#but just....can't write rn due to circumstances
t-lostinworlds · 4 months
you ever want to read a certain fanfic but you just know you are NEVER going to find it because it's soooo specific and is tailored to your wants and needs and you already know how the story will go scene by scene in your own head? yes you could argue I should just write myself but I WANT to read the already finished thing, not go thru the hassle of writing it, you know?
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mikakuna · 4 months
I mean this neutrally, but which characters are actually being written by people who are fans and understand them? I feel like half the characters are ooc rn
im not up to date with other characters' comic runs recently so i mean more in the sense of the character's foundation. for example, bruce and dick have amazing foundations for their character and what their character stands for, their personality, their morals, etc. they have so many special relationships, both platonic and romantic. as comic characters, they've had the time and space to develop as interesting and dynamic characters.
they definitely have their ooc comic runs like gotham war for bruce, but at the end of the day, they'll always have numerous comics that are true to their character and are amazing in itself.
for jason on the other hand, his foundation comes from his original robin run in the 80s and his debut as red hood in utrh/lost days. utrh and lost days set jason's character and gave us a pretty strong idea of who he is as a person (i.e., his morals, personality, and perspectives). it continued off his 80s robin run, where we got to see jason todd for the first time and got to know him as a hero instead of anti hero. we see his relationships with his bio family, step mom, bruce, and the things he likes/dislikes. we see from the beginning that jason has a more grey perspective on life due to his own experiences. all we see in the 80s builds to what we see in utrh and lost days.
but then all of a sudden, so many comics after utrh forget who jason actually is. they have him hurt a kid despite his strong stance on protecting children. he somehow kills like he can't control himself and only batman can stop him. he's an impulsive brute who thinks with his fists. he's not as intelligent as everyone else. jason, the kid who grew up homeless and surrounded by impoverished communities whose circumstances ruined their lives, somehow has a lot less empathy now.
jason's character is constantly contradicted. he's never given a chance to grow and develop relationships. everything he does is confined by the bats. he doesn't have a proper foundation because many of his writers know nothing of his backstory and just write him as a selfish, impulsive asshole despite everything we see of him in his robin run and in utrh that contradicts that.
when i compare jason's writing to the bats, i really only mean bruce, dick, and tim since the others are iffy as well when it comes to writing (racism, sexism).
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flightyalrighty · 7 months
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IDK if this counts as too spoilery to answer, but do they also use this memory altering to control their hosts? You described Sonic as being stuck in a 'prey animal stuck in a corner' mentality due to his parasite, but is that because she's fucking with his fight-or-flight instinct for the adrenaline or because she's literally gone in and messed with his memory to the point where he genuinely thinks something is out to get him and he's struggling to remember it's not supposed to be like this?
I guess another way to ask is is she just hitting the "Panic right now!!!" button over and over or did she go in a rewire him to the point where he's hitting the button himself? And how much is he able to think for himself right now? (Also that parasite must be in heaven rn. She jumped into Sonic? Adrenaline junky running at the speed of sound Sonic??? She is living the dream and I hate that for him 😭)
Also gonna use this ask to gush about how much I love this comic and concept. It's so well drawn and it feels grounded if that makes any sense. It feels like everyone is acting the way real people would act. I'm actually glad to see you say this is gonna have a bittersweet ending because I genuinely can't see how it could have a perfectly happy one you know? Pop off OP and have fun with this 👏 I'll be here for the years it'll take for this comic and the sequel to be made 👌👌
(Also also can I say the panel that really got me hooked was the one where Shadow was looking at Rouge after taking off the heart monitor? God it felt like it wasn't just him looking at her and then there was the foreboding flatline in the same scene and it's just 💗💗💗💗💗 love that feeling it gave 10/10 would love feeling that horrid sense of dread again)
Okay so first of all can i just say
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This is both a very insightful and very nice ask -- Thank you for sending it! Genuinely such a sweet thing to wake up to this morning, and I'm happy to hear you'll be sticking around for more!
And y'know, some years back, when I was still in college, I was told by someone that my art was good but my writing "sucks." While I shouldn't have let that bother me, it's a comment that has haunted me to this day. I'm glad you like my writing, Symbio-Ratio. Makes me believe I've improved since my days of suck-fullness.
My favorite comics tend to be the ones that are, like you said, "grounded," at least in tone. Maybe Spider-Man: Blue and Hellboy rubbed off on me, idk 😜
To answer your question: To a degree, the parasites do use memory altering to control their hosts -- Less to manipulate their emotions and more to ensure they don't believe anything is wrong (and therefore seek help before she's settled in). So she targets memories that are points of major stress for the host and attempts to delete them, since getting a bug inside you would, uh, be a very stressful memory. It's trickier to do on people with PTSD, however.
The parasite does, in fact, hit that button over and over, forcing their host to lose their ability to reason while subjecting them to an overload of panic and anger until they furiously lash out at their "attackers" with a strength they can't normally use under non-panicking circumstances.
And yeah, unfortunately, Sonic is basically the parasite's dream host.
Thank you very much for sending this! :]
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barrenclan · 1 year
imagine my surprise when the issue started WHOLESOME!!!!!! sure it was advertised as a baby issue but STILL!!!!! i fucking love cormorantpaw playing with them and giving them the childhood he couldn’t have, it makes me so happy. and he’s happy, too!! i’m sure if he heard what cootstorm said about them, he would have thrown hands. begging for more scenes of corm babysitting/playing with the kits, even in the bg. him being this happy about the babies being happy is just. AAA!!
of course, in patfw, wholesome bits can’t last forever. daffy is in the issue at what cost !!!! i love how she just casually drops it and YES I WANTED TO SEE HER REACTION BUT IT HURTS IT HURTS SO BAD. i love how complicated it is, daffodil’s feelings and pinepaw struggling to apologize due to how neither of them did wrong.. aagh. i love this causing daffodil to realize that she kinda forced herself to love cormorantpaw due to the circumstances, and her opening up about how she really thinks about romance! i know she deserves the love she can so easily give to others, and i love how just.. the cycle is still kinda referenced in this issue? not with dustfeather, but with cashew. i never thought we’d touch a cycle of abuse other than familial but i’m really happy we did now and it makes so much sense? abuse comes in many forms, after all!
mallowstar’s struggles of being a leader and blacknose’s struggles of being a mother, aaaaa. it’s so intertwined and so different and they really need eachother. also, more cycle discussion!!! mallowstar wanting to break free is sooo important to me, everyone needs that. hopefully the green isn’t defiance territory, though.. maybe if it is, throw cootstorm as a sacrifice and run
i always love your writing and your expressions in these, keep up the great work!!
Hey, sometimes I do wholesome issues! They're not all depressing!
Cormorantpaw is the best babysitter ever, he's great with kids. He knows how to vibe on their level, and his lack of self-consciousness means he can really get into the spirit of a game or a kid's conversation.
