#but also what is your DEAL mr fox
spamsandsuch · 2 years
shadow crystals are so confusing like i know thats the point cuz we have like the bare minimum of information abt them rn but also what the hell are they intended to look like outside of being invisible. “their shadows move like water” what does that mean toby. is that supposed to be a darkworld equivalent to refraction or something. are the crystals translucent or do they just have a bumpy texture. what is your deal toby
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yinyuedijun · 1 month
kitsune!suo x fem reader | feudal japan au
→ notes for an au set in feudal japan, featuring supernatural creatures and spirits (e.g., youkai). suo is a kitsune, sakura is a nekomata, and nirei is an onmyouji. → see this post for backstory on the bofurin trio (recommended background reading)
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note: most information on kitsune-mochi were sourced from folkorist lafcadio hearn's accounts of traveling in japan (c.1901). I did, of course, also take creative license with some of the lore.
reader | kitsune-mochi (fox-employing witch)
→ as a kitsune-mochi, you are a human who has entered a contract with a fox spirit to care for it in exchange for having it lend you its power and carry out your requests. → in your case, your familiar is suo, a nine-tailed kitsune that lost his hoshi no tama. → most witches employ kitsune for the purpose of carrying out malicious acts, like having the fox spirit possess their enemies, steal the wealth of other people, etc. you, however, rely on suo and his power in order to perform exorcisms and exterminate demons—something that you cannot do on your own because you have no innate spiritual talents yourself.
→ although a convenient source of power, these deals are typically risky for the contract holder. you are expected to care for suo for the rest of your life, and any descendants you might have would be cursed to serve him as well. kitsune-mochi are heavily ostracized by human society as well, so if this relationship of yours were to be discovered, then your entire bloodline would suffer. → additionally, these contracts typically favour the kitsune, as they are the ones who define what it means to be "cared for", and may request dangerous or unreasonable tasks. → fortunately for you, suo is not a very demanding familiar! the most basic act of caring for a fox spirit is feeding it, and he's more or less happy with anything you make, though he especially likes tea, wagashi, or dishes with aburaage. this is more or less all he asks of you! → suo's disposition is generally so patient and gentle that you nearly disbelieved that he was a youkai. you were convinced for a while that he was actually a messenger of god who was lying to you about his identity for some reason. (at the very least, you'd noticed that he had a habit of lying to people generally, though this was an unsurprising trait for a fox and it was usually harmless fun.) → this perception of him was shattered when you saw him fight a youkai that seriously injured you. he spent an uncomfortable amount of time toying with it in a distinctly humiliating fashion before finally putting it out of its misery. it was only in that moment that you realised that you'd signed yourself and all of your descendants up for serving a literal demon 👍
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→ warning: immortal/human relationship, immortal deity meets reader as a child but doesn't get to know or grow close to them until they're an adult
your backstory with suo
→ at a very young age, you were adopted and raised by a priestess of an inari shrine belonging to a small mountain village. consequently, you developed a deep respect for the kami and affection for foxes. → as a child, you once found a one-eyed, wild fox in a near-death state. this was suo after he lost his hoshi no tama in a battle with a demon—but to you, he just looked like a regular animal. most people would have let this creature die peacefully, but you were adamant on nursing it back to health. while caring for him, you named him mr. adzuki because of the colour of his fur, which suo finds incredibly funny to this day. → suo disappeared after recovering, never making his true identity known. however, out of gratitude toward you and the priestesses for allowing him refuge, he decided to act as the guardian spirit of the village, protecting it until the end of your life. → conveniently, this meant that suo got to eat all the offerings given to inari's messengers at your shrine, as well as allowing him to gain power from the prayers directed toward him. (inari himself seemed not to mind, as no actual fox messengers showed up to throw hands with suo.)
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image: gashadokuro, a youkai made from the skulls of humans who died in battle.
→ although your village was peaceful throughout your childhood due to suo's protection, in your adult years, a violent conflict between humans and demons broke out in your mountain range. this resulted in the destruction of nearly all its towns and the brutal deaths of your fellow villagers. suo, not at full power, was unable to stop this, but made it his goal to save you from the carnage. → after allowing you time to grieve your loved ones, suo—still considering himself indebted to you—asked what you would like to do next. he offered you wealth, status, and other material things, but none of these appealed to you. → recognising that the mountains you grew up in would be plagued by malevolent spirits and demons for centuries after all the bloodshed that just occurred, you asked suo to teach you jujutsu. your goal was to exorcise all the vengeful spirits, exterminate the demons, and purify the mountain range so that its villages could peacefully rebuild. → given your lack of innate spiritual abilities, suo suggested that you make a pact with him and become a kitsune-mochi to acquire powers. not wanting to deceive you, however, he fully explained how dangerous it might be to enter such a relationship, and warned you not to trust fox youkai like himself.
→ nevertheless, you accepted his offer and became a witch.
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image: sakura irl
meeting sakura & nirei
→ you and suo thus embark on this crazy mission to purify the entire mountain range. while you are more than capable of exorcisms and exterminations, your spiritual abilities (one of a youkai) do not allow you to purify the land. → but that's okay, because nirei and sakura have been traversing these same mountains to exorcise and hunt demons! being an onmyouji, nirei can perform all kinds of purification rituals. when you inevitably run into the two of them, and suo suggests that you all work together. → nirei is more than happy to help you purify the mountain range (because he is a good-hearted person, and also because he usually gets assignments there anyway). he improves his jujutsu under suo's tutelage, and he gets insights on kitsune that he'd otherwise never learn (it's rare for an onmyouji to meet a kitsune-mochi unless it's to prosecute them for some kind of crime, and it's just plain hard to meet and talk with a nine-tailed fox spirit). → sakura is a harder sell. he doesn't trust suo at all at the start, and he trusts him even less when he finds out that he's a kitsune and has been lying egregiously to him. (sakura and nirei spent an entire month thinking that suo was a traveling tea merchant from china and being fed severe misinformation about the entire country.) → however, sakura is very curious about you, because you're the first human he's ever met who has a mutual and trusting relationship with a demon, which he didn't think was possible beyond weirdos like nirei. → you also aren't afraid of him at all even after seeing his nekomata form, which gives him complicated feelings. he reasons that this is because you've fought too many demons to be afraid of any of them, but the actual truth is just that you find suo incredibly scary, and sakura feels harmless and adorable in comparison </3 → sakura deeply enjoys the act of helping the mountain towns and being accepted by their communities, though he's very shy about admitting it! eventually, he does "resign" to joining you in a long-term arrangement, and the four of you take on the endless mission of exorcising and cleansing the mountain range together. it's a very "monster of the week" type of set-up hehe
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→ although the work of purifying the mountain range will likely take the rest of your life (and probably will require generations after you), suo often asks you what you would like to do after the work is complete—so that he can think of ways to grant your request. → you decide not to tell him this, but your wish would be to return to your old village grounds and rebuild the shrine that you grew up in. rather than just inari, you would also dedicate it to the worship of the one-eyed fox spirit that once protected your village.
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Jay Kuo at The Status Kuo:
There’s a strange phenomenon occurring with the terminally online right. Ever since Vice President Kamala Harris announced that Gov. Tim Walz would be her running mate, many of the right have acted with fury. They’ve attempted to “Swift Boat” his 24-year service record in the Army National Guard. They’ve called him a racist for talking about “white guy tacos.” And they’ve dredged up a nearly 30-year old DUI—for which he took accountability and after which he stopped drinking altogether—to prove he’s somehow not so perfect a role model.
What they haven’t been able to do is make any of this stick. And yet, Walz continues to draw fire, which could otherwise have been directed at Harris. In other words, Walz is turning out to be a shrewd pick. At net 11 points positive favorability in polls, Walz is immensely more popular than his counterpart on the GOP ticket, JD Vance, who is underwater by nine. And as they continue to rail against him, the right keeps making his fundamental point about them: They are just really weird. In today’s piece, I explore some theories about why Walz brings out the worst impulses of the right just by being who he is. Then I’ll lay down some political tarot cards and prognosticate about where I think this leads.
Politico Uno Reverse
By most identity measures, Walz should be one of the MAGA right. He’s a midwestern white dude in his late 50s. He loves to hunt and is a sharpshooter. He served for decades in the military and achieved the highest enlisted rank of Command Sergeant Major. He was a football coach who helped lead his team to the state championship. And yet, despite all these identity markings, Walz in an unabashed progressive. He is for reproductive rights and an ally and protector of gay teens. And there isn’t a bigoted bone in his body. It’s as if when Harris picked him, she played, as writer Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman succinctly described it, a “political uno reverse.” The Walz card threw it right back at them, as if to say, “I’m a guy just like you, but without any of the weird baggage.” The MAGA GOP’s base is supposed to include white guys like Walz. But here is living evidence that they don’t have all of them or the best of them. That’s why they’re so eager to discredit him, because if they don’t, as psychologist Julie Hotard notes, then Walz will stand instead as a model of what is possible. On many levels, an appealing, white, male Democrat is a far bigger threat to their sense of identity than even a biracial woman candidate for president.
Attacking Mr. Nice Guy
For the past two decades, the GOP has shifted markedly toward being a party of cruelty, of “owning” the libs and drinking their tears, and of being as unpleasant and in-your-face as they can be. That kind of behavior has been rewarded with appearances on Fox and other right wing media, fundraising dollars from the MAGA base, and a spot at the side or in the tweets of the ex-president himself. As author Patrick S. Tomlinson observed, Walz represents what shouldn’t be an extraordinary notion: that you can be a nice guy, supportive of women, embracing of gay people, and still be all the coded masculine ideals of soldier, football coach, hunter and father that the MAGA right believed it had a lock on. Plus, you can be all those things without ever asking weird questions about menstrual cycles, chromosomes and genitalia. The right even tried to make a big deal about Walz’s efforts as governor to ensure free tampons were available to girls in school. Rumors circulated that schools had been required to also put tampons in boys’ bathrooms, but those claims turned out to be untrue, while demonstrating how off kilter the right becomes over sexuality and gender. The “Tampon Tim” moniker didn’t stick. On the contrary, there are probably many moms and dads grateful for a governor like Walz who is thinking about their daughters’ needs.
