#but my mom says it's annoying lmfao
harmonysanreads · 4 months
I have an older brother but we do not get along well whatsoever. He causes me so much stress and anger, it legit messess up my fricking period. In a way it's not his fault bc he's mentally ill but he's so ARROGANT EW
Sounds like a normal sibling dynamic to me lmao
Now that I think about, I have a cousin who's exactly like this and he's a total menace to his younger sister (and me) as well 💀
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so weird to think that once upon a time i'd not go to school just because of like. a cold.
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You ever have a sudden realization for why you feel a certain way about something that actually completely flips those feelings on their head?
I've generally always been pretty sure about what I want out of any kind of gender affirming care I might hopefully get in some nebulous future where that's something I can afford: I want my voice deeper, I'd be delighted by bottom growth, I would like my tits significantly more masculine presenting if not gone completely. I've been ambivalent about the potential for body hair, though I have been much more eager for the possibility of it with more 'ideal transition goals' influence (Look. I want Con O'Neill's gender okay?) in mind.
That said the one thing I've been hesitant about is facial hair? Which is frustrating because it's the one thing that I kind of do have by default? If I don't do anything to it I have noticeable dark wispies on my upper lip and chin (I've kind of suspected for a while that I may have some sort of hormone disorder - I've got other things that lead me to think this too ofc this is just the most easily noticeable - but like. Who's got the money for diagnosing shit like that? Not me, that's for damn sure.) like. T-Boy's First 'Stache kinda deal. It's been my one (mental) sticking point on potentially starting T, to the point where I've argued with myself that I could just do like the trans girls do and get like, what's it called? Electrolysis? Hair removal? Just for that part. But then that adds cost to what I already can't afford and. Like.
I don't think. It. Actually bothers me? I think. I think I'm maybe projecting how I think my mother would react to it? Not even with full on transition in mind but like. How I am now. Like I don't really care how it looks if I don't shave. Hell, I might even like it sometimes? Like a micro-euphoria or something. But my mother is (partially) responsible for my eating disorder. It's completely within the realm of possibility that she would have Something To Say if I just stopped bothering. I don't even think she'd do it on purpose really? Just. Would need to point out the presence of hair on my face and the judgement would be implied. The 'I am pointing this out because it is unusual and I don't think you should look like this' would be implied. She wouldn't need to say it out loud.
And like. The worst of it is? I don't care. I don't care if I do something to myself that she doesn't like or approve of. And. It's hardly as if she's transphobic (Or. Not more-so than the average 'uninvolved in the queer community parent of queer kids' cishet person. Not maliciously so, yknow?) I've got friends she knows are trans - one who she knew through his actual transition process - she's been through the whole 'it's "he", mom' 'oops, he' situation before with relative grace.
But none of those people are her kid. She doesn't see them every day. She knows she didn't raise them and has, at no point in their lives had a say with what they do to themselves. I already came out to her once (Well. I was forced out by my partner at the time's parents, which was. Not fun.) and the thing about that time is? She really didn't have to. Do anything? About that? Except maybe adjust her mental image of who I might wind up marrying some time in the nebulous future. I'm not out to her about any of my Gender Stuff. Because I don't want to have to deal with the 'I just don't understand all of this' because I'm not binary trans (every other trans person she's met has been binary) or 'It would just be easier on everybody if we still called you [deadname] and used she/her' (which, I don't even really have an issue with she/her? I very much prefer they/them but I'm used to she/her and it doesn't bother me to hear it the way hearing my deadname still does).
She doesn't listen to me when I talk about things that actually matter to me. When I talk about shit that she's done that hurts me. Hell, when I tell her she doesn't listen to me she stops listening. I know it'll be a fight if I correct her on my name/pronouns. I know she'll 'forget'. I know when I get emotional about it, because I know I'll get emotional about it, that I'll start to raise my voice (gotta love the struggle with vocal volume regulation huh? I literally can't help it and I barely notice it until someone tells me) and that she'll say 'You're always yelling, I'm not going to listen to you if you yell' and that it's just code for 'I wasn't going to listen anyway because what you have to say isn't important enough for me to try to listen, and you're giving me a convenient excuse to opt out of the blame for that by speaking "too loudly"'.
Anyway. I'm not coming out again until I'm out of this fucking state and living on my own (or at least away from her and the rest of my family).
But I do think, now, I might actually be comfortable with my facial hair/the potential for more pronounced facial hair then too. It's not my problem, it's hers.
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stxrmxtsu · 1 year
randomly remembered that my mom labelled one of my christmas presents ‘from: todomatsu’ last year.
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
casually spent like almost 6 hours total at glowstick club practice XD
#there were several ppl who stayed and we just vibed it was so fun :( what happens when it’s the 2nd day of classes and we don’t have too#much to do yet lmfao#we were sitting on the ground in one of the most high traffic areas and my phone was on the ground and my hair was on the ground#and i’m not doing anything about it 🤩 i kinda don’t like it lmfao but#oh well anyway lol#i have hella readings to do tho :[ not even just for my humanities/literature class#but one of my stats classes has readings 😭 and they’re so long too i’m like bro wdym#im skimming this shit lmao#i feel like there’s so much random shit i just wanna say in these dumb posts like this and idk why#like it’s not interesting :[ it’s maybe more interesting to someone i know irl so why don’t i talk to them#oh ya probably bc i feel like i’m being annoying#ALSO my mom has been wanting to get a cat again since like the summer#and i kept putting it off when she asked and i was like maybe over winter break so i can spend some time w it#but then we didn’t over winter break but then today like two days after we come back#they get a cat 😭😭😭 i’m so sad and jealous i don’t get to meet her :((((#apparently her name is gogo <3#i kept putting it off tho bc i’m like i don’t want a new cat necessarily i just want the cat we knew and loved and who knew and loved us#ya know 🥺 now i have to get to know a new cat and she has to get to know me which isn’t gonna happen while i’m at college :[#can i have a cat in our apartment next year LOL#anyway kitty <3 i’m sad i want to meet her but ya excited to meet her#i don’t have classes tomorrow bc they’re cancelled this week ehehe but i should go to sleep anyway lol :P#sleep schedule not great XD but going to sleep before 2 so far let’s go 🥳#bruh today was just bc i don’t wanna leave glowstick club practice when there’s other ppl hanging out XD i am a weak person lol 🤪#jeanne talks
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menlove · 7 months
the way ppl see the star of david now is actually so gross and blatantly antisemitic it makes me sad. my gf's mom, who is jewish, got me a star of david pin w the trans flag like a year ago and I have it on a beanie I wear to work at a coffee shop sometimes. and today a group of Young White Gays came in & were staring me & the damn hat down like I'd spit in their coffee and they start whispering amongst themselves going "first starbucks and now this?" like abt the starbucks boycott lmfao I'm like
begging yall to understand that the star of david =/= israel and you assuming everyone you see wearing it is some violent islamphobe is actually incredibly shit. you should probably work on that. I've heard WAY too many stories of jews lately actually literally getting attacked for wearing one, which is much worse than annoying comments at a coffee shop to someone who's only jew(ish). if you Don't see an issue w that I really don't know what to say
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spamgyu · 9 months
ONE LAST TIME // Seungcheol x Reader oneshot
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DESCRIPTION: It's Christmas and Seungcheol was bored... Who better else to bother than Kkuma's mom? PAIRING: Seungcheol x Reader GENRE: Fluff MASTERLIST
Merry Christmas to all my Cheol Apologists. Here is a quick unedited drabble/oneshot for you guys – a little something for making me laugh.
