#but it gives him the opportunity to go out and search for merlin so he jumps at the opportunity
justaz · 3 months
merlin being forced to confront the fact that he’s failing his people bc he’s sitting idly by while uther slaughters them all and coming to the decision that he has to act to save them but that’ll make him camelot enemy no. 1 but technically he already was they just didn’t know it. merlin spending a week all morose but unwilling to talk about it and spending as much time with his friends as possible. on his last night in camelot, he goes to arthur’s chambers and the prince is confused on why he’s there. merlin drops a sealed letter on his desk before pulling arthur into a gentle and emotional kiss. they barely separate, their lips hardly a breath apart, and merlin asks for forgiveness. arthur, thinking he’s apologizing for the kiss, tells him there’s nothing to forgive and goes in for a second kiss but merlin pulls away, knowing that that one brief kiss was all he could handle. if he lets arthur kiss him the way he’s dreamt of being kissed, he won’t be able to do what he needs to do, he won’t be able to leave. merlin tells him good night and leaves before arthur can react. he’s gone by dawn.
#arthur spends a long time storming thru the castle searching for him before returning to his chambers and reading the letter#the letter which outlines that merlin was resigning from his service and leaving camelot#arthur is enraged#merlin is still gone#gaius either wont tell him where merlin is or truly doesnt know#arthur mopes for weeeeeeeeks#then reports start sprouting up of a mysterious person traveling around the land and protecting druids from raids#and intervening when villages/towns attempt to execute sorcerers#uther sends arthur out to find this person and bring them to justice and arthur frankly couldnt care less about them#but it gives him the opportunity to go out and search for merlin so he jumps at the opportunity#he and his men eventually track more and more recent sightings of the cloaked figure to a town on the border of camelot and mercia#they chase the figure thru the streets until arthur corners them and flatly recites their charges of crimes against camelot#and orders them to return to camelot to be tried#the figure hesitates then sighs and turns around#arthurs sword droops to point at the ground as he takes in merlins slightly guilty face#‘i can’t do that arthur’#arthur is hurt from merlin sudden absence that he didnt even have the decency to warn him about#but now hes double hurt bc the reports of the mysterious person included them weilding magic#so now he also knows that merlins been lying about that as well and his hurt quickly turns to anger bc thats all he knows#he raises his sword despite knowing that he wont be able to bring it down on him. merlin smiles sympathetically as if he also knows.#merlin gets away and arthur returns to camelot only to be sent out again and again to kill merlin#friends to enemies to lovers#yippeeeee#bbc merlin#merlin emrys#arthur pendragon#merthur#fanfiction#fanfic#fic idea
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wonderlandwalker · 9 months
Nurse Nightingale | James Potter x Reader
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Marauders Masterlist / Taglist / Inbox
Summary: Someone wakes you up in the middle of the night, when you realize it's James looking for help you don't have the heart to refuse him
Content Warnings/Tags: fluff, blood, bruising, cuts, mentions of violence, insinuations of smut
Word Count: 1k
A/n: I'm currently using the uni holiday as an excuse not to study so now I'm writing non-stop instead. Not quite smut but sorta if you're willing to squint
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*Knock knock*
You turn around, looking at the clock on the bedside table. Who the hell is knocking on the door at 3 AM?
*Knock knock*
You turn onto your stomach, pushing your pillow over your head in an attempt to block out the noise.
*Knock knock*
It’s louder this time, more determined, and you hear someone speak: “Y/N, it’s me. Please let me in.” He’s rambling a bit, he sounds tired as well. A shiver goes through your body at hearing his voice, his voice always seems to mess with your head in a way nothing else can.
“What are you doing here James? It’s 3 AM.” You ask, through the still closed door, your voice dripping with sleep. “Just, please, open the door..” He sounds desperate this time, so you decide to do what he asks. You stand up, maybe a little too fast, making your head spin, and walk towards the door. You open it, meaning to step aside to let him in, but when you see him illuminated by the hallway, you freeze. He’s bleeding, a cut starting at his nose and going diagonally underneath his eye, he’s straightened his glasses but there's a crack in them, another bruise at his temple, one on his lips, those soft lips you always think about, even a bruise below his ear on his cheek masking his jawline. “What in Merlin’s name happened to you?” You hear yourself whisper, more at yourself than him. “It’s nothing..” he slures out “.. just wanted to see you.” You move aside to let him into the empty room and he takes the opportunity, walking towards the bed, but not before grabbing you by your waist and giving you a quick, but passionate kiss. He takes you by surprise with it, your mind still trying to wrap around what happened, and your body falls into him, making him hiss from the cut on his upper lip, but he doesn't seem to want to stop regardless.
He sits down on your bed when he breaks the kiss, and you turn on the bedside lamp to get a better look at him. Small bruises are forming on his arms, and his muscles seem strained, his exhausted body melting into the bedding.
“Lay down, I’ll be right back.” you mumble at him before moving to the other side of your room where you left your wand. After a little searching, you find it, but with how tired you are, you’re not sure how much you trust yourself with it. You remember the small first aid kit in your bathroom, and move to get it before making your way back to James.
You see him struggling to take his jumper off, and move over to help him with it. Once it’s off he moves to lie down, and you put some extra pillows under his head, making him sit up a little more before pouring the sterilizer on a towel. You look over at him again, and wonder about how you’re going to do this, when you see him stretch his arm out to you. You take his hand and he pulls you onto his lap, making you straddle him and giving me the perfect position to patch him up.
You look at his chest, covered in blooming bruises, and when the towel hits the few open wounds, he groans a little, instinctively moving his hands to your hips to ground himself. His eyes are closed, and even though he looks like he should be in pain, he seems relaxed.
He stays quiet the whole time, only the occasional hiss or groan leaving him. And when you’re done, having put everything back in its proper place, he asks you silently: “Can I please stay over” “Of course you can, I’m not letting you wander back in this state.” you tell him while moving to lie down beside him. He doesn’t seem satisfied though, and pulls you in even closer.
After a few more minutes of silence, you ask him: “Jamie, what the hell happened to you..?” “It’s, it’s nothing, really, just-" He seems a little hesitant, so you wait for him to continue. “There, there were these guys…” He sounds a little angry, but you still don’t know what he’s talking about. “Do you remember the party that was going on, earlier tonight?” “Of course I do.” you tell him. You had gotten tired early, and decided to head to bed while the others stayed a while longer. “Well, turns out some of the Slytherins had noticed you, and they were talking about you.” He seems even angrier now, you remember this look, it’s similar to the look he got when he lost the Quidditch house cup, except this seems more personal somehow. “They were talking about you, telling their stuck-up friends all the things he would do to you- calling you names and saying how he-” you see him clench his fists, his knuckles turning white. “He was telling them how he would-, bloody hell, I can’t even get it out of my mouth. But I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I, well, I may have punched him.” “You did what?” you ask him, not fully wanting to believe what he’s telling you. Sure, he get detention often enough, but never for fist fights, he doesn't get in fist fights. “I punched him, and I got into a fight with him and his friends.” The hesitance is back now, replacing his anger. “I’m sorry y/n, but I couldn’t stand him saying those kinds of things about you.” You smile a little, and he looks confused. “You got into a fight to defend my honour, Potter?” Your smile only growing. He only nods and you don’t hesitate to lean in, kissing him softly. You can still taste the blood on his tongue, but you don’t care, and he doesn’t seem to either.
You shift over, and he pulls you in to straddle his lap once again. You give him a quiet “I love you” in between kisses. He doesn’t need to say it back this time, his actions having spoken louder than words.
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obsessedwrhys · 5 months
Hi!!! could you make a headcanon of valen with fem merlin please? I've been searching and there's almost nothing ;; thank you also for making the headcanons of other characters ♡
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ᯓ★ just lots of fluff, reader is fem!! (I'm glad you like my other work ☺)
Despite his good looks and the rumours told by the villagers, he's actually inexperienced with love. He's constantly busy with his duties so he never really felt it was necessary to be in a relationship.
That was when he met you and oh boy did he fall head over heels for you HARD.
At first he didn't think much of it and simply just saw it as a task by Hogan to protect you, but the more you guys spent time together, the more he enjoys being by your side.
He was in denial the moment he realised he had developed feelings for you but he also couldn't deny what his heart wanted. So eventually he just chose to go with the flow.
His behaviour wouldn't change drastically but he does seem to develop a few traits when he came to the conclusion that he had a crush on you.
His eyes would linger on you longer when the group discusses on a topic, his brows relaxed as he's giving you the heart eyes.
And how he was always the first person to check up on you after every battles, making sure you weren't hurt anywhere.
He would also notice little details about you. How you seem to rub your arms when you're awkward or play with your hair when you're bored.
There was this one time he noticed you shivering a bit on the cold night so he offered you his cloak/cape, you thanked him which made his heart swoon but his face hid it with a simple smile.
When your group made it back to Holistone after your eventful journey, he was quick to treat everyone with drinks. It was there where he confessed to you.
Scenario ↴
Everyone had left to chat with their friends and he found you drinking alone at your table. With the opportunity in his hand, he slide into the empty seat beside you.
"You're alone, where are your chipmunk friends?" He'd ask with his arm rested on the chair and the other on the table.
"They left to check out the market" You'd say with both your hands wrapped around your glass.
He eyes your face for a while as he tries to think of the right words to say. He gulps but tried to cover it up by pretending to clear his throat.
"I uh—"
"Your face is red"
"Huh?" His eyes widened, but when he realised there was no way out, he ended up relaxing his face with a defeated sigh.
"I guess nothing bypasses the magister. Not even a knight's feelings..." He'd smile warmly at you when it was your turn to be flustered.
The second you guys started dating, it was huge news to the villagers. They were curious how you managed to catch his eye when all of the women have been trying their hardest to get his acknowledgement.
Some even made up rumours that you might have used a love spell on him.
Throughout the relationship, Valen would definitely be affectionate. Expect lots of flirting and corny jokes.
"You’re so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line"
"Valen go to sleep..."
He's also very open with PDA, nothing too extreme though, just simple things like holding hands and kisses on the cheek or forehead. He just loves to see you smile.
I have a feeling that since you two are dating, it would be easier for Valen to figure out you were Merlin. He wouldn't be mad that you hid it from him but rather he understood your reasons for it. Also, he wouldn't say anything about it until your secret was revealed by Mirael.
He'd just stand there with his hand on the handle of his sword, completely unfazed because what kind of boyfriend would he be if he didn't know that first??
Once your secret was out, expect him to ask lots of questions about your magic.
Like can you give a cat wings?
How does it work?
Could you make him 1 inch taller?
The first time he saw you use your magic outside of battles was when you used it to tie your hair. It baffled him but he had to admit it was fun to watch.
Thats why he would always stare at you all excited whenever you used your magic to do simple tasks. His excuse for his behaviour being "How can I not watch when you look so effortlessly gorgeous 😚"
His petname for you is Dove and this is a headcanon I will defend with all my heart.
He picked the name because he always found doves romantic, the name was easily decided the second you brought love into his life.
I just have a feeling his kisses are playful most of the time but when he's really serious, it'd be the most breathtaking kisses you could ever experience. His hand will always find its place behind your back when you two share the moment.
He definitely adores it when you kiss him too, especially on his cheek where his scar is. He also likes it when you trace your fingers across it because it always help him relax. Your gentle touch soothing his soul from a bad memory.
One more thing. He becomes more protective over you. Not in a bad way though, he knows you can defend yourself with your magic but that doesn't mean he's not gonna try to protect you from the enemy.
He doesn't care if the person is bigger or stronger than him, he'll still draw his sword.
After every fight, you'd always tend to his wounds and even through your complaints at his recklessness, he'd still look at you with genuine love in his gaze.
"You're such an idiot"
"A charming one right?"
He shows you off A LOT. I'm talking like crazy lot. Every conversation he shared with anyone, he's always gonna talk about you several times. It drives Hogan crazy, don't get me wrong, he's happy for you two but he can't seem to get his lovesick head to function.
I make him sound like he's crazy about you (which he kinda is) but it's just he's really proud of you. He's so very supportive of you!! He might even have Chippy and Hammie beat at being your number one fan.
Like hello??? My girlfriend is saving the world here 🙄
Of course, he's a very understanding person. If there's anything you're uncomfortable with, just talk it out with him and he'll make sure it won't happen again.
Now for dates. He likes to take you to the most prettiest spot of Holistone or any places he knows. You guys would just spend time chit chatting or cuddling.
Your personal favourite was when he had managed to plan a picnic for you two on a hill, it was adorable watching him cut the food into smaller slices and then feeding you, it was his way of giving you the princess treatment.
Well he is a knight and it is his duty.
Since he's very affectionate, he can also be a tease. He likes teasing the height difference between you two. He finds it adorable.
"You're so small. Are you sure you're as the myth foretold? The mighty merlin? So cute..." He'd stroke your hair with a smile.
I feel like he'd teach you some skills to defend yourself just in case. He knows your magic is powerful but he's not gonna risk it, not when it comes to you.
The lessons would mostly be basic hand-to-hand combat. There was this one time you managed to beat him in a friendly duel and even though he was going easy on you, he was still proud of you regardless so he showered you with compliments.
Another thing I'd like to add is that he secretly write poems dedicated to you. He's too embarrassed to share them with you so if you ever found out, he thinks he'll actually dig a hole and bury himself alive. He'll only share ONE poem with you once he finishes rereading it for the 19373th time and making sure it's good.
By the way, this man can get jealous. He doesn't like seeing Lorsan get too close to you. Half of the times he'd actually cross his arms without even realising when watching you two talk. You always laugh at his behaviour which he does not appreciate.
"What are you laughing at? I don't see anything funny about it..."
Also did I mention how he smells like white musk?? You know like those scents that you smell and you just feel so in love??? Yeah that.
Honestly... 100/10 BOYFRIEND!!
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thewolfisawake · 10 months
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Name: Morgan le Fay
Somewhere between the 'crazy hermit' and the 'mysterious cloaked figure,' Morgan has carved her niche. She likes to ramble about magic because a lot of people don't. And she does subject those that need her help to it because if you're gonna ask, you're going to understand how it works. She is rather chipper seeming and unserious acting in all situations. However she is also quite learned and wise. She is unintentionally the one that others go to for their woes and honestly she's 'I don't know why the come either...I'm not that good at it but they keep coming...' So she often tries her best with the other generals and tries to put forward a more showy self when engaging with others she is less familiar with.
The Court Mage and one of King Balmoral's generals. Everyone knows of the Morgan le Fay or at least some version of her. And Morgan is fine with just about any spinning of the story...because they're all entertaining to her. It's so creative how beings, especially mortals, have come to view her. Although she is aware how contrary or anticlimatic it is to find her in service to a king in a relatively 'quiet' section of the world.
And that is because...she is not Morgan le Fay. At least not the one that everyone likes to talk about. 'Morgan le Fay' is more of a title and she is just the latest inheritor of it. Although she does know of the one everyone knows...because that's her mother. She is the daughter of the storied 'witch' and the infamous Merlin. As she would remark, "As often as those two stirred together, was it not inevitable?"
As such, she should be this all powerful witch coming from two very strong people...but Morgan has found herself lacking. It makes her embarrassed she doesn't have this amazing know-how that her parents have. Even though neither parent had this expectation on her as they're immensely proud of their daughter, whom they feel is much better than she gives herself credit for. She just need opportunity to see and use it.
This is where Balmoral met the magic users. He had risen a bit but hadn't yet caused his upheaval. He was planning for how to care for those under his command if he was to do a grand scheme. He had wanted to find the coire ansic, the cauldron that would never run dry and would not leave one unsatisfied. However he doesn't like running solely one task in mind and had also searched for Mwys Gwyddno Garanir, the Hamper of Gwyddno Garanir, where food for one man would be placed in and out would come food to feed at least 100. The search for the latter brought him into contact with Merlin.
Merlin and Morgan both could tell he was gonna do some things and Balmoral could discern who they were and it never hurt to have powerful in your pocket. However both eschewed anything to do with royalty since the Avalon incident but they did offer their daughter to go with him as she had been a bit of shut-in from her studies. And the promise to aid if ever Morgan wasn't enough (but they never thought it ever needed) so long as Balmoral had cared and taught their daughter.
"Ah'm a fighter and she a powerful caster, what could ah possibly teach her?" it was less he was confused and more of he wanted clarification of their terms. They cited him as something of a showman and able to perform despite his...shortcomings. And that if he can help her learn even a fraction of that, they'd be happy to help him out. Of course they needed Morgan's consent to it all. She initially thought that her parents just wanted her out the house and took it so that she could stop 'embarrassing them.'
This was centuries ago and Morgan isn't the same girl she was then. She has grown to be as she might say "a cross between that crazy witch of the woods and the mysterious mage sending one on a grand destiny." She has been a friend and confidant to Balmoral for that long and whom he trusts in matters of magical import. He has never called on her parents because she is that capable. She is also the only general at this point that knows about the fateweaving and has only remained silent due to her promise to Balmoral. Although she has long encouraged he speak before it becomes a problem.