PATFW when they ask me for emotional weight: hey what's all this emotional weight doing here??? Haha, I'm glad you liked the section with Daff, it wasn't always something I had planned to include in this issue but it ended up being necessary to resolve. Since Daff and Slugpelt are both very romantically-inclined characters (when Slug was young, at least), they share a lot of similar worries and needs, and having those problems that her mother faced unconsciously be consciously present in Daff's head has made her do a lot of thinking.
Mallowstar and Blacknose really are so good for each other, they're so sweet,, it's fun to write their interactions because it's just totally interpersonal drama-free. Mallow's been thinking about leaving for awhile, largely buoyed by Blacknose herself (the biggest BarrenClan radical), and I can confirm that the "western border" is opposite Defiance's territory, which is past the eastern border of BarrenClan territory. Hopefully they can get out in time!
But I can't end an issue in the second half of the comic without a little Horrors. :]
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sorcerous-caress · 9 months
Hi! I really admire the way you write bg3 charas and I was curious about your opinion- what you think about the polyamory options in the game? iirc Shadowheart and Astarion are open to it- Shadowheart at least is enthusiastic about poly with Halsin and a four/fivesome with the drows at Sharess’s Caress, I’ve seen mixed interpretations of Astarion’s reactions. Karlach I think? Says she’s open to it but due to circumstance wants a closed relationship. (Halsin ofc is very openly poly.)
Do you think any of the comps could conceivably have and enjoy a healthy poly relationship outside of what we see in game, and (toying the line of bobcourse {bob discourse} and it’s totally fine if you don’t want to touch that) (actually it’s totally fine if you don’t feel like answering this in general; please don’t feel pressured by this monster of an ask!!) do you think the ones we have rn are healthy? 👀 Sorry if you’ve talked about this already!
(Btw the theme looks great! Diarrhea never came to mind at all)
Thank you so much <3 This means a lot.
Okay, just to be clear, poly isn't having threesomes and vice versa, so I don't think we should use their willingness to have the orgy in Sharess's Caress as a frame of reference. Because the drow twins are two strangers and not people they're in a poly relationship with.
Poly relationships don't require having sex. They're like any other relationship, just with more people. AroAce people can be poly too.
Also, I think the reason we don't have poly ingame besides Halsin, which was a last edition, is because Larian ran out of time and budget. They'd have to make whole new scenes with whole new dialogue trees and animations.
And keep in mind that they're characters, just tools and dolls. Not real people. You can headcanon them all as poly, and it's valid.
Anyway, so here is my opinion who is and who isn't poly ingame.
There are monogamous exlusive characters who make it very clear they don't want poly: Gale, Minthara and maybe Lae'zel
There are some who show being poly but can't due to circumstances and the current options of people: Shadowheart, Karlach, and Astarion.
Side note, I really don't believe that theory going around about how Astarion was only willing to be poly with Halsin because "high elves don't take relationships with wood elves seriously". Maybe if this was dos2 then sure, but Larian really removed most of these things in Baldur's Gate 3.
It feels like cherry-picking. If we are going with this old representation of high elves, then based on that, he'd never be with any non-high elf Tav, not even human. Astarion agreed to share with Halsin because he is clearly comfortable with him. It feels belittling and insulting to both of their queerness to even consider this theory. Especially with how his past lover was a whole drow, you really think a high elf who is racist against wood elves would consider loving a drow if this was the case?
This leaves Wyll, which... honestly, I'm not sure how to categorise him.
Wyll is selfless. He always assumes you're going to choose the other person in Act 2 and bids you farewell, saying how the dance you shared will be a nice memory.
He focuses on his love for you, not owning you, not being possessive, but genuine overflowing love and poems. I think Wyll might be open to being poly but not just with anyone, it would have to be someone he loves as deeply as you.
*cough* Karlach Tav Wyll poly *cough* WE WERE ROBBED
Also, you were very kind and polite in your ask. It's really refreshing <3. Thank you for being so understanding and thoughtful.
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bitchkay · 2 days
Do you have any drabbles or short fics for Robin playing with his human siblings? 🥺
Kitty deserves more attention, and so do ur sillies
I dont😔👊🏽💔
But I also haven't opened google docs in so long--
I haven't progressed on alot of wips simply cus I dont want to--
Like I'm like "I wanna work on this" then I open the doc and go "no, I actually dont"
The fics will however be let out of the vault eventually💯
I did start a wip a while ago about pregnant sex-- i know, but I stopped cus I dont know how to make it not sound weird like I really wanted to touch upon pregnancy hormones a d what it was like being pregnant with Halo compared to what it was like being pregnant with the twins and I started doing a bunch of research about it and what's normal, abnormal, and like the nuances about arousal during pregnancy even from the husbands side of the ordeal and how emotions can really be on high during the second to third trimester
There also another I started kinda on the whim a little bit ago that's like angst/hurt comfort which is more about the complications during the pregnancy w the elder twins and Rio reacting to everything that's happened so much so fast after the birth because the pregnancy w the twins was miserable and not the best experience cus it was a high risk pregnancy mostly in part due to being pregnant with twins especially fraternal twins and it being your first ever pregnancy on top of them being twins, so the birth was not an easy or fast process, I also did a bunch of research on the complications that can happen during birth and the circumstances if one was to die during birth, you definitely do live but I needed to know the extent of how much pain I can put you through, I also searched a bunch of medical terms and recovery processes for after a complicated birth and recovering from surgery, it's pretty much Rio working through his emotions cus yeah he just became a dad but you were also unconscious for a scary amount of hours and did a lot if the post birth bonding without you there next to him, it's a little darker than stuff I usually write but one of the reasons I love my little au so much is I be doing some goddamn research on shit I will never experience(I don't wanna be pregnant ever in my life)
☝🏽☝🏽Would you believe that either one of those wips I mentioned are probably rn 4-5 paragraphs tops, maybe 3 excluding the dialogue
Theres also "Boys will be bugs" (which I haven't started yet) which is pretty much Theo playing outside in the dirt cus he likes dirt and bugs, Theo loves bugs, like he loves bugs, yeah, hes autistic, he has a per caterpillar he cant wait til turns into a butterfly and set free
And then there's "Two pairs of twins" I think I started it idk I don't think I did, but it's about the dynamics between the oldests and the youngests, the elder twins and the younger twins, Adephagia and Gulliver watching the toddler Dylan and Eliana pretty much like damn I can't believe we're 16 apart and making a joke about neutering their dad because they cannot fathom the idea of their parents ever having sex but also, I touched on this in Prince and Princess but cus they're getting older they're more distant than they once were, they're still close but they're now burdened with more responsibility and stress because they're the oldest and one of them would one day succeed their father on the throne but because of you and your magic of dear lady vane until one of their manifest ancient magic it's not clear who exactly would be taking the throne. Talking care of their baby sisters is kinda like how they bond, you know? they're just regular siblings and not heirs to a throne, also the girls are really cute, they fight over who looks more like who cus Dylan and Eliana are also fraternal twins💀
Theres also another idea in my head that simply just have not written down but it's been in my noggin since I posted Prince and Princess and it like the other side of that like it takes place on the same day but kinda from Halos perspective like it goes through Halos day while the elder twins are getting fired for their first adult sized royal finery and like it kinda just introduced Halos little crush on Thoma, nothing comes of it cus Thoma is obviously way older and known her since she was born but it's just innocent little schoolgirl crush, you know how it is shes 14 and Thoma is nice to her kinda like how young girls would have a crush on their teacher, Halo helps him out with some of his tasks and stuff, just like how in prince and princess there was a Theo and Atlas cameo, there would be a Genesis w the younger twins cameo, I think that would be cute♡
I love that you feed my braid worms and I can rant about my sillies, all I be doing nowadays maladaptivly daydream about them
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rashomonss · 1 year
hi!! i've followed around since ch4 of a humans wrath and i am so proud of you for coming this far in your journey!!! your writing is so heart wrenching and it's so comforting in a way that it's such a good material to come to if i want a good cry!!!
