Shang Tusian Hero
2K posts
Hey, I'm Carol Tea, at your service! I'm a Wildcat from Avalice, living the dream in Shang Tu's SUPER COOL palace! Feel free to come talk to me anytime--I promise you won't regret it! ...Probably ((Indie Freedom Planet RP Blog. Contains Spoilers for Freedom Planet 2))
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wildcatofgreen · 6 months ago
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"Pfffffft." Frosty. Thawing! That's so good.
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"Oooooo, getting into some business-y stuff too. Iiiiiinteresting!" She's gonna beat the CRAP out of those bots when she performs again. Stones, they're probably gonna be SO COOOOL.
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Hand at her hip, smile on her face, "An' yeah, willin' 'ta bet Lyli smoked you without even tryin'. She's kind of the fastest on Avalice, y'know?" Man, she needs to check up on her sometime soon. See how everything's goin'.
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"You know... if you wanted a break, you could have just told me."
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"I know, I know--the words ''oh carol i missed you so much i was so BORED without you'' are practically your weakness, but I missed ya too, Evie."
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She pats the dragon's back with a smile. Been a fat fuckin' minute since she's seen her. It's like a reunion or somethin'.
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wildcatofgreen · 6 months ago
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"Ooooooo, sneaky.
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"I love it! Especially if it means seein' ya more often." She gave her another hug, tighter and quicker this time, along with a light chuckle. "You also gotta introduce me to your new team! Oooo and ya gotta tell me about all your super cool secret mission stuff! I can keep a secret or two, or twenty.
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"How'd ya turn into a ghost, anyway? Did you die--
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Original Post [x]
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Tangle's eyes dilated as the Wildcat Tackled her and held her in the tightest hug ever! the Cheese cake flipped into the air! but luckily her tail was quick to catch it before it went everywhere! but Tangle just smiled and wrapped her arms around the Wildcat and returned the hug! just picking carol up and spinning her around once! yea she missed her to!
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She laughed as she spun and finally set Carol back down! They were to much alike when it came to hugs!
" I've been good! busy as all heck! ya know got a new team, doin' super secret missions! got turned into a ghost! hehe less fun then it sounds! OH and Miles finished making his warp rings! so now i can come visit when ever i want! as long as he doesn't find out i swiped the prototype! "
Carol may have rubbed off on Tangle more then she realized! but chaos it was good to see the wildcat again! she missed her friend! there long talks! and silly antics and her cool ass motorbike! she was happy she was back! and that she could visit more often!
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wildcatofgreen · 6 months ago
What is love
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"Baby don't hurt me~, don't hurt me~, no more~."
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((the intrinsic urge to do an edit where i put carol's, kit's and katia's heads on the ''what is love'' gif.
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((or more fittingly for the blog--carol, cory and neera's heads.))
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wildcatofgreen · 6 months ago
Carol has been visited by Torque, as well as some other familiar friends.
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"Hey, Carol. Glad to see you again. Hope you've been doing alright. I brought some friends who really wanted to see you again."
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"Carol! You're back!"
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"Hello, Carol. We all really missed you. Especially Terios, as you can see."
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"Hey, Carol! How's the world's coolest wild cat doing?"
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"Your return brings us great joy, Carol."
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"You guuuuuuuuuuys!!!!"
She pulls them all in for a REAL BIG HUG with a real big smile! Oh MAN she didn't even know she missed everyone until they all showed their faces again.
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wildcatofgreen · 6 months ago
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"You know... if you wanted a break, you could have just told me."
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"I know, I know--the words ''oh carol i missed you so much i was so BORED without you'' are practically your weakness, but I missed ya too, Evie."
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She pats the dragon's back with a smile. Been a fat fuckin' minute since she's seen her. It's like a reunion or somethin'.
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wildcatofgreen · 6 months ago
Ironically the rabbit pounces upon the cat, giving her a big welcome back hug!
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Surprised but not at all unaccepting! She returns the hug with a great big smile!
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"Heya dude! How's it goin'? Bet'cha missed me like eeeeeveryone else, huh?"
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wildcatofgreen · 6 months ago
"Well well, look who's showed up, I thought I was the one who hides in the background? What's your excuse?" Of course going by the grin on his muzzle it was obvious he was just jesting and was glad to see her again.
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"Oh cut me some slack! Can't a married wife live her married life?"
Oh that was good, that was really good. She's not gonna stop using that one for a while.
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The wildcat gives him a playful punch to his shoulder, smiling wide, "Good 'ta see ya again, dude! How ya been?"
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wildcatofgreen · 6 months ago
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"It is good to see you again, Carol. I hope that you and Corazon are doing well." Blaze had prepared a rather nice welcome back gift, namely some extra additions for Carol's motorcycle.
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"I thought it good to try and give you some of Apeiro's finest technology to add onto your motorcycle as a welcome back gift."
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She's quickly unwrapping the gift and looking over the tech and holy fucking shit this IS SO AWESOME DUUUUUUUDE
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"Cory's doing fine too! I think she's almost done with the whatever she was doing. Building something or something? Iunno it was somethin'." Deliberate lies--there isn't any universe possible where she wasn't secretly keeping track of how much work was left on the restoration project.
