#rashomonss 800 followers event
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rashomonss · 2 years ago
Now, now, don’t be shy, let me hear you
with barbequetoes please :)
ofc ofc anon!
apologizes for taking so long with the requests a few things came up recently but I’m back now and the 800 followers event will be resuming! I hope you enjoy (੭ ˊ^ˋ)੭ ♡
Turn down the lights everyone because it’s red hour with rashomonss ♡
warning 18+ (NSFW): read at your own discretion (afab reader)
“that’s it, just like that…”
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You had come over for tea upon the butler's request, so how did something as simple as that turn into you unraveling beneath him as he eats you out.
It began with the two of you talking about your day and other events in his room over a pot of human realm tea Barbatos had just purchased. He believed you would be the perfect person to try it with so thus he invited you over without a second thought.
And honestly he’s glad he did.
As the conversation carried on between the two of you so did the flirting, and when each comment was said it appeared more bold than the last one. Barbatos however couldn’t help but slightly laugh to himself as you began to now flirt back with him.
The flirting soon turned into soft kissing as he led you to his bed, then the soft kissing turned into making out until either of you could wait any longer.
The butler pushed you down on his soft bed and knelt before you, then slid off each of your bottoms gently with a smile. Now with your bottom half nude he admired each curve and line of your body and with his gloved hands he began to grab and caress your thighs as he lifted up your legs to kiss the inner sides of them.
“You’re so lovely you know?” He smiled.
After a few more moments of showering your legs with attention he placed them on his shoulders and grabbed your hips pulling you further towards him. Then looked up at you admiring your needy expression.
“Someone’s impatient, apologies for making you wait so long” Barbatos chuckled, as he began to mouth at your folds and tease your clit with his tongue. He continued to tease you ever so slightly with his tongue just to see the different reactions you had to each thing he did.
“Look at me” he says after a minute and holds you down with his hands to make sure you stop squirming.
Your gaze meets his and your body melts at the sight of Barbatos eating you out with such fervor, which in turn causes you to struggle to keep eye contact with him. So due to pure embarrassment you turned to look elsewhere and silenced your moans with your hand.
Needless to say, Barbatos didn’t take too kindly to that.
“Now, now, don’t be shy let me hear you”
“It’d be a shame for you to keep that pretty little mouth of yours closed now, wouldn’t it?” He cooed, thrusting his fingers deep into your pussy.
You jolted up slightly as two fingers now entered you harshly, and began to thrust in and out of you at a fast pace. The sensation of his fingers as well as his mouth on your clit became almost too much for you to bear.
If you want to be quiet then go right ahead, but he’s warning you that he will get those lovely noises out of you one way or another. He has no qualms about playing dirty.
You slightly squirmed under him even more, but that only caused him to pin you down with his free hand instead. And when you finally removed your hand and let your moans free he smirked up at you and continued with his harsh pace.
“That’s it, just like that” he said softly after removing his mouth from your clit.
Barbatos curled his fingers slightly and thrusted them into you a bit deeper, now hitting your g-spot. When you moaned out loudly in response he chuckled softly, now finally getting the reaction he desired, so he kissed your inner thigh again then moved his mouth back to abuse your clit.
You became undone in mere seconds after that. Your hands found their way to his hair and they harshly gripped it as your legs shook due to the constant pleasure he was giving your body. Your moans turned into babbles and your eyes rolled back ever-so slightly. Barbatos could tell you were close so he picked up the pace and admired your body becoming undone before him.
“That’s it, go ahead and cum for me my love” he said softly now rubbing your clit with his thumb as his other two fingers continued to pump in and out of you making you see stars.
Upon his command you came all over his fingers and gripped his hair tightly as he continued with a constant pace to help you ride out your orgasm.
You felt your whole body tremble and looked to the demon at the edge of the bed who continued to enjoy your taste as he lapped up your cum with his tongue.
When you began to sit up, Barbatos smiled and placed his hand on your stomach and pushed you down softly on the bed again. He then grabbed your hips and positioned you back where you were before and continued where he left off as he watched you now squirm even more as he thrusted his fingers into you again.
“You didn’t think we were done now did you?” He teased.
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rashomonss · 2 years ago
Congrats on the 800 followers! Could you please do the angst prompt, “and they won’t even look at you..?” for Satan? Thank you!💚
thank you so much anon!! (๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
and of course I can!! but ahh satan angst hurts my heart so muchhh
oh but btw I decided to use nightbringer satan, I hope you don’t mind, and enjoy! (๑>؂•̀๑)
lastly I believe one prompt is left open to claim for this event, and if you’d like to claim it, it can be found here!
“I’m so sorry”
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“Just shut up,” Satan yelled.
“Woah no need to get so upset we’re just trying to help you out, unless you want this to get worse” Mammon sighed.
“Have you apologized to MC?” Belphie asked after a yawn escaped his mouth.
“No…” Satan said softly, staring at the fire in the living room.