so i've come forward to please request "You can't even look me in the eyes, can you?" with beel and it's like trauma of ch16 with them being twins and all.
it's fine if you don't accept it!! i just want to show my appreciation for your writing as it's rlly rlly good!!!
omg you’ve followed me for a good while, i feel so honored that you still enjoy my work!! ♡
I’m so glad you think that honestly, it just makes me so happy, I’m crying rn anon, if I knew who you were I’d follow you back rn bc you’re so sweet (╥﹏╥)
ily sm and I just want you to know I’m so thankful for your support, truly, I hope you continue to enjoy my work as well as a humans wrath! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡
also you meant lesson 16 in nightbringer right?? because i was a bit confused for a second, bc im a bit dumb, but anyways i did enjoy writing this quite a bit so i hope you do enjoy! (also I was being feeling nice so this one ended with comfort)
love ya! ♡
warnings: possible nightbringer lesson 16 spoilers
“please don’t blame yourself”
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You had canceled the summoning spell in Lucifer’s office and thankfully the banshee was nowhere to be found. However the trouble didn’t end there, in fact it had only just begun.
Belphie rushed over to his twin and asked profusely if he was okay, due to him looking as if he was going to fall over from sheer stress.
Beel nodded and stayed silent as Satan explained to the rest of his brothers the two different circumstances in which you hear a banshee cry. This caused an uproar and Belphie began to question his brother with a concerned expression.
Beel answered every question his twin had, but not once did he dare to look at him. And as he finished the story of what had happened, he could feel Belphie’s eyes burn a hole in his head due to how much he was staring at him.
“So you’ve heard one cry before…you’ve never mentioned anything about that…” Belphie said, stepping closer to his twin.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep it from you, I don’t want you to be upset”
“Beel, you misunderstand! I’m not mad at you at all, none of this was your fau-“
“If I had known what that was then I could’ve told Lucifer and maybe we wouldn’t have lost Lilith…” Beel had said.
You heard the strain in his voice as he spoke to his twin, each word that left his mouth was laced with regret and guilt…but why was that? It wasn’t his fault.
“Beel it wasn’t your fault, you couldn’t have know-“ Belphie pleaded.
Beel cut his twin off mid sentence and raised his voice slightly. “But I should’ve. It’s all my fault Belphie, I could’ve prevented this.”
“No you couldn’t have!”
“Yes I could’ve! Maybe then we all wouldn’t be down here, maybe then we’d still be happily up in the Celestial Realm with Lilith. If I had known we all could’ve seen her smile again. She’d be here with us now, instead of facing a cruel death”
Beel’s voice echoed through Lucifer’s study as all his brothers looked at him with mixed reactions. None of them had ever heard him raise his voice in such a way, and it shocked most of them into silence, including his twin.
Asmo, Mammon, and Levi looked to you for assistance after his outburst, while Satan looked at Beel with an expression that held a mixture of hurt and resentment.
Belphie finally looked at Beel with a sad expression and furrowed his eyebrows slightly. “Beel, you need to understand that none of this was your fault. It was never your fault to begin with.”
“You don’t understand. I had the chance to change things but I didn’t. I didn’t come through for you when you needed me, now because of that all of you have to suffer because I never said anything. I caused this Belphie”
“Beel..” his twin said with such sorrow.
You’ve heard the twins talk about things and slightly argue with each other before, but they always end up getting over it or solving the situation before it gets worse. This time you're not so sure.
The dejected atmosphere that engulfed Lucifer’s study was so thick you began to feel suffocated. And you could tell you weren’t the only one; as the rest of the brothers watched the twins speak, each began to slowly back away towards you for reassurance.
“Ever since the night of the dinner party and what Lucifer said, I keep thinking about what happened…and I wish I could go back and change things, so that this never happened in the first place.”
“We wouldn’t have lost Lilith, Belphie…and you wouldn’t have had to suffer so much.”
“What do you mean..?” Belphie asked softly as he looked at his twin with an uneasy expression.
“I know you feel guilty because you survived and she didn’t…”
At this point Belphie stood there in silence as he looked at the ground for an answer, but nothing came to mind. This throat ran dry.
“Beel please look at me…” Belphie asked, stepping closer to his twin. He realized that during their whole conversation Beel hadn’t looked him in the eyes once.
Beel however took a few weary steps back as Belphie approached him. His gaze continued to be locked on the floor as he stood there silently avoiding his twin.
“Beel, please just look at me, that’s all I’m asking right now. Please.” Belphie pleaded.
Beel shook his head as his gaze reminded on the floor. You swore you could see tears begin form in his eyes.
You watched the youngest demon brother completely break down in front of you when his twin continued to ignore his pleads. You had never seen Belphie like that…ever. This was a new side of him you were now experiencing, but you can’t say you exactly like the broken expression he was currently wearing.
“You can’t even look me in the eyes can you?”
“I’m sorry Belphie…it should have been me, not Lilith-“
“Shut up! Don’t you dare say that again. Don’t you dare think that ever, you hear me, Lilith decided to fight that day because she wanted to, just like all of us. So don’t you ever give me that crap you hear!” Belphie screamed.
Beel’s eyes widened slightly and he finally looked up to see his twin with an upset expression as tears streamed down his face.
“Enough Beel…all that matters as of right now is that you’re here with all of us okay?”
After Belphie spoke, you then added to his statement and reassured the Avatar of Gluttony, as tears streamed down his face when you spoke to him softly.
The rest of his brothers, including Satan, assured him that what happened was meant to happen, and that all that matters right now in the “present” is that they all have each other. Belphie smiled and hugged Beel, claiming he wouldn’t trade anything in the world for him as Beel tightly hugged him back while a few stray tears fell down his cheeks.
Soon all of you joined the group hug and smiled happily as Beel wiped the tears from his eyes and thanked everyone.
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nicegaai · 1 month
I used to not care about Sweden ships that much but then my third eye was opened to his shipping potential and I now love every Nordic ship with him.
SuFin - need I say anything? Iconic. Next.
DenSu - Enemies to friends to rivals to friends again to fuck buddies to lovers
SuNor - surprisingly sexy. Ship that's able to simultaneously bring out the best and worst in both of them.
SuIce - why just give him Ice a big brother kink? Give him a daddy kink TOO
All this to ask, any headcanons for SuNor specifically or for Swe ships in general?
