#but like. not just to have not directly interacted with the king but to be completely unfamiliar with him as a concept?? ?
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guys let's all be real, if it weren't for Charlie, Alastor and Lucifer would have never met.
Lucifer is all holed up in his castle making his ducks and being sad over his wife to even bother the thought of going outside to mingle with sinners (who he unapologetically thinks are the worst, saying it right to his daughters face about her dreams by the way) only met Alastor and the rest of her friends because Charlie asked him too and literally the only reason he has beef with Alastor is because of Charlie. Same goes for Alastor, he was fuming mad at the knowledge that Charlie's dad was coming to the hotel (who he has never met before) and keeps bringing up the fact he's close with her in Lucifer's face, which again, Charlie is still the crucial point between these two.
It's also evident over the two men's song. "Stayed Gone" is a song about Vox and Alastor's rivalry. "Hell's Greatest Dad" is about Alastor and Lucifer's rivalry, but the key difference here is that the former song directly ties the TV overlord and the Radio demon, the fight is just between them while the fact the latter song even existed was because they were trying to one up the other for Charlie.
All Lucifer and Alastor interactions circle back to Charlie. She's the most important person to them (daughter to Lucifer, key to Alastor's freedom) and I. Am. Tired. Of. The. Fandom. Forgetting. About. Her.
Viv and the main fandom's two favorite characters are literally fighting for her attention yet both of them forget she's even the main character of the story, not those two.
Finally someone who gets it, Lucifer and Alastor only works because of Charlie. Like you said without Charlie, Lucifer still wouldn't leave his castle and if he would go out he probably would go to Hellborns like the goetias and or sins but not meet with sinners because in his eyes they are the worst of the worst
And even if Lucifer and Alastor somehow would meet without Charlie's influence, Lucifer wouldn't care about Alastor, he only was bothered by him because he was close to Charlie and Lucifer therefore was jealous/annoyed
Alastor is maybe a powerful overlord but we know that Lucifer doesn't care about that, he straight up didn't know who he was. He also is since thousands of years in hell and Alastor is just barely 100 years like sorry Alastor but you are not really important enough as an overlord to catch the attention of the king of hell
i could see Alastor if he somehow would meet Lucifer without Charlie that he would get annoyed because Lucifer doesn't know him and is more powerful than him. But even then I doubt that Alastor would dare to challenge the king of hell
I think the main reason he was so aggressive towards Lucifer was because he doesn't want him to get between Charlie and himself and he knew that Lucifer wouldn't hurt him as that would upset Charlie

"The fight is just between while the fact that the later song even existed was because they were trying to one up the other for Charlie" That describes it perfectly. Alastor's and Vox's rivality is about them but Lucifers and Alastor's rivality is about Charlie
Charlie is really the link between Lucifer and Alastor, so i think it's a shame how people keep ignoring her importance for both characters and the relationship between them. They really downplay her relationships with them
Despite being the favorite of the show, people keep forgetting or don't care that Charlie is important for their both character like without her Lucifer wouldn't leave his castle and never would consider helping sinners, Alastor opened up to her and he even gave her his cane, Charlie is the reason they will grow in the later seasons

