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Here you can adopt bitties of all sizes! accepting headcanons and matchups, our bitties are free to adopt!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Name: Angel
Species(Based on): Angel
Doll type: Ball jointed
Material: Porcelain
Size: 5 Inches tall(Mini), 1 Feet tall(Fullsized),
Personality: Sweet, caring, soft spoken,
Likes: music, singing, music boxes, lullabies, helping, sunny days, spring, painting,
Dislikes: loud noises, yelling, angry voices, being left being,
Compatibility: They are completely blind! They cant see a thing, even if you remove the flowers from their eyes(which is extremely painful for them) they still have no eyes, just empty sockets where the flowers used to be,
They often need another bitty or two around to help them when their caretakers arent around, though giving them a bitty sized house can help them as they can stay inside where they know where everything is,
They have a love for painting and often use thick globs of paint to make their paintings 3d! they're extremely beautiful and unique as they cant exactly see what colors theyre using,
Feeding habits: Doll bitties can only eat magic food!!
Additional info: If a Doll bitty gets hurt(splintered, broken, cracked, etc.) they can be brought back to the center and they can be repaired!
Similarly to out Robotic bitties, Doll bitties have synthetic souls that eventually become their own soul with their own soul traits and magic, though types have common soul traits there is some variations! (souls only come pre 'developed' as they need others magic to fuel their souls for a few months to even years before they have their own, due to this they have to stay at the center until they can be on their own, this is to avoid any injures that can be cause by lack of magic,
Though if you ever find a Doll bitty that still has their synthetic soul(first, if you do not wish to adopt the bitty please bring it back to the center asap) or one of your Doll bitties choose to have a child via 'animation' of another doll, you must keep said bitty(the child)very close to you or another bitty(with a sufficient amount of magic) as they still need another source of magic to live,
Doll bitties can be stiff at first but once their soul is properly formed they can manipulate the doll body just as easily as a normal monster! though when the dust the doll body is still left behind, and their face returns to whatever expression they had when first created, often with their soul dusting inside the body,
Zone: Inside
In Universe: They're seen as a lot of work due to their blindness btu many love how they look!
Difficulty: Advanced
Main Features: (Picrew below)
Main Clothing: (Picrew below)
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Lamia bitty: OG type
Name: Bubblegum
Species: Corn snake(morphs vary, but always pink!!)
2-5 inches tall, 6-12 inches total(Mini), 2-3 feet tall, 5-8 feet total(Fullsized), 7-9 feet tall, 14-20 feet total(Bara)
Personality: Cuddly, clingy, affectionate,
Likes: Cuddles, affection, being near their soul bond,
Dislikes: being away from their soul bond for to long,
Compatibility: They NEED close proximity and regular skin to skin contact with their soul bonds or they get distressed, they are definitely not bitties for everyone as they are extremely clingy, but as long as they are close they can be pretty quiet!
They're almost always cuddly, though other than that they very a lot and there is a theory(though currently untested) that they 'morph' to preferences of their soul bond, though it's unknown if thats whats going on or if they just prefer to do what makes their soul bond happy, which could equally be true,
They tend to be a little proud of their typically bright pink scales and like to keep them clean and polished to look pretty for their caretakers!
Feeding habits: They arent very picky but do require some form of meat in their diet, even if its fish or bugs! though some may be a bit apposed to the bug idea-
Additional info: Warning! This bitty forms a soul bond upon skin to skin(or feather or scale or bone or whatever) contact! This means that if you visit the center it's best to avoid touching these bitties if you dont want to adopt one! As not being near their soul bond is highly distressing and can even cause them to fizzle and dust if they dont form a new one so they can break the old one, since once they have a soul bond they need it to live,
Zone: Inside,
In Universe: They are seen as annoying to many, but very good companions to actual Bubelgum caretakers!
Difficulty: Advanced
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Centaur bitty: Fell Gaster
UnderFell Gaster Centaur
Name: Kehner
Species: Trakehner horse
Size: 2 - 3 feet tall(Mini), 5 - 6 feet tall(Fullsize), 8 - 9 feet tall(Bara)
Personality: Stoic, loyal, independent, social,
Likes: Dressage, open spaces, big yards, praise,
Dislikes: being bored, not being able to practice dressage,
Compatibility: They are typically into dressage! They love the way they dance and even like trying to go to centaur dressage competitions!
