#but also like wtf is that idea of rape
heretherebedork · 5 months
I glance at the MDL comments and see two ocmments that remind me of why I don't.
First one is accusing a character going to a gay club for sex to get in character (which is dumb) of 'wanting to go get raped' which is just not how going to have consensual sex for stupid reasons works.
And the other one is someone saying 'this show describes itself as sweet, soft and domestic and that spells BORING' and I am reminded of why I don't even pretend to read these comments.
Man, it's wild there.
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hillbillyoracle · 2 months
So I saw this screencap earlier
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And I thought it was a great chance to talk about something.
A lot of progressive folks are familiar with the fact that right wing circles use feminine as a derogatory term and that there's a real cost to that for women.
What people are less familiar with is how it hurts men - queer and straight, cis and trans.
And I'm not shocked given how common it is in left leaning spaces to be reactionary (read: dismissive or outright harass) when men try to talk about these what these issues look like for them.
When men talk about how they've experienced toxic masculinity and anti-feminine bias, in addition to the usual right wing responses, I'm starting to see a bunch of supposed feminists and trans/queer allies harass them as well - saying they're hurting women/feminine presenting folks by "centering men", dismissing their concerns as made up (even when there's research to back it up), "why aren't you talking about what this is like for cis and trans women instead??".
I've seen trans men accused of being TERFs or being liars (by other trans people even - wtf) when they talk about their experiences of allies actively excluding them from trans spaces or harassing them for using T4T tags. I've seen men be accused of lying about publicly accessible clinical research that shows men make up 75%-77% of suicide cases - or worse suggest they deserve it. I see posts about how men's complaints "aren't unique to them" and dismiss them because women also suffer things those authors assume are the same (even when the research contradicts this).
And here's the thing:
When you assume feminine=good/safe/gentle and masculine=bad/unsafe/enemy - you're parroting a conservative talking point.
There is no way around this fact.
A big part of what underpins child rearing being "the woman's domain" in conservatism, is the idea that men are inherently dangerous and therefore shouldn't really be around children without women present.
The reason why they blame women for abuse and rape - because they believe men are inherently dangerous and if a woman trusted them then it's her fault.
Part of why women have been effectively banned from many trades and careers for so long is the assumption that being around that many men presents an inherent danger to a woman.
"But!" you might be saying, "This person is clearly talking about men engaging in open conflict as good here!"
Yeah because conservatives see politics as an inherently male/dangerous/toxic sphere and uphold it as such.
I could go on and on really.
All of this is to say - please be more thoughtful in what you consume, comment, and reblog.
There are experiences specific to being masculine. Erasing that is one, a dick move, but two, particularly violent toward those talking about trans masculine, minority masculine, disabled masculine, and queer masculine experiences.
All privilege comes at a cost. Listening when people talk about that cost is key building a new more fair reality. Seeing the privilege is not worth the cost makes fervent allies. Want more allies? Don't be a dick to people having that realization.
Push back against the assumption of woman=good and man=bad when you see it - especially in community spaces. The amount of times I've seen domestic violence services only available to women is insane...
Do not let identarian politics blind you to the fact we're all human and working toward our own liberation should not come at the oppression of another. Believe me, those with real power would much rather you stay raging out at men in a similar class with you than directing your efforts at them.
The right wing wants you to believe it's either/or. Fuck that - it's both/and.
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sunnysam-my · 6 months
Hazbin Hotel redesign ideas p. 1
Unfortunately I don't really have time to draw rn, but here are some ideas if anyone is looking for inspiration.
They follow lates trends so they won't stick to the outfits and technologies from the times they died. We even see that Vox changed his screen (head) to more modern, flat TV screen.
He is a moth that realises poison that's basically a date-rape drug. His wings are hidden, looking like a coat, which makes no sense, a cloak, cape or sleeveless coat would look better. He is a pimp who died in 1970s. Val was Hispanic when living. Apparently, he has bad eyesight.
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He is supposed to be a moth, but I don't really see it much, and the furr around his neck, that's a part of his body, just looks ridiculous. I would design him after some actual poisonous moth.
Cinnabar moth - The cinnabar is slate-black with two red spots and two pinky-red stripes on the rounded forewings. Its hindwings are pinky-red and bordered with black. The caterpillars feed on poisonous ragwort leaves. The poison from the leaves is stored in the caterpillar's body and remains even when they are an adult. As adult they leak the poison when they need to. Cinnabar moths can be seen flying during the day and night.
