At this point in my life I feel like I write a little of everything. My masterlist is pinned and was last updated 09.21.21.
Last active 3 hours ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
What the actual f*ck was that season finally. I have never been more emotionally attacked in my life.
1 hour 25 minutes
JJ realizes he has everything he needs with 13 minutes and 46 seconds left.
It is taken away from him with 12 minutes and 31 seconds left.
He dies with 10 minutes and 29 seconds left.
Plus if they had to kill him off. His death should have meant something. He should have died saving someone, which is so true to character. It felt so out of pocket since he just gave Groff the only thing he seemed to care about. Also, might be an unpopular opinion but I think it would have been more meaningful to have Pope or John B get the last goodbye
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Nothing Like Greys Anatomy (Jeremiah x Conklin Reader)
TW: Hospitals, surgery
You hated being sick. That’s probably why you chose to ignore the loss of appetite, vomiting, and fever. The stomach pain was a little more severe than normal, but you had just started working out with Jeremiah, so you figured it was a combination of sore muscles and vomiting. You decided to pop a few ibuprofens and spend the day in bed with a book. It wasn’t long before Jeremiah knocked gently on your door. “Love, are you awake?”
“Yes Jere, you can come in.”
“Why is it that my beautiful girlfriend is hiding away from the world?” he asked, being dramatic.
“I’m not feeling the best.”
“Awe, babe,” he frowned. He took in your appearance, you looked flushed. “What’s wrong? Just feeling sicky?” he asked, placing a hand on your forehead, “You definitely feel warm.”
“My stomach hurts, I’m nauseous, I kept throwing up last night, and I’m pretty sure I have a fever cause I keep getting chills.”
“Why didn’t you wake me up? I could’ve taken care of you,” he asked with pouty eyes.
“Because I’m fine Jere, I took medicine about an hour ago, I’m just waiting for it to kick in.”
“Can I get you anything? Do you want to spend the day cuddling and watching movies?”
“That sounds nice, Jere.”
You went to stand up but the dull ache on the right side of your stomach suddenly felt like it exploded. Your vision was taken over with a blinding whiteness, you cried out in pain. You would have fallen to the floor if Jeremiah wasn’t there to catch you.
“Y/n? Talk to me. What’s wrong? What happened?” He asked frantically, but you were too busy crying out in pain to respond. He shifted his weight and hoisted you into his arms bridal style. Quickly carrying you downstairs, he was met by his mom who came hurrying round the corner.
“What happened? Is she okay?”
“I don’t know, she said she wasn’t feeling well and then when she went to stand up she almost fell over.”
“Get her in the car. I’ll call her mom.”
He carried you outside and got you situated in the backseat with your head on his lap.
“You’re okay, I’ve got you, everything is going to be okay,” he promised repeatedly.
After a few minutes the pain seemed to subside. Your breathing returned to normal.
“You okay princess?” Jeremiah asked.
“It hurts Jere.”
“What hurts?”
You held your right abdomen, “Here.”
“Sounds like appendicitis” Susannah chimed in.
You groaned.
When you got to the hospital Jeremiah ran in and grabbed you a wheelchair. When they were checking your vitals they were concerned that your heart rate was elevated and that you had a 102.4 fever. This apparently was on the edge to where they could not tell whether you appendix had burst or not. They took you straight back to a room. The Doctor came in and examined you, explaining that you definitely had appendicitis. They needed to get a CT to determine if it could be treated with antibiotics, if it needed to be surgically removed, or if it had ruptured. To say you were scared was an understatement. You’d never liked hospitals and being the patient was 10 times worse.
Jeremiah was by your side the whole time. He helped you change into your gown. He held your hand as a nurse put in an IV. He even convinced the nurse to let him go down to CT with you. They made him stand in the protected room and watch while they got you all situated. He could see that you were freaking out, so he took a chance and flipped on the mic.
“Y/n you’re doing great. Just close your eyes and pretend you are floating in the pool. The space donut is going to take its pictures and I’ll be here the whole time. I promise.”
You calmed down and the radiologist thanked his and got started.
A few minutes later, you were headed back to your room. Everyone was crammed in there. Jeremiah had to sit on the end of the bed, careful to avoid your wires.
“Wow, full house in here,” the Doctor said as he walked back in, “Unfortunately, it does look like we are going to have to remove your appendix. We will do laparoscopic surgery. You should be able to go home today or tomorrow. You’ll have pain meds and antibiotics to take. Take it easy for the next two weeks and then you should be good as new. Of course you’ll need to follow-up with a primary care doctor,” he explained.
Jeremiah squeezed your hand, a silent signal that you were okay.
Your mom followed the doctor out into the hall, no doubt bombarding him with questions.
It wasn’t long before they took you to pre-op. No family allowed. Everyone wished you luck and promised they’d be there when you got back. In the room alone you were starting to freak out about everything that could go wrong. After all you had watched Greys Anatomy, you were aware that even the simplest surgeries could have fatal complications. You were so in your head that you hadn’t heard the door open.
“How’s my beautiful girl?”
“Jeremiah? You’re not supposed to be here.”
“I used my charm on one of the nurses. We only have a few minutes.”
“I’m scared,” you admitted.
“It’s okay,” he promised, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“But what if it's not?”
“Then we will figure it out. Together. I promise.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too. I’m gonna sneak out, before I get caught,” he explained before kissing you.
The next thing you remember was waking up.
“Hey there Sleeping Beauty.” Jeremiah said, standing up. “How are you feeling?”
“I feel great,” you answered, still loopy from the pain meds, “Has anyone ever told you you’re cute?”
Everyone laughed.
“Surgery went well, we should be going home today,” your mom informed you.
“You’re pretty, you know that?” you replied.
Again everyone laughed.
You well asleep again, the next time you woke up you were much more alert and oriented. This time only your mother and Jeremiah were in the room. The others had all been sent home by your mom. She would have tried to get Jeremiah to go with them, but she knew better.
"Hi there," you smiled.
"Hi there," Jeremiah answered.
"How'd it go?" you asked.
"They said once your up and walking that we can head home."
"That's good," you paused, "Did you come visit me right before or was that a dream?"
"That was real," he smiled.
"So when they say I need to be up and walking, what are we talking? Cause I'd walk a marathon to get out of this gown and back into my clothes," you joke.
Jeremiah and your mom help you to stand and you start to walk a bit. It definitely felt weird. Your mom got one of the nurses and soon enough the Doctor came back in with discharge instructions. Jere took great pleasure in wheeling you out to the car.
When you got home the whole gang had a movie night. Though you fell asleep not even a quarter of the way through the first movie. Jeremiah just held you in his arms, happy to have you home.
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Love Can Hurt (Jeremiah x Conklin Reader)
A/N: There are season 1/2 spoilers
It was rare that you came to see Susannah on your own, usually you were with your mom. You came to visit more often than Steven or Belly, both because you wanted to see Susannah and because you wanted to check in on Jeremiah. Last summer had put him in a weird spot with Conrad and Belly, so you made a point to be there for him. At least that’s what you told yourself. The truth is you have always gone out of your way for Jeremiah. So of course, you came when he asked if you could stay with his mom during homecoming, even if the phone call broke your heart.
“Hey Y/n/n, how are you doing?”
“I’m alright Jere, is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I just have a question for you.”
“Of course.”
“Homecoming is this Saturday-” you could not believe what you were hearing, Jeremiah Fisher - the boy you’ve dreamed about being with was actually, “I was planning to go with Blake, but I don’t want to leave my mom home alone. We might get a hotel room. I was hoping you could come stay the weekend. She always loves seeing you.”
Your breath caught in your throat. You had to take a second before answering so your voice wouldn’t give you away. “Of course Jere, you deserve a night to be a normal teenager without the weight of the world on your shoulders. I’ll come up Friday after school.”
“Oh my god, you’re the best. I’ll totally owe you one.”
“It’s no problem Jere, I’ll see you Friday.” You hurriedly end the call, pulling your knees to your chest. Losing the fight to keep your tears at bay. Sometimes you wished you could stop loving him.
You walked in the door with groceries and set them on the counter. Every time you visited, you would restock the cabinets and fridge. It used to be Susannah who would make sure everyone’s favorites were in the house. It was a small thing, but you felt like it was the least you could do. You went to check in on her, but she was sleeping so you decided to let her rest. You peek in Jeremiah’s room, straightening it up a bit and making his bed. He would be home soon, so you started to make him his favorite dinner.
You don’t know exactly when it happened, that you fell for him. Jeremiah always cared so much about the people around him, he was the most charismatic person you had ever met. He had this energy about him that illuminated any room he was in. Since he found out about his mom, that sparkle dimmed ever so slightly. No one seemed to really notice the toll that all of this was taking on him, except you. You could see through the fake smiles, to the sadness, stress, and fear. You tried to be there for him as much as he would let you. You comforted him through the pain Belly caused, took as much off his shoulders as you could, but you wished there was more you could do.
You were so deep in your thoughts, you hadn’t even heard him come in. “Y/n?” he called out.
“In the kitchen Jere.”
“I’m so glad you’re here,” he wrapped his arms around you from behind, resting his head in the crook of your neck. “That smells delicious, I’m gonna head up and take a shower, check on mom, okay?”
“Yeah, sure.”
The two of you ate together, catching up. He told you about being nominated homecoming king, which didn’t surprise you at all. With some convincing you got Jere to let you take care of the receipts for the insurance companies while you were there. It was one more thing to take off his plate. When you were both done eating, you took care of the leftovers and did the dishes while he went off to play video games.
The next day you spent most of your time with Susannah, who was having one of her better days. She was so excited to see Jeremiah going to Homecoming. You were doing fine with it all until his date arrived.
“Y/n, can you do me a favor and go take pictures of Jere and Blake. I don’t want to scare them away,” she smiled.
“Of course.”
You took her phone downstairs. Seeing him all dressed up, smiling, laughing, and excited brought mixed emotions. Of course you wanted him to be happy, but watching him with Blake reminded you of having to watch him with Belly this summer. There was a part of you that wished it was you.
You took the photos, wished them both fun, and went back upstairs to watch movies with Susannah. Right away, she could tell something was off. Of course she could, sometimes you wondered if she knew you better than your own mother.
“What’s on that brilliant mind of yours?” she asked, pausing the movie.
“It’s nothing important,” you reply.
“Of course it's important, because you are important.”
You didn’t know what to say, because you didn’t really know how to describe the way you were feeling without sounding pathetic.
“This wouldn’t have something to do with Jeremiah, would it?” she asked knowingly. At the mention of his name, your strategic walls came crashing down, tears escaped your eyes. “Oh honey come here,” she said, opening her arms for a hug.
“It hurt to watch him fall for Belly and watch her toss him aside for Conrad and then it hurt tonight to see him so happy with someone else. And he’s my best friend so I get a front row ticket to watch all of it, I hear about every hookup, and I see everything that he tries to hide from everyone…”
“Oh sweetie.” She had always believed that you and Jeremiah were destined for each other the same way that Belly was destined for Conrad. It took her by surprise when Jeremiah admitted feelings for Belly, somehow, she’d missed how much it had affected you.
“Love can hurt sometimes, but that’s because it's real.”
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First Kiss (Jeremiah x Reader)
You could not believe that you guys were all playing truth or dare. It felt a little middle school level to you, but you wouldn’t complain. This was the best day that the group had had in a long time and with everything that was going on with the house, it was refreshing.
“Y/n, truth or dare?” Taylor asked.
“Truth,” you answered knowing that with Taylor, it was probably the safer choice.
“Hmm, who was your first kiss?”
“I -uh- I actually haven’t had my first kiss yet,” you answered. It wasn’t something that you were ashamed of. You were not the kind of girl that needed to kiss a bunch of guys before settling down. As far as you were concerned, there was only one ocean eyed, curly haired boy that you wanted to kiss and you were willing to wait.
“Really?” Belly asked, clearly surprised.
“Yeah, well the right opportunity hasn’t presented itself.”
The rounds moved on, everyone was laughing, having a good time. And then you were up again, this time Conrad was the one who asked, “Truth or dare?”
“Dare,” you decided.
“I dare you to kiss Jeremiah.”
Conrad probably thought that he was helping you, since you had earlier told him you had a crush on Jeremiah. Well, crush wasn’t quite the right word. You were pretty sure that your heart beat for Jeremiah Fisher. You honestly can’t remember a time when you didn’t have feelings for him.
“Come on Y/n!” Taylor whooped.
You glanced up at him, cheeks no doubt cherry red. He smiled back at you. Of course he would be down for this, he was no stranger to kissing people. It wouldn’t mean anything to him, and that would devastated you. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to kiss Jeremiah, you had wanted to more than anything, just not like this. Besides, you weren’t sure if he was over Belly or not, last summer was messy.
“What are you waiting for?” Steven asked.
Seeing you hesitate, Conrad apologized, “That was stupid, I can come up with something better-”
“I actually think I’m done playing,” you decide, “You guys can keep going, I’m going to take a walk.” You missed the hurt look that crossed Jeremiah’s face.
You walked away from the group, but before you got very far a familiar voice stopped you in you tracks, “Do you think I have bad breath or something?” Jeremiah joked.
“Jere, I didn’t mean to offend you,” you said, “I’m sure you’re a great kisser.”
“Oh I am, I have references.” He smiled, stepping closer and taking your arms in his. He searched your eyes and you felt like you might melt.
“I just didn’t want to do it like that,” you admitted, “I don’t want a random kiss even if it’s from an incredible guy. I want it to be from someone who actually wants to kiss me. You know?” you say quietly.
You couldn’t ignore how he was looking at you, it was different. And the two of you were so close together.
