y’know,” said Purple Link, “I don’t have to do any of this! The Telophoroi can have the damn planet if I'm to be treated in this manner-!”
“Purple Link,” said Alisaie, sharply, her voice very reprimanding, “Grow a backbone! If you’re not going to do the job, we’ll find someone else!
"You’re not the only adventurer blessed with Hydaelyn’s light, y’know!”
Purple Link turned anxiously to Alisaie, and then thought for a moment.
…He was being rather silly…
“You’re right,” said Purple Link, “My friend, I apologize. While I have a right to defend myself, I cannot nor will not deny my duty. I shouldn’t be so judgemental.”
“Neither should I,” said the Wolf Burglar, “While I do enjoy our friendly banter, I must admit we have a job to do, and ‘we’ occasionally includes ‘me.’”
“Yes, Garo does mean ‘fanged-wolf,’” said Hakuro, “A long time ago, our race was indeed nomadic.”
“I knew it,” said the Wolf Burglar.
“You aren’t familiar with our history?” said Hakuro
“Why should I be?” said the Wolf Burglar, "Halfway through my upbringing, my wolf parents were killed. I was raised into adulthood by a kindly samurai.
"You’d think there was some kind of irony, but I actually genuinely want to see this ceremony for myself, so…”
“Well then you should know, it wasn’t always fair play,” said Hakuro, “Years of migration and traveling led us to the shores of Othard, where we became embroiled in the battle for regional supremacy.
"State lines were often being redrawn, and as the Lupin sowed seeds into the ground, our numbers grew to a point where we were able to make a name for ourselves.
“One of those names,” said Hakuro, holding up a finger, “is merely named ‘Garo.’ He was a tenacious fighter, who commanded legions of Lupin, and eventually earned the respect of the commanders of the opposing factions.
"As the fighting began to draw to a close, and Garo’s race was becoming more ubiquitous, he had made a name for himself as the Alpha of all males, being nearly as prolific as Ganen.”
“Ganen…” said Purple Link, frowning and furrowing his brow. He held his chin in his paws and suddenly became deep in thought.
“Is something the matter?” asked Alphinaud, concernedly. He put a hand on his friend’s shoulder. Purple Link looked up, shaking his head, as if from a stupor.
“Not at all, it just sounds somehow…familiar,” said Purple Link, curiously, “As if this wasn’t the first time I was a Warrior of Light.”
“Are you talking about ‘reincarnation?’” said Alisaie, “It’s not unheard of. Many cultures have it included as a staple.”
“If you’re worried about this ‘Ganen’ being a negative influence, allow me to put your fears to rest,” said Lord Hien, “He’s one of my descendants.”
“Oh, well, that speeds things up a bit,” said Alphinaud, sounding quite silly, “Though it sounds to me like this Garo and this Ganon have already been acquainted.”
“The Lupin are a proud race,” said Hakuro, “They did not die easily. When the final boundaries were drawn, and alliances were made, much of Doma was united under one banner.”
“The stories I heard,” said Lord Hien, “talk of a unification between all the races, including that of the beastmen. Lord Ganen had struck an accord with that of the Lupin and the Namazu.”
“My race’s legends,” said Hakuro, with a smile on his face, “speak the same.”
They both smiled at each other in silence, with full respect on display.
“I suddenly feel the need to see this ceremony for myself,” said Hakuro.
“As do I,” said Lord Hien, “This ceremony of yours must have been a celebration, set up years after traditions were solidified.”
“If they were anything like this,” pointed out the Wolf Burglar, “Not too long after treaties were signed.”
“That’s why the ceremony is merely performative,” said Hakuro, “But I had not realized the significance of the event until now.”
“How goes the search?” said Lord Hien, now more determined.
“Badly,” said Purple Link, “We don’t even know where to start. We were just questioning the Lupin in the grounds before you arrived.”
“I see…” said Lord Hien, putting his hand to his chin in thought, “I might have an idea, but it could be out of the way.”
“Anything would be a lead,” said Alphinaud, eagerly.
“Why don’t you ask those in the Azim Steppe?” said Lord Hien, “Their culture goes back a lot further than ours, and could just be the key to solving your mystery location.”
