#but i couldnt figure out how to fix it
vizishereig · 2 months
ooh what about 19 for the ask game? 👀 (not sure if you’re after characters/a ship too but anything with Leon would be 👌👌)
Hi, hello! Sorry I took so long to write this, it kind of got away from me ;-; but I hope you like it! This is another one of my many AU’s that rotate in my brain, a mix of The Magnus Archives and Resident Evil :3 I think Leon would be very Lonely coded :D I mean… if any of the eldritch fears would choose him, it would definitely be the Lonely. Enjoy :D
19. Vulnerable
Vulnerability is weakness.
That’s one of the first lessons his dad beats into him.
The second lesson he learns is how to read his dad’s mood and avoid getting into situations that cause his dad to beat him.
That one takes a while, but he gets it down.
A lesson he learns on his own is how to be okay with being alone.
The kids at school aren’t particularly nice to him. He’s not sure why, but he learns to live around it. Books and the shaded area under a tree during recess become his friends instead of people.
It’s during this isolation when it happens the first time.
The world starts to get quiet. It’s so gradual that it takes Leon a few minutes to notice it. He looks up, blinking at the sight of fog draping the playground. It’s quiet now, silent. Eerie.
“Hello?” Leon calls out, voice shaking slightly. It’s cold.
As soon as he speaks, though, the fog clears up. Sound is back, loud in face of the previous silence.
Kids are talking and yelling over by the park. Nobody else seems bothered by the sudden appearance and disappearance of the fog. Or the absence of sound. He brushes it off for the moment, going back to his book.
When he asks one of his peers later, they stare at him blankly, saying there was no fog. It’d been midday and sunny, there couldn’t have been any.
He tries to put it out of his mind after that.
Except it keeps happening.
Nobody ever notices it, but it’ll creep in and leave Leon alone.
The quiet and the cold, a bone-deep chill, always makes itself known gradually, creeping into the few peaceful moments he gets a day.
He hates it. But he gets used to it.
The place is unnerving at best, terrifying at worst. There is no sound, just the fog drifting through. Sometimes, breathing it in feels like inhaling smoke. Cloying, sticking, and making Leon want to cough it out somehow.
It’s lonely.
(But, each time it happens, Leon feels an odd sense of belonging. Leon’s always been lonely. This place just allows him to truly be alone. Nothing, not one person to bring him back to Earth. Just himself.)
Those thoughts scare Leon more than anything, and he speaks.
His dad gets sick.
He’s alone more often than he isn’t.
He drops out of school, works, and takes care of his dad. He’s no longer getting beat, so he spends more time in his room, only coming out every so often to make sure his dad hasn’t hurt himself somehow.
The fog appears more and more.
Leon gets more and more comfortable when it does.
He applies for an archiving job. It’s dumb of him, his resume is forged, and he’s positive that man interviewing him knows. His eyes are blue, but they seem wrong, somehow. He can’t for the life of him put his finger on it, though.
He’s surprised, to say the least, when the man, Wesker, that’s his name, offers him the job right there. There’s an amused smile on his face, but Leon is too busy feeling relieved that he wasn’t caught in his lie to notice.
He signs whatever paperwork Wesker gives him but pauses at the very last one. It feels… it feels like a trap. But he needs the job, so he signs it.
Something heavy settles in his soul, but he shrugs the feeling off. He’s thinking about it too much.
His coworkers are nice. Especially Chris. Leon is… good with people, he thinks.
(At least, he’s good at reading people. Interacting takes some more time before he can figure out how to hold himself and what jokes he can make. These lessons he’s learned from dealing with his father and other adults. It took a while for him to apply it to people his age.)
Chris, though, makes him feel off-balance. Like he’s been put on stage and asked to perform with no other context. He always feels like he’s doing something wrong around him.
Even with all of that, though, he finds himself feeling a little less lonely.
The fog rarely appears nowadays. He’s been dating Chris for a few months and has been introduced to his sister and her friends. The careful guard he had built up over the years had slowly dissolved with the warmth that they showed him. It’s… nice.
It’s nicer when whatever fuckery that was going on in the Archives stops.
Leon has seen a horror too many in that job. Flesh-eating maggots, clones of his friends taking over their life, killer clowns, etc. All of it is gone now.
And that stupid contract? Well, burnt to a crisp, according to Luis.
Good fucking riddance.
One of the first lessons he learned with Chris Redfield is that he’s allowed to be vulnerable. He’s allowed to be sad when his dad dies, he’s allowed to be angry at things that happen to him, and he’s allowed to cry when everything gets to be too much.
He’s allowed all that, and even allowed to have Chris hold him when he finally breaks down.
It’s not a lesson he sticks to all the time, but he’s getting better at it.
Plus, with Chris here, he doubts it’ll be one he’s allowed to forget.
He’s kind of happy about that, if he’s being honest.
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vampireghostsart · 13 days
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Day 14/15 -- Strange Room
"It all began here."
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velociheroviridi · 3 days
I'm not fixated on Danny Phantom right now, what could you possibly be talking about?
After like 6 years of having the software, DP is the motivation I needed to finally understood the youtube tutorials on how to animate in csp I guess, so here's my first ever little animation! I know it's super rough but now that I actually know what I'm doing, I'll probably try again when it's not past midnight
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kuroshipped · 2 months
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bro the black is so hideous oh my god But whatever im still figuring out the optimal way to draw him.. maybe ill shade thid more tomorrow im extreme Eveeryday im artblocking so it looks ass I REALLY LIKE THE CHEREN THOUGH not his hands.
anyone remember this Little scuffle before they went yaoi mode
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cicadacelebration · 1 year
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spiderrverse · 1 year
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They fr have the dynamic of all time
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druidonity2 · 1 year
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Sketch of Anduin's trauma.
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imorphemi · 2 years
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commitmentissue · 8 months
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she's getting bigger!
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asterbats · 1 year
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Hello! I am out of college for the semester, and with that goes my campus jobs. I still haven’t gotten a Summer job yet, so I am opening up commissions to be able to support myself in the meantime!
I accept payment through Paypal, Ko-Fi, and Venmo. Please DM me to get started or to ask any questions!
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year
bisexual bob video is OUT NOW!!!!!
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merry-the-cookie · 2 years
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im so excited i could cry LOOK AT THESE 😭😭😭!!!!!!! look at the floaty boys!!! tHE BUTTON!!!!!!!!!!!! i am SO happy im so excited my dudes….. the mike and ash charms are 2" with an epoxy finish that makes them a lil rounded.. the luke and cal are a test print to check what the other techniques/sizes look like! theyre 1.5" and i wanted to try a holostar finish but i prefer how the other ones look so thats what ill go with for the shop! theyll look like mike and ash ✨
i made lil stickers of the cone boys and the button design and theyre super shiny and cute i love it sm, i dont think that ill make an actual run of the cone sticker but i have a lil stock so ill try to give em away with pre orders i think. but anyways yeah im so. *does a lil dance*
and alas it occured to me i didnt share the button design publicly, but it might be one of my favorite things ive ever drawn lmfao i hope you love it as much as i do <3
reminder u can sign up to the mailing list HERE!!
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sonknuxadow · 2 years
the fact that the best sonic game in over a decade just lost to a gacha mobile game that didnt even come out this year is proof that we are in the worst timeline rn
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dreamspring · 16 days
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the vibe recently. 😐
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ableedingpromise · 28 days
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