#trainer jason
This situation of your trainer is so odd...
I wish I could help but I never seem this before. Humans turning into Pokemon? Yeah seems it before. Happened to me
But only getting the Pokemon instincts? That's super odd
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That's what I'M saying.
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Happened fast, too. Samu...
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It's still really cool... And I overheard that they're working on fixing the Synchro Thing soon, too! Maybe it won't be as bad as you expect!
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Lexi, putting her satellite dish-ass ears to use once again! See, Jason, things won't be so long.
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...Is it weird to say-mur that I'm sort of used to this now? I'd like to go back to normal, but this isn't the worst thing ever-rott.
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And you thought we were just going to slide on by what you just said, young Popplio? No, sir! WHAT was that about humans being turned into Pokemon?! There's no way that that's a common occurrence... right?
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thatoneguy031 · 1 year
Okay, the whole "storywriting" thing isn't really working, especially not with the way my blog doodad works.
So, a few changes I suggest, and I want to hear y'alls opinion on them:
Make the stories more scattered/Talk about them whenever, however: I can't really find my old posts, even with the tags on my pinned post, so I want to tell my stories in a less organized manner. Besides, I might have ADHD, and I have a hard time focusing on so many things at a time. That might be another reason why asks aren't answered faster, too. Sorry about that, by the way.
Let characters answer whatever: I dunno, I just feel like the whole "spoilers" thing might not even work, especially since I wasn't taking them too seriously to begin with. Heck, I literally confirmed that Trevor's story is a gag plot or whatever humans call them, so it would check out.
Changing my pinned post at some point: I'm not replacing the one I already have, I'm just rewriting some stuff regarding my aforementioned stories, mainly the ones about Jason, Chris, and Delta. This was when I was still getting used to the whole Rotomblr thing, and when I didn't really know what I was doing. This is a site for jokes and games, and I'm a jokey-gamey dude. And, it serves as an excuse for me to blabber about basically anything about them.
On top of that, this is sort of a reminder that you can ask me basically anything regarding my hobbies, battle experience, or anything really. And, with me getting a tablet at some point, maybe I can draw the answers too.
Again, I sincerely apologize for any kind of inconvenience this can cause, and I'm still giving you all the option to let this stay how it was before. I'm just excited to talk about the stuff I've worked on for a while, and I don't think that the way I was doing it before was cutting it. I just think that this'll be a little easier on me.
And, the reason why I say I might have ADHD instead of having it flat-out stated is because I've never gotten an official diagnosis. It was a mix of laziness on my part, and being too broke to go to a Pokemon Center. Basic healing is free, but that's for the superficial stuff, like basic cuts and bruises. If it comes to the stuff I'm concerned about, it's gonna cost a pretty penny.
Either way, if I do have it, I don't want it to get in the way of the things I've been doing already. Like I've said before, I just want to make it easier on myself.
Stay awesome, dudes!
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 116
Give Battinson robins but it’s DCxDP style with ghosts. 
His kids are… technically not from his world and technically not alive either, but that doesn’t stop him from adopting them. Even if he wasn’t aware of them being literal ghosts for the first few hours of encountering them. 
How did they get here? Well, you see, sometimes child ghosts will run into each other, and they’ll form their own little friend groups. Or family groups. Especially if they lack a guardian. Who would tell them not to mess with natural portals. 
Or to kidnap a phantom to play with them, but hey he’s enjoying himself too and has a puppy! The bestest boy!
Bruce was not prepared for some sort of energy-thing to open and spit out a good half a dozen children. Nor was he prepared for these children to all have powers, or for another child (thankfully a teen) to fall into the cave a few weeks later. 
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thirstydemisexual · 15 days
So my Pokémon hyperfix is coming back.... WHICH POKÉMON DO YOU THINK THE BATFAM WOULD HAVE??
I KNOW DAMIAN WOULD HAVE A HONEDGE FOR SURE and then a lot of animal looking Pokémon. Like for sure a dog looking Pokémon
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shanefilan · 9 months
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My Men of the Year 2023: 1. Jason Sudeikis
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evasive-anon · 10 months
Batfam as Pokemon Trainers
Batman is a dark type trainer generally, but I also really think his team would be made up of pokemon that represent other members of the batfam. His partner would be Corviknight because it suits his aesthetic and its a flying pokemon so it kind reps Dick. He would also 1000% have a male Indeedee named Alfred.
