#but kai is interesting to write about
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"I always thought that princes got to choose their own destiny. I guess I was wrong." - Yasmeen to Malachai when seeing the pressure he's under
“This is just a myth, nothing else.”
Malachai shrugged, looking at the status of Farore in front of him. The prince wasn't a pious man, but he found himself being drawn to the place quite often lately. The fact that Yasmeen was there during her free time probably play a role in it, for her presence was quite relaxing to him, but he did not want to admit it just yet. As usual, they were silent, they did not need words, they were both content with the silence, which was perfect for Malachai. The man loved his siblings, but they were real chatterboxes sometimes, and the church was the only place here where he could avoid his brother and sister, for none of them would dare disturb such a sacred place. Yasmeen wasn't the talkative kind of girl, and it was refreshing. She wasn't trying to pierce through his shell, it even seemed that she was happy with him being silent.
“I thought that if I was staying in the Fae kingdom, I could avoid my responsibility, but it seemed that I was completely wrong.” He sighed, before looking at Yasmeen who had her eyes on him.
“What are you going to do?”
“What my father want me to do. Meet the ladies he'll send for me.” He answered, but Yasmeen could see that it wasn't the answer he wanted to give her. “I really was hoping that Morgana will reject my father request to send them here.”
“The High Queen isn't threatened by young ladies, even less if they come from the sea.”
“Is that an insult?”
“Not at all, just an observation.”
The prince laughed a little, and he felt a bit more relax now. Yasmeen had this effect on him, every time he was tense, he just needed to spend a few hours with the servant for him to forget what was troubling him. Sometimes, when she wasn't there, he just needed to think about her smile for him to feel better. But right now, it seemed that the young girl's presence wasn't enough to make him forget the discussion he had with his father, a few hours sooner. Triton had had enough of his little game of avoidance. He knew that if his eldest son was so often at the Seelie Court, it wasn't only to make sure his sister was safe, but also to avoid his duty, and the duty he was avoiding the most was marriage.
Triton started to talk about it a few months back, and Malachai did not think much about it. He knew that, as the eldest, he should have been married a long time ago, but with Calypso's ordeal, he succeeded to deflect the situation. But now that things were settled, he knew he couldn't escape anymore. But the High King of the ocean was growing tired of his son's game, and was becoming more insistent in the idea of marrying him. If Malachai did not want to come meet the bachelorette his father found for him, then they will come to him instead. The prince knew that, with a pending war against the fae, Triton wanted to be sure he'll secure his bloodline. He did not know why it was so important for his father, for he knew he'll never give his throne, so having an heir shouldn't be his priority.
“You do not want to see them.” Yasmeen said, which bring him back to reality, and it was more an observation than a question.
“I do not want that, no...” Malachai admit before sighing.
“Why? I mean, maybe you'll find a match among them.” She whispered, and Malachai thought he heard a bit of resentment, and the perspective of that made him smile a little, but he might have imagined it.
“You know perfectly why.”
To go with his words, he slowly and softly put his hand on Yasmeen's one. He thought, for a minute, that she would withdraw her hand, break the physical contact that he was daring to make, but she did not. She even surprised him by squeezing his hand, while looking in front of her. They stay silent, holding hands like children would do when they are in love. This was the only physical contact they allowed themselves to have in a semi-public place, here, in the church. No one ever came here, they knew it, so they knew they wouldn't be disturbed or caught, but that does not mean they weren't careful, they were constantly on the look-out. Even now, when they knew they were at peace, alone, they couldn't help but look behind them to be sure no one sneaked into the church without their knowledge.
The only place they allowed themselves to be open and affectionate was in Malachai's room. And yet, even there it was quite hard for both of them to be truly affectionate with one another, for both of them weren't used to it. Sometimes, the prince was envious to his sister and brother, who were showered with love by their mother growing up, making them more comfortable to express their feelings. Malachai had to grow up in a strict environment, with Triton, who believed that physical contact and love were just weaknesses.
The merman did not let go of Yasmeen's hand, although he knew he should. To be honest, he was craving for more, he wanted to hug her, tell her how lovely she looked right now, and most importantly, that he loved her. He wanted to say those words again and again, but he did not have the luxury to do it outside the comfort of his room.
“Believe me when I say I don't want to do this.”
“I do believe you.”
“But I can't go against my father.”
“I know that.” Yasmeen showed no emotion, like usual, but she squeezed his hand a little more, and he liked to believe she was as annoyed as he was by his father's decision. “When are they coming?”
“In two days.”
“That means we won't be able to see each other as much.”
“I wish things were different. For us.”
“Do you wish I was noble blood?”
“I wish I wasn't a prince.”