“Well you should apologize first and foremost dear, then you can tell MC why you acted out the way you did” Asmo said leaning on the armrest of the couch.
“I don’t know where they are.”
“Well I called them over so you can speak to them now” Mammon said.
“What!” Satan then yelled, slightly panicking.
“The sooner you solve this the better” Belphie replied rolling over.
“He’s right ya know” Mammon added after a minute.
You followed the sound of arguing into the living room of the House of Lamentation and sighed. This day wasn’t going the best, and you couldn’t help but feel a slight bit of dread upon Mammon calling you over. Whenever he called you over, usually something bad had happened, so you prepared yourself before stepping into the living room.
However you were instead surprised to see Satan and most of the brothers arguing in the living room.
“What did you need Mammon?” You asked, walking closer to the couch that the majority of demons were laying on.
“Ah well actually Satan has somethin’ to tell ya”
“I see…” you then replied. Upon hearing the fourth born's name you sighed and began to walk back out the door.
“MC wait..!” Satan yelled running after you.
“Apologizes but I have to get back to Cocytus Hall now. If you all need anything please just text me for the rest of the day.”
“MC please…can we talk?” Satan asked, grabbing your hand.
“Let go of me, and no we can’t. You made it clear earlier that you had nothing important to discuss with me, so in return I have nothing to discuss with you either, now if you’ll excuse me” you responded breaking free from his grasp.
“MC please just listen. I promise it won’t happen again…I didn’t mean it. Please just look at me” He pleaded. For the first time Satan couldn’t understand why he felt so bad. Why did his chest ache so much?
“I said we had nothing to discuss so drop it Satan. Not every problem can be solved automatically after it’s created. I have no intention to speak with you as of right now, and I’ll probably be upset for a while, now good day to you all.”
And just like that you had disappeared out of the living room and soon the house.
Each brother that occupied the living room stared bewildered at what had just happened. They had never seen you that upset and to top it all off at Satan nonetheless…he was the one you had been the most patient with.
“Satan what did you do..?” Asmo asked softly.
“Yeah what the hell did ya do?” Mammon then added.
“It’s none of your business.”
“Well why did MC give ya the cold shoulder then?”
“Shut up”
“Yeah and not to mention the fact that they won’t even look at you..?”
“How did you even manage that?”
“Uh guys you’re not helping…Satan looks like he’s about to explode” Belphie said hiding behind the couch.
After Belphie spoke, Satan yelled and began to trash the living room as his brothers tried their best to sneak out, and once he was finished he made his way up to his room and slammed the door shut.
What was he feeling? Why was he feeling like this? He needs to know what emotion is currently overwhelming him at the moment and why.
But no matter how hard he tried to think about it he couldn’t exactly understand why he was feeling like this.
You usually told him what he was feeling and why he was feeling like that. You were always able to describe his emotions perfectly and now he needed you right now more than anything to help him express himself.
He then thought back to how this all happened. It started with both of you hanging out in his room enjoying each other’s company, that is until you both began to argue.
He doesn’t even remember how the argument started or what the purpose was, but he did remember the words he spoke to you.
“What would you know about me? What would you know about them? You’re even less a part of this so-called “family” than I am, so don’t try to act like you actually understand anyone, let alone me.”
He remembers the way your face dropped and the look of hurt that graced your eyes. He didn’t mean it…it just came out. It’s not like he wanted it too.
Satan wanted to finally show you that he wasn’t just some demon who was incapable of feeling something other than anger.
But as of right now, maybe everyone else was right, maybe he really was nothing but just a hot tempered demon who couldn’t do anything without you.
The thought made him upset and like usual so he did what he does best when upset, he destroys things.
However throughout his rampage he completely lost track of the book you had gifted him awhile back and proceeded to rip it to shreds along with others that sat in a pile in front of him.
It was only until he saw your handwriting, as the pages fell to the floor around him, that caused him to stop and cry out in anger and sadness.
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rashomonss · 2 years ago
For the 800 follower prompts could you pretty pretty please do "don't come back if you walk out that door..!" with Lucibabes. We love our overworked father of 7 (including Diavolo) and we would absolutely love if we even add more to his workload with some angst<3
Aside from that, I do genuinely enjoy your stories and you are absolutely good at what you do.
aww thank you sm anon! I’m so glad you enjoy my work it means a lot!
and omg, lucifer angst is my absolute favorite, you literally have no idea how much fun this was to write (⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)
lastly i wanna apologize for getting this out so late, i’ve been procrastinating a lot with everything lately, but anyway i hope you enjoy! ♡
“it’s too late for that”
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Being the Avatar of Pride was a lot to bear for one demon. However you would never, in all of the three realms, hear him admit that fact. Instead you would hear something along the lines of how well he’s doing in his position.
He was doing well at everything and anything, that’s just how he was. But why was he falling short of this feeling when he thought about his relationship with you.
You seemed quiet to him, more so than usual. He did remember that you could possibly be upset due to him canceling plans with you, but he believed you’d get over it by now. So why was he still feeling like this?
