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wildcatofgreen · 2 years ago
Have you ever just let rip the biggest, stankiest fat one around Sony? Was it hilarious?
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Holy shit. These guys just got so much worse, didn't they? For the love of stones.
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necrotic-nephilim · 7 months ago
fan fact the only canonical world where tim is happy like batman is the future where he and cass are married and share the title
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this is from solo #10, last story, written and pencilled by damion scott who was the first main artist of cass's run
i KNEW there was an Elseworlds story i had read where they ended up together!!!! but researching got me NOTHING and i half convinced myself i hallucinated it. i've always made the joke i think it's so funny Tim is the only Robin who's been with all of the Batgirls (Steph in the main timeline, Babs in the Arkhamverse, and Cass in this comic) but when i was trying to find it i doubted myself because i could find NO trace when looking it up, just reference to canon comics where CassTim was heavily implied. damn near gaslit myself.
anyways this whole thing makes me unwell. because i'm of the firm belief Tim could never be happy if he stayed a vigilante his whole life, *especially* if he became Batman. because that is canonically one of his worst fears. it's why i like Tim Drake of Tomorrow (Savior) so much, because it's a personification of those fears and the sort of proof that Tim becoming Batman would set him on a hyper-paranoid overly controlling path he wouldn't come back from. but? the idea that Tim could be happy and healthy as Batman if he was sharing the mantle with Cass? that makes *so* much sense. they represent very different aspects of Batman ('the noble detective' and 'the vengeful knight' pretty aptly display that) and her drivenness and dedication to the Bat as a symbol would be the thing that keeps Tim from falling over that edge. it'd keep him from self-isolating (a thing Tim is known to do when he's falling down a paranoid spiral) and keep him steady. meanwhile he would ground her, make sure she knows she's not alone. that's my only real gripe with Cass as Batman, is that she shouldn't be so alone and 'one man army' the way Bruce is. she needs to keep her support system she worked so hard for. she needs someone to remind her that she's human and treating herself like a weapon 24/7 isn't sustainable, something Tim has tried to get through to her. they're just so good at balancing each other out and DC would never go in the direction of exploring them again, but there was a time it really felt like we were on the cusp of them flourishing as a couple and tbh, i almost feel like we missed out.
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fictionfolk-safehaven · 2 months ago
I just found this blog and I love it you're so cool.......
Anyways Uhm!!!! Honestly I hate how weird people get about sources cuz like...... A lot of our alters are source attached yeah but I hate when people assume they are!!!!
Like "oh is your Jason Todd fictive dating a Dick Grayson fictive cuz he's attracted to his BROTHER???"
well yeah but why was that your first thought??? Leave me alone :// I'm really lucky to have the best partner system ever tho, like I literally just had a conversation about how I probably split papyrus from undertale and they just went "oh sans wants to meet him. For. Non incest reasons" like ajsjsjs that's so funny I love him 😔😔😔😔 sorry this might just be me being gay????
Anyways like, we experience weird like, patterns of attraction and our source attached fictives dating sourcemates is a great way for them to express that without it actually being harmful and I don't see how that's such a big deal!!!! Like oh wow Jason is dating his brother, they're both adults and they aren't actually brothers like..... Shut up, its not actually that deep ahdjjssjsj
Sorry I love ranting and this blog is cool 🤭🤭🤭🤭 ok I'll stop noww-
-🕷️📺 anon
Be gay all you want! Understanding people around you are the absolute best.
- Xiao
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skyward-floored · 6 months ago
I want you to know I am angered as well on your behalf.
I literally watched the trailer yelling in my head 'No! Peggy already did this!!!' /literal
Sorry about the copyright infringement Nintendo is blatantly and aggressively targeting your fic I swear /hj
Thanks Luna, I'm just overall kind of. frustrated. which is silly because it's a coincidence that they match and all and though I've had Lost and his whole thing as an idea for literal years, nintendo probably has too, so it's just one big annoying coincidence. that's annoying. and coincidental. and these ALWAYS catch me when I'm already in a mood 😭
But yeah, thank you Luna, I do appreciate the anger on my behalf :)
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ficoandleo · 7 months ago
How to get people to do what you want? I need uh..... some tips 🥺 (@mun: Congrats on the blogg :333)
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"Have you tried asking nicely?" Leo asks, nicely. He scoffs a little, half amused by himself. "Most people aren't going to do what you want without incentive or without owing you something."
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"Exactly. If you can convince them that something is in it for them--or that something is at risk if they don't, even if it's just their credibility as a person--then they'll be more willing to comply." Romeo crosses his legs and leans back in his chair. "Aside from that, power. Influence. Fear."
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"For most people though I'd say trust sounds a little more attainable. If somebody likes you enough they'll pretty much do whatever you want. That's why companies pay influencers to advertise products. People are mindless like that!"
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chiscribbs · 1 year ago
Hi! I was thinking about your Donnie clone au, and - what do you think about "protective Donnie"? He is one of the main defences after all, on pair with Raph. I imagine interactions involving this clone could be really cute or angsty.
Or do you have a different vision where the protectivness is more of a trait shared between several clones?
Oooooo - good question!
Protectiveness is definitely one of Donnie's major traits, I could totally see there being a clone just for that.
I guess you could also argue that Mature Donnie would have a bit of protectiveness? Since it sort of comes with the territory and certain qualities are bound to overlap with each other, a little bit. But I definitely think Protective Donnie could still be a thing on his own, yeah!
Which could be helpful or not so helpful for the others, depending on who he's protecting. I could see this clone being a real problem when it comes to rallying up the Donnies, because he might try to protect the other clones from getting caught - HAHA!
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hedonicghosts · 1 year ago
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@spoonling asked for #3 (Which headmates were enemies at first and now best friends and/or a couple?) from this ask game.
i wouldn't go so far as to say that basil and atlas are now "best" friends after all this time, but at least they haven't punched each other in a year! we're still counting it for their record despite the fact that kris integrated several years ago lol
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charlieism · 2 years ago
maybe the boy who called me a lesbian when we were both 10 years old was right
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rivilu · 10 months ago
I've missed this weird little freak so much (it's been like a week)
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aaaghhhhhh · 2 years ago
i miss writing words of fic i keep having work and like. life. drain my writing time and emotional energy. it sucks. also i have to decide if lawcav kiss happens this day or after big fish and i'm stalling on that.
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wolftheidioticfan · 2 years ago
Hey, if Todd is still around... would he like a train? But a train mecha.
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zhukzucraft · 9 months ago
=> Pearl & Co: Ponder the portal
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Gem: I messaged Mumbo and Skizz but no answer yet. I think we should wait-
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Gem: Scar!!
Scar: What? No point in letting it go to waste, am I right?
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Pearl: Hey whoa whoa whoa
Pearl: Let's hold our horses
Pearl: Why- why do we even need to go to the Nether, anyway?
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Scar: Isn't the Enchanting Table there this time, Grian?
Grian: A-yup.
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Grian: It's just plopped in a Bastion in there. 'Cause why not.
Scar: Ancient City is a hard act to follow, huh?
Grian: Eh, it works as long as nobody gets access to enchantments too early.
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Gem: You don't say! Then maybe WE shouldn't be going there so soon, huh Grian?
Grian: Don't tell me that GeminiSlay is scared of some little piggies!
Grian: I fully expect you to carry, by the by.
Gem: UGH.
Pearl: Come on guys, let's at least wait for Skizz and Mumbo to come back!
Scar: Nooo, you never know who's trying to beat us to it. Those rapscallions could be closing in on the magic table as we speak!
Pearl: :(
=> Pearl & Co: Be Martyn
Start Over -- Go Back
The submission time is now over! See you back in this POV after a couple of posts!
(outdated part below preserved for posterity)
It's time for another
What Will You Do?
this time addressed to the whole group!
Should they jump right in? Should they wait? Should they do a dance-off? You can suggest actions and arguments for any of the 4 characters, or all of them at once!
Please submit your suggestions as replies to this post, or at this channel in our discord (LINK), or if all else fails - directly to my askbox. This event will last for 3 DAYS, until next Wednesday.
Also - next update we'll be checking in with the POV vote winner, Martyn!
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petew21-blog · 4 months ago
Mike Thurston
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Mike:"Hi, Cobra. I'm Mike Thurston. Your gym instructor. I understand it's your very first time in the gym, am I right?"
Cobra:"Hey, Nice to meet you. Not really a first time, but I was never consistent with my routine."
Mike:"I can see that. Let's get to it to change that, ok? The locker room is on the other side of the gym. We're the first ones here today and probably will be until 8 so at least we won't have to worry about anybody else."
Cobra:"Great. I'll go get changed then."
Mike was stretching and picking out the music for later on. Cobra emerged from the lockerooms.
Mike:"Are you ready, man?"
Cobra:"Yeah, yeah. Let's do it."
Mike:"That's the spirit. Ok, I'll walk you through it and every time before you try out the machine, I'll show you how to use it properly. We'll start with stair climbing first as a warm up."
After 20 minutes, Mike was barely sweaty while Cobra was sweating. Cobra stepped off the stairs to get his drink. Mike didn't pay attention to him, focused on his goal.
After a while Mike stepped off. "Too much?"
Cobra:"Nah. I just get tired quickly. I'll be ok in a while." Cobra handed Mike his bottle. "Here."
Mike smile and grabbed it:"Thanks, man." Mike took a big sip.
They walked over to another machine, but Mike noticed that his vision was suddenly blurry.
Cobra:"You ok, man?"
Mike:"Yeah, a bit dizzy. I'll just sit down for a moment. I don't know what's happening to me."
Cobra:"Must be your protein drink I spiked before."
Mike looked back at Cobra shocked. "What? The fuck man? I'm calling the police." he tried to reach his phone, but was too dizzy to do so. Cobra took away his phone and placed it far form him.
Cobra:"I don't think so, man. You should go to sleep to speed this up. I'm getting excited just by looking at you."
And then Mike closed his eyes afraid of what was about to happen to him.
Mike opened his eyes. Ok, good. He's alive. That fucker didn't kill him. One good thing. His ass didn't hurt, so hopefully the guy didn't do anything to him. Mike turned around. He was sitting alone in the gym, no one in sight. He thought of calling out, but he didn't know where Cobra was. But then it happened. He noticed the mirror. He got close. The reflection. "How...what..." Cobra's reflection said as these words escaped his mouth. He was in that fucker's body. Why would he do that? How would he do that? He noticed his slender body, his well-earned physique was gone. Where was his body now?
This question was about ot be answered as his body emerged from the lockers.
His body called out at him in glee. "Hey, COBRA. What's uppp?"
Mike:"The fuck are you doing with my body?"
Cobra:"Ok, calm down. I had to take a leak. Or... your body had too. Haha. And I have to say, man. Pretty nice cock. I wouldn't have expected you to shave EVERYWHERE, but I guess that's what you guys do."
Mike:"Give me my body back you fucker or I...!!!"
Cobra:"Or what? You gonna beat me up? With that body? I don't think so. Or you're gonna call the police? Right. Who's gonna believe you?"
Mike:"You can't do this. It's not right."
Cobra:"I say it's not right to charge people such amounts of money for not even helping them out, but that's on you."
Mike:"I'll give you anything, man."
Cobra:"Anything? Leave me your body then. Haha."
Mike:"Anything but that. I work on my body all the time. I have nothing without it. I am nothing. Please, I'm begging you."
Cobra:"Eh, well... since you're begging, I'll at least enjoy the body in front of you, so you'll know how much we hate YOU guys that shove it to our faces. Sit here."
Cobra streightened in front of Mike and started the exploration of his body.
Cobra:"It's freaking amazing to have all the knowledge of the muscles and workout. It must have taken you years to know this. Ok, let's see what we got here. Ooooh. Deltoids." Cobra rolled his shoulders. "So tight. And wide. Very nice." He flexed his biceps. "Biceps brachii. Very impressive, Mike. And those triceps. Damn."
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Mike quietly:"Thanks..."
Cobra moved on to his chest. "God damn these pecks. Sorry. Pectoralis major. Gotta be strict about these terms now" he flexed them and watched how they contracted and bulged forward. A creepy grin appeared on his face. His hands travelled to his abs. He moved over all his defined six pack. "The core strength is unbelievable. And what a cheese grater. Ok, moving on, rectus abdominis" he turned and flexed "And let's not forget external obliques. Shit. You have got a really great body, man."
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Cobra took off his sweatpants and flexed his legs. "Fuuuuck. So bulging. I love these quadriceps, man. And even knowing their names is so hot. Vastus lateralis, intermedius and medialis, rectus femoris. Fricking amazing."
Mike:"Ehm... you... don't forget hamstrings."
Cobra looked at Mike and smiled. "Don't rush me, man. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and you want me to rush it. Chill or I'll keep this body."
Mike's face was pale now, but he stayed quiet.
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Cobra took off his boxers
Mike stood up:"Dude, stop. That's too much."
Cobra:"Gotta appreciate it fully. Sit back down or we're staying like this."
Mike sat down again and watched as his body was naked flexing and enjoying himself.
Cobra|:"Let's not forget the most important muscle." he took the dick in his hand. Mike was ready to say something again, but Cobra stared him down with a dominating look. Mike just sat there as his body was stroking his dick. Now fully aroused, Cobra started moaning.
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Mike:"Please, Cobra, please. Let's swap back. I want my body."
Cobra:"Not yet."
Mike:"Why? What do I have to do to get my body back?"
Cobra:"I'm glad you asked. You let me fuck my body and I give you your body back."
Mike:"You can't be serious."
Cobra:"You want your body back or no?"
Cobra:"Take your clothes off."
Mike got up and took off his shirt, his shorts and shoes. Standing only in Cobra's briefs.
Cobra:"What are you waiting for?"
Mike:"I'm not gay, man."
Cobra:"It's not gay, if you're fucking yourself. It's like masturbation."
Cobra leaned in and kissed his old body. "Man, I kinda envy you. It must be so hot to his your body." he noticed the tent forming in his briefs. "See, you're not gay, but my body certainly is. So let's enjoy it."
Cobra grabbed Mike's hand and dragged him to the showers. He turned on the water grabbed Mike's head and forced him on his knees. Mike instinctively took Cobra's hard dick and started to jerk it.
Cobra:"Don't be shy, lick it."
Mike took it in his mouth. He never sucked a dick before, so the taste was definitely something new. It might have been the body he was in, but he was a bit into it.
As water rushed over their bodies, Cobra couldn't wait any longer.
Cobra:"Pulled him up and kissed him. Let's fuck!"
He picked him up and held him above his waist. Mike's body was so strong and Cobra so slim, that it wasn't an issue. Cobra pushed his dick inside of him.
Mike:"Slow down, please."
He pounded more and more. Both of them moaning in pleasure. Cobra was laughing out loud. The cum filled Cobra's old body. They rested in the same position, Mike's dick still in Cobra's ass.
Cobra laughed
Mike:"What's so funny."
