#but if they get to R2 I’ll be so mad
sportsallover · 1 year
The thing about grand slam draws is that I’ll wait for them for weeks and as soon as they are out I’ll hate them
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So I’ve finally finished season 4 of Clone Wars! Since the episode order is mostly lining up with the chronology, I can put my thoughts down into something resembling organized.
Mon Cala arc
-can that prince please not pronounce his own homeworld’s name like that? he calls it moan cala and i hate it
-it wasn’t necessary for the plot to work, but I’m curious about the history between the cala and the quarren. i wish we got some more details on why relations are tense
-the animators were clearly out of their depth (ha) with the setting. some parts felt like they didn’t know how to translate the usual fighting to an aquatic setting
-the story was satisfying, but I doubt this is anyone’s favorite set of episodes
-i can feel the gungans growing on me. not sure how I feel about that
Shadow Warrior
-how dare this show make gungans tolerable. coming into my home and making me okay with jar jar fucking binks
R2 and C3P0 duology
-some fun moments!
-would show it to my young cousins but at my age, it goes on a little too long. I’m not looking for/expecting deep meditations on war (American War by Omar el Akkad if that’s what you are interested in), but this is more in the kids show category than the family show one most episodes fall under
Umbara arc
-this is what I mean by being a family show vs a kids show
-I love this arc
-and Rex really gets fleshed out as a character in this one
-i didn’t get why people hated krell so much. i get it now. he’s like the umbridge of Star wars
-the tech designs for umbara and umbaran tech are pretty slick, i hope they get a cameo in live action some day
-the krell twist was. okay ig? it comes out of nowhere a bit. sure, he’s very strict on protocol and has a bone to pick with clones, but it’s said explicitly, more than once, that he gets results as a commander (paid for in casualties, but still successful). him being a relentless opportunist gets away from the clone thing, and i think digging into that could have been really interesting
Zygerrian Slave Empire
-not fond of the orientalist imagery in this one. won’t elaborate. i’ll say it’s personal for me and leave it at that
-how Anakin’s history as someone who was once literally enslaved should have been explored more
-this arc has its redeeming moments, but it also has a lot of wasted potential
-I might make a more in depth post someday, I have a lot of half formed thoughts about this one
Friend in Need
-this was a rewatch for me, I saw it when I was getting Mandalorian context for the Grogu and his working single father show
-I notice now that except for Bo Katan, deathwatch is all male. and to me, were implied to be sexually abusing the local women (the village leader mentions them having “taken” their women) maybe that’s what was meant by that infamous “they all died off years ago” re: exile of the warriors. no women, no offspring.
Crisis on Naboo arc
-ooh, I wish we get some more time on how Anakin was affected by Obi Wans faked death
-man, cad bane looks stupid without his hat. cover up that dome baby boy, you aren’t ventress, you cant pull the bald look off
-cad bane saving kenobi/hardeen in the Box. he’s a bad guy all right, but he isn’t entirely without honor. love that trope
-and I love palpatine’s scheming! glad to see a senior citizen staying active and involved
Ventress/Savage Oppress/Maul arc
-i love Assaj Ventress so much it’s unreal
-idc that the nightsisters are on the dark side. i love sisterhoods, i love witches, i love covens, it broke my heat to watch the separatists massacre them. at least mother talzin is still alive.
-i have so much Feeling for ventress. betrayed and abandoned again and again only to lose her sisters, and to feel like it’s her fault
-saving that girl from a forced marriage… ventress I love you.
-they should have let maul keep the spider legs, they looked cool
-I didn’t get the obsession with maul. I don’t really share it, but I do get it now. the raw drive for vengeance, his madness. I’m looking forward to where the writers take him
-obi wan and ventress are a great combo, their dialogue has a lot of chemistry
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thecleverqueer · 2 years
Random Thoughts during The Clone Wars Movie:
*Full discretion: I’ve never watched this before. I’ve watched the series (some arcs I’ve watched an embarrassing number of times). I’ve heard people bitch about this being terrible, so I’m excited about it! Here we go!
*Clone radio chatter… Hmm…
*I find it odd that the Jedi would help Jabba the Hutt, but I’ll let it pass. Oh, but of course it’s Palpatine’s idea. Oh, trade routes, blah, blah, blah. Of course, it’s political.
*Wullf Yularen looks so young. Wow. All that dark brown hair and lack of wrinkles (or maybe the lack of wrinkles has to do with the primitive CGI).
*I love how Anakin and Obi-Wan argue like an old married couple. Like, dude… you’re being very, VERY passive aggressive. “Well, it wasn’t MY idea!”
*I’ve never really understood why folks always pet R2-D2’s head. Everyone does it. Literally everyone. Is it because he’s cute, or does he have some sort of circuitry up there that allows him to feel? Both?
*Through all my Ahsoka simping, I don’t talk enough about how much I truly love, LOVE Obi-Wan Kenobi. I adore Obi-Wan Kenobi. He’s such a bad ass. He seems like a guy that should be reading a book quietly in private library some place while sipping tea, and yet here he is out in the galaxy just slaying.
*Why is Anakin being the voice of reason here!? No! He’s right. It absolutely isn’t a good idea to bring a padawan learner into battle like that. It’s war. They’re literally children. You’re making them child soldiers. Stop it! Quit being crazy!
*Holy shit! Ahsoka is so tiny! Obi-Wan is like, “A youngling!?” Oh! Squee! She’s so ridiculously small! Ugh, they should have given the little thing Jedi robes... Poor little ‘Soka!
*Ooo! I didn’t know Ventress was in this. Maybe I did? I don’t know.
*I love Rex. When referring to Ahsoka for the first time, he’s like, “who is this child?”
*Hey! Rex and Ahsoka are having that same conversation from Rebels almost:
Rex says, “In my book, experience outranks everything.” Then Ahsoka goes, “Well if experience outranks everything, then I better start getting some.” Cute. For the record, Rex, she’s definitely going to outrank you… later.
*Obi-Wan is always so quick to surrender. He’s going to choose to charm/ sweet-talk/whore his way out of violence and/ or buy time every time.
*Yikes! Ahsoka f*^%s up royally when attempting to set those charges on that shield generator. She’s just a baby, so you can’t be too mad at her for f*^%ing up like that as she’s really got no business on a battlefield in the first place honestly. “Sorry!” Don’t be sorry, Ahsoka. It’s not your fault.
*Obi-Wan sipping tea. I love to see it.
*That conversation that Anakin has with Ahsoka about her making it as his padawan is so sweet. Then, they start playing Ahsoka’s theme… how adorable!
*Yoda says, “To let go of his pupil, a greater challenge this will be. Master this, Skywalker must.” I get Yoda’s angle here. Anakin’s arduous issues with attachment need to be addressed. It didn’t seem to matter much in the end though. I’d say he did let go of Ahsoka. It was his irrational fear of losing Padme that got him (that and old Palpatine being a manipulative cocksplat).
*The council sending Obi-Wan to make a deal with Jabba because he’s such a smooth talker.
*Wow. A bunch of alien heads on a gurney… This is a kids’ movie.
*Jabba calls his child a “punky muffin.” Interesting. What do the Hutts know of muffins?
*Do monasteries usually have detention levels?
*Holy shit, Ahsoka! A protocol droid calls her a servant girl, and she nearly slices it in half! Not that I don’t appreciate the moment of feminist rage, I do, but, hey, it’s okay there, spunky! Chill. You’ll be a Jedi… well, maybe… jury is still out on that one.
*So, I am 40 minutes in, and I’m trying to figure out why Ahsoka got so much vitriolic hate when people first watched this. She’s clearly stubborn, impatient, reckless, slightly obnoxious and a little arrogant, but she’s just a baby. She’s like 14 here, right? I think? She’s no more annoying than any other teenager would be.
I’m assuming that I’m not being bias here because I fell in love with Ahsoka in Rebels and she can do no wrong in my eyes, but I don’t think that I am? So, what was it? Did folks just have their drawers bunched up so tight about canon breaking or whatever? Could they not overlook her being a typical teenaged turd in this? Was it just because she is a girl?
*Ahsoka already has auntie vibes at 14. IYKYK.
*How dare Ventress force choke Rex! I love his resolve to not do what she says. Oh. Jedi mind trick… never mind.
*OMG! Ahsoka called the droidekas “Rolling death balls.” I can’t.
*Um… aside from “Ahsoka’s Theme” which always brings me joy when I hear it because… Ahsoka… this soundtrack leaves A LOT to be desired. What is this? This kind of reminds me of something I might have heard in The Power Rangers or that X-Men cartoon from the 90s.
*Obi-Wan flirts with everyone. This flirting with Ventress is cracking me up. Now Ventress is flirting back. Is this a ship!? It isn’t as fun as Codywan to me, but hey. Straight ships never are.
*I feel like everyone ends up on Tatooine at some point or another. It’s like a dust-bowl fly trap.
*Yeah. The soundtrack is f*^%ing awful.*Grits teeth*
*Bith Bands on Tatooine > Bith Bands on Coruscant.
*This queer-coded Hutt bothers me. I know I’ve seen him in The Clone Wars, and I know that Filoni tried to sell me on the fact that he was with Sy Snootles, but he’s clearly meant to be a flamboyantly queer, and I’m miffed.
The one constant with homosexual/ queer-coded characters is that we’re ALWAYS the f*^%ing bad guy. Do we make great bad guys? Compelling bad guys? Probably. Gays will go scorched-earth if the occasion warrants it. But, why?! Why must we always be bad? We’re not all bad! Most of us are awesome.
*He’s a southern gay, too. Damn. I just picture him in a swanky gay bar in Atlanta some place hitting on, like, the youngest twink in the room. He probably drives a luxury sedan and is paying for all of the twink’s drinks. Somebody’s getting laid tonight!
*What is up with that feather hat on this queer Hutt’s head? Oh, honey, no…. Why? Why? Why? Filoni should feel shame for this.
*And, what’s going on with that Twi-lek dancer back behind him to the left all but twerking? Get it, girl! Get it! Twerk it!
*Padme getting herself into some shit.
*Okay, Ahsoka calling R2 “artooey” is a little annoying… still not annoying enough to hate her guts.
*I can’t get over this stupid Hutt! Goddammit. Why doesn’t he gurgle and speak Huttese like the rest of the Hutts? Why does he sound like a giant slug from Georgia?! Why, Filoni, why!?
*Awww! Anakin putting his hand on Ahsoka’s shoulder at sunset, and she so stinking cute and small!
*There goes Count Dooku with his force lightning. Force lightning is one of those powers that I wish I had. No. I’d want force storm. To hell with playing around, I want to just lift my hand up and an entire room of enemies drop dead… that was always my favorite power in KOTOR. Just brutal. But, I need to stop. I’m being an evil gay.
*Hold up! Is this Hutt RUNNING a swanky gay bar on Coruscant!? FFS… Ziro shame. Absolutely none….
*Sigh* The luxury sedan is the Star Wars version of a black Cadillac CT5 with white leather interior and a wood grained trim, by the way. He barely fits into it because he’s a goddamned space slug, but he manages. He smokes cheap cigarettes, but only drinks from the top shelf. He has an army of twinks… he won’t remember the name of the one he’s getting wasted tonight... Dammit!
*Dude! Anakin! SMH. He just waltzes into Jabba’s palace and goes, “where’s Ahsoka?” You literally JUST SAW DOOKU’S HOLO OF HER ASS GETTING KICKED BY THREE DROIDS! So… you should have found her before you did anything else. Goddammit man, don’t be an idiot!
*You bring back the slugglet, but Jabba is going to kill your asses anyway (no, not really, we know y’all survive).
*Padme saving the day through diplomacy as Padme does.
*Final thought: it wasn’t as bad as I’d feared.
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TROPED Madness: Chopping Block
Eight fics were written following a Theme of [Fantasy], including the Tropes of [First Pet Story] and [Revenge], and with a Character Focus on [Lincoln kom Trikru]!! Voting determined which FOUR authors will be CHOPPED, and set up our brackets for our head-to-head competition for Round Three! Eight fantastical fics, but who will make it to the FINAL FOUR?!
We want to say a big thank you so much to all the authors who participated, we are so happy you decided to be a part of TROPED Madness 4.0, and we hope you'll join us again for our next events which dates will be officially announced soon!!
The Authors who have been Chopped are:
through the snow and through the storm
QR/R1 | Rated T | The 100 | Murphy x Raven | 3.2k
“Everyone is so concerned about this storm,” Raven says. “It’s calling for what, three or four inches of snow? Back home in Minnesota, that’s not even enough to close schools.” Murphy snorts. “Well, hon, welcome to Georgia,” he says. “This may be a shock to you, but we don’t get as much snow as Minnesota.” “Yeah, I’ve noticed,” she says, chuckling. “It’s kind of boring, honestly.” “Being locked up in your house for months because the outside world is trying to freeze your face off sounds boring.” “That’s what scarves are for, John.”
i just want to know you better
R2 | Rated T | The 100 | Lincoln x Octavia | 2.5k
The upstairs is both simple – just a bed, night table, and wardrobe, with a small shower and washbasin in the corner – and remarkable – all the furniture is growing out of the walls and floor! The showerhead is a living flower! Octavia’s widened eyes suddenly narrow as another question pops into her head. “There’s no toilet,” she says. “Do faeries, like. Do you not poop?” As soon as the words have left her mouth, she wishes she could take them back. That was a bit much, even if it is a perfectly reasonable question, it’s not really an attractive one. But Lincoln just tips his head back and laughs. Octavia realizes she’s not sure if she’s ever seen him laugh before – not for her or for anyone else. He’s sweet, and she’s certainly earned enough of his smiles, but his laugh… it makes her stomach flip, and suddenly she doesn’t regret the stupid question at all. Or, Octavia has already captured Lincoln's heart -- but can she capture his cat's?
i say that i hate you with a smile on my face
QR/R1 | Rated G | The 100 | Murphy x Raven | 2.8k
There's a tornado raging over his head and his father's bakery right in the crossfire, but all Murphy is worried about is what he's going to tell Raven about his date the night before.
we did our best (and we will again)
R2 | Rated G | The 100 | Lincoln x Octavia | 2.3k
“If you want to help me, you can start by letting me go.” Lincoln sighs, dropping the spoon. “And then?” Her blue eyes flash. Then the anger fades. “You’re right. If you let me go, I’ll kill you. That’s the way it has to end. For one of us, at least.” Lincoln lifts the spoon to her mouth. After a moment, reluctantly, she drinks. They do this in silence until the soup is gone. He can see in her eyes that she’s ashamed, that she feels weak, powerless. So he gives her an offering, the only one he can think of. “My name,” he says, “is Lincoln.” She looks at him, and is he dreaming or is there a ghost of a smile in her eyes? “I’m Octavia.” or, linctavia au in which everything is (mostly) the same except lincoln has a dragon and octavia wants to kill it
(Cause This Can't Be) The Way the Story Ends
QR/R1 | Rated T | The 100 | Murphy x Raven | 5.8k
A bummed-out business owner, a disgruntled barista, a stressed student, a mysterious stranger, and a mechanic on a mission are trapped in a bakery during an ice storm. Or, how John Murphy found the girl, lost the girl, experienced a natural disaster with the girl, and then found her again.
The Fairy Ring
R2 | Rated T | The 100 | Lincoln & Anya | 5.5k
For as long as he can remember, Lincoln has been fascinated by the fairy ring in the woods beyond his village. For as long as he's known her, Anya has mocked his interest in the ring.
When It's Over
QR/R1 | Rated T | The 100 | Murphy x Emori x Raven | 5.7k
Murphy is prepared for a perfectly normal day of work in his bakery. What he gets instead is an earthquake.
Beware The Wild Rushes
R2 | Rated M | The 100 | Lincoln & Luna | 5.9k
Lincoln knew there was a reason he never liked the ocean. Now he and Luna are trapped in a world that shouldn't exist, with a new pet that definitely shouldn't exist. Everything is totally fine. Maybe. Sort of. Yeah, it's pretty much the weirdest day he's ever had.
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galacticwildfire · 9 months
I take pride in writing accurate sibling relationships, because are they really siblings if they don’t go as low as possible in an argument.
In Hope and Ben’s case it’s “I’d kill for you, I miss you, but at the same time I will throw hands at the slightest provocation” and then betraying the sibling confidentiality agreement and airing out each others actual crimes to Luke because they’re mad. “Yeah, maybe I threw dad into a wall and threatened to kill some guys, but she set someone on fire and actually killed them!” “Oh I’m sorry Ben, do you want to tell Luke about Snoke or should I?”