They actually dont mind being the only bitty! As long as they do enough to not be bored-
They can be a little self centered and they love praise and affection, though they still care for any herd they may have and their caretakers deeply!
They do best with owners that practice dressage or wish to learn dressage, or at least will let them practice dressage themselves-
Feeding habits: Centaurs are mainly herbivores, Kehner bitties have a heavy preference for proper foods like their caretakers may eat instead of grass or kay,
Additional info: Centaur bitties can be ridden as long as you aren't more than heavy! Though luckily they are a bit stronger than normal horses so as long as you aren't over 40%(instead of the 20% of normal horses) of their body weight then you should be able to ride them just fine as long as you have properly fitted tack! And a good thing is that they can tell you if it hurts and if you need to get off!
Centaur bitties do best with a lot of outside time! And they tend to walk a lot! Even lazy ones can easily walk 20 - 40(based on size) miles a day without getting tired!
Zone: Plains, Savanna,
In Universe: They're seen as a lot of trouble for most, but perfect for those who like dressage already!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Main colors: bay, gray, chestnut, black, reds, roan, tobiano pinto,
Secondary colors: bay, gray, chestnut, black, reds, roan, tobiano pinto, white,
Extra: N/A
Additional info: They rarely have patterns but may have 'socks' both black or white,
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Centaur bitty: Fell Papyurs
UnderFell Papyrus Centaur
Name: Ountain
Species: Rocky Mountain Horse
Size: 2'6 - 3'6 feet tall(Mini), 5'6 - 6'6 feet tall(Fullsize), 8'6 - 9'6 feet tall(Bara)
Personality: Determined, protective, social, territorial,
Likes: Large spaces, colder weather, rain, cuddles with herdmates, affection,
Dislikes: being alone, small herds, other herds in their territory, strangers in their territory,
Compatibility: Despite their maybe 'gentle' nature, they can be highly territorial and may even fight for land if there is a territory overlap with herds, or they may try to take over the other herd and their land-
They do best with at least 4-6 other bitties in their herds, they dont need a large herd but a mid sized one is required for them to be happy, and to avoid fights and proporty destruction as they may try to basically bitty-nap other bitties for their herds-
When in a herd they are almost always the head of the herd and have been seen with a/b/o like ranks in their herds as well!
If they're introduced to a herd who already has a leader they may try to take over the herd, but if there are clear boundaries and respect then they may be content being a guardian of the herd of sorts,
Feeding habits: Centaurs are mainly herbivores, Ountain bitties arent very picky, but do prefer proper food like their caretaker may eat over hay or grass,
Additional info: Centaur bitties can be ridden as long as you aren't more than heavy! Though luckily they are a bit stronger than normal horses so as long as you aren't over 40%(instead of the 20% of normal horses) of their body weight then you should be able to ride them just fine as long as you have properly fitted tack! And a good thing is that they can tell you if it hurts and if you need to get off!
Centaur bitties do best with a lot of outside time! And they tend to walk a lot! Even lazy ones can easily walk 20 - 40(based on size) miles a day without getting tired!
Zone: Plains, Savanna,
In Universe: They're seen as a lot to handle but popular for guard bitties,
Difficulty: intermediate
Main colors: reds, black, dark brown,
Secondary colors: reds, black, dark brown,
Extra: N/A
Additional info: They always have a solid fur color unless they have a morph!
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Centaur bitty: Fell Sans
UnderFell Sans Centaur
Name: Amer
Species: American Saddlebred
Size: 1'6 - 2'6 feet tall(Mini), 4'6 - 5'6 feet tall(Fullsize), 7'6 - 8'6 feet tall(Bara)
Personality: Gruff, loyal, prideful, active,
Likes: Large fields/yards/padocks/barns/(wherever you keep your centaur bitty), cuddles, affection, attention, large herds,
Dislikes: being cooped up, being alone, being bored, being without a large herd,
Compatibility: They hate being all cooped up somewhere, even a large yard may cause them to feel all stuffy, even if it looks like there's plenty of room! They need a LOT of space, so much so that keeping a Bara Amer is almost impossible by anyone that isnt a millionaire who can afford the land and even other bitties for one- they can walk over 100 miles in a day if they're in a walking mood!