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"Merry Christmas 🎁🎄😉"
His thumb hovered over the send button, chewing at his lip as he contemplated whether he should go ahead and allow his intrusive thoughts win.
He had seen countless of twitter posts about exes doing this same thing, laughing at each one.
After the fifth one he scrolled past, Seungcheol decided "why the hell not" and scrolled to the bottom of his messages — clicking on the one conversation he had yet to delete.
Along with the name he had yet to change.
He wasn't hanging on to her, no definitely not.
Just didn't think it's that important to delete messages when his phone storage was completely fine.
And why go as far as changing her contact name back to her government name. The honey emoji was cute anyways.
Fuck it.
Holding his breath, he hit send and waited for the screen to flash the words delivered before swiping out of the app.
It was just in good fun, he wasn't expecting a reply — he just wanted to be as annoying as the other men on social media who reached out to their exes after months of no contact..... for the laughs.
He knew there was a higher percentage of her leaving him on read than replying and telling him off; she was always the bigger person.
But Seungcheol was oh so wrong.
In the midst of replying to Jeonghan's instagram story of his family's Christmas feast, her assigned contact name appeared.
"Lmfao stfu" She replied.
But she also hearted the message.
Letting out a soft chuckle, he quickly typed away on his keyboard.
"Damn, not even going to say it back?"
He was just joking.
And he knew she found it funny.
Within seconds her chat bubble appear — she was typing.
"Merry Christmas, Cheol🎄"
"What about my family?"
He was pushing it.
But with all his other friends far too busy with their own family activities to reply to his texts, he was going to keep at it.
"Texted your mom this morning dumbass."
He wasn't aware she was still in contact with his mother.
Though, he should have figured.
They were together for three years.
And his mom had always wanted a daughter.
"Dumbass? At least be nicer to your favorite ex."
"Who said you're my favorite? 🫵🏼"
"I just know 😉"
"You're currently at the bottom on my list. At least my other ex got me a present."
Bottom of her list.
She had only one other ex.
And he didn't count.
High school boyfriends don't count. Especially if they broke up right after graduation.
Those were just test runs.
More importantly, it was Seokmin. And he gives presents to everyone.
He had a big heart and wants to be everyone's friend.
"Was it a tea set again?"
"Shut up lol"
"Send me your list, I'll get you something."
"Dyson Airwrap 😈"
He knew she was joking.
But wouldn't it be funny, if he actually did it?
Switching apps, Seungcheol typed into his search bar, clicking the first result that had pooped up.
He still had her address memorized.
Seungcheol hit the complete button, and locked his phone as bounded for the dining room — checking to see if his mom and dad had finally set up tonight's feast.
He was just about to pick at the cheeseboard his mother set up on the table when the familiar sound of a facetime call blared from the phone in his hand began to ring — it was her.
She must have gotten the confirmation email.
"Wassup?" He swiped the accept button — throwing a cheese cube in his mouth.
It had been a while since he had last seen her, being blocked on all her social media accounts and all.
She was really persistent on keeping the no contact rule after the break up.
Even when they took turns taking care of their shared dog, Kkuma — opting to use Wonwoo as their puppy's form of transportation and point of contact.
He protested each time their non-government assigned custody switch off was set to happen — trudging to his car with Kkuma in tow.
Wonwoo claimed they were far worse than actual divorced parents — complaining more considering Seungcheol technically had custody of him and the dog.
Seungcheol couldn't help but bite back a smile as he watched her from behind the screen — making note of how cute she looked when she was annoyed.
He's allowed to think she's cute.
They were broken up but that doesn't mean she wasn't attractive.
"You're joking, right?"
"What are you talking about?" Seungcheol blinked.
She could see right through his act, giving him the finger.
"Hey, that's not nice." He laughed.
"You're crazy, you know that?"
"Am I your favorite yet?"
"I'll buy you another one." He threatened.
"Yes?" He answered sweetly, making her lips curl in annoyance.
He always did enjoy getting her nerves.
Seeing her huff and puff had always been his favorite part of his day.
Especially when she would pout after taking a joke a little too far only for him to kiss it all better — not that he could do that now.
He's allowed to reminisce on old memories. At least, he'll allow himself just this one time during the holidays.
"Fine, what do you want?"
Seungcheol shook his head. "Nothing."
"Come on, let me get you something."
He pursed his lips, thinking — he had almost anything he could ask for.
And if he did end up thinking of anything, he could simply swipe his card and purchase it himself.
There was one thing he did want, but be knew it would be a selfish thing to ask of her.
Settling for the next best thing, a smile crept on his face."What perfume do you use again?"
"You want my perfume?" She raised her brows.
He missed the way she smelled.
The remaining item he had that held traces of her no longer had that signature scent — having it been nearly a nine months since she had lounged around his place in his hoodie.
He would have purchased it himself, but the thought of him going out of the way to purchase her scent only for him to spray it on her favorite hoodie and her side of the bed seemed pathetic.
But considering she offered....
"Why not? I like the smell." He shrugged.
Sighing, she swiped out of their call — allowing for his face to minimize and settle for a corner in her screen as she quickly typed away on her phone.
She still had his address memorized as well.
Seungcheol couldn't be more grateful that Apple had changed their phone setting and no longer pause the person on the other side of the line's video when they swiped away — watching as she brought the device closer to her face, her brows naturally furrowing as she focused in her task.
"Done." She sang, clicking back into their call.
It wasn't long before he got the confirmation email, his eyes widening at the transaction breakdown.
"Why the hell is your perfume $250!?" His mouth hung in shock.
It was no wonder she had always scolded him for spraying a little too much when she allowed him to have some.
Curse Le Labo and their damn prices.
"It's worth it."
"I would hope so, it cost almost as much as a hairdryer!"
"You asked for it!" She laughed.
It was music to his ears.
"Is that y/n?" His mom's scurried over to him, wiping her hands on her apron. Seungcheol moved the camera to fit the both of them on screen, the smile on his face growing larger – as if it could get any more since their call began.
"Merry Christmas, mom!" She waived.
When he had first introduced her to his parents, it didn't take long for them to warm up to her – insisting that she referred to them as mom and dad because "you two will be married soon, anyways."
Oh, they were so wrong.