I see hundreds of AUs where RA is established before Charlie and Alastor know each other or RA are her biological parents and I am just thinking "how the hell would that happen" and "do people forget that Charlie is older than Alastor"
Like they are obviously just for fun but i can't help having these thoughts when I see these AUs. I don't really see how they would end up together or even be friends without Charlie's input like Alastor is everything Lucifer hates about sinners
#hazbin hotel#charlie morningstar#hazbin hotel charlie#hazbin alastor#hazbin hotel alastor#charlastor#hazbin charlie#radiobelle#musicalshipping#hazbin hotel lucifer#hazbin lucifer morningstar#“Ha my daughter wants to see me take that depressions!”#Charlie is so important for the plot and character growth of the show but nobody points that out#anti radioapple#Charlie deserves better than this fandom#lucifer and alastor
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which of course, goes in the square hole
Yeah. I think it's a powerful message that they did it that way, and it definitely sent that message, but it would have been nice to have the option to see it interpreted according to their intentions. That way we wouldn't have had to wait until season 7 for confirmation that yes, they intended for Gren to be censoring her (the first instance of his censorship has been debated among ASL users in the fandom lol).
We really do need more information on Corvus . . . welp, time to completely invent something for Different Path Taken which will inevitably be proved wrong in Arc 3
Yeah I'm so fond of Gren and Amaya's relationship. They're both very distinct characters. They're friends. She's a soldier. He's a diplomat. Their lives are so intertwined at this point that Janai probably lowkey feels like she's marrying both of them. He carries no weapon and she carries a shield, which while usable as a weapon, is ultimately defensive equipment. She has a temper. He always looks on the bright side. She's racist (but learns and grows past it!). He's so compassionate he shows concern for a man who killed his king, who was also a personal friend. When he speaks for her, he puts on a faux heroic voice that reflects her arrogance. When he speaks for himself, he sounds like a flustered youth even in his mid-twenties. She cusses people out with impunity and he censors it. She trusts him more than almost anyone left in the world. He gets nervous when addressed directly. She rides into the Breach to save everyone. He charges into battle unarmed to help her. There's never romantic tension between them; they're just friends, the kind of friends who would ride or die for each other, and at the same time professional partners, and I love everything about their interactions.
Different Path Taken Ch20: P1 Lunar Caldera
Introducing: Ellis and Ava!! and also featuring a performance of Callum's famous jerkface dance!
I'm thinking about doing the second half of this chapter a little differently than before, and switching up the perspectives a bit. I kinda wanna just let Runaan do a full on lore dump, so maybe the second half will be mostly just like, his dialogue, written as narration, and with just the occasional prompting quotes from the others to keep him moving through topics? Kinda like Callum's spellbook type narration. I'm not sure if that would be too much of a switch considering the rest of the work though, and I've never written anything like that so Idk if it'd actually flow that well.
Everyone was tense, and Ezran was already tired. Callisto had said he probably would be, after everything he’d been through the day before, but he didn’t really understand why. He’d been swimming for a few minutes, and it had been really cold, but he slept for he didn’t even know how long afterward, and had awoken nice and warm and dry wrapped up in the elves’ blankets and Ram’s clothes in the cave. They’d had that snowball fight, he guessed, and then they’d been worried in town for the egg.
He still worried for it. The little bits of movement he’d heard from inside it, the warmth it radiated, the feeling of a little sleeping presence, had gone largely still and quiet. There was still something, but the presence was so much fainter.
Maybe he was just discouraged and that was why his feet were so heavy as they hiked up the sharp, rocky slopes of the mountain. Callum didn’t seem to be delayed at all, and Ezran pouted at his brother’s back as he scurried ahead at Runaan’s heels, asking him endless questions. He could use some help back here.
At least Skor and Callisto were walking back with him. Andromeda and Rayla were ahead too, and Ram was so far in front Ezran kept losing sight of him. Corvus had tried to walk in the rear, but several of the elves had bared their fangs at him and Runaan had ordered him shortly to stay where he could see him, so he was also far ahead of Ezran.
Ezran glanced over at Skor gratefully just in time to see him wince faintly, and frowned, looking the elf over. He was walking a bit gingerly on one foot. “Are you okay?” He asked in sudden worry for his new friend.
Skor smiled faintly at him and shrugged. He snapped his fingers to get Callisto’s attention and signed something over to them.
Callisto seemed to fall into being his voice as easily as Gren did for Aunt Amaya. “I twisted my ankle on the other trail - when I fell, and dropped you during the avalanche. I’m sorry about that.”
Ezran blinked at the older man blankly. “That wasn’t your fault. Bait’s the one who burped.” He pointed out, holding up the glow toad as if to prove it. Bait turned faintly pink with embarrassment and groaned reluctant agreement.
Skor’s mouth cracked open in a real smile and he signed something else to Callisto, who dutifully relayed his words as Ezran focused on his hands, habitually trying to pick up familiar signs. There really weren’t any, given shadow sign wasn’t the same as Katolian sign, but it was hard to break the habit. “I know, little one. I just feel bad for droppin’ you. I’m just glad you’re alright.”
That just made Ezran more determined to prove him right, to show that he was okay, that he could keep going. He squared his shoulders. “You don’t have to feel bad. Accidents happen to everyone! But if it helps, I forgive you.”
The elf laughed softly, the noise rattling somewhere in his chest as Callisto snickered too, and a gentle hand squeezed Ezran’s shoulder gratefully. The shadow sign for thank you was similar enough that Ezran knew it without Callisto relaying it to him, and he grinned back proudly at catching it.
He still wasn’t as good at sign language as Callum, and now he had to add a whole other sign language to his learning list! It was worth it for the way it made Aunt Amaya and Skor both smile though.
“Look ahead,” Runaan called from in front of them, and they all looked up.
“Oh wow, I didn’t know there were so many of you! Hi hi hi!” The little human girl said brightly from the back of the wolf. “I came to show you how to find the miracle healer! Come on!”
Without waiting for an answer, she and the wolf turned around and bounded up the slope ahead.
“I assume that’s the girl and wolf ye mentioned?” Callisto asked, as they all abruptly stopped, the elves all just sort of staring after her.
Ezran nodded. “Yep. At least we have someone with us who knows where to find the miracle healer now! Maybe she won’t be all the way at the top like the Guardian is.” He said, with a cringing look up the slope.
“Oh, wait, let me introduce you guys!” Callum called, and they all converged on Ellis and Ava when the wolf paused to listen to him. At least she seemed to realize they needed to talk to each other, unlike the girl on her back. “Everyone, this is Ellis. Ellis, this is, uh . . . well that’s Rayla, and that’s Runaan, Andromeda, Ram, Skor, Callisto, and also Corvus. He’s new. The rest of them we met when they . . . uh. Broke into our castle trying to kill Ezran.”
They all paused for a moment and Ellis looked around at the elves in sudden confusion and concern. Ezran suppressed a flash of irritation at his brother for his terrible explanations. He didn’t have to lead with that! “But we’re past that now,” He said quickly. “They’re our friends.”
With that, the concern melted immediately from Ellis’ face and she was back to beaming at them. She flipped upside down on Ava’s back to grin at Rayla. “People meet in so many interesting ways!”
“So, where do we find this miracle healer?” Rayla asked with a smile, as Runaan knelt in front of the wolf with a more serious expression. He reached for the collar around the wolf’s neck and Ezran met her gaze, the wolf suddenly realizing something and rumbling when he touched it, lifting the stone where he could see it.
“The truth is, I never found her - she found us.” Ellis said. “We were hiding in a big twisty hollow tree, up near the rim.”
Of course it was up near the top. Ezran sighed softly.
“I’ll get us to that tree, the healer will find us there, and she’ll save the egg!” The girl said brightly.
“And maybe she can help your hands,” Ezran said hopefully.
“Don’t worry about our hands. The egg is all that matters now.” Ram said firmly.
Runaan hummed softly. “I suppose it does not matter much, as our destination remains the same, but I feel this is important to share. There is likely . . . there is no miracle healer. The woman this girl - Ellis - encountered was most likely the Guardian of the Nexus.”
“But wait, that doesn’t make any sense,” Callum argued. “We can see that she has four legs now! I thought moon magic couldn’t do that kind of stuff.”
The wolf whined, and Ezran met her eyes. She shifted her weight off the leg, pawing at nothing, and he got the sense she felt no weight from it, though it supported her when she stepped back down. His eyes widened with understanding. “The leg isn’t real,” He blurted out, aware of almost everyone turning to look at him. “It’s just an illusion, isn’t it? Ava - Ava said so.”
Runaan’s snow-white brows shot towards his hairline as he replied. “Yes, it is. The collar gives the illusion substance with the gemstone in it. It is a moonstone etched with the moon rune. The leg is solid enough to touch, to support her weight, but she likely feels no weight from it, either, and I would wager she’s never injured it again, either, or suffered from the paw being too cold. That would be too complicated an illusion to maintain without conscious thought.”
“How did you know that?” Callum asked suspiciously, zeroed in on Ezran, and Ezran scowled at him.
“I told you, I can understand animals.” He said, already grumpy from how many years Callum had spent telling him he was wrong.
Callum groaned. “Ezran, we’ve been over this, that’s not true! Why are you always lying to people about it?”
“Boys,” Runaan said sharply, and Ezran bit the inside of his lip at how much he sounded like - like his dad.
Andromeda frowned. “Wait, have I missed something? Ezran, you can communicate with the animals?”
“Can you believe this?” Callum said. “Come on, Ez. Tell the truth. The first time he did this, I asked him to prove it. So Ezran said that a group of raccoons had told him there was a treasure hidden behind a waterfall! But when I went behind the waterfall, did I find a treasure?”
Frustration burned in Ezran’s chest and he stared at the ground, clutching the straps of the backpack that held the egg. “No.” He grumbled bitterly.
“But did my underwear get soaked?”
“Case closed!”
“The raccoons were being mischievous!” Ezran protested. “I have since learned you cannot trust raccoons.”
“This is ridiculous. See, this is why you can’t make friends.” Callum accused.
It was a familiar sore spot and Ezran just scowled at him, choosing not to point out how Callum couldn’t do it and Callum didn’t have any friends either, except for sort of Soren - less now that he was a full Crownguard - and Claudia. And Callum wasn’t even the prince who had to deal with people lying all the time, since nobody expected him to be in charge of anything once he grew up.
“Callum!” Rayla, Runaan, and Andromeda all barked at once, and Callum actually flinched, and Ezran blinked at them with surprise as he felt someone kneel behind him and Skor’s hand landed on his shoulder protectively.
“Back off,” Rayla warned.
“That’s quite enough,” Runaan said, at the same time as Andromeda said “That’s enough!” He shot a look at both of them and was the only one to proceed. “I admit that the ability is . . . rare, and I have never heard of it on this side of the border, but . . . tales exist in Xadia of folk capable of understanding the thoughts of animals around them. It is not impossible, though I am surprised by it occurring here of all places.”
Ezran blinked up at him in amazement. “You believe me?”
Runaan smiled at him, his often cold teal eyes gentle this time. “Yes. And if this is the response you receive for being honest about it, I do understand why it has not come up before.” He shot Callum a harsher look, raising one eyebrow at him.
Callisto made a short noise of realization. “Back on the boat, when ye said Bait wanted t’ know if I liked animals - you actually did mean Bait, didn’t you?” They asked in a slightly awed voice.
Ezran nodded, a little ashamed. “I knew you wouldn’t believe me, but I had to ask. Bait’s a good judge of character. He liked your answer.”
The elf smiled at him almost sadly. “I’m glad.”
“So you’re saying that this whole time . . . it was real?” Callum said skeptically.
“Yep.” Ezran said, pouting at him, only partially on purpose. It had been years since he talked to anyone about this. No one believed him! Callum stood with him on most things but this he’d had to keep entirely to himself, because even Callum had told him he was crazy.
To his surprise, Callum’s shoulders dropped, and his face went serious as he looked down for a minute before looking up at Ezran. “Then . . . I think I owe you an apology, Ezran.”
“Well . . . at least one.” Ezran said, hugging Bait.
“I’m sorry I didn’t believe you. I promise I’ll never doubt you again.” Callum swore with his hand over his heart.
Ezran narrowed his eyes at him. “Do you really mean it?”
“I really do.” Callum promised.
Ezran smiled, mischief and a desire for some small vengeance blooming in his heart. “Then you have to do the thing.”
“Here?” Callum glanced at the elves, Corvus, and Ellis. “Now?”
Ezran grinned wider, made his eyes as wide and cute as possible, and nodded wordlessly.
To his delight, Callum just looked at him for a minute before heaving a great sigh and starting to do it. Ezran clapped a beat for him even as he started laughing, the elves shifting apart to give his brother room to bounce around for the sake of - “Callum’s famous jerkface dance!”
When he looked around at the others, he couldn’t help laughing at the varying reactions. Ram, Corvus, and Rayla all looked more confused than anything. Andromeda had both hands covering her mouth but her grin had reached her eyes and her shoulders were shaking as if with laughter. Runaan appeared mostly stoic, watching Callum’s dance with one raised brow, but Ezran thought he detected a glimmer of a smile pulling at his mouth. Ellis was just blinking with fascination. Skor was shaking his head but he was smiling, as if amused in spite of himself, and Callisto was visibly biting their lip to keep from laughing.
“Knees higher! Knees higher!” Ezran heckled just to be a brat, and Callum actually did it, started lifting his knees higher, and this was why they had the jerkface dance to begin with. It was hard to stay mad after Callum apologized when he did something this silly to prove he meant it!
“So, not that this isn’t hilarious, and super adorable,” Ellis said. “But who’s the Guardian, if she’s not a miracle healer who saved my Ava?”
Runaan glanced at the other elves and sighed, rubbing his forehead. “I suppose we have another human guest on this little mission for the time being.” He said wearily. “The Guardian is an elf, a mage left behind to guard the Moon Nexus . . . a place of great power, once the center of Moonshadow elven society, and the greatest concentration of moon magic in the world. I will explain further as we walk. It is best we keep moving. The sooner we reach the peak, the better for the egg.”
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yknow what minor transient detail abt s4 is fun to me? prior to john's reveal, noel apparently assumes the KIY to be a totally unfamiliar character to them both. he pauses his story to give background info on him ("he rules the dreamlands, he's a master manipulator, etc") in a way he doesn't with other stuff. he points out yellow like "that's the bitch btw. if you were curious." which is. like he knows they were in the dreamlands. i think he knows or at least assumes they were in the pits for a while given they ran into lorick. what does he think they were doing there. just. passing through??