“I’m the one who came up with the idea of daring you to kiss me,” Jeremiah admitted.
“What? Why?”
“Because I have wanted to kiss you since you got here. But I could never find the right time. So I thought the game might be the perfect excuse.”
“I don’t know why it took me so long to realize that the perfect girl was right in front of me all along. I want this Y/n,” he gestured in between the two of you, “I want to hold your hand, and dance with you in the kitchen, and take you on dates, I want all of it. If this past year has taught me anything, it's that life is short and unpredictable. And I don’t want to waste any more time.”
He waited for you to respond, but your mind was racing. The butterflies in your stomach felt like they were on crack. Your brain seemed to forget how to form words. So instead, you reached up to his cheek and pulled him into a kiss. It was a small kiss, you started to pull away for an instant, but Jeremiah picked you up and kissed you full force. It was both everything you imagined it would be and more. When he finally pulled away, you were left unable to open your eyes for a few seconds.
"That was-" you couldn't decide on a word. incredible? Stunning? Life altering? Better than anything you ever could have imagined?
"Dangerous" Jeremiah decided for you, "I don't know how I'm ever supposed to stop kissing you."
You both broke out in laughter.
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You're Here Now (Jeremiah Fisher x Reader)
TW: Assault, attempted Sexual Assault
Your lip trembled, your eyes burned as you fought to keep your tears at bay. One arm hugged across your chest in some effort to keep yourself together, your other hand resting ever so gently on your stinging cheek. Your mind raced, playing the scene over and over again in your head. You wanted to scream and cry and punch something, yet at the same time everything was beginning to feel numb. If you knew one thing, it was that you needed to get in the car. This was the first party of the summer, and despite what happened, you were not about to ruin it for everyone else. You stumbled over to the car, but of course it was locked. Apparently not one thing was going to go your way tonight.
You glance around and find Jeremiah who is making out with some girl. You work up the courage to go over to him. At this point every action is taking much more energy than it should.
“Jere, can I have the keys?” you ask but it barely comes out.
The girl that he is kissing notices your presence, “Can we help you with something?” she asked, clearly annoyed. Jeremiah glances up in your direction and the tears you’d been holding back streamed down your face. He apologized to the girl and the next thing you know, he’s leading you away from everyone.
Once you were far enough away, he pulled you into his arms, “Y/n, what happened? Are you okay?” But it was no use, you were too upset, so instead he just stood there and held you, whispering calming words into your ear. Once your sobs quieted down, he pulled back and that was the first time he noticed the redness on your cheek. Something turned in his stomach, “Y/n I need you to tell me what happened,” he said as gently as he could manage.
“I-we were kissing--and he tried to keep going--but I didn’t want to Jere-- he tried to force--I shoved him off me-- and he--and he hit me,” you explained between panicked breaths.
“I’ll kill him,” Jeremiah said looking around, he had never felt such rage in his life.
“Pl-please don’t leave me,” you begged. Jeremiah was your lifeline right now and you didn’t want to be left alone. “Can we just go home?”
He knew that you needed him right now and that was the only thing keeping him remotely calm. “Yes Y/n/n, I’ll take you home,” he agreed.
You don’t remember walking to the car. You stared out the window numbly as Jeremiah drove, missing the way his eyes lingered on you for any change. You don’t remember getting into the shower, just the small sense of relief that came from scrubbing every inch of skin that the guy had touched. When you looked at yourself in the mirror, you were saddened to see the bruise forming on your cheek, an unwanted reminder. When you walked back into your room Jeremiah was waiting for you.
“Doing okay?” he asked
“Better,” you answered, unsure if that was really the truth.
“Is there anything I can do for you? Need anything?” he asked.
You knew the one thing that you wanted but you were afraid to ask. He picked up on your hesitation, “Please Y/n, let me help.”
“Could you- Could you stay with me? I don’t really want to be alone right now,” you asked shyly. You felt like some foreign version of yourself. This whole night felt surreal.
“Oh course,” he agreed, kicking his shoes off and climbing into bed with you. He laid on his back and allowed you to move where you were comfortable. It wasn’t the first time that the two of you had laid together like this, you had always been cozy with each other. You turned on your side, resting your head on his chest focusing on his heartbeat. He wrapped his arm around you, as if he could hold you together.
After some time he whispered, “I should’ve been there,” He could not get the picture of you on the beach out of his head. You looked so broken, something he had never seen before. He kept thinking about how much worse this could’ve ended. “I’m supposed to protect you,�� he replied, a few stray tears escaping his eyes.
“Jeremiah Fisher, look at me. Tonight sucked, but I’m okay. And you are here now, that’s what counts.” He nodded slightly, and you studied his face before laying your head back down.
“Jere,” you say, breaking the silence again.
“Promise me you won’t do anything stupid. That guy, he’s not worth it.” When met by silence, you tried again, “Jere please. Promise me?”
You were incredible. Even after everything that had happened you were still worried about him.
“I promise,” he said, offering you his pinky like he did when you were kids.
It was not long before your soft snores met his ears and he released a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. The thought of losing you had never crossed his mind before tonight. You had always been the strongest person he knew, so to see you like that threw him off. He glanced down at you, the way he felt with you in his arms was different than it had ever been before. The two of you were different, older. And Jeremiah realized that he had at some point unknowingly developed feelings for you.
He made two promises to himself that night. One: That he would always be there to protect you. Two: That he would tell you how he felt about you.
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You're Never Late - part I (Jeremiah Fisher x Conklin Reader)
TW: Car accident, panic attack
Jeremiah knew that something was wrong when you were late. You were never late, especially not an hour late. The fact that you weren’t answering your phone set off his nerves. He paced the floor. He asked Belly, Steven, and Conrad if they had heard from you. He called his mom, your mom, and literally anyone he could think of. Something happened. Something bad. He knew it.
It hadn’t been much longer before his mom called, he didn’t remember much of the phone call, just that you were hit by a drunk driver, it was bad enough to total the car. You were in the hospital. She asked him to tell the others, as she was driving to come pick everyone up.
He felt like the air was sucked out of his lungs and he couldn’t remember how to breathe. His mind was racing, hands shaking as he hung up the phone. He made it downstairs to where the boys were playing video games and Belly was cuddled up with Conrad.
“Guys,” he said softly, struggling to find his voice. No one heard him. Hell, he could hardly hear himself over the pounding in his chest.
“Guys!” he shouted, catching all three off guard. One look at him and you could tell something was wrong. He was visibly on the verge of tears, breathing shallow, fidgeting with his phone.
“Jere, what’s wrong? What happened?” Conrad asked carefully, noting his brother’s obvious distress. Jeremiah was a deer in headlights, one wrong move and he might spook.
“It’s Y/n,” that was all he could manage before he broke down.
Conrad leaped over the back of the couch and took his brother by the arms. “Jeremiah what happened to Y/n?”
Jeremiah swayed ever so slightly. “She was- there was- she got hit- by a- car is totaled--drunk driver -- hospital,” that was all that Conrad could make out, but it was enough.
“Oh my god,” Belly cried out.
“Fuck,” Steven said, reaching for his phone to call your mom.
Conrad tried to push down his feelings to take care of everyone else. He focused his attention on Jeremiah, who was starting to have a panic attack. He knew the signs well.
“Jere, come sit down.” He guided his brother to the couch. “I need you to breathe. In and out just like this.” He took deep breaths, but Jeremiah wasn’t paying attention. “Jeremiah look at me, you’re having a panic attack. You need to breathe.” He finally caught his brother’s attention and guided him through breaths.
“I can’t lose her,” Jeremiah whispered. His mind was racing with all of the worse-case scenarios. He was beating himself up for not being in the car with you, for not insisting on driving you, for not protecting you.
He was so in his head he completely missed the door opening. His mom came in, face red and puffy. She had told herself she was going to act strong for the kids, but even she was scared.
“What happened?” Conrad asked.
“Y/n was on her way here when a drunk driver ran a red light and hit her car into oncoming traffic, where she was hit again. They had to use the jaws of life to get her out of the car. She was airlifted to the hospital,” she looked at Belly and Steven, “Your mom is there now waiting on an update.”
“Can we go?” Steven asked.
“Of course, we just need to pack a bag of her clothes. Bring your chargers and stuff, it could be a long night,” Susannah answered.
Everyone solemnly left the room to gather their things. Everyone except Jeremiah who felt like his whole world was slipping through his fingers.
“Come here my sweet beautiful boy,” she said, opening her arms.
He melted into her embrace.
“She’s going to be okay,” Susannah hoped.
“You don’t know that.”
“No, I don’t,” she admitted, “but I promise that you will be.”
“I’m scared.”
He reminded Susannah of when he was little and afraid of the monsters hiding under his bed. “Mommy come quick, I’m scared.”
“I know baby, me too.”
She held him for another moment squeezing him tight before pulling away. “Let’s go grab your stuff.”
On the ride to the hospital, Jeremiah stared out the window, his mind was flooded with flashbacks.
“Jere, come dance with me!”
“It’s raining,” he pointed out.
“I know, it’s perfect! Just like the movies!”
The way you smiled that night, made him fall even more in love with you.
“Jeremiah!” you greeted, nearly tackling him in a hug, “guess what?”
“This came in the mail today!” you showed him your official driver’s license, “Now I can come visit you whenever I want,” you beamed.
He picked you up and spun you around.
“Are you sure you want to go?” you asked through the phone. There was something behind your tone of voice that he couldn’t quite make out. “It’s not too late to back out. It’s only junior year, we could do prom next year.”
“Y/n, I am almost at your house. Looking fine might I add. We can go hang out for a bit and if it blows, we bail.”
“Okay,” you agree with more excitement in your voice.
Nothing could have prepared him to see you in your dress. You looked breathtaking. He was at a loss for words. Your smile was radiant as you ran to his arms.
“I can’t believe that it has already been two years,” you say as the two of you walk down the beach hand in hand.
“It’s been the best two years,” Jeremiah replied, he fumbled in his pocket, “I have something for you.”
“Jere, I have something for you too, but it’s back at the house. Do you want to wait?”
“Here,” he said, handing you the small box.
He watched as you opened it, a single tear escaping your eyes. “It’s a promise ring. It’s always been you for me, it always will be.”
“It’s perfect Jere, I love it,” you said, slipping it on your finger, “I love you.”
"Jeremiah?" His mom brought him out of his thoughts, "We're here."
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Stay Out of the Water - (Jeremiah Fisher x Reader)
TW: Surfing wipe out, possible drowning, cussing, kissing.
You had come to the clubhouse today, while Belly was practicing for the debutante ball. Jeremiah had been so excited to run into you and insisted that you come spend time with him at the pool.
The two of you spent hours flirting back and forth. At one point he pushed you into the pool, so that he could 'save you'. This was definitely going to be one of the more memorable days of your summer. But that is how you felt about every day you got to spend with the ocean-eyed boy.
You had decided to go get nachos for the two of you to share. When you walked back out with them, you dropped them to the floor.
Jeremiah was in the water kissing another girl.
You didn’t even go back for your stuff, you just turned around and started running towards the exit. Hot tears streamed down your face. How could you be so stupid? Jeremiah flirted with everyone, why would it be any different with you? The emotions started to overwhelm you. You were in love with him. Physical pain shot through your chest, sobs wrecked your body as you ran towards the Beck house.
You were so thankful that no one was home. You went up to your room and tried to calm down. You decided to try to go surfing to clear your head.
Jeremiah rushed through the front door calling your name. But instead he found Conrad. “Is Y/n here? Have you seen her?” he asked frantically.
“I don’t know. I just got back from the boat with Cleveland, we had to come back in early because of the water. Why? What’s going on?”
“I don’t know. She was hanging out with me at the club and then she disappeared. She left everything by the pool. Including her phone. Belly and the moms haven’t heard from her, Steven’s searching the club, and I came here to see if she came back,” he explained.
A pit immediately formed in Conrad’s stomach, this was not like you at all. “You check her room, I’ll check the pool.” He called out your name a couple of times, before going back inside, “Anything?” he called out to Jeremiah.
“Her bathing suit from earlier is on the floor in her room, but she’s not here.”
“Where else would she go?”
“How bad was the water?” Jeremiah asked. He knew you better than anyone, he paid attention, and even before checking, he’d figured out exactly where you are.
“It’s rough out there, I think a storm might be coming in. Why?” But even as he said that he understood, “You don’t think-”
“Her board is gone. We gotta go.”
There was a special connection you felt with the ocean. Maybe it was the vastness of it, never really knowing what was out there. The water calmed your soul. You respected the ocean, usually you wouldn’t have gone near it with the water being this wild, but you weren’t really thinking. You just wanted to get your mind off things. You surfed a couple waves, nothing too crazy. The currents were changing, you knew that you needed to get back in, go back to reality. Just one more, you pleaded with the ocean.
The waves were surging around you. A small voice inside your head told you to just head back in. This was definitely the riskiest conditions you’d ever surfed in. No one even knew that you were out here. If something happened… You shook your head, ignoring the thoughts. It would be fine, you knew your way around the surfboard and you would go back in after this. You paddled quickly to catch the rising wave. Just as the wave broke, you jumped seamlessly from your stomach to your feet, crouching on your board. You start to ride the wave in, feeling free. For a moment everything stopped.The image of Jeremiah kissing another girl left your mind. Everything felt like it could be okay. And then you wiped out.
It felt like you got thrown from a cliff. Your heart pounded in your chest, you fought the fear and urge to freak out. You felt yourself get pulled in as the explosion of white water and force drove you down quickly. You were being thrown around under water, finally understanding the term ragdolled. It was impossible to focus between the urge to breathe, the pounding in your chest and the fact that your board was yanking on your leg so hard you wondered if the leash would snap. You could see the light of the surface, but the water was churning so much that you were struggling to get there. You were getting more and more desperate for air, body aching, mind racing.