As they all shuffled out of the Kienkan, spirits soaring and bellies full, Lord Hien and Hakuro bid the Wolf Burglar stay a while.
While he reassured Purple Link and the rest that it was no trouble, he turned to them with a furrowed brow and a serious expression on his muzzle.
It was an expression Hakuro knew well, the poor sod. He wished he could grant the wish of every Lupin in Yanxia, but he knew that many resources would take some doing to bring about.
The Wolf Burglar was the only person that could guarantee those resources.
“Do you know what you’re doing?” said the Wolf Burglar, levelly.
He wasn’t pissed off, but the seriousness of the situation made him react accordingly. He was not happy, but not necessarily about his job.
“Of course not,” said Hakuro, “Do you think, if we knew, we could have avoided the Garlean occupation? You know this final page won’t turn itself.”
“Are you sure it’s turning in the correct direction?” asked the Wolf Burglar, “Some aren’t going to be happy about this, no matter what.”
“We can only do our part,” said Lord Hien, “Any less would be dishonorable.”
“And what would you know about dishonor?” said the Wolf Burglar.
“A lot more than you, my ‘noble thief,’” said Lord Hien.
The Wolf Burglar looked severely at Lord Hien for a second, and then slowly nodded.
“You’ll honor our agreement, then?” said the Wolf Burglar.
“Remember, not some. They must all be here,” said Lord Hien, “If you succeed, you will be pardoned.”
The Wolf Burglar stood and shivered, his paws curling into fists. He turned away and then felt his shoulders fall.
“I don’t want to be pardoned,” sighed the Wolf Burglar, “I want to be free.”
To be continued...
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thelunarfairy · 6 months
what do you think teru is going to do after chapter 112 like is he gonna tell yashiro or just face the fact that this is gonna happen maybe even try...what mitsuba tried to do.. opinion?
He will probably analyze the situation, but I don't think he will accept it. He didn't accept it when the "severance" happened, even though it was something "good for him"
There is something that makes them maintain the old reality, and the minamotos are mysterious, they have a direct connection with the God.
Maybe that's the reason.
So, he'll probably talk to Yashiro, like he said he would and hasn't yet because he wanted to talk to Akane first. But, the next chapter should focus more on Nene and her being confused with old memories and everything. She remembers and goes to talk to Kou. Perhaps Teru will appear near the end, as a hint.
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duhragonball · 4 months
JoJolion Ch. 87-88
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These two chapters deal with Ojiro Sasame trying to meddle in the story, so let's just get him out of the picture before we move on.
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A major plot thread of this final quarter of JoJolion is Tsurugi beginning to succumb to the Rock Disease. The symptoms seem different, though. We saw Kid Jobin in a flashback and he was forgetting things that happened to him the day before. Here, Tsurugi seems to be losing control of his Stand. Or maybe he's just stressing out about losing control of his Stand. Everyone suspects him of hurting that classmate at school, and the flash forward suggests that he may have killed his own grandpa, but he didn't do either of those things. Likewise, he didn't push that baby in the fountain up there. The mother touched his origami frog, not realizing it was a Stand that can confuse her perception, and so she didn't see her baby crawl in.
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But Tsurugi is so stressed from the secret he's keeping about the Locacaca branch, and the Rock Disease, and the fact that his grandfather plans to sacrifice himself to save Tsurugi from the Rock Disease... well, there's a lot going on for this kid.
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That's when Ojiro Sasame enters the picture. Chapter 87 opens with him spying on the Higashikata Fruit Parlor, and then he shows up on the estate to taunt Tsurugi with the information he's gathered. Ojiro doesn't seem to be all that bright, but he still managed to figure out that the Damokan Laundry company got a 200 million yen payment to clean uniforms for the fruit parlor. But Ojiro's visited the Damokan business and found it deserted. I'm not sure why he's telling Tsurugi all of this, but Ojiro's a sick bastard, and he probably enjoys making his victims squirm.
Tsurugi gives Ojiro the slip and runs back home, where he tells his father Jobin about Orjiro. I don't want to get into particulars, but Tsuguri now knows for certain that Jobin used to work with Damo's smuggling ring, and now Jobin knows that he knows. He doesn't bother trying to make excuses for that, because they have to deal with Ojiro first.
