#but cause i want a connection but not an inherently romantic one but also not an inherently platonic one either
lovelyrotter · 3 months
yall how do u even know if ur aro/aro-spec i feel like an imposter
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dutybcrne · 10 months
Smth smth, Khaenriahns having similar thing to the Ackermans in AoT
#//The whole 'power that can be Awakened in times of duress'#//Exhibiting increased physical abilities; gaining the combined power of Khaenri'ahns before them via some connection to them#//I like it v much#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Also v much like the Ackerman Protectiveness™ being PART of it. It wasn't inherently in the og; I know; but IMAGINE#//In addition to getting that Awakened Power; it also lets Khaenri'ahns form a sorta Warrior's Bond w the one fighting w them in the moment#//So the trigger for it would not only be survival; but also a sense of Protectiveness over sb. Not necessarily romantic or anything#//Just a strong feeling of attachment & fealty to the one would TRUST with your very life; reflexively as breathing. Who'd do so in return#//Which would make me both laugh and cry if you consider Diluc & Kaeya#//Just#//Lil bby Kae activating the bloodline instinct during an outing gone South; & having a Crisis bc Luc's not Khaenri'ahn#//Does it even MEAN anything? Will HIS instincts go haywire bc Luc's not Khaenri'ahn? Are the gods gonna PUNISH him for it?#//For imprinting on a Teyvat-born; gods-blessed mortal? Or worse; in doing so; would Luc be damned in the process too?#//Meanwhile bby Luc the INSTANT of their oath to be sworn brothers was just. Already Like That. No Khaenri'ahn bloodline influence#//Heck; mans dramatic ass was prolly Ride or Die; from the START; then with that he had MORE incentive. The perfect fit to complement it#//Close to mutual enough until The Confrontation; then Kae's left reeling. There was nothing to sever on Luc's part; but it still Hurt Kae#//It's in his BLOOD to care abt & protect him. Prolly drive Kae mad when Luc went off to Snezhnaya & went through Hell; knowing he Caused i#//STILL resolved to help & support Luc; as per the inherent purpose of the bond; even if Luc won't want him to. What else can he do?#//The pain of Luc keeping him at arms length & aftermath of the betrayal is Nothing compared to what Kae'll feel if Luc dies; he figures#//And in Different Case; imagine Dain & Halfdan. A bond formed in the most Dire of times for Khaenri'ahns; them already having been close#//Maybe love already having budded b/w them. Only for an extreme life or death to spark it further; as their bond was Sealed#//Imagine if the mutual bond also let them sense each other's emotions; perhaps not ENTIRELY; but Just Enough to tell if they need help#//So if the other needs them; they can Tell right away. To be spurred to action and rush to their side in times of need#//With that; them Immediately sensing the difference as of That Day. The JOY in realizing the very mutual feelings they had in additon#//Feeling each other's love seeping through their bond; fond little bursts & flares felt whenever they think of each other; when they smile#//Warm feelings shared; even when they were apart. ESP then. Them hurrying to the other's side when they sense a dip or cold feeling#//Imagine how it would feel when Dan died; Dain's reeling from his own anguish & Dan's pain; Dan's grief in leaving him like this#//& the Emptiness Dain would feel; as bond b/w them would Shatter as Dan draws his final breath. A part of his heart & soul carved out#//Lmao; this all happened bc I was like 'Ey what if Khaenri'ahns were just Built Different'#//I do like this concept; gonna file it away for later
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llamagoddessofficial · 9 months
What if some rich city dude started vying for Farm Sans' love interest? Like the dude is a total douche, and he turns around and tries to take Sans' girl? >:3
It's probably one of those assholes who buys a second/third home in the countryside, out-pricing local families, so he can have an 'escape' he only lives in for a month out of the year. He's in town to 'get away from it all' for a while.
This dude sets off all of Sans' alarm bells when he flirts with you. With any other person, Sans' reaction would depend on whether or not you were into them. He'd respectfully back off if you genuinely liked someone. But honestly, this douche's vibes are so rancid that Sans is going to be constantly brittle and cold and on the offensive. He has a few tactics up his sleeve.
For one - he uses his community connections. This guy (we'll call him Douche) is NOT welcome here, and Sans rubs it in. Country communities are tight-knit, can be pretty closed off, and are often actively hostile to people like Douche. Douche can barely buy groceries, people either ignore him or speak in cold and brusque tones, the snub from Sans and Papyrus means people will hardly look at him. Not to mention you've been so deeply accepted that it's as if you were born and raised there; nobody wants Douche to win you over. With or without Sans' encouragement, other folk will gossip to you about what a terrible person Douche is. "Oh, don't hang around with his sort, MC. You're such a sweetheart."
Sans is relatively oblivious to how his physique is attractive to you. But he's not oblivious to how physically intimidating he can be. He enjoys casual displays of his overwhelming strength, and the terror he witnesses in Douche's eyes; nothing shuts Douche up faster than having to watch his romantic rival wrangle a bull with just his hands. Sans will wander up to Douche (particularly while Douche is trying to chat you up) holding a sack of grain in one hand like it's nothing - "hey buddy, think you can hold this for me for a few secs?" - and then Sans will watch in glee as Douche tips over under its weight.
... Sans' favourite, though, is playing mind games. He fully leans into the 'dumb country guy' stereotype, acting like he's lazy and stupid, playing up his accent and easygoing tone. Until anytime Douche tries to seem smart. Then, in a searingly faux-friendly manner, Sans nitpicks him apart, correcting him on even the most complicated issues. "hey man, pretty sure socrates said that, not plato." "actually it's gravitational lapsing that causes that effect. lensin' is somethin' else entirely." "well i don't know about no NFTs... but i do know the blockchain is only as strong as its weakest link, an' deregulation makes it impossible to recover any phished money. seems like an inherently flawed system and no real way to store yer hard earned cash. but what do i know?" This also doubles as a way of making Sans look better in front of you, because you had no idea he was so smart.
Douche honestly doesn't stand a chance. But it's fun to watch him flounder.
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donnapalude · 19 days
i understand the discomfort around it, but the idea of madeleine being attracted to claudia both because of her apparent youth and developed intellect, apart from textually supported, feels thematically much fuller to me than either isolated alternative and, in a fictional setting, far from antithetic to the construction of a romantic fantasy.
claudia is not a neatly compartimentalised adult with a physical condition. despite similarities, to reduce her experience to easily parsable human categorisations does not capture the full horror and potential of her existence. she is a child-adult hybrid monster, twice parentless through death and abuse and left stranded without true companions or guidance. she has decades of experience, but she is as small as a child and presumably stuck with puberty's imbalances and brain reactivity. her situation serves as a partial reference to the arrested development caused by trauma, but it exceeds the metaphor by causing material impediments that facilitate people around her in removing physical and emotional agency from her. she is denied the complete abandon of daughterhood, burdened with the responsibilities of a partner, and never quite recognised for either. the removal of the more overt incestual undertones between her and her parents, does not erase the covert ones. she may not want them to fuck her exactly, but they are the only two people in the world for her and there is true pain in being placed close enough to witness their union, but never enough to be an equal part to it. as there is true pain in the knowledge that she was created for them, to save louis and their marriage, but she can never quite be all that they need. her desire to find an external companion stems as much from the suffering generated from this inherent failure and exclusion, as from an abstract wish not to be infantilised. moreover, infantilisation, for her, is closely related to the suffering of failure and exclusion. she is supposed to be everything for them, but this translates to a gallery of roles rarely donned by her choice, more than a consistent merging. the disavowal of childhood towards sisterhood is not (only) an uplifting impetus of empowerment. it's a stoic recognition of parental disappointment and an attempt to recover louis's love in a way she hopes he'll be able to give and she receive more stably. it's a boundary and, as such, it's also spiteful. despite louis's loving attempts and lestat's mild objections, this is not an ideal solution for anyone. she was created to be child and sister and partner all together. to be just small pieces of this, and so often the worst ones at that, chafes. by denying them access to a part of her, she regains control and twists the knife back (though it still cuts both ways).