Jay Kuo explains the real reason why the right is being driven crazy by Tim Walz: The fact that he has a profile that would typify a MAGA voter (football coach, military service, loves to hunt) yet is a progressive white dude (solid LGBTQ+ rights ally before it became fashionable among Democrats).
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
"See, that wasn't so hard, no?~"
(Name) Adams? Oh this was SO much fun to write!
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As (Name) made his way to Mikey's office, others couldn't help but stare. (Name) was their god of Bonten. He kept the executives under control and keep heir leader alive. But he was also so beautiful.
He was (height), had the most beautiful pale skin, his black hair always down and flowing, and finally he always wore tight black clothing.
At first it bothered the executives, until one day (Name) had worn a dress from one of his American cousins. Bonten was without their top members/leader for almost a week!
(Name) stared at the office door running a hand through his dark hair, and sighing before knocking on the door. He entered almost immediately after. He was slightly surprised at the people in his husband's office.
He expected all his husbands to be here, which they were, but so were some strangers that were eyeing him in a way he didn't like. He silently made his way to one of his many husbands and sat on the male's lap. Staring at the other males with a raised eyebrow.
Takeomi sent a smug look at the other men. Then wrapped his arms around (Name)'s middle, kissing (Name)'s neck softly. The guests just stared wide eyed. This is the rumored God of Bonten. The male that could wrap any man around his finger.
(Name) slowly played with Takeomi's hair, watching the guests. After a few minutes of silences he spoke. Silently shocking the guests of how deep the male's voice was.
"I deeply apologie for intruding. It's supposed to be my husbands lunch time, I was promised a lunch at my favorite roof top resturant. So please continue."
The group from (company name) ndded before turning back to a annoyed looking Mikey. "Like I was saying Mr. Sano, I believe we'll make good progress if we work together."
Kokonoi stood, kissing (Name) head before making his way up front. "Well you want our men to gaurd your company ball, and you want in on Bonten's business. But your not willing to pay the price we agreed upon meeting."
(Name) silently watched his husband agrued with the boss of the company. He ignored the agruing in turn to smack a few wondering hands away. The trouble making trio as (Name) loved calling them pouted at the rejection of their god like husband.
(Name) was brought back to the argument when he could tell Mikey was gonna snap. (Name) pressed a quick but passionate kiss to Takeomi's lips before standing. He slowly made his way to Kokoni. He stared at the company men as he slowly leaned against Kokonoi. Whispering something into his ear.
Kokonoi's eyes widened then he slightly blushed before making his way to his seat. (Name) silently grabbed the contract, while reading it he grabbed Mikey's pen. The others watched the quiet male. Wondering what he was doing, but also they were entranced by his beauty.
After a few minutes (Name) slid the contract to the boss. While the boss read over the contract (Name) sat on Mikey's lap. Hoping it would keep the male from killing their clients. Mikey placed his head in the crook of (Name)'s neck. Letting the smell of (scent) calm him down.
(Name) then began explain what he changed on the contract. "See you wanted to only pay half of the price for our men to gaurd your company ball. Thats not fair since we use that money to pay them."
They looked confused. (Name) then slightly glared. "Wait. Don't tell me you thought Bonten just casually pockets the money from our clients." They didn't say anything. The Bonten members in the room scoffed.
"No. We pay all our workers. The money we get from their jobs, doesn't go directly to us. It goes to our Treasuer Kokonoi who then distributes it EQUALLY among the workers who did said job. Bonten only gets about 10% of the pay from those jobs."
The company looked flabbergasted. (Name) stood and walked around the room. He explained how Bonten was fair to their workers and how they eliminated traitors that went against Bonten.
"See my husbands are fair and ractional men. But if you mess with their Empire and business." The look on (Name)'s face had all of Bonten clinching their fists. The guests looked aroused and frightened. "Then you'll just disappear~"
Bonten watch with pride as (Name) got the company to agree to their orginal deal and sign it. Once they left (Name) sent a look to his husbands. "Now was that so hard~. Anyways since I didn't get my promised lunch, I'll be leaving besides my cousin is here."
(Name) waved as he left the office and Bonten froze. Which cousin was it? Ran was the first to jump from his seat and dart out the door. Then Sanzu, followed by Rindou. Thats when it click. Mortica was the visiting cousin.
Bonten quickly followed their husband. Excited for the evening dinner they knew would happen. Hopefully (Name) would wear another dress Mortica made for them.
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swallowedbyfandom · 15 days
How to reassure via letter
Anthony Bridgerton,
Please come pick up our most whorish brother from my home immediately! Also please bring a complete change of clothing for him. His britches need to be soft and loose fitting. Something that will not rub against his sensitive bits. Per the doctor's orders.
How did this become my life? Why did I ever think marrying into your family was a good idea? Allow me to explain this current fiasco to you.
Benedict ridiculous lush that he is, was so foxed last night he could not locate his own bachelor quarters. He somehow managed to stumble across our home. That sounds harmless does it not? Fortunate even?
Considerate brother that he is, he opted not to knock on our door and disturb our household. He instead got the genius idea to scale over our garden wall. He somehow managed to injury his groin. Which led to him stripping nude to air out his injury. He fell asleep still nude of course in our gazebo. Unfortunately his bottom half was positioned in such a way that it was exposed to the morning sun for quite sometime. You can see where I am going with this.
Please stop laughing it gets worst, Ant.
My staff graciously relocated Ben and his burnt bits to our guest quarters to await the doctor. I was pulled from the nursery and told Mr. Bridgerton was injured in our gardens and need medical assistance. Not a single damn person thought to clarify that is was not my Mr. Bridgerton that was injured. So I strolled into the bedchamber as fast as can be without knocking. Only to be assaulted by the image of Ben spread eagle on the bed sun fried penis and scrotum on full display. My horrified scream brought Colin running to see what was attacking me.
Needless to say, Colin was not pleased Ben "exposed" himself to me. My possessive husband then felt the need to defend my honor. A bottle weary Ben is a mouthy trouble maker. Which led to a shouting match between the both of them. I left them unsupervised as there are some things a sister should never be witness to. The doctor arrived shortly there after. By then he had to treat Ben for sunburn, dehydration, and a black eye.
I have two full grown belligerent Bridgertons in my home. I also have two belligerent infant Bridgertons in my home. Which do you think are causing me the most grief this morning? I cannot deal with these two today, the children are teething. Sort this out!
Your most traumatized sister,
P.S. The doctor prescribed a burn paste. Ben is refusing to reapply it. He claims it burns too much. I leave this in your hands!
(Card attached to floral arrangement)
I apologize that your eyes were so ill treated this morning.
Regretfully, I have seen Ben in worst conditions.
On the bright side, this is prime sibling blackmail material.
(Card attached to floral arrangement)
I promise to never pass out nude in your gardens again.
Tell my brother he is evil for setting mother on me.
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essycogany · 6 months
Hot Take! Nine’s Redemption Arc Was Rushed
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I’m usually positive on this blog, but I believe it’s important to have a balance. This’ll be my longest post yet, so buckle your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.
Quick Positive Points
I like the idea of an antagonistic Tails. Nine’s amazingly voiced by a VA I recognize. His design is awesome. His attitude and sarcasm can be entertaining. Nine saving Sonic’s skin when dealing with the Chaos Council was nice. The scene with Nine and Mr.Doctor Eggman talking about Sonic is one of my favorite moments. The thought of creating robots who look like the other characters as if Nine still wanted friends was neat. (even if he tried to kill with them) And despite my grievances, I thought Nine’s hug with Sonic at the end was adorable. The animation is what helped with that.
While I do like Nine, I’m going to talk about my glaring issues with his character development. I can see both sides of the argument, but let me tell you why there’s more proof of Nine not being well written. I will implore you to think for yourselves regardless of what I have to say. We all have our opinions and I’m only here to share mine.
Nine’s Characterization
This is how the fox carry himself throughout the show and why most of it isn’t written well. I’ll state my issues with Sonic in certain moments too.
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Season One
Nine’s reasonably defensive at first when Sonic came to his home out of nowhere. He became annoyed by Sonic’s immaturity yet concerned for him once they’re captured. After they meet the Rebels, his sassiness begins to show. Replying “You’re welcome,” after saving Sonic by taking control of Rusty. Having a direct and harsh tone when advising others to take the Chaos Council’s shard. And not seeming to care about the rest of the group who gets trapped with Mr. Doctor Eggman.
Nine: “Sonic we have to get to the core!” “You heard her come on!” This I understand because Nine doesn’t know them, so they don’t really matter to him. But then Nine dismisses Sonic’s feelings even after he asked “are you okay?” Because he noticed the hedgehog was a little off.
-Because Sonic started remembering the events that happened to him before he broke the Paradox Prism.
After Sonic realized the prism shattering was his fault Nine says, “Snap back to reality! Grab that shard and we’ll sort the rest out later!” Then when Sonic stated the original Tails told him not to touch it Nine states, “Well, I’m telling you the opposite! Now grab it and let’s go!” Not realizing if Sonic is the reason for the prism being small, his original variant might’ve known touching it was a bad idea. I also can’t forget about these lines.
Sonic: “If there’s anyone who’s got the brains to put it all back together, it’s you.” Nine: “That’s the first thing you’ve said that I agree with.” Nice ego for a person who ends up getting Sonic sucked up by the prism after being warned. Back to what I was saying before, Nine seems to only care about stealing the shard away from the Eggmen here. Which is proven later on in season one. His care for Sonic has progressed, but Sonic learns from the Rebels that Nine abandoned them. And it’s never addressed by Sonic.