As fate would have it he was coming down the stairs just as you had made your way through the front door. Lucifer then smiled and made his way over to you as you took off your shoes.
“Where have you been?” He smiled.
Your face turned to one of surprise upon seeing him. “I was at Purgatory Hall. You know, since you told me you were to busy with work to go out”
You didn’t catch the face Lucifer made as he heard your words. The oldest sighed then continued. “Well I finished early so how about we do something? Does that sound nice?”
You thought for a moment and weighed your options. You did think it would be nice to spend time with him after he was brushing you off for so long, but on the other hand you were tired of only being his partner when it was convenient for him.
“Maybe some other time. I’m tired” you replied, keeping your eyes away from his.
“Is this because I canceled our date the other night? Are you still upset about that?” Lucifer sighed, he was beginning to grow slightly concerned about how personally you were taking things.
“That has to do with part of it, yes.”
“Part? MC, what are you mad about this time?”
This caused you to turn around and face him for the first time since you both started talking “This time? Oh I don’t know Lucifer. Maybe, just maybe I’m upset because you’re only acting like my partner when it is convenient for you. If it’s not on your time then you couldn’t give two shits about me”
“MC I don’t want to have this conversation again. Are you still not over that? We spoke about this once. Was that not enough?”
You stared at him for a minute, trying to process if he actually said that, and after he gave you a look you finally spoke up. “I can’t keep doing this with you Lucifer, no matter how many times we have this conversation you never learn. Frankly it’s annoying and just draining.”
“Annoying and draining you say? Well I for one agree there, I’m tired of that as well. Everytime I try to talk to you, all you do is bring up the past and get upset. Plus you have no room to criticize me when you hang all over other demons.”
Your eyes widened slightly, then your brows furrowed as you took a few steps closer to him. “Excuse me? Hang all over other demons…?”
“MC don’t play dumb with me. I’ve seen the way you hang off Diavolo and Barbatos. As well as that shady sorcerer. Oh should I also mention Simeon as well? I see that you both have been spending a lot more time together recently” Lucifer said smiling.
“Oh is that so? Well maybe if my partner actually gave me attention I wouldn’t be hanging out with others so much? Has that thought ever come to mind?”
“Attention? Is that what this is about? You’re upset because of something as simple as a little attention?” Lucifer asked in a mocking voice, as if he was trying to take you seriously.
“Excuse you? I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you but your not even taking me seriously”
“I never said I wasn’t taking you seriously. It’s just that I don’t see the reason for you to blow this out of proportion is all.”
“Blow this out of proportion?” You replied, giving him a look as if you were asking him if he was serious.
The two of you went from speaking to yelling at each other in a matter of seconds. No later than a minute everyone knew you both were fighting again.
Sighing each brother made their way to the foyer and it was a sight to behold. There you were yelling from the door at Lucifer who continued to roll his eyes as he raised his voice back at you.
Insults were being thrown back and forth and none of them knew if they should intervene until they heard Lucifer yell.
“Don’t come back if you walk out that door…!”
“I wasn’t planning on it.” you spat grabbing the side of the large wooden door.
Lucifer glared at you as his brothers stood behind him in shock, faces going back and forth between the both of you, yet not one said a word. They all knew you both had a rocky relationship but in the end it always worked out after the two of you fought.
So why was this any different?
Maybe it was due to the sinking feeling they each had in the pit of their stomachs as you and Lucifer had been yelling across the foyer. Maybe it was the fact that you didn’t cry.
Or maybe it was the fact that they could tell you were serious.
You had slammed the front doors shut leaving the seven of them in the silent foyer. Lucifer did nothing but glare at the door with his arms crossed as his brothers stood watching the door.
“Ya gotta go after them Lucifer” Mammon yelled, shaking his older brother.
“Lucifer…please go get them” Levi then spoke up.
“You need to apologize,” Beel said, fidgeting with his fingers.
“You need to do more than that. No apology from you would ever fix something like that” Satan spat.
“He’s right, you know.” Belphie then replied as he stood closer to his twin.
“Lucifer please. You have to go after MC.” Asmo said, touching his older brother's arm.
“If you all want to go after MC, be my guest. They however are not allowed to step another foot in this house anymore. Is that clear?” Lucifer spat as he glared at his brothers.
“You know you're so insufferable. It’s no wonder, they got fed up with you and left. They can’t stand to be around your horrible personality anymore. And you know what neither can I.”
Lucifer’s head shot over to the fourth born and he glared his way. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me.” Satan spat then left slamming the front door behind him as well. Not long after Belphie followed along with Asmo and Levi.
Mammon and Beel were the only ones left. They both looked at each other then Lucifer. Beel made his way to the front door along with Mammon who turned to Lucifer before shutting the door.
“Ya know…for the first time I’m actually disappointed in ya, older brother ”
Mammon sighed then shut the door leaving Lucifer alone in the foyer. The Avatar of Pride sighed and took a step toward the door but quickly stopped himself.
