#but anyway- michael's only 17 here
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thinking about how michael's first instinct was to fight when he witnessed a kid being mistreated by his father in public. displaying the same type of aggression he saw from his own father growing up. what makes it even sadder is when their caretaker judd asked michael afterwards, "what do you think is going to happen when the man you hit and his family go home tonight?" and instantly michael is filled with so much regret because unfortunately he knows. he's been in that kids shoes. and i can only imagine how much guilt he had over what he might have potentially caused. but at the same time, i'm sure he wished that someone would have stood up for him the same way he did for that boy. he would have loved to have known that someone out there could see what was happening and cared enough to do something about it.
#ooc.#re. michael townsend.#abuse mention tw#i accidentally posted this on a different blog...#but anyway- michael's only 17 here#so he's still very impulsive and doesn't really consider the consequences of his actions#he meant well but it definitely wasn't the smartest move#i still love him though :((((#he must be protected at all cost
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Just for the Taste
Pairing: Michael Gavey (Saltburn) x f!reader Warnings: Masturbation, smut. Word count: ~3k
Summary: Growing increasingly frustrated with the pace things are going at between her and Michael, his girlfriend takes matters into her own hands, quite literally.
Author's note: Day nine of Smuffmas - stockings and sex toys. No tag list. Follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications.
She had met Michael in her first month at Oxford university. It was a Saturday night and, unlike the vast majority of people living in her college, she had opted to stay in instead of hitting the town to spend her student loan in one of the many pubs. She had a tutorial on Monday and was determined to impress the computer scientist who would be leading it. Her entire weekend revolved around getting ahead with the required reading in order to have a full understanding of the previous week’s lecture topics. She wanted to be able to talk about them at length, and share her ideas in a comprehensive manner.
Her stomach had dropped as she had reached into her backpack, feeling that her Discrete Mathematics textbook was missing. She cursed under her breath, realising she had left it on the table in the Bodleian Old Library. It closed at 4pm on Saturdays, so she’d have to wait until it opened tomorrow to go and fetch it back.
A lack of a textbook wasn’t enough to deter her though. On average, of students that applied to the Computer Science course at Oxford, only 17% were interviewed, and only 5% were successful. She was acutely aware of how fortunate she was, but also how hard she’d worked to get here, and wasn’t about to let that lapse.
A thorough Google search yielded nothing useful, all of the PDFs she managed to unearth were outdated editions and would have been of no use to her. She decided to go door knocking – the time will pass anyway, she figured, and there might be someone in their room that had a copy of the textbook that she could borrow. A long shot, but it was either that or lose an evening of studying, and she wasn’t prepared to do that.
Unfortunately for her, the Computer Science course wasn’t an especially sociable one – the difficulty of the subject matter and competitive nature of the field it eventually lead into wasn’t a breeding ground for fast friendships, and with only 44 people on the course who were all more than happy to keep to themselves, she had no idea where any of them were actually staying. There had to be at least one in her college though.
The first three doors she knocked on yielded no response, the fourth was answered by a flustered, barely dressed girl, who stared at her in wide eyed bewilderment as a male voice from within the room called out “tell them to go away!”
Her skin ablaze with embarrassment, she descended the stairs and was fully prepared to give up after receiving no response from another two doors, before the one in the far corner creaked open, causing her to turn to face the noise. A bespectacled pair of blue eyes peered out at her, narrowed in suspicion.
“Do you have any idea what time it is?”
She glanced at her watch – just after 9.30pm. “Yeah, it’s not late…”
“What are you doing?” he asked her. His voice was quiet, but laced with derision. “Are you pissed?”
She shook her head, slowly approaching his door as she clasped her hands in front of her. His stare was piercing and intense, yet his posture was so rigid she got the sense that he’d likely slam the door on her if she moved too quickly.
“I haven’t been drinking,” she said apologetically, “just need to borrow a textbook. You’re not on my course so I doubt you could help me anyway.”
“What are you reading?” he asked, his posture softening slightly, though he didn’t open the door any wider.
“Computer Science.”
“Hmm. I’m reading Maths, so–”
Her eyes lit up, a surge of hope making her heart soar. “I need a copy of Discrete Mathematics,” she said excitedly, “I don’t suppose you have one?”
“Not a physical copy…”
She visibly deflated, her heart sinking in disappointment as her shoulders sagged. “Nevermind then. Thanks anyway.”
“I’ve got a PDF,” he said, opening the door wider as she turned to leave.
She stopped in her tracks, her gaze drifting to where his fingers clutched the USB drive that was clasped to the belt loop of his tan coloured cargo trousers with a carabiner clip. “From what year?” she asked quietly, as her eyes lifted back up to his.
She grinned. That was exactly the year she needed. “You’re an absolute lifesaver,” she told him, her voice breathy with relief.
“I think the file might be too big for me to send over email though,” he admitted.
“Could you not just lend me the flash drive? I can give it straight back tomorrow morning.”
He pursed his lips, eyeing her from head to toe. “How do I know you will? This is a one gigabyte USB drive, it’s valuable. You might steal it.”
She grinned, until she realised he was being serious. “I live in the room directly above yours,” she told him, gesturing upwards towards the ceiling, “so you’ll know where to find me.” She gave him her name, as she fiddled with the clasp of her watch, removing it from her wrist and holding it out to him. “Here, insurance, so you know I’m not trying to steal from you.”
The faintest hint of a smile ghosted across his lips as his eyes crinkled in amusement. “Alright, fine,” he relented, taking her watch from her and slipping it into his pocket. He unclipped the USB drive and handed it to her. “I’m Michael, by the way.”
“Thanks, Michael,” she said with a coy smile, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
She made her way back upstairs to her room and spent the rest of the night studying then, true to her word, on her way to the library the following morning, she knocked on Michael’s door to give him back his USB drive.
“I’m glad to see you’re a woman of your word,” Michael said playfully, as she clipped the drive back onto his carabiner, his cheeks flushing at her close proximity.
She held out her wrist and, silently, he clasped her watch back around it. Her skin tingled as his fingers brushed across it, their eyes meeting as their breaths simultaneously caught in their throats.
From that moment on, her and Michael were inseparable. The attraction was instantaneous, deepened by a shared love of mathematics and a refusal to toe the line when it came to the unspoken social hierarchy in place at the university.
Michael was a virgin, and so they took things slowly. She had had a long term boyfriend before going away to university, so she had had sex, but wasn’t overwhelmingly experienced. The split between her and her ex had been amicable; both going away to study in entirely different cities, they had wanted to give each other the opportunity to focus on their respective courses, rather than the pressures of maintaining a long distance relationship.
Things often turned hot and heavy between her and Michael. As their kisses grew feverish, his hips grinding of their own accord against hers, she could feel he was hard, knew that he wanted her, but was often left disappointed when he would hurry to the bathroom for a cold shower before anything truly interesting could happen between them. She cared for him, so she was happy to wait, though the sexual frustration was beginning to take its toll on her.
She had never been more grateful for the bullet vibrator she had brought with her to university, though it was costing her a small fortune in batteries – it had never had so much use before.
Three months into their relationship, she was beginning to get desperate. They had arranged to watch a film in Michael’s room that evening, so she decided to make it more than obvious that she was eager to take things a step further.
She pulled on lace topped hold up stockings and a black, lacy lingerie set, covering it with the red woolen jumper that Michael had left in her room the last time he was there. It fell to her mid thigh, so it wasn't immediately obvious that she had no other clothing on underneath.
They had fallen into the comfortable habit of leaving their doors unlocked when they were expecting each other to come over, so that they wouldn’t have to knock. She let herself straight into his room, finding Michael hunched over at his desk, fiddling with a Blockbuster DVD case to open it, so he could insert the disc into the CD drive of his laptop.
“What we watching then?” she asked, letting her rucksack drop from her shoulder onto the floor as she perched on the edge of his bed.
“Revenge of the Sith,” he answered, turning in his seat to look at her, “it’s a Star Wars film. I thought, erm…”
He trailed off, his lips parting slightly as he pushed his glasses up his nose. She followed his line of sight, seeing that the hem of his jumper had ridden up as she’d sat on the bed, revealing the lacy tops of her stockings. She smiled, knowing her outfit was having the desired effect, before looking back at him.
“You thought what?” she asked innocently, settling back properly on the bed as she moved a pillow behind her to lean against. She didn’t bother to pull the jumper back down, wanting to leave no room for doubt as to what her intentions were.
Michael swallowed thickly, before shaking his head. “Doesn’t matter, let’s just watch the film.”
As the film played, she could hardly concentrate, the closeness of Michael next to her, the heat of his body so close to hers was a distraction. Their fingers were entwined upon the sheets between them, a gesture of closeness and intimacy, but it wasn’t enough. She needed more.
Slowly, she moved his hand onto her thigh, leaving their fingers interwoven there for a few moments while she gauged his reaction. His eyes flitted to hers and he offered her a tight smile before he returned his attention back to his laptop screen. He made no attempt to move his hand away, so she left it there.
Gradually, she disentangled her fingers from his, pulling her hand away until only his remained on top of her thigh. His thumb absentmindedly began to stroke at the lace of her stocking, tracing the swirling pattern of the material as he continued to watch the film.
She had no idea what was occurring on the screen; the light sabers, the red and black face of Darth Maul, it was all just a blur of colour to her as her pulse raced beneath Michael’s touch. His hand moved higher, fingertips brushing against the soft skin of her inner thigh. It took all of her restraint not to just grab his hand and place it where she needed him most, knowing that she shouldn’t rush him. At a maddeningly slow pace his fingers inched their way up, her core throbbing with desire and the crotch of her knickers growing damp with arousal the closer he got. As his fingertips reached the hem of her underwear, so close to pushing underneath, the credits of the film began to roll and Michael moved his hand away, climbing off of the bed towards the desk where the laptop sat.
She wanted to scream in frustration, every nerve ending in her body felt ablaze, desperate to feel something, anything and he was painfully oblivious to all of it.
Not in the mood to answer his questions about what she had thought about what they had just watched – she hadn’t been paying attention anyway – she stood up, tugging the jumper down and slipping the shoes back on.
“Night then,” she called over her shoulder, not giving him a chance to respond as she hurried out of his room and back up the stairs towards her own.
She knew she was being rude and incredibly unfair to Michael, and that they would likely have to discuss at some point how his apprehension towards physical intimacy was affecting her, but right now she was a pent up mess of hormones and arousal and she needed release.
Slamming the door closed the moment she stepped into her room, she flopped down onto the bed, roughly tugging her underwear down her legs and tossing it to one side. She reached into the bedside table drawer, feeling around until her fingers wrapped around the familiar shape of her bullet vibrator.
Thank god, she thought, switching it on and bringing it between her legs, sighing in relief as she pressed it against her swollen clit and her eyes fluttered closed. Her breaths grew heavier as she moved the toy in tight circles to aid the gentle rumble against her sensitive bundle of nerves.