Cobra:"I can't believe you let me fuck you"
Mike:"You said that you would give me back my body if I did."
Cobra:"Yeah. Hahaha. So I lied. This is your body now for the rest of your life."
Cobra pulled out of Mike and set him on the floor. He washed his dick and with laughter left the showers. Mike, still naked and wet, followed him to the lockers.
Cobra:"What? You didn't understand something?"
Mike:"You stole my body."
Cobra:"Clever boy. See, you're not that stupid as I thought. And you're not bad to fuck. I could keep you as my cum dump, but I might be more into pussy now so we'll see about that."
Mike was still in the middle of the lockers as Cobra put on his new clothes.
Someone entered the locker room
Guy:"Hey, Mike. Who's the naked dude?"
Mike:"Hey, don't worry about him, he's weird, but harmless."
Guy:"You done for today?"
Mike:"Yeah, but I might come tomorrow."
Guy:"Ok, see you tomorrow then, man"
Mike was speechless. Not only his body was stolen, but it seemed, that he was gonna be pretty good at pretending to be him.
Cobra:"I hope you enjoyed your first time in the gym, COBRA”
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A story request by @cobraas-blog
And a late happy birthday, man! xD
Hey! Your stories are amazing. Can I request a story? It's my birthday today and I would like to swap bodies with Mike Thurston. While he beg to swap back, the swap become permanent when I fvck him in my old body. Thank you!
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brummiereader · 4 months ago
Binding Love (Part One/ Dark!Tommy)
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Summary: After a morning of negotiations between lawyers, the day goes wasted when Tommy takes it upon himself to interfere in court proceedings. With your muddled intentions made clear, and your husband's declarations of love forcefully made known, a blazing row erupts between you both in the bustling streets of Birmingham. Will you ever be free from your husband's restraints? Do you even want to be?
Warnings: Dark!Tommy, language, violence, psychological mind games, controlling behaviour, toxic relationship, manipulative behaviour, psychological abuse, mutual pining, angst.
Word Count: 5K
Authors Note: For the purpose of depicting the manipulative behaviour of Tommy in the first part of this chapter, I've taken it upon myself to have radios become a common feature in cars before they were. We'll pick back up from the first scene again in the last chapter. The song playing on the car radio is called "Release Me" by Engelbert Humperdinck.
[Masterlist] [Trailer] [Main Masterlist]
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" Please release me, let me go. For I don't love you, anymore..." the sound of your husband's humming voice accompanied by the taunting song and a sharp turn of the cars rumbling wheels on the gritted ground, jolted you from the daze your tired body had drifted into.
"Tommy...Tommy!" you began to frantically cry into the darkness, faced once again with the horrors sleep had dulled for you. A slither of light beaming through a crack in the rear headlights, the salty air of sand and kelp your only comfort to stop your racing heart from plunging you into complete obscurity.
"Tommy please! I'm...I'm sorry! I was scared...you were scaring me!" Your stifled breath wept with desperation as you begged for mercy before panic took over, and you succumbed to the tight enclosure.
Losing track of the countless halting stops, the speeding turns as Tommy's foot pressed down onto the pedal with determination. You had given up on trying to route your husband's destination and fallen into a weary haze of slumber. But with Tommy's clear attempt to awaken you, and bless his lonely thoughts with the beauty of your strangled cries, he had also awoken the searing panic within you once again.
How many hours had it been...fuck, how many hours had it been?! How much air was left?!, your frightened mind scrambled to make sense of the amount of time that had passed through the music loudly confusing any tangible answer you could come to.
" I can't breathe...Oh my god, I...I can't breathe!" your chest heaved in a frenzy, relenting to the alarming situation you had distanced yourself from as your hands searched to ground your body before you let what was left of your sanity slip into the terror your husband was hellbent on inflicting on you.
" Tommy! I...I can't breathe!" your hand flew to your chest as adrenaline coursed through the blood pumping furiously throughout your body. Every muscle reacting in a torturous plea for you to flee the inescapable.
" Maybe you should stop screaming, sweetheart" Tommy's voice rose above the music as a wicked smirk etched on the corner of his curling lips. His arm resting casually on the open window with a lit cigarette perched between his fingers as one would on a leisurely Sunday drive in the country.
" You bastard!" you snapped forgetting yourself, throwing the warranted insult his way as a low chuckle obnoxiously echoed back to you in response.
" And to think I put a cushion in there for you" he teased, if only to spur on the enticing game of cat and mouse he had become the sole player of.
" Don't say I don't do anything nice for you, eh?" a slither of irritation seethed at the end of his tongue for the chaos he blamed you for. For the cascade of selfish decisions you had made he blamed on the day's events.
How could you have done this to him, after all...no. After everything he'd lovingly done for you to keep you away from those that wanted to ruin what you shared.
" I hate you...I fucking hate you! I never loved you Tommy, just like your fucking song! I don't love you! Are you listening?! " your screams continued as you thrashed your limbs against the walls. Desperately trying to garner a reaction out of him as your lungs heaved for the stolen air, panic had snatched from them.
And a reaction you got, but one you'd be thankful to not have witnessed when Tommy shifted in his seat, loosening the collar of his shirt from the restricting pang of anger bobbing in his throat. His jaw clenching into a grating sound of teeth grinding on top of one another as the blue of his eyes eclipsed with a foreboding shade of coal at the lies you had spoken to scorch him. Lies he knew were only said to fool yourself into believing, rather than succumbing to the truth that your doting husband was, and always would be, the only man you would ever love.
You were just...tired. A knock to the head would make anyone confused, Tommy told the distasteful burn that had settled on his chest as the calloused pads of his fingers turned the volume up to drown out any more unwarranted admissions that would have him act out on the sting you had pierced him with.
"I'm warning you, eh? You hear me? One more fucking word Y/N, I dare you!" Tommy's voice loudly ordered with a shuddering tone of control as his eyes narrowed in on the road in front of him. His leather gloves snapping with a crisp creak under his curling fingers as they tightly grasped around the steering wheel. Tethering on the idea of stopping the car to an abrupt halt and dealing with you by hand.
Wiping the tears from your eyes, your trembling bottom lip steadied itself from any further statements you'd be a fool to make as the toying melody lulled your weeping body back into hopelessness. Your eyes drifting to the narrow rays of the sun fading with each passing minute.
Hovering your fingers over the dusting of light, you began to quietly mouth the tormenting lyrics of the song Tommy had chosen to accompany your long drive into the unknown as you let your body sink into itself.
Feeling a strangled cry build in your throat, one last frustrated thrash of your elbow against the side of the car boot had a flash of light searing into the darkness, causing your head to turn from the glaring brightness of the outside world now beaming into your enclosure.
" Shit, shit..." your head turned in a panic to see the back headlight gone, your pent-up hopelessness now your saviour.
Whipping your head back to the sound of your husband's toying lips whistling in tune to the song, your heart pounded rapidly against your chest as you waited for him to acknowledge his taillight skimming across the road. But when no reaction came, you tempted fate and slipped your arm through the open gap, frantically waving your hand in hopes somebody would see.
Hearing the rumbling sound of a car approaching, you pushed your arm further through the shards of glass as you desperately tried to alert its drivers' attention.
" No, no, no..." you cried, pulling away to see the car disappear into the fading sun, hurtling all despair back to you in a strangled muffle of cries.
Readying yourself for the burning sting once again, you pushed your bloody hand back into the sharp teeth of your only escape, forcing it through until your shoulder met the door of your prison one last time.
And that's when you felt it. The lock that had kept you captive for countless hours in the dark.
In for a penny, in for a..., your teeth bit down onto your wobbling bottom lip, dried with a layer of blood from the dripping gash on your forehead.
Steadying your heavy breaths from backing out, you pushed your thumb down onto the chrome button, committing to your escape and the horrors you would face if your husband caught you.
With a subtle click, the door effortlessly popped open as you pulled yourself up with shaky hands, throwing the weight of your body out onto the road without care to any car approaching or injury you'd likely sustain as Tommy's foot slammed on the breaks to a screeching halt.
" Now just where do you think you're going..." Tommy's eyes narrowed, the rolled cylinder of tobacco resting between his plump lips puffing a cloud of smoke with each quiet breathy observation as he flicked the wing mirror with his finger to see the reflection of you scrambling to your feet.
" Help! Somebody!" You screamed in horror as you ran barefoot along the gritted ground. Only a thin slip covering your modesty, Tommy hadn't given you a chance to conceal with his unexpected appearance that morning.
"Shit" Tommy huffed throwing the door open, discarding the burnt cigarette from his mouth as he bolted after your sprinting feet.
" C'mon darling, don't make a scene!" you heard his gravelly voice call after you as you dared to look back to see him chasing towards you with a malicious smile of amusement toying on the corners of his lips.
With no sign of life but the two of you on the long winding road, you took your chances in the bushy hedgerow, heading down the dangerous coastal path with screams of terror as Tommy stayed hot on your heels behind you.
But your frantic escape and pleas for help would go unheard among the thrashing sound of waves, leaving only the echos of the melody coming from Tommy's abandoned car in the middle of the lone country road, and the ticking of its blinkers counting the moments down until he caught you.
"Please release me, let me go. For I don't love you anymore. To waste our lives would be a sin..."
One month earlier...
"Shit, I'm sorry. I don't..I don't have any change" your cheeks reddened with embarrassment as your fingers fumbled with the small, empty purse. Not a single shilling nestled within its velvety padding. Not a single penny to your name.
"My husband wi..." you stopped yourself, feeling a fool to have even referred to him as such, that you were going to rely on him to settle your fare, knowing full well he'd find enjoyment paying on your behalf with the proceedings set to take place in a moment's time.
" S'alright, Mrs Shelby. On the house" the taxi driver nodded to you in the rear mirror with a bushy bearded smile. For he was not foolish enough to follow in suit with your slipping tongue and make the wife of the leader of the Peaky Blinders pay a sum so trivial it could see him costing a finger his profession deemed vital.
" Thank you, Jeffery. But after today I'll no longer be, Mrs Shelby" you stated, opening the car door to a gust of autumn air nipping at your cheeks, your heels stepping onto the cobbled street, that paved your way to the grand building where a judge would decide on your future.
Strutting into the towering structure, you held your head high as your heels loudly echoed along the marble floors. But as you pushed through the heavy court doors, your mustered confidence took a sudden blow when the room turned to face you and the man that would reside over your divorce proceedings, scolded you like a child in front of a class of their peers.
" You're late, Mrs Shelby" he looked past the rims of his glasses as your pace slowed in a desperate attempt to muffle your poor choice of shoes and the unwarranted attention it garnered.
"I'm sorry your honor" you apologised, shamed in front of everyone as you hurried past the set of blue eyes following your every step. His piercing stare roaming over your body from head to toe, to every curve your fitted dress accentuated. His head leaning into your musky perfume filled with notes of amber and vanilla that drifted past him in a gentle greeting as you took your seat next to your solicitor. The intoxicating smell enough to cause a breathy exhale of repressed want from his throat. Tommy.
Feeling the intent stare of your husband boring into your heated cheek, you whipped your head up from the documents between your painted nails to see Tommy leant back in his chair, admiring your choice of outfit from between the men of law that separated you. Why did he have to look at you that way? He was doing it on fucking purpose.
Snapping your eyes away, a screeching sound of a chair scraped along the floor, followed by the heavy footsteps of your husband approaching.
" Darling" he greeted, taking the opportunity to approach you and the tray of refreshments stood feet from your desk as the fumbling Judge lay out your weighty file in front of him with the help of his assistant.
"Tommy" you replied, eyes fixed on the documents in front of you, trying your upmost to shield yourself from the pull of his daily dose of sweet-talking.
Scoffing a chuckle, Tommy raised the glass tumbler of water to his grinning lips. Amused by the cold shoulder you were adamant on giving him.
"Quite the entrance. Was that little show all for me..." You suddenly felt the heat of his body next to you, his distinct cologne of tobacco intertwined with whiskey and soot filling your senses. "...eh?" he perched himself on the edge of your desk as he leant into your ear, his fiery breath sending a ripple of goosebumps down your neck as the beginnings of a cocky smile curled against your skin.
" No" you firmly stated, feeling the remaining surges of embarrassment making laps in your stomach as you raised your eyes to see the smug smirk of enjoyment plastered across his face. Did you do it for him? Were you still seeking his attention, his approval after all this time, after everything that had happened?
" You sure, sweetheart?" his brows knitted together, mischief twinkling in the corners of his creased eyes as his hand reached under the table, roaming under your dress until his fingers met the clasps of your garter and unclipped one.
"Hmm, such a tease" he chuckled to himself, feeling the sting of your hand slapping his fingers away. Toying with your emotions and the agreed boundaries he was unwilling to follow once again.
Whether it be to purposely play with you or sheer refusal to admit he was the one that had pushed you to this point. Tommy didn't care. For your husband would never abide by anyone, let alone follow life's rules that weren't from the beat of his own drum.
" Be seated everyone" the Judge ordered, bringing your racing heart down to a manageable speed as Tommy scooted off the wooden table onto two feet, adjusting his suit before reluctantly playing along to the six-month temper tantrum he believed you was having.
As the dreary morning of papers being sent back and forth between lawyers, of decisions over the custody of your shared child continued. Tommy made it his sole mission to find an issue with every suggestion raised. Addressing only you throughout the entire ordeal as his generously paid lawyer, buried his head in his hands with frustration.
" Mr Shelby" the Judge's voice rose above Tommy's interruptions as he wiped the bead of sweat that had settled on his temple. A huff of defeat in response to the insult that he, a man of his position, couldn't keep his courtroom and its sole troublemaker under control.
" Two Sundays out of the month, Y/N? I won't allow it, understood? Sunday is family time and we'll spend it together, whether you like it or not" Tommy rolled his shoulders, straightening the lapels of his suit jacket as the Judge desperately tried to bring order to the room.
"Why don't we go back home and end this fucking circus, eh? I'll make love to you, we'll take Elsie out for an afternoon with the horses..." Tommy trailed off into a tangent of things he'd rather be doing than sitting in the stuffy room he was currently forced to be in with a wigged man telling him what he could and couldn't do with his family.
"Mr Shelby, I beseech you" the Judge removed his glasses, peering at your husband's lawyer to keep control of his client.
" You really want to do this, eh? To our daughter? Y/N? Y/N?!" the last of Tommy's patience quickly evaporated as you snapped your head away from his bellowing voice to the window beside you, tears spilling over your cheeks.
" Mr Shelby!" The magistrate slammed his hammer down onto its wooden pillow as an exasperated sigh at the tiresome morning loudly left his throat.
Ignoring the resonating boom of the wooden hammer, Tommy rested his arm on the back of his lawyer's chair as he leaned in. Whispering his orders into his ear as his scorching stare stayed fixed on you.
Daring to challenge the piercing pair of eyes burning into you, you raised your head as your husband's lawyer approached the bench with his orders.