He turned on his heel and walked back to his study without a word.
Even now after fighting with you, he wasn’t going to set aside his pride to go out and look for you. No matter how special you are to him, there are always more important matters.
He tried to tell himself that, of course, but the sinking feeling in his stomach consumed his every thought as he made his way closer to his study.
For the first time in his life he was conflicted about his own feelings, towards you and towards his pride.
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rashomonss · 2 years ago
For the 800 Followers how about:
“If you keep being loud they’ll hear us” + Mephisto (If you’re writing for the Trio)
Happy 800 btw! Hope u have a great weekend! And thank u!
thank you so much anon and you too!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
and ofc i can!! lately I’ve liked writing for him a bunch which is a bit weird since I’m not particularly fond of him sometimes, but boy did I have fun with this one, hope you enjoy! (๑>؂•̀๑)
also you any of you would like to request a remaining prompt for this event please do so here!
Turn down the lights everyone because it’s red hour with rashomonss ♡
Warnings +18 (NSFW): read at your own discretion
you look so good just like that
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You have lately found yourself around Mephistopheles a lot more than you would have imagined. It’s not as if it was bad in a sense, you were just shocked by the sudden realization.
As you continued to spend more time around the hard-headed demon you couldn’t help but develop slight feelings for him, and he didn’t make it any better with all the sexual tension he would create between the two of you.
Today was just another one of those days.
You had recently been helping out a lot with the RAD newspaper club so that's how you got into the predicament you were in today.
“Make sure to grab the correct cameras we used, because we’ll be in there for a while” Mephisto said to you as he walked to the newspaper club's dark room.
“Yeah yeah” you sighed then grabbed the cameras and walked into the dark room right after.
Mephisto then closed the door and locked it after you walked in, making sure no one would open it while the two of you were developing film. He would hate for the pictures he took of Lord Diavolo to be ruined because of some carelessness.
He began showing you how to mix the chemicals needed for developing said film and honestly it was more interesting than you originally thought it to be.
Throughout this process though you kept sneaking glances at him as well as giving him a slight attitude. Your subtle flirting was going over his head because he was way denser than you thought, so you decided to take a different approach and mess with him instead.
“You’re awfully bratty today, you know that?” Mephisto then said, walking towards you slightly annoyed with your behavior.
“And what of it? You’re just sensitive.” You smiled smugly at the demon in front of you. You’re guessing he didn’t take kindly to that last phrase because he narrowed his eyes at you and crossed his arms in response.
“Be quiet human you’re annoying me”
For some unknown reason you decided to see how far you could push it with him today, so you looked at him and mockingly said “make me”
“You’re such a brat,” Mephisto said, grabbing you by your uniform collar and pulling you closer to him. “But don’t worry I’ll make you shut up”
No later than a second he pulled you into a kiss and began to push you onto an empty countertop. As he deepened the kiss you held his uniform tightly, and eventually broke free after a while in need of air.
“Well that finally shut you up” he replied mockingly as he looked at your hands grabbing his uniform.
“But we’re far from done.”
“What?” You said then looking at him confused.
“If you think I’m going to excuse the behavior you displayed earlier today as well then you’re greatly mistaken human, now turn around.”
You did as he instructed, interested in where he was going with this, much to your surprise however the second you turned around he pressed you face down onto the empty countertop. He then quickly did away with your uniform bottoms and undergarments as well as his own. Then after a minute or two of him prepping you with his fingers you could feel his cock at your entrance.
“Let’s see how much of a brat you are now” Mephisto said before pounding into you, making sure you took all of him in.
A loud inhale escaped your lips and you rolled your eyes back slightly due to his roughness. A satisfied sound came from behind you and he stayed still for just a moment before pulling almost all the way out and pounding into you again, even faster than the first time.
As he continued with this rough and fast pace, moans began to slip through your mouth as you tried to grip onto anything as he held you down on the countertop.
“Who’s sensitive now hm?” He said cooing as he continued to pound into you at the same pace.
Mephisto enjoyed the sight of you trembling beneath him. If he’s being honest he’s wished to see this sight for a while now. Ever since you began hanging around him he couldn’t help the urge of wanting to do this to you.
This urge especially intensified when he eavesdropped on the brothers conversation the other day. Mammon had been talking to Asmodeus at the time he heard the conversation.
They both were talking about your strange relationship with him, and much to his surprise Asmodeus then mentioned you liked him. Mephisto truly was shocked upon hearing the news and stayed for a bit longer to confirm if it was true. It turned out to be because Mammon flipped out when Asmodeus claimed you slipped up and told him during your weekly skincare night.
Ever since then he’s wanted to do this to you.And now he finally got the chance.
He’s been getting fed up with that mouth of yours after all.
The slight sounds of skin slapping skin could be heard as he continued to pound you full of his cock, however he should have been one to check the time.
