#mod cheren
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kuroshipped · 8 months ago
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6 i think. genderbend
this isnt very shippy but idk its them, maybe i will draw more of them like this but probably not
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alt versions
sorry it a bit simpler i have been focused on other stuff and A bit burnt out from making myself draw constantly cause i dont really have anything else to do
also i know the poses are a tad different from the og sprites😎thats on purpose! me im getting creative. and they match
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kuroshipped · 9 months ago
I know whats beyond this black. as a matter of fact its a prompt
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driftingballoons · 8 months ago
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Hey man good for you
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pokeficdaily · 2 years ago
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lillelove · 3 months ago
Hilbert evolved his Munna too soon & is full of grief when Cheren has to break the news.
Hello despite it being years since I posted here I am still in fact alive, and I have been recently playing Pokemon Black and wrote this short fic based off what's happened in my game, I welcome y'all to check it out if you'd like, though sadly no Lillie in it.
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review-anon · 4 months ago
Ah yes, justice for Sato! We love our local lesbian horse archer girl very much and I wanted to set things right with her in my blog because she got done so damn dirty in DR3 that I wanted to make her into an actual character and has other relationships outside of Mahiru where she can stand on her own and makes her death loom over the class, especially for Nagi who probably suffer the worse for it all because she replace her. So yeah, Sato is very fun to write for me. - Mod Poi
Want to know something fun?
It’s been abandoned since it wasn’t fun to write but I was doing a Pokémon/Danganronpa Nuzlocke of Pokémon White where it was the sequel to a Heartgold Nuzlocke I also did but wasn’t planning to reveal to the public so I written the story in a way so the events would be referenced. And I decided to RNG the names and guess who my starter, which was Tepig was named?
That’s right Sato, and I was trying to make her own character like how she would have nightmares about the day Fuyuhiko and Peko killed her, as she was taken and transformed just after she died. And since prior to that there was the run in with N who was written to be very antagonistic in this Nuzlocke and he almost killed Sato with a Zwelious…which the whole line is a hydra Pokemon and Kuryuzu means “Nine-Tailed Dragon” so cue me trying to write a dream where Fuyuhiko was half transforming into a Zwelious.
I didn’t like the direction of the story though so it was abandoned but it’s a shame because I really was making Sato her own character in that story. It’s ironic she likes horses in DTFA and in my Nuzlocke she was a pig. A pig that could kick your arse and breathe fire but still.
But I think the general takeaway is Danganronpa 3 is awful writing and I could why you decided in the end to just toss the entire thing down the same river Ryota almost drowned in.
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salsaseth · 7 months ago
After hearing my friend, James bring it up in a call, we started watching Lily Orchard's video about Pokemon to see all the bad takes in it.
When she starts playing the DS games, she uses a mod to smooth out the aliasing and uncap the game's framerate to 60. And gah damn does it look fuckin bad. Even worse is during the 3D games where she uses another mod to smooth out the 3D models and it looks like peeled oranges. Unnaturally smooth. But it does get funny when she talks about the game running like garbage when she's fucked with the game's logic. Like no shit, it's running at a framerate it was never meant for.
Something really funny also begins in the DS games. I don't know why, but she replaces one of the starters with Ralts, cuz she's got some favoritism for Gardevoir. All well and good, but you know, Ralts is weak as shit until it learns confusion and it's still frail. So it gets its ass kicked all the way until it evolves into Gardevoir. But because of how much asskicking it receives, and I swear this is true, she suspects the game is artificially raising the strength of the enemy pokemon, as a way to explain for why's she losing.
Almost as if the game is designed to use a stronger than average pokemon to get you through the early game. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) Still, I don't fully understand why she refuses to use the regular starters. Especially when you can catch Ralts and Kirlia for most of the games. save for black and white. Speaking of.
One takeaway I've had from listening to it is what she says is more revealing about herself than what is intentional. The most telling thing is when she's going off about the Black and White characters for speaking about their ideals and opinions. I mean, she mashes through that with the A button (VISUAL NOVEL HATER SPOTTED), so it's when she's paying attention. I don't know if she just doesn't know what the game is supposed to be going for, or if she's just purposefully ignorant for the sake of contrarianism, but the game's themes are about truth and ideals. The truth is out there, but the ideals we have shape our perspective of the truth. Even Cheren, who represents the truth, is still shaped his ideal. It's a little more deeper than, 'Characters excited that they all have opinions,' but what do i know?
She rails against these characters, N in particular for having opinions and speaking them out. Meanwhile in X&Y, which its cast and characters are there to mostly stroke the character's dick, she vastly praises and prefers these characters to the ones in B&W. Hmmm. Characters that have opinions and speak them out are hated, while those that don't and heap praise on her are loved. I wonder if this says anything about her?