With Rhea and Padmé it’s still very much the “I’ll die for you, I’ll kill for you” but also the hypocritical “holy hell I am not going to stand by when it comes to your choice in men. A Jedi Padmé?!? Did you not learn from my mistakes!” “I’m sorry, are you telling me you didn’t sleep with Obi-Wan on the way here?” “… that’s not the point-”
I also plan to have a conversation where Rhea discovers Anakin’s Tuskan massacre from Padmé and is absolutely dumbfounded “so he tells you he slaughtered the men, the women and the children and the first thing you do when you leave geonosis is secretly marry him?!? Did you even consider getting him a secret therapy droid instead?” “…. I gave him R2?”
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watchtheworld-burn · 2 years
Obsessive and possessive! Will Byers x Male! reader
Stranger things
Genre: Thriller
Pronouns: He/Him
Status: Series
Warning: Cursing, Characters are a little OOC, attempt of murder, Spoilers.
Author's note: Almost done with season 1.
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In Mike's basement, He was alone. El was gone. He also had a fight with Lucas. What else could go worse? He then looked at the fort he built for El. He got up and thrashed or kicked the fort out of rage.
Then minutes later Dustin and you biked to Mike's house and went to his basement. Then Mike started venting or letting his feelings out. He sighed. "I just... I can’t believe she didn’t come back." He said.
"She’s gotta be close." You reassured him. "She said it wasn’t safe. She just messed up the compasses because she wanted to protect us. She didn’t betray us." He ranted. "Mike, calm down." Dustin told Mike. "I shouldn’t have yelled at her. I never should’ve done that." Mike said. "Mike, this isn’t your fault." Dustin said.
"Yeah, it’s Lucas’s." Mike said. "It wasn’t his fault, either." You told him. "It wasn’t his fault?" Mike exclaimed. "No." You and Dustin said. "So you’re saying he wasn’t way out of line?" He reasoned. "Totally, but so were you!" Dustin told him.
"What?" Mike exclaimed. "And so was Eleven." You said. "Oh, give me a break!" Mike complained. "No, Mike, you give me a break!
All three of you were being a bunch of little assholes! Me and M/N were the only reasonable one." Dustin reasoned and you nodded.
"But the bottom line is... you pushed first. And you know the rule. You draw first blood..." You said. "No! No way! I’m not shaking his hand." Mike said. "You’re shaking his hand!" You demanded. "This isn’t a discussion. This is the rule of law. Obey or be banished from the party. Do you wanna be banished?" Dustin asked Mike.
"No." He said. "Good." Dustin replied then Dustin got his and your jacket, including Mike's backpack. "Where are we going?" Mike asked. "Where do you think? We’re going to get Lucas." Dustin said. "And then we’re gonna find Eleven." You added. You guys got ready and got on your bikes and went to Lucas's house.
After you guys reached his house, you guys parked your bikes somewhere close and you rang the doorbell. You guys then saw Lucas open the door with an upset face. "What do you want?" He said and Mike didn't respond so you nudged his arm.
Mike sighed. "I drew first blood, so..." He said and got out his right hand and Lucas looked at Mike and his hand. He sighed and let you guys in. "Okay, I’ll shake." Lucas said and crossed his arms. After he said that Mike got out his right hand again. "On one condition.
We forget the weirdo and go straight to the gate." Lucas said.
"Then the deal’s off." Mike said. "Fine!" Lucas yelled. "Fine!" Mike also yelled. "No, no, not fine! Guys, seriously? Do you even remember what happened on the Bloodstone Pass?" You told them, Lucas and Mike shrugged their shoulders. You sighed and let Dustin Explain. "We couldn’t agree on what path to take, so we split up the party and those trolls took us out one by one. And it all went to shit. And we were all disabled! So we stick together, no matter what!" Dustin explained.
"Yeah, I agree. But this is the party, right here in this room." He said and pointed to the room where it happens. "El is one of us now." Mike told him. " Um, no, she’s not. Not even close! Never will be. She’s a liar, a traitor—" Lucas got cut off. "She was just trying to keep us safe! She didn’t mean to hurt you. It was an accident!" Mike reasoned. "An accident?" Lucas said with a mad tone. "All right, accident or not... admit it, it was a little awesome." Dustin stated.
"Awesome?" You and Lucas yelled. "Yeah, she threw you in the air with her mind!" Dustin stated as if it was obvious. "Lucas could have been killed!" You yelled. "Which is exactly why we need her. She’s a weapon! Do you seriously wanna fight the Demogorgon with your wrist rocket? That’s like R2-D2 going to fight Darth Vader. We’re no use to Will if we’re dead." Mike explained.
"If you three wanna waste your time looking for a traitor, go ahead,
’cause I’m not spending my time on her anymore. No way!
I’m going to the gate. I’m gonna find Will." Lucas declared and walked away pushing Mike away but he didn't push you since he liked you too much.
When you guys were gone Lucas then got ready then he cycled somewhere.
Meanwhile with You, Mike, and Dustin. "This is weird without Lucas." Dustin said and you nodded. "He should’ve shaken my hand." Mike stated. "He’s just jealous." You said. "What are you talking about?" Mike asked and you sighed. "Sometimes, your total obliviousness just blows my mind." You said and Mike scoffed. "He’s your best friend, right?" You asked him. "Yeah... I mean, I don’t know." Mike answered.
"it’s fine. I get it. I didn’t get here until the fourth grade. He had the advantage of living next door. But none of that matters. What matters is that he is your best friend. And then this girl shows up and starts living in your basement, and all you ever want to do is pay attention to her." You explained. "That’s not true." Mike said. "Yes, it is. And you know it. And he knows it. But no one ever says anything until you both start punching and yelling at each other like goblins with intelligence scores of zero. Now everything’s weird." You stated.
"He’s not my best friend." Mike said and you scoffed while Dustin chuckled. "Yeah, right." Dustin said. "I mean, he is, but so are you guys. And so is Will." Mike said. "Can’t have more than one best friend." You and Dustin said. "Says who?" Mike asked. "Says logic." You and Dustin said. "Well, I call bull on your logic, because you guys are my best friend, too." Mike said. "Okay." Dustin said.
You guys then noticed police officers outside of the grocery store. It seems like someone stole something. You guys turned left.
Meanwhile Lucas followed his compass like you guys were originally supposed to do but a gate was in the way. He sighed and went left.
You guys then went to the woods again finding El, you guys kept screaming her name like yesterday. "Hey, stop. Do you hear that?" Mike said. "What?" You asked. "El!" Mike yelled. "El?" You said. You then saw Megatron and Hal wannabe. "Hey, there, Frogface.
Toothless. Fag." Megatron said. "Shit! Run, Mike, you too M/N!" Dustin yelled and ran, you and Mike followed him.
"You’re dead, L/N!" Megatron yelled and chased you three. After a few minutes you guys were surrounded, you and Mike got some rocks and Dustin got a stick. "Stay back!" Mike yelled. Mike threw the rock to Hal wannabe but missed. Hal wannabe scoffed. "Nice throw, numbnuts." He said and you threw your rock and it hit his eye. "HA! Headshot!" You said with a smile on your face but Hal got mad and slowly walked towards you.
Dustin tried to hit Troy but failed now Troy pulled Dustin towards him and pointed his knife at Dustin's neck. "Get off! Get off me!" Dustin yelled while you were distracted Hal got Mike he also got a knife but it was smaller than Troy's. "Dustin! Mike!" You yelled and got your knife. "M/N, Don't!" Mike yelled. "What do you want?" You asked Troy.
"I want to know how you did it!" Troy said. "You mean piss your pants?" You said. "Our friend has superpowers, and she squeezed your tiny bladder with her mind." Dustin said. "Shut up!" Troy yelled.
"I think I should save Toothless here a trip to the dentist.
Help him lose the rest of his baby teeth." Troy threatened Dustin. "Let him go!" You yelled. "I’ll let him go, sure. But first... it’s your turn." Troy said. "My turn for what?" You asked. "Wet yourself. Jump... or Toothless here gets an early trip to the dentist." Troy said.
"M/N, No! don't do it." Dustin yelled. You went to the edge and looked at the bottom. You saw water, you then analyzed to land on the water and jumped. Troy and Hal dropped the knife and let Dustin and Mike go. They saw you but you were.. Floating?
"What the fuck?" You mumbled. You then flew up and landed on the ground and you saw El. "El!" You and Mike yelled. El walked closer and pushed Hal to the ground and broke Troy's arm, making him scream in pain. "Go." El said and Troy and Hal ran away. "Yeah, that’s right! You better run! She’s our friend and she’s crazy! You come back here and she’ll kill you! You hear me? She’ll kill you, you sons of bitches. She’ll kill you, you hear me?" Dustin yelled.
El then fainted and you guys ran to her. "El, are you okay? El?" You asked her. "Mike...M/N... I’m sorry." El said. "Sorry? What are you sorry for?" Mike said. "The gate... I opened it. I’m the monster." El said. "No. No, El, you’re not the monster. You saved us. Do you understand? You saved us." Mike said. Then you and Mike hugged her and Dustin joined the hug. Then you guys went to Mike's house.
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calummss · 3 years
Failed Mission | Kylo Ren
summary: you failed a mission and have to deal with snoke’s consequences until kylo steps in
requested by: anon
words: 1.8K
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Your black combat boots hit the hallways of the Finalizer leaving behind an echo. Your feet moved at a very fast pace trying to keep up with Kylo. With Kylo Ren by your side you strut through the main part of the ship trying to get to the conference room in time. Several people would be joining you today, to invade Jakku in aid of finding the two droids that had stolen a pod and escaped the ship all by themselves. Even when you had to explain to Supreme Leader Snoke what had happened you were embarrassed to say the least. How could two dumb droids escape the most guarded ship in the galaxy?
Making your way through the empty hallways you started to approach the conference room door that was guarded by two stormtroopers. The door slid up and the table was almost filled.
‘Kylo R-‘
‘Sit down, General Engell.’
‘Yes, Sir.’ she sat down and placed her arms on the table.
You followed Kylo to the head of the table and took your seat next to him, opening the files that would be needed for today's meeting. The seats were filled with Generals who were sceptical about the plans Kylo made.
‘We’ve all heard those two droids that escaped the Finalizer.’ Kylo started to pace around the room, trying to keep his anger under control. ‘They escaped using one of our pods located in the lower base of the ship. They were unsupervised. Someone let them out of their sight.’
You glanced at Kylo. He was wearing his helmet but you could tell that he was biting his lip in frustration. He always did. Ever since you met him, he’s bitten his lip on any occasion something didn’t go his way. You knew how important it was for him to get those droids back, to show them how great and powerful Kylo Ren is, to show Snoke that he is the chosen one. Looking around the room you saw General Pryde and Quinn take notes whilst General Armitage Hux kept a close eye on Kylo’s frame that was pacing around the room.
‘One of the droids is from the R2-series astromech droid, which was manufactured by Industrial Automaton. He’s blue and white in colour but does not look brand new. He was built in 32BBY or prior.’
Everyone was taking notes again to give the descriptions to stormtroopers that would set foot on Jakku. No one but a few selective people had seen the droids.
‘The other droid is a 3PO-series protocol droid that was also built prior to 32BBY. He’s completely gold and stupid.’ Kylo huffed with a hint of annoyance. ‘Make sure that every corner is checked, every stone is turnt over and every street is cleared. I want those droids back!’
Kylo finally sat down. The rest of the Generals were looking at him waiting for something else.
‘Y/N will take care of the rest. Leave.’
And with that they stood up, bowed and left the room so you two could continue talking about the plan and how you could get the droids back.
‘Do you think we’ll be able to find them?’ you stared at his face, hoping he wouldn’t be too harsh on himself.
‘Of course I will. I have to. We’re the First Order we always get what we want.’ he turned his head to you.
‘I’ll get started then okay?’ you gave him a reassuring smile and stood up.
Before you could walk off he grabbed your hand and placed a soft kiss on the back on your fingers. ‘Be safe.’
‘I will.’
You grabbed your files and headed out of the door like the rest of the Generals before you. You made your way back through all the hallways the Finalizer had. Heels clicking you made your way to the bottom section of the ship and opened the door to reveal the landing site. You walked past spaceships, shipments, other workers and containers to reach the large group of stormtroopers waiting for you. 200 of them stood in a block arrangement waiting for orders.
‘I’ll be sending you to Jakku on the orders of Kylo Ren. Two droids were reported missing a few hours ago when they stole a pod and stranded on the planet. Find the droids and bring them back alive! I will be joining you.’ you ended your quick speech earning a salute from the troopers before you. They cleared out and made their way to the First Order Transporter.
10 minutes later you landed on Jakku. It was warm, humid, dull and beige. You saw the village in the distance and motioned the troops towards the east of your current standpoint. Swinging your arm over your forehead you tried to keep the whirling sand out of your face. You walked through the desert to arrive at the main part of the village soon after. You sent the troops away and walked to a cantina to freshen up. You ordered something from the menu and took your time to relax. You couldn’t fail this mission. You couldn’t fail Kylo, you couldn’t fail Supreme Leader Snoke.
It has been six hours since you landed on the planet located on the outer rim of the galaxy and no stormtrooper came back to report the founding of the droids. Growing impatient you swung back the last shot of whatever liquid the bartender gave you and marched outside getting blinded by the sun. You walked up to a group of stormtroopers that were standing at the side of the building letting passengers go through.
‘Mission report.’
‘We have not yet found them, Miss.’
‘First of all it’s General Y/L/N to you and what do you mean you haven’t found them yet?’ you scanned the group in front of you trying to find a hint of sarcasm.
‘General Y/L/N, we have not found them. They seem to have disappeared with a girl and a boy.’
‘A girl and a boy?’
‘Yes, they were sighted two hours ago but no one has seen them since.’
You rolled your eyes. It was already getting dark and you’d have to call off the mission. You wouldn’t be able to find them in this condition. You gathered the troops and wandered back to your shuttle. You left the planet empty handed. You had failed.
You turned one of your monitors sideways and dialed Kylo Ren’s number, hoping he’d pick up and understand your attempts to find them.
‘Kylo?’ you questioned not knowing if he was there.
‘Yes. Did you find the droids?’
You took a big breath before letting the words slip off your tongue. ‘No, I haven’t.’
‘What do you mean ‘no’?’ he said a whisk of frustration in his tone.
‘I said no, Kylo. I don’t have the droids. We’re coming back as I speak. It’s getting dark and that would just put everything on hold regardless.’
Kylo stayed silent. The kind of silence that filled the void and made things awkward. He was angry, you could tell. He had every right to be but not at you.
‘Kylo, are you still there?’
‘Come back to the ship.’ and with that he hung up.
You were navigating the ship to the landing site when you saw General Hux and Kylo Ren waiting for you to dock your ship. You walked down the extended ramp and greeted the two with the bad news.
‘General Hux, Kylo Ren, I’m sorry to inform you on the failed mission for the search of the droids. They were last seen with a girl and boy and haven’t been spotted since. It was getting dark and I decided to take the soldiers back to the Finalizer as it wouldn’t have made a difference.’
‘Don’t apologise to me, General. You can save it for Supreme Leader Snoke. He wants to see you right this second.’ General Hux informed you.
You look up at Kylo to see him not paying attention to a single word that was just spoken. You started to make your way towards Supreme Leader Snoke, stormtroopers and other working people stepping out of your way in fear. Everyone heard about the failed mission and the fact that Snoke requested an audience with her.
‘Are you mad at me?’ you spoke ahead, concentrating on your footsteps.
‘No. I’m mad that the mission failed.’
You pressed your lips together. ‘Okay.’
When you arrived at the doors, they were opened and you saw that Snoke was already waiting for you. His body projected onto the large seat in front of you.
‘Leave.’ Snoke looked down on Hux. He left the room within seconds and it was just you, Kylo and Snoke trying to bear the tension between you.
‘You failed.’ his harsh tone penetrated your ears. Yet you stood tall and didn’t dare to let him intimidate you. ‘You continue to let me down General Y/L/N, I can’t continue to condone this kind of failure under my order!’
Suddenly you felt an invisible grip around your throat. Snoke was using the force to choke you. You airways closed in every on going second and you head started to feel lightweight. Your legs were kicking the air as you tried to get out of his grasp but it was useless.