Because just as you were about to reach your orgasm a knock was heard at the door which in turn startled you both causing Mephisto to stop.
“Sir Mephistopheles are you in there?” A voice asked after a few seconds.
Both of you could tell that was one of the newspaper club members, and you looked at him worried but also annoyed at the denial of your release.
“Yes I am. I’m busy developing film, so I would appreciate it if you didn’t open the door” He responded with his regular tone.
“Oh but don’t think I forgot about you” he then whispered, pushing his cock into you again, this time much slower than before, making sure you felt every single inch of him. You rolled your eyes back and let out a soft whimper as he filled you with himself.
“Okay sir, I’ll let the others know” the demon then said, and after a few minutes he walked away. However just as he was about to continue numerous voices could be heard in the club room now.
“Looks like everyone is back from classes,” you said, trying to catch your breath.
“It appears so…Well then, where were we?” Mephisto then said, pressing you down again onto the counter again.
His slow pace stopped and he resumed the fast pace from earlier causing you to moan louder than you had liked. Plus it didn’t help when he then repositioned himself and pounded into you soon hitting that perfect spot.
This drove you insane as he continued to abuse that spot due to him finally finding the reaction he liked. As you begin to unravel beneath him your sounds then became louder as a result.
Mephisto covered your mouth with his gloved hand and held on tightly to your hips with his other one.
“Now, now…” he cooed
“If you keep being loud they’ll hear us”
“You wouldn’t want that would you?”
You shook your head slightly as his hand still covered your mouth. Mephisto gave you a pleased sound in response then spoke again.
“You’re such a good human now aren’t you?”
“Sir are you okay in there? I heard a loud noise a second ago” another voice said knocking on the door.
“Yes I just bumped into something. Nothing to worry about” he responded a little bit more breathy then he would have liked.
“Ah okay then sorry to bother”
Mephisto laughed and forced your head back slightly with his gloved hand that still rested on your mouth. “You’re close aren’t you? Do you want to cum?”
You nodded as you looked back at him eagerly not wanting to be denied an orgasm again.
“Well since I’m such a nice demon I’ll allow it. Now then, be good and cum for me will you” Mephisto whispered into your ear as he went faster.
Upon hearing his words that knot finally snapped and you came as his cock continued to pound into you. You rode out your orgasm and he did as well after a few more moments.
You both were a panting and sweaty mess after it everything was over.
Being the “nice demon” that he was Mephisto then cleaned you and himself up as well as helped you change back into your uniform.
“Next time you act like a brat don’t blame me if we get caught” he sighed, as he began finishing up with the film.
“Hm well I might have to start pushing your buttons even more if you continue to do that” you smirked back at him.
“You’re unbelievable”
“Um…there’s cum on this photo…are we still going to use it?” You asked
“Of course not throw it away! Scratch that, just burn it” Mephisto then yelled, he groaned then grabbed his face as you laughed in response.
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rashomonss · 1 year ago
“I would sell my soul for a bit more time with you…” with Barbatos, please!
I mean, it fits kind of perfectly with him, amiright?
omg it so does fit, and tbh if it’s one thing i love more than smut with barbs is angst with him (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)
So sorry for the late reply to this I’ve been going through it lately but I’m finally good now! (I think) anyway enjoy! ♡
just a few more moments of your time…
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Humans were fascinating.
Barbatos knew that much. However he never expected himself to get attached to a human; let alone the exchange student his lord brought to the Devildom.
So just what was it that was drawing him to them? It could possibly have been the persistence they had, to develop a better relationship with him, or maybe just sheer curiosity on his part, as to why everyone adored them so much.
No matter the case, Barbatos soon found himself swept off his feet by their presence as well.
He can’t recall the exact moment he started developing a fondness for them, but he can recall how his heart felt.
Whenever they’re near he can’t help but feel slightly nervous. Slightly more conscious of how he presented himself. It’s been so long since he ever felt such a way, so in a sense he enjoyed these giddy emotions you brought on.
At this specific moment in time he was in fact, truly happy, which of course shocked him at first. He had always prioritized Diavolo’s life and emotions above his own, so in turn he never felt the need to prolong his happiness. But of course, that all changed when you had come into his life.
He had truly enjoyed every moment he could spend with you. Ranging from you helping him in the kitchen to tea dates in the human realm, and especially intimate moments privately in his room. Barbatos wanted more of your time, he wanted more of your touch, and he wanted more of you.
He was content on spending more time with you, and he was overjoyed when you felt the same. So because of this a conversation arose and it was only then did he realize how truly different humans were from demons.
It was a subject he never thought would bring up a topic he wasn’t fond of but here you both were.
“Those tea leaves are truly divine. They’re absolutely perfect, down to the aroma and even flavor. I’d love to make some for you if I had the chance” Barbatos explained, as he ranted on to you with a small smile across his face.