She froze as the door swung to, her eyes snapping open to see Michael standing there.
“Hey, you left your bag, so I– oh, shit, sorry!”
“Wait!” she pleaded, turning the toy off and chucking it down onto the bed as she moved into a sitting position. “Don’t go.”
He let her rucksack drop to the floor beside his feet, closing the door behind him and resting his back against it. His eyes were glued to the floor, his cheeks ablaze as he struggled to find the words. “Were you…were you…um…”
“Yeah, yeah, I was,” she admitted shamefully, feeling her skin grow warm with humiliation.
“Is that why you left so quickly? Because you wanted to…”
He looked so dejected, so sad, so hurt, it made her want to burst into tears. She’d have done anything to take away the furrow of his brow, the disappointed look in his eyes. “Yes,” she whispered, hating herself for the answer.
“Do you not want to with me then?” he asked, his voice so soft she had to strain to hear it.
“Of course I do,” she insisted, “that’s why I was doing…what I was doing.”
“I don’t understand,” he admitted, finally looking up to meet her eye, his back still pressed against the door as she sat on the bed.
She sighed, raking a hand through her hair, unable to keep the frustration from her voice as she tried to explain. “I want you, Michael, but I appreciate that you’re a virgin and I don’t want to push you before you’re ready. I have needs though, I’m sorry…”
“You shouldn’t have to apologise for that,” he reassured her, pushing away from the door and slowly approaching the bed, “I am ready, I just never realised you wanted to, you never said.”
“I’ve been dropping hints left and right, did you not see what I was wearing tonight?”
“Yeah, my jumper,” he answered, rubbing the back of his neck, “just assumed you hadn’t done any washing for a while.”
She groaned, fighting the urge to laugh – for an intelligent guy, he could be so incredibly dense. “I want to fuck you! Is that clear enough?”
Michael nodded, his gaze falling upon the toy that lay discarded beside her. “I don’t know what I’m doing though. I’ve always just been able to do maths in my head, never needed a calculator before, but I know they help people. Maybe that–” he pointed towards the vibrator, “could be my calculator, could help me.”
“What do you mean?”
“Show me how to fuck you.”
The bluntness took her breath away, but the intensity of his stare left no room for argument. “Alright,” she nodded, picking the toy up once more.
Michael stepped clumsily out of his shoes, then moved to the foot of the bed, kneeling upon it. “Go on then, show me.”
She could feel nervous excitement fluttering in her belly as she laid back, allowing her legs to fall open, giving him an unobstructed view of her most intimate area, before she pressed the bullet back against herself and switched it on.
Michael inhaled sharply, his hands coming to rest upon the knees of her bent legs, holding them open as he watched her intently. “What does it feel like?”
“It…it feels good,” she whispered breathlessly, slowly circling the toy against her bud, “there’s pressure, but it feels nice.”
She gazed up at him as she panted and moaned softly, seeing the way his pupils dilated subtly. His hands moved to his belt, tugging it open, causing her to bite her lip, a mixture of arousal, curiosity and disbelief all fought for dominance in her pleasure-addled mind as she watched him unzip his trousers and free his hardened length. It was long, thick and slightly curved, the tip weeping with arousal.
“Can I?” he asked, gently grasping her wrist to coax her hand away from herself.
She nodded, allowing him to move her arm to her side, the toy still buzzing in her hand. She gasped as he replaced the toy with the flushed head of his cock, rubbing it in circular motions, allowing it to notch against her clitoral hood.
“Like this?” he asked, his voice strained, and she simply nodded, desperately fighting the urge to buck her hips from the exquisite pressure he was applying.
“Shouldn’t…shouldn’t your first time be special?” she uttered, voice thick with desire.
“We’re not fucking, we’re learning,” he said softly, his gaze never moving from between her thighs as he continued to stroke himself through her slick folds, “and besides, it being with you automatically makes it special.”
Her heart fluttered at his words, they would have been romantic were it not for the lewdness of what they were doing.
“Now,” he said, pulling back slightly and grabbing her wrist again, “show me what else you do with this toy.”
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Waiting room || Patrick Zweig x reader

Rating: Explicit (18+) Warnings: SMUT (p in v sex, fingering, oral sex), mental health issues, manipulation.
Word Count: 3.2k
Waiting room
Your leg jittered uncontrollably in the waiting room. It was almost ironic that it was six in the evening, and there was only one other person beside you. You weren’t waiting for the same doctor, nor were you there for the same reasons. He looked less neurotic. He looked like someone whose life had sorted itself out, while you wore a nearly neon green shirt that said 'I Have Issues' A shirt that reeked of an attempt to make Dr. Delulu laugh. She never laughs; maybe she doesn’t know how. Her name isn’t really Dr. Delulu. Her real name is Dr. Dallin. Katherine Dallin. A boring name. "Why are you here?" the stranger in the gray shirt asked you. It made your leg jitter even faster because interacting with people whose lives are together enough for them to wear matching colors makes you anxious. "Medical confidentiality," you mumbled, and he raised an eyebrow. His curly, messy hair blended with his thick, untamed eyebrows. There might still be some hope there.
"I’m here because—" he began, but someone burst out of Dr. Delulu's office in tears, cutting him off. Both of you stared at Jake in shock. The stranger had no idea that Jake, 17, dreamed of playing in the NBA but wasn’t taller than five-foot-four. He’d told you about the NBA like he was the next Michael Jordan, while you weren’t even sure he could dribble more than three times in a row. Which explains pretty well why Jake was here.
"You think he’s okay?" the guy in front of you looked horrified as Jake stormed out of the clinic. You blinked at him. Why is he talking to you?! Why doesn’t he understand the social norms where everyone minds their own business until they get called in to see their doctor?! That’s how it works, but no one in this clinic seems to grasp what’s expected of a person in a social environment—not to talk to strangers. Exhibit A, Jake, whose biography you could write if he paid you enough.
"Patrick, you can see Dr. Carter now," Jessica, the receptionist, suddenly called out, and the guy in front of you stood up, smiling at her in a way that could only be described as flirtatious, borderline sleazy. Maybe he’s one of those sex addicts you read about in a magazine at the hairdresser's once.
The guy disappeared, and you were left alone in the waiting room, wondering what Dr. Delulu did with all her spare time between your session and Jake's. Maybe she stared at the creepy stuffed animal on her desk. That disturbing raccoon, more than anything, spoke to her mental state. In the first few sessions, you couldn’t take your eyes off it. It looked almost alive, like it was just about to attack you. When she asked if you'd prefer she take it off the table during one of your meetings, you said you didn’t care because it was just a stuffed animal on her desk. Any normal person would prefer not to have a dead animal staring at them while they poured their heart out about their problems. But this isn’t your office, and you have no intention of pouring your heart out anyway.
"You can go in, Dr. Dallin is waiting for you," Jessica muttered without looking up from her computer, unlike the way she spoke to Patrick. You fall into the category of people she has no interest in, and the feeling is mutual. Jessica is just a dull character with a clear beginning, a boring middle, and an obvious end. She spends her days answering emails and phone calls, listening to people complain and ask for quicker access to their prescriptions at the public clinic. Most of the time, you think Jessica doesn’t have the skill set to deal with desperate people; she doesn’t look like someone who’s ever been desperate in her life. But that’s a judgmental thought, and you're trying to quit judging people, even if they are Jessica.
"(Y/N), come in," Dr. Delulu’s office smelled like ham, and as you sat down, you tried to guess what she had put in her sandwich. Did she add mustard and pickles, or maybe she ate it plain? Was it on a bun or diet bread? It would suit Dr. Delulu to be serious about her health. Too serious. "Hey," you mumbled to her, remembering from your first sessions that not speaking at all might set off warning signs for people like her. "How was your week?" she asked. The raccoon stared at you as if it were more interested in the answer than she was. Both of their gazes were equally hollow. "Same as always, you know, work-home. I went on a Tinder date. Everything was normal," you replied in a monotone voice, trying to project normalcy.
"A Tinder date? Want to tell me more?" she asked, her eyes on your horrendous green shirt, making you smile. She probably thought you were smiling because you were remembering your Tinder date, but you were smiling because you’d managed to throw Dr. Delulu off balance. That might be your main goal in these sessions. Maybe you should be her therapist, not the other way around, though it's technically dangerous to let you take care of even a cat. You tried once, then had to beg your old neighbor to take it.
"His name was Roni. We had fries and drank soda," you replied. Maybe his name was Roni, but you drank wine, and he was too cheap to order anything to eat. Later, you went to his apartment and asked yourself at least four times if this was your end. Was he a serial killer, and would you die because you were too horny and hadn’t seen a dick in a month? But no, you survived. If you can call it surviving. You couldn’t call that a dick either, but maybe Roni needs to talk about that in his therapy, not yours. You won’t be seeing him again anyway. He didn’t even ask if you got home safely. You could have been murdered twice since then.
"Was it nice?" Dr. Delulu asked, and you found yourself letting out a sigh. "I’ve had nicer dates. Jake looked sad on his way out, he didn’t even say hi," you changed the subject, glancing at the clock to see that time hadn’t moved at all. "We’re not going to talk about Jake," she replied, the same unbearable smile plastered on her face. "Your shirt is interesting," she added. "Yeah? You like it? I bought it at the market. I couldn’t pass up something that represents me so accurately, don’t you think?" you asked, trying to muster an innocent smile.
Forty-five minutes passed slower than usual. She asked questions that no one, probably not even her, cared about, and you avoided answering honestly. She prescribed you Xanax at the end of the session, said something about your condition improving. You forced a smile, and she said you'd meet again in a week. The air outside her office smelled like freedom. Maybe it was the lies you told about how good you were doing, or maybe it was the stench from her sandwich. Either way, you nodded in Jessica Minimous's direction (she completely ignored you; you could've burst into flames right in front of her and she wouldn't have cared). The cold New York October air slapped you the moment you finally stepped out of the clinic, holding the weekly prescription that would dull every emotion threatening to overwhelm you.
"Your session was longer than mine," the guy from earlier, Patrick, said, making you turn toward the sound of his voice. He was leaning against the wall with a cigarette in his mouth. "Those things are killing you," you stated, looking at the death machine in his hand. "So do car accidents. Once, I saw a guy get run over on a scooter. If he had just chosen the more pleasant way to die- cigarettes," he said, his tone amused, as if he was trying to figure you out without putting in much effort.
"So, what's your crazy?" he asked after a few minutes of silence in which you stood there, not really knowing what to say or do. "Rude," you replied, rolling your eyes. This time he chuckled, not just smirked. "I have a tendency toward addictions, and Dr. Carter said, and I quote, 'You're suffering from narcissism, and we need to find ways to bridge that and present you differently to the world,'" he looked at you, noticing how you were almost mesmerized by the bluntness with which he described his deepest issues. "Do you want me to guess yours?" he asked, and you rolled your eyes again, starting to walk away, which made him follow right after you. "You look about 25, you have no idea what to do with your career, and your mom nags you way too much about meeting the son of her best friend, someone named Mark or Benny, but you’ve seen his picture and you’re not attracted to him," he was clearly pleased with himself, causing you to stop in your tracks.
