#but here we are šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
uhbasicallyjustmilex Ā· 28 days
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Title: The Tradition of You and Me
Pairing: Alex Turner/Miles Kane
Summary: One summer, Alex and Miles watch the Euro Cup together. It becomes something of a tradition. Tags: Fluff, Smut, Developing Relationship
āØÆ . āŗ āœ¦ āŠ¹ ź™³ āŗ ā€§ āØÆ. āŗ āœ¦ āŠ¹ . * ź™³ āœ¦ āŠ¹
so a couple of months ago @daddy-long-legssss made this post about miles and alex watching the euro cup together in miles's mr bridger designs and... well, this happened. it was meant to be a short drabble fic, but it's me, so naturally feelings got involved and it's now 4,000+ words šŸ˜…
i know it's been taking forever for me to post the next chapter of four walls (i'm so sorry, it really is SO nearly there, but it probably will still be about a week before it's actually ready for posting), so i thought i'd share this in the meantime! i hope you enjoy, if you feel like it then feedback would absolutely make my day šŸ„°
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geomimetry Ā· 6 months
suggestive monster stuff under the cut
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i havent posted art in almost a year and this is what i decide to break the ice with hi
go big or go home amirite
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sappho-rose Ā· 2 months
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"The world doesn't know me yet."
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unnaturalceilings Ā· 3 months
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Happy Supercorp Sunday šŸ’–
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rebouks Ā· 1 year
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Brynn: You are much more silent than usual today-.. are you going to miss me?
Wyatt was going to miss Brynn a great deal, but telling her that seemed harder than it ought to be, so he said naught instead.
Brynn: You are not comfortable being happy?
Wyatt squinted, something Brynn had learnt he tended to do when she was on the right track.
Brynn: Maybe you should not fight yourself.
Wyatt: Maybe you only know I feel that way because youā€™re the same.
And as she tended to do when he was right, Brynn dodged Wyattā€™s comment.
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Brynn: Do you think I stay, if you asked me to?
Wyatt: I donā€™t think you want me to ask that.
Brynn: No, I donā€™tā€¦
Wyatt: Do you want to stay though..?
Brynn: I not sure itā€™s a good idea to leave home-.. not for a man I spend only a few weeks with.
Wyattā€™s brow creased, though he quickly rearranged his face; she had a point, whether he liked it or not.
Brynn: Does that hurt your feelings?
Wyatt: Noā€¦
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Brynn hummed and tugged on Wyattā€™s hand, forcing him to stop and face her. It was obvious he was lying. He wanted to know whether this was just a holiday fling to her, or something more, but every time he even thought about doing so it felt like someone had rammed cotton wool down his throat. Heā€™d promised himself heā€™d be more honest, but it wasnā€™t going as well as heā€™d hopedā€¦
Wyatt: What exactly would you be leaving behind? I doubt youā€™ve exactly made anything for yourself there-.. not with Gaelā€™s arm to cling to.
Wyatt instantly regretted being so blunt as Brynn frowned slightly, a flash of sadness darting across her features.
Brynn: That is a cruel thing to say, no?
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Wyatt: Maybe-.. though Iā€™ve a feeling Iā€™m right, so Iā€™m not taking it back.
Brynn narrowed her eyes, he was right, of course. She had nothing of her own in San Myshuno. Everything she owned, down to the clothes on her back, had been paid for by Gael. Sheā€™d never thought about leaving before, she had everything she ever needed, technically-.. but spending time with someone who wasnā€™t afraid to interrogate her about such matters finally made her question her innermost protests, rather than burying them.
She didnā€™t like Gael, she didnā€™t like his friends or his apartment, she didnā€™t want him to propose, didnā€™t want to marry him, didnā€™t want to carry his children. It wasnā€™t ever supposed to be permanent; she wanted a life of her ownā€¦
Wyatt: Well?
Brynn: I not argue with you on my last day here.
Wyatt: Weā€™re not arguing, are we?
Brynn: Exactly!
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Wyatt ran his hand through his hair and sighed, this wasnā€™t how it was supposed to go. He needed more. He was desperate to know how she felt before she left, desperate to know how sheā€™d gotten herself into this situation, whether she wanted out or not. He thought she did, but for once, he wasnā€™t sure of himself.