"Stop by tomorrow for leftovers yeah?" The older lady asked.
"Mom..." He trailed off, not wanting to pressure the girl behind the screen – although, they did agree that Kkuma was to ring in the New Year with her because he had a snowboard trip planned with his friends.
She can pick her up early instead of having to ask Wonwoo.
"I'd love to." She smiled warmly.
How was he going to find someone who got on well with his mom?
Trick question.... he didn't want to.
"Perfect." His mother clapped, before excusing herself back into the kitchen.
"Guess I'm picking our daughter up early." She mumbled.
Our daughter.
"Guess I'll be seeing you too."
"That can be arranged."
"Come on, it's been months. I think we can see each other now." He half-heartedly teased.
The anger had subsided and the wounds that once kept them up at night had grown numb – the only memory of their past were now re-runs of the good times. It was as if their brain completely disregarded the fighting and the heartache that they had gone through in the last few months of their relationship.
They were now.... okay.
"I don't know, Cheol."
"Come on. One last time."
It was almost like he was pleading for her – the playful tone between the two have shifted.
He watched as she nervously switched holding her phone from one hand to the other, chewing at the skin inside her cheek.
He shouldn't have mentioned it.
But he was already far from the line they had drawn between them – swearing to never cross.
"I miss you." He continued. "It's a neutral setting. We can have breakfast with my parents."
"One last time?"
He broke that promise within a few weeks – picking up Kkuma at her apartment instead of his friend. She nearly stumbled back when she swung the door open and saw his smiling face – holding a paper bag containing her favorite pastries.
It wasn't long before he would show up at her door again and again; and she wasn't complaining.
They swore they were just friends.
Two exes who were coparenting – remaining cordial for the sake of their dog.
That was, until she had agree to spend Christmas with him at his family home – one last time.
They should have known his mother was scheming, she was a little too cheerful when she had greeted them at the door.
"Oh, will you look at that!" She gasped, pointing up above them as they kicked their shoes off.
The two exchanged looks before looking up at the doorway where his mother taped two leaves – a chuckle escaping his lips in an instant.
"What do you say?" He raised a brow at her. "One last time?"
"Or maybe a couple more," Y/n copied his playful tone. "if... you want."
"Oh, I definitely want." Seungcheol wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer – planting a quick peck on her lips.
His mother was there.
And so was their daughter.
"Merry Christmas." She giggled.
Thank god for that damn twitter trend.
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neiptune · 2 years
jjk boys x what they do for valentine's day
a/n: suggestive if you squint! these are for funsies!! like all my silly impulsive self indulgent hcs!!! enjoy!!!! i'm sending you all virtual chocolate and kisses!!!!!
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ok listen yuuji is a baby he doesn't know anything and your relationship is still kinda new therefore he panics. easily. what would you like? flowers, roses? candle light dinner? the biggest heart shaped box of chocolates he can find? you best believe he won't be able to pick an option so he will just pick everything. can't risk it. a bouquet of pretty flowers is delivered to your workplace along with a box of truffles & you come home to find your kitchen absolutely wrecked (how did he even get inside?) and the table in the dining room filled with a certainly interesting combination of dishes lol listen he tried his best and you don't have the heart to tell him you would've been happy with a box of pizza and a movie so when he greets you with the sweetest happy valentine's day baby!!!! you can only wrap your arms around his silly little neck and kiss his silly pretty lips <3
megumi remembers everything. all the time. the man's an elephant. even when you think he's not listening, even if the information you're sharing is 100% trivial (pedro pascal is hot, touching raw chicken freaks you out, you think smelling fresh paint ain't odd) his brain is constantly registering everything that comes out of your mouth. not only that, but your reactions too. so of course he's noticed the way you'd softly smiled after a surprised gasp had escaped your lips when you'd found that antiquarian book in a specialized store on the outskirts of kyoto. of course he's picked it up for you (too expensive? not on his watch). of course he's slipped a simple, handmade card right inside (he knows you would've had his head if he'd glued anything on the page itself). the card reads “if you were a book, i'd never put you down”. you cry & he freaks tf out lmao
gojo doesn't give a fuck about your job nor possible weekend plans, his extra ass has bought tickets to paris and you don't get to have a say in the matter. your suitcase on friday morning? packed. your mom? informed. your boss? he ain't important enough. satoru doesn't let you lift a finger: he's prepared everything, all the way up to your airport outfit (sweatpants and his hoodie, you better be cozy and comfy), he's even cleaned the house so you won't stress about having to do it once you come back. he wants valentine's day to be extra special, you've never been a fan of big romantic gestures so he promises the whole trip doesn't have to be about expensive dinners, champagne & roses. It's about you two being silly little tourists together, having fun, trying new food, possibly fucking in the jacuzzi he's made sure the hotel room comes with-
what geto does is: show up. LMFAO you two were broken up and of course he's at your door on valentine's day, not a flower nor an apology in sight, he just mumbles an annoyed “enough with this bullshit”, takes your face in his hands and waits. the fucker actually waits for your eyes to give him permission to kiss you devour you. he doesn't wanna talk about it, he just wants to spend the night with you in his arms (soooo clingy don't even get me started, you have to eat dinner sitting on his lap bc he won't let you on a separate chair, he'll wait for you to get out of the shower like a lost stray cat, will order all your favorite snacks and happily sit right next to you on the couch never once casting his eyes away from you. he's missed your face too much, although you'll never hear him say it out loud
you and nanami have this tradition of gifting each other the most ridiculous v-day stuff you can find. he deals with enough boring serious grown up shit and you simply won't have it when it comes to your relationship. you need to see him smile and roll his eyes with fondness as you hand over personalized boxer briefs and stuffed animals and a coffee mug with “if you were an angle you'd be acute one” written on it. He does his best to follow the rules (so far he's given you socks with his face printed on them, a “i chews you” chewbacca graphic t-shirt, a “ring for sex” bell and “i love you from top to bottom” toilet paper) but he. just. can't. help it. in the end he always, always gets you flowers and makes sure he cooks at least one of your favorite meals. he keeps it simple so you won't complain but nanami is just the happiest when he's allowed to spoil you a little. he loves you sosososo much and basks in your resigned smile as soon as you come home and catch him wearing an apron. you hope he's gonna like the new watch you got him
inumaki is a little shit most of the time. he's a playful boyfriend. he enjoys banter. he loves annoying the shit outta you. but did he fall head over heels for you? does everything remind him of you all the time? does he text you pictures of red orange sunsets and weird clouds and cute puppies and his lunch 24/7? yes. doesn't like admitting it often but he's whipped. and that's precisely why his valentine's day preparations are not really preparations. he's working all year round. you look at something at a craft show? he'll get it. you're reading a book by a new author you seem to be enjoying? he'll get three more books written by them. you're into a specific type of music? he'll spend a few evenings crafting different personalized playlists. he's always ready. he always has something to give you, something he's probably picked up months before. he doesn't remember how to look at the world without noticing all the little things you'd love about it
yuuta asks you to be his girlfriend on valentine's day!!!! you've been dating & he's smitten but he thinks you want the whole thing to stay casual and he's so far from being casual lol he just can't help himself, he has to know if you're exclusive. so it's a cold cold day, you're sharing a towel on the sand at the beach and you're casually telling him about your day when his fist tightens in his pocket and he just blurts the question out. and if it isn't the softest, most wonderful “would you want to be my girlfriend?” you've ever heard. you tease with a laugh and gently nudge his shoulder with yours. “i thought of you as my boyfriend like three dates ago” and when i tell you this man's face lights tf up like imagine a million christmas lights sparkling on the most beautiful tree. that's yuuta looking at you. thank fuck the little chocolate tube he brought can actually be shared
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koolaidoverliving · 3 months
these are gonna be all over the place LMFAO just a bunch of random stuff they do in my AU nothing specific
Characters: Jeff, Ben, Sally, Toby, Clockwork, Kate, Nurse Ann, Eyeless Jack, Lulu, Lazari, Liu, Jane, Nina, The Puppeteer, Bloody Painter, Judge Angels, Lucy, Suicide Sadie, Jason, Nathan, Candy Pop, Laughing Jack, Zero, Kagekao, X-Virus
Lazari has terrible pronunciation and grammar. Ben makes fun of her for it while Lulu teaches her better English.