-Sonic also insist Nine’s “not a traitor” without any proof. Sonic hasn’t known Nine that long. The last time Sonic saw the fox, he ended up getting the hedgehog sucked into another shatterspace. Unless Sonic’s talking about Nine working with the group. But I’d argue it was more for Sonic and his own sake. Especially since Nine left the Rebels and Rusty at the drop of a hat.
When Nine comes to help Sonic, he shows off the Grim and discuss how it’s “Their bright new future.” Wanting to live in the Grim with Sonic. Even after the last time he saw Sonic, Nine knew how distraught Sonic felt about losing his home. Again, Sonic stated he believed Nine could put the prism back together. Meaning his original friends and world would come back. But Nine immediately assumes Sonic would be happy living with him for the rest of his life. Which is sweet on paper but very messed up in execution. I’ll get into why later. To be fair, Nine’s never had a friend before and was bullied for most of his life. His social skills aren’t the best and he isn’t use to caring about others. But even if Nine didn’t understand empathy, he has no reason to believe Sonic would forget about his home just because Nine didn’t care about his.
Nine: “That city hasn’t brought me anything but misery. I owe it nothing.” He hasn’t been around Sonic for long either, but Sonic’s demonstrated his loyalty before. By worrying about the Rebels instead of the shard while Nine did vise versa. Anyways, Sonic explains he needs to save the Rebels. Nine being Nine didn’t care about them, but came to help anyways because he “cared about Sonic.” I’d say Nine only helped because he thought Sonic would join him after getting the other shards, but that’s my opinion.
Nine: “With enough fortifications and enough shard energy, this could be home.” Because of this line, I believe he already knew about the other shards before Sonic. Which is also why he knew what Sonic was doing in season two. He also says, “When this is over, I’m going home and never looking back. Whether I go it alone is entirely up to you.” Still assuming things.
-Sonic doesn’t give Nine an answer for some reason. Only responding with “I knew you’d come back, buddy.” Projecting how he’d expect Tails to act. Which becomes a serious problem later.
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Season Two
Throughout this season, Nine helped Sonic collect the shards. Which was a bonus to keep developing the Grim.
-Sonic and the Rebels have another debate on trusting Nine. At least this time when Sonic says “He saved you,” it’s true. Nine took down the Doctors before Sonic and co got killed. I’d still argue it was for Sonic, but Nine still saved their lives despite his intentions.
I’ll also admit when Mr.Doc used Nine, it was reasonable for him to feel as if he had no choice. He even apologizes to Sonic. We even learn how Nine first fount the Grim and see him make a hammock for Sonic. But the positives goes down hill once we get into the shard chase between Nine, Sonic, and the villains. Once away from the Docs Sonic stated, “Oh, things are finally coming together. We’ve got the shards! We can finally fix everything!” He’s still obviously talking about Green Hill and his friends. But Nine doesn’t notice this. Instead he says, “It’s going to be perfect.” Very specific you two. Nine seems to suddenly believe Sonic changed his mind and Sonic still thinks Nine and Tails are one and the same.
Dude even calls the fox “Tails Nine,” while introducing him to another character. What are the odds? Later on Nine says, “If you like surprises, wait until you see what I’ve got going on in the Grim.” Sonic responds with, “Grim? Cool. Can’t wait to here more. But right now, we’ve gotta get to Ghost Hill.” Talking as if if the Grim was an afterthought. Then the two talk about bringing the prism back together without knowing what the other’s thoughts were behind it.
Even if they didn’t have time to discuss things, I think they should’ve explained something to each other during the chase or before Sonic left to help the Rebels in S1. That way the unfortunate occurrence could’ve been avoided later on, but we’ll cross that bridge soon enough. Anyways, after the goose chase, they meet up with Shadow, who reasonably doesn’t trust Nine.
-The Blue blur defended the fox again with his projecting his friends onto strangers self. It’s also weird how often this dude doesn’t listen to anyone while also wondering why no one won’t listen to him.
After Nine put one of the shards back together and it brought everything back for a split second. Sonic: “Reality was flipping out over here.” “Green Hill was back and so were my friends.” Which must’ve went in and out of Nine’s ears because this show has no time for the characters to communicate properly. Instead of listening, Nine interrupts the hedgehog and shenanigans ensues.
After said shenanigans, another argument scene happens. Except somehow, it’s worsts then the last. I’ll criticize both characters. I want to address the “Sonic projecting” discussion first. I know people think Sonic’s wrong for doing it (he is) but I believe he’s doing it as a coping mechanism. Since his friends are replaced by ghost who repeat themselves and a bunch strangers who look like them, he might not be able to help it. I give him a bit of slack because we all know what he’s been through. Prime!Sonic is also a very sincere version of Sonic who instantly feels guilt. Even if he doesn’t completely understand what he did wrong.
For example, in the first episode, Tails didn’t tell Sonic why he was upset with him. He just said, “It’s cool really.” Tails brushes things off instead of discussing them. I can see where Sonic is coming from. What I won’t excuse is Sonic having a terrible amount of trust in Nine. I’ll discuss this in S3’s issues. And the rest I’ll summon up to Sonic never addressing problems which might’ve needed to be addressed. Like Green Hill almost coming back and other stuff I’ve already mentioned. Onto the fox. This argument might be a great time for Nine to explain what his plans are instead of saying, “We’re not making your old world. We’re building a better one.” Implying Sonic’s original world is inferior and he should deal with it being gone.
When Sonic says, “I think we can get it back.” Nine responds with, “You’re wrong about that.” Despite Sonic in the same episode said minutes before, “Green Hill was back and so were my friends.” Did the fox forget? Is he lying? Or does he not care? I’ll go with the writers forgetting about this line since it never gets mentioned again. Which seems to be a trope in this show. I understand Sonic’s done plenty of wrong when it comes to Nine as well, but I don’t see how Sonic wanting to fix the problem he made in the first place as selfish. Especially since Sonic’s not the only one who wants Green Hill back. Shadow’s dealing with the consequences too.
The “what’ll happen to me when you bring your friends back,” issue is never explored. There’s no confirmation on what happens, so this comment basically means nothing. Also, Sonic living with Nine forever is messed up. It implies Sonic and Shadow never going home. And their friends would stay ghost forever. Dead to be specific. Not to mention Nine’s home would be a copy of what Sonic use to have. You’re telling me Sonic The Hedgehog would allow his freedom to end because of a self centered fox who wouldn’t care if he wanted to go home? I could continue, but I’ll stop here. In the end, Sonic and Nine were both wrong. You could argue Sonic never said “no” to staying with Nine, but Sonic saying in S1 “It’s not going anywhere” was all Nine needed to hear. Sonic thinking Nine would love Tails and discussing Green Hill was prominent when talking to Nine before getting to Ghost Hill too. Dude was completely set on getting home and he wasn’t subtle about it.
To be fair again, Nine hasn’t been in enough good relationships to know who to trust. Then finds someone he thinks he can trust. Then gets treated like a reflection of someone else instead of a different person entirely. This goes to show I actually don’t hate the idea of the miscommunication. I only feel the show doesn’t give them enough time to breathe and only focuses on rushing the plot. Therefore having contradictions and forced conflicts.
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Season 3
Nine’s first statement in this season is, “This could’ve been everything he ever wanted.” I wish Sonic had a moment to explain why creating a new world is a nice but bad idea. That way Nine could get a better understanding of how close Sonic is to his home and friends. Giving it a sense of importance. He could choose to stay selfish or to be reasonable. Nine tries to capture Sonic in order to get his shard energy throughout S3. In the next scene Shadow says, “So, it was all about power?” (Shadow is the MVP of this entire show) Then Sonic defends Nine for the millionth time.
Sonic: “No, that’s not…” Nine: “Exactly!” Wonderful.
Moving on. Sonic tries to reason with Nine again. Nine: “You were only using me to get what you wanted.” Sonic: “That’s not true.” The hedgehog doesn’t elaborate before or after this conversation. I love how the two barely have a coherent conversation. It’s honestly my favorite thing in the world.
-Sonic tells Shadow if reasoning with Nine doesn’t work, he’ll be “theirs .” Probably implying they’ll have to hurt or kill Nine if necessary. Then Sonic never follows through with it and doesn’t actually fight Nine. Sonic only uses his shield powers or tries to convince others not to hurt the fox.
After that Nine tries to attack both hedgehogs with a robot copy of Sonic and states, “This time, you’re on your own.” Shadow: “He’s not on his own” Nine: “We’re all on our own.” Describing his perception on loyalty is a detail I actually like.
Later in the season Nine tries to disrupt the bystanders worlds to get Sonic, so they disrupt their agreement. Nine attempts to kill them again and wonders why they wanted to protect Sonic. Almost as if Sonic has been helping them since the fox met him or something.
After constant fighting and begging on Sonic’s part, he tells Nine to, “LOOK OUTSIDE!” And that’s when Nine at last sees the shatterverse breaking and realizes what he’s done. All of this mess lasted 7 episodes by the way. The big fight took up 6 of them. Nine knew beforehand the shatterverse was ending and it didn’t phase him as long as his world was safe. Now he suddenly he feels guilty?
Sonic apologizes because he didn’t listen to what Nine wanted. Or appreciate what he was trying to do. This is Sonic’s words not mine. Nine doesn’t apologize for trying to kill everyone, but to Sonic instead. Sonic asked everyone to leave Nine alone. And asked Nine to not cause anymore trouble. Knucks: “How can we trust him?” Nine: “You can trust me.” Outstanding dialogue. Plot needs to occur, so we’ll skip the part where Nine and everyone else gains trust in a none forced way. Great.