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hpimaginesandblurbs · 3 years
PLEASEE we need a part 2 of Draco arranged marriage smut with preg readerr😩❕
mixed with this request: hey, can i request a combo of smut, angst, fluff draco x fem reader where she’s his wife, but draco’s been very busy lately and she needs him, she thinks he doesn’t find her attractive anymore because they hadn’t had sex in a long time, but draco tells her that he still loves her and make love to her? sorry if this is weird, and only if you’re comfortable. anyways have a good day
pairing: draco malfoy x reader
word count: 2.5k
warning(s): 18+, pregnant!reader, mentions of negative body image, mentions of weight gain, oral (female receiving), breast play, pregnant sex
a/n: this is actually part 3 to the arranged marriage draco series, so feel free to read the other two before this one if you haven't already! i love these ones so much. also my fbi agent probably thinks i'm a really kinky pregnant lady based on my search history while writing this but oh well.
part 1 / part 2 
It had been almost two years since your arranged marriage to Draco Malfoy and a lot had changed since then.
Firstly, you two were very much happily in love. Your engagement and the first two weeks of your marriage had been awkward and tense, leading you to find pleasure in the arms of your ex. After an impulsive move to admit your mistake to Draco on the very same day, mixed in with some aggressive sex, you two had decided to give your relationship a real shot. It was the best decision either of you had ever made. And now, two years later, you could happily and honestly say it was a real marriage filled with love.
Secondly, Draco had fully taken over as the sole leader of the Malfoy’s family business. You still weren’t entirely sure what the business entailed even after he had explained it to you a dozen times, but you were still proud of him. He worked hard and that hard work was all for you and your growing family.
Oh, right.
The biggest change in your lives has been your pregnancy. It wasn’t exactly planned but it wasn’t exactly an accident either. The two of you had simply decided to let fate decide, and fate was deciding now. You were six months in and you were really beginning to show. It wasn’t the bump that was the problem, but your husband's reaction. Or non-reaction. You understood he was busy with work and more than likely tired when he finally made it to bed, but he had barely touched you over the past few weeks other than small kisses. You knew he loved you, there was no doubting that, but you were starting to have your doubts about his attraction towards you.
Which led to the current situation unfolding in your bedroom.
“Why are you wearing that to bed? You never wear that much clothing to go to sleep,” Draco asked, his face laced with concern as he stripped from his work clothes near the bottom of the bed.
You almost wanted to roll your eyes. Or scream. Because of course he noticed. He noticed everything. You settled on giving him a non committed shrug, but of course he wasn’t having any of that either.
He quickly rounded to the bed to sit down beside you. “Are you feeling alright?” He asked, already bringing his hand up to feel your forehead.
You quickly pushed his hand away and this time you couldn’t stop yourself from rolling your eyes. “I feel fine,” you replied shortly, praying that he wouldn’t keep pestering you about it.
In truth, you were wearing a full set of pajamas to bed because you just didn’t feel attractive wearing your usual over sized shirts or skimpy, small sets anymore. You knew, rationally, that most of it was in your head, but his lack of libido for you lately wasn’t helping you feel much better about your current weight gain.
“Why all the clothing, then? Are you cold? I can turn the heat up if you’d like,” Draco continued, but he stood back up to continue changing.
“Draco, I said I was fine,” you insisted, barely keeping the annoyance out of your voice.
“Do you have a sexy set of lingerie underneath that you want me to find?” He asked, playfully now.
You scoffed. “Not that you’d fuck me if I did anyways,” you whispered under your breath.
But of course he heard you.
“What was that?” He asked, spinning back around to face you, his shirt half unbuttoned and his tie around his neck. Damn him for looking so good.
“I know you heard me. Don’t make me repeat it,” you replied coldly, rolling over so you didn’t have to face him any more.
“Y/N,” he called, trying to get your attention, trying to get you to turn back around. Once he realized that wouldn’t work, he rounded the bed so he could see your face. “Why do you think that?” He asked calmly, but you could see the desperate confusion all over his face.
“‘Why do I think that?’” You mocked, the question riling you up enough to force you to sit up. “Oh, I don’t know, maybe because you haven’t touched me in weeks. I know I’ve gained weight and I know I’m probably starting to look like a whale but-”
“Hey, hey, hey,” he cut you off, swiftly climbing onto the bed so he could be closer to you. “Darling, please calm down,” he pleaded softly, gently dragging you onto his lap so he could hold you. You let him move you easily, but you were still uneasy. He held you close and waited for you to calm down a bit and get settled before he started.
“First of all, you don’t look like a whale so let’s get that out of the way. You never have and you never will no matter how big this baby gets. You’re growing a child inside of you, darling. Please don’t be so hard on yourself for something you’re supposed to be doing right now,” he told you, absentmindedly stroking your growing belly. It was a new quirk he had picked up once you started showing - either of you started talking about the baby and suddenly his hand was on your stomach. The familiarity of the movement put you at ease and you leaned further into him.
“Secondly, I haven’t initiated anything because you were telling me how tired you’ve been. I didn’t want to push you into something you didn’t want or end up hurting you or the baby, so I didn’t try anything. I realize now that that was a mistake, because I hate that I made you feel this way, darling. I should have just asked. But please trust me when I tell you I’ve wanted you every day, same as it’s always been and always will be. Merlin, the past few weeks I’ve been going to bed and waking up hard enough to pound nails,” he admitted sheepishly, causing you to giggle.
Even the thought of him being hard had you clit throbbing and your body perking up. The past few weeks had left you desperate and aching despite the fatigue and other pregnancy symptoms wreaking havoc on your body. Despite the seriousness of the conversation, you wanted him now.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He finally asked, cutting off your train of thought.
You debated lying or even brushing off the question, but you knew he wouldn’t drop it unless he was certain you were being honest. Serious conversations called for honest responses.
“A couple of reasons I guess. You work hard all day and I know you’re tired by the time we get to bed, so I felt bad asking. And with the thoughts I was having it didn’t even really seem worth it to try anything because I thought you’d just shut me down,” you confessed, not even daring to look up at him.
“Darling, the day I say no to sex with you is the day my cock doesn’t work,” he said with a chuckle, but his hand came up to grab you under the chin to turn your head to face him. “I think you’re beautiful, Y/N. I have since the day I met you and everyday since. I don’t call you ‘my pretty girl’ for no reason. If you wanted me to make you feel good, you could have just asked me.”
You gave him a small smile, your first genuine one all day. But you jumped at the opportunity. “Even right now?” You asked bashfully, referencing the less-than-sexy pajamas you were wearing.
He didn’t even bother giving you an answer. On your next breath, he was pulling you into a heated kiss that you have been waiting weeks for. You both have been waiting if his enthusiasm was anything to go by.
Gently, so gently as if you might break if he was any rougher, he moved you both until you were laying flat on your back without breaking the kiss once. In mere moments he was stripping you bare, removing your layers until you were finally exposed to him. He didn’t give you a moment to be insecure, though.
“You’re fucking gorgeous,” he murmured, his dark eyes trailing over every inch of your body. You might have thought he was just feeding you compliments if you didn’t see the utter rapture in his eyes, but his look of lust was unmistakable.
You were breathless just from the way he was looking at you, equally stunned and turned on by the way he was devouring you with his eyes. But when he immediately ducked down to lick a harsh trail up your soaked slit, a moan of pleasure got ripped from your throat without hesitation. After weeks of nothing but self inflicted torture, feeling his tongue on you was an otherworldly experience.
“Fuck, I missed this,” he murmured against your aching clit before unleashing himself on you like a starving man. He started on your clit, giving it kitten licks and sucking it in between his lips until your legs were shaking. Eventually, he made his way down to your entrance to fuck you with his tongue, making you writhe against the sheets and practically scream his name.
“Cum for me, pretty girl. I can feel how close you are,” he demanded, his lips a caress against your sensitive skin as he worked you closer and closer to your release with his tongue.
He sucked your clit into his mouth one last time, and that was your undoing. You came with a scream, your back arching obscenely as wave upon wave of pleasure coursed through your body. Despite not having made you cum in weeks, your husband certainly did not disappoint. You doubted he ever would.
You could feel Draco staring at you as you came down from your high, and when you cracked your eyes open you were just as transfixed as he looked. His usually perfect hair was a mess, sticking up in odd places from the way you had mused your fingers through his locks. His lips were swollen and wet, in equal measure from the kisses you had been sharing and his exquisite ministrations on your still throbbing cunt. And his eyes were dark with lust, staring into yours like you held the answer to every question he ever had.
“Did that feel good, darling?” He cooed, his hands trailing possessively up your body as he raised himself to hover above you.
“I want more,” you told him honestly as he took your tender breasts in his hands, tweaking your nipples just to force a whine out of you.
“Keep making those pretty noises and we might be here all night,” he said with a smirk, his head ducking down to suck on the nipples he had just been playing with.
It felt so much better than it usually did, probably thanks to how sore they were. His tongue was soothing every inch of you and every movement caused another pulse of pleasure to go directly to your clit.
“Fuck, I think I can cum like this,” you gasped, pulling his head impossibly closer to your chest.
With graceful ease he doubled down on his actions, licking and sucking on your nipples with fervor as he slipped a hand down to play with your clit. Your body was in sensory overload as he worked you closer and closer to the edge, never once stopping what he was doing just to get you there.
You arched your back, suffocating him with your breasts as you reached your peak. Your cunt clenched around nothing as he worked you through it, his own moans vibrating against your sensitive nipples.
Draco wasted no time in stripping the second your breathing evened out, settling himself in the cradle of your thighs once he was back on the bed at lightning speed.
“Tell me if it’s too much. I don’t know how gentle I can be right now,” he said softly, a warning you’d probably ignore because you needed him inside of you just as badly as he did right now.
You could only nod back, your voice caught in your throat in anticipation. In one swift movement, he was buried inside you to the hilt, both of you giving strangled moans at the sensation.
He started slow, letting your body readjust to his impressive length and girth. You weren’t even sure which noises were yours and which were his, but you did know you were fighting not to roll your eyes back in your head in order to watch him work. He was clearly holding back, but his impeccable self control was shattering as he thrust inside of you.
You knew just how to break him.
“Fuck me like you mean it. Draco, please. I want to feel it in the morning,” you whined, your voice breathy from just his slow movements. You knew you’d be helpless to your own desire once he broke, but you knew it would be worth it.
He took a moment to look at you, an assessing gaze in his eyes. It was sweet that he didn’t want to hurt you, but that’s not what you needed or wanted right now. Far from it, really. He must have liked what he saw because from one breath to the next, you were screaming his name.
His next thrust was brutal, deep and hard just the way you were craving. You knew neither of you would last long like this, not with all the pent up arousal, but it was worth it to feel the powerful movements of his hips as he ruined you.
Despite his lack of control, he was still meticulous in the way he tore you apart. Slowly, he dipped his head down once more to suck a nipple into his mouth. Your back arched as you writhed under him, only pushing his cock deeper inside of you. Once you felt his fingers on your clit, you knew you were done for.
The world was a blur as your climax hit you, your vision and hearing almost nonexistent as he fucked you through it. It was only when you heard Draco let out his own ragged, breathless moan that you felt your body falling back into place underneath him while he released deep inside of you.
You both stayed like that for a time, your bodies still joined and close as you both came back down to earth. It felt almost impossible to catch your breath, but when he pulled out and wrapped you in his arms you felt your entire body settle into him. The silence that fell over the room was peaceful and content, but a stark contrast from what it had been mere minutes ago.
“Go to sleep, pretty girl. I’m staying home tomorrow and at this rate it’s doubtful we’ll ever make it out of bed,” he finally said, his promise coming with a smirk you couldn’t see from your angle but you knew was dancing across his face.
“I like the sound of that,” you conceded, slowly succumbing to the sleep you desperately needed after that, but the last thought you had before sleep took you was that you had never felt more loved, more cherished, more beautiful than right now in his arms.
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Day 13: Drunk
Draco Malfoy was very, very drunk.
It was his twenty-eighth birthday and Harry had watched as his boyfriend consumed far more alcohol than was advisable. But Draco was happy drunk, so Harry let it be, trying to remember if they had any hangover potions at home because he was definitely going to need one in the morning.
Harry for his part had a glass of fire whiskey upon their arrival and then switched over to soda. The last thing they needed was for both of them to be so pissed that they couldn't make it home.
He watched with no small amount of amusement as Draco retold a story to his friends, making over-the-top gestures, and adding in character voices. Godric, he was adorable.
Harry was utterly besotted.
When he noticed that most of the drinks at the table were empty Harry stood up and headed over to the bar, profoundly glad that Angie remembered all of the drink orders since Harry didn't have the first clue what most of the former Slytherins ordered.
As he was standing there waiting, he felt Draco's presence next to him and turned his head to look at the other man, smiling in spite of himself at Draco's flushed cheeks and open smile.
"It's my birthday, you know," the other man informed him.
(Read more below the cut)
Harry rested his elbow on the bar and turned to him, "I had no idea," he deadpanned.
Draco pouted at him, "Aren't you going to buy me a drink?"
"Of course I am," Harry replied with a laugh. "You and all of your friends."
"My friends, too?" his lower lip protruded, "but then it might as well be their birthday."
"That is why," Harry replied as Angie set the drinks on the bar in front of them, "I bought you two, and I asked for a fabulous twisty straw."
Draco's eyes lit up, "Thank you!" he enthused as he took the drink from the counter. "But I feel it's only fair to let you know that I am taken."
"Sorry?" Harry asked as he tipped Angie and levitated the drinks.
"You bought me a drink, which was very kind of you," Draco said, batting his eyelashes at Harry, "But I already have a boyfriend."
Harry was too confused by that statement to get any words to come out before Draco had flounced back off to slide in next to Pansy.
Shaking his head he made his way over and distributed the drinks, he then got waylaid in a conversation with Blaise Zabini as the other man asked him "theoretical" questions about potions ingredients purchased off the black market and what the law says about such things.
Eventually, Pansy called him over as Draco was in a heated debate with what appeared to be a jumper draped over the back of a chair. "Alright, you," Harry said, carefully drawing him up from the chair. "Let's get you home."
"You know where I live?" Draco asked.
Harry laughed, "I do."
Draco stared at him contemplatively, "Alright, but you can't stay."
Shaking his head, Harry waved at all of the people surrounding them as they headed out of the bar to apparate. When they arrived at home, Draco stepped away from him, paused for a moment looking like he was going to throw up, then visibly contained himself.
Harry would have been very impressed if the next words out of Draco's mouth hadn't been, "Thank you for your assistance. You may go now."
"Babe, what?" Harry asked, taking a step toward him.
Draco put a hand on his chest, "You've been very kind but as I said, I'm dating someone."
"Ah," Harry replied cocking his head at him, "Who?"
"Harry Potter," he said proudly, "And I would never cheat on him."
"Good to know," Harry said, "But that's me. And I have some really, truly lovely plans for you tonight involving my tongue."
Draco stared off into space for a moment and Harry knew he was putting that overactive imagination to good use. "No," he said after a moment. "No, I love him. I can't."
"You love me?" Harry asked, feeling like his heart was about to beat out of his body.
"No," Draco replied, rolling his eyes. "I love my boyfriend. Harry Potter. Don't tell him, though." Then he looked confused for a moment, "Do you know him?" he asked. Without waiting, he continued, "He's bloody gorgeous," he added with a sigh, turning and wandering toward their bedroom. "And it's not an act, you know," he continued, "He really is as good as they want you to think."
Harry shook his head at his drunken ramblings and followed along behind the other man.
"But he's also," he hummed as though searching for the right word, "absolutely gloriously filthy. His tongue," he added with a little moan, "the things he can do with it."
"Oh?" Harry asked.
Draco nodded, "and his," he paused and cleared his throat meaningfully, "you know what. Sublime."
He bit his lip to keep from laughing. "Draco?"
"Hmm?" the other man asked as he collapsed onto their bed.
"I am Harry," he said softly, "and you should really get undressed before you go to bed. You hate sleeping in your clothes."
"You're just trying to get me naked!" Draco accused. "And I am telling you that it will not work. And if Harry finds out you tried to take advantage of me, he'll arrest you."
Harry sighed, giving up. There was no sense in arguing with him once he got his mind made up. "If I leave will you get undressed?" Harry asked.
"Mmm," Draco hummed.
"Seriously," Harry said, "You hate sleeping in your clothes."
Harry sighed and gave it up as a lost cause, "Sleep well. Happy birthday."
Draco let out an inelegant snore and Harry cast a nox over the room. He grabbed a pillow and a blanket and went to sleep, comforting himself with the knowledge that he could always put his plans to good use in the morning. They'd celebrate Draco's birthday all weekend anyway.
The next morning, Harry was woken up by his boyfriend crawling onto the sofa with him. "Hey," he murmured, smiling and pulling Draco into his arms.
"Why are you sleeping on the sofa?" Draco asked through a yawn. "I felt like shit when I woke up, did I smell? You could have just told me to shower."
"Yeah, you were not having any of that."
"You could have at least taken my trousers off, they're dreadfully uncomfortable," Draco complained as he snuggled in closer to Harry, threading his fingers through Harry's curls.
"I tried," Harry laughed, "You told me that your boyfriend would arrest me if I laid a finger on you."
"But you are my boyfriend," Draco said, obviously confused.
"Yes, that was my point exactly. But you thought I was a stranger who was trying to get into your pants."
Draco pulled back, "Stop taking the piss."
"I swear to Merlin," Harry said as he pulled Draco closer and stroked his hands under his shirt over his soft, warm skin. "It was very sweet, you were very faithful. Although you did tell a person you thought was a stranger about the size of my penis."