Sally invites the proxies to attend her weekly tea parties. Except for Zero and Kagekao. They're banned.
Nina has a dislike for Clockwork due to her being Jeff's best-friend. She's rather petty towards her — like an annoying high school girl — which Clockwork rolls an eye at.
Over time, Clockwork and Toby help Nina realise how bad Jeff is for her. But right now in the AU, Nina is head over heels for a man who doesn't love her back.
Jeff takes good care of his appearance. He deeply hates how he looks since the incident, so he's always trying new things to make himself look better. For that reason he steals a lot of skincare, accessories and makeup.
Nurse Ann's hair was turned red due to Zalgo's influence. It's nothing significant, just an effect of her reanimation. Her original hair colour is brown.
Liu was somewhat of a delinquent when he was a teenager. He taught his little brother how to jump fences and steal from people at church.
Liu and Jeff have matching rosary necklaces. Jeff can't get himself to wear it anymore. Too much guilt.
Eyeless Jack likes gardening. He has flower pots lined on the window sill and a mini produce garden in front of his cabin. His favourite flower is the snapdragon.
He uses grown herbs to make herbal remedies and perfumes for Lulu.
Toby and Kate steal from Jack's garden. Kate does it unknowingly because Toby lies and tells her they're gifts from Jack.
Kate sometimes collapses in the woods after her Chaser form. When it gets too late and she isn't home, a few proxies go out to look for her.
The Bloody Painter and The Puppeteer are best friends, although Pup tends to be possessive of him.
The Puppeteer is superficially nice. The kind of nice that makes you wonder if there's something worse underneath the surface.
Zero's last name is The Hero. "Cower before me, humans! It is I: Zero The Hero!"
She is also colourblind (can only see in monochrome) and can't tell the difference between Toby and Cody.
Zero loves politics because of the tension it arises. She tried to run for "president of the mansion". Ben ran against her and he won.
Laughing Jack rarely leaves his box.
Once a month, Toby and Cody "switch places" — changing clothes and pretending to be each other. Cody hates this; Toby finds it funny.
Cody mindlessly lies about little things. It's like filler conversation. He isn't paying attention and just says stuff. "What'd you do this weekend?" "Built a snowman," Cody says, even though it's summer.
Lucy hates The Puppeteer because he's always stealing "dad" (Helen) away from "mom" (Dina). It's one-sided beef.
Dina is a bookworm. She's the type to sit under the shade on a plaid picnic blanket and read a novel while eating freshly picked strawberries.
Sadie is also a bookworm. Except she reads Colleen Hoover books and recommends it to Dina. Dina smiles and nods, knowing she'll never read that.
Jane listens to true-crime podcasts — or rather interviews with past victims. She finds it easier to cope with her trauma knowing she's not in it alone.
Candy Pop has a skill for writing. He had spent a lot of time in libraries, utterly fascinated by human works. Candy Pop writes poetry, novels and plays of his own.
He's pretty childish, too. He likes making friendship bracelets, drawing with chalk, crafting (ugly) dolls, etc.
The kids join in when Candy Pop is absentmindedly drawing on the streets. Lucy finds Candy Pop to be rather embarrassing and talks shit about him to Crystal. "He's playing with crayons and chalk at his big age!" "...No comment."
Nathan is a self-taught tattoo artist. All his piercings and tattoos are done by himself.
Jason and Nathan take care of stray cats that roam around. There isn't a vet at the town, so they try their best to keep both the cats and themselves safe. Candy Pop isn't allowed near these cats because he tries to juggle them.
Jason has a sweet tooth — particularly for biscuits and tea. The amount of sugar he consumes contrasts his bitter personality.
wow... long post. these are just a bunch of random facts!
send an ask if you have any questions!!! :D
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elaina-writes-things · 8 months
I haven't seen a single episode of Hazbin Hotel yet. Prime's fuckin' expensive lmfao
Anyway, my TikTok FYP has been flooded with songs from the show, and fortunately I got a look at Big Daddy Lucifer himself, so...I think it's pretty clear I wanna take that for a ride.
I may make a part two. I may not. All I know is that I needed to write about him or it'd consume me.
Goddamn. Literally.
Look, you hadn't been a saint when you were alive, but you definitely hadn't anticipated eternal punishment in Hell. You hadn't killed anybody, or stolen anything, or been a huge hedonist. As far as you were concerned, you'd lived an extremely average life, the only remarkable part being that huge semi truck flattening you after the driver fell asleep behind the wheel. To you, the fact that you were condemned was bullshit, which is why you'd found yourself doing everything in your power to make it through this clearly-hastily-thrown-together rehab program at the Hazbin Hotel.
Now, though, standing in the lobby and watching a delicious little king strut around, you realized you wanted — needed — to fuck that guy more than you needed to get to Heaven.
"Charlie said her mom's pretty much out of the picture, right?" You whispered to Vaggie.
"Uh, yeah?" She whispered back, glancing at you briefly with her one good eye, then back to watching her girlfriend give Lucifer a tour of the hotel. "Why?"
"Just asking," you mumbled, enthralled. He was singing, now, with a voice like the gorgeous fallen angel he was. You wanted to know how musical his moans sounded, and what other sorts of things that mouth could do.
A glass of water suddenly appeared in front of you, held in a pink-gloved hand. You looked at Angel Dust, who smirked back and winked.
"Drink it up you thirsty bitch."
"Shut up," you hissed, taking the glass and pointedly setting it on the counter. His smirk only grew.