#the nemesis speaks#mv liveblog#malevolent spoilers#like it's not SUCH an unreasonable assumption especially with arthur doing his level best to Not React in a way that will draw suspicion#+ lorick says the KIY doesn't even know he's down there so you can get to the pits by other means#but like. not just to have not directly interacted with the king but to be completely unfamiliar with him as a concept?? ?#that i feel would strike him as kind of odd. what does he imagine is up with them.#i would pay money for a genuine cards on the table conversation btwn them all that doesn't happen at gunpoint#relatedly a lot of The Order is fun from noel's pov#the point where arthur has to hard stop to remind john where they are and what's happening for one.#and he's just gotta be like hm. okay. that's. deeply concerning but i don't think we have time to get into it right now#also the part where art starts addressing yellow as. well. ''yellow.'' like making it obvious they know each other already#i just think it's funny that noel still doesn't know shit fuck about what's happened in the rest of the podcast#but now he's finding out apparently arthur's had two totally separate fragments of the king in his head at different points? and he's fine?#and one of them has beef with him?? and he's talking DOWN to it?? he's... apologizing for... fucking up... raising..... it....?? ? ?#round of applause for noel's ability to Just Roll With It everyone#like god. he thought he was facing down with the all-powerful source of ten years of hardcore trauma#and then arthur's just like. every fragment of the king in this room answers to me. i'm gonna antagonize one of em into manifesting#just for the hell of it. just so i can have a lil chat. because i can do that easily and with zero fear of repercussions.#hi fragment of the Fucking KIY that i gave a stupid nickname and apparently feel some kind of responsibility for.#what do u think noel thought abt that. i feel like he probably thought it was kinda hot#hm. these tags are getting away from me a bit. this is kind of me liveblogging a transcript reread. i'm gonna stop now#malevanalysis
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i think it’d be so cute if sukuna is napping and his son comes to put flowers in his hair 🥹
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ minors / ageless blogs / blank blogs - do not interact.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ tags: fluff; domestic - wc: 704
You glance from room to room, your worry pinching between your brows. The two of you had just come back from the garden and while you were distracted speaking to your ladies in waiting, your son decided to scamper off with his little basket of treasures somewhere else within the palace. It takes you a few minutes until his possible whereabouts click in your head, so you turn on your heel and head towards the opposite direction.
The screen door is open, revealing the cursed king's quarters. Sukuna was fast asleep, taking his usual mid-afternoon nap. Rai is standing by his side, one hand holding his basket while the other slowly rummages through the delicate flowers inside.
Your son places a yellow flower between the blades of his father's pink hair, having already curated a small field while you've been searching for him this whole time.
Rai scrunches his nose thoughtfully, a unique little trait he does when thinking which Sukuna recently pointed out to you. He rummages through the petals and leaves, until finally pulling out a purple bloom that suited his eye. The stem is longer and thicker than the others, but you hold back a laugh watching your son directly stab the end atop the crown of his father's head.
Sukuna grimaces.
Rai huffs out a breath of disappointment, mirroring his father's disgruntled expression as he tries to plunge the flower into the roots of his scalp once again.
Sukuna groans lightly, bringing one arm to lightly wave over his head, assuming it might just be a pesky fly.
Rai pulls the flower close to his face, staring at it thoughtfully before raising his brow as an idea passes through.
He then, smartly, slides the stem through the crack behind Sukuna's ear, effectively waking up your beast from his slumber.
Sukuna's eyes flutter open, one hand reaching to swipe away his son's tiny palm but the second he feels the warmth of his skin his whole body relaxes.
"What are you doing, pest?" he murmurs, the scratch in his voice a sign of his exhaustion.
"We got flowers!" your son squeaks, the basket slipping from his hand as Sukuna scoops him up from the ground.
He stands upright - his height daunting, and your child almost a comical figure clutched against his muscular frame.
Rai brings two hands to his cheeks, "You look nice, papa!"
"I was sleeping," he pouts with frustration, noticing your presence when he tilts his head to face you.
His shoulders relax, his body angling your way as he approaches you. He shakes his hair out halfway through, a rain of flowers cascading into a trail behind his feet.
Rai whips his head furiously. "Papa, the flowers!" he exclaims, wriggling slightly to release himself.
Sukuna sighs as he crouches onto the floor, allowing Rai to gather up the flowers that fell.
"Wait, I'll put 'em back on..." his son insists.
Sukuna rolls his eyes before gazing up at you helplessly from underneath his lashes, remaining kneeled to stay on his son's level.
"Just toss it away-" he curly replies.
Rai pauses and looks down at the flowers in his hands. A few seconds register for him to comprehend his father's command, but he misunderstood the snide comment and instead through the flowers above his head like they were strings of confetti.
Sukuna facepalms, and you chuckle.
Rai giggles at both your reactions, and picks up the bruising petals and wilting stems from the ground.
Despite his withdrawn reactions, Sukuna's body responds with devotion. He makes room for his son to slot himself back into his frame, and naturally tilts his head lower so that he can stick the flowers back into his hair once again.
You inch closer to the pair, your lover instantly curling an arm around the back of your thighs to welcome you into his embrace.
"He's right," you blurt, "you do look pretty..."
"Don't start with me, brat," Sukuna teasingly responds through gritted teeth.
When Rai manages to stick the last flower back on, he seals the act by holding his father's chin and kissing him softly on the jaw.
The cursed king hums, and your heart flutters with love.
#sukuna x reader#sukuna x you#sukuna x y/n#sukuna fluff#dad sukuna x reader#dad!sukuna#dad sukuna series#the way you claim me#true form sukuna x reader#true form sukuna x you#jujutsu kaisen fluff#jjk fluff
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So I’m constantly thinking about Charles and how he could eventually meet Edwin with his feelings.
Here’s something I realized: Charles, despite constantly talking about things he miss, things he wants, he actually has a complicated relationship with desire as a concept.
How I would put it is by taking Supernatural as an example. There’s an episode in Season 5 where the boys meet Famine, a horseman of the apocalypse. However, Dean is not at all affected by him. It’s because due to being the older brother, and a Hunter, Dean was never allowed to consider acting on or even having desire for anything.
You can see where I’m going with this. Charles, like Dean, doesn’t actually believe he should want anything, due to “not being good enough”.
This is something actually touched on subtly in the show through the acting. When Niko says, “I know what it’s like to want something you can’t have.” Edwin directly looks at The Cat King’s bracelet, while Charles stares off into space. When Tragic Mick describes Angie’s light as enforcing a sense of yearning, Edwin looks at Charles, while again, Charles looks off blankly (can’t access screenshots right now). Edwin knows what he wants but is scared of it, while Charles doesn’t know what he wants because he can’t allow himself to consider it. This gives an entirely new meaning to Charles’ hatred of the Cat King. A supernatural entity who describes his kingdom as being about “want and pleasure”. Thomas is the encapsulation of everything Charles was never allowed to have. Charles chases after things that he knows he can’t have, romancing a living girl despite knowing she will eventually leave. Charles can’t consider returning Edwin’s feelings because that would mean he’s been running away from what’s been in front of him the whole time. That what he wanted was always there, at his lowest point, when he thought he deserved it least.
Returning Edwin’s feelings means he was already enough. And Charles can’t imagine that yet.
While I would obviously adore an interaction between Charles and Desire of The Endless, ultimately I don’t think it would do anything. Like Dean, Charles might be completely unaffected by them because he’s spent most of his existence building walls around his desires. Edwin was completely blindsided by Thomas because he never even considered having to think about Desire due to having no attraction to women and that being the dominant narrative of his time. Charles pursues Crystal because he still wants to feel like he has a chance at “normal life” (which as I said is self-punishment by throwing himself at something he knows he can’t have). To accept that he’s in love with Edwin would mean no longer pursuing a living person. Edwin would be it for him, which he kind of already gets but it hasn’t fully sunk in yet. Just like his death
There's also this exchange that drives me nuts:
"You gave up tranquil eternity…for your friend?" "Does that sound like someone who belongs in Hell?"
THIS. MAKES. ME. INSANE. Because Charles, like he always does when confronted with his own wants, completely avoids it. He doesn't respond to The Night Nurse's obvious confusion as to why he ran from Death, and instead turns the conversation back to Edwin. He makes it all about what Edwin deserves, not what Charles saw in Edwin that led him to make that choice. You could say this is practical as time is of the essence, but I think that's the point. Charles throws away the chance to explain his viewpoint on their first meeting, the consequences of his choice to run from Death with a boy he just met and knew for a few hours, and instead remains single-minded on Edwin's safety. Like when Edwin reasonably questioned, "Why are you getting angry?" when he began freaking out over Thomas getting close to Edwin, he says nothing.
There's just so much happening in that head that I can't stop thinking about.
#text#meta writing#dead boy detectives#charles rowland#edwin payne#payneland#my baby boy just needs to realize he is loved#regardless of what he does and does not get right
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The Summoning
Sukuna is the King of Curses, a God, an almighty being who answers to no one. But why does it feel like some divine force is pulling him towards you? -> This is part of my Blog Anniversary Event (closed). @lucifers-baby-girl requested the song "The Summoning" by Sleep Token.
Pairing: Trueform!Sukuna x Reader (female) Genre: fluff Word Count: 1k Warnings: 18+, implied sexual intercourse, but no explicit descriptions. Dub-con at first (Sukuna is the King of Curses and orders Reader to give herself to him. But they gradually develop a loving relationship.) All characters are of age. This story is 18+. Minors don't interact.
He doesn't know what it is that makes him come back over and over again to this small hut in the middle of the forest. He stumbled upon it weeks ago after burning down a village nearby. On his way back to his temple, he found you. You stared at him with wide eyes before you fell to your knees and greeted him respectfully, inquiring how you could serve the great Sukuna-Sama.
And he grinned when he pulled you up and told you exactly how he wanted you to serve your King. There was fear in your eyes, but you gave yourself to him obediently, leading him into your bedroom, slipping out of your clothes, and offering your warm, soft body to him.
He came back to you two days later. And again and again, he keeps coming back.
It's like he is a hunter following a trail of blood that leads him to his prey. And maybe this is quite fitting because he is a hunter, and you, as small and weak as you are next to his huge figure, can only be seen as prey. So fragile in his four muscular arms, so helpless under his heavy body. But why is it then that he feels as if you hold a power over him he never experienced before?
Why does he come here almost every night? Why is he restless when he cannot make it to your hut because he is too busy? Why does he seek your company? Why does it feel as if he needs to be close to you?
At first, it was just a rough meeting of bodies. It was him claiming you, taking what's rightfully his because he is the King of Curses, because he is a God, and he can have whatever and whoever he desires.
But then you asked him if he would like to stay for dinner.
He had laughed, amused by your bravery that you asked the monster to spend more time with you instead of being grateful that he was finished with you and would leave you again.
But he was a man who enjoyed food, and so he stayed and sat there on the floor of your small hut, smirking as he let you serve him the meal you had prepared. To his surprise, it tasted delicious even though it wasn't made of the ingredients he usually consumed.
He let you sit on his lap afterward and petted your hair as if you were a small animal. You didn't flinch when his large hand touched your head. You didn't tremble in fear when his lips trailed over your neck. Not to bite, but to breathe in your scent and to place a possessive kiss on your soft skin.
Maybe he keeps coming back because you are such a mystery to him. Why do you treat him with kindness? Why do you not only willingly offer your body to him but also give him your food and your smiles?
You even hold conversations with him. Another thing Sukuna isn't used to. Uraume is the only one who occasionally talks to him. Really talks to him. Everyone else just grovels before him, asking him for things, wanting something from him. All of them are just begging and praying and getting on his nerves with their demands. A good harvest, protection from their enemies, mercy for their villages. It tires him.
But you hand him a bowl of soup, smile at him and ask,
"How was your day, Lord Sukuna?"
And he tells you about holding court, about being bored while having to listen to some noblemen trying to get him on their side.
You nod and cock your head, eyeing him curiously, not even shying away from looking directly into all four of his sapphire-colored eyes.
"And did you also do something that brought you joy?"
He blinks before he laughs,
"Being the King of Curses doesn't bring the joy I thought it would. But I am having joy right now."
It is true, and the realization haunts him the whole way back to his temple. Is that it? Is that the reason he keeps visiting you? Because he feels something when he is with you?
He tries to keep his distance after this revelation, disturbed by the thought of being somehow dependent on you.
But he only lasts a week before he finds his way back to your small hut. Not feeling like a hunter following a blood trail, but more like a man pulled here by the power of fate. A man guided by some divine force. As if you are summoning him here by a magic he isn't familiar with.
You open the door with a smile, and that smile grows even bigger when he lifts you up and carries you to your bed. Your lips find his before he is able to claim yours.
It's the same again, just like the last time he met you, bodies entangled in a passionate embrace, lips moving against each other, soft groans filling the small room when Sukuna takes you, your tiny hands caressing his muscular back with a gentleness that almost scares him.
He doesn't feel like leaving your bed after you both found completion. Instead, he wraps his arms around you, all four of them, and pulls you against his broad body, laughing softly at how small you look with your face resting on his chest and your small hand tracing the firm muscles on his stomach, giggling when he lets his mouth down there open to flick his tongue over your fingertips.
"I am glad you came back to me, Sukuna. I was worried. I was scared you were injured or something like that."
His chest fills with a strange warmth. He cannot remember anyone ever being worried about him.
"Don't fear, little one. No one can defeat me."
But as the words leave his lips, he knows he isn't speaking the truth. It is right that no army can defeat him. No King, no God holds power over him. But there is a human woman, soft and warm, snuggled against his chest, who somehow touches his soul and holds his heart in her tiny hands. And for the first time in his life, Sukuna thinks he met someone who could bring him to his knees.
This was my first time writing Trueform!Sukuna and I hope you liked it aaaaah!! I just feel like the lyrics fit perfectly for a historical Sukuna story, and since I wanted to add the hunter and prey vibe, Trueform!Sukuna worked the best for me.
Thank you so much for the prompt!! I loved writing this!! Please let me know what you think.
Comments and reblogs would be sweet!!
#sukuna x reader#ryomen sukuna#sukuna#sukuna fluff#sukuna smut#jjk x reader#sukuna x you#sukuna x y/n#tw dubcon
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[ Creator Special! ]
Heya! Another creator special for you guys :)
So for this one, I don’t know really. I have so many ideas for different Sonic AU’s and comics I want to do but I don’t want to burn myself out even if I have the urge to DRAW DRAW DRAW (cough cough check out my other Sonic art over on @verizzafai )
I am soo grateful for all the support on this blog and I want to provide for yall for awhile. So it won’t wrap up too soon, but I don’t see this particular ask blog lasting more than a year :) (especially with how fast I pump these out)
And thank you 💞