You had laid your head peacefully on his lap as ran his gloved fingers through your hair and talked to you about tea and whatnot. There were times when Barbatos was talkative, and now happened to be one of those moments. Once you got him started with tea he ended up having a hard time trying to stop himself, it’s not that you minded though. Since you found his voice to be very soothing in general.
“I’d love to try them, but honestly any tea you make will always taste lovely” you smiled, letting your face fall into his thighs.
Barbatos smiled at your response and brushed a piece of hair from your face. “I promise to make you a cup when the next petals are harvested.”
“I can’t wait, when will that be?” You replied looking up towards him.
“In about a hundred years or so, the leaves are of high quality so they take time to be produced. However, the longer and more patient the tea leaves take to be made, the more exquisite the taste.”
This time you hadn’t replied to his statement. Instead your eyes fell on his beaming smile and you sighed in response. “Yeah I’d love to try them…”
The second the response left your mouth you wished to take it back, to tell him that you wouldn’t be able to, and he probably knew that as well. Barbatos was so caught up in the moment and the true excitement he felt to introduce you to something he loved that he hadn’t realized you wouldn’t even live to see it.
The conversation between the two of you continued however Barbatos soon realized you had become disengaged with the conversation long after the tea leaves had been brought up. He wanted to question you but couldn’t find the words to ask about your indifferent expression or the way your smile strained when he tried to cheer you up.
A few more moments of silence passed and Barbatos sighed moving a stand of hair out of your face again. “What’s wrong my dear? You seem to be upset in some way? Was it perhaps something I said?”
Your eyes went wide and you sat up slightly looking him in the eye. “No, no it’s not you, I assure you. It’s just…” you replied, then stopped yourself. Would he think you to be dramatic if you were still caught up on the whole tea leaves ordeal? You doubted it. This was Barbatos after all, he always understood, but a part of you really wanted to spend all the time you possibly could with him.
You had opted by beating around the bush about how to bring up the topic again, however before you could finish Barbatos picked up on what you were meant.
The thought stunned him for a minute but how could he possibly forget such an important factor? Humans have limited life span, that was just how they were created. He wanted to curse the shortened timeframe they had but nonetheless understood. That was the way of life, many different species have different concepts of time.
Yes he knew this, after all he deals with time itself.
Even with him knowing this factor why did it still create a hole in his chest when he pondered the thought of you leaving this world. What worried him the most was the thought of you leaving him.
Humans and demons grow older at different rates, with that in mind he couldn’t bear the thought of you leaving him alone. After it took him so long so find someone such as you.
If only you could stay with him. If only he could prolong your life slightly, even if it was just for another century. He didn’t want to think about saying goodbye just yet, not to someone he gave his whole heart to.
“I would sell my soul for a bit more time with you.”
Barbatos spoke, grabbing you softly by the waist. While moment was endearing you didn’t want him to give up a part of himself just so you could stay alive longer.
“I can’t accept that Barbatos. I don’t want you giving up a part of yourself for me” you replied, sighing softly.
“But MC if possible I’d like to prolong our time as much as possible”
You shook your head then looked back up to him. “As would I but I’m not going to let you do that for me. If we’re not able to spend any more time together then using the time we spend now I want to focus on the memories we make currently, rather then the ones we could possibly make in the future.”
“Even if we don’t have that long of a future left together I want to spend it like we have all the time in the world” you spoke, flashing him a smile.
The butler hugged you tightly without a word. If you wanted to spend the rest of your time with him then he couldn’t be more happy to spend whatever time he could with you.
Like you had mentioned even if you didn’t have all the time in the world it would be better to focus on what is in front of you rather then the future you both have together. He was going to make sure you felt as if you had all the time in the world, even if deep down he was terrified at the thought of saying goodbye.
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rashomonss · 2 years ago
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-pick whichever prompt and obey me character you’d like and request in the form of an ask!
- I’ll only take one character for each prompt so make sure to request quickly!! If you’d like anything specific as well with the prompt don’t be afraid to share!
- if the prompt is marked out red and has a character then it’s taken!
these are straight hurt no comfort prompts (my fav ♡)
- “and they won’t even look at you..?” || Satan
- “don’t come back if you walk out that door..!” || Lucifer
- “I would sell my soul for a bit more time with you…” || Barbatos
- “You can’t even look me in the eyes can you?” || Beelzebub
you know the deal straight fluff and nothing more
- "you made this? this is fantastic..."