What truly concerns Jobin isn't Ojiro himself. He's more bewildered that someone like Ojiro would try to get a piece of the Locacaca action now of all times. How did someone like him get involved with all of this? What he doesn't know is that Ojiro heard about the fruit from Kira, and he's dating whatsername, the woman who owns the baseball stadium, who despises the Higashikata family and covets their land.
I'm more interested in the number Ojiro mentioned to Tsurugi. 200,000,000 yen is the amount Mitsuba withdrew to pay for her visit to Dr. Wu a while back. That "treatment" was a running Stand Battle through the hospital, and Dr. Wu's dead, but we know she must have paid the bill because she was worried about Jobin finding out she withdrew the money.
I think the idea here is that when Jobin and Damo were still working together, they used the fruit parlor and the laundromat to launder the profits from the Locacaca smuggling. I don't know exactly how that worked, but it probably involved both companies writing big checks to one another for nonexistent services. The key here is that Mitsuba probably didn't understand it either, but she knew enough about it to try it herself, or maybe this was just standard procedure for whenever the family made big purchases. In any case, her misstep was that she didn't realize Damokan Cleaning was defunct, and somehow Ojiro managed to find that clue during his investigation.
So this is happening right now because Mitsuba tried to keep a secret from Jobin. She doesn't want her husband to know she got grifted by Dr. Wu all year long, or that she spent 200 million yen to turn her nose into a rock.
What makes this even more tragic is that the only reason she went back to Dr. Wu was because of her petrified ear. She had been willing to live with that, because her hair covered it up and Jobin never seemed to pay much attention anyway, but lately Jobin had been spending more time with Tsurugi, and Tsurugi likes to cuddle, and Mitsuba was worried that he'd discover her petrified ear and ask about it in Jobin's presence.
And why were Jobin and Tsurugi being so close lately? Because they secretly captured the Locacaca branch and Jobin has ordered him to keep quiet about it.
And how did Ojiro enter the picture? Because that girl got hurt at Tsurugi's school and Mitsuba was so defensive about it that the lady at the PTA told Ojiro about it. In other words, Jobin has brought this latest misfortune upon himself.
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Much of this two-part Ojiro story is just Jobin and Tsurugi finding out about Ojiro's Stand and his methods. We already saw all of that in his debut appearance, so I won't go over it again. He managed to cut Tsurugi's hand, which allows him to force Tsurugi to use a cell phone to record the Locacaca branch's hiding place. One thing leads to another, and Ojiro manages to take control of both Jobin and Tsurugi's bodies, and he forces Jobin to choke Tsurugi in a broken windowframe. Jobin appears to surrender the Locacaca to him, and then Ojiro demands to see his Stand just for added security.
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I'm not sure what the point of this is, since seeing a person's Stand doesn't actually tell you anything about its range or abilities. Maybe Ojiro simply doesn't understand that. Then again, he's kind of a sadistic freak, so maybe he's only doing this to humiliate his captives. The Higashikata family consider showing off your Stand to be kind of personal, and maybe Ojiro has the same attitude about it.
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Oh wait, Ojiro does understand that seeing a Stand doesn't do much good. He says exactly that in this scene. Yeah, he must have just been screwing with them. Anyway, he forces Jobin to slam the window shut on both Tsurugi and himself, slashing both of their throats with broken glass. Once he's satisified that they're dead, Ojiro finally drops into the house. Remember, his Stand only works if he's directly above the target, so he'd be defenseless if he tried this before. He then helps himself to the Locacaca and some cash from Jobin's wallet.
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He doesn't get very far, though, as he succumbs to whatever heat-stroke-like thing Speed King does to people. We've seen Jobin do this before, using it to knock out Yasuho Hirose and that bully Caato eventually murdered twenty years ago. But this time the effect is fatal.
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As it turns out, Tsurugi used his Stand to make it look to Ojiro like their wounds were more deadly than they actually were. I don't quite follow that, since there was a lot of broken glass in that window pane, but Ojiro did touch the origami frog right before they faked their deaths, so fair play to Tsurugi, I guess. From there, Jobin must have used Speed King to store up heat in the money in his billfold, knowing that Ojiro wouldn't be able to resist taking it.