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HELLO my dear my beloved my angel of the askbox. i love this journey youve been on, you are completely correct in everything and ur suice take made me scream out loud btw <3 i want my babybabyboy 2 have a daddy kink so bad <3
(edit: this was not very posthaste of me.................... enjoy anyway if u are still out there... i love you...)
hard agree that sunor is So Hot. im obsessed w them as a concept. like. you dont even know
first of all sunor has the norice problem where ppl want to assign them Platonic Sibling energy but then u look at them and its like why is there clearly sexual tension here...... i suspect its norways fault for havign that sexy voice disease where everything he says comes off flirty. and sweden is -- 🧠💥 wait wait wait wait wait
its coming together. sweden spent a lot of his life as a closeted gay man and was very uptight about it (source: look at him), claiming to humans that nations dont do sex and that he is a good asexual boy with no impure thoughts and other times pretending to have interest in women to fit in, depending.
but norway is shamelessly himself in every era—at least in comparison to sve... he wont pretend to be something hes not. and he wouldnt hesitate to fuck a strange man for fun, even in times where getting caught would severely damage his reputation. sweden even in modern day would not do one night stands. or you know. never say never, but hes LEANING never. norway is leaning Always.
what im saying is. sve would be so jealous that nor is living his best life and doesnt feel shame, even in an era(s) where he really should. and i think due to a series of cinematically coincidental outside circumstances (my brain is writing a fanfic without me rn) (edit: i have since forgotten the fanfic), they would start butting heads about it, not in the same way su and den fight... theyre passive aggressively sniping at each other. sve wants him to represent himself better, and nor is like i can literally do what i want forever.
from the outside it looks like a brotherly disagreement over differing life choices, but its 100% sexual tension fueled. nor is like lmao why are you mad? are you jealous? and would come onto him to freak him out and sve would be like STOP this is WRONG but he wants it so bad and they both know it. he hates nor because hes hot and fucking everyone but him and the one thing he can't do is admit he wants him. ...all norway has to do to win is keep teasing him until he breaks, but it would take several years. not decades, bc even if the flirting is infrequent sweden is not strong enough for this treatment.
... in general, i think they have different views of sex. to me norway has a high sex drive, lower than average standards, and doesn't feel shame as acutely as he does and sweden cant stand it. that's my sunor headcanon. they fuck anyway ofc but in modern day sve has made nor get std tested at least once. but could they be exclusively together like a monogamous ship? .............. i could be convinced.
sufin - need we say more? i want to anyway... i love them married with kids i love them divorced i love them in a 500 year unlabeled situationship i love them one-sided and i dont really prefer one dynamic over another tbh. actually wait i do have a hot take. i think finland deserves to top sometimes. FinSu nation rise up <3
densu - what can i even add to this... they should look like the happiest couple on the surface but be crazy & toxic behind closed doors. theyre perfectly normal guys when separated but when left alone together they scare me. this is a good thing to me btw
suice - jsgdk gjk s klga liwi egi j tjil 2 t. g 8aw9e gae0jo d ;gawj dp2gjawodgijl aij e 0g;eglj aw irgl ajoweg lahrigawi egji awlji dg d i need to write them together more i could get so insane ab these two & i have a scene planned for my longfic where they fuck like crazy and i think ab it once a week. suice is so cute. theyre so cute. AHH
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minevn · 1 year
(I'm sorry for the mistakes) Are you okay? Sorry to intrude, but I hope your mental/physical state is ok and you are taking good care of yourself! (^-^*)/
Hi! It's okay, thank you for asking! I typically like to do asks in order, but I thought this would be a good ask to kind of get things out there and talk about what's been going on with me and Mine!
As for if I'm okay, I don't really know. I can't say I'm okay but I know that it could be a lot worse(because I've felt way lower then this before) I'm not really sure how to take care of myself other then repressing things but I am seeing a therapist and we've been talking about how to handle my emotions as they come. I do wish that I was able to see a therapist before my repressive coping habits took over but due to circumstances I'll get into later I just wasn't able to.
As for Mine stuff, I am still very slowly but surely working on my asks. I do have a few done but once again I like to answer my asks in order. Last night I thought it would also be smarter to do my asks backwards from how I've received them so that way I could just que them all up instead of writing the first ask I got and then lacking motivation and ideas for the later asks. I guess rn I'm going through a bit of writers block? I think it's that mixed with my extreme lack of motivation. As for my event, I have thought about lowering the number and then raising the numbers again for a later milestone! I tend to always put a lot on my plate and 50 requests may have been a bit more then what I could handle as of now. Another thing as well is that even though I love drawing, I don't draw super often. I get hit with random waves of motivation and it's very easy for me to lose that motivation. So I have the sketches mostly done for the drawing requests I've gotten, but if I have no motivation to draw then the drawings turn out looking wonky and just all wrong and then I'm no longer proud of them. I still plan on doing the events and I'm so sorry that my lack of motivation happened like as soon as I hit 100 followers, It doesn't feel fair to you all but I seriously cannot thank you enough for your continued support. Everyone has been so nice and no one has come into my dms rushing me with anything, seriously thank you all so much for that! Another thing as well is that Mine is not my only story, if you follow my main account I have most of my stories listed there and there's like over 50 stories. it's like that because I have so many ideas but once again I lose motivation so easily, and as mentioned earlier I like to put a lot on my plate, I don't like to just work on one story at a time and it causes me to get burnout which I'm sadly going through with Mine. I was answering asks nonstop when I got them, getting asks motivated me to get up out of bed, I was so happy and overjoyed to get asks, and don't get me wrong I still am! I love getting asks and seeing what ideas you want me to write for, although I was also overwhelmed at first, I had gotten so much support which I hadn't expected to ever. I honestly wasn't expecting anyone to like my stuff but I was ready to still work on Mine because I work for ME. But I wasn't happy with how the sprites were turning out, I wasn't getting inspiration for any music soundtracks, and I'm struggling on the script, I've got Minato's week planned mostly but it just feels so BORING! He's the first route, it needs to drag you in a bit more. So far there's been like no yandere tendencies which sure maybe that fits for Minato, but I'm just not proud of it at all so I need to rewrite Minato's week planning. The more I wrote asks the more I felt disconnected to these characters, it felt like I wasn't writing them like I was before, which I tried telling myself that it was fine because when I first made this blog Mine hadn't even been in the process for a year and I thought we could go through developing these characters together, but it just didn't feel right. I also started to dislike their designs. I felt that I had designed more interesting characters before and they just felt so boring, I like their hair and faces, mainly clothes design is where it felt lacking. Jun, Aki, and Yani have the designs I like the best honestly, their clothes feel more intricate.
Anyways yeah that's me and what's been happening, sorry for the long post and venting. I'm still working on asks when I find the motivation to and I did make some progress on them a day or two ago. I hope I can get out of this slump and come back better then ever. Once again thank you all for being patient with me and for supporting me still! I love you all!💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
I'm going to go a bit more in depth with things, sorry for the long post! You don't have to read what below if you don't want to, it mostly explains more of what's been happening with me, but I've also touched on a lot of my reasons for not posting above! Honestly I lot of it is venting, so please don't read if you're struggling with any below!