They are a herd bitty and often have a/b/o like ranks in herds of Amers and other centaur bitties, and they usually tend to be the boss said herds,
They need at least 6-10 other bitties in their herd to be happy!
They may be gruff and seem mean at first, but they're just giant sweet hearts and care deeply for their herds on the inside! Though they do practice tough love sometimes,
Feeding habits: Centaurs are mainly herbivores, Amers arent picky and will eat just about anything, even dirt if they're hungry enough-
Additional info: Centaur bitties can be ridden as long as you aren't more than heavy! Though luckily they are a bit stronger than normal horses so as long as you aren't over 40%(instead of the 20% of normal horses) of their body weight then you should be able to ride them just fine as long as you have properly fitted tack! And a good thing is that they can tell you if it hurts and if you need to get off!
Centaur bitties do best with a lot of outside time! And they tend to walk a lot! Even lazy ones can easily walk 20 - 40(based on size) miles a day without getting tired!
Zone: Plains, Savanna,
In Universe: They're seen as good bitties for large herds and working bitties,
Difficulty: Intermediate
Main colors: reds, black, bay, grey, chestnut, palomino, pinto,
Secondary colors: reds, black, dark grays, bay, grey, chestnut, palomino, pinto
Extra: N/A
Additional info: They often have
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Bit-plasters - Bandaids/plasters made small for Bitties.
Bitties unfortunately get into a lot of mischief and with it a lot of injuries. Big bandaids are usually too much for such small beings. StarBit Incorporation has come up with the latest commodity for your tiny comrades and loved ones!
Bandaids and Plasters, but smaller!
Bit-Plasters come in four different-sized boxes, including;
Extra small (Bitties 2 inches and below)
Small (Bitties 3-5 inches)
Medium (Bitties 6-8 inches)
Large (Bitties 9 inches and above)
These are to be applied to small cuts, scrapes, cracks, or wounds. Each bandaid contains a minor amount of healing intent to help soothe and heal away any injury. Different packs come in different colors or themed patterns, but there are plain-colored ones for the more serious and dignified Bitties. 
Each pack sports different-sized bandaids/plasters, as seen above;
Small round
Small rectangle
Medium Rectangle
Large Square
For more variety, try buying other kits that may contain butterfly bandaids, gauze, and adhesive pads. Bulk buy containers are available for Bitty Centers, Veterinarians, and other venues.
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Centaur bitty: Tale Gaster
UnderTale Gaster Centaur
Name: Ollo
Species: Criollo horse/Crioulo horse
Size: 1'6 - 2'6 feet tall(Mini), 4'6 - 5'6 feet tall(Fullsize), 7'6 - 8'6 feet tall(Bara)
Personality: Laid back, curious, calm,
Likes: Being outside, naps in the sun, reading, learning,
Dislikes: Being inside all the time, being alone,
Compatibility: These bitties prefer chilling and reading over doing a lot of walking, but they still walk a lot and enjoy walking while listening to audio books or just reading normally!
These bitties are very curious and often greet new bitties first!
They're a highly social bitty and are a herd bitty, so need at least 3 other bitties around to be happy!
Feeding habits: Centaurs are mainly herbivores, Ollo's are not very picky and will often eat almost anything that's plant based!
Additional info: Centaur bitties can be ridden as long as you aren't more than heavy! Though luckily they are a bit stronger than normal horses so as long as you aren't over 40%(instead of the 20% of normal horses) of their body weight then you should be able to ride them just fine as long as you have properly fitted tack! And a good thing is that they can tell you if it hurts and if you need to get off!
Centaur bitties do best with a lot of outside time! And they tend to walk a lot! Even lazy ones can easily walk 20 - 40(based on size) miles a day without getting tired!
Zone: Plains, Savanna,
In Universe: They're seen as good bitties for bitty rides, though bitty rides can easily become abusive if whoever runs it focuses more on money and less on the bitties health and well being-
Difficulty: Basic
Main colors: Black, brown, chestnut, bay, buckskin, grullo, palomino, grey, overo, white,
Secondary colors: Black, brown, chestnut, bay, buckskin, grullo, palomino, grey, overo, white,
Extra: N/A
Additional info: Solids, speckled, and piebald patterns are most common as well as darker colored 'sock' patterns
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Fnaf bitty: Star
Fnaf bitty Star (R/Robotic)
Model: 1.0
Version: OG(Daycare Attendant)
Size: 5 inches tall(Micro) 1'10 feet tall (Mini) 4'10 feet tall (Fullsize) 7'10 feet tall (Bara)
Personality: Calm, relaxed,
Likes: Playing, schedules, helping, clean places, kids and kid like bitties,
Dislikes: mean/rude bitties/people, rule breakers, fights, angry voices,
Compatibility: they actually run a little warm and softly glow! They're like nightlight cuddle buddies! That and their soft padding makes them great for fussy kiddos!