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All Jobin has to do now is track down Ojiro and retrieve the stolen plant, but there is one last loose end to take care of. Later, whatsername is looking for Ojiro when she gets a phone call from him. Jobin is the one making the call, and he concludes that this must be the person Ojiro was sending his information.
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Jobin explains how his Stand ability works, and since she doesn't understand what he's saying, he concludes that she's not a Stand user herself. That saves him the trouble of hunting down the rest of her family, since I guess Jobin would naturally assume her family would become a threat if they all had Stands like his does.
The phone, of course, was booby-trapped by Speed King, just like that money was when Ojiro died. Whatsername dies immediately, and her daughter doesn't even notice because she's got her headphones in. Her corpse falls into her swimming pool, where Ojiro's corpse has been lying for some time now. I guess Jobin must have snuck into the place at some point, and dropped off the body before rigging the phone with Speed King. Did he just muscle the corpse up the stairwell? Or does Speed King have super strength?
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Anyway, Jobin has the plant back, but he had to murder two people to keep the damn thing. And this illustrates his ruthless outlook on life. It also demonstrates how sloppy and self-defeating this is.
One bit of trivia about Jobin is that he has the same spiky fashion sense as all of the Rock Humans in this story. At one time, I think there was even fan speculation that Jobin was a Rock Human himself, even though that doesn't really add up. I think the true point of Jobin's clothes is to signify that he sees the Rock Humans and their ruthless, secretive methods as aspirational. He sees them doing their thing and thinks "They know what they're doing. I want to be more like them."
So Jobin became more like them. His mother encouraged him, and he grew up to be selfish and ambitious. He tries to accumulate power and prestige through secret deals and mysterious plots. He's even shown here that he's willing to kill to maintain control over his holdings.
But for all he manages to imitate the Rock Humans, he can never truly be a Rock Human. He has a family to worry about, and too many connections to Morioh and too many obligations to society. He runs a fucking fruit parlor, for crying out loud, and he acts like that makes him a Sith Lord or Lex Luthor or something. What was he going to do when his heavy-handed tactics turned people off about shopping at his store? Did he even think that far ahead?
The thing is, the Rock Humans can afford to be corrupt, arrogant, and ruthless, because they can just disappear into the forest whenever they want, and assume some new identity to start over. They have to launder money and seek high status, because there's not much else for them to do in places like Morioh. Yotsuyu doesn't have a family to worry about, or a reputation for that matter. Also he's dead, so I don't know why Jobin would want to be like him in the first place.
Basically, Jobin's like those dudebros who watched Scarface and learned the wrong lesson. They see the wealth and power and the take-no-shit attitude, and I guess they must not understand the end of the movie where it all collapses and Scarface gets shot dead in his own home. The Rock Humans can actually live like Scarface because they can just duck out of that life before the movie ends, but Jobin's a normal human, and he's stuck with the only life he's got, and all the consequences that go with it.
I think the point of these little side stories in JoJolion is to show a sort of miniaturized version of the main story, and showcase how the supporting cast each deals with their own "curses". Joshuu got cursed with Milagro Man, and he just cravenly passed it back to the guy who gave it to him, without learning a damn thing. Yasuho was cursed by the hairclip, and she was rescued by the Kira family, which inspired her to save Josuke in Chapter 1. Mitsuba was trapped in a seemingly endless medical scam involving Dr. Wu, and she sort of learned her lesson when she managed to escape.
But Jobin's curse here is just the result of his own misdeeds and sloppiness. He never had to keep the Locacaca branch to himself, or any of the other dumb things he's done. He didn't need to kill Ojiro or his girlfriend either. But he keeps pushing things like this because he's obsessed with asserting his own strength and refusing to be pushed around, which will only cause more trouble for him as the story continues....
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
TBHK boys get break up pranked by reader ?angst to fluff please!!😢👉👈
kou minamoto x gn!reader, teru minamoto x gn!reader, akane aoi x gn!reader, tsuchigomori x gn!reader, hanako x gn!reader, tsukasa yugi x gn!reader, mitsuba sousuke x gn!reader
a/n: heck yea, we love angst to fluff!!!! Thank you so much for requesting <33 (also, by tbhk boys, i just kinda,,, threw my favorites, and some characters that seem to be requested fairly often in there! If i missed anyone you particularly wanted to see, feel free to let me know, and i’ll gladly add them <3)
Also, I’m sorry that these are so short,,;; i’m not entirely sure how to lengthen them;;;; and I’m not sure how well they fit into angst to fluff,,,, i’m really sorry;;;
warnings: none <3
word count: 1,939
Kou Minamoto <3
“Kou, I… I’m sorry, I don’t think it’s going to work between us. I think we should break up.”