- “Let’s go out, you need some fresh air” || Leviathan
- “Can we stay like this just for a bit longer…please?” || Belphegor
- “Just admit it! You are so in love with me.” || Mephistopheles
rashomonss red hour ♡
- “How about you put those lips to work instead of just talking all the time?” || Mephistopheles
- “Now, now, don’t be shy, let me hear you” || Barbatos
- “If you keep being loud they’ll hear us” || Mephistopheles
- “I love the way you look under me” || Satan
for all of you who love the obsessive trope
- “I was meant to be yours” || Lucifer
- “They tried to take you away from me” || Beelzebub
- “You don’t control who I talk to.” “No, but I will control who talks to you.” || Satan
- “These chains are to ensure that you can never leave me” || Lucifer
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rashomonss · 2 years ago
hi!! i've followed around since ch4 of a humans wrath and i am so proud of you for coming this far in your journey!!! your writing is so heart wrenching and it's so comforting in a way that it's such a good material to come to if i want a good cry!!!
so i've come forward to please request "You can't even look me in the eyes, can you?" with beel and it's like trauma of ch16 with them being twins and all.
it's fine if you don't accept it!! i just want to show my appreciation for your writing as it's rlly rlly good!!!
omg you’ve followed me for a good while, i feel so honored that you still enjoy my work!! ♡
I’m so glad you think that honestly, it just makes me so happy, I’m crying rn anon, if I knew who you were I’d follow you back rn bc you’re so sweet (╥﹏╥)
ily sm and I just want you to know I’m so thankful for your support, truly, I hope you continue to enjoy my work as well as a humans wrath! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡
also you meant lesson 16 in nightbringer right?? because i was a bit confused for a second, bc im a bit dumb, but anyways i did enjoy writing this quite a bit so i hope you do enjoy! (also I was being feeling nice so this one ended with comfort)
love ya! ♡
warnings: possible nightbringer lesson 16 spoilers
“please don’t blame yourself”
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You had canceled the summoning spell in Lucifer’s office and thankfully the banshee was nowhere to be found. However the trouble didn’t end there, in fact it had only just begun.
Belphie rushed over to his twin and asked profusely if he was okay, due to him looking as if he was going to fall over from sheer stress.
Beel nodded and stayed silent as Satan explained to the rest of his brothers the two different circumstances in which you hear a banshee cry. This caused an uproar and Belphie began to question his brother with a concerned expression.
Beel answered every question his twin had, but not once did he dare to look at him. And as he finished the story of what had happened, he could feel Belphie’s eyes burn a hole in his head due to how much he was staring at him.
“So you’ve heard one cry before…you’ve never mentioned anything about that…” Belphie said, stepping closer to his twin.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep it from you, I don’t want you to be upset”
“Beel, you misunderstand! I’m not mad at you at all, none of this was your fau-“
“If I had known what that was then I could’ve told Lucifer and maybe we wouldn’t have lost Lilith…” Beel had said.
You heard the strain in his voice as he spoke to his twin, each word that left his mouth was laced with regret and guilt…but why was that? It wasn’t his fault.
“Beel it wasn’t your fault, you couldn’t have know-“ Belphie pleaded.
Beel cut his twin off mid sentence and raised his voice slightly. “But I should’ve. It’s all my fault Belphie, I could’ve prevented this.”
“No you couldn’t have!”
“Yes I could’ve! Maybe then we all wouldn’t be down here, maybe then we’d still be happily up in the Celestial Realm with Lilith. If I had known we all could’ve seen her smile again. She’d be here with us now, instead of facing a cruel death”
Beel’s voice echoed through Lucifer’s study as all his brothers looked at him with mixed reactions. None of them had ever heard him raise his voice in such a way, and it shocked most of them into silence, including his twin.
Asmo, Mammon, and Levi looked to you for assistance after his outburst, while Satan looked at Beel with an expression that held a mixture of hurt and resentment.
Belphie finally looked at Beel with a sad expression and furrowed his eyebrows slightly. “Beel, you need to understand that none of this was your fault. It was never your fault to begin with.”
“You don’t understand. I had the chance to change things but I didn’t. I didn’t come through for you when you needed me, now because of that all of you have to suffer because I never said anything. I caused this Belphie”
“Beel..” his twin said with such sorrow.
You’ve heard the twins talk about things and slightly argue with each other before, but they always end up getting over it or solving the situation before it gets worse. This time you're not so sure.
The dejected atmosphere that engulfed Lucifer’s study was so thick you began to feel suffocated. And you could tell you weren’t the only one; as the rest of the brothers watched the twins speak, each began to slowly back away towards you for reassurance.
“Ever since the night of the dinner party and what Lucifer said, I keep thinking about what happened…and I wish I could go back and change things, so that this never happened in the first place.”
“We wouldn’t have lost Lilith, Belphie…and you wouldn’t have had to suffer so much.”
“What do you mean..?” Belphie asked softly as he looked at his twin with an uneasy expression.
“I know you feel guilty because you survived and she didn’t…”
At this point Belphie stood there in silence as he looked at the ground for an answer, but nothing came to mind. This throat ran dry.
“Beel please look at me…” Belphie asked, stepping closer to his twin. He realized that during their whole conversation Beel hadn’t looked him in the eyes once.
Beel however took a few weary steps back as Belphie approached him. His gaze continued to be locked on the floor as he stood there silently avoiding his twin.
“Beel, please just look at me, that’s all I’m asking right now. Please.” Belphie pleaded.
Beel shook his head as his gaze reminded on the floor. You swore you could see tears begin form in his eyes.
