#malachai blackwater
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likeafairytale · 8 months ago
“ Tell me... Something no one else knows about you. ” – Wendy to Malachai during their midnight talks
Malachai was lying in bed, Wendy lying next to him, her head where his heart was. He was sure she could hear his heart beating faster because of the proximity, but he tried his best to not think about it. He felt as if his heart was ready to jump out of his chest at any moment. The young girl was doing some circle on Malachai's skin with the tip of her finger, while he couldn't help but pet her hair. Him who was always wary of his environment felt so in peace right now, he wished it was forever the case.
At her question, he frowned a little, his red eyes focus on the dresser right in front of him. For a moment, he was silent. Trying to think of something. Malachai was a mystery for everyone, he was a private person, even his siblings did not know a lot about him, and yet he couldn't think of a single thing to share with Wendy. Still caressing her hair, he breathed her perfume which made his heart missed a few beat. She must have noticed it because she raised her head to look at the young prince. They locked eyes for a moment, the room silent except for their heartbeat and the old clock in the corner of the room. Wendy frowned, her chin on Malachai's chest, a little smile on her face.
“Forget my question. It was stupid of me to ask. You own me nothing.” She whispered, realizing that she might have overstepped.
She felt a bit stupid, and she was quite scared she angered him with this innocent question. She knew how royalty well guarded their personal life, the only one she knew who talked so openly about her life was Calypso, but she put that on her young age and the fact that she needed a friend, nothing else. The prince was still quiet, his eyes looking back in front of him, almost forgetting Wendy, if it wasn't for her weight on his chest. Because the silent was unbearable, the young servant rose and was ready to leave, thinking Malachai was mad at her, but she did not have the time to do anything, the young man took her wrist, bringing her back to him, laying her on top of him, a little smile on his face.
“Let me think a moment.” He simply said, and she nodded, her cheek suddenly red. He smiled a bit brighter to that, proud of him. “Hmm, I have a stutter.”
“I know that already.” She laughed and he frowned.
“I thought I was good at hiding it.”
“Not when you're angry or confuse.”
“Hmm, you know me well, I see.” He answered with amusement, she blushed a bit more, looking away. Malachai was silent again. He was thinking, debating if he should tell her what he wanted to say or not. What did he have to lose anyway? After a moment, he took a deep breath, straighted up a little, and said: “My middle name is Lysander.”
“That's...” Wendy started, a bit startled by the revelation. “You shouldn't say it to anyone.”
“You're not anyone, Winny. You are dear to my heart.” He said, a little smile on his face. He caressed her cheek which made her close her eyes. She still wasn't used to such tenderness, but she was learning to appreciate Malachai's touch. “I know you'll keep this for yourself. Plus you asked for something no one knows, except my father no one knows my middle name, not even my siblings.”
“Thank you for trusting me so much. I'll keep it to my heart.” She said, coming closer to him in order to kiss his lips. Malachai kissed her back with softness and passion. After that he brushed her nose with his, an amused smile on his face.
“Will you stay the whole night, please?”
“With pleasure, Lys. And only if you are my pillow.” She said which made him laugh.
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icanbeyourgenie · 2 years ago
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likeafairytale · 1 year ago
"I always thought that princes got to choose their own destiny. I guess I was wrong." - Yasmeen to Malachai when seeing the pressure he's under
“This is just a myth, nothing else.”
Malachai shrugged, looking at the status of Farore in front of him. The prince wasn't a pious man, but he found himself being drawn to the place quite often lately. The fact that Yasmeen was there during her free time probably play a role in it, for her presence was quite relaxing to him, but he did not want to admit it just yet. As usual, they were silent, they did not need words, they were both content with the silence, which was perfect for Malachai. The man loved his siblings, but they were real chatterboxes sometimes, and the church was the only place here where he could avoid his brother and sister, for none of them would dare disturb such a sacred place. Yasmeen wasn't the talkative kind of girl, and it was refreshing. She wasn't trying to pierce through his shell, it even seemed that she was happy with him being silent.
“I thought that if I was staying in the Fae kingdom, I could avoid my responsibility, but it seemed that I was completely wrong.” He sighed, before looking at Yasmeen who had her eyes on him.
“What are you going to do?”