Ok here’s my height head canons! (just taller and shorter, not specific to eachother btw)

Wanting to address both of these in the same comment.
Of course!!! You are very welcome to start your own ask blog, if you base it directly after mine I’d atleast put a credit somewhere, but if it’s just the idea of “stick them in a room” then you never even have to ask! Also link me when you do… I would love to see it… hehe!
I am very aware of @askssgenerations and their work, while similar in concept, is different to mine! From what they’ve shown/teased their story is going to be very different from mine and I encourage you to check them out if you want more Ask Blog shenanigans. They even were very kind to give me credits for the similarities in our blogs.
I also sort of addressed this in one of my anecdotes at the bottom of my posts but I want to say it again here. Anyone is welcome to do this idea, it’s not a super unique one, you know? Stick a bunch of dudes in a room and make them interact. We love those!!! So go ahead! Create away.
Please remember to be kind :)

It’s mostly just the fact that they’re knight and king… not super professional for a KING to be in love with a knight, even a high ranking one such as Lancelot.
They’re figuring it out :’)

No, paradox is the only one who knows and he’s going to keep his mouth SHUT! (To everyone else that is, even Prism.)
He’s not as put off by them because Lance and Arthur aren’t “Sonic and Shadow” like the others, so If/when the others find out, they can sorta excuse it.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed this one!
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okay I said I was going to give more thoughts on act 5 of ISAT and then uh. I didn't. oopsies. but we're here now!!
I loved Odile's friendquest in this act SO much. one of my favorite things about the way the game handled Siffrin's actions throughout the entirety of act 5 in general is that everyone's reactions to him were so DIFFERENT. but not only were they different, they had reasons for being different. it wasn't just "Siffrin says something messed up, hurts someone's feelings, pushes it down, rinse and repeat". each "breakdown" was specifically tailored to be character specific. to fit in with how they've behaved in the story thus far, as well as how Siffrin feels about them/tends to respond to them in particular. with Mirabelle, it really was entirely accidental. Siffrin didn't even realize how their wording might come across in the moment. It wasn't him lashing out in any way - just him genuinely trying to cut corners. Odile?? Odile's was very different. it's easy to see that there's a lot of tension between Siffrin and Odile - more tension than there is with anyone else. Odile has been a thorn in Sif's side - constantly observing and watching and theorizing about why they're behaving strangely. I did the sus quest. Sif knows that she has the ability to figure it out. Consequently, they have to be way more aware of her than anyone else. (side note that's not entirely relevant to this but I want to bring it up - the fact Siffrin believes that her constant eye on him is because "she doesn't trust you" makes me sick. because that's not it at all. they might pretend it is. hell, she might act like it is. but it's not and she knows that. she knows it's because she's worried because she cares and Siffrin can't understand that.) so I feel like they took the "mistake" of messing up with Odile harder than they took any of the other interactions. because how could they be so stupid. how could they forget. how could he forget that she always figures it out.
so of course he lashes out. not only are they being faced with the same blinding mistake they've made over and over and over again, it's also a reminder that she doesn't trust him. (and why should she?).
and then she goes and makes it all worse by calling him a "friend". because they know that's not how she sees them. he believes that she doesn't trust him. so it must seem like she's directly lying to his face - and she thinks they're too dense to see through it.
I love that Odile doesn't back down. she doesn't shy away when they start yelling at her. she doesn't let it slide just because she made them upset (Isa and Mira both probably would - though Isa would try and get them to talk about it later). she pushes, because that's the only way she's going to get any answers.
the way you can feel her anger when Siffrin hits her where it hurts the most (without even seeing her face) is just AUHGSKJDHFKJSH. the writing of this game. the details. never cease to amaze me. I love the way she snaps back. she doesn't get angry, she doesn't yell - and yet somehow it hurts just as badly.
I also love the way Siffrin reflects on it - the way they acknowledge that "she was only worried about you!!!" because deep down he knows that their friends do actually care about him. the way Odile handles the situation afterwards as well - at the clocktower?????? I love that you can tell she's trying so hard to make the "right" choice to not endanger them when it's not what she wants. she doesn't want to leave Siffrin behind. If they weren't going to take on the King the next day, I guarantee you she'd be using anything in her power to figure out what was going on with him. I don't have the exact quote rn but at the end of the sus questline she mentions that she can't let something go when she finds it odd - and this is BEYOND odd. but she has to put the safety of the whole group and their mission first, and I love seeing that side of her.
#isat odile#isat#in stars and time#in stars and time odile#isat act 5#in stars and time act 5#isat thoughts#2nd post yapping about Odile let's go#i feel like this is somehow even more incoherent than the mirabelle one sorry#I was originally planning to combine this with my bonnie thoughts because I didn't think I had much to say on either#but I guess i did#whoopsies#will I ever get to isas#anyways odile I love you#isat spoilers#isat act 5 spoilers#in stars and time spoilers
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Okay, here’s an interesting one.
Before seeing your content, I’d basically only ever heard the term “power fantasy” used as a derogatory term to describe over-the-top protagonists who are strong and cool, but also boringly devoid of personality so the audience can project onto them. But then some of your League videos talked about skins letting characters like Gragas “inhabit more interesting power fantasies.”
So… when are power fantasies a good thing? The best I’ve got is that it only works in interactive media like video games so that the audience can more directly engage with the fantasy (essentially: Dante from DMC works, Kirito from SAO does not)
I mean, power fantasies are just endemic to storytelling as a whole. There isn't really a hard "this is when they're good, this is when they're bad," they are core to several genres of media and can't be extracted from them. Most video games are power fantasies, just by nature of their mechanics.
Power fantasy isn't a genre (usually), it is just a tool, same as any other trope or convention. It is a means to engage the audience with a story.
An RPG where you level up and become stronger to defeat more difficult enemies? That's a power fantasy. Undertale where you get the best ending by finding some way to spare absolutely every monster and end every fight mercifully? Power fantasy. The Tomb Raider reboot games that take an almost sadistic glee in putting Lara Croft through absolute hell both physically and emotionally? Those are power fantasies about overcoming and surviving those impossible challenges.
They're not just power fantasies, they have lots of other stuff going on, but power fantasy is an inherent part of them. Romance stories also often include power fantasies, specifically about the power of love. "He's broody, dark and broken, but my love can fix him" is a power fantasy, for example, as is "an unjust society keeps us apart, but we will defy everything to be together!"
Even being The Final Girl who beats the horror monster and walks away at the end of the movie can be a power fantasy, if a rather grim one.
If there is a general case where power fantasies become "bad," I think it is when the power fantasy is all there is, and it subsumes all other parts of the story. Shonen manga often runs into this as they get longer, and the power system and escalating battles against ever more powerful foes become the overriding driving force of the story, to the exclusion of everything else. Shaman King comes to mind for me as a particularly egregious example, or Bleach.
Isekai is also riven with this. You can't walk two steps these days without tripping on a "TRANSPORTED TO ANOTHER WORLD WITH MY SUPER OP CHEAT SKILL" premise, where the entire purpose of the story is simply to act out unchallenged wish fulfilment with no friction or tension or character development. Those stories get boring very very fast... unless of course the power fantasy being played out is your specific power fantasy. Yes, OP protagonists winning everything with no challenge is boring, but this OP protagonist is building a sapphic cottagecore witch polycule with an ever-expanding harem of emotionally damaged lesbians, so... y'know. Maybe I'll give it a pass.
It's generally less interesting and useful to observe THAT something is a power fantasy, than it is to observe WHAT KIND of power is being fantasized about. Zombie apocalypse stories are often power fantasies, for example, but there's a pretty noticeable difference between stories where the power fantasy is banding together and building a life with a found family in horrible circumstances, stealing joy from the end of the world in spite of everything... and stories where the zombie apocalypse is an excuse to enact paranoid right-wing prepper fantasies where the hero protects their property (home, land and women) against the verminous hordes of the monstrous Other, and is reified and uplifted by the employment of brutal violence.
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I probably missed it, but what IS your favourite Dungeon Meshi ship?
WELL SINCE YOU ASKED, I have a chart already hdhshdh
1) Farcille is my number one!!! I wish I’ve drawn more of them, but most of my ideas for them are longggg and angsty and take a lot more mental bandwith. I’ve said before, I approach comics like I’m pitching an idea, and I mostly* agree with people’s depictions of them, so I have less to say.
*I say mostly because I cannot stand when people depict Falin as possessive, or disregard her characterization to give her generic dommy alpha monster traits hdhshdjs NOT THAT IT’S BAD it just doesn’t feel true to her character. I find myself bored by it.
I’m also put off by some of the folks I’ve seen in the farcille tags. They’re like,,, cliquey?? There was a point where people were dunking on mlm ships that came off borderline terfy, as if most of the dungeon meshi mlm shippers aren’t transmascs and lesbians?? I wasn’t a fan of the hostility like lmao it’s cartoons man
2) labru……… I love them….. mostly just post-canon. I really love Kabru (I think he’s my favorite character overall) and I loveeee the poetry of their individual character arcs and how well they play together. Guy who struggles to be honest, even with his own feelings vs Guy who doesn’t even consider being anything except honest. Kabru needing to carefully, painstakingly craft a mask tailored to each individual he interacts with, vs Laios, who is the only one to make all of Kabru’s masks fall apart. Also I think they’re kinda aro about it. They’re really good t4t flavored too.
The main appeal is post-canon. The King and his advisor. His right hand man. But it’s also the way like,,, Laios is DEFINITELY not the one in charge in their relationship dhshshsh (and this is what peeves me about how @myszkaa’s labru comic got memed to hell and back…. they don’t understand the later of comedy is from the KING asking for PRAISE from his SUBORDINATE!!!)
I will say!! This ship has a lot of folks with good takes on it, but it’s not immune to flanderization and boring yaoification. It’s popular enough that there’s enough of the good stuff.
3) chilshi!! I’ll admit this one has less canon validation hdhshsh but I think they have a lot of post-canon potential, and I think their difference in lifespans + the contrast in their lifestyle habits is really interesting and directly addresses a lot of the Dungeon Meshi’s core themes.
Part of the reason I like hanging out with chilshi shippers is cause most of em are chill, more nuanced in discussions, and are actually willing to draw fat & hairy people. And middle aged people.
special mention Kabumisu. I WISH I LIKED THIS ONE MORE!! I’ve tried,,,, I see the potential but I’m so picky about it and most of the content for it does absolutely nothing for me 🙈
Another thing is I HAVE to be able to like a pairing platonically to ship them romantically. Obviously shipping isn’t the only thing that matters to be about dungeon meshi.
I could say a lot more. Feel free to ask about my thoughts 👍
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DPxDC or other such DP crossover fics sometimes like to flirt with the idea of immensely powerful/eldritch Ghost King and/or Ancient Of Space Danny who outclasses everyone else, but I feel like they often fall short of making his power come across as truly overwhelming instead of just like… “regular powerful”.
Like sure he can easily take out the designated Worf dangerous villain (often Darkseid in a DPxDC thing) but like… without the actual story itself truly establishing that character’s power beforehand, that doesn’t necessarily feel as impactful as it could.
And even if the story does try to establish that, “he just punches the enemy and they fold” doesn’t carry the same… pizazz as something more reality-shaking.
(Not that stories necessarily need that pizazz, but like for reinforcing the image of strength it’s certainly helpful, especially if you don’t have that established power to take down first)
So anyway here’s a sorta rambled set of ideas for that sort of “more overwhelming power” stuff
What if when Danny is summoned, the whole world lurches for a moment as all of the planet’s momentum is ground to a halt by his arrival then reinstated. Or maybe gravity just… stops working for a moment, letting many items drift upwards into the air before falling back down.
Perhaps the whole sky could suddenly shift too. The daytime sky blackens to night, or the night turns to day. Maybe all the stars flare up brightly enough to become visible despite the sun’s glare (probably also shining brightly enough to cause eye damage to anyone unlucky enough to be looking outside at the time).
Or you could go more horror/freaky eldritch with it. The stars change to resemble eyes staring down on the world. Whispers can be heard originating from somewhere in the sky above. Maybe you’re crazy, but you could swear there’s a pattern to the positions of the stars currently visible, some hidden message encoded within them.
Or like just generally… summoning something that powerful isn’t a quiet affair. The world feels his arrival.
Relatedly, though not quite as directly relevant to this post’s contents, you’d probably also want to greatly increase the difficulty of summoning him. He’s too impressive to be given a lame/easy summoning ritual, you know? Make them work for their chance to talk to something this powerful.
And what about when Danny is present? How would he interact with the world?
Maybe when he needs to grab something from somewhere distant, instead of just creating a small portal and reaching through, space itself folds. Their vision distorts and suddenly the other location is just there beside them as if it always had been. Danny casually just reaches across, grabs the item, and then the world returns to normal.
Or alternatively, a tiny version of the world appears in his hands—not just a copy but an instance of the planet itself—and he just reaches down into it and plucks the item up. If someone were to happen to look up from the item’s location while he did it, they would see a planet-sized figure reaching down and lifting the item away into the heavens. And as it shrinks away into the distant sky, it simultaneously grows to appear in Danny’s own hand retracting from the globe.
That effect could also appear in a more subtle fashion when he travels - instead of zipping through the air, he seems to walk casually, yet each step moves him forward an immense distance across the planet (or beyond).
And when he fights, he’s unstoppable. His regular abilities are already tuned up to a million - cold powerful to bring a whole planet to basically absolute zero, his wail nearly tearing the fabric of universe ahead of him apart, etc. But you could also give him other fancier things based on being Ancient of Space or Ghost King like throwing around miniature stars or black holes, pulling people’s souls out of their bodies, etc. Hell, just the manipulation of space on its own would open up ridiculous numbers of possibilities - redirecting attacks (guaranteeing that his attacks hit and that others’ attacks miss (or are even turned back on themselves)), stretching/compressing space around someone to prevent them from moving, folding space to drop them into something hazardous like a supernova, etc.
Again, this is a version of Danny that’s meant to be godlike. I feel like his power should be able to majorly reshape the whole world around him (and thus you’d want/need to openly shown it as such for that fact to come across).
Even if he isn’t fighting, there’s also the more passive possibilities because like, his power doesn’t necessarily just vanish when not in use.
His aura is often shown freezing people under the weight of his power, but let’s take it further into the theme. It doesn’t just make them freeze, it forces them to experience all the different ways they could die. Or maybe it’s a bit more on the space side of things and they bear witness to the scale of the universe and heat death, all the stars burning out as their whole universe goes dark.
Then Danny apologizes and suddenly the visions recede and they realize that wasn’t even an intentional threat. His mere presence is just like that unless he actively realizes and holds himself back.
Or there could also be like, casual references to situations so beyond the heroes’ perceptions.
He’s summoned and mentions like “oh yeah I solved those threats to your planet for you” and they’re like “Wait, threats? Plural? There was more than one?!”
Because to them, those other threats were impossible to see coming (e.g. a really small, really distant asteroid that wasn’t visible to any telescopes yet, or their universe being on a collision course with something else in the Infinite Realms, or etc). But to Danny they were like… obvious issues with easy fixes (or maybe not easy per se but like, a normal part of the job).
#i hope this is comprehensible#i’m broadly basing this off of him being the Ancient of Space but some are more Ghost King –y or etc#just like overall it’s meant to generally relate to if danny is meant to be eldritch/hella overpowered#which isn’t really my type of plot thing for the most part personally (i often don’t feel like i get the type of stakes i’m into) but i do#–hink the *eldritch* part has a lot of potential so i wanted to contributr to that aspect of it#eldritch danny fenton#OP danny fenton#ancient danny fenton#ancient of space danny fenton#ghost king danny fenton#summoning the ghost king#dp x dc#dpxdc#dc x dp#dcxdp#or could be another crossover like DP x Marvel#dp x marvel#marvel x dp#dp crossover#probably not pure DP though because it assumes there’s threats which are more befitting of a superhero setting
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I saw some light discourse going around hsrtwt about Ratio being bad/good/morally ambiguous
I'm not gonna comment on that too much cause I wanna talk about smth else but clearly he's a good person, probably one of the nicest people we meet compared to the war criminals and murderers. his major crime is that he's blunt, mean and makes his students cry (which is something about him I don't particularly enjoy for personal reasons, but still)
what I like, something that i feel like people tend to forget, is that he's very openly kind and caring
of course there's the basic stuff, like the fact that he pours his whole heart into making the universe a better place, has eradicated a whole illness called 'the king of illnesses' (so, supposedly, very deadly) and the entire not getting into the genius society because he cares about humanity too much. but also, you know