‘Stupid girl.’
‘Let her go, Master.’ you heard Kylo demand.
‘What did you say to me?’ Snoke’s grip on you tightened.
‘I said let her go.’
‘You don’t tell me what to do, boy.’ Snoke gritted. ‘You’re nothing.’
Suddenly it felt like someone had turned on the activation button on life support. Your lungs were filled with air as you gasped out for more. Your hands lightly wrapped themselves around your throat, trying to stabilize yourself. From the corner of your eye you saw Kylo approach Snoke with his ignited lightsaber. Kylo had caught Snoke off guard when he pierced through his body—impossible.
Still trying to accustom to the air you heart Kylo yell.
‘You don’t fool me, I knew you were sitting there this whole time, using the projector as a cover up. Pathetic.’
You saw Snoke fall to his knees taking his final breath before his body slammed to the floor. Kylo came running towards you, picking you up.
‘Hey, hey, are you alright.’
‘Yes, I’m fine.’ you croaked out.
‘Come on. Let’s get out of here.’
And that was the day Kylo Ren saved you from the man he feared the most, to become the man the galaxy would fear even more. Supreme Leader Kylo Ren.
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dameronology · 3 years
cold coffee in the morning {poe dameron}
summary: aka the one where you and poe can't seem to work out your commitment issues, and also the one where c3po is the unsung hero (based loosely on the song by ed sheeran)
warnings: language, brief innuendos
enjoy! idk why i'm writing this at 3am but we mooooove
- jazz xx
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Poe Dameron had never needed another person before - then he met you, and the idea of ever existing as an independent being for the rest of his living years had suddenly seemed like the most unappealing thing since Luke Skywalker's blue-milk cheesecake. The way you'd whirlwhinded into his life with your gorgeous smile and contagious laugh had knocked the usually-suave pilot completely and utterly onto the floor. Bruised ass aside, he wasn't mad about it. He was happy to have you in his life in whatever way you'd let him.
And what way that was exactly, he didn't know.
You were friends; close, close friends. Bonded for life through your shared goofy humour and seemingly-endless banter. Then you did things that friends didn't normally do - at least not in Poe's experience - and you would act like it was nothing. As if your nights spent together and the whispers you lost between the sheets meant as much to you as the things you did for your other friends, like stopping Finn from tripping on his shoe laces or picking up R2-D2 when he toppled over. It was as though every-time you crossed that line, you immediately regretted it; then, a few days later, you'd decide that you missed Poe, and you'd repeat the same mistake again and again, like you were trapped in a time loop of love and pain.
The feeling would stay with Poe for days; your hands tangled in his hair, his skin against yours, laughter rippling through clashing teeth and soft lips. The way you fell beside each other, sharing highs and secrets and inside jokes; the way you would reference one of your late night talks in shared conversations with friends, and his brown eyes would flick to the ground, cheeks burning red at the fact you'd remembered. It made his heart-rate pick up and palms sweaty.
And sometimes, just sometimes, it would make up for the way you'd leave in the morning; the way he'd arise to find a you-size hole in his bed and heart, and a cup of half-finished caff on the side. With his brain tinged with the remains of a hangover from the previous night, he'd pour the cold beverage down the sink and go about his day.
Poe did manage to catch you one morning; he'd purposely set his alarm so that he would stir earlier than you and rest assured, you were still dead to the world when he came around. The sun outside was still rising, the sky a dull pink-and-blue, the day fresh with hope and brimming with potential for heartbreak. It felt unnatural to see you quiet and peaceful, and not running your mouth and poking fun at anyone who would listen. There was a reason that C3PO avoided you like the plague - it wasn't his fault he was an easy target.
"You watching me sleep, creep?" You murmured.
"Just enjoying the view." Poe replied. He rolled over, crossing his arms behind his head. "You're usually gone by the time I'm awake."
You peeled one eye open, your one-eyed glare enough to send a shiver down his spine. "Don't be passive aggressive, Poe. Just say it."
"Isn't it a little early to be so feisty?"
"Isn't it a little early to make back-handed comments?" You shot back.
"Sorry. I was trying to find a way to bring up such a touchy subject."
You reached across to squeeze his check. "And you did a great job, curly."
"Alright, that's enough of that." He swatted your hand away. "I did want to talk to you about it, though."
"What is there to talk about?" You sat up, brow furrowing.
"You're confusing." Poe began. "During the day, we're friends. At night, you can't keep your hands off of me."
"It's kind of sexy and mysterious." You tried to joke.
"Sexy and mysterious is tiring."
"Sexy and mysterious is also late for work." You quipped.
You rolled out of bed, reaching for your strewn clothes. Without thinking, you pulled one of Poe's shirts over your head, grabbing your boots and socks. So many of his clothes had just snuck their way into your wardrobe - all of your friends had noticed it, but none of them commented on it. Everybody knew that there was something going on between you, but they were wise enough than to point it out. There had been one new guy who tried to ask, but he'd quickly been shut down.
"I'll see you tonight?" You asked, tugging on Poe's your jacket.
His brown eyes lingered on the floor for a moment, before flicking towards you, holding your gaze in a chokehold. "I don't think we should do this again."
You wavered for a moment, a wave of guilt clouding your judgement for a moment. This had never been about feelings - at least not for you. It had just a bit of fun; a bit of fooling around with a hot pilot. You hadn't meant to get in so deep, or get to a point where you were dismissing his feelings in favour of your own. It was more of a survival instinct than anything - breaking his heart to save your own.
That was it: lack of trust, presence of fear. All things that stopped you taking the full plunge, simply for the worry of letting him hurt you - or worst, you hurting him. Maybe it was a little late to start worrying about the latter. That ship had sailed a long time ago. Maybe it had sunk too.
"Poe-" you began, before pausing. "I have a lot going on in my life. I just don't have room for anything real right now."
"I thought the same." He was still staring right at you. "So I made room."
"It's not that simple." You reminded him. "It's not like...decluttering a room. I can't just Marie Kondo that shit and declare my love for you."
Poe froze at the mention of the L-word. It had been an elephant in the room for a long, long time - but it was outdone by the presence of bigger elephants. Like the ongoing war, and the fact that mortality had never seemed so fucking relevant. It was something you wanted to put a pin in for later, but later wasn't something that was guaranteed these days.
"Fine." He shrugged. "Good talk."
The guilt weighed on your brain for days, like a lead hat made of bullshit and regret.
You hadn't realised how much of a hole Poe Dameron left in your life until he was gone -- it was massive, like someone had broken into your home and ripped out two of the walls during a harsh winter storm. Everything felt a little colder and more confusing, and the amount of times you'd had to resist temptation to find him and beg for forgiveness was astounding.
The only reason you hadn't done so was because you knew what you would have to do. Give into your feelings, and let yourself become fully and entirely his. Let him into your life and into your heart. All the bullshit you'd spewed about not having room had been just that: bullshit. You didn't need to make room for him in your heart when he, entirely and wholly, was your heart. And he'd taken a little bit of it with him when he walked away - well, when you'd walked away.
Is this how it felt to be the villain?
"Is everything okay, master?" The sound of your favourite droid brought you back to the present. "You're being uncharacteristically quiet. On average, you've usually said 356 words by 9AM."
"You keep count?" You glanced up from your paperwork, eyebrow quirked. "I'm fine. Just tired."
"Eight of ten times that you've said that, you haven't been fine-"
"- just give it a rest, Threepio." You cut him off. "Please?"
"If there's anything I can help with, let me know." He replied. "A droid's logic can be surprisingly helpful."
"I'm fine but thank-" you stopped in your tracks, pondering for a moment.
Logic. That was certainly something you lacked - the part of your brain that was supposed to be rational was too busy thinking about hot pilots.
"Sorry." You blinked. "Maybe I'll have your input on something."
"Please, go on."
"I love someone and he loves me." You said. "It's just very complicated."
"If a problem can be reduced down to seven words, I would not class that as a problem." Threepio said. "I would say a problem is at least thirty words or more."
You thinned your eyes at him. "What are you saying, goldilocks?"
"Perhaps, your problem is only a problem because you think it is." He replied. "When you lay things out and look at them logically, it can make more sense."
"Logic isn't my strong-point. You know that better than anyone."
"You love Master Dameron and he loves you-"
"- I never mentioned names."
"My apologies." Threepio said. "I was simply reading the room."
"Remove your emotions, and those are the facts." He continued.
It was bad enough when Poe was right, but it was even worse when C3PO was. But, for all his theatrics and whining, he was right. Decisions made with logic rather than emotion always had a better outcome. It was plain and simple: you and Poe loved one another. Everything else - your fear and his dismissiveness and your collective confusion - only existed because you let it. But your feelings for each other? That was something you couldn't help.
"Right - thanks." You murmured. "I'll be right back."
You quickly stood up, tossing aside your datapad and immediately exiting the room. The base was small, and Poe was never that far away, even when the room was on the furthest side of the base. It was also your favourite place in the entire camp; it was covered in photos of you and him and your friends, and it was always warm. The mixture of sentimental clutter and little knick-knacks, paired with the gentle smell of his aftershave clinging to the sheets and clothes scattered around, made it feel like an actual home.
You didn't bother knocking - that formality had gone out the window long ago. Instead, you took a deep breath and gently opened the door. There was no certainty that he would even be in - you could only hope. The chances of him being anywhere else were pretty slim.
They'd worked in your favour today, because Poe was stood by his coffee machine, a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was wild and curly and there were still drops of water on his back.
He turned around when he saw you, brow furrowing. Mostly because he had never seen you so breathless and sweaty, but also because he hadn't expected you to ever talk to him again. He'd always known you to stick by your decisions - he normally admired your stubbornness, but as of recent, it had been fucking exhausting.
"- I love you." You suddenly blurted. "Hi."
"I-" Poe paused, putting down his coffee. "What?"
"I love you. More than anything in the world, ever." You shrugged. "That terrifies me, but I can deal with fear."
"You can. You're pretty bad-ass." He casually nodded.
"Right." You smiled. "I'm sorry it took me so long to say that."
"Hey, it's okay." He gently smiled. "Come here."
You met half way across the room, bodies colliding in a tight hug. His warm, post-shower skin felt like heaven against yours, large hands dragging up and down your back. He consumed everyone one of your senses at once, but mostly, he consumed your ability to think. Your brain was so over-loaded with feelings that the rest of it completely broke down and malfunctioned - kind of like the time you spilt coffee on BB-8.
"I love you too, by the way." Poe gently murmured. You let out a small chuckle.
"I know." You smiled.
"What made you say it now?"
"Threepio said something about logic." You muttered. "The only logical thing for two people who love each other to do is be together, right?"
"I mean, I can think of other things-"
"- Poe!" You whacked his shoulder.
It was though you had untangled your feelings, and the only thing left was a line that went straight from him to you.
"You're right." Poe said. "Thank you for realising it."
You smiled, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "Thank you for being patient."
"It's worth it." He couldn't help but grin. "Do you want some caff? It's still warm."
tags: @anetteaneta @poestardust @marvelinsanity
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megafrost4 · 3 years
Clone Wars Season 2
SEASON 2 EPISODE 1 Holocron Heist
A lesson learned is a lesson earned
DADDY PLO!: Warthog, protect the gunships! I will take out the fighters!
Warthog couldn’t shake these two, so daddy!Plo immediately turned around and saved him
They spray-painted their ships…aw…
Rex: Come on, grunts! We are leaving! OMG REX XD
Madame: Good morning, Master Fisto
Fisto: gives shit-eating grin 🤣
Cad Bane: [ominous music playing]
Palpatine: your price is of no concern [to Cad Bane to get a jedi holocron]
Yoda feels a disturbance in the force
Bane: can it, Todo, you are who you say you are
Todo: I am a techno service droid!
Ahsoka: Madame Librarian, are you all right? Music Man, anyone? 🤣
Obi-Wan: if this Cad Bane is still on Coruscant, I’ll find him [yes, go off bae!]
Episode 2: Cargo of Doom
Overconfidence is the most dangerous form of carelessness
Rex: mmm…good call [to Anakin’s plan to use walkers to get onto the ship]
Anakin whistles to R2 like a dog…so cute!
REX GO BONK! : dow…switch to night vision
“Magnetic generators, you were trained for this!” oh, to have seen that! Lol seriously, can we see more of our clones????
Rex: General Skywalker, are you ok????
Ahsoka called Bane “sleemo” 🤣
Anakin: if by success, you mean I won, yes 🤣
Episode 3: Children of the Force
The first step to correcting a mistake is patience
Palpatine: among the Jedi, there are no innocents
Palpatine wants to know the Jedis status on Bane’s capture…cause he’s pissed his plans to get the children have been thwarted 🤣
3 Jedi going after Cad Bane’s mind…yikes 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
“Ah, Anakin, it’s good to see you…” looks to Ahsoka “excuse us, child…” 😒
Palpatine hologram hovering over child is CREEEEEEEEPY 😳😳
Obi-Wan: we’ll be fine Cody
Cody: yes sir, I’ll…keep the ship running DISAPPOINTED HUSBAND
Obi-Wan entering with it exploding: anytime, Cody! 😂
Anakin: where’s R2?
R2: opens door 😏
Episode 4: Senate Spy
A true heart should never be doubted
Anakin and Padme have time off together…awwww
Padme is an excellent cook 🤗
How dare she get upset with him when last season she just got on him cause she was working on this bill and ignored him…ugh 😒
Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow when Clovis was mentioned that he had a history with Padme…HE KNOWS 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Anakin: are you still mad about last night? 🥺
Padme: mad? Why would I be mad? 😒
Anakin: good [ANAKIN YOU DUMBASS] 🤣🤣🤣
Anakin lost its argument…no surprise 😒
Why does the creepy lizard senator that hates Amidala have creepy sex droids??? 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
R2 offered Anakin a ration stick…aaaaaw…🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Episode 5: Landing at Point Rain
Believe in yourself or no one else will
Anakin and Ahsoka always compete to see whose squad kills how many droids 🤣
Obi-Wan: *sees Cody walk in with Rex* Good, Cody 😘
Cody wasn’t there for the first battle of Geonosis 🥺
Obi-Wan: oh, you didn’t miss much. I was chained up being attacked by monsters 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Cody: that sounds…entertaining 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏
Obi-Wan: it was…for the Geonosians 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏
I love that they spray paint designs on their transports 🤗
Clone: good thing those bugs can’t aim
Ship: explodes
Spoke too soon, hon 😩
Clone: copy, that, Commander, have fun down there!
Cody: General Kenobi, don’t land! It’s hot down here!
Anakin: great, the one time I ask for Obi-Wan’s help…🤣
Boil and Waxer got their upgrade in their badass grey armor…nice! Checking for survivors
Why do we always get the FUN missions? 🤣
Cody: are you injured General?
Obi-Wan: nothing too serious
Woman moaning ominously in epic battle music ✊ one of my favorite movie tropes
Anakin: how many droids have you shot down so far?
Ahsoka: 25
Anakin: ah, you’re falling behind!🤣
Rex just walks into the shield of that droid from the back and shoots it like a boss GO OFF BAE 😘
Then Rex gets YEETED 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Rex: next time, just tell me to jump 😒
Anakin: now where the fun in that? 🤣
Rex: come on lads, lets go!
“Reinforcements! The Reinforcements have arrived!” a clone cheers
Obi-Wan sinks down in relief 😩
Woman moaning ominously in epic battle as Anakin runs with his troops and Ahsoka into battle
Again, I love that they spray painted grafitti on their carrier shuttles
Obi-Wan: I'll never understand how you turn these battles into a game 😒
Master Mundi: 65…what do I win? 👏👏👏👏👏
Episode 6: Weapons Factory
No gift is more precious than trust
Uh oh, here comes Luminara and Barris 😳
Anakin interrupting Ahsoka’s briefing…RUDE 😒
Bariss memorized all 200 junctions of the maze underground the factory? Damn, Luminara is rough 😳😳😳😳
Rex standing right up front next to Anakin, love it ❤️
Anakin: Rex, a little help here!
Rex: get up here trooper!