“What my father want me to do. Meet the ladies he'll send for me.” He answered, but Yasmeen could see that it wasn't the answer he wanted to give her. “I really was hoping that Morgana will reject my father request to send them here.”
“The High Queen isn't threatened by young ladies, even less if they come from the sea.”
“Is that an insult?”
“Not at all, just an observation.”
The prince laughed a little, and he felt a bit more relax now. Yasmeen had this effect on him, every time he was tense, he just needed to spend a few hours with the servant for him to forget what was troubling him. Sometimes, when she wasn't there, he just needed to think about her smile for him to feel better. But right now, it seemed that the young girl's presence wasn't enough to make him forget the discussion he had with his father, a few hours sooner. Triton had had enough of his little game of avoidance. He knew that if his eldest son was so often at the Seelie Court, it wasn't only to make sure his sister was safe, but also to avoid his duty, and the duty he was avoiding the most was marriage.
Triton started to talk about it a few months back, and Malachai did not think much about it. He knew that, as the eldest, he should have been married a long time ago, but with Calypso's ordeal, he succeeded to deflect the situation. But now that things were settled, he knew he couldn't escape anymore. But the High King of the ocean was growing tired of his son's game, and was becoming more insistent in the idea of marrying him. If Malachai did not want to come meet the bachelorette his father found for him, then they will come to him instead. The prince knew that, with a pending war against the fae, Triton wanted to be sure he'll secure his bloodline. He did not know why it was so important for his father, for he knew he'll never give his throne, so having an heir shouldn't be his priority.
“You do not want to see them.” Yasmeen said, which bring him back to reality, and it was more an observation than a question.
“I do not want that, no...” Malachai admit before sighing.
“Why? I mean, maybe you'll find a match among them.” She whispered, and Malachai thought he heard a bit of resentment, and the perspective of that made him smile a little, but he might have imagined it.
“You know perfectly why.”
To go with his words, he slowly and softly put his hand on Yasmeen's one. He thought, for a minute, that she would withdraw her hand, break the physical contact that he was daring to make, but she did not. She even surprised him by squeezing his hand, while looking in front of her. They stay silent, holding hands like children would do when they are in love. This was the only physical contact they allowed themselves to have in a semi-public place, here, in the church. No one ever came here, they knew it, so they knew they wouldn't be disturbed or caught, but that does not mean they weren't careful, they were constantly on the look-out. Even now, when they knew they were at peace, alone, they couldn't help but look behind them to be sure no one sneaked into the church without their knowledge.
The only place they allowed themselves to be open and affectionate was in Malachai's room. And yet, even there it was quite hard for both of them to be truly affectionate with one another, for both of them weren't used to it. Sometimes, the prince was envious to his sister and brother, who were showered with love by their mother growing up, making them more comfortable to express their feelings. Malachai had to grow up in a strict environment, with Triton, who believed that physical contact and love were just weaknesses.
The merman did not let go of Yasmeen's hand, although he knew he should. To be honest, he was craving for more, he wanted to hug her, tell her how lovely she looked right now, and most importantly, that he loved her. He wanted to say those words again and again, but he did not have the luxury to do it outside the comfort of his room.
“Believe me when I say I don't want to do this.”
“I do believe you.”
“But I can't go against my father.”
“I know that.” Yasmeen showed no emotion, like usual, but she squeezed his hand a little more, and he liked to believe she was as annoyed as he was by his father's decision. “When are they coming?”
“In two days.”
“That means we won't be able to see each other as much.”
“I wish things were different. For us.”
“Do you wish I was noble blood?”
“I wish I wasn't a prince.”
The girl looked at him, quite surprised by such words. She really thought Malachai was quite content with his status, just like his sister was, but right now she was seeing a different side of him. A prince with too much responsibility on his shoulders, someone his father was asking too much from. Someone who would never be able to leave the life he wanted and deserved. It was the first time the merman voiced those words. It wasn't the first time he thought them, many times in the past he was wishing he wasn't a prince, at least not the firstborn, but it was the first time he felt comfortable enough to confess it to someone. After that, they stayed silent. They both did not know what to say more. After a moment, Malachai kissed the back of Yasmeen's hand, that he was still holding. He did not want to break this only physical contact they had, but he had too. It's with a heavy heart that he let go of her, before standing and adjusting his jacket.