The girl looked at him, quite surprised by such words. She really thought Malachai was quite content with his status, just like his sister was, but right now she was seeing a different side of him. A prince with too much responsibility on his shoulders, someone his father was asking too much from. Someone who would never be able to leave the life he wanted and deserved. It was the first time the merman voiced those words. It wasn't the first time he thought them, many times in the past he was wishing he wasn't a prince, at least not the firstborn, but it was the first time he felt comfortable enough to confess it to someone. After that, they stayed silent. They both did not know what to say more. After a moment, Malachai kissed the back of Yasmeen's hand, that he was still holding. He did not want to break this only physical contact they had, but he had too. It's with a heavy heart that he let go of her, before standing and adjusting his jacket.
“Will you come tonight? We can discuss a strategy for me to avoid those boring ladies.”
“I'll be there, yes.” She answered with amusement, and he couldn't help but smile.
“With a bit of luck, Aeron will distract them all from me.”
“I do think that he will definitively try.” This time she laughed, and his heart missed a beat to the sound of it. He once again took her hand, before kissing it, making her smile in the process.
“I'll see you around, Meena.” He said before quietly leave the church.
#malachai blackwater#kai x yasmeen#maleen#malachai writing prompt#writing prompt#i hate it so much#but i was far away in the process#i didn't want to delete everything#but i am not proud of it#some part are fine#but others are crap#it's hard to write for a character who doesn't show emotions#when you're used to show yours#but kai is interesting to write about#so i guess it's fine#icanbeyourgenie
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People often talk about Rio Ranger as if he's the doll version of Sei but what I find super fascinating is that he isn't, not in the same way Fake Reko or the Dummies are replications of their human counterparts.
Ranger resembles Sei on a surface level — same physical appearance, just an unclear amount older; same way of speaking. But he is unmistakably different. Ranger is an incomplete being, missing his positive emotions, but even the true Ranger is Rio Laizer rather than Sei, because there's still something different.
Rio Ranger is, fundamentally, inhuman and yet desperate to be human. He was created to be jealous of humanity and despite his hatred for them, humanity is what he is always striving for. But it is something that he doesn't possess, and is forced to steal instead. He takes clothes from the dead and uses drawings on cards to feign emotion; he is the Dress-Up Doll, Rearranger, not possessor of anything of his own.
While the other dolls based on humans in the game have identity issues based on their personhood being defined by someone else, being merely a copy of another person, Ranger is not even allowed Sei's identity to base himself on — it's very likely he doesn't even know who Sei was. He does not have Sei's clothes — nondescript and tied to Asunaro as they are — and he does not have the capacity for expressing emotion that Sei had.
When comparing Ranger and Sei in terms of personality, differences are obvious. There are similarities, naturally — besides the abrasive way of speaking, there's the jealousy and desire for validation. But in Ranger, these are present to an extreme — they're all he has. (And, ironically, this is what Gashu claims to believe makes him so human, even when Ranger's inhumanity comes through most clearly in this lack of anything else.)
In Sei, on the other hand, these traits are tempered by logic, to put things in YTTD's beloved logic vs. emotion dichotomy. Despite his outwardly emotional nature, from what we see of him he appears realistic and focused on survival in a way that Kai isn't. He's aggressive and overly casual about killing people, but he doesn't express the glee at violence that Ranger does, only a fierce desire to prove himself and survive. Sei is jealous of Kai and desires Gashu's affection, but also has an understanding of the situation he's in that both Kai and Ranger lack — he can tell that Gashu doesn't care about him as much as he does Kai, and recognizes that the way Gashu treats both of them is wrong. Ranger believes Gashu truly loves him, a fact proven blatantly false by his eventual demise at Gashu's hands. Ironically, this blindness is more similar to Kai as we see him in his minisode, rather than Sei.
Of course, this understanding isn't simply a part of Sei's basic nature, but rather the fact that unlike Kai and Ranger, he has past experience to go on. Sei wasn't born into the Satou family — though his exact origins are unclear, based on his grief for his birth father and how he talks about Asunaro ("all this shady organization crap"), it's possible he wasn't even born into Asunaro at all. Before being sent to Gashu, he had his own father, one who we don't know anything about but whom he apparently loved. He doesn't accept Gashu's treatment of him and Kai the way Kai does because he has known a different father and a different way of life. This doesn't free him from Asunaro's influence — he still accepts the role of assassin they give him and resigns himself to becoming a killer. What choice does he have, after all? But he carries no illusions about Asunaro or his role in it. He knows that the training is cruel, that he is viewed only as a tool, that Asunaro is wrong even if they are also not worth resisting.
This is a major part of why Ranger isn't Sei, why he cannot be; because Asunaro is all Ranger knows. They are his creators, who he was literally built to serve. In Ranger's mind, he is not only Gashu's son and heir, but his creation, his masterpiece. And of course he wouldn't have been created with Sei's memories — why take that risk? Why give him any sort of knowledge of a life outside Asunaro or reason to be disloyal to them?