“There!” Conrad shouted pointing to where you were sitting on your board.
“Y/n!” Jeremiah yelled, but it was no use. There was no way you were going to hear them over the waves.
“Keep tracking her. I’m going to get the neighbor's jet ski.”
Jeremiah watched you, afraid to even blink. He watched you surf the wave and for a moment watched you in awe. And then you got swept off your board.
He screamed your name, taking a few steps forward instinctively, running his hands through his hair. Waiting for you to surface. It was taking too long. Conrad was taking too long. He sprinted into the water and started to swim out to where you were.
He was about halfway there fighting the waves, when you finally surfaced throwing yourself on your board, trying to catch your breath before another wave crashed over you. You fought your aching muscles and exhaustion and started paddling in. That is when you saw him. The anger you had earlier had faded, and instead tears came back. You tried to ignore them, as you paddle towards him.
You could see the anger written on his face as you offered him a hand pulling him up to sit on the board with you. Conrad came with the Jetski and pulled the two of you the rest of the way in. You had barely reached the sand when Jeremiah yelled at you, “What the hell were you thinking?” he demanded.
“Jere,” Conrad warned, he could tell you were upset.
“No Conrad,” he said before grabbing your arm and forcing you to look at him, “I can’t believe you were so stupid. You could’ve died. What the hell were you thinking?”
All of the hurt came back and without thinking, you said, “It’s not like you’d care anyway.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” he asked, eyes losing their anger, hurt and concern taking over.
“I saw you kissing that girl in the water today. Do you know how much it hurts to see the person you are in love with, so carelessly with someone else? I am sorry. I didn’t realize the water was that bad, I promise. I just wanted - I needed to breathe and I thought surfing would help. I’m sorry,” you cried, you broke your arm away from him and grabbed your board running back towards the house sobbing.
You never wanted this to happen. You felt so hollow inside. You couldn’t handle these emotions. You forced yourself into the shower, tears still streaming down your face.
“I’ve never yelled at her before,” Jeremiah realized. He and Conrad were sitting at the pool.
“You were scared,” Conrad offered.
“I am an idiot.”
“At times,” Conrad said, trying to lighten the mood. “Jere, why were you kissing another girl in the pool? I mean look man, I’m not judging you. But I can see how you feel about Y/n, everyone can.”
“I didn’t kiss her, she kissed me. She asked me to help her out of the pool, when I went to give her a hand she pulled me in and jumped me. I pushed her off of me, I swear to god. I had no idea Y/n saw it.”
“What are you waiting for? Go tell Y/n how you feel.”
“I’m probably the last person she wants to see right now.”
“That’s because she doesn’t have the full story. You at least owe her that.”
Jeremiah agreed, standing up. “Thanks bro.”
When he went to your room the door was cracked open. You were sitting in your bed with your back against the wall, knees against your chest, head buried in your lap. He knocked lightly, “Can I come in?” he asked.
You managed a nod.
He sat on the edge of the bed, not knowing where to start.
“I’m sorry,” you both said at the same time.
“Me first,” you said looking up to meet his eyes.
“I’m sorry for the way I handled today. I shouldn’t have ran off like that and you were right going out to surf like that was stupid. I also have no right to have any say in who you hookup with, I just want you to be happy. I hope that we can be okay.”
“Y/n. I didn’t even know that girl in the pool. I think one of her friends dared her to try to kiss me. I didn’t kiss her back, I pushed her off of me, I promise. There’s only one girl I want to be kissing. And seeing that girl wipe out, scared the shit out of me. That’s no excuse for yelling at you like I did, my emotions just kinda took over.”
You couldn’t believe your ears.
“Jeremiah, don’t say that unless you actually mean it,” you cautioned.
“Of course I mean it Y/n. You're my best friend and I have wanted you to be more than that, but I was scared that if something happened that we’d lose our friendship. So I tried to ignore the feelings, tried to convince myself that it was for the best. But I don’t want to do that anymore. I just want you.”
You traced your fingers over the line of his jaw, before cupping his cheek.
He glanced down at your lips. He had thought about doing this for months and now it was happening. He pulled you into him, so that you were straddling his lap. His eyes asked permission, and then closed the gap between your lips. The kiss started gentle, but quickly heated up. You pushed him back against the bed, losing track of your arms and hands, while being very aware of where his were. When you separated, you could barely breathe.
“Damn,” he smiled.
“I can’t believe this is really happening.” You shifted on your side and he mirrored you, pulling you into his chest.
You apparently fell asleep like that. When you woke you, the empty spot beside you was enough to make you question if last night had really happened or if it was just some elaborate and twisted dream.
“Good morning, Sleeping Beauty,” Jeremiah said as he came through your door with breakfast in hand.
“Good morning,” you smiled.
He set the food down and came over to you, giving you a quick kiss. “I have to go to work soon, but I was thinking that I could take you out tonight. You know properly, just the two of us.”
“It’s a date.”
He beamed as he turned to exit your room.
“Oh, Jeremiah?”
“Yeah Y/n/n?”
“Stay out of the water,” you laughed. He rolled his eyes and left. You wanted to scream in excitement. Being with him still didn’t feel real. The feelings were more intense than anything you could have imagined. You decided that if this was in fact a dream, you never wanted to wake up.
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No More Waiting - JeremiahxReader
TW: Passing out.
Do you know that magical feeling where everything seems a little brighter, the world a slightly happier place? The feeling of being home in a cozy blanket, but also like you're invincible? That is the way Jeremiah made you feel. When you were with him it was electric, but also safe. At some point this summer, you realized that the way you felt for Jeremiah was stronger than anything you’d ever felt for anyone else. As you walked down to the kitchen you promised yourself that today was the day you were going to do something about it.
As you walked into the kitchen you were greeted by his smile as he handed you a coffee. “So Y/n, what do you have planned for this beautiful day?”
“Well, Belly is debbing, Connie is helping Cleveland with the boat, you and Steven have work. So I-”
“You should come to the club!” he interrupted, grabbing you arms, “Come on, it’d be great to see you all day and you could bring one of your bajillion books. Please Y/n?” he pleaded with his puppy dog eyes.
He didn’t have to try so hard, you were already putty in his hands. “I’ll go get ready,” you agreed. Jeremiah jumped up and down before pulling you in a hug and spinning you around.
“This is going to be such a great day,” he said.
You went upstairs and put on the new bikini you had bought with Taylor. You changed outfits 3 times and tried at least 4 different hairstyles before grabbing your stuff and running down the stairs.
“Woah Y/n, who are you getting all dressed up for?” Steven asked.
“Sorry not all of us can rock a hair net Steven,” Jeremiah defended you, his eyes lingering. “You look hot,” he declared, spinning you around. “Are you ready to go?”
“Y-yeah,” you said, trying to hide your blushing cheeks.
The two of you rode together, talking, laughing, singing to songs on the radio. It was euphoric. When he pulled into the parking lot you were a little sad that you’d have to share him now.
He came around and opened your door, “So I’m gonna go check in with the big man, but then I will be out by the pool with my favorite girl.”
Favorite girl. You could feel your cheeks warming up again. You found a chair directly across from the lifeguard stand, you striped down to your bikini and got comfortable opening your book. Though to be honest you don’t know if you read a single page. Jeremiah kept goofing off to get your attention. At one point he sat down at the foot of your chair and laid back so that his head was in your lap.
“Aren’t you supposed to be working?” you laugh.
“I can’t help it, you’re distracting.” He sat up and swiveled around to face you.
“I thought the whole point was to watch the pool, Mr. Lifeguard.”
“How am I supposed to do that when you are here looking like this?”
“Jeremiah, I-” you started, but were cut off when Billy started to cause a ruckus in the pool.
“Duty calls, I’ll be right back.”
You decided that you were going to grab a couple of waters and snacks when he got back. You were starting to feel dizzy and nauseated, probably from the heat.
“Sorry about that, you were saying something?”
“I was gonna grab a snack, want anything?” you asked, feeling a little off. You go to stand up and are a little unsteady.
Seeing this, Jeremiah steps and grabs you, concern immediately taking over his face seeing how pale you are all of a sudden. “Are you okay Y/n?”
“I’m fine. Just a little-” Your vision faded and Jeremiah had to shift his weight to keep you from falling. He immediately scooped you up and carried you inside, trying not to freak out. He had Steven grab an ice pack and water, while he stayed glued to your side watching the rise and fall of your chest.
“Y/n,” he called, softly shaking your shoulders.
“Hmm,” you groaned.
“Open those beautiful eyes of yours.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Embarrassed,” you answered honestly.
“I should be thanking you, you made me look like a real hero,” he joked.
You’ll always be my hero.
“I’m fine Jeremiah, I think I just got a little overheated. You should get back out there. I’ll be out there in a minute,” you promised.
He looked hesitant to leave you. So you stuck up your pinky. “I’m okay, I promise.”
He linked his pinky with yours and you both kissed it as was your tradition. He made you promise to finish the water before coming back out. And then made sure Steven would keep an eye on you in the meantime.
After he walked away, you took your drink and took a seat at the snack bar.
“When are you two going to kiss and get it over with?” Steven asked.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you lied.
“Look, Jeremiah never shuts up about you literally ever. And if you haven’t noticed he hasn’t been hooking up with anyone this summer. There’s a reason for that. And you are so obviously in love with him, everyone sees it except Jere. So what are you waiting for?”
“Is it really that obvious?” you laugh.
“Clear as day Y/n/n.”
“Thanks Steven, ” you said sincerely. That was the last push you needed.
You headed back out to the pool. Jeremiah's face lit up when he saw you and he made his way over to you. “You look way better.”
“Thanks, I think?”
“My shift is almost over. Anything you want to do afterwards?”
“Up to you Jere,” you smiled.
The rest of your time at the poolside flew by. You were trying to decide what words you were going to use to tell Jeremiah how you felt. It seemed impossible.
“Y/n are you okay? You’ve been awfully quiet. Did I do something wrong?” Jeremiah asked after he pulled into the parking lot of your favorite ice cream shop.
“I’m just thinking,” you answer.
“What’s on your mind?”
“There is this guy that I like. He’s incredible. He’s sweet, a blast to be around, everyday with him feels like an adventure. I want to tell him how I feel. But I’m not sure how to.”
Jeremiah’s face fell. He stared out the dash, grip tightening on the steering wheel. “You just have to tell him, otherwise you might miss your chance and he’ll move on.”
“That guy. The one I like. It’s you. It’s always been you,” you admit.
His eyes met yours and lit up, he smiled before grabbing your chin and pulling you in for a kiss. It was intense, saying everything that you hadn’t. The kiss was making up for all of the times you had wanted to kiss each other and hadn’t. When it was over, you stayed close glancing from his lips to his eyes.
“I can not believe we waited so long to do that,” he whispered.
“No more waiting,” you breathed before kissing him again, unbuckling your seat beat to really lean in.
You have no idea how long the two of you kissed. It was incredible and neither of you could stop smiling. Eventually Jeremiah got out of his car and came around and opened your door, immediately pulling you into a hug, then spinning you around keeping one of your hands intertwined as you walked inside.
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Volleyball - Jeremiah x Reader
Author's Nots: Super short, just cute lol.
TW: mentions blood.
It was a beautiful summer day and you were playing Volleyball with Jeremiah against Conrad and Belly. The contrast was almost humorous, you and Jeremiah were hardly competitive and spent most of your time goofing around. Whereas Conrad and Belly were acting like it was an olympic match.
Everything was all fun and games until Conrad spiked the ball and hit you square in the face. It caught you off guard and you fell to your knees in the sand, hand coming up to cover your now bleeding nose, tears rolling down your cheeks despite your tightly closed eyes.
“Oh my god, Y/n I’m so sorry,” Conrad said immediately, eyes wide.
“Babe are you okay?” Jeremiah asked, running up from behind you.
“I’ll go get paper towels, and an ice pack,” Belly said, running inside.
“Y/n,” Jeremiah said softly. He knelt down and lifted your chin to get a better look at you. He wiped the tears off your face. “Come on, let’s get up,” he said, wrapping his arms around you and boosting you up. He brought you to a nearby bench.
“Here's the paper towels, ice pack and a water bottle,” Belly offered.
Jeremiah carefully wet the paper towels and wiped the blood away, before offering you the icepack.
“How many fingers am I holding up?” he asked only half-jokingly.
“Three,” you answer.
“Why did the chicken cross the road?” he asked, making you smile.
“To get to the other side?”
“Okay, very good, last one. What flavor of ice cream is Conrad going to buy you as an apology?”
“Chocolate chip cookie dough,” you laugh.
It was an accident, no harm no foul. Honestly it caught you off guard more than it actually hurt. That was definitely the end of volleyball for the day though.
“I love you, you goofball,” you said to Jere, removing the ice pack.
“I love you too Y/n.”
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Steve Harrington x Reader. Season 3 finale spoilers.
The floor was cold, the atmosphere chaotic. The screams of your friends were drowned out by the fireworks and snarls of the mindflayer. Despite the noise, you clearly heard Billy, or the Mindflayer rather, whisper, “Stay still, it will all be over soon," his words sent ice through your veins. You struggled against his grasp, but it was no use. Realizing the imminence of your demise, you felt an overwhelming sadness, not even for yourself, but for Steve Harrington, the first and apparently last love of your life. As the “flaying” began, he was the only thing on your mind. You hoped that he would survive this, that he would get out of Hawkins, that he would be happy. You hoped-
“Y/N!” Steve screamed as he blew his cover to run to your side.