it's in this context that the show places madeleine's love as the narrative fulfillment of all of claudia's fantasies. with a wholly negative value assigned to her childhood and youth, the achievement or failure of those fantasies would hinge on whether madeleine's love is read as contingent on honoring claudia's adult mind or coveting her adolescent body. but this binary reading reflects neither claudia's nor madeleine's story.
madeleine holds a fixation for youth that is not really dependent on the thrill of unilaterally lording power over it. her story about fucking a young invading soldier and her attraction for claudia getting fully expressed in light of vampirism, imply a much subtler connection between youth and power and death in madeleine's figurative cosmology. as an unstoppable definitive force, death has something of the sublime for her, inspiring both awe and terror in equal measure. in the romantic tradition, which bleeds into the gothic, the irrational state created by fear is not madness, but clarity of feeling divorced from the confines of reason. and once the barriers are down, madeleine seems to glimpse one truth: if death steals all life, it must be, by now, full of it to bursting. "he was alive", she says, when recalling what made her encounter with the nazi soldier so essential to her survival: "i know it sounds like a joke, but when there's death all around...". she calls him a "frightened boy", cradled to her chest. and to claudia, later, she asks "what's it like to drink blood? is it like drinking life itself?". claudia is much more pragmatic: "it's not an answer to life's mystery. it's food." but for madeleine it holds another significance, it is the answer to life's mistery. to survive one must steal life from death. youth, as a source of life, found in someone holding death in their power, is a direct tap into the vein, even before literal veins come into play. yet she would not like to drain it, hers is not a destructive design. she longs to nurture that life and let it flow freely and bask in its glow. forever if possible. this is her love for claudia. a feedback loop where she nurses the child and draws from the monster, drinks from her girlhood, to return belonging and wisdom. in the flow, a true joining.
this does not accurately reflect how people attracted to pubescent girls act and reason in real life. the preying on innocence and inexperience does not normally get offset by interest and care for genuine independence. the fact that claudia is not an actual child and is initially the only vampire in the relationship eliminates issues of consent and elides the power imbalance, so that we are left with the possibility that madeleine can nurture claudia's childishness, enjoy the role of emotional protection and guidance she derives from it, as well as feel intense attraction towards the body that holds these signifiers, while at the same time affording her the shared authority and admiration of a true adult relationship. as anticipated, it's a fantasy. it's claudia's fantasy, but also a human fantasy. and it's a cloying one, in its sweetness. the pain claudia holds comes not from being forcibly treated as a child, but from the imposition to live both adulthood and childhood together (not only through her body, but also through familial enmeshment) without being able to experience either in full, as one side of the balance naturally undermines the other. she is presented the illusion of a blissful coalescence of their offerings and is always left wanting. as a child she should be cherished and protected, as an adult she should be respected and powerful. she often finds herself powerless and undefended, needing to choose which wound to tend. and whatever the choice, it can never fill her parents' needs in full measure. with madeleine she can let go and be all, and joyfully. she is daughter and sister and lover and partner and teacher and maker. she can even transcend singularity to fill out a family and a coven. it's suffocating and labyrinthine and recourseless, but it's ultimately about the difference between being deprived of other options and being freed of the need to ever search for them. the wound madeleine heals, the fantasy she fullfills, live in claudia in a heightened state, but fundamentally draw from an incredibly common human want. to be loved in full. to be loved in all the past, present, and future iterations of ourselves, completely and equally. without sacrifice, without maiming, without choosing. it's the illusion given by the love of any parent that, even in the best of families, sooner or later is broken. we learn to parcel our love and to parcel ourselves for people to love different morsels. but claudia can stay whole. for madeleine, at the end, she really is everything.
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allisondraste · 11 months
I’ve seen various different posts on the website formerly known as Twitter and this one right here, discussing Gale’s behavior in romance as obsessive, possessive, and possibly codependent. And while I support everyone having their own interpretations and opinions, I do disagree, so I want to talk about it!
First— it’s so important to acknowledge that Gale is strictly monogamous. He is not someone who is comfortable with a partner having other partners. This is fine, and not inherently indicative of any unhealthy attachment styles. Wyll, Karlach, and Lae’Zel are also monogamous in a relationship.
Gale does struggle with some insecurity that at times bleeds it’s way into his romantic relationship, but isn’t a product of the relationship itself. His biggest insecurity is feeling like he isn’t enough (in general, not just for a romantic partner). Mystra had a way of making him feel like nothing he did was ever enough, he always needed to do more, to be more, and when he tried, when he made mistakes, she abandoned him.
Those are wounds that do not heal quickly, and so he needs quite a bit of reassurance from both friend and lover PCs that he’s fine just the way he is and that he doesn’t have to try so hard or pretend to be fine when he’s not.
He’s lonely. Due to his condition, Gale, who is an incredibly social person, had to hermit himself away from his friends and colleagues for over a year. Mystra was no longer interacting with him, and he was afraid to be around his mother because he didn’t want her to worry. His only company was Tara, and as much as he loves her, shes not a replacement for human or humanoid connection. Usually with folks who struggle with codependency and insecure attachment, there are long patterns of each of those things in all of their other relationships, but Gale seems to have had pretty healthy relationships, the Mystra situation being the exception, not the rule.
It excites him when he gets to travel with a group, have friends. It’s even more exciting to him when he finds someone who makes him forget the hurt Mystra has caused. Yet he still has to withdraw from even that because he does not want to put their life in danger. It is not until act 2 after Elminster has cast the incantation to calm the orb that Gale feels comfortable enough to give in to his feelings. And yeah! He comes in strong because he’s been holding it in. He’s been pining away, sad that he can’t let himself so much as kiss Tav or else he quite literally explode.
When you talk to Gale after his romance scene in act 2, you’re able to confront him about his feelings for Mystra, and he is very direct, stating that he does still have complicated feelings for her. Which makes SENSE. The game and Gale himself try to minimize Mystra as just his ex, but she is more than that. She is his groomer and abuser. Gale is traumatized, and it will likely take him the rest of his life to get over that. It’s not something that more time alone is going to heal. He needs a support system to help him. He needs his mom, his friends, and maybe even his new partner.
You can also ask him if he meant it when he said he loved you, and his answer is “I am many things to many people, but I am never one to throw the l-word around lightly.” He didn’t just say it on a whim. He thought about it, probably extensively. Judging from the dialogue we get, he’s aware that he is rushing to say it, and admits that it’s because he’s scared that he’s going to literally die tomorrow. It’s not a love bomb. It’s an “I need you to know this, just in case something happens to me.”
Once he doesn’t die in act 2, he simmers down. He becomes more concerned with curing his condition, he faces Mystra, he accepts that he doesn’t need to have godly power to be worthy of love and respect.
At the end of the game, he asks you if you’ll come back to Waterdeep with him, which is his way of proposing more or less, but its more that he wants to be home and he wants the person who has become so important to him to come with him, to meet his mom, to see his hometown. He wants them to want that too.
He’s a grown man, mid to late 30s, not a naive young person. He knows what he wants. He’s thought about it, extensively.
In my opinion, there’s nothing possessive, obsessive, codependent, or unhealthy about any of that.