"I'm 28. I've been working the same job for three years, nine to five, with excellent health insurance, and I'd rather have my appendix burst than go out with anyone named Mark or Benny," you responded, rising to the challenge just as he wanted. Almost falling into the trap. "What’s wrong with Mark and Benny?" he asked. "I had a boyfriend in elementary school named Benny, and he smeared snot on me. It scarred me," you replied quickly. That made Patrick smile mischievously, like a man with a plan, someone who had led you exactly where he wanted. "And Mark?" he continued to challenge. "Mark sounds like an accountant, and I can't deal with someone asking me so many questions about money. I don’t even know what’s going on with my pension fund. It’s way too intimate, and Mark doesn’t have boundaries," you shrugged, as if it were obvious, as if he should have already known the backstory of this fictional character.
"Bye, Patrick. See you next week," Jessica’s voice cut into your bubble, making both of you turn to look at her. "Bye, Jess," he smiled, and she kept walking, ignoring your existence for the third time today. If your ego were as big as hers, that would’ve been a blow to it. "She’s not a fan of you," he remarked, chuckling again. The look on his face signaled amusement. "No, she treats me like everyone else. You’re just a good-looking adult with mental issues, and I don’t have a dick, so I can’t compete with that," you said exactly what was on your mind.
"You think I’m good-looking?" he asked. The amused smile still hadn't left his face. You almost wanted to slap him, just to wipe off that smug expression. "You really are a narcissist, you weren’t kidding," you replied with words instead of violence. Dr. Delulu would’ve been proud. Although violence had never been your problem, maybe she’d be proud because this was the longest conversation you’d had with a living being in two weeks. And that includes Tiny-Dick-Ronnie.
"Your place or mine?" he asked. "Excuse me?" you were surprised, your heart beating faster than usual, and here came all the familiar feelings of interacting with people. The overthinking about what was appropriate to say and what wasn’t. "Yours? You got a car? I’ll drive," he practically stated. "You don’t even know my name," you found yourself mumbling, wondering if your voice was steady enough to keep talking. "What’s your name?" Still that smile. Still that tone. "(Y/N)," it was softer than expected. Almost submitting to the guy in front of you. The one so sure of himself. "Great, so now we’re acquaintances. Can an acquaintance give you a ride home and let one thing lead to another?" He wasn’t even ashamed of what he was suggesting. "You could be a serial killer," you said, managing to come up with the most convincing argument you could. "You’re wearing the ugliest shirt I’ve ever seen in my life. The only thing I want to murder is whoever made it," he said, a bit abruptly but fitting with the personality you’d learned in such a short time.
"You’re so rude, you know that? What if it’s my favorite shirt?" you tried challenging him again. "It’d look much better on the floor. Maybe it’ll become my favorite shirt too," he said, shameless. "Bye, Patrick," you rolled your eyes and tried to walk away again, but his hand was on yours in a second. "Wait a minute. It doesn’t have to be a thing. I can just give you a ride home," he said, looking at you. You blinked a few times quickly, just like you had earlier when the two of you sat across from each other in the waiting room. "Whatever," you shrugged. You figured he didn’t have any reason to kill you. You wanted to believe that. And Tiny-Dick-Ronnie’s nickname really helped explain your level of desperation.
You felt like you were bringing home a stray dog when he stepped into your studio apartment. It was more pathetic than you’d like to admit. The bed, the living room, and the kitchen were all in the same space. The shower dripped in a way that sometimes made you wonder if there was a bomb in the stall. On the small table in the living room was an empty bottle of cheap wine, a bowl with a few kernels of popcorn, and on the bed were clothes, some of which you’d pulled out of the laundry basket that morning, spraying them with deodorant, wondering if it made sense to wear any of them to work. It was clear you hadn’t expected guests- not today, not ever.
Patrick’s lips found yours the moment you closed the door. He didn’t bother checking out the space he had entered; instead, he tried to touch you as much as possible.
“Is this okay?” he asked into your lips as his right hand found its way onto your stomach, under your shirt. All you could do was nod in response. Within seconds, the green shirt was off your body. “That thing is so ugly; we need to burn it,” he muttered, keeping his lips pressed against yours. Your tongues almost danced together. You weren’t looking to win the battle for control that was clearly his, as he basically threw you onto the bed with a force that made you wonder if one of the mattress springs had broken.
“You’re so pretty. I saw you a few days ago on Tinder, you know?” he mumbled words that didn’t quite make sense to you as he started undoing the buttons of your jeans, with no resistance on your part. His lips were wet with saliva -so messy- and he trailed them across what felt like every inch of your stomach. While his right hand played with one of your nipples, his warm lips enveloped the other. The sounds coming from you were sinful. It was as if you hoped the entire building could hear how this almost-stranger was making you feel. How no one had made you feel this way in years.
“That’s it. Fuck, you sound so good,” he murmured as his lips finally found their place on your pussy. For a moment, you wondered when you’d lost your panties, but you didn’t dwell on it because Patrick began moving his tongue in circular motions, inserting two fingers inside of you. “I… I’m close,” you managed to find the strength to say, as you felt your hips move into his face uncontrollably. His firm hand tightened its grip around you, preventing you from thrashing beneath him. “Come on, baby, cum for me,” he said, and you did exactly that, feeling the high wash over you with an intensity you probably hadn’t felt before. He knew exactly what he was doing. “That’s right, good girl. Fuck, that’s hot,” he spoke as you climaxed, not moving his head away for a second, letting you soak him in your juices.
“Fuck, Patrick. Fuck. Fuck.” You repeated yourself like a broken mantra, feeling tears of pleasure welling up in the corners of your eyes. The man in front of you moved up to your eye level, studying your face as if you were a work of art. His lips were covered in your fluids mixed with his saliva, and he pressed them shamelessly against yours, muttering filthy words about how you should taste yourself, that this was what you deserved. And as his tongue once again intertwined with yours, you felt him slowly start to enter you. Carefully and deliberately, he never broke eye contact, seeking your approval at every moment.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” he growled, groaning as he pushed inch by inch, deeper inside. “I can feel you in my stomach,” you said, feeling it was true, even though you knew it wasn’t. “You’re filling me so good,” you couldn’t stop talking as he sounded like that. Every word you said brought him closer to the edge. His movements became faster, less considerate. The sounds turned choppier, words became non-words. Sweat dripped from his forehead onto yours, and when he told you to open your mouth, you did exactly as he asked, only to feel a wad of spit land there, followed by his large hand closing over your mouth, gripping your jaw, silently commanding you to swallow. “You really are crazy, huh? I knew you’d be a good slut,” he said, and you felt yourself tightening around him with every insult and humiliation. “Letting a guy you don’t even know spit on you. Fuck.” He half-whispered incoherently as another glob of spit landed on your cheek, making you moan.
Just after you came a second time, he followed, collapsing on top of you for a few moments. His tongue slid over your cheek, where his spit had been just seconds ago, with a tenderness and gentleness that hadn’t been there before. “I’ll clean you up, wait a second,” he mumbled, seeing you nod. You couldn’t respond beyond that, overwhelmed by the momentary euphoria. He stood up briefly, feeling a slight dizziness as he walked to the bathroom, not paying much attention to the space around him as he grabbed the towel hanging there and wet it with warm water. Patrick looked at you for a few seconds, lying in your bed with half-closed eyes. He nodded to himself and began gently wiping you down with the towel.
He settled next to you, letting you rest your head on his shoulder after he finished. A part of him hoped you wouldn’t want him to leave, that you’d let him stay the night. Maybe even tomorrow. Maybe forever.
“So, what’s your crazy?” he asked with a chuckle, bringing you back to the first question he’d asked what felt like weeks ago. “I don’t think I’m crazy, just lonely,” you said after a few seconds of silence, without lifting your head from his chest. It was the most honest thing you’d said in years. “Oh,” he nodded to himself. “Lonely people attract lonely people. Then they’re not lonely anymore.” At that moment, Patrick decided that you both would be okay. . . .
Heyyyyyyyyy, hope you'll like it. This is basically me showing my love to Patrick Zweig. Let me know what you guys think. My inbox is open for requests as well. Have a great weekend <3
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Their First and Last Words in the OG Game
*not including text* in this list is the vert first dialogue they are given, even if it’s not in-person (such as over a call) or not fully formed words like a distant call for help*
First (1-1): “I will explain everything to you.”
Last (80-22): “I knew it wouldn’t stay quiet around here for long…”
First (1-1): “Huh? Who the hell are ya? You ain’t Lucifer” or “Are ya foolin’ around? Who the hell are ya?”
*first words via call are dependent on player choice*
Last (80-22): “Nuh-uh!!”
First (1-7): “How about this? I vote for YOU to die, Mammon.”
Last (80-16 Hard): “AAAAAAAAH!”
First (1-2): “Hmph. At least he didn’t ignore you altogether. How do you think I feel?”
Last (80-22): “No, MC’s mine.”
First (1-2): “Oh, come now. Really? You should be honored that you get to introduce such a sweet and charming little brother like me!”
Last (80-22): “Oh MC! I’ve missed you sooo sooo SOOO much!”
First (1-2) “Nope, I haven’t eaten any souls…yet.”
*this dialogue is only available by choosing a specific option in the game but it is the earliest available speech he gives*
Last (80-22): “In that case, we’ll be able to see each other whenever we want from now on, huh?”
First (2-15) “…el…”
Last (80-22): “Right, exactly. Because MC’s mine.”
First (2-2): “Hey, you there.”
Last (80-16 Hard): “All right, all right…fine. We’ll go to the book signing with you. Okay?”
First (2-13): “Ah, but I notice that you didn’t deny the part about him being cute, did you?”
Last (80-16 Hard): “Anyway, I feel like maybe I’ve made a bit of progress on my personal journey now?”
First (60-22): “I can see that, yes…”
Last (80-19): “…Have you forgotten that I’m standing right here? If you’re about to have a “moment”…don’t.”
First (2-13): “Pff, of course not! Duh! That was a put-down! An insult! He’s taunting you!”
Last (80-22): “Aww… I want to see MC too, but they aren’t leaving me enough space to get through…”
First (38-17): “Hello there, MC.”
Last (44-18): “Goodbye. Until we meet again, MC…”
First (65-3): “Ahahahaha!” or “Ugh, what was THAT?! Honestly, I don’t believe it!”
*her first dialogue is dependent on player choice*
Last (80-17): “No. This is my first time studying at RAD, remember? My program runs for a full year.”