This caught the attention of Eleven, who managed to use her powers to throw Billy away from you. She fell back against Mike. The rest of the kids were still blasting the mind flayer with fireworks. Steve used the opportunity to pick you up and carry you away from the action.
“Y/n? Can you hear me? You gotta wake up okay? I did not survive being tortured by Russians only to have you be flayed before I could even-” his voice broke, and before he could continue, he was rounding the corner to where Dustin was.
“Shit. Is she okay?”
“I don’t know. Billy - the mind flayer- how do we know if she? What if she was?” Steve tried, but his heart couldn’t even handle the idea of you being lost to him.
“She wasn’t flayed.”
“How do you know?” Steve asked reluctant to be relieved.
“The hive mind is activated, she would be awake and trying to kill us if she was,” Dustin explained.
“Then why isn’t she waking up?”
“I don’t know Steve, but we have bigger problems right now,” he said gesturing to the fact that they were almost out of Fireworks.
Steve hesitantly left your side to help the others and watched in absolute shock as Billy sacrificed himself. It was only moments later that the mind flayer collapsed. It was over. Jonathan hugged Nancy, Mike went to Eleven, Lucas held Max as she cried, and both Steve and Dustin turned towards you.
“Y/n wake up!” Steve tried shaking your shoulders. He lowered his head to your chest to hear your heart beating and feel your breathing, “Y/n, c’mon, I need you to wake up,” he tried again, sounding more desperate.
Before he could continue, the FBI came running in and they were all escorted out. Steve barely managed to convince the EMT to let him ride with you. He was stuck in the waiting room for what seemed like forever, shrugging off the nurses who offered to check out his injuries. Dustin, Mike, Nancy, and Jonathon came in, gathering in silence waiting for any news. The worst part for Steve was when your mother showed up, he had never felt more guilty than when he lied to her about what happened.
Eventually, the doctor came out with a flustered look on his face. He asked for your mom, and Steve quickly stood to join them. The doctor protested, but your mom assured him that Steve should come with her.
“So, I don’t know how to tell you this, but as far as we can tell there is nothing physically wrong with your daughter. She is seemingly in a coma with no cause. As such, there is nothing medically we can do other than sustain her condition if you choose to do so,” he then turned to Steve, “Can you run me through what happened again?” Steve managed to recount his story, trying to ignore your mother's sobs. As soon as he finished, he exited the room in shock, he sunk down to the floor, struggling to breathe, replaying the doctor's words over and over again in his head. His chest was filled with immense pain at the thought of losing you.
He sat there a while trying to calm himself down before forcing himself off the wall and back to the waiting room, where Will, Mrs. Byers, and Eleven had joined the others. All eyes went to him expectantly, but with one look at him Dustin said what they were all thinking, “Shit..."
Steve repeated what the doctor had said, Nancy pulled him into a comforting hug. While the others started brainstorming. There was an hour of outrageous theories until finally, Will realized something, “She wasn’t completely flayed, but the process was definitely initiated.”
“Obviously,” Dustin chimed in.
“But what is flaying? It’s like your identity being ripped away from you and replaced with the host mentality,” Will continued.
“So maybe Y/n’s soul or whatever was separated. Nothing medically wrong with her, because that’s not a physical connection” Mike added.
“So in other words, we have to jumpstart the connection again,” Lucas agreed, and then all eyes shifted to El.
“Do you think you could try to find her? Like you did Billy or Heather?” Mike asked.
“I can try,” El nodded.
Dustin walked over to where Steve was laying with his head in Mrs. Byers' lap. She ran her fingers through his hair like she had for her sons so many times, mind wandering to Hopper. Steve looked so broke, like he had given up any hope.
“We need to get into Y/n’s room, we think we know how to fix her,” Dustin announced.
It was like that swiped a switch in Steve, and he popped up at once, “What do you mean?”
Dustin explained everything to Steve and Mrs. Byers, and then again in layman's terms. From there the whole group formed a plan. Mrs. Byers and Nancy would go distract your mom. Dustin, Mike, and Will would distract the nurses. Steve and El would sneak into your room, while Jonathon kept watch. For once, everything went smoothly.
El was searching the cabinets for something to cover her eyes with, and Steve handed her the red ascot from his Scoops uniform. She went to your side and took your hand, instantly being transported into your consciousness.
It was dark, unlike anything she had ever experienced before. Every step she took was echoing, the entire reality was glitching in and out, but there was no sign of you.
“Y/n?” she called out.
The blackness would flash to a scene of you and then back to the nothingness, “Y/n, can you hear me?” El tried again, “I need you to focus on my voice, and I can bring you back. I’ll bring you back home, back to Steve.”
At the mention of Steve, the glitching stopped and El could see you know for the first time, you laid on the ground folded into yourself. You were pale and shaking, looking only a moment away from death. As she got closer she could hear you softly repeating, “Please don't, I'm sorry.” There was no indication that you knew she was there. She touched you lightly on the shoulder, but it didn’t phase you.
“Y/n? We need to get out of here, I need your help,” she tried, again receiving no response. The glitching started again, each time putting more and more distance between the two of you. El knew that you wouldn’t survive it much longer.
In the hospital room, Steve watched as blood trickled down Eleven’s face. He didn’t know why it was taking so long. He tried to get an idea of what was happening through the one-sided conversation that he was hearing, but even that was being drowned out by his fear of losing you, What if this didn’t work? The lights started flickering, the machines in the room going nuts, and then suddenly Eleven called his name, “I need you to talk to her, to bring her back.”
“What does that even mean?”
“Steve, we don't have time, just talk to her!”
“Okay….Uhm...Y/n? It’s Steve. Your boyfriend,” he started, feeling extremely uncomfortable, before his emotions took over. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t there to protect you. I’m here now though, and I need you to come back to me. I need you to wake up, cause you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I don’t want to lose you. Not now, not ever. Please Y/n. I love you so much, please wake up." As he finished, everything went black, the entire hospital lost power.
In your head, every nightmare you had ever had was playing through your mind. You were cold and afraid, feeling lost beyond anything you have ever felt. Whatever was happening to you it was killing you, you could feel it draining you. A strange numbness started to overtake you. You weren’t giving up, you were running out of fight. Just as you were trying to prepare yourself for whatever would come next, you heard a familiar voice, “Okay….Uhm...Y/n? It’s Steve. Your boyfriend.” Hearing his voice made everything stop. A warmth filled you, and you forced your eyes open, seeing Eleven.
"El?" you asked weakly.
“You’re going to be fine, I’m here,” she reassured, moving towards you and taking your hand.
The next thing you remember was hearing Steve’s voice, “Are you okay?” he asked, you forced your eyes open to see who he was talking to.
“I’ll be fine,” Eleven reassured him, wiping her nose.
“Everything was going crazy in here and then the power went out...Is she okay now?"
Suddenly Eleven’s face lit up, “Why don’t you ask her yourself?”
You had never seen Steve turn around so quickly in his life, a wide smile on his face as he practically dove onto your bed holding you like his life depended on it. “Nice to see you too,” you laughed. God did he love that laugh, and that smile, and you.
“I am so glad that you are okay,” he sighed, allowing himself to relax a little for the first time since he had found out about the Russian code from Dustin.
“Are you okay?” you asked running your finger lightly across his cheek. His eye was swollen and undoubtedly painful. His lip was busted and his nose was also bruised and swollen. In other words, he looked like he got into a fight with his hands tied behind his back.
He put his hand over yours and pulled it down to his chest over his heart as he had done so many times before, “It’s worse than it looks, I promise. I’m just glad you're okay.”
You were going to ask him what happened but were interrupted by the kids coming in excitedly. They were vividly telling you everything that happened after you were “Semi-flayed” as Will had coined it. You listened to every word, happy to know that it was all over. Their commotion gained the attention of the nurse, who proceeded to kick everyone out. Well, everyone but Steve who was practically glued to your side.
She went back to find the doctor and notify your mother, promising to bring back the ice that you requested for Steve’s eye. There were more happy reunions, followed by another round of tests, and finally, you were discharged. Joyce took Will, Jonathan, Dustin, and Lucas home. Nancy took Mike and Eleven back to her house. Your mom went back to your house and you went with Steve to his.
You both were exhausted but found it hard to sleep.
“What happens now?” you asked innocently.
“What do you mean?”
“How do we move forward from this? I mean nothing can ever really be the same can it?”
Steve thought for a moment, “I think we grieve and heal, then we start looking for the little victories again until this is nothing more than a memory.”
You nodded, “I love you, Steve Harrington,” you spoke softly.
You missed the grin that spread across his face before he kissed your forehead, “I love you too.”
You laid like that for a while, it didn’t take Steve long to fall asleep. You thought about what he said. Tomorrow would be hard, and the day after that too, but eventually your life would become some type of normal again. You shifted to look at his face, careful not to wake him. You felt a sense of relief, knowing that as long as the two of you had each other, you could work through the rest.
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A Long Day (Part 3)
This is the third and final part to the "A Long Day" Series.
Somehow you had managed to calm down during your drive to Kildare. You knew that no matter what your mom tried to do, your friends would be there for you every step of the way. Besides, staying at John B's meant you'd be able to help him keep the place up for DCS and even help him pay rent. Another bonus is the amount of time that your boyfriend already spent there. You could transfer to their school in the fall and from there you could figure it out.
As you walked towards Twinkie, it started to rain. You smiled as you rapped your hand on the door in the 'secret code'. You were quickly greeted by JJ, Kie, and Pope.
"Everything good?" JJ asked, searching your eyes.
"It is now," you answered wrapping your arms around him and giving him a quick kiss.
"Okay that's enough PDA, we are still here," Pope joked.
The four of you sat and waited, they filled you in on the newest additions to the plan. Kie complained about Sarah, and how she couldn't be trusted again. But again, your mind started to wander.
‘I didn’t know that sluts were allowed to wear white, she’s still hot for a pogue though.’
Why did it matter where people are from, who their parents are, and the amount of money they had? Your mother's comments about JJ resurfaced, which led you to think about JJ's dad and the scene outside of the police station. You allowed yourself to consider for a moment how much worse it would have been if you weren’t there.
Clearly starting to get in your head, you decided to leave before JJ noticed and asked you about it. “Okay, they are taking too long, I’m going to get them,” you explained before exiting the van.
You made your way to the Hawk’s nest only to see that John B and Sarah were joined by Topper. You sprinted up the stairs, knowing that nothing good was going to come out of this, especially since he was already upset and drinking earlier.
“You are a stupid, lying whore Sarah,” you heard Topper say as you rounded the corner.
John B, pushed him out of her face, “Just stop it, man. Leave her alone.”
“Sarah you better tell him to back off, cause I’m about to beat his ass,” Topper threatened, "I'll drown him like his old man, I swear I will,"
“No, you won't,” you spoke before John B could respond, alerting everyone of your presence. You pushed yourself in between Topper and John B. "You guys can go, I have my car here, I'll make sure Topper gets home okay," you instructed without even looking back at them.
"Y/n I don't think that's a good idea," John B replied.
"I'll be fine, just go." As soon as you heard them start to leave you looked back at your brother, “Come on Top, you're drunk, I’ll drive us home.”
"No, I'm going anywhere with you, you knew!" he said clearly distressed.
"Knew what Top? That you were about to do something stupid? That's kinda a given when can can't even speak without your words slurring together."
Topper snapped grabbed your arm forcefully, “You knew about Sarah and John B and you didn’t even tell me. What the hell?"
Your tone softened as you realized what Topper meant, "Topper, I swear I didn't know that anything was going on between them."
"Your lying, you’re not my sister not anymore, you’re one of them.”
"First of all, let go of me," you said ripping your wrist free and taking a step back. The thunder clapped again, sounding closer this time, and the rain was coming down harder. You tried to remind yourself that he was drunk and heartbroken, but that didn’t stop the sting of his words, especially following the scene with your mother from earlier. “You are in no condition to drive, especially with the storm, so hate me all you want, but I am going to make sure you get home safely. Let’s go,” you said lightly touching his arm.
“I’m not leaving with you!” he yelled, anger getting the better of him, without even thinking about it he pushed you off of him and backward and you broke through the railing. Your body made a thud when it hit the sand and it was still. Too still. Topper sobered up, realizing what he had just done. He was racing down to see if you were okay, but John B was there and he knew that he needed to leave before the rest of the Pogues showed up.
John B had said goodbye to Sarah who he had convinced to go home before the storm got any worse. He was going to head back to Twinkie when he heard you and Topper yelling at each other. He doubled back to the Hawk’s nest just in time to see you fall. He sprinted to your side, “Shit, shit, shit, Y/n! Can you hear me? Y/n!” John B slid to his knees slightly moving your head to see if he could get you to come to. He was met with a small groan. He was afraid to move you too much, having no idea how injured you were.
“Help! Someone help!” he screamed, he dug his hand through his pocket for a phone that wasn’t there. He had no idea if he friends would be able to here him through the rain. He didn't want to leave you, but he couldn't get you help if he stayed there. A small groan escaping your lips, and he refocused his attention on you, “Hey Y/n, wake up, come on now. You're okay, you're going to be okay,” he promised before looking back towards the path to the Twinkie and yelling at the top of his lungs, “I need help! JJ! Pope! Kie! Help!”
It was not long before JJ and Pope came sprinting down the path, “What’s wrong John B?” JJ yelled before he rounded the corner, “What happened?” he demanded before taking John B’s place at your head.
“Topper pushed from the top of the nest. She needs help. But I don’t think we can move her,” John B explained.
