#i need to sleep.
feli026 · 30 days
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jane-lynndrake-t · 25 days
Weird hospital… come to think of it, I’m not sure what hospital this is.
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howboutsleep · 8 months
why dont OIAR introduce a categorization system that makes sense? are they stupid?
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auuwmk · 2 months
"you have work to do!!!!" No I don't i will be spending the rest of my time reading trashy romance manhwas with pretty artstyles (which i only do once every 3 months)
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hannie-dul-set · 2 months
accidentally added an extra scene to nabi.
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jistagrams · 9 months
that one video of Soobin and yeonjun playing while they’re sitting on the couch….. just 4 words.. Gamer boyfriend cock warming.
​like Soobin (u alr know ima start off w soob) anyways ur like cock warming w him and when he starts losing he jolts and has a little tantrum, causing u to feel it, anyways.. he ends up leaving the call with his friends and turns off the game to pay attention to u.
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moodr1ng · 10 days
having such a time w that cat rn. why does it look like that.
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yu-tap · 1 year
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that match where kyle o'reilly busted adam cole's lip open
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chiisana-lion · 1 year
id be so productive if it werent for The Character in the brain
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kafkaoftherubble · 2 months
Hi!! ⏫ and ⏬ for the fire emblem ask meme?
I'm dying for distraction so in the end, I'm answering this sooner than I should!
⏫: What weapon/skill do you think you'll be proficient in? (Max 3)
I suppose it will be authority, bow, and lance.
Archery is something I occasionally dabble in real life and it's the only sport I'm remotely decent in (as in, the only one without negative or zero stats).
I actually love axes to bits, and would very likely beg Byleth to train me on axe-wielding, but frankly, I probably do better with a lance. It's a weapon capable of both defense and offense, plus it keeps people at a distance during melee. It seems more suitable for my slow-witted, overthinking fighting style.
Authority is likely the only thing I'm actually more confident in (or as confident as I can be, which isn't... a lot). I think I'll be the type who can unlock the ungodly trinity of Battalion Vantage, Battalion Wrath, and Battalion Desperation among other battalion skills. If I were to use 睿得失 (it's me) as a playable character, this fella's battalion unit would NEVER be more than 1/3 ahahhahahah.
⏬: What weapon/skill do you think you will suck at? (Max 3)
Reason, sword, and flying.
I hate swords. I really don't like them. Stupid Main Character weapon. Holding it reminds me of cooking, which I also hate. It's like a spatula, but for battles. My hand feels exposed, just like during cooking and then boiling oil goes SSSSTTT KERSPALT on my hand and I go ARGHHH GAESAEKKI JIBAI CELAKA BABI at it. And then my food turns to coal. And my enemy is very damaged and yet not dead, causing them to beg me to just be competent enough to end their life already please.
I love wyverns and actually love flying. But I'm afraid of depth (as in falling from height) and height (as in looking upward from depth). I'm also not usually good with animals. I don't think the wyverns will like me.
Now reason... is a very funky case. It's my hidden talent. The reason why I suck at reason (ha!) is because I deliberately suck at it. But Byleth stubbornly refuses to let up and continues to teach me, and at some point, it becomes way too hard to suck intentionally than to just admit I can do it. And yes, all of my magic will turn out to be Agarthan Dark Magic all along. Because you see, I'm—
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saeshits · 2 months
Eika is a cute ship name btw.
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apileofmoss · 4 months
throes up
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violet-amet · 9 months
I hate saying this so often but like. Come on! Health stuff.
I had cancer! Like how the hell am I supposed to deal with that, aside from therapy?! I am angry and upset and so traumatized but like what can I do about it? Cry? I do sometimes, but I have to pick myself up and keep going. Even if things like PMS is triggering to me.
Though thinking about that now, if I ever fall in love with an afab person, then that would be very awkward. And I am not going to police another person over it. Hence why the idea does bother me a little bit.
Same goes for pregnancies. I can feel the phantom pain of the tumor in my abdomen when I think about it. Hhhh.
How am I alive? So much blood... Necrotic tissues... Ahhhh the tumor. It was all so baaaad. I don't want to deal with that nor any form of cancer at all in this lifetime please. I already had enough!
I better live a long life.
Also I am very angry and frustrated by this whole thing. I don't know how any other survivor can handle this. I still have gotten over my diagnosis I guess, despite being five years since. Hm.
Despite that, I'm hopeful. Scared and traumatized but hopeful.
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dylanlila · 6 months
btw visions of johanna started blasting from my earphones when i stepped into the bookshop
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abeluser · 6 months
hunting through the entire house and backyard in the pitch black so I don't wake anyone while trying to find my dogs toys so she can relax and sleep while locking all the doors and windows so that we don't get get broken into. I keep this house from falling apart.
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sunliv · 8 months
i think im going crazy...
the white light of the training room has started turning yellow...
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