#but is it a case of: u need to try harder or even trying ur hardest it's nnot possible. i dont kno. i cant kno
opens-up-4-nobody · 2 days
Oh my adhd having students, I mean this in the most "I'm trying to help u pass this class" way possible: what the fuck am I supposed to do with you? And I mean that as an earnest question. If u have advice pls let me know.
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nerdy-novelist017 · 2 months
omg i love ur writing sm✨🩷💋
do u think u could write sumthin like benny coming home to finding u snuggled up on the couch in one of his huge shirts?????
Thank you for this super sweet request, Anon! Sorry I've been taking forever to get around to the requests, but I'm trying to get back into the routine of working on them a little bit every day. Hope you enjoy!
Benny x Bunny Masterlist
Word Count- 1.1k+
T-Shirts (Benny Cross x Shy! Reader)
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Benny cursed under his breath as he stumbled over the threshold of the front door. He’d been out with the Vandals, not an actual meeting, just a night out with a few of the main members. He’d invited you as he always did, but you declined. You had told him that you wanted to have some alone time after a long day at work. He understood – girls needed their ‘me time’ to pamper themselves or whatever, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to miss you. You were sometimes all consuming to him, his thoughts almost always ran back to you. Johnny and the boys could see it, anyone that really knew Benny (few as they were) knew he was completely infatuated with you. He was drunk off your touch, your voice, your smile. How could he be separated from you for long? So as the night progressed and he accepted more whiskeys being slid in his direction, his thoughts of you became more hazy, more melancholic and finally Johnny took pity on him and told him to go home. 
The slight buzz from the beers he had early did not mix well with the lack of lights. Usually, you left on the front porch light for him when you knew he would be out late and you were going to bed early. But it wasn’t the case tonight he realized as all the lights in the main level of your house were turned off. As he tossed his bike keys onto the entryway table and flipped on a light, he wondered briefly in his intoxicated mind if you were upset with him and this was your passive aggressive way of punishing him for staying out late, but that theory quickly diminished when he caught sight of the couch. At first glance, it looked like just a pile of throw blankets, but he was convinced he could spot your familiar form no matter how much light there was in the room. 
He slipped out of his boots and jacket, standing there for a moment longer in appreciation. A lovestruck smile overtook his face at the view of you curled into your side, that yellow blanket with white flowers (one you had begged him to buy when you first moved in together, stating that it was the perfect piece to pull the room together. He honestly couldn’t have cared less about the living room or its decor, but the smile on your face when he put it in the shopping cart made it suddenly the most important detail.) pulled over your body, a forgotten book laying face down on your chest – a clear indication that you had once again fallen asleep while reading. Your mouth slightly agape, your features looked so soft and girlish that it took Benny’s breath away knowing you were his. Even though he saw some incredible sunrises, sunsets and starry nights when he went riding, you were without a doubt the most beautiful sight he got to come home to. 
Unable to restrain himself any longer, he crossed the room, stooping to trace a hand across your face, brushing the tousled hair from your eyes. With his other hand, he looped his fingers through the spine of your novel, making sure to save your page mark as he placed it on the coffee table. His left hand moved beneath your knees and his right supported your back as he effortlessly lifted you into his embrace. That’s when he realized you were wearing one of his shirts, the white material clearly oversized on your small figure. He didn’t know a simple white t-shirt had the ability to be sexy, but clearly he shouldn’t have been as surprised as he was because you had the talent to make just about anything look painfully arousing on you. And nothing at all. And to make matters even harder for Benny, he knew it wasn't your intention when you put on his shirt to look sexy, you probably weren’t even aware of the effects of your body in that damn oversized t-shirt and the way it clung to your chest as he lifted you, nor the way it molded around your hips. You were certainly not aware of the sudden twitch in his pants because of the way the garment just seemed to make you look even more of the little bunny that stole his heart. 
“Benny?” your muffled, half asleep voice hit his ears like the sweetest melody as you snuggled into his chest. 
“Stealin’ my clothes, Bunny?” he teased and you sunk further into his embrace, not quite awake enough to catch his playfulness. He carried you up to your bedroom, using his foot to kick the door shut behind him. He placed you gently on your side of the bed and almost laughed as you tugged him back down to you for a messy kiss. 
“I like the way it smells like you,” you admitted as you rubbed your eyes, the action pulling on Benny’s heartstrings. 
“You may have to keep it. Looks better on you,” he smiled as he stepped back to change into something more comfortable. 
“Whatever you say, Cross.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, your words slurring together. “I tried waitin’ up for you. Did ‘ya have a good time?”
“Go back to sleep, Bunny,” he coaxed gently, smiling as your blinks were growing longer by the second. That was always something you wanted to do: you liked to lay in bed and talk about your days if they happened to be spent apart. You encouraged him to talk more than he’s ever talked in his life. Sometimes he felt as though your chattiness was rubbing off on him, but you never interrupted nor discouraged him from expressing his thoughts. He loved you more for that. “There’s plenty of time to talk about it tomorrow.”
“M’kay, come lay with me?” you asked and Benny scoffed because was that even a request you needed to make? He was drawn to you like a moth to flame, he couldn’t resist having a hand on you while he slept. It was like some instinctual urge projecting him to keep you near, to keep you safe, even while he was floating in the realm of sleep. 
He shook his head as you muttered a final incoherent sentence into the side of your pillow, eyes falling shut again. He crawled into bed behind you, slipping his hand around your waist and pulling you flush against his body as he pulled the blankets over the two of you. A soft, content sigh escaped you, and Benny looped his hand into yours, pulling it up to his lips in a soft kiss as he whispered “I love you, Bunny.”
-Tag List-
@imusicaddict  @elizabeth916  @jaiuneamesolitaiire  @dudii4love @ironmooncat  @beebeechaos  @astrogrande  @pearlparty  @themorriganisamonster  @sillylittlethrowaway  @ughdontbeboring  @penwieldingdreamer  @charmingballoon  @eugene-emt-roe  @sunnbib @semperamans  @groovyangelkisses  @killerqueenfan @cynic-spirit  @pomtherine  @tranquilty  @m00npjm  @twisteduniverse5  @justsomewritingblog  @nhlfs  @thepassionatereader  @rebecca-hvnstn  @nethanybear @dreamlandcreations  @buckysteveloki-me  @simsiddy  @zablife  @sansaorgana  @autumnleaves1991-blog  @butler-trouble @lindszeppelin
 @wavyjassy @real-lana-del-rey   @ilovehyperfixating  @xcallmetaniax  @lovenewfandoms   
@youngestxhearts . @abaker74  @ateliefloresdaprimavera  @thefallofthedamned
@hottpinkpenguinreads @nctma15   @vendylewin   @capswife  @alexa4040   @sweetestrose569   @18lkpeters  @thedreamingfish99   @mrsalwayswrite 
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dollfacefantasy · 6 months
Hey girly, love ur writing!!! could you do a leon x fem reader and they are doing the deed and there are other people there are they are tryna stay quiet 🤭🤭 like i lowk imagine leon being kinda needy but idk! thank u girl!!
thank you so much and ofc, here's a little drabble for this <3
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, exhibitionism (someone else in the room)
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"Leon. Be quiet. He's gonna wake up," you whine, taking extra care to keep your voice lowered.
"I'm trying, baby. Not my fault you're so fucking tight," he murmurs against the shell of your ear.
You had picked up your boyfriend and his friend Chris from the airport earlier that day. It was a long drive. Apparently their sectors of the government didn't have the competence to drop them a little bit closer to where you lived. You had insisted on just driving through the night, but Leon and Chris were exhausted. They wanted to stretch out on a bed and pass out for the night. Even if the hotel you'd come across only had one available room left.
You feel another moan about to seep from Leon's lips. In an effort to prevent this, you dig your nails into his forearm which was over your chest. His hand rested on your throat, giving him leverage to continue plowing into you from behind.
The little crescents do nothing to silence him and only serve to turn his low pitched moan into a needy whine.
"Leon, shut up!" you whimper.
Your eyes are locked on Chris as your boyfriend ruts into you. His hips smack against your ass, but he's not going fast enough to make any disturbing noise.
"Hush, honey, he sleeps like a fucking rock, trust me," he whispers.
He aims to reassure you with some wet kisses behind your ear. You knew this was wrong and that you should've protested. If Chris did wake up, you'd be humiliated and guilty. But fuck, he just felt so good.
His cock keeps sliding into your soaked cunt just right. Each stroke hits another mark of pleasure. It was a miracle you were able to keep some semblance of composure. To keep yourself quiet, you clutch the blankets in your fists though, so hard it nearly pains you. Leon didn't have the same discipline. This entire time his panting and whimpering drips right into your ear. The noises were among your favorites in the world, always guranteed to make you squirm.
"That's it. That's a good girl," he coos upon hearing no further protests, "Just relax for me, babydoll."
The thought was a persuasive one. You could feel yourself beginning to melt into the crisp hotel sheets just like how you would in your own bed at home. Half of your face presses against the pillow case. His hips never stop moving beneath the blankets. He couldn't get enough of your velvety warmth wrapped around him.
As you feel yourself starting to build to that sweet release, you see Chris start to shift. Your eyes had been locked on him the whole time, preparing for this exact scenario. Panic floods your mind. Had he been awake since the beginning? Had he been watching? Was he pissed?
Your heart pounds even harder against your ribcage as your fingers release the blanket and return to his arm.
"Leon!" you gasp.
He can tell from the infliction in your tone that it's not a gasp of ecstasy. His thrusts come to a screeching halt. His eyes that were half-lidded with a combination of lust and fatigue open a little more. He spots the same movement you did.
Fairly certain it was some usual tossing and turning, he pulls you closer to his chest and nuzzles the side of your head.
"Stay quiet, babe. We're gonna be fine," he whispers even quieter than before.
The two of you do exactly that. You stay still and silent. It was kind of nice, the calm feeling of just being full without any sparks of pleasure. But Leons arm begins to move.
Your eyes dart down and watch his limb slither below your t-shirt and up to your breast, taking one of the warm mounds in his hand. He just rests it there as the both of you continue to pretend to sleep as if he needed to feel more of you. Being buried inside of you just wasn't enough to sate his desire.
As soon as Chris has settled facing the opposite direction and you're both confident he's fast asleep, Leon begins pumping his hips again. And with the return of the movement, comes the return of his noises. He grunts, groans, mewls. Anything he needs to in order to spur on his own release.
You just let him this time without any complaints, figuring he may finish and get you to finish a bit faster with the lack of bickering.
His cock begins to pulse within you. As his thrusts get sloppier and a bit more erratic, you know the end is near. Your hand delves down between your legs, pads of your fingers rubbing at your clit a little to give yourself that extra friction needed to join him.
He cums first. His hips stop, pelvis flush against your backside. At first, you're sure he's gonna wake someone. His noises are only a little louder, but they're much more frequent. You feel him spill every drop within you as he shoots rope after rope. You're not far behind and cum a few seconds later. Your legs twitch as your walls clamp down around his already sensitive length, drawing more needy sound from him.
While the two of you come down, he murmurs into your ear. His words are all breathy from the bliss that had just entered his system.
"Christ, angel. So perfect for me," he says with a small kiss to your head.
You reciprocate the affection, but some anxiety still lingers within you.
"You really think he didn't hear?" you ask, looking up into his eyes for reassurance.
"No way. We're clear," he says, granting your wish before grinning at you, "Besides, if he did, I'm sure he'd enjoy the show."
Your eyes widen at his little clip and you lightly pinch his bicep. "Shut up. For real this time," you tease.
"You got it, boss," he says, planting one more kiss on your lips.
You roll your eyes but still get comfy in bed as he pulls out and fixes the two of you. After falling back into position, it's not hard to fall asleep. You fit against each other perfectly. His chest is so warm against your back. Everything just feels right, especially since you were sure you'd just pulled off the heist of the century.
You fall asleep on cloud nine but are quickly brought back to reality the next morning when the three of you check out. You're carrying your bags out while Chris holds the door for you. Leon's putting things in the trunk already, eager to get home and have some true alone time with you.