Little D. No. 2
First (7-10): “Now, now, I think it’s nice to have at least one foolish character in the group you can tease. It lightens things up a little, don’t you think?”
Last (68-16 Hard): “Y-Yes sirrr…”
First (63-1): “Don’t touch that!”
Last (80-17): “It’s the same with Solomon. Your terms should be ending soon, right?”
First (2-13): “Huh. Whenever you make an important announcement, the demons here couldn’t care less. But rumors… they really do spread like wildfire.”
Last (80-22): “Shall I go make some tea?”
First (1-1): “Welcome to the devildom MC.”
Last (80-22): “Ahaha! Come on, take it easy…all of you. You’re going to suffocate MC.”
First (1-1): “Where am I?”
*technically these are just thoughts but I’m counting it*
Last (80-16 Hard): “I think you’re taking it a bit too far…” or “Just don’t summon Lotan by accident, okay?” or “Now you’ve got ME bawling, too!”
*dependent on player choice*
#obey me information#obey me fun facts#obey me diavolo#obey me little d no 2#obey me mammon#obey me leviathan#obey me lucifer#obey me satan#obey me asmodeus#obey me beelzebub#obey me belphegor#obey me solomon#obey me simeon#obey me barbatos#obey me thirteen#obey me michael#obey me shall we date#obey me raphael#obey me mephistopheles#obey me luke#giving thanks for obey me
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The Caged Bird Still Sings Part 22
Hey guys!! We are back with the next chapter of the lovely fic! Just two more chapters to go! Can you believe it?
In this one we have two of my *favorite moments in this fic as Dustin and Mike get to have their own special days just like the others.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21
Steve was kept busy over the next couple of weeks hauling the kids around to the connections Chrissy had set up for them. Max skating with Steve C., Will at the Children’s Museum, Erica and her horses, Ellie at a fashion show in Indy. Dustin and Mike were talking about the concert for weeks.
Steve had felt bad that Mike and Dustin hadn’t had their own experiences when he stumbled on the perfect solution.
He picked up Dustin from school.
Dustin slid into the front seat of Steve’s Sunbird. “Ma said you were planning to take me somewhere?”
“Yep!” Steve said, popping the P. “I found this thing in the newspaper today talking about it and I knew it would be right up your alley.”
Dustin cocked his head to the side, considering that. “But, I’m guessing that you’re not going to tell me. Just like you did with Lucas?”
“Ding, ding, ding!” Steve said brightly. “You win! Of course I’m not telling you jack, dude. It wouldn’t be much of surprise if I did.”
He crossed his arms and pouted. “Ma wouldn’t tell me anything either. Only that I would love it.”
“I honestly don’t know why you don’t like surprises,” Steve said, shaking his head as they hit the freeway. “As long they’re not jump scares or surprise parties, surprises are meant to be fun.”
Dustin slumped even further in the seat. “My dad was on his way to surprise me at school to take me out for ice cream because I had won some award in science and he had a heart attack. He didn’t even make it the hospital before he was gone.”
Steve pulled over to the shoulder and turned off the car. “I’m sorry, Dusty. I didn’t know that, but your mom should have. Do you really want me to tell where we’re going? Because I will.”
Dustin opened his mouth to answer but closed it with a frown as he really thought about it. “No. But I’m going to be grumpy about it anyway.”
Steve let out a small chuckle and got them back on the road.
Soon enough they were pulling into a large convention center with huge banner declaring it to The Aerospace and Exploration Expo with special guest speaker: Buzz Aldrin.
Dustin had stopped halfway out of the car to stare at the sign in wonder. He turned to Steve slowly as Steve got out of the car and slammed his door.
“Holy shit,” Dustin breathed. “Buzz Aldrin. Do you know who that is?”
Steve rolled his eyes as he walked around the car. “Do I know who one of the two men who landed on the moon is? No.”
Dustin rolled his eyes back at him. “Come on, everyone knows Neil Armstrong, but not everyone knows Buzz Aldrin.”
“Yeah,” Steve said with a huff. “Someone should ask Michael Collins how he feels about that.”
Dustin’s jaw dropped and then he hurried to catch up to Steve. “Holy shit! How did you know who that is?”
Steve just kept walking to the Will Call, not bothering to answer the question. He was old enough to remember watching the moon landing on the TV with his parents. Barely, but he did. It was his earliest memory; sitting on his mom’s lap as Neil Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface. Every kid was fascinated by the whole thing and he was no exception.
“Welcome,” the teller said with that false cheer perfected by every teenage forced to work these types of jobs.
“Yeah, hi,” Steve said, putting on the charm. “I have two VIP tickets to the Expo. Under Harrington, Steve.”
She pulled it up on her computer. “Yes, I see it here. May I see your ID please?”
Steve handed over the ID and within moments, he had his ID and passes in hand. He handed one to Dustin.
“You ready for this?” he asked with the biggest smile on his face.
Dustin grinned back. “Hell yeah!”
They walked through the all the exhibits, stopped and talked to the different sellers, and even geeked out at the NASA booth. They tried space food and liked the ice cream, not so much anything else. But they had fun trying it.
Then it was time for the main event and because Steve had bought VIP tickets they were let in a half hour early so they were able to nab a couple of the best seats in the auditorium. Beside him, Dustin vibrated with excitement.
Then Buzz stepped out on that stage and the audience erupted into cheers. He waved at the crowd with a huge smile on his face.
The talk he gave was electric and exciting, filling both of their heads with new information. Dustin was shocked to learn that the earliest astronauts weren’t scientists, but test pilots. Jockies. Steve learned about the lucky vest the mission control commander had.
By the time they left the convention center both boys were talking a mile a minute about everything they saw. Dustin had even gotten an autograph from Buzz.
“Thanks for doing this for me,” Dustin said as they pulled up to his house. “You didn’t have to. I loved the private concert with Corroded Coffin. Like how many kids can say that they’ve been to one, you know?”
Steve smiled at him. “I know, but I wanted to do something special for you and Mike, too. Mike’s a little harder to find that moment for, you know?”
Dustin pursed his lips as he thought for a moment. “A day with Eddie. Just him and Eddie.”
Steve cocked his head to the side. “What do you mean?”
“Like Mike really looks up to Eddie,” Dustin explained. “Why don’t they hang out for a day? Eddie can show him his guitars, how he writes his songs, taking him to all his favorite places in Hawkins. It’ll be like one of those contests where the person gets to spend the day with the band.”
Steve rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Would Mike want to hang out with the whole band or just Eddie do you think?”
Dustin’s eyes went wide. “Holy shit, dude. The whole band for sure. He would completely flip out.”
Steve grinned. “I’ll see what I can do.”
Dustin gave him a hug and gathered up all of his loot to go inside.
“Thanks for agreeing to this,” Steve said, standing really close to Eddie as they waited for Casey to come back with Steve’s car. “You didn’t have to.”
“Nah,” Eddie said with that dimpled grin. “You were right about Dustin and Mike needing to experience something fun on their own just like everyone else did. And this has got to be the easiest one.”
“Chrissy said that the guys are already at the studio waiting for you both,” Steve murmured, “so call her when you get there and she’ll send over food.”
Eddie tucked a loose hair behind Steve’s ear. “Roger that, little Canary. Are you sure you don’t want to come with?”
Steve shook his head. “I think he’s still bitter about me briefly dating his older sister before I realized I was gay. Like I was supposed to figure out that shit before I dated her or whatever. So I would rather this just be the band and him so he can’t say I was in the way or whatever.”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” Eddie said softly. “But I’m still happy to do this for him, for you.”
Steve looked up at him through his lashes and his breath caught in his throat. Eddie was so close. Steve ran his tongue slowly over his lips to wet them, his mouth suddenly dry.
Then the roar of the Sunbird and its slowing to stop made them aware of their surroundings. Steve was forced to take a step back.
“I’ll see you soon,” he murmured. “When I get back with Mike.”
Eddie pursed his lips to hide the grin that was threatening to break free. “Yep!”
Steve got into his car and Casey leaned into the open window. “I’ll tell you what, Harrington. You ask Eddie out and I’ll ask out Abby. Deal?”
He stuck out his hand.
Steve looked back at the broad smile that had slipped through Eddie’s facade then back at Casey. He shook his hand. “Deal.”
Casey stepped back and tapped the hood of the car to say he was far enough out of the way. Steve pulled out of the parking lot leaving Casey standing across the driveway from Eddie.
Eddie crossed his arms and wagged his eyebrows. “Best get to it, big boy. Abby’s awaiting.”
Casey nodded once and as he walked past Eddie he slammed the ridiculous hat into Eddie’s chest.
“Hold that for me,” he said. “I’ll be back in a minute.”
Eddie burst out laughing.
Mike was sitting on his porch, his arms crossed over his chest when Steve rolled up to the Wheeler house.
“You do realize that your face is going to freeze that way some day, right?” he said, getting out of the car.
“My mom told me to get out of the house because I was bothering her.”
Steve walked up to him and leaned over so that they were eye to eye. “She wouldn’t tell you what we were doing today, huh?”
Mike nodded.
“Well,” Steve said a smile slowly drawing in on his face, “I’d tell ya, but then I’d hafta kill ya.”
Mike huffed, a small smile fighting its way to his lips. “Yeah, come on. Let’s get this over with.”
Steve burst out laughing. He shook his head and led the way to the car.
“I have to admit,” Mike said as he slid into the passenger seat, “this car is pretty sick, dude.”
“I miss my Bimmer,” Steve said as he pulled away from the curb, “but I can’t deny what an absolute beauty this car is.”
“Why?” Mike asked with a sneer. “They’re both rich people cars, what’s the difference?”
“Difference, Michael,” Steve said sarcastically, “is that I picked out the BMW. She was my first car and I chose her. All the features even down to the color of the seats. But I also realize that everyone in town knows that’s my car. Most people think I’ve left town because it hasn’t been seen in awhile. So I deal with it.”
Mike nodded appreciatively. “I can get that. This is something someone chose for you, while the Bimmer is something you chose for yourself.”
“Right in one.”
They pulled into an abandoned parking lot and Steve got out. When Mike didn’t he tapped on the roof.
“Come on,” he huffed. “Get out. You’re going to want to see this.”
Mike reluctantly got out of the car, just in time to see a sleek, black Jaguar XJS pull into the lot. It slid to a stop in the parking space in front of Steve’s Sunbird.
“Am I being kidnapped?” Mike asked, his eyes wide with worry.
“Only if he doesn’t return you to your mother before your bed time,” Steve said with a giggle and shake of his head.
Then out stepped Eddie Munson in tight leather pants, combat boots, and ripped Megadeath t-shirt under his black leather jacket.
“He’s all yours,” Steve told Eddie. “Karen said not too late, but that he doesn’t have a curfew.”
Mike stared at Eddie and then at Steve, mouth wide open. “What is happening right now?”