“Where the hell is he?” Kie asked, looking around for any sign of your brother.
“That doesn’t matter right now, we need to call an ambulance!” JJ ordered looking between his friends.
“My phones in the van, I’ll go,” Pope says before running off.
“Hey Y/n, can you open those beautiful eyes for me? Come on sweetheart, you are going to be okay, you just need to wake up,” JJ’s hands hovered over you wanting to shake you, but being afraid to touch you. He glanced up at the top of the nest, the severity of the situation crashing into him like a 15 foot wave. He lost whatever calm that he had, “Y/n please, I need you to be okay, please, I can’t lose you,” tears were streaming down his face at how still you were.
He barely registered John B pulling him away from you so that the paramedics could get to work. He just turned and hugged his best friend, who pulled him back towards the van. He didn't register the conversations being had between his friends as they decided who would take your car. Kie heading towards the hospital in your car, Pope driving the Pogue, while John B tried to keep JJ calm in the back.
“She’ll be okay man, she’s tough,” John B to comfort JJ, who was on the verge of a panic attack.
“Yeah, she’s going to be fine,” Pope agreed.
“Totally, it’s not like she just fell from 50 feet, laying still on the ground completely unresponsive,” JJ replied harshly, raising his hand to his chest.
“JJ," John B said, trying to catch his focus.
“I’m sorry, I just- I can’t lose her,” he cried, pulling his knees up into his chest like he used to when he was a child.
"You're not going to lose her man, I promise," John B replied.
When they got to the hospital, they were told that they couldn’t see you or be told how you were doing because they were not family. Your mom had apparently called and told them that she and Topper were the only ones allowed to see you, no exceptions. JJ tried to explain that he was your boyfriend and how he just needed to know if you were okay, but considering the fact that your mom was one of the top donors towards the hospital, he never had a chance. He desperately made a dash to go back to the ICU but was stopped by the security guards. John B and Pope stepped in to try to reason with them, but it just went downhill from there until all three of them were being threatened to get kicked out or have the cops called.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. Just ask her mom to come out here please and I’m sure we can work it out,” JK said calmly.
“Her mom isn’t here. You kids need to go home,” the nurse replied.
“What? That’s insane! We aren’t going anywhere!” John B argued.
“It’s okay JB, we can come back later,” JJ said calmly and everyone took his lead heading around the corridor.
“What the hell man? We are not leaving her here alone,” John B said once they were out of earshot of the guards and head nurse.
“No we’re not,” JJ said, holding up the nurse's ID.
After managing to snag some scrubs from a locker room, JJ snuck around the hospital until he made his way back to the ICU. He tricked a nurse into giving him your room number and then snagged your chart on the way in your room.
When he saw you laying there unconscious hooked up to the machines, he realized that he had never once seen you look helpless before. You looked small and delicate, and those were not words he would ever have used to describe you. He took a seat beside you, daring to look at your chart. You had a concussion, dislocated shoulder, and broken collarbone. Pain meds, a sling, and ice and you should be good as new after a few weeks. JJ smiled at the words and took a moment to send his friends a picture of your chart with a text saying you would be okay. They text him back, but he chose to ignore them, placing your chart down and taking your hand in his.
“Y/n? Can you hear me? It’s JJ,” he spoke softly, “Babe, I need you to wake up,” he tried again. He stood up and pushed the hair out of your face before gently kissing your forehead. It was as he pulled away that you started to shift, taking in a deep breath before briefly opening your eyes.
“Good morning,” he joked softly. You forced your eyes open again, wincing as you turned your neck to see him better. “Hey, hey, hey, don’t move. Just relax,” he instructed.
“Where am I?”
“St. Olive’s. You fell from the top of the Hawk’s nest, but you're going to be okay. Just a mild concussion, broken collarbone and a dislocated shoulder.”
“At least my nurse is cute,” you joked, causing you to laugh and move wrong. Apparently whatever drugs you were on were wearing off.
“Take it easy over there,” JJ said, taking your hand in his again, “You feeling okay? Need anything?”
“Yeah, of course. Coming right up.”
“Thanks,” you said after downing the tiny cup he handed you, “What’s up with the scrubs?”
“Your mom has this place wrapped around her finger and has decided that only she and Topper can visit. So I had to be a little creative in sneaking in.”
At the mention of Topper, you forgot where you were, that you were safe, with JJ. “Y/n, you still with me?” JJ asked, concerned with your sudden change. You didn’t even hear him as the events from Hawk’s nest flashed through your mind and caused your heart rate to skyrocket, leading a group of nurses to race into your room. Luckily JJ, ducked into the bathroom before anyone could see him.
The nurses managed to calm you down, thinking that you were just freaking out because you woke up and were alone. They gave you another round of pain meds and told you that you should be good to check out in the morning when your mother came to pick you up. You thanked them, and waited for them to leave the room before pulling the IV out of your arm.
“What do you think you’re doing?” JJ asked as you were now standing up looking to unplug the machines from the wall.
“If I unplug them from me the alarms will go off and the nurses will come back. If I unplug them from the wall they can’t give me away.”
“Why not just lay back down and let them stay plugged into you so that the doctors can make sure you’re okay?”
“Because we’re leaving,” you replied, opening cabinets looking for something besides a hospital gown to slip into, whether that be scrubs or your clothes from earlier.
“Y/n I don’t think that’s a good idea. Besides, it’s just one night and I promise to be here with you the whole time. Hospitals aren’t that bad.”
“I’m not worried about the hospital. I’m worried about what happens tomorrow when my mom comes to get me,” you let slip apparently not yet fully control of yourself.
“What is that supposed to mean?” JJ asked.
“Look it doesn’t matter J, I am not staying here. So either start helping me or get ready to be escorted out of here,” you say clearly upset.
JJ grabbed your good arm, his other hand guiding your chin so you were looking at him, “Are you sure you are okay?”
“I’ll be fine JJ, I promise.”
“And you’re sure you want to leave?”
“Yes. I am sure.”
“And are you turned on by me in scrubs?” he joked, making you smile.
“Oh, so turned on,” you replied before closing the gap between the two of you and kissing him.
“Okay, how do you want to do this?”
“I need clothes, I am not leaving in this. Are John B and them still here?”
“Yeah, they’re camping out in the parking lot in Twinkie.”
“Okay, call him and tell him to meet us at the side entrance in 5 minutes.”
“Okay, I can do that, and I know where we can get some scrubs. Just stay here.”
JJ left and was quick to return with a set of scrubs for you. While he was gone you wrote out a note saying that you left of your own accord, blah, blah, blah. He helped you change and the two of you snuck out using the stairs. There was one close call, but you made it out to where you were relieved to find Twinkie with the side door open and your friends waiting for you. Pope got out to give you the front seat. Everyone was asking you a ton of questions and telling you how glad that they were that you were okay. JJ explained how he managed to break into your room and how he managed to break you out. You tried to tune out the pain in your arm and ignore the growing pounding of your head.
“You okay?” John B said quietly so only you could hear him.
“I left after the pain meds wore off and before the next round started I pulled the IV out of my arm, so I’m consciously experiencing my symptoms for the first time,” you explained as you shut your eyes, concentrating on your breathing.
“Okay, sounds like we need to make a pit-stop,” he said, glancing over at you slightly concerned. He pulled into the 24 hour drugstore on his way to drop Pope off. “I’m going in to get Y/n some pain meds and an ice pack for her arm. Does anyone else need anything?”
“Ice cream?” you asked with puppy dog eyes.
John B rolled his eyes jokingly, “Pain meds, ice pack, and ice cream, got it.”
“I’ll come with you,” Pope started, "I want to see if they have any of those things,” he lied horribly.
JJ hopped out and went around to the driver’s seat. “How you feeling?”
“Oh you know I’m on cloud nine,” you say sarcastically.
“I would give you some of my stash, but Pope said it could mess with your concussion.”
“Yeah, probably not then.”
“I love you, you know that right?”
“Of course I do J, I love you too.”
“You wanna tell me what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”
“I’m just thinking about how lucky I am to have you,” you answered, which was not a lie, just not the complete truth. One glance at JJ’s face told you that he wasn’t buying it. Luckily for you the others returned. At this point everyone was tired, John B took Pope home, before taking both you and JJ back to the chateau with him, where Kie was waiting outside in one of the hammocks. You knew that if she drove your car she knew. But instead of bringing it up she just brought you into a side hug careful not to hurt you.
"Everything's going to be okay, I promise," she whispered as she pulled away.
You thanked her before taking a deep breath and turning to John B, "Can I talk to you for a second?"
He nodded a bit confused, before gesturing for you to lead the way, "What's up?"
"I was wondering if I could move into the spare room long term, at least until I can get a job or something?"
"Of course you can. Consider the guest room Casa ala Y/n."
"I'll help you keep everything straight for DCS and I'll chip in for rent and groceries and everything," you promised.
John B laughed at how serious you are, "Dude chill, it's not a big deal. JJ practically lives here too," he laughed.
The two of you walked back towards the others JJ clearly confused as to what was going on.
"Kie, can you help me grab Y/n's stuff from her car?" John B asked giving you a knowing look.
You turned to JJ prepared to explain everything, but he beat you to the punch, "Okay, spill, I want to know everything that has happened since the last time I saw you because clearly you were upset and now..." he rambled before you cut him off.
"I got into a fight with my mom at Midsummer and she kicked me out, so I'm moving in here," you explained, "I left Rixton's to get all of my stuff before she tried to get rid of it."
"Babe, you could have told me. I would've went with you," JJ sighed. He knew that your relationship with your family had been strained since you started hanging out with the Pogues and how much that bothered you.
"It was something that I needed to do on my own."
“Okay,” he nodded. "Are you okay though? Do you want to talk about it?"
"It's weird, earlier I was stressed, but now I just feel freed. It's like I know everything will work out now, because I have you and the Pogues," you replied smiling genuinely.
"I love you, you know that?"
"Of course I do, I love you too J."
The two of you went inside, where John B and Kiara were bringing in the last of your stuff.
"Hey guys, I'm going to take Kie home, I'll be back in a bit," John B said as he headed out the door. Kiara said goodbye to you and JJ and made you promise to call her if you needed anything.
After the two of them left, you yawned. JJ noticed and said through a smile, "Looks like its bedtime." He was quick to set up the pillows so you could sleep comfortably beside him. You were trying to get the scrubs off to put on some of your pajamas but were failing miserably. “JJ?”
“Yeah, what’s up? Oh,” he said, trying not to laugh.
“Shut up and just help me,” you whined.
He came over and carefully lifted the shirt over your head and around your arm in the sling, he winced at bruises that showed, wishing he was there to stop Topper, who was a dead man walking at this point as far as JJ was concerned. He couldn't focus on that though, not when you were laying right beside him. He watched you contently, allowing himself to relax, knowing somehow that things would be okay. He started to drift off, a smile still on his face.
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AN: JJ Maybank x Reader. Mentions of blood, injuries, etc.
When you showed up to the chateau, tears streaming down your calm face, blood coating your hands and shirt, a fresher redder blood coming from the side of your head and from your nose and even from a busted lip, you honestly had no idea what you were doing. Your brain was not processing the pain, fear, and exhaustion. You weren't consciously aware of where you were or where you were going. You were just on autopilot, going to the one place you knew you would be safe. The events of the past hours were no longer playing on repeat in your head, instead there was just a fog, a numbness. At this point you didn’t even register that someone came out the front door, nor could you comprehend who it was.
“Yo Y/n, we’ve been trying to get ahold of you. We’re all about to go on the-” JJ looked up from his phone and dropped it, jumping off of the porch to meet you.
“Shit Y/n what happened? Are you okay? Is this yours?” he asked frantically as he pulled your shirt away from your skin. What he saw made him sick.
"JJ?" you asked before passing out.
He quickly repositioned himself to keep you from hitting the ground. He shifted you in his arms to carry you in the house.
“John B!” JJ shouted desperately as he hoisted you up and inside, setting you down gently on the bed before grabbing the first aid kit, water, and a towel. He called out for his best friend again, hoping that he would come tell him what to do.
It wasn’t like JJ didn’t know how to patch you up. He had treated his own injuries and the injuries of his friends countless times. The problem was that seeing you in the position was not letting his brain function properly. He wiped the blood away from the gash about your temple, holding the rag there long enough to be able to see that it wouldn’t need stitches. He ran his fingers through your hair to make sure that there were not any serious head injuries hidden. He then continued to move down your face cleaning you up, disgusted by the bruises he was uncovering. He swore to himself that whoever did this was not going to see the light of day tomorrow.
He pulled your shirt off again and felt your ribs, making sure none of the were broken, at least as well as he could tell. He relaxed a little knowing that this significantly lessened the chance of internal bleeding. The bruises on your body were making him sick. He watched your chest rise and fall, allowing himself to calm down a bit.
“I swear if the two of you don’t get on the Pogue right now, I’m fishing without you,” John B called as he entered the back door.
This was enough noise to bother you, and as you tried to turn away from it you groaned clearly in pain.
"Shit what happened? Is she okay?" John B asked.
"I don't know man, she just showed up covered in blood and then passed out before she could say anything?"
"Is she okay though?"
"Does she look okay man? Someone beat the shit out of her, I'm surprised she even made it here."
The two of them talked for a bit, keeping a careful eye on you. John B took the med kit, towel, and everything up. JJ had grabbed some pain meds, fresh clothes, and water for you. He wanted to wake you up, to know what happened, to make sure that you would be okay, but he knew that it was best to let you rest for now.