Gaze drifting up from his clenched fists, you were met with nothing but anger. Anger at your refusal to bring an end to the whole charade, for your unwillingness to let him back into your martial bed over a paddy he believed would fizzle out within a week's time. How had things gotten to this point? Or more precisely, what had your dear husband done to push you to this point?
" Proceedings are postponed until further notice" the Judge's damning words shocked you out of your husband's hold on your every thought as your eyes darted to your lawyer.
" All rise" the portly guard beside him announced as those present dispersed from the room, leaving you with darting eyes scanning the empty rows of chairs until they settled on Tommy, and the satisfied smirk he was maliciously sending your way.
"What did you do? Tommy! What did you do?!" you shouted, storming over to him as he rose from his seat. Unbothered by your fit of rage and the role he played in its sudden appearance.
"You're so angry all the time, darling" he replied, dismissing your questions as his hands snaked over your waist, playfully pouting down at your widening eyes as if the entire ordeal was nothing but a small spat between a married couple.
"You might wanna get that checked love, can't be good for you, now can it?" He continued to rile you up after getting his way as you pushed him off you, feeling fooled by your lawyers guarantee that not even your husband could bring a halt to court proceedings after the lengthy battle you had already fought to get this point.
Tears settling between your lashes, you shook your head in disbelief at another delay to your freedom as you ran from the courtroom and your husband calling your name.
" Y/N!" Tommy's voice bellowed into the chilly blue sky as he followed after your hurried steps down to the bustling main road of Birmingham's town center.
"Hey!" He grabbed hold of your hips, spinning you around to face him and the tears streaming down your reddened cheeks.
"Hey..." he hushed your cries as you clutched your arms around your body from the bitter breeze of winter slowly rolling in.
"Here" he pulled his black overcoat from his shoulders, wrapping it around your trembling body, you shrugged off the moment it's warmth enveloped you.
No matter what he did, you wouldn't let him in. Why wouldn't you fucking let him back in?!, Tommy thought to himself, throwing his coat on the hood of his car. Oblivious or rather, ignorant to how he had toyed with you moments earlier.
" Why are you doing this, Tommy? We agreed to this. You agreed to this!" a sigh of defeat had your head turning in frustration to the cobbled ground below you. A stream of tears following in tow.
"Forced my hand more like" his huffy response snapped back as he fished in his suit jacket for a cigarette.
Eyes cast down, Tommy's stare darted between your tear-ridden cheeks and the morning dash of men and women hurrying to their places of work as you both stood in silence.
"Hey, look at me" he cupped your chin, turning your head to face him as he shuffled from foot to foot with a breathy exhale. "We'll deal with this in private, alright?" his brows raised, only to be welcomed with your rolling eyes of skepticism on what the word private actually meant to your husband whose idea of a fair deal was only if he was the one making all the deciding factors.
"Y/N?" he waited on your answer, softly brushing a lock of hair from your cheek when his eyes caught the sight of a police car sat guzzling gas on the opposite side of the road, and the prick inside he'd learnt had been hounding you for months on the whereabouts of his colleague.
Jaw tightening, Tommy watched as the detective gave a two-finger salute before turning the wheels of his car into the road and driving off with a pleased smirk. A clear provocation to rile up the notorious gangster on a day he knew Tommy's reputable temper could see him snap given the right push, in the right direction.
" Y/N?" his attention flew back to you as he cupped your cheeks in his hands. " I don't want this" he held your gaze as the end of his cigarette sizzled inches from your cold cheeks.
" I love you" his stare intensified as he wet his lips, his hands reinforcing his words with a stern shake to your face. " I can't lose you. If you want me to change...fuck, I'll change, alright?"
" For god's sake Tommy, that's not...not what I want from you" You felt a surge of disappointment plummet to the bottom of your stomach at the empty promises you had heard countless times before. Hoping that for once, just once, he'd say something that could reassure you enough to put a stop to the yearning you had to reconcile without a shit load of regret following shortly after it.
"I was just keeping you safe, darling" his hands dropped to your arms, tenderly rubbing them within his palms.
" Is that what you want me to do? Pull back my men? Is that what this is all about, eh?" He continued with his refusal to acknowledge the lengths he'd gone to keep control over every waking moment of your day.
" You've given up on us, haven't you?" Tommy huffed at your silence and the reaction it had on his grating need to have your undivided attention at all times.
"Just know this is all on you, eh? Our daughters' parent's separated because of you. Great fucking example you're showing her, darling. Well done" Tommy shook his head, viscously switching his mood back to his bitter brooding over your lack of response, and the expected answer you were unwilling to give.
Your silence being enough to make clear where you stood on the matter, you turned to leave as his hurtful words settled in your chest. Burrowing down to your heart, to the pang of guilt you felt for the stress you was putting your six-year-old daughter through.
"Where are you going?" He stopped you from taking another step as he grabbed hold of your arm.
" Into town" you attempted to shrug off his grip as you watched the barrage of questions form behind his eyes.
" You need some money?" He slipped his burning cigarette between his lips as he pulled out a bundle of cash, flicking through the notes.
" No" you huffed, folding your arms away from him as a wave of embarrassment that you didn't have the money for a taxi fare, let alone a trip into town without your husband giving you your weekly pocket money, scorched you with humiliation.
" Why not?" Tommy's brow furrowed as he threw his cigarette to the ground. " Y/N, why not?" His question turned into an urgent demand to know what had you needing to walk into the city for something he could get one of his men to fetch for you.
Fuck sake, you sighed to yourself, feeling the familiar tone of interrogation seeping though his questions. You just wanted space, space away from the house you still found yourself sharing with him, from the constant reminder of happy memories spent together, from him, from him and his fucking need to know your whereabouts every hour of every second of the day.
"You have someone else paying for this outing into town, is that why you don't need my money, eh? Tommy's paranoia started to turn it's ugly head into an onslaught of never-ending questions.
"Going on another fucking date, hm? Like you did with that pig" his grip tightened, releasing his pent-up anger out on your reddening arms as he glared at you with eyes burning with enough fury to heat your face.
" It's was a friendly dinner..." You sighed with frustration at his inability to stop himself before he pushed you further away with words intended to hurt.
" You meeting someone, Y/N? You fucking somebody, eh?" His voice rose, letting go of the little self-restraint he still possessed as he abruptly pulled you into his body.
" Why you doing this to me, hm?" His voice suddenly softened into desperate pleas anyone would think was an end to his anger. But his tight hold on your body as his cheek pressed against yours, the sound of his gritted teeth grinding together against your ear, enough to tell you otherwise that his fury was seconds away from bubbling over.
" Tommy stop...enough!" You managed to push him away as you turned to leave, refusing to withstand another second of the man that had replaced your once doting husband.
" You won't get rid of me that easily, darling! I won't let it happen!" His voice bellowed into the soot filled air, garnering the attention of those within ear shot. "You marry a Shelby, you stay married! You hear me?! You stay, fucking married!"
" Fuck!" His hands slammed against the door of his car as his lawyer nervously approached, announcing his presence with the clearing of his throat.
" What?!" Tommy's head snapped back to the fumbling man with a file of papers requiring his attention.
" See that those get lost" Tommy's demeanor quickly simmered, keeping the only document that held any interest before piling the rest into the arms of his lawyer.
Sinking into the driver's seat, his true intentions, written in the words of his solicitor, found their way into the glove box as one of his men slid into the passenger's side.
" What's the plan boss?'" the peaked soldier questioned, his voice drowning out into a distant muffle of unintelligible words as Tommy's eyes followed you walking along the cobbled path. His fingers hovering over the ignition, ready to leave when you turned back to look at him with locks of hair dancing in front of your eyes, cheeks rosy red from the chill that had settled over the foggy city. The sight twisting an unbearable urge within him to have you walk back to him, to have you back in his arms.
Were you coming back to him?, Tommy waited, a breath of anticipation catching in his throat as you stood from afar before the ends of your dress turned with a gust of wind, pushing you around the corner out of sight.
" Boss?" The peaky asked, waiting for his orders as his hand rested on the handle of the door.
" Follow her"
" Fuck..." you stifled the steady flow of tears trickling down your cheeks as you darted into a narrow bricked path behind a row of shops. A face as famous as yours was, and would always be a topic of conversation, even more so with a set of tears covering it.
How had it come to this? Was it after the birth of your daughter? No, no, before then? When you was dating?", you plagued yourself with the same frequency of questions your husband tired you with.
No matter how many questions your weary thoughts tormented you with, the truth was, you couldn't pinpoint when your marriage fell apart. It had happened slowly, small changes gone unnoticed. And then, in true Tommy fashion, accelerated to a point where the ignored had become glaringly obvious.
Yet still, wrenching pangs of yearning had you feeling like you couldn't live without him as long sleepless nights dragged on. The heat of his body absent from under the sheets of your martial bed. He was all you had ever known. And he knew it. He knew it.
"You'll pay privy to his crimes when I finally get him, Mrs Shelby. You and your daughter" a voice snatched you from the beckoning memories of your husband's arm wrapped tightly around your waist.
" Leave me alone" your eyes snapped up as you blinked your tears away, pulling yourself from the detective that had tracked you down for a second time that week.
" You're making a mistake" he caught your arm, forcing you to face his insistent inquiries into your husband.
"For the last time, I don't know anything. Now let me go" you echoed the countless responses you had already given.
One dinner had landed you not only at the brunt end of Tommy's raging anger, that you had dared to entertain someone of the opposite sex that was neither blood nor bound to you by marriage, but the watchful eye of your date's colleague, adamant on finding what he believed would be his partner's dead body, murdered at the hands of your husband after a fit of jealousy.
" I can offer you protection, away from him. All you have to do..." He slipped his details into your hand before you abruptly put an end to his concerns for your safety.
" I said, leave me alone" you pulled his hand off you, tired of being man-handled, of being expected to appease every living fucking creature of the opposite sex.
"You'll be next, Mrs Shelby. Mark my words!" He shouted to you as you drifted back into the bustling streets, his words leaving a harrowing sense of dread tightening around your throat as you shoved his card within the warmth of your pocket.
" Tommy doesn't share his toys!" The last of his warnings rang back to you as you leaned against a lonely lamp post, steadying the weight of your body against its metal frame when the world you were trying to flee from appeared in the corner of your eyes in the form of a peaked cap soldier watching from afar.
In sickness and in health, until death do us part. Would you ever be free from the binding love that had chained you together? Or would fate echo the words of your shared vows spoken on your wedding day?
Next Part
Tag list: @peakyswritings @justrainandcoffee @garrison-girl-08 @meadows5 @lavender-haze-01
@strangeobsessed @ttae-yong @lemonwithstupidity @lindsay00000 @mischievouslittlecreature
@jbrownta @lau219
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satorusugurugurl · 10 months ago
Here's some funny ideas I've got while at work today; a leisure streamer gojo who'd just simply streamed himself playing games naked except for his sunglasses and briefs. Rumors had it that each time his all-time top donor was replaced, the new one would get to see him ~fully naked~.
The Leisure Streamer is a Hottie!
Summary: Rumor had it the top donor of the-strongest-streamers chats get to see him naked! Now that you're the top donor will you get to see the goods or was it just a rumor. Time will tell.
Pairing: Streamer!Gojo x FAB!Reader
Warnings: language, nudity, masturbation, mutual-masturbation, skype sex??
A/N: I fell in love with this request! ugjskdkekd I love them so much! Thank you bonnie for such a great idea!! 💚💚💚
Part Two Part Three Part Four
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On Friday nights, you always ran home from your last college class, avoiding people on bikes and walking by. You often got dirty looks thrown at you or the occasional ‘watch where you're going.’ But nothing would stop your stride. Friday nights were some of your favorite nights of the week. All because the-strongest-streamer live streamed on Fridays.
And the man, god fuck, he was the hottest!
Gojo Satoru, aka the-strongest-streamer, was a leisure streamer. He played games like Animal Crossing, Dream Daddy, and fluffy feel-good games in only his boxers and sunglasses. He was among the most popular streamers, not only for his looks but also for his happy-go-lucky attitude. But because of a particular rumor that started going around.
It was said in the forms online, in his comments, and even on Twitter that every time his all-time top donor was replaced, the new one would get to join a private stream with him and see him fully naked. That was just a rumor. He had denied the allegations and made it clear that the private stream was to have a meet and greet with his top donor.
The meet and greet was why you’ve been saving money for six months. You wanted to meet the man who had brought you so much joy in the last year. You stumbled across his profile when looking through videos online. You were looking for a cute cat compilation to ease the ache in your heart after your boyfriend dumped you. Instead, you found this goofball that had you smiling like an idiot on your phone.
You had been in a dark time when you first found his videos. You wanted to express your gratitude to him. Seeing him naked was not your goal in any way, shape, or form.
The second you got home, you slid over to your laptop and pulled up Gojo’s stream. He was sprawled out in his black and blue gaming chair; blue LED lights illuminated the room. Black sunglasses reflected his computer screen as he adjusted his headset.
“Tom Nook is a scammer.” He announced as hundreds of comments flooded in. “The little shit asks me to do all this for him! After all, I have to spend my hard-earned bells on upgrading the pavers. Kiss my nicely toned ass, you bastard.” You smiled, giggling as you dreamily watched him. “Ya’ know what? Next week, we'll play Sims or something; I’d rather build a house than have Tom Nook steal all my money.”
He adjusted his sunglasses as he slipped on some frappe, the logo conveniently covered so no one knew where he was. Several comments flooded in asking what he was drinking, and most people sent in small donations. All of these were things Satoru tried to answer and thank. He may miss a couple here and there, but he tried hard to get to everyone. God, he was so down to earth.
It was all of those reasons that had you clicking the donate button, sending a total of eight hundred dollars to him. Your cute little icon of a mochi popped up on his screens, flashing while music blared. The whole scene reflected off his dark sunglasses.
“Eh?!” The white tufts of his hair flowed as he moved in, focus glued to the screen. “Whoa! Whoa! Mochi-gurl-89, thank you so much for that donation!” With a chipper chime, you took the spot as his top donor. “And it looks like you're my new top donor! Just before the stream ended! I'll have one of my admins contact you so we can do our private stream. And with this, I adore you all, until next time this is the-strongest-streamer signing off!”
The second he ended his stream, your inbox chimed with a new message. As Satoru said, it was a message from one of his admins. The message was clear; you got a thirty-minute stream, maybe more if Satoru agreed. There could be no recording of your conversation or photos, which was perfectly fine. All you wanted to do was talk. After agreeing to all those terms and signing a nondisclosure form, you were sent a link to your private stream.
You had your camera off, your cute chibi mochi avatar taking up your screen as Satoru’s room was fully displayed. With a deep breath, you shook your hands, trying to ease your nerves as a door opened on Satoru’s screen. A second later, he plopped down in his gaming chair. God, he was so handsome. Fluffy white hair and chiseled abs like he was carved from marble; he was just your type.
“Hello?” he asked, “you there, mochi-gurl-89?”
