#merlin 2x07
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devonsrugbyexgirlfriend · 11 months ago
#my favourite part about the madness of gestures wildly at this is how the context changes
#the first one arthur's deliberately trying to subjugate/ intimidate merlin (or at least lord his physical and social superiority over him)
#the second one arthur still does it roughly but it's to subdue merlin - it's to get him to stop acting feral for one second and listen
#arthur does it because he knows merlin now - even empathises with his anger - and knows that it's the only way to talk him down #and merlin knows it too
#it's so intimate!!! and not just physically!!! they know how to navigate each other now!!! it sends me every time (via @inkmyth)
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1x01 // 2x07
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merlinemrys · 2 years ago
the narrative is SO mean to merlin in s2 especially. arthur took a possessed cedric as a servant, druids died when merlin sent morgana to them, gaius gets imprisoned and interrogated by aredian bc merlin wanted to do a little fun bit of magic, he falls in love with freya and she dies, he has to lie to arthur so he won't kill his tyrant dad, he has to poison morgana so that camelot won't die, and then merlin has to set kilgarrah free and then he wrecks havoc on camelot... it is unbearable how much the narrative MAKES merlin hide his magic even further
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adhd-merlin · 8 months ago
*based on my observations and my subjective opinion!! don't come at me with data. unpopular episodes I don't like did not qualify (4x08 I'm looking at you).
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dearest-lady-disdain · 2 years ago
hello and welcome to the bi-yearly celebration of bradley james' bloody death in a season finale of a tv show that has rewired my brain
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godmerlin · 7 months ago
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Merlin 2x07 The Witchfinder
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aceofwhump · 1 year ago
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Day 1 : “But now this room is spinning while I’m trying just to fill in all the gaps.” - Swooning
Game of Thrones 3x05 | Iron Fist 1x09 | Supergirl 2x07 | Bull 4x15 | Merlin 4x01 | The Umbrella Academy 1x09 | Ted Lasso 3x02 | The Mentalist 1x16 | Our Flag Means Dead 1x06 | Gracepoint | Ode to Joy
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
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rapha-reads · 29 days ago
My brain makes me the weirdest connections sometimes. Here I am enjoying my reread of Six of Crows when I come to Kaz reminiscing about Jordie:
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"In the years after, Kaz would always wonder what might have happened if Jordie hadn't indulged him, if they'd gone to the harbour instead, or if they'd simply been walking, on the other side of the canal. He wanted to believe that might have made a difference, but the older he got, the more he doubted it would have mattered at all."
And my brain immediately went "Ooooh, Louis' monologue at the of I Could Not Prevent It" (I think it's 2x07? Might have been 2x08 though):
"Wear a different suit the night you meet Lestat at the Fairplay, snatch the piece of candy back from the barber when you're seven years old... Would I have been stronger sooner? Would I have resisted Lestat two decades later? Snatch the candy! Be the man in the different suit. But the suit changes nothing, and again, I'm kissing Lestat on the altar."
Clearly I like my boys tortured and morally grey at a minimum, or fully unhinged at best. *points at Kaz Brekker, Louis de Pointe du Lac, Jason Todd, Merlin...*
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thedragonlies · 2 months ago
Careful Ministrations and Illicit Inspirations
Morgana finally has a pleasant dream. A coda of sorts to 2x07 (The Witchfinder).
Pairings: Merlin/Arthur, Morgana/Gwen
Rating: E
Warnings: Accidental voyeurism via prophetic dream
Read it on AO3
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devonsrugbyexgirlfriend · 29 days ago
Jess Watches // Thu 30 Jan // Day 478 & Fri 31 Jan // Day 479 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
The Resident (with mum) 4x08 First Days, Last Days
On Nic's first day back at Chastain, the man who attacked her is admitted to the ER, causing her to confront her trauma head-on. Cain, now in recovery, is self-conscious of his physical state and sets his eye on taking down Mina.
I'm enjoying Cain still being an an arsehole tbh. His injury wasn't enough of a wake up call to reevaluate who he has become. I just really hope he hasn't ruined Mina's career and visa status. 😬
Merlin 3x13 The Coming of Arthur: Part Two
The new queen of Camelot proves to be far crueler than Uther, who is made to watch from his dungeon as she slaughters innocents. Guinevere helps Sir Leon escape from prison and joins her brother Elyan, Gaius, Merlin, Arthur and Gwaine, who are hiding in the woods.
Morgana, to Uther: First I want you to suffer as I suffered. To know what it's like to be alone and afraid. To be disgusted with who and what you are.
Me: *screams* [windows explode, walls crack and collapse] *flees into the woods*
Severance (with mum) 2x03 Who Is Alive?
Mark, Helly, Irving, and Dylan search for answers.
Pairings I want to know more about: Helena & Cobel (malice), Milchick and Natalie (dread), Irving and Felicia (frolic), Dylan and Gretchen (woe), Devon and Reghabi (manifest).
