ficoandleo · 1 hour
Shame about all that 'brat summer' stuff. Brat used to be such a useful word when you have a fetish for really annoying girls.
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ficoandleo · 14 hours
"You're asking for an awful lot of birthday gifts." They're small gifts though so it's barely even an expense. . .well, except the day trip to Italy. "I'm not giving you stickers rewarding bad behavior! I'll see about the other ones!"
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@ficoandleo want!!!!!
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ficoandleo · 14 hours
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ficoandleo · 14 hours
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ficoandleo · 14 hours
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"I am not playing the knife game with you. And if you plan to, at least put a towel down in case you cut yourself again."
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ficoandleo · 1 day
"Did she even go to something better though. . .?" He doesn't know either of their backstories, actually. Well, that would be something to do some internet deep diving into another day! "Fine, whatever, you're the most mature big sister character in the whole world because you've been through so much pain and suffering, which makes you a big girl. Happy?"
"Leo-kun? I have...a weird question for you. You know the other inspector, Luna-chan, right?" This is beyond strange feeling to ask, but, "We're actually twins, but I wanted to ask....which of us would you say is the older twin? She keeps insisting it's her because she's more fun, but I'm better at office work and that's mature older sister stuff right? So it's me, right?"
"Are you twins?" He looked at her dubiously. He knew there were two Romeos and two Alans, but they weren't twins. There was some sort of problem(? He couldn't find any record of something similar happening in the past) with the anomalous island and it was crossing over timespace and occasionally causing copies of people, or making them step into each others' worlds or times, usually temporarily. So far harmless, given Romeo hasn't destroyed anything by talking to himself. But that was his current guess. It was a broad spectrum guess but he'd only done so much investigating on it--mostly because it wasn't easy to look into, and also because it wasn't doing anything particularly exciting yet. "Whatever. Yeah, I know who you're talking about.
"If you're actually, legally, documented twins, someone could just check your koseki. Even if you were separated, I'm pretty sure you'd both be under the same parents. If not. . .being older doesn't make you more mature." Just look at Sho. He's way more mature than Hyde. "I met Luna first, so I'd say she's older!"
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ficoandleo · 1 day
"Hmph. Normally I would charge for something like that, you know." Halfway would do, for now, though. "If you're going to take pictures of me, you can sharpen that skill then. I won't tolerate your halfway decent abilities making me look bad."
He didn't seem to mind having pictures of himself taken at least. He returned his attention to his work with a confident smile. It seems that atop bringing him calm she'd stroked his ego enough for him to be a little happier over. Her mission of positivity ended up successful after all!
Ayame approaches nervously, "Um, you're looking very handsome today, R....Fico-san. Is that a new cologne? You smell very nice." -Ayamekishiwagi
"Flattery will get you nowhere." As he always says, but he seems pleased by the acknowledgement. "Close, although I wouldn't expect a BB like you to be able to tell the difference. Kurossa recommended me a hand cream I hadn't tried yet. It's--"
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A pause for consideration, before he can reveal the source of the scent wafting off of him. ". . .you never come here unless I call you. Are you here for something?" He doesn't sound suspicious, per say, but curious.
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ficoandleo · 1 day
Leo rolls his eyes at her apology. Somebody probably told her she should apologize--probably Dante, but he wouldn't put it past Hyde either. It was definitely his cynicism talking, but she didn't sound very sorry to him.
Sho may have been on to something though, because that last suggestion makes him pause the book he's reading with contemplation. He hates doing any cleaning himself and Sho won't usually do it unless it's part of a bet lately, since he spends so much time working or sparring lately. If she even knew to suggest that, she probably asked Sho for advice. Sho probably wouldn't tell her to apologize unless she asked how she should. Probably.
So if she asked Sho she probably meant it.
Leo put his book down and slid into his slippers, crossing the floor to open the door enough for him to block any view into the room. He glared down at her in irritation, reaching over and taking the bag.
"You also ruined my headphones." They aren't around his neck. . .considering he constantly complained about noise and voices, having his headphones damaged was probably not a small offense. He snapped his fingers and pointed at the floor. "Dogeza."
Ayame hesitates and adjusts her bag of supplies before knocking on Leo's door. "Leo-san? I know you're mad about before, but I want to make it up to you. Can we talk? I wanted to make an offer..."
Leo had not invited anybody over. So why was there a little rapping on his door? He felt better by now, but hearing Ayame's muffled little voice soured his mood--who the hell did she think she was?
"Talk through the door." He ordered, refusing to get out of bed. In his opinion she was lucky to have been dignified with a response at all. He should have just ignored her.
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ficoandleo · 1 day
What's she pouting over now? "Are you seriously moping over not being the alleged older sibling? Don't siblings use 'you're adopted' as an insult all the time? If she got adopted out doesn't that mean you won or whatever?"
"Leo-kun? I have...a weird question for you. You know the other inspector, Luna-chan, right?" This is beyond strange feeling to ask, but, "We're actually twins, but I wanted to ask....which of us would you say is the older twin? She keeps insisting it's her because she's more fun, but I'm better at office work and that's mature older sister stuff right? So it's me, right?"