“Hey, Mikey!” Eddie said cheerfully. “You see, Steve got to thinkin’ that since you and Dusty didn’t get to have your own experiences like the rest of your friends, so he decided that he would do something special for each of you. Dusty got NASA and Buzz Aldrin, and you get a day with me and the Corroded Coffin boys.”
Mike pinched himself and then pulled out a piece of paper from his back pocket. “Nope. Not dreaming. Holy shit.”
Eddie cocked his head to the side. “What was with the paper? I know about the pinching to see if you’d wake up, but the paper is new.”
“According to Harry Houdini if you can read something clearly, you can’t be dreaming,” Mike explained with a half shrug. “Because in dreams the words are blurry and obscured.”
“Huh,” Eddie said. “Neat.”
“You two have fun!” Steve said with a grin.
Mike’s head whipped around so fast. “You aren’t coming with?”
Steve pressed his lips together and shook his head. “Nope. This is all you and the band. Don’t run them ragged too much. They’re old now.”
“Hey!” Eddie protested. “I’m not even thirty yet, asshole!”
He burst out laughing and then gave him a dorky little finger wave, before slipping back into the Sunbird.
Eddie rubbed his hands together gleefully. “You ready for this Mike Wheeler?”
Mike grinned back. “Hell yeah!”
Part 23 Part 24
*The part with Michael Collins and Mike getting kidnapped.
Tag List: CLOSED
1- @itsall-taken @wheneverfeasible @zerokrox-blog @beelze-the-bubkiss @blondie1006
2- @gregre369 @a-little-unsteddie @themoonagainstmers @cryptid-system @maya-custodios-dionach
3- @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @irregular-child
4- @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @forgottenkanji @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1
5- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman
6- @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @ravenfrog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lingeringmirth
7- @gutterflower77 @a-lovely-craziness @w1ll0wtr33 @sticknpokelightningbolt @just-a-tiny-void
8- @scoops-aboy86 @kurofuckingshi16 @watermelonmite @eyehartart @dreamercec
9- @little-birch-boy @yearningagain @micheledawn1975 @sadisticaltarts @steddieislife
10- @fearieshadow @kultiras @thesecondfate @tartarusknight @genderless-spoon
#my writing#stranger things#steddie#ladykailtiha writes#age difference#ten years between steve and eddie
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hello 😎 i’m jackie!! i have been in the percy jackson trenches since 2013. here again because pjotv is truly that good and also it never left. will be writing some stuff, i’ll tag it as #my writing, and also reblogging a lot from the coolest artist on here (mothmanavenue stans rise up). maybe doing some fic recs too!! who knows!! anyways. all my fics (including tumblr-exclusive ficlets) are linked under the cut :)
my ao3
full length fics are linked here
100 ways to say i love you fics are linked here [ao3]
wips are linked here:
road trip to new rome: 1 2
capture the flag: 1
modern courting: 1 2 3 4 5 6
modern au road trip slowburn [ao3] : 1 2 3 4
naomi solace: art more art 1 2
april fools prank fic: 1
mermaid fic: 1
percabeth pirate au: 1
naomi in hosptial fic: 1 2 3
music first hangout fic second part
fic rec fridays are linked here:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
french braid will
solangelo chores & living together
solangelo gift giving, music, fruit, pop culture, and sweaters
baby will & his siblings (and the tragedy of being the only one left)
big brother will
general will headcanons
the apollo kids
road trip au playlist/songs
ocd will
will solace rizz
lee fletcher appearance
baby will
rip michael yew u would have loved meg mccaffery
road trip fergalicious
will's wandering eyes
big three kids & capture the flag
solangelo as troy & helen
solangelo songs
solangelo line without a hook lyric analysis
nico & percy parallels
there is no hope for may castellan
dumbass dyslexia post
nico, luke, percy parallels; grief as resistance
unfinished stuff. will i ever finish? who knows. not me:
overworked will/worried everyone else
rly bad drabble
solangelo fight
failed modern courting update
apollo cabin lives
#anyways!! asks are open!!!#and my pronouns are she/her please :)#intro#personal#EDIT asks are actually open now 💀 i’m a dumbass
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some of my favorite moments from the 1995 10th Anniversary Concert of Les Miserables bc it's BARRICADE DAY and thus tis the season:
the convicts during Look Down all being Valjeans from different countries
the bishop M is baby faced and has an angelic voice
the clips from the fully staged show that they insert whenever there is too long of an instrumental/to explain things
colm wilkinson and philip quast's confrontation makes me want to chew on my laptop screen. so good. so crisp
baby cosette gets spooked by a balloon popping during castle on a cloud but barely flinches and keeps singing
the entire cast in the background of master of the house bopping back and forth in time. they are so here for it and it's amazing
philip quast's stars. he's so fucking good. i'm insane about him
michael maguire as enjolras's little happy dance when gavroche tells them that lamarque is dead
michael ball as marius somehow gives himself literally heart eyes whenever he talks about cosette. i can see them. it's so funny
during a heart full of love, colm wilkinson and philip quast are so invested in the background. they're leaning over to whisper to each other. they are besties
lea salonga as eponine delivers "i know this house i tell you, there's nothing here for you. just the old man and the girl, they live ordinary lives" like a GODDESS she is EVERYTHING
michael ball surreptitiously wiping his sweat on lea salonga's hair during her death scene. mans is dying a little
drink with me features anthony crivello as a fucking stellar grantaire, and after his verse, enj comes over and puts his hand on his shoulder to comfort him for a very long time. complete with a lingering touch on the arm and everything. fantastic exr crumbs 👍
the clips from the full show of the final battle are hilarious. completely different cast (though only obvious to insane people like us.)
highlights include one of les amis right on the middle of the barricade doing like. a backwards worm he's so into his death throes. he always has me losing my shit
empty chairs at empty tables includes the fucking cruel choice to have the entire les amis cast of actors line up on each side of michael ball and just a step behind so that they're in shadows, all staring sadly at him for the whole song. gives the impression of all the ghosts of marius's dead friends looking on from the afterlife and demanding answers. heart wrenching. THIS IS JUST SUPPOSED TO BE A CONCERT, WHY ARE U DOING STAGING LIKE THIS
beggars at the feast has everyone in the background clapping/tapping along again. love seeing the thenardiers get their due appreciation
the 17 valjeans from other international productions enter after the finale and they all have their gavroches holding their country flags it's so fucking cute
and of course final encore with all the additional valjeans and the whole cast is fucking ACES
ANYWAY if ur looking for a production to watch that is good af this is the top of my list even though it isn't fully staged. it's sooooo. it's some good fucking food. happy barricade day!!
#les mis#les miserables#les mis 10th anniversary concert#barricade day#les mis musical#colm wilkinson#philip quast#ruthie henshall#michael ball#lea salonga#judy kuhn#michael maguire#anthony crivello#and many others lol#enjolras#grantaire#jean valjean#javert#eponine#marius#cosette#fantine#gavroche#r speaks
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i finally got another stylus so i can draw again and i made a relativity falls!caryn pines bc i love her

here's what i think about her
michael, her father, was 17 years younger than mabel and dipper
she was born when he was only 16
growing up, she visited the mystery shack in it's very formative years and thought her auntie, madame mystery, was the coolest person ever
she had an obsession with the mystical also, but focused in witchy things and seeing the future.
when she was 15, her parents had another baby. she felt very left behind by this, and started dating fillbrick, a 20-something asshole who worked with her dad.
she got pregnant at only 16, and was super excited to be amother. obviously she faced the general teen mother issues, but she was excited to have a baby.
she moved in with fillbrick when he found out, even though her parents never kicked her out. she just wanted her kids to have a whole family.
fillbrick insisted on naming their son stan, after his late father. in return, caryn told him she would, but he would be having her last name.
when they found out they were having twins, filbrick insited that there was no need to find another name, since they had agreed on stan. she came up with stanley and stanford to keep the peace with him.
she invited her auntie to see her give birth, because she was fun and kooky and everyhting that she wanted to be. mabel was the first one to hold the boys other than herself.
after the boys were born, her parents were regular babysitter while she finished her high school degree.
she married fillbrick the day after her 18th birthday. she cried the whole morning. her mother begged her to just run away and leave him behind. she married him anyway.
once she graduated, she worked as a waitress while trying to start up a psychic business. from a string of total accidents, she became the star of her own psychic tv show and moved the family to california.
for years, she did her best to keep her temper with fillbrick, since she hated fighting in front of the kids. she reminds herself that they need to be together so there's another paycheck. so the boys have a father.
she keeps coming up with reasons to stay.
the year the boys are 12, she finds it harder and harder to find reasons. she hates fighting in front of her sons, but she hated fillbrick more.
she sends the two of them to spend a summer with her favorite aunt while she figures out divorce proceedings, how to keep full custody of them for herself, how to get a restraining order against her husband, and how to do it all without him knowing until he absolutely has to.
she has two tattoos, one on her stomach of a crystal ball and one on her arms that says "Lee & Ford"
just. i love caryn pines very much and i refuse to believe that anyone related to dipper and mabel would actually raise fillbrick, so i think this is more fun.
#gravity falls#caryn pines#ma pines#relativity falls#fillbrick pines#filbrick pines#my art#ive never posted art n tumblr before#her skirt took me forever#pls like it
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New Gen 11
so like ive been having thoughts about ng11 given the recent chapters and all and wondering. whats the point of them lol. this is like me questioning the author again lol.
like we were first introduced to them very early on with sae's intro. ever since then the 11 players of ng11 have been mysterious. even more so with how much the manga heaped praises on sae making him compete against all bllk players and still coming out on top. also being the only one (prior to charles) who could actually play with shidou. and given that sae is genuinely the best midfielder we've seen so far, it was obvious that we would be excited for the ng11. However, ng11 is still confusing. according to bllk wiki (bear with me i havent read the manga in a while and im too busy with finals to reread and find the panels but trust once exams are over i will!) ng11 are players who are categorised as the "next gen" of football superstars. which would give u the idea that theyre the best of the best in the current gen. but here's the thing. they're not. look at loki. he's the same age as sae (i think i forgot sae's age but loki is 17/18) but loki isn't part of ng11. which u can say maybe he isnt anymore cause he's pro but remember when we see Michael for the first time isagi knows he is part of ng11 (chapter 157) which means isagi knows who the ng11 are right? Also when we see lorenzo for the first time (210) once again isagi knows who he is. Which definitely means that isagi knows who ng11 are. but thats not the case for loki which can lead us to think loki was never part of ng11. but loki is definitely a better striker than kaiser so why isnt he part of ng11? my problem with ng11 is how it seems so inconsistent? what makes one part of ng11?
again bllk wiki says that ng11 players are those of the next gen who have skills that cant be copied by others in a sense? like we see when michael makes his first kaiser impact even noa admits that michael is better at his speed of shot than noa and thats not sth he can easily copy. not to mention sae with his flawless pass. so is that all that makes one ng11? a skill that others cant copy? so ig ng11 is just the bllk version of knb's miracle generation (this came to me when i was rambling to my sister). the whole concept and history of ng11 being still ??? is so weird to me especially given that we have 3/11 of them in the manga now with sae and michael playing such pivotal roles to the two biggest characters (isagi and rin).
anyways, this thought came up to me cause i was seeing people on twt being like "so rin is better than ng11!!!" cause kaisagi decided to team up to beat him which made me think "huh, is he?" which then made me start questioning what exactly makes one ng11.
but whether rin is better than ng11 or not is still up for debate. especially cause there's 8 other players we havent seen. also... they all play different position lmao. rin is definitely the best in bllk. with rin vs kaiser debate... hmmm. even im a bit like... confused. id say in terms of their personal skills they might be more evenly matched? the kaisagi team up is necessary bc while rin has pxg on his side the entire bm team is divided betn kaisagi with both of them in a tug of war to turn the team in their direction. the match of bm is never bm vs other team lol. its always isagi vs kaiser vs other team. kaiser doesnt fight with just rin he fights with rin AND isagi and the same goes for isagi. which is why the next chapters will be so interesting.
anways these are all my thoughts on ng11! maybe i'll do a better one when exams end and i reread the whole manga and take proper screenshots and notes.