“Will you come tonight? We can discuss a strategy for me to avoid those boring ladies.”
“I'll be there, yes.” She answered with amusement, and he couldn't help but smile.
“With a bit of luck, Aeron will distract them all from me.”
“I do think that he will definitively try.” This time she laughed, and his heart missed a beat to the sound of it. He once again took her hand, before kissing it, making her smile in the process.
“I'll see you around, Meena.” He said before quietly leave the church.
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likeafairytale · 1 year ago
“ Do you want to try too? Surely you can't be as bad as your sister. ” – Yasmeen to Malachai, while she's ice skating with Calypso
“Hey!” Calypso yelled, a bit offended.
Yasmeen tried to hide her amusement, but she couldn't. She wasn't wrong, though, Calypso was struggling to stay steady on the ice and almost fell more than once. Malachai couldn't help but laugh at the view of his sister, and while she came closer to him, she hit his shoulder, making him jumped. He pretended she hurt him, and she seemed proud of herself, which made her brother smile with amusement. The merman stayed in the bank of the frozen lake, while holding his sister, who was still struggling to stay on her feet.
His attention was now on the frozen lake. It was the first time he saw one, and he had to admit it was mesmerizing. It was Calypso's first winter in the Fae Kingdom, –and so his first one too– and winter was full of surprise. The snow, the cold, the warm clothes, the hot cocoa, the fireplace always burning, and Christmas, something the merfolks did not celebrate under the sea. It was a strange season, Malachai thought. Winter did not exist under the sea, obviously there were a change in the current, the water was a bit colder than usual, but it was hard to tell the difference as they were living in deep water, and water there was always colder than the rest of the ocean. And if Calypso welcomed the new season with open arms, it wasn't the case for Malachai.
“No, I came to say goodbye.”
“Goodbye?” Calypso repeated, a bit confused. “Why? Where are you going?”
“Back home.”
Malachai suddenly felt unease when he saw how distraught she now was. She let go of his hand, even if that meant almost falling once again, and stepped back, the best she could, with Yasmeen's help. The maid did not let go of the princess, and the latter shook her head at her brother's words, because she did not want to accept them.
“But why?..”
“Duty calls me.”
“Can't you ignore it? We were supposed to celebrate Christmas together, it's our first Christmas, Malachai!” She whined and he grimaced. The merman hated to break his sister's heart, and he knew how much she hated seeing him or Nathaniel leave the Fae Kingdom, not only because that means she was loosing her support system, but also because unlike them, she could not go back to the ocean, which she was jealous.
“I'm sorry, little sister, but I have to. We can celebrate next year. And you won't be alone, Nathaniel stays here.”
“It won't be the same without you!” She screamed, her eyes full of tears. Her eyes were burning now, because of the cold, and she violently let go of Yasmeen's hand that she was still holding. The little mermaid then took off her skates, –not without difficulties– before running away straight to the castle.
“Calypso, come back. Cally don't be childish.”
But it was too late, the girl was already far away. Malachai sighed to her behaviour while shaking his head. He looked at his sister while she was running, and he promised himself that he will bring back her favourite treat, and probably some of her shells that she was collecting in order to be forgiven.
“The sirens again?”
Yasmeen's question brought Malachai's attention back to her. She shyly handed him her hand, and it took a few second for Malachai to understand what she was silently asking. Shaking his head, he softly took her hand, and that physical contact sent a shiver in his spine. He noticed that Yasmeen, too, quivered, but maybe it was just his imagination, maybe she was just cold. He helped her leave the frozen lake and sat on the bench next to her while she took off her skate in order to put her shoes on.
“No, not this time.” He confessed, and Malachai hesitated for a split second, but he then added: “The Selkies. Apparently, they are unhappy with the treaty father proposed, and they threaten to follow the sirens if we do not hear them out. Father is too stubborn to listen to them, so I said I will, in order to keep the peace.”
He was a bit surprised to be so open with her about the merfolks politics. A little part of him wasn't sure if he should discuss it to Yasmeen who was, after all, one of Morgana's maid. But keeping all of it for himself, without no one to confide was weighing on his shoulders. Plus, last time they had problem with the sirens, her helped and knowledge of battle strategy helped them to keep the Norwegian sea. He owed her his home after all. He silently looked at her, studying her facial expression, and he could tell she was lost in her thought. Yasmeen was a real mystery, and he wanted to be the one to pierce her shield. He was waiting for questions, about politics and probably what would be his strategy, but none of that came.