The other man groaned, "What else did I do to embarrass myself?" he asked, burying his face in Harry's neck.
"Nothing," Harry whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of Draco's head. "I love you, too, you know."
Draco jerked up at that pronouncement and would have tumbled off of the sofa if Harry hadn't caught him. "What did you just say to me?"
"That I love you, too," he said with his brow furrowed.
"You weren't supposed to know that!" Draco said, jumping up off the sofa.
Harry sat up and grabbed his glasses off the coffee table so he could see properly, "So you're okay with a random stranger knowing but not me?"
"You know what? Yes," he said. "Yes. Because I don't have to worry about a random stranger thinking that I said it too soon, or that I fell too fast, or that I'm just trying to manipulate you, or-"
"Draco, stop it," Harry said, standing up and tugging him into his arms, "I don't think any of those things! I just told you that I loved you too."
"Well, I don't want to have forced your hand," Draco said stubbornly, "I don't want you to grow to resent me later."
Harry shook his head and pressed a kiss to his nose, "I love you, Draco Malfoy, and I was planning to tell you this weekend anyway."
"You were?"
"I was," Harry affirmed, "Now will you please let me hold you?"
"You really were?" Draco asked, stroking his hands over Harry's forearms and allowing him to draw him a bit closer.
"I really was," he repeated. "Because I really love you."
Draco gave him a shy, little smile, "I love you, too."
He kissed him lightly, "Good, now that we've got that sorted, I do believe that it's still your birthday weekend and I was deprived of the opportunity to use my," he broke off, tapping his chin and pretending he was trying to remember, "what was it you called it? my gloriously filthy tongue."
The other man seemed to consider this for a moment, then he shrugged, "I'm not even embarrassed about that," he replied. "That's true."
Harry laughed and hoisted the other man up into his arms, wrapping Draco's legs around his waist as he kissed him. He carried the other man back into the bedroom and tossed him onto the bed, very in love, and very excited to use his gloriously filthy tongue.
Day 12: Adrenaline | Day 14: Louder, So Everyone Can Hear
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mca-attack21 · 3 years
Damsel in Distress part I
This is a two part Arthur Pendragon x Reader based on the season two episode four of the show. Enjoy! Also you can find more of my writing here: Masterlist
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Merlin woke up to a feeling of foreboding. There was something in the air that made his stomach turn with dread. As he prepared to go wake his clotpole of a master, he tried to push this feeling out of the forefront of his mind. But even as he made it down to the kitchen there was this sense of apprehension in the air. He hoped that he would run into you somewhere in the halls and that you would be able to set his mind at ease. He however was not so fortunate.
Instead, he trudged onward, setting Arthur’s food down and opening his curtains before declaring a half-hearted, “Rise and Shine” before quickly gathering some of his clothes to be washed. Arthur didn’t even have time to come up with a jest before Merlin was out of the door. Merlin busied himself, quickly polishing Arthur’s armor and completing other daily chores. He mentally prepared himself to deal with the prince as returned to his door.
“Ah, there you are, I was beginning to think you were avoiding your duties. And what’s this?” he asked, watching as Merlin laid everything out, “You’re actually doing your job for once? Are you feeling alright?” Arthur joked.
His smile soon turned to a frown as Merlin ignored his comments. He shrugged it off and allowed Merlin to help him dress and put on his armor. While Arthur was looking over some papers on his table he noticed that Merlin had already made his bed and was starting to take the dishes from the table.
“Merlin, clearly something is upsetting you,” Arthur pointed out.
“It’s nothing sire, do you need anything else?” Merlin asked with his back against the door.
“No, that will be all,” Arthur dismissed, sending a concerned glance towards his friend as he exited.
Merlin took leave and went back to his chambers to help Gaius. He tried to occupy his mind, but nothing he did seemed to ease that burning pit in his stomach. Something had happened, was happening, or was about to happen, he could feel it.
Somewhat abruptly, he decided that he needed to see you. He went to seek out Morgana, as you were filling in for Gwen while she was taking care of her brother. He knew that wherever Morgana was, you wouldn’t be far away.
It was in his search that he saw a few of the knights rushing for an audience with the king. Something had happened. Merlin followed at a close distance and listened in.
“As you know Sire Morgana, her maid, and a few knights rode for a pilgrimage to her father’s grave early this morning. They were meant to be back by now, but there is no word or sign of them. That was until one of the patrols came across one of the knight’s horses. I am afraid something went wrong..”
“Send men out immediately. Arthur, you will lead the search, do whatever you must to bring her home,” the King ordered concerned for his young ward.
“Of course father,” Arthur answered before hastily making an exit. Merlin was right on his heels, and left to prepare their horses.
The mercenaries had both you and Morgana in a tent with a guard posted right outside the doors. The two of you had come up with a plan, it was risky at best. However you were both aware of the fact that the further away from Camelot you traveled, the less likely you were to ever see it again.
“Are you ready for this?” Morgana asked, preparing herself.
“As ready as I’ll ever be”
She was about to step forward when you grabbed her arm, “No matter what happens, I want you to take any opportunity you get. Don’t worry about me. Promise.”
“There is no way I’m leaving without you.”
“Morgana, you have to promise me. I cannot bear the risk otherwise.”
“I promise, but only as long as you promise me the same. We take any opportunity we get.”
With that, the plan was in motion. Morgana demanded that she be allowed to bathe and you both were escorted to the river by two of the men. You took the distraction of her undressing to manage to disarm one of the men and tossed Morgana the sword just in time for her to take out the other. The two of you started running back towards the castle, but there was another mercenary that intercepted you. Being as you were the one with the sword you opted to fight him, thankful for the many hours you had spent training with Arthur when you were younger. Morgana turned back to help you.
“Go, I will be right behind you!” you shouted, watching her hesitate, “Morgana go! Now!”
She turned and ran only looking back when she heard your scream in the distance. She quickly picked up her pace again and ran without looking back. She pushed through the aching in her muscles until she was faced with a crossbow aimed at her face. Relief filling her features as soon as she saw its holder.
“Where’s Y/n?” Arthur asked immediately.
Morgana merely shook her head and Arthur turned before his face could give him away. Merlin pushed down his own feelings and went to Morgana to make sure she was okay and offer her water and food. They set off immediately for the castle and soon came the reunion between Uther and Morgana. She begged him to send out another search party for you, after all you had saved her life.
“I am not going to waste the time and resources on a servant girl who has most likely already been executed as she provides no worth to the mercenaries without you,” he explained to Morgana. The words cut Arthur deeper than any sword ever had.
“Please, there is still a chance. Arthur?” she turned towards him hoping he would take her side.
“I’m sorry Morgana, father is right” Arthur managed before turning and exiting a very angry Merlin on his heels.
“How could you say that? How could you possibly agree with him after everything that you and Y/n have been through? I knew you were a clotpole, but this, this is unforgivable!” Merlin all but shouted.
“Merlin Shut Up!” Arthur raised his volume before regaining his composure as he entered his chambers, “Of course I don’t agree with father, but there was no point in making a scene about it. We will pack and leave at first light. We will find her, one way or another.”
Merlin was speechless for a moment, before uttering an apology for overreacting before. He was then quick to leave and make the preparations for the next day as it was already early night.
The next morning he was surprised to see that Arthur had managed to not only wake himself up, but dress himself. He was looking over maps as Merlin entered. Soon the two of them were off on their quest to save the damsel in distress. The rode for the better part of the day before coming to a caves that were inhabited by wilddeoren. As they made it through the other side Arthur let out a breath he hadn’t even known he was holding, “I can’t believe the Gaia berries actually worked.”
“Hold up, you mean to tell me that you didn’t know that they would work before you lead us in a cave with giant flesh eating rats!”
“I mean not for sure, I heard stories, but I figured we’d find out one way or another.”
“Now you tell me?! Oh! Oh, what's that wilddeoren eating? It's all right. It's just Merlin. You trying to get us both killed?”
“I'm sorry. I shouldn't've risked your life like that,” Arthur said a new hint of seriousness in his voice.
“I didn’t realize that even the great Arthur Pendragon could fall victim to the blindness of love,” Merlin joked.
“What in the world are you going on about?
“Your feelings for Y/n. Why can’t you admit that you like her? I mean you are risking your life and even your father’s wrath just for a one in a hundred chance of rescuing her.
Arthur scoffed rolling his eyes, “She is just a friend, I’d do the same for you. In fact I seem to remember disobeying my father before in order to get you an antidote when you decided to get a few days off my drinking out of a poisoned chalice.”
“That was different and you know it. Besides, anyone who has ever seen the two of you together can pick up on it. Why is it so hard to admit you like her? It’s only me, just say it,” Merlin encouraged.
“I can't! How can I admit that I think about her all the time. Or that...I care about her more than anyone. How can I admit that...I don't know what I'll do if any harm comes to her?” Arthur confessed struggling to keep his emotion in check.
“Why can't you?”
“Because nothing can ever happen between us! To admit my feelings knowing that...hurts too much.”
“Who's to say nothing can happen?”
“My father won't let me rescue a servant. Do you honestly believe he'd let me marry one?”
“You want to marry Y/n?”
“No! I mean maybe someday...I...I don't know...Regardless, it's all talk, and that's all it can ever be.”
“When you're King, you can change that. If she feels the same way, she would wait for you.”
“I can't expect her to do that, it’s not fair to her. Besides, we don’t even know if she’s alive,” he said regretting the words even as they left his mouth because they caused his stomach to drop.
“I’m sure she’s fine Arthur. She knows that you’ll come for her and that hope will keep her alive.”
The words seemed to offer Arthur some comfort, “Come on. We've got a long trek ahead. Oh, and Merlin...if you dare tell anyone about this, I promise I will make your life a living hell.”
“You mean more than you do now?” Merlin joked, earning a playful smack from his friend.
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skiitter · 3 years
A prompt, my dear. Hermione and Draco + “who hurt you?”
Draco Malfoy was a lot of things, the majority of which were less than desirable to any sensible person, but one thing he was not was late. His punctuality was a point of pride, in a sea of arrogance no doubt, but Hermione had come to appreciate it over the course of their working relationship. It was something she could rely on, something immovable in an otherwise dangerously murky situation. He may needle her ceaselessly and leave her to do the lions share of the paperwork, but he was always there when he was expected, an effortless air of smugness clinging to him like bad cologne.
This Sunday, however; this unremarkable, overcast Sunday in late September he was late. It was the day after her 24th birthday as well as their final meeting. The report had been ostensibly completed, the field work essentially finished, and the conclusion inevitably drawn. After the better part of a year dedicating 1/3rd of every weekend to spending most of the day with Malfoy, Hermione's Sundays were about to become her own once more; a prospect she was not all that excited about.
Everytime the chirp of the bell above the door announced a new arrival, she would glance over, expecting to see a shock of platinum hair above a signature sneer and everytime, she was disappointed.
"Another tea, miss?" The waitress asked, her expression a perfect blend of professionalism and pity.
"No, no thank you." Hermione spared another look out the window, searching for him among the crowd. "Actually, I think I'm done here. Could I get the check?"
Bundled up against the autumn chill, Hermione paid and left the Cafe' and it's memories behind. It wasn't quite noon yet, and the streets were slowly filling with the townspeople emerging to go about their days. She smiled at a few passersby but was otherwise lost in her own thoughts as she made her way to the Apparition point.
Maybe Malfoy had just decided their final meeting wasn't all that important. To be fair it was more of a formality than anything else. His decision to not show would have no negative consequence on anything other than her feelings. Feelings, of course, that she was deliberately not thinking about.
As she rounded the corner, absorbed in her denial, she didn't see him until it was too late. With an audible "oof" she ran straight into Malfoy, colliding chest to chest. She immediately bounced off but he caught her arm before she could hit the sidewalk.
"Graceful as always, Granger." He let her go and she stared, wide eyed and confused, at the state of his face.
"Merlin! Your face it's--"
"Your manners leave so very much to be desired." He looked cross but it was hard to tell beneath the bruising. An ugly, mottled patch of purple marred the left side of his face, stark and violent against his pale skin. It was fresh, the edges red with the recent impact, and it appeared to have just narrowly missed his eye.
"Malfoy," she reached her hand out, ghosting her fingertips over the bruise. "What happened?"
He sneered at her and jerked away. "Keep your obligatory Gryffindor concern to yourself, Granger."
"It's not an obligation!"
"Says the war hero."
"Will you--ugh!" She huffed and dragged him back around the corner, off of the sidewalk and into an alley. "What happened?" She repeated.
He looked around, deliberately avoiding making eye contact with her. "I made a wrong turn at Diagon Alley, is all."
"A wrong turn?" The incredulity in her voice was palpable. "To where? A boxing ring?"
"Just drop it, Granger."
"I will not just drop it. Look--look at your face!" She closed the space between them. "Malfoy, please. What happened?"
He sighed and the rigidity of his shoulders softened. "I forgot, okay? I went to Flourish and Blotts to get you your bloody birthday gift and when I left, I ran into some adoring fans."
"Our former school chums don't take kindly to my presence in Diagon Alley and, after our last little spat, I'd forgotten the warning they'd left me with." Malfoy's jaw tensed and he squinted up into the clouded sunlight. "They took it upon themselves to remind me."
Hermione balled her hands into fists to keep them from shaking. "Who?"
"It doesn't matter, Granger."
"Who?" She took a steadying breath. "Who hurt you?"
"I don't know. I vaguely recognized them from Hogwarts. It's fine."
It wasn't fine. It was categorically not fine. Malfoy was hardly the first of their class that had been on the wrong side of the war to be attacked. Harry had spent a significant amount of time trying to dispel such violent grudges and, to the best of her knowledge, it had been handled. Clearly, she was mistaken.
"We need to report this to the Ministry. Harry needs--"
"Absolutely fucking not." Malfoy gave her an indignant look. "The last person that needs to hear about this is Saint Potter."
"Malfoy, Harry's job is dealing with--"
"No, Granger. I said no."
"So what? Those nasty little insects just get to get away with it? No. I refuse. We didn't go to bloody war--"
"I was on the wrong side of that war, remember? So, yeah, we did go to war for this exact scenario to exist." He could see the lack of effect his words were having written across her face. "Granger. Please. I don't want this to become another of your crusades."
She reeled as if she'd been slapped. "Crusades?! Malfoy, it's about the injustice of it! You don't deserve to be attacked in the streets for something you did nearly ten years ago!"
"The court of public opinion begs to differ."
"Oh they'll beg alright," she snapped. At her genuine anger, his features softened and Malfoy gave her an unreadable look before looking away.
"You're such a fucking Gryffindor." He said it with an air of affection, though, and it helped to ground her back in the now.
"Thank you." Once more she placed her hand upon his bruised cheek and, to her surprise, he leaned into the touch. Her breathe caught in her lungs and she swallowed. "We--we should take care of that."
"It's just a simple spell. I'll handle it."
"No," she insisted and stepped away from him. "I will. It's the least I can do."
"This is hardly your fault."
"You went to Diagon Alley for me, remember?" She looked him up and down. "Speaking of..."
"I've been attacked and you're worrying over your stupid gift?" His tone was lighter than it had been since she'd ran into him.
"Of course I am. It's not everyday the evil Draco Malfoy buys you a gift." Hermione nodded to the Apparition point behind them. "Let's go."
"What about the Cafe? You can't honestly expect me to deny our Waitress her weekly opportunity to oogle at me." He gestured to his outfit: an expensive and perfectly tailored muggle suit that Hermione had forced him to buy after he showed up to their first meeting in robes.
"I've already been. It'd been weird to go back now. Besides, I think the bruise will overshadow your fancy slacks."
"Women like a man with scars."
She snorted. "It's hardly a battle scar, you git." when he gave her a pleading look, she rolled her eyes and looked around, to make sure they were alone. Satisfied with the lack of muggles, Hermione drew her wand and tapped it gently to his cheek. The static heat of magic bloomed between them and the ugly purple faded away, leaving his pale cheek unblemished once more. "There."
In the process of her healing, Malfoy had stepped completely into her personal space and the look he was giving her was heavy, deliberate.
"This isn't over, Malfoy. I'll find out who did this, with or without your help. They don't get to just attack you and get away with it."
"I'm hardly a weakling, Granger. I fought back."
"Good. It'll make them easier to identify."
"You're not going to let this go." It was not a question.
"No. I'm not."
"Because." She gave him a defiant look and he tipped her chin up with his hand. "You're my--"
"What? I'm your what?"
"Is that all?" He was dangerous, but in a completely different way to the bully he'd been in their youth.
"That depends."
"On what you got me for my birthday." She grinned and he laughed, pressing his forehead to hers a moment before pulling away and offering her his arm. She looped hers around it and let him steer them back in the direction of the Cafe.
After a lunch of finger sandwiches and tea, Malfoy finally handed her a perfectly wrapped gift that she immediately tore into. It was the latest book in a series on beasts that Rolf Scamander had been releasing, and it wasn't supposed to be out for another week.
"How did you get this?"
Malfoy shrugged, as if it was the least important thing in the world. "Money is an exceptionally good incentive."
"I love it. Thank you." She beamed at him and he cleared his throat as if it would distract her from the flush creeping up his neck.
"It's no big deal, Granger."
"To you maybe. It is to me. You know how I feel about birthday gifts." They both thought back to the spectacle she'd made of his back in June.