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Six-spot burnet moth - day-flying moth that flies with a slow, fluttering pattern. It has glossy black, with six red spots on each narrow, but long forewing. They release hydrogen cyanide when attacked.
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Personally I would go with Cinnabar moth, but make the spots heart shaped, and leave his inner outfit without the accessories (the suit with the white pants and golden heart belt). I would also leave his general body type but definitely change the neck furr ring, because wtf is that? I would play around with his glasses since he is supposed to have eyesight problems.
[Edit: Actually, I would make him a combo of both moths and make the furr ring his hair, because he is bald without the hat!?!?]
Velv is a fashion designer and critic, she is also an influencer. She keeps the Vees together and their image fresh on the internet. She's a British black woman in her early 30's. Originally her appearance was supposed to be doll-like, but that was changed to 'it-girl' and a 'bad bitch' with a darker aesthetic.
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Velvette's outfit is reminiscent of Val's (heart belt, coat with hearts, black stripes on arms) but darker, especially her sleeveless coat that imitates his wings. Since Valentino is already going to be darker (in my idea) and she is a fashion influencer it would make more sense for her to be brighter.
Main thing I would change about her is her skin tone, hair, and Harley Quinn themes left from her old design.
When creating very human like characters it's important to actually get the racial characteristics right. Her ashy skin and "curly" hair just makes it look like they didn't know how to draw a black character. I would give her a different texture, something between 3A and 4B. A hairstyle like heart shaped space buns would be so cool, but even if not, her styl in a poster in the background is already better than the ponytails.
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When it comes to her style I would get rid of pom-poms shoes and fingerless gloves. Her outfit for meeting the overlord was pretty okay, but I would change her other outfit. My inspiration would be PidginDoll's design, because he makes fabulous outfits and makeup looks for all bodies, genders and races, but I'll keep the 'goth' (it's not goth, it's just a little bit alt, mostly skulls) theme.
Blue accents like makeup would work great with her brown skin and would reference Vox.
I genuinely think he has the best design in the entirety of the show, I would barely change anything. His outfit is similar to Alastor who he is trying to imitate, but he wears a tail suit, which is way more formal and elegant than any other suit, trying to showing he is a better, modern version of Alastor. I've seen some people got rid of his hat and gave him a tail made out a cord for fun, but other than that his design is good. Not too much details and not too little, tells us a lot about the character.
Maybe less stripes, because apparently Viv loves zebras or something. /hj
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reasonsforhope · 7 months
hey i get what youre trying to say with the taylor swift post but as of a few days ago shes trying to sue a college student who posts her (publicly available) flight logs. she very much does not give a shit about her carbon emissions and she shouldn’t be celebrated for her mediocre attempts to seem climate-conscious
I get what you're saying, definitely. I also did actually know about the thing with the college student when I posted that, so I wanted to give some context about why I made that post:
First, I personally didn't view it as celebrating her so much as celebrating progress. I think that if we never acknowledge wins, we'll end up dispirited very quickly
Second, recognizing when people decide to be less shitty is, at least I think, an important carrot in the carrot-and-stick dynamic of using public opinion to influence public figures
Lastly - and this may well be an unpopular opinion - but I don't actually hold her actions re: the college student against her
Well, for one, it was a cease and desist letter, not an attempted lawsuit. A cease and desist letter isn't legally binding, nor is it the start of a lawsuit - it's more like she's Putting Him On Notice. A cease and desist order can be followed by a lawsuit, if it's ignored, but it doesn't initiate one. Likely Taylor Swift will try several other steps of resolution before actually telling her lawyers to sue this guy, if only because the headlines would Not look good (x, x)
But more than that, I don't hold it against her because when Taylor Swift says that it's a matter of life and death for her, I believe that's very true.
Like, don't get me wrong, I'm not mad about her flight data being up either. And I'm not particularly a fan of Taylor Swift
But I also think that if I had to read through the rape and death threats she gets on an almost-certainly-daily basis, I'd want to vomit.