“You know, if you were more open with her, maybe she wouldn't be so mad about you leaving.”
“I cannot tell her, or Nathaniel. It would put unnecessary worries on them, they do not need that.”
“It's their home too, they deserve to know.”
“Not now. Please, can it stay between us?”
“I promise.” He smiled to those words, and she smiled back. To that he couldn't help but blush a little, for she had a pretty smile. “How long will you be gone?”
“Three months.”
“Oh...” She whispered, visibly surprised. Malachai loved to think that she was sad, or disappointed, but he did not want to ask, so he simply shrugged.
“Negotiation took longer than a battle sometimes.”
“This isn't the only reason why you are leaving, am I right?”
“What do you mean?”
“I watched you while you were coming. You limp.”
“You watched me?” He smiled, and she seemed unease, which made him laughed a little. “Is it that obvious?”
“More than usual, at least.”
“I admit that I also try to avoid winter, I do not enjoy it very much...”
He nodded to those words and couldn't help but grimace a little. He thought he had it under control, but visibly he was wrong. The merman was hoping that no one else noticed it except Yasmeen. The cold was chilling his bones and waking up some old wound that did not heal properly, like his limp. So yes, he took the disagreement with the Selkies as an opportunity to go back to the sea and avoid the cold that was winter. Yasmeen had a little laugh at his words, and that made his heart missed a beat. Here was the song that he probably loved the most. A smile took place on his face, happy to have made her laugh.
When she looked at him, he suddenly realized how close they were. He might have come closer during their conversation, without realizing it, and she probably did not realize too, because she did not move at all. For a few minutes, they looked at each other, silently, as they used to. None of them moved. This proximity, although unusual between them, was welcomed by both. The merman wanted to hold her hand, and he was ready to take it, when he heard the crispy noise of the snow, meaning that someone was coming from behind. Immediately, Yasmeen stood up, and Malachai backed up in the bench, looking away. He noticed that it was just a servant passing by, no one important, but the fear of being caught was still there. The girl cleared her throat while gathering hers and Calypso's skates.
“I should go make sure the princess is alright.”
“Yasmeen, wait.” He started, and he almost regretted it. She turned around, looking at him with curiosity in her eyes, and he cursed himself for acting before thinking. Malachai listened, making sure they were just the two of them, before timidly saying: “I... I'm going to miss you.” He could that the girl was trying to hide how surprised she was by his words. She stayed silent, and he couldn't blame her. He probably took her aback, and to be honest, he did not expect her to answer anything to him. “Anyway, tell my siblings I'll make it up to them when I'll come back. And... I'll bring you back a souvenir.” He finally said, an awkward smile on his face, before leaving the Fae Kingdom.
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likeafairytale · 7 months ago
“Okay but did you already have sex with a man though?” — Aeron to Malachai
Malachai almost spilled his drink to the question. It's been five drinks that he told himself that it was 'the last drink' but somehow, they kept coming, and he kept drinking them. No doubt Aeron was the cause of it. Tomorrow, he will wake up with a horrible hangover, and possibly a migraine with the feeling of hating himself, but that will be tomorrow's problem, not tonight's. In between, they talked about numerous subject; navigation, ships, Malachai's gift, but somehow, they came back to the subject of Malachai's sexuality, no doubt that Aeron was the cause of it again. The man seemed distant all the long of their conversation, and now the sea prince knew why; this question was in his brain since the beginning.
Aeron was for sure curious. Malachai knew how to deal with curious people, he had to deal with Nathaniel and Calypso after all, and they were very curious. For sure, Aeron was as curious as his siblings, but he was probably asking the right questions all the time. Always the sensible subjects, the subjects Malachai wasn't at ease with, at least not while being sober. Maybe six drinks ago, he would have been offended, and even would have left the bar, but he was drunk and tired, and the idea of standing up was making him dizzy already. So he stayed there, drinking his drink, that Aeron took pleasure to refill, as soon as he was over. The fae's prince frowned, put the bottle down and looked intensely at Malachai. The sea prince frowned too, sensing a shift in the air. He did not like it. He drank his glass before Aeron could ask anything else, knowing damn well that another forbidden question was following.