“O-Oh! Uhm, yes, hi!” He stared at the screen, frowning just a bit as he saw your avatar instead of your face.
“Here, I thought I’d be talking to a fan. Instead, it's a cute mochi ball.”
You nervously giggle before clicking a few times and turning your camera on. You felt so plain compared to him. He was incredibly sexy, and you were just an average college girl. In your opinion, there wasn’t much to see.
“Oh.” Satoru breathed out, drawing your attention back to the screen. You swear to God, you choked on your breath. Because he had taken his sunglasses off, revealing cerulean eyes behind white lashes. “Wow, you're fuckin’ hot.”
“Oh! Uhm—”
“Fuck! Sorry, did I say that out loud?” he sulked back in his chair. “I'm so sorry. I'm not one of those creeps who stalk their followers. I, I was expecting—”
“A giant ball of mochi?” The sweetness of your voice seems to have him relaxing as he realizes you didn't mind his compliment.
You cup some of your hair behind your ear, biting your lip. “Sorry to disappoint, but thank you for the compliment.”
“And thank you for the generous donation! That means a lot to me.”
“Thank you for being such a beacon of light in my life.” Did popular streamers think comments like that were cringe? “I hope that doesn’t come off creepy or weird.”
“I've had fans send me their underwear. Being a beacon of light to you is the least weirdest thing anyone has ever said to me.”
You can't help the wide, warm smile that spreads across your face. “You have no clue how happy that makes me. I went through a nasty break and the night that it happened. I found one of your—” his fingers played with the hem of his boxers. “Your stream—and you—” fingers gently lift the hem, and you focus on his face. “Uhm Gojo?” The man on your screen hums.
“Yes, mochi-gurl?”
“I—I heard about you getting naked for the private streams.” Using your hands, you shield your vision. “B-But you don't have to do that! I just wanted to talk.”
“Eh?!” peeking through your fingers, you watch the white-haired man turn red. “Naked! No! No shit fuck, I'm sorry! I'm not a perv, I swear to god.” He shields his face in his hands, grumbling some incoherent words that you can't make out.
Gojo didn't seem like the type to be a pervert, and from his reaction, it wasn't like you’d caught him fully undressing in front of you. If anything, he seemed more embarrassed than you. After gathering your thoughts, you leaned a bit closer to your screen.
His white hair flies as his head jerks up. “I-I know about the rumors! How I get nude for my private streams for my top donors, but that is nothing more than a rumor, I swear!” Your eyes widen as he stares directly at you, into your soul. “I promise you I wasn't about to do anything remotely weird.” His face is almost entirely red, and his bottom lip is between his teeth as he scans your features.
“Okay,” you tentatively begin, “then what were you doing?”
“That's the thing; it's going to sound ten times worse when I tell you what I was doing.” you motion with your hands for him to continue. “Okay, just promise you won't put me on blast or try to cancel me?” When you nod, the leisure streamer grumbles before tilting his head back. “I-I’m sorry, but you're really hot. Like super mega hot.” Thank god your room is so dark, or he could see how flushed you were. “So hot, my stupid dick decided to spot a hard-on.” He rolls his chair back just an inch, revealing the extremely hard bulge in his boxers. “I was trying to discreetly lift the waistband so you wouldn't see how hard I was.”
A string of ‘I’m sorry’ echoes on the other end of the screen. Gojo’s blue eyes focused on you, waiting to see how you reacted to the news. His shy demeanor and the bulge in his boxers have you shifting in your seat. Heat pools between your thighs. God, were you getting wet? Rubbing your thighs together, you confirmed that you were as you felt your arousal. You bite down on your inner cheek to prevent a moan from sounding.
“Hey, mochi-gurl? You're too quiet, and you look super pissed. I'm sorry.” Gojo’s voice seems to enhance your growing arousal. He sits back, cocking a brow as you peer at him with dark needy eyes through your lashes. “H-Hey you go-goo—oh fuck.” He watches as you stick your hand between your legs.
“You think I’m hot?” Your voice is so smooth, with desire.
“Y-Yeah, super hot.” Gojo follows suit, his hand reaching back down, fingertips slipping under the band of his boxers. “The hottest fuckin’ girl I've ever seen.”
Pressing your fingers against your shorts, you rub your clit in slow circles. “Gojo, you’re girlfriend won't find us doing this?” The man on the screen before you scoff, his hand sliding fully into his boxers.
“Girlfr-ahh—” his hand moved up and down, “fuuuck—what girlfriend? I-I go to the gym, hang out with my friends, and live stream.” Watching him stroke himself has you feeling feral. “Plus streaming half naked, well, let's just say girls don't like that.”
You rubbed your clit faster, “As a girl, I like it.” White brows knitted on your screen. “I like it a lot; it's so hot.” Gojo watched, head resting back against his chair as you slid your hand up your shirt, cupping your breasts, massaging yourself.
“Y-Yeah? Does your boyfriend like it?”
“I don't have one~”
Gojo growled, biting down on his lip. “Really?” He leaned back, spreading his legs apart. “Lucky me.” Pursing your lips together, you tilted your head back. “Fuck, you're so fucking hot, sweetheart.” something overcame you. A boldness you hadn’t experienced before. Taking the bottom of your T-shirt, you put it between your teeth and lifted it, revealing your bare chest to your favorite streamer. “Oooh fuck, you have the prettiest tits.” Gojo watched as your fingers moved elegantly over your skin, kneading your breast until your nipples were hard. “How rude of me, you’re showing me yours might as well show you mine.”
A choke sounds in your throat as you nearly release your T-shirt from between your teeth. Gojo had pulled his boxers down just enough to hook them underneath his balls, freeing his gorgeous cock. His cock throbbed and twitched underneath his hand as he gently began stroking it up and down. Watching him stroking himself, twisting his wrist, squeezing it just around the tip, causing his head to tilt back, and seeing that made you do something you had never done.
Gojo could hear you shuffling in the background before your screen suddenly turned, and he faced a couch. You plopped down, your shorts discarded. With his jaw dropped open, Gojo watched as you spread your legs as wide as you could in front of the camera and rubbed your fingers over your wet pussy. You had never done something like this before. Sexting, yes, but full-on masturbating in front of a stranger, this was something you never thought you would do.
“Holy, you're so wet.” his hand sped up around his cock. “God, look at you. You’re so fucking pretty.” his thumb brushed over the slit rubbing pre-cum over the tip. “God, I wanna taste you. I bet you smell fucking delicious.”
“I want to suck you off, fuck, Gojo~ fuuuck.” coding your fingers in your slick, you rub quick, fast circles around your clit, causing your legs to tremble. “Gojo~ Gojo~”
“N-No, call me Satoru, please.”
Goj—Satoru tilts his head forward, his burning gaze on you, watching you slide a finger inside your tight heat. You don't think you've ever been so aroused. Having a stranger watching you finger yourself as he jerks off had your walls clenching around your fingers. Satoru must have thought the same thing because his tip dribbles more pre-cum, his cock throbbing hard as he matches his pace with yours.
“Oh god, I'm so wet.” Slick coats your fingers as you rub your clit with your thumb. “I can't remember the last time I was this wet.”
“I can tell, god, you're soaked.” Glancing at the screen, you can see Satoru gritting his teeth. “Oh fuck, I-I’m so hard it hurts, I-I’ve never done this before. God feels so good; all my brain is thinking is, ‘dick hard, feel good.’”
The conversation dies down, replaced with whines, moans, and grunts of pleasure. Your eyes never miss each other. You both constantly look each other over, whispering each other’s names like prayers. You try to imagine how his thick, long fingers would feel inside of you instead of your own. You know that he could reach the sweet spots inside you that you loved. At the same time, Satoru imagines replacing his hand with your own while his fingers take the place of yours.
Both of you are so worked up that you find yourself dangling over the edge of an orgasm before you know it. Your legs are trembling, toes curling, while Satoru’s hand moves faster his other hand, reaching down, cupping his balls, massaging them. Both of you are lost in each other’s pleasure without even touching the other. There’s chemistry between you. Both you and Satoru can feel it through the screen.
“Oh fuck, of fuck, fuuuuck fuck!” Satoru leans closer to his screen to watch you. “Oh god, I can feel it coming; it’s gonna be a big one. Baby~ fuuuck, please tell me you’re close.”
“S-So close.” a sharp inhale of breath sounds, “Oooh fuckin’ shit, Satoru, I’m gonna cum~.”
“Oi.” your eye hazily find him, “look at me when you cum.”
That, god, that was the hottest thing anyone has ever told you. “Cummin! Oh fuck, Satoru~! Satorruu!” the screen that leaves your body almost doesn’t sound human as you squirt all over your couch. Even though your orgasm is the hardest one you’ve ever experienced, not once do your eyes leave his.
“Good girl~ good fuckin girl.” his praises leave your cunt twitching. “Oh fuck, gonna fill you up all the way. Tell me you want it. Please.”
“Yes~ Satoru, inside~ inside~!”
The veins and his neck protrude as he slams his free fist against his desk, causing his setup to shake. Ropes and ropes of white cum spurt out of his cock. The sticky substance coats his abdomen, on the top of his thighs and hand.
“Fuck~ fuck~fuuuck!” His hand continues, moving up and down his shaft, milking his cock for all that it’s worth. “Fuuuck!” he hisses out through clenched teeth.
Several seconds pass, both of you breathing heavily, recovering from your orgasms. Swallowing hard at your dry throat, you slowly pull your fingers out of you with a wince. Satoru was the next move, grabbing some tissues off his desk and cleaning himself up. You can’t help but laugh softly in the silence of cleaning yourselves.
Hearing the angelic sound leaving your mouth, Satoru focuses his blue eyes on you. “What’s got you giggly over there?” much to his disappointment, you slide your shorts back on before sitting back on the couch.
“That was one hell of a meet and greet.”
Satoru’s lets out a rough laugh.”Yeah, it sure as hell was. I think I owe you a proper meet and greet.” The streamer let out a content sigh. “Are you free tomorrow night? I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.” he leans back, fixing his boxers.
“Think you can keep your boner down long enough for that?”
“I guess we’ll have to wait and see. I can’t make any promises that it’ll behave.”
“Huh, what if I don’t want it to behave?”
Flushed cheeks darken in color as Satoru’s mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water. “Goddamn, you're so hot. Who knew some chick with a mochi avatar was going to have me stroking my cock tonight.” God, he was so cute, both physically and in personality. “Which is super cute, by the way. Did you do it yourself, or did you have an artist commission it? Because I am in dire need of some new avatar artwork for my videos.”
“I drew it myself. I’m a freelance graphic design artist.”
“You takin’ commissions right now, Miss oh-so-hot-and-talented?”
“If I get this job I want tomorrow, I might have to take a brief break. But I would make an exception for you.”
Satoru opens his mouth to say something, but there’s a knock on the door behind him. “Shit, sorry, I gotta go; I promised my roommate I would help him hook up a computer upstairs.” With one final glance in your direction, Satoru, for once, was elated over a rumor that had spread about him over the Internet. “Tomorrow same time, mochi-gurl?”
“Sounds great, Satoru.”
After bidding farewell to the exceptionally hot man, you pass out on the couch. From the excitement of getting to meet your favorite streamer to the intensity of your orgasm. The combination of those contributing factors knocked you on your ass. While your neck was stiff, falling asleep like that on the couch allowed you to get some of the best sleep in months.
You woke up refreshed and ready for your interview that morning. Satoru had put a peep in your step as you walked into the coffee shop you had an interview with. The owner wanted to develop a new logo design for the shop. One that was both warm, welcoming, and had an adorable mascot.
“Wow,” The man across from you flips through your portfolio, “you're talented. You’re just a freelance artist?”
“Mhmm, I don’t like big corporations. I would rather help out small businesses and help support our local community.”
The man interviewing you brushes dark bangs out of his face, his tongue running over his lip piercing. “We love supporters of small businesses. People like you that keep our place going.” He brushes long, dark strands of hair before his dark eyes leave the page before him, meeting your nervous gaze. “Which is why I think you would be a great fit. Your art is exactly what I’m looking for when I think of our logo.”
“Really? That’s so good to hear. I promise you I won’t disappoint you. I’ll be sure to make your dreams come true.”
Your interviewer shuts your portfolio, handing it back to you. He held out his hand, his nails painted black, and his rings on almost every finger. When you first walked into this cute café, you were intimidated by the stranger. He was covered in tattoos and piercings, and his gauges were huge, but he couldn't have been any nicer. So, without hesitation, you stood up, shaking his hand.
“I'm looking forward to doing business with you, Geto.”
“Same goes for me; I’ll give you a tour and introduce you to everyone.”
Rainbow Dragon Cafe recently went viral for its excellent coffee, pastries, and aesthetic. Not only was it a café, but it was also a gaming café. There is a bar where people can enjoy their coffee and booths where they can sit down and work on projects if needed. On one wall, there’s a large flat-screen TV playing compilations of different streamers talking to the camera as they play games. A large sectional couch was set up in front of it so people could sit down and watch if they wanted to.
The other wall was set up so that people could take photos with the company's logo behind them. That was if they had a logo, which is where you came in. For the next few months, your job was to help the owner, Geto Suguru, design and revamp his menu and website. Once you succeed in your mission, a cute neon sign with the logo will be placed on the wall, covered in fake vines and flowers. It is the perfect spot to take photos and hashtag the cafe in their posts.
“This is Shoko; she manages the front and helps run orders to tables.” A woman with dark brown hair waved at you casually as she passed a cigarette in her mouth and headed for the front.
“Taking a smoke break, I’ll be right back.”
Geto led you into the back, where an espresso machine hissed. “Back here is Ryomen Sukuna; he is my best barista.” The muscular, pink-haired man in front of you, covered in tattoos, slammed a rag down on the counter.
“I'm not some fucking barista; I’m the king of coffee.”
“Right, king of coffee, sorry.” Geto introduced you to several other workers. Most of them were just high schoolers working there as a part-time. Itadori, Fushiguro, and Kugisaki waved at you before returning to doing their inventory. “And you’ll meet my girls eventually. They said something about getting more couches or pillows for the front. They’re the head of our social media team.”
You lean over the counter with Geto, overlooking the shop that you were hired to help. “I love the setup you guys have. It’s got my creative juices flowing.” Glancing at the TV, you watch a compilation of different streamers reacting to jump scares. “But I’m curious. Why make it a gaming cafe?” Geto follows your gaze, humming at your question.
“That’s all because of my best friend. I didn’t want just to run a cafe and bookstore; I wanted to do something different. He pitched the idea. A place for people to sip coffee, read a book, or play video games.”
“Sounds like he’s a good friend.”
“He is.” Geto jerks his thumb in the direction of a door. “He rents out the basement while I live in the loft upstairs. He's an investor; you might get to meet him if he ever drags his stupid ass out of the basement.”