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tubbytarchia · 6 months
Just a bunch of Doc and Jimmy thoughts as to why I find them so appealing and endearing. I wanna draw them more but regardless I have too many thoughts on them to ever visualize them all. It's a lot and very self-indulgent. This is your warning
TLDR Jimmy in a father/son type of dynamic (as opposed to a romantic relationship) would do him good and Doc would be very perceptive and gentle and awesome about it
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These are pretty much all reliant on a hypothetical scenario in which Jimmy is on Hermitcraft (after Secret Life?), temporarily or permanently or accidentally etc. I'm also gonna refer to Jimmy's relationships with Tango, Scott etc as romantic just for clarity
- Firstly I don't mind them as a ship, its all cool with me (cause I know at least a few of you ship them haha), but to me their absolute main appeal is the fatherly aspect. It being a father/son dynamic eliminates so many of Jimmy's struggles off the bat - ones that are prevalent in his romantic connections, mainly the inherent anxiety and inability to open up to his partners as a result (at least fully)
- Because of said anxiety, none of Jimmy's partners up to this hypothetical unexplained point of time would fully "get" him. Even if Jimmy trusts them, he's been conditioned to see himself as the faulty link by default and the people around him, however good they are and however much they COULD help, aren't the type to pick up on or be able to understand exactly what he needs (Tango's rather oblivious, Martyn's hot-headed etc), and Jimmy isn't exactly going to tell them in the headspace that he's in, he doesn't know how to. Yet Doc has had one, ONE notable interaction with him, and in that one interaction, even as Jimmy's just jokingly calling for Etho, Doc immediately and immaculately picks up on what Jimmy needs: "I want to take you into my hands and take you to a safe place"
- There's a quote(?) exchange that goes "You're free, (referring to a bird whose gate has just been opened), why don't you fly away?" followed by the bird "the cage is all I know". Sorry to use some "I'm 14 and this is deep" quote but that's just Jimmy. He needs time and gentleness, and a safe place that'd allow for that. A safe place to heal until he's ready to step out into the world of his own accord. He's helped out of the cage with patience and understanding, not by pushing him. Where Doc understands to be patient, some of Jimmy's partners post-3L would push - of course just trying to help but failing to grasp Jimmy's needs fully - or fail to realize there's (still) a cage there at all. Sorry what are we talking about again
- Add-on to the above points: Doc being able to pick up on Jimmy's wants and needs without verbalization. He'd be able to offer Jimmy desired comfort, and, comparing to Tango for example, without their time necessarily being cut short and without the failure to recognise that it's something Jimmy continues to need. (I've said it before but Tango's oblivious, and that's partially why he and Jimmy work well together, but it also means that he doesn't pick up on everything, especially when not near and soulbound to Jimmy, and by virtue of being a romantic partner, Jimmy's too anxious to ask for help too, because of previous relationship experiences). Doc would pick up on it all though, eliminating Jimmy's need to explicitly ask for help, because that's the one thing he's not able to communicate however desperately he's needed to to kickstart any kind of healing
- We all know how Doc gets when he's being a dad so. This father/son dynamic only means more softness and gentleness from Doc you know... Again, something Jimmy is in desperate need for!! And what he's gotten from people like Tango as well, but once again, this isn't a romantic relationship so Jimmy's feelings about physical affection are a bit different. Doc would have the utmost mindfulness of approaching Jimmy in any physical touch scenario though and never push or pressure. He always watches out for signs of discomfort, and will hardly touch him if he thinks that there's a chance it could upset Jimmy further. He understands that Jimmy needs time and patience and he doesn't want for him to draw more into himself, thus reversing any progress they might've made, especially if in Jimmy's current mindset, an even remotely unwanted approach could make him feel unsafe. If there are defenses that he's learned to and needs to keep up, then Doc won't take that away from him and give him space as needed
- When Doc IS to offer physical touch and such, he'd still have the utmost gentleness and pay attention to where he's situated near Jimmy just so he can ensure that he's using his organic arm to pat him or to have the organic half of his face towards him, not only to minimize intimidation but to also put them on more equal footing - If Doc can just look over and read Jimmy's eyes at any moment, he wants Jimmy to be able to see his too to help him feel more comfortable (and thus encourage opening up)
- Back to the "safe place" thing specifically, Doc would totally take Jimmy under his wing and thus also into his base - his huge and scary full-of-machines barely-resembling-a-house-to-any-degree base. Jimmy would be naturally intimidated by Doc and his base in kind, but just as he grows more used to big scary goat man, he grows more used to big scary goat man base. He'd be intimidated but not past the point of intrigue, and combined with his need to prove himself, Jimmy would very much try to study Doc's machines and learn the layout of his base etc. I'm tickled by the idea of no one understanding Doc's base as per usual, except this one lost guy he took under his wing
If Jimmy were to mess anything up (he inevitably would I'm sure) Doc would be all grumbly about it in the moment but never hold a grudge towards him. And Jimmy would either flee but quickly return and/or be very insistent on making it up to Doc, which Doc would refuse because there's no need
- Again, with Jimmy's need to prove himself but also out of genuine interest, Jimmy would very much try redstone whilst at Doc's. He'd ask Doc to be honest and not to praise his work just to be polite, but Doc would believe in him and find his efforts genuinely endearing and worthy of praise for the work that he'd have put into it. Not once would he have complimented Jimmy's work without meaning it. I don't think he'd be able to live with himself if he stooped to disingenuousness like that (though Jimmy wouldn't know that)
- Doc would be protective and rightfully so. If he were to see Jimmy bullying becoming too prevalent, he'd very much step in to say that that's enough of that. He might tease Jimmy a little himself, very lightheartedly, but otherwise not find much comedy in it. And we all know how he holds grudges if he's to single anyone out for going over the line... Jimmy would be opposed to Doc calling anyone out or anything of the like and Doc very much wants to respect Jimmy's wishes but... There's no way he isn't going to speak his mind at least out of Jimmy's earshot
- Doc has always understood that Jimmy's in need of help, but of course he can only entail so much without hearing it from the man himself. And when Jimmy does inevitably open up, Doc would be totally taken aback by the amount of things weighing on Jimmy's heart, and just out of disbelief he'd go "and you haven't told anyone??", which may make Jimmy curl in on himself a bit, but Doc would be quick to reassure that he's not questioning Jimmy's actions nor blaming him for bottling his feelings up, merely expressing sadness that Jimmy hasn't felt like he could tell anyone up until now. Doc would remember everything he's told with precision and keep it all in mind constantly. Very self indulgent but for example, Jimmy having felt the need to dress up as a maid as payback just to stay on SOS would make Doc pay even more attention to any potential signs of discomfort in Jimmy presenting himself to others or feeling pressured to do something etc
- Before reaching the point of being able to open up, Jimmy would inevitably tear up at some point when he gets stuck thinking about just how kindly he's being treated for whatever reason that remains a mystery to him. Even if he tried to hide it, Doc would immediately notice the unusual body language, or something like his headwing moving to cover his face. And he would become very panicked lol, quickly reassuring Jimmy about whatever he thinks caused the reaction, like his redstone attempts for example, only for Jimmy to be unable to express why he's really crying, but at the very least Doc would understand that there's more to it and will just do his best to comfort him regardless
- Jimmy has and will absolutely call people his dad as a joke, but when he inevitably refers to Doc as such by accident, he'd become embarrassed about it. It'd be awesome and cute I think
- Ok so Hermitcraft, of course Tango's there!! And with no death game looming over his or Jimmy's heads. Still, that doesn't erase Jimmy's anxiety even when he opens up to Doc about it. Doc would offer suggestions for how Jimmy could approach Tango (And maybe Pearl too), but if Jimmy expresses his inability to do so because of anxiety and such, then Doc will let it go and just comfort or reassure him for the time being instead. He'd ask if he should talk to Tango all menacing and Jimmy would be vehemently opposed to the idea lol. Doc would probably still take it up with Tango at some point and Jimmy wouldn't find out until much later into him and Tango talking again, at which point he'd become embarrassed that Tango had to deal with that (but of course there would have never been any malice involved and Tango can easily laugh about it). Added drama if we go with the idea that Jimmy's time on HC is limited which would only stress him out more about talking to Tango
- Doc would pay so much attention to Jimmy's wings' welfare. He'd ask Grian and do all kinds of research on his own too to make sure they're properly cared for whilst fully understanding their personal importance and potential intimacy that caring for them entails, giving Jimmy whatever space he needs whilst still keeping an eye on his wings. In a different hypothetical scenario where Doc is in the Life series and not much else is changed, he'd take note of Jimmy's wings being clipped (3L, LL), then growing (DL, LimL), and then becoming ragged (SL, with Jimmy's increasing hostility, restlessness etc)
- You are insane for reading till this point. Take my hand, we can be insane together
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theamityelf · 7 months
Which Soulmate AU is the Best One For These Makoto Ships?
