#thank u for these 🖤🖤🖤
blvntfxrce · 5 months
made her cum so hard all she could say was "u broke me daddy" and i will be thinking about that daily, forever
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mssi · 5 months
and so the xavi era has come to an end
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moodyvoid · 13 days
You're almost old and you're still simping for Dabi, Shigaraki, Hawks. You're so pathetic. You literally have no life. Its no wonder you'll never get a husband or have kids. No man will ever want a creature like you.
I read this dramatically out loud to my husband and it gave us a good laugh.
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krscblw · 3 months
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mountain commission for @midnight-moth!
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madfantasy · 5 months
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Tightest Embrace
Commissioned by precious @mrs-snape5984 , 🫂♥️🖤♥️🖤♥️🖤
17.5.2024, commission/support Mani
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arminsumi · 1 year
hah... hah... yeah... just had a thought... 🫠
watching suguru practice martial arts or using nunchaku. the way his muscles flex with each movement. his sensual slowness changing to unexpected speed. the tight white tank top that he makes look sorely attractive... it's tight tight, you can see the contours of his torso very well.
oh and he's "oblivious" to the effect he has on u. 🙄 yeah right. he is a canonical show-off, so don't think he isn't gonna show off when ur watching him practice bc he most certainly will.
and when u hardcore stare (bc why wouldn't u?) he's all like "oh what are u staring at? 😁😏" with sweat pricking his forehead n heavy breaths leaving his lips after all that intense practicing
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meyerlansky · 1 month
for wip title meme - Stalag shit pretty pls!
tagging @sluttyhenley and @redbelles since you guys asked about it to AND ALSO
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bell you're getting called OUT 😈
sooo this is actually the first thing i started writing for mota and it was an unclog-the-pipe kind of idea and is self-indulgent with regards to wanting more bucky whump. i may actually never post it in totality for... a couple reasons, but i actually did a fuckton of research into how the stalags were run and kriegie culture inside of them, so it was a good exercise on a lot of levels even if it never sees the light of day. because it's sort of backburnered, that means i feel more comfortable posting BIG CHUNKS OF IT 🎉 but uh, that said, this one IS going under a cut because in addition to there being a lot of it, it's. dark.
cw noncon and psychological torture, you can probably guess where this is headed. the structure i settled into with this one is gale POV for the first part, wherein Something Is Wrong With Bucky:
Bucky shrugs, a quick, smooth shuffle of his shoulders that’s as big a lie as what’s coming out of his mouth. “Krauts get a little rough sometimes. Nothing anyone else didn't get.”
“They didn't do anything to me,” Gale says, every word feeling heavier than the last, pulling him down. “Just asked me some questions.”
Two things happen then. Something in Bucky’s face twitches, a flinch stealing over it so quick Gale barely catches it. But his shoulders drop, just a bit, some tension leaving him. Gale for the life of him can’t make sense of it.
“‘Course not, Buck,” Bucky says, light, easy, like Gale doesn't have a pit the size of the Atlantic opening up in his gut, cold flooding in. “Who'd wanna damage that pretty face of yours?”
From any of the boys, there might be some bitterness in it—it’s not like Gale doesn't know some of the goons cut him a break, ’cause of rank or coloring or whatever else. From John there’s just… relief. It feels wrong. The pit yawns wider, and the water gets higher. “Roughed yours up, though,” he says, the words feeling distant as he remembers the black eye John was sporting, that first day. The way John had grabbed his chin, tilted his head around, looking for something. Something like the beating he got, maybe.
That's what Gale had thought at the time. Now he’s not so sure that’s where it ended.
Bucky’s eyes go dark again, as distant and near-drowned as Gale feels, so he claws his way back. Tries, anyway. “Yeah, well,” John mutters, “better me than you.”
and what's wrong is not only was bucky sexually assaulted post-interrogation, but the guards told him they did the same to gale when he passed through the dulag, and he spends months beating himself up about not being there and being able to take it instead of gale, until he says something about it and gale's like ??? and bucky realizes it WAS instead but now gale KNOWS. second part's bucky's POV of the assault, so it's not chronological, and maybe it doesn't need to be shown/written at all but i wanted to because i like whump.
He’s got a headache the size of Texas, blood—his own, his own, not some kid in a cart’s, they let him wipe that off, so what's left is just his own, thank Christ—itching as it dries behind his ear, and a pit in his chest every time he thinks about Bremen and London and Russelheim and the way the woods smelled when he was running through them, clean and green and endless—
The door slams open, and Bucky gets two seconds to berate himself for jumping, for being so in his own head he didn't hear them coming, before one of the goons grabs his arm and yanks him up, spinning him to face the wall. Turns his head to the window on instinct, but the light spilling in catches him off guard and sends a new wave of pain spiking through his skull.
“Heya, fellas. Couldn't get enough, huh?” He shoots over his shoulder, hands up but grinning like nothing’s wrong, like he’s back at Thorpe Abbotts joking with the boys.