Please, don’t make me describe his face… please, don’t do this to me… my heart, my heart hurts just thinking about it. But- his heart hurts worse.
His eyes will widen, but they won’t be filled with the usual sparkle of joy he gets when looking at you. His usual smile and blush will quickly drain from his face, as he narrows his eyebrows in confusion.
“H… huh-?”
“You heard me, Kou. Don’t make me say it again.”
He does his best not to cry on the spot, and you’ll instantly start to feel guilty. You try not to let the guilt get under your skin just yet- it’s a prank. You know it’s a prank, but Kou doesn’t.
“Why? What- what did I do?”
“It’s nothing you did, Kou. We just… can’t work out. Really, it isn’t you.”
His mouth forms a straight line, slightly panicking, but he’ll nod. That… makes sense. No- no, it really doesn’t- not for your relationship. You seemed happy, didn’t you? Did he say something? Did he hurt you? What happened-??
“No, wait, Kou, no- don’t cry, don’t cry-”
“I’m not! No worries, (Y/N), it’s fine, I’ll-”
“It’s a prank, Kou! Please, don’t cry-”
He’d pause, blinking a bit, then tilting his head slightly- confusion written all over his face.
It settled in for a moment, as you hugged him, Kou hugging back instantly. Once it clicked, he was instantly relieved, tightening the hug a bit and huffing.
“You scared me, (Y/N)... I wasn’t crying though. But you did scare me- please, don’t do that again.”
“I’m sorry, Kou, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again, I promise!”
Teru Minamoto <3
“I’m sorry, Teru, but I don’t think things can work between us anymore. It’s not you, I just… think we should see other people.”
He’ll raise his eyebrows, then narrow them, confusion evident on his face, much like his brother reacted. He wouldn’t lose his cool- he wouldn’t get emotional. However, he did feel his heart aching.
“Ah… alright. I’m sorry if I did anything, (Y/N). Is there any way we could make things work? Talk to me.”
“You didn’t do anything, Teru. I just- I just don’t think it can work. Sorry.”
Teru bit his lip a bit, nodding. He turned, planning to walk away, but-
But you wouldn’t let him walk away :)) so, you grabbed his wrist.
He’d turn around, offering you a confused expression, the hurt still evident on his face. Honestly, he really needed to get home to sort out his emotions. “If you would, please, let go, (Y/N).”
“Sorry, sorry, Teru! Can’t do that!” You chirped, tugging him a bit so he’d face you.
Our boy is so confused- why are you suddenly in a better mood??
“It was a prank!” You declared, tossing your hands up, “don’t be mad, please!”
Teru sighed, placing a hand on his chest. “Oh, thank goodness, (Y/N). I was so scared… of course, I wasn’t about to let you go that easily, but, still-”
He pulled you into a hug, resting his head on top of yours. Expect a slightly more affectionate Teru- he’s gonna be a tad bit paranoid now. No way is anyone gonna take you from him >:((
Akane Aoi <3
“Akane, I think we should… break up.”
Panic. Instant panic. You can see the panic on his face immediately, as his eyes widen.
No, no way. This couldn’t be happening to him- years of pining after Aoi, only to have you introduced into his life. You were someone he loved as dearly as he did Aoi. Someone who returned his feelings.
Having you love him was the best feeling ever… this, on the other hand, was anything but nice.
“Break up-? Why??”
He’ll reach for your arms, heart breaking when you stepped back, looking away from him. To him, you were looking away because you felt bad for having to split up. In reality, you were looking away to avoid the guilt slowly bubbling up in your stomach. It’s a prank- that’s what you had to tell yourself. In just a few moments you could hug him and smother his precious face in kisses.
“Because… you’re,” You stepped forward, booping his nose, “too cute!”