They're actually shooting stars! They're fast when they need to be and can control how brightly they glow!
They know all sorts of stories! Both for bedtime and for playtime, and they're great at playing pretend!
They can handle just about anything a kid throws at them, literally and figuratively- and they can keep a calm straight face while they do it too!
Additional info: Only spot wash with disinfectant whips, or remove suit to clean, do not remove suit without permission,
For charging a large, long, cord is provided, able to be plugged into the wall with an adapter or a small solar powered generator that is also provided, bitties can go a month without charge but daily charging is preferable, as after a day or two, depending of the bitty, they must go into a power saving mode and must use their reserves, and they will be very sluggish until a proper recharging takes place,
Glamrock bitties can be charged wirelessly by a charging station, these can look like large, futuristic tubes/pods, a bed, a stage, and more!
Glamrock bitties are waterproof!
Daycare Attendant bitties can be charged via solar power as well, even just some strong lights work!
Daycare Attendant bitties are also outfitted with larger memory systems and better facial reposition to more easily tell kids apart form each other at a glance, this also means they remember more details and have more photographic memories!
Performances: scavenger hunts, story telling, dancing, bringing cakes/piñatas/pizza, arts and crafts, playing group games, singing(mainly lullaby’s)
In Universe: They're seen as useful bitties and are popular for daycares!
Difficulty: Beginner
Features: Their face is star shaped and they also have your normal daycare attendent frame, though body shapes and tail types(even not having one) vary from maker/per request!
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Fnac bitty: Withered New Candy
Fnaf bitty New Candy (R/Robotic)
Model: 1.0
Version: OG(Toy)/Withered
Size:  2 inches tall(Micro) 2'5 Feet Tall (Mini) - 5'5 Feet Tall (Fullsize) - 8'5 Feet Tall (Bara)
Personality: A little shy, curious, easily spooked,
Likes: being around others, other Fnac bitties, meeting new bitties, family time, quieter places,
Dislikes: continuous loud noises, mean/rude bitties/people, aggressive bitties/people, being alone,
Compatibility: They're half blind and cant see out of their left eyes, so try not to walk up on them on that side!
They get easily distracted by loud sounds, and due to this they hate constant noises
They do well with Withered New Cindy bitties and Cindy bitties in general, even if they can unsettle some of them-
They're incredibly sneaky and are often found lurking in dark corners, just people watching, they're a little shy after all-
They will stare INTENSELY at someone they're aggressive towards before they go for the attack, so keep an eye on them when introducing them to new people/bitties!!
They love taking pictures! They also just end up staring down the camera a lot or take really stupidly funnily close pictures of things-
Additional info: Only spot wash with disinfectant whips, or remove suit to clean, do not remove suit without permission,
For charging a large, long, cord is provided, able to be plugged into the wall with an adapter or a small solar powered generator that is also provided, bitties can go a month without charge but daily charging is preferable, as after a day or two, depending of the bitty, they must go into a power saving mode and must use their reserves, and they will be very sluggish until a proper recharging takes place,
Performances: Singing
In Universe: They're seen as kinda creepy, but many love them!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Features: Withered New Candy from FNAC 2
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Fnac bitty: Withered Rat
Fnaf bitty Rat (R/Robotic)
Model: 1.0
Version: OG/Withered
Size: 5 inches tall(Micro) 3'3 Feet Tall (Mini) - 6'3 Feet Tall (Fullsize) - 9'3 Feet Tall (Bara)
Personality: Impulsive, a little aggressive, protective, dramatic,
Likes: having their own space, people/bitty watching, dark spaces, hoarding things
Dislikes: loud noises, bright lights, alcoholics and drug addicts,
Compatibility: They HATE alcaholics! Like, would throw down if one was ever near a kid drunk kinda hate- and they arent much better around drug addicts-
They really arent good with kids younger than pre-teen, they wouldnt hurt them- on purpose- but may scare them, also not on purpose-
They're practically nocturnal so honestly if you arent also a night owl you wont be seeing them much say for recharging-
When they're comfortable they're much more playful and will even pull harmless pranks!
