#cause its a bit chaotic rn LOL
leftdestiny-posts · 1 year
I want to revamp my blog (writing) but idk where to start ;;
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helluvapurf · 11 months
Out of curiosity, what are your Top 10 Fave HB ships overall?❤️‍🔥
My "overall" top 10 faves? ...Hmmmmm-
Honestly a lil tricky 'cause alot of my main HB ships rn aren't exactly "canon" (save for like, one or two lol), and I do like to multi-ship alot as well depending on my mood. Sooo if I had to name just the top ships currently in my head rn (even if its not a full 10 list), here ya go!
Fizz x Ozzie Beautifully lustful bfs not afraid to be doofuses together whilst always lifting the other up when they're down... honestly, what more can one ask for in a Hell-ranked power couple?~ 💞🔥 If they ever made a spin-off for Fizzarolli, I’d SO be down for that if it means more Fizzmodeus duets~ 😍
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Blitz x Fizz -Biiiit of a controversial one I know, since ofc Fizzarolli is in a relationship rn/Blitz having his own issues wouldn't spell too much success for a romance atm... but like, ughhh I can't help it they're SO good, man T-T 💕 Like, two torn-apart childhood friends who grow up into a petty rivalry, sassing eachother out whilst learning to work together in danger, hashing out their feelings enough to forgive (whilst taking it slow friendship-wise) BUT also having Blitz stand his ground to protect Fizz at the Mammon event?
...Honestly, if it weren't for Fizzmodeus (+Stol*itz) existing, these two would THE perfect endgame, fr~ 👏👏
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Loona x Bee "Peppy x Moody" aesthetics are always a huge soft spot for me in ships, so I couldn't help getting drawn to these gals maybe being more than just "pals" lol ;p
Esp with the potential of Bee not being afraid to call out Loona on her crap (unlike most others who deal with her lol), Loona lowkey finding Bee attractive & super cool (despite still being a lil jealous over her Tex crush), and knowing how intuitive Bee is as a whole... I feel like she'd be the best influence to soften up Loona to get her to express herself & have fun~💖
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Bee x Tex Prob my fave (canon) hetero pair atm, I think these two are pretty lovely on their own accord too~ :3 Surprisingly subtle with their affections compared to other couples... but you can still tell how much they fit well given their laidback natures, abilities to "read" people (like Blitz when he got too drunk), and just overall care for eachother in that bit after Bee shrank down to size. Really curious of how they got together ngl (esp given how Hellhounds are pretty low in the hierarchy system as-is), I think it'd be pretty fun to read about~ 🥰
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Blitz x Striker Ahhh yes, def a classic in terms of the alternate Blitz ships out there (though I guess not as popular these days, given Striker's current writing .w.; ). From how much they oozed chemistry from their first meeting, Blitz's respect for Striker's skill almost giving them good coworker potential, their similar insecurities/frustrations with Hell's hierarchy system (even with Striker going a more "corrupt" route with it in later appearances... the fact that even he declares that Blitz deserved "better" than how Stolas' treats of him speaks volumes ngl-). Like, there's SO much potential imho; whether its a slowburn-redemption pair, an "flirting-on-opposing sides" pair, a "come to the dark side- we have cookies~" pair... the possibilities are endless~ 👀❤️
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Blitz x Mrs. Mayberry
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-Ok, now this one's proooobably the least popular overall of the Blitz ships out there... but idk, just thought it'd be a cute idea the more I thought about it lol .3.
Blitz may be a goofy lil jerk, but he's clearly a devoted family man at heart whenever you see him with his loved ones (Loona, Fizz, occasionally M&M, etc.). And with Mayberry having that strong desire for a family (despite how she was cheated/unfairly-bashed on after her death), I feel like she'd lowkey be a sweet influence to balance Blitz's chaotic nature (whilst he'd be able to make her laugh/bring "excitement" to her current life in Hell). Idk, just something light & cute like that, yknow? :3 💜
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trippygalaxy · 1 year
Readers POV:
Yummy soup. I love me some soup. Wilds cookin is the best frfr and i forgot the name of the yummy food lol. Legend rn looks like he doesnt wanna eat......and yk i havent ate in like what? Five days? Im starvin so yk, im sure he wouldnt mind passin some on to me. "Ayo bestie, you gonna eat that cause you look like u abouta give it back to mr tree danglin cookin mono over there" I said in a joking tone, but halfy serious. " No, not really. You can have it" Somethin is up, for a while he hasnt been eatin. I put the yummy soup down and almost cried cause im starvin but legend is more important....totally......a little more soup wont hurt yk. "Alright emo pinkie pie, lets go" I stand up, puttin the soup down and takin his as well. "Huh, where are u goin" uhhh this dude deaf or smt? Mono i said lets not imma go "bitch i said lets as in we, get ur emo pink ass up, we gonna walk with some yummy music" i said walkin towards the forest. Time shot a glance at me, confused. I gave him a look sayin imma just walk with legend. A threw a twig at the monos head sayin lets go bro.
We were walkin with some nice jazz rn. I wanted to be far from the others but not so far that we would get lost. I looked at legend who seemed zoned out, guess he's thinkin abt smt. "Alright, tell me whats goin on" I said while straight up takin a seat on the yummy ground. He looked at me with his pretty blue eyes, very cute. I patted the ground next to me signalin him to sit next to me. He took a hot second but finally sat down next to me. I guided his head down to my lap, which didnt last long cause he immediately went back up. "What are you planning to do?" He asked with very confused eyes. "Oh ma god broski doski just roll with it my mono" I said guiding his head again. This time he stayed. He got comfortable and he looked at me wanting a reason for all this. "Somethins up with you, you've haven't been eating and you zone out a lot. I wanna know why" I said while combing his soft hair with my fingers. "Well I wanna ask you the same thing, you havent ate for a while, you only ate today" Bitch i asked first "But i started eatin today again so, you tell me whats up with you" He sighed then turned his body away so he wasnt facin me anymore. "Its just that i dont want this, I want a peaceful life without all this mess" He misses home, just like me "Hm, thats sorta my awnser for my thing, except i just miss the ppl in it....... and the wifi, food, clothes ect" He chuckled a bit, its nice to see him so calm "Well you seem to bring a lot of that here" Damn he's right "Yea but thats just my attitude, I've been like this for as long as I remember" "Chaotic?" STOP CUTTIN ME OFF MONO LET ME FINISH IMMA MAKE A PICKUP LINE NOW "Dude, why cut me off, istg ur done" He laughed at this, i tjought for a moment then i got it "Are you the sun? Cause your making me smile like a spring day!" That made him chuckle! "You such a weirdo"He said sleepily "Tankeu" We stayed quiet for a while then I felt a small snore. AWWWWWWW HE FELL ASLEEP HE IS SO CUTTEEE CUTIE POOKIE! I pressed a small kiss on his cheek, I'll tell time later.
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riacte · 3 years
Hermitcraft on r/place - Bets Against The Void (3/4/2022) Day 3 Part 1
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Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Part 2 Day 4 Part 1 Day 4 Part 2
Writing these take a lot of effort so I'm not writing another disclaimer or intro to r/place lol. Please read the previous two posts linked above. This is DAY THREE of HERMITCRAFT PLACE and it would end tomorrow at 5pm GMT, so the Europeans would be our final line of defence! HOLD TILL THE END!
This might become a part 1 / part 2 thing because so much is changing and this post is getting way too long.
Very quick updates on what to do, please join Discord for live updates:
1. DO NOT EXPAND OR MOVE MAIN HC AREA. We are friendly / neutral with most of our neighbours rn
2. Keep blushies on all hermits. It saves us. Do not blush the non-HC Etho
3. Mumbo's eyes are two black pixels, do not add white
4. Do not change Dimden dev border to black (it's to the left of HC mural)
5. Xisuma's eyes are meant to be purple
6. No Grian moustache
That's about it so far. This might become outdated VERY quickly so it's best to go in Discord if you're really invested. Okay here we go! Quick recap from the night of Day 2 (European timezone):
1. Battle for Mindustry
H3, which was to our left and next to no-longer-sexy SpaceX, decided to invade its neighbours. Lions, Bear Down, SpaceX, and Mindustry (the little grey squares and the large grey mural to the right) were allied against their common enemy. Hermitcraft, truced with SpaceX and Mindustry, decided to help protect. We engaged in warfare by placing grey pixels in H3's chaotic zone of purple and white. Unfortunately, after a tough battle, H3 won and swallowed LIONS and the left bit of Mindustry's mural.
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HC Discord was once again torn on what to do with H3, which (to us) appeared to have a lot of immature people and botting going on. Some wanted to appease them. Some wanted to fight the good fight with Mindustry. Some just wanted to ignore them.
2. Brazil - enemies to friends <3
So, with Brazil moving to the East, the Void in the center-right could cause troubles. Brazil was combating the Void pretty well, and could act as a shield for HC. In return, HC also placed pixels when Brazil's right flag was being eroded. The blue bird on the HC logo was made prettier with the extra colours with flowers sprouting (it's actually my favourite bit in this piece so far <3).
HC soon suggested to draw a branch to better connect the bird and the logo. Brazil was initially hesitant but was cool when we showed them our pixel art. After all, peace with Brazil was hard sought.
The Void (presumably) also attacked fellow MCYT mural 2b2t to our northeast, but was quickly put down with HC placing a few pixels. MCYT murals stick together!
The GME line had also became a constant. It was crucial in maintaining peace between Brazil and HC. Also HC was the only community that could stand up to GME and had the line "pass through" instead of going around like for 2b2t :D
3. Friends!
Our left corner DSMP friends appeared to be surviving well despite... whatever that was going on there. A small patch of MCC team icons and MCC coin appeared near the upper right corner, surrounded by similarly sized murals :D The 3rd Life / Last Life community (a lot of them on tumblr) was also reaching out to build a tiny Dogwarts flag nestled between Portugal and the Wall Street Bets guy (note that the guy is blond and the Dogwarts flag is next to the hand - fitting, isn't it?). The area expanded to include a Pizza banner and there was a struggle to hold the Fwhip head. Peace was apparently established and no murals were majorly invaded.
By the time I went to bed, Hermitcraft seemed fairly secure. We were still anxious about the H3 situation but they had no plans to go towards our area.
When I woke up, the void came.
4. Threat of the Void / Streamers
Main Hermitcraft area was intact, but there were slight changes. For one, MCC's HBG sign was replaced by a large W (apparently a truce had been made), HBomb's head was built right above Fruit (something something Blue9 something), H3 had completely established themselves, and more flowers were added to the Brazil-HC bird border. Macedonia had relocated, so SpaceX / Wheatley / Nano could safely exist.
However when one zoomed out, many areas were suffering from or recovering from a major attack.
Star Wars to our left was notably decimated by void (??) following their valiant battle against Amongus yesterday. Madoka Magica was reportedly repairing their murals. The American (?? It's unrecognizable to me) flag below Turkey was also attacked. There was a mild scare of void at Italy (Italy was to our northwest, beyond MCC and H3), but that was quickly taken care of. The area right below 2b2t and above our ally Taiwan was attacked with void and we sent in reinforcements. We coordinated with 2b2t to take care of it. While some HC people were distrusting of 2b2t, it was agreed that we were both MC sever murals and thus we were sort of obliged to help each other out.