Ranger is not Sei — so why model Ranger after him? Because Ranger is the idea of Sei, what Sei was meant to be: a counterpart to Kai, a rival, a second choice. Gashu preferred Kai, once; Kai won out over Sei. But Kai has proven himself a failure and betrayed Asunaro, leaving Gashu with no choice but turn once more to Kai's long-dead competition. Ranger is, like Sei, the opposite of Kai, temperamental and vulgar while Kai is stoic and polite, and perhaps more importantly, capable of murder while Kai steadfastly is not.
And yet Ranger isn't Sei. Sei was jealous of those — specifically Kai — he saw as superior or at least as being treated as such; Ranger is this idea taken to its natural conclusion. Sei had lost everything he had outside of Asunaro; Ranger never had anything else to begin with. Sei was a human; Ranger will never be, doomed to forever long otherwise. Ranger is Sei only in the ways Sei was useful — desperate for recognition, willing to kill, a perfect rival to Kai — but something entirely different, an inhuman machine, in all the ways Sei was a liability.
Sei was human, and he knew that he deserved to have that fact respected. Ranger isn't human and gets only the wanting, desperate to be as good as a human even humanity itself is unattainable. Of course, it isn't being a doll that is actually Ranger's problem — it's Asunaro, who view humans and dolls alike as disposable. Sei's humanity didn't make him any less of a tool as far as Asunaro was concerned, it only made him more difficult to control. All Sei wanted was to be seen as an equal to Kai, a person worthy of respect — and this is what he gets, in the end: his face and voice used as a base for one of Asunaro's weapons, while his true identity and personhood remains forgotten.
Ranger has nothing to hold him back from doing his duty for Asunaro, nor does he have anything to hold onto outside of it. In that sense, Ranger is an ideal asset for Asunaro — at least until the very jealousy and hatred Gashu programmed into him goes too far, and he is, once again, deemed a failure. Ironically, Gashu shoots Ranger for attempting to kill a participant, when willingness to kill was perhaps the one true advantage Sei had over Kai.
In the end, Ranger is offered no more humanity in his death than Sei is — they are both merely pawns of Asunaro, set to die at its whims. But while Sei dies in the arms of his brother, receiving one final act of kindness as Kai refuses to kill him, Ranger has no one in either of his deaths but his creators: in his death as Rio Laizer the dubious kindness of Tia Safalin, making his final moments full of agonizing guilt, and of course in his first death, as Rio Ranger, nothing but Gashu's coldness, the bullet in his head a sort of culmination to the favoritism Sei found weighed against him, and a demonstration of just how far Gashu has come from the father who once genuinely cared for Sei. Sei was human, Ranger was not, but as far as Asunaro is concerned, they are exactly the same: tools, easily thrown away as soon as they stop being useful.
#also I don't know where to put this in here but the fact that both Kai and Ranger struggle to show facial expressions#while Sei does not... it's neat is all#your turn to die#yttd#rio ranger#sei satou#sei yttd#i haven't been as focused on yttd lately but i found this in my drafts and was like oh i am still mentally ill about the satou brothers huh#i have so many thoughts about sei... we see so little of him but what we do see is so interesting to me#i was writing an au where he survives instead of kai so i have thought extensively about what his deal is lol#like can we talk about how sei killed like 3 people? specifically other kids? and was super chill about it? like dude#if sei was not a tragically dead child he'd have become a super fucked up adult is what i'm saying#i need to go back to writing that fic.... maybe when i finish my 5 million other wips
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Hobonichi updates 🖊 📖
#doodles#non fandom stuff#hobonichi tag#dailylife#hobonichi techo#well ok maybe some of it is fandom stuff but not enough for me to bother with the proper tags#i almost forgot i wanted to post this stuff!#but i remembered cause of the comic i did about today!!!#it was a really funny interaction. kids are so silly. it's fun to make them laugh#especially when they seem kinda stiff or nervous about asking questions#ah... there were a lot of other entries i coulda posted but I've been writing a lot of personal stuff#I've been going through so many like... mini mental health crises since late April#at the end of the year reading back through this journal is going to be interesting#and i hope i am in a better place mentally#or like. consistently. lol#anyway there u go enjoy the kai life journaling nonsense
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thinking about bartylily.... would love to hear any and all thoughts you have about the two of them...... smooches ✨
kay <333 omg bartylily i miss them. i was just thinking about how bartylily is all about breaking cycles. lily is perpetually stuck in a time loop of getting into relationships with people who know nothing about her and don’t care enough to look past their own assumptions about her. on the one hand, she wants someone to actually see her but on the other that is terrifying to her. so she stays in these unfulfilling relationships because being seen means making choices and deciding what she wants for the first time in her life. and then barty comes along and it’s not even about rebellion. it’s just about making a choice. he is a choice no one would tell her to make. he’s the first choice she makes because she wants to. and that is the breaking of her time loop.