Trooper: uses a bazooka 👏
Episode 7: Legacy of Terror
Sometimes, accepting help is harder than offering it
Yay they finally won Geonosis!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Ahsoka apologizes for leaving Rex 🥺
Rex: you two have done enough here, go get some rest 🥺 HE CARES SO MUCH
[ethereal growling] 😳
Cody: THAT is one ugly bug 😳
Zombie bugs…ew 😱
Ew…momma giving birth to baby bugs 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Anakin: I’ve got a bad feeling about this 😳
Obi-wan: because I make observations when you think with your lightsaber 😎
Yes, well, I took a lesson from Anakin and decided to not follow orders 😎
Anakin: hey
Obi-Wan: no, wait, I want to see how it works 😳🤣
Come now, the nose or the ear, which do you think it will enter 🤣
Luminara: I don’t!😱
Obi-Wan: what are you doing? I was going to study that! 🤣
Anakin: study the bottom of my boot! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Episode 8: Brain Invaders
Attachment is not compassion
Aw, clone snoring 😘
Clone shoots the air to wake them up lol 🤣🤣🤣
Scythe…ugh, standing up like THRILLER 😳😳😳
[moist slithering] eeeeeeeewwwwwww 😳😳😳😳😳😳
Their bodies contort, then possessed, it seems like they crack every bone in their body 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Ahsoka questioning keepers of the peace or warriors...JUST LIKE IN SEASON 7 BEFORE ALL HELL BREAKS LOSE 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Rex! Hey bae, finally without a helmet 😘 I know the animation is still meh, but still
Anakin: Ahsoak hasn’t checked in yet
Obi-Wan: like you?
Rex: gives smug look 😏
Ahsoka: I have a bad feeling about this, Master Fisto
“If it’s one thing we clones know, it’s how to stop a Jedi” 😳 [ORDER 66 LOOMING ON THE HORIZON]
Ah! Scary jumpscare horror movie with Baris just showing up behind Ahsoka 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Anakin: Mind tricks? slaps Poggle then force chokes him 😳
Kit Fisto always has a big smile on his face I love it! 😂
Bariss: kill me, please 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Kit Fisto: gives shit-eating grin 😉
Episode 9: Grievous Intrigue
For everything you gain, you lose something else
Grievous jumps onto platform behind him like a spider monkey🤣
Grievous coughs [my favorite subtitle] 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Jedi: your reputation precedes you
Wolffe comes up to whisper to Daddy!Plo [HE HAS HIS SCAR😭] whispering something
Hi! Rex! Seated next to Anakin
Kenobi and Grievous going at each other 😱
Anakin: lands out of hyperspace in the middle of battle😱
Obi-Wan: calls Grievous Dooku’s errand boy😂😂😂😂
Grievous: I’m no errand boy 🤬
pulls out 4 lightsabers and does helicopter thing😱👏✊
intense opera choir and music 🙌
Obi-Wan: surrender, General
Grievous: never! spider crawls away🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Cody: punches Grievous🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
intense opera choir music👏
Grievous: until we meet again, Kenobi! this reads like a corny good v evil plot...wait a minute...I STILL LOVE IT THOUGH❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤
Obi-Wan is pissed Grievous slipped away 🤬
Anakin: at lest we all live to fight another day😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Episode 10: The Deserter
It is the quest for honor that makes one honorable
Kenobi goes after Grievous to catch him before he escapes the planet, Taking Rex with him
Rex! Jesse Hardcase and Kix! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Cody: Rex is a smart man
Obi-Wan: indeed always thinking on his feet
Rex gets shot no!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Jesse: protect the captain! ✊
Kix: Jesse, you better get back here 🤬
Cody without a helmet!
My poor Rex got shot in the chest, through his pauldron in the middle😭
Jesse: that’ll be fine ma’am, thank-you SUCH MANNERS, JESSE
SHIRTLESS REX 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Rex’s back poor baby 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Kix: sir, as the team medic, when it comes to the health, I outrank everyone, including you 😎
Rex and the little girl have that weird stare 😂
Rex: Jesse, you’re in command
Jesse smiles 🤣
Rex, my poor bae, getting snogged by those calves lol🤣
Rex oh my goodness
Rex thinks a name is easier to distinguish them
Cut: I’ve seen how you’ve looked at my family 😳
Rex: what if I am choosing the life I want 🥺
Cut and Rex playing that gambling game
Cut ran after Geonosis when they were picking off his team one by one
Rex: you have wonderful children 🥺
Obi wan flips and does super hero landing sexy 🥵🥵🥵
Rex: I’ll take care of them…😎
Grievous: Jedi scum!🤣
Rex: I’m sorry, it’s my duty…but in my conidtion, I probably won’t remember any of it😉
Rex: my family is elsewhere
Episode 11: Lightsaber Lost
Easy isn’t always simple
Ahsoka: “Ok, Gramps, it would be nice to have company.” 🤣
Ahsoka: you little-🤣
Gramps: AHSOKA!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ahsoka is so agile ✊✊✊✊✊
I KNOW THE PLOT IS HAPPENING, BUT LISTEN TO THIS: “The Jedi are doing their best…the accusations that the Jedi started the war to gain more power is ridiculous. I assure you” Palpatine is urging the people to allow him to pass laws to help the Jedi, fighting like kriff to get them help
“Pass on what you have learned” Master Sinube ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Episode 12: The Mandalore Plot
If you ignore the past, you jeopardize the future
Obi-wan: Far be it from me to keep the duchess waiting 🤣
Beautiful throne room ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Prime Minister…ew 😒
Kenobi: oh, I’m aware of the Duchess’ views 😏
“Well, Master Kenobi, my shining Jedi knight" 😘
Obi-wan: :After all these years, you are more beautiful as ever”😘
This man said something in Mando’an then dropped off the ledge😳
Obi-Wan: I didn’t kill him
Satine: I know, that’s why I’m still talking to you 🤣
Vizla…ugh hmmmm…
Obi-Wan: I am here on a diplomatic mission, under the protection of the Duchess Satine pulls out lightsaber and fights 🤣
Satine: you know the Jedi, they never do anything by halves 😉
Obi-Wan: this is not good about to be squished
Well, it certainly took you long enough 🤬
Satine, turn the machine off!🤬
Satine: I’m trying!🤬
Obi-Wan: we’ll have to stand and fight, or in your case, just stand🤣
Vizla: failure shoots Mandalorian😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Those Mandaloirans respect the 1v1 ✊
Obi-Wan: Satiiiiiine? she jumps into his arms and they spin out❤️
Rex! Hi bae!
And there’s Cody!
Episode 13: Voyage of Temptation
Fear not for the future, weep not for the past
Anakin knows there’s a history between Obi-Wan and Satine oooooooo *sips tea*😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
These sex droids and slaves around Ryloth senator and Satine is weeeeeeird 😳😳😳😳
Obi-Wan and Satine bickering 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Anakin: raises brow 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
“Careful over there, it’s dark”
“You’re very funny, Mixer”
Satine and Obi-wan fight
Anakin: raises brow with martini in hand🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Anakin: all right, men, what’s the problem? I’m missing dinner.
R2 whines
I know I know, I’m here now ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
That nasty droid walked Redeye like a dead puppet creeeeeeepy 😳
Go R2! You’re doing great sweety❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Satine: just because I’m a pacifist doesn’t mean I don’t defend myself🤣
Obi-Wan: now you sound like a Jedi
Cody and Rex dynamic duo ❤️
Droid attacks Rex
R2 saves him
Rex: thanks little guy ❤️
Anakin: where’s the mother?
Rex: hasn’t seen it gets attacked by mother kills mother like a boss 🤣
Anakin: you go find your girlfirned
Obi-wan: all right NO ANAKIN SHE’S NOT MY 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Obi-Wan and Satine confess to each other aaaaaawwwwww🥺
Who will brand themselves a cold blooded killer? imperial march plays ominously as Anakin kills him 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Satine: I’m still not sure about the beard….it hides too much of your handsome face😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Episode 14: Duchess of Mandalore
In war, truth is the first casualty
Obi-Wan: we’re friends, are we not?😒
Satine: yes…friends…and nothing more🤬
Satine: I’m fine I didn’t want to worry you🤬
Obi-Wan: on that count, you’ve failed spectacularly 😒
Lord Sidious meeting with Dooku😳😳😳
Satine to Obi-Wan on holomessage: I need your help [THE AMOUNT OF TIMES THIS HAPPENS]
Obi-Wan in a hood: sees Satine in a hood nice disguise 🤣
Episode 15: Senate Murders
Searching for the truth is easy, accepting the truth is hard
Ugh, another Padme senator episode 😒
I don’t care about the war waged at the senate
Padme wants military spending cut to stop making more clone troopers
Kamino minister says otherwise
Chancellor: murder, it’s inconceivable INCONCEIVABLE
Palpatine smiles evilly
He is so happy more clone troopers can continue to be made, huh Chancellor? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Episode 16: Cat and Mouse
A wise leader knows when to follow
AHHHHHHHHH THE ARACHNID Admiral Trench!!! 😳😳😳😳😳
Obi-Wan here to save Anakin’s ass, after he was told not to engage until he arrived 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Obi-Wan: two steps forward and you’d actually be kissing it
Anakin: that’s some trick 😉
Bail Organa holo: help us General Kenobi, you’re our only hope
Anakin hanging up on Obi-Wan lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
“you learn pretty quickly when you’re under General Skywalker, you live on the offense” clone 🤣
Anakin: hello, ugly🤣
Obi-Wan: might I remind you this was not your mission?😒
Anakin: Reminded hangs up on Obi-Wan🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
General, I really hope you know what you’re doing
So do I, Admiral
Damn, Anakin taking out General Trech with the torpedos chasing after him to crash into the ship 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Obi-Wan: I hate to admit it, but good job, Anakin😒
Episode 17: Bounty Hunters
Courage makes heroes, but trust builds friendship
Ahsoka: how come every time you fly you crash 🤣
Anakin: it’s not my fault, it’s the ships! 🤣
Ahsoka looking between Obi-Wan and Anakin with that smirk
Obi-Wan: well, we crashed the ship your way 🤣
HONDO!!! : Kenobi, Skywalker, I can’t believe you came all this way to see me 😘
Hondo: you know, I like you Kenobi 😉
Embo is a badass bounty hunter with his samurai hat 😳👏
Hondo: “well, well, well, you know what I always say: speak softly and drive a big tank” ✊
Hondo laughs manically🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hondo: die, Jedi scum! 🤣
Hondo fights Anakin with that purple double bladed weapon 😳 WHAT ARE THOSE CALLED?
Episode 18: The Zillo Beast
Choose what is right, not what is easy
REX! HELLO SWEETIE! : …that’s a lot of clankers [you’re not exaggerating, bae]
Rex: HOLD THE LINE! [love isn’t always on time!]😎
This one clone painted his helmet like a gator head…cool
This bomb destroyed everything, but Anakin’s robotic hand just hurt a little🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
[lightsaber whooshing] loving these subtitles
Windu: Trapper, Ponds, Hawkeye, follow me! [ha! Fury]🤣
Windu: I have a bad feeling about this
Wilhelm Scream!
Anakin riding on R2 is so cute 😭
Anakin swan dives and rides on R2 again 🤣
Oh, so Palpatine is ok with it once they use its skin to study for an impenetrable force😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒
Anakin: hey, it worked!
Windu: are you sure?
Anakin: yes, I’m sure. Now you go first 🤣
Palpatine wants it brought to Coruscant to get studied…oh boy 😳
Episode 19: The Zillo Beast Strikes Back
The most dangerous beast is the beast within
Palpatine wants it to create new armor for clone troopers
Palpatine does evil smirk [ARE YOU INVISIBLE?]
Palpatine: such size…such power [UNLIMITED POWER]
Palpatine: Mast Kenobi has taught you well
“If that creature is as powerful as they say, what good are these blasters gonna be?”
“Eh, shut up Cosmos”🤣
[Cosmos would be excellent at CinemaSins] DING
Rex: Better hurry sir, you’re missing all the fun 🤣
Zillo Beast stares Palpatine down through the window
Palpatine: I’ve got a bad feeling about this😳
Windu: how can it be a plan if it’s improvised?🤔
Obi-Wan: just catch them when they fall🤣
Rex: a lot of the General’s plans involve…falling🤣
R2 zipping to the rescue!
Chancellor wanats her to clone the beast?????😳😳😳😳😳
Episode 20: Death Trap
Who my father was matters less than my memory of him
War does NOT come with a guarantee – Clone Cadet trainer
Anakin: hey when I show off, it IS instructive and inspiring 🤣
Windu: for you, maybe
They only get one chance
Sergeant: a near miss is still a miss, kid 🥺
Boba, quit being bad 🤬
Windu: no rest for the weary
“What are you doing? We’re brothers. Don’t shoot!” 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Ah! Boba’s ship!
Episode 21: R2 Come Home
Adversity is a friendship’s truest test
Anakin: you’re not kidding, little buddy
Anakin: he’s got a lot of personality that’s all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Windu: you encourage it too much 😒
[vehement beeping] oh R2
R2 screams🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Jango’s helmet set as a bomb…Mace figured it out 😳
R2 to the rescue!
[R2 chuckles]
[R2-D2 screams]
Oh hey Ahsoka havent’ seen you in a while and there’s Dad!Plo!❤️❤️
Anakin: you mean, the clone template?
“Comet, let’s go!”
Plo: Hurry, Commander Wolffe! 😱😱😱😱😱😱
Episode 22: Lethal Trackdown
Revenge is a confession of pain
Hey Plo! Hey Ahsoka ❤️❤️
Ponds! Boba couldn’t do it…so she did😳
Plo offers to take care of the hostage situation with Ahsoka
Plo: why head to the one place we know he is not? 🤔
Ahsoka of course little one we can’t be go to the last place they were
Plo is going to the Underworld????? 😳
HONDO! A passionate kiss with Aura Sing😳😳😳😳
Hondo: not MINE, I take it? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hondo: hey hey someone scrape him off the floor!
Plo: you’ve adopted many of your master’s ways, including your lack of being…subtle 🤣
Plo:…not very subtle🤣
Plo: well done, little ‘Soka😭❤️
Hondo meeting Plo lol 🤣
Damn, Plo just kicked the table up like a badass 😳😳😳😳
Hondo:Tell the Jedi what they want to know, Boba… it is the honorable thing to do…it is what your father would’ve wanted.❤️
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chokemeanakin · 4 years
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Hi my name’s Maeve! 😇 I write for Anakin and a tiny bit of Obi. 
My inbox is closed! 
Feel free to send me any thoughts you have, but if you send a fic request I can’t promise that I’ll get to it anytime soon. I still love to see your ideas though! 
(ps check out my ongoing fic Give Me Love) 
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First Kiss - Anakin treats reader to their first kiss
Drunk - Reader comes home from a party wasted, and Anakin is there to witness it… and maybe make out with…
Anakin Cuddling Hc’s - What it’s like to cuddle with the Best Boy
Anakin with giggly reader Hc’s and Anakin x Jealous/Insecure reader - first half is hc for a giggly reader and second half is a fic where reader gets jealous and insecure and Anakin comforts them
Anakin x Short/Shy/Insecure Reader Hc’s - Just some headcanons of a soft boy
Loving On You - Slight Anakin angst, basically you hold him after a crappy mission
Be My Forever - Anakin proposes with as little words as possible
Anakin Teaches You How To Drive Hc’s- nice car go zoom 🚗💨
Anakin With a Pregnant Reader Hc’s- use protection kids
Anakin x Touch Starved Reader Hc’s - definitely not self indulgent
Touch Starved Anakin x Reader Hc’s - this was actually rlly cute
Playing with his hair imagine - i know i write about this a lot but cmon
Anakin Comforting Reader Hc’s - cue the uwu’s
Distraction - Anakin distracts reader as they study
Walking with Anakin as he does General stuff- small blurb
Domestic Anakin Hc’s - random thoughts I had of him
Giving Anakin a massage - w a tiny hint of smut
Complimenting Anakin - is never talked about enough
Anakin x curvy Reader Hc’s
Anakin x skinny Reader Hc’s
Fluff blurbs! - one, two
Stargazing with Anakin
Wearing Anakin’s Jedi Robes Hc’s
Sleepy moments with Ani Hc’s
Jealous Anakin x Reader Hc’s - mentions of smut
Anakin x Jealous Reader Hc’s - mentions of smut
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Patched Up - Reader comes back from a mission all cut up, Anakin helps patch her up
Sick People Should Stay Away from Balconies - Reader is sick and asking for trouble, Anakin deals with her shit
Jelly toast - a request for a reader coming back from a mission all bruised and cut up, Anakin takes care of her
Anakin x Asthmatic Reader Hc’s - how he would act to you having asthma
Bad Dream- Reader has a nightmare during a thunderstorm and goes to Anakin for help
He Kicks Your Ass And Then Lets You Braid His Hair - see title
A Helping Hand (part 1) - Reader hurts her arm during a mission, and Anakin comes to help her (in more ways than one). Whump is in part 1, smut is in part 2 listed under Smut.