So a couple years ago I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and I didn't really understand it, like it didn't feel like it's affected me that much but I've learned a lot more about it and can definitely see in which ways it has impacted me. When I started Mine I wasn't exactly in a high state of Mine but getting asks and seeing people like my work for once in my life really raised my moods, but I really struggle with staying happy. No matter how much I want happiness to stay, it always leaves. Right now I'm going through one of my lows. Honestly, I typically ignore my lows the best I can, It sometimes work and sometimes it doesn't, this is one of the times where I can't repress my feelings, and as mentioned earlier I do think a part of it is because I've been talking to my therapist about embracing the negative feeling, admit that I'm not happy and work through it instead of hiding it. Not that I blame my therapist, I'm really hoping that it works and I'm choosing to listen to my therapist because I want to get better, honestly I could've ignored everything she told me and kept repressing my feelings but I want to be happy so I'm really trying to embrace the fact that I'm not okay and work through it! I don't know how long this low will last, but when I get out of this low I want to work on Mine and get the same excited and happy feelings I had when I first started. Mine might go through some changes but overall I want these characters to have the same personalities and backstories, the only thing that might change with them is their clothes.
Along with my bipolar disorder, I've been diagnosed with major depression with psychotic features, anxiety, ADHD, and PTSD. Needless to say these all impact me greatly. The lack of motivation, struggling to get up out of bed or go to sleep at a normal time, and even eating and drinking and going to the bathroom. I've always found it easier to take care of others rather then myself because that's just how I was raised. To always put others above myself. As I've gotten older I realized that that's not how that should work, but it was already pushed into my brain and I still struggle to take care of myself. I'm always stressed, can't sleep right and I can't wake up before 5pm. Sometimes I'll sit in one spot, fidgeting while I wait for some motivation to strike. But I can't even think because of course when I think my mind never goes to good things. Thoughts about just wanting to give up(Which don't worry too much, I won't do it, even if the thoughts get to be too much), my repressed memories coming back, mom and her death and neglect before dying, dad and his temper tantrums, my grandma and how she's one of the only people in my life to care and love me, and how I wish I could talk to others easily but of course my mind gets fuzzy and I can't speak and how almost all of my friends have left me, how I feel defective and unlovable. The thoughts don't stop, every time it just gets worse and worse and I can't stop questioning what I did wrong and why no one wants to be my friend. People just use you and then toss you out when they're done and it's so cruel, I want someone who actually wants me in their life and who values me as much as I value them, someone who treats me like a person with actual feelings rather then a robot or an object. But it's so hard to find people like that, as I said there's a lot of cruel people out there and to those who aren't cruel I have a hard time trusting them due to past experiences and I know it's not fair to those kind people but gosh being vulnerable is so hard. And I know it's really early to question if I'll ever meet anyone I can trust 100% because I'm only 18 but gosh do I know about death, I know that death doesn't care about your age. I could die later tonight or sometime this week or next month or maybe I do die in many years, but then what about the people I meet and value, will they be taken away from me as well? Do I want to put my heart on the line just to end up losing them eventually? Could I handle another death? I don't know? I really don't, It already hurts to think about losing my sister and my bestest friend in the entire world, I'm already so lucky to have them in my life, what if I lose them too?
I'm going to start getting into things that I didn't get into earlier this post. I put it down here because it might be triggering and I didn't want anything too sensitive to be at the beginning, I want people to be able to skip this stuff for their own mental health. As mentioned earlier I wasn't able to get therapy for a bit because I didn't have a legal guardian. My mother passed when I was 11 and I've never met my biological dad. My sister I mentioned earlier is my half-sister(I call her sister cause it's easier and no matter what she's still my sister) and her dad took me in very shortly after my mother had passed(I won't be calling him my stepdad, once again because it's easier to just say dad and no matter what he's still my dad, no matter what grudges I have against him) Anyways I didn't have a legal guardian for 6 years, finally getting adopted in January. I had no insurance as well(Btw I don't blame my dad for any of this, he kept getting scammed by the shitty lawyer. So yeah I couldn't get therapy and well I learned how to repress my feelings because of my dad, because y'know he can throw tantrums and be angry and cry all he wants but god forbid someone else is angry or sad. Looking back at it though, mom played a part as well, she just neglected me and didn't give a shit and I learned that no one cares about me.
On a lighter note because gosh I need it. I don't plan on going until I get out all or most of my stories! But my stories have a lot of morbid themes and concepts. One because me too, but I still think it's important to touch on things I haven't been through because others might have and it's a morbid world. I want those people who feel alone in this world to feel seen and heard. Abuse does happen, death happens, suicide is very real, hate crimes happen every day and yet I feel people don't talk about it as much as they should. Like sure the topic will blow up, but after like a couple weeks or months, boom it's forgotten and that's just...wrong. I plan on making it very clear that the topics I write about in my stories are not meant to idolize or romanticize these topics or to make jokes at them, it's just that messed up things do happen. I know how it feels to be and feel alone, like no one will ever understand what you've been through, and I want my stories to be some kind of comfort for those people. I'll put clear disclaimers and tw's on my games and stories so those who don't want to witness that stuff can avoid it. I understand that as well! Like yeah the world is messed up but I already go through that and I don't want to see it in media and stuff, I've definitely been there too. I think I want my games to encourage people who might be struggling to not give up though! You see these characters go through something tough but they're still alive and they get there happy ending(Though not all of my stories have happy endings)
Anyways yeah that's me and what's been happening, sorry for the long post and venting. I'm still working on asks when I find the motivation to and I did make some progress on them a day or two ago. I hope I can get out of this slump and come back better then ever. If any of you are struggling with anything mentioned above, I hope you're able to get help, please don't give up, you're important! Once again thank you all for being patient with me and for supporting me still! I love you all!💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
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moralesmilesanhour · 1 year
No talk about it because there are some really interesting ways in exploring a potentially unhealthy/not so wholesome relationship with Miles that are true to his actual character/personality and doesn't involve...idk turning him into the stereotype or ooc caricature. Like you mention Miles, as sweet as he is does have flaws that could rise problems in a relationship. Like even outside the flaws I think he also has a habit of placing those he likes on pedestals and idolizling them (see gwen)
Dont even get me started on 42 Miles because I think people really hit him with the 2D stereotypical abusive bf trope (which I think is solely due to his design/voice/assumed personality but that's a rant for another day) instead of actually really thinking deeply as to why he wouldn't be a perfect partner in terms of his background/character (and he has more to consider than 1610 miles, 42 miles would certainly have a lot more baggage and trauma that may manifest in unhealthy ways and impact any potential relationships he would have with someone. Like he may be distant, closed off, maybe a bit neglectful, dealing with stress of being the prowler and trying to provide his for his mother and protect his home all while being only 15 without his father
Of course I'm not knocking what anyone writes I mean like what you like but
There's just room for more complex portrayal (I'm sorry this got long I just have a lot of thoughts on miles)
RIGHT EXACTLY WHAT I WAS GETTING AT! Emphasis on the "there's ROOM for you to do this" because a lot of people may take these sentiments and read them as someone telling them what they can and can't write.