first of all, he has canonically made various statues depicting himself making a heart with his hands while smiling warmly. I've always found it endearing how he mildly prides himself on 'keeping the world at bay' and just being generally mean while also doing this so casually. I mean, it's a clear message: 'I love you' that's what he's saying, and he's saying it in a silly way

something a bit more hidden is these quotes from hoyolab's post. we all know the 'ignorance is an ailment' quote is directly taken from his character stories, making it canon. that subsequently makes the other two just as canon. obviously it's an official post, but I sometimes see people doubting the validity of these silly little snippets into the hsr universe
I don't particularly know if he is saying those last two quotes in general or to someone/a group of people in particular, but it's like... one of the sweetest (and corniest) things ever, and it makes me giggle a little bit. it almost felt out of character to me the first time I've seen these, but if you think about it, it's always been there

this one is from the valentines day ""event"" on twitter from earlier this year. I like his reaction to the gift for he still has some of his usual, you know, 'I cannot bear to hear such foolish questions'. he's being nice in his own way here, his demeanor is just barely reserved but the sentiment behind his words remains a positive one

another quick thing, though I don't have more examples for this one. he's always going on about how you should always consider whether the question you're about to ask already has an answer (so encouraging you to think for yourself) but he's still Always offering to help. in this and, if I remember correctly, in the mail description you get when you used to receive him for free he's making it clear that he's willing to help you discuss things for you to understand them better and will answer any question as long as it's not a 'stupid' one. he is a teacher, after all. the biggest thing about him is that he wants people to do better. other than this, despite his slight reluctance to help others himself, he does say in his character trailer that sometimes a little encouragement is required

and he does encourage people openly when they do good! no 'I suppose this is acceptable' nor 'I guess you did good'. when someone or something impresses him, he genuinely expresses it. I like to point this out because I see so many people say he's self absorbed or puts himself above others, when that is simply not true. which, I mean, can also be seen in his small little interactions with Herta, Ruan Mei and Screwllum (he literally praises them)

then he also says this a couple times. I don't exactly know what he considers courtesy or discourtesy, but it's clear that at least not all his blunt or mean words are meant to offend. this is something I'd love to look further into, but for now simply want to put here with the rest cause it's an interesting thing about him. he is already described as elegant, which implies a certain level of basic courtesy and politeness when interacting with others, though this just slightly crashes with his 'rude' demeanor
supposedly, you could make the argument that while he canonically realizes how non-endearing he can be (knows his own shortcomings, one of the exact traits he praises) perhaps he actively struggles with coming off as nice. and seeing all I've pointed out so far, maybe all those instances of him being nice are how he'd prefer to come off as (some times). that is unless I missed some bits of canon dialogue where it's implied otherwise
this isn't that detailed or well made of a post, nor the first time someone has pointed out this stuff. in fact I reblogged an incredibly good, lengthy post some time ago that talks more in depth about how nice/kind of a person Veritas Ratio really is
I simply cannot stand when he is described as cold, uncaring, selfish, self-centered or someone incapable of being gentle and loving. and it's not nearly as subtle as people seem to think it is
#i just love him so much#and wanted to yap about him for a while#honkai star rail#hsr#star rail#hsr dr ratio#dr ratio#veritas ratio#can you tell I'm mentally ill?
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How will you meet your next lover?

Group 1
Cards : 2 of pentacles, Knight of pentacles, Temperance, page of cups, ace of swords, 4 of pentacles
This feels like a work setting or at least a work related meeting. You might not necessarily meet them directly at work but your occupation may lead you to meet this person. I feel like either one or both of you are in a transition when you meet. If not, a period of instability. It's like you're not really sure whether you want to keep going in the direction you're headed to. When you meet, I feel like the connection is instantly going really smoothly. You and this person may be chatting right away, exchanging ideas and tips. However, I feel like both of you are on the reserve. I don't see anyone being at the origin of your meeting with them. You will likely be surrounded by people but they will not come into play here. It's just you and your person interacting with each other. I feel like both of you are single when this happens. The transition phase may concern your respective studies or career. There might not be much going on upon first meeting. But you will instantly feel attracted to them, especially to their mind. In terms of timing, I'm picking up on a few years. A little pigy bank was depicted on the 4 of pentacles card. So I'm getting the message that in order to meet this person, you will have to save money. Or you will meet them at a point in your life when you or they need to save money for a project. Maybe you live at a distance from one another and when this person meets you, you or they are only there for a short period of time. Which would explain the transition thing. Think about a tourist visiting a country and making acquaintances with the locals.
Group 2
Cards : 4 of pentacles, 9 of swords, Queen of swords, Magician, 6 of swords, King of pentacles
I am getting a work setting from this group as well. You might have felt drawn to group 1 too. For this group, I'm picking up on a difficult phase in your career. Maybe you've reached a stalemate. You're working really hard to ensure your future and stability but somehow you're not seeing any progress. This may lead to you feeling anxious or even being depressed. I see that during this period of time, you're not entertaining any relationship. You feel very guarded and hurt and the last thing you need is for someone to come into your life and see you stuck in this mess. Yet, that's what happens. This person is also single and very career focused. You may meet them at a time of their life when they're travelling for learning purposes. This person has reached a stale mate in their career as well. And in order to overcome this phase, they have decided to make a move and find an opportunity to learn more and get more resources. This person decided to force their luck so to speak. "If I'm not going to be given the sucess that I seek, I'm going to create it on my own, no matter how hard that may be" was their mindset. Neither of you expected to meet each other. I don't know why I keep talking in past tense. This could be an indication that you may have met this person already. I get a vibe from you that both of you are very witty and cerebral people. This may be what got you to interact with each other in the first place. I'm picking up on different zodiac signs which could give us an indication as to who they are or when you met them. We have Gemini, Libra, Taurus and Scorpio. So that gives us a time frame from mid June to mid November. You may have met them during Summer.
Group 3
Cards : Hierophant, 5 of cups, The World, 10 of pentacles, King of cups, 10 of cups
For this group, the place of the meeting may vary. What triggers this meeting is a loss. It could be the loss of a partnership in any form (person, contract) or of an important belief system. In both cases, this really affected you on a spiritual and emotional level. When you start to overcome this loss and feel a bit more optimistic about life is when this person comes in. You may be travelling abroad or interacting with a lot of foreigners online. Your job or studies are going well. You may be travelling or enhancing your presence online in order to gain knowledge, notoriety or resources. The person you meet is very generous. Right off the bat, you will get a very good impression of this person. They will make you feel safe and cared for like no other. One way that you can recognize this person is by how sweet and kind they are. They will gift you many things out of the blue, for no other reason than to make you smile. They will give you compliments out of the blue, reassure you very frequently, encourage you every step you take. This person is a very good listener and a reliable support system. When you meet and start interacting, you may be living at a distance from each other and thus use social media to stay in touch. I'm picking up on fixed signs very strongly, especially Taurus and Scorpio. When you meet this person, you will notice that a lot of things in your life are improving. It will almost feel surreal. It's like this person has unlocked a cheat code that you weren't aware of and now all you ask for is in your hands. Lucky you!
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➜﹒ WHO Y0U FOOLIN' ? ★ ⌒⌒

✿﹕WINDBREAKER BOYS : headcanons !! ft. nirei akihiko, hayato suo, haruka sakura, choji tomiyama, ren kaji, mitsuki kiryu and tasuku tsubakino.
✿﹕sfw. // 576 wc
✿﹕notes : inspired by the many hcs i read here and on other platforms! reblogs are appreciated <3
—﹙nirei akihiko﹚: talks to himself
when he isn't present around anyone or if he doesn't want to yap someone's ears off, he tends to talks to himself privately. either out loud or as an inner monologue.
he finds it easier than talking to a friend since he doesn't get side-tracked with explaining minor events that connect to his idea nor describing people that are unfamiliar to them.
—﹙hayato suo﹚ : photographic memory
i headcanon him as having a very sharp memory, he's always quick to answer if you ask him about what was person X wearing or saying in a certain day.
the same goes for dreams too! He would remember who he saw, what colours their outfit was, the environment he was in, the words spoken by him or by an other individual etc.
—﹙haruka sakura﹚ : uses phone like a grandpa
this isn't really a headcanon but i just wanted to expand on the idea more!
he types with one finger. goodluck trying to text him lol, for the life of him he cannot find the letters he wants to type! which results in one message taking 20 minutes at least.
since he's still getting used to his phone, he finds joy in the little things he can do with it. like downloading games, watching videos, taking pictures, customizing his home page etc..
—﹙choji tomiyama﹚ : super messy but can navigate his own mess
he's too lazy to organize his room, with the excuse that he's shishitoren's leader! He got places to be in! ( bug catching )
you need an extra hair tie? just wait a minute he'll get it! oh here you go, it was on top of the ceiling fan haha
will not let anyone inside his room, he claims that whenever someone enters they break something, and that pompompurin keychain was expensive!
—﹙ren kaji﹚ : plays ooc songs
sometimes the ear-defening music he usually has on his playlist become bland, so he switches to pop.
will go batshit if someone caught him listening to NewJeans. His reputation will go down the drain. Thats why he prefers doing this secret activity in his house.
: is an expert at candy.
you will never find anyone better than him at picking candy. He knows what specific lollipop would fit today's vibes and what would be perfect to munch on while fighting.
his classmates will go to him directly to get his opinion on that new candy thats around recently, they know he already tried it out even if it was put in local grocery stores just yesterday!
—﹙mitsuki kiryu﹚ : speaks quickly
hes lazy most of the time but speaks impressively quick with no stuttering, some rumours say its a skill he earned from the amount of explainings he does to his girlfriends when they confront him...
: has a ghost hunting his house
has a ghost hunting his house, but instead of moving out like a normal person, he instead tries to make youtube ghost hunting videos.
with all seriousness gets ghost hunting equipments to interact with the ghost either on camera or off.
asks if they died a virgin.
—﹙tsuku tsubakino﹚ : walks in circles
he is caugh multiple times walking in circles, in multiple environments, either in the local park, or at a meeting with the other kings, at his house etc.
but he has confrimed that walking in circles usually means hes either thinking, stressing, talking on the phone but most of the time its just him testing his new heels!
© 2024 sillyhanako ━ do not copy, steal, or reupload my works. Thanks!
#wind breaker x y/n#wind breaker x you#windbreaker (satoru nii)#windbreaker anime#windbreaker manga#nirei akihiko#sakura haruka#sakura haruka x reader#nirei akihiko x reader#hayato suo#hayato suo x reader#hayato suo x you#haruka sakura x you#nirei akihiko x you#choji tomiyama#choji tomiyama x reader#Choji tomiyama x you#ren kaji#ren kaji x reader#Ren kaji x you#mitsuki kiryu#mitsuki kiryu x reader#mitsuki kiryu x you#Tsuku tsubakino#Tsuku tsubakino x reader#Tsuku tsubakino x you#wind breaker headcanons#wind breaker#wind breaker x reader#wind breaker anime
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my pets across the multiversal tapestry to which i shift . pt 1 [main four dr’s] :
whiskey the brown-grey tabby