Nine finally helps Sonic even if those problems could’ve been avoided a few episodes earlier and say their goodbyes. The End.
I hate how Sonic had to apologize to Nine about wanting to go home. It’s absolutely unfair. Then Nine doesn’t apologize to everyone else for the havoc he’s caused. What I believe Sonic should’ve apologized for was treating Nine like Tails, but it never gets brought up. But my biggest issue is the only way Sonic called out Nine on his actions was by saying, “This isn’t you!” “Don’t do this!” “I care about all of this. You, the shatterverse, and everyone inside of it. I know you do too.” The last bit being a huge lie.
I don’t make these kind of comparisons often, but Game!Sonic would have everything nipped in the bud. I’d assume by telling Nine, “What you’re doing is wrong. This is why it’s wrong. If you don’t quit, I’ll do everything in my power to make you quit.” He’d understand Nine needed to be stoped and act accordingly. I’d assume everyone would have to make him surrender and he’d be forced to fix everything. No, it doesn’t reform him, but I wouldn’t have minded if he didn’t get reformed because sometimes you can’t change people. This might not have been the perfect solution, but I tried. Yes, Nine is a child who was treated terribly, but it shouldn’t excuse his actions.
What’s hilarious is during his last talk with Sonic, he unreasonably guilts the hedgehog and called him selfish. Saying Sonic didn’t save everyone because he actually cared about them. But because Sonic feels guilty about breaking everything from the start. Except Sonic actually admits to messing up which was shown in the third episode of Prime. And took the time to right his wrongs. It’s the most hypocritical and short sided statement in the entire show. And if that wasn’t enough, Nine gets upset when everyone came to attack him. It admittedly was a dumb idea, but Nine made himself the enemy. He didn’t give the gang a reason to trust him before or after his deal with Sonic. Yes, including the end of the show. It made no sense.
Why Nine’s Reformation Was Rushed
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First of all, I’m not saying I don’t like Nine because of his negative traits. That’s the main reason he exists. He’s a antagonistic or I’d even say evil version of Tails. Nine is suppose to be distant, selfish, and such. I simply don’t believe after all he’s done and how his character was established that he suddenly changed into a good guy.
Nine’s focus was on his own pain while he ignored everyone else’s. Including the one person who saved his life on multiple occasions and who (even if it’s wrong) still tried to stick up for him. Giving off the, “I suffered so everyone else should suffer,” mentality. Then blames Sonic by saying he, “Put him into this position.” As if Nine didn’t already make terrible choices before going evil. Sure, the shards could’ve been corrupting him, but it’s never explored and can only be assumed. Which are too different things.
-Also other characters like Thorn and Dread made bad decisions before they had the shards. So, there’s zero proof regarding that theory.
These are obvious toxic/red flag behavior and it never gets properly called out. Things are only fixed because the plot demanded it. Not because there was a natural progression. The only thing that progressed was Nine’s uncaring attitude until it magically fixed itself…at the last minute. And I hate that for him because he deserved better. Sonic deserved better. All of the Sonic Prime characters deserved better. But they all fell into the pit of unsatisfying conclusions.
Side Note: What also bothers me is how Sonic is almost the only character Nine interacts with. No wonder he doesn’t care about anyone else. Nine barely talks to anyone. Like Shadow, the blue blur is the main center of Nine’s attention. At least most of the other characters don’t have the same problem, but it’s still ridiculous.
How The Show Is Flawed In General
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I have more glaring issues with this show. Sonic Prime’s plot almost never stops to breathe. The repetition is unreal. None of the characters (especially the OGs) get enough attention. Some things are both over and under explained simultaneously. There’s reused animations.
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Reused conversations and dialogue are especially prevalent. “This isn’t you, Nine!” “It’s over, Nine.” “Gotta go fast!” “Game over.” “We’re gonna end/fix this together.” “We’re friends.” “Me Beauty.” “We have to take the fight to them.” “You’re even dumber then you look.”
This isn’t half of the repeated lines unfortunately. Some of them aren’t only said by Sonic either. It’s almost as if they ran out of dialogue. I am only scratching the surface of problems, but I won’t go any further. At this point “the show’s writing” is the main issue of Nine’s arc. It’s also why other parts of Prime feels rushed.
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Yeah, I have a love hate relationship with this show. It’s seriously hard to watch sometimes. I know this has been a bummer, but here’s what Sonic Prime does right. I adore Sonic Prime in terms of how it looks and sounds. With the outstanding animation, voice acting, music, editing, and sound design. I’ll even say it’s one of the best looking 3D animated kids TV shows I’ve seen. There’s so much attention to detail and quality of the character facial expressions and movements. Furthermore, when the lighting is really good, it looks near movie levels of quality. Not to mention great writing still exists. All in all, Sonic Prime may not be the best written Sonic show, but it does have the most polished animation. Even with its plethora of flaws and lost potential, I’m glad Prime exists to prove 3D TV shows can look fantastic when given enough care.
Stay Creative! 💜
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
After a report implied many voters of color in swing states are souring on President Biden, Rep. Jasmine Crockett, D-Texas, sparked outrage for implying they are only doing so because they are uninformed and blinded by their feelings.
CNN's "State of the Union" host Dana Bash spoke to a panel on her show about a recent report from The New York Times, "Trump Leads in 5 Critical States as Voters Blast Biden, Times/Siena Poll Finds." The report included polling that claimed, "Black voters — long a bulwark for Democrats and for Mr. Biden — are now registering 22 percent support in these states for Mr. Trump, a level unseen in presidential politics for a Republican in modern times."
Bash addressed Crockett and read an excerpt from the report, "In a remarkable sign of a gradual racial realignment between the two parties, the more diverse the swing state, the farther Mr. Biden was behind, and he led only in the Whitest of the six."
"It’s really scary for me," Crockett replied, before going on to explain why she thinks this shift appears to be happening.
"Here’s the deal, perception is reality, and so when you look at the data that was provided in this poll, it talks about how people feel… it is all about how you feel in that moment," she said. "While the facts may not align with their feelings, their feelings are dictating their reality and their reality is that they feel better or they felt better when Trump was in office."
Crockett added that Democrats have been "trying to push back" against this, even as "some very popular African American artists out here saying things like ‘Oh I got checks when Trump was in office. I want those checks again,’ not understanding that really came from Congress."
"So we have got a couple of things, the perception issue and then we also have an issue as it relates to civics in this country and people not understanding exactly how any of this works," she concluded.
As footage of Crockett’s statement shot across the internet, commentators condemned her rhetoric on social media.
"’Voters are too stupid and they don't understand their betters’ is probably not a great campaign message for Democrats," The Federalist editor-in-chief Mollie Hemingway wrote.
"The utter disdain these elitist lawmakers have for their own constituents is really mind-blowing," commentator Joe Concha wrote.
"Where did she get such a sense of superiority?" journalist Miranda Devine wrote.
"Pre Obama the Democrat’s stock response to dropping numbers in a demographic was, ‘we’ll go and listen, and try hard to earn that support,’" columnist David Marcus wrote. "Today it is, ‘they are wrong, and somewhat ignorant, we’ll show them why we are smart and right.’"
"Imagine being this dismissive of your voters? Democrats seem to think the people who they need to elect them are all stupid and incapable of understanding what’s actually happening," radio personality Mike Opelka wrote.
"Oh really," Fox News host Lawrence Jones III wrote.
Many commentators, especially Black conservatives, scorched Crockett for appearing to underestimate Black voters' ability to grasp politics.
"In other words, according to Democrat @RepJasmine Crockett, Blacks are too stupid to understand how much better they are under Biden," conservative commentator and former 2024 presidential hopeful Larry Elder wrote. "Not too bigoted! If Trump said this, Democrats would be drawing up another article of impeachment."
"Once again telling the Black community that we are not intelligent enough to see what’s going on and understand it," former Republican congressional nominee Jeffrey A. Dove wrote. 
"Democrats: Blacks are too emotional to think clearly. Smart pitch," HotAir associate editor David Strom wrote sarcastically.
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haitianempress · 18 days
Theory about the Garden of Eden Club
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So with this update we are finding out a lot about the club and I have several theories in mind surrounding it.
I feel like Mr. Kim is apart of making sure Idols get pressured into going to the club.
He claims he's mad at everyone in the group and wants better for them, but he doesn't address the fact that the idols have personal issues. If he were really mad, he would fire the idols immediately, especially Lin, who has been given many chances! Something is up.
He literally hired Dong-hyun, the son of a famous person with no degree in psychology, to give therapy sessions to his idols lmao.
He also hired Castiel, whose father is a successful CEO. Do you think he doesn't know anyone at the club who could threaten the idols?
He probably makes more money from these poor idols whose mental health is declining so badly that they would do anything to succeed. He seems like the type to take advantage. He’s suspicious, sorry.
Every single artist under the company is popular due to outside forces coming into play to help boost the Idols popularity.
Seo-yoon went to the club and got in contact with a benefactor who helped skyrocket the group's career. But with that came her failing health and eventual suicide.
After Seo-yoon's death, Mi-yeon suddenly surpasses the group in success and starts avoiding Luna. However, Mi-yeon was not feeling well in the days before her death, and she discovered the person who pushed Luna's sister into taking her life. She also commits suicide.
It's Castiel's father who is funding RK3, so he can get money back by helping cover up what happened to his son at the club. Without his support and money, they would have fallen off the charts and disbanded.
Dean literally admits that he's spying on everyone at the company for elite people. These people could include Mr. Kim or individuals associated with the Garden of Eden. He says he's a fox for a reason, and perhaps that helps him pay his bills and support X-EVO's success on the charts.
They are overworked so bad on purpose in order to make them vulnerable so they can get more Idols to go to the club and make deals.
You heard it from Luna they HAD to be pushed to exhaustion when working hard for their debut cause it's a lot of money to prepare Idols for the beginning of their careers.