They do best with people who arent scared of them or who doesnt bright around others who may be scared of them!
Additional info: Only spot wash with disinfectant whips, or remove suit to clean, do not remove suit without permission,
For charging a large, long, cord is provided, able to be plugged into the wall with an adapter or a small solar powered generator that is also provided, bitties can go a month without charge but daily charging is preferable, as after a day or two, depending of the bitty, they must go into a power saving mode and must use their reserves, and they will be very sluggish until a proper recharging takes place,
Performances: Playing games(Such as hide and seek)
In Universe: They're seen as a lot to handle and elusive most of the time, they're also seen as scary and are pretty unpopular bitties- But they're often loved by creepy-loving teens and adults alike!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Features: Withered Rat from FNAC 2
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Fnac bitty: Rat
Fnaf bitty Rat (R/Robotic)
Model: 1.0
Version: OG(Old)
Size: 5 inches tall(Micro) 3'3 Feet Tall (Mini) - 6'3 Feet Tall (Fullsize) - 9'3 Feet Tall (Bara)
Personality: Stubborn, can be irritable at first, dramatic,
Likes: having their own space, people/bitty watching, dark spaces, hoarding things
Dislikes: loud noises, bright lights,
Compatibility: They have been seen often pairing with Old Candy bitties, and adopting an Old Candy bitty can help them chill the hell out!
They like hoarding/collecting things! It's recommended to give them a space to themselves to have their little rat hoard,
They arent used to or really made to preform like they used to, but if they're comfortable and theres an Old Candy bitty around? They might just put on a lil show!
They're set in their ways so dont be suprised if they're only not charging when its dark out or if everyone is asleep or they refuse to learn new songs to preform!
They're often compared to theater kids, and are just as dramatic as one!
Additional info: Only spot wash with disinfectant whips, or remove suit to clean, do not remove suit without permission,
For charging a large, long, cord is provided, able to be plugged into the wall with an adapter or a small solar powered generator that is also provided, bitties can go a month without charge but daily charging is preferable, as after a day or two, depending of the bitty, they must go into a power saving mode and must use their reserves, and they will be very sluggish until a proper recharging takes place,
Performances: Singing
In Universe: They're seen as a lot to handle but fun once you get to know them!
Difficulty: Basic
Features: The Rat from Fnac 1
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Fnac bitty: Old Candy
Fnaf bitty Candy (R/Robotic)
Model: 1.0
Version: OG(Old)
Size: 5 inches tall(Micro) 3'3 Feet Tall (Mini) - 6'3 Feet Tall (Fullsize) - 9'3 Feet Tall (Bara)
Personality: Sneaky, curious,
Likes: having their own space, people/bitty watching, dark spaces,
Dislikes: Being forced out of his space, being forced to move, loud noises,
Compatibility: They are very particular about where they stay and rarely move away from where they've decided is their area, so its best to give them a room as soon as you bring them home so they arent randomly in the kitchen or attic or something-
They are sneaky for their size and material and often sneaks up behind others accidentally, though a telltale sign that they are nearby is a soft humming noise they often emit,
Unlike other bots, their eyes dont glow in the dark, so they are practically invisible when the lights are out,
They are very curious and often watches others from the shadows, which can creep out other bitties a lot-
They have been seen often pairing with Rat bitties, and adopting a Rat bitty can often help Old Candy bitties ease into new spaces!