Now onto our closest allies. Eastern Brazil was attacked with purple void, and it also became a concern of us. First of all, Brazil and HC were finally peacefully coexisting, and second of all, Brazil would be our shield against the purple void or whatever void from the right. Brazil could NOT fall.
The MCC secondary area at the upper right hand corner also suffered from a nasty attack of purple void, but when I came to, it was mostly repaired, so good job MCC people!
The situation at DSMP's lower left corner remained turbulent as always. We continued to keep a close eye.
Tensions were high when several streamers announced they might launch coordinated attacks. DSMP's blushes ended up being an excellent defensive strategy and they (and us) were spared by a French streamer wrecking havoc in blue corner because they looked too cute and the streamer called us "cutie patooties". Thus, Hermitcraft suddenly became blush positive because it kept us alive.
There was an entire civil conflict over Etho's blushes. r/ethoslab were very against the blushes because they wanted to pay respect to how Etho never changed his skin, but people kept on adding the blushes. Since r/ethoslab owns two Ethos, they were fine with HC Etho having blushes (since it saves us all) because their other Etho is blushless. Either way, the blushes saved us all from the French streamer. Imagine hearing the sentence "We are pro-blush, it saved DSMP from the French" and it makes perfect sense. Wild.
All in all, the main HC area seemed to be in a pretty secure strategic location. Our south and east were guarded by our big allies Argentina/ Love Live and Brazil. Love Live attempted to get their pink logo on Argentina's flag and Argentina was helping them, but bots were erasing their efforts. LL asked for help and HC accepted, however they eventually seemed to give up on the logo. Either way, the ties between LL and HC remained. Brazil was currently besties with HC, aside from the occasional Kermitcrapt trolling, our murals remained fine. Expansions to Brazil were furiously shot down as were suggestions to move the logo to the West. HC could NEVER betray or backstab MCC. It was simply unthinkable.
To our north was MCC, and above that were medium sized murals. Our northeast included Taiwan and 2b2t, whom we were friendly / neutral with (Taiwan started pixel art about their 101 tower and boba tea, it's so cute). Northwest included the now shrunken Mindustry, H3, NASA SpaceX Rocket Lab (now free from sexy griefing), and a little further was the large flag of Italy. To the west was still Wheatley. The area seemed stable. Our old enemy GME line actually proved to be useful when the line provided a border between potential void attacks and our allies. Nether portals were also added to the intersection between the logo and the line which was a nice Minecrafty touch while paying respect to the line. Everything seemed peaceful. Hermitcraft could actually afford to aid our allies from far away!
5. For Our Allies!
Wynncraft had set up above the right edge of India on a white canvas. Their mural was their logo. Allyship was established because of obvious connections. However, Wynncraft was attacked by Finland apparently and maybe other nordic countries. Their logo was being wiped out. In a state of panic, Wynncraft asked for our assistance. HC Discord tried, but alas. The logo was gone, and Wynncraft started relocated. Last time I heard of them, they would try to build at the bottom left of OSU. Good luck!
3rd Life area was under occasional griefing from Portugal, but Portugal had agreed to respect them, so perhaps it were rogues looking to expand. 3rd Life loyally held onto their banners and their Fwhip and Jimmy heads, but the "aha" and spyglass to the right suffered. The WSB guy was also half-vanishing, but hopefully 3rd Life remained a small enough area so it wouldn't pose a threat.
Jojo, in charge of the "To Be Continued" sign at the bottom left (aka DSMP area), reached out to us, and we accepted. Jojo was trying to restore the Windows logo at the very bottom left corner. It would be wise to have more allies to help out our fellow DSMP mural by Technocord. DSMP then suffered from an attack under bots and we rushed to their defence, frantically salvaging their heads. DSMP area was successfully defended once again.
6. Expand VS Defend - The Neverending Civil Conflict
Once we were settled in, of course people wanted to expand again. Somebody wanted to add a r/ to the left of our logo, which was IMMEDIATELY shot down because we would GUARD MCC's chicken. Keralis had already taken over their legs. Hurting MCC would be like hurting ourselves. It was once again an effort to wrangle people into NOT expanding towards our allies. HOLD THE BORDER!
Expansion was heavily discouraged as were major changes (even changing the hair colour of hermits needed coordinating, seen with Cleo's new red hair). Our task was fixing pixels and shouting at people to not do certain things (eg. change X's eyes to white when they should stay purple). Grian's moustache was also a constant battle as it was seen was wasting pixels. We could not afford to use our pixels on silly jokes, not when 3rd Life area still needed maintaining and we had to defend our allies. People suggesting to add EvilX or whatever HC persona was shot down because we had all 26 hermits and we shouldn't be greedy. The narrative from Day 1 continues (you can probably tell which side I'm on even though I try to keep down the bias on these posts).
To prevent Hermitcrapt, the F was changed. The lower line would be one pixel shorter than the upper line, please fix it if it gets reverted!
7. Fear Mongering / Allies or Not?
Someone suddenly sent a message saying another person heard from Thailand’s meeting that Taiwan might plan on invading the Minecraft heads (Thailand was directly above Taiwan). While it was unconfirmed whether those heads were MCC or HC, we still had to defend them. Taiwan had been peacefully co existing with us so far, but we had to keep a careful eye.
MCC’s secondary area (adjacent to Taylor Swift Lover mural) might be invaded by Europeans creating a giant map on the upper right corner. If so, we're fucked.
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Representative from Dimden dev (west of SOR axolotl, below SpaceX) came by and was unhappy with our border infringing on theirs. We agreed for a white line between our territories, but HC rogues kept turning it black again. After a while, the white border was established.
Someone also said the 3L area might get targeted by WSB because they wanted to expand. Although Portugal mostly left 3L alone, WSB was a whole another fight we were unwilling to pick. If WSB comes, we're also fucked.
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To keep in mind is that a lot of groups are disorganised (void) and HC has it fair share of random people going "XD let's put heads on Brazil while they're sleeping XD" aka. people ruining peace and the sweat and tears of our diplomats. Other groups have their random people too. Unless an invasion was seen on canvas, we would not move.
For now, we wait and prepare to defend. Reminder that this ends tomorrow at 5pm GMT, which translates to 3 hours before MCC time (8pm GMT). o7 to everyone who placed a pixel, and remember to take breaks and step away if it gets too overwhelming!
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reikissu · 3 years
tr boys with an attractive s/o ! ╰(★∇★)╯
a/n: hey yall im finally posting tr x reader again!! i was bored out of my mind so i decided to write this <3
characters: baji keisuke, chifuyu matsuno and kazutora hanemiya
reader: female
genre: crack, fluff (?)
warnings: swearing, flirting and violence
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kazutora hanemiya ↓
you guys are a power couple, since you both are really hot
the students at your school has their eyes glued onto you guys cause 2 attractive people are walking to school together?!?!
but he dislikes the people asking you out, he probably justs pulls you away and walks away from them
"i like you! y/n-cha-"
then bitch be dragging you🤨
"sorry she have a boyfriend and hes dragging her away rnnn."
"poor guy, didnt even get to finish (•́ɞ•̀)"
"i wont let him finish his stupid ass confession, you're mine anyway lol"
the person confessing to u was dumbfounded and heartbroken😭
okay anyways, hes really inlove with you
everything you do just gives him butterflies, he finds you really attractive
"kazu, whats up? why are you staring at me (•́ι_•̀*)"
"you're so hot babe."
"now whats up with you? flustered?
͡° ͜ʖ ͡°"
"yeah.... (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)"
teases you just to see you shy HAHAHAHA
baji just flirts with you as a joke to piss off kazutora😭
"u look so hot bebegorl"
"baji do you want me to roundhouse your ass rn."
overall a bit chaotic but fun <3
baji keisuke ↓
this bitch would show off
chifuyu and draken are tired of hearing him boasting abt u, like they know you're really attractive
but chifuyu is very jealous😈
this is baji keisuke we are talkin abt, he would obviously be heavy with pda to show people hes dating the most attractive girl in school🙄 but he wont go overboard with pda if u arent comfortable with it
beats up the people who confesses to you🙁 its like you have a rabid dog by your side,,, bro is a literal menace
"kei....im literally here watching you beat them up 😧"
"then walk away. *continues*"
the people who confessed to you got hospitalized for 4 weeks
you had to scold him and you convinced his mom to put him on house arrest #girlbossing
"sorry wont fix it yk." and you just glared at him and clicked your tongue in disappointment
"i said im sorry! i really mean it!
( ಥ _ ಥ ) i'll give you hugs and kisses (◕︵◕)"
ofc u took the bait cause u love him
after that he finally stopped beating them up yayy
also gave you what he promised <3
hes a menace but is very affectionate (=ↀωↀ=)✧
chifuyu matsuno ↓
head over heels for you, he blushes everytime you talk to him its just cause ur really attractive
"hi fuyu! hru <3"
"im good (,,•﹏•,,) hbu??"
hes so soft for u fr
gives u a lot of gifts cause hes shy to kiss u but he finally kisses you on your 3rd date with him
but listen, i'll say horrible things now
in my hc this bitch is much more of a menace than baji, so he practically just does horrible things to the stupid people who force you to date them instead
"y/n-san, im inlove with you! please be my gf!"
"uhh yeah no sorry i have a bf(`ヘ´*)ノ"
"date me instead, ill treat you bett-" then chifuyu kicks him in the balls...
"im the bf you motherfucker(ꐦ°᷄д°᷅)"
"woaah so cool fuyu! but why did u have to kick him in the balls..."
"he was annoying( ͡°Ĺ̯ ͡° )"
he did horrible things to 4 people now
1st one got kicked multiple times, 2nd one got threatened violently, 3rd one got punched until he was bleeding and the 4th one got kicked in the balls
and yall acted like nothing happened at all👹 nobody dares to confess to u anymore
hes soft and sweet but is pretty scary..
© r3iyooo do not repost/steal any of my works and repost it on other platform/s. I do not own the characters i write for at all. Reblogs are appreciated though.
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aerialflight · 3 years
Fic Recs (cause it's always nice to give a shout out and get people into things I'm into rn)
[The Magnus Archives] (I recently finished the podcast and I fell into a hole for a while so here you go)
Sing a Song of Sixpence by Kaiel
Ship: Jon/Martin
In which Jonathan Sims is a Siren, and he fails to notice any new abilities granted to him by the position of Archivist. Or really anything about the Entities at all.
Takes place in season 1 featuring Jonah Magnus’s slow decent into madness
(The new mythology interwoven with tma's worldbuilding is so freaking good and I love how all the characters change and develop because of these changes. Also, f you Elias)
Along Came a Spider by Dribbledscribbles
Ship: implied Jon/Martin
Sasha James is the Archivist, as expected. Martin Blackwood is menaced by Jane Prentiss, as expected. Elias Bouchard weaves his web, as expected.
All goes as it should.
At least until something calling itself Jonathan Sims steps in.
(Web!Jon in this makes me want to weep, it's so freaking good. A pretty long, very excellent oneshot on what could've happened if Jon got taken by the web when he was a kid. And Sasha as the Archivist is ALWAYS so cool, we love her in this house.)