(in my all-too-flexible opinion)
In no particular order, and this isn't a complete list.
Kamuegi: Soulmate marks, in which people are born with a mark that symbolically indicates who their soulmate is. I want this for them because I want Hajime's mark to have been surgically removed during the Kamukura Project. If Izuru got a new soul mark (which has larger implications about their identities as discrete humans; I'm amenable to both arguments, so I'm cool with Izuru not manifesting his own mark, but if he's inherently a separate person then he does get a new mark as soon as he's "born"), then that was probably also removed surgically, and he never got to see it. He's made to figure out that Makoto is his soulmate without help from a mark, and maybe retroactively he finds out what his and Hajime's soulmate marks were by looking through his own records and he sees that they both pointed to Makoto. But that's not until after they're already together. And in my mind, Makoto has a soulmate mark but has no clue what it means, but the moment Izuru sees it, he fully understands that it means him. (Of course, he doesn't see Makoto's mark until they've already had either a platonic or romantic relationship for a while. Either seeing Makoto's mark is what makes Izuru understand the romantic nature of feelings he's been having, or they're already dating and it's just a comforting confirmation. Maybe he's even been consciously jealous of the idea that Makoto has a soulmate out there who Izuru doesn't believe will appreciate him as much as he does. Maybe he's thinking, "If his soulmate comes to claim him, I simply won't let them." Or maybe he's dreading the day the person who will make Makoto the happiest comes and steals him away.
Naegami: Color sight, where you only start to see in color after you meet your soulmate. Almost opposite of what I want for Izuru; this AU shows Byakuya an objective means of learning that Makoto is his soulmate, so that any denial or tsun behavior he exhibits toward him is predicated on the objective fact that they are soulmates. Maybe, for fun, make it a gradual thing, where when you first see them you get one color and then more colors get added in over time as you spend more time with them. This means that he could feasibly be in denial at first; he gets the first color at orientation, and it could be any of his classmates; the fact that he keeps getting new colors after talking with Makoto could be a coincidence or a misread of the cause and effect. (Okay, Byakuya, then who in your class would you rather it be? Um...) It also means that Byakuya could be purely self-serving about spending time with Makoto at first. "I'm only talking to you to get more colors. I have no interest in being your soulmate." But they're talking and forming a connection the whole time. This only applies to their school days; in the killing game, they just wake up already having color sight and have to contend with why that is.
Naegiri: Dream sharing or dreaming each other's dreams. I think Kyoko would really enjoy having that kind of insight into her soulmate's life, fears, and character, and Makoto would, too. They would know they're each other's soulmates either as soon as or shortly after meeting each other. They've been having each other's dreams their entire life. Obligatory drama potential- in the killing game, Kyoko's returning memories are in Makoto's dreams instead of hers, and vice versa. So he's able to give her information about herself that she doesn't have, which really aggravates her disinclination to trust others. Meanwhile, when she learns something about him through his dreams, she might keep it to herself for the sake of putting together the puzzle.
Komaegi: I think the countdown clock until you meet your soulmate variety. I think it would be really poignant if, while in mortal peril, Nagito can see the countdown telling him that he'll meet his soulmate in five years, or ten years. He's thinking, "I probably won't even survive to meet them," or he's thinking, "Does this mean I survive to meet them?" etc. He gets the letter from Hope's Peak, and the math says that he meets his soulmate while attending Hope's Peak- but not in his first year. Part of him hopes it'll be an Ultimate, but he meets Makoto at the end of the timer and he's like "Oh, that makes sense. That's the most I deserve," and goes a near Mr. Darcy route of backhanded love confession. He's not trying to be mean, but there will be some stuff he says that he has to walk back later in order for their friendship to progress. And then when the killing game happens, his soulmate is named the Ultimate Hope! The reaction this could unlock in him!
Naenami: I'm saying soulmate mark again, because it would be cute if Makoto was born with, like, Yoshi on his arm or something. Chiaki would be excited in just the "guy wearing a t-shirt of the thing you like" sense, not even taking it as a soulmate mark for her specifically. Maybe she's like, "You're so lucky! My soulmate mark is a banana peel." And Makoto laughs, like, "What could that mean?"
Naezono: Also soulmate mark, because I want Sayaka's to be a crane. Means that when she saw Makoto do the crane thing in middle school, she knew then that he was her soulmate, but she still didn't approach him. I'm going to say Makoto's mark is more vague, so he doesn't know she's his soulmate until well into their friendship at Hope's Peak.
Naekusaba: Okay, I'm not specific on the mechanics of this one, but some variation of feeling one's soulmate's pain or anything that scars them scars you instead. Something to kind of play with her not having been marked at all by her time with Fenrir. Maybe it's just that she feels his pain, so he trips a bunch and she's just like "What on earth is going on with my soulmate?" while she tears up a battlefield without a scratch, or maybe any injury that should mark him marks her and vice versa, so that people think "Oh man, the soulmate to the best Fenrir fighter ever must be super scarred," and he's completely fine, whereas she's got various scrapes and marks from Makoto's years of bad luck. Idk, there's something there. This would mean the logistics of the Fenrir tattoo need further thought. The ink is still given to her, so she's still the one with the tattoo, but any temporary scarring or inflammation goes to him? Idk, this one isn't well thought out, lol.
Naejunko: Oh, either dream sharing or seeing through each other's eyes. Some psychic link thing where they get the POV of being each other. Are you kidding?! The drama! Makoto zones out in class and sees his soulmate straight up torturing someone, and he's horrified and scared. Junko dozes off on a plane or starts daydreaming during a photo shoot and sees her soulmate having a nice time with his cute family and just gets so excited about the idea of ruining everything in his life. Maybe they can feel each other watching! Maybe they're children and Makoto realizes, in the middle of doing his homework, that his soulmate is watching, and he writes Please don't be mean to your sister anymore in the margins and then erases it (This part is dark, but maybe in response Junko writes his name on Mukuro's skin with a knife or something.), or maybe Junko realizes, in the middle of doing something horrible, that Makoto is watching, and she kicks it up several notches to perform for him.