here’s a little snippet of a new fic i’m writing:

#MWAH ily#also i think it’s really interesting that this is in direct contrast to bartylus#which is about maintaining cycles#bartylily#kay tag <3#lane writes
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you know i gotta ask you about ace sam fic xoxo
okay this fic was prompted by the lack of ace fic for cobra kai on ao3, and the fact that at the time i created the wip there were NO fics where samantha larusso is ace despite it being abundantly clear that this lady is not attracted to men, she is performing femininity in an attempt to fit in and miguel is a very safe person to do that with. it's samtory because feminism and they are crazy obsessed with each other. here are the two paragraphs of thoughts that i sent gregory when first conceiving the idea:
"i just think that the whole slut/prude thing and how aware she is of everyone's expectations of her would intersect with the whole ace thing in a really interesting way. like. she knows that as a teen girl there's this unspoken thing where she's supposed to want sex but she can't let anyone know she wants sex but she's supposed to find boys hot and she doesn't and the thought of having sex with anyone makes her want to throw up but it's too late for her to be a late bloomer and then she discovers that she likes tory so maybe she's a lesbian but she doesn't want to have sex with her either and now she's failed to be the perfect expected teen girl Twice because she likes other girls but she doesn't like them enough to want to have sex like every other person in the world
"and then of course the whole thing about intense bloody rivalries is that they're homoerotic right. it's not homoromantic it's about the passion and fire and how fighting and sex can be two sides of the same coin in that regard so does tory even like her for anything more than that passion? if she can't give tory more than a few heated makeout sessions then will tory want to stay?"
anyway. ace!sam 2025!!!! let's go!!!! it's just little scenes right now but idk hopefully for ace awareness week this year i'll get it done since i've been working on it since 2022
#ask#anon#bestie how am i meant to tag you here#sam is such an interesting character in many ways because the writers simply don't know how to write teen girls#there should be more ace fic in every fandom but especially in cobra kai i think#my favorite thing about this particular wip of mine is the also implied ace robby in it#because sam and robby are two sides of the same coin and i'll push that agenda whenever i can#thanks for asking!!!#raviv#vivitalks
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I've been reflecting a lot about how the Cobra Kai series has handled Asian representation (Japanese and Korean, to be more specific), especially in the last two seasons 🤔 what are your opinions about this?
#I know CK is not famous for its realistic representation of... anything really#but I suppose this one should have been handled well since we've even travelled to Korea in the last season ans to Japan back in season 3#I still won't write anything about this since I don't have a well-informed opinion yet#but I'm so curious and interested in reading yours#cobra kai#cobra kai season 6#cobra kai part 2#cobra kai series#korean cobra kai#korea#japan#asian representation#asia
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hello everyzero it is i, k
i am writing A Thing and my brain decided that it needed 32 “”“main”“” characters—people who will be introduced and whose fates will be tied to the will of the collective who read it (ie u) (if you read it) (please read it)
designing 32 oregano characters with rich lore and backstories only for them to be cut down seems like a good way for me to die on the inside
the idea is for fanfic. it is a Pokémon project! there are isekai elements planned!! which means!!!
please tell me your favorite characters from media that takes place (or even just starts) on earth!!!! no matter how fantastical or futuristic, if i can make it fit a mold that i need i will absolutely consider it for the story!!!!!
#kay writes#Pokémon#pokemon fanfiction#the mold here is one of the eighteen Pokémon types#i have ideas about ze and orv characters so not them#unless you really really want me to write a specific zero escape or omniscient reader viewpoint character#maybe i’ll raichu a oneshot (if you ask for it) (if you need one)#and. if you are. interested. in what i’m planning. i am interested in telling you. i like talking to my friends.
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mini rant but I'm sorry but I don't want a goddamn omniverse continuation, there are so many bad continuity in there and retconing them is like putting a ductape on a big earthquake crack
also could we just create a new ben 10 continuity?? without the others holding it back?? ben 10's continuity is such a mess anyways (I mean look at kevin's backstory) and I want new fresh ideas surrounding ben 10
#omniverse's writing isn't good and I'm not gonna pretend it's not#I've already rant why I hate alien x and omniverse makes me hate him alot more#also kai green and the whole “destiny and fate” bullshit#ben 10 already established that fate doesn't exist in the universe#and out of frickin no where she's is “destined” to be ben's wife#and omg fans should stop bringing this up that shit pisses me off#and she's not even that good of a love interest too#she's so fricking toxic 😭😭#fans daydreaming about omniverse having a new content#or fans hoping the new ben 10 comic is gonna be about omniverse#and honestly I would really cry if the new comic is gonna be about OV#omniverse wanting to “fix” uaf's problems#and they didn't fix anything shit#some double it down and made it worse 😭😭#anti omniverse#ben 10 omniverse#ben 10#rant post#personal rant#ranting#rant
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Specified Line Tag
Thanks for the tag, @oh-no-another-idea, sorry it took me so long to get to!
