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chaaistained · 2 days ago
hi chaai! do you have any ideas on where to shift to?
ideas on where to shift .*+
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we’ll get the obvious out of the way, there are many different locations you can shift to anon !! and i personally don’t know what your interests and hyperfixations are :( but ! i still want to help in any way i can ≈ so here are a list of general ideas and suggestions and maybe some inspo into different realities to which you (any of you!) can shift !! and ofcs you can tweak it all to your liking xx
sink into self indulgence …
—» shifting at its core is self indulgent and the first example i can think of is your favourite childhood books, movies and shows — the kind of self indulgence where you go back to what made your life sparkle as a child, what made you believe in the impossible, what made you wish the impossible was real, whether it’s fairies, dragons, mermaids, or monsters going to high school, you should take a trip down memory lane and figure out what had you rushing to finish your meal to go watch the latest episode, or work hard at your homework so you could buy the next edition of the game. there’s also the media consumed in your teenage years, the kinds of media that helps you feel like you were escaping and yet at the same time like you were understood
examples include : hogwarts , narnia , my little pony , monster high , ever after high , how to train your dragon , percy jackson and the olympians , h2o , pixie hollow , barbie fairytopia/mermaidia , hilda , bridge to terabithia , wizards of waverley place , minecraft , power rangers , tmnt , disney princesses , little women , gilmore girls , studio ghibli , etc.
—» there are also the realities where you play a part in the bigger picture, you are a significant piece in a vast and intricate puzzle, you stand among your peers, your friends, as someone to be recognised, maybe you’re looking for some thrill? some excitement? some sort of battle or mystery or revolution where you can fight for the underdog or reclaim some form of power — be careful if you do choose to explore these places, but i’m sure you’ll handle it just fine
examples include : marvel/mcu/the avengers/spiderverse , dc/justice league/the arrowverse/smallville , the hunger games , the walking dead , supernatural , teen wolf , the maze runner , the vampire diaries , pretty little liars , gossip girl , mean girls , outer banks , criminal minds , brooklyn nine nine , the rookie , dune , star wars , avatar: the last airbender , james cameron’s avatar , jurassic park/world , pirates of the caribbean , twilight , etc.
—» conversely, your dr doesn’t even need to be fantastical, sometimes, the things that bring us comfort are in fact the most relaxing, they slow our lives down for whatever time we spend engaging in them, they let us unwind and unravel any burden we’ve unknowingly put on ourselves, the dr doesn’t even need to be based on some form of media, it could be your dream life and/or career
examples include : better cr (HIGHLY RECOMMEND) , cafe/barista , librarian , farmer , florist , artist , museum curator , boarding school , summer camp , bookstore owner , writer , painter , photographer , chef , designer , animator , game developer , director , etc.
—» but maybe you would like a career in the spotlight, where you can finally show the world what you’re capable of, the talent and skills that you know are innate to your being and you just need the opportunity to showcase it
examples include : actor , pop star , band member , kpop idol , youtuber , broadway singer , talk show host , dancer , professional athlete , model , travel vlogger , socialite , royalty , etc.
when all is said and done, shifting is inherently a form of self love, you’re picking yourself and you’re choosing to shift and experience a reality that will fulfil you in some way !! the ideas in this post are not the limit, there is no limit, [cue mean girls’ “the limit does not exist” scene] so let your creativity take control and let yourself indulge in what makes you happy
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cuppa queries; order in — ask responses
2025 © chaaistained
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chaaistained · 2 days ago
but . pls pls don’t fall down the trap of treating your drs like fan fiction — remember you’ll actually be living this stuff !!
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chaaistained · 16 hours ago
hey chaai! do you have any tips on how to not fall asleep when you are trying to shift?
ironically you sent this after i fell asleep doing a sleep method 😭
now, speaking of sleep methods, i feel compelled to remind everyone — you SHOULD fall asleep when doing a sleep method !!! that’s like the last step !! you let yourself drift off into slumber and you shift !!
i know it can be discouraging when you open your eyes to the same room as the previous night, i know it can feel like failure, but it isn’t because you fell asleep
most of the time, i find that i haven’t woken up in my dr bcs i didn’t properly let go of my cr — letting go is smth i still struggle with, i’ve become so attached to this place?? and that’s ok !! it can take a little practice but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible !!