And I think that was true before Trump and his minions got obsessed with the idea that she's the keystone in the next Biden-election-stealing Pentagon psyops plot. Now - especially in the days right before the Superbowl, when this alleged conspiracy is supposed to happen - I don't even want to think about the brutality of the threats she's receiving
(For anyone going "Uh, wtf?" about the MAGA Superbowl Taylor Swift conspiracy thing, yes, I hate to inform you that it's A Whole Thing. More info here: x, x, x, x, x, x)
Taylor Swift does have stalkers, and now she has a bunch of MAGA paramilitary conspiracy theorists absolutely furious with her. If I were her, I'd want to do every single thing I could to keep information on my movements and in-the-moment location off the internet, too
tl;dr: I don't necessarily think she cares about the environment, but I'm not mad at her for sending a cease and desist letter because I think without her extensive security, she would be in real danger now, including possibly danger of being killed by armed MAGA conspiracy theorists
You're allowed to be mad at her and dislike her (obviously!), you're allowed to totally disagree with my attitude toward the cease and desist. I just wanted to share my rationale for including the post (and it is something I went back and forth on tbh)
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darklinaforever · 4 months
I'm already seeing people saying that Nettles was taken out for the Daemyra agenda. Lol. In case these people haven't noticed, the showronners have a stupid Rhaenicent agenda in mind and a visceral problem with the character of Daemon that they constantly demonize. Not to mention the fact that they also never stop shouting about their grooming bullshit for Daemyra in certain interviews, which is wrong for both the show and the book. Especially since if Nettles was really replaced by Rhaena, it is mainly due to the fact that the showrunners do anything with characters of color in general in this adaptation. In fact they do anything with all the characters in this show, period. Seriously, between whitewashing the Greens and demonizing the Blacks, not to mention constantly victimizing the female characters... The HOTD showrunners did anything with this story written by GRRM. Nettles, if she was truly deleted, is a character that should have been kept. Especially since contrary to what some of her fans think, it was never certain that anything romantic and sexual happened between her and Daemon. So Nettles didn't have to fuck up Daemyra like that at all. The misunderstanding thing (which I think is what actually happened in Fire and Blood canon) clearly could have stayed. Also, it's unfortunate if they actually did that, because it means not knowing what to do with Rhaena's character when... well it's literally written in Fire and Blood but once again the showrunners have a problem with what is written in this book. Again, the only reason Nettles is replaced by Rhaena if that's really the case is just because the showronners have always done shit with the characters of the dance, especially those of color in the adapation. And don't even get me started on the crazy idea of ​​maybe making Alyd rape Daemon ? WTF ? Transforming Aemond's rape victim in Fire and Blood into an abuser / rapist in HOTD ? Ashamed.
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atalienart · 9 months
People are scary stupid. (I'm gonna mention SA so don't read if it might upset you. It's about stories and stuff.)
So I browse insta, like one does and I get adds for books. I check Polish authors and sometimes they are on wattpad. Many of those writers have their wattpad stories published traditionally, mainly romances and erotica. I'm a curious cat, I want to see what kind of stories are published. It's mostly mafia romances and millionaire/girl stories. I find these stories extremely repetitive and boring, they also have characters that I very much don't enjoy but whatever. I read a few chapters of a story by such a wattpad author who has some of their other stuff already published. And wow. You know, I don't care what people write about, if I can't stomach it I just won't read it, that's fine. But wtf is wrong with a person who clearly writes rape and then in the comments (responding to someone saying "hey, you described rape") says that they don't see it as rape, didn't write the scene as rape, that it's a matter of how you look at it, that it's "dubious" because the character eventually "likes it" (literally the character is running away from the "love interest", is begging him to stop, pushes him away, but she's held down and then well... she just gives up because he's stronger; afterwards she's crying; she doesn't even like him, he just practically bought her). And the author tries to convince everyone readers will like the guy eventually because he will change and he has a tragic backstory™ (the girl left him or something -_-). Btw, it wasn't the first time he forced himself on a girl, oh no, he just now feels bad because this new girl is somehow ⋆。°✩speshul⋆。°✩. Idk what sits in those people's brains. It's like saying, no no, she didn't kill the guy, she just shot him and he tripped and fell of the window. She's heard him screaming all the way down, he'd been alive until the pavement hit him, therefore she's not a killer. This is absolutely ridiculous. And I know dark romances, the guy love interest is usually the most deranged, disgusting, evil macho man to exist. He uses and abuses the girl in every possible way. And some people enjoy reading those things I guess. But saying that what you wrote is not what you wrote because you enjoy it is just wrong. Or if your intention, as a writer, was something else, think if you actually managed to get your idea across. Sometimes what you try to communicate doesn't read like that (I know, I've been there) and you need to change things. But if you really think your character isn't a rapist because he's handsome and broken™, and the girl love interest will eventually fall for him, then yikes. Hope no one hurt you irl and that you don't hurt anyone either with this way of thinking.