"I did fight for my life while I was out getting it." He grinned but the smile faded at the sharp look she gave him. "I'm joking, of course. Just a little fisticuffs, nothing serious."
"I'm sorry, Malfoy. I really am. You didn't have to go all the way to Diagon Alley for this."
"Sure I did."
"Just submitting your half of the report would be gift enough."
"Lucky for you I've done both. Besides, I'm sick of using that bloody report as an excuse to be around you." Hermione blinked, unable to process the weight of what he'd said. At the shock on her face, he shrugged again. "Come on, Granger. You can't possibly think I care about work this much."
He leaned forward and captured her chin in his hand. "My fierce, naive little lion. You're horribly dense." Malfoy gave her a soft kiss on the forehead and pulled away. "Let's go before the Waitress gets jealous."
"But. What."
"I've rendered the great Hermione Granger speechless. I am truly magnificent." His laugh brought her to her senses and she launched herself across the table to kiss him.
"Sod the waitress."
She did, in the end, figure out who hurt him and in true Hermione Granger fashion, made them rue the day they laid hands upon someone she loves.
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brightlybound · 3 years
Hello, Goodbye
For the Hinny Discord Incognito Elf 2021 exchange!
Read below or click HERE to read on AO3.
It was the kind of day she would have taken great advantage of, all sunshine and wispy clouds and a breeze that rippled the grass like glossy, green waves. It was too bad that her relationship with Harry Potter was nearly as dead as Professor Dumbledore.
Ginny watched Harry wander off towards the lake, leaving her mostly alone. Ron and Hermione were sitting beside her, but they were so wrapped up in one another, they had yet to notice Harry's absence.
She stood shakily and gripped the back of her chair for balance, her vision blurred with tears, and wondered where to go, what to do. A part of her was gone--Harry had taken it with him--and the sudden, stabbing pain in her chest was almost too much to bear. The love of her life had left her behind, face set with grim determination and barely a hint of remorse, and for a moment, Ginny felt like she was eleven again, giving too much of herself away, only to be returned a shell of her old self, used and bruised.
A strangled half-sob escaped her, one Ginny tried in vain to mask with a cough. Ron and Hermione started and whirled around to look at her, but before they could set her off with prying questions she did not yet feel like answering, Ginny wiped at her face impatiently and nodded towards Harry, who was now speaking with Rufus Scrimgeour by the lake bank.
“You two should go to him.”
They exchanged looks of surprise as they jumped to their feet, their movements in sync as they turned to check on Harry.
Ginny left them then, setting out to do what Harry would have wanted if he’d had the presence of mind to ask: spread the news of their breakup like wildfire. She went from the gaggle of her dorm mates several rows away first, unable to withstand their condolences with dry eyes, to some friends in Hufflepuff near the Headmaster’s white tomb, before slipping into a group of Ravenclaws she tolerated on most days.
Within a half hour, Ginny felt the stares of her peers piercing her back like knives, their stage whispers like the droning of bees. She caught sight of Cho Chang’s impassive face, and a thick cloud of resentment descended upon her. Ginny stormed in the direction of her family with the grace of an outraged hippogriff.
“What’s happened, then?” asked Mum without preamble, gripping Ginny’s arms and pulling her in for a hug.
“That letter I wrote you a few weeks ago,” Ginny said roughly against her mother’s shoulder, “forget you ever read it.”
Mum drew away enough to look at her, and Ginny was startled to find she had finally grown taller than her.
“The letter about you and--?”
“Yes, please, for Merlin’s sake.” Ginny sniffed hard, refusing to cry again. “Don’t make me say it."
The thought, I miss him, I miss him, I miss him, hurled itself against the inside of her skull, and Ginny swore beneath her breath and pressed the heels of her hands against her burning eyes.
How do I miss him already?
“Did he hurt you?”
Dad’s question was laced with a deep sort of ire, and Ginny burst out a watery laugh.
“No,” said Ginny, smiling despite her shattered heart. “You know Harry.”
Her parents tried to cajole her into leaving with them, but Ginny stood firm in her decision to ride the Hogwarts Express back home. It would be another opportunity to circulate the split between herself and Harry, perhaps catch a glimpse of him, or maybe even confront him--publicly or privately, she didn’t care. She’d take what she could get.
When the opportunity arose, however, words failed her completely. She stared into Harry’s sorrowful eyes, loving him and hating him and wishing their end would circle back and begin again, when Ron pulled her and her trunk away and down the length of the train.
“Did you see the way he looked at me?" said Ginny as she trailed after Ron, jostled by a group of students in search of an empty compartment. "Do you think you could ask him if--?”
“No,” said Ron roughly, throwing her trunk into Neville and Luna’s compartment when they came upon it.
Ginny fell into the seat beside Luna and crossed her arms tightly across her chest. She couldn’t stop herself even if she tried.
“He regrets it, the breakup,” blundered Ginny. “I can tell.”
She respected Harry more than anyone else, accepted that his selflessness knew no bloody bounds. Still, he had never been so wrong about a decision in his entire life, and Ginny knew he was second-guessing himself. He just needed a little push…
She looked up at Ron imploringly. “If you could just–”
“Shut-up,” said Ron tersely, sliding the door shut behind him and casting Muffliato at it. “He thought you understood. I thought you understood.”
The fact that her brother was clearly on Harry’s side had her blood instantly boiling. Another betrayal, this time familial. Was anyone on her side today?
“You’re such a prick sometimes, did you know?” said Ginny, glaring at Ron in earnest.
“You can’t be with him, Ginny,” said Ron, a thunderous expression on his face, “and he can’t be with you.”
“Can’t or won’t?”
“Both!” said Ron.
Ginny looked sharply away, out the window. The train was beginning to move, but the Hogsmeade station was blurring as if they were traveling at full speed.
“Go away,” she ordered him hoarsely. “Get out.”
Ron’s gaze was heavy on her until he left. Ginny brushed away the wetness on her cheeks and turned to her two friends.
“Sorry,” Ginny said quietly.
“Don’t be,” said Neville at once.
“Last I checked, you’re allowed to have feelings,” said Luna diplomatically.
“Well, I’m feeling all of them,” said Ginny grimly.
Luna’s impossibly wide eyes became saucer-like. “All of them?”
“How do I make it stop?” Ginny whispered. “This hurts.”
The wound Harry had left her with was far too fresh to ignore. The most sensible idea would be to plaster the damn thing and examine the damage later, preferably when she was back at The Burrow, sequestered in her room. She could rip off the metaphorical dressing there, cry and bleed without an audience. But seeking comfort in Neville and Luna would be akin to a balm.
Luna gently curled her hand into Ginny’s and squeezed.
Carefully, Neville said, “The two of you are still friends, aren’t you?”
The thought had not occurred to Ginny, and she stared over at him in stunned silence.
The relationships she’d had before Harry had come along and swept her (quite literally) off her feet had both ended somewhat nastily. Michael had been a sore loser, and Dean didn’t have a bloody clue, but the last time she’d crossed paths with either of them, she’d waited for them to acknowledge her first, and they’d been completely cordial.
Of course, Ginny's current situation was brand new territory: no one had ever broken up with her before. If she wanted any sort of friendship with Harry from here on out, she would have to put in the work, not her ex.
Ex. What a terrible term.
“I guess so,” said Ginny slowly, the clenching in her stomach lessening just so. “It’s not like he treated me poorly, or cheated on me...”
“Well, that’s a silver lining, isn’t it?” said Luna soothingly. “It’d be terrible if you lost him all together.”
When the train pulled into King’s Cross, and Ginny was reunited with her parents once more, she made sure not to sink into the shadows when Harry politely made his way over to speak with them.
“I can’t say much here,” Dad said to Harry, “but we’ll be in touch soon.”
“Thank you, Mr. Weasley,” said Harry, shaking her father’s hand. “Mrs. Weasley.”
Mum pulled him into a bone-crushing hug, and when she released him, he and Ron clapped each other hard on the back.
Harry turned slowly towards her, meeting her blazing gaze with little hesitancy. Ginny held her breath, dug her fingernails into the palms of her hands, and tried valiantly not to fall apart.
“Goodbye, Ginny,” said Harry, his voice soft as his eyes roved over her face.
Ginny wished he’d grace her with the easy smile that was just for her, so she may commit it to memory in case she never saw him again.
Steadier than she felt, Ginny said, “Goodbye, Harry,” and stepped away for him to walk through platform 9 ¾ alone.
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gallifrey1sburning · 3 years
Hi 👋 a prompt you can take or leave: Draco is very unsure whether he is being flirted with or this is an extension of their office rivalry that he doesn't understand (or the reverse!) Ty!
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@skeptiquex and @ihavesomeideawhatimdoinghere, I read both of your prompts back to back, and they worked really well together, so I squished them into one. I hope you enjoy! Thank you both for sending me things, and thanks to @mxmaneater for the fast beta ❤️
The Tally
“One more for me!” Harry crowed, scratching a new tally mark next to his name on the chalkboard behind Draco’s head. “Better luck next time, Malfoy.” The board had a partner behind Harry’s desk, and the tallies recorded on one would reflect on the other, but Harry took great joy in invading Draco’s space and rubbing his victories in his face at every opportunity. Not that Draco was any better. It was part of the fun.
“Please, that one hardly counted,” Draco objected reflexively. “You only caught him because you tripped, for Merlin’s sake. Hardly an impressive arrest.” 
Harry shrugged and grinned, perching on the edge of Draco’s desk. “An arrest is an arrest.”
“Whatever,” Draco grumped. He and Harry had been playing this game for over a year now, and the margin was always extremely close. Harry was just barely ahead, at the moment, but Draco would catch up to him soon. He and Parvati had a potions ring bust coming up that Harry and Weasley weren’t involved in. Once that was done, he’d have overtaken him, and the smug expression currently gracing his colleague’s face would disappear along with his lead.
“So, any big weekend plans?” Harry asked, ignoring Draco’s pout.
Draco dropped the expression when it failed to produce the desired reaction. “Nothing too exciting. Yourself?”
“I’ve got tickets for the Puddlemere game on Saturday, actually. Ron was supposed to come, but something came up, so I’m trying to find someone else who might want to go. It would be a shame for the ticket to go to waste.” Harry was biting his lip and looking hopeful, and for just a moment, Draco thought— but no. If he’d wanted to ask, he would have asked, he told himself firmly. 
Taking care to keep his expression light, Draco pondered for a moment before saying. “I think McCutcheon is a Puddlemere fan. Maybe try him?”
“Oh, right.” Draco almost thought that Harry looked disappointed for a moment, but on second glance, his expression was clear and friendly. “Thanks for the tip. I’ll see if he’s free. Have a great weekend, Draco. Parvati.” He knocked his knuckles against the desktop twice before straightening and walking off, hands in pockets. Draco watched him go, sighing as he rounded the corner. It really was a pleasure watching him walk away.
He was brought back to reality by his partner smacking him in the back of the head with a stack of paperwork. “Ow! What the fuck, Patil?”  
“What the hell is wrong with you?” she hissed, looking even more exasperated with him than usual. “Every time he’s over here, you spend the rest of the day mooning, and he finally asks you out, and you say NO?!” 
“I do not moon!” He did moon, and he knew it, but he wasn’t about to say so. He still had his pride. “And he didn’t ask me out, either.”
“You’re joking, right?”
“He didn’t! He just said he had an available ticket! He very clearly had an opening to invite me, if he wanted to, and he very clearly didn’t.” There had been a number of moments like this, in recent months, and Parvati kept insisting that Harry was flirting with Draco. For his part, Draco kept insisting that she mind her own business, because she obviously could not read Harry Potter at all if she thought he was interested in Draco.
“You are an absolute moron.” Parvati shook her head in disbelief, but let it drop.
They made the bust on Tuesday. Monday had been a rush of preparations and contingency planning and final logistics, and the stakeout had lasted all day, but in the end, it had been worth it—they’d brought in six players in one sweep and were confident that at least one of them would give up the rest in exchange for sentencing leniency. Draco had dropped into bed exhausted but elated.
He was still riding high when he sauntered into Harry and Weasley’s office on Wednesday. He leaned ostentatiously over Harry’s desk, stretching almost directly over his perpetually-tousled head to grab a piece of chalk and carefully add six perfectly straight tally marks to his own side of the board, giving him the lead by three. 
“And that’s how you do it,” he gloated as he straightened, smirking smugly down at Harry. “Suck it, Potter.”
Across the office, he heard Weasley groan and mumble something that sounded suspiciously like ‘he wishes’ under his breath. Harry looked a bit pink, but still smirked right back up at Draco, so it was probably just the heat. “Played that one close to the chest, didn’t you? But don’t worry, I’ve got something in the pipeline. I’ll be back on top before you know it.”
In Draco’s peripheral vision, he saw Weasley bang his head against his desk. “I’m getting tea,” he announced, stalking out of the office. Draco raised an eyebrow at Potter, who shrugged. 
Now that he was here, Draco didn’t quite want to leave yet, so he searched for something else to talk about. “How was the game?” he finally asked.
“Huh? Oh, the Quidditch game. Yeah, I didn’t end up going, actually.” Harry rubbed the back of his neck, not making eye contact. “Wasn’t really in the mood.” 
Draco wrinkled his brow, not really sure what to make of that, but then Harry asked a question about the potions bust, and Draco forgot about it, instead focusing on a dramatic retelling of his glorious victory.
Harry’s next arrest came after a particularly brutal double homicide. It was all anyone was talking about when he arrived that morning, but, despite Draco’s expectations (and perhaps anticipation), Harry didn’t appear at his desk to brag about it. He was feeling a bit anxious by the time he finally saw him passing by his door in the late afternoon, and the feeling only grew when he did. Harry had bags under his eyes, and his usually confident posture was slumped. He didn’t look as though he had slept. He also didn’t look like he was going to stop.
“Hey,” Draco said, rising from his desk to catch him before he passed by completely. “Haven’t seen you today.” Are you okay?, he didn’t say, but he thought it was probably audible in his tone anyway.
“Oh. Hey, Draco.” Harry looked up at him, seeming a little lost. He looked hollow behind his eyes, and Draco could feel his eyebrows furrowing in concern. “Yeah, I’ve been…” he trailed off and glanced past Draco, into his office, to where the chalkboard hung prominently on the back wall. He seemed to curl even further in on himself. “I don’t want to count this one, okay?” he said, finally. “It doesn’t really feel like a victory.”
“Yeah, of course,” Draco said immediately, and he suddenly felt completely helpless. “Can I—” he hesitated, and then put a tentative hand on Harry’s slumped shoulder. “Do you need anything?”
He was half sure that Harry would pull away from his touch, but he didn’t. If anything, he seemed almost to relax into it. “I’m okay,” he said, and it wasn’t convincing, but Draco didn’t want to push it. “Thanks, though.” He reached up and gripped Draco’s hand where it lay on his shoulder, so briefly that his hand was gone before Draco could even fully register it, and then stepped back, continuing on his way.
Draco stood and stared at the chalkboard for a while when he got back to his desk. Then, he picked up his eraser and carefully removed one tally from his own side.
Their next bust, they were on together. A small Neo-Death Eater group that the department had been keeping an eye on, but who hadn’t done much of anything until now, had suddenly decided to make a grand statement by threatening a large-scale attack on Diagon Alley if their (entirely insane) demands weren’t met. Needless to say, the Ministry was not interested in negotiation, and the whole Auror force had been called out en masse. 
Somehow, Harry and Weasley had ended up working in tandem with Draco and Parvati, and now Harry and Draco were back to back in a dead-end alley, dueling a pair that seemed to be the last desperate stragglers, while Parvati watched the street, ready to block anyone who might try to interfere, and Weasley stood to the side, clutching his ribs and sweating but still managing to hold a fairly steady shield charm. There was an unconscious, Incarcerous-ed body on the ground near him; his Stunner’s aim had been true, but the assailant had gotten off one last hex before it hit. He wasn’t in imminent danger—Draco had been hit by the same spell before, and it was extremely painful but didn’t cause any lasting damage once reversed—and although that would be easy enough to do, they didn’t have a wand to spare at the moment.
Harry and Draco worked together like they’d been born to it, and if their respective partnerships hadn’t been working so well for so long, Draco might have considered it a waste that they weren’t paired together. Spells flew around them like fireworks, and they cast and dodged and shielded and attacked without speaking, without pause, until, suddenly, it was over. 
“Ron!” Harry cried as soon as his wand dropped, but Parvati was already by his side, countering the spell, and Ron’s body relaxed almost immediately.
“I’m fine, mate. Great work.” 
Harry breathed out a sigh of relief and then turned to Draco, chest still heaving with exertion. Draco couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face even as he tried to catch his breath. He could feel sweat tracking down his face, his neck, his back, and he was streaked with dirt and—he suspected—blood; but they had won, and no one had died, and he was almost high on the rush of it. “I’m not sure who those count for,” he said, half laughing. “It happened too fast. Did you catch who took them down?”