The video gets pretty boring the longer it goes on. The hot take well starts drying up and it quickly becomes a bad screenshot let's play. "Then I did this, and then I did that!"
That's all I got to report. Besides the shoehorning in of lefty takes. I don't know if it's because she's not funny or if she wields everything with as much subtlety as anvil-nunchuks, but when there's an opportunity to make a joke with a leftist-slant, it's as heavy handed as a Titan's ballsack and as funny as stale bread. I'm a leftist bastard myself, but every time the jokes were shoehorned in, I'm like, "The funny? Where is it?!" Especially when it was about Looker and Nanu. I get not liking the police, but this isn't the time or place for it. Leave the jokes to the professionals. Like my friend Plate. Several unemployment jokes were made at Lily's expense, and each one was funnier than the last.
I'll report back if there's anything worth commenting on. Me and the friends got to the end of Sun and Moon, so we have SwSh and SV left.
And if you had time to read this 'post', Lily, I think you had time to 'post' your resume to get a job ;D ;D ;D
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blu3flar3 · 2 months ago
╰┈➤ I was never good at using... words.
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Hello. I'm Hubert Nerone. He/him. 15. Autistic. From Nuvema. Not good at talking, sorry. New Pokémon trainer. Rivals with Cheren Kuroshita and Bianca Musashiro. I want to be a strong trainer. I also want to complete the Pokédex. Please give me trainer tips in my ask box. Thank you.
My trainer card.
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My battle team:
Kazuma - Oshawott ♂️
Rindo - Lillipup ♂️
Patricia - Patrat ♀️
Romeo - Munna ♂️
Raphael - Purrloin ♂️
Capsaicin - Pansear ♂️
Other Pokémon:
Kay - Purrloin ♀️
Ky - Blitzle ♂️
Charlie - Pidove ♂️
That is all. Thank you.
Url IC is @/hubertofnuvema.
icon by @/pokemon-icon-factory
Mod Hugh here! Guess who got Pokémon Black for Christmas... Iiiit was me. So this blog both functions as a live blog of Pokémon Black & a rotomblr blog for the protagonist himself. Speaking of which, Hubert is my specific interpretation of the protagonist for Black specifically, as I have a different protagonist for each Pokémon game. Hubert has difficulty putting his words into sentences both verbally and through text because of his dysgraphia, as well as autism. Be normal about this. This is also my first time writing a character with autism, so please don't hesitate to give me pointers!
Anyways, more about me. I'm Mod Hugh, but I also go by Lucas, Hughcas, or Nils. I use he/him, and I'm a minor. My main is @waningcrescendo, and I also run @drillrundunsparce. This blog is in the same timeline as drillrundunsparce, but set about 15 years before. The protagonists of each of the Pokémon games in this specific timeline have different names than the ones in canon, so please keep that in mind!
Pelipper mail is on, malice is off, Musharna mail/malice is off, and magic anon and union circle are also off.
Basic DNI criteria: No bigots, proshippers, or NSFW.
That's all!
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lilacqiqis · 1 year ago
🌙~Mod Lilac's intro and rules~🪻
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Back to pinned post
Hello~ my name's Lilac!!
I'm Viet 🇻🇳
No specific boundaries... Just don't be a weirdo!! I answer any ask that's just some conversation ❤️
English is not my first language, so stuff might seem out of place , most of my work is not proofread
Ask to be made an anon and me or Mod Qiqi will assign you your requested emoji or name <3
Rules + Fandoms under the cut
! Rules !
-I do not write sexual non con
-No 1ncest (i will write platonic family only.)
-No age gap
-No full blown nswt fics, but i will write nsft headcanons and suggestive
-I am more inclined to write headcanons rather than fanfics, so if you request a full fic Mod Qiqi may answer instead of me as i tend to lose motivation. I'll try my best though!!
-Yandere is OK to request, I don't condone the behavior irl however
-No specific appearance requests (ex:chubby reader, reader with brown hair)
-I don't write for specific clan reader or reader with a specific pokemon
-Boruto doesn't exist in my mind 🤕 All is written up to Naruto TL
-Nothing with p1ss or scat 😭
-I will cut out some characters you request if it gets too long, but you can always request those characters again with the same scenario <3
-No pregnancy hc's implied is alright (a request like "reader asking to have kids" is okay but i don't want to write reader during pregnancy)
-No crossovers (ex:S/O who came from the KNY world into Naruto, reader with MHA quirks in stardew valley)
-No full blown angst, sorry!!