Additional info: Only spot wash with disinfectant whips, or remove suit to clean, do not remove suit without permission,
For charging a large, long, cord is provided, able to be plugged into the wall with an adapter or a small solar powered generator that is also provided, bitties can go a month without charge but daily charging is preferable, as after a day or two, depending of the bitty, they must go into a power saving mode and must use their reserves, and they will be very sluggish until a proper recharging takes place,
Performances: Singing, Hid and seek,
In Universe: These bitties are seen as useful guards, but not good friends,
Difficulty: Basic
Features: Old Candy from Fnac 1
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Fnac bitty: 1.0 Penguin
Fnaf bitty Penguin (R/Robotic)
Model: 1.0
Version: OG
Size: 2 inches tall(Micro), 2 feet tall (Fullsize) - 5 feet tall (bara)
Personality: Shy, mischievous, chaotic at times,
Likes: playing pranks, helping sometimes, dark spaces, small spaces,
Dislikes: being yelled at, being alone, being yelled at for pranks specifically,
Compatibility: They are mainly mute and only have one-three voicelines, and said voicelines are just 'what would you like today?' or something similar,
These little guys LOVE playing pranks! You never know if they'll be your best lil friend or even a butler or chaos and turn off your breaker and somehow steal your fuses,
They are odd little guys and will watch you from hiding spots, even if said hiding spot is blatently under your desk or in a dark corner, their eyes glow though so you can almost always tell they're looking at you-
Their heads are very flat on top so they can bring things to tables! and they can even slid the trays onto tables if they can reach! its very nifty, if they didnt sometimes run off with your stuff and didnt help-
Additional info: Only spot wash with disinfectant whips, or remove suit to clean, do not remove suit without permission,
For charging a large, long, cord is provided, able to be plugged into the wall with an adapter or a small solar powered generator that is also provided, bitties can go a month without charge but daily charging is preferable, as after a day or two, depending of the bitty, they must go into a power saving mode and must use their reserves, and they will be very sluggish until a proper recharging takes place,
Performances: Busing tables, bringing trays of things on their heads,
In Universe: They're seen as little bastards(affectionately)
Difficulty: Basic
Features: The Penguin from Fnac 1
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Fnac bitty: 1.0 Chester
Fnaf bitty Chester (R/Robotic)
Model: 1.0
Version: OG(Toy)
Size: 2 inches tall(Micro) 2'5 Feet Tall (Mini) - 5'5 Feet Tall (Fullsize) - 8'5 Feet Tall (Bara)
Personality: Laid back, calm, a little over protective, active,
Likes: Music, nature, helping, quiet spaces,
Dislikes: being ignored, not having any alone time, rough handling,
Compatibility: They work best with people who are calm, patient, and kind-hearted, they doesn't do well with overly aggressive or hyperactive personalities- they can get overwhelmed a little fast!
Their laid-back and protective nature makes him an excellent companion for emotional support! They do well with people who need comfort, whether they are experiencing stress, anxiety, or just need someone to talk to, their ability to read emotions through voice tones and body language allows them to subtly adjust the way they act to offer reassurance or calming presence when needed!
They are an excellent choice for introverts or those who appreciate a more quiet and calm bitty! Their calm and laid-back manner makes him ideal for individuals who prefer solitude but still desire companionship, as he respects personal space and does not demand constant attention,
They have a soft spot for Fnac Penguin bitties, for some reason,
Additional info: Only spot wash with disinfectant whips, or remove suit to clean, do not remove suit without permission,
For charging a large, long, cord is provided, able to be plugged into the wall with an adapter or a small solar powered generator that is also provided, bitties can go a month without charge but daily charging is preferable, as after a day or two, depending of the bitty, they must go into a power saving mode and must use their reserves, and they will be very sluggish until a proper recharging takes place,
Performances: Singing, playing interment of choice(most often a banjo)
In Universe: They're seen as chill and good for introverts or smaller households,
Difficulty: Beginner
Features: Chester from Fnac 1
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Fnaf bitty: Jeremy
Fnaf bitty Jeremey(Missing child) (O/Organic)
Version: OG(more canonical version)
Size: 5 - 6 inches tall(Mini) 1 - 2 feet tall(Fullsized)
Personality: Nervous, kind, timid,
Likes: Kid bitties, Animatronic bitties, other Missing kid bitties,
Dislikes: Liars, being alone, feeling useless, others getting hurt
Compatibility: There are two variants! Alive and dead, the main difference is the dead variants look different and can float and possess non organic materials,
They are drawn to Bonnie bitties, mostly og Bonnie bitties, but there has been some Jeremy bitties following around other versions of Bonnie!
They often have anemia and need iron supplements, they're also prone to blood pressure and blood sugar problems as well,
They are timid and shy, its often recommended that you adopt a Gabriel bitty to help them! Or a Bonnie bitty,
Feeding habits: If they're a dead variant they can only eat magic food! They arent picky eaters, but comfort foods can get them eating if they dont feel like it!
Additional info: Due to the way they are, they are spirit like and are drawn to Bonnie animatronic bitties!