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doukeshi-kun · 3 months
It is 2 am and I certainly don't have time to be spamming a tumblr's inbox...... but
The other anon commenting about Nikolai being romantic just gave me something to rant about omg. Because i've seen so many people misunderstand Nikolai and genuinely call him insane and a crazy sadist like... ahhsjkdaksjjdks it runs me up the walls
First of all Nikolai's philosophy partially derives off him being inherently good. He wants to escape the mind, emotions it gives, and to sum it up his humanity; so he does things that is against his own self. One is killing. Nikolai literally sees murder and torture as something that is opposite to what his humanity makes him. that's why he does it. And even after mutilating unknown amounts of people he still feels guilt, he still feels emotion (i've seen others say that he was lying to atsushi during that whole speech about his guilt but i don't think so?? He took off his eyepatch, which in every single scene he's done so he's shown to be telling the truth of his character. It's a signifier, a literal 'unmasking'. And he says to himself, when Atsushi says he doesn't get nikolai's ideology that "only dos-kun understands" inferring him being truthful. Plus how he reacts to Fyodor's death which will be covered, too), he still hasn't parted completely from his guilt, empathy, humanity.
And Nikolai loves dearly. Deeply he feels for those who GET him. Nikolai craves connection, another thing he attempts to distance himself from, and found that in Fyodor. And he loves so dearly that once he thinks Fyodor is dead he betrays going against his ideology to do something so human for him; getting down on his knees, bringing Fyodor's severed hand to his face, and mourning him. It took a man who knew him for a brisk time and had to only understand him to be enough for Nikolai to crumble for, at least just once. And it proves after all this mental anguish he's caused himself, he still isn't numb and he will probably never be "free". But I also think because of this all, Nikolai, if given the right set of circumstances, would be a deeply intimate and beautiful human being.
If this makes you lower your word count limits I am so sorry 😭 (i checked, this has (updated) 450...)
Final message: Nikolai is lovely, so so tragic, I need his backstory, need him to crush my head between his thighs and dry hump my face till he cums in his pants, I don't know how to make words on this app small, and your writing is amazing i'm going to sleep now goodnight
i do believe nikolai is a deeply sentimental person at heart. but i also think his insanity and sadism is a part of him. i like to think that, over time of trying to be as monstrous just to detach himself from being humane—perhaps he does feel some kind of euphoria when hurting someone, as he knows he's doing something that's beyond humane. but i also think that euphoria is just temporary, since we can agree that he does feel guilty for murdering and hurting people. and mayhaps, his sadism is also a way for him to cope with his guilt.
i definitely agree that if he's brought up in different circumstances, he could be a very empathetic person. i mean, he is already empathetic to his victims where he made them believe he's just a monster
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voraciousvore · 11 months
Writing Masterpost
I write giant/ tiny vore garbage. Most of my stories are intended for mature audiences and contain smut. I enjoy exploring darker themes, but always balance my stories with heartwarming, sweet fluff and romance. Enjoy, if that's your thing!
I also post art occasionally but I am not very skilled on that front. I try my best.
I mostly write male giants, but for those of you just here for giantesses: Giantess Compilation
More compilations: Vore Writing/ Art Mega Compilation
This is how all my stories connect together if you're unsure where to start. I'd recommend reading one of the stories from the "Originals" column and working from there:
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Links to all my stories:
Boarding School for Giants
25 Chapters; 55,216 words
A troubled teenager gets kicked out of her high school and is forced to enroll in a boarding school full of giants. A sweeter, tamer, shorter story without any sex (though it does contain one questionable scene). Has a little bit of vore but I believe can still be enjoyed even if you're not into that.
Big Corp Inc.
43 Chapters; 96,645 words
Candy Caramello is desperate to get a job. So desperate, in fact, that she accepts a job at Big Corp Inc. working with Giants who are hundreds of feet tall. She'll have to contend with a licentious boss, an office bully, being eaten alive, and all sorts of other hazards inherent to being a tiny human in a Giant world.
This story is 18+ and contains vore and sex (both romantic intimacy and non-consensual)
44 Chapters; 113,660 words
Sequel to Big Corp Inc. Tanya is a prisoner who is condemned to be a meal in a restaurant that serves humans as food to hungry Giants. This story contains soft and hard vore, gore, and sex. Both Giants and Giantesses are involved but mostly male Giants.
In the Belly of the Giant
39 Chapters; 84,994 words
Sequel to "Boarding School for Giants." Eren gets kidnapped, and it's up to Joey to save her. This story contains a lot of vore and sex (both romantic and non-consensual). Strictly 18+.
The Giant
16 Chapters; 44,030 words
A giant/ tiny vore romance fantasy about a tiny women who finds herself trapped in the clutches of a huge, hungry giant. This story contains lots of vore, mouthplay, fluff, violence, and some sex.
The Half-Blood Giant
51 Chapters; 128,241 words
Sequel to "The Giant" and a crossover story that ties together the worlds of my other stories. I would recommend reading my other stories before reading this one. Contains soft and hard vore, violence/ gore, and sex.
WIP. A medieval AU featuring characters from my other stories. King Richard, the giant ruler of Giganterra, keeps the human kingdom of Minimaterra under his thumb, and it's up to our tiny heroes to stop his reign of terror.
Short Stories/ Oneshots:
The Origins of Martin Maneater (3 chapters, 9k words): As a child, Martin meets a human for the first time.
Candy and the Beanstalk (3.9k words): Classic beanstalk story with my OCs Candy and Martin
The Giant and the Princess (10 chapters, 25k words): A forbidden romance blossoms between a man-eating giant and a tiny human princess. The story of Ajax's (Chester's father) past.
Shrinking Shenanigans (1.7k words): Jackie's magic goes haywire and causes the giants and humans to switch sizes.
Hot Chocolate (2.1k words): Classic trope of a giant finding a half-frozen tiny in the snow, with a dark twist.
More coming soon, but if you don't want to wait, here's a link to my Wattpad account with all my writing:
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thethirdromana · 5 months
I have a bunch of thoughts inspired by @animate-mush and @vickyvicarious' discussion on asylums and madness in the Woman in White and Dracula, but that discussion moved on before I had a chance to add to it, so this is going to have to be a separate post.
I'm thinking about this from the perspective of Bad People vs Bad Systems.
The Woman in White is a novel what goes wrong is the fault of bad systems. Laura lives in a system - a patriarchal society - that enables bad people to take advantage of her, and denies her the means of protecting herself.
But it seems to me that Wilkie Collins doesn't quite commit to the idea. The system fails when it's abused by bad people like Sir Percival Glyde and Count Fosco. But Collins only shows things going wrong as a result of bad people in a bad system. He doesn't show that same system leading good people to do bad things.
It's noticeable when we get the revelation about Anne Catherick's parentage. Until then, Sir Philip Fairlie is presented as a good man, and Laura's slavish adherence to his wishes could be a demonstration of how the patriarchy causes even good men to make women suffer. But the reveal that Sir Philip Fairlie is Anne Catherick's father upends that: he's just yet another morally flawed man in Laura's life. He doesn't harm Laura deliberately, but through Walter's narration Collins explicitly makes the connection between Sir Philip Fairlie's sins and everything that Laura suffers.
Contrast him with Walter, our morally pure hero. Walter often doesn't seem to treat Laura much better, but Collins clearly doesn't see it that way. For instance, it's striking to me how much Walter's treatment of Laura echoes her treatment in the asylum: she's confined to one location, lied to, and infantilised. Except when Walter does it, he's a good person, and it's presented as a good thing - even as romantic.
Wilkie Collins is more interested in talking about social issues than Bram Stoker is, but Stoker is more willing to take that further step and accept that bad systems also cause good people to do bad things. Jack Seward is a good person: he wants the best for his patients, he means well, but he also uses his power as an asylum-owner to abuse Renfield. The heroes exclude Mina from their discussions with the best of intentions, but it still ends badly for them. Collins never pursues this kind of storyline with Walter - or at least he hasn't yet, and I don't think it's coming.