#blue lock#blue lock meta#blue lock discussions#michael kaiser#itoshi sae#don lorenzo#isagi yoichi#itoshi rin#new gen 11#ng11#bllk#bllk thoughts#bllk rambling#bllk 285#pls share thoughts lol
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ノ゙✧*。Why I Relate To Capochin✨🌈
Infodumping about my life, capochin, headcannons, and other autistic things!
TW for mention of abuse, manipulation, power imbalances, pedophilia, and parasocial (?) Relationships
Capochin! Who doesn't love him other then people who don't love him- he's such a silly little guy!! Just a grumpy old man!! A grumpy old man who I, a mentally unwell teenager relate to on a deeply personal level- definitely a bit more then I'm comfortable with- and I know what your thinking, "But Felix! Seriously how relatable can he be-" SHUT UP. SHUT. SH.
Allow me to explain, and I guess spill my organs just a bit- just a WEE bit! So, given only two people on this forsaken website actually know about my personal life and was there to watch it happen I have a bit of explaining to do- so, where do I start... Hm, how's about middle school! Middle school, ah, how lovely- cutting out how much I was relentlessly bullied middle school was my first exposure to this kind of unhealthy relationship that I've unfortunately grown so accustomed to. Long story short I was forced into a relationship, got extremely emotionally attached only to be abandoned and have the things I love most stolen- then people spread rumors about me and blah blah blah I was bullied in middle school and people did not stop that's the short of it!
But then it kept happening.
And again-
And again.
Each relationship was progressively worse I, being the dumbass I am, only grew more and more dependant on these people who would hurt me, desprate for the approval of people who looked down at me with nothing but hate in their eyes. Starting to see a similarity? Anyways skip to freshman year!
Highschool! How bad could it be?? Not worse then middle school that's for sure! And believe it or not- I think I'm that loser who peaks in highschool-BUT the reason I bring this up is because of my most recent experience with an abusive relationship I could not get out of.
At the time I was 14, Michael was 17- he guilt tripped me into dating him, used me for what he wanted and smothered me with 'love' if you could even call it that and at some point in this endless loop of hell he turned 18 while I was still 14- a lot more happened in that relationship but the important part is that this is when I hit an all time low and I didn't mention this but I have always been big on cannibalism metophors- and this is around when those cannibalism metophors stopped being uhhh, metophors let's say!
Yeah things got real bad but I managed to crawl away mostly unharmed-
And I know because that was genuinely a lot for HORRIBLE shit to read I'll give everyone a bit of fluff in my life, I'm doin fine and I'm in a very happy polyam relationship !! I love my boyfriends very much!
Back to the horrible shit!
This kinda manic desperation got really bad after I got away from Michael, my brain immediately opting to viewing my current boyfriend, Oco as a savior of sorts- given hes known me since middle school, got me out of the abusive relationship with Michael and kinda is the only reason I haven't DIED yet- holding him up on this mental pedistal where no matter what he did he would always be perfect and amazing and I would do anything anything anything for him!!
Yeah, that... That kinda fucked me up- I mean, go figure-
ALL THESE MANY MANY PARAGRAPHS OF TRAUMADUMPING TO SAY, DO YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN??? GOD this isn't even scratching the surface of the shit I've been through that contributes to why I relate to Capochin so much!! This is leaving out like ALLLLLL the cannibalism and self mutilation metophors I've found myself associated with, pretty much everything that happened that lead up to me holding just... SOME GUY on a mental pedistal for god knows how long- I could genuinely just go on and on and on about it!! But honestly I don't think anyone would really be interested in listening to me info dump about my life more then I already have- we're here for the CAPOCHIN!!! And honestly- I don't really know what to say- I mean I feel like this all kinda speaks for itself, y'know? I mean- fuck man, he just hits a bit too close to home for me sometimes- I love him tho, he's very important to me
If you actually read this far- Uhm, thank you!! You really didn't need to read all this shit- I know it's a lot to take in but I uh- yeah- if you read all this thank you it genuinely means a lot to me <3
#solar rambles#solar vents#Great god grove#Ggg#Capochin#Vent#Tw vent#tw abuse#tw power imbalance#tw cannibalism#tw pedophila mention#tw grooming#tw parasocial
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1961's The WORLD of ICE and FIRE
I'm going to do it. I'm going to self-indulge!
The Roger Corman ASOIAF production post is mostly just a novelty, but since I'm me, I have a lot of FEELINGS and OPINIONS about this cast. Naturally.
Anyway. Here's how well I think the actors in my post would play their roles, from worst to best.
#19, Worst: John Ashley as Robb Stark
You know how Ben Affleck has a face that knows about emails? John Ashley has a face that knows about sock hops. Woefully miscast.
#18: Tor Johnson as Gregor Clegane
God love the big guy, but I've only ever seen him make this face. Also, despite his repertoire of roles suggesting otherwise on paper, he just doesn't seem like a mean guy.
#17: John Agar as Jaime Lannister
Another terrible choice. The only reason he's not ranked as worst is because his soulless performance would make viewers interpret Jaime as an absolutely irredeemable sociopath, which at least would be... uh, interesting, I guess.
#16 Robert Reed as Renly Baratheon
Renly, but only if he was the most boring Baratheon. Go ahead, try to picture Reed eating a peach. You can't.
#15 Dawn Bender as Arya Stark
Aw, she'd try. But I feel like her attempts at Arya's fire would mostly come off as petulance.
#14 Richard Carlson as Ned Stark
Sorry, what? I fell asleep for a minute there.
#13 June Kenney as Daenerys Targaryen
Kenney would try her level best, but you know Corman would do a terrible job incorporating her storyline with the main plot, so she wouldn't have much to do except lounge around on mildly offensive orientalist sets and talk to her force-perspective dragon puppets. (Stop-motion you say? What, you think American International is made of money?)
#12 Dolores Faith as Sansa Stark
Again, no knock to Faith, but as with Daenerys, I think a 1961 production would flatten Sansa's character away to nothing. She'd get to pine and wear some nice dresses.
#11 Anthony Dexter as Petyr Baelish
This guy can play oily like nobody's business (check him out in 1962's Married Too Young), but 5D-chess-level deviousness might be beyond him.
#10 Michael Dunn as Tyrion Lannister
Full disclosure: I'm plopping him in the middle because I've never seen him in anything! The only little person I've personally seen in Corman's movies is Billy Barty (playing an actual, literal imp), and Dunn was someone I found who was said to play much meatier roles. In general, I think the depth of Tyrion's character would seriously challenge 1960s casting directors who were used to casting little people in jokey roles or as something less than human. One of many problems they'd have with the source material, no doubt.
#9 Lon Cheney Jr. as Sandor Clegane
Here's another actor who would do the best with what he was given - which would be an essentially empty role. This Sandor would be a beast used only for jump scares, with too much rubber over his face to ever show an emotion.
#8 Glen Langan as Stannis Baratheon
Langan would be serious, but dull, with lots of droning sermonizing. In other words, perfect. Still boring though.
#7 Basil Rathbone as Tywin Lannister
Who better to play a role totally owned by Charles Dance than an actor who's even Charles Dancier? The only reason I'm not ranking this legend higher is because I do think he'd kind of sleepwalk through this role, especially at this stage in his career.
#6 Raymond Burr as Robert Baratheon
The future Mr. Perry Mason was damn good at playing hard-drinking, prowly, "beastly" men. See him in this fabulous trailer for 1951's Bride of the Gorilla (spoiler: Burr is the gorilla). Of course, for this production, he'd be about 10 years on from that virile role, but that's perfectly on brand for Bobby B.
#5 Michael Landon as Jon Snow
Landon's tortured James Dean era would be a great fit for angsty goth teen Jon, though he might have trouble keeping his feelings as hidden as Jon does.
#4 Allison Hayes as Melisandre
Should she be ranked this high? Eh, maybe not, but this woman is a goddamn B-movie bombshell goddess. Her Red Woman would be a little less mysterious, sure, but her perfectly arched eyebrows and bullet bra would do R'hllor proud all the same.
#3 Marie Windsor as Catelyn Stark
They didn't call her Queen of the B's for nothing. Windsor always did great with roles that call for strength and verve. She'd be a fantastic Cat, and - dare I dream it - an even better Lady Stoneheart.
#2 Jack Nicholson as Theon Greyjoy
Now this would be fun. If baby Jack Nicholson had half the presence and charisma he would show in later movies, his Theon would be legendary.
#1 Coleen Gray as Cersei Lannister
If I can get Tumblr to understand one thing, it's how much Coleen Gray would absolutely eat in the role of Cersei. She's beautiful. She's a schemer. She's a helpless victim. She's back for revenge. I challenge anyone to watch her insane, murderous, fierce, gorgeous, duplicitous performance in 1960's otherwise pretty terrible The Leech Woman and not come to the same conclusion. I'm serious. There would be no survivors. 👑
#asoiaf fan cast#old movies#mst3k#mystery science theater 3000#rifftrax#asoiaf shitpost#asoiaf meme#b movies#roger corman#cersei lannister#jaime lannister#tyrion lannister#tywin lannister#sansa stark#robert baratheon#stannis baratheon#renly baratheon#asoiaf
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I forgot to make a post earlier about this, and it's technically the 10th of October now (only by slightly over an hour as of me writing this), but it was the 40th anniversary of the TTTE TV series.
Even though there were series of TTTE that were less good, the fact that the series that were good are still so well remembered to this day shows how impactful the show is. I love the books as much as the show, and grew up with both. I am mainly going to be talking about the show here, but most if not all of my points here also apply to the books.