“Wait..... Did you already have sex with anyone? I feel I should start there.” Aeron asked in a whispered, as if there were people ready to spy on the two princes. They were, in fact, no one else in the bar. They were alone for an hour, but too deep in their drinking to realize it, probably. To that question, all Malachai did was rolling his eyes and sighed a little.
“I may not be as experimented as you are, but I am not a prudish either.” Later, he would come to regret sharing so much –to him, it was a lot to confess– with Aeron, but once again, that will be the problem of his future self, not his present self, who was now laughing with the other prince, both finishing their glasses. They finished their second bottle of whiskey.
“Hey you can't blame me for asking. You're so... stoic most of the time. It's very possible to me that you never had sex.”
“I'm not so uptight... am I?” Malachai asked, suddenly serious. To him, he was normal, not sharing too much, it never came to his mind that he was hard to read. He looked at Aeron with a puzzled look, and the fae's prince couldn't help but laugh to that.
“Please, 'repressed feelings' could be your middle name. That's why it's fun to anger you.”
“I am, without a doubt, drunk, but I still can perfectly punch you, do you want me to try?”
The sea's prince asked, back to his formal self. It was as if he sobered up thanks to one sentence, and Aeron did not like that at all. He kept refilling Malachai's drink, and the latter kept drinking, until the mood was lighter. Aeron came a bit closer, which made Malachai frowned a little. The prince of the sea moved forward, and once again it felt as if they were sharing a secret.
“So? Did you or did you not, had sex with another man?”
“Why? Would hope to be the first one?” Malachai asked spontaneously. He barely noticed what he just did, just like Aeron. The sea's prince smirked before laughing, while the fae's prince stayed there, processing what just happened.
“... Hey... did you ju- … flirting is my thing!” They both laughed, so much that Malachai's ribs were hurting right now. He felt as if he should call it a day, but it was hard to remember his limis with Aeron. For the first time in his life, he felt free and lighter.
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likeafairytale · 7 months ago
"Be honest with me.... If you liked boys, would I be your type?" - Aeron to Malachai
“Bold of you to assume that I do not like boys already.”
Malachai said nothing else. He simply smirked, the way he learnt to do since he became close to Aeron. Refilling his drink and his brother-in-law's one, he finished his quite easily, while the fae was still on his words. Maybe Malachai stuttered, it can happen when he was drunk, and surely he was to admit his sexuality so openly. Not that he was ashamed to like boys and girls, far from that, but the prince of the sea wasn't the most talkative when it comes to personal life. No one knew he was seeing Wendy in the intimacy of his room, and he hoped for it to stay that way, so in the back of his mind, he reminded himself to stay sober enough to keep it a secret.
Finally, his words arrived in Aeron's brain. The fae prince opened his mouth, visibly surprise, and it made Malachai laughed a little while he refilled his own drink. Perhaps he should stop there for tonight, after all, fae's alcohol was famous to be strong. He finished his drink and decided that it was enough for him, but it wasn't for Aeron, apparently, for the man drank three time in a row, as to process what he just heard.
“Come on, this isn't so shocking, is it?”
“Everything about you is shocking.” Aeron started with amusement. “Seriously, though? Am I your type?” His amusement turned into seriousness and Malachai frowned a little to that.
“Obviously not.” He said without hesitation, without stuttering, and Aeron seemed almost disappointed.
“I like to think you're lying.”
“I'm not.”
“Yes, you are.”
A silence, followed by them both laughing and refilling their drink –damn avarice. They drank in silence for a few more minutes, this time Malachai swearing to himself to stop after this one, while Aeron was deep in his thoughts. It wasn't rare between them to have deep silence in their conversation, most of the time they were initiated by Malachai, since Aeron loved to talk too much to let a pause go too long between them. So the silence did not annoy the sea prince. What disturbed him, however, was that Aeron was silence for a whole minute, his eyes lost in the distance, as if he was piecing things together. After a moment, the fae prince smirked and looked at Malachai, finishing his drink.
“Was it Markos?” He asked, and Malachai was visibly surprised. He stayed silence for a moment, before decided to go for another drink.