As far as you knew, you were in the clear. That was until Chris gave the room one last glace and then turned his gaze to you.
"The next set of people better hope they clean the sheets really well," he says with a teasing smile.
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luveline · 1 year
I feel like Hotch with a BAU!reader that has bad allergies? When they have to go elsewhere for a case and he knows to bring medication and plenty of tissues to subtly hand to reader because he knows they don’t like bringing attention to it even though it’s fairly obvious?
thank u for ur request! gn!reader
It's embarrassing —and a second, harder to explain emotion—, knowing your boss carries around tissues specifically for your sniffly nose. Worse knowing he has benadryl in his go bag, and worse again having to ask him for it. 
They're your allergies. You should have sufficient medication. Your job performance relies on it. 
You trudge across the grass of the field toward the big barn. You're on one of the biggest, most harrowing cases you've ever investigated, a mass murder hidden in the Canadian frontier under FBI jurisdiction because of the American victims. Hotch is especially upset by everything and hiding it behind silence and a brow furrowed so deeply you're sure that's it, that's how he's going to look for the rest of his life. 
You needing a tissue could not come at a worse time. 
Swallowing a lump, you cross the threshold. Hotch looks up at your steps. The zeroing in of his gaze on your red-rimmed eyes is nearly humorously instantaneous, but he doesn't ask, and you're ashamed to bring it up. 
"Emily back?" you ask him. 
"No. She and Morgan are still searching." He turns to the desk behind him, covered in old scrap tech. "How has handling the exterior evidence collection been?" 
"Um, it's still happening. You know. It's a lot to process physically." 
He gives you a look. If evidence is still being catalogued, why are you here?
"Hotch, do you have any benadryl?" you ask reluctantly. Your request is punctuated with a sniffle. 
Spencer comes barrelling into the room. "I found something." 
Hotch prioritises the case, obviously, but he gives you another look, this one saying, Come with me. You would've anyways, more than interested in what Spencer has to show. Together, the three of you head across the property to the barn, where Spencer climbs up a ladder into a hayloft. 
Hotch listens attentively, and he shoots off his own theories. You try very hard to listen and add your own input whilst smothering a sneeze, the itching sensation at the corners of your eyes like torture. 
A warm hand touches yours. 
You look down, already flushed with heat but your body is happy to do it again, apparently. Contact with Hotch is always so charged, at least on your end. 
His hand turns subtly outward, offering a small plastic wrapped packet of kleenex. You swear he holds onto it longer than he needs to, his fingertips brushing imperceptibly against yours as you take the tissues. 
You extract one without fuss to wipe your nose and dry your watering eyes. 
"I'm sorry," Hotch says quietly, as Spencer sorts through papers for something particular upstairs. "I meant to bring you these in the morning, but we've been here all night– it slipped my mind." 
You hate bringing any attention to yourself when it comes to your allergies, and you don't like thinking that Hotch is thinking about them when they aren't present, but then something twists into place in your head, so to speak, like an upside down puzzle piece righted, you can slot it into the picture without problem. The puzzle isn't finished or anything, but it's a clue. He's sorry he didn't give you any tissues this morning, preemptively, because he knew you'd have a reaction? 
Hotch must really care about you. 
But now isn't the time for that discussion. You're not sure what you'd say, anyways. 
You step in front of him a touch, a half step, and let your arm hang at your side. Hesitant, with your heart beating between your ears like a monkey toy on the cymbals, you reach backward. Your unsteady hand brushes against his. 
Hotch, brilliantly, astoundingly, brushes back. His index finger draws a slow, light line up your palm. 
"Here!" Spencer says, shocking you apart. He holds a drawing up over the wooden balcony. "Can you believe it?" 
Phantom heat crawls over your skin from Hotch's touch. You open your mouth to respond and find it promptly snapping closed as a sneeze rocks your entire frame. 
"Allergies?" Spencer asks. 
You groan. Hotch tells Spencer to keep working and turns to leave. "I'll go find those benadryl," he murmurs to you. 
You can't answer him, caught in the middle of a sneezing fit. 
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dommelody · 1 year
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writing this while listening to "i can't do this"
cw: sub!satoru,public sex, smut,+18,male!reader
satoru gets horny after the mission
"oiii,satoru? where did he go ?"
" as soon as we finished the mission he and y/n just vanished! "
"well,i don't care as long as i can go home now lol bye"
"byee,I'll wait here a bit longer in case they went to the toilet I'm also beat from this mission i need some rest"
"alright, going first then see ya"
"yea see u"
"H-Heyy slow-ngh d-down fuck~♡"
"satoru? i cant hear you~ what did u say~?"
as soon as u teasingly said that you fastened the pace and your thrusts became harder
"istg you're-ahn d-doing it on purpose w-wait noooo-ahnnn ♡"
"did i hit the spot? hmm~?" saying that while leaning and whispering into his sensitive ear sent shivers down his spine.
"i-i dunno-ohh~ ♡"
"stop acting like a brat and answer me"
you then pushed ur dick as deep as possible in his soaking wet hole which made him moan loud and roll his eyes back trying to process the amount of pleasure you are giving him.
"i-it f-f-feels good~♡ ur dick feels so fucking good nghh~"
at this point you knew better than anyone that when satoru starts talking like this it means that his mind now is only full by u . ur dick pleasuring him to be exact. you felt him tighten around your cock which means he was on the verge of coming so, like the teasing and mean person you are ,u purposely slowed down the pace .
however to ur surprise satoru couldn't take ur torturing anymore and decided to shamelessly rock his hips back and forth trying to reach his high.
u couldn't help but chuckle a little at the sight in front of u then u went as deep as possible again with only one rough push.
"this is what u want?"
"u slutty sorcerer seducing me to this empty toilet right after our mission i guess all u were thinking about was my cock eh"
satoru responded while struggling with each word to form because he was a moaning and a panting mess :"but i-ngh i couldn't help it i suddenly felt super horn-!!!??"
"hello? anyone here? satoru san ? y/n ? did they just leave me and went home?"
right before satoru was about to cum you got interrupted by the other sorcerer that finished the mission with u you were inside the toilet stall so he didnt notice u
satoru whispers to u :"hey what do we do now ?"
even at this moment you couldn't help but look at satoru who was trying to stop his heavy breathing or else he will get caught. looking at his red nape full with your kiss marks made you even harder inside him which made him twitch and give you a glare to stop whatever ur doing
but who can even endure this sexy man in front of him blush reaching his back and ears and that ass that keeps clenching on you because he was about to cum before being interrupted
he turned looking at you with trembling voice :"s-stop it"
"f/n? did u not go home?"
"oh u were here after all i was waiting for u where is satoru san ?"
"u idiot!!w-what ? mmm♡ f-fuck u"
as soon as u told ur friend that u were inside the stall u started to thrust inside satoru making him choke a moan and precum dripping on the stall's door
"oh satoru? hmm i dunno where he is "
saying that while being balls deep inside him while sliding a hand to tease his nipples making it harder for satoru as it is already
suddenly satoru's phone start vibrating inside his pocket
the vibrations made him clench into ur cock so hard as if he was milking u
"huh isn't this satoru's phone? i know his ringtone"
as soon as satoru heared the sorcerer outside the stall the fear of getting caugh turning into pleasure since he wasn't in his right state of mind making him cum all over the door and some got on his underwear at this point it became torture for u as well u put ur hand into his mouth and flushed the toilet to make some noize to cover the last thrusts's sounds into his already wet ass making u cum inside him while biting his nape and covering his mouth to suppress the moans from both of u at this point satoru was coming for the second time but this time he had a dry orgasm since he had already came seconds ago
"haaa- i-ngh i told u to stop fucking me after i come im sensitive fuck-"
"f/n satoru left his phone with me but i think he forgot it and just went home u can go back home too i thing i got a stomachache im not getting out soon *fake crying*"
"omfg lol thats lame ok ok im going home then see u around"
"yea byee"
as soon as he left satoru sat on the toilet trying to cool down after the intense sex u had
"ur unbelievable what if he had found up"
"he wont be able to because he is oblivious af plus stop acting tough u also liked it no? *sliding finger on his lower stomach*"
he just turns his face away and u can see his face red u giggled and said "next time u ask for my cock be ready for the consequences satoru♡"
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ddejavvu · 1 year
hello! i just reviewed your req rules and i had been wanting to request something about spencer reid with an east asian partner bc i thought i remembered you saying you were okay with writing specific ethnicities, but i’m not sure if my request will match up with the rule you mentioned about teaching each other a skill.
my idea was for the reader to teach a clumsy, info-dumping reid about how to use chopsticks but i’m worried it goes against your req guidelines 😅 i’m not sure if using chopsticks is something you know how to do or also write about how to teach someone it, but i just thought it could be super fluffy and soft with reid being a klutzy nerd and the reader being super soft and encouraging but also laughing at him for being a genius who doesn’t understand chopsticks. super fluffy and soft stuff with maybe some kisses and stuff haha.
i hope that this doesn’t come across in any way i didn’t intend for it to bc i’m purely trying to ensure i obey ur req rules and don’t disregard them or disrespect ur boundaries in any way! 🥺
hope u are having a wonderful day or night 🥺🫶🏼🫶🏼
i appreciate your consideration!!! you have no idea how much i appreciate you reading my rules <333333 i do in fact know how to use chopsticks so i'm fine writing this :)
Spencer's plate is suspiciously empty and his mouth is suspiciously full when you get back from the kitchen, and he grins at you through a mouth full of beef as you clutch the training tool.
"I figured it out," He speaks through his bite, and you grimace at the messy view, "No need for the dinosaur, angel."
You squeeze the silicon dinosaur in your hand, two holes built into its back so that the chopsticks can be slid into them and run parallel to its body. It's something a child would use to get the feel of chopsticks before their motor skills are fully developed, or, in this case, it's for Spencer to use while he tries not to drop any more dumplings onto his lap. You'd figured their bulky shape would make it easy to catch them between the chopsticks, easier than thin noodles, but Spencer is having an exceptionally hard time.
You squeeze the dinosaur harder, feeling it warp beneath your fingers, "Spencer, why is there soup on your plate?"
"There's soup there," You nod at his plate, "Why?"
"These are soup dumplings," Spencer hums warily, "Isn't that what you said?"
"Yeah, they are. But the soup is inside the dumplings. And you can't get to it unless you break open the dough. There's an awful lot of soup on your plate, Spencer."
He swallows even though his mouthful is long gone, "I spilled one accidentally."
"You liar," You grouse, "Did you just stab the chopsticks into them while I was gone to get them to your mouth easier?"
"No!" Spencer insists, shaking his head so wildly that strands of his hair fly, "No, I used the chopsticks like you taught me to!"
"Prove it then," You narrow your eyes at him, taking your own pair of utensils and easily transferring a dumpling from your plate to his own, "Do it now, so I can see."
Spencer summons all of the courage in his lanky body to grip the chopsticks, his fingers already slipping and sliding off of the placement you'd showed him. His form is clumsy and it's no surprise when he can't even get the dumpling off of the plate, much less to his mouth.
"You liar!" You repeat, your point proven as you snatch the chopsticks away from him and slide the silicon dinosaur onto their ends, "There, it's like training wheels. It'll keep them together so that all you have to focus on is your grip."
"Training wheels," He mumbles, cheeks scarlet as he jabs the chopsticks at the dumpling, his fingers purposefully limp so that they don't pick up the food, "Whatever. I'll just ask for a fork next time."
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badkitty3000 · 5 months
can u do a five fanfic where he saves vivi from smth/someone. like “kill for ur love” sorta trope. idk if you’ve alr done im only on #3 of halo but pls its a need
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No Escape
Five is forced into assassin mode when Vivian is put in danger by another Commission agent. He must not be very smart, though, because no one in their right mind would dare lay a hand on Five's girl.