Harry was grinning now, too, the buzzing energy of their win almost visibly coursing through him. He beamed at Draco, and he looked so fucking beautiful, even though he was just as dirty and dishevled as Draco was, that Draco couldn’t help but glance, just for a second, at those lips that he’d surreptitiously observed for so long as they stretched wide with joy. When he snapped his eyes back up, however, it was clear that Harry had seen, because the smile had morphed into something that Draco couldn’t put a name to, and his eyes were searching Draco’s for something. And then— 
“Fuck it,” he heard Harry say, and then there were hands on either side of his head and he was being—quite thoroughly—kissed, right there in the alley. He melted into it immediately, pulling Harry closer to himself almost instinctively. There was an iron tang of blood as their tongues met, and Draco wasn’t sure whose it was, but he didn’t particularly care. He didn’t care about much of anything, right now, besides Harry’s hands, and Harry’s lips, and the press of Harry’s chest and hips against his own, and whether Harry might want to reenact this moment later but somewhere with a bed and a lot less clothes.
“I TOLD YOU!” Parvati yelled triumphantly in the background.
“Fucking finally.” Ron sounded both amused and exasperated.
Draco ignored them in favor of sliding his hands into Harry’s birdsnest of hair, pulling lightly and making him groan into the kiss. He supposed this one counted as a win for both of them.
Also on AO3
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Friday Night
A/n: post-war Draco. Just some tooth-decaying fluff but maybe one of my favourite things I've written
"I'm home!" Draco yelled out as he closed the door to the flat.
He didn't get a reply as he put down his keys then his briefcase before taking off his loafers and untightening his tie.
Their flat was still welcoming, it had been since they brought it. All the muggle artwork Y/n brought home for them hanging on the walls and the east-facing widows always made the flat glow in the morning. It wasn't as big as the manor but it far more intimate and Draco had never felt more at home than he did here.
Now all he wanted was a hug from his girlfriend. He looked around the lounge to see if she was reading on the window seat and then the kitchen to see if she was baking as she often did. When she wasn't in any of her usual places he moved to their bedroom.
His search finally stopped when he heard the music coming through the bathroom door, accompanied by the steam. It was the same jazz music they played at a bar in London that Y/n enjoyed.
Everything in their house was so Y/n, and he had never adored anything more. Maybe her.
With a smile on his lips, he opened the door, stepped in and quickly closed it. The steam in the room flowing out the door was a sure sign that she wouldn't notice the interruption.
He took a seat on the edge of the bathtub, straightening his black suit jacket so it wouldn't crinkle as he watched her body sway in the shower. Her blurred figure was still the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.
Once she spent a few more minutes humming to the music she turned the shower off, wrapped a towel around herself and opened the glass door.
"Hey, there, pretty girl." Draco's words caused her visible fright, every muscle in her body tensing as she gasped and jumped up.
"Merlin, Draco!" She squealed as she walked over and punched him on the shoulder. "I hate you."
Draco couldn't do anything but giggle at how cute she was. She didn't kiss him as she usually did each night. "No, you love me." There was no use in replying, she knew he was right.
"Don't you love this song?" Her attention flicked to the trumpet playing through her muggle speakers as she spun around, holding the towel.
"I love you," Draco replied without a second thought.
Her attention was back on him now as she walked over and put her hands on his knees, he didn't even care about her damp fingertips getting the thigh of his suit pants wet. "You're such a sap."
He saw his opportunity to lean up and connect their lips.
"Hey!" She shouted, pulling off once she'd relished in the feeling of his lips. "I wasn't going to let you have that."
All he could do was give her a knowing smirk and reach up to rest his palm on her cheek. Draco swore he could feel his heart skip a beat as she nuzzled into his palm, even after all these years.
His whole heart was on fire in the best way. "Can I take you out for dinner, baby?" He asked, usual dazzling smile.
She nodded with a grin. "If that's your way of making it up to me, then yes."
That was all she said before she walked out of the bathroom door, and pulled him along. Once she was reached their bedroom she sat him down on the bed and walked into their closet, dropping her towel on the floor.
It took everything in him not to go after her but instead, he lay down on the bed and shut his eyes. For an indefinite amount of time, he stayed there.
Until he felt a warm breath on his face, much nicer than the jump scare he gave her. As he opened his eyes and sat up he was met with her absolute beauty. "Wake up, sleepyhead." She sang to him.
"'m not 'sleep." He said, his slurred words an ode to how tired he was.
She did a quick spin for him before she climbed into his lap, wrapping her legs around him. "You're so fucking cute." He told her, brushing a few stray hairs out of her face.
Quickly, she pulled away and got off his lap. "I did my hair and my makeup and put this dress on and all you can say is I'm 'cute.'"
"You are."
She sighed, loudly but Draco pulled her into his chest and smashed their lips together.
As soon as she was relaxing into it he pulled away. "Ready to go?" He now asked, being the one to pull her out of the room this time by their connected pinky fingers. She nodded as she followed him out the door, only breaking their contact to lock the door as Draco walked over to the elevator.
When she found his pinky finger again he was staring out the window, watching the sun set and the sky turn from orange to pink.
Draco was smart. But he would never understand two things.
1. How the sun could set every dusk and still look as beautiful
2. How, every day, Y/n could still look as beautiful, maybe more
"It's absolutely resplendent." She spoke, breaking the silence that had fallen.
Draco turned to look at her as she continued to watch the sun. "Wow, look at you reading your dictionary."
"It means attractive through impressive colours." She told him with a sigh, looking annoyed.
"So...you in that yellow dress?" He asked with a wide grin. "But you're also gorgeous, stunning, beautiful, pretty, lovely, charming, delightful, sensational, astounding, elegant, magnificent and dazzling."
"Look at you reading your thesaurus." She quipped his bon mot back at him.
As smooth as ever he replied with, "And together we're going to write some amazing stories."
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milkiane · 3 years
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revelations and confessions
pairings: regulus black x reader
warnings: mentions of food, mention of abuse, manipulative parents, getting tied up, jily, implied wolfstar
word count: 5548
note: for @rcwenaclaw’s writing challenge — this is my favorite fic so far <3 s/o to @iwritesiriusly and @hellounicorn for listening to me rant and and rave about y/n and reggie, u’re the best mwah
“... and you would be married to the crowned heir of grimmauld by the end of the month,” your father declared.
if you have been listening to what you’ve been blindly agreeing to, you would have had the opportunity to assert your own appraisals of the sudden betrothal.
you choked on your food, earning concerned gasps and theatrical pats by the maids, “‘m fine, ‘m fine,”
your parents stared at you with iffy looks as you cleared your throat, “i thought we’ve agreed years ago that i wouldn’t be betrothed to some high-strung bloke i’ve never met before?”
your mother pursed her lips before giving you a well-mannered response, “well, dear, we ought to make some amends with that agreement,”
you just stared at her with a blank expression so she continued, “and we believe that it would be for the amelioration of our country, considering that the blacks are quite exceptional and-”
“and rich?” you smiled derisively, cutting her off.
your father looked around the royal maids and guards around the dining room, “may you excuse us for a moment?” to which they nodded and left.
he sighed, “look, y/n, i’m aware that you’re upset-”
you scoffed, “i am more than upset, father. you agreed that i will be married on my own time, on my own accord,”
“and i am the king, you ought to meet my commands.” your father bellowed, slamming the silver utensils on the table, making you and your mother flinch.
he cleared his throat, calming himself down, “tell your matron to arrange your attire for this week, we must meet the blacks tomorrow evening at the grand chateau, and i shan’t hear any more complaints.”
“yes, father,” you mumbled, excusing yourself from the table to make your way towards your bedroom, eyes becoming glassy from the upcoming tears.
you arrived at the chateau a few hours before the royal gathering with the blacks, meaning you would have enough time to devise an escape plan.
you haven’t spoken to your parents unless you’re absolutely required to, you know that you shouldn’t be disobeying them, but they should have known from just acknowledging your mindset and behavior.
you weren’t the usual prim and proper princess, no. you are your own person, you’re noble when strictly necessary, but, in all honesty, your personality was far from dainty.
you wouldn’t have chosen to have this life if you could. as fun as it was to play dress up in magnificent ball gowns, you would have chosen a life full of adventures, skinny jeans, crop tops, and dyed hair instead.
the matron knocked on your door, bringing in the gorgeous dress robes that you’re supposed to wear for later evening.
you gratefully smiled at her, asking her to give yourself some time to prepare by yourself until the formal reception.
as you hung it over with your other dresses and gowns, you walked towards the balcony, breathing in some fresh air. it had a clear view of the beautiful gardens of the chateau, the same balconies from your left and right.
you flopped yourself down on the queen-sized bed, staring at the ceiling as you thought of possible ways to avoid the betrothal.
none of your ideas sounded good enough, so you turned on the television in front of your bed to distract yourself from the inevitable proposal.
flipping through the channels, you stopped to watch audrey hepburn’s roman holiday.
when you’ve watched the scene where she snuck out of the castle, an idea popped up in your head. you knew it was impossible, of course, but it was worth a shot.
you glanced at the clock, you still had at least an hour and a half before the matron would come back to get you.
grabbing the satchel you’ve bought at a fair once, you made your way towards the elegant bathroom. you shuffled through the things, you knew that if your mother found out about your clandestine possessions, she would go calling you atrocious for merlin knows how long.
you slipped on your cargo shorts and a halter top. you stared at your long hair, you knew that if you wanted to slip away easily from the guards’ line of vision, you had to make some adjustments.
you grabbed the scissors from the corner of the countertop, taking a deep breath before snipping a lengthy portion.
you let out a hushed squeal, laughing as you stared at the chopped-off hair. you continued cropping and trimming until your hair became an uneven bob cut.
not bad, you grinned, cutting a few more strands to add curtain bangs, impeccable.
you scuffled deeper into the bag, your hand retrieving a bagged pink wig. perfect.
you started packing a few essential needs in your satchel.
you looked out the window, the sun had set an hour ago, meaning it was dark out. which also means it would be easier for you to sneak out.
you had at least ten minutes before meeting the blacks so you immediately stared across the room, looking for something to act as a rope.
stopping at the closet of gowns, you groaned in reluctance. you loved your gowns too much but you wouldn’t risk getting married, so you grabbed the scissors, ripping them up and tying them together.
once you’ve ensured that it was tight enough, you fastened it around the huge handles of the door and threw your makeshift rope out the balcony.
when you heard the whispers and footsteps of people coming you hastily grabbed your bag and ran towards the balcony.
you carefully grabbed onto the silk, lowering yourself down.
a noise from your right caught your attention, making you freeze. you snapped your head to the balcony next to you and made eye contact with a boy doing the same thing.
your prolonged eye contact was cut short when the doors to your room burst open, making you yelp in surprise as your rope had a sudden shift.
you could hear your matron holler for the guards, so you briskly lowered yourself faster, the friction of the silk burning against your hands.
you landed on your feet the same time as the mysterious guy did.
he made a run for it, dodging the bushes and flowers across the garden. his trousers not giving him any justice.
you were not too far behind him, thanking merlin that your yoga and workout lessons paid off.
the yells of the guards caught your attention, surrounding you and the man in the middle.
they all pointed their blades at you, making you gulp.
there goes your escape plan.
“which one of you has the princess?” a guard shouted, shifting the lamp between you and him. each one of the men slowly closing in on you.
that’s when you realized that they weren’t your palace guards. they were merely the chateau’s security.
“does it look like we have a princess with us?” the boy beside you refuted, gesturing between the both of you.
ten guards.
one of them asked their superintendent, “what was the description given?”
“long h/c hair, s/c skin, e/c eyes, last seen wearing a peach nightgown,”
they turned their gaze back at you, one of them approaching you to take a good look, “wait a minute,”
you sucked in a breath, but before any of you could make a move, the guy grabbed your hand and ran, swerving through the distracted guards.
but you already had a head start, you were out of the gates and into the forest the moment they called for backup.
you ran, and ran, and ran.
the adrenaline coursing in your veins had done nothing to stop you from running, it made you feel so free, so alleviated.
so alleviated that you didn’t notice the huge rock that made you stumble, but before you could even hit the ground, the man caught your arm, pulling you against him.
and you were certain that time stopped when you finally locked eyes with him. specks of green and blue surrounding his alluring hazel eyes.
they said that when you meet someone for the first time, they would either be nothing more than another face amongst the crowds of memories or a face that would be burning at the back of your mind for a long time.
it was the latter.
the moonlight was shining over the both of you, the soft light making him look so ethereal. his celestial facial structure giving the famed sculptures a run for their money.
regulus looked at you in awe, neglecting the fact that you almost fell flat on your face. his gaze fell onto your gentle e/c eyes, the smooth arch of your nose, and the sleek curve of the cupid’s bow on your lips.
you would’ve loved staying in that position, admiring the young man for the first time every chance you would be given, but alas, the distant shouts of the guards forbade you from doing it any longer.
“who are you, anyway?” the guy asked. after successfully carrying out your escape plan, with your pink wig askew, he offered to buy you a mug of warm butterbeer at the nearby pub; the leaky cauldron.
you removed the wig from your head’s hold, ruffling your hair a bit to soothe the headache. your eyes searched around the room, looking for a possible new name.
“erm,” guest singer, liane moonshine, “miliane…” holyhead harpies quidditch poster, “harper.” you finished, “miliane harper, yeah,”
he eyed you suspiciously as he took a sip from his drink, “alright, miliane harper, what’re you doing sneaking out’f the princess’ bedroom like that?”
“i could ask you the same thing, stranger,” you mused, fiddling with the straps of your satchel.
“regulus,” he said, “call me regulus,”
“what were you doing sneaking out next door, regulus?”
“i asked you first,” he said, shooting you a pointed look.
thinking of a reasonable explanation, you mumbled, “stealing?” you winced, cursing yourself for hesitating.
“a’right, here’s the deal, miliane harper, because i know f’myself that you aren’t who you claim to be and you certainly weren’t there to steal,” he whispered, leaning in ‘til his face was a few inches away from yours, “now, ‘m gonna ask you one last time, who. are. you?”
you gulped, faintly murmuring your answer, “the crowned heiress of diagon.”
“salazar,” regulus cursed, “you’re princess y/n?”
you shushed him, shoving your hand to cover his mouth as a few heads turned to look at the both of you. you were certain that your parents have sent a search team to look for you by now.
“yes, but be quiet, would you?” you hissed, retracting your hand to curtain your face with your hair, avoiding the curious gazes amongst the patrons.
he blinked at you, leaning back on his chair. he observed your appearance for a bit before snorting, “your hair, it’s uneven!”
your face flushed a deep shade of red, your hand automatically clutching your hair. you scowled at him, “how long have you been aching to tell me that?”
he chuckled, “ever since you took off your wig,” seeing that you rolled your eyes, he continued, “don’t worry, y/n, you look quite beauteous, if i must say.”
“i don’t require you to flatter me, regulus,” you scoffed, grabbing your mug to take a drink, though before the rim of the mug reached your lips, regulus set a few galleons down on the table and spoke up, “as fun as it was to meet you, your highness, i’ve got some places to go,”
“good luck with this endeavor of yours, but i mustn’t risk being one of your accomplices,” he quipped, wearing his sweater, “fare thee well.”
it took you a moment to finish your drink and grab your things before leaving the low-lit pub. your eyes searched amongst the throng of people, trying to catch the sight of his brunette curls.
you hurried beside him, trying to avoid bumping into the others. you grew quite fond of the handsome lad who ran with you, despite the fact that he was still nothing but an enigma to you.
“mind if i join you?” you sought, clasping your hands in front of you, walking side-by-side with him.
regulus groaned silently, he looked down at you and sarcastically replied, “it’s a free country,”
you rolled your eyes and responded with a retort of your own, “actually, it’s a monarchy occupied by foreign oppressors.”
he ignored your sardonic comment and asked you a question to defuse the gauche atmosphere, “why’d you run away, princess?”
you looked at him, “y’know, i’m not really obliged to answer your question,”
“i… am well aware of that,” he huffed amusingly, “but given the fact that we’re going merlin knows where, i’d rather have a conversation going than walking in utter silence.”
regulus had a gist of why you ran away, assuming that you had the same reason as him.
you laughed softly before staring at your white tennis shoes, “‘ve been betrothed, and i was s’pposed to meet the lucky bloke who’ll have my hand in marriage,”
regulus swallowed the lump in his throat.
“what about you, regulus?” you asked, “why were you running away?”
“oh,” he let out a nervous laugh, “i- stealing.”
you gave him a keen look, “i used that excuse not too long ago, if you’ve forgotten,”
he smiled tensely, “f’real though, the prince owed me something, and i’d be pleased if he returned the favor.”
you huffed, not sure if you’d believe him, but thankfully for regulus, you caught sight of your palace guards questioning some people about your whereabouts, “shit,”
you immediately linked your arm with his and whispered, “palace guards, let’s go. just- act normal,”
he carefully unhooked your hold, opting to snake his arm around your waist instead, evidently making both of you flustered.
you let out a sigh of relief when you passed by them without causing any havoc, though it was short-lived when one of them called out, “excuse me, sir, ma’am?”
the both of you continued walking, slightly hurrying your steps.
regulus hauled a carriage and helped you get in, “godric’s hollow, please,”
the guards left standing behind, one of them writing down the descriptions of the suspicious couple and the carriage they’re in.
“where are we?” you asked, looking up at the lovely cottage amongst the rows of houses.
regulus sighed, “godric’s hollow,” he walked up from the gate and knocked on their doorstep, stepping back to wait for someone to open the door.
you hummed, “alright, but what exactly’re we doing here?”
merlin must’ve been on his side again because before he could even reply, a beautiful red-headed woman opened the door.
she must’ve been taken aback for a moment because her eyebrows shot up and mouth agape. she stuttered, “i- regulus, hey,”
“evans,” he nodded politely, “is, erm, sirius with you?”
she licked her lips, “it’s actually potter now,” she showed her wedding ring, “and uhm, yes, give me a moment.”
she shuffled back inside, letting the door open but didn’t make a move to invite you in.