It wasn't until Pope and Kiara arrived with Pizza that you began to stir. The smell was the first think you noticed. Then the low voices from the living room. You opened your eyes, the right one sore and clearly swollen . You reached your hand up to your face, feeling the gauze over your temple, and lightly brushing your hand over your nose, causing pain to shoot through it.
You tried to sit up, inhaling sharply at the pain in your stomach. You felt like you were about to throw up. You forced yourself off the bed, downing the advil and water. You walked into the bathroom and literally burst into painful tears when you saw your reflection in the mirror. Your face was bruised and swollen, you could see the bruises on your throat, and didn't dare to lift up your shirt, well JJ's shirt.
Speaking of, having heard you crying, JJ rushed to the bathroom annoyed to find it locked.
"Y/n? Are you okay? Can you unlock the door?" he pleaded.
You couldn't answer him. It was too much.
"Y/n please?" he asked voice soft as he held his head against the door. It was killing him to be out there.
You shifted over and undid the lock. JJ opened the door and his heart broke at the scene in front of him. You were wrecked. He wanted to ask you if you were in pain or if you were okay, but both of those were clearly stupid questions. He also wanted to ask what happened, but now was clearly not the time. So instead he gently pulled you into his chest whispering calmingly in your ear. He held you there until you calmed down.
"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, pulling away to look at your face.
"No," you answered simply.
"That's okay, why don't we go get some food?" he suggested.
You nodded, weirdly nervous to see your friends. JJ stood behind you the entire time arm around your back reassuring you that you were okay.
"There she is!" John B said excitedly.
"Hey guys," you greeted as you sat down, JJ going to the kitchen to grab both of you some pizza. You took the plate he was handing you and looked at your friends. Everyone was looking at eachother nervously, which was giving you anxiety so you decided to just answer the question that they'd all been wanting to ask, "My dad owes alot of money to his dealer, I was came home to find the place being ransacked and they did this," you said gesturing to your current condition, "to send him a message. I'll be fine though, I'm just gonna hang her until everything blows over. So stop staring at me like I'm about to break and eat some pizza," you say smiling at the end.
"The queen has spoken," JJ joked, earning laughs from the group, and everything shifted into more comfortable conversation.
It wasn't until later that night that you allowed yourself to start thinking about what happened again. You hated your dad for putting you in that position. The fact that after undoubtedly coming home to find the place ransacked and finding blood, that he hadn't even bothered to check in with you to see if you were okay almost hurt more than your injuries. It didn't matter that you already knew he was a deadbeat, you still wanted to believe that he cared a little. Yet at the same time you felt guilty for hating him.
JJ noticed that you were becoming agitated and motioned for his friends to give the two of you a moment. He knelt down in front of you gaining your attention.
"What's going through that pretty little head of yours?" he asked softly.
You explained everything to him, knowing that he would understand. JJ was your person, through and through, he was always there for you. He listened and then proceeded to berate your father which made you laugh and then winch from the pain in your ribs.
"Easy there, don't get too excited."
You rolled your eyes before yawning, "If you don't want be to laugh, you better start avoiding me," you grinned.
"I don't know about all that," he smiled.
"You're cute, you know that?" you asked taking in his blonde curls and blue eyes.
"Oh my gosh!" he says excitedly, "I'm the more attractive one in this relationship for once!"
"JJ!" you say before smacking him with a pillow unable to hide your smile.
"Hey guys!" he calls out to his friends wanting to inform them of his latest discovery.
You just lay back, rolling your eyes at his antics, thinking about how lucky you were to call him yours.
JJ explained his revelation, and without missing a beat John B replied, "No, I'm pretty sure she's still got you beat." The others quickly agreed, laughing as JJ pouted.
You looked around you, realizing something that you'd always known deep down. At the end of the day this was your family, and you wouldn't trade them for anything.
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Foul Party
A/N: This is a JJ x Reader imagine that contains potentially triggering content related to an attempted sexual assalt.
Just to be crystal clear, the decision to go to this party was not yours. Sarah had watched her dad blow himself up and then she broke up with John B, and she just wanted to blow off some steam. That is why you let her talk you into going to a kook party. You were going to make sure Sarah was okay, because that is what good friends do. You had decided that you would have 1-2 drinks right off the bat and then switch to water so you would be good to drive whenever Sarah was ready to leave. You made sure that she had JJ’s number just in case. JJ, being the good boyfriend that he is, offered to take you guys to the party. However Sarah wanted a girls night and you weren’t going to make her third wheel, especially right after a break up.
The two of you went inside, downed the first drink, poured the second, and then Sarah led you into the crowd and you started dancing with her. She seemed to be having a pretty good time and had started talking to some girls that she had known from school. You were about halfway done with your second drink and headed back to get some water when a guy knocked into you spilling his drink on your shirt.
“Hey, I’m sorry I must have got distracted by how incredibly beautiful you are.”
“Nice line, but I have a boyfriend,” you said, finishing your drink and trying to push past him.
“Understood. Let’s get you another drink, and then I’ll show you a bathroom you can freshen up in, and I’ll leave you alone the rest of the night.”
You agreed and you made your way to the kitchen to grab some water. He then led you up to the master suite bathroom, telling you that no one else would know that it was there, so he knew that it would be free. You went into the bathroom and tried to ring the beer out of your shirt. You looked in the mirror, and the room was starting to spin, which was odd because you’d only had the two drinks.
“Are you okay?” the guy asked from the door, “You don’t look so good, maybe you should lie down for a minute, I can go get Sarah.”
You normally wouldn’t have listened, but you were feeling really out of it. It wasn’t until you watched him close the door instead of going to get help that your confused mind was able to place the pieces together.
“You slipped me something,” you slurred trying to push yourself up and find your phone.
“Not so fast,” he said, grabbing your phone and putting it on the table, “everything is going to be fine Y/n, just lay back and relax.”
“Stop it. Get off me. Help!” you tried, but there was no power behind your words.
“Shh. Everything is going to be fine. Just relax.”
You tried to fight back, but your mind wasn’t processing anything. He was in the process of pulling your shirt off when Sarah opened the door. “Get the hell away from her, you creep!”
“Get out of here Sarah,” he shouted, not expecting her to push him off of you and onto the floor.
“What did you give her?” Sarah demanded.
“I didn’t give her anything, she’s just wasted.”
“No she’s not and if you don’t tell me what you gave her now I’ll call the cops, or better yet her boyfriend,” she bluffed.
“I just slipped her a roofie, no need to overreact.”
Sarah was going to say something else, but was distracted as you started to groan. She grabbed your phone, stashing it in her back pocket before putting your arm around her neck and more or less carrying you out to your car. You kept going in and out of consciousness and she was tempted to take you to the hospital, but she knew that they would ask too many questions. She was also well aware of the fact that she was far too wasted to drive, so she pulled out her phone and called JJ. She was trying to figure out exactly what to say, but didn’t have time to think as he picked up after the second ring.
“What’s up princess? Calling to get my help getting John B back?” JJ joked.
“JJ...It’s Y/n” Sarah started, the tone of her voice already scaring the shit out of him.
“What do you mean ‘it’s Y/n’? What happened? Where are you?”
“We’re in her car in front of the party. Someone slipped her a roofie and I can’t drive right now. I need you to come pick us up.”
“Is she okay?” he asked, worry evident in his voice as he was scrambling to get his stuff together.
“She’s really out of it, and can’t stay awake. But I think that’s normal. She just needs to get home and sleep it off.”
“Are you sure we shouldn’t take her to the hospital?”
Before she could answer, she heard John B’s voice in the background, “Take who to the hospital? Is Sarah okay?”
“Sarah’s fine. Y/n was drugged and they need a ride. I’m just trying to figure out if I’m bringing her here or to the hospital. So shut up and get ready to go,” JJ instructed his best friend before returning his attention to Sarah, “Sorry about that, do you think we should take her to the hospital to be safe?”
“She was drinking earlier and they are going to ask how it happened and I really don’t think we want to get the police involved or even her parents for that matter. I’ve been reading online and since there was only one, she should be fine.”
“Oh, okay.”
There was a long pause.
“Did anything happen?” JJ asked, his voice quiet like a scared child’s.
“No JJ, I got there before he had even got her clothes off.”
“Okay, John B and I are on our way,” JJ said before hanging up the phone.
Sarah refocused her attention on you, trying to keep you somewhat cognizant while making sure your pulse was still vibing. She felt horrible for dragging you to the party. Even though she had no way of knowing that this was going to happen, she blamed herself. She let her mind wander to what could have happened if she was even a few minutes later. Tears were streaming down her face.
“‘m sorry Sarah,” you slurred.
“You have nothing to be sorry for. Just do me a favor and try to stay awake,” she saw you give it a valiant effort before starting to nod off again, “Hey Y/n guess what,” she said excitedly.
“JJ’s coming. Your golden knight in board shorts will be here anytime now.”
Instead of the happy response she was expecting, you seemed to freeze up, “He’s going to be mad,” you whimper.
“Not at you. This isn’t your fault. He’ll be so relieved to know you’re okay.”
“‘m tired and dizzy.”
“I know, I know, just try to stay awake til JJ gets here, okay?”
JJ and John B pulled up behind your car in Twinkie and JJ was out and opening your door within seconds. “Y/n?”
“JJ, knight in board shorts,” you slurred without even opening your eyes to confirm it was him.
“How you feeling?” he asked softly.
“Like shit.”
“Okay, we’re gonna get you home okay?” he promised.
JJ carefully closed your door and went to where Sarah and John B were talking awkwardly.
“So run me through this, what exactly happened?” JJ asked.
“I don’t know Y/n and I got here, we were dancing and she said that she was going to grab some water. She doesn’t come back right away so I start looking and I see her walk upstairs with this guy. I figure that he’s probably showing her the bathroom or something, Y/n’s a big girl who can handle herself. But when neither of them come back down the stairs after a couple of minutes I decide to go check on her. And I find her practically passed out with him trying to take her shirt off. He claims she’s just wasted, but obviously I knew better. So I demand that he tells me what he slipped her or I’d call the police and he said he gave her a roofie. I carried her out to the car, looked it up and figured that the best bet is probably for her to try to sleep it off. I’m too drunk to drive, so I called you.”
Normally, JJ would have already been off to kick this guy's ass, probably beat him within an inch of his life, but he couldn’t focus on that right now. “What do I need to know to take care of her?” he asked.
“She’ll be in and out of it, probably won’t remember much of anything from tonight, might become confused. Main thing you have to watch is her breathing and heart rate. It can stay in her system for up to 24 hours, but she should be in the clear after 12. When she’s coming off it, she might have a pretty bad headache or possibly be somewhat delirious. Make sure she stays away from alcohol, drugs, even over the counter stuff. Food and water will help, but she might have a hard time keeping it down.”
JJ looked slightly overwhelmed at everything that Sarah had just said. Noticing this she put her arms on his shoulders, “She is going to be fine. I’ll send the website with all of that info, just be there for her,” she reassured.
“Yeah,” he agreed, nodding his head, wiping a stray tear away. He got back in your car and made sure you were buckled in. Apparently, you had forgotten where you were or that he was there and he was a little too handsy for your liking.
“I have a boyfriend,” you said firmly.
Despite the situation, a small smile formed on his face, you never really got drunk so this was new for him. He decided it was best to keep you talking until he could get you home, “Do you?” JJ asked amused.
“What’s he like?” JJ asked as John B waved him off, letting him know he was taking Sarah. John B was going to make sure Sarah was okay after everything that happened, and then take her home. Afterwards he would drive your car back to the chateau.
You paused before answering JJ, your demeanor shifting, “He’s going to be mad at me,” you remembered what happened or what almost happened, but there were gaps and you suddenly it was like you forgot how to breathe.
You started hyperventilating and JJ immediately pulled over, not even a mile away from the party yet. “Y/n it’s JJ. I’m not mad at you. I love you and you're safe now, I promise. I need you to calm down. I need you to breathe slower. Take big deep breaths okay. I’m right here Y/n, you’re going to be okay, just breathe.” He grabbed your hand and tried to calm you down. After a few minutes, you pretty much clocked out. He checked to make sure you were okay and then started driving again just wanting to get back to the chateau where it would be easier to keep and eye on you and make sure you were okay.
The drive felt like it was taking forever. He would glance at you every few second waiting for you to move or wake up or do something. It was agonizing for him to be sitting there unable to help you.
He was in the process of picking you up bridal style to carry you inside when you spoke softly, “J?”
“Yes Y/n?”
“‘M sorry”
“You have nothing to be sorry for sweetheart, I’m just glad you are okay.”
He propped you up against the couch and went to get you water. You were asleep before he came back. JJ settled in across from you. He was going to be there, making sure you were okay as long as you needed him. He was your knight in shining board shorts after all.
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A Long Day (Part 2)
If you thought that morning was bad, the night was only going to get worse. Midsummer was supposed to be your brother’s coming-out party, but apparently Sarah had other plans which upset Topper. Knowing him, he'd be completely wasted by night's end. As far as the rest of the party went, this one was pretty typical for you. You walked around and socialized, sneaking a few drinks here or there to make things tolerable. Kie and Pope were there, which was a definite plus.
In fact, you'd have even argued that the event was going smoothly until a familiar blonde caught your eye. Your boyfriend had showed up playing the part of waitstaff, obviously something was going down. You watched as he weaved through the crowd, only to hand something to Sarah Cameron. At that point you started to close the distance between the two of you hoping to find out what was going on.
You were about to call out to him when Rafe, Topper and his goons intercepted him. JJ took off at a sprint and you were about to follow when a hand caught your wrist.
"Don't you dare make a scene. If you embarrass this family, I will make sure one way or another that you are no longer a part of it. There is nothing that that stupid Maybank boy can give you. So just sit here and let your brother take care of him," your mother threatened through a forced smile.