(Later on, he’ll wonder if that was what did it. If he’d just kept his eyes forward, his mouth shut, if they’d have—)
and the third part's gale POV again, after their little yard spat and is........ kind of recovery? inasmuch as one is capable of recovering while still stuck in a POW camp and going crazy with fear because no one takes your warnings about needing to get the fuck out seriously, and also your best friend punching you in the face is the most normal you've felt in almost a year:
“I’m sorry.”
The noise that comes out of Bucky’s bunk is barely human, a snarl more suited to Meatball, or the Kraut’s dogs. “You’re sorry,” Bucky snarls. “You are a real piece of work, Buck.”
He rolls over, kicks his legs out of the bunk, boots on, to glare up at Gale. “Saint Cleven,” he sneers, and he’s just pissed and it's nothing Gale hasn't heard before, but it still stings a bit. “I pick a fight and you’re the one who's sorry.” His eye’s already swelling up, purpling a bit at the edge. Again. Gale’s stomach roils looking at it. “It’s not bad enough that’s the first time you’ve treated me like normal—”
“Hittin’ you ain’t normal,” he bites out, before he can stop himself. He scrubs his hand over his eyes, just for a second, and when he looks back John's anger has dimmed a bit, banked coals instead of the inferno.
“It’s better than whatever the hell you’ve been doing the last few weeks.”
How’s that?” Gale says, sharper than he means to. Whatever he means, there’s nothing better in hurting Bucky. Not when he’s already had plenty more than his fair share.
“You won't touch me, Buck!” It’s hissed through John’s teeth but it hits him with all the force of a baseball bat to the face. It sits between them for a moment, heavy.
“That's not true,” he mutters, but there’s no strength in it, and John barely dignifies it with a scoff.
He tries again. “I didn't think you’d want…” He trails off, feeling stupid even as the words come out of his mouth. Bucky can't go ten minutes without slinging his arm around a pal’s neck, a clap on a shoulder, an elbow in someone’s side to get their attention. He couldn't, anyway. Before all this
“The hell d’you know about what I want,” Bucky snaps, like he doesn't wear every thought on his face clear as day. “I'm damaged goods, I get it, but I’m not some china doll—”
“You’re not damaged goods,” Gale shouts, the words bursting out of him like water from a burst pipe and loud enough to make John flinch back, shock all over his face.
sooo yeah! that's stalag shit! if i do ever get it done, i think it'll need some revisiting on the characterization, but honestly probably not that much. it is however the only purely-clegan wip i have, which means it would probably do better than alllllllll my other stuff even WITH the caveat that it's dark content. which is very funny to me in a bitter sort of way.
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the-nation-of-today · 9 months
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Hi hello can anyone FUCKING HEAR ME
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machinegrl · 1 year
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our cyber girlz @hazelsnakes 🦾🤎
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
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[Image Description by @aspirationatwork: a drawing of Buggy the Clown from One Piece, drawn with bright, colorful markers.
Buggy is wearing a red-and-white stripped shirt, baggy trousers with a purple sash around his waist, striped socks, and multicolored clown shoes. He has a long, blue-green ponytail and clown facepaint(in addition to the skull and cross bones drawn on his face).
Buggy is holding a bloody cutlass in one hand and the other is on his hip, smiling confidently.
End Description.]
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xoluvx · 12 days
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pfpanimes · 1 month
UNBELIEVABLE 😭😭 All I can do is thank you VERY MUCH for the 30K followers!!! Thank you so much 😭❤️❤️ I never imagined that I would reach this dimension. I created this tumblr to save icons so that I could use them on my twitter/X and it took on a huge proportion that not even in my best dreams would I have dreamed of reaching. Thank you so much! I'll keep posting more and more icons 😭🥺 I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH❤️
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🇧🇷/🇵🇹: INACREDITÁVEL 😭😭 Tudo o que posso fazer é agradecer MUITO pelos 30 mil seguidores!!! Muito obrigada 😭❤️❤️ Nunca imaginei que chegaria nessa dimensão, criei esse tumblr para salvar icons pra poder usar no meu twitter/X e ele tomou uma proporção enorme que nem nos meus melhores sonhos eu sonharia alcançar. Muito obrigada! Vou continuar postando mais e mais icons 😭🥺 AMO MUITO TODOS VOCÊS❤️
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aegos-eros · 4 months
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I dont like my "true" self
I can't show my "true" self...
Fake Meme, PinocchioP
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dl4draws · 1 year
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nap time
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krscblw · 3 months
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commission for @st-danger - summery nimbus!
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orgyofthedamned · 2 months
What program and pen do you use?? Your art is so gorgeous and I want to test pens out that are outside of my comfort zone
wow, thank you!! i work primarily in procreate. unless you mean another piece, i assume you mean the brush ive been using for my sketches lately.
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its the 'angled sketching pencil' from jingsketch's brush pack!
i do my rough sketch with a size 25 and then go back and detail with the same brush @ size 6. i've been enjoying it since i feel like it helps me keep the sketch soft and loose.
ty again!! i hope you make something cool with it!!
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