A Break in the Clouds by Ash_Rabbit
“I’m eight.” the kid sniffs as if eight was any different from four, maybe not an unspeakable horror then, just a regular horror. “And I heard that the Magnus Institute deals with-” his little nose scrunches, cute. “-spooky things.”
“Do you have a-” he cracks a grin, and then rethinks it as small hands tighten against their burden.”-spooky thing to deliver?” gods he hopes not, it’s bad enough when adults walk in and lay out all of their baggage, but for a child-
“There’s a spider in this book.” the kid says solemnly, raising his textbook sized parcel. “It ate Evan Pritchard.” a bloody fucking Leitner. Of course an eight year old would find a murder spider book. “This seemed like the best place to bring it.”
(I never thought about what the Original Elias could've been like AND NOW I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT BECAUSE OF THIS FIC. I LOVE HIM, HE'S COMPLEX AND HE CARES AND JON CARES AND THEY BOTH CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER. THIS IS THE CONTENT I WANT, OMG. Also, Jon being even smaller than usual is adorable, so cute. No wonder Elias wants to hug him, a LOT.)
See the Line where the Sky meets the Sea by The_Floating_World
Ship: Jon/Martin, Jon/Oliver Banks
When Jon is a child he looks into the infinite abyss of space. The Vast looks back into him.
(One of my all time fave fics in this fandom, no questions asked. I have reread this three times and am open to doing it again, god. Vast!Jon, such a concept. It's written so beautifully and the relationships Jon develops, so good. ugh. My heart. Please please read.)
Sweet As Roses by Prim_the_Amazing
Ship: Jon/Martin
“Come in, Martin,” he says, not looking up from his notes.
“Hi, Jon,” he says, and Jon stops writing at the sound of his voice. “We’re out of the green tea, but we’ve got lemon?”
Jon looks at him. Martin smiles at him in his usual tentative way as he sets the mug of tea down on Jon’s desk. Heat spikes so sharply in his gut that he twitches with it.
“Thank you, Martin,” he says, mouth dry, and he stands up.
“Oh,” he says, sounding almost surprised. He smiles again. “No-- no problem-- um, what are you--”
Jon takes Martin by the shoulders, leans up on the tips of his toes, and kisses him.
(You have no idea how much I howled through this fic, my god. *buries face in hands* The number of times I wanted to cry from sheer hilarity and horror reading this good lord.)
Things Could Always Be Worse by theOestofOCs
Ship: Jon/Martin, Georgie/Melanie
Sometimes, the most horrifying thing of all is what might have been.
Somewhere, Jon could swear he heard a crowd laughing.
Or: in which Jonathan Sims is forced to swap places with his alternate self—a tall, chivalrous hero extraordinaire, who knows neither fear nor nuance—and is sent to the aggressively straight alternate universe the Magnus Archives was never meant to be.
“Whatever place this is,” Jon announced, “I just want to be sure it knows I hate it.”
(I will say this once, THIS IS THE MOST CURSED THING IVE EVER READ EVER. Like holy hell. I can't believe this thing exists. please read it oh please please please)
heard from your mother (she don't recognize you) by Schmuzz
Ship: Dean/Cas, Jessica/Sam
A man named Cas wakes up in 2003 with no memories, but he's able to piece together a few things:
1. Supernatural creatures exist, and most of them will hurt innocent civilians if he doesn't stop them; 2. He has abilities that no human hunter should have, but he knows enough about human hunters to keep that to himself, and finally; 3. He keeps running into another hunter named Dean Winchester, who seems to be about as lonely as he is if he's willing to put up with those former facts long enough to help Cas unravel the mystery of who (or what) he really is.
For his part, Dean's still (not) dealing with Sam's departure to Stanford, and figures distracting himself with a bit of mystery and intrigue is as harmless as it gets, right? Right.
(THE fic I'm most into right now, been following this from the very start and it's AMAZING. Cas has agency and is making friends and S1 Dean is growing out of John's influence and is becoming a Person and the both of them first being friends then more. The slow burn as their relationship develops, SO GOOD. SO SO DAMN GOOD. *screams* Seriously one of the best spn fics I've read in a long, long time.)
anamnesis by cenotaphy
Ships: Castiel/Dean, Sam/Eileen
Chuck is depowered, Jack is the new god, and the world is free. Dean and Sam get into the Impala and chase down the miles on an endless highway, and their story is finally, finally their own to follow. At least, that's what Dean tells himself. But the diners and motels and painted interstate lines are blurring together and the smallest details keep catching at his brain like tiny fishhooks and he can't quite shake the feeling that not everything is exactly as it should be.
* Fix-it/alternate series finale. Canon-compliant through the end of 15.19.
(THIS IS THE FIC THAT GOT ME THROUGH THE FINALE OKAY. WHY COULDN'T THIS HAVE BEEN CANON. It's Disturbing and honestly plot-wise this makes more sense. Why couldn't we have had this. *screams*)
[Avatar: The Last Airbender]
where the stars do not take sides by WitchofEndor
Ship: Sokka/Zuko
When Azula is nine, she becomes an only child. She hears the Fire Lord call for Zuko's life, and in the morning, her mother and brother are gone. Azula may be young, but she isn't naive. She knows what happened to them.
Which makes it all the more surprising when Azula tracks the Avatar down and fights his group of peasant friends, only to find herself staring into an eerily familiar face.
(The fact one of the tags in this fic is, "Sibling Dynamic: Fucked Up But Wholesome" should give you an idea what this fic is like. Chaotic as HELL and I just love Azula here, she loves Zuko so much in her messed up way and Zuko loves her back in the exact same way lol. It's batshit and I am Here For This.)
Eclipse by AislingRoisin (JayBird345) for HybrisAnaideia
Ship: Nara Shikaku/OFC
"In life, it's easier to remain stagnant and wallow in your troubles. But life isn't merely about continued existence, nor is it meant to be gone through alone."
(This is a fic that's slept on and I NEED people to read this. A self-insert fic that I find really interesting in its approach and the worldbuilding for the post-third war shinobi world is fantastic. I feel like there's a certain pattern with self-insert fics, not that is a detriment in any way to how much I enjoy them, so this fic feels fresh to me in a way I haven't read in a while. I am waiting eagerly for this to get updated! Please read!)
On Freedom and Other Formalities by iaso
Ship: Kakashi/Genma/OFC
When push comes to shove, Hiwa Inuzuka doesn't go down easy. Reborn into a new, dangerous world? She puts her past life as a spy to work. Thrown into a war? Hiwa does her duty, for Konoha. And when she's forced into an arranged marriage? All there is to do is beat them to the punch and get married first. Thankfully, Genma Shiranui is willing to lend a hand. Literally. SI/OC
(Listen, LISTEN, it's about the slow burn, the longing, the communication (it both has and hasn't and isn't THAT great??), the messy way you fit three very different people together, it's so freaking good! Also, Kakashi is so Chaotic here this is my fave characterization of him, you can't change my mind. And Genma is a Good Boi who is Doing His Best, along with the Self-insert character who I LOVE SO MUCH, SHE'S FANTASTIC FNEIWOPAF. Sped past this fic in the speed of light, I could not stop reading!)(Honestly, read all of the author's fics, they're all really REALLY good!)
Building a Castle by WhisperingDarkness
Without needing anyone to tell her, Sakura knew that talking to someone no-one else could see or hear would make her weird. It would draw the bad kind of attention to her, something people could make fun of her for.
She didn’t like being weird, but she did like the voice. Her inner voice was helpful and it was a part of her that had always been there. The idea of it not being there would have been so much weirder than anything else.
It was during her first year at the Academy that Sakura realised the voice was not in her head at all, but that it came from a cloudy shape floating next to her.
(Basically a short-ish retelling of Hikaru no Go. Only with more Shogi and Nara and Ninja's)
(Sakura can see ghosts (I'm noticing this is a popular trope for her) and it's really cute haha! Her relationship with Tobirama is sweet and I just enjoyed reading this so much.)
[The Magicians]
So Long (And Thanks For All The Books) by IncompleteSentanc (Erava)
Ships: Quentin/Eliot, James/Julia, Quentin/Margo/Eliot
When Quentin is told Julia wasn't admitted to Brakebills, he realizes he has a drastic decision in front of him. If he tells Julia about magic, he'll have his mind wiped as well as hers. But he can't just leave her behind, either. He can't lose his best friend, and he can't let her life a life with her magical potential stolen away from her.
So he makes a third choice.
(Really, and I mean REALLY well-done canon divergent fic, this is the Quentin & Julia friendship fic I have been looking for forever. It explores so much of what could've happened and I just love Quentin here, I really really do. Characterization done so right. I also recommend the author's other works too. Been a follower of them for a long time, they're great.)
[Game of Thrones]
The Road to Victory by writing_as_tracey
Too late in preparing for the Night King and the Long Night, the last stand at Winterfell is close to falling. Bran takes desperate measures to ensure victory, and Jon, Sansa, and Arya pay the price for it in a time unfamiliar to them, on the cusp of another war. [GoT, time-travel fix it]
(I swear, this fic made me laugh so many times, all the Stark are BAMF and fantastic, and Rhaegar gets Wrecked lol. It's crack btw, and the plot goes in directions you'll never guess and it's amazing hahaha!)
[Haikyuu!!] (I am very very late to the fandom but here I am)
Ballare (To Dance) by MidnightSparks
Ship: Iwaizumi Hajime/Kageyama Tobio/Oikawa Tooru, and platonic Kageyama & Kentarou (really love their friendship)
Kageyama’s first love is volleyball. His second, however, is ballet.
In one world, Kageyama Tobio is left behind by his parents. In this world, the existence of soulbonds keeps Kageyama’s parents in Miyagi and leaves Kageyama in the care of his grandma and grandpa.
(In which soulmates exist and that changes everything and nothing at the same time.)
(*buries face in hands* I have fallen for this ship so hard and I can't get out fudge me. I understand now. Their DYNAMICS FIEWONPAF)
Kings of Tomorrow by bokubroya (liarielle)
Ship: Kageyama Tobio/Oikawa Tooru
On the eve of Tobio’s 16th birthday, he counts down the seconds to midnight, and emerges with Oikawa Tooru’s name on his wrist.
It’s been two years since then, and Tobio thought they had an understanding. A silent, never spoken about understanding that this thing between them is nothing, and they’re going to pretend it doesn’t exist.
Of course, it’s just like Oikawa to change the game and leave Tobio wondering what comes next.
(I am WEAK for soulmate fics between these two, I don't even really like soulmate fics half the times what is WRONG WITH ME-)(Please suffer with me, I'm begging you. Its a good fic, thumbs up.)
Honey and Magic by JustARatherVerySillyWriter, White_Squirrel for Super Carlin Brothers
Fandoms: Matilda (yeah you read that right), Harry Potter
Everyone knew Matilda was a rather extraordinary child, but even she didn't know she was a witch. Matilda Honey receives her Hogwarts letter in the year of the Triwizard Tournament, and soon, she will leave her unique mark on the magical world.
(Do I even need to explain how amazing it is to have Matilda in the wizarding world? And Matilda is a HUFFLEPUFF AND I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL THIS FIC IS GREAT PLEASE READ!!!)