After they flopped post-debut, they needed to repay that money somehow. Seo-yoon, afraid of seeing her sister and group members hit rock bottom, sought out desperate measures.
After the idols in the club were used and then discarded, they were pushed to commit suicide so that the club wouldn't appear guilty and wouldn't have to pay them back.
Seong-hwa may have this sweet, hardworking leader vibe, but Luna has seen him exhausted and trying to hide the bags under his eyes multiple times. He is the only one in X-EVO who is like this, which is concerning. What could be causing this?
Additionally, he knew Seo-yoon was going to the club based on a picture he had of her leaving in his camera roll. Maybe he didn't speak up not just because he wanted to protect Luna, as he claims, but also because he's scared to say anything since someone is probably watching.
I think many of the idols, when they go to the club, end up selling their bodies, selling drugs, and becoming recruiters who lure other idols to the club.
Castiel tried his hardest to save Seo-yoon from whatever was happening in the room she entered but was stopped by a man who literally tried to sexually assault him.
Idk if Dean or Castiel said this but one of them said something about watching your drinks so someone won't slip in something…
In notion, this implies that approaching strangers and drugging, groping, harassing, or even raping them is accepted there.
A lot of idols are roped in because they are caught in compromising situations where they could be exposed. The elites use this to their advantage and threaten to blackmail them if they don't go to the club.
Poor Castiel was sexually assaulted by a man, and to prevent the story from getting out, his father paid the man and the club for their silence. But that protection didn’t extend to Seo-yoon. His father is making him work hard and physically abusing him because he can’t make much money off RK3.
Luna is heading down a dangerous path, getting involved in investigations with both her 'therapist' and the group's songwriter. They both know people who have been to the club.
They are using her to do things cause they know grief is tearing her apart and she wants answers. Not to mention Minhyuk caught her outside the club,
She shouldn’t trust anyone, even if they know people hurt by the club. Minhyuk’s full intentions aren’t clear! LUNA IS IN DANGER!!
Lin is on the verge of making the same mistakes as the other girls, but he’s acting irrationally and angrily. They are trying to keep him in line and imposing tighter restrictions on him, and his group’s poor performance is pushing him to desperate measures. Like Seo-yoon, he may seek outside help to save his group because he feels guilty.
Luna discovered that Mi-yeon might be gay or bisexual based on her crush on Castiel and her relationship with Seo-yoon, as seen from the photos and texts. But what if someone else knew this and threatened to blackmail her by releasing the photos if she didn’t comply with their demands?
That's all! What do you guys think?
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teyvathandymenclub · 2 years
Hello can I make a tighnari request tighnari x pregnant reader where the reader goes into Labour and tighnari has to deliver his own child and collie has to stop him from fainting the whole time
(Ps can the baby be a fox I adore baby foxes) 
Thank you for your request. I am really sorry that it took so long, I was not active here for a while. And - Also sorry that I have made it longer than it needs to be. It´s written a little bit as a joke, especially in the last part, so keep that in mind. Hope you enjoy it.
Oh no, it´s comming!
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“What a beautiful night.” Tighnari says leaning out of the window. “Look! The sky was not this clear since… Forever.”
“We should make the most out of these last summer nights.” You say as you come to him. “Soon it will get much colder.”
“And...” He makes a long pause to wait for you to complete his sentence.
“And?” You frown.
“The baby will come!” Tighnari suddenly jumps to you and quickly gets on his knees to hug your belly.
“Don´t do this! You scared me.” You laugh. “Don't you know that it's dangerous to stress this pregnant lady?” You say as a joke while putting both hands on your hips for additional dramatic effect.
“No, pregnant lady. I didn't know that.” Tighnari laughs and kisses you. “What would you say about a little walk?”
“Now?” You frown.
“Yes, dear. Why not? We can enjoy this nice evening and count the stars as we used to.”
“Like on our first date.” Your face brightens up, you love that he remembers every small detail about your relationship. Sometimes even better than you.
“Exactly.” He smiles at you and his ears make a happy wiggle.
“I would love to, but I don't think that we should go far, especially in this state.”
Tighnari laughs when you point your index fingers at your belly.
“Don't laugh. I'm due in three weeks so it can happen anytime now.”
“I know.” Tighnari takes both hands in his and places gentle kisses on them. “But we are ready. We did everything that we were supposed to. Took the courses and read all the books. I am here for you and I will be by your side the whole time. You have nothing to worry about.”
“Yeah… Except for the whole childbirth thing.” 
“I am so sorry. If there would be a way to help you to ease the whole process…”
“I know, I know.” You smile.
“I have always told you that you are the stronger one, Mrs. Forest Watcher.”
“No, no. I am Mrs. Forest Ranger. Like power ranger, but forest edition.”
“What is a power ranger?”
“Oh, nothing.” You laugh as you grab a water bottle and head out on your night walk.
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“It's getting cold, we should come back. I don't want you to get sick.” 
“You're right. I will just… Do you hear that?”
“Tighnari! Tighnari!” A familiar voice echoes in the forest under the small hill where you currently are. 
Tighnari´s ears stretch and try to locate the source of the noise, and after a short moment, he sights “Collei.”
And then you finally see her running towards you.
“Master! Master Tighnari!!!” Collei screams, almost choking on her words, trying to talk.
“What is it now?” Tighnari frowns with his arms crossed at his chest.
“Let her catch a breath.”
“Yes, thank you. That hill almost killed me.” Collei nervously smiled. 
“So… Collei. Tell me what is that important, that you had to wake up the whole forest with your…”
“Tighnari.” You frown at him.
“I am sorry Collei. Now, tell me what happened.”
“Master Tighnari, someone has set up a bonfire in the middle of the forest… And it burns.”
“Well… That usually happens with fire.” He scratches his head. “Even though it is a forbidden act in our forest to leave an open fire, anyone can deal with it pretty quickly. So why…”
“It already burned a few acres!”
“Oh. Wait, what? So the forest is burning?!”
“It shouldn't be a big fire. I haven't seen or smelled any smoke.”
“It's on the other side of the forest, but it's spreading really quickly! It doesn't look good, and many people and their homes are in danger.”
“The forecast for tonight is not good, we will get a strong wind that will help the fire spread even more.” Tighnari´s ears fall flat. “Not good, not good. We need to act quickly.”
“Part of our team is already on the spot and others are currently meeting in…” Collei looks at you with a strange expression, but after a short moment she continues. “I can lead you to…” She looks at you again.
“Collei! Come on, we don't have time.”
“Yes Master Tighnari, you are right. We don't have time.” She says and points at you. 
He looks at you and when he sees that the lower half of your dress is completely drenched, he freezes. “Oh. Oh no! It's coming!”
“Who is coming?!” Collei asks nervously while looking around hoping to see the intruder.
Tighnari just stands there without any movement, shocked, staring at you. “Not now.”
“I am sorry, it's not up to me.” You throw your hands in the air.
Tighnari´s tale nervously jumps from one side to another as he tries to think.
“If I may suggest, there is a small Watchers cabin on the way.”
“Yes, yes. Of course, you are right. Please, tell everyone that I cannot come. Contact every watcher's unit that you possibly can so we can stop this catastrophe. I will… I don´t know. We will figure something out, but if you meet someone from our medical team, send them to the cabin. We will be there…”
“Yes, master!” She says and runs away.
“Now…” He sights. “Let me take you there. At least you will not be cold. And then… I don´t know. Everything is happening at once.”
“Tighnari, calm down. It just started. Contractions are irregular and far apart, so we have enough time until someone will come to help us.”
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“Collei! Finally! It's been hours! How does it look? What is happening?”
“Master! Everything is fine!” She jumps happily.
“What do you mean?” He stares at her. 
“False alarm, master! There was a fire, but all the information we had came from some hysteric granny that lives to spread rumors, so you can imagine…”
“So there was no fire?”
“No. Well, yes. But when the second part of our team came, they had already finished extinguishing…”
“Oh god!” You scream as another contraction comes.
“Master, I think I will go now…”
“I am just joking!” She smiles nervously.
“Contractions are only two or three minutes apart.” Tighnari says.
“I think it's time to start pushing.” You look at him.
“Oh god. I don't feel good.” He hides his face in his hands.
“Tighnari… Ouch!” You shrug. 
“I can't do this… Did you get help? Any help?” 
“I am afraid that I forgot.”
“Collei…” He looks at Collei hopelessly.
“Master! Are you ok?”
“He already fainted. Twice.” You smile, trying to hide that you are scared, but unsuccessfully.
“We can do it, don't worry.” She looks at you. “I think… Yes, I can help. No, I WILL HELP!” Collei grabs Tighnari that already lays on the floor, half dead.
“Master! Do you hear me?”
“Mmmm… Yes. I need water.”
“No water for you! Your wife is ready to have your baby. Do you understand?”
“Oh no.” Tighnari whines.
“Oh yes. Time to wake up!”
Collei helps him to stand up. After a moment, he looks ready until he doesn't.
“Not again! You are one of the best forest watchers! You know everything about nature and you are scared of this?!”
“I… I don't think that I can do this.” Tighnari looks at her with a blank stare on his deadly pale face.
Collei comes to him and shakes him like a paper doll. “Get it together! The baby will come right now and right here! Whether you like it or not!” 
“Oh my… Collei! Damn.” You smile at your friend's enthusiasm. “I would love to watch this drama, but I don't think we have any more time.”
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“Okay, okay! One more push!” says Collei with a supportive smile.
“I love you, I love you, I love you. You are amazing.” Tighnari looks at you while holding your hand tightly, and out of nowhere, a huge relief comes through your body like a tsunami.
“He is here!” Collei screams louder than your crying newborn baby.
Tighnari squishes your hand even harder while his gaze jumps from you to your son and back.