“How did you guess?” He asked, grimacing.
“It's always the second in command.” Aeron whispered, smirking, before winking to him.
“... We were young.” Malachai started. His brother-in-law did not ask, but he felt talkative tonight so why not. Or maybe it was the liquor who was talking now. “Markos was my companion, every class I took, he took them with me, every training, he trained with me. He was raised to be my second, my best friend.”
“Ouch, my feelings are almost hurt.” Aeron laughed, which made Malachai rolled his eyes.
“Maybe it was because I was with him all the time. More than with my own siblings. But those feelings disappeared as quickly as they came.”
“Does he know?”
“If he does, he hides it well.”
“Why not? You could have a little fun.”
“I'm not you, I don't jump on everything that moves.” Malachai frowned as if it was obvious, while Aeron put a hand on his heart as if it was hurt.
“Ouch, such vile words from a prince of the seas!” They both laughed and drank to that. “I can't believe he is your type, and I'm not.”
“Not all Blackwater has bad taste in men.” Malachai answered, smirking a little making Aeron laugh. Soon enough, the bottle was over, Aeron went to grab another one to refill their glasses while Malachai swore this was his last drink of the night.
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likeafairytale · 7 months ago
“Wait!” - Wendy catching Malachai on the shore just before he was about to dive into the ocean to join a battle, surprising him because he didn't know she was there
Malachai was about to enter the water when he heard a familiar voice. Frowning, he turned around and stepped back to be sure the water won't touch him. The young prince was more than surprised to see the girl here, and even though he was a bit concerned by her presence, he couldn't help but smile a little, before coming to meet her half way. Malachai looked at her catching her breath, asking himself if she ran all her way out but a quick look behind her made him understand that she borrowed one of the horse. This time, his smiled vanished and fear took place. Wendy would have never taken a horse if it wasn't important. Thief wasn't well received here, especially by servant. Malachai put his hand on her shoulder when she finally looked at him.
“Did something happened to my siblings?” He asked anxiously. That was his first thought. Why else would she have broke the rules if not for something this crucial. But the young girl shook her head, looking right through Malachai. It was as if she wasn't seeing him at all, which concerned him a little.
“No, no they are just fine. But I need to tell you something important.”
“Malachai!” They both heard Markos' voice coming from the sea.
The merman, and Malachai's second, was visibly waiting for him, and by the tone of his voice it was clear that he was impatient. Since they were little, Markos always loved battles and war. Malachai never truly understood this side of his friend, even less now that they were adult. A battle was about the start against the Zorra, and Markos was the first one to be excited. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't do anything without the approval of Malachai, so for now, he was waiting, his spear in one hand, looking intensely at Malachai as if it will make him come faster. Malachai sighed a little and rolled his eyes, no, really, he'll never understand why his friend loved violence so much. After a moment, he turned his head, focusing back on Wendy.
“Can't it wait my return? From what I've read in a missive, the Zorra already took one of the villages at the barrier.”
“No!” Wendy said louder that she wanted. That surprised Malachai and herself too, and she was happy that the other merman was too far to hear her. “I'm sorry, I didn't... I shouldn't be here, but I needed to tell you something, and it can't wait...” She started, and by her voice and demeanour that it was truly important. In the background, they could hear Markos calling for his friend, but the prince pretended he did not hear. Slowly, he took Wendy's hands into his, forcing her to look at him in the eyes.
“Go on, I'm listening.”
“When you think you have to go right, it's a trap. Go left. I know how it sounds, and I don't know what it means, I just know it's important, so promise me you'll remember it.”
Malachai was puzzled by her words. For now, they mean nothing important, but in a few hours they will be life-changing. He looked at her, perplexed, and he could see in her eyes that she was more than serious. She wouldn't be here if it was nothing to worry about. She wouldn't risk her life by stealing a horse if it wasn't significant. He knew that too well. Malachai couldn't help it; he gently caressed her cheek, a gesture that he only could do in private –sure, Markos was there but from where he stood he couldn't see it. The prince notice that Wendy stopped breathing for a short moment, and that made him smile a little.
“I promise I won't forget. I'll go left. But how do you know it's a trap?”