"Don't gotta be supes tall to ride that ride," the spider continued.
"Oh my god."
"Nah, He ain't watchin'. I could, though, if that's your thing."
You wanted to bury your head in your hands but refrained. If you did that, you wouldn't be able to stare at all six of Lucifer's wings. Those things were huge. How often did he preen them? Were they sensitive? Were they an erogenous zoNE OH SHIT CHARLIE AND HER DAD WERE COMING THIS WAY.
Like the others crowded together on the edge of the lobby, you straightened up and plastered a polite smile on your face. Down the line, your names were called out, and the king of Hell shook every corresponding hand. Then, he was face to face with you, and it shouldn't have been as adorable to need to tilt your head down just slightly to meet his eyes as it was.
"And this is another one of our guests! They volunteered to stay! Voluntarily!" Charlie boasted, giving her dad your name. Your hand fit nicely in his — warm, he was exceptionally warm. You didn't realize how cold Hell was until just this moment — and noticed how terribly it was trembling.
Lucifer repeated your name as Charlie gave it, staring almost as intently at you as you were to him. You'd give almost anything to hear him say it again.
Fuck, he had such pretty eyes.
"Thanks! I get that a lot!" He grinned. You'd said that out loud like an idiot. In your periphery, you could see Angel trying his best not to burst out laughing. Fuckfuckfuckfuck.
"That's good," you murmured without thinking, eyes flitting up and down, "your body deserves to be praised."
The hand clasping yours tensed up, squeezing briefly, painfully. You both stared at each other with wide eyes, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife.
Then Lucifer quickly withdrew, turning away as though you weren't there and had never existed to begin with.
You ignored the curious look Charlie gave you, the wheezing coming from Angel, the annoyed understanding from Vaggie, and everything else as you excused yourself to go up to your room. Your face was beet red and your stomach was tight with shame. You wanted to disappear under the bed sheets, never to be seen again. Had you really just told the king of Hell you had a thing for praising people? At the very least, he probably thought you were a total whor—
You lifted your head up from where it was buried under all your pillows, coming face to face with a little, rubber ducky. It was cute, sporting two, rosy cheeks and a white top hat.
Gently lifting it, your fingers brushed against a scrap of paper taped to the underside.
"If you meant what you said, I'm free tonight."
A phone number was scrawled on the back. Your heart was thumping wildly in your chest as you read and reread the note, unable to fight the stupid grin on your face.
"Holy shit," you blurted, "I'm gonna fuck Lucifer."
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gummygowon · 1 year
guys im stressed so here's yunho fucking away your stress!
a/n: oh wow i went off. LMFAO @agustdiv1ne
imagine being so stressed out during finals week that you were literally locked in your room for DAYS just writing essays and completing projects left and right. it wasn't until your bestfriend, yunho dragged you off your desk one friday night scolding you that you were working wayyy too hard on a friday night. he also tried to convince you to go out clubbing with him and mingi but you immediately declined, using the excuse that you weren't done your public policy speech which led to you just ranting about how fucking annoying guys were on dating apps and how they just do not fucking know how to keep a conversation going. quickly, your rants turn into sobs as the stress was finally hitting your breaking point and now you were fully ugly crying in yunho's chest on a friday night. once you've calmed down enough, yunho calmly asks if there was anything he could do for you.
he was fully expecting you to ask for some comfort food from the mom and pop shop down the street or for some soju but you just look up at him with glossy eyes and trembling lips. "can you please just fuck me. fuck away my stress. please."
"are you sure?"
"yes, yunho just- fuck- do whatever i don't care."
how could your bestfriend say no to you especially while you were in this state.
"i bet i could fuck you better than of those stupid guys."
not even five minutes in to yunho fingering you, you were already fucked out. whining and clawing at his upper arm for more. tears were pricking your eyes when you asked him to fuck you with his cock. you weren't stupid, you knew that yunho had a fat fucking cock just by looking at him. one day you promised yourself you would fuck around and find out just how big he was and boy, was that day today.
yunho on the other hand was purposefully taking his time with you because he didn't know what would happen if he fully just went for it and fucked your brains out. he wouldn't know how to hold himself back but with you begging and your eyes on the verge of tears he just couldn't resist.
god fucking hell, he was huge but he felt fucking amazing. the sheer length of him was more than you've ever had before and his dick could reach further than your tiny fingers ever could. and you, jesus fucking christ you felt better than what yunho ever imagined. you fit just right for him and my god your pussy clenched his dick in the most delicious way it was fucking insane. soon, yunho fell into a steady rhythm of fucking you and slowly he began to lose whatever restraint he had left before fucking deep in the sheets.
and he did.
"have any of those guys made you feel this good?"
you couldn't even respond, yunho was fucking you this good.
"i asked you a question, baby." he says giving you a particularly hard thrust in between each word.
"mmm-fuck-fuck- no they couldn't. only you're making me feel this good."
"that's what i fucking thought. fuck - you shoud've came to me earlier. i would've fucked your brains out sooner."
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gyarucoded · 11 months
quick loki preview bc i have fallen down the rabbit hole since i have nothing else new to watch
the way loki used his magic was such a serve omg
i'm still in love with b-15 ♡
i appreciate the subtle humor, the jokes in other new mcu contents (minus the guardians of the galaxy) annoy me but here it's well balanced yet funny👍
when brad said "playing dress up" to loki idk what he fully meant but my mind wandered to teen loki switching fem presenting & borrowing [stealing] frigga's clothing to try them on for funsies n shit (i used to do that w my mom's wedding clothes as a child 2 lol)
when brad was messing w/ loki he had the opportunity to do the most suicidal thing ever and add sth like "who isn't even your real mother" after bringing up frigga (bro would have gotten ANNIHILATED Ijbol)
the slap was so funny & satisfying at the same time. i didn't saw it coming but i love this side of mobius
this ep's genuinely the most TERRIFYING loki has been in the mcu. in the chase scene and both of the interrogation. i absolutely support it idgaf !! he was more intimidating then he was in the first avengers movie which says a loooot
when loki mentioned the new york incident that was either lazy writing or babe got brain damage cuz i am pretty sure when he was mad at thor & odin that was in new mexico?? when he sent that metallic shit down or wtvt💀 to prevent thor from returning. but i forgive only because he mentioned tony lmfao
i love seeing sylvie finally being content. even if it was thru fuckass mcdonalds. i hope she won't be reduced to the "weird love interest" cuz her chara has potential and you can tell she's tired of this bs as well...
another episode of sylki being forced, toxic, keep disagreeing with & avoiding each other with rather tense chemistry instead of a romantic one they supposedly meant to have & being one sided as hell. their "romance" makes zero sense in this series' context & i could go off for longer regarding this topic but i'll save it for a seeperate post, later!
o.b & casey are so wholesome
bro i'm starting to ship lokius i think? (not in a fetishzing way i just like their dynamics and they just both happen to be dudes/male presenting) cuz i am sensing romantic & soulmate-ish undertones. sad that disney is a coward to make it canon...
overall i loved the 70s-90s vibes they seem to be going for. this show deffo has the best aesthetics we've seen in marvel phase 5 so far and i can't wait to see what's coming next.