“Oh, that wou—”
Before you finish your sentence, the door Geto is still pointing at is slammed open. “Suguru! Hey, do you think I could borrow that blue shirt of y-you—” God, if you hadn’t been holding onto the counter, you might’ve passed out? Blue eyes that had been locked and focused on the night before met your gaze. You almost didn’t recognize him because he was wearing clothes. “H-Holy shit, mochi-gurl?!”
Your favorite leisure streamer, the man you had masturbated with the night before, was standing right in front of you—more like towering over at a total of six three feet. Words seem to evade you as you stutter. “G-Gojo?” Why was the room spinning all of a sudden?
“Hey, I thought we went over this last night. You can call me Satoru!” his smile fades as soon as it appears on his face. “Sweetheart? Oh shi—” He’s rushing forward just as your world fades to black due to shock.
This was a dream right, it had to be a dream!
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe
971 notes · View notes
mj0702 · 6 months ago
The other Bronze – Pt. 22.2
You on the other hand quickly weaselled your way out of Camp Nuo basically unseen since you knew the corridors now like the back of your hand tears pricking in your eyes. You speed walked through the carpark not caring how the game ended or that your sister, Keira, Alexia and basically every Barca player was already on their way to the Munich locker room to check up on you. Lucy herself ditched every fan that called out for her to get to you as quick as possible just wanting to know what was going on with you. She was majorly concerned for you since she never expected you to go up against Jana like you did. So when she blazed through the door of the opponents locker room door and she saw neither you nor G she called out
“I hope you don't do what I hope you're never doing!!” Lucy said trying to sound as light as possible knowing you well enough if she would had the hint of accusation or anger in her voice you would shut down
“We're not...” Georgia said opening the door to the separate room hobbling to her cubby
“Where's Bubs?” your sister asked confused looking inside the room before sitting down next to Georgia
“We... had words I guess...” your girlfriend sighed as she hid her face in her hands
“Tell me everything G...” Lucy was surprisingly soft seeing in how much distress her friend was
“I didn't handle it well that she attacked Jana like she did... I basically told her to start using her fucking brain and that we agreed that when I step on the pitch I'm not her girlfriend” Georgia said tears starting to pool in her eyes – again
“Oh G...” your sister sighed knowing
“She ran... and obviously I can't follow at the moment... I mean... she didn't really ran.. she walked out...” your girlfriend swallowed hard “... I couldn't have catched her even if I tried”
“She'll be back.... she needs time to cool off...” Lucy said softly when she saw how G was beating herself up
“I fucking hope so... we're flying back out tomorrow morning... I can't stay here this time...” Georgia said wiping her tears away with the back of her hand “... I don't want to leave this to boil just under the surface”
“Hm...” your sister hummed “... so... first fight eh?”
“Yeah...” your girlfriend nodded sadly “.... it's a fucking shitty feeling”
“Oh don't I know it... Keira and I didn't fight a lot but when we fought them fights could've been declared wars...” Lucy tried to cheer her friend up a little bit
“Oh we know... whole team could hear you the one time at camp...” Georgia smiled a little bit “... wasn't it about something stupid like dessert too?”
“So your reason to fight with my sister is better?” your sister challenged raising an eyebrow
“No...” your girlfriend sighed out
“In a relationship you'll always fight over stupid stuff G... important is that you don't just pretend nothing happened later but talk about it... and if it results in another fight you'll just give both of you the chance to cool off and you try again...” Lucy said softly “... you two are meant for each other G... if you ever tell someone I said that I'll get you assassinated... but you two... you'll get through this”
“I don't know Luce...” Georgia said defeated “... I can't even follow her... I told her I'll never let her run and I just did just that”
“Not because you wanted G.... she knew you wouldn't be able to follow her” your sister said calmly “... we Bronzes... we have the habit of running when we know we can't get chased... If it doesn't work out for you two to talk until you have to leave tomorrow we'll be in Munich in a week anyway...”
“What if she doesn't come home until you leave too?” your girlfriend asked even tho she was a little scared of the answer
“Oh that won't happen... and if I have to send police after her....” Lucy waved off “... Alexia has a lot of connections and her name is so big she basically gets everything from everyone... I bet if she asks the King for a crown she would get that too”
“I need to talk to Jana...” Georgia said quietly “... I want to let her know how sorry I am”
“I'll arrange something... but she knows” your sister smiled before standing back up clapping her friend on the back “... I need to go back outside – ditched all the fans”
“Wait... I wanna come too... at least I can sign some stuff... some of the Bayern fans travelled here to see us play... not many but I think they would like a selfie or something”
“You're always your awkward with selfies” Lucy pointed out as she offered her friend her shoulder to lean on
“I'm better than your capitan...” Georgia said a little offended “... she always looks like she's dying inside”
“Yeah... good point” your sister said after a second “Oh and G... no word to Kei... she'll freak out if she finds out Bubs is gone and I'm coming back out and sign stuff instead of running around Barcelona looking for her.. I'm fond of me head and don't want me ex-girlfriend to chop it off with her hand...”
“She still has your balls in her purse” your girlfriend smirked but then screeched as Lucy suddenly let go of her and stepped to the side unimpressed
“Ehrm....” Georgia heard someone clearing her throat behind her and the fans in front of her suddenly had dark looks on their faces
“Huh?” your girlfriend turned around surprised to find herself face to face with a very shy Jana “Yes? Wait... Sí?”
“I'm...” Jana said in a small voice and G saw how the young girl was fiddling her hands behind her back “I'm very sorry... I really didn't mean to... I really thought I'd still get the ball”
“You... speak english??” Georgia asked surprised “You speak very good english...”
“My girlfriend is dutch” Jana said unimpressed “I NEEDED to learn english”
“Oooooh... riiiiiight... Jilly-joord right...” your girlfriend perked up happily “... and about the other thing... don't worry... all good... I've been known to collect yellows for stupid tackles”
“I'm really really sorry” the young defender said again
“Don't worry... it's not bad.. just bruising..” Georgia waved off as she heard a rude comment from one of the Bayern fans “Ey... sag sowas nicht – sie ist viel jung und unerfahren und es war keine... intension”
“Absicht...” Lea corrected her teammate as she walked passed “... und du... selber besser machen und dann darüber urteilen”
“You... maybe wanna... shirts?” Jana now asked shyly lowering her head
“Sure...” your girlfriend smiled widely “... not to sound ungrateful... but my best friends kiddo is a big fan of Aitana... you think....”
“Of course... wait a second” Janas eyes sparkled happily after she and G swapped Jerseys and she immediately took off towards her teammate “TANA!!!”
“I'm surprised Bitsy isn't out here sulking” Keira said quietly next to Lucy as she signed some more Jerseys
“She's.... sulking inside” Lucy quickly answered – too quick
“Lucia....” the blonde warned her voice low
“I... over there... yes” your sister said a little embarrassed pointing further down the line trying to make a quick exit
“Oh the hell no...” Keira quickly snatched her ex-girlfriends jersey keeping her in place “... spill”
“Nothing to spill...” Lucy said quickly as she saw Alexia “... hey Ale... I need to talk to you for a second”
“Lucy!!!” the blonde englishwoman sneered but your sister already freed herself and jogged over to their capitan
“Sí?” Alexia asked confused
“I need your help but you can't tell Keira...” Lucy said keeping her voice down “... Bubs ran... she and Georgia had a fight and she ran... you know people... can you maybe ask them to keep an eye out.... but not trying to catch her... just if someone sees her so we know she's okay and where”
“You stand here signing Jerseys while my Cariño is running around Barcelona??” Alexia asked shocked
“Ssssshhhh....” your sister shushed her capitan and looked around scared if Keira heard it but to her relief the other english player kept on signing jerseys and taking selfies
“Why aren't you freaking out?” Alexia asked bewildered
“Because it wouldn't help anyone... I'm freaking out on the inside believe me... but it wouldn't help G who already feels extremly guilty and it wouldn't help me because Kei would rip my head off for not freaking out enough..” Lucy said lowly “... not to mention what Ona would do to me if she finds out I lost her precious Bebita”
“I can see why you keep quiet” the blonde spaniard grinned before getting serious again “... you have any idea where she could have gone?”
“Not a clue...” your sister shrugged
“Okay... let me call Olga she has even better connections” Alexia said before she quickly walked down the tunnel
“Great...” you groaned annoyed “... got lost again... okay... think y/n... what can you do now....”
“Hola... ¿Estás bien?” an old lady looked at you curious
“En realidad... no... Tuve una pelea con mi novia.. Corrí... Me perdí... No tengo idea de dónde estoy y le dejé mi teléfono a mi hermana porque soy un idiota” it just broke out of you and you felt your tears prick in your eyes again
“Oh mi pequeña neña” the elderly woman said sympathically “Vamos... te haré un granizado de limón”
“Gracias...” you mumbled sniffling
“De Nada neña” the woman smiled warmly
“Mi amiga siempre me llama nena” you mumbled
“Entonces ella te tiene muy cerca de su corazón....” the woman smiled pointing towards a small patio which had two chairs and an old small table on it
“Oh this is amazing” you groaned happily after you took a sip of the spanish drink
“Qué?” the woman asked confused
“Lo siento... esto es realmente bueno...” you said quickly
“Gracias ... hablas muy bien español para una extranjera” the older woman smiled
“Tengo... familia aquí...” you hesitated when you said family
“¿Por qué dudaste? ¿No son buenos contigo?” the woman asked seriously
“Ellas no son familia por sangre” you said carefully
“No importa si de sangre o de corazón... lo importante es que te sientas seguro y en casa con ellos... que te apoyen en lo que hagas... que estén ahí sin importar lo que necesites” the woman said smiling understanding now what you meant
“Gracias... muchas gracias” you sniffled emotionally and the elder woman smiled at you friendly
“¿Podemos llamar a alguien que conoces?” the woman asked friendly
“No... Olvidé mi teléfono con mi hermana...” you said quietly
“Tienes un nombre?? tengo una agenda” the old grey haired woman asked
“Eli Putellas?” you asked carefully and the face of the woman lit up
“Eli?? Ella vive tres casas más adelante” the elder laughed
“Qué?” you asked surprised
“Sí... ven uno...” the woman smiled and stood up while you followed wordlessly
“Hola Eli” the elderly woman greeted an other woman who just opened the door
“Hola Guadalupe... ¿Qué puedo hacer por ti?” the blonde woman asked and you immediately saw where Alexia got her looks from
“Este pequeña salió corriendo de casa y dijo que ayudarías....” the grey haired woman said and you stood a little bit behind her chewing on your lip nervously when Eli mustered you up and down
“Gracias Guadalupe... Sé a quién llamar para asegurarme de que regrese a casa sana y salva...” Eli smiled and just with Alexia you knew it wasn't a smile from the heart instead a calming one for the woman in front of her
“De Nada Eli... adios pequeña neña” the elder woman smiled and squeezed your cheek while you force a smile on your face
“Gracias.. muchas gracias” you fake smiled and winced a little bit at the strength she squeezed your cheek before she left
“I'm gonna call Alexia that you're here” Eli said shortly and you innerly cringed
“Thank you” you mumbled ashamed
“You know they're scared for your well-being right... Alexia called me hours ago” the eldest Putellas looked at you with slight disappointment in her voice
“I'm sorry...” you said even more ashamed
“We're going to talk in a minute.. I have a phone call to make” Eli said firmly pulling out her mobile waiting for the call to connect “Tu Cariño está conmigo... no me preguntes cómo llegó hasta aquí pero está salva... no Alexia... dame un tiempo a solas con ella...”
You pulled a grimance knowing the oldest Putellas will go all momma bear on your ass – probably worse than Keira would
“Sí... una hora” Eli nodded “T'estimo fins a la meva estrella”
“So.... let's talk” the eldest Putellas looked at you expectantly “Why did you just run away?”
“I had a fight with my gi... friend...” you said and quickly corrected yourself
“You do know my daughter is like a gay icon right? I have no problem that you have a girlfriend” Eli said softly immediately after hearing how you corrected yourself
“I don't know if she's still my girlfriend...” you said and you felt the tears coming back again
“Because you had a fight? Oh pequeña... in every relationships fighting is normal... have you ever witnessed how much Alexia and Olga fight? No? Believe me.. they do.. It's not pretty... both of them are hot blooded if they wanted to be... but they always end up together communicating... and that's what you will do to... Alexia is on her way to bring you home.. none of them is angry with you or mad – they were just scared... but they won't held it against you... you will talk to your girlfriend tonight and you'll get it out of the way” the oldest Putellas said softly
“What if she doesn't want to be my girlfriend anymore?” you mumbled ashamed starting to chew on your lip again
“Over a small fight? Then she might be the biggest idiota on this planet” Eli said softly “And she wouldn't be worth your love mi sol...”
“I should've acted more grown up...” you mumbled
“But you are not... that's what you both need to understand... you are a teenager – a very mature one of what I hear – but still a teenager....” the eldest Putellas smiled “... you both need to grow into this relationship... grow with each other... I mean... Alexia once fought with Jenni over the last piece of Canelones... it was ridiculous... it wasn't a small disagreement – it was a full fight... and as hard as it was for me I let them sort it out themselves...”