Thank you so much for this request! I love writing anything with these two and this was a great subject that I hadn't done before. I hope I did ok! 😊
Words: 8,045
Warnings: blood, violence, Five being a badass but also a softy, smut at the end but can be skipped and it won't affect the story at all
As an aside: this story is meant to take place at some point during my AU series Halo on AO3, when Five and Vivian are not yet married and he is working for the Commission. If you like this pairing, you can check out more (lots more!) here. Also, here is a link to my Master List posts on Tumblr.
And a big shout out to my homie @kaybreezy3000 who was a major help with this one, and did the super sexy cover art!
Five tried to swallow down his rising panic as he sped through the city’s dark and empty streets. The heavy rain battered down onto the roof of the car and the tires sent up a spectacular spray of water every time he screeched around a corner. He didn’t care if he was driving one hundred miles an hour over the city streets or running red lights. His foot stepped harder down on the accelerator. If a cop tried to stop him, they’d have to shoot out his tires first. Even then, he wouldn’t stop. With his heart hammering away in his chest and his hands gripping the steering wheel, he glanced over at the handgun lying on the passenger seat where he had thrown it. A flash of lightning illuminated his face for a brief moment, and he saw his eyes reflected back at him in the rearview mirror. They looked like his normal emerald-colored eyes but with one major difference. These eyes belonged to a man who was desperate and seething with rage.
He had known something was off as soon as he had come home that night. Viv always left the light on in the living room for him, no matter how late he was going to be. And most times she didn’t even know when he was coming back, but she left it on all night long, just in case. So, when he had teleported into their apartment earlier and it was dark, Five was immediately suspicious.
He had called her name, but there was no answer and he didn’t hear her in any of the rooms. The place wasn’t that big, so it’s not like she wouldn’t have heard him. But he checked the bedroom and the bathroom. Both were dark, with no signs of her anywhere. When he walked into the kitchen, though, and snapped on the light, he knew something was very wrong.
There, in the middle of the tile floor, was a large pool of amber-colored liquid, surrounded by hundreds of glass shards. One of the kitchen chairs had been turned over and was lying on its side.
Five called her name again, as if she would appear out of some secret panel in the wall, carrying a broom and laughing at herself for being so clumsy. But, of course, that didn’t happen and the only sound was the echo of his own voice bouncing off the kitchen walls.
He crouched down next to the spill and the broken glass. The floor was sticky and the whole room smelled like whiskey. Most of the glass was clear with no markings, but one large chunk of it still had a label attached. When Five reached out with a trembling hand to pick it up, he held it closer to read the print. He recognized it immediately. This was not the normal liquor they kept in the house, and it would have been impossible for Vivian to have even acquired it on her own. Not unless the local corner store had come across a rare shipment of whiskey that hadn’t been distilled since 1865.
Five stared at the piece of broken glass in his hand, trying to wrap his head around what he was gradually piecing together. When he looked up at the kitchen table, he saw Viv’s phone lying there, which did nothing to quell the growing sense of dread in his stomach. He stood and picked it up, the movement making it come to life and flashing a photo of the two of them that she kept as her home screen. That’s when he noticed the smear of blood across the screen.
His eyes darted from the phone to the overturned chair, to the broken bottle and spilled ancient whiskey and his heart sank.
“Vivie,” he said in a horrified whisper.
She was gone and he knew who had her. Why, he had no idea, but wherever she was, she would be scared and maybe hurt; or worse. Five forced the gruesome horror scenes from his mind. It wasn’t going to do him any good to crack up now. He needed to focus on finding her and he needed to do it fast. There was no telling what this fucking psycho was capable of. And if Five found out she had been hurt in any way whatsoever, one thing was for damn sure. God help the man who was responsible.
When Vivian heard the knock on the door, she figured it was the older lady from two doors down. Ever since Five had moved in, the woman had been making herself much more present around their apartment; always stopping by with plates of cookies or a scarf she just happened to have knitted. She never seemed particularly interested in talking to Viv, but if Five was around, she had endless amounts of time to stay and chit-chat. Not that he even pretended to be remotely interested, but she ate up every terse smile and head nod, apparently taking them as signs she should come over more often. Viv had no doubt the woman, who was technically closer to Five’s age than her own, wished Viv would suddenly disappear in some sort of tragic accident so she could swoop in and make her move.
Viv rolled her eyes and smiled as she headed for the door. “Sorry, Betty,” she started as she opened the door. “Five’s not home right n—oh!” Viv stopped when she saw it wasn’t Five’s old lady girlfriend, but rather a man she did not recognize. “I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else. Can I help you?”
The man was taller than Viv, but his build was a little on the scrawny side, with thinning brown hair that was combed to the side and a pockmarked face. His gray suit pants looked too baggy for his frame and were cinched at the waist with a belt, as if they had fit him at one time when he had more weight on him. The white dress shirt he had on was wrinkled and a shabby-looking trench coat hung loosely around his wiry frame.
“Oh…sorry,” the man said slowly and Viv could see he was most likely drunk. “I’m looking for Five Hargreeves? Does he live here?”
Considering she had no idea who this man was and the fact that he was asking about Five had her immediately on edge. It’s not as if Five had friends stopping over. Or had friends, period, for that matter.
Viv crossed her arms over her chest. “And who, may I ask, wants to know?”
The man laughed and ran a hand through his sparse hair, holding out a hand for her to shake. “Right, sorry. I’m Sam. I work with Five.”
Viv hesitated but accepted his handshake. “I’m sorry, you said you work with Five?”
She knew better than to just give up any information about Five’s work, and she was highly skeptical of this man’s claim. For one, Five worked for the Commission and it’s not as if that was the accounting office down the street. They were a highly secretive time-traveling operative filled with dangerous assassins. For another, Five never talked about anyone he worked with. Unless they were pissing him off in a particular way that day. So, to have this man she’d never heard of before showing up at their door and knowing Five lived there was a major red flag.
Sam ran a shaky hand through his hair again, looking embarrassed. “Yeah. I’m sure you don’t have many of us stopping by unannounced, do you?”
“And by ‘us’ you mean…”
The man gave a sheepish smile and then pointed at the ground near his feet. Viv looked down and saw the familiar black briefcase she knew Five and all of the other agents at the Commission used for getting around. It would have been nearly impossible for anyone else to have one, so this guy must have been who he said he was. It put her a little more at ease, but not totally.
Viv nodded. “So, what can I help you with? I’m afraid Five isn’t home right now.”
The man’s face fell a little. “Oh, really? That’s too bad. I don’t have much time, but I wanted to bring him by this bottle of whiskey I know he likes.” He held up a very old looking bottle of some kind of brown alcohol. The label looked old-fashioned, yet brand new. It was also only half-full, presumably the remains of what Sam had already drunk. Viv wasn’t familiar with the name on the label, either, and she was fairly certain she knew all of Five’s preferred drink choices.
“We shared a couple of glasses of it a while back, so I picked up some more on my last mission and figured I’d bring it by,” Sam explained. Seeing Viv’s dubious face, he continued. “It hasn’t been made since the 1860s, and technically we aren’t supposed to take things back across timelines, but I figured one little bottle of whiskey wouldn’t make the whole world collapse, right?”
He laughed at his own joke and Viv could see he actually had a nice and genuine smile, even if he was a bit tipsy. His story seemed legit, although it was still weird that Five had never mentioned him to her at all. Although now that she thought about it, he didn’t really tell her much at all about the Commission; for both of their sakes. For all she knew, maybe he had a boatload of friends down there. Maybe he was the life of the party.
She gave him a smile, softening up a little. “No, the world seems to still be in one piece. And don’t worry, I won’t tell. Five once brought me back a bottle of perfume from 1923 Paris, so I think we’re safe.”
He chuckled and then they both stood there awkwardly until he cleared his throat. “Well, just tell him I stopped by, I guess.”
Seeing his disappointed face made Viv feel sorry for him, especially when she saw that it had started to rain. He looked so sad and pathetic standing there in his baggy clothes, drunk on Old West whiskey, and seemingly lonely. She wasn’t sure why, but something about him tugged at her heartstrings and she didn’t want to leave him alone in the rain.
“Why don’t you come in? Five should be home soon, you can wait for him if you’d like.”
“Oh, I don’t want to be too much trouble.”
“No, no, really, I insist. Come on in. I’m Vivian, by the way; Five’s girlfriend.”
Sam followed her inside and she shut the door behind them. She then led him into the kitchen, where she offered him a seat at the table. He sat down heavily, almost missing the chair entirely in his altered state, leaving the black briefcase next to him on the floor.
“This is a really nice place you have here,” he marveled as he glanced around their simple kitchen.
Viv looked surprised. “Really? Well, thank you, but it’s not much. There weren’t too many apartments in the area that I could afford at the time I moved in.”
“So, you lived here first and Five moved in with you?”
“Yeah,” she said with a laugh. “We met, fell in love, and he moved in here. I was never intending on having a roommate, but you never know what life will bring, right?”
Sam looked at her with an odd expression; one that Viv wasn’t sure how to interpret.
“And life brought you Number Five, the assassin, huh?” he asked.
That was a weird question and Viv hesitated for a moment. “Uh…yeah, I guess it did.”
“You know, Five never mentioned you when we shared that whiskey,” Sam said; his eyes seeming to harden just a little. “He also said he lived in a shit hole place, all alone. But this is definitely not a shit hole and he clearly isn’t alone.”
Viv swallowed nervously. “Well, that was probably before we met. He was kind of a loner before that.”
Sam gave a low chuckle and he looked around the kitchen again, seeming to take in his surroundings in detail and soaking it all up. Then he was back to eyeing Viv up. He still had the same friendly smile on his face, but she could see something about it had changed.
“Aren’t we all,” he mumbled. “He’s a lucky guy, though. Ending up with someone as pretty as you.”
Vivian shifted in her seat and cleared her throat. “Um, oh. Thank you.”
It was quickly becoming clear that inviting this man in had not been a good idea. Viv cursed herself for having such a bleeding heart sometimes. She should have followed her initial instinct about him. She just hoped Five would be home soon.
Trying to change the subject, Viv pointed to the bottle on the table. “So, you said you and Five spent some time together at the Commission? Five’s not exactly everyone’s cup of tea, so how did that come about?”
Sam leaned back in his chair and crossed one leg of the other. “Well, you’re right about that. Five is not exactly Mr. Friendly, at least around there. But he must have been in a good mood one day and decided to sit and chat with me. Although, maybe the whiskey was more of the motivator. Anyway, once we got to talking, we realized we had a lot in common.”
“Like what?”
“Well, we both ended up working for the Commission out of necessity rather than desire, but I won’t bore you with those details about myself. He was kind of a loner like you said, and so am I. And I could tell he had a lot of hostility towards most of the world. He knew the unfairness of life and how some people have it good and some don’t. That’s just the way it goes. Unfortunately, he and I got dealt one of life’s shitty hands and had been living with it our whole lives.” Sam stopped and looked at Vivian, again with that weird look in his eyes. “At least, until he met you, apparently. Now he seems to have the good life; coming home to this nice place with you waiting for him, while I’m stuck in my piece of shit house eating microwave dinners for one every night. That is, when I’m not putting a bullet in some poor bastard’s head.”
He chuckled at that and Vivian attempted a smile. This man was appearing to become more unhinged by the minute and she wasn’t sure how to keep up this conversation anymore.
“I know doing what you do, and for whom, can be extremely hard and I’m sorry. But I’m sure things will change for you. Everyone deserves to be happy, and to have love.”
Sam stared at her with unfocused eyes as he processed her words. Viv could see the wheels turning in his head and she suddenly felt very much in danger. Why had she let this guy in their home? The hairs on the backs of her arms stood up.
“Yeah, you’re right about that,” Sam said slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. “Maybe I’d be happy, too, if I had someone like you to come home to every day. Someone young and pretty to take care of me.”
The tone of his voice and look in his eyes were dangerous, and Viv instinctively began to stand up and back away. “You know, you’re making me a little uncomfortable. I think you should leave.”