An Eye for an Eye by DpsMercy
Fandoms: The Magnus Archives, Welcome to Night Vale
In which Jonathan Sims is not from the UK but instead, if you took his origins and turned them sideways twice then flipped them over, he technically would be from the US, the town of Night Vale specifically. Elias can’t do shit about it and gets a headache and slowly creeping madness instead.
(Look, I know probably everyone has read this because if they haven't, what have you been DOING with your lives??? Jon interning at Night Vale is Incredible, nothing phases this man, it's Delightful. I laughed so many times reading this, I'm not even kidding right now. Read or perish.)
The Favour by R_Cookie
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Ship: Original Percival Graves/Harry Potter
Percival is ten years old when his grandfather tries to tell him that he's ensured the greatness of the Graves legacy for him, that he ought to be eternally grateful - but the explanation is hijacked by a stranger who manages to intimidate Chester Graves with an ease never seen before.
or: Hadrian (Harry) Potter is the Master of Death, who grants Graves a boon. Nobody could have known that the Deathly Hallows didn't turn you so much into the 'Master of Death' as into the anthropomorphic personification of Death. And so, Death becomes Percival's guardian angel, and Percival does not spit out his cereal.
(Look, I don't know how I stumbled back into the FBAWTFT fandom either, it just happened and I'm grateful for that. Otherwise, I wouldn't have found this amazing fic. Their relationship is slow and strange and I just love how Percival is characterized here. Also, one of the tag promises that it deviates from canon so I am really, really excited for that! XD)
baby that's what i do by natanije
Fandoms: Naruto, Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
"Are you telling me," Hidan exclaims, incredulous, "that you collect money all this time to give to orphans?!"
Kakuzu pauses. He blinks a few times.
"Huh. I guess I do."
(Tsuna reincarnates as Kakuzu and it's HILARIOUS. HE'S SUCH A MOM HAHAHA)
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sweetvictorie · 3 years
well now I'm super curious about the MML thing, please elaborate for the public!
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OKAY ill preface this by saying that 1. this is gonna be pretty stream of consciousness and 2. i didnt follow the show too closely as it was being released so i dont know the exact timeline or when any decisions were made. that being said
first of all doofenshmirtz just randomly being stuck in the murphy house meant the attention was on him instead of other characters and so they suffered from little screentime/development. the focus on him and perrys relationship was especially detrimental to what was happening to cavendish and dakota. doof and perry had a much more touching conclusion to their "breakup," while the conflict with cav and dakota was not solved in any satisfying way (cav just saying im sorry really shouldnt have covered it all LOL). also doof being there breaks up the A plot/B plot format that both shows relied on and it gets a little chaotic.
secondly i really just feel like he doesnt fit in with the rules of the mml universe - even though it is the same as the pnf universe technically, the Rules are a bit different due to the structure of season 1 and murphys law. i ranted about this topic to my dearest bestie TJ @dykedarkwing who made an EXCELLENT point about this: pnf is a very formulaic show of course, and due to its format, its ok if doofs building gets destroyed at the end of an episode bc itll be okay by the next one. thats how the rules work. but mml was attempting to be more serial with the season 1 overarching plot, and so when his building was destroyed it was gone "for good" and he had to move in with the murphys. but DESPITE THIS, the show still mostly operates on pnf humor and logic. for example murphys law is that anything that can go wrong will go wrong, but the way it affects milo doesnt like cause them all to get murdered or anything- it always wraps around conveniently, just like the scenarios in pnf that perfectly hid phineas and ferbs inventions. doofenshmirtz still operates by the same rules that he did before, so trying to combine that with the murphys law logic just like... gets really muddy and confusing, and makes milo's "power" feel way less significant.
it really just feels to me that they added doof as a way to cash in on pnf's popularity on the internet/memes/tiktok, when they shouldve just let mml be its own show. i have nothing against the crossover special, i thought that was a pretty cool thing to do, but to permanently intertwine them and turn mml into a kind of "pnf 2" was just not the move, cuz it made their own characters feel way less important. :( i will admit that mml's characters kinda lacked the charm and chemistry that pnf characters had, especially doof and perry, so i can understand they thought adding them back in would help fix the problem, but i feel like it just did the opposite
and i know a lot of these decisions were probably made because of disney and its lack of advertising for the show or even the disney+ pnf movie but im not gonna get into that rn since i dont have the research looool
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serowotonin · 4 years
˗ˏˋ 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝗮𝘄 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀 ˎˊ˗
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𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿 ` sakusa kiyoomi ` 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 ` 1.2k ` 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲 ` pure crack ` 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁 ` hcs `
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𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 ` umm idk what this is.. lowkey based off real events? midnight ramblings? yeah that kind of thing i guess... also big thank you to @kaguol​  for giving this a read (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) `
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it was sports day at your school and most of the events were over and done with but the teachers didnt allow anyone to leave yet cuz,,,, reasons✨
which is why some of the students kinda just flocked to the gym to chill and maybe play around
that was until somebody suggested they host an unofficial, volleyball game
the net was still up nobody bothered to put it down so yeaahhh
rules of the game were simple: there were none, except keep the ball in the air and get it over the net…however you can
at first only a few ppl played… the “energetic” and “athletic” ones and it still seemed like a typical volleyball game
then more ppl started joining
and it slowly started getting more chaotic
it got to the point where the entire gym was the court
there were ppl running around chasing the ball, others just hitting it as hard as they can in practically any direction, then there were those who just stood there cuz everyone else was standing there so why not ??
now sakusa didn’t want to be there
he was tired because his class had signed him up for ALL the running events
why? well cuz he was tHe OnLy AtHLeCtiC PeRsOn in his class
utter bullshit btw
he plays volleyball hes not a runner
but still ended up winning tons of races just cuz… it was him💅✨ no explanation needed
n e wayss he was tired and wanted nothing more than to go home and take a nice long shower
but ofc the students of itachiyama wouldn’t let him
some of them dragged him into the game early on
again, because he was aThLeTiC ~
but this time they actually got the sport right lolol
honestly he was lowkey annoyed at how un-volleyball the game started to become but continued playing it anyway
it was hilarious how the others tried to receive even his weakest, half-assed spikes
sakusa always made sure to aim his spikes directly at ppl’s arms tho
not out of consideration for their pride or anything no no 
it was cuz whenever the ball touched the ground the ENTIRE gym groaned rlly loud and there’d be ppl going “NOOOOOOOO” 
and that annoyed tf out of him so he was nice with his spikes
then there was you
you were outside with one of your friends when the whole volleyball thing started and only came to the gym cuz the rest of your friends were in there
so you walked in, scanned the crowd, immediately noticed your crush *cough*sakusa*cough* and then found your friends standing in a group on the other side of the gym
now here’s the thing
sakusa has a crush™️ on you too. took him a while to realize and accept it but he did and now he officially has a crush on you
he just hadn’t really gotten around to the idea of asking you out or anything
mainly cuz he just very recently realized his feelings aka last night he was thinking about all the events he had to do for sports day and he groaned cuz ppl made him do it but then he realized ppl wasn’t actually ppl it was just you
you were the one who smiled at him and said “why not sakkun,, it’d be fun” and like that he agreed. then he realized further he actually thought about you a lot. like earlier he was thinking about how’d you look tmr since u weren’t gonna be in normal school uniform and you’d have your hair all done. and then he realized he was looking forward to seeing you which led him to realize you were one of the few ppl he actually enjoyed being around. THEN he fucking finally realized “oh… i have a crush…. on y/n……. oh”
somewhat conflicted abt it for the entirety of the day,,, bois experiencing feels for u ofc its gonna take some time >.<
he didn’t get to talk to you all day though,,,,,, he was busy with his own events and you were elsewhere
either way,, when he saw you walking past in the gym he kind of lost focus
lost focus in that the ball was coming to him and he jumped to spike it but only had his eyes on you causing his aim to mess up and well,,
he hit his target
*your head*
and because he wasn’t focused, it wasn’t a “soft” spike like all the other ones hes been doing 
it was a full-blown sakusa kiyoomi spike
that hit your face
sakusa just went: ᶠᵘᶜᵏ
you saw stars,,,,,,,, and fell on ur bum
like a split second later, you heard a calm voice asking if you were ok. you muttered out a yeah and felt arms helping you up
one of them was your friend you were pretty sure, but the other one’s hands were too big to be any of your friends’
“let’s get you to the nurse,” the calm voice said again. 
“mkay,, thats probably.. a smart choice.. yeah….” and, vision still blurry, you were guided to the nurse by your friend and someone whose identity you weren’t sure of yet
sakusa was still standing there
all that, the spike hitting you, you falling, your being escorted to the clinic,,,,, that happened in like 2 seconds
he didn’t even have time to say anything yet
to make matters worse, some random ass guy was the one who came and swept you out of the gym
sure your friend was with you but to sakusa,,, that guy sus af
after they left, the game continued and sakusa rlly didn’t feel like playing anymore
he wanted to make sure you were okay and wanted to apologize 
however,,,, the teachers came in shortly after and told them it was time for the closing ceremony
throughout the entire thing, his eyes flit through the crowds looking for you
he couldn’t find you tho>:((
big sad
after the ceremony was over,, he went to the clinic but you weren’t there
then he just kinda,,, /slump/
figured he’d just pull you aside tmr and apologize then
except,,, tmr came and he still hadnt found a good time to pull you aside for a proper apology?? 
you were just so… busy.?
finally,, at around lunch after you finished eating, you kinda just sat with your friends and were talking and stuff when sakusa decided now would be an appropriate time to apologize
he walked up to you and asked if you two could talk in private for a bit
your friends shot glances at each other. he saw,, but he didnt let it bother him
anyways,, he led you out into the hall and in the softest tone he could manage he says, “about yesterday… i’m really sorry, spiked the ball a bit too hard.. how are you feeling?”
you tell him ur fine,, just that it aches a bit but nothing serious
he nods and mutters another ‘sorry..’
then this happened:
“no it’s ok you don’t have to be so sorry. accidents happen.”
“it wasn’t an accident tho..? so im sorry, it wont happen again.”
“yeah ok,, wAIT WHAT?? wdym not an accident?!?? u spiked the ball into my face on purpose?!?!!?!?”
“WHAT NO- ofc not. i just,,, i kind of lost focus… on other things… at the time… and yeah”
*sighs* “i was focused on you when you walked past and didn’t consciously control my aim or whatever and ended up spiking it into your face”
“?!?!?!??…. why were you focused on me??”