the strangest little snickerdoodle i’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. technically, whisk is my boyfriend’s cat. his sister wanted one but after getting whiskey, the little guy ended up preferring my boyfriend over everyone else in their family T^T it’s kinda funny. he loves climbing my boyfriend like a jungle gym and honestly, i can’t blame the bugger bcs i look at my 6’3” tower of a nerd and i want to climb him too. this kitty’s the judgiest mf i’ve ever seen, and i love him, the little diva
sadie / sadie sue the orange tabby

sweetness and citrus honey if it were to take the form of a feline lady. sadie (or sadie sue) is — as i’ve mentioned before — my ‘bangāru thalli’ which directly translates to golden child (femme pronouns). i found her between the violets and daisies of my mum’s flower garden. i convinced my parents to keep her and she became the closest thing i have to a sister. she loves following me around, and laying on me, and pretending to love my mother more than me ..
barnaby the brown barn owl

my dad bought barney after james got his hogwarts letter, so technically i share this prickle footed darling with my brother . which is fine.. it is. anyway, my dad also named him barnaby bcs . barn owl. which he thought was very clever. barnaby loves landing on my head, sharp talons and all .. so that’s always amusing, and he likes sneaking nibbles of our toast in the morning whether it’s at home or at the gryffindor table
gobi the west highland terrier

me and my members received rewards for our first win from our company. each member asked for something different and me? i asked for a dog. and yes, i named him after cauliflower . he’s a curious comet of energy, always fascinated by mundane things, truly a child seeing the world for the first time. i know technically i got him and named him and wtv, but honestly speaking, he’s the group’s dog, the girls and i all raised him together, we trained him together, he’s our collective child and the goodest boy
gizmo the orange-white tabby

a menace. period. idk where he gets off on being this maniacal but he’s good at it, truly the king of the dorm. technically he’s my cat, and considering the absolute shenanigans he gets into? my members don’t wanna claim ownership of that .. i found him as a kitten, lost and alone, during the mv shoot of my solo debut. immediately knew i had to keep him. and i guess he remembers, bcs out of all the people he’s interacted with, i’m his favourite (yes, that is a brag) tho.. i wish he liked jungwon more T^T
bruno the black stray turned house cat void