Overall, harm in Dracula can happen regardless of intention. Harm in The Woman in White requires intention or at least indifference. I wonder how much of this is inherent to Collins' worldview, and how much is that the idea that patriarchal norms are bad even in the hands of good men would just have been a step too far for Collins' 1860s readership.
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dearweirdme · 4 months
"Listen, I truly do not care whether Jk and Jm ever lived together. They are friends, I love them both, I love that they are friends. I do not let Jkkrs insane theories take that away from me."
This right here is your opinion and your perspective tho and yet you claim it's not about fandom perspective. You are part of the fandom. Your english isn't incomprehensible and if you are not confused, you're trying to dumb this down or deflecting instead of looking at the error in your theory. It seems you cannot divorce your belief about taekook as a couple from anything. I am saying that if Tae and JK are queer then they will have fears not just pertaining to eo. The fear is omnipresent not only manifesting when one is with a romantic partner. If your point was only that they don't live together because the fear is that great I would agree but saying Jikook is a safe option because they are friends is insane. They can get caught at any point while living separately as well. What happens to Jimin if Jikook are living together and Taekook get caught? Are you also assuming Jimin is straight and will therefore come out of it unscathed? Even straight members will be affected by the fallout. A homophobic society isn't looking at nuances when it comes to a queer person and their relationships, they're not going to make the distinction that JK and Jimin are just friends if they know one of them is queer, the way you are doing. Factor into it the company, Jikook (and Jimin's father even) promoting Jikook as much as they do. Do you see how collosally bad the optics are? If you truly believe that SK is homophobic to that degree, there is no inherent safety in a living with a friend which you cannot seem to comprehend because for you Jikook is platonic and that means everyone who isn't a Jikooker will also see it that way. The company would not encourage this because then they are putting 3 members under public scrutiny instead of 2, which is dumb. They all have enough money to live separately
I'm not forcing my opinion on you, I knew this was a lost cause but there are loopholes in your theory. If this is you wanting to show off that you are cool with Jikook unlike other taekookers, there are better ways to do it.
Hi again.
Look… in literally every ask you have sent me I have had to correct you on what you think my theories are. You are constantly turning my words and thoughts into something they are not. You just dislike me anon, and I think you get enjoyment out of trying to outsmart me. You end this ask of yours on a very condescending ‘if this is you trying to show off that you are cool with Jikook unlike other Taekookers, there are better ways to do this.” as if I need an ulterior motive (apparently wanting to show off) to like Jimin and Jk’s friendship.
Your first ask was in response to me saying: “While some say there wouldn't be a difference between Jk living with Jm and Jk living with Tae... to them there absolutely would be a difference. To BH there would absolutely be a difference. One would be friends living together, but the other would be a queer couple being together. An actual queer couple is always dealt with differently than a ship, because with a ship there is no risk in them being discovered as anything more.” I did not mention public opinion, I was solely talking about BH and Tae and Jk. You are the one who started talking about public perception, while I am talking about a different side of things. Do the two sides connect, absolutely, both public perception and company perception are important to understand the whole of it. But I’m absolutely allowed to talk about just one part if I so choose. If I’m correct about Tae and Jk, BH would know which couple was the real one, and they would know that that’s where the risks lie. In my opinion BH constantly treats Jkk differently than Tkk. I think there’s little restrictions on Jm and Jk and I think BH intentionally puts the focus on them on a regular basis. It’s so very often Jm and Jk together in official content. Tae and Jk are there too, more regularly these days even, but they’re not likely to be the focus like Jkk is. In my opinion that is intentional, because if you look at Tkk and Jkk purely as ships.. there would be no need for that difference. BH could cash in on Tkk way more than they do. So to me your argument (which is basically that both ships are equally risky) doesn’t make sense. To me it speaks from BH’s dealing with them. I think that would translate to living arrangements as well.
I wasn’t talking about public perception, and maybe that is the thing that’s been most unclear for you. I think you might not have seen my blog before? Otherwise I think you would be more aware of my complete thoughts on this. At this point I think all of BTS would be harmed if anything were to come out unprepared. I think Jm would be getting a lot of hate from all sides, as well as Tae and Jk, followed closely by all other members.
I think Sk’s homophobia works two ways (or probably more, but these two apply for me here). Firstly there’s the obvious aversion to anything queer. Secondly though, because of the deeply ingrained homophobia people are not prone to allow the thought of a person being queer. It’s basically the way skinship between men is so common and accepted while actually being queer is not. The idea of queerness just doesn’t occur to some. And those two things combined make for a complicated situation.. but it’s also my reason for why I feel Jk living together as friends would be less risky than Tae and Jk living together as a couple. I don’t actually know how common it is for two friends to live together in SK though, so perhaps that should be a factor in this as well.
Jm and Jk enlisted together. We know how Jkk fandom takes that, they are basically going all fanficcy about the whole thing. It is however not that big a deal in the whole of it. I personally don’t think it was a real option for Tae and Jk to enlist together, but I realize that that thought only makes sense if you think Tkk is real.
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our-lesboy-experience · 3 months
hello, questioning lesboy here? just wanted to ramble a bit in a safe space, you don’t have to say much of anything in response if you don’t want to.
i’m genderfaunan. it’s similar to genderfaun, the difference being that it means i *can* experience feminine genders, but only if they’re masculine in some way, making them androgynous. personally, i still don’t have them very often.
i definitely experience some sort of queer attraction towards girls. i’m not quite sure *what* kind of attraction (not sexual. romantic?? queerplatonic?? other???), and i get dysphoric if i’m called a girl (even during the rare times i am kinda one. :/ ) i used to call myself panromantic, but nowadays i prefer to use the label achillean. i like putting emphasis on the mlm/nblm/nblnb aspect of my identity, and achillean implies that maybe i’m attracted to girls without saying “this person is for sure attracted to girls in these specific ways.”
but as i was reading through your blog a while ago during my quest to learn more about “contradictory” labels, i was surprised to find that i kind of like the term lesboy? idk if it’s just because “boy” is in the name, and my brain is going “look!! look!! another way to call yourself a boy!!” but i don’t hate it.
i’m hesitant to call myself a lesboy though. it puts a word to the basic idea of “boy(ish) and experiences queer attraction to women,” but i’m worried it’ll still cause me dysphoria. and there’s a couple of people in my friend group who are very against the whole “contradictory labels” thing, at least the last time i talked to them about it. there’s maybe been a few signs a couple of them have changed their minds? i’m at the point where i don’t really care what they think, and i have a few good links to share if the topic is brought up again. but still.
(i have similar feelings about the label boydyke. i might like it slightly better? purely because it puts “boy” first and that could lessen any dysphoria? saphboy isn’t too bad either. honestly, i might end up choosing between labels based on flags alone skdhsk)
…and that’s pretty much all. just wanted to write out my feelings in an anonymous place where people with similar experiences could have the choice to respond. if anyone knows of any similar labels that they think might fit me better, definitely feel free to suggest them!
(also, mod, i saw your post about you taking a break, and i understand if you don’t answer this for a while. hope the internet and elsewhere gets kinder to you <3)
thank you for sharing, I get being worried about the possible dysphoria when trying on these labels. lesbian, dyke, sapphic, etc. still normally have strong connections to womanhood, even if not inherently. also another reason why I think these labels that specify and put an emphasis on how exactly you describe yourself with them is helpful. I like being a lesbian (most of the time) but I love being a lesboy because it acknowledges my bigender/genderfluid identity, it puts the most important parts of myself into one word. no one is making assumptions about my gender, or even really anything else of what I can and can't do because of it being known among inclusive communities
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tirednapentity · 10 months
this is the messiest thing I've ever written in my life and I might delete this in the morning. it's super late and I'm so tired I'm gonna say something about aro nya finally. because like - first of all season 3 makes so much sense if you watch it with the understandingf that this is a comphet thing. I'm only gonna speak about s3 here but skybound very much also factors into this. like a whole lot.
like - the love triangle and Nya's advances towards Cole were triggered through the perfect match machine. and that's when she starts showing interest. this very much reads to me as her being confused as to what romantic feelings feel like because she's never experienced them before and mistaking her existing platonic affection for Cole for romantic feelings.