"Are you twins?" He looked at her dubiously. He knew there were two Romeos and two Alans, but they weren't twins. There was some sort of problem(? He couldn't find any record of something similar happening in the past) with the anomalous island and it was crossing over timespace and occasionally causing copies of people, or making them step into each others' worlds or times, usually temporarily. So far harmless, given Romeo hasn't destroyed anything by talking to himself. But that was his current guess. It was a broad spectrum guess but he'd only done so much investigating on it--mostly because it wasn't easy to look into, and also because it wasn't doing anything particularly exciting yet. "Whatever. Yeah, I know who you're talking about.
"If you're actually, legally, documented twins, someone could just check your koseki. Even if you were separated, I'm pretty sure you'd both be under the same parents. If not. . .being older doesn't make you more mature." Just look at Sho. He's way more mature than Hyde. "I met Luna first, so I'd say she's older!"
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ficoandleo · 2 days
The gestures made more sense, given he was fluent in Italian gesturing himself, although they were a little different than Towa's in the same way sign languages differed across languages. But he could get the gist of it, even from context clues. He'd electrocuted the bird. It was probably an accident. It didn't handle 300 million volts as well as other anomalies might. Cooked bird. Once Towa had finished his little song and dance and pushed the scorched and haggard bird at him, Romeo carefully accepted it. He really needed to get a new attache case. That would be a perfect place to put this. But now his uniform was covered in scorch marks. . .since he would have to wash it anyway, Romeo stripped himself of his blazer and wrapped the burnt bird in it to make lugging it around slightly less suspicious.
"Alright, alright. I'll make sure this disappears." Taiga didn't like his anomalies cooked, but maybe this would be an exception. . .? It was worth a try. "In exchange, I'd like some extra of what I usually ask for from you, understand? How does double sound?"
No such thing as a free lunch--or a free hidden body, in this case. But it was just some of the usual shady plants, so no big deal, right?
Well, crap. This wasn't supposed to happen. As if his day wasn't already bad enough, he had to just go and make things worse for himself!
There, in the middle of the vast fields of the Jabberwock Safari Park, stood Towa. What lay before him was an anomalous animal -- or at least, the charred remains of an anomalous animal. He didn't mean to kill it, honest!! Towa was aiming for a different anomaly when this stupid bird thing flew by right where his lightning struck. It was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Thank goodness Haru wasn't around to see what happened. Towa wasn't sure he could handle a broken-hearted Haru right now.
No, right now, he had bigger birds fish to fry. He needed to get rid of the body before his Captain came running by only to see one of his precious babies dead on the ground. Who did Towa know that could help him hide a body?
The guys down at Vagastrom were all violent delinquents, apparently. Surely they'd know what to do, right? On the other hand, the House of Sinostra is basically synonymous with 'Be Gay Do Crimes', they'd certainly know what to do with the evidence. But on the other other hand, he could maybe take the body to Mortkranken? The loud, short Captain and his larger, much quieter Vice Captain are always looking for Anomalies to study, so maybe this burnt corpse would be of use to them?
Ugh, all this thinking was giving Towa a headache. Without another thought, he grabbed the poor anomaly by it's leg and lifted it up, with some of its feathers trailing behind him as he headed for the exit. Whoever he ran into first would be the lucky corpse winner! Hooray!!
@ask-alan-mido @ficoandleo @shohaizono @taiga-shark @scorpiuslucci @ritsu-shinjo @ask-jiro-kirisaki
(( HI I KNOW THERES A LOT OF YOU GUYS TAGGED BUT DW! this isn’t like some massive group rp but more of an open invitation! feel free to ignore this if you want! and lmk if you want your tag removed! :D ))
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ficoandleo · 2 days
i smack some one cause there where spreading rumor fico was in to big girls there notign wrong with like big girls but not way fico those
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"That's a rather senseless act of violence." Which is rich coming from the guy who runs around shooting bullets and bombs and threatens his own underlings over minor infractions. He seems a little amused though. "But you're not wrong. I don't see the appeal."
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ficoandleo · 2 days
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ah yes, the two genders:
man and bath
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ficoandleo · 2 days
rormano aia mgussign yoru form italy and leo are form tokyo are antotehr party fo toyko
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"Yes, southern Italy. Campania, to be specific." Considering his family used to be fairly well known, that isn't exactly private information. A thorough google search would probably reveal as much.
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"Yep, I'm a Tokyo native. Shibuya, specifically!" Nor is Leo's origin much of a secret; most of his videos were around Shibuya before he got to Darkwick after all.
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ficoandleo · 2 days
Leo glances over as Sho goes through his bath bomb drawer, then finishes leaving his clothes behind to wait by the tub, pushing his fingers through his hair to get rid of some of the dripping excess. The bath water fizzed and turned a warm green with streaks of gold, and the smell of grass Leo was hesitant to touch a warm, damp forest began to fill the bathroom. Perhaps expected for Leo, there was a twinge of spiciness to it. He smiles and gives an amused little huff, perhaps a silent comment on how well Sho knew him--and is willing to put up with things he doesn't particularly enjoy for his sake.