Despite his unsteadiness from the booze, Sam was quick. The kitchen chair he had been sitting in fell over with a loud bang as he sprang up, grabbing her arm in the process.
“I’m sorry,” he said, eyes wide. “Please. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Viv tried to pull her arm away. “Let go of me!”
“Please, just sit back down. I’m not going to hurt you.”
“You are hurting me! Let go of my arm!” she cried as she desperately tried to free herself from his grasp.
He took hold of her with his other hand so that he was firmly gripping her by both her upper arms with surprising strength. Shaking her, he yelled in her face. “I am not hurting you! Just stop! Stop and listen!”
“No! Let me go!” she yelled back, struggling against him and trying to kick at his shins or anywhere else she could reach.
“Stop doing that, or else…” he hissed.
“Or else what? If you think Five’s not going to lose his fucking mind when he finds out you grabbed me like this, then you’re even crazier than I thought.”
“I AM NOT CRAZY! DON’T CALL ME CRAZY!” he screamed; his face contorted with fury.
Viv flinched and she started struggling harder. That’s when she saw Sam’s eyes move off of her and down to the ground near where he had been sitting. A white-hot panic started to rise up inside of her when she realized what he was looking at. The briefcase.
She couldn’t let him get to it. Not when he also had ahold of her. There was no telling where or when she would end up. With all of her strength, her adrenaline pumping, Viv fought as hard as she could against him. Kicking and pulling, she managed to yank him off balance, causing him to knock into the kitchen table, upsetting the bottle of whiskey and sending it tumbling to the ground. They continued to fight against one another, their shoes crunching in the broken glass.
When Viv lost her balance, she managed to free one of her hands, catching herself on the way down. Her hand landed on a piece of glass, the sharp edge slicing into her palm. With a last-ditch effort, she tried to reach out and grab her phone off of the table. At the same time, Sam reached for the briefcase. Viv watched in horror as she saw his hand latch onto the handle at the same time that she felt her fingers slipping across the screen of her phone. Then she felt the familiar feeling of being sucked into nothingness, her stomach lurching, as they both disappeared in a flash of light.
It was a miracle that Five even remembered what street Sam lived on. He had only mentioned it once, during a drunken conversation one night as they both slugged down the gasoline passing as whiskey in the Commission break room. Five had remembered because it was about a block away from where he used to live; before he met Vivian. It was in a shit part of town, but that would actually play to his advantage now. It was less likely anyone would pay attention to gunshots or other signs of violence when you’re already in a crime-filled neighborhood. Not that Five didn’t know how to cover his tracks. He was a professional, after all.
The fact that he wasn’t sure which run-down house was Sam’s posed a problem, along with the fact that he could have taken Viv anywhere and to any time. If that were the case, he was going to have to go to more extreme measures to get her back, including breaking Commission protocol. Which he was more than willing to do.
But as he drove slowly up the street with his headlights off, Five was granted a small amount of luck. A light was on inside one of the houses and Five could see clearly into the front window. On a table in the living room was the briefcase. He didn’t see Sam or Viv inside, but it was most definitely a Commission issued case.
“I’ve got you now, you piece of shit,” Five mumbled out loud as he parked the car a few houses down.
The rain was coming down hard and Five was soaked through in a matter of seconds as he hurried down the uneven sidewalk, his shoes splashing through the puddles. He didn’t want to risk being seen by blinking out in the open, so he waited until he was standing on the front porch of Sam’s house. The rain leaked down through the cracks in the rotting awning above him. After another quick peek inside the window, and seeing no one in the front room, Five teleported inside.
He took a second to take in his surroundings. Resisting the urge to call out for Viv, he remained silent and started making his way toward what he assumed would be the kitchen, his Glock held firmly in his left hand. There was no one there, but on top of a wooden cutting board on the worn and peeling countertop, was a meat cleaver. It caught Five’s eye, and since he is never one to turn down the convenience of a sharp weapon up for grabs, he left the kitchen with his gun in one hand and the cleaver in the other.
Five passed by a small, empty bathroom, and then came to a bedroom at the end of the hall. The door was closed and when he tried the handle, it was locked. The door was old and flimsy looking, so he didn’t hesitate to give one strong kick, cracking the wooden frame and splintering the door so that it swung open. As soon as he saw her, he felt immediate relief and horror wash over him.
“Vivian!” he cried, forgetting all of his training and not surveilling the rest of the room first. If he had been watching someone else doing the exact same thing, he would have told them they were brain-dead and lacked critical thinking skills. It was such a rookie move. But his emotions had taken over and he only saw her.
Viv was tied up to a wooden chair, arms behind her, with a blindfold over her eyes and a piece of duct tape over her mouth. She was frantically mumbling something when she heard Five’s voice, but it was unintelligible from behind the tape.
“Shit,” Five whispered as he hurried over, kneeling down in front of her, and placing the gun and knife on the ground. He immediately started to undo the blindfold. “Oh my god, Vivie, I’m so sorry. It’s ok, I’m here. I’m going to get you out of here,” he was saying as he yanked it away from her eyes.
Viv blinked into the sudden brightness, but then her eyes widened in fear as she looked at Five. Five assumed it was from shock and he continued to talk to her and assure her it would be ok as he carefully stripped the tape away from her mouth.
“I’ve got you, angel, don’t worry,” he said, right as he freed her mouth and she took a deep breath in.
“Five! Behind you!”
Five turned around, just in time to see Sam emerging from the bedroom closet with a wild look in his eyes. In his hand he had some sort of small device and he was coming their way. Five tried to grab one of his weapons off the floor next to him, but it was too late. Sam was quicker, and before he knew what was happening, Five fell to the floor in a heap; convulsing violently as electrical currents traveled throughout his entire body.
The stun gun Sam used was a standard-issued weapon from his employer and was given to every field agent, along with a Glock. The electrical charge from these particular guns were much stronger than what any modern-day policeman or SWAT member carried. Word around the halls was that it once took down a full-size grizzly bear with one zap. Sam wasn’t letting up on the trigger as he leaned over Five’s body, pressing the device into the back of his neck and watching with satisfaction as he was electrocuted over and over again.
Because Five was soaked through from the rain, the electrical shock was amplified as it continued in an endless loop through his body while he writhed and groaned on the floor. Five let out a grating cry, his body flickering with a pulsing blue light as he tried to use his own electrical power to counter the attack, but he wasn’t strong enough. Viv watched in horror as the light faded away and he became silent, even as his body continued to contort and seize right in front of her.
“Five! No! No! Stop, you’re killing him!” she screamed, her voice breaking and her eyes filling with tears. She tried in vain to break from her restraints. “Stop! Please! Five!”
Sam finally stopped, tossing the weapon to the side so that it skittered under a beat-up dresser. He was breathing hard as he looked at Viv and then at Five’s limp, unmoving body at his feet. Viv started sobbing loudly and she hung her head as the tears flowed down her face and onto her lap.
“I’m sorry,” Sam whispered. Then he spoke louder, but his voice was trembling. “I had to do it. He was going to take you away. I’m going to let you go, I told you that, but I need you to listen to me first and you’re not listening. All I want is for you to sit here and talk to me, and maybe stay with me for a night. But you weren’t listening, and so I had to tie you up, but I didn’t want to. He was going to take you away from me, and I can’t let that happen. Not until you stay here for a while.”
Viv lifted her head slowly, strings of tangled hair sticking to the tears on her cheeks, her eyes narrowed in a hateful glare. “FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING PSYCHO! YOU ARE A CRAZY, PATHETIC LOSER AND I FUCKING HATE YOU! DO YOU HEAR ME? I HATE YOU!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, her voice cracking before she started sobbing again.
Five was still lying unmoving on the floor, but his eyes were open, and to Vivian’s relief, she saw he was breathing, although it was shallow. Sam looked down at him with a glower. Then he nudged him in the side with the toe of his shoe and Five let out a weak moan.
“This is your fault, Five. If you had just stayed put and let me handle this, it wouldn’t have gone this far. But now you ruined it.” Sam squatted down next to Five, leaning in closer so that he could hear. “I wasn’t going to hurt her, you know. But now…well, now you’ve gone and fucked it all up.”
His voice grew louder and more desperate. “We were the same, you and I! So, how did you get so god damn special? I thought we were friends; I thought we had a connection. But then I find out you’re living this perfect little life, with your fancy apartment and your pretty girl. But what about me, huh? Where’s my perfect life? My happy ending?”
Sam stood up and looked at Vivian, although he was directing his words at Five. “I was going to kill you and keep her, but now I have a better idea. Since I know you’re currently paralyzed but can still see and hear everything that’s going on, I think maybe I’ll kill her instead. Then you can watch and listen as your perfect little life is ripped away from you until you’re just like me again. All alone and mad at the world.”
“You stupid piece of shit,” Viv growled out. “He never did anything to you.”
“YES, HE DID!” Sam yelled right in her face. “He took my life! I deserve this life, not him. He’s killed way more people than I have; I’ve seen his records. I know his reputation. He might as well be Satan himself! So why don’t you tell me why he gets you and I get nothing?”
Viv looked him dead in the eye. “Because Five is good and decent, and he knows how to love others. He feels remorse for all of those lives he took. You, on the other hand, are nothing but a giant pile of dog shit in a cheap suit. And no one will ever love you.”
Sam smiled. “At first, I wasn’t going to enjoy this, but now I might.” He bent down to pick up Five’s Glock which was lying next to his immobile body. “I think I’ll shoot you in the head with his own gun. That feels poetic to me, don’t you think?”
He raised his arm and pointed the gun right at Viv’s head. She squeezed her eyes shut, whimpering as a few tears leaked out. “Five, I love you,” she said quietly, knowing they would be her last words, and hoping he could hear her. Just as she was trying to steady herself against the pain and sudden death that would be upon her any second, she heard a high-pitched scream and she opened her eyes.
Sam was standing right where he had been, his face frozen in horror as Five’s gun dropped from his hand and clattered to the floor. He slowly sank to his knees before falling face first onto the ground, collapsing onto his stomach with a loud and painful groan. As he fell over, Viv could see a meat cleaver was embedded in the middle of his back, between his shoulder blades; the shining metal handle sticking straight up in the air as blood seeped from around the blade. Viv looked up to see Five falling to his knees next to Sam. He was shaking and breathing hard, but alive and apparently able to move again.
“Oh my god, Five! Are you ok?”
Five nodded slowly and lifted his head weakly to look at Viv. “Yeah. Are you?”
She nodded her head and started to quietly cry again. Then another pitiful groan came from the injured body on the floor. Sam was stirring and trying to get his arms under him in a futile attempt to get up. Five seemed to gain more strength as he slowly hauled himself up to standing again. He placed a foot on Sam’s lower back, grabbing the handle of the cleaver and yanking it out of the mutilated flesh beneath him. Sam screamed again while fresh blood began pouring out of the wound. Thick drops of scarlet red dripped from the cleaver and onto the old and dented hardwood floor beneath them.
Five was still unsteady on his feet, but he leaned down and pulled Sam’s face up off the ground by a fistful of hair.
“You made a fatal error, my friend,” Five warned. “You have no idea what I am capable of. But you’re about to find out because you have fucked with the wrong man.”
Sam breathed out a shaky laugh. “You think you’re better than me. But we’re the same.”
Five clenched his teeth and held the blood-stained meat cleaver under Sam’s throat. “Listen, you pathetic waste of space; you are wrong! We are not the same, and we never have been,” he hissed.
Sam let out a more maniacal laugh. “We are though. You just can’t admit it.”
Five got ready to draw the sharp blade across Sam’s neck. He wanted to split his throat open from ear to ear and watch him bleed out slowly and in agony. One corner of the cold steel pressed into his skin and a rivulet of blood trickled out.
“Five, don’t,” Viv said suddenly.
Five didn’t look up as he paused. “He needs to die, Vivie.”
“Not like that. Please, I just want to go home. Let’s go home, ok?”