Wyatt: I just meant-ā€¦
He huffed as Brynn leapt on his back with a chuckle, that was the end of that then. Heā€™d never realised until now how socially inept he was with women-.. no, intimacy; but Brynn didnā€™t seem to mind, maybe she could relate. He was willing to bet she knew what he was struggling with. It almost seemed as though she were goading him into being honest, like he craved to be.
Brynn: Letā€™s find somewhere nice-.. if you tell me what you meant, maybe I tell you a story.
He shook his head and snorted, amused; that was definitely what she was doing, wasnā€™t it?
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Wyatt had done a lot of terrible things over the years. Amongst countless other felonies heā€™d taken more than a few lives - some with his bare hands - but no crime heā€™d committed had ever caused his heart to beat as erratically as it did now. Against his ā€œbetterā€ judgement and despite his pounding chest, heā€™d held Brynn close and told her how he felt.
He told her how much heā€™d enjoyed spending time with her, how pleased heā€™d be if she stayed, and how curious he was about her situation back in San Myshuno. Brynn had softened upon hearing his words, appreciative of his honesty; and in return, sheā€™d told him how she and Gael metā€¦
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Brynn hadnā€™t left Del Sol to begin with, choosing instead to remain employed by Varius, which had eventually been taken over by new management. Never embroiled in Ashtonā€™s more nefarious business ventures, the casino and its franchise hadnā€™t suffered much, remaining completely operational as a result.
Gael was in town for family and work, hauled to the top floor by some of his rather more enthusiastic associates. Clearly uncomfortable, sheā€™d taken him aside and entertained him in a different manner-.. sheā€™d clocked him eyeing a handsome waiter surreptitiously, felt him recoil from her touch; he mightā€™ve fooled his colleagues, but he hadnā€™t fooled her. Enjoying an easy night full of free drinks and cheesy jokes, sheā€™d thought nothing of his proposition to attend an upcoming event with him the following weekend.
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The event Gael had invited her to was a wedding ā€“ his brotherā€™s wedding ā€“ and Brynn had suddenly found herself referred to as his girlfriend. Sheā€™d thought it quite funny at the time, what an odd man, paying an erotic dancer to pose as oneā€™s partner. The money was good though, and it was much more enjoyable than working in some stuffy club, even one as fancy as Varius.
But as things do, one thing led to another and before Brynn could second guess herself, sheā€™d agreed to move to San Myshuno and stay with Gael permanently. Genesis had seen her arse about Brynnā€™s newfound source of income, her friends Ace and Robert had moved away, Del Sol was smoggy and garish, held memories sheā€™d rather forget; why wouldnā€™t she move back to San My? Sheā€™d have her own room in a spacious apartment, she wouldnā€™t have to work, Gael said heā€™d pay for her to finish school; it seemed like a good idea at the time, like she could have whatever she wanted.
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Except she couldnā€™t. Gael was a controlling - albeit kind - man, terrified of being discovered by his peers. He told her where to go and when, what to wear, what to say, and how to act. Heā€™d take her phone from her if sheā€™d get distracted at one of his precious galas, force her to attend wellness retreats with his colleaguesā€™ insipid girlfriends and wives whilst he and his friends smacked tiny balls with silly sticks, drag her on family vacations to hot countries where sheā€™d get accosted by mosquitoes and prickly heat.
Heā€™d bemoan her lack of enthusiasm when she wasnā€™t her usual self, but itā€™d been so many years that Brynn didnā€™t even know who she was anymore. Heā€™d felt guilty then, promising she could pick their next destination; that itā€™d be just the two of them, no pretending.
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Brynn had never imagined bumping into Wyatt again, but sheā€™d often thought of him, wondering what heā€™d done after that fateful phone call. Sheā€™d almost felt proud of him, in a way-.. it wasnā€™t easy to turn against your upbringing like that, against your friends, against yourself. Sheā€™d given him the benefit of the doubt and he hadnā€™t taken it for granted, which was more than could be said for a lot of men sheā€™d trusted in the past.
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Having landed herself in hot water more times than she could count over the years, Brynn had learnt to be wary of her gut, but she couldnā€™t deny being drawn to Wyatt; she admired the change in him, despite the fact he seemed unaware of it himself. It was freeing to spend time with someone who didnā€™t expect her to act a certain way, someone who knew where sheā€™d come from and what sheā€™d been through, yet didnā€™t appear to judge her poorly for it. Heā€™d done terrible things and so had she; it was nice, being on an even playing field for once.