In Universe: They're seen as a lot of work due to their health issues,
Difficulty: Basic - Intermediate
Features: dark skin, dark brown or black hair, sometimes grayscale with tear stains or a void like spirit with white eyes and teeth,
AU info(This is only for the au type they are! Info may change in other au bios!):
This one is NOT based on blueycapsules Jeremy(or Jerry)!(Hence her being under a different classification)
This IS a personal more canonical au(so i can actually write for him)
William killed him and stuffed him into Bonnie
He was lured because his mom was late picking him up and William took advantage of that,
He gets dizzy easily and has low iron problems,
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Fnaf bitty: Fritz
Fnaf bitty Fritz(Missing child) (O/Organic)
Version: OG(more canonical version)
Size: 4 - 5 inches tall(Mini) 10 - 12 inches tall(Fullsized)
Personality: Friendly, insightful, not easily fooled,
Likes: Kid bitties, Animatronic bitties, other Missing kid bitties, running, playing,
Dislikes: Liars, being alone, feeling useless, others getting hurt
Compatibility: There are two variants! Alive and dead, the main difference is the dead variants look different and can float and possess non organic materials,
They are drawn to Foxy bitties, mostly og Foxy bitties, but there has been some Fritz bitties following around other versions of Foxy!
They arent easily fooled, unlike other Missing child bitties they can see through masks, though they can also see through uniforms and can tell who hurt them or not, so are one of the easier bitties to keep around due to that,
They are insightful and are good with interpersonal relationships! Its almost like they can sense how you feel!
They are friendly and caring, often being one of the first bitties to greet someone new!
They are super active and need space to run and roam and play! they need at least 10 foot when fullsized to run around and play! and at least 4-5 foot of space when mini,
Feeding habits: If they're a dead variant they can only eat magic food! They prefer fast foods like snacks over meals, but thats because they wanna play!!
Additional info: Due to the way they are, they are spirit like and are drawn to Foxy animatronic bitties!
In Universe: They're seen as odd but not viewed negatively at least,
Difficulty: basic
Features: pale skin, short black hair, freckles, sometimes grayscale with tear stains or a void like spirit with white eyes and teeth,
AU info(This is only for the au type they are! Info may change in other au bios!):
William killed him and stuffed him into Foxy
This one is NOT based on blueycapsules Fritz!(Hence her being under a different classification)
This IS a personal more canonical au(so i can actually write for him)
He was lured with promises of seeing Foxy
0 notes
Fnaf bitty: Gabriel
Fnaf bitty Gabriel(Missing child) (O/Organic)
Version: OG(more canonical version)
Size: 6 - 7 inches tall(Mini) 1'4 - 2'4 feet tall(Fullsized)
Personality: Easily worried, caring, protective,
Likes: Kid bitties, tea, Animatronic bitties, other Missing kid bitties,
Dislikes: Liars, being alone, feeling useless, others getting hurt
Compatibility: There are two variants! Alive and dead, the main difference is the dead variants look different and can float and possess non organic materials,
They are drawn to Freddy bitties, mostly og Freddy bitties, but there has been some Gabriel bitties following around other versions of Freddy!
They can sometimes come off as bossy, they arent- they're just worried-
They feel like since they're the one drawn to Freddy himself that they have to be the leader of the group and keep everyone safe! Often causing themselves a lot of stress- they do well with an adult(bitty or otherwise) around to do the caretaking for them,
They are protective of other kid animatronics, especially around William Afton bitties, though they can co-exist as long as the William bitty isnt trying to hurt any of the other kid bitties,
Feeding habits: If they're a dead variant they can only eat magic food! They arent picky themselves but want others to eat proper meals,
Additional info: Due to the way they are, they are spirit like and are drawn to Freddy animatronic bitties!
In Universe: They're seen as good bitties to keep around in chiller households, especially with Freddy bitties around
Difficulty: Basic - Intermediate
Features: tan skin, short black or brown hair, sometimes grayscale with tear stains or a void like spirit with white eyes and teeth,
AU info(This is only for the au type they are! Info may change in other au bios!):
This one is NOT based on blueycapsules Gabriel!(Hence her being under a differnet classification)
This IS a personal more canonical au(so i can actually write for him)
William killed him and stuffed him into Freddy
He was lured with promises of candy,
0 notes