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wildcatofgreen · 6 months ago
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Delivers a Welcome Back Cheese Cake!
" YO! good to see my favorite wild cat again! i mean... yer the only wildcat i know! but still! "
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"TAAAAANGLEEEEEE!!!" Hopefully the lemur has a good grip on the cheese cake because Carol's going in for a tackle hug. "DUDE IT'S BEEN SO LONG!!! HOW YA BEEN???" So excited. So excited.
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wildcatofgreen · 6 months ago
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!
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((it's really flattering that i was getting this even while i was effectively dead for ten years and a day. thank you!!! <3 <3 <3))
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wildcatofgreen · 6 months ago
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She's practically yellow with how red her fur just got. How dare he. How dare.
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She turns away from him with a cheeky smile. "D-Double dork."
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She boops the hedgehog's nose.
A hand goes to the wall beside her and he leans into it, giving her that smile only she gets to see.
Then he boops hers in return.
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years ago
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"It was like, the first thing that popped up on my gemerald. Sue me!!!
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"Plus I haven't seen Sonic in months. It'd be pretty messed up if the guy died durin' that time."
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Man, she actually really misses him.
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Maybe if he's actually dead she can bribe Bapho to take her to see him in the afterlife.
That's how that works, right?
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years ago
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"So... How's it going?" A certain redheaded dragon would inquire... while holding a pitch black furball that might be a little familiar at this point.
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Oh shi--
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"Evie! Long time no see~. I'm guessin' you're up to your same ol' bravo sierra?" Now that would be refreshing, actually.
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"Ya even got your cool-but-weird pet! Can I pet it? Is it gonna attack me? Or suplex me or somethin'??? Can I pet it???" The wildcat seems very eager to play with the furball.
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years ago
Have you ever just let rip the biggest, stankiest fat one around Sony? Was it hilarious?
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Holy shit. These guys just got so much worse, didn't they? For the love of stones.
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years ago
Leprechaun: "Hey, lass. That's me pot-o-gold ya got there. If you give it back, I'll give you three wishes."
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"Why do I feel like I've heard that one before...?"
Bizarre. That feels so familiar and yet it really, really doesn't.
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Whatever. Next.
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years ago
Would you let Sony grab your ass?
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Damn it--she thought she figured out how to control when these idiots start throwing dumb words at her. Was that just a fucking fluke???
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Whatever--she's not even dignifying this with an answer. Is there more? Might as well get these out of the way now.
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years ago
There's a huge box left on Carol's desk with a little note on it.
Made good on that promise, babe. Big-ass fucking box of chocolates that'll drive you nuts. (There's probably nuts in here too, ha) You're my everything, my other half, and deserve this shitload of sugar and chocolate.
Love, Sony
Another day, another day to relax.
She's kind of gotten used to the routine now--Battlesphere (if it's a Battlesphere day), adventure, talk to some locals, eat some good food, then head home and sleep. And if it's Gemerald Training Day, then she gets to do that with Neera when she gets home. Easy stuff, right?
The wildcat stumbles into her and her husband's room, tossing the purple gemerald onto the bed.
Easy, but predictable.
Easy, but ultimately?
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What the hell, man? Where's the adventure? Where's the fun? Where's the thrills she had just a few months prior?
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Okay, maybe not the... career threatening thrills.
But! The thrills that made things fun! Like meeting new people, figuring out her dumb gemerald, all that sort of stuff!
She hasn't talked to Tangle or Jet or... anyone in months!!! Maybe. Kind of. It sort of feels like months, right? What the hell have her friends been doing in that time?
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Doooon't get her wrong--most of her time has been with Sony, and hell she's appreciated that to hell and back. Loves him to bits.
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She feels like a house cat.
Stones, this is what she was afraid of when she got married in the first place. The ever impending doom of normalcy, of lame sierra invading her life, of routine.
And so, she wanders over to her bed--Sony's staying a little later at the 'Sphere again. It happens--she knows he'll be home soon. Probably. Maybe he's staying the night again?
Whatever, doesn't matter. Time to fall onto the cushiness of--huh?
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Was that box always on her desk? Or is she just going loopy from the redundancy?
She'll step towards it. Better to figure out now what it is than later.
Oh, there's a note on it too.
Wonder what it say--
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That mother fucker.
Little late, but hell, she can't complain.
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This box is huge. She's never gonna finish it all by herself. When the hell does all this expire?
She'll take a bar of chocolate from the box and just start going at it.
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Maybe she can just share it all with him. That'd be nice, wouldn't it--
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Damn it--didn't she just say she hasn't seen her friends in a while?
Maybe she should share it with one of them.
Or, at least half of it.
Half goes to her, half goes to sharing it with a friend, half goes to sharing it with Sony. That's like, foolproof, right?
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Maybe she'll think on it.
But for now.
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This was a nice treat to come back to. He's still the best thing since like, sliced pie. Thank the stones for him.
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