“cuz i like you dummy” /it slipped he didnt mean to say this/
“oh.... wAIT WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?”
and that is the story of how sakusa confessed
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𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 ` honestly think it would be better as a fic but uh,,, my lazy ass cant be bothered to write fics rn so uh,, hope this was good for now? lol might mess around and write one later tho.. maybe `
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ectoplasmicbaloney · 2 years
LIVE BLOGGING CHUCKLESANDWHICH EP. 54 (spoilers for that episode)
guys i’m so fucking sad holyshit
dude i love charlie slimecicle for real he’s such a key member of the podcast :(
goobey sons :,)
FOR A WHILE :( oh man
Oh man he’s doing so much :( oh god, time and mental space
that is a good way to put it :(
it’s good he’s prioritising his mental health and just, gah, man.
they played dayz lol and they were having a good time i really wanna see a like, chuckle sandwhich gaming thing WHICH SLIME as a guest i guess :(
i don’t even know how schlatt has moved 5 times and is still making content man
charlie and his guinea pigs is so cute :) and the way he talks about them is really endearing
the energy in this episode is just like: im smiling but im basically just like, tears!! TEARS!!
i need to buy from slimestory and just roll with it
yo mamas??!!?!! (sorry)
my mommy is needy??! SHE NEEDS THE MEAT??!!
dad deli? :(
just roll with it is super fun, i’ve listened to it for a while and just… man
don’t hate on me for this, but schlatt seems like a genuinely great friend tbh, the stuff he’s saying ti charlie is really nice and cool
who are they gonna replace him with? i don’t want to think of the new person as a replacement but honestly it’s gonna be kinda hard to not, for a while at least, cause of how charlie IS the meat so…
it’s all sad chuckles rn :,|
schlatt’s fake crying lol
charlie is a wonderful boy, a great guy too, really passionate, he’s cool :)
NON-NEWTONIAN FLUIDS!!!!! - my favourite state
he’s so good at lifting the mood :>
they’re using past tense god it’s like a celebrity’s wiki page after they die
schlatt being genuine is so weird but it’s really nice “charlie is an actual saint walking among men. i cannot think of one negative thing to say about you.” damn bro :,)
the fallout :,(
im glad there’s no drama, they’re great friends :)
i’m really excited for more chuckle dungeon
but their dynamic is so balanced and really nice, they bounce off of each other so well and the convos just go so smoothly! the next person is gonna be great for sure, but charlie’s energy and personality is hard to find and or replicate. i do hope the next person doesn’t try to replicate him though, it’s best to be natural :)
the chaotic evil/neu/good thing is so true lol
maybe it’s better for it to not be filled? idk :(
enough to last a year if you watch one every week :(
CHUCKLE DUNGEON IS SO COOL HONESTLY!!! chuckle dungeon is such a cool fucking thing and they all really get into it and show ernest interest it’s so :)
yeah he wrote it out, i was looking at the laptop trying to decipher what it was saying lol
me and ted both are a dungeon masters worst nightmare, my last dm hated me, and to be honest it was fair i was very annoying.
“that ted thing” lol… i probably do that
“i was thinking ‘he’s a misogynist, that’s probably a highly misogynistic thing to do, cut a woman’s head off’” that is exactly my line of thinking, just going straight to the extreme traits of the character cause subtly? grace? nuance? don’t know her
“there has not been a single chuckle dungeon without a sexist or racist” LMAO (until schlatt’s off the podcast there will never be one (jokes lol))
a creepo?
the goopey elevator 💀 i think he meant the tomato lol
charlie is an amazing dm
“racial aspects of dnd” bro 0_0
“so you wanna take my spot?” LMAO SCHLATT
god how bad was the smoke lmao
oh wow really bad
oh my god he thought 9/11 was 2011, his brain goes so fast why did he consider 1988 and think it was stupid cause he was a baby???
everybody was shocked, even me man
ah yes the best bit
ouh a flashback
the freddy wong episode was so good honestly
chulk me out chulk man 😟
me too ted nivison i want to keep something going
dude seeing schlatt so genuinely excited about machinima respawn and boruff and the spider is nice cause he’s such a big fan dude, look at him go!
he ate a termite •_•
i just noticed charlie’s salt rock lamp lol
adventure awaits, i guess
coconuts know when to grow when the water stops moving?? interesting
the cocoknow 😨
“it’s the minerals” sir is saying words
charlie’s humour is really refreshing and i love his storytelling content, especially like the dnd esk adventures and stuff :)
termites taste like lemon, interesting
popped em in, crunched em, got the zest and boom
wait are there termites in my house
guys i just confirmed i have a termite infestation in my house LOL i just thought they were funky looking ants with weird white butts but nope! they live in our big ass wooden table
ok back to the video
“get in… gringos” LOL
idk about cilantro tbh
nice fact ted
why does he have an nft painting??? it’s… it’s FUNGIBLE? Tommyinnit bought it for him 💀
do people not have items around them at all time? heavycube
big block of tungsten
and ted has two lint rollers!
boruff gardening is really cute lol :) he’s growing lettuce and tomatoes 😭😭
oh ok future plans:
ok there’s a hiatus coming soon :( understandable
i must buy from slimestory the products are actually cool and interesting to me!!!
GILLION TIDESTRIDER??!? i will watch let’s roll with it again
charlie’s not getting replaced :)) and charlie may just come in occasionally:,)
charlie cam dear lord
He got a gift :DD
love you to death charlie :)) but not in a parasocial way dear lord ok nvm
“keep chulking, you’re da bomb.com”
LMAO OK why are they switching to different POVS LOL
ok so that was it :,)
Charlie is such a cool guy, i’ve been watching his stuff for like 5 years now and he always makes enjoyable and amazing videos and he just seems like a generally awesome person. i’ll miss his puns and energy on the podcast, but i’m glad he’s taking care of himself and i hope he feels less stressed out after this :) Can’t wait to see what he does next and i’m excited for more episodes of the podcast!!
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literaphobe · 4 years
What's your most chaotic interaction from tumblr? Like rate dumb things that has happened or something jkshceks
oh my god get ready because this took me looking through my asks back until early 2017. i got whiplash reliving some of these. narrowed many moments down to the best ones. behold some of my most chaotic/dumb interactions on tumblr, from most recent to least:
‘not to be an asshole but could you stop making content’ incredible. came for my entire life. for $8,000 i will stop. 8/10
‘why can’t adora be white? :( don’t us white lesbians deserve representation too? :(’ i wanted to die when i got this ask. i still am in disbelief over the fact that this happened. 9/10
‘read your fic - you’re gay’ yeah i got clocked for being gay. what the fuck :( exposed :( 7/10
‘can you flirt in the dms i’m too single for this shit’ getting scolded by anons for allegedly flirting.... yeah call me out! 7/10
‘i have reported you to the secret service for talking about assassinating trump btw’ was anon messing w me? did they want me to be scared? who knows. im not even american. 6.5/10
‘fyi i took a screenshot of one of your posts. ten minutes later my house burnt down so now a screenshot of your post is next to pictures of my house in flames’ 9.5/10. it was definitely my fault. im so sorry i caused your house to burn anon i take full responsibility. u didn’t even blame me for the fire but u should have 
‘how dare u say straights aren’t allowed in the b99 fandom. its 2019 fandoms should be inclusive and welcoming of people regardless of their sexuality????’ 9/10. still cannot believe till this day that i was accused of oppressing the straights 
‘jake is straight you can die mad about it 😘‘ 9/10. amazing. love it when straight people send me death threats for headcanoning characters as bi
 ‘how do you pronounce your name i’ve been saying it as mice hell’ 9.5/10. absolutely incredible that anon thought my incredibly common name michelle was pronounced like this
‘An hour or two? LOL NO. I browse tumblr barely for 15-20 minutes. Of which I have exactly 90 seconds to go through your blog and read dcau chapter if there are responses of new one. Which I do in hardly 45 seconds. So, I actually just skim through the chapter and absorb more than others who read it like twice/thrice. Also, I am writing this long ass ask because my girlfriend is making me wait in my car and wasting our precious time we'd be spending on our date instead. YIKES.’ 9.5/10. ok for context. i uploaded a 15k chapter for a fic and in the tags i told people to be prepared because the chapter might take them like an hour or two to read. and this anon was pissed off that i would dare assume they would take such a long time to read my fic. also they had to tell me why they took the time to send me that ask in the first place. it is so fucking funny
‘Fuck can't wait. You told Monday, now you're telling Tuesday tommorow you'll say Wednesday? Bitch.😠‘ 7/10 i told people i would post my fic on monday but then i delayed it and this anon called me a bitch. this ask is hilarious 
‘Not just to Andy but also every other stranger. Nobody should let you near them if they are uncomfortable. You are bisexual that means everyone should know that you are an equal Potential Threat to all females with all the harassing going on. Being bisexual has its own advantages and disadvantages. You too fall into the category of creepy males creeppin out other females.‘ 8.5/10. i said ‘i want to hug andy samberg’ once and anon decided i was a predator. like yes this is so biphobic but also the way they treated me like a dangerous threat for wanting to hug a celebrity is so funny
‘i just got home from getting kidnapped for 5 days (lol long story) but seeing that you updated your fic definitely helped!’ 10/10. probably the most iconic ask i have ever gotten. also anon was serious and came back in a second ask to explain a little bit more about what happened. i hope they are living a safe happy life now 
‘not to burst your fandom bubble but my child’s middle name was in honor of my father not b99′ remember when chelsea peretti roasted me for making an inaccurate joke about how the middle name of hers and jordan peele’s child was ‘gino’ because it was like the boy version of gina? remember how she slapped me in the face and i completely deserved it for making a stupid joke? my shitposts have definitely been the death of me. will i stop? no. 10/10
‘cocaine girl do not die in that earthquake’ okay so. cocaine girl was one of the funniest commenters i have ever had the pleasure of knowing on my most popular fic. one day in her comment she said ‘there’s an earthquake happening rn hope i don’t die sskksksks’ and then she vanished. she didn’t comment for several chapters. i was super fucking worried you guys i thought she died or didn’t like my fic anymore. according to my memory she came back like weeks later in my comment section like ‘lmao yeah something hit my head during the earthquake and i was in the hospital for five days im ok now tho’ 10/10
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pokemoncoloursplash · 4 years
Mods, can you share some of your OCs? I would like to know the types of characters you all have 🤔
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Yes, they're all girls, and there's flannel and swords, I know. I was going to pick less... predictable characters, but I figured I at least knew what I was going to be bullied for with these. I think this is the first art I've posted onto the blog, too, so that's fun. - Mod Paragon.
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Most of my OCs are dnd characters at this point lol. In the pride pic theres Keo (Fire Genasi Ranger/Monk, she is very sad rn), Valsera (Aasimar Barbarian who is now in a ghost form cause of cursed sword), Aisa (reformed Tiamat Cleric, I love her lots), Lachesi (Lesbian Tiefling Pirate aunt), Trish (Chaotic Thief turned Royal Adviser), and Thielva (Cottagecore Witch). The kitsune woman is Yon, she my current fave rn. Theres also my fursonas! One is a Monster Hunter Mizutsune and the other is a fox with antlers and decorative wings because why not. I have too many to list tbh
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Well, Paragon’s was on-brand for her with flannel and swords, time to go on brand for me.
Unless you count Fakemon, I don’t really do OCs... With one exception from years ago.
Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to tell you about the RMS Harmonic.
That’s right, in my youth I had a boat as an OC.
The RMS Harmonic set sail on her maiden voyage on July 9th, 1918. She was built by Harland and Wolff to help pick up the slack that would be caused by Britannic’s sinking during the war. She was smaller than Olympic, a more moderate ship, but she was designed for speed. There were hopes that she would take the Blue Riband from Mauretania, hopes that came true in 1919. The two traded back and forth, taking the title of fastest ship while Olympic and Aquitania focused on comfort.