The thing with Gwen is especially interesting because like, Miles met one (1) girl that was sympathetic to him and who he interacted with for a few days max and decided he was in love with her just because they had similar circumstances (that's just my interpretation of what happened SHIPPERS DONT JUMP ME) 😭 I also agree that his eagerness to find community led him to trust people that ultimately failed him when it mattered. Notice also how he and Margo instantly formed a connection, partially because they both feel stifled and trapped at home. There is a LOT of material in just those two observations alone.
Lord even knows what kinds of attachment issues may arise in someone like Miles 42, whose isolation is even more intensified because he literally only has Aaron and his mother. That's IT (at least that's what we know rn).
And yknow like you said, I don't think that anyone is under any obligation to produce super layered and complex fanfiction because it's literally just fanfiction...
But also, it's FANFICTION! Being imaginative is the whole point! It's where people can fill in the gaps that the source material left open for interpretation or start a conversation with it. And Miles is arguably like, one of the most perfect characters to do that with. I haven't read all of his comics but I rarely see a moment where he himself - not conflict or trauma brought about by outside forces - is given real, genuine flaws that come from HIM and his own choices without veering into stereotype territory. I risk going on a rant about his character here so imma shut up now but yeah um we're all just sitting on a wealth of possibilities here. I don't care if you do tropes what matters to me is that they're interesting!!
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
on your Aitheaca au, when I was writing I was trying to imply that what was stolen was Capsize, but in my want to be vague I know I didn’t do a good job. Like my train of thought was that Ianite was, to a lesser extent, sensing Capsize in a similar vein to how she was sensing ‘Dianite’ when it was actually Tom, if that makes sense. I interpreted this version of Ianite as a goddess who despises not knowing, seeing it as a weakness in herself, so when she senses something that is “hers” but unrecognizable to her, she lies to Flash.
also! thinking about crew dynamics is interesting, cause depending on how you split them up you are almost always stuck with an instigator and an arbiter. The way you’ve split them up rn, Sonja and Tom are instigators (more Tom leaning than anything) and Spark’s the arbiter. Martha’s the arbiter while the other two are instigators. But this fluctuates depending on who’s in the room. Essentially, there’s always going to be a high chance for issues caused inside the group and out.
OH!!! Listen listen liSTENNNN do not say you didnt do didnt do a good job you did an excellent job, there aint nothin wrong with the choice to be vague with it I just dont catch onto things very well xD I really love that idea a ton, I totes agree that she would be able to pick up on Capsize's Ianitian quintessence (the ownership thing I feel could have ties to Capsize's connection to Ianite in the S1 world leaning on the side of being a messenger rather than the champion kind of cues that Jordan would carry if that makes any sense) and also what ya had mentioned on AO3 too, about Jordan's quintessence having ticks of World Historians in him as well that would obscure things a little makes a ton of sense as well and bangs :D
and yeah!!! Aitheaca Ianite is absolutely someone who is hellbent on being an 'all-knowing' for the sake of ultimate balance, where her logic is that if she can control everything, that's how she can guarantee that chaos or order doesnt have an opportunity to rise up- and is the principle on which her reign was founded on. I can imagine this brings her into conflict with the notion of the Watchers (who inherently possess this ability, while she has to rely on her intuitive judgement and using visual conduits/spies, like taking control of Flash) which is why I could maybe imagine she'd want to keep these kinds of things from Flash. She's very much aware of Merina's presence around her champion, and holds resentment that she can't have Merina as her spy and that under the right theoretical circumstance, could break Flash free of her manipulation at any given moment due to her having a higher form of omnipotence (all this being said, Merina is a lower level watcher and isn't at the level of possessing godly foresight that Ianite seems to think she has) I very much want it to feel like a psychological game that Ianite plays with her subordinates that she would only want Flash to believe and be aware of certain things while lying about things like weakness or potential flaw
And crew dynamics!! yessahh the instigator-arbiter combo was absolutely intentional >:] For the sake of chaos (dianitee moment) but also while it would be so easy to just pair them off in travelling groups as syndisparklez/foxxsize or embersduo/zombiecaptains it makes for more interesting writing for them to be split up with the person they had the rockiest history with + a Ruxomarian who does not want to be stuck there (in some random reality across the multiverse) to begin with. In a way the thought process is the "get along or fucking die" premise especially when they start encountering like Flash but like ya said it really is a lot of infighting xD in the Martha led group the dynamic centers around 3 Ianitees all holding some kind of reasonable resentment towards one another (though they can bond over seein their goddess/mom in such a different light and how thats affecting them; like Martha especially not having seen much of Ia in Ruxomar and while she spent time with S1 Ia, I can imagine how jarring it is to run into a universe where your mom is a corrupt deity) And then the Spark led group is just a mess, because Tom and Sonja are both massive instigators in their own way and while they can get into some absolutely unhinged shenanigans as a duo a rift was absolutely torn between them post-S2/Isles era that they become prone to not be willing to go back on their opinions of something and hear the other out. Spark hasnt spent a lot of time with either of them so its hard to take on anything but a methodology of compromise which neither of them want to really entertain- When the four are together the banter can feel a little friendlier because deep down they do all care for one another, they just have a hard time expressing it
In terms of the other instigator duos with Spark n Martha (speaking of, I have a scene with them two and Sonja, which has been funky to ponder on when they encounter Mianite for the first time) its kinda just chaos. Chaos like when you put two besties together xD
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lilyrizzy · 2 years
First off, I want to say that in that iron ground is an amazing fic I can't believe you're out here writing this for free for all of us to read! Second, I just wanted to talk about the one scene that I keep thinking about which was when Max and Daniel were in the cab after Daniel was a jerk and Max smiles back and holds his hand - Did Daniel truly realize how much of a jerk he was being? What was he thinking? I know Daniel was wondering if "one afternoon is enough to unravel years of hard work" but I just want to know more!! How did Max deal with a mean Daniel? I understand his circumstances are terrible rn but I honestly don't think I would be as emotionally strong and capable as Max while Daniel was being like this! Was Michael like ???? I also loved the scene where Daniel and Max talk about marriage and forever ... everything about this fic was 1000000/10
thank you so much, i am so glad you enjoyed it. it is probably the thing i am most proud of ever writing so asks like this honestly make me giddy! Answers under the cut<3
cw: mentions of max's relationship with his father and the way i percieve that. please don't read if you won't like that.
i think, max's ability to deal with daniel's meaness is due to the way i see max as a character, which is to say he's somebody who is very resilient and capable of incredible compartmentalisation. like not to get too deep into like controversial subjects, but he's well practiced in forgiving or overlooking questionable behaviour from people he loves (j*s).
so i think in this particular situation, where daniel is having the worst day of his life, he would be able to recognise that as the reason for his beahviour and forgive him quickly. Daniel is his man, you know, why wouldn't he be forgiving of him? in a sadder way, i think max is quick to take responsibility (and even blame) for other peoples emotions (see: 'it cost a marriage' about his first championship) so i also don't think its that much of a reach to think that he would like, offer himself up to be a place where daniel can put this irrational anger. but remember, max does call daniel out in the previous scene by telling daniel bluntly 'you are being an asshole,' so hes also not totally self sacrificing. and in the cab, when daniel reaches for him, this is enough in max's eyes, like he takes it as a 'sorry,' because he knows daniel doesn't totally have the capacity for an apology right now, when he feels like hes been so wronged (not by max, but by the the loss of his father) and everything is so unfair. he's just shocked because he was thinking maybe he'd have to deal with daniels anger a little longer, but he's happy he doesn't.
basically, i think in a way his trauma has made him kinda emotionally mature in some ways.