I love how quaint, full of character and full of life the show is. So many characters are memorable and have such distinct personalities, from cheeky to haughty to cheerful to determined. The show has very good and memorable music as well.
Now I am going to give my own opinions about the series in general. I love series 1-7 and the Jack and the Pack series, I like the music for series 8-16 but the writing feels condescending and the characters are limited and do not act like themselves, I really enjoy series 17-20, I feel a bit conflicted about series 21 (I like some things, but not others, mainly the bouncing of the engines, the bouncing really irks me), and I have both feelings of indifference and second hand embarrassment when it comes to series 22-24.
Diverting from the subject slighly, I haven't seen much of All Engines Go, but from what I've seen, it's fine. It doesn't stand out, but it isn't the worst thing that I've seen. It's disappointing how childlike a fair few of the characters are, and how they jump all over the place to the point that the tracks might as well not be there, but it doesn't really try to be the original show, so I'm rather unfazed.
I also have my own opinions on the narrators. I love Ringo Starr's narration, I do like George Carlin's narration, I love Michael Angelis' narration (though this does depend on the series) and I also like Alec Baldwin's narration.
Michael Brandon though, I only like his narration in the Jack and the Pack episodes. The rest of his narration though, I really don't like it at all. He uses the nasally voice all of the time, and I can't stand it, and I just don't think that his voices suit the characters. I do feel bad for him though, it seems that he does have enthusiasm, and I do like the Texan voice that he uses for some characters (Kelly is one of them, and I do think that it suits him) to be fair. His narration just isn't for me in my opinion.
Characters wise, my favourites are probably very obvious, but I'm going to say them anyway. Not in a particular order, Duck, Sir Handel, Kelly and Nelson are my favourites. I love all of them equally, and they are protected under the law of me. I love them all for different reasons, but I might save those rambles for separate posts.
This ramble has little flow (as per usual), but to conclude, this show means a lot to me. It always has and always will be. Happy 40th anniversary TTTE. I love rambling about this show.
#ttte 40th anniversary#ttte#my opinion#thomas and friends#ttte duck#duck#ttte sir handel#sir handel#ttte kelly#kelly#kelly the crane#ttte nelson#nelson#nelson the ballast tractor#ringo starr#george carlin#alec baldwin#michael brandon#the railway series
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Oh hey, it's CC, your local fluffy fanfic writer who seems to think they can write theory posts. I really should just stick to what I'm good at, but here we are.
I'm back on my Solomon and Barbatos theories, brought to you by the insanity that was hard Lesson 20. I'm also just thinking a lot about that whole situation, so.
Spoilers below the cut, as always!
Here is my first post about hard Lesson 20.
I went back and read the lessons with Raphael in them because now that I know it's actually Michael pretending to be Raphael, it changed the meaning of everything Raphael was originally saying.
Now obviously Michael is still pretending to be Raphael at this point, so it's hard to say how much of it is Michael saying what he thinks Raphael would say and how much of it is Michael just saying what he wants to say.
There were a few general things I wanted to talk about, specifically that I think Michael is a coward. When he was in the Devildom as Raphael, he kept saying stuff like "Michael wants to send you this message" and "I know about this from Michael" like why didn't he just come on down as himself and own it?
Raphael actually calls him out on this.

I'm seriously starting to love Raphael. He's just like, you're an idiot and I don't have time for your nonsense lol.
But anyway, there were a few things that Michael said as Raphael that I found interesting. Most of the stuff he said to the brothers was very official stuff like "The Celestial Realm has pardoned you" and "do you doubt our Father?"
But when he talks to Simeon and Luke, he's completely different. He showers them in gifts (which is especially funny because he's still pretending to be Raphael, so it's like here is Michael acting like he's Raphael giving gifts to Simeon and Luke that he says are from Michael...) and he tells Luke he might consider being a principality and watching over humans.
Though when Simeon questions whether or not this what He really wants (assuming we're talking about Father/God here), "Raphael" is like are you doubting?? It's like he cares about all these people, but the second they do something he doesn't like, he gets weird about it. He can't just be like okay, I see that you needed to make this decision for yourself and I'm happy for you. No, he's like you are wrong and I'm going to try to convince you of that. So I'm going to do some crazy stuff and stress everybody out.
All of this is to say that I'm not sure how I feel about Michael, but so far I'm not impressed.
OKAY but now on to my Solomon and Barbatos stuff.
My original Solomon theory can be read here.
Basically, I was speculating that we're dealing with two different Solomons, one of which is the past version and one of which is the future version that came back to help us.
However, I'm not sure that's exactly what's going on.
You can read this post about Lesson 17 for a little context on this, but I also talk about Solomon switching outfits a lot. Because he does and he seems to be the only one who does.
So now, I thought this particular exchange was interesting:

Okay, we all remember this line from Diavolo, but I'm interested in Barbatos's "..." that comes after. Why would they include that? And right after Diavolo calls Raphael "Seraph Raphael?"
I think it's because Barbatos knows this isn't really Raphael. Why would they put that in there at all if it didn't have some significance? And I can't imagine what else it could mean, now that we know that wasn't Raphael at all. Does Barbatos know that it's Michael? I'm not sure. Maybe. But it could be that he just knows it ISN'T Raphael.
I also noticed that any time Raphael and Solomon are in the same place, Solomon is wearing his casual sorcerer outfit, the one I think belongs to our original present timeline Solomon.
But after Raphael leaves the first time, Solomon and Barbatos have tea at the Demon Lord's Castle and he's wearing the trench coat.
It's a fascinating conversation. Because if Barbatos can tell when someone is not who they seem, and this Solomon is not our Solomon, then Barbatos is fully aware that this is not Solomon.
However, they keep up the pretense that this is the same Solomon. They even talk about his hangover and stuff.
Then they talk about why Barbatos is angry at Solomon and Solomon is very much just like ??? about it.
SO here are my theories.
I think we are dealing with two Solomons, one who wears the casual sorcerer outfit and one who wears the human world trench coat outfit.
The trench coat one is not our original Solomon. He might be a version of Solomon - such as past!Solomon - but now I also think he might be a completely different character disguised as Solomon.
Barbatos knows that MC is from the future, I think. I can't imagine why he wouldn't know. I think he also knows trench coat wearing Solomon is not the original.
And I kinda think it might actually be Michael who's pretending to be Solomon?? But as I mentioned in my original hard Lesson 20 post, that would also mean he made a pact with Asmo and that part doesn't make sense.
But the conversation Barbatos has with Solomon after Raphael makes his ultimatum really makes me feel like they are talking about something else. Without getting into ridiculous amounts of detail, it just sounds like Barbatos is saying I'm mad at you, but he's not saying it to Solomon, he's saying it to whoever is disguised as Solomon. He calls him an imbecile multiple times. And yet, Barbatos always used to say how smart Solomon was, so it just doesn't add up. I can't imagine anything that Solomon himself could have actually done to make Barbatos so angry with him. It makes more sense to me for it to be someone else entirely.
I also think that whoever is disguised as Solomon doesn't know that Barbatos knows that it isn't actually Solomon. Like okay, let's just say it's Michael to make it easy. If it's Michael that Barbatos is really mad at, but Michael doesn't know that Barbatos knows that he's Michael, then Michael would continue to respond to Barbatos as though he was Solomon. So if Barbatos is like I'm mad you (meaning Michael) and Michael is thinking okay what did Solomon do but he just has no idea, it makes sense that he would just have to default to saying I don't know why you're mad.
That's a bit of a convoluted mess, though. So I think it's probably unlikely?
Because I will say that I am really reading into things, though. And with this game, it's hard to say what any of what is said actually means. I just thought of the past/present Solomon theory and now I'm always looking for additional proof of it lol.
In the end, I'm still pretty upset with the way Michael decided to just show up and traumatize our poor boys further by granting them a pardon and telling them they can come back, but with all those strings attached. I don't know if this happened because he's just out of touch with everything and didn't realize how stressful that would be for them or if he's really just selfish. He just wants them back and he has the power to do it, maybe? I don't know, but man just leave them alone already would ya!
As for Solomon, I love him no matter what, so I hope that if my theory is correct, it gets resolved in a normal, non-heartbreaking way, thanks. Honestly, I'd rather be wrong about everything if it means sparing us from painful times with Solomon. He's been through enough, too.
Anyway, I just needed to get all this out of my head so I'd stop thinking about it lol. If you made it this far, thank you for reading the whole thing, I am sending you kisses.
#obey me#obey me shall we date#obey me nightbringer#obey me theories#obey me nightbringer hard lesson 20#obey me nightbringer spoilers#obey me raphael#obey me michael#obey me solomon#obey me barbatos#misc talks about characters#misc rambles
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Brief Michael Kahale questions,
In SoN I we’re told that Centurions have to serve at least 5 years as a legionnaire before becoming a Centurion
And we Know that Michael Kahale was a linebacker in highschool, meaning more importantly that he went to highschool. But, like-
Michael is strongly implied to also be a teenager- I don’t like the idea of a like 23 year old Michael running around with a lot of 16 year olds and being close friends with 18 year old Octavian; and it strongly is implied that he is of similar age of Octavian.
But he went to highschool. And like- it at least feels like he had a year or two of highschool, enough to be recognizable in his linebacker situation and as a demigod to be scouted by Octavian’s father,
Which like, if we go 18 year old Michael kahale- or even 19 year old Michael Kahale at the oldest (though I always like making him 17, this is my own hc and I will not be including it) Anyway- if we go 19 Michael, he’d have to join the legion at 14; which, not impossible, some kids will be entering freshman year as 14 year olds, but- like- WHAT??
It feels, wrong to say it was fresh faced little baby Michael; Reyna makes it feel like he is newer to the legion, and that most of his bulk was Linebacker stuff.
But that implies that he ALSO broke the 5 year rule, that were told is super duper important and is rare to be broken- but really it feels like a lot of people broke it.
Frank obviously did, it’s an improtant plot point. I don’t think we get confirmation that Praetor’s also have this rule, but I feel like they do- and in that case then Percy and maybe Reyna both break that, then now Michael Kahale. Really it feels like no one really cares about this rule if we have this many examples of named characters that don’t follow this rule- not including any side characters were given that would make sense (very thankful that they did not hand over Dakota’s tattoo details so we could reasonably say that he got to the legion at 11 like Octavian, and actually properly followed the explicitly said rules about ranks) Also Hazel! She was at least at the camp for a year before HoO I think, and then only what, another year passes for ToA, she, at the most- could have around 3 years of service and I am only going off of memory here-
Literally no one cares about this 5 year rule unless we imply that 23 year old Kahale is running around and that makes me uncomfortable!