“I've seen it.” She said without hesitation, and it made Malachai frowned. She shook her head, as to put order in her thoughts, before adding: “Most times what I see only makes sense once the worst has passed. Don't let it happen. Come back alive.” She explained, and even though Malachai did not understand what she was talking about, he trusted her more than anyone, so he nodded. It seemed to relax Wendy who sighed a little, closing her eyes.
“I'll be back soon, and alive, I swear to you. Here, have it as a keepsake for the time being.”
Following his words, he took off his signet ring, the one with his initial on it, the one he never wore off. Without a hesitation, he placed the ring in Wendy's palm, and she sighed in disbelief.
“I cannot accept it. If someone sees me with your ring t-”
“You came here by horse, and I'm sure you were discreet enough for no one to see you flee. I have no doubt that you'll be smart enough to hide it well. I trust you, Winny.”
Wendy nodding and a small smile appeared on her face. Malachai wanted to stay. He wanted to take a walk with the woman he loved alongside the beach. Watch the sunset with her. But instead he had to go back under the sea, fight a battle he wished to settle with diplomacy. Once again, Markos' voice called Malachai, and this time he couldn't ignore it, he knew he had to go. Before she could say anything, or even comprehend it, Malachai came closer and kissed Wendy. A furtive kiss that was enough to make his heart miss a beat.
“Don't forget, please.”
“I won't. Left, not right.” He said and with his words he was off to the sea.
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likeafairytale · 8 months ago
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tell me, what did you learn from the tillamook burn? or the fourth of july? we’re all gonna die.
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likeafairytale · 1 year ago
"No I don't want him to leave, I'm in love with him. Please help!" - Nathaniel to Malachai about Achilles who's only been at the court for 3 days
Malachai looked up from the map he was examinating when he heard Nathaniel coming into the room. He frowned at his brother's attitude, and looked at him falling dramatically in the couch near him. Calypso, who was painting in her little corner, raised her head at her brother's words, and an amused smile was on her face. She didn't need him to say a name to know who he was talking about. Indeed, she noticed Nathaniel sudden interest on Achilles the moment he arrived in the Seelie Court –it was easy to spot on, for each time the bard was in the room, Nathaniel seemed to forget about his sisters, which annoyed her a lot.
The girl suddenly lost interest in her painting, and was way more interesting by her brother childishbehaviour right now. Nathaniel burried his face into the pillow in front of him and scream a little, probably out of frustration, while Malachai simply raised an eyebrow to that. The eldest Blackwater said nothing, simply shaking his head and sighing, before going back to the examination of his map. If the little mermaid noticed the sudden interest Nathaniel had about Achilles, Malachai, as for him, was still clueless about it.
“Xanthe is leaving? Where is he going?” Malachai finally asked, a bit distracting.
“He is not talking about him.” Calypso answered with amusement, which made the eldest frowned.
“I'm talking about Achilles!”
“The bard, pay attention at dinner, Kai!”
“Wait, you're in love with the bard?”
“I am! And he is not just a bard, he is so much more than that!”
Calypso couldn't help but laugh a little while leaving her little corner to come sit next to Nathaniel, who was still laying in the couch, his head under the pillow. The man raised to let his sister sit, before putting his head on her lap, surprising her a little. He whined and she pet his hair with amusement. He could be a real baby when he wanted. Malachai lost interest in his map, now, his entire attention was on his siblings. He was serious, as always, and the little princess had to admit that his seriousness was spoiling all the fun she was having. Her smile disappeared, and she tapped the siren's shoulder so he sat correctly.
“Don't be silly, Nate, you can't possibly be in love with him. You know him only for three days.” Malachai said gravely. Nathaniel stayed silent to that. He wanted to say that it wasn't true, that he knew Achilles for centuries now, he just kept it a secret and Achilles just did not remember him, yet. But he couldn't admit that, not know.
“You don't know anything about love, Mal.”
“That's quite hurtful.” Malachai sighed, and Nathaniel and Calypso could see that he indeed was a bit hurt by those words, and they felt bad about it.
“He is not wrong, though, did you ever fall in love?”
“My love life is none of your business.” Malachai said, a bit unease by the question.
“But our love lives are yours?”
“I'm your big brother, I have to make sure you're making the good decision, and apparently none of you can do that when it comes to love.”