& because i'm a romantic at heart lol, also this fic, they love each other a lot and have been together for a long time too, so max is also thinking 'if daniel is feeling these emotions, id rather him share it with me than go through it alone,' so if he's gotta be the person daniel gets mad at to do it, so be it. if that makes sense (not claiming any of this dynamic is healthy, but then emotional responses after grief rarely are and the whole point of the fic is to explore that lol so pls dont come for me in my ask box lol).
then onto daniel, and "one afternoon is enough to unravel years of hard work". For starters, this phrasing is pretty uncharitable to max, but on purpose bc as discussed, daniel is going through itTM rn. but i think this is fundemental to the thought process daniel has throughout the fic where he is has seen himself as the protector, the person who reshaped a lot of the things his father had taught max about what it was to be a man, to be gay, to be a race car driver, he's tried to get max to a healthy place, where is doesn't feel the blame and guilt and shame that his childhood left him with, but more than anything, he's trying to be a safe place for max. somewhere where he never questions that he's loved, and never experiences the pain he did as a child, that results from anger. but now *he* is the person causing this pain and he's worried that max is going to lose faith/trust in him for that.
while like i said, max rn is just like, "daniel just found out his dad died, of course he is going to be angry, but it is okay because he touched me nicely so i know things are fine now."
michael is just like, eyes forward, nothing is happening, lah lah lah lol, like he is not interested in getting involved in the ins and outs of their relationship.
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How do you find time for fandom when working full time?
Oof. Really feel I'm the wrong person to ask when it comes to this kind of stuff - I'm notoriously bad at doing things that aren't just what my job/studies require. Most of it is just standard time management I'm afraid... but I do have a few things I'm testing rn. So, let me tell you what I'm trying out to improve myself on this front.
Make a list of things, like hobbies and skills, that you want to do or practice, and pick three to five that bring you the most joy
Split it up into tasks. For me, a long of my fandom stuff is creative oriented, so I make... more lists - right now, I'm making time for art/drawing, writing, and analyses. Then I just keep adding any ideas I have to these lists. Make it a checklist if you can! It doesn't matter if the project is feasible, write it down! Have it all in front of you so you don't forget anything. If something is no longer exciting to you, then move it to the bottom of the list but don't delete it. Check things off over time if you complete them. Even just mulling over your ideas is good
Create a biweekly schedule. I say biweekly because there are going to be some weeks where it's just not happening, either due to circumstances or just plain exhaustion (usually the latter for me - I'm very low energy). Space out your hobbies and don't overload your schedule!
Write down even silly things like "drink coffee/tea" or "make/eat lunch" and then check them off once you do them. Trust me.
Whatever day on your schedule you've decided, make sure you do that hobby you've scheduled for at least 5 minutes. Usually, once you get into it, you'll want to keep going, but if not, then at least you did 5 minutes. Something is always better than nothing at all.
If you can't even do the 5 minutes, forgive yourself for it. No one is productive under guilt. Trust me.
If you find yourself with some time after doing daily tasks, and your hobbies you listed aren't scheduled for that day or you already did it, and have some more energy, that's when you do 5 minutes of other things you like to do that aren't your favourite pastimes but still enjoyable
I hope this is at least something to mull over, and that it's slightly helpful. Hey, if you want, you can try it out with me, anon! I wish you luck! I know it's very stressful to not know how to juggle all the things we have to do with what we love. It's fundamentally prioritization, and reminding yourself that even a little of doing what you enjoy is far better than forfeiting it. Yeah?
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8, 9, 11, 17 for the writer/artist asks!
8. Do you have any OC family trees?
I do, from several years ago, but I can't remember where I put them. I could recreate them, tho.
9. Favourite OC?
Since I already answered this, I'll pick another favourite, Tom. His insecurity and struggles to unlearn habitual misogyny have captivated me because my boy is TRYING he's DOING HIS BEST at separating from the poor company that influenced him for years. He slips up, but he's still trying his best. Overall he's a very relatable character.
11. Sum up one or more of your wips!
I wouldn't exactly call this a wip because I haven't seriously worked on it for years, only bouncing around my brain a bit, but: Patience, the dear beloved knitting oc. I love her and her story and may even find it in me to write it during nanowrimo this year, if I haven't properly planned out any of the other ones I want to get written.
Patience copes with life by hiding away in a small sandstone cave a lot of the time, halfway up a mountain. She knits a Lot, so much so that she has to sell her pieces just so she can afford to buy enough yarn to knit with. This upsets her, but hey, she copes. She's really quite contented with her life, until one day she hears the rattling of *her* rope-and-stick ladder that *nobody else* uses, and a head pops up above the ledge. Unfortunately, its owner is trying to be friendly. Even more unfortunately, due to a combination of circumstances it is sprung on her completely without notice that this is her new adopted sister, Rhona. Patience does not like this. Patience Does Not Like This. However, she does her best to try and work with her, but Rhona just doesn't vibe very well, really. Time passes and her parents are at the end of their rope and it seems that Rhona will have to go elsewhere, though where they don't know. I completely steal a plot point from Dear Enemy in which Patience saves Rhona from a fire, in the process breaking several bones. While she recuperates, Rhona comes to understand her more and learn how Patience works and vibes and how they ought to interact, better. By the time Patience is well enough to go back to the cave as previously - having to overcome her newfound fear of heights, with Rhona's support - they are good friends and enjoy one another's company. In the final scene, Patience is teaching Rhona how to knit.
17. What are some tropes and character dynamics found in your wips?
The Sudden Realisation, in romance; I do not know how romance develops, or how feelings grow. If I have a POV character, either they're Suddenly Aware, or it's an already established thing. (Examples of the Suddenly Aware include both Tom and Adira - he realising he's not actually interested in another girl romantically, she by seeing a photo of them asleep together and going oh - and the established thing would be Paddy and Lilac.) I love the grumpy one/sunshiney one as a trope, and to some extent that's represented in Vaniah and Anneka's relationship, and certainly with Neil and Faith. (Spoilers!! Faith takes a while to be introduced and that relationship certainly surprises the other characters.) I can't think of any other tropes or dynamics off the top of my head rn, but if anyone wishes to pick them up in my writing and ask specifically about it, I'll answer, lol.