"Seriously mom?"
She stared you down for a second, "If you go after him that's it, your cut off. You need to learn that you are better than them. JJ is destined to end up like his dad, and you, you're going to make some rich man a very happy husband."
Without a second thought, you ripped your wrist from her grasp. "I'd rather be a Pouge."
You started inside the building, grabbing a security guard and following the noise to the locker room, where JJ was being held back Topper could beat him up.
“Gentlemen, is there a problem here?” the guard asked as the boys released JJ.
“No, no problem,” Rafe answered, eying JJ.
“Sir, I’m going to have to escort you out,” the guard said before pushing him out of the locker room where you were waiting.
“What are you doing? It wasn’t his fault. He’s allowed to be here, he’s with me,” you demanded, pulling the attention of everyone to you.
JJ was stunned by how beautiful you looked, having seen you for the first time that night. He was going to compliment you, but before he could he heard one of Rafe’s goons speak, “I didn’t know sluts were allowed to wear white, she’s still hot for a pogue though.”
JJ turned around ready to fight him, when the guard pushed him back towards the entrance. Rafe and Kelce didn’t dare laugh knowing that you were off-limits considering you were Topper’s sister. You didn’t care enough to react though, and just followed the guard out with JJ. You could tell that he was getting antsy. As you walked past Pope, he yelled and told him that it was a mandatory power hour at Rixton’s and to tell Kie.
He made eye contact with you before grabbing your hand and pulling you away from the party to the protest of the guard. The two of you didn’t stop until you reached the HMS Pogue. Kie and Pope not far behind.
The five of you went to Rixton’s, Pope explained to the group what had happened on figure eight and with your brother's boat. The JJ filled in the gaps of what went down after he got arrested. John B filled everyone in on his day with Sarah and his new plan to get the gold. The whole time you struggled to pay attention though.
Your mind was racing, everything was about to change for you, and there was so much that you needed to do. You would need to go by your house ASAP to get your stuff before your mother threw it out. You would need a new place to stay, probably with John B or Kiara. You would need all of your legal documents and as much money as you could manage. You knew that your mom wouldn't try too much, because you were aware of family secrets that could bring her down. That didn't mean that you weren't stressing out. In fact it was overwhelming to the point that you went into autopilot. "I have to dip for a bit," you said out of nowhere, "JJ do you still have my keys?"
Luckily, you had noticed your car earlier. JJ must've drove it here and met John B who had the HMS Pogue.
"Uh yeah," he said digging them out of his pocket. He went to hand them to you, but one look at your face told him that something was wrong, so he held them just out of reach, "I can drive you, where are we going?"
"I just need to take care of something, please JJ," you said close to a breakdown. JJ knew that look, slight fear behind the eyes, and he knew that no matter how much he wanted to go with you and to protect you, that whatever was going on was something that you believed that you needed to do on your own. He hesitated for a moment before handed you the keys. "Be careful, I love you. Call me if you need anything."
You turned away him, and he followed you with his eyes as you drove off before returning to his friends.
"What was that all about?" John B asked.
"I don't know," JJ answered before turning towards Kiara, "Did something happen tonight at the party?"
"Not that I know of."
"I've never seen her just shutdown like that," Pope added.
"She'll be fine," JJ decided, trying to reassure himself more than anyone.
The four of them continued to talk for a while. JJ text you asking you to let him know you were okay whenever you got to wherever you were going, to tell you their plans for the night, and to remind you that he was only a call or text away if you needed him. He couldn't help the unsettling feeling that was building inside him. He regretted not going with you.
You were inside your house packing up everything that you owned. You put the suitcases in your car before going in again to grab your passport, insurance, some cash out of your parents safe, etc. You walked out and stood outside of your door, knowing that it would be a while before you would be back...if ever came back.
You got in your car, looking at your phone which contained missed messages from your friends. They were all in Twinkie heading to Kildare, you decided to meet them there. Whatever they were up to would probably serve as a distraction.
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A Long Day (Part 1)
AN: This is my first time writing for Outer Banks. It is JJ x Thorten!Reader and based on the plot of the show. Spoiler alert also 1 sentence of implied adult content.
For once, everything was going great, that was at least until your phone rang...
“Pope, I swear to god-”
“It’s JJ-” he started.
That was all that you needed to hear for your stomach to drop and your anxiety to start. Pope proceeded to explain how your brother and Rafe had jumped him while he was delivering groceries on figure-eight. He sunk Topper’s boat in a fit of Rage, and JJ took the fall for it. Shoupe had arrested him for it earlier that morning. The number of times that Pope apologized during the call, was unreal. You reassured him that everything was going to be okay and that you would get JJ out.
You immediately called the Sheriff’s department and found out about his bail. You knew that coming up with the money was not going to be a problem. Doing so without your mom finding out was the real issue. She couldn't stand your relationship with the Pogue's, especially JJ, and you were already skating on thin ice at this point. You withdrew the maximum amount at the bank, which was more than enough to cover his fines. It was the next part that you struggled more with.
You stood in front of JJ’s house. He told you explicitly that you were never allowed to go there when he wasn’t with you, but you didn’t have a choice. It didn’t matter how much money you had, he was a minor and they weren’t going to release him without his dad there. You took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Not getting an answer you open it and walk in, “Mr. Maybank?” you called out. He was asleep on the couch, “Mr. Maybank!” you repeated loud enough to get his attention.
“What are you doing here?”
“JJ needs you, he’s at the station, I have the money, I just need you to come sign.”
“Let him sit there, might straighten him out. Now get out of my house.”
“Please, I’ll pay you to do it, just come help him.”
“How much?”
You had to ignore the fact that he wasn’t willing to go just to help his son. The anger that JJ, who deserved the world was stuck with this sorry excuse for a- “$500.00, and I can drive if you want me to.”
“I’ll drive myself. Give me the money.”
You handed him the five hundred dollars and watched him stuff it in his pocket before grabbing his keys and pushing past you to get in his truck. You followed behind him and went into the station with him. He signed the paperwork, while you went to the billing room to pay the fine. When you exited, one of the officers let you know that JJ and his dad had just left.
You walk out of the station surprised to see that JJ’s Dad’s truck was still there. Your stomach dropped as you realized what was happening. You raced to the passenger side door, pulling it open.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” you demanded as you pulled JJ outside.
“That’s fine JJ, let your bitch save you. You have to come home at some point and I’ll make you pay for that restitution.”
“Go to hell!” you yelled as you slammed the door.
You had your arms wrapped around JJ and led him to your car, guiding him to sit in the passenger's seat. You gently reached up to get a better look at his face. You popped the trunk of your car and found the emergency kit, grabbing JJ some gauze and Ibuprofen. You handed them both to him, and simply studied him for a moment before getting in the car and starting to drive.
JJ's mind was racing. This whole day had been too much. From being arrested to being interrogated/threatened, to what his dad had just done. If you weren't there to stop it, JJ wasn't sure he'd of walked away from that car. The worst part of all of this for him was that you were there. Of course, he had come to you to be patched up after fights or after one of his dad's bad moods, but you had never witnessed it first hand. His anxiety was building until he recognized a soft humming.
You were humming his favorite song, knowingly helping to keep him grounded. You knew that physical affection could be too much for him right after his dad's episodes. You also knew that he wasn't ready to talk to you about any of it. JJ focused on that noise, and his mind shifted to you. You saved him in more ways than one today. You were always saving him. You took care of him in ways no one else had ever bothered to.
He watched you out of the corner of his eye, you had your brave face on, refusing to show how shaken up you were. You knew that wasn't what he needed right now. JJ wanted to say something, but he couldn't find the words. He instead allowed himself to relax into the seat and close his eyes.
He was brought back to reality when he heard you ordering food at a drive-through. You handed him the bag before placing the drinks in a cup holder. He didn't realize how hungry he was until the aroma started to fill the car.
"My place or John B's?" you asked softly.
"Yours," he decided, not wanting to deal with the rest of his friends right now. He knew that you would give him all the patience, space, attention, etc. that he needed for as long as he needed.
He looked over at you as you were driving. You were absolutely insane, he is in love with everything about you and your personality. He knew that he didn't deserve you, but promised himself in that car that he would spend the rest of his life trying to if you would let him.
"Thank you Y/n," he spoke, breaking the comfortable silence.
“No worries, I was hungry anyways,”
"Not just for the food," he said rolling his eyes a small grin gracing his face, "Seriously, thank you for everything."
JJ handed you your sandwich and started in on his own food. Before long the two of you had made it back to your place. You were relieved to see that neither Topper nor your mom were home. As JJ predicted, you brought him inside and up to your room, having him sit on your bed while you cleaned the cuts on his face, kissing each one gently when you were done. You stood in between his legs and put your hands on his shoulders, studying his face.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you asked.
“Not really. I do wanna know how you managed to get him to come to the station though, he didn’t even pick up when I called him.”
You bit your lip and lowered your arms nervously, wishing you could avoid this conversation a little longer, “I went to your house and I told him I would pay the bail if he came to sign the papers. Before you get mad, I tried to call him, but he wouldn’t answer and they wouldn’t let you out unless he was there.” You closed your eyes prepared for JJ to go off about how you’re not allowed to go to his house.
JJ hated the uneasiness in your posture and placed his hand under your chin guiding your eyes to meet his, “Hey, I’m not mad, I promise. I’m glad you got him to come,” JJ said, standing up and hugging you.
“I’m sorry that you had to go through all of this,” you said as you rested your head on his chest.
“It’s okay, Pope’s in the clear, I’ll be fine as long as I come up with the money to pay the restitution. I’ll hang out here or with John B until my dad cools down, and things will start to go back to normal,” JJ promised.
“I sure hope so.”
“Besides, I have an amazing girlfriend, so I can’t really complain too much,” he added before kissing your cheek.
“A caring, *kiss* smart, *kiss* loyal, *kiss* beautiful *kiss* girlfriend *kiss* who I love,” he said as he started to pull your shirt off...
The two of you spent most of the day together, but you had to get ready for Midsummer and JJ wanted to go check in with John B. You agreed to meet him at the Chateau after the party. He made you promise to call him if you decided to drink, or if any of the guys were being too pushy. You reminded him that he could just come with you as your plus one if he wanted, which caused him to start laughing as he would be caught dead before going to a kook party in a suit. You kissed him goodbye and gave him your car keys watching out your window as he drove away.
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Just a Fall
This is my first Stranger Things imagine, it is Steve Harrington x reader. It's a concept I might flush out into a mini-series, maybe... For more of my writing check out my masterlist here.
It was just a little fall, you were hanging up a welcome home poster for Dustin who was finally returning from his camp when you lost your footing and bumped your head. It was no big deal and honestly, if his mom hadn’t come out to check on the noise you made, you probably would have just iced it and called it a day. But she insisted on taking you to the hospital in case you had a concussion. She called your parents and your mom was going to meet you there. You didn’t even want her to do that, but at least she agreed to let you tell the boys.
While in the waiting room, you used a payphone to call Will and let him know you’d miss the surprise. He asked if you were okay, and you gave him a purposely vague answer not wanting to have the party freaking out about nothing. You were about to call Steve when the nurse called your name. You were slightly relieved, you knew that Steve would feel obligated to come make sure you were okay even though he absolutely hated hospitals.
It was just a little fall, you explained to the nurse. But regardless, she was running rounds of tests to make sure that there wasn’t any brain trauma or other hidden injuries. What should have been treated with a bag of frozen peas was now turning into a whole ordeal. You were really starting to understand why Steve disliked hospitals.
It was just a little fall, you whispered as the doctor told you and your mom that they had found something far more serious through your scans. As to the what and the how, you didn’t hear any of what the doctor was saying. Once the words terminal and nothing we can do, came out of his mouth your brain shut off. The next thing you heard was “months, if she’s really lucky, a year.” Your eyes shifted up to your mom’s which was a mistake because seeing her completely breakdown was not helping you at all.
“Okay, so are we done here?” you spoke calmly.
“Y/n, I know this is a lot to process. I can get a psychologist in here to help you talk through things. We can-”
“I mean you said that I am dying and that there is nothing to be done about it, so what else is there to talk about?”
“Y/n-” your mom tried.
That was enough of that for you, you had to get out of there. You ignored your mom calling after you and made your way out to the front. Now the question was where to go from here. You could head to Steve’s, to the mall, to see the Party. All you knew was that there was absolutely no way you were going home.
You started walking towards Steve’s house, knowing that he was working and his parents were out of town for the weekend. You hoped that you’d be able to keep your head down and try to figure out the best way to tell him and the rest of your friends the news. However, you saw your mom’s car on the next street over and quickly changed your mind ducking into the Henderson’s house, glad to see that Dustin’s mom wasn’t home.
“Hey Henderson, how was camp?” you greeted.
“It was great! I met this girl, she’s totally awesome and we are doing long distance. We are actually heading to set up a satellite to talk to her now. Do you want to come with?”
“Of course I do,” you agreed, allowing Dustin to fill you in on everything else that had happened in the last month.
“Sounds like you had a good time,” you add, trying to focus on the conversation and not everything else that was on your mind.
You allowed your mind to drift, until Will’s voice brought you out of your thoughts, “Hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just been a weird day,” you answer.
“You know you could talk to me, I mean any of us really, if something was wrong?” he asked.
“Of course I do. And you can talk to me about anything.”