Dick is flying type trainer, this is honestly so self explanatory. He has a Talonflame, Dartix, Staraptor, Honchcrow, Togekiss, and a Sylveon named Haley that he intended to keep an Eevee but it evolved from friendship. EDIT: It's a shiny umbreon it evolved from friendship at night and its colors match Nightwing's. (Thanks, @vythika96.)
Babs uses ghost/electric because the writers tried to fridge her and she's great with tech. Her partner Pokemon is a Rotom named Francis.
Jason is fire/fighting, this is another one that seems obvious to me. He has Blaziken cause it starts its evolution a cute bird and then it grew into a fighter. He also has an Alolan Marowak because he needs at least one ghost pokemon after dying and Marowaks have enough Mommy issues to match him. Pangoro I also think would suit him, they are prone to violence but hate bullies and they look so rowdy. Also think Arcanine, Toxicroak, and Emboar would work for him.
Tim is psychic trainer. I told myself no legendaries but I honestly think Tim would an Unonwn that just chills with him, constantly hovering at the edge on his vision while he works. It's benevolent and likes him its just shy, but it drives Tim absolutely insane. His partner is an Espurr.
Stephanie doesn't stick to one type she just collects purple Pokemon. She has a ditto, a shiny sloking, a golbat, a stunky or skuntank named Jason, and an espeon she co-parents with Cass. Her favorite move in battle is confusion.
Cass is fighting/dark. HER PARTNER IS LUCARIO. Lucario can predict opponents moves by reading their auras and that is just so like her. Cass and a Lucario would be best friends. They would spar together and just get each other so much. She'd also be an absolute tiger mom trainer to all her pokemon.
Damian, like Steph, has a non-traditional team. He has the pokemon equivalent of his pets. (Noivern as Goliath. Miltank as Batcow. Houndoom as Titus. Meowscarada or Persian as Alfred the Cat.)
Duke is electric. I will straight up admit this is just to match the yellow/black aesthetic he has as Signal. I'm thinking Jolteon, luxray, morpeko, manectric, toxtricity, and killowattrel.
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finemealprompt · 4 months
DP x DC Prompt #72
Jason has traveled all throughout Unova, defeating other trainer’s and gym leaders to prove that Bruce’s belief in him wasn’t misplaced. But now, he’s off to face the most difficult gym leader before facing the Elite Four. He knows Danny is gonna be a tough leader to face, but he knows he has what it takes.
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alphamecha-mkii · 7 months
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Starfleet Academy Trainer by Jason Cooper
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Pelipper mail: A big heavy iron plate. The pelipper who brought it looks exceedingly tired.
Hey Driver! You should drill through this! I wanna see an excadrill in action! They're so cool....
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? [Driver pointed his claws at himself in a questioning manner.]
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[Lexi gasped.] One of Jason's Unova team members at work! A chance to learn from the greats! I have to take note of this!
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[Driver faced the iron plate, and after lining himself up correctly, he leaped towards it, clasping his claws in front of him in the infamous shape of a drill his species is known for. His body hit the plate with a loud crashing sound, and he began storming through it.
...Well, he tried to, anyway.
After a short while, he lost momentum, and had to move away from the wall before he got stuck.]
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Wha-? But he's-
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Trust the process, Lex. This is where it gets interesting.
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[Driver raised his claws, preparing a Swords Dance. With his strength being healthily amplified, he took another attempt at it, his claws digging into the ground before he jumped. This time, however, was way different. Driver's body glided through the wall like a hot knife through butter, sparks flying all over the field.
In a total of just under eight seconds, Driver had gotten to the other side of the plate, entirely unharmed. He looked back at the hole he had created, admittedly surprised that he had gotten through all of it.
He turned to everyone else, striking a victory pose.]
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That was incredible!
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That's my Driver-rott!
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[Sammy took care of the growing flames from the sparks with a series of... Water Guns?] Look at that, you're even better than you say! Especially when comparing this to yourself from a few months ago. You're putting in just as much work as the rest of us! How come I can't use stronger moves? Am I... losing my touch?
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thatoneguy031 · 1 year
I've heard that people are making pinned posts, so I thought I might as well do it, too.