“He is so beautiful.” You cry. “And has huge lungs like his auntie.” You smile through the tears at Collei.
“Me???” She looks at you and starts sobbing uncontrollably while wrapping the baby in blankets from the cabin
“Let me, I will do it.” Tighnari comes to her with a wide smile. After a moment he comes to you, puts a long kiss on your forehead, and shows you your baby with proudness radiating from his face.
You take your baby in your arms and the blanket slips a little, exposing the baby´s beautiful ears.
“This is our baby. Our son.” Tighnari cries.
“Our son.” You repeat after him. “With the cutest ears, I have ever seen. And yes, even cuter than yours.” You grin with your heart so full of love that it could burst.
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aang3ll · 9 months
Finally, an intro post
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(Please ignore my horrendous handwriting)
You can call me Rain or Angel :))
I use any and all pronouns, as seen above! Things I'll do on this blog
-Write requests/Commissions
-Terrorize lees
My hobbies
-Writing lil songs
-Watching COD
-Bullying @xoleevia and @tikalee <3
REQUEST RULES (Requests open)
_________________________________ 1. ABSOLUTELY NO NSFW 2. Sometimes, there may be certain characters that I don't want to write for due to personal reasons, so please be respectful of that 3. You are allowed to request for fandoms that aren't on my fandom list 4. If, for some reason, your request is not fulfilled, please do not deal with this situation by getting angry and spamming my inbox or smth. Instead, simply shoot me a DM, and I will either get onto your request, and/or explain to you why your request wasn't or will not be fulfilled (depends on the request) 5. And lastly, please do not hate on certain requests just because you do not like a character or fandom Also, please note that fics and stuff probably won't be very long, because I have low writing stamina __________________________________________________________
Fandoms ___________ (Noted that I CAN and WILL binge through an entire series or smth just so I can accurately fulfill a request)
-Marble Hornets
-Murder Drones
-Call of Duty (Modern Warfare)
-Undertale (And most AUs)
-IT (1900's 1 and 2, as well as 2000's 1 and 2)
-South Park (Kids AND Adults)
-Gravity Falls
-Death Note
-Mean girls
-Little shop of horrors
-Maze runner
-Hunger games
-Stranger Things
-Girl, interrupted
-The Black Phone
-Demon Slayer
-Amanda the Adventurer
-Rainbow Friends
-G.O.B.B (Garten of BanBan)
-Helluva Boss
-Hazbin Hotel
-Nightmare Before Christmas
-Wendall and Wild
-Steven Universe
-Spooky Month
-Sanders Sides
-Handplates (An Undertale AU that was made into a comic, you can watch it on youtube!)
-Fantastic Mr. Fox
-And if you really want to, you can even request fics about yourself! :) (If you would like the fic to be with another person you know online or IRL, that is also allowed, just please provide proof that you have their permission, please! This can be done through asks or DMs, or even by asking them to post that you have perms!!) _____________________________________ Characters I will absolutely NOT write for _____________________________________ -CC!Dream (I may consider writing C!Dream, but only under VERY specific circumstances.) -Alex (Marble Hornets (We're a system with a Brian alter, who gets triggered by Alex)) -Belos (TOH(Do I even need to explain?)) -Mineta (MHA(^)) -Eric. Fucking. Cartman. -Any lusttale characters -Graves (COD) -Offenderman (Creepypasta) -Henry Bowers + other IT bullies (We also have Richie-) -If you request for QSMP, I will ABSOLUTELY NOT write for Forever. -Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls(Sorry y'all, I love Bill, but he's hard asf to write for with fluffy tickles-)) -FUCKING PENNYWISE THE GODDAMN DANCING CLOWN -CC!Wilbur. However, I will still write for the bursonas. (Ghostbur, Revivedbur, ETC.) ______________________________________________________________ Boundaries ------------- -Fic requests? / Duhh -Art requests? /Most likely not, I can't draw very well -Teases? / Have at it, my friend -NSFW asks/DMs? / No. -DMs from 18+? / No thanks, it's nothing against you guys, I just don't really like talking to adults without other people knowing what's going on, if that makes any sense -Nok-Tkl asks / Ofc! -General DMs / I don't mind, as long as you're under 18 :) -Minor interaction? / Yep! -Over 18 interaction? / Sure, as long as you don't DM! -K1nk/NSFW/Fetish interaction? / No ty ______________________________________________________________ DNI -----
1. Proshippers
2. K!nk + N$FW accounts
3. Zoos + Maps + Nomaps
4. Homophobic + Transphobic + Racist folks
6. Pseudogenic + Tulpa + Endogenic systems. Need I say more?
8. Colleen supporters
9. Anyone who isn't against $@ + @buse
10. "Super Straight" folks. Just say you're transphobic lol 11. CC!Wilbur supporters.
----------------------------------------------------------------- All organized tags so far! ----------------------------------------------------------------- #aangel - All of my posts are tagged with this! #nontickles - Anything that isn't t-word related! #aangel writes - All of my fanfictions are tagged with this! #aangell draws - All of my art is tagged with this! #aangell mha - All of my MHA related posts! #aangell creepypasta - All of my creepypasta related posts! #Tika's tag - Anything having to do with @tikalee! #Olivia's tag - Anything to do with @xoleevia! ----------------------------------------------------------------- And, that's it, folks! Have a wonderful day/night!
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vnearthly · 1 year
so I'm doing Leander's route first bc I need to see wtf his deal is right *shakes him like a ragdoll* but I've been thinking abt how stressed n potentially hostile he'd get knowing you're cool with him but not obsessed
especially if you choose Ais as your official LI lmao that's gonna be fun!!! also read as: highly lethal
with Vere he'd probably be a little jealous of both of you? Like, "I get it, they're fine as fuck but damn fox you couldn't even GLANCE at me???" (maybe I'm delusional w that one)
I'm blanking on Mhinnie n his relationship but since they got all blushy wushy abt him I think they'd be kinda glad to steal you from him since he's sooo aggravating LOL
Since Kuras has known him since he was babie he might understand why u chose his father figured doctor like why wouldn't you, he's perfect (exactly babe that's what I'm sayin! *crawls all over kuras like a spider*)
Idk I'm really gonna enjoy torturing him with choosing every other mf after him lol imagine if this was some dokidoki shit n he corrupted my file over it 👁👁 noooo mr haunted corpse mage pls don't ruin my laptooop ~~
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tree-of-olives · 4 months
okay hi its me im here for the aforementioned criticism of
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disclaimer: i only watched the first half of this movie before leaving in irritation so there is likely more to be added to my points. or less. who knows
this isnt even going to be a criticism of the horrible animation. the movie looks like it was made on an overmodded game of the sims 4 at best. that is pre-established, one glance at this atrocity and you can tell the animation quality is a giant issue for something marketed as a movie. my biggest thing though is the names.
ohh my god. holy shit. THE NAMES.
first of all let me establish my undying love of minion from megamind. i admire that guy with all of my heart. if the original megamind movie was solely about minion i would have been just as if not far more happy with it.
now obviously the copyright joke is relating to despicable me/the minions. but here’s the thing: they didn’t stop saying minion. they just went from calling a primary character minion to calling a DIFFERENT, NON-PRESENT CHARACTER MINION. WHAT.
like. how does just having a character get sued for his name resolve the (real?? nonexistant???) copyright issue????? going from calling the character minion to having all the characters start saying “Actually We Cannot Call Him That Because of Mr. Minion’s Meat Sticks™️” DOES NOT STOP THE FACT THAT THERE IS A CHARACTER CALLED MINION.ITS JUST A DIFFERENT CHARACTER NOW.
But okay!! you know what? i can get over that, right? to anyone who does not yet know where this is going, do me a favor and come up with any name you think would better fit minion from megamind. got your answer? guess what! you automatically win!! because anything you could have said is better than
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listen. if they were going to make minion trans i would be all for it. from minion to like, samantha? go for it! we’re all here for you. BUT TO RENAME THE GUY OL CHUM IS JUST PLAIN BULLYING?? WHO WOULD WANT TO BE CALLED THAT.GENUINELY.
that’s. it’s. i cannot deal with it im so annoyed by it it’s not even funny. blood is boiling.
moving on though!! on a less horrible note the one character who kept me on the edge of my seat (not because i was invested, but because i liked this character juust enough to keep myself from getting up and leaving for my own mental health’s sake) was the knight! who is named-
w. wait a second. is. is that.
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is that night knight? from toby fox’s undertale?
wow haha!! what a coincidence!!! because this doom syndicate guy’s name just so happens to be nighty knight!!!!!
crazy right? apparently not crazy enough to warrant a cease and desist, but crazy!!
this guy doesnt actually piss me off, he was the least insufferable out of everyone. plus im a sucker for any characters with an even vaguely celestial theme soo he wins.
also i dont really remember but im pretty sure he had some other issue with his name?? but thats not relevant to my point here so im not looking into it. this has gone on long enough.
my last note on this is that he is actually just dark laser from the fairly odd parents which also should have warranted a cease and desist
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anyway!! rant over. the moral of the story is i hate whoever decided it was funny to rename minion to old chum because IT WAS NOT.FUNNY
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seithr · 5 months
top 5 blazblue character designs
I feel like my tastes are known but I still will take this chance to gush a bit about the characters and design philosophy of em that Ive always been real fond of :)
No particular order here or else I'll be here all night formatting on mobile. More under the cut!
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HAKUMEN it goes without saying I LOVE HAKUMEN'S DESIGN SO MUCH. The taloned tabi, the silhouette of wide pants and closefitted shinguards/torso. The faces/eyes scattered across his armour while the face is totally blank—made more unreadable and inhuman by the slats of neck guard. Fox-ears built into the helm shape to feel both animal and mechanical like antennae...and obviously the longass hair to sell the "tailed" look.