Anakin x Reader on her Period heacanons - shark week oofs
Anakin x Sick reader headcanons
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Don’t Forget About Me - Reader begs Anakin not to go break up the fight between Mace Windu and Palpatine
I Gave You All - Our war-torn baby just needs a hug
Anakin x Reader w/ Mommy Issues - bro i just 
Night Bus - The Council forces you to leave Anakin
A Reason to Stay - read this at your own risk, deals with severe mental health issues. basically Anakin helps reader through a dark time.
Misunderstandings - angst ending in fluff, Anakin and reader go on a bodyguard mission together and both get jealous.
Anakin crying blurb - give sad boy a hug damnit
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Anakin and Reader Take a Shower -basically what the title says. The shower gets heated in more ways than one.
What That Mouth Do Though 👄💦- he eats you out like a champ 💪🏻
Needy Anakin - (you give him a blowie)
Say My Name- jealous Anakin, choking, fucking, you know 🤷🏼‍♀️
First time - Readers first time HAVING SEX with Anakin 🥰
His First Time - The first time Anakin HAS SEX, & it’s with you :)
Welcome Home - Anakin comes home from war and reader welcomes him back with open arms... and open legs 
Save a Spaceship, Ride a Starpilot- Anakin has reader sit on his face and then she fucks him slowly ;)
Giving him a lapdance short - just a lil imagine
Jealousy (part 1) - classic under-the-table action at a high end event
Jealousy (part 2) - he gets his revenge
Master Kink Hc’s - exactly what it sounds like
A Helping Hand (part 2) - Anakin helps Reader out bc she has a broken arm :) very sweet and soft and fluffy to mend y’alls broken hearts. (part 1 is under Whump)
This is what he sounds like when he cums - grab ur headphones
This is what he sounds like in bed - grab ur headphones again lol
Anakin Eating Pussy Hc’s (part 1) - from the top make it drop thats a wap
Anakin Eating Pussy Hc’s (part 2) -  wap wap wap
General Kink blurb - credit goes to @kenobikittens​
Cruel Intentions - holiday smut, this hurt ppl’s feelings for some reason woops. anakin is mad and he’s got a dirty mouth, and also it’s Life Day.
Anakin x fem reader Pregnancy Sex Hc’s - i hate kids but this was cute
NSFW blurbs! - one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty
Sub Anakin Hc’s - good boy ;)
Deepthroating Anakin Hc’s 
Dry Humping Hc’s
A Dream Come True - Anakin helps reader masturbate and cum for the first time
Anakin & size kink hc’s
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Anakin is smart - just a post talking about how intelligent our favorite Jedi is
More proof that he’s smart
Anidala Fluff - A request where Anakin and Padme do it in the fields of Naboo for the first time (no smut it’s romantic get ur head out of the gutter John B)
Love at First Sight - Anakin falls in love with you as soon as he sees you
All These Little Things - Padme x Reader / Anakin x Reader Hc’s where reader is romantically interested in Padme until she notices all of Anakin’s little things
Anakin’s hands appreciation post
Anakin’s Cheekbones Appreciation Post - he’s just got em okay
Anakin’s arms appreciation post
Aggressive Negotiations (part one) - Anakin and Reader go to a ball and it doesn’t turn out the way they expect
Aggressive Negotiations (part two) - combines the ‘he sees her dressed up for the first time’, ‘handcuffed together’, and ‘stuck in a closet’ tropes all in one mission gone wrong ;)
When he does the hand-on-cheek thing - *cries*
For people who have freckles
For people who have freckles p2 - not my work but thanks to @haydens-moles​ you guys have to suffer through this post with me
Anakin can sing
Anakin + drinking - some musings about the jedi and booze
Anakin loves rain
Anakin’s Eyelashes Appreciation Post
Random facts about his childhood
Sad Anakin fact
Anakin Reaction Pics
Random Anakin Thoughts - im so disorganized my b
What does his dick look like?
Is he brunette or blonde discourse - spoil alert: it’s neither. see next link
What color is his hair really?
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It’s you- Obi Wan x Reader fic where he comes back from a mission planning to break it off with you, but then realizes he can’t let you go
You Can Rest Now - Obiwan x Reader where you take care of him after a mission that’s left him tired and sick
Obi-Wan Hc’s - random thoughts I had about him being in a relationship
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What I Imagine The Star Wars Boys Wear For Underwear
What I Imagine The Star War’s Boys Dicks Are Like
Rating the Star Wars Boys Cum Faces on a Scale from 1-10
Kinky R2
The fanart that ended thousands of careers
R2D2 x C3P0 Smut 
You get Acid in your Vagina Hc’s 
Carrot Fun w Anakin - two parter, includes videos
Yoda smut snippet
He gave you a specific order
If Anakin can pull off a butt chin then so can I
How many shots it would take for me to sleep with the stars wars men (part one) (part two)
Anakin w a weave
Which Star Wars Characters Have a Foot Fetish
1K notes · View notes
lifblogs · 3 years
Whumpay 2021: Day 14 - Slammed Into Wall / Forced To Their Feet
Anything for Revenge
read on ao3 2354 words graphic depictions of violence, star wars, the clone wars, whump, hurt!ahsoka tano, torture, interrogation, force inhibitor, fighting, collars, biting, force mind probe, broken bones, rescue
“Where is Obi-Wan Kenobi?”
Ahsoka struggled against the grip on her throat. When she managed to get some air in, she spat at Darth Maul, “Like I’d ever tell you.”
He snarled at her, and slammed her into the wall.
“Tell me!” he screeched.
When she looked into his bloodshot eyes with their yellow irises, she didn’t see something entirely sane there. She’d heard about what had happened with Darth Maul. In fact, Obi-Wan had specifically given her training sessions to avoid Darth Maul’s fate. He’d taught her the very move he’d done to slice him in half and what she could do to avoid it.
Yet he was still alive, driven by anger and hate, feeding off of the dark side of the Force. It was no wonder that he wasn’t all there. Part of him was now purely darkness and a brimming need for revenge.
Ahsoka tried to kick at him, but his reach was too long, and she was too short. He dropped her, and then he was the one who kicked her. With the metal of his foot, it was all too easy for two of her ribs to give in and crack. The air slammed out of her in a strangled scream. Before she could barely register the pain, tears blurring her vision, he grabbed her and forced her to her feet.
“Where is he!”
“You… need… to learn… some manners!” she snarked.
“You don’t understand. You don’t understand!” he raved. “I need him. Kenobi, yes. Kenobi. I need Kenobi.”
“So you can… kill him?”
Darth Maul’s madness seemed to go from heated to cool, and his breaths and erratic movements slowed as he met her gaze. She didn’t dare turn her head away, not even as the darkness she saw in those eyes made her shudder.
“Torture him. Torture him. Make him understand!”
“Oh, I think…” Ahsoka coughed, and her chest screamed. “I think he understands enough.”
That was when he threw her, and she landed on her broken ribs. It felt like they jabbed into something inside her, but they didn’t move again, and she supposed it was only the pressure that kept her stable, that didn’t let her start bleeding to death.
“No one understands! No one! Do you know what it was like, living for years amongst rubbish and filth, knowing that you were one and the same? Knowing that the pain you felt would never go away, and it was the fault of one being in the whole universe?”
Ahsoka tried crawling away, and he stepped on her back. She screamed.
“I will make Kenobi understand. Yes, before the end, he will know my pain. But first, I have to find him.”
He rolled her over with a fierce kick and shove of his foot, her side throbbing.
“Where is he!” he screamed, standing over Ahsoka.
She just bared her teeth in a snarl, letting him see her fangs.
“Fine,” he cried. “Fine. I’ll use you as bait. Let him come to you.”
“He’ll… He’ll never fall for it,” she gasped out.
“So you’re saying he and your master would sooner abandon you than offer help?”
“If they were smart.”
“Anakin, why do you always have to do something stupid?” Obi-Wan asked as Anakin locked onto the tracking beacon attached to Ahsoka’s comms. “If she truly is captured by Maul, he’s going to know we’re coming. She’s bait. And you plan on just landing, and walking right in there?”
Anakin eyed his screen, seeing that his fighter was getting closer to Dathomir, where Ahsoka was being held.
“Yep,” he said.
“In all the Sith hells, why do I listen to you?”
Anakin joked, even while he didn’t feel it, worry for Ahsoka clouding all else, “You care about me too much.”
“Yes, and I’m afraid that’s going to get me killed.”
A sensor popped up on Anakin’s screen, and R2 beeped at him.
“We’re within the planet’s gravitational pull.”
“I have a bad feeling about this,” Obi-Wan muttered.
“Nonsense, Master. This is where things get exciting.”
Their ships began to descend, Anakin picking up speed with R2’s help, and Obi-Wan following suit. He heard a mutter of “kriff, I hate flying,” and then he was saying, “Your definition of exciting is problematic.”
Anakin ignored him. He had to save Ahsoka. He knew Darth Maul wasn’t all there. And he could scarcely imagine what he would do to her, what he might already be doing to her.
“You know,” Ahsoka forced out, struggling, “I’m not a fan… of necklaces.”
Darth Maul just grinned at her, and still approached with the collar. “Too bad,” he sighed, seeming genuinely sad for a few moments. “I do like this one. If you try using the Force while this is on you, it’ll simply redirect the energy on the negative plane, cancelling it out.”
Ahsoka rolled her eyes, even as she backed up against the rock wall.
“Oh, so you do have a brain,” she muttered.
Then she couldn’t breathe, and her throat was being crushed. Eyes watering, vision spotting, she managed to make out the image of Darth Maul in front of her, hand reaching out to her, fingers curved with violent intent. She tried to claw at the feeling, at that force choking her, but it was no use. Her next thought was to combat him through the Force, to try and pry him away from her. But his will strengthened, and all her air was cut off entirely.
He approached her, metal collar in hand. Ahsoka tried to struggle, but his grip held her fast, and in no time at all, it was around her neck. Once it was locked, he released her, and she collapsed to the cave floor.
“Let me go,” Ahsoka croaked, ashamed that such words had even left her.
“Not. Just. Yet.”
Despite knowing it was no use, some innate survival instinct gnawed at Ahsoka for her to try and pry the collar off. It was cold against her skin, and heavy. She was only glad it wasn’t a shock collar, but it was still no use trying to get it off. It was impenetrable, it would seem. And with it on, she could reach out for the Force, but it was as if it wasn’t actually there. She tried to use it again, to push and pull the collar off of her.
Her head started to pound and her vision blurred with the effort. Or maybe that was just from the broken ribs.
She let out a weak cry, and collapsed, breathless.
“You’re lucky I didn’t go with the chemical collar,” he told her, back to her now, so he could look out at the dark red sky.
His hands were clasped behind his back, but still within easy reach of his vicious lightsaber.
“That one would’ve done some damage, and would have made you feel cut off from the Force entirely.” He sighed. “I heard it’s quite a... lonely feeling.”
Ahsoka just glared. There was no point in talking to him.
“Do you think they’re coming for you?” he asked her.
She still said nothing.
Another sigh left him, and he turned back to her. “Fine, since you’re being so helpful, let’s try another tactic, just in case they don’t show up.”
“Torture me all you want,” Ahsoka panted out, trying to push herself up and away from him. Pain stabbed her and she bit her bottom lip, wincing. “You’ll… You’ll never get anything out of me.”
“I’m so happy to know that you think that.”
Suddenly, he was kneeling by her. Too close, too close! Her instincts were screaming that she was in danger, that everything was wrong. The adrenaline already running through her system to combat the pain of her injuries increased tenfold. His hand was before her face now. And she felt him. Oh Force!
Her head slammed back against the rock wall, and he started prying into her, looking, looking…
Ahsoka tried to fight him off, both physically, and with the Force. He took a few seconds to grab her wrists and pin them above her head. He straddled her, holding her down. And then he was going after her mind again.
Ahsoka screamed, and she couldn’t stop.
Anakin nearly crashed his fighter in his rush to get to the planet’s surface. Before it stopped sliding against the rocks and nearly crashed into a bare tree, he was leaping up out of the cockpit, lightsaber in hand.
There was suffering, darkness. Ahsoka needed his help.
“Anakin, what in the galaxy are you doing?” Obi-Wan cried as he rushed to get out of his fighter and join Anakin, who was already taking off at a sprint.
“She’s in trouble, master!”
Obi-Wan caught up to him, but didn’t stop him. They ran towards that writhing, screaming darkness. And it wasn’t long before they heard Ahsoka’s voice rent the air.
The sound, and the adrenaline that it sent rushing through Anakin, stopped him in his tracks. He lost all focus and discipline. Oh Force, he couldn’t breathe. What was that monster doing to her? Could he save her? Ahsoka, Ahsoka!
Obi-Wan grabbed his bicep.
“Come on, she needs us.”
They set off again, drawing closer to a cave within the walls of a mountain.
“That’s what I was… trying to tell you,” Anakin got out.
They neared the cave, the sky darkening around them like red poison, and there they saw him. Darth Maul was getting up off of a beaten and collared Ahsoka, looking absolutely delighted.
He went out to meet them. Obi-Wan and Anakin paused, drawing their lightsabers and igniting them.
“What did you do to her!” Anakin demanded.
“She was being very… hmm… obstinate,” Maul said, casually walking back and forth before her like she was some piece of prey he’d caught. He waved his hilt around nonchalantly. But even as he did that, Anakin could practically sense him vibrating, and his crazed eyes kept darting towards Obi-Wan. “But I got what I needed in the end.”
“Oh?” Obi-Wan asked, stepping forward, dropping into one of his forms. “And what’s that?”
Darth Maul’s red lightsaber ignited, and he charged at them.
Ahsoka was barely aware of the fight happening just outside the cave, barely aware of the flashes of dueling light, and the violent hum of energy. She could barely lift her head up, or even keep her eyes open.
But she stayed conscious, her head hurting and feeling all wrong.
The blue lightsabers worked in tandem against the red, and she saw that Darth Maul was being pushed back. And back.
And back.
Force, he was right there!
Quick as lightning, he whirled, and grabbed her. She cried out, injuries jarring, stabbing pressure rending her body. He held her close, and had the lightsaber against her neck.
“Kenobi,” he hissed, “surrender yourself, or she dies.”
Ahsoka half expected Obi-Wan’s characteristic snark, but it didn’t come. He lowered his weapon, stepping into a relaxed stance. He switched off his lightsaber.
“No, no!” Ahsoka cried.
“Obi-Wan, what are you doing?” Anakin demanded.
Obi-Wan handed his lightsaber to Anakin, and said, “The right thing. Alright, Maul. You can have me, do what you wish with me. Just keep your promise. Let. Her. Go.”
Tension thickened the humid air, and Ahsoka could barely breathe. Or maybe that was the broken ribs.
She felt vibrations alight in Darth Maul’s chest, vibrations that rose up into his throat, and left his mouth as fierce, deranged laughter.
“Oh, I never said I’d let her go.”
Sensing what was about to happen, not even thinking about it, Ahsoka leaned forward and bit his arm as hard as she could. Blood was drawn, and he dropped his lightsaber that he had been about to use to slice into her, torture her in front of her family.
He screamed, and Ahsoka grimaced against his bitter blood.
He threw her off, and the landed in a heap at Anakin’s feet, blood dribbling from her mouth.
Darth Maul lunged for her, for Obi-Wan, and Anakin tossed Obi-Wan his lightsaber.
The fighting renewed. Ahsoka managed to drag herself away, not wanting to be used in such a way again. Obi-Wan had been about to give himself up for her?
She wasn’t worth it. Not in the sense that her life didn’t have meaning, but in the sense that she was a Padawan, and Obi-Wan was a master. He had far more experience, and training, and wisdom. The lives he could save surely far surpassed hers. Attachment was wrong, yet, despite knowing that, Ahsoka just wanted to be back home on Coruscant, and have Anakin hold her hand.
The fight escalated, Anakin receiving a burn on his thigh, and Obi-Wan across his back. But they kept fighting, despite the blood, and the sweat. They were determined.
Darth Maul fell back, and it wasn’t long before he was retreating.