Then 1920 came around. White Star got its reparations for ships lost during the war, claiming Bismarck and Columbus. Rather than displace the beloved Olympic or the speedy Harmonic, White Star decided to transform their intended three ship service into a four ship service. Olympic would serve as flagship thanks to her years of reliability, Majestic would be the height of luxury, Harmonic would be the express service, and Homeric would be the stable middle ground.
The four vessels continued their career in tandem, working to keep White Star profitable. When the Depression rolled around, it was White Star that bought out Cunard rather than the other way around. The presence of Harmonic gave Olympic a chance to rest and be remodeled for a modern audience. Mauretania and Harmonic remained rivals for speed, but the rivalry became much friendlier and incredibly marketable. The Racing Horse and the Greyhound of the Atlantic.
But then came 1939. World War II. The aging Old Reliable, Lady Maury, and Ship Beautiful would return to battle, whilst Harmonic, Homeric, Berengaria, and Majestic would have their first taste of war. Not all of them would survive.
Olympic, Majestic, Aquitania, and Berengaria were used as transport ships due to their size. Mauretania and Harmonic became escort ships for their larger counterparts, using their speed to defend them. Homeric was to serve as a battlecruiser. The seven ships became a convoy, but seven would soon become six.
In transport mission gone wrong, the convoy was attacked. Aquitania, Harmonic, and Homeric were all damaged, with Homeric’s wounds being fatal. She sank, but the quick action of her comrades saved most of the souls aboard. Mauretania and Harmonic opened fire, with Harmonic pulling a card from her adopted sister Olympic’s deck and cutting open the submarine with her propeller. Homeric was gone, but she was also avenged.
Unfortunately, six would become five. Berengaria’s faulty wiring finally came back to bite her. She caught fire and lost power in the middle of a journey. Mauretania and Harmonic were dispatched to help her, but it was too late. The dreaded battleship Bismarck had claimed yet another a victim. Bismarck opened fire on the Greyhound and the Racing Horse, but the two vessels managed to escape, using the speed that had forged their rivalry to save themselves.
When five becomes four, Harmonic’s career ends. In the waning years of the war, Olympic, Majestic, Harmonic, and Mauretania sailed together. They were a prime target. A submarine was sighted, aiming at Old Reliable. Harmonic’s captain pushed her to her limit, lunging forward. A shot that could have hit Olympic instead hit Harmonic. She was quickly evacuated, but the second torpedo hit the crippled ship. With a sad final groan, Harmonic sank to the bottom of the ocean.
Harmonic’s sacrifice was not in vain. Olympic survived, she lived on. She stood in for her sister in “A Night To Remember”. With Harmonic’s end, the legend lived on.
Years later, Robert Ballard, the same man who discovered the wreck of Harmonic’s step-sister Titanic and her attempted destroyer Bismarck came upon her, her wreck broken into three pieces. Harmonic’s story was told once again. She was remembered for her speed, the rivalry she had with the now floating hotel Mauretania. She was remembered for her service, noted on the walls of the maritime museum that Majestic had become. She was remembered for her sacrifice, with the continued existence of Old Reliable Olympic being a testament to her work. Aquitania may not have made it, the damage sustained during Homeric’s sinking having finally put her out of commission, but the legend lived on.
Harmonic was not remembered like Titanic. Of course she wasn’t. But her name was spoken in the same breath as Berengaria. She was remembered as a ship that survived Bismarck’s wrath, her name immortalized in the song “Sink The Bismarck” along with Mauretania. Her legend lived on.
Her wreck was remembered for another reason. She sank just right to be perfect for divers, preserved in water warm enough for her to become a coral reef. She wouldn’t rust away. She would carry out one last purpose. She would teem with life once more. The legend would live once again.
A bit difficult to continue off of that, lol. Light wanted me to share some of his dnd OCs as well, I'll add their summaries. Balthazar is a Gold Dragonborn werebear, chosen by the Morta fate to be her champion against the damage an entity known as Obsidia has caused (Obsidia is one of my girls). Balthazar is many centuries old now, and is currently settled down with my Kitsune, Yon. He has a son named Eclipse and 3 young kits with Yon. Theres also Holden, who is Thielvas husband and one of the Archdruids of the realm. The druid Naya was his tutor, an elf woman who lost her arms talking back to her slaver. Lastly but not least is Obexis, a very mysterious Blue Dragon whose intentions and allegiances are unknown. He seems to play many angles, but no one knows why. -Decim
Needs to b cleaned up a bit n updated but here https://toyhou.se/SyBeez/characters - Shay
Here are my main 8
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These are their redesigns I did on mgm2 (monster girl maker 2)
Roger looks weird in this lol he has a beard.
Adalwolf has a prosthetic metal right arm.
You can barely see it but Vincent has freckles.
Kurono and Saturnalia are CrowDoll's family (Kurono adoptive little brother and Saturnalia created CrowDoll and is her mom).
Shiroi is an oni and Eigna is a ghost.
Adalwolf, Roger, Vincent, Kurono, and Saturnalia are humans (Saturnalia is half human half doll).
Azazel is not there in the pic cus he looks weird humanish on this app lol, he's a big and tall animated puppet.
I should really them sometime soon ówò
I hope you guys like them!
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trensu · 5 years
Episode 21: The One where the Siblings Know Things
So you know how when you grow up with siblings, they get to know you in really annoying and inconvenient ways? Like, they can just look at you and Know Something is Up when really you want them to mind their own business
Apparently this is a thing even for cultivators in Ancient Fantasy China
It’s pretty great!!!
(for us, not for the siblings in the show)
(they probably just want their siblings to shut up about it already)
The yunmeng sibs are reunited it’s all teary and happy and kind of hurt-y
Jyl: we’re all together again. Together forever, the three of us!!
And NHS interrupts bc ofc he does and he gives us a little hint of wangxian
He reaches out to pat wwx’s shoulder in welcome, but wwx pulls back from it so hard there’s an awkward silence for a minute there
But wwx and nhs are bros so nhs just rolls with it 
Nhs: oh, we were all so worried, everyone’s been looking everywhere for you especially jc and LWJ~!
And here jc drags him out bc god forbid anybody mention him having feelings to anybody yeesh
Wwx ends up alone in the room after that and suddenly ~THEIR SONG~ starts playing at a very slow, melancholic tempo
Wwx grabs his flute and gets lost in his head for a bit
And as he’s lost in thought, lwj walks by and sees him sitting all alone in that room
observing him for a bit
lwj why are you just standing there?? 
And we get the return of the Bichen Death Grip 
You know the one
He does it every time he’s experiencing Emotions over Wei Ying. 
(spoiler alert: he doesn’t)
(nobody in this show ever listens to me, what the heck)
Then we cut to the evil wen lair
Boring Plot Stuff happens.
Now we’re back at Qinghe and everyone’s at a dinner party!
NMJ is doing a whole toast to like, honor wwx’s return or smth
And wwx doesn’t even notice bc JK NOT EVERYBODY IS THERE
Yeah, so wwx is getting honored by a sect leader and everybody’s faced towards him to like, take a shot in his name
And wwx is totally oblivious 
wwx is ignoring the opportunity to take a shot of alcohol
wwx is ignoring ALCOHOL bc he’s too busy STARING AT THE EMPTY TABLE BEHIND HIM
Eventually jc gets his attention and they finish the toast and we have nmj interrogating wwx about the lack of suibian
This Becomes a Thing
Ppl are like super offended he doesn’t have his sword
We meet Sect Leader Yao here (and we immediately hate him bc he is the most obnoxious person ever) who starts to gossip about this with everyone else
And jin zixun chimes in
Anyway, the only reason any of this is mentioned is bc ppl are already turning against wwx and it causes a Moral Quandary later on for lwj
Moving on bc we don’t want to spend more time on those jerks than absolutely necessary…
We cut to lwj!! He’s alone in his designated room playing the guqin
He’s so focused on playing it well 
His concentrated expression is pretty~
I think he’s playing the song of clarity or whatever it’s called (idk, it’s some kind of Magic Music)
Which would explain why he’s so intent on playing it right
We cut back to the dinner party where everyone’s still gossiping like high school kids, ugh, but we’re tolerating it because jyl starts to give us some wangxian pie
Jyl: where’s lwj? Haven’t you two been getting along well? 
Wwx: is that so? (he says bitterly)
(wwx, this is your own fault. If you hadn’t been so mean to him before, he’d probs be there rn)
Eventually wwx gets fed up with the gossiping, snags a wine jar and leaves (yao is super insulted and it’s great)
Now wwx is wandering alone, drinking wine (he’s kind of a drunkard, if you hadn’t noticed yet) and HE SEES LWJ’S SILHOUETTE
Lwj is still alone in his rooms playing the guqin (~BEAUTIFULLY~)
And wwx pauses briefly to watch him
He starts walking away but stops himself a small distance later and makes himself comfortable leaning against some fence nearby AND STAYS THERE LISTENING TO LWJ PLAY
As he’s listening to lwj play, he flashes back to LWJ telling him that his wicked tricks will hurt him
Now JC shows up to demonstrate that thing siblings do where they pick up on each other’s moods and get obnoxious about it
Jc: why do you look so gloomy? Is it bc of lwj?
Jc: he’s been avoiding you since we split up
Jc: why did you come here to be disliked by him?
Wwx: maybe i’m just bored
(his smile here is NOT his sunshine smile, it’s a very SAD smile. it gave me Depression™ )
Other stuff happens that are plotty and unimportant
There’s a scary bit where jyl get attacked by wwx’s flute but she handles it with grace bc she’s awesome
She’s like, ah, so i guess it recognizes you as its owner, you better name it then
And now wwx’s demon flute has a name. Chenqing
After that, wwx is looking at chenqing thoughtfully as ~THEIR SONG~ starts playing
And we cut to LWJ who grabs bichen and also starts looking thoughtfully at it
We cut to the evil wen lair for some bizarre reason bc obvs we’re not here for evil wens, we’re here for wangxiantics
After THAT nonsense is done, we cut back to wwx and get to see him fail at meditation. After this he disappears for a bit.
We know this bc there’s a strategy meeting and jin zixun throws a hissy fit bc wwx isn’t there
Lwj is there and is stoically silent throughout it.
Nothing else of importance happens here
We find out wwx is out and about and sort of loses control of the resentful energy when he sees defenseless wens (the good ones!) getting bullied and whipped
It’s scary
Wwx plays his demon flute but doesn’t seem to be doing it by conscious choice
But for now we cut back to the strategy meeting where nothing happens but we do get some shots of lwj’s face so it’s not TOTAL waste of time
Wwx: yeah, don’t worry about the Plot Device,bros, i got this
Lxc: what are you planning to do?
Wwx: you’ll see in a month~!
After the meeting the lan bros have a scene
We haven’t had lan bro time in a while, and this lan bro time is definitely worth the wait
Lxc: why is wwx so confident he’ll be able to handle the Plot Device?
Lwj: I don’t know
Lxc: the deaths at yiling, were they related to the Plot Device?
Lwj: No, lxc. He’s not like that.
And now our lan bro time gets INTENSE
Lwj: lxc, are there rules already set for everything in the world?