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novaheart8 · 2 years
I like this theory, but my hobby is trying to disprove theories, so this was my work on your theory. (N is Cyrus and Cynthia's child) It's wayyy too long to put here so I put it in a pastebin. It might feel passive-aggressive but honestly rn I'm just a little angry so it's nothing to do with you. Can't put links in questions so go to pastebin and put /UrFQjAJH after the link. If you don't know what pastebin is or something, well uhh idk what to say :P
Thank you for this!! I actually enjoyed reading it /g. I think there's a huge misunderstanding in the disproval of the theory concerning the timeline though, so I'll explain it more here if you'd like to read it (otherwise, you can skip ahead). Then, if you would like to make another argument, I'll be happy to read it!! /g (I CAN'T STRESS THE /GENUINE ENOUGH. I ENJOY DISCUSSIONS!!!)
The idea was always that N was kidnapped as a toddler/young child. Never as a baby. Because you're right! Ghetsis and the rest of Team Plasma would want nothing to do with a baby.
I'm not too sure where you got the "N is 14 during Unova" from. Because for my theory, he's 18 during BW (and therefore 20 in B2W2), and N was canonically designed to be around that age range (18-20) anyway. Which means, following that Unova took place 10 years later than Sinnoh, that N was 8 at that time period - meaning he's 3 years older than Team Galactic, and that actually helps me since I can pinpoint that N was kidnapped at 3! Thank you for that, since that was a detail I overlooked!
It is heavily implied, if not canon, that Cyrus is depressed due to the loss of Rotom (besides his parents emotionally neglecting him), because he had never felt so connected to a Pokémon. That much, I understand; and in fact, had I been up for writing any more, I would've written more about them! However, I simply haven't had the motivation to write more stories. In my eyes, the loss of Rotom was a separate life-changing event that happened much earlier to Cyrus (when he was still a child), and wasn't what pushed him to form Team Galactic and remake the world to be without emotion and spirit. The loss of his family is what I believe pushed him into that.
I'm not going to deny that the line that mentioned he cared about others was about his Commanders, because it absolutely was! But I like to think it was also about his family, though Cynthia, at this point, wouldn't acknowledge that.
Now, as far as my theory posting being a big part of the Mizuhikishipping tag, I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that there simply isn't a ton of recent Mizuhikishipping content besides this. I'm in the same boat with you in wishing that there were more posts for them!! Sorry if you're getting tired of seeing my posts though. I think tumblr has a feature that allows you to block tags? Maybe? If so, I always tag my theory posting as such (#the cyrus and cynthia are n's parents theory), so you can block that tag. Hopefully that'll free up some space as you look for other content!
Your friend should not, under any circumstance, push my theory down your throat. I am deeply flattered they believe in my theory, but at the end of the day, it is just a theory, and is very likely not going to be made canon, no matter how much anyone would like for it to be. I'm sorry that happened to you, and I know I'd feel the same way in your situation.
I hope this all leaves you with a better impression. Again, if you want to talk more about it, you can leave me another pastebin link or something! I'd be happy to discuss this theory with you, since it's something I treasure, and knowing its flaws can help me to fortify it. Thank you so much for your time, and I hope you have a wonderful day/night, anon! ❤
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windor-truffle · 29 days
ok vent post time, time to be a cheria/asbel hater 😩 I really don't want to rip apart this ship considering I like both characters and think they have the potential to be interesting if handled well... I just don't think canon handles them well 😓 For now I'm just going to look at them from the context of where I am in the story rn (their fight after Raymond's failed blackmail attempt), but maybe later I can do a follow-up post covering the whole game (and L&L which iirc does a better job of writing them romantically, if only marginally):
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I have to lead this off by noting this is a terrible display from Asbel 😩 he's acting just like his dad did, being angry at the person for making him worry, though at least he hasenough sense to not fucking hit her over it -_- Yet here Asbel's being almost more unfair, as at least in Aston's case his 11 year old son had snuck away unsupervised and had his friends lie about where he was. But Cheria's old enough to not require adult supervision and mature enough to decide what degree of personal risk she's willing to take... and like she says, it's not like she even meant to be in danger in the first place, she just heard something she wasn't supposed to and got caught at it. But I'm not here to bash Asbel's character, in fact I think it's great that they're showcasing his flaws in this fight. Asbel is consistently characterized as someone who gets angry when he's really just feeling upset (*coughtoxicmasculinity coughmencan'tshowfeelingsbesidesrighteousanger*) and it makes sense for that negative trait to make an appearance in this circumstance.
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It's pretty clear that both sides are fighting because they care about each other but rather than admit that, they're angry at the other for making them worry. But i'd say it's more or less healthy to air out these riled up emotions first so they can get to the heart of the matter that they've been avoiding:
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This is all good! They needed to talk this out, even if it required them hitting a boiling point of emotions first. But the problem I have here is that this is only the beginning of an apology from both sides. They're finally being honest about why they did what they did, the choices they made seven years ago, but even though they're admitting it there's no evidence in this moment that the other actually understood, empathized, or forgave the other for that. There IS some evidence in the moments leading up to this, gathered rather piecemeal-y:
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(I swear there's a line where Cheria admits "I know why you had to leave" but I can't find it 😩)
But in this moment, this fight and subsequent conversation and chance to make amends, neither one manages to verbally accept the other's feelings. Asbel doesn't acknowledge how the repercussions of the choice he made 7 years ago affected those he left behind. Cheria doesn't recognize that Asbel's method of coping with the grief of losing Sophie due to his own helplessness was to take action, to do SOMETHING because he couldn't then and is terrified of losing someone again. He was hurting, but so was she, and maybe they could have healed better with each other's company, but the actions they took and feelings they felt were completely justified to them at the time.
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But like I said before, my issue is with how they end this argument and "fix" their relationship. Maybe it's foolish of me to expect a clear and explicit apology from these awkward teenagers' first attempt at romance (couldn't help but note that neither one actually says "I'm sorry" though), or lazy of me to expect the writers to spell it out when I so happily read into the subtext for other aspects of the story, but to me, the resolution of this fight implies that the underlying issues, though aired, have not been resolved. Since they never actually apologize, the part of the apology where you make plans to improve yourself and avoid hurting each other in the future has also been skipped. Instead, they've decided to simply drop the issue. This isn't a bad thing, as sometimes it's better to just drop it and move on, but that feels like a surface-level manner of resolving this personal grudge and subsequent dispute accrued over seven years, and it mostly functions just to keep the peace in the short term. We're supposed to believe that these characters have or want an intimate relationship in the long term, but they fall back on prideful denials and awkward smiles instead of clear communication. It's like they're in love with the idea of being in love with each other, without the underlying love. Attraction, sure, and affection, but not the kind of selfless love where you want what's best for the other. And for me, it's hard to get invested in that not when Richass is right there
I hope to come back to this topic because with careful examination I do think that the subtext for a healthy or at least interesting relationship is there, and I don't want to be uncharitable toward these characters just because of my bias for the gay pairing. This ship, though canon, is generally unpopular with the fandom, and I'd like to explore how much of that is justified, and where it went right or wrong. So... stay tuned for a follow-up? ^^' (<- the face of one with good intentions but bad executive function)
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