“she’s lovely,” you jutted out your bottom lip.
“reggie?” another man, another attractive man, whom you were assuming was sirius, inquired.
“sirius,” he greeted.
the tension was so thick that you could feel it enveloping you with warmth. or that may just be because of the additional presence of the bespectacled man behind the redhead.
“i don’t mean to be rude but are we all going to just stand in here,” you awkwardly shuffled on your feet, “or are you gonna let us in?”
sirius looked at you in wonder, “i- oh, yes, yeah!”
the man whose presence was still looming over, blinked at him, a small smile tugging at his lips as he huffed amusingly at his best friend, letting you in. you looked around the house, the atmosphere giving you a sense of comfort and a feeling of home you’ve never felt.
“james potter,” he grinned at you, “and this is my lovely wife, lily.”
“y/n l/n, the heiress of dia--” you paused, “actually, it’s just y/n. sorry, force of habit.” you chuckled sheepishly, fiddling with your fingers as they looked at you in surprise.
you wondered if you could trust that they wouldn’t send you back to your kingdom.
“you’re the crowned princess of diagon?” lily spluttered.
you smiled bashfully, “i may or may not be?”
“merlin, what’re you doing here? guards’re all over the place, knocking on doors n’all,” sirius remarked, his eyes not leaving yours.
“i also may or may not have ran away?” you grinned, scrunching your nose which both the black brothers found quite endearing.
“i would love to continue the chit chat, but d’you mind letting us stay here for a while?” regulus interrupted, but before they could even answer, a knock was heard from the door, “diagon sovereignty wards, we’ve got a couple of questions to ask.”
you cursed silently, sirius and lily quietly ushered you into the living room whilst james went to get the door.
“good evening, sir, we’ve been alerted that you’ve had some contact with these people?” a guard asked, pulling up a sketch of you and regulus.
james smiled warmly, “i’m sorry, but i reckon you’ve got the wrong person. ‘tis just me and my wife, and my best mate in ‘ere,”
they nodded politely, “that’ll be all. thank you, sir, have a great evening.”
as soon as he closed the door, james sauntered back into the living room, looking at the worrying looks on your and regulus’ faces.
he and lily exchanged glances before she smiled softly, “i’ll go prepare the guest room.”
it was deep into the night, the potter household was surrounded by a quiet and serene atmosphere as the people living in it had already dozed off, yet you and regulus were far from drifting off to a dreamy slumber.
both of you had your backs against the headboard of the queen-sized bed you were supposed to share, staring into the void of nothingness as you let the comfortable aura rage around you.
“regulus?” you whispered. as if once you’ve spoken even a tad bit louder, the brittleness of the atmosphere would break.
he turned to look at you, “yeah?”
“what’s your biggest regret in life?” you wondered, voice laced with drowsiness. the adrenaline from a while ago slowly fading away, now being replaced with exhaustion.
regulus pondered for a moment. he had a lot of regrets, letting his parents abuse him and sirius, letting sirius just leave him alone in the dark and lonely castle, not living his best childhood. he had plenty, and lying to you was one of them.
he hummed, “i suppose being a coward,”
you fluffed your pillows and lowered yourself on the bed. you yawned, “i don’t think you’re a coward, regulus. after all, you just ran away with a princess.”
regulus looked at you fondly, watching as you slowly succumbed to sleep. he smiled softly, “yeah,”
your stay with the potters, and sirius, has been wonderful. you’ve felt more at home in godric’s hollow than in your palace. no amount of grandeur wealth would compare to the amount of love and belonging you’ve felt in your sojourn.
regulus has successfully managed to keep their mouths shut about him being a prince as well. the conversation and intention still went unnoticed by you.
you and lily have been the bestest of friends. the sweet girl that made you feel more at home than anyone else could, an evident friendship blossoming into a charming one.
james and sirius welcomed you into their arms as if you were one of their long-lost mates, and quite literally if you must say. they locked you beneath their armpits and ruffled your hair one game night.
you were convinced that james was the human embodiment of a ball of sunshine, never failing to put a smile on your faces. sirius had more of a flirty demeanor, which you’ve brushed off with a quip or two of your own.
“does the princess have a prince charming or do i have to step up?”
“not every prince is charming, sirius.”
and regulus— you’ve grown closer to regulus than you’ve ever had with anyone, getting to know each other more, spending more late nights talking about everything and nothing, and not that any of you would admit it, but inevitably falling in love was part of the list.
you and lily were in her room, she was lending you some clothes to wear as all of you have made a plan to go to the market fair in town.
james was on the phone with remus, asking him to meet up at the place whilst sirius and regulus were in the living room, catching up after a few years of not seeing each other.
sirius has grown quite fond of the princess. not that he was catching feelings, but a date wouldn’t sound too bad, if he must say, so he asked his brother, “d’you reckon y/n would fancy a date w’me? maybe i could bring her to hogsmeade,”
and to say that he was dumbstruck when he heard that was an understatement, “what? no, you can’t,”
sirius looked at him with a confused expression, “how come?”
regulus hesitated, “she’s… betrothed.”
the eldest black brother scoffed, “yeah, t’you, and she doesn’t even know that you’re that bloke,”
regulus shook his head, sitting up straight as he heard your giggles from upstairs, “just- don’t, sirius.”
padfoot grinned at his brother in realization, “by the love of merlin! you love her, don’t you?” he teased, bumping their shoulders together.
“let’s go, handsomes, i’m not getting any younger here!” you laughed. regulus thought you looked angelic, the white dress hugging your curves in the most surreal way possible, the smile on your face proving that any blue day would get better with just a glimpse of it.
“this isn’t over, reggie,” sirius sang mockingly, getting up and linking his arm with yours.
the market fair in godric’s hollow is incredibly enchanting. fairy lights were hanging above the booths, multitudes of colorful stalls, the smell of the amazing street food, and the bubbly spirits of the people mingling around had you in a state of awe.
you went in separate groups, lily with james, sirius went off to find remus, and you were stuck with regulus— not that you were complaining, really.
you dragged regulus by one of the stalls that sold clothes, wanting to buy a few to avoid borrowing more from lily.
you were currently strolling around with him, your shopping bags in his hold as he insisted to carry them for you.
whilst you stopped to look at the fancy daggers, regulus caught sight of a gorgeous necklace. convincing himself that it would only take a few minutes, he left your side and onto the booth to buy the jewelry for you.
once you’ve managed to choose a design, you paid for the dagger and strapped it on your thigh with the holster you bought, “it’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
when he didn’t reply, you looked up to where he was standing just a few moments ago to find that he wasn’t by your side.
you crooned your neck to look around but instead of seeing him, you saw your palace guards slowly approaching you.
you cursed, turning around and running away from them, making them step up quickly and ran after you.
“regulus!” you called out, hoping that he’ll hear you.
“regulus!” you tried once more, and he finally heard you. he immediately pocketed the paid necklace and dropped the bags as he tried to run after you, “y/n!” but it was too late.
the guards were already surrounding you, two of them managed to carry you to a carriage while you thrashed around, “let me go! i don’t want to go back, please!” you cried, “regulus!”
regulus was running around the big plaza, trying to figure out where your voice was coming from.
the carriage was already a menacing dot as it continued to advance forward, leaving regulus frustrated and broken.
“what were you thinking running away like that?” your father barked, pacing back and forth on the castle’s lounge, “d’you know how ashamed we were when we found out that you snuck off? even more so whe-”
your father stopped talking when your mother gave him a stern look. an expression you know all too well when they didn’t want you to know something.
“it came to our attention that you ran away with regulus, yes?” your mother asked, giving you a tense smile.
you didn’t answer. looking at your parents with hatred as your eyes blurred with tears.
she sighed, “well, if you must know, he was the one who called for the guards. he knew about the huge amount of payment if someone gave you up. he contacted the palace guards before you even stepped foot in that repugnant marketplace.”
“no,” you let out a teary laughed, “regulus would never do that,”
he would never. especially after all those moments you’ve shared, those constant touches, the sneaky eye contacts. he would never.
“no? then where was he when you called for him?” your mother scoffed, a sly smirk on her face.
you glared at them, taking a shaky breath, “i-”
she tutted, “i’m not done just yet, my dear daughter. you will be married to lord riddle, on the contrary, seeing that the walburga and orion’s son was quite… negligent,”
“i will not be married to anyone!” you objected, “if there’s anyone i’d rather get married to, it would be regulus.”
your mother let out a cackle, “quite amusing if you asked me, dear, because regulus was the prince you were supposed to marry!”
you froze, managing to croak out a small, “what?”
your father chuckled, “oh, don’t tell me he didn’t tell you that?”
you swallowed the forming lump in your throat, “i hope you rot in hell.”
your mother scowled at you, “guards! bring her to the room.”
“i don’t need bodyguards surrounding me all the time, mother,” you spat, “i may be of the royal bloodline, but i am no weakling.”
“... and don’t forget to tie her up,” she smirked.
before you could even react, you were hauled up by your arms, screaming at them to let you go.
you made sure to give them a hard time while they walked up the stairs. once arriving at your room, they threw you on the carpeted floor with a right thump.
you flailed around, whimpering as they tied your arms and legs, “stop, stop, stop. please,” but they paid you no mind, leaving you alone in the dark.
after a few hours of trying to remove the rope from your limbs, and a few chaffings later, you ultimately gave up on trying. you didn’t know what your parents’ plan was but you were quite grateful for the noise and crashing outside your door.
crawling a bit towards your door, your forearm brushed against something rough on your thighs. you cursed yourself for being dense, and lifted your dress a bit, carefully grabbing your new rose gold dagger from its holster.
when you heard the jingling of your door, you hastily tried to cut the rope from your wrists.
you cussed as you dropped it on the floor, you tried to get a hold of it once more when the door suddenly burst open.
“y/n!” regulus breathed out in relief, he rushed by your side, grabbing your fallen dagger and cutting the ropes. your eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness, before turning your gaze to the man you’ve fallen in love with, the same man who lied to you.
sirius approached the both of you, trying to tell you to hurry up before the guards caught up with them, “let’s go!”
“are you alright?” regulus asked, cupping your face in his hands.
you glared at him, rubbing your arms to soothe the burning, “don’t touch me.”
you stood up, grabbing the dagger from his hand, and placed it back on your holster. you snatched your satchel from the floor and started packing a few necessities that could fit in.
regulus looked at you in confusion and hurt, standing up as you shuffled around the room, “what’s wrong?”
you ignored him, shoving past him, and made your way towards sirius, who just shrugged at his brother.
the three of you sneaked past the guards and the members of the order, successfully escaping and meeting up with lily and james at the entrance.
“oh, merlin!” lily brought you in a hug, “are you alright, y/n?”
“lily,” you breathed out, hugging her back. you closed your eyes in relief, letting out a teary laugh, “i’m alright, don’t worry,”
“we’ve got to go, they’ll catch up soon enough if we don’t leave,” james said, “‘m sure frank and the rest got ‘em distracted for a while.”
arriving back at the potter household, they let you retire back at the guest room, regulus following in suit.
“hey, y/n, what’s wrong?” regulus asked, grabbing your arm so you’re facing him.
you looked at him in anger and hurt, “you lied to me!”
“wha- what did i lie about? i don’t understand,” regulus was dumbstruck, he didn’t know what you were talking about until he remembered all about the betrothal. he looked down in guilt.
“stop the act, regulus. you were the one i was supposed to marry,” you whispered, “why did you lie to me?”
regulus sighed, sitting down on the bed as he ran a hand through his hair, “i was scared, alright? i was scared because i fell for you, y/n, and when i found out that you didn’t want to marry me, i didn’t know what to do… so i lied because i was afraid that you’d go if i told you that i was the prince.”
“and it’s terrifying how i would’ve given you the stars if you asked,” he chuckled softly, “but i chose to keep that to myself because that’s how much of a coward i am…”
“reg, i didn’t even know that it was you,” you frowned, expression softening as you sat down beside him, “and i frankly don’t care about the stars, or anything at all, honestly, because all i want is you, regulus,”
“don’t be so sure about that, y/n,” he breathed out, “if you’ve known that it was me, you wouldn’t agree to marry me.”
“you’re right,” you nodded, smiling softly, “i wouldn’t marry you because of some stupid betrothal, i’d marry you because i love you, regulus black, and i know f’myself that you’re the man that i would love to spend the rest of my life with.”
he looked at you with adoration and love in his eyes, a small smile adorning his lips.
regulus tucked the loose strand of hair behind your hair, his eyes shifting from your eyes down to your lips, “may i?”
not trusting your words, you nodded instead, slowly leaning in. regulus cupped the side of your face with his hand, your hand running through his brown curls as the both of you drew closer. eyes fluttering close as you felt the soft, warmth of his lips caress your own.
after a few moments, he pulled away slowly, pressing his forehead against your own, smiling softly at the result of the sudden revelations and confessions.
“let’s run away, regulus,” you whispered, “away from here and our wretched parents.”
“yeah?” he chuckled softly, “where’d you want to go, m’love?”
“... and they lived happily ever after.” you smiled softly.
“mum, what happened in italy?” your daughter asked, hugging her teddy bear as she looked up at you and regulus with her doe eyes.
regulus hummed, “they settled down in florence, italy, with the help of the marauders-”
“dad, who are the marauders?” your son questioned, exchanging looks with his sister and his cousin, harry.
“they’re the best friends of the prince and princess, orion,” james grinned, snaking his arm around lily’s waist.
“what happened next, aunt y/n?”
“well, they had a small wedding by the beach, they traveled around the world, had kids, and are now telling their stories to their adorable kids and godson,” you smiled, “and the said kids and godson should be asleep in the next five minutes.”
the three of them let out simultaneous groans. you, regulus, and the marauders had small smiles on your faces, finding the situation amusing.
“good night, my darlings, we love you,” you and regulus kissed their foreheads and tucked them in bed, as lily and james did the same with harry.
after ensuring that they were fast asleep, you and the rest went back down to the living room.
sirius grinned, grabbing the firewhiskeys and crisps out of the bag, “they finally went to sleep?”
“yeah,” you smiled, fiddling with the moonstone necklace regulus bought you from the fair, “guess our story worked perfectly fine as a bedtime tale, didn’t it, reggie?”
“indeed it did, m’love,” he kissed the top of your head, sitting down on the couch for your traditional game night.
general taglist: @daltonacademia @inks-and-jinx @weasleyyy @oldschoolkiddo @accioweaslcy @inglourious-imagines @peterssweetpea @iwritesiriusly @fives-cup-of-coffee @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @band--psycho @marswilson24 @miraclesoflove @chokemepansy @spideyspixies @lolooo22 @justfangirlthingies @sw33tgirl @remugoodgirl @tatestripedsweater @gryffindorgirly @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts
marauders taglist: @sweetnspicysimp @cherie-draco @eunoniaa @acosmis-t @amrtxntias @cedrics-grave @dracosgoodgirl @msmb
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madeofstardust17 · 4 years
Arthur & Merlin & Love.
So. Today I want to talk about these two and the gift that bbc Merlin gave us, which is when they showed us both boys in love.
Let's start with Arthur.
Arthur is a prince. He's arrogant, stubborn, condescending, I can go on but I don't want to, because he's also kind, and gentle, and he cares so much for the people he loves it actually hurts me to see it.
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When he's with Gwen, he's completely vulnerable. He's playful, he's devoted, he wastes no opportunity to tell her how he feels about her.
What I love about Arthur in love is this, how he shows his affection with words of affirmation. We see him trying to do various acts to show Gwen how he feels about her (trying to cook dinner, breakfast in bed, for examples), but they always come short. Why? Because he doesn't get it. He knows Gwen would appreciate these things so he tries, but he always ends up telling Merlin to do the hard work bc he doesn't really get the importance behind these things.
He's a man of words, we can see this when Uther tells him he's precious to him (back in s1) and he's confused, bc Uther had never told him something similar, so he assumed his father didn't love him. He needs words of affirmation, which is why I think he trusted Morgana and Aggravaine so much. Obviously there was also the family factor, but these two showered him in compliments when trying to get him to trust them, they told him over and over again how they loved him, and he drank it all up, desperate for love in the way Uther never could provide.
We even see this with Merlin. When Merlin doesn't want to talk, that's all Arthur does. He tries to cheer him up in any way he can tries to comfort him by asking what's wrong, willing to listen. Obviously this doesn't work, bc if Merlin were to talk about his problems, he would have to tell Arthur about his magic so when Arthur tries to cheer him up he usually smiles at him, he jokes and plays the part, just so that Arthur will be satisfied that his friend is better.
But let's see Merlin, shall we?
Merlin in love melted my heart for a few reasons. The first is how much of a caretaker this boy is. I am 100% sure that in modern times he would be a nurse or maybe a teacher. He cares so much, and he loves unconditionally.
So when Freya arrives, a scared lonely girl, traumatized and distrustful of the world around her, Merlin pours his heart and sould into caring for her. Everything he does, it's for her, he's thinking of her in every second of that episode, it's painfully obvious how happy he is to have someone to love.