Anakin was about to clip his lightsaber to his belt, but Obi-Wan said, “No, after him! We need his ship to get Ahsoka out of here.”
The chase began.
Ahsoka, despite all her training, whimpered, and reached out for them as they left.
Long minutes passed before a ship was landing next to her. Obi-Wan was helping her up.
“You’ll be alright, little one.”
Usually she hated anyone talking to her like she was still a child, but she allowed it just this once.
“Artoo? Come in, Artoo!” Anakin said into his commlink. “I need you to pilot a ship back to Coruscant. Ahsoka’s too hurt to fly it herself.”
Beeps sounded from the other end.
Anakin lowered his wrist, saying to them, “He’s on his way.”
Then, he was rushing to Ahsoka, and his hands shook as he held them out, unsure where to touch her.
She let herself fall into his arms, and she began to cry.
“It’s okay, Ahsoka,” he said, voice tight with pain and relief. “Everything’s going to be alright. You’re with us now.”
Ahsoka nodded, and felt Obi-Wan start to disengage the collar on her neck as Anakin held her.
Safe. She was safe.
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kittystargen3 · 3 years
Summary: Alternate Universe- What if Anakin's mother survived and Anakin never went dark side. Padme has the twins on Tatooine and survives. Anakin tries to help the surviving Jedi, while still keeping his family secret. Meanwhile Darth Sidious has been crowned emperor and is going after the remaining Jedi. Rumors have it he's looking for a new apprentice. Anakin gets to be a daddy.
I've added chapter 63 of Return of the Survivors. Below is a small selection. Please click the links to read more.
Chapter 63 - The Master, the Knight, and the Apprentice
“Alright Han, the ground crews are signaling us to land in the big hangar.” Chewbacca informed his co-pilot.
“Where?” Han asked.  “Never mind, I’ll just follow the kid.  He’s landing in the Royal Air Field.”
“Grr…It’s what I said.” Chewbacca growled under his breath.  It was a pain sometimes, having to talk to someone who Shyriiwook was a second language for.  Sometimes Chewbacca suspected Han had been taught it by the same street moles who’d taught him his manners.  He was limited to mostly the emotive howls of the main language.  None of the technical words of Thykarann made any sense to him.
“What’s wrong buddy?  Think of how happy Lukey will be.” Han said.
And Chewbacca couldn’t be mad at Han for long.  Not when he looked up to you with those big, pup-blue eyes.  Chewbacca playfully rubbed his head.  The boy made him proud today.
Earlier, when they’d both left Yavin IV, they had every intention to fly to Christophsis to deliver their cargo, but somehow the decision to do so still weighed heavily on Han’s shoulders.
“What’s wrong?  You know that boy’s a good pilot.  We taught him well,” Chewbacca tried.
“I know.  It’s just this Giant he’s up against.  The empire can’t be defeated by a little resistance party.  But I know Luke.  He won’t pull out of there until that station goes boom, or he gets shot down trying.  If that happens, I don’t know if I could live with myself.”  Han continued adjusting the ship’s coordinates.  “But you know what’s worse.  If they do shoot him down, not enough to kill him, but you know, just enough to take him out.  He’ll still have to watch that station destroy Alderaan.  You know, his Father and Sister will be on that planet, don’t you?  Lukey would never forgive himself.”
“Then forget about the cargo.  Let's go help our boy.” Chewbacca growled and started readjusting the coordinates.
“I’m on it!” Han said.  “Wait…”
“What’s wrong?” Chewbacca yowled.
“That deal I made, for the cargo back there.  I kinda had to sign a contract.”
Chewbacca threw his arm and yelled.  “A CONTRACT!  DO YOU LEARN NOTHING?”
Han put his hands out to pacify him.  “I know.  Contracts, bad,” he spat. “But it was the only way to get in on this deal.  It’s for a lot of credits, plus, if we make this delivery by the cargo’s sell by date, it’ll lead to more jobs.”
Chewbacca growled.  “How long do we have?”
“At this point, it’s either or.”  Han looked timidly at him.
“And what happens if we don’t deliver?” Chewbacca questioned.
“If we don’t deliver it, we’ll be seen as breaking contract and stealing their cargo.  We’d be lucky if they don’t issue a bounty on us.” Han winced.
“So, it’s Luke, or the contract.” Chewbacca stated.
“I know, I know.  If they issue the bounty on us, we’ll be back to smuggling.  No one decent will hire us.  I know you wanted to make the credits to free your people,” Han said.
“My people’s hearts are as strong as the Wroshyr Tree.  I will free them one day, but friendship is more valuable than any credits.  I’ll let you decide.”
Han hung his head.  In a few seconds he lifted it and started again at the coordinates.  “We’re going to Alderaan.”  Chewbacca smiled, knowing he’d finally taught the boy something.
When they landed on Alderaan, Chewbacca and Han ran off of the Falcon.  Luke was disembarking his ship as well.
A crowd had gathered.  They pointed up at Luke’s X-Wing and whispered to each other.  Looks of awe followed.
Luke climbed down and smiled big up at Han.  “You came back! I knew you’d come back! I just knew it.”
“Well, I wasn’t going to let you take all the credit, was I?” Han quickly disparaged.
“Luke, Luke!” Leia ran up and threw her arms around her brother.  Han looked away.
Anakin came running out a moment later, followed by Obi-Wan and Yoda.  They each took a turn hugging Luke.
“We owe you our thanks too,” Anakin turned to Han when his turn with Luke was over.
Han nodded and didn’t look up.  “I was just in the area, and decided to see how things were going.”
Chewy hit Han on the back and growled, “You’re our friends, and we don’t let friends fly alone.”
Han glared up at him.
Anakin laughed.  “Well, thanks.  You two are friends for life.”
“Oh no!” Luke’s shout pulled their attention back.  It seemed the ground crew was pulling the astromech droid from Luke’s ship.   R2-D2 was clearly damaged...
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generallynerdy · 4 years
Mir’sheb (Han Solo X Mando!Reader)
Summary: “It’s not fine! They just attacked you!” he screeched. Luke went silent when Han and the Mando shared an amused look. Clearly, he was missing something here. “You’ve never met a Mandalorian, have you?” asked the Mando, snorting.
Requested by Anon: Can I get Han Solo x fellow scoundrel reader? Just the two of them getting into trouble and being snarky with each other
Key: (h/c) - hair colour, (Y/N) - your name, Atin’ika - a pet name with the root Atin meaning stubborn and the suffix ‘ika meaning little, Kaysh mirsh solus - he’s an idiot (literally: his brain cell is lonely), Mir’sheb - smartass Warnings: i physically could not resist implying a future han/reader/luke situation sorry not sorry, cursing, mentions of imprisonment Word Count: 1,058
Note: i love love love the original trilogy characters i am BEGGING yall to request more of them when requests are open. I hope you don’t mind that i made the reader a mandalorian-- i’ve become o b s e s s e d with the culture and i thought it would be fun to play with a mando reader.
 "Han Solo, I'm gonna kick your ass--"
The second Luke heard the mutter come from the cell next to the one he and his companion were thrown into, he knew they were in for it. Han had enemies everywhere, he was slowly learning, but prisons happened to be one of the easiest places to find them.
"Kid," Han told him as the person in the other cell started shouting in another language, "it's fine. We're fine. Don't worry about it."
Luke worried about it.
Even when the cell door blew open ten minutes later, he worried about it. He only began to lose his mind when Han let out their cell neighbour, who was dressed head to toe in armour-- Mandalorian armour. Luke was going to kill Han.
Sure, their new friend seemed to be helping them escape, but the fact that they turned and hissed curses at Han that made Luke's falsely innocent ears turn red made him uneasy. Was this a Leia situation? Was the snark hiding the possibility of a decent friendship? Would the Mando turn on them the second they were safe?
Well. That answer came pretty quickly as soon as they ducked into the Falcon, Chewie at the wheel, and the Mando bashed their head against Han’s.
“Woah, woah, woah!” Luke cried breathlessly, rushing between them and tugging them apart.
Han shook off his dizziness and still tried to push Luke away. “Kid, it’s fine--”
“It’s not fine! They just attacked you!” he screeched.
Luke went silent when Han and the Mando shared an amused look. Clearly, he was missing something here.
“You’ve never met a Mandalorian, have you?” asked the Mando, snorting.
He crossed his arms. “I’ve met plenty of Mandalorians!”
“You can’t count Boba Fett, he was trying to kill you,” Han corrected immediately. 
He seemed to abandon the conversation, crossing the room, but it soon became clear he was actually pulling drinks out of his hidden stash. (“Hidden stash.” The only one who didn’t know it was there was R2 and that was because he had a habit of throwing bottles at people’s faces.) Meanwhile, his Mandalorian friend stepped away from Luke to lean against the wall.
“Do you wanna explain to the kid what you just did?” Han asked them, pouring three glasses, which did not go unnoticed by Luke.
The Mando snorted. “He’s your tag-along.”
“Hey now!” he protested almost mockingly before lifting his left wrist and tapping it. The dull thud that echoed from the piece of armor he wore under his sleeve almost abruptly reminded Luke of its existence. “That means he’s our tag-along.”
Luke gawked, realisation painting his features. He’d never understood the vambrace on Han’s left arm, much less why the man kept it covered at all times, but now it made complete sense. The piece was the same colour as the mysterious Mandalorian’s armour, now that he thought about it. The Mando had given it to him.
“I’m no expert in Mando, but--”
“Clearly,” Han snorted mid-sip of his own drink, but Luke ignored him.
“--isn’t that...kind of a big deal?”
The Mando gave a heaving laugh just as Han approached and handed them a full glass. An untouched one was shoved into Luke’s hands, but he barely noticed it.
“We’re married,” the Mando said almost nonchalantly.
Han lifted a protesting finger. “We are not married.”
“We’re not married,” they corrected. A pause. “Yet.”
Luke took a massive gulp of his drink, wincing at the burn and the snickers he got from both of them.
Just then, the Mando slipped their helmet off, revealing a head of mess (h/c) hair and sharp eyes that twinkled with mischief. They immediately moved to kiss Han’s cheek, earning a roll of his eyes and a minute shove.
“Atin’ika,” they muttered. “Who’s your new friend?”
“Luke Skywalker, (Y/N) (L/N),” Han introduced. “Sorry about Luke-- Kay-esh mirsh solus.”
(Y/N) glared at him. “It’s Kaysh.” He waved them off and they looked back at the poor former farmboy, who had the expression of a bantha in headlights. “Nice to meet you.”
“You too, I think,” he said hesitantly. He gestured between the two of them. “So, you two--?”
“Unfortunately,” (Y/N) drawled. Then, they grinned. “But it’s a pretty open thing, if you’re interested.”
Luke choked on his drink.
“Leave him alone, you menace,” Han scoffed, shoving his partner. “Go get that armor off, it’s a pain in the ass.”
(Y/N) rolled their eyes, but started walking off anyway. “I’m going, I’m going-- but don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it!”
Luke was just recovering from his coughing fit when Han sighed. “That’s what I get for bringing a twink on board. Ignore them.”
“How?” The ‘twink’ muttered.
A moment later, watching Han down his entire glass, Luke frowned.
“You knew you said the word wrong earlier, didn’t you?”
His friend grinned devilishly. “It annoys them-- can’t help it. They’re hilarious when they’re mad, you’ll see.”
“So you know Mando’a?” he asked, tilting his head.
“Eh.” He made a so-so motion. “Pick up a word here and there.”
Luke frowned when the Force rang false. “Hang on! You have a Mando’a dictionary in the ship's files-- I’ve seen it! You’re a filthy liar!”
Han hushed him immediately, glancing toward where (Y/N) disappeared. “That doesn’t exist, hear me?”
“Why wouldn’t you--?” he stopped. “Wait, that last page you viewed--”
Luke had seen the records. He went snooping around in Han’s stuff more than he’d like to admit, but he was sure the man knew about it. The last open section in the Mando’a dictionary had been under Resh: Riduurok. It was a love bond, a marriage agreement.
“Shhhhhhhhh,” Han hissed pointedly. “I’ll kill you.”
He couldn’t help but grin. “That’s so sweet. Han, why didn’t you tell anybody about them, huh?”
“I have a reputation and (Y/N) has a reputation,” he huffed. “Now shut up and finish that.”
Down the hall, (Y/N) grinned. Little did Han know, his beskar’gam was almost finished. Most of the pieces were done, except for the helmet, which had an unfinished design. It seemed ridiculous, forging him a set when he’d probably hardly ever wear it, but it meant a lot to (Y/N) that he would simply have it.
(Y/N) loved that mir’sheb.
River’s Tags: @hahaboop & @mystoragehatesme
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glimmerglanger · 4 years
Anakin/Obi-Wan 22, please and than you.
Ohhh! Sorry I didn’t finish this yesterday but it got, uh, a bit out of control. Written for the meme (#22 “What do you mean by leaving?”)
“What do you mean by leaving?” Obi-Wan asked, looking up from the last grave, the one they’d just got done filling with their bare hands. The soil was heavy and caked over the blisters worn into his palms, caught under his nails, torn now and ragged. The ground had been frozen and didn’t want to give. He looked over at Anakin, feeling exhausted, beyond exhausted, from the cruel labor of the last few days.
“I mean going somewhere not here,” Anakin said, not looking at Obi-Wan. His jaw was clenched beneath the stubble growing across his skin. His face was smeared with dirt, his hair matted down by blood and sweat.
Obi-Wan stared at him. Exhaustion and pain were making his thoughts slow. His ribs ached so fiercely. They had since the crash. He’d been ignoring them. There’d be so much else to do… The injured to tend to, to keep comfortable, until they finally lost the fight to keep them alive. The dead to bury, out here in this hard, frozen earth….
“Where?” Obi-Wan asked, pushing slowly to his feet, wincing and curling an arm across his ribs. There was no one to put on a brave face for, just Anakin, and he looked like he was hurting just as much.
They were the only survivors left from the wreck. Cody they’d lost the night before. The others…
Well. Obi-Wan looked over the row of neat graves and felt something inside his chest aching that had nothing to do with his ribs.
“I don’t know,” Anakin said, shaking his head. “There’s got to be some way off of this rock. I’m going to find it.”
“There’s nothing on ‘this rock,’” Obi-Wan said, limping back towards the remains of their ship. It had sheared in half on the way down. They’d made a crude shelter out of what was left, more a lean-to than anything. R2, badly damaged, warbled at him as he approached. “We saw that much before we crashed.”
“So, what,” Anakin said, a snap in his voice, “we should just sit here, then, that’s your plan?”
“When you’re lost, you wait where someone will find you,” Obi-Wan said, sinking slowly down onto the area of ground that he’d claimed as his bed. He hadn’t slept, really, since the crash four days ago. There hadn’t been time. “If we go off into the woods, no one will know where we are when the rescue ship comes.”
“And if we stay here, a rescue ship may never come. There’s a whole planet out there, Obi-Wan. There’s got to be technology somewhere. I’m going to go find it.” He looked at Obi-Wan, briefly, and then away once more.
Obi-Wan winced, gingerly stretching out his legs. “Anakin, there’s nothing out there. We need to--”
“Stay here, then,” Anakin snapped, turning on his heel, radiating hurt and anger and a hundred other emotions. “I’ll come back and find you when I’ve found a way to get us off of this kriffing rock.”
Obi-Wan called after him, but Anakin didn’t turn back, didn’t even hesitate. And Obi-Wan could have ran after him. Might have, once. But he was so tired. So very tired, and hurt inside, and he was right, anyway.
Someone had to stay with the ship, for when rescue came.
“It’s just you and I now, R2,” he said, and the droid warbled back at him, going staticy halfway through.
Rescue didn’t come. And it didn’t come. And it didn’t come.
Obi-Wan kept busy, waiting for it. He drove off the scavengers that tried to disturb the graves and did his best to patch up the still functioning systems in their ship. He’d never had any skill with mechanics, but R2 helped. Obi-Wan carried the damaged droid into the remains of the cockpit every day, plugging it in as it requested, listening to it speak a language he didn’t understand.
Between the two of them, they managed to set up something that Obi-Wan believed would serve as a distress beacon. He had no idea how long the power source would last, but surely they’d be rescued before the cell could run down.
Surely they would.
While he waited, he researched the surrounding world. He had little choice. They’d lost most of their supplies in the crash and starvation held little appeal. They’d landed in a temperate area, at least, with a variety of plant growth and even some animals, returning as the winter began to fade.