Rules: Find a line in your WIP that fits each of the parameters given to you, then give new prompts for the people you tag <3
Doing this with some lines from an old self-indulgent precursor to my current untitled Kai-focused WIP set in the FMB universe!
A line about family
"You were never my family, Rowan. My real family are here. Without you."
A line with a joke
"Oh, I- I'd kill you if I could," he mutters, and I choke out a laugh as I repond. "Well, points for self awareness, I guess."
A sad line
"Why would I be lying? She was meaningless, she had no use to us, she was nothing. I hope she's still down there, rotting in the ocean where I left her."
A line featuring an animal
I lean back and stare at the screen, grabbing an old stuffed bear I got when I was four and losing myself in the most terrifying monologue ever written.
Tagging (no pressure) - @primroseprime2019 @new-royston-cursebreakers @druidx, and anyone else who wants to!
Your lines are:
A line about emotions A line about friends A line with a joke A line about clothes
#it took ages to find these omg#and for anyone interested#the third one is actually techanically kai talking about his pre-transition self to someone who doesnt know that the 'girl' he was is gone#and kai is essentially breaking this guys heart by telling him that the girl he loved is dead#but its actually just metaphorical#not that the guy hes talking to knows it#theres a line later that's like#'well if only we had time for an intense debate about how to refer to your pre-transition self#however you are about to beat me up so itll have to wait'#which i find quite amusing#and the last one is a compromise because i couldn't find any lines about living animals#thanks for the tag :)#eli tags sometimes#eli writes sometimes#my writing#tag game#five man band#kai fmb#fmb tag
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Featuring: Cmdr. Sophie Shepard, Lt. James Vega, EDI, and Thane Krios With: Flight Lt. Jeff "Joker" Moreau, Councilor Rannadril Bibsos Tembin Lesti Bensin Valern, Cmdr. Armando-Owen Bailey, and Kai Leng Kalahira, this one's heart is pure, but beset by wickedness and contention. Guide this one to where the traveler never tires, the lover never leaves, the hungry never starve. Guide this one, Kalahira, and she will be a companion to you as she was to me. Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition (2021)
#mira makes gifs ✨#sophie shepard#james vega#EDI#thane krios#jeff joker moreau#mass effect#mass effect 3#me3#mass effect legendary edition#dailygaming#priority citadel is one of my favorite priority missions in the game so it’s a fun one to gif!#i absolutely love how much thane content you get in the front end of the mission since thane is one of my favorites!#and bailey is one of my favorite npcs in the game so i adore that he gets a bit of a spotlight role in a bigger mission too!#but i will say that i do think priority citadel has some.. writing issues? to put it mildly?#i think my biggest problem is that i feel like everything with udina feels like it kinda just comes out of left field#like it feels like there’s VERY little build up for what happens with udina being a cerberus plant#the idea is interesting!! but i wish there was much more build up for it? it’s sort of just- there for me and it just comes at you so fast#like udina had always been sort of portrayed as a kind of shifty/power hungry character (don’t get me wrong)#but the cerberus plot line seemed VERY hastily thrown in and i wish there was a bit more subtle nodding to it throughout earlier missions#and i could write essays about how i wish kai leng was written better#but people who write much more eloquently than i do can put it in much better words than i can what problems there are with his writing#i think he had potential to be a super interesting character if he was introduced earlier and was much less stereotypical in form#also i’m sorry mr. leng but miranda wears the armor better (I SAID IT AND I WONT APOLOGIZE FOR IT)#the fight between kai leng and thane is *chef’s kiss* 👌 tho (i adore the cinematography of the shots as a video editing bitch)#ME3 has very nice fight choreography in some of the cutscenes (especially the ones with kai leng and the phantoms)#thane krios will always be my beloved and in canon he and soph develop a mutual respect over their hand to hand combat skills :)#also i forgot to say joker looking so absolutely done with everything in that first gif is me irl ✨
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Regis backstory snippet (≧▽≦) Please enjoy this quick story!!
The worn-down, empty apartment wasn’t so empty anymore.
Aki went from appliance to appliance, fixing up a cup of tea. As he slowly stirred it, he glanced back over his shoulder.
The outworld teen sat at the roughed-up island counter, silently nursing her injuries. Her torn skin was already beginning to mend itself. She didn’t look back at him, and instead looked blankly at the marble countertop. Her Mirror of Transcendence laid there, covered by a sterile rag.
She seemed… lonely and downcast. Aki supposed anyone who had just been stranded on a different planet would be.