“Really?? Over food?” you raised your eyebrow bewildered
“Sí... both of them are very stubborn... and both of them can eat a lot” Eli chuckled “... so you will go with Alexia when she arrives and just talk to that girl... communication is the most important part”
“Muchas gracias” you mumbled a little ashamed for making a big deal out of nothing
“No need pequeña” Eli smiled and the door bell rang
You heard Eli speaking in hushed spanish and you knew she was talking to Ale. You knew they were talking so lowly so you wouldn't understand anything but still you picked up the one or other word. When Alexia finally entered the living room where you were seated she had a look of love and concern on her face
“Cari.... what were you thinking??” the blonde asked softly
“Alexia...” Eli scolded her daughter immediately “... Vaig dir que la deixes en pau”
“Necessito saber què estava pensant per saber on portar-la... la porto a casa... o a la Lucía... o la porto a casa amb mi” Alexia said quickly after she flinched shortly at her mothers scolding tone
“Both of you realize I do understand quiet a bit of catalan right?? I don't want to go to Luce... I rather go to Keira” you grumbled a little offended
“It's my mothers tongue... it's not to offend you you baby...” the blonde rolled her eyes and you knew whatever happens you'd always have her in your corner
“I'm not a baby” you exclaimed and missed the fond smile on Elis lips while Alexia pinched your cheek grinning widely
“I could be your mother” the blonde laughed loudly at your shocked face
“EW!!!!” you screeched disgusted
“When you were born I just started dating Jenni...” Alexia was still laughing
“... yeah well... she would be such a cool mom” now it was on you to snicker
“disculpe????” the blonde exclaimed
“Ugh... my all time favourite word of all words...” you rolled your eyes
“Come on Cariño... let's get you home sí?” Alexia said softly knowing you just tried to buy time
“Do I have to?” you asked insecure
“Sí... it doesn't get better if you wait longer” the blonde pulled you up and into her side keeping you close to her “It'll be okay... I promise Cari”
“If not I tell the court I want to live with my other mom in Mexico” you grumbled making Alexia laugh
“I'll tell Jenni... she'll be so happy” the blonde laughed as she slowly walks the two of you towards the door stopping quickly at her mothers to press a loving kiss to her cheek “Gracias mamí”
“Siempre mi amor... asegúrate de que cuiden al pequeña....” Eli smiled lovingly
“Promesa mamí” Alexia smiled back
“Ale... what if I just fucked up the best thing I ever had??” you asked your voice a little scared
“You didn't Cari...” Alexia chuckled “... you had a fight... that's normal... you just need to talk about it to Georgia okay... she feels very bad too... you both got emotional and while I don't support your reaction and you DEFINATLY will talk and apologize to Jana you and Georgia both reacted a little bit over the top”
“You promise everything will be okay?” you asked in a small voice
“Sí mi Cariño... I promise” Alexia smiled encouraging “... and don't tell your sister I said that... but make-up sex? Better than any sex you could think off”
“Really??” you perked up before faking being disgusted “.... I mean.... Ew... sex.... ew”
“Your sister is not around... you don't have to pretend...” the blonde said flatly when there was a knock on her window “Jesús y María”
“Ehrm... can I speak to Bubs for a second?” Lucy looked past Alexia smiling at you in the passenger seat
“Where did you even come from??” Alexia panted still recovering from her shock
“Came up the road” your sister shrugged her shoulders making you chuckle
“You saw her didn't you...” the spaniard looked at you with a raised eyebrow
“I didn't need to see her... I can feel her whenever she's close” you grinned “... it's just how we always were... saved me ass quiet a few times”
“It's scary” Alexia mumbled
“Oh it's very convenient” you shrugged your shoulders
“Bubs? A word?” your sister interrupted your small talk with her capitan
“Sure...” you said a bit unsure as you exit the car “Moohchas grazias Ale”
“Stop butchering my language” Alexia yelled after you but you heard the smile in her voice
“Yeah...??” you shuffled in front of Lucy
“Relax... nothing bad... come on Bubs... let's take a little walk shall we” Lucy smiled throwing her arm around your shoulders pulling you forward
“Now I'm really scared” you mumbled
“No... but let's talk about what happened back at Nuo.. why did you run Bubs?” your sister said carefully
“I was scared... I was really scared about her... and she has the AUDACITY to fuck about because I was concerned” it broke out of you
“She was scared about you too you know... you have to understand that IF it ever comes out as long as you are underage Bubs...” Lucy started before you interrupted her rolling your eyes
“... she can get in serious troubles yes I know” you said lamely
“No Bubs... let me finish... I know that's what we always told you... but the truth is... Georgia doesn't care... she doesn't care what's at stake for her... she loves you” Lucy said firmly making you look at her “... she LOVES you Bubs”
“Then why did she say it?” you had tears in your eyes
“She was scared... we all do and say things we don't mean when we're hurt or scared or angry” your sister said softly whiping away a tear that rolled over your cheek “... I'm gonna drive you to their hotel okay... you two talk it out and when you're done talking I'll bring you home okay... or to Keira or back to ours”
“Maybe... possibly...” you stammered “... you could pick me up tomorrow morning?”
“Sure... I know it was a lot...” Lucy shrugged her shoulders before she caught on “... wait a second... absolutely NOT... you come home with me tonight”
“Lucy come on....” you whined
“No...” your sister said her face scrunched up
“Ugh...” you groaned but then you had an Idea
You pulled out your phone grinning evilly as you scrolled through your contacts before finding the one you were looking for
“Hola...” you smiled into the phone when the other person picked up your sister eying you sceptically “... can I stay the night at Georgias?”
You smiled even wider as the person on the other end agreed and you held the phone out for your sister to take
“Here... Ona wants to talk to you” you grinned victoriously and Lucy groaned loudly as she accepted the phone and the following telling off her girlfriend had to offer
You never were so nervous in your whole life than right now – okay that was a lie. You were nervous when you met Wendi Renard. But that was because she was so freaking tall you got scared the first time you literally bumped into her. You were running away from Lucy laughing loudly when you hit a wall. Or so you thought – it was Wendi. The tall defender looked down on you where she put you on your ass and you just squeaked and shuffled backwards. But now you were nervous for a different reason. You were shuffling in front of the door of your maybe still girlfriend for the past 10 Minutes now not really knowing what to do. You knew what to do – knock, wait until she opened the door, wing it from there. But something inside you held you back. What should you say? Would she even want to talk to you? Would she even want to see you? What would...
“Are you going to knock anytime soon or do I have time to go over the game to see where we can improve for the second leg?” you suddenly heard Georgias voice
You looked up seeing her leaning against the doorframe her arms crossed looking at you expectantly her foot in a boot out of precaution. You were so deep in your own thoughts that you didn't notice her opening the door and watching you for a few minutes before deciding to speak up
“I didn't know...” you mumbled not meeting her gaze
“... how to knock?” the blonde offered a small smile seeing how much it ate you “I can teach you... it's quiet easy once you get the hang of it”
“But there are so many techniques...” you said carefully still insecure
“Yeah... it's a lot of trail and error until you find your style...” Georgia held up her fist “... I prefer the double knock....” she knocked twice against the open room door “... then there's the triple knock which I personally already find annoying... then there's the more respectfully middle finger double knock...”
Your girlfriend showed you all the knocks she knew and with every second you felt more comfortable
“... and then there's the legendary Tooney knock... just knock so long and so persistent until the door gets opened and keep knocking until you nearly break Mearps nose” the blonde finished looking at you smiling
“Mhm...” you tried to smile back but all these negative thoughts about what happened earlier making it hard
Georgia extended her hand to you but mentally you weren't ready to accept her peace offering instead your head told you to run
“Don't...” Georgia said softly “... don't run again... Magda and Pernille rooming right down that corridor – I won't hesitate to call them to stop you”
“I..” you stammered as your breath quickens
“No... get out of your head...” the blonde kept her voice soft and calming “... tho we have to talk about earlier I won't let you run... not now and not ever...”
“Why?” you squeaked out and it was that second Georgia decided to just pull you inside her room knowing how nosey her teammates can be
“Breath...” the blonde said firmly but still soft “... I need you to breath for me Babe”
“You... you... you...” you pressed out not knowing how to word the thoughts that were running through your mind
“I WON'T let you run...” Georgia said again grabbing your shoulders hoping to ground you “... not now.. not ever... I don't care what people say... I don't care if they take away my cleats.... I don't care if they think it's wrong... you and I and all the people who are important to us know it's not... I'm sorry how I reacted back then... I was so scared someone would interpret it the way it is and it would affect your life... not mine.. I don't care about that... but I love you... I care about you and your well-being... I don't want them to come after you”
“Georgia” you just pressed out tears running down your cheeks and to your girlfriend it sounded so much like a call for help
“I'm here... I'm right here” Georgia mumbled her hands moving from your shoulders to cup your face her forehead resting against yours “... if you like it or not... I'm not going anywhere”
“Why?” you cried your hands fisting her shirt you holding on for dear life
“Because I love you... and whatever gets thrown at us we'll battle it together...” your girlfriend said softly pressing a loving kiss to your lips
“I'm sorry.... I'm so so sorry” you cried “... I... I was so scared...”
“I know... I know Baby... I was scared for a moment too... it's okay to get scared... but don't let the fear take over” Georgia whispered “... you scared Jana too”
“I mean... she should have seen it coming... she was staring at you the whole game” you grumbled through your tears making Georgia bursting out laughing
“She was marking me... of course she was watching where I was going” your girlfriend laughed “... someone is jealous”
“Am not” you grumbled “... she has her Dutch... she can leave my....”
“I'm not dutch” Georgia deadpanned and you just grumbled at her for knowing where you were going with your talking
“Are we gonna be okay?” you suddenly asked scared of her answer
“No... we're not going to be okay Baby... we are okay...” your girlfriend said softly “... we will have misunderstandings and fights and everything... but I know that we'll always find each other again”
“How can you be so sure?” you asked insecure
“You make me think of things I never thought about before...” Georgia shrugged her shoulders carefully manovering you towards the bed
“Like?” you let her push you around until your knees hit the bed and you fell on it
“If we should buy a house here or in England....” your girlfriend simply said laying down next to you “... what Dog we're going to get... I want a big one by the way... how you'll look in my Jersey in the kitchen when I come down in the morning for breakfast and you wear JUST my jersey... how Lucy buys the house next to us just out of spite and how she sits on her front porch with her binoculars writing everything down we do... she'll probably has a bb gun at hand to shoot us as soon as we get to close....”
“That's oddly specific” you scrunched your nose up at the thought of your sister being your neighbour
“How beautiful you'll look on our wedding day” Georgia said her voice lowly and you felt how your heart missed a beat “... fair warning... I'm going to ask you one day... so don't be too surprised”
“Don't do it in front of millions” you whispered back because you felt how your thoughts drifted to the pictures your girlfriend just described just from your view
“I would never... I know you don't like the attention... just us... I promise... and maybe our dog..” your girlfriend said her voice barely over a whisper
“I want a Rottweiler or something like this... or a mix... Maverick... I want to call him Maverick” you said and felt how all the stress left your body and you started to relax
“Sounds good... we're gonna get him these badass looking collars so everyone will think he's badass but in reality he's just a big puppy and the most loving and caring soul” Georgia kept her voice soft feeling how you relaxed next to her before she pulled you into her side
“I'm so tired...” you mumbled against her chest
“Sleep...” your girlfriend whispered peppering your face with soft kisses
“Alexia said make up sex is next level” you mumbled and yawned
“Just imagen how good it'll be if we have make up sex after we have to wait another two weeks” Georgia grinned “... I'm thinking of getting Lucy the apartment next to mine so she'll have to listen to you screaming my name”
“Please don't.... she'll shoulder check the door” you mumbled already half asleep “... she'll know the next morning anyway”
“Oh and why's that?” your girlfriend chuckled
“Normally I have a slight limp... except you decided to lower your standard” you yawned and Georgia snorted
“Never...” the blonde huffed “... sleep Baby”
Now that you were alone again with Georgia back in Munich you felt lost. The Barca girls went on with their days of training, recovery, media and what else. You – you tried to keep your head above the water of life. Keira was the first to notice that something wasn't right with you. She tried to talk to you about it but you immediately closed off and changed the topic. Knowing you for most of your life Keira decided to leave it for the moment but she talked to Lucy about it who said she'll keep an eye on you but that she couldn't do anything more than that. The next one who noticed you were off was Alexia. Seeing you mindlessly walking around the pitch sparked her interest so her eyes found you through the training more often but even when you looked straight at her you didn't really see her. Mapí was next. Her tries to make you laugh and giggling all the time because she just loved you where met with a tight lipped smile but nothing more. Pina and Patri tried to get you to play a prank on Alexia for good measure but you just shook your head. Ona of course noticed too – she tried to get you to talk to her a few times offering a shoulder to cry on or an open ear to listen but you never came back to her for the offers. Ingrid watched all of this with concern from a little further away – she understood what part of the problem was but she also understood that there were things you needed to deal with yourself. So when her girlfriend declared she'll kidnap you away from the mean adults (meaning Alexia, Lucy, Keira and Ona) and make you happy again by letting you spend all her salary in the arcade and get you all the ice cream you want she told Mapí to leave you alone so you could sort yourself out.
“I'm really getting concerned” Ona said one night as she and Lucy were laying on their couch “... since Georgia left she's just a shadow.... Tana came up to me today asking why y/n lost so much weight and that she wouldn't need a diet”
“She's falling back into old bad habits.... we need to do something to pull her back up” your sister said chewing her lip already noticing your weight loss
“I think it would be good if we get her back here” the blonde spaniard said carefully
“I would agree but I know her... she'll fight us on it and it'll only makes it worse” Lucy said “... we need to time it right... she needs to come to us first...”
“I'm scared for her well-being Lucy” Ona mumbled against your sisters chest
“I'm too.... but she needs to realize she's not alone... if we push her too hard she'll run...” your sister pressed a sweet kiss on the top of the spaniards head
“Will she come here?” the blonde asked
“She will... in her own time” Lucy said convincing – she just didn't know if she was convincing Ona or herself
It was about a week later in the middle of the night when Lucy got woken up by rapid knocking – no... hammering – on her door
“Fuck sakes... if that's Mapí again I'm going to kill her” Lucy mumbled getting out of bed padding down the corridor
“What??” your sister snapped ripping the door open
“The Jersey lost her smell...” you said your lip trembling as you stood in front of your sisters door shivering from the rain that was pouring down “... I didn't wash it but it still lost her smell Luce”
“Bubs” Lucy whispered shocked
“I can't sleep without her here... I miss her so much” you stammered out tears already pooling in your eyes
Lucy didn't say anything as she pulled you inside lifting you into her arms – which was scaringly easy – and carried you down the hallway towards the bathroom while you cried into her neck fisting her shirt in your hands. Your sister didn't care that she would wake up Ona as she kicked the door to their bedroom open walking straight to the bathroom where she got a hot shower going as she stepped into it with you still in her arms. She put you down carefully but her grip still strong on your waist when her girlfriend came into the bathroom
“Lucy??” Ona asked confused her eyes small with sleep
“It's okay... I've got it” Lucy answered firmly basically telling Ona to leave them alone
“I'll get some tea started” the younger catalan said a little hurt after she took in your shivering form holding onto your sister like a lifeline
“I miss her” you trembled in your sisters hold
“You're going to be okay Bubs...” your sister said softly holding you tightly “.. but we have to get you warm again... we're going to call G later okay... we're going to face time her and then we'll all have breakfast together”
That was five weeks ago and you were doing better. That morning Georgia was ready to jump on a plane already throwing clothes into her travel bag mindlessly before Lucy calmed her down saying that Barca would travel to Munich in two days anyway and she herself would forward all the flight information to Georgia so she could be there to pick you up. Not the team. You. Lucy understood meanwhile what a big part the young englishwoman played in your life and how much you needed her by your side
The moment you felt Georgias arms around you you broke down crying again. Right there in the busy Munich Airport where people where running to get a flight or people run up to their loved ones greeting them back home. Lucy and Alexia did a great job distracting fans from Georgia and you by “happily” giving out autographs and taking selfies (Alexia looking like she was dying inside like always) and Aitana going around asking people what they were working. You teached her to asked what they were working instead of asking IF they were working
Georgia and you talked all night and she made you promise to accept the help she knew the Team offered you – because her team will do the same the next day. Pernille bought a big basked of Kanelbullar defending them from the prying hands of her girlfriend. Magda was the happiest woman on earth when you gave her the first one you took out of the basket eating it ceremonially in front of Pernilles face to prove a point. Klara and Lea took you to the new Fan store on the Campus where they showed you the new picture that was hanging behind the register. It was you shouting and pointing while Georgia and Pernille ran past you and on the little badge under the picture it said “Champions League Barcelona 1st Leg winning thanks to Y/n Bronze and her ability to motivate the underdogs”
You watched the game from the stands since you got banned from the coaching zone through a red card in Barcelona with plain Bayern Jersey signed by all the players. Lucy tried to pull the Jersey over your head the second she saw you in the tunnel telling you you couldn't wear the enemies colours as you laughingly slapped away her hands for Ona sneaking up on you helping her girlfriend out – that was until the Munich girls registered what was happening and immediately started to get involved as well. It was all fun and jokes at this point but you made a promise to Lucy to at least put on a Barca Jersey for a picture of you, Keira, Georgia and herself after the game. You and Jana talked it out before the game and you apologized perfursley for scaring her and nearly hitting her for the young player to smile at you shyly telling you it's okay
The Game ended with a 2 – 0 win for Barcelona. Or a 2 – 0 loss for Munich. You were thrilled and heartbroken at the same time – seeing your family celebrate on the pitch while your closest friends and girlfriend sat non the grass defeated. You could hear the Barca fans chanting and the Munich fans sniffling next and behind of you. You turned in your seat to see a small girl around 5 years of age having big crocodile tears running down her cheeks
“Hey....” you said to the girl smiling “.... it's okay...”