now, if you’re doing an awake method and you keep falling asleep, here are some tricks you can use :
try shifting with your eyes open
it’s been done !! i know it sounds challenging but this is a good trick to use if you’re really good at zoning out !! and basically you just stare at a spot without actually registering what you’re staring at? the entire point is for you to keep your eyes open and your mind awake with the intention to shift
don’t shift at night
if you know you have a habit of falling asleep, but you would like to be awake for your shift, then stop doing it at night !! i find that whenever i’ve shifted awake (and i have done it!! just for a few seconds tho ..) i always shift right after waking up in the morning, during that almost dreamlike timeframe, when you feel you’re body waking, your eyes aren’t open, but your mind is awake. try shifting then !! i really recommend this bcs you’re waking with the intention to shift, you have a clear goal and yet it’s not something that’s been building up all day that it feels impossible to achieve? i hope that made sense
shift with music on
this can be a double edged sword at times but the key is to pick music that you know you won’t fall asleep to !! not the smooth and soft melodies but rather the more upbeat tunes that get your mind whirring and keep your thoughts focused on your intention to shift, maybe by imagining scenarios that pertain to the song or just imagining yourself in your dr listening to the very same music, maybe it’s songs that your dr friends or s/o introduced to you? make it smth memorable and meaningful but not exactly relaxing, ya know?
i hope this was helpful >.< i don’t shift awake that often so i unfortunately haven’t accumulated as many tricks as i would have liked T^T but still, anon, i wish you all the best <333
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cuppa queries; order in — ask responses
2025 © chaaistained
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chaaistained · 11 hours ago
hi! this may be a dumb question but i’m struggling w this so much, and deep down i know it’s because i don’t believe in myself enough?? so, ive been trying to shift for a while now, but it’s like deep down i just know i won’t make it: for example: when i go to sleep, intending to attempt to shift when i have school (in my cr) the next day, i tell myself ‘if you really believe you’re gonna shift, you won’t set the alarm for school’ but the thing is, deep down i know that i will wake up for school, and if i don’t set my alarm i’ll miss my bus. this keeps happening to me and idk what to do. same thing with chores or my assignments or studying for a test. i think stuff like: ‘why studying in my cr? im gonna shift tonight anyway, right? i won’t have to take that test tomorrow‘ but i never convince myself, and i just know that i will wake up here. this is really holding me back
i’ll let you in on a little secret .. i do the exact same thing
and guess what? i’ve shifted !!
so, darling, the first thing you need to know is that this is NOT a dumb question !! it’s a very valid question, you’re not alone in this feeling
my personal hack or trick or wtv, when it comes to combatting this feeling, is flipping the narrative
you said that you hesitate in setting an alarm? you feel as if going through with it means that you’re subconsciously affirming that you can’t shift
what you’re actually doing is prepping your cr-self to live their life while you get to live yours
think abt it, you wake up in your dr and your dr-self has already completed the homework due for your next class, or they’ve meal prepped for the week, or they’ve booked that appointment that you need.
your dr-self did it for themselves but, unknowingly, they also did it for YOU, bcs YOU’RE SHIFTING YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS INTO THAT LIFE — YOUR LIFE
you live a billion different lives, an infinite number of lives, there are alternate reality versions of you that you don’t even know exist
so yes, set that alarm, study for that class, finish that homework, do it for yourself — but also do it for the self that will live THIS life while you’ve shifted to live the life YOU DESIRE
that’s all you’re doing, the amazing and caring and considerate person you are, you’ve helped your cr-self with their life and you can let go, satisfied that you’ve done a little smth to make their life easier!!
i hope this helped darling xx
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chaaistained · 2 days ago
this weird thing keeps happening to me—
every time i go to sleep with my bluetooth earbuds in and i’m laying there either listening to a meditation or a subliminal, i wake up the next morning with my headphones safely back in the case??
and sometimes this doesn’t happen, i’ve had instances where i’ve lost one of them for a few hours and frantically looked everywhere before finding it hidden under the sheets
but recently, every single time i go to sleep wearing them, i wake up with them being put away as if i never wore them at all
and sure you could argue that i did it in my sleep, i did it out of habit, i forgot abt it before waking up
but . that’s not like me? even when i wake up in the middle of night i remember it in the morning?
doing things unconsciously like scratching your shoulder or smth, that’s normal to forget, that’s explainable. but reaching across my bed, opening my case, putting away the earbuds in their right spot, shutting the case and then putting it back in between the two plush toys where it always goes? whilst sleeping?? yeh that’s odd to me
idk what it means, am i shifting and is the version of me that’s here just doing it for me? idk idk idk
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chaaistained · 1 month ago
a paris view is something so you
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chaaistained · 9 days ago
a serendipitous substack find :
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chaaistained · 4 days ago
another serendipitous substack find :
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chaaistained · 6 days ago
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chaaistained · 3 months ago
boy, do i have something to tell you
i want to get a master's degree i want to take a cake decorating class i want to dance i want to sing i want to write and remember how to think i want to swim i want to be free
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chaaistained · 20 days ago
am i the only one that makes my drs “canon” in other drs?