“So,” he said, leaning over and sliding the cup to her. “What’s your name, kid?”
“R…” The teen hesitated. “...Regis.”
Aki got the feeling that wasn’t her real name. It didn’t matter; it wasn’t as if ‘Aki’ was his birth name either.
“I’m Aki, though you prolly already figured that out.” He rested his arms on the counter. “Where ya from?”
He didn’t mention that he asked because of the rose-like markings on her skin.
Silence filled the dusty kitchen. Regis eyed her Mirror of Transcendence.
It was a long time before she finally said, “▮▮▮▮▮.”
In other words, the Garden Star of Beauty.
Aki grimaced internally, his hunch confirmed. Being from a neighboring star system, he had heard all sorts of things about that place, and none of it was good.
A vicious long-lived species with an average lifespan even exceeding that of the Xianzhou people. Political and religious hell. Underlying conflict between worshippers of Yaoshi and those of Idrila. He’d even come across a rumor that when the people of the native species inevitably succumbed to insanity, their bodies would transform into monstrous, mutated plants.
No wonder ‘home’ was such a touchy subject for Regis.
“Gotcha,” Aki replied. He gave her a quick once-over: the gash on her face had already mended itself in the time they were speaking, leaving only scarred tissue behind. “And you’re a Mirror Holder, huh?”
Regis nodded without saying anything.
Outside, ▮▮▮’s only star began to set. The entire city was suddenly awash in vivid colors, colors that would soon give way to darkness and artificial light.
Aki cursed under his breath and closed the blackout curtains over the kitchen window. Then, in the brief moment of pitch blackness, he relied on habit to find the lightswitch again.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” he told Regis, who only tilted her head.
“Why do you need to…”
She didn’t finish her sentence, but Aki got the gist of what she was asking.
“Let’s just say I’ve made a lot of enemies.” His bad ankle throbbed. “And I’ve got no intention of letting those rats get a peek at my apartment when they’re the most active.”
“Are your enemies the same people who stole the Providence?” Regis asked.
So that was the name of her spacecraft.
“Yeah. You were really unlucky—they normally don’t have guys skulking about during the daytime.”
Regis’ mouth set in a serious line. “Well, I’m not going to just let them take it,” she muttered, sounding the most angry Aki had seen her so far. “It’s mine. And more importantly… I can’t stand the way they laughed as they took it apart.”
The bitter venom that laced her words reminded Aki of himself a few years prior—a broken little boy who took the bloodstained hand that reached out from the shadows, building up a brotherhood of outcasts because the rest of the world rejected him.
To put it simply, Regis had potential.
“Then,” he started, “let me and my guys help out. No one knows those bastards better than us.”
He meant it as an honest proposal, but Regis stared at him like he had abruptly grown a second head.
“Help… me,” she echoed disbelievingly.
Aki crossed his arms and gave her a wry but genuine smile.
“Defend our own, protect the innocent, avenge the wronged. That’s what our creed boils down to.” He held up two fingers. “As far as I’m concerned, you’re innocent ‘cause you had nothing to do with our business at first, but you’ve been wronged anyway. That’s two reasons to help you out.”
Regis still didn’t seem to believe him. For a follower of Idrila, she was unique in her skepticism.
“Mirror Holder or not, I know an outcast when I see one,” continued Aki. “Me and my brothers—we’re all people like you. Maybe you’ll be leaving this planet behind a week, a month from now, but there ain’t a reason for us to not lend a hand now.”
“...For now,” Regis conceded, standing up from her stool. “If you can help me get my ship back, then that’s all that matters.”
Well, it was good enough. Some people needed to see actions more than words. Aki understood.
“Glad to have you with us, then.”
He extended his hand to her like his own “sister” did for him so many years ago.
Regis took it.
#kai's writing#my art#hsr oc#regis#aki#this is actually not chronologically the start of regis' backstory... haha#but i thought it would be a good starting point#you guys can see who inspired her fashion taste/aesthetic right? lol#man during this point of her backstory she was having it ROUGH#thankfully she's about to grow significantly and find herself#...in a very interesting way but you gotta trust the process#aki i love you ... i literally came up with you HOURS ago but i love you
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Do you think misako would help wu give lar his lessons
#hed love to spend time with his aunt....#so basically lar stays at the monastery each week or so#and wu teaches him a bunch of stuff since he never went to school and ray and maya didnt have time to teach him properly#he can read and do basic maths but his writing isnt very good cause he rarely if ever got to practice#wu uses this time not just to teach him but also to bond with him#he also taught kai and nya when they were kids and throughout the years. after ray and maya disappeared he didnt feel like theyd be safe#at school. what if something happened to them too??#lar is. not interested in school.#too many people.#hes still not used to all that and is also scared of being bullied like in movies and tv#and hes more than happy to have his dad teach him anyway#ninjago#family au#lar smith#misako could teach him about interesting history facts and stuff maybe
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nosy anon again making a return because i think what my brain did was read that i helped find some kind of writing and then did not fully process what the writing was?? but upon rereading i am very intrigued if you ever get the urge to share i will be all eyes/ears/senses required to enjoy things!!