Perhaps it's cruel, but for Leo who sees the world as one where everyone is selfish, the pushy behavior is his display of trust in Sho. And Sho's compliance is. . .some sort of simulation of caring. Or because he's paid well.
Once Sho is seated Leo climbs in with him and settled between his legs, lying against his chest. A little cold and still damp, though not as bad as it could have been considering the temperature outside and within the garage, Leo's back probably started to sap Sho's body heat as quickly as it could. He shuddered and sighed and pouted, sinking deeper into the water.
There's a hard knocking on Sho's room door. If he doesn't start coming over in about five seconds, he'll hear an angry, impatient, "open the fucking door, Sho!" From Leo. Of course.
If he does open the door, he would find a soaking wet cat. Which is to say, Leo is soaked from head to toe, and he's tracked several puddles up the stairs and down the hall to both his and Sho's rooms. It isn't raining outside and considering his clothes are wet, he probably didn't just get out the bath. On top of that he looks pretty peeved, and shivers occasionally.
Should Sho give him the opening to do so, Leo would snap his hand out to grab him by his necklace and pull insistently. His only explanation being a snap of "bath." / @ficoandleo
Sho was already on his way to the door when Leo yelled for him.
"Oi, be patient! You can wait like a-" Sho cuts himself off when he opens the door. He only gets a second to take in the sight in front of him before he's being pulled forward by the neck. He stays silent for a second more. When he speaks again, his voice is softer and quieter.
"Lemme grab some stuff, go start running the water."
Sho ducks back into his dorm, shutting off the stove before grabbing some clothes and a box from the back corner of his closet. He crosses the hall into Leo's room and shoves the box in Leo's hands. The same kind of headphones that he wears every day. Including when he gets doused in water on campus.
"Got these for your birthday, but you got 'em for yourself first. Kept them just in case something happened with yours so you wouldn't be stuck without."
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ficoandleo · 2 days
-🥋Rika Tendo
Hey Leo~
So.I kinda need your help.
Which outfit should I do for Alan
Rich lady or Nurse?
It for a mission….,
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"I mean, wouldn't that depend on the mission and what he's gonna be doing? You can't just throw any random outfit on for a mission, unless you're trying to botch it from the start."
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ficoandleo · 2 days
Things were peaceful in the casino--or as peaceful as they could be. Everyone was playing fair(or as fair as a casino could play,) and business was even a little better today. Romeo was even feeling more peaceful--and with the VIP room a little more in order he was more comfortable. His eyes lidded in calm focus, attentive to the going-ons of his business. People came, people drank and played, laughing and smiling and groaning and crying, winning and losing. People left, determined to win again another day or swearing off it all like they wouldn't be back next week. And people were giving him more money. Things felt a little more right in the world. The house was winning today, as it should.
The funny thing about Japanese cell phones is that they're required to have the shutter sound on to discourage people from taking pictures of others without their permission. Apparently Darkwick decided the students' phones should be beholden to this as long as they weren't on missions. So at the sudden sound, Romeo snapped his head towards Ayame, not expecting it.
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". . ." He squinted at her stammering, processing what just happened. Then he scoffed, proud as ever, and smiled, leaning back in his chair and adjusting his crossed legs. "Are you at least a decent photographer?"
Ayame approaches nervously, "Um, you're looking very handsome today, R....Fico-san. Is that a new cologne? You smell very nice." -Ayamekishiwagi
"Flattery will get you nowhere." As he always says, but he seems pleased by the acknowledgement. "Close, although I wouldn't expect a BB like you to be able to tell the difference. Kurossa recommended me a hand cream I hadn't tried yet. It's--"
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A pause for consideration, before he can reveal the source of the scent wafting off of him. ". . .you never come here unless I call you. Are you here for something?" He doesn't sound suspicious, per say, but curious.
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ficoandleo · 2 days
"Leo-kun? I have...a weird question for you. You know the other inspector, Luna-chan, right?" This is beyond strange feeling to ask, but, "We're actually twins, but I wanted to ask....which of us would you say is the older twin? She keeps insisting it's her because she's more fun, but I'm better at office work and that's mature older sister stuff right? So it's me, right?"
"Are you twins?" He looked at her dubiously. He knew there were two Romeos and two Alans, but they weren't twins. There was some sort of problem(? He couldn't find any record of something similar happening in the past) with the anomalous island and it was crossing over timespace and occasionally causing copies of people, or making them step into each others' worlds or times, usually temporarily. So far harmless, given Romeo hasn't destroyed anything by talking to himself. But that was his current guess. It was a broad spectrum guess but he'd only done so much investigating on it--mostly because it wasn't easy to look into, and also because it wasn't doing anything particularly exciting yet. "Whatever. Yeah, I know who you're talking about.
"If you're actually, legally, documented twins, someone could just check your koseki. Even if you were separated, I'm pretty sure you'd both be under the same parents. If not. . .being older doesn't make you more mature." Just look at Sho. He's way more mature than Hyde. "I met Luna first, so I'd say she's older!"
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