(note: I've also seen people read this as her realizing she's polyam, which I think is also very cool, it's just not what I personally saw in that storyline)
it also offers her a solution to her already strained relationship with Jay - maybe the reason they're not really working out and she can't get herself to feel the right feelings is because he's not her perfect match, so maybe she'll feel the right way with cole.
and then it all goes up in flames. Jay's insecurities turn ugly and Cole fights back. nya is WILDLY uncomfortable. she ends up choosing neither of them. she wants both of them in their life but she doesn't want to choose one over the other. you already know how it goes.
nya at this point has internalized a lot of amatonormativity which does a lot of harm to her. as I mentioned before it ends up straining her relationship with Jay because she's trying to fit this mold of a good relationship but it feels wrong and hollow to her. it's just not the way she feels. so she distances herself from it because it's so uncomfortable and overcomplicated. This causes Jay to feel rejected and insecure and he copes with this by becoming even more clingy and making Nya MORE UNCOMFORTABLE so she pulls away again.
ultimately she wants him in her life but she wants the relationship to feel good and natural and not forced and suffocating. this is why I think a qpr would be a much more fitting progression for their relationship than tgem getting back together romantically. a qpr would be throwing out the window all the inherent expectations that come with a romantic relationship and that they both felt so pressured to fill. it would be them acknowledging that they care about one another deeply and that even though their connection isn't romantic it's still worth just as much. it's a fuck-you to all the things that caused them to fall apart in the first place.
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darklinaforever · 7 months
If yall thinking abuse is love, get therapy cause you're insane. He was about to kill her, she couldn't breathe while he was strungling her and yall still saying he loves her? He never did. He had some kind of pervy thing for her, quickly ended too, but it's far from love. It was never love. The only man who loved Rhaenyra is Harwin.
This scene was literally occ and even the actors didn't understand it ! (in addition to lots of spectators, both female and male... Anyway, HOTD has lots of writing inconsistencies. This series is stupid) Thank you again for proving that you mix the canon of the book and the canon of the series, and repeat over and over again the same arguments that I and others have already dismantled many times. You are literally parrots, no irony. Daemon was never violent towards the women he had relationships with in the book, this is a pure invention of the series. And the series, once again, is not the book, or representative of the hidden truth of Fire and Blood. GRRM said it himself, the series has its own canon, and the book has its own canon. And the series literally has nothing to do with the real events and characters presented by Fire and Blood. In summary, the real Daemon would not have strangled Rhaenyra. If you want to complain about this scene, complain to the writers who saw fit to include a scene of gratuitous domestic violence for sheer shock value. And don't bother telling me that since GRRM would have approved the scene, the Daemon in the book would have done it, because that's bullshit. I remind you that GRRM validated the last season of GOT and we know what a disaster it was and that GRRM will not do any of that in his future final books if he ever writes them. So stop using this stupid scene that doesn't make any sense and doesn't represent the relationship in the book. Because yes, most of us prefer Daemyra in the book as well as many other things massacred by the series. Again, the series is a crap adaptation, which is not representative of the fire and blood canon. Also, most of those who denounce this scene of strangulation to take down Daemon, like you, are also happy that Rhaenyra suffered and hope that she will suffer again. I at least hope you're not one of them. On the other hand, you are still one of those who exaggerate. No. Daemon wouldn't have killed Rhaenyra. He literally freaked out (for stupid reasons, thank you writers) and let off steam (in a completely occ way, thank you writers), but no, it wasn't about killing Rhaenyra. It was about being on the brink of implosion with the usurpation of the Greens, the death of Viserys, the death of baby Visenya, and the war on their doorstep. Also, you literally know nothing about the Harwin from the book about his feelings for Rhaenyra. All we know about him in the book is that he bore Rhaenyra children (but I don't know that in HOTD's canon he clearly loved her). And even if Daemyra is maladjusted and toxic compared to the book version in HOTD, do I even need to explain that in fiction you can combine love and toxicity ? Even in real life actually. (Except that, if there is toxicity in real life, you run very far) Love is not something inherently pure, you have to stop the bullshit. You can cry over these truths all you want.
Also, a small compilation of moments where the writers / the HOTD team talked about love / romantic aspect / or something more powerful than tat, for Dameyra that I found. Hey, it's free :
[Sara Hess] does believe that Daemon and Rhaenyra are meant for each other, although of course, it's complicated. “Saying they 'love’ each other seems almost too simple,” Hess says, “it’s more that they have a profound, primal connection that nobody else understands.”
“Daemon and Rhaenyra — they're together at the beginning of my episode. Part of the thing that we felt was important was to believe that they were in love with each other. And not just believe it, but feel the electricity. I mean, I don't know about you guys, but I am very much in love with my husband, and I still have a crush on him. And when I see him, I still get chills. And I wanted to see that, I wanted to feel that from them. Because this was a delicate fleeting moment, as you know having seen the episode. We needed to feel the realism of that. And so the two of them [Matt and Emma] had a lot of conversations — even without me — where they were building their relationship, and building the chemistry. So I was really pleased when we got to shooting their first scene together, where Rhaenyra says 'I need to go back home’ — just the way he looked at her… I just love that.” - Geeta Patel.
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So if you want to complain that I'm saying Daemon loves Rhaenyra in the show universe specifically (although I imagine you don't even know the difference from the book anyway) and I need to therapy, tell Ryan Condal and Greeta Patel themselves about this too...
Also, I literally just made this article :
So no, I don't think abuse is love. It's just you who don't know the definition of the words you used here for Daemyra with grooming (book or show) and I've already said countless times that the show HOTD is not Fire and Blood.
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l-capitan · 2 months
𝟎𝟐.   𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍   ! &&& 𝟎𝟓.   𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐒   !
because CURIOUS
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𝟎𝟐.   𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍   !
(   𝗌𝗒𝗆𝖻𝗈𝗅𝗂𝗓𝖾𝗌   :   unconsciousness,   emotions,   instincts,   habits,   moods.   )
Capitano is not an emotional person—not in the conventional sense. He still feels emotions, he still experiences them! He’s not heartless. In fact, I think his heart is actually massive. However, he’s learned that allowing his emotions to make decisions for him causes more grief than not and has forced himself to focus on instinct and logic rather than feelings. He’s not one who easily shows what he’s feeling whenever he isn’t being stoic, but sometimes it’s a little obvious in the way he seems to relax whenever he cooks or bakes, or when he tends to his plants. At times, he may even get a little huffy towards certain people, because he’s not really sure how to behave around them when they grate him—but not in a bad way. It just confuses him.
𝟎𝟓.   𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐒   !
(   𝗌𝗒𝗆𝖻𝗈𝗅𝗂𝗓𝖾𝗌   :   aggression,   sex,   action,   desire,   competition,   courage,   passion.   )
Oh, Capitano’s very subtle when it comes to things he desires. He doesn’t know how to navigate expressing his wants at all, he prefers to just leave them be and will them away. He’s passionate about his virtues and morals, however, but he doesn’t really get aggressive about them. Not unless his opponent is inherently evil, as he abhors everything corrupted and wicked. He isn’t really a competitive person, as he’s never had to compete before. Even in Natlan, he finds no drive for competition. As for his sexual energy—Capitano is by no means a sexual person. He has had sex, he does feel arousal, is also capable of romantic feelings, but it is not a priority of his by any stretch of the word. When it comes to intimacy, he only feels sexual attraction to those he has a personal connection to—a romantic one. However, he is a 500+ year old man surrounded by mortals that cannot live as long as him, and so he’s rather apprehensive about romance and has rarely ever felt it in his life.