XO, Kitty 2x07 Kiss of Death & 2x08 Sealed with a Kiss (s2 Finale)
On the eve of the Cherry Blossom Ball, Kitty focuses on family while following a hunch about Stella. Yuri helps Dae prepare for his performance. / Dreams hang in the balance as Stella's concert plan comes together. With emotions running high, will Kitty reveal her feelings before the semester ends?
Vanderjesus Big sister visits are always the best and it was so heartwarming to see their family reconnecting after so many years. And Kitty showing her progress in making less impulsive decisions in realizing it wasn't the right time to kiss Minho and declare her feelings. Not just yet anyways. Also, is Kim Dae the Korean Craig David? I'll be humming his song seven days a week.
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merlinemrys · 2 years ago
i love that aredian managed to name merlin as the sorcerer by planting evidence and not, like, knowing merlin is an actual sorcerer. so close to the truth and yet so far from reality
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thisisjustmefangirling · 1 year ago
Merlin rewatch, 2x07 : "The Witchfinder"
Rewatched on the 21rst of March, 2024.
Poor Merlin just wanted to have fun and be himself in the woods and it started a witch hunt.
It's funny how so many "Game of thrones" actors were on "Merlin" first. Charles Dance is impressive. I like seeing him act with Anthony Head.
Incredible how the witchfinder talks to Uther "You've gotten too soft". Who talks to a king like that ?
Only a witchfinder can make Uther look not genocidal enough...
Poor Morgana is scared to death. She's so sure she'll be found out and burnt.
Everybody's reaction to Merlin being accused of sorcery is interesting. Morgana is very relieved, and shaken. Arthur and Gwen are confused and clearly don't believe it. Arthur particularly seems to think it's the stupidest thing he's ever heard.
My video player is buffering and I can see Arthur's full outfit and once again, I think this is not an outfit good enough for a prince. A Crown Prince. The fabrics should look better and more expensive.
Leon is so eager to be a good cop and find proof that Merlin is guilty...
Until that episode, Arthur has no idea that Gaius used to practice sorcery. "We must give him benefit of the doubt, surely". I like that Arthur is not that keen on witch hunting. He was eager to please his father at the beginning of the episode and search for the person who had played with the smoke, but who can say he would have been thorough in his search ?
What a shame Merlin only had Gaius and Kilgarrah to guide him... They were both not that good for him. He was so young.
"If you were to die, you would endanger the lives of all those who rely on you." Merlin would do well to remember this.
Argh Gaius you're accidentally putting Morgana in danger !
When Gaius "confesses", Arthur looks directly at Merlin to see how he's reacting. My Merthur heart !
I think it's so interesting to see how Uther reacts to Gaius being accused of sorcery, facing the possibility of torture, and hearing him confess. He wants to trust Gaius, and he doesn't wish him harm. "By the laws of Camelot, I must sentence you... to death". MUST ! That pause ! Uther doesn't want to do it ! He turns away to face his throne. I think Merlin is going to remember this later and he would probably know that Arthur wouldn't want to sentence him but he would feel like he has to do it because it's the law.
Arthur's eyes are not on Gaius as he's being taken away. They're still on Merlin. He's so attentive to Merlin. And then he physically drags him away from the room. "I'll deal with this". "Breaking the law" for Merlin. I love him <3
It's nice to see Gwen and Merlin being partners in crime and justice again !
Arthur asking to show Gaius some respect <3
Damn Gwen really knew what to say to Arthur... She didn't even play on his crush for her, she went right for the jugular, reminding him he let her father die on false accusations of sorcery, and "I thought you were a prince, so act like one" and "do the right thing".
The toad was a bit too much indeed.
That antefinal scene between Gaius and Uther was interesting. It's the first time I see Gaius standing up to Uther. I'm actually impressed that Uther apologised. He said "sorry". I didn't think it was in his temper.