I remember reading really early on into liking BlazBlue—I can't remember the source, come maul me if I'm wrong—I read that Hakumen as a character and design was made when Mori was in middle or highschool, the idea of "what is really cool," and much of those ideas stayed. I not only really respect that and think its charming as someone who still likes MY own designs from that time, but, as it turns out, middle schoolers are still right. Hakumen is very cool. Augh. Fucking? Time travelling fox-robot samurai who's here to kill his brother to save him and also himself because his old self wanted to do the same thing for the wrong reason and thay thought disgusts him. Also him and Tsubaki in general make me start to choke (positive). God ok I have four more guys to discuss. Yes i also like Susanoo but I feel like thats a copout, I like that he's both animalistic and brutal martial arts as the God of War. Anyways CONTINUING
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VALKENHAYN R HELLSING I will admit that he is an old man in a suit and that speaks to me but that he's one of the strongest beings alive as a old man in a suit ohh. And he's a werewolf ohhhh. Shifting just his body parts to kick and rip with his claws, quickly leaping back and forth between a normal bone-breaking jab or knee or biting and snarling—the dance between raw force and refined precision and a brutal tear's always been sooo cool to see and think about. I also think his ribbon in his hair moving to his wolfy tail is very cute. A man of sharp extremes from refined to flashing his fangs, human and wolf, cool and very cute. I like him :)
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TSUBAKI YAYOI her uniform is so nice uruururururugh. Big cape and the way it drapes around her in combat like wings... Her sword and buckler/Izayoi looking so unique for being a "basic sword and shield for the hero"-type of deal! The eye on her hat's always been really striking too—the only "cold" colours being her and her uniforms eyes.....................Sparing a glance at Hakumen's recurring red eyes for no reason here. Knightly angel women and her flower-like "tassets" hanging off her clothes. Its a uniform which plausibly feels like it could be a uniform—she doesn't have anything uniquely "hers" or "for this female character" while still being really standout and clean. Her design's just really good guys. You can do so much.
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Really want to mention her masked look too at least really quick here. my girllllll...
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RAGNA THE BLOODEDGE well of course I really like his design. Yeah him being here is partially obligation because I love his character a lot but both things inform each other in the end. Mr Grim Reaper, Enemy of the World, red-and-black with a demon's arm on one side and a rebuilt one on the other. His big red coat and the oversize shoulders! The massive baggy pants—I love the silhouette he has. Blood Scythe/Aramasa/His sword transforming and able to clack around and shift's just. Always been such a cool design. Seithr-powered man, devil-smoke powered man, ashes of your own old dead self-powered man. Ragna is fucking cool auauauuuaghrhg.
And it DOES only make it more charming that he has a good heart, has a bit of a Kicked Puppy charm about him if you can pardon uhh that implication. He is just some fucking guy and he likes barbecues. He is sweet and cares for stray cats. His dad is a cat. He blows up the government regularly. He's a rebel who visually looks really clean if "intentionally trying to look like someone you should think is cool", which is both dork-charming and cute and also actually yeah cool because it's not a visual mess.
I like that his arm underneath is all belts and bandaged—Bloodedge only wearing half his coat for example is such a good look and it shows his clean black shirt underneath, which feels a lot like... Under that big eyecatching rebel coat of his (personality), Ragna's... Ragna, I don't know. I hope that makes sense. Knowing his personality makes me like his design a lot more than if I didn't I think.
As mentionned in Hakumen's block of text however: I already really like chuuni-ass designs, so combined in Ragna he makes me unwell entirely.
And last (I am running out of images allowed per post :((((( )
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Kitty peepaw. I am cheating slightly here. I like the Kaka Kittens' big hoods too and think they're very cute and very eyecatching and I adore them always—the kittens especially being stompy little things that travel in packs are really cute. I love that Jubei, actual strongest thing in the world, has the oversized paw sleeves too. There's cat claws bigger than his body stored in what looks like emo kids' oversize hoodie sleeves. He's so simple and still the imagery of that coat gets reused several times over and it looks good every time. Orange kitty peepaw. AND he has an eyepatch, how can I not like eyepatches.
There are my 5 favourite BlazBlue designs :> Sorry if them all being C series or smth is boring wauh. I can spend as long as I want thinkinh about it but I do always seem to come back to these guys, give or take one change depending on the mood. Unchanging faves are Hakumen and Tsubaki for sure and forever though.
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agent-barnes40 · 11 months
Fantasy And Fun
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MAJOR MOVIE SPOILERS, mention of child-murdering No ship, just friends. Reader insert! Getting my feel for all the characters, this will also not make sense if you have not seen the movie.
You saw that little girl enter Freddy's. That's all it was, saving a little girl. You weren't going to get involved with the rumors flooding that place. You weren't going to be running from an animatronic fox, yet here you were, staring down the fox. You could hear the little girl screaming, and a man yelling out a name. "She's with Chica!" You yelled, before taking off down the curved hallway. You could hear the thundering steps of the fox coming after you and then suddenly, it stopped. You heard the little girl, Abby, screaming and you took off to grab her. "Oh shit! Is that Mr. Cupcake?" Abby suddenly jerked and looked over at you. "Who are you?"
"I followed you in here, now go!" You went to reach for Abby and she turned to face the guy on the floor, his leg being nommed on Mr. Cupcake. "We can't leave Mike!" "Okay, kiddo. I get it. I'll deal with the cupcake, you take off." You gently pushed her farther into the hall and immediately grabbed the cattle prod-looking thing on the floor. "Get ready, Mike!" Mike immediately shook his leg and you jammed the prod into an open spot of the mouth and shocked the hell out of the rabid cupcake. Mike looked up at you, and you kneeled to help pull him up. "What the hell is happening?" "Where's Abby?" Mike asked and you looked around the corner. "I told her to run." You and Mike immediately took off in Abby's direction. The two of you ran through the kitchen door, you holding the door open for him from behind. "You find Abby, I'll see if the door is clear." You told him and turned to head toward the main entrance. The two of you both stilled as you saw what looked like Bonnie coming at the two of you and you immediately turned to Mike. "RUN! Go find Abby!"
The rabbit stomped closer, hunched over as you stood to block the path any further. "Please, please be a nice one." You whispered as the glowing eyes neared. "Not friendly." The bunny garbled as it neared you. "Fuck." You cursed and immediately started to step backward. The rabbit tisked and wagged a finger, humanlike. "There are children here." "How the hell are you responding?" You asked, trying to stall enough to give Mike and Abby time to find a secondary exit. You could hear Abby let out a short scream and feared the worst, and immediately turned to look, only to get aggressively body slammed and the force shot you to the floor a foot away. Your head bounced on the floor and you just lay there, stunned.
"Seems another body to dispose of." The rabbit spoke as you attempted to gain your bearings, trying to sit up. You turned your head to see the rabbit nearing and struggled even more. "I'm just here to save a kid! Please, I'm trying to do the right thing." "And the right thing led you to your death." The rabbit garbled out and you tried to meet the eyes of the rabbit. You watched as it pulled out a knife and got ready to plunge it into your body. "That's enough!" You sharply turned your head and saw a blond-haired woman holding a gun and aiming it at the rabbit. You immediately started to scramble away and try to get up. Mike came running over to pull you up, Abby glued to his side. "I'm okay. I'm okay. Get out of here."
The three of you heard a sharp gasp and a thud and saw the head of the rabbit had been replaced with a human head and the face you saw made you pause. "Mr. Raglan? W-What's going on here?"
Steve was your next-door neighbor. He was nice and liked the food you offered him. He turned to face you. "Symmetry, my friend. I get to kill Micheal Schmidt and his little sister, just like I did his brother." You held your arms out over the two. "You'll have to go through me, Mr. Raglan."
His face contorted into a smile and he started to walk towards you. "Mike get the hell out of here with Abby." You snapped and suddenly you saw Abby running towards where Foxy was and scrambling to pull something out of her bag. Steve turned to the animatronics, who were watching with flickering eyes. "Are you ready for some fun children?"
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rinseveryday · 1 year
Hello! I have so many thoughts and theories in my mind, especially I want to ask you the one. What do you think about the Demon King Rin? In the last chapter we saw how all pieces of the puzzle is coming together....
Hello! Thanks for the ask! I also have so many thoughts, please ask away anytime.
Massive spoilers for chapters 139 (138? I don't remember) and above!! Putting my response under the cut because it is long :> Like, I had to sit down for over an hour, long.
Demon King Rin my beloved boy
You know what's funny about life is that I fell in love with him way back in 2013, and he ended up becoming exactly my type of character 10 years later. I kept up with the series, but I discovered my tastes through other media so it was a huge shock to me when Demon King vigilante Rin shows up in canon. I was/am OBSESSED with the anti-hero or jaded hero types, like Daredevil and Deadpool just to name a few (I had a Marvel phase) as well as serieses like Devilman and Chainsaw man on the anime side. A monster with a human heart, bonus points if they live in a world that doesn't accept them. Now why am I talking about other shows? (Bc I wanna, that's why)
Well, Blue Exorcist didn't start as an adult rating, morally gray, anti-hero series did it? It was a fun, cliché Shonen show for teens set in an academic setting with all the typical school festivities and classmate crushes you can expect. Kinda different than Daredevil. But it's slowly been creeping towards darker, more serious topics over the years because Katoh's specialty lies in her ability to twist clichés into her own thing. AoEx's plot runs a lot deeper, and more sinister than your typical devil shonen manga. I still see a lot of theories about AoEx that still think it'll follow a Shonen plot, though, where the end will be a big fight against Somebody and then they'll all go home, become exorcists, and move on.
But really, Katoh's already said that Rin is a character that, if she's not careful, becomes real dark, real fast. I bet she had been wanting to add an anti-hero plot to the story for a while. He's no Naruto. He is the fox.