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liverralonee · 5 months
okay okay wait hear me out.
stu was allowed to watch spongebob as a kid - he LOVED that shit, thought it was hilarious and quotes it everyday (barely anyone knows what hes saying😭)
billy wasnt allowed to watch it, so it turned him into spongebobs biggest hater, and will audibly sigh and get all irritated whenever stu mentions it
sidney wasnt allowed either, but she didnt care, she’d watch it sometimes at a friends house, but she was indifferent to the show in general; will occasionally laugh at stus stupid jokes
tatum was allowed, and she loved it, but she grew out of it and doesnt mention it every other second (cough stuart cough) but she catches every reference stu says and finds them funny
randy was also allowed, but didnt care for the show. he probably thought it was childish and unfunny, and lowk hates on it w billy sometimes, only he actually knows the show and isnt just blindly hating on it
(also, one time in private, stu made a spongebob related joke and billy actually LAUGHED. stu hasnt ever let him live it down and uses it as black mail from time to time to get what he wants)
HELP I LOVE THIS SM i love random scream headcanons they’re so funny
i think stu just knows pop culture like really well. like any kind of kids tv show? he’s seen at least an episode. sit coms? seen them. like any movie ever? he’s seen that shit
like it is insane how much this boy knows he gets any reference to anything but also lowkey gets slightly annoyed when other people don’t get it like fym you haven’t seen every single episode of jimmy neutron? (i’ve never seen it guys )
i feel like billy’s mom was cool with him watching mostly anything but she had like some very specific cartoons she didn’t want him watching , again, for really stupid reasons. soooo, stu brings it up and billy’s just a hater 😭 he’s a hater on most things tho so it’s not that crazy but stu’s a huge spongebob fan like he cannot believe this. this is hate. discrimination even.
i’d see sidney and tatum having about the same reaction to stu’s jokes except as you said, sid doesn’t actually know what he’s on about she’s just trying to go along with the joke and laugh it as if she knows what’s going on. hc that when stu and tatum first became friends she didn’t know any other thing that stu was interested in other than spongebob so that’s all they ever talked about 💀
and randys just… sigh. ily randy sm but i feel like he either enjoys something or absolutely hates it😭 like in scream 2 with how much of a hater he is when it comes to sequels like if he hates something, he DESPISES THAT SHIT HE CANNOT SPEND IT LMFAO. so stu makes a joke and randys just like “stu’s at it again”
i feel like before randy got into the whole like hating billy at any moment he gets, i feel like he actually tried being friends with billy but it just didn’t work cause billy doesn’t like anyone 😭 so stu makes another spongebob joke and randys like “oh my god. did you see that billy? he’s at it again” and billy just ignores him cause he does NOT wanna be friends with randy
i’m getting off topic but yeah i feel like randy tried to be friends with billy but uhhhh, it didn’t work very well.
also the billy laughing at stu’s joke i feel like it’s happened multiple times but it’s very rare. he has to be in a REALLY good mood 😭 but it’s probably happened a few times and stu does not let him move on from it even years later
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bronx-bomber87 · 10 months
Happy Wednesday amazing fandom :) Another good one where Tim is naturally the supportive husband. We get to delve into Lucy’s past a bit more. Find out more about why we dislike her mother LOL My rage for her is reignited. Lets get going though.
4x14 Long Shot
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We join Lucy in the kitchen pouring over forms and getting frustrated. Tamara sits down next to her asking what’s she’s doing? Lucy explains it’s the forms for her egg extraction. Except it’s a little more intense than she expected. They are wanting to know tons of family history dating back to her great-great grandfather. Tamara says it’s probably just to harvest the best eggs. Lucy tells her it’s hard to answer these when she doesn’t know her real dad.
Tamara is surprised she doesn’t know this about her. Lucy is being surprisingly calm about the whole thing. Saying her dad was her dad. Since he was the man that raised her. Her mom only told her that her real dad wasn’t ready to be a dad. (Only part of it lying liar…)Tamara starts going off on what she could pass on to her kids. Lucy giving her a serious mom look. Haha I love them.
She tells her she’s taking reproductive bio at school. Lucy starts to look a little overwhelmed than she was before. Just replying with an ‘Mmhmm…’ Tamaras comments about her dad starting to sink in more. Wondering if she should be more bothered she doesn't know her real dad? That maybe she should pursue that but isn't sure.
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We start our lovely ship out on a call. Lucy asking Tim if he thinks it’s weird she hasn’t tried to find her bio dad? First off I love him already knowing this already. Tim is clearly already clued into this fact. It’s not something she’s bringing up for the first time. Completely normal 'partner' stuff for him to know automatically. Second just having personal convos every day now I love it. Tim is soft at first telling her she doesn’t owe the guy anything. I mean she really doesn't from a logical standpoint.
Then Tim is a little more blunt in his second comment LOL Lucy is exasperated with him and I’m laughing. He’s trying to make a joke to lighten the mood. Doesn’t go over well but 'A 'for effort Tim haha It's his way of being supportive but trying to keep her head in the game. Since they are approaching a crime scene and all that.
They have a mini married moment as they walk up. Lucy makes a comment about she doesn’t know why she bothers talking to him about personal stuff. In response to his millimeter reply. Tim smiles and replies ‘Mission accomplished,’ Lucy looking at him with fond exasperation. Because that’s the level we’re at now. Exasperated with each other per usual but also still very fond.
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This next part is so funny. They ask Bailey if they have a suspect? She says no... but she has a good idea whoever torched guys car is a woman. Ha. It’s easy to see why someone would after talking to this guy for two seconds. The arrogance is insane.
When he asks for Lucy’s number LMFAO I’m dying. Tim’s face and his ‘I’m out’ demeanor is too damn funny. He knows Lucy can handle herself and will put this man in his place if needed. So he walks away lets her handle it. Eric kills me with the facial expressions. Lucy’s face is also is super funny. She’s so annoyed but pulls out her pad anyway. Bracing herself to deal with this turd. Her face screaming 'Thanks Tim....'
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They respond to a second call. A lady saying a crazy woman came in and released rats. She had an animal carrier and let them out during her breakfast rush. Tim asks her to describe the suspect. She lists the same thing the arson victim did. They put two and two together pretty quickly. They’re the same person. Apparently she used to work for this woman. They get a name in the process. Jordan Conner. Lucy is so cute getting distracted by the rat noise. I love her so much. After Lucy resets herself asks her if she has her address at all?