“Now, that's hurtful.” Nathaniel pouted, and Calypso giggled, while Malachai rolled his eyes and sighed to his siblings' behaviour.
“Love works in a mysterious way.” Calypso said before Malachai had time to reply.
To his sister's words, Malachai suddenly looked away, unable to keep eye contact with her. The image of Yasmeen came in his mind, he was now tense, and he tried his best to not show the change in his demeanor to his siblings. Calypso was right, he knew it, love works in mysterious way, sometimes you fell in love with people who you technically shouldn't, for your social status were different, and never your father would approve of it... To that thought, Malachai closed his eyes and sighed a little, which puzzled his siblings. Calypso noticed the difference in Malachai's attitude, he seemed lost in his thought, and a bit... sad? She was ready to ask questions when Nathaniel abruptly took her hand, making her jump a little.
“Cally! You understand me, right?” Nathaniel gasped, making the mermaid frowned. “After all, you fell in love with Aeron after what? A day?”
“That's not true!” She defended herself, quite offended by the accusation. She set herself free from her brother's grip, making him pout a little.
“You both are way too romantic.”
“And you aren't enough. You should try, sometimes, it won't kill you, I promise.” Nathaniel joked, making Malachai rolled his eyes. “But seriously now, I don't want him to leave! He has to stay, please, help me make him stay!”
“If he has to leave, then so be it, you have to deal with it and focus on something else.”
“I don't want to! I want him here, with me! I am in love, Mal!”
“No you're not.”
“Stop dictating my feelings! I know them better than you do, they are mine.”
Malachai said nothing to that, he simply signed and rubbed his eyes. Now, his siblings were frustrating him, which wasn't the first time. He knew whatever he said, his siblings won't listen to him, they were too caught up into their fantasy world. When it came to love, Calypso and Nathaniel were way too naive, and not careful enough. After all, one was married to her kidnapper and from what he noticed she still had feeling for Aeron, while the other had his heart set on Xanthe, who was also the enemy, although now it seemed that Nathaniel changed his mind and was focus on someone else. In any case, they were too reckless with their heart. This is maybe all right for common people, but not for royalty. This was one of the rare time Malachai felt a bit jealous of normal people, they have the luxury to love who they wanted, something he unfortunately did not have...
“I don't like that.”
“You don't like a lot of things.” Calypso laughed
“I don't trust him.”
“Ten minutes ago, you didn't even know who Achilles was!”
“Precisely.” To that, Nathaniel sighed and put his head back on Calypso's lap. “Anyway, this isn't home, Nathaniel, we can't give order here.”
“Calypso!” Nathaniel almost screamed with joy while turning his face to look at his sister, and that made the girl jumped a little. “You can give order! This is your kingdom too, well, sort of. You can ask for him to stay, can't you?”
“I... I suppose I can, yes.”
“Calypso, no, this isn't your place.”
“Please, do it for me. For your big brother who is always there to protect you. Please, please, please!” The little mermaid looked at Malachai who shook his head to show his disapproval of this idea.
“I do like his songs very much, I'd like for him to teach them to me...”
“Calypso, don't encourage him.”
“And I know he does magic, maybe I can convince princess Lyra to ask him too. He won't be able to say no to two princesses.”
“Thank you!” Nathaniel said with joy before hugging his sister, making her laugh a little. “Let's ask him now!”
“Whatever I say, you'll always do the opposite, won't you?”
“That's how little siblings works, Mal. You should know that by now.”
Malachai sighed louder, showing how annoyed with them, he was, which only made his siblings laughed. Calypso stood up and kissed his cheek, while Nathaniel tapped his shoulder in a brotherly way. Without saying anything more, the two of them left the room in order to find Achilles, letting Malachai alone, with his irritation and his thoughts.
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likeafairytale · 1 year ago
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That is what you are looking for. That is the true love you deserve.
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likeafairytale · 1 year ago
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Knows everybody’s dissaproval, I should’ve worshiped her sooner, if the Heavens ever did speak, she is the last true mouthpiece.
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likeafairytale · 1 year ago
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likeafairytale · 1 year ago
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— Nicholas Sparks
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likeafairytale · 1 year ago
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likeafairytale · 1 year ago
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The Blackwater siblings - aesthetic
"The ocean is in our bloods"
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likeafairytale · 1 year ago
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