I GET TO DO WIP WEDNESDAYYYYYY!!! the writing exists mostly in the form of a tag (fantastic! 'verse) and also a thirty-two page doc of snippets and planning, so the sense you will be using most is imagination:
don't think i have ever actually formally written out anything about fantastic! 'verse but! the tl;dr of it is that it's a semi-college au: joel is still a hockey player for the lv phantoms, but morgan is a college student-athlete. it's incredibly relevant to the plot that joel falls in love with morgan in the check-out line of a wegman's, lies a little bit, and ends up going back to get his degree.
most of it is just good fun about college kids growing up, but i think there's a lot of parallels between making your way through a development system where traditional "success" isn't always guaranteed (ahl -> nhl, completion of higher education -> pursuit of a career) because that development system isn't always designed for you to "succeed" or have opportunities. heavy quotation marks around success because part of that struggle is learning what you want in life and how you define success. are your dreams achievable? are they still the same dreams you always used to have? it's infinite branching universes of would you still love me if i was a worm (ahl player forever) (a college dropout) (a college graduate) (older) (realizing the fallibility of your body) (uncertain of the future) (human).
silly little snippet:
#do i LOVE this snippet no we're still workshopping but i felt like y'all needed context for why it's fantastic! 'verse#and i can't link ash's tweet because. priv nor can i link kay or jos' replies so this is me saying Just Trust Me the tweet is this scene#anon the gift keeps on giving. i get to gab i get to be nosy the world is ideal i am here for it#does it count as wip wednesday if the w in question has been ip for four (?) years?#liv in the replies#HI THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO GO OUT WHEN I FIRST GOT IT BUT I MISSED WEDNESDAY SO I HAD TO WAIT A WHOLE WEEK TO HIT IT AGAIN#BECAUSE I GOT EXCITED ABOUT DOING THE DAYS OF THE WEEK wip wednesday#you know the one oh i LOVE this part audio? that's me any time somebody asks me questions i am SO inclined to share.#one time somebody made a comparison about the blog and walking through a garden and it made me weepy i can't even lie#ALSO I SAW YOUR OTHER ASK i am in the trenches about whether i want to post it or not i did also go look and see her morgan posting in 2019#and maybe she is the same girlfriend?? maybe they broke up and got back together?? maybe she just cleaned up her vsco??? SO confused#(the debate is for all the reasons you mentioned lol it's just me deciding how Public you have to be before i think i want to paper doll yo#into my narratives? in a public forum because i would absolutely dm/gc/etc where there's no chance she could see or be involved#(as if she is on tumblr) but also figuring out how much i let into the sandbox. To Me things like the edm polycule or including wags can be#interesting within the narratives and sometimes i just pretend they don't exist! right now i am intrigued by the fact of whether or not#i invented a girlfriend (???) for morgan but she really doesn't fit into my narratives in a fun/interesting way besides that#and i don't want to spread misinfo if i DID invent this other girlfriend. rip morgan's imaginary (??) gf although i KNOW there was one#with the artsy vsco claw marks on his back. i promise!!! maybe it was just her!!!#fantastic! 'verse#i have better snippets i promise this au is funny it also features like. all of the 2019-2020 flyers because that's when i started writing#AND probably ten of those 32 pages are plans for a sequel/companion about isaac ratcliffe my beloved 😭#don't think too hard about who is actually playing on the flyers or draft orders without people. EYE know who is still on the team#but i did not do the math shenanigans to figure out who replaced people like morgan or scooty loots. vibes only no PP units
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Kai and Q-Taro for the character bingo?


Uh huh, sorry for the late response ^^" Ramblings under cut!