Five looked up at her sorrowful face and knew she was right. He needed to get her back home. But he still wasn’t about to let this fucker go, even if the odds of him surviving the horrific wound in his back were slim. He let go of Sam’s hair, letting his face fall with a loud thunk onto the floor. Then he picked up his pistol and pressed it into the back of Sam’s skull. He glanced at Viv as a warning to let her know to look away.
“Lights out, you stupid fuck,” Five growled before pulling the trigger.
BANG! Sam’s skull exploded, sending blood and brain matter everywhere. Vivian flinched and looked away, but Five watched with satisfaction as the grisly contents oozed out of the gaping hole in the dead man’s head. Then he dropped his gun and hurried over to Viv, who was still bound to the chair.
As soon as her hands were free, she threw her arms around Five’s shoulders and he pulled her tightly into him. She burst into tears again, sobbing into his shoulder as they both knelt on the ground. He kissed her temple and smoothed her hair.
“Vivie…look at me,” he said as he held her face in his trembling hands. “Are you hurt at all? I saw blood on your phone.”
She shook her head while more tears ran down her cheeks. “No, I’m fine. I’m so sorry, Five, I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault, I was stupid and I let him in, he said you were friends, I wasn’t thinking. Five, I’m so sorry.” She started crying loudly again, touching the side of his face with her hand. “I thought I lost you. I thought you were dead. And it was all my fault.”
Five closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to hers, his own tears threatening to spill over. “Darling, you have nothing to be sorry for, ok? You did nothing wrong. I just…god, I don’t know what I would have done if something happened to you. Are you sure you’re ok?”
“Five, you’re the one that almost died!”
Five gave her a smile and kissed her softly. “You can’t get rid of me that easily. You should know that by now.”
She let out a small laugh, sniffing back her tears. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, angel.” He glanced very quickly to the dead body on the floor and then back to Viv. “Come on, we need to get out of here.”
She nodded and they stood up, Five still shaky and unsteady on his feet. Viv held on to him for support. “What’s going to happen now? Aren’t the cops going to come after us?”
Five shook his head. “No, we’re safe. He works for the Commission, so he’s their problem to deal with. Agents die all the time in the field. He’s just one more spare cog in the wheel that won’t be missed.”
On the way out of the house, Five remembered the briefcase. He grabbed it off the table and turned to Vivian. “I don’t think either of us should be driving. I have to bring this back anyway, so do you mind?”
She shook her head. “Not at all. The sooner we can get home the better. We can get the car later.”
With a nod, Five programmed the case, took Viv’s hand in his, and in less than two seconds they were back in their apartment. As soon as they arrived, though, Five collapsed to the ground on his hands and knees. He was still so weak from being electrocuted almost to death and now that the adrenaline was starting to wear off, it was starting to catch up with him.
“Five! Oh my god…”
Viv put her arms around his waist as he leaned against her and she helped him up. Tears started to form in her eyes again as they traveled over Five’s exhausted face.
“I am so sorry, Five…this is all my fault…and now you’re hurt…”
“Vivie, I’ll be fine. And it’s not your fault.”
She could see he was starting to sway on his feet again and she nodded before realizing he was covered in a splatter of quickly drying blood. “Come on, you need to get cleaned up first and then you can lie down, ok?”
Viv led Five to the bathroom where she had him sit on the top of the toilet seat while she helped him undress down to his underwear. She didn’t trust that he was strong enough to take a full shower, so she wiped up his face, neck, and chest with a wet washcloth; the dried blood that was painting his skin gradually fading away. Five closed his eyes from both exhaustion and the feel of her touch as she gently washed his latest sin from his body.
After he was cleaned off, Viv washed her own hands and bandaged the cut on her palm, and they both collapsed onto their bed, too tired to turn back the covers. Viv crawled next to Five as he lay on his side, and he wrapped her in his arms with her face buried in his chest. They both let out a long sigh and then she looked up at him. With her hand on his cheek, she kissed him, her warm lips pressed to his as he kissed her just as deeply in return and stroked her hair.
“Are you going to be ok?” he asked her quietly.
“Yeah, I’ll be ok. I’m pretty tough, you know,” she said with a smile.
Five laughed and squeezed her tighter. “I know you are.” He was silent for a minute before speaking again. “I’m sorry, Vivie. I’m sorry that I can’t ever seem to escape the hell that follows me everywhere. All I want to do is keep you safe, but I seem to be failing in that department.”
“I never feel safer than when I’m with you.”
Five didn’t respond to that and was quiet again. “I’d do it again, you know.”
“Kill anyone that tried to hurt you. Without a second thought. And I’m sorry because I know that’s not what you want to hear, but if protecting you means I have to be the bad guy, then so be it.”
Viv looked into his eyes and smiled sadly. “Five, you’re never the bad guy. You’re my own personal superhero and you will always be the good guy. Because you are good inside. I need you to remember that.”
Five chuckled. “I don’t know about that, but if I am, it’s only because of you, angel.”
Bonus: Smut (as a little treat)
It took a few days before Five was completely healed from his electrical ass-beating. He couldn’t even blink a few feet without the power leaving his body and feeling like he was going to faint. And even though he loved that Vivian took care of him, he was getting pretty fucking annoyed with getting scolded every time he tried to do something she didn’t think he could handle. He reminded her several times that he had made it through four and a half decades of self-preservation in a barren hellscape, so unloading a bag of groceries was probably not going to be the end of him. But she just gave him a pointed look that told him she didn’t give a shit what he said and then he shut up again. After the third day, though, she finally decided he was well enough to return to his normal activities.
Viv was at the kitchen sink when Five came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her neck. “I have a surprise for you,” he told her with a grin.
She sighed heavily, continuing to rinse off the plate she was holding. “If it’s what I’m currently feeling being jabbed up against my butt right now, I hate to disappoint you, but I’ve seen it before. Several times.”
Five gave her ass a pinch so that she squealed and then scooped her up in his arms, the dish clattering into the sink. “That’s only part of it,” he answered before he teleported them into the bedroom and onto the bed with a bounce. “I can blink again,” he said with a cocky smirk.
Viv scowled at him, fighting against her smile, and she smacked him on the arm. “Five Hargreeves, you are the worst! What have I told you about non-consensual blinks?”
Five laughed and shrugged. “It was worth it.”
Before she had a chance to respond, he was dragging her on top of him and pulling her in for a kiss, his hand tangling in her hair. She immediately gave in and made a little moaning noise into his mouth.
“Besides,” he said as he pulled away with a smile. “I know you secretly love it.”
Viv shook her head. “I don’t. But I do love a lot of other things you can do.”
Five nuzzled his face into her neck and placed a line of soft kisses along the underside of her jaw. “How about I do a few of those things right now?”
“I wouldn’t say no to that,” she said quietly while she started tugging up his shirt.
He chuckled as her hand slid over his hard abdomen and chest. “Trying to undress me already, my love?”
“You know I hate it when you have clothes on. I’d much rather have you walking around naked all day, just for my viewing pleasure and for easy access.”
Five laughed again and then flipped her over so that Viv was on her back, and he sat up on his knees, pulling his black t-shirt over his head before leaning down again. The muscles in his arms and back flexed as he held himself over her. He pressed the hard crotch of his pants into her thigh and he flashed her his sexy, crooked smile.
“If anyone needs to be walking around naked all day, it’s you. So let’s start there.”
Viv smiled and let him take his time with her, softly running his lips over her stomach and chest before lifting her shirt over her head. When he moved to tug her pants off, she stretched out long, closing her eyes and sighing. She felt his hand drifting over her legs and hip, and around to her ass where he gave it a small squeeze. Then he repositioned himself between her legs and she felt the warmth of his breath on her inner thigh as he placed his hands on either side of her hips.
“You’re so beautiful, baby,” he murmured.
Viv let out a quiet moan when she felt his mouth and tongue drawing hot lines over her skin, punctuated with tiny nips of his teeth. When he hooked his fingers into the waistband of her panties, pulling them down a little bit before covering the entire damp area between her legs with his mouth, she jerked her hips up with a whine.
Five leisurely sucked and licked at the thin fabric that separated him from that hot piece of heaven just underneath. He was teasing himself just as much as her, because the wetter she got, the more he could taste. And the more he could taste, the more his feral instincts kicked in and he wanted to devour her.
When he finally threw the lace underpants somewhere to the side, he was already on his knees between her legs, holding her tightly by her thighs, as he watched her rocking her hips up in anticipation. She looked up at him under hooded eyes, the corner of her bottom lip caught in her teeth, before sucking in a loud breath.
“God, you drive me fucking crazy,” he growled before immediately getting back to the matter at hand.
Five always knew the best ways to make Vivian a trembling mess, and one of those ways was to eat her out like she was the first meal he’d had in years. She liked when he was slow and gentle; flicking his tongue over all of her most sensitive places and taking his time. But when he lost all restraint and consumed her entire pussy, groaning and shoving his tongue inside of her while sloppily sucking at her clit, that’s when she lost her damn mind.
It always came with a slight risk of bodily harm for Five, since she would be thrusting her hips up into him so wildly, and pushing his face harder into her that it was a wonder he didn’t end up with a neck injury or suffocating to death. But he figured if that’s how he went out, he’d be ok with that.
“Five! Oh…my…fucking…god…YES!!!”
She pushed herself harder into his face with each word until she was screaming unintelligible words and Five could feel her thighs trembling and her body shaking as her back arched off the bed. He continued greedily lapping her up until she relaxed again and fell back against the pillow.  When he sat back on his knees, he was breathing hard and fast. He pushed his hair off his forehead as he licked at his lips; her warm, liquid sex coating his mouth and dripping down his chin.
While Viv lay there, catching her breath, she watched as Five wiped his face with the back of his hand, the corner of his mouth twitching up in a tiny smirk. He didn’t say anything, but his eyes told her all she needed to know. Now it was his turn and she was about to get railed. Hard.
He unbuckled his belt and opened the fly of his pants, taking out his hard cock before shoving her legs further apart with his knees. When he leaned over the top of her, covering her body with his own, he kissed her long and deeply; making sure she got a good taste of herself on his tongue. Her already soaked cunt accepted his dick with ease as he sunk himself inside of her.
With one hand holding himself up and the other gripping and pulling her leg up higher around his waist, Five started rhythmically thrusting into her, and moving his face to her neck.
“Vivie,” he breathed against her skin and she closed her eyes and dug her fingers into his back. “I can’t live without you, angel.”
 “I’m yours forever, Five.”
Five continued to fuck her hard but slowly, the buckle of his belt that was still dangling from his opened pants clinking with each push of his hips. He was groaning and biting into the crook of her neck as he kept his face buried there and Vivian clutched his body to hers. In between heavy pants, he told her all of the things he needed her to know. Every little thought and emotion that made its way to the forefront of his brain. If he didn’t tell her, the moment may pass and she’d never know.
“You are my whole world, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. I am nothing without you. I love you so much, Vivian, so much.” He started moaning louder as his pace got faster and he held himself over her again to look down at her face. She smiled up at him, even as she let her head fall back again with a cry from how good he was feeling as he pounded into her.
“Five…”, she whimpered. “I love you, too...you feel so good like this.”
Her words acted like some sort of switch inside his brain, and after a few more seconds, Five was unleashing his hot cum inside of her while he pressed his forehead into her shoulder and groaned low in his throat. As his body relaxed, he stayed where he was, lying on top of her and breathing hard against her neck. She stroked his back and hair and ran her fingers lightly down his arms. He felt her lips press against his ear and she sighed happily.
“No one can ever take me away from you, Five,” Viv whispered.
Five kissed the side of her neck and then her lips. He didn’t say anything in return. Mostly because he knew she was right. Because if anyone ever tried to take her away again, he had no problem slaughtering everyone in his path to get to her.