he kinda just showed up? out of nowhere? welcomed himself into the apartment and roamed around rubbing his scent everywhere. he truly took one look at me and barry and was like “yep, you’re adopting me. scratch that, i’m adopting you. now feed me” and we stan. creepily calm for a cat who’s seen the streets, really friendly too like . damn. you’d think barry and i are his favourite but the next thing you know he’s cuddling with cisco or purring on harry’s lap or sitting next to caitlin while she checks her reports. so in that way he’s team flash’s cat, free reign of star labs. barry and i just house him i guess -_-
chaai brews; tea assortments — dr archive
2025 © chaaistained
#by chaaistained#chaai chats ≈#better cr#better cr dr#marauders dr#marauders shifting#hogwarts dr#hogwarts shifting#harry potter dr#harry potter shifting#kpop dr#kpop idol dr#kpop shifting#kpop girl group dr#girl group dr#clarity dr#arrowverse dr#arrowverse shifting#dc dr#dc shifting#the flash dr#shifting#reality shifting#shiftblr#shifting script#loablr#loassumption
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Peach VI
Peach V | Peach VII
Summary: Steven Grant Rogers is a mob boss trying to get clean. It’s definitely because he’s in love. With you. He's got you on his turf in NYC. You two FINALLY admit your feelings for one another and seal the deal. But how far are you willing to go for this love?
Pairing: Art Dealer/Artist/Philanthopist (Mob Boss) Steve Rogers x Reader (Peach)
A/N: This is it! I hope the smut is up to par. When I tell you I’ve agonized about this. But thank you to all who were in my inbox and dms giving me encouragement this week. Love you bunches! ❤️
This fic is connected to the Bucky Barnes Knock You Down AU, and DIRECTLY AFTER the events in Peach V. Your interaction keeps me writing, so let me know if you like it by commenting and reblogging.
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. SMUT. Read at your own risk. Angst. Slow burn, Mutual pining, idiots in love, eye fucking, Steve Rogers is an artist, y'all!, sending (almost) nudes, phone sex, possessive Steve, references to shibari, mutual masturbation, pining, references to sex in a car, the "L" word, oral (f recieving), fingering, overstimulation, nipple play, size kink, pleasurable pain with sex, definite breeding kink, raw p in v, Lil bit of Dom Steve if you squint, references to murder. Something big may or may not happen after the last line.
Not Beta'd. All errors my own.
I don't have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
Steve Rogers left you in your hotel room, a quivering, emotional, mess.
He’d made you cum, hard, but you felt that he was holding back, that if you’d told him how you felt it would have been so much better.
Or maybe that was all in your mind. Steven Grant Rogers was on your mind a lot since you met him as Grant Stevens in Atlanta.
A lot happened in a short amount of time that caused you to deny your feelings for him. And now you were no longer trying to keep him out.
He was definitely a distraction, but now you couldn’t deny your feelings for him any longer. You just needed to be a woman about it and tell him.
What’s the worst that could happen? You weren’t going to marry the guy, you just want to explore these mutual feelings. It shouldn’t be complicated.
You still had the rest of the week in New York to stress out about it, so that was a plus. The afternoon was ahead of you and the next day was the Summitt.
After that, you had your one on one with Steve.
Bucky told you about Steve being an artist himself during your meeting with him. So, for your meeting with Steve, you requested that you see some of his artwork, and he agreed.
You were curious to see what he could create, and you were anxious and turned on at the thought of him as a creator.
You were so into Steve Rogers.
And you didn’t know what you were going to do about that.
Steve had to stop himself from going back up to your room three times after he left. He finally exited the hotel and stalked down the street back to the Rebirth building to his car and pulled out his phone, dialing Bucky and pulling out of the garage.
He needed a drive and a little alone time to clear his head and come down from you, but he also needed his friend’s help.
“Wassssaaaap! Did you get the–”
Steve cut Bucky off.
“Remember that shopping trip we took a few weeks ago? For the ring?”
“Oh shit.”
“Yeah. Meet me on 47th street.”
That afternoon, you just kept your distance from Sharon and ignored her, focusing on the task at hand and all business. You didn’t want to waste energy on her.
Your energy was spent on thinking about Steve and wondering if he was thinking of you too. You wanted to text him, but you were chilling. You didn’t want to seem to eager.
You were successful in your self control until 11 pm as you tossed and turned in your hotel king bed. Doubts, but mostly need and desire, coursed through you.
You were going to find out exactly what Steve was doing right now and who he might be with. You shook your head at how much you cared; it was definitely not something you regularly did. You weren’t used to feening for someone.
You were choosing violence as you posed on the bed in front of the mirror. You sat on the bed, crossed your legs and snapped a picture.
You weren’t naked, but your panties were skin tone and your sleep bra was sheer and you were feeling needy.
Before you thought too hard, you sent it to Steve, then jumped in bed and pulled the covers over your head with that feeling of dread and panic when you don’t know if you’ve done something supremely reckless or not.
Steve was ready for the Summit, but he couldn’t stop thinking of you. Sleep was elusive, so he was self medicating, sketching your body from memory of mostly touch.
His phone vibrated and he almost didn’t pick it up, but when he saw your name, his heart sped up.
He clicked through to your message and his heart started hammering in his chest.
Sorry, wrong thread.
The picture you sent along threatened to give him a heart attack. He zoomed in a couple of times and then read the message again. What the fuck?
In less than a minute your phone was ringing. You picked up immediately.
“Don’t fucking play with me, Peach.”
Steve’s growl got you wet, but you instantly regretted your horny decisions.
“It was a mistake.”
“It absofuckinlutely was. You’re joking about it being the wrong thread, right? That is mine, correct?”
You shivered at his double meaning and at his possessiveness.
“Yes, Mr. Rogers.”
Your voice was needy and that awakened a hunger in Steve. He was beyond frustrated that he wasn’t there to spank your ass raw, but he remained quiet.
You sensed his mood.
“If I were there, I’d make it up to you…”
You were testing the waters, experimenting to see if he would give you what you wanted despite his annoyance.
If he would give you what you needed.
“What would you do?”
Steve’s baritone was silk in your ear.
You suddenly found that you couldn’t breathe.
“What would you do if you were here?”
“I’d kiss you,” you rushed out in a whisper.
Steve paused, letting your sentence hang in the air.
There was an edge to the question.
“And… My lips. All over you.”
Fuck, he was hard. Just a few words in your husky voice, and Steve delirious, imagining his hands in your hair as you kissed him.
“Where?” he asked mercilessly, his voice broken with lust.
“Everywhere…your face, your neck, your nipples, your abs. Your cock.”
You were definitely not a virgin, but you were blushing through the phone although your hand was rubbing the skin at the edge of your underwear.
“Want you in my throat.”
Steve had to concentrate to stay hard.
“Oh? What if I want more than that?”
“You can have whatever you want...”
A sense of power flooded Steve’s body, both heady and intoxicating at your admission.
“You should be very careful when you make that offer, Peach,” he said softly.
“I trust you.”
Holy fuck. Why did that mean everything to him? He cleared his throat.
“Touch yourself,” he ordered.
You complied so readily, it made Steve even harder.
Your clit was so hard as you circled it.
“Are you wet, Sweetheart?”
You moaned and Steve reached into his sweats and curled his fingers around his aching cock.
“My pussy is so messy for you, Mr. Rogers,” you whispered, thrilled and afraid of how much you wanted him.
Steve rolled his eyes as his cocked jerked for you.
“Such a good little slut.”
You realized the breath you’d been holding as you listened for his voice.
“Your pussy is so beautiful Peach. And god, you taste so good. Just like a sweet peach.”
Steve knew he had you in the palm of his hand. But fuck, you had him in yours too.
“But your cunt is so tiny. I’m gonna needs to get you ready for me, Baby.”
“Is it going to hurt me?” you whined.
Steve was about to explode at your little innocent voice asking the most nasty question.
“Yes, Peach. It is,” he growled as your anticipation reached 100.
Your breath sped up and so did your fingers. Steve grunted, his fist moving faster, thumb swiping the copious dribbles of precum dripping from his slit.
He should have known it was over as soon as he opened your message.
Hot sex was happening.
As the coil in your belly wind tighter, you realized with both joy and dismay that you were addicted.
“Steve, “m so close…”
“Of course you are.”
Steve soaked up your cute little sex sounds, thirsty for more.
“You know what I’m thinking about, Doll?”
A shaky breath was your only response. Steve continued.
“I think I want to tie you up. Silk ropes all over you, pretty little knots. I’d tie your arms behind your back, so those tits would sit up pretty for me to slap, lick and suck. That ass would be tied up so sweet and open so I could eat it.”
Your eyes rolled at the sensations his words and your fingers were sending to your clit.
“I’d fuck your throat and cum all over that soft, sweet body. Over and over, while I tease your greedy little cunt. I want to see it drip down your delicious nipples, your belly, your hungry pussy, your pretty face. I need to see all of you covered in my cum. Everywhere, marking you as mine…Mine.”
You gasped, and then moaned and your entire body tightened up then released.
Your mouth hinged open as you came.
“Mine,” Steve hissed, tightening the knots around you both and jerking his cock until cum spurted out. He listened to your breathing and knew that you’d just cum as well.
Suddenly, he missed you.
“You good, Peach?”
You hesitated.You heard the yearning in his voice and you wanted to be in his arms, but you lied to him anyway.
Steve smiled at you. He shook his head even though you couldn’t see.
“Sweet dreams. See you tomorrow.”
“Night Steve.”
You needed a distraction.
Steve looked so delicious this morning, sitting on stage and serving art intellectual in a dark turtleneck and brown corduroy suit. A suit that was tailored to the detriment of everyone who looked at him.
Holy shit.
This man was wearing a corduroy suit and he made it look damn good.
And he made you feral.
You decided to give your cousin a hard time to prevent yourself from becoming a simp.
“You look like that damn heart eyes emoji, ya know.”
She didn’t look at you as you yanked her chain. She just continued to follow Bucky’s every move and lit up when he glanced her way. She was gone, girl.
You teased her some more until you saw Steve. You sighed and gazed at him, straightening your spine as you remembered how he made you cum twice yesterday. And he’d hardly touched you.
As if sensing your gaze, Steve’s head turned. Those mesmerizing blue eyes locked with yours, and the rest of the world disappeared in an instant. For a moment, you were frozen. Pinned in your seat by his magnetism.
This feeling was so heady.
When you realized you’d been caught staring Steve down, you tried to change the unspoken subject.
“Bucky is pretty much the man.”
Her chuckle was all-knowing. Then she read you.
“Steve is the shit too.”
You couldn’t front anymore.
“He’s amazing. I had no idea about everything that he does. Have to say, I’m impressed.”
She was speechless and so were you. You both continued enjoying the forum when your phone buzzed.
You look beautiful today. You’re my favorite thing to study. Can’t wait for today’s art experience. Meet me at the Laguardia Place entrance immediately after the talk. Sunlight is precious.
You were his favorite thing to study!
You waited on the edge of your seat until the end of the summit. Then you were up and walking out toward the entrance post haste.
The hair on the back of your neck raised when you saw Steve watching you from the door of Rosenthal Pavilion.
His smile when you made eye contact knocked the breath out of your lungs.
In that moment, you realized that you were in love with Steven Grant Rogers.
Holy hell.
His deep voice greeted you as you arrived.
“I’m anxious to get started.”
Steve searched your face and found a different look from the partially closed off expression you’d showed him since Thanksgiving.
Your face was open and trusting. His heart did a funny thing in his chest. It was almost too good to be true.
Could you love him, too?
He tempered his mood with sensible words, filling the space that he wanted to fill with romantic declarations.
“I’m going to take you to my favorite artistic landmark in the city. I’ve loved it since I was a boy.”
You smiled up at him and took his hand.
“Let’s not waste any more time.”
The driver that was taking you and Steve to your meeting place was the same one who picked you up from the airport. The one that your cousin knew so well.
You stared at the back of his head and then glanced over at Steve. He raised his eyebrow at you because of the look on your face. You grinned back, then leaned forward to tap the driver on the shoulder.
“So… Nico…”
Your eyes cut over to Steve with a mischievous look. His heart beat out of his chest at the joy you were serving him along with your chaos.
“You ever drive my cousin and Bucky around the city?”
Nico stole a look at you and smiled.
“Yes ma’am. All the time.”
“Do they ever do the nasty back here…?”
Nico laughed heartily as Steve shook his head.
You shushed Steve.
“Hush, I’m trying to get the dirt. Now Nico, tell the truth…”
Steve sat back and listened to your unhinged behavior on the drive over to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. Your spirit and your laugh made him warm inside, despite the cold day.
Nico stopped the car at the Washington Avenue entrance to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Steve got out, shouldered his backpack, and then reached for your gloved hand with his own.
For some reason, you felt like a princess as you stepped on the path. The air was crisp, and there were traces of snow lingering on the ground.
You came out of the car chattering and laughing, making Steve’s heart light.
“I know Nico wouldn’t crack, but I could tell from the way he went red. Those whores….”
“Literal Freaks,” replied Steve. “Bunny is an appropriate nickname for him, because he and your cousin…”
Steve shook his head and rolled his eyes, although he fantasized about christening the backseat of the Lincoln for you and him.
The wrought-iron gate creaked softly behind you as you entered the Garden, and you looked around in wonder as the gravel path crunched beneath your boots. A magnificent metal and glass structure was in front of you.
“This is the Steinhardt Conservatory. Wait until you see the inside.”
Steve smiled and took your hand as you stepped through the glass doors into sudden warmth shaking your head at him.
There was a heavy scent of flowers and a haze of the waning rays of sunlight beaming through the glass panels overhead. It gave everything golden highlights, including you and Steve.
You squeezed his hand as you looked around in awe.
“Beautiful,” you murmured.
And then you noticed that he was looking at you.
You grew warm as you looked into his gorgeous blue eyes.
“It’s like a completely different world in here.”
“It’s our world for the moment. Just you and me.”
He wanted to add the word Forever, but he didn’t. You felt it though.
You started on an indoor path and Steve pointed out the unique flowers and plants in his warm baritone. You were impressed, again, with how much he knew.
Steve Rogers was not a stereotypical mobster. This was a man who followed a path in life that landed him where he didn’t want to be and was trying to make up for it.
As he spoke, Steve drew you into his enthusiasm, and you found yourself smiling and relaxing, asking questions and marveling at the vast indoor space.
When you came to a small alcove furnished with a wooden bench and beneath a sprawling magnolia tree, Steve stopped and took his backpack off his shoulder, and then taking off his coat and draping it over the bench as you did the same.
"Please, sit."
His voice was quiet, but there was no mistaking the subtle command.
You hesitated.
"So I can sketch you."
Your stomach did an odd little flip.
"Here? Now? I wanted to see your sketches, not be your sketches."
You performed on stage in front of hundreds with barely no clothes on and you were so nervous to let Steve Rogers sketch you with winter layers of clothes on. What was wrong with you?
Steve raised his eyebrow and his gaze swept up your body slowly, making you shiver. Clothes couldn’t stop the intimacy of that look.
“Too late for that.”
You raised your eyebrow at him and you felt irrationally happy. Steve had drawn you.
“Do you not trust me?”
You regarded him, guardian your reaction because you didn’t want to seem too eager.
“I do Steve. I trust you.”
It was true.
Steve smiled.
“Then please, sit down.”
You gave in with a sigh and lowered yourself onto the bench.
"Fine," you muttered. "But no weird artistic liberties. I better have a nose."
Steve chuckled, flipping open the sketchbook.
"I make no promises."
You watched as he proceeded to balance the sketchbook against his bended knee. Then he looked at you seriously, holding your gaze for a moment before his attention returned to the page, and his pencil began gliding effortlessly across the paper.
His thick fingers were surprisingly agile, moving with long, sure strokes. But then again, you shouldn’t have been surprised, with the way his fingers had previously made you feel…
For a few moments, the only sound was the soft scratch of his pencil against paper.
You attempted to sit still, staring at the plants around you. You also tried to pretend that you weren’t aware of the way he studied you with that relentless focus, switching his gaze between you and the sketchbook.
After a few minutes, Steve made a soft noise, something between a hum and a chuckle.
“What?” you asked, turning your head and narrowing your eyes at him.
He didn’t look up. But he spoke.
“It’s just... you’re trying so hard not to move, but you’re fidgeting anyway.”
You caught the hint of humor in his tone and it made you a little too happy again, so you decided to cause problems.
"Well, maybe if you didn’t look at me like that.”
"Like what?"
His lips curled into a knowing smirk, looking up at you quickly, then back down.
You fidgeted again.
"You know…"