“They losted” the girl sniffled
“Yeah they did...” you huffed slightly “... but they fought and it's okay to lose when you fight – because you don't give up and lose... giving up is never an option”
“But they losted to the stupid spanish womans” the brown haired girl sniffled again
“Who's your favourite player?” you asked deciding to ignore the comment and not point out that Ingrid and Caro are Norwegian, Lucy and Keira are english, Frido is Swedish and Pernille is Danish
“I like Frau Harder” the girl sniffled less now but with slight disgust you saw some snot running out of her nose
“P?? You got good taste... you picked a good player” you smiled and hoped the girl wouldn't want to hug you
“She looks very nice... and she scores a lot of goals” the girl now finally calmed down
“That she does” you hummed swallowing your sarcastic “just not today”-comment in favor of a not crying little girl “... where are your parents?”
“I'm here with my Papa...” the girl said “... he said to wait here... he brings back the cups where my water was in”
“That's very nice of your Papa... so what's your name?” you smiled
“Helena Valentina” the girl smiled proudly
“That's a very pretty name” you smiled back before you had an idea “Say Helena... do you want a picture with Pernille?”
“I would like one very much but she's always so busy... I tried before but she never heard me asking” the girl named Helena said getting a little sad again
“Well... we can't have that can we” you grinned “... we're gonna wait for your Papa and then we're gonna get you this picture okay? Your english is very good by the way”
“My Mama is english... she thought me since I was very little” Helena nodded like she wanted to prove a point
“Really? Where she from?” you asked interested
“Oswaldtwistle” the girl mumbled a bit
“Hey I know where that is...” you beamed “... it's near Blackburn right?”
“Yes... I don't like it there” Helena mumbled again “I like the place where my grandma is now”
“And where's that?” you asked interested
“Surrey” the girl smiled a little more
“Ah... a south londoner...” you hummed “... and you don't like Lucy Bronze or Keira Walsh? Or Georgia Stanway for the matter? She plays for Bayern”
“I do like them... but many people like Georgia...” Helena said seriously “... but not so many people like Frau Harder and she needs support too”
“That's true” you burst out laughing seeing a man coming down the stairs towards you two
“I'm really sorry if she bothered you” the man quickly said wedging himself between you and Helena
“Oh please... she's a very lovely kid...” you smiled friendly “You're Papa I assume?”
“Matthias” the man introduced himself shaking your hand
“I heard Helena likes Pernille Harder but never had a chance to get a picture with her” you hummed
“Yeah... we tried a couple of times but we never were lucky enough to make it to the front while the players were still there” the man sighed knowing how much his daughter would love a picture with her idol
“Well.... let's change that shall we?” you sighed looked down to the pitch and whistled loudly which cause Georgia whip her head around searching the smaller crowd for you
When you two locked eyes your girlfriend raised her eyebrows in question and you tried to sign her that you needed Pernille to come over. Of course Georgia didn't understand you and tipped on Keiras shoulder pointing towards you which caused in you slapping your hand against your forehead. Kei shook her head confused at you and you tried again to make her understand you needed Pernille. Thank god Keira was fluent in you-ish and understood and went over to talk quickly to the blonde Dane and pointed at you. You made a come here gesture when P looked over.
“What?” Matthias asked confused
“Come on... let's get you that picture okay” you just grinned standing up walking down the stone stairs towards the barriers while Pernille (and of course Magda) came strolling over
“If I came over here for you to yell at me I'm leaving again” Pernille said and you saw how much that loss takes a toll on her
“No... you played amazing P... you all did... I got you over here because of little Helena here... she's a big fan but she never was able to get a picture with you” you smiled at the Dane “... even tho she tried many times”
“Oh my God... of course... come here sweetie” Pernilles face immediately lit up when she spotted the little girl behind the legs of her Dad hiding
“I swear P is very nice Helena” you said crouching down to her height “... I would watch out for Magda... the woman will eat all your sweets and then lie to you that she didn't”
“It was ONE time... and I didn't know it was your TWIX” the swede exclaimed
“You didn't even apologize...” you bit back “... you said “yeah well sorry”...”
“Sorry is a word you use for apologizes right??!!” Magda said confused
“Not if you say it like you did... you weren't sorry at all” you grumbled
“Okay stop it... I'll buy you a new TWIX later...” Pernille rolled her eyes at the antics of you two “... but I think I owe a fan a picture right”
“Do you want a picture with P Helena?” you asked the still shyly hiding girl
“Yes please” the girl mumbled into the back of her Dads legs
“Then come here...” you smile encouraging “.. I promise P is very nice...”
You helped the girl over the barrier lifting her into Pernille waiting arms who easily put the girl down in front of her
“Phone” the Dane looked at you expectantly and you just turned around to Matthias who started to quickly fumble for his phone
He gave you his mobile and you quickly chucked it at Magda to take some pictures
“Make yourself useful swede” you huffed still sour because the blonde ate your chocolate
“Make yourself useful” Magda imitated you under her breath making Pernille chuckle and you growling “Okay sweetie... smile”
Helena had the biggest toothiest grin you could imagen and you couldn't help yourself but grin too and make a little fun of Pernille
“You too P... smiiiilllleeee” you laughed while Magda made one picture after the other at one point even laying down on the pitch for getting “a better angle”
You transferred the young girl back to her father after a few minutes – and some signings from Pernille, Magda, Aitana, Keira, G and Lucy.... and a very shy request if Helena could have another picture with Alexia who again tried to smile friendly and you broke down laughing as she once again looked like she was dying inside.
Georgia took you out to the best Burger place you ever set a foot in and you demolished a whole burger and all the sides much to the happiness of your girlfriend. You spend the night with G in her apartment both of you too exhausted to do anything other than lay on the couch – you obviously on top of your Girlfriend – and watch some sort of murder documentary. You were half asleep on top of Georgia with her continually softly scratching the back of your neck playing a little bit with the baby hair there and her soothing rhythmic breathing when you both shot up during a knock on Gs door.
“What the actual fuck??” you panted out from the shock”
“That...” Georgia looked confused towards the door when it knocked again
“It's not Lucy... Ona promised me she'll... occupie her for the night” you said disgust laced in your voice as Georgia stood up approaching the door carefully
“Yeah?” your girlfriend opened the door a crack to get pushed – door included – to the side
“Nena?? Are you in here?” you heard a very VERY familiar voice
“Mapí??” you asked confused sitting up on the couch
“Sí... ay dios I finally found you” the tattooed spaniard exclaimed happily as she fell on the couch right next to you
“¿Qué estás haciendo aquí?” you asked subconsciously switching to spanish
“Te estaba buscando POR TODAS PARTES” Mapí huffed while your girlfriend still stood frozen in place next to the door
“¿por qué?” you asked confused as Georgia realized what just happened and came into the living room with an upset “Hey!”
“Alexia nos separó a Ingrid y a mí y me aburrí solo así que pensé en mirar si estás bien... hay muchas puertas en esta casa... Y los alemanes no son amigables cuando tocas a sus puertas...” the spaniard shrugged her shoulders
“Please don't tell me you knocked on every single door...” you begged her knowing the answer already
“Of course I did... Lucy just said the street and number... not the name.. there's no Bronze here” Mapí looked at you like you were stupid
“Dear Jesus...” you whined “... of course not... her name is Stanway” you pointed at your girlfriend who stood in the middle of the living room looking a little lost
“Oh... yeah... my bad” the blonde spaniard shrugged her shoulders “... don't you want to offer me a drink?”
“I want to offer you a taxi to the hotel but I know that's not going to happen anytime soon...” you exhaled “... would you like a hot or cold beverage Mapí?”
“I would like some... do they have water in Germany?” Maps asked after thinking for a second
“No Mapí... if you want water you have to drink out of the toilet” you deadpanned sarcastically
“Ay dios mio... that's asquerosa” the tattooed spaniard exclaimed her face horrified
“Of course they have water here... you want normal water or with bubbles?” you exclaimed and out of nowhere Georgia bursted out laughing
“You two are best friend material...” your girlfriend heaved out in between laughs
“Sí we are” Mapí grinned proudly
“She's family at this point... can't do anything about it” you huffed holding out your hand so your girlfriend could pull you up “With or without León?”
“With... I'm all for protection” the blonde spaniard said seriously
“Estupida” you mumbled as you padded into the kitchen
“Okay.. you listen to me Stansway...” Mapí turned towards Georgia as soon as you left the room “... mi neña is precious okay... you are not allowed to hurt her again... I will personally come for your throat... I might look all nice and stuff but mi familia is holy to me... I will end you if you ever pull some shit like that again”
“I get it okay... I fucked up...” your girlfriend rolled her eyes “... I don't WANT to hurt her but you know yourself that that's part of relationships... don't tell me Engen and you never fight”
“We do... but never did one of us scraped on death door like she did the last few weeks” the blonde spaniard said and Georgia realized how much you meant to the Barcelona girls
“I try not to fuck up anymore...” Georgia looked Mapí dead in the eye “... I promise I TRY... but I can't promise that I won't”
“Bueno... I didn't come here so I potentially have to kill you... it would make mi neña sad...” Mapí nodded curtly when she spotted you entering the room again
“What makes me sad?” you asked as you pushed a glass of water into Mapís hand
“Lucy ate half your chocolate” the spaniard blurted out quickly
“WHAT?? That bitch!!” you exclaimed upset
“I'll get you new chocolate Babe okay...” your girlfriend played along with Mapís lie “... they have really good chocolate here...”
“It was Cadburys....” you grumbled “... the good shit”
“I'll text Leah to get some and send it over okay” Georgia tried again to get you to calm down
“I get you some tomorrow at the airport mi neña...” the blonde spaniard said “... and I'll break Lucys hands if she tries taking them from you...”
“You can't break her hands Maps...” you rolled your eyes but smiled a little bit
“Oh but I can...” the tattooed spaniard nodded quickly “... It's easy”
“You can't hurt her... you guys still need her” you pointed out
“Is she playing football with her hands?” Mapí asked confused
“Hm...” you said a little dumb folded “... fair point”
Of course Mapí decided to stay the night at your girlfriends place and you woke up to a million texts and calls all asking if you knew where the quirky spaniard was. You complemented if you should lie and just say you haven't seen her since the game but a very tearful call from Ingrid herself made you tell her that the stupid spaniard was snoring on your girlfriends couch. Let's just say Ingrid wasn't very happy with her girlfriend when she came to pick both of you up. Georgia came to the airport with you trying to get as much time with you before you had to leave. Lucy looked very tired as you approached her and Ona while the small spaniard grinned happily and it made you shudder
“Hey Bubs” your sister yawned and you immediately spotted a small but still very much present hicky on her collarbone and it made you pull your face up in disgust
“Don't touch me...” you heaved
“Excuse me...” Lucy looked at you shocked
“I don't know if you washed your hands...” you took a step back just to get hugged from behind from Ona who grinned from ear to ear
“Oh she did... this morning in the shower... three times” Ona mumbled into your ear having you in a death grip
“EEEEEEKKK...” you screeched and tried to get away from the spaniard with the result that you dragged her away with you – much to the amusement of all the other players
“Let goooo...” you whined when you spotted your resuce “... Keiraaaaaa”
“Hm??” the englishwoman looked at you unimpressed
“Help....” you whined trying to wriggle Ona off you
“Ehrm....” Keira pretended to think about helping you “... no”
“Whyyyyy...??” you whined loudly
“Well... I don't know if she washed her hands...” the englishwoman smirked sending you into a whole new frenzy trying to shake Ona off you
“Oh ew ew ew ew ew ew ew” you squeaked as you started to run in small circles dragging a laughing Ona along with you
“Calm down Bebita...” the small spaniard laughed holding onto you tightly “... I promised you I washed my hands...”
“Ggggggg!!!!” you yelled taking off towards your girlfriend
“What should I do??” your girlfriend looked at you shocked
“Get it off meeee” you whined stopping right in front of her turning around so you and Onas back were facing Georgia
“Maybe just ask nicely if she could let go?” Georgia looked at you shocked not knowing how to cope with the situation
“Let go... let go... let go...” you started to wriggle more strongly much to Onas amusement who just tightened her grip on you
“Cariño!!” Alexia called over “Stop playing around.... we're boarding soon”
“Make her let goooo...” you whined and Alexia just rolled her eyes
“Ona...” the blonde capitan huffed out and Ona immediately let go of you “... gracias”
“You are a very mean spaniard” you grumbled making Ona laugh again
“You still love me” the small player chuckled
“No I don't...” you grumbled as you pushed yourself past her in the arms of your girlfriend
“Yes you do” Georgia chuckled “... we see each other soon okay?”
“Can't you...” you mumbled against your girlfriends shoulder
“You know I can't Babe...” your girlfriend mumbled against your hair so no one would hear her words
“How soon is soon?” you asked your voice lowly
“Soon... couple of weeks” Georgia pressed a suble kiss to your hairline
“You promise?” you asked getting insecure
“I promise... I swear on my life” your girlfriend smiled softly
“I saw your life... swear on something else” you deadpanned pushing a little bit away so you can look at her
“I have a good...” Georgia started but with three pair of raised eyebrows directed at her made her shut up quickly “... what??”
“Yes G... you have a perfect life...” Keira said sarcastically “... let's start with your german lessons... when was the last time you went?”