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serxinns · 8 months
I don't give a shit
Yandere class 1a x aware reader oneshot
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Idea made by @lady-ashfade
A/n: me and Ash we're joking about this so much about this idea! Hope you enjoy
You knew what your classmate's creepy tenicides and how they were questionably obsessed with but you really couldn't care less all you focus to be is a hero plus even if they tried something you got pepper spray a hidden camera in your room so just in case someone steals your stuff they're already got caught red handed
•Like that time you confronted mina, Denki, Ochako, and Izuku for taking your favorite clothes they tried declining it many times but when you told them you were gonna tell mr Aizawa they reluctantly gave it back you scolded them each, and for some reason their heart race and blush was forming onto their cheek
•your classmates tried anything to impress you or make you see it see that they love you but you never see it or always discipline it whenever they want to hang out with you would come not showing any affection nor just worry about activity more about them making them pout
•The delusional and clingy ones (like kiri, urarka., kota, mina, hakagure, momo, etc) would whine when you don't give them the attention they deserve like how Kiri would try to pull you into a hug but instead, you gave him a high five leaving him stunned or how momo would try to spoil you with gifts but you declined her offer, ochako would try to walk with you and when you held hands you still kept a neutral face and still facing forward they question themselves, are u shy, are u dealing cause you think they're faking it?, are u sick, questions and determination filled their head
•the most aware ones (Bakugo, Iida, shoto, izuku, jirou, tsuyu, Yokoyama) are more pissed off not of you ofc! But by another pest you talk to and ur "bratty" they would try to encourage the delusional yanderes to pressure u more and give them advice but it never seems to work it's like you didn't know that they were trying a cherish and love you!
• How Iida would lecture you about how you should hang out and u laughed it off and dismissed yourself walking away on one side would've been annoyed but he found it cute...?, or how Bakugo and Shoto would compete for your attention and to impress you you just stared at them unamused
•Whenever you wanted go to alone everyone wanted to come which annoyed you so you decided to not go (unless it's an emergency)
•At training they would try to fight over which partner you should train while you rolled your eyes and partner up with Shinso telling them if they were gonna fight then you were gonna pick Shinso even when they tried to show off and not gonna lie you were more impressed about how DESPERATE they are wanting you to show any form of praise or attention but you just held a thumbs up and continued training
•Whenever your classmates tried to baby you, you will either swat their hand off your face or tell them no
• Your classmates were getting somewhat annoyed with you but somehow felt a fuzzy feeling they don't why but for some reason it made their hearts race
• Whenever you looked at them annoyed or told them off It was like they were also feeding off the negative or lack of amusement they loved how you looked at them disappointed like you were telling them that they needed to try harder or weren't good enough yea that's! You were just punishing them because they weren't giving you enough love it can be a game yea a love game~
• From that day forth they all teamed up and made a mission to impress you so they could win your affection they would try being extra nice to you heck even Bakugo would throw fewer insults at you which was weird Kirishima would try to hug and if u declined that's ok a hive five is also addicting, momo would order stuff for you without permission and sneaks the stuff in there, mina would wrapped her arms around you if you were still not used to it she play with your hair so she could get a chance to sniff it, all other your classmates were trying to and do weird activities even if you told them off they'll understand but they're enjoying every way they can~
•You noticed how your classmates were getting worse by the looks of it but you didn't wanna back down no you didn't wanna lose to their game just because they have a few tricks up they sleeves doesn't mean you didn't either and you were determined to win this stupid little game they call love
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elliespeach · 1 year
fantasizing about protective festival!ellie
warnings: 18+ explicit sexual descriptions, drug use, alcohol use, very Very brief choking kink, implied homophobia, mild possession, pet names
an: an offering until i finish part 2 of you belong to me i thought of this at work and knew she would be a festival girlie okokenjoy
she def tried to convince u to let her buy an airtag and stick it in ur outfit just in case she lost you in the crowd “you could just call me els” “what if ur phone dies” she pouted
she wore a simple button up that was unbuttoned with a sports bra underneath, her abs showing which made ur toes curl and loose basketball shorts. meanwhile u had to spend hours trying to find what to wear, always earning a “everything looks so good on you baby” as ellie watched u change for the 8th time
“absolutely not” she protested one of the more scandalous outfits u tried on, typically she wouldn’t care and actually liked ur skin showing to be able to flaunt you around “you know how these people are there, i don’t need you being ogled all night”
no bc watching her dance at the actual festival was intoxicating, grinding up behind you going with the beat of the music, grabbing ur ass and feeling u up in a way that felt hungry
also note she had a blunt resting in her mouth while she danced on u AHH
im also picturing her in a backwards worn out ball cap do with that what u will,, ok carrying on
u were only crossed, as when u suggested trying something a bit harder ellie def had something to say "idk babe u dont even take well to being too high sometimes" "fine but were doing shots!"
so u both were wasted, she guided ur hips with her hands to spin you around to face her the strobe lights started going crazy for the drop of the song that was playing
ellie hit the blunt while u watched not even questioning it bc she was so fucking fine while doing
she inhaled slightly and leaned in, grabbed ur neck face and blew the smoke into your mouth for u after u exhaled she wrapped her free arm around ur waist pulling u closer in
this time she kissed u and kissed u hard, still grinding to the music while doing so ofc
her hand wandering around ur back down to ur ass and when the kiss ended u continued dancing and ellie took a quick glance around
she saw a guy poking at his friend then pointing to u and her and immediately protective mode was activated
"cmon, i gotta go to the bathroom" grabbing ur hand and not even giving u the chance to respond "ellieeeeeeeee"
u guys were towards the back because "i dont wanna lose u in the crowd plus i think i would suffocate"
"els we just went to the bathroom" "i saw some guys staring at us, i didn't like the looks of it" she was very occasionally glancing in the direction where u guys came from, obviously worried
"lets go finish this and then go back" she suggested and brought u to the back of one of the food stands,, holding ur hand the entire time of course kinda too tight like she was white knuckling that shit
u guys passed it back and forth a few times before the redness of your perfect eyes, being crossed, and full on craving u overwhelmed her
"els!" u giggled as she sucked on ur exposed neck, marking every single square inch she possibly could before moving to ur jaw
ellie being ellie she lightly bit ur earlobe sending shockwaves thru u n feeling the surge of confidence ((and bc shes a cocky shit)) she goes "let those try guys come near you, you're mine"
immediate butterflies. immediate pulsing in ur pussy like oh my GOD and being so horrendously down bad u say "i'm yours"
instinctively u stretched ur arms over her shoulders and as soon as u started to move ur hands thru her hair in pleasure she threw the remaining blunt to the ground and literally picked u up
like hoisted u up so that ur legs were around her waist, one of her hands placed itself on ur back the other firmly on ur ass
this was all mid kiss btw
she spun around and crashed ur back into the back of the food stand and bc shes so strong she could hold you there basically by holding herself so close to you
she reached a hand down feeling ur pussy thru the very light shorts u had on "no underwear, huh baby?" all u could do was shake ur head the feeling of her touching u was overwhelming to say the least "and already so wet, tsk tsk"
u blushed but thank god it was dark bc she wouldve teased u about it and u wanted so badly for her to just kiss u again u leaned in slightly as if asking permission
"and so needy" "please, els" "what was that?" she paused her fingers on ur core and u whined "words princess, i need words"
sigh, anyway
leaving the festival she knew u were drained and let u piggy back most of the way to the car, she drove back home letting u sleep peacefully in the passenger seat
when u guys got back home she was fully prepared to carry u in but u woke up
but u were way to tired to get ready for bed so she undressed u, showered u, and put u in one of her tee shirts and ultimately put u to bed only to be interrupted by her coming to cuddle only a short time later
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
Hello.. Blah blah blah I'm drawing zombie AU Evan because I am a self-indulgent.. But I don't know what to do with his face.. Does he completely heal from the bite is there just a chunk missing what's going on??
As the expert of all things Evan I hope you could help
tw for body horror stuff
And I'll preface this by saying that idk if any of this stuff is logically or medically accurate. It's just my uneducated guesses about what I *think* might happen
I don't feel confident in whether ur asking abt Ev being bit by Fredbear or by a zombie in the au so I'll just answer both
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Okay so if u look closely at the Bite, Evan sorta starts out with his entire upper body inside Fredbear's mouth, but by the time the jaws clamp down, it appears to be Evan's head, neck, and upper shoulder area getting the brunt of Frebber's bite.
So typically when I think of Evan's injuries from the Bite, it's like this:
Evan's skull gets crushed, not so much by the teeth, but by the metal "roof" and bottom of Fredbear's endoskeleton mouth. Think of what happens if you pinch a grape too hard between two fingers: this is Evan's skull.
Fredbear's teeth dig into Evan's neck and upper shoulder/collar bone area, likely with enough force to shatter some bones since a normal animatronic shouldn't have had the strength to kill Ev with a bite but Fredbear somehow did have the strength
So an au where Ev heals from the Bite of 83. Doctors would have to piece Evan's skull back together, likely with sutures and screws and metal plates until the bones heal back together on their own.
And in an au where Evan lives, the doctors would need to be really worried about the state of Evan's brain: if Fredbear's jaw or the metal of Fredbear's inner mouth crushed his brain as well and not just his skull, and if any of the shards of Evan's skull accidentally pierced or even got lodged into Evan's brain.
No idea how doctors would approach this if something like this happened, but there have been extreme cases of people surviving severe brain trauma (being shot and having a bullet lodged in the brain, metal pipes being completely shoved through the brain, etc etc). Though these cases are often associated with severe personality changes and deficits in memory and logical functioning afterward.
Post-Bite, Evan's head might always be a little (or a lot) misshappen, depending on how well his skull grew back together. I imagine he'll have a lot of scarring as well. He can have trauma around his eyes as well: eyes missing entirely, or perhaps one or two "lazy eyes" that cloud over and loose their vision, or his vision might remain intact but not be as good as before. Just depends on what you want.
And then I imagine he'd have scarring around his neck and shoulders as well. He might have long-term breathing problems if Fredbear's teeth punctured or crushed his trachea. He could become mute or have problems speaking if the teeth punctured or crushed his vocal chords. Likewise, he could have problems with being able to eat/swallow depending on what happened to his esophagus.
I imagine in an au where Ev survived the Bite, the damage done to his neck by the teeth would be a little less drastic than the damage done to his head by the roof of Frebber's mouth. Any damage done to the spinal cord (which would be very easy to do at the neck like this) is either going to be fatal or can lead to paralysis, from minor to severe paralysis. Paralysis might be something Ev deals with after the Bite, though that could be a bit impractical if he's trying to survive in a zombie au. It's up to you.
if Evan gets bit by a zombie is a bit harder to answer because there's, yk, not any canon content to work with
Generally the head is very hard for a zombie to "bite into" because the skull is just so hard to break. Zombies tend not to have the conscious awareness that it's hard to bite into a skull, so i can see a zombie's rotten jaw coming apart from how hard it was trying to bite into a skull. Which means if Ev gets bit in the head by a zombie, he might come away from the incident with teeth loged inside his skin or even the zombie's entire (or most of the) severed lower jaw lodged into his skin by the teeth.
If the zombie that got Evan managed to open the skull, you might see evidence of that in Ev's zombie form: the skull is cracked, blood and brains spilling from the cracks or from the whole in his skull. If Evan dies from the zombie, then he won't have any scars since his body died before it could heal anything. He'd have a lot of open wounds and bruises on his face from body that will never heal: open, infected cuts everywhere from the zombie scratching at and biting at him, as well as from any wounds Ev may have got from trying to run or fight back. Evan's blood likely would have clotted and curdled in his body in his zombie form.
Whether or not Evan dies/gets zombified depends on how severe you want his injuries to be, and on how the zombie virus gets passed from one host to another in your au
If Evan were to heal from the zombie bite (which tends to be very difficult in zombie aus because they tend to have society collapsed, and doctors/meds are in short supply, plus wounds get infected so easily) then his skull is likely not to grow together very well. This can lead to a section of his head (where the Bite was) OR his entire head being misshapen when he heals, depending on how bad the Bite was/how much of Evan's skull got ruined.