Anyway I’m gonna go to sleep now because I have to go to school tomorrow, good night- if anyone has any actual good explanation for this other than the continuous lack of characterization and attention paid to Camp Jupiter and the concepts presented in Camp Jupiter; I’d love to hear it
#pjo hoo toa#idk how to tag this#camp jupiter#kind of a rant#hoo#michael kahale#this irritates me to no end#i’m very sleepy
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Last Things They Say to MC
“Mm… What’s wrong? Are you feeling nervous? Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Believe in yourself. And if you ever need a confidence boost, just say the word… I’ll do whatever you want, as many times as it takes. Just like I did now. I know how talented you are. It isn’t easy to earn my respect, but you managed to do it. Remember that.” or “…What’s wrong? Feeling nervous? If only we could stay like this, just like we are right now… …But the ceremony’s starting. Come on, let’s go.” — (80-22)
“Yo, MC! Let’s try that again. But this time, land on MY lap!” or “Whoa… ALL RIGHT! Like, yeah…I did! I called for you!” — (80-22)
“What?! A bit too far?! You think I’m taking it A BIT TOO FAR?! The whole world can jump off a cliff! Everyone except me and the great Christopher Peugeot!” or “I’ll try not to, but I can’t make any promises!” or “I knew you’d understand! You’re a true friend, MC! You’re the only one I can share this moment with! The only one who knows what it means!” — (80-16 Hard)
“That was a really nice gift shop, they had all sorts of cat-themed stuff. We should go there again the next time we get a chance, MC.” — (80-19)
“Oh MC! I’ve missed you sooo sooo SOOO much!” — (80-22)
“I’m putting this in the box. It’s from the RAD Sports Festival. This is the slip of paper listing what I was supposed to find during the Bloody Scavenger Hunt. I was so hungry that I accidentally ate the original slip of paper, remember? It was just as you happened to be passing by… So you wrote my instructions down for me again on a new piece of paper. And on top of that, you have me some actual food to snack on.” — (80-19)
“Wait though, what are you doing here? I mean, I’m happy to see you, but…” — (80-22)
“…Good, yes. Try to concentrate your magic energy in your forehead and fingertips… Nicely done! That was great! It’s been several weeks now since we left the Devildom, but your magic is still as strong as ever. All right, why don’t we go ahead and wrap up your training here for today? You’re about to head off right now, aren’t you? Tell everyone I said hi. Well, see you later, MC!” — (80-22)
“…Hmph, that’s no fun at all. Without you and that sham of a magician around to keep me on my toes, it’ll be so dull here.” — (80-17)
“Anyway, I feel like maybe I’ve made a bit of progress on my personal journey now?” — (80-16 Hard)
“Right! Thanks, MC!” or “The truth is, I’d like to snap my fingers and become a truly great angel right now. But they say ‘slow and steady wins the race,’ after all! I’ll do my best! …But I’ll try not to be too impatient about it!” — (80-14)
“…Have you forgotten that I’m standing right here? If you’re about to have a “moment”…don’t.” — (80-19)
“Goodbye. Until we meet again, MC…” — (44-18)
Little D. No. 2
“Here you are. Your assignment!” — (65-17)
“Anyway, changing the subject…MC, you’re here on a short-term exchange, aren’t you? Just like the second time you came here. It’s the same with Solomon. Your terms should be ending soon, right?” — (80-17)
“It’s a good thing Levi and Beel were there to break your fall, MC…” — (80-22)
“Now then, MC, is there anything you would like to say?” — (80-22)
#obey me lucifer#obey me thanks#obey me mammon#obey me leviathan#obey me satan#obey me asmodeus#obey me beelzebub#obey me belphegor#obey me solomon#obey me thirteen#obey me little d no 2#obey me mephistopheles#obey me Simeon#obey me luke#obey me raphael#obey me Michael#obey me diavolo#obey me barbatos#obey me compilations
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Most Beloved WWE Wrestler Tournament: Round 2 Statistics Dump
Followers: 251
Total Votes: 22,087 + 13,398 = 35,485
Times I realized I was not in-depth enough with my checking of wrestlers and forgot at least one which I only found out because I heard an old wrestler was being accused of murder and the name didn't sound familiar so I checked and it turns out he isn't included but have to remind myself that if no one mentioned him being missing from round 1, he probably isn't the most beloved anyway: once, thank god
Beloved By Gender:
We started with a split of 81.7% men to 18.3% women, which moved to 75% men to 25% women after the first round. After the second round of voting, our percentages are:
Voting Trends:
During round 2, the voting totals ranged from a low of 360 votes per day to 554, with the average rising from 387 votes per day to 462 votes per day (Also I figured out how to add a date marking line how cool is that??)
The 100%ers:
While all the 100%ers from Round 1 have since gotten a vote against them, there were a couple of wrestlers in Round 2 who got through unscathed
Billy Gunn (138 + 50)
Taz (53 + 51)
Asuka (58 + 60)
R-Truth (57 + 71)
Public Opinion:
A great many more publicly adored favs have been voted out, so here are the updated lists
Sports Illustrated’s 101 Best Wrestlers Of All Time (2016)
Ric Flair (18, lose)
Shawn Michaels (53 + 57, win)
Steve Austin (29 + 18, lose)
The Rock (23, lose)
The Undertaker (53 + 55, win)
Dusty Rhodes (46 + 42, win)
John Cena (47 + 51, win)
Hulk Hogan (10, lose)
Sting (51 + 53, win)
Andre The Giant (56 + 38, win)
Randy Savage (37 + 32, win)
Roddy Piper (54 + 33, win)
Chris Jericho (27 + 31, win)
Harley Race (17 + 18, win)
Mick Foley (58 + 47, win)
Bret Hart (52 + 59, win)
Randy Orton (58 + 48, win)
Kurt Angle (45 + 36, win)
Antonio Inoki (28 + 38, win)
Ricky Steamboat (28 + 47, win)
Daniel Bryan (61 + 51, win)
Triple H (31 + 12, lose)
Buddy Rogers (21 + 17, win)
Edge (41 + 49, win)
Bob Backlund (26 + 22, win)
Brock Lesnar (23, lose)
Stan Hansen (22, lose)
Bruno Sammartino (30 + 6, lose)
CM Punk (57 + 40, lose)
Ted DiBiase (27 + 26, win)
Bruiser Brody (33 + 31, win)
Hideo Itami (34 + 35, win)
Rey Mysterio (48 + 40, win)
Vader (32 + 17, lose)
Dory Funk Jr (17 + 17, lose)
Mr Perfect (37 + 25, win)
Eddie Guerrero (53 + 43, win)
Jake Roberts (32 + 29, win)
Arn Anderson (25 + 30, win)
The Sheik (31 + 30, win)
AJ Styles (40 + 46, win)
Goldust (70 + 34, win)
Samoa Joe (61 + 84, win)
Terry Funk (27 + 37, win)
Verne Gagne (14, lose)
Mil Mascaras (10, lose)
Rob Van Dam (43 + 45, win)
Tatsumi Fujinami (25, lose)
Rick Rude (35 + 29, win)
Owen Hart (56 + 41, win)
Jeff Hardy (52 + 32, lose)
Goldberg (23 + 22, lose)
Ivan Koloff (15, lose)
Chris Benoit (17, lose)
Larry Zbyszko (4, lose)
Ultimo Dragon (9, lose)
Scott Hall (44 + 40, win)
Trish Stratus (38 + 42, win)
Dean Malenko (37 + 29, win)
Ultimate Warrior (28 + 20, lose)
Fabulous Moolah (18, lose)
William Regal (62 + 45, win)
Gene Kiniski (14, lose)
Scott Steiner (44, lose)
Rick Steiner (26 + 9, lose)
Chyna (68 + 49, win)
Seth Rollins (55 + 54, win)
Kane (40 + 29, win)
Jimmy Snuka (9, lose)
Davey Boy Smith (22 + 24, win)
The Iron Sheik (49 + 40, win)
Pedro Morales (20 + 9, lose)
Michael Hayes (10, lose)
Johnny Valentine (14 + 4, lose)
Shinsuke Nakamura (58 + 60, win)
Diesel (39 + 35, win)
Batista (53 + 54, win)
Lita (46 + 65, win)
Christian (56 + 47, win)
Ron Simmons (25 + 33, win)
Big Show (41 + 60, win)
JBL (10, lose)
Christopher Daniels (26 + 10, lose)
The Miz (34 + 30, win)
PWI Wrestler Of The Year
Pedro Morales (20 + 9, lose)
Jack Brisco (17 + 13, lose)
Bruno Sammartino (30 + 6, lose)
Terry Funk (27 + 37, win)
Dusty Rhodes (46 + 42, win)
Harley Race (17 + 18, win)
Bob Backlund (26 + 22, win)
Ric Flair (18, lose)
Hulk Hogan (10, lose)
Randy Savage (37 + 32, win)
Sting (51 + 53, win)
Vader (32 + 17, lose)
Diesel (39 + 35, win)
Big Show (41 + 39, win)
Lex Luger (25 + 4, lose)
Steve Austin (29 + 18, lose)
The Rock (23, lose)
Brock Lesnar (23, lose)
Kurt Angle (45 + 36, win)
Chris Benoit (17, lose)
Batista (52 + 54, win)
John Cena (47 + 51, win)
Triple H (31 + 12, lose)
Randy Orton (58 + 48, win)
CM Punk (57 + 40, lose)
Daniel Bryan (61 + 51, win)
Seth Rollins (55 + 54, win)
AJ Styles (40 + 46, win)
Adam Cole (47 + 40, win)
Dean Ambrose (58 + 54, win)
Roman Reigns (51 + 64, win)
PWI Woman Of The Year
Joyce Grable (30 + 24, win)
Susan Green (21 + 27, win)
Stephanie McMahon (26 + 4, lose)
Lita (46 + 65, win)
Trish Stratus (38 + 42, win)
Victoria (27 + 23, win)
Candice Michelle (24 + 39, win)
Mickie James (47 + 46, win)
Michelle McCool (29 + 10, lose)
AJ Lee (48 + 46, win)
Sasha Banks (44 + 47, win)
Charlotte Flair (45 + 42, win)
Asuka (58 + 60, win)
Becky Lynch (58 + 53, win)
Bianca Belair (34 + 66, win)
Top 10 Voted In Round 2:
Samoa Joe (84)
Damian Priest (81)
Big E (78)
Sami Zayn/Rhea Ripley (77)
Jey Uso (74)
R-Truth (71)
Bianca Belair (66)
Lita (65)
Roman Reigns (64)
Iyo Sky (63)
Top 10 Voted Overall:
Naomi (223)
Billy Gunn (188)
Damian Priest (150)
Samoa Joe (145)
Rhea Ripley (134)
Sami Zayn (130)
R-Truth (128)
Big E (125)
Jey Uso (123)
Asuka/Shinsuke Nakamura (118)
Thank you so much to everyone who's been voting thus far. We've got less than 300 wrestlers left to sift through and the competition is starting to seriously heat up. Keep an eye out for Round 3, starting tomorrow!
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