like, in my kpop dr, the arrowverse shows are just my arrowverse fic (which is based off my dr), same with my marauders fic (also based off my dr — except in this case, it’s canon in the sense the marauders still die bcs . we need harry potter for his story..) anyway
like my dr-selves are also oc’s, but their stories are tweaked quite a bit bcs the fics are too traumatic to live out . and i still want to see how my fic would be received if it were canon? so i scripted that it is (in some drs)
in my better cr (which is just my normal life) this isn’t the case, the fics stay as fics, written by me
idk just curious if only i do this bcs i highly doubt that’s the case
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chaaistained · 1 month ago
found this on pinterest :
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chaaistained · 14 days ago
another serendipitous pinterest find :
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chaaistained · 1 month ago
i . i think i shifted ??
i’m talking “felt my surroundings change, heard a voice call my dr-name, and somewhat opened my eyes before feeling randomly exhausted and waking up in my cr bed” kind of shifting ..
still trying to convince myself that it was a real shift and not just an incredibly absurdly insanely vivid dream
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chaaistained · 2 months ago
currently watching Pantheon and THIS QUOTE:
“ There is no through — you’re already wherever you need to be! ”
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chaaistained · 1 month ago
my pets across the multiversal tapestry to which i shift . pt 1 [main four dr’s] :
whiskey the brown-grey tabby
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the strangest little snickerdoodle i’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. technically, whisk is my boyfriend’s cat. his sister wanted one but after getting whiskey, the little guy ended up preferring my boyfriend over everyone else in their family T^T it’s kinda funny. he loves climbing my boyfriend like a jungle gym and honestly, i can’t blame the bugger bcs i look at my 6’3” tower of a nerd and i want to climb him too. this kitty’s the judgiest mf i’ve ever seen, and i love him, the little diva
sadie / sadie sue the orange tabby
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sweetness and citrus honey if it were to take the form of a feline lady. sadie (or sadie sue) is — as i’ve mentioned before — my ‘bangāru thalli’ which directly translates to golden child (femme pronouns). i found her between the violets and daisies of my mum’s flower garden. i convinced my parents to keep her and she became the closest thing i have to a sister. she loves following me around, and laying on me, and pretending to love my mother more than me ..
barnaby the brown barn owl
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my dad bought barney after james got his hogwarts letter, so technically i share this prickle footed darling with my brother . which is fine.. it is. anyway, my dad also named him barnaby bcs . barn owl. which he thought was very clever. barnaby loves landing on my head, sharp talons and all .. so that’s always amusing, and he likes sneaking nibbles of our toast in the morning whether it’s at home or at the gryffindor table
gobi the west highland terrier
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me and my members received rewards for our first win from our company. each member asked for something different and me? i asked for a dog. and yes, i named him after cauliflower . he’s a curious comet of energy, always fascinated by mundane things, truly a child seeing the world for the first time. i know technically i got him and named him and wtv, but honestly speaking, he’s the group’s dog, the girls and i all raised him together, we trained him together, he’s our collective child and the goodest boy
gizmo the orange-white tabby
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a menace. period. idk where he gets off on being this maniacal but he’s good at it, truly the king of the dorm. technically he’s my cat, and considering the absolute shenanigans he gets into? my members don’t wanna claim ownership of that .. i found him as a kitten, lost and alone, during the mv shoot of my solo debut. immediately knew i had to keep him. and i guess he remembers, bcs out of all the people he’s interacted with, i’m his favourite (yes, that is a brag) tho.. i wish he liked jungwon more T^T
bruno the black stray turned house cat void
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he kinda just showed up? out of nowhere? welcomed himself into the apartment and roamed around rubbing his scent everywhere. he truly took one look at me and barry and was like “yep, you’re adopting me. scratch that, i’m adopting you. now feed me” and we stan. creepily calm for a cat who’s seen the streets, really friendly too like . damn. you’d think barry and i are his favourite but the next thing you know he’s cuddling with cisco or purring on harry’s lap or sitting next to caitlin while she checks her reports. so in that way he’s team flash’s cat, free reign of star labs. barry and i just house him i guess -_-
chaai brews; tea assortments — dr archive
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2025 © chaaistained
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