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
pbelase talk more abt mlp the idea of actually delving into stuff like what u posted is so interesting to me. sits with my chin in my hands and kicking my feet like we're at a sleepover. if u ever wanna infodump I'm Here
giggling twirling my hair and then taking out a massive binder of thoughts i've had since 2012
idk if you mean my thoughts on magic as a whole or on starlight but ur getting BOTH. big warning, i'm going to take this neon cartoon very seriously.
magic in g4 is wildly overpowered and there's this huge underlying inequality between the pegasi and earth ponies compared to the unicorns - which is reinforced in how the show portrays class, wealth, and nobility. The upperclass Canterlot consists mostly of unicorns, and nobility that hasn't earned their status and instead inherited it (Duke Blueblood). honestly, you could make the case that the unicorn's old role of raising the sun and moon (and therefor the crops) allowed them to maintain control over the earth ponies. In the few earth ponies we do see in Canterlot, they're mainly put in typically lower class associated physical intensive labor work. Notably, we see a group of earth ponies striking in one episode, implying that unions exist in order to prevent exploitation of these groups (notably, fancy pants speaks negatively about them because they're delaying a swan thing, a superfluous ceremony that is purely for fun and not at all necessary).
But back to magic! magic TRUMPS the other ponies' abilities. we see it can turn back time, control weather, give ponies super speed and strength, help them FLY?? anything a pegasi or earth can do, a unicorn with enough magic and training could arguably come in and do (perhaps even better than them!). When i used the example of the bakery in canterlot, i was drawing from the show. there's a scene where Starlight is able to ice a cake in seconds and Mrs. Cake asks if she's trying to put her out of business to which...yeah! could an earth pony be able to match that level of output in a unicorn dominated city? sure, someone brought up the idea of artisanal goods, but could that really compete with fast well crafted baked goods that take a fraction of the time an earth pony product would take? the answer is no. the artisanal goods would be the exception, not the norm.
Unicorns in general have a huge advantage in coordination, we see that they dominate the arts scene. They're capable of doing precise stitching for clothing, something that a pegasus or an earth pony would need to do by mouth and wouldn't be able to match the fine motor skills that magic can do. An earth pony can only sew by mouth, a unicorn without any magical training can sew multiple at once. They're at a huge disadvantage comparatively!
That leads us to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, just unicorns. Earth ponies and pegasi are completely blocked out from attending a prestige academy headed by the queen of Equestria herself on the basis that they can't do magic. We know that Celestia uses the school to scope out proteges...but that means only unicorns are considered.
now this is where Starlight comes in and look. listen. i love a good hypocritical villain but if you want to claim that she has a point in the show, ur wrong. Cutie marks don't automatically make you good at something, they don't disqualify you from other talents, and they definitely aren't limited to talents (some are personality traits!). Most importantly, they're what makes you feel fulfilled and happy. Starlight's ideology is flawed and in the show, this is how it's portrayed, and that's good.
But gotdamn. her backstory suuuuuucckkss. you can't write your friend a letter? can't be a penpal? come on starlight try a little harder. I mean they hardly stay unequal, writer's pet- i mean starlight can little outpower an alicorn princess.
so like. if you want her to have a point, she should've been an earth pony against magic. Starburst goes to an academy she's barred from tending, letters that she has to write are cumbersome and difficult because she has to do it by mouth, a lot of her labor options are limited by her capabilities - i mean come on! listen to me people, the enemy isn't cutie marks, the enemy of g4 inequality is magic.
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
I keep seeing u post about ur kingsoul au, would u be willing to write a basic rundown of the plot!! BC I LOVE everything that I've seen but ik none of the context :///
ALRIGHT, joke about never revealing the lore over, time to release the brainrot
The basic premise is that PK and WL gave the Pure Vessel kingsoul charm to keep their soul levels stable, in case Radiance tried to physically damage them to get out.
Fastforward many years later, and the infection resurfaces. Pale King and White Lady are hit with the possibility that the vessel was alive all this time and they...do not take it well. Pale King immediately dives back into work to cope, just to keep his mind off this. Meanwhile White Lady completely bottles up her feelings and tries to pretend everything's okay, and instead distracts herself by trying to make sure her husband is alright.
Things keep getting worse and worse, and finally when he's completely out of ideas, Pale King decides to trap himself and his palace in the dream realm in hopes that Radiance will go for him instead. He discusses it at length with his queen, says his goodbyes in case he dies and leaves. The moment he's in the dream realm she can no longer feel him, so she has no idea if he's dead or not.
His plan does not work. He's alive but trapped in the dream realm, presumed dead by most people.
White Lady is now alone, watching her beloved's hard work crumble to dust, feeling powerless to stop it. Finally, she gets an idea, and in her desperation she tries to reach to the Hollow Knight through the kingsoul charm, much the same way she would with her Wyrm.
It works.
They're momentarily pulled from the Radiance's grasp, confused and disoriented. Then they see their mother and their confusion grows. For a moment they think it's another one of that damned moth's tricks, but they can't feel her presence at all. Realising that it's their actual mother, they just break down, relieved to be free of the torment at least for a little while.
This cements her suspicions that they were alive, when before they thought Pale King might have been just wrong about how the infection works, now she's sure they're alive.
She hugs them tightly and tells them it's going to be okay, but their kingdom is dying, their people are suffering, their father might be gone forever, and she just needs them to hold on a little longer. Can they please do that for her?
They nod.
She smiles. They're strong, she says, they've got this.
And it works.
With her help, getting frequent visits and breaks, her reassurance; they manage to fight off the infection once again. Hallownest can begin to heal and rebuild once again, under her rule. She will continue what her beloved started. For his sake.
She sees them again, tells them as much. The kingdom's doing better, the infection is disappearing, all thanks to them. Their father would be proud, she tells them. They smile so brightly at that.
She reassures them, tells them to keep fighting, and one day another vessel will show up and they can be relieved of their duty. They will be named a prince, they could be a family. She promises.
They trust her. Trust her that she's sure of it.
Years pass, Hallownest is thriving again, the Hollow Knight has new strength to keep fighting. They've got their mother's help. They look forward to her warm embrace and soft words everytime.
But the time keep stretching on and on, and no other vessel shows. They're getting impatient, nervous, they can't keep going on like this. She knows it, doesn't she?
She reassures them. She's sure another, truly pure vessel will show to replace them, and then they can reunite once more in the waking world. She's sure. She promises.
Ages pass. They're getting tired. They can't keep going, even with her help.
They're impatient, nervous- no, terrified. She promised.
The infection starts showing up again. She's angry. Don't they know what they're fighting for?
They can't keep going. So try harder, she tells them. Do not disappoint her. Do not disappoint their father.
They're at their breaking point, they can't keep going. She promised them. Did she lie? Was all of this just empty stories all along?
But how dare they accuse her of that. They're a warrior. They were trained for this. They should be stronger. They let their father's legacy crumble once more.
They're a failure. She tells them. The king would be disappointed.
They snap.
The kingsoul lays broken between the two of them. The vessel pants heavily, still reeling after their argument.
She looks at them in shock then shakes her head. She turns away.
She overestimated them. She shouldn't have expected any better of them. After all...
They're only human.
They've failed them.
...No. No.
They'll show her. They'll show her. She's wrong about them.
For the first time in ages, they raise their blade towards the sun shining in the distance.
So that entire thing came to me after listening to My Goodbye from EPIC: the musical on repeat for two days straight. A lot of plotpoints in this AU come from me rotating these characters in my head while listening to these songs.
Pure ascends as the Lord of Shades and brings The Radiance down. But they don't kill her.
She'll get to live out the rest of her life as a mortal. In the ancient fallen kingdom that she brought to ruin.
They break from their chains, take one last look at her from the entrance of the black egg, and leave. They rise to the surface, don't look back as they pass the howling cliffs. It's not their home anymore.
White Lady feels a shift in her kingdom. Dryya runs to her, the infection is dying.
Shocked, she uproots herself and goes to the temple. There, she finds the Radiance, and no sign of her child.
So after being informed of what went down by a very pissed off Radiance, her reaction pretty much boils down to "THEY DID WHAT?"
Along their travels, Pure finds their other siblings. Mainly, Ghost, Mellow (BV) and Greenie (GV). They find their way, after many years, into the ruins of yet another fallen kingdom.
This time though, they find their new home here. They help build a new kingdom and are crowned as its monarch. Life's good.
Except for the fact other Hugher Beings get the wind of a void being doing that to The Radiance and want to kill them out of paranoia but that's a story for another time.
Oh, and PK finds his way out of the dream realm. Somehow.
Also WL and PK can still talk to Pure through now voidheart, but they immediately cut contact and most of the time don't even let them sense them.
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wolame-o-ccx · 1 year
would genuinely love to see your process for sketching out your comics!! ive wanted to make my own but i have never really figured out the process and end up overwhelmed- and you're one of the folks who makes stuff in a style that I kinda draw close to, and u do ur comics with pencil and paper- so if you wouldn't mind in the future, it'd be really cool to see how you actually get everything planned :)
This ask is so cute :( probably genuinely the biggest compliment I've ever received! Well, no waiting in the future! I'll tell you now what happens behind the scenes! :)
SO FIRSTLY, I'd like to clarify I am in no way a professional or even close to one, I never even looked up how to do comics, I just kinda do them and use what I've read from DC comics and Pinterest tips.
But! Personally, I find that making comics is fun and that's what I strive on. I won't lie when I say my comics are pretty bland, the surroundings are empty and lame but I think the character's expressions and body language make up for it, and especially the script. So altogether in this post, I'll be breaking down how my comics are made!
↓↓↓ if you're interested, open up the full post!
1 - Scripting
In both dialogue and character detail/placing!
I use a notes app for when I get ideas!
* I usually don't do specific dialogue, only stating the idea and then coming up with dialogue in my head, but there are some exceptions where I do write down pre-thought-out dialogues you can see in the examples I put below!
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With the idea / dialogue in tow, we can go to character detail / placing. I don't know the actual word for it but basically how the character acts in a specific scene / dialogue!
Character expression is especially important when it comes to any type of art, be it comics or animation as it can tell a story with little to no dialogue!
* panels taken from 1 and 2 for context
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From here you can clearly tell their expressions well! Be sure to exaggerate!
2 - Limit planning
With Tumblr's 10 images limit, as well as Instagram if you post there, it's important to note that limit and know when to end the comic with a good panel where it doesn't feel like it's supposed to continue UNLESS you're making two parts!
I can't tell you how many times I've ruined my sketchbook papers trying to get a perfect script but I've been doing it long enough that my brain has adapted to the limit and every comic I've done since adapting had been a perfect ≤10.
But even if you decide to go with two (or maybe even more) parts, you should make sure it ends well still! Like a book! Those spaces between paragraphs and chapters and such!
Take these for examples too!
* panels taken from 1 and 2 for context
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So treat it like a book! I guess ?
3 - Panel placement
This isn't a necessity, but my personal way of drawing each panel is having it scattered around randomly around my sketchbook. I don't use strips or anything like that as it restricts me because using strips on paper is a whole lot harder than on digital. Because I have such a wide area to draw, I'm less restricted from drawing any excess things I want to add in case my dialogue doesn't fit the panel or so!
4 - Draw
Now to put it all together and make the comic! I usually already have my vision in mind so I can just go draw it without a light sketch layer, but I do recommend it!
What that is is essentially a sketch but drawn like.. your pencil is hovered above the page? Like you don't press down on it or something like that. Basically a guideline! So do that if you need it, and when you're satisfied with how it looks, you can draw it! And make sure it's clear!
After that, it's just picture and post! (Make sure you crop it right tho!)
4.5 - BONUS / TIPS
When I started posting Belos drawings, I never expected it to get any attention or even end up as a whole AU 😭 I just drew him in a babygirl hoodie and people ate that shit up so now it's an AU 💀 and because of that you need to prepare personalized tags!
Tags like pitmdau or sharing caleb au ! Very very useful for navigation
More important than tags, make sure you have a Masterpost!
I'm aware mine are unfinished and very messy and I'm trying to work on that right now but it's very difficult but people really need it so when making Masterposts, YOU HAVE KEEP UP WITH IT. I slacked of for ONE POST and now it's a mess.