“........(Y/N), I promise you, if this is a prank-”
“It’s a prank~!”
Akane groaned, rolling his eyes, but placing his head against your shoulder. “(Y/NNNNN), honestlyyyyy.”
You patted his back, then wrapped your arms around him, kissing the side of his face gently. “I’m sorry, Akaneeee...”
“You’re fine…” He responded, wrapping his arms around you. He may sulk just a tiny bit, but he won’t be like that for long. By the next day, he’ll be acting normal- though he may use that prank against you lightheartedly.
Tsuchigomori <3
“Tsuchigomori… I’m sorry, but I think we should see other people,” You spoke. Goodness knows you had to put all of your acting skills into this one, since Tsuchigomori could see through lies easier than anyone else you knew.
“You’re lying.”
“I’m not.” “(Y/N), you literally cannot keep secrets from me. Lying is no different. What kind of prank is this? A trend?”
You sighed, running a hand through your hair- your reaction brought a grin to your spider-like boyfriend’s face.
“For what it’s worth, I’m sure I would have been fairly hurt if you were being genuine, so… don’t bother with jokes like that.”
(Actually, there was a part of him concerned that you were being honest. But! He trusted his instincts, praying that you were just joking. He had never been happier to tell truth from lies.)
Hanako <3
“Hanako… I’m sorry, I don’t think things will work between us. We should break up.”
A million thoughts run through his mind, despite his somewhat unreadable expression. Was it because he was dead? Of course- he knew it would happen. Who would be willing to date a ghost? A murderer at that. He was unlovable. He knew it.
“...I understand, (Y/N), but… don’t play with my heart like that.”
“I’m not playing around, Hanako. Stop taking everything like it’s a joke.”
Hanako shrugged, ignoring how his heart ached. “I think the joke is you not considering things like the obvious before you accepted my confession. Dating a supernatural is clearly not easy, and you walked into this knowing that.”
This time, you were the one with an unreadable expression. What… did he mean? Was he scolding you? Or… rejecting your rejection-?
“What do you mean?” You sighed, faking annoyance as you placed a hand on your hip.
“I mean, you got yourself into this relationship, so you should be willing to stick with it until the end~. I get it though, so, if you really didn’t think that far, then so be it-”
“Fine, I give in.”
Hanako raised his eyebrows, holding a hand to his mouth, curious as to what you were about to say. Did he really just uno reverse your break up?
“It was aaaaaa prank,” You added, pulling your lower eyelid down and sticking your tongue out. It was impressive- you almost seemed similar to him! Impressive indeed!
Hanako grinned, the pain on his heart being suddenly lifted as he basically tackled you into a hug. Kisses were placed against your cheek, before he nuzzled the side of his face into yours.
“I knew you couldn’t do me like that, (Y/NNNN)~.”
Did he really know that? Of course not. And that fear would never leave him, worrying that he would one day not be enough for you. But! For now, the two of you were together, happy in the relationship you were in. That was enough for him <3
Tsukasa Yugi <3
“We should break up, Tsukasa. I’m really sorry, it just… can’t work.”
Won’t let you break up with him. He won’t- he genuinely won’t.
Clings to you, pouting up at you, as you look down at him, feigning sadness.
“I’m sorry, Tsukasa- please, let go of me.”
“Nope! You’re mine, (Y/N). You can’t break up with me!! You’re mine- forever and ever, no matter what!”
(His expression was wide-eyed and somewhat innocent, but thinking about his words… they were certainly questionable.)
You tried to play along a bit more. Telling him you were serious, attempting to push him away. But, that was to no avail. Tsukasa wasn’t giving in, so you eventually had to-
“Alright, alright. It was a prank, Tsukasa… though I guess it didn’t get far with you.”
“Haha! Nope! And you won’t get far either <3”
Honestly? Who knows what that meant. You didn’t get it, and you couldn’t be sure Tsukasa understood either. All he knew was he loved you- therefore, he wouldn’t let you do something so silly like break up with him! Like Tsuchigomori, he's virtually impossible to break-up prank- like Hanako, he's virtually impossible to actually break up with.