Sorry, I just had to rant.
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mxtxfanatic · 4 months
Book of the Week: Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
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Author: Cyan Wings/Qing Se Yu Yi (青色羽翼)
Genre: cultivation, ancient setting, danmei
Rating: T
My Synopsis: When a book detailing future events falls from the sky and lands into his hands, Devil Venerable Wenren È becomes curious about how his life could possibly become so entangled with some random female cultivator with terrible, terrible taste in men that he would give his life for her. Yin Hanjiang, his totally-not-in-love-with-shizun disciple, would also like to know.
My Actual Review: If "girl, stand up!" were a novel, this would be it. A great deal of it is humor from Wenren È tryna psychoanalyze why Baili Qingmiao has such terrible taste in men—because all the other women around him are also like “we don’t know wtf is wrong with her either” 😭 Wenren È also has a personality that reminds me a little of Tianlang-jun from svsss (minus the deadbeat dad part). Moments of angst do show up, but they are mostly around character backstory, so be prepared for that when we get flashbacks. I feel like this book has a similar payoff style to 2ha, in that certain details of some characters' backstories are presented early on in a very matter-of-fact way, only to have those details turned on their heads later in the story with the addition of some withheld information. Easily one of my favorite narrative structure styles.
Yes there is an age gap in this romance. No it is not grooming. Wenren È picks the child Yin Hanjiang up out of a corpse pile and drops him off at a waterfall for ten years to basically raise himself lmao. They don't get together until they are both adults. For real content warnings, because the plot of this story is the revision of a stallion, male power fantasy novel, all the scum behaviors of the (previous) male protagonist are shown to be addressed, so yeah.
Translation: complete
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nightcolorz · 1 month
hey bro love your posts never stop entertaining us pls
random ass question whats your favorite minor character from tvc?
Thank u ❤️❤️ 😁😁
this is a touch question lol bcus I have so many favorite minor characters, I’m a tvc minor character fanatic. I can’t choose one so I’m just gonna list of all my fav minor characters lmao.
I love Khayman hes so real. He reminds me of a socially anxious large dog who just really wants to make friends but he keeps scaring them off 😭. That part in queen of the damned where he reacts to the popularity of vampires in pop culture like a kid seeing themselves represented in tv for the first time was so funny omh i was living. Vampire from ancient Egypt buys Dracula cosplay bcus he wants ppl to like him was a genius idea thanks Anne rice. Khayman just, his whole personality reminds me of a character who’d be in what we do in the shadows he’s so inspired. Omg remember when he was so excited to go to lestats concert and meet other vampires and then he’s inside for two seconds, instantly gets overstimulated, and then sits outside for the rest of the time 😭 Khayman might be me guys.
I also love Fareed and Seth 😭😭. I love that Anne rice casually wrote an ancient Egyptian vampire and a modern day Anglo Indian vampire falling in gay love with each other and funding an unhinged vampire mad science hospital, and the Egyptian vampire is AKASHA’S SON 😭😭. the reveal that Akasha has a living vampire son who has been quietly living under the radar for the entire book series just practicing science and pursuing his passion for healthcare alongside his long term partner had me clapping and cheering I stg. They also have sm personality 😭 especially Fareed he’s so iconic. This bitch tricked lestat into giving him his sperm for cloning experiments and he served cunt while doing it. I love that they raised Lestat’s clone son as their gay dads, just so much there. Fareed and Seth u will always be famous
BENJI MAHMOUD!!! I love him sm. I’m also a big fan of sybelle but Benji occupies my mind a concerning amount. Like what kind of character?? There is sm going on with him. First of all he’s Bedouin and Palestinian and then he’s human trafficked to America by an insane man who wants him to be the house slave and take care of his disabled sister second of all he’s twelve and he’s a canon genius and he chain smokes to cope with his insane life third of all he is turned into a vampire by Marius and grows up into an immortal child who’s unfazed by being twelve for ever bcus hes such a chad it doesn’t affect him and he becomes a rich and famous business owner who wears fedoras and runs a vampire podcast and he single handedly kickstarts the plot of Prince lestat and causes the vampire government to happen bcus hes such a good activist he convinces all the characters to be better. Anyways wtf. Also I love sybelle she’s such a darling ❤️ Benji and sybelle and Armand’s little family is everything to me.
