#merlin s2
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merlinemrys · 2 years ago
the narrative is SO mean to merlin in s2 especially. arthur took a possessed cedric as a servant, druids died when merlin sent morgana to them, gaius gets imprisoned and interrogated by aredian bc merlin wanted to do a little fun bit of magic, he falls in love with freya and she dies, he has to lie to arthur so he won't kill his tyrant dad, he has to poison morgana so that camelot won't die, and then merlin has to set kilgarrah free and then he wrecks havoc on camelot... it is unbearable how much the narrative MAKES merlin hide his magic even further
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lesbicosmos · 11 months ago
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first watch: ew, pompous egotist
second watch, after you know his mother died in childbirth and he thinks it was his fault:
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samwinjester · 8 months ago
Merlin & Arthur | Happier
I'm trying this out again, starting with uploading this old Merlin and Arthur project set to the beautiful song. This video captures the ups and downs of their incredible friendship and all those heartfelt moments that made us fall in love with their story. 💖✨
Oh, ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you
But ain't nobody need you like I do
I know that there's others that deserve you
But my darlin', I am still in love with you
"Happier" by Ed Sheeran
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ramblings-of-lola · 10 months ago
@swans-chirping-in-the-distance @gay-for-zoya, here's an update for you, if you're curious.
I'm a few episodes into season 2 of Merlin and I need to rant about the ships.
I have a very loose knowledge about the mythology surrounding Arthur and Camelot, but one thing I do know was that Guinevere left Arthur for Lancelot. This kind of seems to be happening now (I just watched the episode where Gwen gets kidnapped). Honestly, I think I ship Gwen with Lancelot a bit more. But I did ship her with Merlin in the first season because of their similar personalities but I think a friendship between them is totally fine. I thought Arthur might have liked Morgana in the first season, which felt a little odd to me because Uther, Arthur's father, is her adopted father, so I saw their relationship as siblings, especially since they tease and bicker like siblings all the time. Then Arthur has feelings for Gwen this season, which honestly felt very sudden to me but I was okay with it. Then Lancelot returned when Gwen was kidnapped and I'm a bit torn.
What this all boils down to is that ships have been teased in all different directions, it's slightly confusing me, and I think I just need to sit back and see what happens. Hopefully I don't get too into a ship and get my heart broken down the road.
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realllism · 1 year ago
people annoyed that merlin would promise to run away with freya and leave everyone behind missing the context of that episode being set right after ‘the sins of the father’, where arthur literally thanked merlin for reminding him that magic was pure evil
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none-ofthisnonsense · 1 year ago
Merlin S2E11, “The Witch’s Quickening”
I am SO excited for this episode. The title is already amazing. And I’m weak for witches. Bring it on!
Okay so convoy with a Camelot knight. So far nothing out of the ordinary
So they’ve infiltrated Camelot. Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool.
Merlin can hear them!
Oh I think he knows Morgana may have magic. 
“A weapon powerful enough” looking at Mordred…
Okay but a crystal is definitely not the only thing in the vaults of Camelot. Incidentally there’s a dragon there too, waiting to be freed.
Merlin is going to look so foolish and for nothing
That music again…
Okay what the fuck does Morgana think Merlin thinks?
Merlin definitely knows what’s going on. 
It’s being enraged at both Uther and Arthur time.
Oh Merlin has grown since the start of the series. I like this side of him. (And he’s asking the right questions!)
So Mordred and Morgana together = disaster
Morgana don’t be mean to Gwen she doesn’t deserve it
Oh so Mordred’s seen Merlin! Potentially.
Please don’t flirt with Morgana. Thank god she rejected him. 
Merlin and Morgana having eye contact gives me life. And Morgana definitely knows they’re onto her.
They are SUCH siblings
I’ve just realised how ironic it is for the Pendragon animal to be a dragon. (Though. PenDRAGON.)
They’ve chosen sides.
Merlin has the power.
Hey, Arthur? Maybe don’t give the crystal to Merlin? (I really love this episode’s Merlin portrayal.)
Oh suddenly I’m scared of Morgana.
Okay so that just happened. It’s officially war between Morgana and Uther.