Will knew that there was something that you were hiding, but he decided to let it rest for now. The two of you made it up to the top of the hill and started helping Dustin set up Cerebro. He tried to contact Suzie, but it was radio silence on her end. El and Mike left claiming that El had a curfew. Max and Lucas left shortly after to catch a movie. That left you, Will, and Dustin. Will stayed for a while and the two boys talked about new DnD campaign possibilities. But soon even he left. Dustin was clearly upset both about Suzie not answering him and his friends leaving so easily.
“Hey, it’s okay, she probably went out to eat with her family or something. And things will get back to normal with the Party in no time,” you assured him, “Why don’t we call it a night and go see Steve, we can all watch a movie together and you can stay the night or I’ll drive you home after.”
Dustin’s face lit up, and he started packing up so the two of you could leave. The two of you started talking carelessly and for a shining moment, you almost forgot that the first half of your day had even existed. The two of you stopped by his house so he could get a movie, you also had him leave his mom a note telling her his plans and to call Steve’s house if she needed him. You had almost made it out when the phone rang. Dustin was quick to pick it up.
“Hey Mrs. Y/l/n, yeah Y/n is-” your eyes went wide and you shook your head wildly at Dustin. Luckily he caught on, “I haven’t seen her since she stopped by earlier. I’ll let you know if she comes back, but she is probably just staying the night at a friend's house. It is a Friday night. Bye,” he said quickly before hanging up the phone, “Are you going to tell me why I just lied to your mother?” he questioned.
“I- I’m - It’s just that-” you tried, but the words were lost on you. How were you supposed to tell him that a little fall had turned into you finding out that you were dying? As in no more Y/f/n Y/l/n. For the first time since that little fall took place only hours ago, tears escaped your eyes. And just like that every shred of calm and collective, of unaffected and indifferent, melted away. You were crying uncontrollably in front of one of your best friends, truly feeling the implication of the doctor's words for the first time.
Dustin was at a loss for words, in the entirety of your friendship he couldn’t remember ever seeing you cry. He decided to pick the phone back up and call Steve.
The phone barely rang twice before Steve answered, “Hey man, Y/n’s mom just came to my house. Apparently, something happened and they haven’t seen or heard from her. Her mom’s a wreck, I’m on my way out to look for her, do you think you could walkie-talkie the Party and see if any of them have seen her? If not I thought I’d pick you up and we could go check some of her favorite spots. I don’t know what’s going on but it’s apparently really serious. I’m freaking out.”
“She’s here. But she doesn’t want her parents to know. Whatever happened, it’s bad man,” Dustin replied.
“How bad?”
“She’s bawling her eyes out on the couch, avoiding her parents, and hasn’t said a word about it, so I’d guess it's pretty bad.”
“I’ll be there in 5,” he said before hanging up. He grabbed his keys and left without another thought. For the entire time that the two of you have been dating, hell, for the entirety of your friendship he couldn’t remember seeing you cry. And you adored your parents. His internal freak out was escalating as he pushed harder on the gas pedal. He needed to get the Henderson’s house and get you in his arms, where he could keep you safe from whatever this big bad terrible thing was.
Dustin went to you and put his arms around you trying his best to comfort you, “It’s okay Y/n, whatever happened we’ll figure it out. Steve’s on his way, just try to calm down and breathe.” He was wondering what the hell could have happened to upset you so badly. He was extremely thankful when Steve came through the door. He excused himself debating whether or not he should alert the rest of the Party. Ultimately, he decided that he needed to fully access the situation before getting them involved.
He wandered back downstairs to see Steve repositioning himself behind you on the couch and wrapping his arms around you. He was honestly a little afraid of what could have happened to make you this upset. But no matter what it was, it was going to be okay. You would get through it and he would be by your side every step of the way. Hell, whatever this was, it probably would be easier to survive than demogorgons, mindflayers, and the upside down and you both made it through that.
“Y/n, I love you and everything's going to be okay. Just calm down, focus on my voice and try to take deep breaths. I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere, I promise. Shhhh, it’s okay just to breathe in and out. I love you so much,” he spoke softly.
“It was...only a…fall,” you muttered in between sobs, “I don’t...I can’t...It was…I barely fell…”
“Y/n? Are you hurt? Did you fall and hurt yourself?” Steve asked softly, making eye contact with Dustin who shook his head.
“I was hanging up the poster...I fell and... Mrs. Henderson wanted to... make sure I didn’t have a concussion. The hospital...But then the tests...and my mom wasn’t helping... The doctor said that I...but it was only a fall...” you explained miserably as tears rolled down your cheeks, your breathing starting to return to a less alarming pace..
That was definitely not cohesive enough for Steve to figure out what happened, but Dustin was starting to piece it together. Steve refocused on trying to calm you down when Dustin stepped forward, “Y/n, what did the doctor say?”
Instead of answering you started crying harder again. Steve shot Dustin a death glare before it clicked in his head what he just asked you and his stomach dropped. He just wrapped his arms around you tighter hoping to god that his idea was way off-base.
Eventually, you calmed down enough to talk. Steve moved so that he could look you in the face, Dustin offered you some tissues before sitting down beside the two of you. “Y/n, what happened at the hospital?” Steve asked softly.
“The doctor told me that I’m sick. I’m sick and I’m not going to get better and there’s nothing they can do about it,” you explained defeatedly, avoiding eye contact with either of them, “months maybe a year if I’m lucky,” you answered Dustin's question before he even asked it. There were so many more questions that he had, but a look from Steve told him that now was not the time. You got up to go to the bathroom, leaving the two boys sitting in disbelief.
“Dustin, what time will your mom be home?” you asked, breaking the silence upon returning.
“Shit! Literally any minute.”
“Okay, Steve, can I crash at your place?” you asked, already knowing the answer.
“Of course. Dustin, do you want to come too?” he asked.
“I think I should stay here, call Y/n’s parents and let them know she’s okay, being vague about her whereabouts, etc.”
“Understandable, just do me a favor and don’t tell the Party. Not yet, I just need a little time to process everything and then I’ll tell them myself, I promise.”
“Of course, scouts honor,” he replied causing you to smile before Steve all but ushered you out the door.
Once the two of you were alone in the car and far enough away from the Henderson’s house not to worry about running into Mrs. Henderson, he turned to you, “Do you wanna talk about it?”
“I think I’m all talked out for tonight,” you answered honestly.
He nodded understandingly. It was a few more minutes before you arrived at his house. You both wordlessly made your way up to his room where you took out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that you had left there, making your way to the bathroom to change. You didn’t waste any time climbing into bed where Steve soon joined you. He wrapped his arms around you a little tighter than normal, as if he were afraid that you might slip away from him. You didn’t mind though, you enjoyed his warmth and presence. You dreaded the next day and all that you knew would come with it. Instead, you tried to focus on the solace you found with Steve. This, you thought, is what I’m going to miss the most. A single tear made its way down your check before your exhaustion took over and you fell asleep.
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Distraction part 1
This is a mini series that is Scott x Reader. And before you ask, yes I am still writing the Stiles Sis Fic series the next part will be out relatively soon. I've been busy planning out the later seasons so I could make sure to time everything correctly. Anyways, for more of my writing here is my Masterlist.
It started as a normal day, you woke up and prepared for school. It was not long before your phone lit up with messages from your boyfriend. It was something along the line of ‘Good morning beautiful’ ‘I can’t wait to see you at school’ ‘I love you’. Every message caused the smile on your face to grow. You loved Scott. He was the guy who had seen you at your worst but would only talk about you at your best. He had a unique ability to make everything better. It was like as long as the two of you were together, nothing could ever stand in your way.
You were about to leave your house when your phone buzzed again. This time the text was from Lydia. ‘Ready for this weekend?’ she sent. ‘Totally, my bags are already in the car’ you replied. You, Allison, and Lydia were going to leave right after the Lacrosse game and go up to one of her family’s cabins. She had decided that you were in need of mandatory girl time. After all, you hadn’t spent much time together with all of the supernatural chaos.
It was a normal school day. You were greeted by Scott and Stiles. You sat through all of your classes, met up with Lydia at lunch, and talked to Scott during your shared free period. After school was over you hung out with Scott until he had to start getting ready for his game.
“I wish you didn’t have to go with Lydia” he pouted jokingly.
“It’s not that big of a deal Scott I’ll be back Sunday night,” you replied.
“I know but that is two whole days without you,” he answered.
“Exactly, it’s two days” you laughed, “You’ll be fine” you added.
“We can text, right?” Scott asked.
“Well as much as I would love to, Lydia would kill me, and there is no signal up there anyways,” you answered.
“This is about to be the longest 48 hours of my life,” Scott groaned.
You rolled your eyes, “It’s a good opportunity to have some bro time with Stiles, maybe you can finally watch Star Wars,” you remarked as you started to get up.
“Not so fast,” Scott said as he pulled you back down onto his bed and kissed you.
“Scott” *kiss* “I” *kiss* “Love” *kiss* “you, but” *kiss* “we have” *kiss* “to go” *kiss* you managed to say before he pulled away. You tried to look away from him knowing you were blushing hard. “Good luck tonight, not that you’ll need it. I love you and I’ll see you Sunday if not before then,” you said hugging him.
“I love you too Y/n, I’ll see you at the game,” he returned.
You went to Lydia’s house and went through the plan one last time. She went through a checklist to make sure that neither you nor Allison had forgotten anything. After that, it was time for the three of you to go to the game.
You watched the game and cheered for both Scott and Stiles. The team won 5-3. You were getting ready to go when Allison realized that she forgot to put her bag in Lydia’s car. Lydia was going to take her back and grab the bag. You decided to use the time to catch your boyfriend before leaving. You were weaving through the crowd when someone’s hand went over your mouth. “Nighty Night Y/n,” you heard an eerily familiar voice before feeling a pinch in your neck and seeing everything fade to black.
‘Hey Lyds, I’m really sorry but my mom called. She’s in the hospital. It’s not serious, but I’m staying here with her.’
Lydia text you back, ‘Do you want us to come with you, we can reschedule’
‘No don’t do that. Go have fun. We can hang out next weekend’
‘Are you sure? It’s not that big of a deal,’ she replied.
‘Don’t worry Lydia, it’s fine, just enjoy yourselves, I’ll see you Monday’
‘Okay, see you Monday’ She answered as she and Allison started to leave.
“What’s up?” Allison asked.
“Something came up and Y/n can’t come with us,” Lydia answered.
“Awe, that’s too bad, you still want to go?” Allison questioned.
“Of course, let’s do this, phones off” she replied, turning off her own phone.
Scott was dragged to a party with Stiles. It was for a friend of Stiles’, Heather. Scott didn’t really want to go, he couldn’t get drunk and he wouldn’t know anyone other than Stiles. But Stiles had insisted that it would make the time without you and Lydia more bearable. As Stiles entered he was greeted with a passionate kiss from none other than the birthday girl herself. He was quickly whisked away to the wine cellar. Scott reluctantly moved into the living room, grabbed a drink, and pulled out his phone. He smiled as he saw he had a text from you. ‘Hey babe, I’m leaving with the girls, turning my phone off now. Love you, see you Sunday!’
That was the last text sent before your phone was shut off and thrown in the dumpster behind the school. “That will buy me some time,” your kidnapper replied before driving away with you unconscious in the back seat.
The day started off pretty normally for Scott. He went to text you before he remembered that you wouldn’t have service. He was glad that you were able to get away and relax with the girls. He had decided to go to the field with Stiles to practice Lacrosse. But he couldn’t shake a gut feeling that something was wrong. Stiles explained to Scott that there was a body found and that he was waiting on his dad to see if it was anything supernatural. Scott couldn’t help but be slightly uninterested. He was tired of death and the supernatural world, he was just a kid, and for once he wanted to act like it. Scott stared out the window of Roscoe, and wondered what you were doing right now.
You woke up and were caught completely off guard. It was dark and you were sitting knee-deep in water. There was a light above you. You must have been in a well. But you couldn’t remember how you would have got here. You went to reach for your aching head and realized that your hands were bound. You tried standing up splashing the water around which sent a shiver through your body. You wondered how long you had been missing. You weren’t that worried though, you were supposed to be with Lydia and Allison. They wouldn’t have left without you. And once Scott found out, he’d come for you. But then again, you were trapped in water, which meant he’d have a hard time following your scent. And you didn’t know how long you’d already been down here. You started to worry, trying to break your hands free so you could attempt to climb the wall. But that would take hours.
Scott and Stiles were at Stiles' house about to start their movie marathon when Stiles got a text. “Woah dude, you remember that body they found earlier?” Stiles asked, rereading the message in disbelief.
“Yeah, what about it?” Scott asked, wishing he could have one night off.
“It wasn’t just your average dead body. There was a significant blow to the head, his throat was slashed, and he was strangled by a garrote,” Stiles explained.
“Okay Stiles, but that doesn’t exactly sound supernatural, can’t we let the police handle this one?” Scott tried.
“Yeah I guess, but talk about overkill,” he answered, though he was planning on looking into it more after his best friend went home. Nothing was ever as it seemed in Beacon Hills, and he’d be damned if he wasn’t prepared for the worst-case scenario.
The two of them ate pizza and started to watch the first movie, however it wasn’t long after Scott finished eating that he fell asleep. Stiles took this time to do research on the latest murder.
Later that night:
You had finally managed to unbind your hands after what felt like hours of scraping them against the brick. You wanted to climb up the wall but it was now so dark that you could barely see your hand in front of your face. You decided that it would have to wait until morning. You sat back in the cold water, trying to find a safe position to sit in. The water was so cold. Your throat was sore from the screaming you had done earlier. You started crying as you realized the severity of your situation. You could die down here. You were going to die down here if someone didn’t find you soon. You thought about Scott. The only comfort that you felt was in knowing that he was out there looking for you. After a while, you drifted out of consciousness.
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