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xviruserrorx · 1 year ago
Merlin Tags
#bbc merlin
#merlin s1 : 1x01 - 1x02 - 1x03 - 1x04 - 1x05 - 1x06 - 1x07 - 1x08 - 1x09 - 1x10 - 1x11 - 1x12 - 1x13
#merlin s2 : 2x01 - 2x02 - 2x03 - 2x04 - 2x05 - 2x06 - 2x07 - 2x08 - 2x09 - 2x10 - 2x11 - 2x12 - 2x13
#merlin s3 : 3x01 - 3x02 - 3x03 - 3x04 - 3x05 - 3x06 - 3x07 - 3x08 - 3x09 - 3x10 - 3x11 - 3x12 - 3x13
#merlin s4 : 4x01 - 4x02 - 4x03 - 4x04 - 4x05 - 4x06 - 4x07 - 4x08 - 4x09 - 4x10 - 4x11 - 4x12 - 4x13
#merlin s5 : 5x01 - 5x02 - 5x03 - 5x04 - 5x05 - 5x06 - 5x07 - 5x08 - 5x09 - 5x10 - 5x11 - 5x12 - 5x13
Main: arthur pendragon | morgana pendragon | guinevere pendragon | merlin emrys | sir gwaine | sir elyan | sir lancelot | sir percival | sir leon | sir mordred | gaius the court physician | uther pendragon | agravain de bois
Side: mithian of nemeth | ygraine de bois | bbcm sefa | bbcm freya | bbcm morgause | bbcm nimueh | bbcm iseldir | king cenred | geoffrey of monmouth | alator of the catha |
One Off: bbcm daegal | bbcm kara | eoghan the map makers apprentice | bbcm gilli | edwin muirden | tyr seward | will of ealdor | elena of gawant | princess vivian | anhora keeper of the unicorns | tristan de bois | bbcm alvarr | bbcm enmyria | julius borden | bbcm aglain | lady catrina | aredian the witchfinder | knight valiant | king alined | the cailleach | bbcm tauren
Extra: knight!merlin | shade!lancelot | enchanted!arthur | enchanted!gwen |
Ships: (that I know of)
Arthur: #arlance | #arlyan | # armor | #arwen
Gwaine: #gwaincelot | #gwainevere
Merlin: #merthur | #mergwen | #mergana | #merwaine | #merlance | #merleon | #merwill | #merthian |
Morgana: #morgwen |
Percival: #perwaine | #perlyan |
| #geon | #morgal | #morra
Poly ships:
#merwaincelot | #mergwenthur | #mergwainthur | #merlyanthur |
Group Tags:
pendragon house
pendragon siblings
smith siblings
knights of camelot
people of the old religion
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bbcmerlinbracket · 2 years ago
Episode descriptions under the cut (contains spoilers).
1x01 The Dragon’s Call
Merlin arrives in Camelot, meets the Great Dragon, and gets appointed as Arthur’s manservant in payment for saving Arthur’s life.
3x01 The Tears of Uther Pendragon Part 1
After a year of searching, Morgana is finally found, but all is not well. With Uther becoming rapidly untethered from reality, Merlin puts his life on the line to figure out whose side Morgana is on.
4x02 The Darkest Hour Part 2
Merlin and Lancelot hurry to catch up with the knights before Arthur sacrifices himself and Lancelot sacrifices himself instead. Meanwhile, Morgana tries to kill Gwen and sends Agravaine sniffing for information on who Emrys is.
3x06 The Changeling
Arthur gets engaged to a less-than-polite young woman who turns out to be a fairy changeling. Merlin and Gaius step in to battle her inhuman nanny and save Arthur and the changeling before the wedding.
2x07 The Witchfinder
Uther’s witchfinder accuses Merlin of magic, but Gaius takes the fall for him. Merlin has to expose the witchfinder’s false evidence to save Gaius from being burned at the stake.
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arthursshittypoetry · 4 years ago
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Merlin & Arthur in Every Episode - 2x07 “The Witchfinder”
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shut-up-merlin · 4 years ago
I love how in The Witchfinder, when Merlin runs up to the douchebag Witchfinder, calling him a liar, Arthur is there in half a second. Arthur cuddles manhandles Merlin out of the throne room, telling him “I’ll handle this”.
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Arthur knew Merlin would try to do something stupid brave, and was ready. When Gaius is being taken away you can see Arthur behind the Witchfinder, looking in Merlin’s direction, not at Gaius. He worries about Merlin and even more about Merlin’s reaction. That’s why he was there to protect him before any of the guards even noticed something had happened. He was already holding Merlin before Uther even called for the guards.
The same thing happened before, when the Witchfinder accused Merlin. Arthur was the first to react, to openly question the accusation. To protect Merlin by forcing his father to gather some actual evidence before burning the love of his life Merlin on the stake.
It’s a wonder Arthur ever got anything even remotely princely done, with how hard he focused on Merlin’s every move... 24/7.
Everything else in that scene breaks my heart, though. Poor Gaius.
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lighthouse-on-the-sea · 5 years ago
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This is an almost imperceptible moment in the scene, but look at how Arthur and Merlin look at each other.
Arthur looks at Merlin with pain in his eyes, knowing that his "friend" is suffering and he can't do anything. He cannot go against his father's will and he cannot even get up and embrace Merlin, he is powerless towards the situation and it pains him.
Merlin instead is devastated, the man who is almost a father to him has just been sentenced to death and it's all his fault. He needs support so He looks at Arthur, knowing however that the other cannot do anything. The room is full of people he knows, and there are also Gwen and Morgan that have showed him much more friendship than Arthur at this point, but however, He looks at his Prince. This 2 seconds scene, says a lot about their relationship, an I find It painfully beautiful
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