-No cheating or character pining over taken reader
-Be specific with requests no "general hc's for ____" or stuff like that
-GN! or fem! reader only
-No OC's
-No ships
-My rules may not be the same as Mod Qiqi's, so check theirs and perhaps you can request something and they'll answer it
-Rules can change at anytime, always check before requesting
! Fandoms and characters I write !
Naruto (for Uchiha's specify non massacre or not, I will assume the latter if you don't put "non massacre" in the req)
~Whitelisted~(please request! My absolute faves ❤️)
-Itachi Uchiha
-Naruto Uzumaki
-Kakashi Hatake
-Minato Namikaze
-Obito Uchiha/Tobi (If you request Tobi you are also requesting Obito! I will write for his Tobi persona and may add Obito as well. Requesting only Obito will not include Tobi. Non massacre Obito will have a personality more like his boyhood ver)
-Hinata Hyuga
-Sasuke Uchiha
~Will write for~
-Rock Lee
-Sakura Haruno
-Tsunade Senju
-Might Guy
-Iruka Umino
-Karin Uzumaki
-Kabuto Yakushi
-Kiba Inuzuka
-Shino Aburame
-Suigetsu Hozuki
-Yamato Tenzo
-Shikamaru Nara
-Ino Yamanaka
Dragon Ball
-Mirai Trunks Briefs
-Trunks Briefs
-Son Goku
~Will write for~
-Android 18
-Adult Gohan
-Blue Oak
-N Harmonia
~Will write for~
Stardew Valley
~Will write for~
Don't ask if i write for a certain character if they aren't here I don't write for them.
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ask-the-shiny-pokemons · 2 years ago
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"Oh, sorry, I was too excited to see an unordinary visitor. Also, did you mention muscles? I'm going to the gym twice a week.”
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"Anyways, you’re a little too late, since the girls left the stage. I’m a watchman at this place until evening.”
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"Oh, forgot to introduce myself. Name's Edin. I'm a guitarist of the rock band called The Virbank Baddies."
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"The band is led by Rimi, who is a singer. The second in this band is Noelle, who plays drums. And I am the third here. And I play guitar."
"The band started when we were studying at the Cheren High, where I first met both Rimi and Noelle."
"At first, we were performing on the street and occasionally in the school’s court. After Rimi's participation in the Light of Unova, we’re now performing at the Roxie Hall (which is a grand prize of this contest’s season). And that's how the fame of The Virbank Baddies has begun.”
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"Okay, that's a bit of knowledge I could share about us. But what about the rivalry you ask? Not yet, but if you wanna be a rival of my band, you're welcome! Maybe, we could have a musical battle.”
Edin is ready to shine!
Ask hints update coming soon.
[ @askdeoxys ]
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I swear, I wanna do more. But I think it'll be too exhausted to draw more moments.
About gyms - yes, there's like two types of Gyms in this world: a normal real world one and a Pokeworld gym too.
This ask used to be directed to Rimi, but it would be better to reveal a character alone.
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kuroshipped · 7 months ago
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bro the black is so hideous oh my god But whatever im still figuring out the optimal way to draw him.. maybe ill shade thid more tomorrow im extreme Eveeryday im artblocking so it looks ass I REALLY LIKE THE CHEREN THOUGH not his hands.
anyone remember this Little scuffle before they went yaoi mode
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kuroshipped · 9 months ago
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why did i not see tjis
Be ready for @kuroshipped guys
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jils-things · 9 months ago
MMMM YEAH MAYBE... IT JUST MIGHT BE... AAAA Hmm, okay. Hehehe you better watch out Jil, I used to be hyperfixated on FNF! Are they base-game, or are they a modded character?
LETS GOOOOOOOOO CHEREN IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE RIVALS EHEHEHWEEH i once considered him making one of my platonics for my unovan oc ehehe ANYWAYS YAYAYAYA VALID YAHOOOO he is a smart man so i understand the appeal ✨✨✨
AND. AUDIFUDUGUDIF FUCKCKCKFKF .... I USED TO BE HYPERFIXED ON FNF TOO BUT i literally got back because of them (also the new official update soo...) NDBFJSLKDJFJDKSSK 💥💥💥💥💥💥 WELP
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cheriebim · 1 year ago
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I'll make sure that all my secret sins Everything my heart has hid All the feelings deep within Beating in my heart's the truth, amen.
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o about 🎵 profile 🎵 summary screen 🎵 playlists o
sideblog for cheren slater. main is @antihibikase.
canon-divergent interpretation of cheren from pokemon black and white / black and white 2.
mod uses she/he/they pronouns, slater uses he/they pronouns.
not an rp blog, but will accept slater-centric asks, and may occasionally answer as slater.
further discussion of the verse can be redirected to my main.
content warning for posts containing occasionally depictions of blood, death, and religious imagery.