He tested different plants, eating them sparingly, trying to determine which ones were edible. Some things he ate left him ill, vomiting over and over, until there was nothing left inside him to come up and still he could not stop. He considered, seriously, that he might die from eating a poisonous plant, all alone, and laughed hoarsely.
He carefully noted the plants that made him ill, when he recovered, and avoided them in the future.
The days he marked on the inside of the ship, drawing a little hatch mark for each sunrise that he lived to see. He shivered on the day he finished a row of a hundred, looking into the cockpit, at the blinking light of their rescue beacon.
Someone had to come for them.
Sooner or later.
When Anakin came back, there were almost two-hundred hatch marks on the inside of the ship. Obi-Wan felt him coming; he’d felt Anakin’s increasing exhaustion and despair no matter how far Anakin wandered across the planet’s surface.
Obi-Wan stared at the ceiling, feeling Anakin drawing closer. He’d made changes, over the weeks and months, cut down trees and dug out rocks, building a proper shelter onto the ship. It had given him something to do, and it kept the animal life away while he slept.
He sat up, anticipation and worry mingling in his head. R2 had stopped working almost a month ago, going quiet in Obi-Wan’s arms as he held the droid close and felt his vision go blurry, sure he was going mad for the heartbreak in his chest.
Obi-Wan scrubbed a hand over his face and rose, moving to open the door.
Anakin stood on the far side of the area Obi-Wan thought of as theirs. The area he’d carved out. He’d plowed up the ground around the shelter and planted seeds from the plants that didn’t make him ill. He’d laughed, his hands dirty and his back aching, thinking of the agricorps and another life that he might have had.
He’d thought the plants wouldn’t live, but they sprouted, growing towards the sun, healthy and strong.
Anakin wasn’t looking at the plants. He wasn’t looking at the shelter. He stared dead at Obi-Wan, radiating sadness and defeat so sharply that it drew Obi-Wan a step forward. Anakin looked terrible, his eyes dull and his cheeks sunken under a ragged beard. His clothes hung off of his frame, torn and stained.
Obi-Wan took another step towards him, reaching out, calling, “Anakin,” with a cracking voice. He had not spoken out loud since R2 stopped functioning.
Anakin made a gutted sound at his voice, moving all at once. He seemed to fall into motion, to fall down the path, to fall into Obi-Wan, drawing him close, hugging him so tightly that it hurt. Anakin breathed unsteadily against the side of his head, his fingers clenching and unclenching in Obi-Wan’s shirt, shaking.
“Obi-Wan,” he said, his voice a rough croak, “Obi-Wan.”
“Sh,” Obi-Wan said, holding him back. It had been almost two hundred days since he saw another person. He rocked Anakin back and forth, the way he’d used to do, when Anakin was so much smaller than him. “It’s alright,” he said, curling a hand around the back of Anakin’s neck, “it’s alright, you’re back.”
“There’s nothing out there,” Anakin told him, later, sitting slumped at the small table that Obi-Wan had crafted. He had made it large enough for two people, hoping. Anakin held one of the few cups that had survived the wreck. He’d already had two cups full of something like soup. He looked too thin by far.
“I’m sorry,” Obi-Wan said, and was. He had hoped, as the days passed, that Anakin would find something out on his journey. He’d known it was unlikely, probably impossible, but he’d hoped. 
“There hasn’t been a rescue ship?” Anakin asked, his eyes following Obi-Wan each time he moved. He was otherwise still, so very, very still. 
“Not yet,” Obi-Wan said, holding onto the hope that there would be one. Someone would come for them, sooner or later. It made no sense that they’d been left so long. Surely their disappearance had been noticed. They’d been on their way to rescue Coruscant, for the Force’s sake…
Unless, Obi-Wan considered, turning away from Anakin’s piercing gaze, things had gone poorly with the war. Unless there was no one else to look for them. He swallowed. “Eat the rest of your soup,” he said. “And then, well, there’s a spring not far from here. If you want to get cleaned up.”
Anakin didn’t seem to care one way or another about getting cleaned up, but he let Obi-Wan shepherd him down the path and into the water. There was blood and filth dried to his skin. HIs ribs showed through his skin and the knobs of his spine pressed out, terribly.
He climbed into the water after a moment’s hesitation, and made a soft, hurt sound. Obi-Wan’s head snapped up. “Anakin?”
“It’s warm,” Anakin said, sounding wondering, confused. He looked back at Obi-Wan, expression open and shocked, as though he’d been unaware of the heat in the air, the sun beating down over them.
“Yes,” Obi-Wan said, crooking a smile at him, and took his clothes to the side of the pool, kneeling and scrubbing at them.
“I’m sorry,” Anakin said, when night fell. He’d eaten all the food Obi-Wan felt he could spare, and half of Obi-Wan’s rations for the day. He hadn’t seemed to notice Obi-Wan slipping them over. They were alone in the dark of the shelter. 
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan started, rolling to face him in the dark, “it’s--”
“I never should have left,” Anakin said, all in a rush, as though he’d been waiting for the darkness to speak. “You were right. And I missed you, so much. I thought I’d die out there, and never see another person again, and--”
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan said, reaching out to touch his hand. “I under--”
Anakin moved fast, always had. He shifted across the distance between their bedrolls, curled close all at once. He was shaking again, grip too tight around Obi-Wan, so tight it was difficult to breathe, a shaking in his limbs.
“You’re going to be here when I wake up,” Anakin said, like a question, like a plea, like maybe he’d imagined Obi-Wan there in the night before.
“I’m going to be right here,” Obi-Wan said, carefully covering one of Anakin’s hands with his. He might have protested, but he had been alone for so long, as well. It felt good to be held, even so tightly, to be sure that someone else was there, that Anakin would be there when he woke up.
“Good,” Anakin said, voice ragged. “That’s good.”
“How’d you do all this?” Anakin asked, the next day. He was standing too close, really, and kept stretching a hand out, like he intended to grab Obi-Wan’s arm. He’d gazed around the shelter and the garden with an incredulous look.
“I had time,” Obi-Wan said, shrugging, a bitter smile touching his mouth. “Do you know, I might have been a farmer once? I almost got sent to the agricorps.”
Anakin blinked at him and said, “No.”
“Oh, yes.” Obi-Wan laughed, just a little, shaking his head. “Of course, I decided I’d run away before doing that and nearly got killed and Master Qui-Gon agreed to take me as Padawan, but…” He gestured at the gardens. “Apparently, I would have been quite good at the work.”
Anakin stared at him, quiet for too long, and then looked away hurriedly. He said, “How have you been keeping your beard trimmed?”
Obi-Wan froze, pain slicing down through his chest. It never went away, most days he was just better at living with it. But a stray thought brought everything back. He cleared his throat, looking to the side. “Cody… had a razor. I’ve been using that.”
Anakin reached out, fingertips brushing the back of Obi-Wan’s hand, comfort in the touch. Obi-Wan squeezed his eyes shut. He said, to move past the weight in his chest, “Would you like me to give you a shave?”
“That sounds wonderful,” Anakin said, and sat very still when Obi-Wan took him back to the stream and gestured at a rock that was about the right height to serve as a chair. Anakin watched him, eyes sharp and bright, as he carefully worked the razor over skin, taking off months of tangled and matted growth.
Anakin’s face was familiar, underneath, but thinner, all his sharp angles made sharper.
“There,” Obi-Wan said, dragging a thumb over Anakin’s cheek without thinking, seeing the familiar face he’d missed so much. “Much better.”
Anakin swallowed, loudly enough that Obi-Wan heard him, and said, “Thank you.” He leaned into Obi-Wan’s touch, and neither of them moved for a long moment, not until Anakin said, “I could trim your hair, too. You’re looking pretty scruffy.”
Obi-Wan snorted, reaching up to tug at his hair. He’d kept the beard trimmed, but abandoned all attempts to keep his hair in order months ago. And the thought of having an excuse to sit out in the sun, to feel fingers through his hair, was too nice to pass up. “I’d appreciate that,” he said, and they swapped positions, Anakin leaning over, carefully lifting hair, the sound of the razor and their breathing mingling with burbling water and the distant sounds of birds.
When there were 368 hatch marks on the wall, Obi-Wan rose early, ignoring Anakin’s murmured protests. The weather had grown cold, since Anakin returned. Sleeping close together allowed them to share body heat, chasing away some of the aches in Obi-Wan’s body from old broken bones.
He washed his face in the basin by the door and combed his hair with his fingers, tugging on his robe for the first time in months. He walked down the path to the graves in silence and stood in front of them, remembering the name of each man, watching his breath steam in the frozen morning air.
He turned, slightly, when he felt Anakin coming down the path. Anakin didn’t visit the graves as often as Obi-Wan did. Obi-Wan didn’t begrudge it. They had been his men, not Anakin’s. It was Obi-Wan’s job to remember them.
He glanced at Anakin, grateful for his presence, only for the cold in his chest to spread as he saw Anakin’s expression. He was staring at nothing, blank-faced, his hands tucked into his robes. Obi-Wan blinked at him as snow swirled around them both, the first flakes landing on the ground.
Anakin came to a stop at his side and said, quietly, “I was married.”
Obi-Wan blinked, taken so off-guard that for a moment he couldn’t think of a thing to say. He managed, finally, “What?”
“To Senator Amidala,” Anakin continued, still staring forward at nothing. Obi-Wan felt his mouth hanging open and could do nothing to stop it. “She died,” Anakin said, agony radiating out of him, fast and sudden. “The day I left. I felt it and - and that’s why I - I had to just - I --” He trailed off, breathing shakily, covering his face with one hand.
Obi-Wan stared, trying to make the pieces of the world make sense again. He felt snow melting into his hair, felt the cold eating at him by the time Anakin finally said, “Are you going to say anything?”
“I don’t know what to say,” Obi-Wan admitted, and barked out a laugh. He was trying to mourn his men. He was trying to -- of all days -- He dragged a hand back through his hair. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Anakin grimaced. “You’d have told the Council,” he said, voice cracking. “I would have had to leave the Order, and--”
“Why didn’t you leave the Order?” Obi-Wan interrupted, because nothing in the world made sense. Everything he’d thought he knew had tilted sideways. Anakin had been married. Married to Padmé, who had never said a word, both of them keeping this secret. “If you wanted to - to be married, why didn’t you just leave?”
Anakin was quiet, for a long moment, his expression blank as he stared out at nothing. He said, voice cracking, “I - I don’t know, anymore. I thought I had reasons. Good reasons. But…” He shook his head. “I should have left.”
Obi-Wan imagined a war without Anakin at his side. It would probably have been much shorter. But… He swallowed, pain digging deeper into his chest, taking a step back. “So you lied to me. For how long, Anakin?”
Anakin grimaced, closing his eyes. “Since - you remember, I went back to Naboo with Padmé. After Geonosis, we--”
Obi-Wan turned on his heel, the weight of almost five years of lies pressing down on him like the weight of the world. He walked, numb, back towards their shelter, his mind terrible and empty inside. Almost five years. A year with just the two of them on this world.
And over all of that time, lies.
A few days passed in silence. Obi-Wan made his marks, went through his routines, practiced katas. Meditated. He didn’t speak, and neither did Anakin, moving around him like a ghost. He thought perhaps Anakin would leave again, but he remained, though he did not curl close at night.
Obi-Wan laid awake, shivering, thinking about lies.
On the third day, he washed his face, turned to Anakin, and said, “I don’t know what to say to you.”
“I know.” Anakin leaned his back against the wall of the shelter, expression miserable. “I’m sorry, for whatever it’s worth.”
Obi-Wan stared at him. He’d been angry, briefly, but mostly hurt. Hurt held onto would do nothing. He had to let it go, move on. He’d always believed so, and that hadn’t changed. He rubbed a hand over his face. Besides, Anakin might be the only human face he ever saw again, though he still held out hope for their beacon.
It would be foolish to let this destroy them. “Alright,” he said, because what more could he ask than an apology? Anakin couldn’t undo what he’d done. He shifted, discomfort climbing up his spine, and said, softly, “I am sorry. That you… lost her.”
Anakin flinched, chin dipping down and to the side. Obi-Wan took a step towards him and another and another, until he could sink down the wall, their shoulders pressed together. “Can you… tell me about her? About you both?”
Anakin swallowed, hard, and nodded. And he spoke of a life Obi-Wan had never known, secrets kept dear and close, until the sun was high in the sky. It wasn’t like they had anywhere pressing to be. And it was cold outside.
The day Obi-Wan drew his 512th hatch mark on the wall, the generator powering the emergency beacon failed. Anakin had nursed it along since his return, but the system had been damaged to begin with. “That’s it,” Anakin said, after working on it for most of the day. “She’s shot.”
Obi-Wan swallowed, looking at the dark machinery, feeling cold and hopeless inside. He said, “Someone may have already picked it up.”
“Sure,” Anakin said. He felt oddly at peace, these days. Obi-Wan barely understood it, but there was a contentment in him, strange and deep. They’d both been so tired, both fought so long. Making a life on their planet was not easy, but no one was trying to kill them. 
They slept through the nights, more often than not. They even woke with fewer nightmares, these days. Obi-Wan could only vaguely remember the last one he’d had, the horror of it fading as Anakin had rubbed his back, hand warm across Obi-Wan’s skin, murmuring soothing nonsense to him.
Anakin meditated with him, most days. At first he had begged off, claiming the disinterest he’d always had for the process. But it was one more thing that provided them with some kind of structure as they went about their days, and Obi-Wan grew used to Anakin sitting at his back, both of them breathing slow and deep, reaching out to the Force.
He taught Anakin lightsaber forms he would have shared earlier, had not the war disrupted their training, practicing movements out below the spring sun, working until they were both covered with sweat, his gaze lingering too long on the line of Anakin’s shoulders or the movement of muscles down his back.
That happened more and more frequently, as the days passed. He found himself staring. It was difficult not to, especially as the day’s warmed and Anakin left his shirt behind more often. He said it was only to preserve the fabric as long as possible, for the colder months, and Obi-Wan hummed along agreement, watching his skin go tan and golden.
Obi-Wan avoided so much direct exposure as best he could. The sun only turned him red.
He focused on the freckles rising over his forearms, when they bathed off in the springs, instead of the sound of Anakin moving through the water, swallowing heavily. His own body he found to be increasingly full of wants.
He supposed it was only natural. He’d always loved Anakin. That love had changed shape over time, before. Why shouldn’t it change, again?
The morning Obi-Wan made his 716th tally mark, they walked together down to the graves. Anakin put an arm around his shoulders as they stood there, breath steaming in the air before them. Obi-Wan spoke, sometimes, to his men. But it didn’t feel right that day to do anything more than apologize.
He leaned his head against Anakin’s shoulder; they’d gotten thoughtless about touching one another. It just happened, as easy as breathing, and there was comfort in the way Anakin rested his cheek against the side of Obi-Wan’s head and pulled him a little closer.
“I don’t think anyone is coming,” Obi-Wan said, the following day, when he woke up, cocooned in warmth. He’d wept the night before, for his men, for all the loss in the war, for two years of time on this planet, and felt he had no more tears left.
“They might be,” Anakin said. He had his palm pressed flat over Obi-Wan’s chest, over his heart. The shelter was dark around them. Outside the wind howled and roared, bringing with it the first major storm of the winter. “But they’re probably not.”
Obi-Wan nodded, swallowing. “The war must be over, one way or another,” he said, speaking quietly. They never spoke of the war. 
“Do you think Coruscant fell?” Anakin asked, shifting closer as he did, lips moving across Obi-Wan’s shoulder, knees tucking back against his, thumb stroking back and forth across Obi-Wan’s chest.
“I don’t know,” Obi-Wan said, shutting his eyes. “Maybe.” Probably, he did not say, because he did not know and that was vanity, anyway, to assume that it must have fallen because they were not there.
“I hope…” Anakin said, and went quiet, his voice hitching. “Do you think Ahsoka…?”
“You trained her well,” Obi-Wan said, because it was the truest comfort he could offer.
Anakin let out a shuddering breath. He had not wept the night before, but did, then, the tears coming all at once, held back for months - for years - as he held Obi-Wan close in the dark. “We trained her well,” he said, through the storm of it. “She’s got to be fine.”
There were 923 hatch marks on the wall the day they got caught in a rainstorm while down at the spring. It was a warm rain, winter’s cold grasp on them finally lessened. Obi-Wan looked up at it - the day was almost clear - and laughed as the rain fell down over them in the water. 