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The second thing I love about him is how gentle he is. Arthur in love is decisive, he's passionate, unafraid to show his affection. Merlin is so gentle, he kisses her with care, like she's priceless and fragile. He always hesitates, always looks at her before any sign of affection, just to be sure she's fine with it.
When I'm telling you I cried during her death scene. What brought me to tears wasn't the death itself, it was how Merlin acted. When he sees her on the floor, naked and hurt, he immediately gives her his jacket, just to let her be comfortable. His gaze doesnt linger, he's not even uncomfortable, he looks at her eyes, his only concern is caring for her. In the lake's shore, she's wearing the dress he stole for her, and I get a little teary eyed just thinking how careful he must have been when dressing her, so respectful and loving.
Third thing I love about him: he's so reassuring. He keeps telling her that he'll be back, that she's not alone, that he's going to look after her. He never gets tired of saying it, always says it with love in his eyes.
I think that's why Arthur and Merlin work so well together, why Arthur gravitates towards Merlin whenever something goes wrong. Merlin is never afraid to tell him when he's fucked up, but he's also the one who tells him when he's doing well, that's he's being a good prince (and later King).
Arthur thrives when he's encouraged, when he's assured he's a good person, a good King. Merlin is always telling him this. When Morgana invades Camelot, who spent days trailing after Arthur, telling him he's a good King, telling him not to listen to anyone else? Merlin. Arthur loves him so much because Merlin always tells him the truth, he can trust him to not be a suck up, to tell him when he's right and when he's wrong.
Even when he doesn't ask it, Merlin reassures him. That scene (I've been searching for like twenty minutes and I cannot find it somebody help me) I'm which Merlin wakes Arthur up and he drags him out of bed (again it's my favourite scene please someone help me), Arthur doesn't even say anything, but Merlin tells him what a good job he's been doing.
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(Am i even discussing love and these two if I don't add a gif of their intense eye-fucking?)
So yeah, thats my tiny thesis on these two. I wanted to add how all this contributes on merthur's romantic relationship (bc this is all canon) but I'll reblog this with that bit just in case someone wants to reblog this part without merthur.
If anyone reached the end of this, I thank you and I'm sorry you had to read my ramblings I've just been thinking about these two a lot lately.
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dracowars · 4 years
Hiii can I request an imagine where Draco and the reader are old now and they work together (healers,maybe) but Draco used to bully her and be rude to her during Hogwarts years but she’s like this total badass now and he apologizes to her .
heal me | draco malfoy
pairing: healer!draco x healer!reader
word count: 2,7k
summary: where y/n has to work with the person she hates the most
a/n: paragraphs completely written in italics are flashbacks! i hope you enjoy it <3
warnings: angst, cursing, mentions of blood
universe: harry potter
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"Don't worry. Tomorrow everything will be fine again", you explain to the younger patient and his parents while taking notes on your clipboard. "Thank you for helping our son", his parents thank you before you get up and leave the room with them, the little boy already much happier than a few minutes ago when his parents brought him here.
At the reception they wave their goodbyes at you and you have a short chat with one of the assistants before you make your way to the laboratory where you have to get new Skele-Gro. Entering the laboratory you immediately go to one of the cupboards in which all kinds of potions and medicines are located and search for the Skele-Gro.
At first you do not even notice that you are not alone in the room and quietly swear to yourself when you just cannot find the medicine. A low chuckle sounds to your right and you flinch in shock, turning around only to see the one person you actually prefer to avoid at all times.
Draco Malfoy.
The son of one of the richest and most influential pure-blood families, the Malfoys, the biggest asshole at Hogwarts back then and now unfortunarely also your colleague at the St.-Mungo-Hospital.
On your first day here you were so happy to finally be able to fulfill your dream and leave your past behind you. You were finally away from Hogwarts, the place where so many terrible things happened and you could finally live a normal wizard's life. At least that is what you thought.
Until the very moment you ran into Draco on your first day. And not as a patient, no. He was also dressed in the green smock with the sewn on crest of a crossed wand and bone. The one boy that made your life at Hogwarts a living hell every single day was also working as a healer now. Just like you.
Rolling your eyes, you turn away from him and continue searching for your potion, ignoring the fact that you have to endure his presence. "Can I somehow help you?", his voice suddenly sounds close to your ear and you let out a startled gasp. "No, thank you. I do not need your help. I can manage this quite well on my own", you hiss at him, giving him a look that could kill. His hands shoot up in the air in defense and he takes a step back. "Okay, okay! No need to snap at me like that", he claims offendedly, crossing his arms over his chest.
Nevertheless you notice his gaze on you while you keep searching around in the cupboard and you begin to feel really uncomfortable. Why can't he just leave you alone? You have been working at the hospital together for several months and until now you kept your conversations to a certain extent only if it was related to your work. But otherwise you do not exchange a word with him. Because you do not need or want to.
"What?", you scoff, turning around to face him again, a slick smirk on his lips that makes the blood in your veins boil. "Nothing", he shrugs nonchalantly, keeping his gaze focused on you. "Do you not have anything better to do than annoy me, Malfoy? Do you not need to rescue some lifes?", you confront him, keeping your posture as you give him your most annoyed expression.
"I have my break right now."
"And then you sneak around in the laboratory?"
"What about you leave me alone and let me do my work?"
"What about no?"
"Merlin, you are annoying the hell out of me right now", you sigh while massaging your temples with your fingertips.
"Sorry that I am alive", he replys with a shake of his head, causing you to stop what you are doing in an instant. Alive.
"You are a shame to Hogwarts, Y/L/N", his evil laugh rings in your ears as he forces you onto the ground, your books all over the cold floor. His goons kick them further through the corridor, destroying most of the books that your family spent so much money on. Quickly you get up on your feet again, your knees shaking in fear.
"Leave me alone!", you furiously yell at them which is why they pause for a moment before starting to laugh out loud. "Why are you even on this school if you are not even able to protect yourself, Y/N? No, wait. Let me put it differently. Why are you even alive?", he giggles and his friends join in, pointing their disgusting fingers at you in amusement.
Tears start pricking in your eyes as they keep laughing at you. Completely alone you just stand there and let them have their fun, your head hanging low. Draco withdraws his wand out of his pocket and points it onto one of your books. "Incendio", he conjures and your beloved book immediately catches on fire.
"You will be sorry for that!"
"Uhm, hello? Y/N? Are you still there?", Draco waves his hand in front of your face and you blink a few times before slapping his hand away angrily. "Get away from me!", you tell him off and bring distance between both of you. With a confused expression on his face, he looks at you as if you have gone completely crazy. "Bad day?", he asks, wanting to seem sorry for you. He did not feel sorry for you. Not now, not then, never.
"I do not have a bad day. I just hate you profoundly and do not want you in my life, Malfoy", you explain with no emotion in your voice and shut the cupboard close loudly, making him flinch. With these last words you leave the room, even though you did not succeed in finding the potion, and slam the door shut behind you. Why are you the one being punished again?
Taking a long deep breath, you look down the empty corridors, straighten your uniform and set off to pursue your job. The one and only thing that can distract you now. Unfortunately, you do not get very far, not even out of the corridor, when you abruptly feel a firm grip on your wrist and get pulled back roughly. "Y/N! Wait-"
"What the hell, Draco?!", you yell and only get angrier when he does not let go of you and you have to free your hand from his grip. "What do you want from me?! Have you not done enough damage already?", you angrily bark at him, but he just sadly looks down at his feet. He lets you shout at him how much you want without uttering a single word. You stand in front of him, angry and breathing heavily. He has never seen you like this before.
For him you always seemed so strong and invulnerable, but now he sees your real self and how much he and his actions broke you. He has been watching you for all these months and how you thrive in your job as a healer. You were so strong and helpful and kind. He made many mistakes back at Hogwarts and he perfectly knows it. But he had enough time to rethink what he has done. The guilt has eaten him up as he never had the opportunity to apologize.
Yes, he did terrible things. He not only bullied a lot of students, but also doomed the headmaster to death and had to join the Death Eaters. Something he never wanted to. Just as he did not want you to hate him this much. He cannot explain why he did what he did when he actually liked you back then and probably still does. He loved how you would always run around with your books, how you would twirl a strand of hair around your finger when you were concentrating in potions or how you would speak up to tell the teachers every answer.
He knows what he did was wrong. But he lacks the words and also the courage to explain it to you. You would not understand him anyway and would loathe him even more.
"We are grown up now, Y/N. Can we not just forget what happened?", Draco pleads, but your reaction immediately makes him realize that he has chosen the absolute wrong words.
"Oh, so that is how it works for you Malfoys, huh? Great, when you are that grown up as you say, then why don't you just act like that and keep your distance from me, you damn asshole!", you scream out loudly and at this point you do not even care anymore if anyone else hears you. This man just makes you so incredibly angry when he thinks everything can be clarified with a few words.
"Listen to me, Y/N", Draco tries again, but you shake your head in disbelief. "You know what? I really thought I could not hate you any more. But I was wrong", you huff, turning around on your heel to finally get rid of him.
"I let you yell at me, why don't you let me explain it?", he desperately reminds you, his eyes basically begging you to give him a chance. "Do you really think that you can ever make amends for what you have do-", you start scolding him again, but get interrupted all of a sudden when you hear a very loud noise. The noise that an emergency patient has just been delivered.
Without wasting time you sprint off and towards the energency room, Draco following closely behind you. You spot how a man is being pushed through the corridor on a lounger in front of you right away and quickly run there to help.
"Oh! Good that you are here, Y/N!"
"What happened?"
"Serious Quidditch accident. He was badly battered by a bludger. Several broken bones and high blood loss."
"Take him to the treatment room immediately!", you command and you bring the injured player there together. Groaning in pain you lift him onto the hospital bed and you do everything possible to put an end to his pain. "Quick! We need some Calming Draught", you state and look around, but only a few seconds after your utterance the potion you asked for is already laid in your hand by no other than Draco, who has apparently thought ahead. You quietly thank him under your breath and give the patient the medicine so that he calms down.
Injuries in the wizarding world are often quick to heal, but there is still a lot of pain associated with them. That is why you do everything to make your patients feel better as fast as possible. "We should stop the bleeding from his wounds", Draco suggests while you are busy pulling out your wand.
"We need Blood-Replenishing Potion", you say at the exact same time as Draco and look at each other a little bit shocked. You turn back to the patient and continue to calm him down. You point the tip of your wand at his torso and cast a spell to to mend his broken bones.
"Brackium Emendo", you mumble and the spell works instantly, taking away most of the patient's pain. Just to be on the safe side, you also use Ferula to spare his newly generated bones while Draco is already holding out the Blood-Replenishing Potion to you. You take it and use it on the man, the other healers at your side to explain the next steps to the poor man.
After you have successfully healed him, you leave the room and let the other healers take care of the rest. Treating an emergency patient is always exciting but scary because you never know what to expect.
And what you also did not expect is that Draco follows you again and stops you by shouting your name. You heavily exhale and collect your thoughts before you turn to face him. "What is it now?", you ask, visibly annoyed.
"You did a really good job back there", he smiles, pointing behind him to the room you just left. Suspiciously, you look at him and raise your eyebrow. Then you sigh, putting your hands on your hips.
"Thanks. You were not bad either", you compliment him which he seems to be quite surprised about because his eyes widen for a moment. He smiles uncertainly to show you his gratitude and then scratches his neck in embarrassment. "So.. About earlier.."
"Draco. I really do not want to hear anything about it anymore."
"Please, Y/N. Just give me this one chance. At least let me explain! Afterwards you can still hate me as much you want to", he persuades you intensely.
"You have five minutes", you finally give in and drag him into an empty corridor to prevent anyone else hearing you. "I am listening."
"I know my behavior was wrong back then and I want to deeply apologize to you for that. It was not okay to destroy your supplies, to make fun of you, or to harm you physically and mentally. I just- I did not know how to deal with my.. feelings and the best way to get rid of those wrong feelings seemed to be to bully you. I have done terrible things, Y/N. And yet this is the reason why I cannot sleep at night. Because I am so sorry for everything and I know that you will never forgive me", he explains to you honestly, in a heartbreaking voice and although you try your best to fight against it, tears brimming into your eyes.
"I was in love with you, Y/N. Well, I still am", Draco suddenly admits and you could swear that - against your will and common sense - your heart just stopped beating for a moment.
Because what Draco does not know is that you actually had feelings for him as well. But that was before he even started any of this, when he was still watching you across the Great Hall and you would catch him staring. From one day to another he destroyed your hopes and suddenly started bullying you. It got worse day by day until your feelings for him turned from love to pure hate.
You loved each other, but one did not know about the other's mutual feeling and vice versa. And so two people hurt each other even though they were in love.
"D-Draco- I don't know what to say", you stutter out and do not dare to look at him, in fear that you will give in immediately.
"You do not have to say anything. Thank you for listening to me. I am sorry", he softly smiles, a comforting and especially real one, and lowers his head in defeat.
"It is really not easy for me either, Draco", you sigh, blinking your tears away. "I am not sure if I can ever forget what you did to me."
Draco nods dejectedly, understanding and accepting your decision. After all, he cannot forgive himself for what he did either.
"But I am ready to forgive you", you add and Draco's head shoots up immediately, locking eyes with you, not sure if he heard you correctly. "As you said: we have grown up and that means we can also learn to forgive", you give him a gentle smile.
A big and thankful smile spreads over his facial features. "I love you so much, Y/N. No- Not like that.. Well actually..", he babbles to himself. You gently put your hand on his shoulder to calm him down a bit, suppressing a giggle.
"Don't worry. I will see you later, alright?", you grin and and pat his shoulder softly.
"Y-Yes! Of course", he answers, not quite sure what to do with himself. He feels such an incredible joy inside of him, but just as strongly he feels fear. The fear that he might screw it up again.
While he is still deep in thought, you walk backwards and away from him. When he notices that you are retreating, he briefly shakes his head to get back to the here and now. "Thank you!", he calls after you, unable to move.
"See you later", you wave before you turn around and disappear into the next corridor, your heart almost jumping out of your chest.
Maybe this is the beginning of something new, of something more. The next chapter in your life.
A restart.
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helnjk · 4 years
She Used To Be Mine - R.W.
Ron Weasley x fem!reader
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based on the song She Used To Be Mine from the musical Waitress & part of my showtunes fic list ! i’m sorry in advance for the ouchie
Word Count: 3k
Summary: when ron leaves to go on the run, she’s left a shell of the person she used to be. 
Warnings: there’s major angst (but maybe a happy ending? you’ll have to find out), injury, & mentions of the war/final battle 
lyrics are bolded & italicized
flashbacks are italicized
She is hard on herself
She is broken and won't ask for help
The field was quiet. It was as if time was frozen in their little bubble, not a breeze in the air nor a rustle in the leaves. Y/N hated it. The silence allowed her thoughts to wander in the direction she couldn’t bear to think about. 
The Burrow was alight with music and happy conversations. Bill and Fleur’s wedding was in full swing and the crowd had made the most of this opportunity to celebrate life and love, even in the midst of a war. 
Y/N could tell something was wrong with Ron. He hadn’t uttered a single word to her the entire night, only tightly gripping onto her hand. 
They were sat at one of the tables, empty save for them. The rest of their friends were mingling with the distant Weasley relatives, grabbing a drink, or dancing on the floor. The silence was unbearable for her, something in her mind nagging at her to say something, anything. 
To her surprise, Ron was the first to speak. 
“I need to talk to you,” He said. 
Y/N took a deep breath before turning to face him, “Is everything okay?” 
“Yeah, brilliant.” His reply was too quick, too immediate, and he realized his mistake right away, “I-erm. No actually, no it’s not.”
The pounding in her ears stopped her from hearing much else. The lively music and the chatter of the crowd faded around her, time had stopped. Her eyes blurred in and out of focus and her pulse beat almost unbearably in her neck. Through the fog, she could make out a few words here and there. 
“We can’t be together anymore.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“It’s for the best.” 
This had come out of nowhere, everything had been fine leading up to that moment. Where had it all gone wrong? In the span of seconds, her entire world seemed to be crumbling in front of her. 
“I don’t understand,” She managed to choke out, her eyes searching for any sort of answer on his face, “Was it something that I did? Is there anything I can do?” 
Her voice grew more and more desperate, her body was flushed with heat. She could tell that Ron was uncomfortable, he was fidgeting in his seat and his eyes kept glancing towards the nearest exit, but she thought she deserved an answer. 
“Look, Y/N,” Ron began, “With everything going on right now–”
“Oh don’t give me that excuse,” Y/N snapped and immediately shut her mouth. She didn’t know what had gotten into her, but she refused to believe what he was saying. 
“It’s not an excuse!” He was agitated as well now, no longer antsy in his seat but face flushed with frustration, “I’ve got a job to do and I don’t want to–”
Whatever he was trying to say was drowned out by the arrival of Kingsley’s patronus. In between hearing his message and the chaos that ensued afterwards, Y/N had lost sight of Ron.
When the last of the Death Eaters had disapparated away and all that was left was silence, the searing pain of heartbreak overcame her and she was left an empty shell of herself. 
A soft grip on Y/N’s shoulder brought her out of her thoughts. 
“You alright?” Tonks asked, sending a concerned glance her way. 