DENIS??? Wtf even was that. On a similar note Antoine. I love them both bcus they r incredibly interesting and rlly sad and they reveal so much evil about my fav characters anddd they both happened to be unforgivably butchered by the amc show ❤️
andddd last and also least haha kidding, Benedict ❤️. I feel so bad for him 😭but he’s also so real. Ben was the guy who Magnus manipulated and pretended to be friends with and then he chained him up and forced him to turn him into a vampire 😰. I love the concept where he was the first and only vampire to ever be “raped” by his fledgling, and I feel bad that all the other vampires treat him like shit for it 😭. He’s just a little guy. He’s such a pillow princess also. I can’t count all the times in Prince lestat where Bens described as lounging gracefully on the bed or whatever. Forever twink and hashtag loving it. What a dude
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bthump · 2 months
I truly do not understand if we are meant to consider Casca and Guts as a romantic option. There are moments that are written in a way implying it, while other times Guts' behavior is dogshit. Even with the choking scene, he starts wondering if he truly wanted to do that I'm just. in disbelief lol. Does he resent her? I could see him feeling 'burdened' but atp he wanted to save her for his own gain and has shown violent tendencies so many times. And then we see Casca tearfully smiling while thinking of Guts when she comes back, as if nothing bad was done to her. I wonder wtf Miura intended with all this. His inner violence always linked to Griffith being a monster, but I do not understand why Guts would want to use Casca to reach him that way, even if he still wants his attention and love.
I mean yeah, one of the big reasons I dislike Guts/Casca is that it's written as a fucked up nightmare trainwreck but arguably not framed that way, and that really puts me off. Miura was clearly aware of many of the negative aspects of their relationship and wrote that darkness deliberately - I mean the fact that Casca is scared of Guts and now can't even look at him is pretty pointed - buuut it's still written as if we're meant to sympathize with Guts and want him and Casca to get back together despite that. Their relationship is written as one of the emotional hooks that propels the story. Casca may be scared of him, ruining their reunion, but it reads like we're meant to be disappointed by that the way Guts is and hope he can regain her trust, rather than eg wanting Casca to leave him and do her own thing.
Anyway as for Guts' motivation wrt his shittiness towards her on a character level, yeah I think he resents her. Both the responsibility of taking care of her, distracting him from his revenge quest (which he has mixed feelings on, because he knows revenge is bad for him, but he also really wants to stick a sword in Griffith regardless), and the fact that she's "just a husk" of her former self. And probably post-Elfhelm, the fact that she can't look at him, making him feel guilty and aimless, like the fix Casca quest was all for nothing.
And the way he attacks her to feel closer to Griffith is pretty badly written imo, but in theory I think it works on a thematic level. His obsession with Griffith, even post-Eclipse, boils down to wanting to be his equal. After Promrose Hall he was determined to find his own dream to be Griffith's equal and best friend forever, and after the Eclipse he's still pursuing that dream of fighting stronger and stronger enemies (monsters) and becoming the best to be Griffith's equal (note the flashback to Griffith's Promrose speech during Guts' war declaration in chapter 91, plus this.)
And the inevitable end goal of that dream is becoming a monster himself.
So to me it makes sense that the idea of becoming a monster just like Griffith is framed as a temptation.
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And it manifests in Guts assaulting Casca in a direct visual parallel to the Eclipse rape.
Raping Casca would make Guts a monster just like Femto, which is something Guts subconsciously wants, because it would be another step on the road to becoming his equal.
You can even take it a step further and make a case that Guts wanting to get together with Casca in the first place is rooted in his desire to be Griffith's equal.
(Which, now that I think about it, works with the fix Casca sidequest culminating in both Casca being unable to get back together with Guts AND Griffith being untouchable, sending Guts into a breakdown. Hmm...)