Heya. Y'all can call me Guy, and I'm the head honcho for this(more or less) ask blog, and I think there's a few things you should know about me:
-I'm currently in my junior year of high school, and posts happen... basically, whenever I feel like it. If I don't get to an ask immediately, don't take it personally; I'm just a bit busy with other things.
-I'm bisexual, with a heavy, heavy male lean. I'm single too, but I'm not really taking any suggestions at this point. It'd be unfair for someone to show me their face and not have me show them mine. He/Him pronouns, too.
-This is also a Pokemon IRL blog. I only evolved recently, and I'm still getting used to being a Samurott. I'm currently learning about how to battle and act... y'know, like a Samurott. What does that mean, I don't know. But I'm trying my best!
-I like making stories. Like, a lot of stories. I have tons of characters, all of which are all available for asks.
-I'm a really dedicated memer. If it isn't about anything regarding plot development, don't expect it to be taken very seriously.
-I am a huge anime and VG fan. Current playthroughs/playlist of games(Reminder, I only have a Switch): The World Ends With You(Final Remix, the Switch release) Pokemon Scarlet Hollow Knight(I'm lost, please help) Rivals of Aether(Orcane main, Forsburn and Eliana secondaries) Super Smash Brothers Ultimate(I change mains every other week, honestly) Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4(Kakashi, Obito and Minato main) Mario Kart 8 Deluxe(I'm a Dry Bones main, who would've thunk?) Brawlhalla(I'm a Mako main, and Ragnir and Onyx secondaries) Pokemon Unite(I main Alolan Ninetails, but I've been dabbling in Garchomp due to personal reasons you'll see in later posts) The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild(I'm lost, help me)
That's about it for me. I don't really involve myself in any political conversations, and I begin to feel uncomfortable when I have to talk about those kinds of topics with people. But, for those who want to know: Pro LGBTQ-whatever, obviously, but I don't pay attention to current events too much. I'm also not racist, if that had to be said.
If you're into the whole p3do or zoo thing, please leave. You genuinely need help, like, now. Oh, and bigots, racists, homophobes and all that jazz can get the boot, too. And I'll slam the door on your fingers on the way out.
I'd prefer if NSFW accounts didn't pay mind to this blog, as I'm trying to make sure that anyone can enjoy this place safely. I'm just want to make sure this place isn't the next Twitter.
As for my ask thingie, the reason why I even made this thing in the first place:
There are some obvious rules here that the public have to follow:
-No NSFW asks. A majority of my characters are children(About the same age as me), and I don't feel right putting them in such risque situations.
-If a character chooses not to answer a specific question. They might have some personal demons they need to fight before bringing up the topic, or they just might... not want to answer directly.
-I'm occasionally gonna be busy making updates to a character's story before I get to questions, so as mentioned before, answers won't be given out in a timely manner. I apologize in advance if there's any delays.
Here's some ask hints, I guess(Color-coded to associate the characters with the stories)*:
-Delta: Ask him about how he feels about Hertz or his living situation
-Hertz: Ask about his "academic" "performance", or why he decided to take Delta under his wing to begin with
-Jason: Ask him about his past experiences with Pokemon or something about Jayden, or something about his friends
-Jayden: Basically the same thing, or something about being the older sister of the family, or how she feels about Cheren and Bianca
-Cheren and Bianca: How they met Jason or Jayden in the first place
-Chris, or any member of his team(Stephanie, Wave, Lucas and David), for that matter: Try to get them to talk about their background or early childhoods
Smudge, Charles and/or Katie: Their hobbies, how they feel about each other, or how college is treating them
Trevor: His music career, and/or how he got into the music bandwagon in the first place, how his current job is going and stuff
Bryant: How he met Trevor, why they're friends, or their general connection
*Obviously, you can ask them anything, but these are some good starts if you don't know what to ask them.
Also, don't be afraid to ask me any questions, either, I won't bite. I'm just a dude tryin' to develop some social circles. Ask me about anything, really. Heck, you can even send anon asks, if you're too shy to show your face(Don't worry about it, I do the same thing all the time). If anything, I'd love to get some kind of advice with how to deal with evolution and all that stuff.
That aside, there are going to be tags on this post that can help you filter what and who you want to talk to, for both your sake and mine.