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They make it to her apt and see a man rinsing his eyes out. Tim asking if he’s ok? Man is surly af with Tim. Saying does it look like he’s ok? Easy fella lol Tells them his tenant Jordan Conner pepper sprayed him. Letting them know she was three months behind on rent. Complaining she had special circumstances for being behind.
Tim gives him his card and tells him to call if she returns. I love when they’re walking away how close they are. Zero space between them as they exit. Tim brushing against Lucy as they talk about their next move with this woman. I see you guys. Don't think I don’t haha Tim says they’ll have to get a warrant for her phone. So they can stop her before her crime spree escalates any further.
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The warrant leads them straight to her. They find Jordan sitting on her car in the hills. She seems resigned as hell. Like she was waiting for them to come find her. They approach her slowly and tell her all the people they’ve met with today. Her ex, her former boss and her landlord. Tim calling it a pretty epic revenge tour. She calls it her hit list. Lucy asks if she wants to talk about it? She sighs and says people suck. That they do…Tim agreeing saying ‘Yeah. Amen to that.' HA Also once again lets note the lack of space above. Mix this in with a tall/smol shot my heart is happy.
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Lucy probes a little deeper. Saying she must’ve had a reason? Jordan opens up and tells them she has the breast cancer gene. It came from her mom and she had been waiting for it. So when she found a lump she wasn’t even surprised. Been waiting her whole life for it. She thought she was going to die. Then last week she went into remission. Tim tells her congrats. She doesn’t thank him. Just replies she was done apologizing for existing. Thus her hit list. Saying she wanted to make her own karma. That everything she did was worth it to her.
I can't say I blame her for being so angry. It does seem like the shitty people of the world get away with murder. If you're good, do your job, do right by people you still get screwed by life. I can't say I don't relate to her. Her BF bailed on her when she was sick. Saying he didn’t do bald chicks. That dude needs to have his penis revoked IMO. What an asshole. Her boss fired her for being late from chemo and her landlord raised her rent when she was too sick to work. That’s a lot. Lucy and Tim empathize but sadly have to still arrest her.
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As Tim puts Jordan in the car we can see Lucy deep in her own thoughts. Tim mentioning how most people when they get second chance wanna be better. Saying 'Got to respect her for going the other way. 'Jordan's comment about making our own karma has struck a chord with Lucy. Voicing how she just waited around to get sick like her mom. You can she is conflicted. Asking Tim is it better to know or not? Does it do us any good to know? Truly needing his guidance on this one by asking these questions.
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Lucy looks so shaken by the whole situation. I adore him knowing exactly where she’s at in this moment. No need to explain it. Knows what she is talking about without context. I love him tilting his head when he asks above if its about her bio dad? It's so cute. Being the supportive husband she needs. Giving her that last push to confront her mom. Especially if it’s going to eat at her like this. Lucy mentions she’ll go to her aunt Amy instead. Her mother would never tell her ha.
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We get to meet Aunt Amy shortly after. Lucy tells her how she was given the egg appt. Explaining to her aunt how pissed she was about it at first. Amy relaying she tried to stop her from doing it. But she clearly didn’t listen to her. Lucy continues on that she decided to explore it. The forms are what’s slowing her down. She doesn’t know anything about her father’s side. We can see her aunt struggle with her telling her the truth.
Not wanting to betray her sister’s trust. I can empathize with that. We find out her mom. Her perfect strict pain in the ass mother slept with a patient. Not only that but that patient is her biological father. She hid it to protect her career and to push away the shame. Suddenly everything is coming into focus. Not surprising her lineage is tied to her mother’s selfishness. Poor Lucy is floored by this info. I know I was when I first watched it. Unreal.
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Once they’re back in the shop Tim’s Lucy radar is going off. He looks over at her and see’s how distraught she is. Once again just like in 4x11 asking if she’s ok? This man is so soft for her at this point. Can’t stand her hurting. So he opens up the floor for her to talk. Knowing she is not doing ok. It’s his way of saying if you need to talk let’s talk I’m here to listen. Never be over how he has grown in this way. Seeing her hurting and wanting to help.
Having her hash it out with him. Because he knows it’ll make her feel better. This man ❤️ Sure loves his girl. Melissa crushes this scene. The emotions behind her voice kill me. She is on the verge of crying and Tim knows it. Look at her above she is so emotional she's not even sure where to start. She has a million and one emotions surging through her and it shows. With how she starts to try and talk then stops. Struggling to find the words to convey how she is feeling.
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I can relate to this so much. Being so deeply emotional about your parents. Not even knowing where to begin. Only that you are so deeply hurt. Lucy takes another beat before beginning. Expressing how her mother has made her feel her whole life. It’s the worst when nothing you do is good enough. You strive to impress and always come up short. It’s hard not to get a complex about it. I mean I still struggle with my parents thinking I’m their f*ck up child. They’ve never said it but their actions scream it.
Lucy continues on about how her grades, BF’s, career never been good enough for her. Then she finds out her mom made the biggest transgression she could as a therapist. That ever since then she’s been trying to make up for that sin. By riding Lucy into the ground to make up for her mistake she made early in life. In her twisted mind if Lucy came out the way she wanted her to it would erase that shame.
So messed up on very many levels. We watch Tim nod along and let her know he's listening. To give her the opportunity get everything off her chest. You can see the worry in his eyes in the second gif. The way he looks over at her with such empathy in his eyes. Hating how much she is hurting in this moment.
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Tim tries to do devil’s advocate. Giving her some logic but it doesn’t land. It never does with her mother. At least not at first. Lucy then voices the thing I’m sure she’s thought her whole life. That’s her mother resents her because she represents the one time she made a mistake. Tim tries to deter this but she cuts him off. (I will never be over how he uses her first name in this season. Something so damn intimate about it.)
Makes me wonder what he was going to say? There was some serious emotion behind his ‘ Lucy it’s..’ We’ll never know cause her aunt texted her what her father’s name is. This is where Tim tries to make her laugh. He’s doing such a solid job being the supportive husband. This tops it off IMO. He can always make her laugh and smile when she is stressed.
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Knowing if he makes her laugh it’ll relieve that tension in her body a bit. Making a silly joke about her dad’s name. Saying least it’s not stupid like Dilbert LOL Distracting Lucy from her hurt for a moment with his silly joke. You know he’s proud of himself for getting her to smile in this moment. All he ever wants now in these kind of moments is to make her feel better. Mission accomplished Tim.
You made your girl feel better. Knowing she was on the verge of tears and taking a beat to make her smile. That’s love. 4x12 was about Tim being a control freak. How he doesn’t like to go outside his comfort zone ever. Then we see him do stuff like this. Things he wouldn’t have done pre-Lucy. Making jokes, reaching out to make sure she’s ok, if she’s not he is making it his mission to make her feel better. Gah I love this man so much and his journey. My damn heart.