And so, newsflash! Rin's biggest antagonist isn't a demon. It's himself. Not demon!Rin, but Rin, as a whole. The plot isn't anywhere near being finished. Right now he's not the Blue Exorcist quite yet. He's a guy (level of humanity questionable) wreathed in the flames of a demon god. The day where he must choose between Assiah or Gehenna, is coming closer.
We see in the timeskip chapters a world where the current day has become Rin's tragic anti-hero backstory. Where he made choices that led him away from his human allies. Where he chose to embrace his demonic nature and fight against the corrupt human organizations.
I used to think that someone else was leading Rin, using him as a puppet leader of a resistance with his friends kept away as blackmail. Because how could Rin be so organized as to lead any sort of resistance right? Did his friends die which made him go rogue? What did Paku see? Was it related to Rin's reasons for becoming the Demon King?
However, now with the things Rin brought up in the most chapters, I don't know. I still find it hard to believe Rin would lead anything, but maybe he was just doing his own thing and the demons followed on their own *shrug.* If Rin's friends were still in the picture, he'd go to the ends of the Earth to get them back. So that leaves us with either a) they're dead or b) he chose to leave them.
People wear masks to hide. He doesn't need to hide his identity because his flames give it away so... Maybe he's hiding from shame.
His face went from sad to blank when he realized Paku was around. Rin Okumura? With a blank face? Our Mr. Wears his heart on his sleeve? Dude who cries from manga and slaps his knee when he laughs?
The blank face is a coping mechanism, just like the mask. He's probably disassociating so he doesn't have to deal with the painful memories she brings. Memories of his friends... Memories of being human.
Which brings us to the question, What did Rin remember when he woke up? I have a feeling he never reconciled with his demonic nature in that future, which led him to be at odds with exorcists. (RIP Malchidael Miku, you were too annoying to live). He probably didn't see the same future Mephisto did, but considering he does have all the same powers Satan does, he definitely saw Something.
Rin is right in that he was wrong to cage his so-called "demonic side." Or, if you read the raws too, he called it the "demon me." Everyone has anger and violence and desire and scorn in them as part of their survival instincts. That's not even a purely "demonic" thing. Rin forces the embodiment of those feelings, demon!Rin to yield and stay put. He doesn't understand why demon!Rin lashes out so strongly nor why he wants to take over.
Uhmmm sounds real healthy right? *Checks watch* demon!Rin should be back any chapter now~ It really begs the question, is demon!Rin the evil one for wanting to break out? Or is human!Rin the evil one for forcing demon!Rin to keep seething in jail?
Going back to the topic, it seems that Rin doesn't want to become the Demon King this time but he also isn't sure what to do. He knows he needs to do something about his burning questions and he knows the key to truly taming himself lies in knowledge and understanding. He has only caged himself, and has yet to reach Yuri's level of taming. Demon!Rin will come back. He'll always be there to protect Rin when he needs him the most.
While I sure love me some villain and anti-hero AUs, I do hope my beloved Rin Gone Wrong to stay in those chapters. He deserves a happier True Ending than becoming a Demon King 🤧
Well, there's some of my thoughts on Rin as Demon King and the plot. This got super long and was actually longer before I cut out all the unnecessary rambling.
Tl;dr he scares me
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ask-elland-n-will · 8 months
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It's been a tumultuous few days leading up to the holiday, filled with parties, cheer, warmth and happiness.
In fact, it's been quite unlike a happiness Andrew has ever known. The holidays he had experience before being happily abducted by the Abbots was nothing like what the family had shown him just in the past few days. He didn't mind being stuck with them whatsoever, and minded even less to be stuck with his favorite redhead.
Once we got a few quiet moments, he very pensively took out a small wooden and carved box, on the top - a very small fox.
He had been lost in thought over the past few months, mostly about Will. Each time his mind had wandered, he found his hands needed to be put to use as well to help him think. So he took up wittling, and each time he thought of Will, he would carve at the same time.
Carefully, he puts the gift on Will's bed for him to find when he returns from the last minute errands he and Elland had gone on.
Next to it, a note:
My Fox,
A small token to show just how often you have been on my mind these past few months. This started out as a hunk of wood, but quite like me, became something more refined and more special all because of you.
You've made this year, and this Christmas, unlike any of the others. I hope you know how special you are to me...but if you do not...open this box and a song will play for you to remind you.
Merry Christmas Fox.
Your Monty
*upon opening the box, you find a melody fills the air that sounds quite similar to this song:*
Just as expected, Andrew has no problems integrating into the Abbott's household. Will's parents must have felt that if their son brings a boy over for Christmas to stay with them the entire time, then it is not as simple as "Els crashing for a weekend" or "Allegra wants to bake something."
His mother sees Montrose and how he behaves around them: a little unsure, clearly nervous and so obviously in love with Will that she instantly knows: they need to keep that boy. And keep they do, with chats, food, celebrations, party games, meeting all and every one of Will's relatives who are always all over the Abbott manor this time of year. Invited or not, staying over in numerous guest chambers or just popping in to wish Merry Christmas. Will has the pleasure of watching Monty deal with two of his aunts that even he isn't sure are his aunts, nor if they are different people or the same witch living in two different bodies.
William's father watches Montrose and twirls his ginger moustache, hiding a smile before inviting the lad for a talk. Will isn't worried about that in the slightest. He's sure his papa might only give Andrew the slightest of scares to see if the Ravenclaw can stand up for himself with dignity. And then there would be an embrace. Will is pretty sure that it's going to be even more of a test for his crush than the stern talking. But his parents better rip that plaster off right away: Andrew will be hugged in this household whenever either of Will's parents thinks he needs a hug.
At some point, Will also has to have a talk with his parents about giving Andrew some space. He knows they must have recognized Andrew's last name and that's why they were anxious for a time before they interacted with Andrew themselves. It's not surprising, considering that they work for the Ministry and Will has heard rather unsavoury things regarding Andrew's family before. The little snake isn't even sure he wants to ever meet Andrew's father. Or brother. Andrew hasn't talked about his mother much but Will hopes that there are at least some good memories in that head of his in connection to her.
Whatever his parents heard about Andrew's family must have left an impression on them because upon the initial introduction and seeing how different Andrew is, his parents go into an obvious protective mode, spoiling the boy with attention to the point of Will hiding Monty in his wing of the manor under different pretences. Not that Mr. and Mrs. Abbott are not considerate people. But Will has a sneaking suspicion that since he is the only child and his parents always wished to have more, Andrew's presence makes them feel complete. And what better way to make sure that Andrew stays than to make sure he feels included in all the family traditions?
And so he is involved in everything the Abbotts do, from eating breakfast to riding horses. Will manages to catch only one hiccup during their happy Abbott activities, when his parents organize an ice slide one crispy snowy morning. He doesn't know why Monty clammed up and held back the entire time but he made a little note to come back to it. Later. The look in Andrew's eyes is akin to that he has whenever Will mentions something that reminds the Ravenclaw of the events from his past. The Slytherin would never push but his heart aches: he hopes that someday Andrew will see the Abbotts as his own family, too.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
William leaves the manor for half a day on Christmas Eve to go see Elland's family back in London. He's been doing it every year since they met, and both he and Elland put on a little show for de Strontiums every time. Technically, Cyrus is also a part of that but the redhead insists that he performs separately so that he has at least four people in the audience who he can surprise with his tricks. His parents more than his wizard friends but everyone knows how deep Cyrus gets into his little passion projects. Will does charm the entire room to be fireproof, of course, and for once Cyrus doesn't complain: he's had plenty of accidents as a kid to know that some injuries stay with you for the rest of your life.
The prefect floos back to an empty manor. His house-elf informs him that everyone went out for a walk since the weather is so nice, and Will smiles at the thought. Seems like his parents kept Andrew busy. He just needs to change and go find— Oh?
William instantly knows who the little box is from. The wizard sits down and takes it into his hand, brushing his fingers along the carved wood with bated breath. He didn't know Monty could do that. The little fox looks so cute that Will lets out a quiet "aww", impressed and deeply touched. Of course Monty would get him— no, make him something fox related. Not to be the one to spoil his own surprises, Will reads the note before opening the little box that he has already sworn to treasure forever and ever.
The wizard isn't sure when his eyes started to fog up but he has to stubbornly wipe the happy tears away not to let any of them fall on the parchment. This Christmas truly is unlike any other. This time last year he never even imagined being this happy. Moving past his unrequited crushes. Being with somebody who likes him back. Likes? Well, they haven't talked about it yet, but William has moved past that stage a while back. Perhaps even happier things are bound to happen this Christmas. He is sure Monty feels it as well, after meeting Will's family, after being unconditionally accepted by them as if Andrew is their own son.
Will lifts the lid of the box by the fox's cute little snout and the music indeed starts playing, perfectly Christmasy, making Will giggle and swing a little in place in rhythm to the music. Clever Monty using his clever Charms. Music touches his heart as much as the words did and Will ends up spending a few more minutes just sitting on the bed sobbing, stubbornly wiping the tears away: he is happy, why is he crying!
One of the older house-elves that has known Will since he was a baby apparates into the room with some lavender cupcakes on a plate and a fresh cup of tea. They all know what their young master needs when he is in such a state. Gestures like this one, without ever being asked, are a normal occurrence, and Will nods through tears, letting the elf go with a smile. The elf bows and says before disappearing:
"The young master should know, everyone s' gathered by The Tree outside if the young master wishes to catch up."
That's right, he came here to change! Will does so in between the cupcake bites and his Earl Grey, finding the warmest clothes he can because who likes being cold on a day like this? He will not be replying to Monty's note. Instead, Will is going to find the Ravenclaw and tell him all he thinks about him, and his sweet words, and his thoughtful present! Silly Andrew. His Monty. The one person Will loves.
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