Lxc tells him no, there are no set rules in the world, right and wrong are not always clear
Lwj: if people can’t be judged simply this way, then how do we evaluate a person?
Lxc: what makes us human can’t be judged simply as right or wrong. As we evaluate others, we shall not label them black or white but know their intentions deep inside
(who are we kidding, this whole convo was obviously about wwx from start to finish, lxc knows this)
Oh, and now the yunmeng bros show up. They’re walking along the same path as the lan bros and they pause when they see them
More specifically, there’s an awkward pause as lwj and wwx notice each other
The awkward pause ends and the two pairs of brothers reach each other and do the formal greeting bow
Once they’re that close to each other, wwx’s attention immediately goes to lwj and lwj’s attention goes to wwx bc ofc it does
Then wwx drops his gaze and looks away
And then he proceeds to WALK AWAY WITHOUT A WORD????
Lol jc gets kind of flustered here. 
He watches wwx walk away and is like ‘?!?!?’
He looks awkwardly at the lan bros, dithers for half a second, and then follows wwx
Now we’re alone with the lan bros again, And lxc is still trying so hard to wingman his bro!! Bc lxc knows whats up
Lxc: lwj, if you’re worried about wwx…
Lwj: not a bit.
And then he walks off! Just walks out on his brother again!!
Now we’re with the Yunmeng bros
Jc: be honest with me, you and lwj decided to cut ties just like that?
(jc still knows whats up)
Wwx: he’s the one who cut ties, not me!
We cut to lwj who’s walking alone now. Some time must’ve passed but it’s unclear how much tbh
Lwj walks towards a door
wwx’s door to be exact
And he almost knocks on the door
but he chickens out
He just stared at the door and then didn’t knock on it
Thank god jyl shows up and stops him bc jyl still knows whats up
Jyl: are you here for wwx?
Instead of answering, lwj bows politely at her and turns to walk away AGAIN
(which, rude, don’t leave your future sister-in-law hanging like that)
Jyl: wait, i have a question for you
We cut to wwx who is walking to his room and he overhears lwj and jyl talking about how wicked tricks hurt the mind/body
wwx interrupts and he’s very cold about it
Wwx: lan zhan, what are you telling jyl?
Lwj: wei ying
Wwx: i remember telling you to stay out of our business
Lwj’s eyes flicker down for a second bc 
Then he just turns on his heel and walks away
He walks away quickly
He was fleeing the scene bc it hurt so damn much
Jyl comes to lwj’s defense and tells wwx that lwj was only answering questions she had asked him. 
Wwx asks her if lwj mentioned anything about what went down in Yiling, and she tells him that lwj didn’t say anything about that.
We cut to a courtyard or smth and we see wwx chasing down lwj
Wwx: lan zhan, lan zhan!
And then lwj ruins it by attacking him with bichen
Wwx blocks him with his demon flute (and that works??? for Magic Reasons, i guess??? Pretty sure the flute should’ve been sliced to pieces but whatev)
After a brief scuffle, lwj manages to get bichen at wwx’s throat
Wwx freezes, eyes closed, and waits for the hit to land
Like he really thought lwj would cut his throat open just like that??? WHY DO YOU THINK HE’D EVER HURT YOU?? WHY?? HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH
Lwj obviously doesn’t let the hit land
But the tip of his blade stops only a hair’s width away from wwx’s throat
(it’s kinda hot, and i couldn’t even tell you why…)
(actually it’s probably bc of all that exposed neck wwx is showing)
(so open…and vulnerable…)
(…uh, moving along now)
Once wwx realizes he’s not getting beheaded today, he gets all playful. PLAYFUL!! WE HAVEN’T SEEN THIS SINCE BEFORE LOTUS PIER’S FALL!! it’s beautiful, i’ve missed it so much
Wwx: all these months, and you’ve only improved!
Lwj: it’s you who hasn’t improved at all! Where is suibian?”
And for a change of pace, we get to see wwx doing a Death Grip on Chenqing
That’s the end of the episode
20/10 stars for Siblings manning the Wangxian Ship.
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Sanders Sides RPG AU
Ok so hear me out
new au, Dungeons and Dragons / Savage Worlds / generalized RPG, work in progress, definitely gonna draw for it so dont worry about that
hoping to make it into an ask blog if there’s interest, or if there isnt, because I still like it lol
definitely a lot still mold-able here, if you have some ideas or additions or head cannons to add, please pile them on! :D
LOGAN - (moon elf) Half-elf, Lore Bard (wizard was too obvious) - inspires through teaching moments, inspirational speaking, encouragement, and maybe a rap or poem on a special day - despises the stereotype that all bards sing and dance - raised by the elven parent, this + longer lifespan = detachment from emotion - Wisdom and Intelligence high, Charisma and Strength mid, Dexterity and Constitution low - Lawful Neutral (doesn't bother himself much with arbitrary rules of morality but definitely isn't evil) - Weaknesses: bad at emotions, tends to over-speak, short fuse
PATTON - Stout Halfling, Open Hand Monk - loves good food and companionship - focus on the wellness of the body and purity of the heart and soul - calls himself a ‘way of the open arms’ monk (hugs!) - Dexterity and Wisdom high, Charisma and Constitution mid, Intelligence and Strength low - Lawful Good (lying bad, stealing bad, killing bad) - Weaknesses: a bit judge-y and strict(practically raised by a bunch of old monks and a therapist, he cant help it), quick to trust, fear of spiders
ROMAN - Protector Aasimar, Oath of the Crown Paladin (bard was too obvious) - son of Sune, goddess of beauty and passion and the color red, who really just lets him do his own thing cause she's about as close to 'drunk/cool mom but to the point of negligence' that you can get while still being loved by ur son - so, stick with me here, paladins get their powers from their belief in what they swore their oath to, right? - ideas are EITHER boy is a prince literally/emotionally and swore an oath to himself like a g OR he swore an oath to his king, thomas - either is wholesome and good - Charisma and Strength high, Dexterity and Wisdom mid, Constitution and Intelligence low - Chaotic Good (will break the rules to do what he knows is right, happens to do so frequently) - Weaknesses: super-inflated ego, insecurity issues, v strong but not actually very hardy
VIRGIL - Drow, Wild Magic Sorcerer - during an event he doesn't remember well, while travelling with his old party, they came across Some Shit® that sorta fucked them all up - he went into the experience without magic and came out of it with magic he couldn't control and some pretty bad nerves about some impending doom something something he doesnt remember - left his old party cause he didn't want to hurt them, found three new guys after a while - Strength and Constitution high, Intelligence and Dexterity mid, Wisdom and Charisma low - Lawful Neutral (follows his own code of rules, not necessarily the laws of the land) - Weaknesses: has some trust issues, Some Shit®-related/induced nightmares keeping him from sleeping good, can't control his powers and lost confidence in his previous skills (range-based fighter)
DECEIT - Yuan-ti Pureblood (I mean, clearly), Warlock (either great old one or demonic, still deciding on that) - one one of them who remembers the Some Shit®, came out of it with a deal, knowledge he can't safely share, and some new powers - seems to want the best for everyone, but harbors so many secrets... can he be trusted? - Charisma and Intelligence high, Dexterity and Wisdom mid, Strength and Constitution low - True Neutral (driven purely by self preservation and personal goals, not 'good' but def not evil) - Weaknesses: compulsive liar, short patience, the awareness of impending doom
REMUS - Fallen Aasimar, Wild Soul Barbarian - son of Sune, goddess of beauty and passion, brother of Roman. Mom hardly talks to either of them if at all, but they're pretty sure Roman is the favorite. Remus doesn't appreciate that her views of beauty are so restricted to traditionally attractive things, and started wearing green as part of a rebellious phase, but it really stuck when he started hanging around faries and they seemed to like it so much. (his mom is mega petty and condemmed him as fallen when he said red wasn't his favorite color. this is not a joke) - spent a lot of time planehopping to the nearby feywild, underdark, and shadowfell, met some strange people, and adpoted some strange tendencies and beliefs - Met virgil first, then they found deciet, becoming The Boys® - also saw the Some Shit®, doesnt remember it, but pretty sure that's because it just wasn't very interesting compared to a usual Saturday - Constitution and Strength high, Dexterity and Wisdom mid, Charisma and Intelligence low - Chaotic Chaotic (he cannot be defined with a moral tag and you know he can't) - Weaknesses: unpredictable to the extreme, some inadequacy issues, maybe crazy a little bit This is a fantasy world with several of Thomas and Friends and various skit characters inside, as follows: (I only have thomas joan and talyn rn, no idea for terrence and valerie and camden and the others yet... any ideas lol)(i hope i'm spelling everyone's names right)
REMY - Half-Elf, Inquisitive Rogue - Logan's older brother, formerly a spy for the kingdom they live in, actually very high level but prefers to sleep and otherwise do absolutely nothing - obscenely good at reading people, which Logan desperately envies - hangs around picani a lot, used to go to him for therapy (wouldnt tell logan what about) but now they're just good bros - Charisma and Dexterity high, Constitution Dexterity and Wisdom mid, Strength low (higher levels, less lows) - True Neutral - Weaknesses: debilitatingly lazy, blunt, Curious with a capital C
EMILE PICANI - Lightfoot Halfling, Circle of Dreams Druid - uses his abilities to read and sooth people really well and works as a therapist - sweet boy and housemate to patton, known each other since patton was a child - also pretty high level but doesnt really use it - Charisma and Wisdom high, Dexterity Constitution and Intellegence mid, Strength low - Lawful Good - Weaknesses: first language is refrences, refuses to display negative emotions (more of a 'i will philosophy and cartoon my way out of my sad asap' than an emotion-bottler, but don't put it past him) THOMAS
- Human, Glamour Bard (pretty 👏 boy 👏) - inspires through singing, dancing, performing, encouragement, speeches, literally breathing - Charisma and Intelligence high, Dexterity Strength and Wisdom mid, Constitution low - Lawful Good - Weaknesses: quick to trust and sympathize, puts others first (strengths AND weaknesses) - Lord of base town, with Joan and others as his Advisers
JOAN - Tiefling, Mastermind Rogue (sneaky spooky smart one, good with knowing about people without being necessarily good with people) - Thomas's primary adviser and master of secrets, Remy worked for them - looks scary, very pure. cuts cute little horn holes in their beanie for god's sake i mean come on - Wisdom and Dexterity high, Charisma Intelligence and Strength mid, Constitution low - Neutral Good - Weaknesses: You assume??? Joan can be bested??? Joan cannot be killed. Joan cannot be overcome
TALYN - Forest Gnome, Abjuration Wizard (protective spells) (cute small) - A prime adviser and Master of Knowledge (lore, history, scientific developments, etc) - favors defensive and ally-boosting spells - Logan's teacher; Logan respects and admires them very very much - Intelligence and Charisma high, Dexterity Constitution and Wisdom mid, Strength low - Neutral Good - Weaknesses: its Talyn, Talyn has no weaknesses. thoughts?? interest?? suggestions?? thank you for reading this long post lol
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violentviolette · 5 years
top 5 chaotic gremlin moments? or if you'd rather not, maybe top 5 traits you like to see in others?
oh fuck lol I'll do both cause fuck it why not
top 5 chaotic gremlin moments (in no order and frankly idek if that's the top its just the first I could think of rn. I block out most of my worst gremlin moments honestly lol)
kicking in wills door because it was locked when unlocking it was very simple I just hadnt thought of it
getting super fucked up and then getting stuck in my bra with my arm pinned behind me and my friend having to call my wife over from our place to help her wrangle me out of it while I laughed uncontrollably
running across a four lane highway in brooklyn to prove I was a god
impuslively having sex in the water at the beach at coney island at 1am fully clothed and having a beach sweeper come thru and sweep up our shoes and wallets so we had to bum money and take the train home shoeless and soaking wet while our friends laughed
pulling out a pocket knife on a train in the middle of the day and cutting a klonopin in half in my palm for will after aer top surgery
top 5 traits I like in other people
sarcasm and a dry sense of humor
a curious brain
an easy going attitude, I'm not really good with people who are too high strung
a weird childlike sense of humor, not in like a fart jokes way but in a "he stick his leggy out reeeaaal far" kind way
they gotta like a little bit of mischief. like just a sprinkle
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rigelmejo · 4 years
Ok adjustment to suddenly no flashcards is strangely weird I think it’s cause I grinded too much. On the upside, if I suddenly slack off then it’s not like it was a priority ovo)/
So I got the better version of the SpoonFed Chinese anki deck today, it’s 8000 cards. A lot of it is very basic for me. but I figure it’s still good comprehension practice, good for reviewing words I know in context (instead of in isolation), good for me practicing shadowing and production, good for me practicing seeing correct grammar.