Now, without further ado...
Welcome to the show!
And I hope you enjoy your time here!
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ranger-ribbons · 7 months
What were the Mighty Morphin rangers reaction to Rita becoming The Mystic Mother?
(-possibly the scene itself?-)
I'm not sure the Might Morphin'Rnagers would ever meet the Mystic Mother due to them not having any personal magic. I do like the idea though so:
Trini, Scott, and Zach would just be shocked. They're glad to know what happened to Rita I the aftermath of Zordon's wave of pure good, but they had no idea she'd become... well what she is
Kim and Billy are in disbelief. How the hell did Rita Repulsa, a force of pure evil who tried to kill teenagers who inconvenienced her plans, become the Mystic Mother who helped more Rangers fix their world and the lack of magic within it?
Tommy? Tommy's just angry. She forced him to become evil, forced him to hurt his friends. Who the hell does she think she is? Who the hell made her the fucking Mystic Mother when she tried to kill the Mighty Morphin' Rangers not so long ago?
Thank you! @trainer-sean
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The BatKids as the Gotham Region Gym Leaders
Gym Leader Number Six: Jason Todd (The Half Fire Half Ghost Type Gym Leader)
Jason as a Gym Leader: Jason as a Gym Leader is more about strength. While other Gym Leaders will test their challengers on more technical skill (Duke their resourcefulness, Steph their cleverness, Tim their strategy, and Cass a trainer’s decision making process), Jason prefers to figure out what the strength of each Trainer and their team is, and how to draw it out of them so they’re better prepared when the battle is over. While Jason could be battled at any point of a Trainer’s journey, he would preferred to be challenged a little past the halfway mark, if not at the end. Most of the Gotham Region’s older residents would describe Jason as a brute, but he has a loyal fan base of usually younger trainers who understand his concerns and intentions.
Gym Set Up: Jason Todd has a flare for dramatics, so his Gym is set in a large abandoned theatre where a trainer is ushered into a large corridor, and waits for a infamous quote from a classic literature novel to be read halfway over the building’s sound system, before being asked to choose a door to a stage room (out of three options) that correctly finishes the quote to continue moving forward. Of course, since it’s Jason and he wants to test a trainer’s strength there will be gym trainers waiting on the stage of each room, reading out the end of the line (one correctly, the other two will improvise), so a battle is unavoidable. Nonetheless this will continue for five more turns, until you reach Jason in the back on the largest stage in the theatre. If you battle Jason early into your journey the Gym Trainer’s team will include Vulpix, Numel, Litwick, and Misdreavus. If you challenge Jason halfway through your journey his Gym Trainer’s teams will be comprised of Banette, Mimikyu, Darmanitan, Salazzle, and Talonflame. If Jason is one of your final opponents, his Gym Trainer’s teams will consist of Volcarona, Chandelure, Arcanine, Aegislash, and Trevenant.
Gym Team Roster (Early Journey Edition): Facing Jason early on your journey will give him a team of Magby, Lampent, and Litten. Magby is masterful at smokescreen so it gives his team an edge at hiding when needed, Lampent is mostly to stick with the Gym theme, and Litten having been Jason’s first Pokémon (not this Litten, the Incineroar version from his final team) is a Pokémon Jason is the most familiar with so he can push out its strength well. If you defeat Jason he will hand you a TM for Will-o-Wisp.
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Gym Team Roster (Late Journey Edition): Jason as your final battle, or one of the last, will handle a team of Gengar to take out any early Water or Ground types with Thunderbolt and Giga Drain. Following Gengar is an Alolan Marowak that was given to him by Tim. Third on the team is a Spiritomb for great defense, then followed by a Mega Charizard Y that is a gift from Bruce. His second to last Pokémon is a Dusknoir for great defense and offense, and his final team member is an Incineroar, his long time partner since it was a Litten when Jason lived on the streets of Gotham. If you defeat Jason at this stage he will hand you a TM for Overheat.
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Vigilante Team: Jason, out of all the BatKids, has the biggest Pokémon team when it comes to his vigilante team. His team includes Incineroar, a Dragapult for stealth and aquatic assistance, a Salazzle for extra stealth, a Drifblim for aerial assistance, a Rapidash for quick transportation and extra strength, and a Turtonator, because I mean it’s Jason and Turtonator has explosions on its back, and for extra strength.