Y/N shook her head in an attempt to clear it from any unwanted thoughts and sent a soft smile in the direction of her friend, “Yeah. I’m fine.” 
She could tell Tonks wanted to say something more but had decided against it, and she was thankful. She wasn’t in a mood to talk. Well, she hadn’t been in that kind of mood in a long time, and she could tell that other Order members were getting concerned. 
Most days she sat alone in her tiny flat, staring out the window. The hours would pass her by too slowly and she itched for something to take her mind off things. Most nights she spent pacing a hole into her floor because she couldn’t sleep. 
Not when all she thought about was how inadequate she had been for Ron to have left her like that. Like she didn’t matter to him at all. 
Fortunately, or unfortunately, for Y/N, the telltale crack of apparition sounded at the house they were in charge of staking-out. The pair of them sent glances at each other before grabbing their wands and breaking into a sprint in the direction of the sound. 
The moment the two of them crossed into the threshold, it was a flurry of spells and curses hurled in different directions. She could barely make out who was sending out what colorful jet of light in her direction, her mind had simply gone on autopilot. 
Y/N knew how intense this mission could get, but she had willingly (and almost forcefully) asserted that she would be the one to accompany Tonks. Anything to get out of her house and not have to think for just a moment. 
The next thing she knew, she was fading in and out of consciousness. She could vaguely make out a pair of strong arms carrying her and hear shouts of concern that sounded as if she was underwater. 
Molly Weasley nearly brought her whole house down with how loudly she had screamed when she saw Bill carrying an unconscious Y/N through the wards of her home, Tonks right at their side. 
“What happened?” She demanded, rushed towards them. 
No one said anything as the three of them struggled to bring her inside and onto the soft surface of the couch. When they were satisfied with the arrangement, Molly repeated her question. 
Tonks was the first to reply, “They were too many at the raid, it was overwhelming. I barely made it out with her, and I had to call Bill for back up.”
“We couldn’t bring her to Mungo’s, it was too risky. Who knows how many people You-Know-Who has on the inside.” Bill continued, and the Weasley matriarch nodded her head. 
The three of them collectively let out a breath, but they knew that they weren’t out of the woods just yet. 
If I'm honest I know I would give it all back 
For a chance to start over
And rewrite an ending or two
Ron knew he had made a mistake. Well, more than just one. 
First, he buggered the last conversation he had with Y/N and he wasn’t sure if he’d ever see her again. Or if she would even look him in the eye if he did. He didn’t want to end things that way, but he felt like he had no choice. Keeping her close to him was effectively putting her in the line of fire, and he couldn’t bear to do that to her. Not when she meant so much to him. 
Then, he let that stupid locket mess with his head and his insecurities, and now he had no idea how to find his way back to Harry and Hermione. 
With a defeated sigh, he took a step forward and twisted to the right. The familiar sensation of apparition enveloped him and soon he found himself just outside the wards of the Burrow. 
“Ron?” Molly gasped, looking out the window to see her youngest son slowly trudging towards her. 
Then, her eyes subconsciously darted towards the stairs, as she knew that Y/N was just a few floors above, lying on Bill’s old bed. This was going to be interesting. 
“Oh Merlin what has that boy gotten himself into,” She muttered and moved towards the door. 
Before Ron could even raise his hand to grip the doorknob, it swung open to reveal Molly. His eyes searched hers tentatively for any sort of signs of anger or ill-will. He found none and his body sagged in relief. 
“Mum,” He choked out and immediately he was engulfed in one of her signature hugs. In that moment, everything seemed to crash down on him and he was wracked with sobs. 
He felt like a little boy again, clinging onto his mother for comfort, and she let him. She rubbed his back gently and kept her other arm wrapped tightly around him. 
When he had somewhat calmed down, he found himself on the couch with a warm mug of tea pressed into his hands. 
“Want to tell me what’s happened?” Molly asked, taking a seat next to her son, “Where are Harry and Hermione?” 
Through a few more tears and more cups of tea than necessary, Ron regaled what had happened to them on the run. Molly’s heart broke for her son and for the mistakes that he had made, but she knew that his intentions were in the right place. She could also tell that guilt was plaguing him for a completely different reason as well.
And so, after reassuring him that he would be able to find his way back to his two best friends, she decided to share the news of their house’s latest guest with him. 
“I have something to tell you as well, dear,” she began, “It has to do with Y/N.” 
The moment she finished retelling what had happened to her, Ron was out of his seat and was nearly sprinting up the stairs. The door to Bill’s old room creaked as he pushed it open, but it didn’t do much to stir any sort of reaction from the person inside. 
Ron’s eyes scanned over Y/N’s tiny figure, curled up at the corner of the bed. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest as he approached, his mind still not having processed what his mum had told him. The person he knew her to be–strong willed, witty, and confident–did not align with what he saw in front of him. 
And he vowed that he would do whatever it took to get her to be that person once again. To right his wrongs and rewrite how their story ended. 
The sun had just started to rise above the horizon and the other residents of the Burrow were not yet awake. Y/N stumbled midstep as she attempted to make her way into the bathroom. She thought that she was perfectly capable of bringing herself to wash and get ready for the day in the shared bathroom, but she was proven wrong. 
A small gasp escaped her lips as she felt her body falling. She was still recovering from whatever curse had been shot at her, therefore she wasn’t in full control of all her limbs yet. But she was stubborn, and she overexerted herself everyday. 
Before she could hit the ground and cause even more damage to herself, a pair of strong arms caught her. 
Ron’s bright blue eyes locked with hers and she felt her heart stutter. 
It had been almost a week since his unannounced arrival, and she hadn’t spoken a word to him. She could barely even look him in the eyes without wanting to burst into tears. 
Quickly, she gathered as much strength as she could muster and she stood, albeit shakily. No words were exchanged between the two of them, but Ron didn’t let go of her until she was safely in the bathroom. 
When the door closed behind her, she breathed a sigh of relief. It was all too confusing, being so near him after all of this time. She didn’t know if she had it in her to actually have a conversation with him, not without bringing up feelings she worked so hard to repress. 
Still, when she finished washing up and opened the door to the bathroom, she was not as surprised to find Ron still standing there. 
“C’mon, I’ll help you to your room,” he spoke, holding out his arm. When she hesitated, he let at an almost inaudible sigh, “We don’t have to talk. I just want to make sure that you don’t have another incident like earlier.” 
Y/N closed her eyes for a brief moment, weighing her options. Ultimately, she knew that risking another fall was not something she wanted to do, so she gently took his arm. True to his word, Ron didn’t bother trying to speak with her, but on the inside, his heart was stuttering at being in such close proximity with her. 
And so began his habit of being her caretaker. 
Over the next few days, it was rare to see Y/N without Ron by her side. He was the support that she needed, both physically and emotionally, though she never spoke to him directly. Her communication came in gentle touches, squeezes of the arm when pain would shoot up her spine or hitches of the breath whenever the redressing of her wounds would sting a little too much. 
He made up for the silence on her end, whispering words of encouragement and comfort. 
“I’ve got you.” 
“You’re doing so great, love.” 
“Let me help you.” 
Little by little Y/N’s resolve began to crumble. 
One night, as he dropped her off at her room for bed, she caved. 
“Ron,” she said, watching his retreating figure. His whole body tensed before he slowly turned around. 
“Is everything alright?” he asked, eyebrows knitted in concern, “Are you hurting? What do you need me to do?”
Her heart cracked at the sight of the man in front of her, so selfless in his love and care for her, even if she had been so cold and distant in return, “I–I wanted to talk.” 
The simple sentence seemed to have broken whatever wall that stood between the two of them. 
Ron swallowed, “Right, right. Of course.”
“You can come inside, you know.” She cracked a smile in his direction. 
The moment he took a seat on one of the chairs in the room, Y/N had no clue what to say. It was as if everything that had plagued her mind for the past week had disappeared.
Before she could open her mouth, he spoke, “I wanted to apologize.”
He nervously fidgeted in his seat, “For–Well, for how things had ended between the two of us.” Another pause. “I didn’t say what I meant to say and everything kind of just ended so quickly, and you didn’t–you don’t–deserve that.” 
“Right.” Y/N nodded her head, her mind going on overdrive. 
“And,” he swallowed again, nervously, “When I heard about how you got hurt, I–I couldn’t imagine what it would be like not having you in my life. Being on the run, I would stay up all night hoping not to hear your name on the radio, and when I got home, it was like my worst nightmares were coming true.
“What are you trying to say, Ron?” She asked, meeting his eyes for the first time since he sat down, “I don’t understand.” 
“What I’m trying to say is that I love you, Y/N. And I want to fight for us, for our future together.” 
To fight just a little 
To bring back the fire in her eyes
Y/N was stood by the door frame, observing Ron as he packed and repacked his bag. Too much time had passed since he was last with Harry and Hermione, she knew that. It was time for him to try and find them, to go back on the run and make sure that they found whatever it was that they were looking for. 
Still, her heart ached at the thought of him leaving again. 
“Honestly, Ron, you’ve packed that bag enough times. You have what you need,” She teased, finally willing herself to enter the room. 
His head snapped up, not knowing that she had been standing there, “Just nervous. I don’t wanna forget something and not be able to come back.” 
She only hummed in response, wrapping her arms around his torso, savoring the feeling of his body pressed against hers. 
“I’m going to miss you.” She mumbled against the fabric of his shirt. 
Ron sighed and tightened his hold on her, “I’m going to miss you too.”
She leant back, making sure to look him in the eyes, “You better come back to me. Merlin knows I’d figure out a way to murder you in the afterlife if you don’t.”
The pair of them stared at each other for a second before bursting into laughter. He shook his head in disbelief at her statement, “Of course you would. And I promise I’ll come back to you, I just have a job to do.” 
Neither of them moved from their position. They stayed wrapped in each other’s arms for as long as they could, slightly swaying from side to side. It wasn’t said, but both knew that Ron would have to make his leave sooner or later. 
When the time finally came, he let out a breath and pulled away slightly. 
“I love you, Y/N.” He whispered. 
“I love you too.” 
Then, his lips pressed against hers softly and her eyes closed. This wasn’t just a kiss to them, it was a promise. A promise to fight for each other, to fight for their futures. A promise that they would see each other again and that they would live the lives they planned out together. 
It was chaos. 
The amount of relief and celebration that those who found themselves in the Great Hall after the Dark Lord’s fall felt was euphoric. People gathered together in groups, tears in their eyes, hugging and laughing and letting out sighs of relief. 
Y/N’s eyes nervously scanned the room for the familiar blue eyes she was desperate to find. She sat with the rest of the Weasleys, near the cot where Fred had laid, but he soon joined them in their vigil waiting for the last of their brood to arrive. 
“Y/N!” A voice yelled from across the room. 
She spun around to see Ron nearly sprinting towards her. A relieved laugh escaped her lips just as he reached her, tackling her into the biggest hug she had ever received. Unable to stop them, tears escaped her eyes as she gripped onto him, unbelievably grateful that she had this wonderful man in her arms again.
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” She whispered as they released their grips on each other ever so slightly. 
“Me too.” 
And then his lips were on hers and they shared a passionate kiss. 
general taglist: @expectoevans​ @george-fabian-weasley​ @gxthsanrio​ @slytherinscribbles​ @harpyloon​
message to be added or removed!! 
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Begged and Borrowed Time 2/? Hermione x Draco
by RomanticMisanthrope on Ao3!
CW: For this chapter, none. For future chapters, Explicit.
Read Chapters 1-7 here
Chapter 2: The Nerve to Adore You
Draco waited impatiently for Hermione to return. She had excused herself quickly and quietly, and without so many words as "Just a moment." He was alone in the bare hospital room once again.
Draco tried to remember his life twelve days ago, just before the attack, searching for a clue as to why his wife wasn't wearing her ring. Why she hadn't so much as touched him. An argument, surely. That could be the only reason for her coldness. Draco nodded to himself and closed his eyes.
What had that morning looked like?
He had woken up early, far before the sun had even thought to drift through the clouds that lingered around the manor in the early winter. Next to him, curly hair had fanned out over the satin pillow.
It was Friday. Her day off.
Draco had watched her even breaths, mesmerized as always by how beautiful she looked even in soft light just before true dawn. In their sleep they had drifted closer, her legs slotted between his own. Limbs that couldn't bear to be apart, even in the night.
Hermione Granger had always been wonderful to look at, but Draco loved the private moments that belonged to him and him alone. Granger, his Granger, asleep beside him without a single line of worry on her face. Granger in the manor library, excited to learn ancient healing spells Merlin himself couldn't find the original author for.
Hermione, as he sometimes whispered to her, catching her falling asleep in front of the fire.
Overwhelmed by a sudden stab of longing, Draco reached out to caress her face. A barely-there stroke using the pads of his fingers, unable to fight against the need to touch her but still not wishing her to wake.
Yes, he thought. She was real.
Sometimes he found it hard to believe. He wondered tirelessly how he had redeemed himself. How the brightest witch of her age had found the will to forgive him. He knew better not to question his luck.
As a Malfoy, he learned not to forsake an opportunity when it arose. He simply took it, planning on never giving her a reason to go back on the forgiveness she had afforded him. Malfoy's never gave up their valuable assets or investments, and Granger was his most prized possession (if one could even reduce someone of her magnitude to an analogy of ownership). Forever.
It seemed that even unconscious, she felt his touch, turning slightly toward the warmth of his palm. Draco let himself indulge in a few more moments of peace, drinking in the freckles that littered her cheeks, before sliding quietly and deftly out of bed. The cold that hit him had more to do with loss than temperature. In his mind, something tempted him to crawl back in bed, to stay as long as possible.
He dressed for the day, donning his Auror robes and whispering a final incantation before exiting the chambers.
"Producat rosa florere."
A single rose lay on the pillow where he rested his head just moments before. A parting gift for her. A reminder that she was not waking up entirely alone. Draco smiled his secret smile.
Then, he left.
There was no reason for Hermione to be upset with him, unless she had suddenly grown to despise roses between sleep and wake. He had it on good authority, however, that she favored the roses in the manor garden more than most other flowers. Was it just a bad day at work?
Draco felt the confusion muddle in his brain, swelling forward through his memories like a dark cloud. Pin pricks of pain had made their way to the backs of his eyes—the hints of a migraine on its way.
Before he could summon her again, a knock resounded at the door. He hoped, fervently, that his wife would cast a lenio before asking any more questions, or maybe a calming draught. His legs ached in competition with his head.
Instead of just Hermione, three other healers accompanied her and waltzed into the room, carrying with them a serious air. If Draco felt tension before, it was quite palpable now.
"Mr. Malfoy, I'm Healer Quintrel," the first man introduced himself. He too wore long, navy robes. "I'm head of the Retitentia and Neurobiology unit here at St. Mungo's. With me are Healer Singh and Healer Anderson. Both of them are recent Cambridge graduates with specializations in psuedomemory distortion."
Quintrel gestured to another man and woman, both looking exceedingly young next to the old wizard. They nodded at Draco, bearing the same composing indifference Hermione had greeted him with.  She watched, standing closest to the door. When Draco looked at her, she glanced away and stared intently at her notes.
She was avoiding him.
Draco cleared his throat, growing more frustrated. Had she really been upset about a flower? There must be something else.
"Hello, Healer Quintrel. Singh. Anderson." Draco nodded at each of them, waiting for Quintrel to resume speaking, or to preform diagnostics.
"Will I be released now, or are you looking to run more tests?" Draco continued after silence still permitted the air. He wondered if they were looking for permission for his participation in a clinical trial. Cambridge graduates must have a habit of doing that. He assumed a coma would be quite intriguing to them.
"I'm afraid that we have some questions before we can discuss the possibility of release. We of course need to run some basic diagnostics, but my colleagues and I have a few questions to ask you per Healer Granger's spoken concerns." Quintrel waved his wand and Draco felt a sudden chill run through him from head to toe. Within moments, a detailed diagram of Draco's body scan was projected above him.
Quintrel enlarged Draco's head, focusing on the part of his brain that seemed to be lit up with a hundreds of little neon lights.
Pins on a map, he thought to himself.
"Right now, we are looking at your temporal lobe and the two parts of your brain that have been greatest affected by your—" Quintrel paused and looked at Hermione. "By your accident."
"This is your hippocampus, Mr. Malfoy. It is responsible for forming and indexing episodic memories. Right next to it is your amygdala, which is responsible for your emotions. The two work together, you see. Symbiotically they control the filing system of your brain. In a way, they are the writers and producers of your life's library," Quintrel summarized.
Draco nodded, still confused about all of the lights.
"Those little pins—thousands of them—are memories that we believe have been altered by the curse that struck you."
Altered memories. Draco frowned, but Quintrel pushed on, unfazed.
"You see, we had no idea if there would be lasting damage. Granger here is one of our top researchers and healers in neurology and curses. She was able to repair the synapses and pathways that had been fried and fractured by the curse you sustained." Draco turned to look at Hermione who did not meet his eyes, but shuffled her feet somewhat impatiently.
"However, suffering curse damage that deep, especially under the duress that you did, does not bode for a full recovery. While we were, of course, impressed by Granger and the repairs she was able to preform, we also prepared for the possibility of amnesia or other neurological disorders. That is why—" Quentril gestured to Singh and Anderson, "my colleagues are here. We have great reason to believe based off of Healer Granger's initial observations, that you are suffering from a disorder known as pseudo memory distortion."
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