I’m using the settings: good for good, again for the ones I need review. I heard that’s the best for the “Lazy Anki” mass immersion approach setup. I am also using easy for the cards I ALREADY KNOW completely. Because it’s fine if their intervals are huge - I know them already. Also I would like to normally use the option of 20 cards a day. I’m just bulking it up rn because I know most of the sentences and want to speed through all the completely known ones.
I’m toggling with the deck a bit - because when I learn the deck it gives me very basic sentences I could probably skip. But when I went through it in the Browse area and tried to ‘suspend’ cards I knew so I can save them in case I want them, but have them not be in my learning/reviews - I saw a lot of sentences that went from simple to complex fast! Like 1 new word or grammar point building from the prior sentence. So together studied in order, every sentence is easy - but if I came across one right away, it might have 3-4 things I don’t know in it. I’m not sure if it takes a couple hundred cards in to start seeing this? But I figure if these cards are really building off each other, I might as well just keep most of them. Even the ones I know completely are good production practice and good review. I’m also contemplating ‘suspending’ all the Card 2 types In my deck that prompt with English first. I decided ultimately to leave them for now - since they give me practice on production. But if I find they bother me, I’m suspending them since they just cover the same material twice.
Anyway flashcard wise, I figured this deck is simple and easy to stick to. It covers stuff I can use, and it’s easy to study. I do think the Pleco pre made sentence decks I have are good (maybe even better for ME since the difficulty spikes quicker and my brain learns when its being challenged a lot and loves to slack when it’s not). But I don’t like using flashcards in Pleco for srs much. I prefer to use it like a big notebook of words I know/am studying/etc. Also i guess just mentally, it lets me keep seeing Pleco as my reading/notes/reference area. I like to keep it separate from srs flashcards I guess since... I usually hate flashcards, but love Pleco a lot lol.
I also was trying out my Chinese Grammar deck on anki - it’s a great deck. This one again has sentences mostly of stuff I know and understand - but this one is focused on grammar patterns and I think it’s a bit helpful for improving my production and grammar understanding. Along with just being more review of things I know. I also have a Hanzi deck on anki with simplified and traditional - idk how I feel about it or if I’ll use it. It’s not mnemonic containing, it’s just ordered on frequency, but I do like that it includes traditional so I can see both. Ultimately, these are just optional things I’m checking out. These two decks are free.
The SpoonFed Chinese deck has a free version - which I used to use and is perfectly useful so I recommend it. The big drawback I guess with it, was it seemed to occasionally have the same issues Clozemaster sentences have - since a beginner made it the sentences came from a bigger site source and if there were mistakes they were unedited, also the audio is compressed and sounds a bit harsh (but usable). If you look up the deck it shows up on anki, and the shared deck page also includes the creator’s link to the paid version they made. The paid version is $4 (or more if you’d like to tip etc). Its the version of the deck that’s been gone through for errors (so significantly less errors), for usefulness, so that the sentences are more sequentially I+1 instead of only sometimes I+1, the audio is WAY better.
It’s clear the creator went through it with more language experience, and they stated their Chinese wife also helped go through this version of the deck. I do think as I’m going through it, its noticeably better organized than the original was. Most noticeably though, I think the material is a little more thematically coherent and the difficulty curve is much more steady - it reads almost like the difficulty progression of some paid course or some college classes I’ve taken. This might make it easier for beginners to start it.
In the 4$ version of the deck I started today, my 20 cards basically introduced some ‘new’ words in simple sentences, then in more complex sentences with new grammar happening, and over time with new words added. It felt well structured like a purposeful course rather then a random list of sentences organized by ‘word frequency’ and length’ without much further work. The original deck is mostly like this too, just bulkier, and with a bit more of a chaotic I+1 organization where some chunks of sentences are all completely comprehensible them suddenly there’s a chunk of I+i sentences mixed in with totally new unknown sentences and I+2 or more type sentences. I think how well organized the 4$ version is... definitely motivates me to study more. Also I do think, If you had ZERO prior chinese knowledge of Hanzi or vocab words, the new structure helps guide you through learning the sentences much easier.
Also, just in general, the person who made the deck put instructions up as well on how to download and install it, how to change certain settings if you prefer, what to study beforehand if you have zero prior knowledge (it links to pinyin and tones), and I just really appreciated how thought out the instructions and notes were. Again, it makes it much easier as a beginner (and easier for me since I know almost nothing about anki and dearly needed the instructions today lol).
Lol this is all assuming... I stick to using anki instead of dropping it like always >o> we’ll see
Here’s the original deck on its page on anki: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/867291675
Here’s the edited $4 deck: https://gumroad.com/products/IEmpwF
And, if you are wondering, no I still didn’t buy the $25 dollar anki app for iPhone. I’m just using the mobile website anki, as usual. Maybe life would be easier if I used the app but oh well. As far as I’ve heard there’s not a noticeable enough difference...
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harrowharkwife · 6 years
Questions Tag
@thepoisonroom​ tagged me in this bc theyre a hero and a scholar love u char
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 10 people
How tall are you?
5'2" maybe 5′3″?
What color and style is your hair?
in an ideal world i prefer to keep it dyed like an auburn color but if i don’t mess with it, it’s like medium brown? rn im in a weird growing-my-hair-out stage where if i comb it back i look like a goddamn pidgeotto but if i part it to the side im verging on s4 quentin. im trying to grow it out so i can have a lil bun + undercut thing going on
What color are your eyes?
Do you wear glasses?
Do you have braces?
not now but i did in high school
What’s your fashion sense?
in the summer its crop tops + shorts + belt + sneakers and the rest of the year its tucked in striped crew necks + jeans + belt + sneakers lmao im a simple bitch i dress for comfort and depending on the season i either look like the lesbian summer camp counselor u had a crush on in 7th grade, or like the 12 year old boys in 1983 from stranger things
Full name?
my name situations kinda complicated! ive gone by lizzie for forever, bc my middle name is elizabeth & my family has this tradition on both sides of only ever using your first name for like legal/paperwork purposes, and instead just going by an abbreviation/nickname of ur middle name. so like lizzie isnt Technically my name sdkgjlaskg but its what everyone calls me and what i think of myself as and its the way i introduce myself to people, but its short for elizabeth technically and i never use my first name aside from paperwork cause its ugly and i dont like it sakjldglaksg. 
When were you born?
like 5 minutes before midnight on halloween 1999! scorpio sun leo moon leo rising babeyyyy
Where are you from and where do you live?
im from the western US generally speaking! id say im from nevada but i also lived in colorado and california for a bit growing up. but now im going to college in georgia, and when i started college my family moved from nevada to oregon, so i live in oregon now on school breaks, and i plan to live there after i graduate
What school(s) do you go to?
i go to agnes scott college! its a small womens college outside atlanta
What kind of student are you?
chaotic adhd...i tend to put things off until the last minute and then somehow pull them off anyway. im a physics major also
Do you like school?
nope i fuckin hate it, its very stressful for me and i dont enjoy it! im really looking forward to being graduated. that said though, im gonna miss my roommates and my mentor a whole ton
Fav subject?
physics but also theatre
Fav TV shows?
i mean. yall know the current one im losing my mind over, but i also watch svu and greys anatomy and killing eve, and i had a big criminal minds phase. i also like broad city and new girl a lot
Fav books?
the salvagers series by alex r white! we are the ants by shaun david hutchinson, carry on by rainbow rowell, also the raven cycle by maggie stiefvater, the shades of magic trilogy by v e schwab, and the foxhole court trilogy by nora sakavic
Fav pastimes?
listening to music, watching horror game playthroughs, listening to podcasts, cooking, driving
Do you have any regrets?
i mean doesnt everyone? the fuck kind of question is this lmao
Dream job?
sth where i can work with kids and cars and ideally teach! my current job is a summer camp counselor teaching kids how to work on cars and its ideal i love it so much
Would you ever like to be married?
yeah lol its literally in my five year plan
Would you like to have children?
yes!! i wanna adopt
If so, how many?
2, i think! i want my kids to have a sibling
Do you like shopping?
i like window shopping but my financial planning shortcomings stress me out so i usually end up putting everything back before i check out bc im fear.png
What countries have you visited?
australia and new zealand (lived there for a bit as a kid!), england for like 24 hours, canada, belgium
Scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?
for the past 4-5 years almost every single nightmare ive had has been large-scale disaster themed where my loved ones are in peril? like wildfires floods bridge collapses bombs earthquakes etc. etc. etc. its not fun
Any enemies?
sklgjlaksg i have like 2 people from high school that i jokingly refer to as my nemesis but honestly not really, no. (also if ur reading this its not u dont worry)
Do you have a significant other?
sure do! @foolishquentin and i have been dating since last summer and shes the love of my life tbh shoutout to radi what an angel :’)
Do you get along with your family?
i do now thankfully! but for several years there things were real fuckin rough. i live with my mom my dad and my little brother and my maternal grandparents and i get along pretty well with all of them, and then i also have a sister who doesn’t live with me & i love her a lot she’s the best :’) my family is really small though? like we dont talk to my dad’s side bc they suck and my mom’s side of the family is just small so essentially my whole family lives under one roof with the exception of my sister and then an aunt & uncle + 2 cousins who live in alaska
Do you believe in miracles?
i believe in entropy which is to say that i believe in the reality of unusual-seeming occurrences that happen very rarely due to the probability distribution of the universe. so like short answer yes tbh
How are you?
im actually doing pretty ok rn! stressed as hell about school but getting thru it, and the semester’s over in like 3 weeks anyway so
sjkjalgjalsg im just gonna tag @bogbodied + anyone else who wants to do this! bc most of the people i planned on tagging were tagged by charlotte already lmao
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