Gwen cares for Morgana. And doesn’t know what happened. I wonder whose side she’s going to take. (I would say Morgana’s.)
Unrelated but I love Alvarr’s boots. (Though I’m weak for boots in general.)
Merlin knows.
Not sure the dragon talking to Merlin in his mind is a good sign.
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alex-the-bringer-of-chaos · 7 months ago
@justaz, you think you're gonna make me rb this again due to your banger tags? Well, you will!
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2x04 || 3x07
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splashstar01 · 1 month ago
Aaaahhhhh I’m so emotional rn, I’m reading the official Merlin book and FUCKING FUCK FUCKERY, IT’S SOOOOOOOO GAY. I ALMOST CRIED!!!!!!!!!!!! Arthur keeps looking for Merlin in the crowd when he’s fighting in the tournament and THEN HE WAS THINKING ABOUT HOW MERLIN WAS THE ONLY FACE HE WANTED TO SEE. NOT HIS FATHER’S, OR MORGANAS, OR GWEN’S!!!! And then when he finally found Merlin, THE BOOK SED THAT THEY STARED AT EACH OTHER. STAREEEEEED. until Merlin finally broke it by grinning really widely. Fuuuuuuuckkkk. AND THIS IS THE SECOND. EPISODE. SECOND!!!!!!!! U can’t tell me that on the last one they aren’t gayer than gay pornOH MY FUUUCKING
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poisonedfate · 11 months ago
“why is merlin always in situations?”
this is merlin 70% of the time:
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merlinemrys · 2 years ago
merlin’s “it’s more than fine” to gwen kissing him 🤝 arthur’s “no, my pleasure” when gwen is lying fully on top of him
they r so stupid and enamoured with gwen it’s honestly achingly sweet
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devonsrugbyexgirlfriend · 11 months ago
#my favourite part about the madness of gestures wildly at this is how the context changes
#the first one arthur's deliberately trying to subjugate/ intimidate merlin (or at least lord his physical and social superiority over him)
#the second one arthur still does it roughly but it's to subdue merlin - it's to get him to stop acting feral for one second and listen
#arthur does it because he knows merlin now - even empathises with his anger - and knows that it's the only way to talk him down #and merlin knows it too
#it's so intimate!!! and not just physically!!! they know how to navigate each other now!!! it sends me every time (via @inkmyth)
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1x01 // 2x07
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lesbicosmos · 11 months ago
new merlin fic!!
every time i watch s2 ep3 i can't help thinking how much would have been different if merlin had just ignored the dragon and told morgana about his magic. i genuinely think s3-5 would have gone so much differently, and for the better for all the characters.
but this is my rewrite of that ep with the magic reveal!!
s2 ep3 but if merlin ignored what gaius and the dragon told him and tells morgana about his magic.
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noodles-and-tea · 1 year ago
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ramblings-of-lola · 9 months ago
@swans-chirping-in-the-distance and @gay-for-zoya, I finished season 2 of Merlin and I have many thoughts and emotions with the last few episodes.
Let's start with Merlin attempting to kill Morgana. I wasn't expecting him to actually go through with it. Whenever the Dragon has advised Merlin to kill someone or let them die, he finds a way around it. I was expecting that to happen again and it didn't, even though Merlin told Morgause the poison he used so she could save Morgana. I have a feeling these two sisters are going to be a very dangerous and powerful force in the next season.
Merlin letting the Dragon go was heartbreaking in a way. Merlin knows that the Dragon is going to attack Camelot but he made a promise that he can't stall anymore.
The plot line with Merlin finding his father Balinor and his death broke me. Merlin has always felt alone with his magic and then he found his father who he inherited his magic from only to have him be killed. Merlin's breakdown and seeing his grief was horrible. And he can't tell anyone but Gaius why Balinor meant so much to him.
I really liked that Merlin is a dragon lord; it's an interesting plotline.
Uther resisting Arther's decision to face the Dragon and die, I think, might be rooted in his hatred and guilt around magic. I loved when Uther said "my concern is for you" and Arther replied with "my concern is for Camelot". It really shows the difference in their views towards ruling. For Uther, Arthur is a way his legacy and power can continue while Arther genuinely cares for his country and people.