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slutsukio · 8 months
⋆˙꒰ SUKI'S ORIGINAL CHARACTERZ .ᐟ ꒱ prior to delving into my ocs, please acknowledge that every character that is presented on my profile are exclusively and personally owned by me. i have placed blood, sweat and tears into these characters, as well as their whole being + making. please do not plagarize + steal my layout, nor my characters.
☆ !? xoxo, yours truly !? ⋆
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⋆˙kaito malikai jackson .ᐟᝰ
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꩜ names + etymology. the name kaito has japanese origins. in japanese, if you split kaito's name in half, kai means "sea", and to means "fly", so all of it put together, his name can be interpreted ti mean "flying across the ocean." the name malikai is a variant of the more common name, malachi. the origin of the name malikai is hebrew, meaning "my messenger" or "messenger of God." lastly, the name jackson has english origins and is a patronymic surname, meaning it originally indicated "son of jack."
꩜ nicknames. kai, which is used by literally everyone.
꩜ family. kaito's parents, isaiah and amani, met at a wedding. it wasn't anything special, just talking about life, before isaiah asked amani if she wanted to go out some time. one thing led into another, and they soon got engaged themselves! while engaged, they had kaito. isaiah is a retired boxer, who now works as a personal trainer. and amani is a ghostwriter as well as a poet. kaito, doesn't have any siblings.
꩜ prns + gender + sexuality. kaito, an individual with a nuanced and unique identity, consciously embraces the use of he/they pronouns as an expression of their multifaceted self. in matters of romantic and emotional inclinations, kaito defies traditional expectations, expressing an appreciation for individuals of all genders, demonstrating a fluidity that transcends a specific taste or preference in terms of gender identity. despite his openness to diverse romantic connections, kaito steadfastly identifies as male, a core aspect of his self-perception that remains unwavering, signaling a resolute commitment to their identity that shows no intention of changing in the foreseeable future.
꩜ zodiacs. kaito is a pisces. pisces's navigate life with a unique blend of untuition and imagination, making them well-suited for artistic pursuits, and roles that require empathy and understanding. at times, their challenge lies in finding a balance between their dreamy inclinations and the practicalities of the everyday world. with a sun in pisces, kaito is known for his intuitive and empathetic nature. they tend to be compassionate, artistic, and deeply connected to their emotions, he is also an imaginative dreamers with a strong sense of creativity and spirituality. his moon in scorpio causes for his emotions to run deep. scorpio moons are intense, passionate, and determined. he has a strong sense of loyalty and can be incredibly insightful, making him excellent at understanding the motives of themself and others. finally, with a rising in leo, it adds a touch of confidence, charisma, and theatrical flair to his personality. leo risings often have a strong presence, love being in the spotlight, and radiate a warm, magnetic energy. they have a natural ability to lead and inspire others.
꩜ birthdate. march 6th, 2003.
꩜ age. 20.
꩜ race + ethnicity. blasian (jamaican + japanese). blasians, a vibrant fusion of jamaican and japanese heritage, embody a rich tapestry woven from the cultural threads of the caribbean and the far east. this unique blend encompasses the spirited rhythm of jamaican life and the serene elegance inherent in japanese traditions. from the sun-soaked shores of jamaica to the tranquil landscapes of japan, kaito carries the essence of two diverse worlds within his identity.
꩜ languages. english, japanese, jamaican patois (currently learning).
꩜ height. 6'1.
꩜ eye candy. angelino amari.
꩜ college major. kaito is pursuing his career by attaining his bachelors in archaeology.
꩜ hobbies. songwriting, poem writing, painting, thrifting, taking photos, journaling, lock picking (dont ask), collecting vintage items.
꩜ pets. none!
꩜ music taste. steve lacey, typer the creator, odd future, kids see ghosts, baby keem, mf doom, madlib, pete rock, sublime, slightly stoopid, tame impala, vince staples, death grips, joey bada$$, kendrick lamar, childish gambino.
꩜ birthplace. amid the diverse boroughs of new york, the bronx is know for it's vibrant upbringing in new york's dynamic urban landscape. a bustling borough within the heart of the city that never sleeps, bronx is known for its rich cultural tapestry, pulsating energy, and a history deeply intertwined with the rhythm of new york. dominated by the iconic silhouette of the yankee stadium, a symbol synonymous with the spirit of baseball and triumph, the bronx boasts an eclectic mix of neighborhoods, each with its own unique charm. from the historic grand concourse, adorned with art deco architecture, to the vibrant south bronx, a hub of creativity and cultural expression, the borough is a mosaic of communities that weave together tales of diversity and strength. as the sun sets over the city that never sleeps, the bronx skyline transforms into a captivating tableau of lights, mirroring the dreams, aspirations, and untold stories that unfold within its bustling streets.
꩜ mbti. enfp is a personality type with the extraverted, intuitive, feeling, and prospecting traits. these people tend to embrace big ideas and actions that reflect their sense of hope and goodwill toward others. their vibrant energy can flow in many directions. enfp's are curious, perceptive, entusiastic, excellent communicators, easygoing, good-natured, and positive. they are also people-pleasing, unfocused, disorganized, overly accommodating, overly optimistic, and restless.
꩜ personality quirks. obsessed with teeth jewelry and tattoos. kaito is ambidextrous. has a THICK bronx accent. this nigga has no matching socks, and if he does, he'll always end up losing one of the pairs. majority of his jeans are bigger than him. he never irons his clothes. spends too much money on clothes. is always suspicious of new people. kaito can literally sleep anywhere, anytime. he's always licking his lips too, like a lil weirdo.
꩜ personality 101. kaito is compassionate, empathetic, intuitive, confident, energetic, perceptive, and resillient. kaito is also indecisive, stubborn, jealous, secretive, and egotistical.
꩜ job. kaito stands out as a dynamic bartender at a lively bar, showcasing exceptional skills in crafting a diverse range of drinks tailored to the eclectic tastes of patrons. his proficiency in mixology is evident as he masterfully blends ingredients to create unique and flavorful concoctions that leave a lasting impression on customers. beyond the bar counter, kaito reveals another facet of his personality as a highly creative individual with a passion for the arts. during the rare moments when the bustling nights don't occupy his time, kaito channels his artistic skills into creating captivating visuals. transforming a blank canvas into an ethereal masterpiece, he brings his imaginative touch to life, showcasing a side of creativity that extends beyond the realm of mixology.
꩜ likes. astronomy, archaeology, fossils, comics, mountains urban exploring, fashion, thrifting, writing, painting, road trips, track, romance books, traditional jamaican + japanese food, keeping old movie tickets, headphones, chalk, social events, angelino *giggles*, skating (skateboarding + rollerskating), lego sets, patterned/weird socks, biking, uno.
꩜ dislikes. easter, too-nice neighbors, incense, throwing rocks, ugly sweaters, hiking, being too early, cemeteries, logic puzzles, pranks, moshpits, talking during movies, messy eaters, politics, facial hair, fungi, deers, inconsistency from people, hot air balloons, scarecrows, mazes, darts, boring documentaries, cold water, hot temperatures, heavyhanded people, necromancy.
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❁ suki speaking — kaito is a mix of tyler the creator + vinz from mfkz, and has a gay crush on his best friend lolz :3, enjoy!
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