Tim Bradford can go outside his comfort zone. The question is are you worth it to him to do so? Lucy has earned this out of him ten fold. This season is the fruit of all they’ve built the previous 3 seasons. It’s so glorious to watch the result of it. Said this before but moments like this are what make their slow burn so worth it. Look at how comfortable they are with one another. Lucy spiraling he lets her get it out then reels her back in with a joke. These two I cannot with how much I love them.
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We end the episode how we started it with Tamara and Lucy. They’re stalking her potential father on social media. Tamara is so cute having a list of candidates ready for her. Lucy gets a phone call that interrupts their search. She gets the news that he’s dead. It’s so sad to watch her take this news in. Tamara trying to console her best she can about it. Saying yeah she didn’t know him but if not for him she wouldn’t be here. That it's ok to be sad about it.
Breaks my heart how she thought someday they’d meet. Somehow. That she had this idea of him that lingered in her mind. Tamara says she hates to ask. But was it genetic how he died? Lucy answers it was a car crash. He died alone. No kids, wife, nothing. You see the guilt crash over about this fact. I love Tamara doing what Tim would. Not letting her drown and pulling her back to shore emotionally. Refusing to let her beat herself up over it. Her makeshift family taking care of her this ep I love it.
Side notes -non Chenford
Angela getting irritated by Wesley being home all day is too funny LOL pawning him off on a tv show to be a consultant.
Could care less about Nolan’s SL per usual haha
Thank you forever and always to those who like, comment and reblog these reviews. Means the absolute world to me :) see you all in 4x15
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
#my mom has been binging designate/d survivor on netfIix lol and ive been wathcinga lot of it with her#i spoiled myself for 2 ppls deaths and theyre like . the only ppl im watching for lowkey LMFAO#maybe one of them . the other is like when she comes on screen im like YESSS <3333333 bc shes not here as much LMAO#so im like cool not gonna watch past s1 <3#oh shit i just looked it up she's almost done w s1 lolll#also maybe spoilers bc im gonna be saying who at least one of those ppl are XD#actually ya straight up spoielrs for both dead ppl idk when they happen tho lol :P#anyway i was just thinking about it and i was like wait is she watching for the plot bc#i'm kindaaa watching for the plot mostly watching for fbi agent hannah weIIs loml#and i was like lmfao my mom is definitely not Just watching for fbi agent hannah welIs lol#but she should#anyway i looked her actress up and got spoiled for her dying in s3 so#in early s3 too!!! why would u do that bro#i'm not watching s3 <3#bruh i also just looked it up on tumblr bc im stupid but i was curious if there was anything#and like the 3rd thing i see is about alex dying in a car crash <3#so idk when that happens but i dont wanna see that happen/what happens after <333 bc alex needto stay alive <333 other loml in this show lo#like ig i likeee the other characters enoughhhhhh#im lowkey rly annoyed by the way kirkman talks tho lmfao hes always like dramatically whispering im like bro speak tf up lol#i rly like emily and seth a lot and their friendship :DDD#also idk the fbi guy whose name starts w f who's one of the only ppl who knows everything thats going on lol hes chill#and the secret service mike guy !!! hes pretty cool#none of them are allowed to die thanks is too stressful for me XD#might just spoil myself for when alex dies bc . no. lmfao#but i was also just thinking with the plot like bro whoooooo is putting this much effort into this shit im too lazy for shit like this lmao#good for them ig but like ur life could be so much easier bro#jeanne talks
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laufire · 9 months
it's very funny (read: not funny) how after the new 52 reboot, dc altered two of my favourite first meetings (you know how much I care about first meetings) in a very similar war.
first you have batman incorporated vol. 2 #2, that more or less reproduced the first meeting between bruce and talia in detective comics #411 in a few flashbacks (league dude fighting it off with ra's kidnaps talia, bruce is fighting it off with him and ends up wounded and in her medical care, etc. the flashback doesn't include the very best part of the first meeting, at the end of the story, so: read 'tec #411 it's great. there's a facsimile reprint coming on march if you think you'll be into it). but then... makes it as if that meeting, and talia falling for bruce during it, was all orchestrated by ra's.
then you have red hood and the outlaws vol. 1 #0. its first sin is that it changes bruce and jason's first meeting completely: instead of occurring on the anniversary of the death of bruce's parents, involving a kid showing the gumption to steal the batmobile's tires and making bruce laugh in such a momentous anniversary... it's just batman catching jason as he tries to steal some prescription drugs (not even for his now presumed dead mother) from leslie's clinic. then it commits the BIGGEST sin of saying this was all... orchestrated by the joker, who one day saw jason and decided to manipulate his whole life (taking dad away, faking mom's death, putting him outside the clinic) to make him, somehow, become batman's sidekick.
in the first case, I don't mind it as much, if only when compared to the other. it annoys me that talia's feelings are rewritten as the result of manipulation, but a.) ra's is a mastermind type, so they're not just elevating his character for no reason, and b.) given this is the very comic that made talia a rapist, I'm gonna pick my battles. plus I only recently read 'tec #411 so as much as I love it, it's not part of my Psyche the same way batman #408 is lol.
but the second one profoundly aggravates me lmfao. first, because of just how much I love their new earth meeting!! lobdell's version focuses on what a lot of writers afterwards have tried to use to smear jason's name, aka, "he's just some juvenile delinquent". he's also made jason part of a gang, when new earth!jason clearly had very clear lines about what he was willing to do (boost what he needed to survive) and what he wasn't (becoming "a crook", joining ma gunn's gang).
and like... to be blunt, in no logical universe seeing some rando steal from a clinic would make bruce up and make him robin. it's the sequence of "shameless enough to go for the batmobile" + feisty against bruce + "ready to prevent crime on his own when it looked like batman wasn't going to" that did it. of course making any random kid robin wouldn't be logical anyway lol, and bruce's own loneliness was the deep motivating factor... but one of this versions make jason distinctive, someone who WOULD trigger bruce's baby robin fever. and the other is generic and makes me feel pretty sceptical about the whole thing.
and that's not even getting into the joker's supposed role in all this because FUCK THAT. good GOD do I hate the idea that the freaking joker is some super genius mastermind playing five dimensional chess with the bats and orchestrating events years in advance. my first story really reading joker was aditf. the guy beats robin to near death (which he manages thanks to the element surprise, deceit, and having goons help him), blows him up to hide the evidence because he's scared of what batman would do to him, then immediately admits he killed robin to taunt batman the next time he sees him. I can't ever buy him as anything other than a coward dumber than a bag of rocks that just Does Random Shit to people who can't fight back because he's a sadist, and gets away with it because unlike the people he faces, he has not an ounce of sense or morals or apprehension that could stop him. I'm not gonna lie and say I've ever enjoyed the joker as a character (I think he's trite and uninventive and his utter lack of inner life bores me), but this turn has made him completely unbearable, and his continuing survival all the more inexplicable the more dangerous he gets.
tl;dr the new 52 tried to fix a lot of shit that wasn't broken but these two examples make me want to ask for financial compensation.
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