Brynn had subsequently returned home more disheartened than ever, completely uninterested in her so-called life with Gael. Sheā€™d hoped Wyatt would call, hoped sheā€™d get a taste of that freedom in her self-imposed cage, hoped something would magically change. But it hadnā€™t.
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Wyatt: So, youā€™re not happy anymore?
Brynn: I am very happy here, with you-.. but that scares me.
Wyatt: Why?
Brynn: Because it means I have to confront the fact that I am not happy at home, and that is something I have never done before. I always find someone to take me in, but is always with conditions, I am never free-.. never happy.
Wyatt: Are you safe at least..?
Brynn: It is painfully boring, sharing a home with Gael, but he is not exactly aggressive.
Wyatt scowled; not exactly? That wasnā€™t what he wanted to hear, he ought to strangle-..
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Brynn: I not want you to get involved, I think I would like to do something on my own for once.
Wyat: Okayā€¦
Brynn: I put my foot down and leave, even if it means I have nothing. I not want to run to anyone else, including you.
Wyatt: Thatā€™s why you donā€™t want to stay?
Brynn nodded, it wouldā€™ve been easier to tell Gael to stuff it and stay here, but that was what she always did; fall into someone elseā€™s hands. Being with Wyatt was different though, it made her want to choose him because she wanted to, because she could, not because she needed to. If that meant she had to throw everything away and strike out on her own first ā€“ even though she had no idea how to ā€“ then so be it.
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Though he was glad to know the truth, Wyatt was less than thrilled with Brynnā€™s plan; but she craved true freedom, and after everything sheā€™d endured ā€“ in part due to his own transgressions ā€“ he figured he owed her as much.
Wyatt: I wonā€™t stop you thenā€¦
Brynn: This is why I love you-.. you help set me free in the end, like I to you.
Wyatt: You love me?
Brynn: You love me too, no?
Wyatt dipped his head in agreement. He wasnā€™t sure how itā€™d happened so quickly, but there wasnā€™t much point denying it any longer.
Brynn: Say itā€¦
Wyatt: I love you too.
Brynn: Is not so hard, right?
Wyatt scoffed quietly and shook his head.
Wyatt: I donā€™t know-.. Iā€™m sweating.
Brynn: [laughs] Ew-.. me too though.
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wongyuseok Ā· 3 months
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sunwoo + purple for @biwooyoung ā™” send me a request
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hannanodaa Ā· 10 months
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Someone commissioned art of Lan Zhan holding him and Shrekā€™s baby šŸ« 
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chirpsythismorning Ā· 1 year
Milkvans complaining about bylers not mentioning Finnā€™s response about about the monologue is so funny, as if it didnā€™t support byler endgame even more šŸ¤£
Finn saying I think he knows she thinks all this, bc I think thereā€™s a reason why he says it, is because sheā€” sheā€” heā€™s been waiting to say it for a long time and sheā€™s been waiting for him to say it for a long time. I think itā€™s an interesting thought, having that reciprocated. Yeah I think so. I donā€™tā€¦ I donā€™t know. I would hopeā€¦ idkā€¦ great question and thought thoā€¦
Like he literally cuts himself off before implying that Mike knows how El feels and that she wanted him to say I love you for a while, which is the very reason why he said it in the first place, despite seasons of attempting to say it, stalling repeatedly, only to fail each time up until now when there was literally no option not to in his eyesā€¦
How is that a milkvan win?ā€¦
Not only that, but he didnā€™t make it sound hopeful for their future either. Itā€™s still up in the air according to him. He makes a point of just saying interesting question over and over, only to not actually come up with an answerā€¦
The assumption for many viewers, specifically milkvans, is that everything is great for Mike and El right now bc the monologue fixed everything. If thatā€™s the case why does Finn end that question on a sort of question mark with it still up in the air? Least of all when youā€™re dealing with a queer ship on the other end, with him making much more of an effort to imply that it will be addressed. Itā€™ll pay off vs. idk?ā€¦
This is like the casts reaction to the monologue all over again. The interviewer asked about Mike and Elā€™s future and Finn basically danced around it saying heā€™s looking forward to all of their endings and is mostly interested to know if Mike will stay in Hawkins, adding at the end that he hopes Mike and El you know, findā€¦ happiness.
Heā€™s always giving answers that work both ways. Byler endgame still fits in with whatever he says, whether milkvans want to acknowledge that or not.