You watched the youngest demon brother completely break down in front of you when his twin continued to ignore his pleads. You had never seen Belphie like that…ever. This was a new side of him you were now experiencing, but you can’t say you exactly like the broken expression he was currently wearing.
“You can’t even look me in the eyes can you?”
“I’m sorry Belphie…it should have been me, not Lilith-“
“Shut up! Don’t you dare say that again. Don’t you dare think that ever, you hear me, Lilith decided to fight that day because she wanted to, just like all of us. So don’t you ever give me that crap you hear!” Belphie screamed.
Beel’s eyes widened slightly and he finally looked up to see his twin with an upset expression as tears streamed down his face.
“Enough Beel…all that matters as of right now is that you’re here with all of us okay?”
After Belphie spoke, you then added to his statement and reassured the Avatar of Gluttony, as tears streamed down his face when you spoke to him softly.
The rest of his brothers, including Satan, assured him that what happened was meant to happen, and that all that matters right now in the “present” is that they all have each other. Belphie smiled and hugged Beel, claiming he wouldn’t trade anything in the world for him as Beel tightly hugged him back while a few stray tears fell down his cheeks.
Soon all of you joined the group hug and smiled happily as Beel wiped the tears from his eyes and thanked everyone.
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rashomonss · 2 years ago
ℙ𝕊𝔸 ִ ࣪𖤐
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hey y’all! so I’m actually back for real this time i swear (*´▽`*)
I didn’t mean to go on a little hiatus for so long without telling you all but i just didn’t really feel like writing and had major writers block, but it’s all good now tho because I’m inspired again!
i just want to apologize for not finishing all of my 800 followers requests but I will be finishing up those soon!
Speaking of that, y’all. I left with 830 something followers and now i have around 960….that’s crazy, but I’m so grateful for all of y’all’s support while I’ve been gone.
Also if your wondering what tragic event gave me inspiration, I literally just got rejected by a man a few hours ago so ( ꒦ິヮ꒦ິ )
Hahah anyway it’s good to be back, love y’all! ♡
with love, rashomonss
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rashomonss · 2 years ago
800 Followers Event
omg this is insane y’all, i just hit 800 followers!!
I’m so happy so many of you enjoy my work and are supporting me this much. I honestly love writing abt these silly little demons and angels and whatnot. it means the absolute world to me and i love each of you so, so, soooo much (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
anyway before I continue ranting about how much I love all of you let’s get into the event haha
so for this event two things will be open!
the first is letters of gratitude! it’s reopening and it will be open again until I say it’ll be closed. (refer to this post if you’re unsure)
the second is some writing prompts will be open for each of you to chose from, (prompts here)
now these prompts will range anywhere from fluff to angst to nsfw, but they’ll all be limited so make sure to request one when you can!
anyway thank you all so much again, I couldn’t have done this without all your support and love! I truly cherish and appreciate each one of you
with love, rashomonss ♡
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rashomonss · 1 year ago
Unofficial Hiatus Is Now Over!
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Hello my loves! your favorite obey me angst writer is back and better than ever (*´▽`*)❀.
Actually not really better than ever I currently have the flu haha….
Anyway! I’ve decided to let you all know my little hiatus is over and I’ll be writing again! I want to thank all of you for your continued support of this blog while I was away! I left with 800+ followers now I have 1,100+ and it’s insane really, I love y’all so much. (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
My list of things follows:
Finishing up the 800 followers event
The next few chapters of a Humans Wrath
My kinktober request.
(Who cares if it’s not october anymore they’ll still be done)
And lastly finishing up some regular asks
Oh and some new information as well!
I have recently fallen in love with what in the hell is bad so you best believe I’ll be writing for that as well! You can go follow my blog for it since I’ve decided to keep this blog strictly for my obey me works. I haven’t written anything yet but don’t be sacred to send in any asks for that one!
Anyway it’s good to be back I missed y’all a lot, and I hope you missed me ♡
love, rashomonss
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rashomonss · 2 years ago
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so first off omg I’m almost at 800 followers, that’s literally insane, I cannot believe it thank you all so much (╥﹏╥)
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second, i have no clue what to do for an event…
my requests are always open but i could have a set of prompts for the event..? I could reopen letters of gratitude for a little longer than it was opened last time? i could write small fanfics specifically for y’all…?
i honestly have no clue what to do and I’m going insane…
if y’all have any ideas please do share because this is an event that I want to be special and memorable for all of you. after all i had 300 followers just 3 months ago and now i have almost 800 and I couldn’t be more thankful (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
ooh and one last thing…what should I call all of you dear readers??
i know some blogs call their readers something that correlates to the aesthetic of the blog but I can’t think of anything to call all of you except for my lovely readers ♡︎
but of course if all of you are fine with just that then I’ll continue to call you all that. anyway it’s just a thought, please do let me know if any of y’all come up with any ideas, I’d love to hear them!
well until next time…
with love, rashomonss ♡︎
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