Steve chuckled, deep and low and shook his head.
"Oh. Am I ‘sparkling my eyes at you again?’”
You scowled at him and he laughed.
“I'm an artist, Peach. I study form."
His eyes traced up and down your body, lighting you on fire again.
You clenched your thighs together to fight the flow of arousal threatening your thighs. This was dangerous. Steve was dangerous.
"You're insufferable, Steven."
“Well, can you suffer on a little longer, so I can capture more detail?”
You cocked your head in that adorable way.
“What details do you need?”
“I need…”
Steve looked at you like he needed all of you.
And he did.
“I want to capture the way your nose crinkles when you're annoyed, or how you're gripping the bench like you're about to get up and run.”
You unclenched your hands and sat back.
“You’re making me nervous.”
He tapped his pencil against the sketchbook. Then he looked down again to continue drawing.
"What is?"
He licked those red lips of his and your eyes tracked the movement.
"The fact that I make you nervous."
The way he was looking at you made butterflies riot in your stomach. That special electricity was buzzing around you both.
Suddenly, his pencil stopped. Then, without warning, he reached out, brushing his fingers beneath your chin, tilting your face slightly.
You stiffened.
"Hold still," he murmured.
His thumb ghosted over the curve of your jaw and settled at the edge of your throat.
Your breath hitched.
Steve’s eyes were dark now and his voice was softer when he spoke again, but there was an edge to it now, hinting at something rough beneath the surface.
“You always do this?” he asked.
“Do what?”
“React like this when someone touches you.”
You pursed your lips together and shook your head.
Just you.
"You’re doing it again," he mused as he stroked the side of your throat with his thumb.
"What, Mr. Rogers?"
You were about to combust. He clenched his jaw and increased the pressure of his fingers on your neck.
"Fighting it."
"I- I don’t know what you’re talking about."
"You do," he intoned, his voice stern.
"Don’t hide from me, Peach."
Your pulse beat beneath his fingertips.
"You think I don’t notice how you react to me?"
Steve’s hand grasped your throat, pressing more firmly before he let go.
"Hold. Still," he murmured, those blue, blue eyes stormy.
His fingers tilted your face up with authority now. You froze for a moment as his thumb came up to pull your chin down to open your mouth.
He slowly pulled his hand away and you had to stop yourself from chasing his touch.
Steve clenched his jaw, trying to restrain himself. If he had to guess, you were wet and ready for him to do whatever he wanted to you right now. But he willed himself to be patient.
He picked up his pencil again, rolling it between his fingers, like nothing had happened.
"Good girl," he offered to the page as he returned to his sketch.
Steve knew what he was doing. Knew exactly how much he affected you. You waited impatiently, clenching your thighs together desperately as his pencil continued to scratch on the paper.
"Done," he said, as he lifted the sketchbook toward you.
You gasped as you looked at the page.
The drawing was stunning. Steve had captured you with uncanny accuracy, from the curve of your parted lips to the shading of the different colors in your eyes. The hollow of your throat seemed to pulse, and you could almost see the indentations of his fingers.
The portrait was beautiful. And it told you everything you needed to know about how he felt.
“This is… how can I thank you?”
Steve’s heart flipped in his chest as he reached out and grabbed your waist, pulling you toward him on the bench.
His eyes went to your mouth.
"Say that again," he murmured, barely above a whisper.
Your whole body was burning, but you stayed quiet. You were paralyzed with the possibilities.
"No? Too shy now?"
His voice made you impossibly wet. If you gave in, you were about to get everything you didn’t know that you wanted. And that scared you.
You let out a shaky breath.
Something flickered behind his eyes. Something hot.
“Have I told you that I love the way you say my name?”
His hand came up again against your side, slowly, more deliberate. His fingers moved over the curve of your side, and slid against your breast, his thumb ghosting over your nipple.
He continued, tracing over your cleavage and finally landing against your throat again, pressing against your pulse and driving you crazy.
"You're shaking," he murmured, voice low, thick with need.
Then, without breaking eye contact, he leaned in and gave you a kiss against your throat. And he lingered, lips warm against your skin, before pulling back just enough to smile against your skin.
Your whimper told him so much.
"You act so tough, but you’re so easy to ruin."
You raised your arms and pulled him close, fingers playing at the nape clutching the hair spilling over his collar.
“You made me this way, Steve. And I don’t want you to stop.”
His now dark blue eyes searched yours as his fingers tightened on your waist.
“What does that mean, Peach?”
He’d pulled you closer, his eyes on your face as he waited for your answer. The anticipation was so much. He huffed and then dove into the curve of your neck, inhaling and tasting you there, as if he couldn’t help himself. His large hands palmed your breasts, pressing your nipples insistently.
You squirmed in his grip.
“I asked you a question. Do I need to stop touching you so you can answer?”
“Please, no, Steve. Need you...”
You were the queen of changing the subject.
“Is that what you wanted to tell me?”
His lips were on the curve of your jaw, so close to your lips. You whined. He cocked his eyebrow, the question not so silent.
You huffed, making your decision to go for it as your hands came to the side of his face so that he knew your intentionality. You wanted to look into his eyes when you said it.
“Moment of honesty? I want you Steve. I feel…I want to be yours. Really been yours since you put your hands on me in Atlanta. I can’t categorize or control this feeling. So I’m giving in. Are you ready for the chaos that is me being yours?”
Steve’s eyes lit up and he reached for you, pulling you into his lap as his lips crashed into yours. His hands were everywhere. He tugged you closer as he kissed you and both hands came down to grab your ass and pull you onto his erection. His desire for you was apparent.
When you broke apart, you chased his lips and then kissed him again, greedy.
“I’ve been ready. Been yours for a while, now Peach. Since the day I saw you…”
His voice was gentle and he was looking at you like you were fine porcelain. You felt so safe in his arms. He pulled back to look you in the eye.
“And this feeling? This is exactly how it should feel when it's meant to be.”
He kissed you again and his mouth took possession of yours in a way that was tender, yet full of promise.
“I gotta let you know that if you’re mine, I’m gonna give you what you need. When you need it. Do you want that? Do you trust me with that?”
This was the important question.
“Yes, please. I want that, Mr. Rogers, sir. And I trust you.”
"That’s so fucking hot… but I’m trying to behave. Even though I reserved the pavilion just for us, we’re still in a public place,” he murmured.
His voice was calm, controlled. But those sea blue eyes told a different story.
"You call this behaving?"
You rolled your hips against his cock. Steve kissed you again and let out a sexy chuckle, then stood you both up, leaning down to whisper in your ear.
"If I wasn’t," he murmured, "you’d already be begging me for more."
You linked your arms around his neck and looked up at him as the cutest woman on earth.
“What if I don’t want you to behave? Like you said, you have the pavilion reserved. You can bend me over the bench and fuck me raw. Right here.”
Steve’s pupils took over his eyes and his jaw clenched. Your stomach dropped as he looked as if he was about to do just as you suggested. But he took a deep breath and smiled.
“We’ll explore that kink later. Our first time needs to be in private.”
Steve reached for your coat and helped you with it before putting his own on and gathering his things. He took your hand and led you out and across the grounds. He pointed to a familiar building.
“Your hotel is right there. Or do you want me to call Nico to take us to my place?”
You looked up at Steve as your breath vaporized in the cold air.
“We need my hotel. I’m ready. Right now.”
You were in your room again, not entirely sure how you arrived, the journey through the park hurried and full of anticipation. You weren’t thinking too hard, you just knew you needed Steve. Immediately.
You were pushing his coat and blazer off his body and feeling his chest. The steady thrum of his pulse tapped a staccato in your palm.
“Your heart's beating so fast,” you whispered.
“You do that to me, Peach.”
“Really?” you questioned, suddenly unsure of yourself.
“You have no idea how much power you have, do you?”
“Me?” you asked in a small voice.
Steve nodded.
“You drive me crazy. I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you.”
It was confession time.
“It’s you that has the power, Steve. I can't stop thinking about you. Your voice gets me there.”
You felt tongue tied as you told him your raw feelings, all the while taking off your and his clothes.
“Sometimes I — I think I'm going to cum just from hearing you speak. Today, at NYU, I could hardly sit still. You're like a drug, pulling all my attention.”
Steve’s shirt was off now and you were in your bra; he pulled you near him to get his mouth on you.
“When I'm near you, I'm so hard it aches.”
“Really?” you whispered. “Are you aching right now?”
Steve groaned as you pulled back to unzip your skirt and take off your boots. He leaned back against the wall and palmed his crotch over his pants.
“Like you wouldn't believe.”
Steve couldn’t believe that he had you here like this, giving yourself to him. He had to tell you the truth.
“Look at me, Peach.”
You looked into his eyes.
“I’m In love with you.”
His rough voice pulled an involuntary sound from you.
“You're mine, Peach You always have been.
Your breath caught in your throat and your heart thudded against yor ribs.
“Oh god, Steve. I- I love you too.”
Your smile blinded him. If he blinked it was because of that. Not that he was going to cry.
Not at all.
He laughed as an expression of joy and then your lips met.
The kiss wasn't soft or sweet. This was feral, sharp, and intense. You moaned into his mouth, sucking his bottom lip into yours as he unhooked your bra.
“I fucking want you,” you whimpered into his mouth.
Steve smiled against your lips.
“Good, cause I fucking need you, my sweet Peach.”
Steve stood, looming over you, all big and fucking magnificent. The vision of him, all lithe muscles covered in smooth skin, and light feathering of hair making its way down his torso, between the defined planes of his abs and into his waistband, was… Good Lord.
You licked your lips, mouth instantly dry.
Steve’s mouth hooked up on one side as his fingers worked his belt and fly. His pants fell in a matter of seconds, and there he was, wearing nothing but black boxer briefs.
Steve was all thick thighs, and long, powerful legs, his hand slowly stroking himself over the sizable bulge in his underwear.
You gaped at him.
Then, he pulled his underwear down, eyes on your face for your reaction. It was classic, your mouth hinged open and your eyes were like saucers. There was no way anyone could be that perfect.
His dick was long and wide, at least eight or nine inches, and curved eloquently (if a dick could do that) against his abs. It was so pretty and your mouth watered for it at the same time your pussy clenched, as you were thinking he was correct. You would struggle to take him.
His smirked deepened as he reached for you and pulled your panties down slowly, his short fingernails scratching your legs and making you shiver.
For a moment he just stared, drinking in the sight of you spread before him
“Fucking sublime,” Steve breathed, the words filled with reverence.
“I’m gonna ruin you for anyone else, baby.”
He leaned over you and set about doing just that, kissing you deep and filthy, tongue diving to claim every inch of your mouth. You cried out, scratching at his broad shoulders as he suckled and nipped, worshiping your breasts until you were mindless with sensation.
Steve took his time tracing your torso with his lips, teeth and tongue, learning your body and paying attention to every sigh of pleasure as he climbed down your body.
The press of his mouth to your pussy made your back arch, and a ragged moan escape your mouth. Steve growled into you, the vibrations running through your soaked cunt.
He parted your pussy lips with his thumbs, and dove to lick your clit with the hot velvet of his tongue.
Slow, thorough licks made you writhe beneath him.
“That’s it,” he whispered, swirling his tongue around the sensitive bundle of nerves.
“Ride my face, Sweetheart. Fuck my mouth ‘til you cum all over it.”
You arched like a bow as he latched on to your clit and sucked, two thick fingers thrusting deep to stroke along your inner wall. His practiced fingers found your g-spot and massaged it ruthlessly, curling and scissoring until you sobbed his name.
“Love when you call my name, Peach.”
He looked at you like you were something to be worshipped, and then continued what he was doing. When Steve bit down gently on your clit, your orgasm crashed over you in a burst of white light.
You shuddered through the aftershocks, trembling as Steve lapped at your folds. Each lick sent a jolt of electricity through you, on the edge of too much.
Rising to his knees, the thick, heavy length of him rose up again, even more swollen and glistening at the tip.
Steve notched the thick head of his cock at your entrance and his eyes crossed as he slowly sank into your tight, dripping heat.
“Fuck, you feel so good.”
Inch after thick inch, he claimed you, stretched you, with a delicious push/pull of pleasure/pain. His length was one thing, but his girth was everything.
When he bottomed out, you both groaned at the intensity of the connection. He looked you in your eyes as your hearts pounded in sync, your breaths mingling as you got used to his size.
“I’ve never felt so full, Stevie…”
You quivered in his arms. And he knew that he was utterly possessed by you. It was more than just physical; it was an overwhelming sense of rightness.
“Perfect,” Steve rasped.
“So fuckin’ perfect, sweetheart. Like you were made for me.”
He dropped his head and trailed open-mouthed kisses along the column of your throat, pausing to suck hard at your pulse point.
“Please,” you whimpered, the ache between your thighs growing unbearable. “Move.”
“As you wish.” he whispered, brows knitted together.
You whimpered and your hands grasped the sheets as he started to move. He bent and sucked your nipple hard, causing a jolt of electricity through your body. Your brain was cloudy and you scratched his back as your eyes shuttered closed.
“Open your eyes, Peach,” Steve ordered darkly.
As he looked you in your beautiful eyes, Steve couldn’t hold back any longer. He started increasing his pace until he was fucking you roughly, pushing your knees to your chest.
“Yes.. feels so good Steve. Oh my godddddd, fuck me!”
Steve’s eyes roamed your body as he did as you asked. Your beautiful breasts bounced. The bed knocked against the wall and you gasped for breath, your face transfixed on the eye contact between you and Steve.
He was lost, one hand gripped your hair, and the other braced on the headboard. He fucked you hard, grinding against your clit with every stroke.
You were whimpering, on the verge of screaming as you two made noise up and down the hotel hallway.
He leaned up and grasped your throat, gritting his teeth as he asked a question.
“You want me to cum inside you? You trying to have my baby?”
“Unnnnnnghhhh! Maybe….”
You opened your eyes and pouted up at him.
“Paint my walls, Steve...”
Steve choked on air as he spurted hot cum into your welcoming pussy, but he pulled out, shooting the last jet of cum on your clit and pussy lips. Then, like a heathen, he bent between your thighs and started licking.
You sobbed, writhing as he devoured you.
“Need to eat you more than anything, my sweet, sweet Peach.
“Steve, Stevie… oh my god!”
You clutched his hair, tugging sharply. It was too much.
“Oh my God. Please Steveeeee!”
He raised his head, grinning as you fully collapsed, limp and spent. Your pussy was tender, your face flushed, your eyes gleaming.
You were beautiful.
You looked at him and shook your head as he took you in his arms.
“Are you mine?”
“Yes,” you whimpered out.
“I would die for you, Y/N L/N,” Steve murmured against your temple, panting. He held you tight, carding his fingers in your hair.
“I promise to keep you safe, and give you everything you need, I promise you that.”
“I believe you, Steve. I trust that.”
You and Steve stayed up late, ordered room service and talked about a lot of things, music, your parents, his friendship with Bucky, Nat, and Steve, everything.
You laughed and cried, and then settled back in his arms in the dark to sleep, his hand rubbing your hip as his breathing began to slow.
“Steve, can I ask you a question?”
It had been nagging at you for a while.
His sleepy voice answered you.
You chuckled.
“That’s just it. Have you ever… have you ever killed someone?”
Steve stirred, pulling you closer to him and moving his mouth next to your ear.
“Hmmmmm. I’d have to marry you before I answered that question.”
Your heart slammed against your chest and your eyes went wide in the dark.
You tried to keep your voice even. You didn’t know what this feeling was that came over you. Steve continued, seemingly calm and not spiraling like you were.
“You can’t be compelled to testify against your spouse. It was a joke, Peach.”
You were silent for a good while.
Steve stirred, leaning up against his elbow.
“Do you… are you saying that you want to get married?”
Steve thought about the ring that he had at his penthouse.
You laughed.
“Nah… what we looking like just up and getting married like that? We hardly know each other.”
“True. But when you know, you know.”
Steve kissed you and the small amount of logic in your brain was rapidly dissipating.
“Would it make us look crazy…?”
You could sense Steve’s smile in the dark.
“…Or would it be so beautiful?” He replied.
Steve wrapped you up in his arms and settled down again. Your mind spun as his breathing slowed to a steady rhythm and you spoke again.
He was probably asleep, but you had to get it out.
“If you ask me, I’m ready…”
The light switched on and you were staring into the beautiful blue eyes of Steve Rogers.
I’m so anxious about this one! Please let me know how you feel? Reblog, comment, like. TIA!
Read Peach VII
#knock you down fic#this is the right one#steve rogers#peach fic#steve rogers x reader#steve rogers smut#steve rogers x you#mob boss! steve rogers#chris evans#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#sebastian stan#mob boss!bucky Barnes
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