I am not gonna lie, I've found him annoying at first due to his peronality and such. But as many I changed my mind later, I really liked the scene when he abandons everybody it gave him a lot of depth and his development was amazing. At the same time I'm not that much suprised that he was willing to take that choice; after all he was raised by Asunaro, and I bet they influenced his mentality in some way. Also, the way that he believed that he was worthless If he's not succesfull at baseball, is really heartbreaking. When I first played ytts before I got to his backstory in chapter 3, I found his reaction to Koshien (the national tournament that he lost in high school) really exaggerated, but right now? It makes sense that he reacts that strongly to that given that it really is a basis of his self worth. As for his development I don't have much to say it's just very well done! He slowly started caring about everyone as If they were the children at the orphanage.I saw somebody's theory that the reason he didn't take the ticket if Sara didn't give him the points, is that he would have to take them from Gin and then let him die for his sake. Speaking of which his attitude to Gin is also nice - from looong hestitation on the wheel to the decision to give his life away for him and all the participants to survive. There's one thing that I can't forgive about him and that is his fashion sense and burger clothes. A stylist would fix him, actually
Kai, I LOVE KAI, he's my second fav!I find his personality pretty unique as for character standards - he seems creepy, is stoic but also really funny lol.As for deeper things I really like how his character is split between his present and past actions,the good and the bad. The way that he wears his ordinary cooking apron and role of a homemaker despite never really knowing the normal home is really ironic. He considers himself a bad person, but he still tries to do the right thing, he's not afraid to change, to rebel . I really like how his loyalty to Sara pararells Gashu's loyalty to Asunaro, they both aren't afraid to bet their life on that. I kinda imagine his father taught him these values but he just went ahead and used them against the organisation (I really need to see his minisode, damnn).
#yttd#your turn to die#bingo game#qtaro burgerberg#kai satou#I'm bit suprised that I managed to write a lot more about qtaro but I guess it's fair considering how little screen time kai had#ngl I started liking qtaro bc he was so fun to voice act#you like him because he's interesting I like him because I like doing his silly voice#we are not the same#as for kai I love constantly rotating him in my mind lol#random rambles
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i wanna do something weird and fucky and majorly audience-participationy with my fantasy universe that would both be entertaining and also help me worldbuild but i don’t think enough people would be interested and there’s no audience participation without an audience y’know what i mean
i am asking for affirmation, gay people in my phone—if i made a fantasy worldbuilding sideblog with like fiction snippets and weekly exploration polls would you send asks
#fantasy#worldbuilding#fiction#fantasy writing#is this kay whining it feels like it is#i don’t think it’d be like an rp blog#there wouldn’t be a Player Character or whatever right#it’d be closer to like. a guided tour#and the audience is a group of tourists and i’m showing you around the place#and you vote on where you want to explore and you’d send asks pondering about weird things that i don’t in the slightest treat as strange in#and if you send an ask Yes-And’ing my world i would also yes and alongside you#but like. if there’s no interest in that kinda thing then there’d be no audience#and at that point i should just write a book or something#and i already have trouble writing for ZWG yknow#i love audience participation projects but i hate not having an audience#so exhausting#bleh
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I have so much respect for people who just put their blorbo into every interation with other characters, as if everyone loves their blorbo and it's SO fun until half the fandom is blorbo-inserting with that one character you just can't fucking stand and every time you try to look for stuff of your own blorbos, they are THERE, HAUNTING.
#yes this is about t/su/ka/sa from se/kai#I am so sorry I just can't get into his character#I can't tell if it's the canon version or the fanon version that drives me up the wall more#but I cannot stand him#I enjoy characters like him and I get why he's a Tumblr favorite he's a cringefail clown boy#but he's just so obnoxious#I really want to like him but guh#it does not help that the 'mafu/ka/sa parallels' are just so dumb#they are kind of cool?#but the ONLY people who talk about them just use the other female characters to make their blorbo look better#'he acts confident and cheerful in order to make sure that others don't feel sad because of him!' you mean Saki?#'he aims to be a star that can make everybody smile so he always wants to make everyone else happy!' that's Emu actually#'he puts on a dazzling persona in order to combat the fact that he doesn't remember his childhood an is actually sad on the inside!' Mafuyu#but do ANY of these people write meta about the girls?#haven't seen one yet#Ts/uka/sa is an interesting character to breakdown. Yes he lost out on his childhood (Saki had it worse) but just because he lost sight#of his original goal (the reason that he wanted to be a star) wasn't really a dissociative thing like Mafuyu not remembering her childhood#no one wants to talk about how Emu holds on to her childishness and even if she genuinely believes in her happiness she's still sad#or how Saki had LITERAL NIGHTMARES of the hospital and pushed herself too far several times because of her fear of missing out of her youth#how Mafuyu grew up too fast and doesn't have an outlet for her negative emotions bottling them up until she almost comminted sui#people seem to acknowledge how HARD these things are when they're talking about ts/ka/sa but jus completely sideline everybody else#also I think he's obnoxious in canon#god shut the fuck up you are yelling in my ear#I really wanna be able to like polysho and ten/ma siblings (with Toya) but I just can't#then I go on Tumblr and half the shit I see is 'My Blorbo is so nice to everyone else!'#'I want to see Tsu/kas/a see through Mafuyu's facade!' you mean like Emu has already been doing this entire time??#all of those memes where he is talking to Kanade and she's covering her ears like '...Loud...' that's me#Akik/as/a would be SO fun to me if I could stand Ts/uka/sa#so many artists with ADORABLE art styles and precious ideas but they just put T/suk/as/a into everything and I am like#get this man off my screen
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