#but maybe I’ll just sleep
beezyland · 1 year
When I can’t sleep and my brain is like if we write one more glass onion fic then we can get this outta our system for good that’s the scientific method baby
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grimalkenkid · 8 days
“The Kind of Person I Wanted Back Then”
(Had a burst of inspiration thanks to @havanillas art of Aventurine with a baby, so have this angsty-yet-hopeful Drabble! Enjoy?)
Aventurine knew his place; he was a tool for the Strategic Investment Department to deploy in situations deemed too risky or underhanded for any of the other Stonehearts. He was basically disposable, a pawn who was nevertheless useful if he could turn the tides at a pivotal moment. So it came as little surprise when Diamond sent him to once again “offer” the IPC’s aid to a particularly stubborn border planet that refused to ally with the Amber Lord against the Antimatter Legion.
Even from orbit, Aventurine saw the scorched craters where once-thriving cities stood, though the sight couldn’t hold a candle to the devastation he witnessed firsthand in his opinion. Of course, he would offer his sympathies or condolences when he met with their leader, but he wouldn’t sugarcoat anything. If Diamond thought a gentle touch would get through their thick skulls, then he would’ve sent Topaz.
The negotiation went about as well as expected. Their leader was a tough, old soldier, determined to maintain his people’s independence. However, Aventurine had seen enough of the crumbling masonry and hastily-set tents along the outskirts to sense the cracks in the man’s resolve.
“Give the IPC a controlling share in the planet’s geothermal energy market, and you’ll have the Preservation’s protection.” The words burned his tongue, bitter and acrid.
Like they should have protected the Avgin…
Aventurine left the meeting having given the leader a few offers to ponder and many possibilities to chew on. He was certain they’d come around and agree to the IPC’s terms. Eventually, everyone did.
There were few casinos still operating within the city, having lost most of their clientele to leisure activities less reliant on luck. A shame, Aventurine thought, and so he returned to the small space-port, texting Stelle to pester her into playing online poker. They were two hands deep when a laser-scorched shuttle made an abrupt landing nearby.
Dozens of injured civilians and soldiers rushed out. Aventurine hung back, keeping out of their way as they undoubtedly hurried to the nearest hospital or, more likely, a first aid kit. He tried not to think of how powerless he was right then. For all his wealth, he couldn’t actually protect anyone. Only the IPC could wield that kind of power, and he was little more than their puppet.
With a heavy-hearted sigh, Aventurine tried to turn his attention back to his game, but a lone figure lagging behind the rest of the refugees caught his gaze first. It was a small child, his awkward gait a sign that he had just barely learned to walk. He stumbled about aimlessly, his wide eyes watery and darting everywhere. Before a single thought formed in his head, Aventurine had already pocketed his phone and strode over to the confused child.
The instant the child saw Aventurine approaching him, he abandoned his wandering and stumbled as fast as his little legs could carry him towards the only adult who even seemed to notice him. Aventurine knelt down in front of the kid, his heart nearly stopping as he saw his eyes clearly, with the distinctly two-colored irises of a Sigonian.
“Where are your—?” Aventurine started, but his question would have to wait as the kid slammed into his chest, clawing at his waistcoat and sobbing as only a frightened child could.
Whatever questions Aventurine had could wait. He slowly brought his hands up and wrapped the poor kid in an awkward hug. He wasn’t supposed to be the one who offered comfort, shouldn’t be the one people trusted. Wasn’t supposed to be a person, just a tool, a pawn. And yet this kid was clinging to him like a lifeline. The least Aventurine could do was give him reassurance in return.
He patted the kid’s head, speaking softly until his tears dried and his breathing grew steady. Only then did Aventurine lift him into his arms, whispering a comforting lie as he returned to the city,
“Now, let’s go find your parents.”
Hours later, and Aventurine had the answer he’d known all along. The kid’s parents were dead, and no one would take him in. Of course they wouldn’t; why would anyone take in a Sigonian? To do so would be asking to invite a future thief and liar into one’s house.
But Aventurine was already a liar. A murder. A loser.
As the kid fell asleep in his arms, Aventurine returned to his ship, shutting himself away from the prying eyes of his subordinates. He sat down in the first chair he saw and finally let his own tears fall.
“I’ll take care of you,” he swore with all the kindness and tenderness that remained in his scarred heart. “I won’t leave you to fend for yourself. I’ll protect you… I promise.”
And he meant it.
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fireyartccoon · 5 months
ok so I might’ve forgotten to get something ready for Wednesday BUT-
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you can have Nine and Chaos Sonic from my Sonic Prime AU being siblings instead
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chrissy-kaos · 5 months
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You're the reason I'm addicted to the taste, but afraid of the bite…
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growmybelly · 30 days
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Don’t mind me, just stuffing myself like a pig while I’m at work 🐷
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ygodmyy20 · 19 days
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I’m sick today.
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kriminalistic · 2 months
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mystery solved
I spent ALL DAY getting mad abt pharmas dumbass guns when it was so simple all along..
I’m still mad abt it tho bc?? the arms connected to his guns would have to be so long for them to be moving around like they are in the two(?) whole panels they are in. It makes no sense
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solargeist · 7 months
What finally pushes Grian to leave the watchers? Does he ever reconnect with his adopted mom?
Resentment builds over time.
This isn’t what he wanted. The loss of autonomy, the social and emotional regression. He knows he’s not on equal footing, he knows most of them see him as a pet, they just want to see him perform. He feels lied to, used.
He’s on slightly positive/neutral feelings with his Watcher, but even then he gets overwhelmed, even then he can’t be confident what her true feelings or intentions are.