“I go every time I have time...” your girlfriend defended herself
“You were on injury break...” Lucy pointed out
“And I couldn't walk... how should've gotten there??” Georgia grumbled
“Taxi... Uber... Teammates...” Keira deadpanned
“Fuck you Walsh...” your girlfriend huffed making you laugh
“Come on Bubs.... we need to go... Ale is THIS close to get a coronary” your sister laid her arms around your shoulders and pulled you away a little bit
“One minute... please Luce” you begged her quietly
“Okay... one minute” Lucy smiled softly as you immediately turned around again throwing yourself into the arms of your girlfriend
“What you want to do tonight Bubs??” Lucy asked you as you exit the airport in Barcelona
“Dunno...” you said sadly already missing your girlfriend
“Alexia asked if we want to come around later... she'll make dinner and apparently she has a surprise guest for you” Ona said as she flanked your other side
“Hm....” you hummed and your sister noticed how down you were
“Let's just go over there for an hour and then we can leave again okay Bubs... Kei will be there too” your sister said softly and you nodded slowly
“An hour?” you asked
“Just an hour... if you want to stay longer then that's okay too.... let's just play it by ear okay?” Lucy kept her voice soft and you nodded again
“Okay... so how does this game work?” Mapí asked confused again after dinner when all of you relocated to Lucys and Onas living room since Alexia put her foot down not wanting Mapí and you ever again together in her living room... and with all of you you meant half the team plus the “surprise guest” in form of Jenni Hermoso herself
“Gosh.. you're dense sometimes.. someone tells two truths and one lie... as a group – or more groups – you have to find out the lie” you rolled your eyes as you explained again “It's literally called “Two truths and a lie”... it's not rocket science León”
“Ay... don't last name me... I didn't do anything trouble... not fair” Mapí immediately exclaimed
“You being stoopid” you said huffy
“If you don't stop immediately you both go to bed early” Keira interrupted your interaction knowing both of you were too stubborn to back down now “and no you won't share a room”
“Wow.. Walsh in mom mode... didn't think I live to see the day” Lucy teased her ex who immediately kicked her ankle
“Thanks to you I got thrown into motherhood pretty early in my life – and let me tell you I decided real motherhood can wait a few more years...” the blonde said firmly
“I second that” Alexia mumbled next to her “... these two made me rethink my whole life plan... I already told Olga no kids for the next 10 years”
“Oy!!” you exclaimed as Mapí backed you up with a “Ay!!”
“We're gonna play now or you want to send the kids to bed.... mom” your sister smirked at Keira who just threw her a death glare
“Okay.... since I know Mapí is stoopid and doesn't understand the concept of TWO TRUTHS AND ONE LIE.... you go as a group or pairs?” you said railing Maps up on purpose
“Bitsy” Keira warned you knowing what you were doing
“Sorry mom” you said ashamed and the blonde just huffed
“I would say pairing up as three?” Lucy said looking around “Ona, Kei and me.. Ale, Pina and Frido... Maps, Ingrid and Caro... Patri, Panos and Cata?”
“And what's with me?” Jenni asked confused looking around
“You're the ref” your sister said “You have to decide who wins if there's a draw”
“What does the winner get?” Pina asks now interested
“Bragging rights?” you said shrugging your shoulders
“That's lame” Mapí mumbled
“I can tell you how WE use to play it but there responsible adults around” you smirked
“Oh do tell Bitsy” now Keira seems interested “Who's “we” and how do you play”
“Ehrm...” you stuttered knowing you just fucked up “We... like... Toons, Less, G, Niamh... you know... the gang.... Mills and Rach” you mumbled quickly
“Hm...” the blonde made a “go on” sound and raised her eyebrow at you
“and the winner gets... gets... gets” you tried to find a way out of the situation “... gets... coffee.... yes.. YES.. coffee!! For a week”
Now Keira just lifted both eyebrows her jaw set as she looked at you expectantly and finally you broke
“Winner decides what loser has to do... and mostly it's not nice stuff” you mumbled under your breath
“Like?” Keira didn't give up
“Get coffee at Starbucks at 8AM” you said ashamed and just as Keira wanted to say something you mumbled a “naked”
“Excuse me???” now your sister looked at you like you lost your goddamn mind
“It wasn't me” you quickly clarified
“Then who...” Lucy asked before she remembered the newspaper article “... YOU made Millie Bright walk into Starbucks naked???”
“Yeah...” you snorted “... was payback for her making me call Viv topless – poor woman ran into a cupboard”
Jenni spit her drink out she just took a sip from and started coughing while Mapí burst out laughing, Alexia looking horrified, Keira just shook her head and Lucy gasped for air
“Okay... winner get's to decide what loser has to do... if there's more than one loser team it gets decided by coin toss who has to do it... okay... here we go” you quickly got on with the game before more questions arise – you kept the worst to yourself and told them a rather harmless thing
“Okay...” you thought for a second “... I taught Ella Toone to waltz, I taught myself to play the violin and I let my girlfriend tattoo me.... find the lie”
“Easy” your sister snorted but you KNEW she would be wrong
“Can we ask questions?” Pina asked a little confused
“Sure” you shrugged your shoulders
“Okay... what is the tattoo” Pina asks immediately catching on that she can rule things out by asking the right questions
“It's something personal – it's not about me but about someone who is very important to me” you answer with a straight face
“Hm...” Pina mused
“When did you start to play the violin?” now Ingrid asked
“About three years ago” you kept a straight face through your answers not wanting to give something away
“Who taught you?” the norwegian asked
“Started with YouTube videos and then got a teacher after about six month because I found out I liked it and want to continue playing” you said
Ingrid nodded and turned to Caro and Mapí so they could consult about the lie
“How long did it take you to teach Tooney to waltz” Keira smirked already figured out the lie herself but she kept it to herself for fun of the game
“Forever” you rolled your eyes “But hey – there's only so much to do in Manc...”
“More specific?” Keira pressed you smirking
“Ugh... something between 6 and 18 month” you rolled your eyes knowing Keira figured you out
“That's oddly unspecific” Alexia looked confused
“Look... if you spend too much time with Ella Toone and Less Russo you don't even remember your own name because these two kill every living brain cell you own... so that is more than specific” you cleared up
“What violin do you play?” Ingrid interrupted pondering looking you straight in the eyes
“A Karl Höfner Allegro 4/4” you answered confident and Ingrid eyes widen a little bit
“Where is your tattoo” Alexia asked and she seemed pretty sure about her assumption
“On my ribcage” you smirked
“I saw you without a shirt” Mapí yelled out before Caro elbowed her in the side and shushed her
“We all saw her without a shirt genius... she was in a sports bra and shorts at the beach” Patri rolled her eyes
“Any more questions?” you asked into the round looking around
All the players shook their head and you smiled
“Okay.. you get a minute to decide on an answer... put it down on paper and give your answer to the ref and I'll tell her what the lie is and then she can sort the rest out”
After a minute every team gave a folded paper to Jenni who looked at you expectantly as you leaned over and whispered the lie into her ear. Her eyes grew wide and she looked at you shocked
“Seriously?? THAT'S the lie... ay dios mio... I'm already looking forward when this comes out...” she smirked evilly
“Get going then” you grinned back seeing different reactions on the different peoples faces
“Okay... Team Goalfielder?? What is Goalfielder?” Jenni asked confused
“These two” Panos pointed to Cata and Patri “I had nothing to do with that”
“What does that even suppose to mean?” Jenni asked even more confused
“Goalkeeper and Midfielder... Midkeeper sounded stupid” Patri said in a “duh” voice
You snorted loudly while Mapí repeated the two words lowly and nodded at Goalfielder understanding and the rest of the team just groaned
“Okay... team... goalfielder... sorry I can't say that” the dark haired spaniard said “Panos... your team is wrong... that's not the lie”
“Damn it... told you!!” Panos grumbled at her two teammates
“Okay... who came up with Norwegian-connection??” Jenni asked upset feeling like an idiot as Ingrid and Caro pointed to Mapí who just grinned proudly
“This is gets worse and worse” Jenni mumbled before opening the folded paper “Nope... also wrong... not the lie”
“I swear Alexia if you put down a stupid team name too I go on a strike” Jenni threatened her best friend looking at the folded paper “Sweniards? SWENIARDS???!!!!”
“I have PINA on my team” Alexia said back seriously “You think I wanted that??”
That did it for you – you couldn't hold yourself together anymore and just bursted out laughing and if it wasn't for Jenni herself who held you back you would have fallen of a couch once again.
“I swear you all do that to piss me off” Jenni mumbled “Nope... also wrong”
“Keira please... save my dignity when I turn around that paper there's no team name on it” Jenni basically begged Keira who smirked
“Sorry Hermoso... but everyone has one” the blonde said
“Really... “The exes”?? Not really fitting is it now??” the dark haired raised her eyebrow annoyed
“Why?” Lucy asked confused “Kei is my Ex, I'm her ex...”
“So this team is you and Keira and Ona just sits there looking pretty?” you asked confused now
“Thank you for calling me pretty” Ona smiled at you
“Ay Batlle.. I'M pretty spaniard...” Alexia shoved her teammates ankle playfully
“No Bitsy... Ona is an Ex too” Keira smirked down right evil
“Huh?” Mapí, Pina and you didn't catch on while Caro just looked at Lucy, Keira and Ona with wide shocked eyes
“Ona is technically my ex Bitsy” Keira rolled her eyes
“Excuse me... wha???” you still couldn't grab it
“Before you break her... you're right... point for... the exes” Jenni rolled her eyes
“Oh I know...” Keira just waved off grinning
“OH DEAR JESUS FUCKING DISTGUSTING CHRIST!!!” you yelled out horrified scrambling backwards until you sat on Jennis lap
“NOW she has it” Keira laughed and even Lucy and Ona started laughing at your reaction
“Is this whole sport one big swap meet????????” you screeched as Jenni held you in her lap securely so you wouldn't fall over the arm of the couch
“I could say...” Lucy started as she got interrupted from Mapís screech
“Why what?” Ingrid asked her girlfriend
“Why did... THEY” Mapí asked shocked pointing from Keira to Ona and back
“Call it stress relieve” Keira shrugged her shoulders “No strings – just stress relieve”
“You” Mapí pointed at Ona “You look so nice and innocent and sweet and loving”
“Yeah no... she's not” Lucy snorted pulling Ona onto her lap
“Okay... but what's the lie now?” Pina asked still not catching on and everyone was thankful for her obliviousness
“It's IMPOSSIBLE to teach Ella Toone anything...” you waved off
“So all of you were wrong except the... unconventional threesome over there” you pointed at your sister, her ex and current girlfriend but you wouldn't look at them
“Damnit.. I was so sure you have no tatts” Mapí snipped her fingers
“Why would you think that... have you seen me girlfriend??” you asked confused
“Because they would kill you” Mapí pointed at Keira and Lucy who infact did look a little pissed
“About that” your sister started “Please tell me you're joking and you in fact changed the game to two lies and one truth”
“Oh no...” you shook your head like it was nothing
“Show me... right now” Lucy growled “I can't believe you have a tattoo... and I will rip G a new one for putting one on you”
“It's just her name” you rolled your eyes railing your sister up
“EXCUSE ME????” your sister exploded “NAME????!!!!!”
“And a little heart next to it” you said sweetly
“Bitsy” Keira said calmly as she laid her hand on Lucys arm “Tell me it's not a name with a heart”
“Dear god.. what do you think of me?? I'm no idiot” you rolled your eyes
“Then show us” Lucy demanded and you pulled your shirt over your head and lifting your bra a little bit so roman number were revealed
“What's that?” your sister asked confused “but good place... nicely hidden.. and really nicely done” she complemented Georgias work
“It's a date” you said as you pulled your bra down again so your tattoo was hidden again
“A date?” Alexia asked confused
“Yes... 26/06/13... June 26th 2013” you smiled slightly
“What's so special about this random day that you have it forever on your body?” Patri asked confused as she couldn't place anything special to that day
“It's...” you started but got interrupted by your sister
“It's the day of my first cap as a member of the Senior squad... against Japan” Lucy said lowly and you saw how emotional she got
“Don't start crying you sap” you threatened her smiling while Lucy just opened her arms and you quickly crawled over to her
“Don't infect me with whatever disease you have... don't want to end up as one of your exes too” you mumbled against your sister neck as she hugged you tightly and laughed at your comment
“That's cute... but now I want to know about the violin” Panos interrupted your sweet moment
“Uh yeah... forgot about that” Patri perked up
“You forget mostly everything” Alexia said nonchalantly
“What about Giovanni??” you asked as you pulled away from Lucy just a little bit
“You play?” Ingrid asked interested
“Still a beginner but yes...” you confirmed “Helped me sort my thoughts after me third ACL”
“It's amazing how Manchester you sound when you come of a call with Ella” Keira snorted over your deep Manchester accent.
“Want to play something together?” Ingrid smiled encouraging
“You play too?” you asked surprised
“Piano...” the norwegian nodded her head
“I never played with someone...” you started to bite your lip
“Pleeeaaaase y/n” Mapí begged “I bet it sounds amazing”
“We can do something easy” Ingrid nudged you a little bit
“Let me get Giovanni” you sighed knowing you wouldn't get out of playing anyway
You got to your room and got your violin from the back of the closet carefully putting the case on your bed opening it carefully. You opened the lid and took your violin out of the case going back to the living room
“I got me instrument... but where is yours?” you looked at Ingrid
“At home of course – it's not like I could carry around a Piano” the norwegian grinned
“Off to our house then” Mapí yelled already jumping up with Pina and Patri following suit
“So I put Giovanni back in his case?” you asked confused
“Or you play a single piece here and at a later date we could play together” Ingrid smiled encouraging
“Okay... but no one judges or says a word...” you said suddenly feeling a little bit insecure about your playing
“No one will judge Cariño” Alexia promised
“Can we....” you started at Keira for help
“What do you need Bitsy” the blonde said lowly
“Too bright” you mumbled and Keira understood immediately
“You got candles Luce?” Keira asked your sister
“Enough to set the north pole on fire” Lucy rolled her eyes pointing towards a cabinet
“I like candles okay?” Ona huffed
“They're lovely candles” Lucy said quickly and you snorted at their antics
Suddenly the light went out and there were just a few candles in the corner lighting the room just a tad. You took a deep breath lifting your violin trapping it between your neck and jaw. You closed you eyes lifted the bow and started playing. It was one of the easiest pieces you know but when you opened your eyes half way threw you could see tears streaming down Keiras face. Despite crying the blonde was smiling slightly. Lucy had Ona in her lap, your sisters head on her girlfriends shoulder her eyes closed as she listened to your play. Thank god nearly all of them were tone deaf so no one except for Ingrid noticed your little slip up right at the beginning. The norwegian had her head laid down on Mapís shoulder smiling slightly knowing how much courage it took for you to stand here in front of all of them and open up a little bit about yourself. Alexia just looked at you in awe while Jenni shook her head in disbelieve.
You looked around the living room while playing the little piece you knew by heart and realized that Lucy kept her promise once again – she brought you home
The End
So guys... that's it for now... there will be an epilogue at some point and I'll keep writing shorties but I don't have the time to belt out full chapters anymore – the story deserves more than I can give so I'm gonna end it here
(If you wondered what piece BB is playing... this piece)
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