Anakin made a little noise - it sounded hurt, to Obi-Wan - and Obi-Wan looked over to find him staring. “What?” he asked, reaching up to touch his face, unsure what was making Anakin’s expression look that way. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Anakin said, his voice strange as he waded closer through the water - it barely came up to his chest. 
“Well, something--”
“You’re beautiful,” Anakin interrupted, close, but Obi-Wan barely registered that closeness anymore. They were always in one another’s space. Anakin took his hand, put his other hand on Obi-Wan’s face, and leaned down. Obi-Wan gasped, surprised, at the brush of his mouth. A kiss.
He had not kissed anyone in such a very long time.
“Anakin,” he said, pulling back, just a little, watching the rain come down on Anakin’s shoulders, listening to the sound of it on the water. “What--”
“We’re going to be here the rest of our lives,” Anakin said, but softly, without any anger, as though he were only stating a fact. He slid his fingers back into Obi-Wan’s hair. “Together.” He leaned closer, brushing another brief kiss across Obi-Wan’s mouth. “So. I think we should really be together.”
Obi-Wan had gotten so used to touching him. To watching him. To wanting him. He’d wanted for so long, now. He swallowed and nodded, cautiously raising a hand to touch Anakin’s chest, his shoulder, his neck.
“Yes,” he said, shifting just slightly onto his toes, enough to kiss Anakin’s mouth again. “Together.”
There were 2,348 hatch marks on the walls the night they laid out under the stars, staring upwards. Anakin’s head rested on Obi-Wan’s chest. The air was warm around them, quiet except for the noises of the night animals. The sky was so perfectly clear Obi-Wan could see every star, the ones with names he knew, the ones they’d named themselves.
He stroked Anakin’s hair, absently, removing any tangles from the day with his fingers. Anakin felt heavy with contentment, but not exhaustion. There was a tinge of want in his thoughts, one that Obi-Wan was well familiar with by then. He knew it would only be a matter of time before Anakin shifted against him, pushing closer to kiss his mouth.
But there was no rush. They had all the time in the world.
He stared at the stars and asked, quietly, “Do you still think about leaving?”
Anakin shifted, rolling so his cheek rested over Obi-Wan’s heart. Lit by the stars, he seemed ethereal, other-worldly. His small smile was only just barely visible. “Not really,” Anakin said, and moved, putting a hand by Obi-Wan’s head, leaning down, kissing him under the wide open sky.
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nekomittchi · 3 years
My Disney Fab 50 Statues
This is my version of the Disney Fab 50 statues for the WDW 50th Anniversary, and why I picked each one. My list aims much more to park history than the official list does. I'll note which ones are official statues by underlining them. These are in no particular order, but organized by park they'd be in. Magic Kingdom 1) Mickey - Obviously, Mickey, being the park and company mascot, needs to be here, and he's on the official list as well. I chose to put my version in his Philharmagic costume. It's got the hat from Fantasia/Sorcerer's Apprentice, which is well known, but tailored more to the park attraction. 2) Daisy Duck - One of the Fab 6, Daisy is also along for the ride. But unlike the official's "standard" outfit, I'm putting Daisy in a safari outfit to represent Jungle Cruise. Since Jungle Cruise doesn't really have any characters, I'm using outfits, like with Mickey, to represent attractions that otherwise would be left out. 3) Goofy - Another of the Fab 6, Mickey's best friend needs to be represented. Like Daisy, he's also repping a character-less ride. This time he's repping Big Thunder Railroad. As an added bonus, if they put him in a conductor outfit, it could also rep Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway, but that's at another park. 4) Pluto - The last of the Fab 6 in this park (the other two I'm placing elsewhere), Mickey's dog Pluto. And since the Park Wishables already put Mickey and Minnie in space suits for Space Mountain, let's give Pluto an astronaut helmet to represent it! And, as an added bonus, it doubles as a take-that at Universal, since Disney can't have Marvel in the WDW parks, and Pluto would be a joke on Cosmo (the space dog in the Collector's museum from Guardians of the Galaxy). 5) Sonny Eclipse - The first statue of mine that's not only unique to my list, but also represents something 100% in the park. I haven't been to Cosmic Rays myself, but from what I hear around WDWNT and WIGScord, it's pretty popular. Or at least Sonny is. So he gets a statue. 6) Merlin and Archmedes - Second statue unique to my list, and the first that's for the history of the park. Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom was a scavenger hunt-type game that closed down early this year, and Merlin was kinda your guide for it. The game apparently had a lot of problems, but it looked really fun at the same time. 7) Genie - A surprising omition from the official list, and, unlike DLR, WDW actually has an Aladdin ride. The official list does have Abu, but I feel Genie is much more iconic and representitational of the movie. I'm also surprised that Carpet wasn't with Abu. 8) Pirate Dog - The Pirate Dog holding the keys is my representation of Pirates of the Caribbean. The dog might not be the most obvious pick, but as I'm trying to steer away from realistic-looking human characters, the dog was picked. Plus, they also made a Tsum Tsum and a Wishable of him, so... 9) Big Al OR Henry- This one's a toss-up. Either bear would do, and it's surprising to me that Country Bear Jamboree isn't represented. Of course, we know that it's a "less popular" attraction, so... 10) Madame Leota - The hitchhiking ghosts would also work to represent Haunted Mansion, but I think that having a gold statue inside of an ornate glass orb would look cooler. Plus, it only takes up one character slot, rather than 3. 11) Dumbo - One of the original rides from Disneyland, this classic has to be represented, and Disney agreed. Although I cut out Timothy. Didn't wanna take up another slot. 12) Stitch - Another statue to represent a past attraction, Stitch is here to represent Stitch's Great Escape. He's also, like the official statue, in his 626 form, because there's not nearly as much merchandise for him that way. 13) Winnie the Pooh - Piglet is with him on the official statue, but I think Pooh can stand on his own. Or, at least, eat hunny on his own. I mean, the ride is called "Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh," not "Pooh and Friends." Also, Tigger is way better than Piglet. 14) Mr. Toad - Another surprising omition from the list. Mr. Toad's Wild Ride might not be in Magic Kingdom anymore, but he's still fondly remembered, and they even made a Wishable of him (from the Disneyland 65th Anniversary set, but whatever). 15) Maleficent (Dragon) - The first of my statues that's not for an attraction, but a show (okay, Philharmagic is kinda a show, but shush). And she's also considered the "leader" of all of the Disney Villains, who are not represented at all in the official list, which I think is a shame. Sure, we all love the heroes, but who would those heroes be without their villains? 16) Face Clock - The only non-character in my list, the Face Clock is iconic enough for the World's Fair-turned-park ride. Because if you picked one of the dolls, which doll would you pick?! 17) Elliot - I've never seen the Main Street Electrical Parade myself (unless it was when I was 5), but I'd recognize the dragon float from Pete's Dragon anywhere. Bonus points if they could do the statue in such a way that it looked like the float, too. 18) Tinkerbell - The last of the revealed statues, Tinkerbell has come to represent Disney magic, both within and outside the parks, just as much as Mickey. Officially representing Peter Pan's Flight, I'd like to think that she also represents the Castle, like in the company card at the start of the movies. 19) Jose, Michael, Pierre, and Fritz - Yes, I know I've been trying to avoid "wasting" slots with multi-character statues, but... How could you pick just one of the Enchanted Tiki Room birds?! 20) Cheshire Cat - Cheshire and Mad Hatter both made the list (as separate statues), but I feel that Alice in Wonderland can be represented by Cheshire on his own. Plus, cat. 21) Boo - Monster's Inc Laugh Floor is an attraction that I wish was at DLR, so I could go on it, but even better than Sulley or Mike is the adorable Boo. 22) Jimminy Cricket - Yet another surprising omition from the list, Jimminy is almost as iconic to Disney Magic as Tinkerbell is. The official list has Pinocchio, but Jimminy is so much more "Disney" in general than Pinocchio. 23) Dopey - Seven Dwarfs Mine Train represent, as well as Disney's first animated feature. EPCOT 24) Donald Duck, Jose, and Panchito - Mickey's other best friend, here represented with the other two of the Three Caballeros, as represented in the Gran Fiesta Tour ride in the Mexico Pavillion. Like with the other members of the Fab 6, I chose to put him in an attraction outfit, and since I did, the other two had to come along for the ride. 25) Figment - Journey to Imagination (or whatever the current name of the attraction is) might be "meh" as a ride, but everyone loves Figment. Even Disney, who included him. 26) Olaf - I love Bruni. Bruni is probably my favorite character from all of Frozen. But Bruni isn't even named in the movie, he doesn't need to be on a statue. Olaf can represent Frozen Ever After by himself. 27) Remy - I'm shocked that Remy's not on the official list, given that his ride [officially] opens on the first day of the 50th Celebration, and represents the future of the parks. 28) Orange Bird - OB is on the official list, though in MK rather than EPCOT. All of the merch and such I've seen for him has been for the EPCOT festivals, so I'm sticking him here. 29) Rocket Racoon and Groot - Another statue to look to the future, for whenever Cosmic Rewind opens. Also, unlike the official statue, we are not using the realistic style from the official statue. The fur on Rocket looks so bad. Nah, instead we'll do him smooth, like the cartoons. 30) Mushu - Mushu was left out of the live action Mulan movie, but he's designed after traditional Chinese dragons, so let's put him over by the China Pavilion. 31) Marie - Did you really think that this list was not going to have my favorite character on it? I mean, really? Plus, we've got THREE mice/rats on the list, AND a dog, so we need another cat. Hollywood Studios 32) Minnie Mouse - And here we have the last of the Fab 6, Mickey's gal Minnie! Why is she in Hollywood Studios? Because she's representing Tower of Terror, wearing a cute outfit, of course! 33) DJ-R3X - Remember all those Fab 6 characters representing multiple characters? Yeah, R3X here is doing the same. Not only is DJ-R3X the DJ at Oga's Cantina in Galaxy's Edge, but he was originally RX-24, the pilot for the original version of Star Tours. Much better representation than BB-8 or R2-D2 from the official list. 34) Kermit the Frog - One of the more offensive omitions from the official list. MuppetVision3D is great fun, and the Muppets don't get nearly enough love, even with the Haunted Mansion special coming. 35) Chuuby - Okay, so sue me, I'm obsessed with the little merchandising bird. He's just too cute. 36) Woody and Buzz Lightyear - I know the official statue is Woody and Bo-Peep. But I haven't seen Toy Story 4 (or 3), so I want Buzz there. Disney's Animal Kingdom 37) Chip and Dale - Ya gotta have the little buddies! And who better to be wearing cute little Wilderness Explorer outfits? 38) The Yeti - So, the real Yeti might not work in Expedition Everest, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be represented as a statue! Just make sure it's not realistic fur like that horrible Rocket statue. Stylized only! 39) Simba, Timon, and Pumbaa - Simba is separate from his friends in the official statue, but the trio (Simba as a child) should stick together. Festival of the Lion King is amazing to watch. You'll note a few things on my list: 1) There are no princesses. This was a specific omition on my part. The princesses have their own line of stuff, and are fairly over-used as it is. I wanted to get away from that. 2) As I mentioned with the Pirate Dog, I wanted to avoid realistic human characters. They either look good, or they don't. And I wanted a bit more of a similar style to everything, hence why I'm noting that Rocket should be done in the cartoon style, and the Yeti should be stylized. 3) Everything is tied into an attraction, land, or Disney Magic. Nothing is there solely from a movie. 4) My list only has 3 statues more than the official list. 5) For reference, here are the characters that are on the official list that are missing from mine: Timothy the Mouse (with Dumbo) Piglet (with Winnie the Pooh) Bruni (with Olaf) Bo-Peep (with Woody) Lumiere and Cogsworth Mad Hatter Pinocchio Gus and Jaq Lady and Tramp Abu Dante Miguel Pua and Hei-Hei Joe Gardener Edna Mode Frozone R2-D2 BB-8 Sebastian and Flounder Nemo and Dory Bambi and Thumper Of these, there are no major parks connections for Lumiere and Cogsworth, Lady and Tramp, Dante, Miguel, Pua and Hei-Hei (yet), Joe Gardener, Edna, and Frozone. Edna and Frozone especially bother me, as they're not even the main characters. Why couldn't we get a Jack-Jack instead? And Mr. Mittens and 22 over Joe Gardener? 6) And, finally, here are my statues that are new to my list: Sonny Eclipse Merlin and Archmedes Genie Pirate Dog Big Al Madame Leota Mr. Toad Maleficent Face Clock Elliot Jose, Michael, Pierre, and Fritz Boo Jimminy Cricket Dopey Remy Mushu Marie DJ-R3X Kermit the Frog Chuuby Buzz Lightyear The Yeti
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blondeblackwidow · 5 years
I loved your last solo!reader fic it was amazing!! Could I request a fluffy af Poe x reader, where reader was injured and she’s in the medbay high on morphine and Poe tries to stay mad at her but he can’t, using the prompts from the 200 prompt list (15,140,160) ❤️❤️
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Medbay Manners ( Poe x Reader )
Prompts:  160. “You make my heart happy.”  140. “I have a hole…in my side.” - “I’m sorry, what?” - “I was shot.”   15. “Don’t tell me you’re fine, I can see the blood!”
a/n: this was super cute to write! Tysm for the request.
wc: 567
tw: mentions of blood
“Your chin is scratchy” You giggled, caressing Poe’s cheeks. You had been in a bad crash a few hours prior and were in the medbay, waiting on a final diagnosis. 
“Sweetheart that’s called a cheek.” He shook his head. 
“You make my heart happy.” You poked his chest where his heart would be.
You were also on the strongest medications the Galaxy had to offer.
“Thank you, princess.” He sighed. “Let’s not turn though okay, they still need to patch you up.” 
“Why am I even here?” You slurred. “I’m just fine.” 
“Do not tell me you’re fine, I can see the blood.” He half yelled, and you started to cry. “N-N-No sweetheart I didn’t mean it, I’m just concerned.” 
“You’re MEAN.” 
“I am not.”
“Are too!” You started laughing. “Like R2, the droid.” You were cackling at this point, and Poe was just staring at you. In between laughs, you started coughing, and up came some blood. 
“Okay let’s calm down.” He said, grabbing a glass for you to spit it out.
“M’ sorry.” You said, head falling to one side. “I’m tired.” 
“No sleeping, the nurse said you can’t.” He pushed your head back up.
“But whyy?” 
“So that way they can monitor you better.” The nurse came walking in, and smiled at you and Poe. 
“Pardon me, commander, just need to dress her wound.” She pulled back the blanket and you gasped at Poe.
“I have a HOLE in my SIDE.” 
“I was SHOT!?” You started hyperventilating.
“No, you crashed after a mission. Your hyperdrive lever went into your side.” You calmed down, as if that made anything better.
“She should be alright to go back to her quarters.” She gave you a genuine smile as she finished up.
“You’re really pretty.” You smiled back. “Are you single?” You giggled.
“Sweetheart!” Poe grabbed your hand, looking a little wounded. “Apologies, apparently she can’t handle pain medicine.”
“It’s alright, Commander.” She gathered her supplies. “I’ll be back with the paperwork on how to keep up.” 
“Commander.” You repeated, trying your hardest to put on a sexy face. 
“You’re crazy.” He laughed.
“Crazy in love with youuuuu.” You sung. 
You awoke the next morning in Poe’s bed, with him curled around you. Your head pounded and your side ached. You groaned in pain, which stirred Poe from his sleep. 
“Are you okay?” He asked. “Do you need anything?” 
“What happened?” You turned to face Poe, and he stroked your face. 
“You crashed on your way home from a mission, gave me a real scare.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“I don’t remember anything.”
“You don’t remember asking the nurse if she was single?” You groaned.
“I did not.”
“It was funny, you also tried to pounce on me right there when she called me Commander.” You giggled.
“I will admit watching you in the command center is an art.” 
“Oh?” Poe smirked. “Come visit me more often then.” He kissed you passionately, he began to shift to get a better angle, to which you groaned at your pain in your side.
“Not now commander.” You sighed, and he pulled you into his chest. You both began to fall asleep when he whispered.
“There’s a HOLE in MY SIDE.” You smacked him, you could tell from his tone he was mocking you.
“Can it.” 
“Yes ma’am.” He joked, and you both fell back asleep.
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