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credits :
cheren slater art by @spqp
header by jisuto.
divider by v6que.
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cherengymleader · 2 years ago
oaky im on a search kinsta is dead and discord is difficult but hi, i identify as chili (yk the cool striaton gym leader) and i rlly want to meet a cheren mostly bc im obsessed with him and the ship (sugarandspiceshipping- chili x cheren) it'd jsut be nice to have someone to rp as cheren or mayb a friend whos like him question mark this is so embarrassing im sorry ive never searched on tumblr before
//Hello! Mod here.
If you mean like a kin, sorry! Cheren is completely separate from me and for that reason I don't have my mod socials posted anywhere. You are welcome to interact but be aware that
1) I'm mostly gonna reply in character and therefore his words and actions arent mine. and
2) Cheren has a boyfriend already.
I welcome friends though! Welcome to tumblr! The site catches on fire every so often but it's fun here.
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jolimoone · 1 year ago
🌼 Pokémon! …unsolicited reviews - SPOILERS AHEAD! 🌼
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So far, I’ve only played 3 Pokémon games: Pokémon Ultra Sun, Pokémon X and Pokémon Black.
Pokémon Ultra Sun: My first Pokémon game. I got this when it came out (2017-18ish) and to be quite frankly honest, I never finished it. Don’t really remember much of it. My only lasting impression of this game was too much Pokémon battles, my Pokémon were weak, and the story wasn’t very interesting. But before you attack me, listen, I was a very nanoscopic Pokémon fan back then that even calling myself a fan during the age of 13/14 is almost a lie.
So, wasn’t rly into Pokémon franchise.
Pokemon X: Bought a copy off of Amazon earlier this year for my b-day (Feb 2024). After ignoring my 2ds xl for about five years I decided to get a game, and I got onto the trustworthy tool of Reddit and saw a post detailing the best Pokémon 3ds games. I saw OR/AS and X/Y. Ppl seemed to say X was too easy, brainless, but it’s what had gotten them back into Pokémon games. So yeah, I got X (I also watched the anime for this one). And let me tell you, I was obsessed. It really was brainless and easy b/c of the exp. share, but I was having a lot of fun. The characters were pretty memorable, although Lysandre, the villain—his motive sucked, kept yapping on about preserving the beauty of this world, but b/c the world was already too late for that he turned to destruction? Ye… makes sense. The story was pretty good in the beginning, loved the events like seeing the fireworks at the castle with Shauna. It was so cute?! Loved the setting, too! Rly open. Near the end it went kind of dry, but the legendary Pokémon is pretty cool— fairly weak, however, I didn’t use Xerneas at all. Also that scientist man reunited with his flabebe or whatever, I honestly felt he was integral to the story but at the same time absolutely useless.
I can’t speak to the post-game content b/c I’ve yet to return to Pokemon X, but overall 7.9/10. (Don’t attack me for giving it a fairly low rating, Pokémon X isn’t one of the absolute GREATEST games I’ve played so I’m just basing it off the fact that I did have fun and that’s that)
Pokémon Black: So I liked Pokémon X, but I know there are better Pokémon games. I kept seeing Soulsilver/Heartgold and Pokémon black/black2 (vice versa). I was gonna buy them but they’re hella expensive now. I managed to buy Pokémon black/black2 for over 200 😭 but it’s ok, cuz I like the fact that I have them (I have a secret collector’s heart but no money).
So, I played Pokémon Black, I finished it in about two weeks. The story wasn’t very interesting nor were the characters as impactful to me as Pokémon X for like 2/3 of the game. Like Bianca and Cheren were dryyy. But the villain, N and Ghetsis, are insane. I never knew Pokémon actually explored the idea of Pokémon liberation, and there was a lot of philosophical themes like ideal vs truth and I was like is this rly a children’s game?! The ending was rly good! I love N! Also the legendary Pokémon’s are so cute!
This game was a lot more challenging than Pokémon X, it took me like four tries to beat Ghetsis and that Electric Gym kicked my arse. The battles were a lot more frequent and tedious in this game (got me having flashbacks to Pokémon Ultra Sun) but honestly the ending rly made it for me and also I learned a lot more about Pokémon strategy… lmao.
I can’t speak to the post-game content yet but to my knowledge there is a lot to explore after? I really want to start Pokémon black 2 but I’m going to try to get post-game content for X and Black b4.
Anyways, experience was overall 8/10.
Hopefully I can create an updated post soon (cuz I recently modded my 2ds xl (hallelujah for never having thrown away this device) and am going to play Soulsilver soon) but I want to hear your opinions on the games (spoiler-free for ones I haven’t played)! Pokémon fans are welcomed!!
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