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Civilian Party: Jason’s civilian team rivals Damien’s with a full team of six. His first Pokémon is Incineroar because it’s over protective of Jason. His second is a Houndoom to match Damien’s that was given to him by Talia when he was training with the league. His third is a Phantump that followed him after his resurrection and wouldn’t go away. His fourth member is a Ninetails that he grew fond of, but caught because of its regal appearance when he became a Wayne again. His fifth Pokémon is a Scizor that was a gift from Barbara. His final Pokémon is a Minior that was a gift from Kyle when he came back to Earth (gotta keep the Jaykyle agenda going strong lol).
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zackpacklol · 2 years
Anyway, it's MY turn to do this whole shebang. Let me know if these are some pretty BASED opinions.
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kazzattack · 5 months
yk those restaurants where they cook your food in front of you and they make it a whole show? like, fire everywhere and doing a bunch of tricks with the food and spatula and stuff? i think it’d be cute if that’s how you met jason
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juneafterdawn · 7 months
Good evening (where I am) sweet subjects of this Hellsite! I certainly feel a little goofy doing this (almost as goofy as every picture that's ever been taken of me) but I figure if I want to reach people I should probably put myself out there.
Basically, I am a semi-new personal trainer looking for clients and will happily include online clients in my search. The below Instagram link will bring you to my business page with all the details and more awkwardly written paragraphs of information about who I am and how I can assist people in any aspect of their exercise and nutrition journey.
So if you or (anyone you know) may be interested in getting an online personal trainer at a great price who will be highly focused on helping you reach your health and fitness goals, please feel free to give me a follow and reach out through DMs on this jaytelliott_cpt page.
Mention your tumblr username for a discounted rate as well. Thank you!
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jason-squires · 1 year
Jason Squires Get Stability Program to Help Companies Grow Steadily
The list would become never-ending if we started stating the reasons why small businesses fail in preventing stagnant business growth. Not only recently started startups, but even mid-sized businesses can run into growth stagnancy at times. This dangerous obstacle can prevent companies from reaching their true potential and competing with industry giants. 
Most of the issues that result in a stagnant business growth are associated with the marketing approach of the companies. They either don’t do enough research about their target audience to create a compelling marketing campaign around them or don’t dedicate enough time and money to their marketing campaigns. Marketing is a big area of concern for companies because regardless of how much risk they take to provide top-quality products and services to their intended customers, they can still fail to conquer the market because of inferior marketing strategies. 
Social Selling: One-Stop Solution for All Marketing Problems
Most companies are also guilty of having a restricted vision when it comes to marketing. They assume social media marketing is an impactful technique but would only give the desired results after investing a lot of time and resources. Unfortunately, they would end up becoming one of the many ignored companies that remain at the bottom of the industry chain and scarcely get high-quality leads. Even if they increase their efforts and bring some changes to their marketing campaigns, there is a small chance of any miracle happening in the near future. 
Social selling is for all such businesses as it enables them to converse with prospects and engage them in meaningful conversations rather than constantly bombarding their social media with content that becomes repetitive and frustrating after some time. 
What is Jason Squires Get Stability Program?
Jason Squires is an experienced social selling trainer that has taught over 33000 businesses ranging from small startups to well-established companies like Kawasaki, Iveridge Health Club, Sparkle, Virgin, Water Babies, and more. Jason Squires Get Stability Program is designed to counter the marketing problems various businesses face in their journey towards success. 
In this program, all business owners can learn important skills required to consistently acquire high-quality leads that may convert to long-term customers. The program is also made to teach methods that allow business owners to spend the least amount of time on social media while churning out optimum results. Achieving this requires some tactics such as using automation for follow-ups and outreach campaigns. Even business owners without any prior experience in using social media or handling a marketing campaign can benefit from the training program as it is beginner-friendly and easy to learn. 
Why Choose Jason Squires?
Jason Squires has been featured in renowned magazines like Forbes, Entrepreneur, Social Times, and Winning Edge for his marvellous work as a social media expert. He works with the vision of helping maximum businesses in reaching out to their target audience with minimal effort. Using his experience and knowledge, he has designed the best training program that aims at putting an end to a company’s inconsistent leads problems. Join the program now!
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