Also another important note you can only put 100 links in one post so you have to make more Masterposts to navigate through the comics 😭
5 - Have fun!
When getting into comic making, I think really the most important thing to keep in mind is your enjoyment in making said comics. Sometimes some things can burn you out very quickly so when you're getting into things like this, especially when you're not getting paid, you gotta make sure you have fun doing it. It doesn't matter if it doesn't get a lot of traction or not, it only matters that you are enjoying making and posting them!
I've experienced MULTIPLE burn outs from making too many comics for my TOH AUs that at some point I just completely died and lacked motivation. But what drives me into making them are other people's enjoyment! Their enjoyment gives me enjoyment which gives me motivation to make more. Someday I'll know the AUs I've created will inevitably be over, at some point, but right now I'm just having fun with the small community I've built!
So make comics, and have fun!
I hope this was helpful in any way. I just want to clarify that, again, this is my way of making comics, and you don't have to follow anything I put into the post. I'm mostly hoping this was easy to understand as well. I'm more of a visual learner so making up the words to make this was kinda hard so I'm sorry if some parts didn't make sense. If anything, feel free to hit me with another ask or a PM! I know me not posting seems like I'm inactive but I promise I check Tumblr frequently 😭
Happy posting!!! :3
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ari!! i am dropping by to give some good vibes & good weather for the weekend!! 🥹🌤️ & am also curious!! what song reminds you of any of your blorbos? 🥺
sel !!!! tysm ur so sweet, im sending u sunlight and flowers n treats :3 ☀️☀️☀️🌻🌻🍰🍰🍪🍪 i hope ur weekend is full of rest n the fluffiest vibes !! <3
aaaa thats such a good question too !!!!! i have a lot for gojo n geto, and then some for megumi n shoko too i think … im just gonna put it all under the cut in case it gets long i !!!! love love love assigning songs to my blorbos <333
FIRST OF ALL …. sel. u know how i am w gojo….. phshdhs i have a bunchhh of different songs i associate w him but !! here r a couple :>
ok so first !! i firmly believe that gojo is a swiftie so i legally have to assign him a taylor swift song n this is basic but ’cruel summer’ is just so HIM. i especially think of hs gojo when i hear it !!
so cut the headlights, summer’s a knife // i’m always waiting for you just to cut to the bone // devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes // and if i bleed, you’ll be the last to know
also ….. pinkpantheress ….. i dont know WHY i just get big gojo vibes when i listen to her songs 😭😭😭 … i firmly believe he’d listen to her too. i esp associate him w ’break it off’, ’capable of love’ and ’close to you’!!! the lyrics remind me sm of him too :’) i !! love our lonely babyboy !!!!
you can’t even sleep when you turn the lights off // white noise in your head makes it harder to breathe // but easier to tell me when it’s time for me to leave
this happened at the start, everytime we try we fall apart // you can’t seem to hold my heart // close to you // and i know that you make it clear that you want me out of here // though it’s loneliness you fear // close to you
and i think i need a picture ’cause it’s never enough // to see you smilin’ in my mind when i lay still in the dark // it starts with you
i’m obsessed with the idea that one day it breaks up // ’cause after that, i know i’ll never be as capable of love // after you
and then !! and then !!! ’be nice to me’ by the front bottoms is my favorite ever n its !! so so gojo !!!! reminds me sm of him and sugu ;(
if we all left it alone // i’m sure it’d work itself out fine // we keep playing with the numbers // we are running out of time
but you’re a killer // and i’m your best friend // think it’s unfair, your situation // you say i’m changing // sorry, i didn’t know i had to stay the same
and you’re a werewolf and i’m a full moon // and all your very worst enemies will be gone soon // i think you’re changing // don’t worry, you don’t gotta stay the same
(also …. ’fighter’ by jack stauber …. yeaaa. gojocoded)
call me fighter, i’ll mop the floor with you // call me lover, i’ll take you for a drink or two // you’ll get older, and maybe then you’ll feel some control
now as for geto …………. i think i have a billion angsty geto songs but tbh above all else hes so mitski coded. he IS mitski. ’last words of a shooting star’ and ’why didnt you stop me?’ were literally written for geto idc . this is just sooo …. T_T my doomed boy
all of this turbulance wasn’t forecasted // apologies from the intercom // and i am relieved that i’d left my room tidy // they’ll think of me kindly when they come for my things
they’ll never know how i’d stared at the dark in that room // with no thoughts // like a blood-sniffing shark
i always wanted to die clean and pretty // but i’d be too busy on working days // so i am relieved that the turbulance wasn’t forecasted // i couldn’t have changed anyways
i know that i ended it, but // why won’t you chase after me? // you know me better than i do // so why didn’t you stop me?
and then shoko !! hhh for some reason i associate her a lot w penelope scott … i think ’moonsickness’ especially !! and and and … ’ribs’ by lorde :( i think of her when i listen to it n then i cry. ’cigarettes out the window’ by tv girl is another one !!
blood clots, death camps, glitz and depressions // the business cycle and the tides // you fuckers know it’s all built on lies // but the beast refuses to die // and so i guess, well, neither can i
this dream isn’t feeling sweet // we’re reeling through the midnight streets // and i’ve never felt more alone // it feels so scary, getting old
and finally !!!! gumi !!!! :D ok so sel i know we both agree when i say hes the neighbourhood coded. like pretty boy, cry baby, softcore etc etc hes just sooo… yeah.
but !! for some reason i also rly rly associate him w beabadoobee ….. maybe just cuz i think he would like her music. ’apple cider’ makes me think of him everytime i listen to it, im not sure why it just feels so gumi to me ?? esp college gumi !! ’care’ is another beabadoobee song that reminds me of him
and i don’t even like you that much // wait, i do, fuck
you said you liked my hair // so go ahead and touch it // you said you liked the jumper i wore // and so i always wore it
so call me at midnight // ask you if it’s alright // to have a sleepover // to drink some apple cider // or maybe some fruit punch // and we can talk about how we don’t like each other that much
and then theres another one i cant really explain bc its just vibe based pahshhdh BUT … ’cool with you’ by newjeans is so gumi to me .
THIS WAS SO FUN ty for the question sel !!!! makes me wanna make playlists for everyone hhhh ….. 🥺🥺 my blorbos of all time
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dateamonster · 1 year
what’s your opinion on monstrous transformations (both fast and slow), and also more controversially what do you think about having monsters/nonhuman characters serve as minority allegory (as opposed to society’s hate for them being being an allegory)
ohhh hold on this is a rly good question i think abt a Lot actually.
ok getting the first bit out of the way, love a good monstrous transformation. fast, slow, its all good. i personally like gradual slow shifts the most but its a situational thing. transformation is one of those things that like just always has to be symbolic. even more than the degree to which Everything is symbolic ya know. so like context rly matters when it comes to how to invoke it most effectively.
i think from the phrasing of the ask ur looking for something more along the lines of like. for example shapeshifters as representation of nonbinary people or aliens as representation of different cultures rather than like monsters vs humans as allegory for racism. but im also not sure you can meaningfully separate the two! the latter i think is more overused so it like registers more as an immediate red flag, but its like. if the aliens from avatar werent being violently invaded by humans it wouldnt make like their reskinned stereotypical indigeneity anymore tolerable i dont think.
which isnt to say i think every story that draws connections between fantastical fictional species and real world people are inherently bad. i dont really think theres any trope that i believe cant be handled well by anyone under any circumstance. the super easy fix to bad rep via monster or fantasy creature characters is basically just have actual humans who also represent those same identities and communities and experiences so that the audience isnt drawn to connect the traits of any one group with your fictional species.
the harder fix is to like seriously analyze why you want this character to be a monster and what that says about them and what that says about you and your own experiences and biases and what you actually want to communicate with the inclusion of this character. and when applicable hire a sensitivity reader. its kinda crazy how many pieces of media seem to prefer half-assing the hard way over just doing the easy thing and not assigning the status of token minority to a literal monster.
of course once again all of this is ya know circumstantial. im speaking to like my own experiences and the things ive observed. and its weird too! bc im also speaking as someone who like is trans and nonbinary and thinks of myself and my gender expression as inherently intertwined with monstrosity. and as someone who is autistic and thinks of myself as a changeling. and as someone who is a fat person who represents themself with a pig themed sona. if i talk abt cringeass hollywood blockbusters engaging in High Fantasy Racism i feel like to be fair i kinda have to talk about independent own-voices creators who write stories and make art about their own identities in the lovely language of monstrosity. theres not rly a way to draw a hard line around the former without the risk of catching some of the latter.
so umm as usual i dont rly have a snappy all encompassing answer for how i feel abt this kind of characterization. im simply too much of a Nuance Enjoyer. i do i guess think this is something that generally turns out better when it is someone making art about their own experiences, but also unless i believe minority artists are a monolith, which i dont, i need to accept that artists will inevitably make stuff that is beautiful and resonant to some people and totally repugnant and offensive to others, and that both of those responses can be like totally justified and correct. thats art babey!
anyway slight digression but i think any case where a character feels more like an allegory than a fully fleshed u know Character is gonna flop for me no matter how relatable it is. tbqh, id rather more ppl try and fail to make beautiful grotesque frightening sensually moving monsters out of their lived experiences and their empathetic connections with others than succeed at creating bland toothless universally approachable Good Rep tm. if u know u know. if u feel me u feel me. that is all.
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kachinnate · 1 year
how would u describe evan hansens whole like. Deal. any character analysis for him? i love the way u write him
firstly: thank u!! ;_;<3 i feel as if my current stuff up on ao3 doesn't 1000% reflect how i Would write him now or maybe i just hate my old writing who knows 😭 but regardless it's for the most part up to par w/ how i feel abt heem....
so what i think his deal is is that he's an unintentionally sorta selfish kid riddled with severe self-loathing and mental illness and a desire to be wanted for Something despite the fact that He doesn't believe there is Something there for him to be Wanted for. and the selfish part mainly being in how he is so In His Own Head and kinda chooses to accept that he's a failure and that no one likes him and he has nothing no one alone when that isn't / doesn't have to be the case. like.... thinking he's the main character but in the inverse/wrong way if that makes sense some sort of inferiority complex 😔 i also believe he intrinsically can be kind but i don't think he's Nice, just overtly polite and therefore sorta Appearing as nice
when i was a teenager and just starting to write fic for the first time i would write evan kinda like... purposely a bit meaner than one might fkjgsndf at the time out of spite because it annoyed me so much seeing a lot of people in the majority of fanon spaces depict him as an uwu smol anxiety boy... however, looking back on it i Do think i was onto something for Different reasons 😭 mostly being that 1. i tend to lean a bit towards the arena stage characterization of him, which was objectively a bit more harsh and a bit more rude and 2. in most of the contexts i had written him in, it was w jared specifically in which case i do think he would more or less abandon most of his Need to Be Nice / Polite / Unoffensive because depending on the context 1. he's accepted the fact that 'jared doesn't like him' and therefore doesn't try as hard to give off a good image or pretend to be something he isn't because he doesn't really see a point and thinks jared is just Always gonna be a dick to him / think of him as a 'family friend' (which i'd like to believe he knows is bullshit regardless) or 2. he Does recognize jared as a friend and for the same reasons feels comfortable enough to not put up a front. maybe a mixture of both ! again it sorta depends on the context
his adamance (i'm not sure if that's a word) to the idea that he's such a loser who can't get better no matter what i think makes it much harder for both himself and others to like Be Close to him but yet he wants it so bad and simply doesn't realize he is inadvertently part of the problem. there isnt specifically any One Way he wants to be, he just doesnt want to Be Him... because to him it's clearly wrong and not right and why nobody sees him and why he feels alone etc etc etc
but all that to say -- that's how i personally try to write him when i do jsdkfnsdf obviously that's not The Right Way[tm] or how i expect everyone to see his characterization (and it probably doesn't encompass like even all of My thoughts either i'm just rambling a bit as i procrastinate further on a paper) but! hopefully that answers ur question
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