Turning into a Watcher is also scary. It hurts, he thought he was honestly going to die when his wings grew out. So when his hands occasionally cramp, he’s scared! He looks and takes note of other Watcher’s anatomy, how tall they are, the eyes, the feathers, talons, he just sees torture, and for what? What did he honestly expect from this?
Grian joined the Watchers because he wanted more from his life, the updates were just too promising…. He wanted to build better, bigger, the desire to know more, it’s a selfish reason and he doesn’t know how he’ll ever look his friends in the eyes again. If he does.
The isolation is also maddening, he doesn’t have anyone but the watchers, he can’t go anywhere without one, he can’t talk to anyone, no one actually acknowledges him.
I don’t even know what the final straw could be, you can only stay frustrated for so long, so sick to your stomach for so long. A particularly bad migraine can be enough of a reminder that eyes are going to grow out of his face if he stays.
It ends with tnt and a complete meltdown.
He knows how to fly, he knows how to open portals, he bought his time. If he sees her before he leaves, they say nothing, the eyes say enough for both of them.
Right now I don’t see him ever reconnecting with Her. But he does think about her, when he tells Mumbo about everything he almost refers to her as his mom, he knows that’s what their dynamic was, that’s what she saw, but he doesn’t want to say it out loud.
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ask-claus-and-ninten · 6 months
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3 am life sign. Of the Ness and Claus being dudes.
Inspired by photos from my days in university years ago 🤧
I didn’t have a couch in my apartment. My friends just hung out on the floor and the blankets my roommate had out.
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crowrrupt · 2 months
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Little doodle of Rock and X getting coffee. Considering how much crap the little guy goes through I think he deserves a black coffee
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rosaacicularis · 7 months
thinking about scarian in the cactus ring actually
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jane-lynndrake-t · 1 month
Weird hospital… come to think of it, I’m not sure what hospital this is.
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deus-ex-mona · 4 months
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sena 🤝 yujiro
older siblings (who see themselves as unreliable) who look out for and love their (relatively aloof) younger siblings unconditionally
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
Bakugou is adamant about not doing anything for his birthday. He does this every year, and you usually do something for him anyway, something small. You might have a picnic or go hiking with him or just stay in bed watching his favorite movies.
He doesn’t want to do anything for his birthday ever. And this year, you respect his wishes.
When he wakes up, he expects streamers and balloons to litter the room. Maybe you walking in half naked with a tray of breakfast for him. He expects something, even though he’s adamant about having nothing. So he’s a little….surprised? Disappointed? When he wakes up and has…nothing.
Bakugou gets up and pads into the kitchen and is greeted by a regular sight—you sitting in your usual chair with a warm mug and scrolling through your phone. You perk up when he enters though, smiling at him, getting up from your seat as you hand him his protein shake. You kiss his lips gently, whispering against his mouth,
“Good morning, my love. Happy birthday.” And continue on with your normal routine. Bakugou blinks, surveys the kitchen once more, looks over the counters and peeks into the trash can. He figures you must’ve made him another one of those big birthday breakfast’s, but it’s still the same regular breakfast you always make.
The rest of the day goes on like that. Everyone treating him as they usually do on his birthday—overwhelmingly and annoying, and he hates it a little more than he usually does. Were you upset with him? Did he do something the night before for his birthdays festivities that he never wants to be canceled?
He perks up when you text him, but it’s just to ask if he wants chicken tonight instead of fish. He almost breaks the screen on his phone when he replies chicken.
By the time Bakugou gets home, he’s irritated beyond all hell. Yes, he knows he told you how much he didn’t wanna be celebrated today but that didn’t mean to do this. To do nothing. He takes a few breaths before he unlocks the front door, sighing as he enters with his head down, immediately kicking off his boots.
“Happy birthday, handsome!” You shout when he enters, making his head immediately whip up. He’s shocked at the sight; you standing in the middle of your living room in that one outfit he said he loved the most on you, with orange and black streamers and balloons decorating the space. The lights are dimmed and his favorite song is playing (the one that blasted on the speakers the night he took you home after your first date), there’s an assortment of food on the table, and what looks like a homemade cake in the middle. He’s frozen at the sight, and is only pulled out of his stupor when you pad over to him and bring his face down to yours.
“I know every year you say you don’t want anything for your birthday, but I couldn’t help myself. Is this okay?” You ask gently, cupping his cheeks, smudging the soot from his skin. Bakugou stares down at you with the softest look he could muster, smiling gently as he pulls you in close to him, kissing you hard until you both lose your breath.
“It’s perfect.” Bakugou answers simply, pecking your forehead as he pulls you in close until your nose is pressed against his collarbone. You take in his scent before sighing, pulling away as you pat at his chest.
“Good. Now go take a bath so we can eat and open your presents.” You nod to the back of the house, going to pull away but Bakugou squeezes you tight to him. He looks at you, seriously, and it almost worries you, before he whispers softly into the air,
“I love you.” His voice sincere and sweet, and it makes you smile so hard your cheeks burns. You peck him once, twice, before speaking against his lips,
“I love you more.”
And after that, Bakugou doesn’t dread his birthday as much. Not if he gets to spend it with you.
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skyward-floored · 5 months
Wips. Please. Please. Work with me here, come on pleeeeaaaasssssseeee.
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i-am-a-fan · 4 months
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I uh. I was supposed to post this a long time ago but I never finished the last one… sorry spoofy…
anyways here are my drawings of some of my mutuals icons.!
top left: @gumy-shark
top right: @hyperfixation-tangentopia
bottom left: @witch-of-the-world
Bottom right: @jumpscaregoose
Actual icons under cut.
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