Mitsuba Sousuke <3
“I… I think we should break up, Mitsuba. It’s not you, really-”
“Tch. Of course it isn’t me, idiot,” Mitsuba interrupted. He wasn’t there to listen to the extent of your acting skills (though he didn’t realize you were acting). “If you’re gonna split up with me, just get it over with. We should break up? Fine. Not like a pervert like you deserves someone as cute and pure as me anyway.”
Despite his words and furrowed eyebrows, his eyes alone showed how heartbroken he felt. His lower lip trembled a bit, though he attempted to stop it by pouting. No, he wouldn’t be the one crying in this situation! Not yet, at least-
“Great then. I’m glad we’re on the same page.” You retorted, laughing bitterly. Ahh, no, this was getting too real for him- you were serious, weren’t you? Could this be a joke?
Mmh, who cared? Mitsuba was here to defend himself, even if it was at the cost of your feelings. If you were going to hurt his heart like that, then he’d do his best to take a jab at yours- or at least your ego.
“Great. Then, why are you lingering? Getting a last look at my cute face?”
“Hm… yeah-”
“Excuse mE, let me finish,” You sighed, ruffling his hair lightly, “surprise! It’s a prank!”
His face was honestly golden- his reaction to hearing that it was a prank even better than his reaction when the prank was in action. Eyebrows furrowed in confusion, though watering just barely from the previous aching in his heart, mouth agape slightly.
Then, his eyebrows furrowed deeper, displaying anger. The way his shoulders sank for a moment showed his relief, though they tensed up quickly, as he prepared himself to yell at you. “Idiot! Pervert! Who do you think you are, trying to play with my heart like that?! What right do you have to-”
You cut him off by cupping his face, pouting slightly- his face burned as he avoided eye contact, hand raised slightly as if contemplating pushing you away. It was clear he didn’t really want you to stop though.
“Sorry, sorry~. I just wanted to get a reaction out of you, Mitsuba. You’ve got very cute reactions, you know?”
“Hmph. You sound like you’re quoting porn-”
“Mention porn one more time and the prank won’t be a prank anymore-”
“Liar. Idiot. Stupid pervert, you’re a liar.”
You laughed lightly, squishing his face as you closed your eyes. “Maybe I’m a tad bit of a liar. But, when you pretend to not be upset, I’m sure you’re lying as well~.”
“Hah. I don’t lie.”
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skyephobic · 2 years
other than sakuaoi, do u have any other rare or rarest dynamics (it could be platonic or romantic) that u liked the idea of them appearing in canon? and ur reasons/thoughts/ideas on those?
coughs not me be asking if u ever thought of akane being on terms with either shijima-san or yako and their entire friendship is either bullying the rest of the seven mysteries or just shitting on hanako coughs
hmm.. probably terumei as a rare platonic dynamic? the bestest friends ever.... talking about the alive mei btw! in an alive au too since err... yknow shes. Yknow
i feel like mei would be able to see right through teru and it'd confuse him. he'd get curious on how easily she can do that and it's literally just dumb luck apparently.. she's not very good when it comes to other people's lies, just teru's. it only confuses teru even more. the two end up becoming friends and mei encourages teru to take breaks while teru is her personal model and reference for art
another platonic duo i like is mirai and mitsuba.. haven't seen this one anywhere i think? i feel like mirai would simply. Break and enter into his boundary. she leaves candy wrappers on the floor while running and bouncing around everywhere while mitsuba tries to catch her because he hates the mess [only he can make messes there] but he never gets her. akane usually has to deal with the scolding instead of mirai when he interferes.. he has to be the one to pick her up and bring her back to their boundary and mitsuba's telling him off the entire time because he let her roam free when he didn't actually
and for a romantic dynamic.. i don't mention it much but i do like aoilemon! it's just some guy with the cutest girl around. it's just silly and i like it.... like everyone's so determined to be with aoi and then it turns out she has an absolute loser for a boyfriend. she loves him dearly though.. him and his stupid idol rhythm games that he encourages her to play with him [she does, shes not good at it but lemon likes when they co-op and tells her she does good anyway..]
akane and shijima being friends is a dynamic i love so much .. they poke fun at all the mysteries but hanako the most.... akane would do the same with yako but she also teaches him how to do some stuff like sow and make dolls for mirai so she doesn't bother him while he's cleaning and all
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