Otherwise there would be no reason for him to try so hard to be ambiguous about Mike and Elā€™s feelings, as if itā€™s this big spoilerā€¦ unless whatā€™s about to go down is something most the audience wonā€™t expectā€¦
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justsomeoneunordinary Ā· 1 year
See, I donā€™t usually like to think that Hashirama wouldā€™ve killed Tobirama if Madara hadnā€™t given the choice between Tobirama and Hashirama, because those kinds of thoughts usually only come from the anti Hashirama side of the fandom which I could not agree less with if I tried.
The fact remains that Hashirama at some point went from ā€œI will protect my last brother at any costā€ to ā€œI will kill anyone who threatens Konoha, even if it were my brother or even my own childrenā€ and itā€™s never fucking shown when that change exactly happened.
Was it when he reached adulthood and he realized for himself that the bigger pictureā€”in his case, peaceā€”matters more than anything else? Was it after Konoha was built and he became Hokage and his responsibilities grew? Was it after Madara left and his heart grew cold?
I imagine it mustā€™ve been a mixture of being Hokage and therefore having more people to protect besides his direct family, and Madaraā€™s betrayal that mustā€™ve struck him pretty badly that he let his heart grow so cold to the point heā€™d rather kill his best friend/brother/child if they in any way threatened the village resp. peace as a whole than attempting to talk with them first.
But the question remains: What would have Hashirama done if Madara had demanded Tobiramaā€™s life with no other option? I donā€™t like to imagine that he actually wouldā€™ve killed Tobirama, but as much as I devour fics in which Hashirama goes absolutely batshit after his brother dies with relish, canonically speaking, peace would always be Hashiramaā€™s biggest goal. And itā€™s driving me utterly nuts that I cannot for the life of me say how Hashirama wouldā€™ve reacted in this scenario.
Anyway, Idk where I was going with this, I just had to think once again about this and what a fascinating character Hashirama actually is and how little we know about him at the end of the dayā€¦
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whereismyhat5678 Ā· 8 months
Heck yeah! Kick his butt Gustavo!
Letā€™s recap! For those who donā€™t know go to this post: here
TW: Thereā€™s blood underneath so look with caution!! āš ļøāš ļø
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I loved doing the expressions AND THE POSE FUCK YEAH GUSTAVO KICK SOME TWINK ASSā€¼ļøā€¼ļøšŸ’„šŸ‘ŠšŸ’„šŸ‘ŠšŸ’„šŸ‘ŠšŸ’„
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mysticalcats Ā· 4 months
experienced an autism loss today
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sfsolstice Ā· 4 months
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S. F. Solstice, "I Love You (With Every Fiber of My Being)"
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apophenia Ā· 5 months
ā€œAlright Cups, love you, see you tomorrowā€
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lieutenantselnia Ā· 6 months
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I was looking through my 2D Doof image folder and randomly came across this picture I didn't remember I had saved, please he looks so adorablešŸ˜­šŸ’•
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shuploc Ā· 1 year
Have you ever drawn woman? Id love to see some in your style!
LMAO, I have, but yeah, not really as much as I've drawn guys. As I mentioned in the previous ask, I just really love striking, prominent features, and women tend to be a lot more polished and round and... idk, perfect, in a way. How I draw is very messy and sketchy, and when I draw women, those sketchy lines tends to just make them look old...
If I could live off of just drawing whatever my heart desires, I would have been drawing way more women too. But everything I post online is made in my free-time, so I just draw whatever I'm most obsessed with at the time. And that just tends to be men šŸ˜…
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piningpercussionist Ā· 2 months
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HI i dont think weā€™re mutuals or anything but i love kimlisa slash lisim and i remembered you do as well anf i finally saw clear versions of this drawing So i wanted to share incase you had not seen them!!!! HEART i love these girls so much ā€¦.. never not thinkinf about kimlisa
I didn't see this before the queued post left on account of Sleeping but- YEAH!!!
I adore these. I've been eager to see this work finished since it was first teased by Bryan a while back- DESPERATELY wish I had any real chance of getting either version. But alas.... I am poor.... (and haven't been to a convention since, like. The 2018 Mechacon, rip šŸ˜”)
Anyway. Lisim.... Lisim my beloved.... you are Real and Canon To Me.... (at least as a one sided thing šŸ’”)
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