#but for my writing blog
leftdestiny-posts · 1 year
I want to revamp my blog (writing) but idk where to start ;;
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liesmyth · 9 months
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gigireece16 · 1 month
“how do you plot / plan your book?” very bold of you to assume i do that.
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persicipen · 19 days
₊ ˙ ⊹ .
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starryvomit · 4 months
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xisadorapurlowx · 10 months
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spiral-suggestions · 2 years
"I wouldn't want to bother anyone," I say as the thing inside of me eats me alive.
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xochimillilili · 4 months
Come on~ Roll over for me puppyyy, come on be a good pet and show me that pretty little tummy of yours, that's it good boy~
Awww puppy, you like when I rub your tummy all soft? Of course you do sweetheart, all cute pups like you do. I'll just keep rubbing your pretty tummy pup, all sweet and gentle for you— I'll be fucking and pumping it full of my cum pretty soon after all~
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humiliatingsluts2 · 16 days
Thinking about casual, domestic, disrespectful degradation:
Asking you about your day, then pulling your tits out while you’re talking
Having you cook my dinner, you only eat once I’ve finished
Jerking off beside you in bed, pushing your head down to swallow my cum without saying a word
Immediately groping you when I get home from work, shaming you for being desperate if you’re wet
You make our morning coffee, but I cum in yours instead of milk
While I’m at work leaving you a list of household chores and expecting them all done
Making you kneel by my feet while we have a conversation
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soul-from-another-era · 4 months
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Sometimes people only see what they want to see, not the real you.
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falloutcoys · 5 months
i love you fanfic authors who write in the source material's style, i love you fanfic authors who write in their own voice, i love you fic authors who experiment with structure, i love you fic authors who write one format, i love you fic authors who perfect one genre or trope, i love you fic authors who keep trying new ones
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jetpack · 2 years
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The blade is imbued with great power. I can feel it course through my hands as I unsheathe it. I do not know if I can sate its hunger. Read more on my blog.
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lynnsdarkuniverse · 3 months
Bir kere de insanı doğduğuna doğacağına pişman etmeyin ya....
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im sorry, we turned your boyfriend into a mole. yeah and all of tumblr‘s interested in him now. sorry
edit 9/12/23 11.22 CET
and so it begins…
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fic1, fic2 @pathsofoak ao3 tag. Mole Poem @thaliaisalesbian . fic by @tourmelion .
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ao3 link. please vote for mole scene in most underrated goncharov scene poll
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yikes-belly · 3 months
I love when we don’t acknowledge it. I make a pan of lasagna and we sit at the table with the nice tablecloth and candles lit and you chatter about your day. I serve you another slice. We talk about what we should do this weekend. I serve you another slice. Your cheeks look rosy in the candlelight and the wine is making me warm and affectionate. I serve you another slice. You’re complaining about the jerk at work but you’re also looking a little full. We’ve finished the lasagna and I bring out the cheesecake. We don’t acknowledge it but you look up at me with heavy, dark eyes as I put some down in front of you. I do most of the talking while we eat dessert. You’re concentrating now on finishing everything I give you, keeping up the charade that you’re not stuffed to the gills with most of the meal I’ve made for the two of us. I know you’re at your limit but I play oblivious and ask if you want more. My resolve almost breaks as I hear the faintest little whimper, but I keep playing the game, not letting you know yet how good you look, how full. I clear our dishes and I let you wait, heavy, bloated with food, probably unable to get up and help though we haven’t acknowledged that yet either. In a minute I’ll take mercy on you, maybe ask you innocently: is everything alright? You’ll deny it at first, because that’s fun for us; you know that I know that you’re packed tight and turned on about it, but you don’t want to admit it to me yet. And you’ll finally put a hand on your belly and look up at me pleadingly.
��I’m so full”
“I ate too much”
“Aw, my poor baby”
“My tummy hurts”
And the dam breaks and I’m all over you. We held out long enough, and your sore tummy needs my attention. I did this to you, after all. We both know that you’ll eat anything I put in front of you, you just can’t help it, can you? It’s fun to pretend that I don’t notice how much you’re eating but the truth is, I watched you like a hawk. I saw the way you shifted uncomfortably in your chair when I got you thirds, I noticed the way your shirt clung to your belly after dessert, how your breathing got heavier and heavier as you got fuller and more turned on. You did so well for me, baby. Now let me take care of that full tummy of yours.
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thehauntedetheral · 3 months
Yan Husband x Pregnant Reader ~
Requests are open!
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• You and your husband has been married for 3 years and you have a happy marriage that your life couldn't get any better
• Until one day you realise your period has been late a few weeks. You take a pregnancy test and found out you guys are gonna become parents.
• You told yan about your pregnancy and now you are the happiest couple in world. You always thought yan husband is very protective? Well get ready darling because this man is gonna get double protective and stress out about every single thing till the baby is born.
• Yan Husband who hires the most famous, experienced and expensive gynecologist in city.
• Buys every pregnancy book available and remembers every single thing mentioned in it
• Food cravings? My love he would go buy anything even at middle of night. But you wanted from that specific shop? Well then he is going to make owner open the shop and make food for you at the middle of night no in between.
• Makes the most nutritious breakfast, lunch, dinner by himself. Makes you eat fruits, homemade smoothies that even professional fitness coaches plan is colourless compared to his.
• Reads so many pregnancy articles, cases and watches video. The only thing remaining now is getting a medical degree which he thinks upon to get just in case which you have to put a stop on.
• Constantly checking your blood pressure, sugar levels, pulse that he has become personal doctor of yours.
• Going with you on walks, doing yoga together.
• Buys all the baby stuff with the most safety guarantee even if the price is ridiculous. When it comes to you and baby nothing is expensive.
• Takes leave from work or work from home throughout your pregnancy. Won't let you go out of his sight.
• Won't even let you lift a finger and you are thinking about continuing job? THAT'S JUST STRAIGHT UP NO.
• Baby proofs that whole house. Always looking up at nutritious recipes for pregnant ladies on internet.
• Buys everything that he finds adorable and spending unnecessarily very high that you have to sit him down and explain the budget but still doesn't listen.
• Wants Baby to look like you because you are the most beautiful person in this world for him.
• Attends every doctor's appointment with you like a ritual and bores doctor to death with his constant questions about your pregnancy. Don't be surprised if you find him talking to doctor and asking a question at two in night.
• Talks and kisses to your baby bump everyday and mostly talk about you to baby telling how much lucky he is to have you and how much he loves you both.
• Has multiple panick attacks through out your pregnancy just thinking about you and baby's safety.
• When your water broke and the contraction begins he is just a centimetre away from having a heart attack.
• When you are under going labour threatens doctor that if anything happens to you or the baby the doctor will become a dead body.
Requests are open!
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