Also, this is kind of obvious but not only is Merlin saving a country that would have him killed, he isn't from Camelot, so he's also saving a country he's not from.
If the Dragon returns to Camelot, Merlin threatened to kill him and he would because he poisoned Morgana to save Camelot. He's proved to himself and the Dragon he will put Arther and Camelot over his moral qualm about killing.
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twistedshipper · 5 months ago
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Gothic fiction is characterized by an environment of fear, the threat of supernatural events, and the intrusion of the past upon the present. . . . From the castles, dungeons, forests, and hidden passages of the Gothic novel genre emerged female Gothic. . . . Female Gothic narratives focus on such topics as a persecuted heroine fleeing from a villainous father and searching for an absent mother.
When the female Gothic coincides with the explained supernatural the natural cause of terror is not the supernatural, but female disability and societal horrors: rape, incest, and the threatening control of a male antagonist. Female Gothic novels also address women's discontent with patriarchal society, their difficult and unsatisfying maternal position, and their role within that society. Women's fears of entrapment in the domestic, their bodies, marriage, childbirth, or domestic abuse commonly appear in the genre.
After the characteristic Gothic Bildungsroman-like plot sequence, female Gothic allowed readers to grow from "adolescence to maturity" in the face of the realized impossibilities of the supernatural. As protagonists such as Adeline in The Romance of the Forest learn that their superstitious fantasies and terrors are replaced by natural cause and reasonable doubt, the reader may grasp the heroine's true position: "The heroine possesses the romantic temperament that perceives strangeness where others see none. Her sensibility, therefore, prevents her from knowing that her true plight is her condition, the disability of being female."
🌹 𝔐𝔬𝔯𝔤𝔞𝔫𝔞 & 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔉𝔢𝔪𝔞𝔩𝔢 𝔊𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔠🥀
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none-ofthisnonsense · 1 year ago
Merlin S2E13, “The Last Dragonlord”
Okay so Camelot is under attack. It has been for two nights.
Oh, this is what Merlin foresaw in the crystal…
I like how this is directed. (And am also severely judging the “putting fire on arrows” part of it.)
NO CLEAN WATER? This is a big problem. 
“Clear the square” and Gwen is there…
Is Arthur wounded?
Can the others hear the dragon talk? Because if so Merlin is in severe trouble.
Gaius isn’t dressed like he usually is and it confuses me.
Oh they’re being attacked by a dragon AND they’re at war! Why was this never mentioned before? I thought Cenred was part of the Five Kings?
Arthur will be a better king than his father.
Why would Hunith mention him? Oh wow they have history.
He did have a right to know. He grew up without a dad… even if now he has Gaius.
Huh, it’s pronounced with a soft C? I was pronouncing it as “Kenred”.
I’ve never seen Arthur be more awkward.
Okay that’s not just a scratch.
Okay but Arthur having such fast reflexes and threatening that guy is a good look on him.
Arthur’s wound is much worse than I thought it was.
Is that Balinor? He doesn’t look like what I thought.
Does Balinor know he’s with his son?
It’s nice to know the dragon’s name.
So Balinor did love Hunith.
Merlin you need a hug,
Seeing Camelot’s destruction in silence gives it a whole other dimension.
Gwen, did you really think you could hide it from Gaius? The man holds 90% of all the secrets in Camelot. His adoptive son is a warlock and the son of a Dragonlord, for goodness’ sake, he can definitely keep your secret, Gwen!
It’s nice to see Merlin and Arthur back to their usual banter. Though Merlin still isn’t his usual self. I suppose that’s normal.
Merlin is on the verge of tears.
Ah, yes. The love language of giving firewood. 
Merlin’s pure joy at finally having a father…
Merlin’s learnt to fight.
He’s proud of his son… I’m totally not crying.
Leon never disappoints. (I like Leon.)
Gaius, you need to give Merlin a hug.
If Arthur dies, Merlin is going to lose his father and his best friend (and arguably his soulmate according to what Kilgharrah said) in a very short span of time. I’m not sure he’d recover. (But also I want to read that fic.)
I love this episode. And that scene between Merlin and Arthur in the armoury is great.
It’s amazing how good Colin Morgan’s acting is when speaking what’s, intelligibly, nonsense.
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