So yeah, I think those are all my thoughts on the subject. Thanks for the ask!
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The first idea for a Worm fanfic that I had, before I even started reading Worm (remember, my entry into Worm was reading about Worm and the controversy about Amy in Ward and yada yada), but while I was reading Worm Fanfic, was an Amy Dallon Peggy Sue fic, but one a bit different from the small handful that I'd found and that hadn't lasted long.
Namely, I wanted one where after the end of Worm (i.e. after restoring Vicky's body and mind, or at least as much as she could, unwretching her, etc) Amy actually does leave Vicky alone, apart from a handful of times where they might accidentally end up in the same space during hero crises in the years after Gold Morning, etc. Eventually Amy moves extra far away from Vicky to reduce those chances.
The actual story opens with Amy on the eve of her 30th birthday. She's had a metric ton of Therapy, though she's hardly some perfectly functional person. She heals for a living, but to satisfy Shaper she has a whole greenhouse of modified plants and she only heals like 2-3 hours a day, barring emergencies. (Also, it's easier to do a task you hate - like healing - if you're getting paid a substantive wage for it, lbr). Anyway, Amy knows Vicky has ever right to not forgive her, given the mind influence and the rape (remember, hadn't read Worm at this point when the idea formed in my mind) and the wretching and stuff, but she can't help but want for her and Vicky to be able to be sisters again. She just doesn't act on that.
And then like, she opens an envelope as she walks into her home and it's an old picture from an old newspaper of Vicky and Amy as Glory Girl and Panacea from some publicity thing and she expresses some wish about if she could do it all again...
And then the next day, wakes up in her younger body, in her room at the Dallon house, back in 2011... the day after the Bank (i.e. the day the Undersiders face Bakuda at the storage place). Obviously at first it's a dream or a nightmare to her, etc etc, she's conflicted when she realizes it's real because now she can be sisters with Vicky again and make sure she never hurts her like she did but she still carries around all the guilt about what she did and feels like she believes she doesn't deserve to have that relationship with past Vicky (I have this whole vision of an early scene from Vicky's POV where she hears Amy going 'no, no, no, no' in her room - which is Amy realizing this isn't a dream and she's freaking out - and then Vicky, worried for Amy bursts in, breaking the door, Aura going wild and Amy feels fear (because the few times she and Vicky interacted after she dewretched her had Amy feeling fear from Vicky's aura) and Vicky realizes Amy is afraid of her, which of course makes Vicky wonder wtf is going on.
Anyway, cue Amy having to try and help save the world and prevent some of the shit that happens to Brockton Bay while only knowing some of what happened, so her ability to make things go better is limited. And wanting to maybe not have as many people die when they beat Scion this time and also maybe Taylor doesn't die, etc. Of course once she starts changing stuff unintended consequences, etc, etc.
And like, key to this fic would be all the guilt Amy carries around about raping Vicky.
And while I knew that the 'Amy raped Vicky' reading of the story was controversial and seen as a retcon by some, I wanted to work with it for this specific fic because it seemed like it would allow some really cool pathos and angst and dramatic reveals and stuff.
But having read 15.x now, I sit here and like - I cannot for the life of me see how to construct a chronicle of events using what we know of what happened where Amy's rape of Vicky actually works and makes sense and feels like something the character actually does.
15.x just... no. There's nothing there to work with.
Which kind of kills the entire idea as I conceived of it, since a key scene I had in mind did involve Amy trying to explain what happened to past Vicky - not giving excuses at all, just laying out what happened to get from point A (OG Amy as of the start of Worm) to point B (The girl who raped her sister)
(I have this vision in mind where Vicky is interrogating Amy trying to figure out what is going on with her [including an accusation of Amy being a stranger], eventually Amy mentions the 'I'm from the future' but Vicky's like 'why are you afraid of me and won't let me hug you and stuff' and Amy's like 'future you hates me for good reason' Vicky demands to know why, Amy, in a fit of high emotion and guilt and so forth screams 'I RAPED YOU!' and after bluescreening for a moment Vicky goes 'wait, so future me hates you because some sick, twisted Master controlled you and forced you to-' because of course Vicky of that point in time can't conceive of Amy ever doing that to her of her own free will and Amy is like 'No, no, you don't get to do that, I did that to myself too much in the past, but it's not true, as much as I might wish it was' or something)
But like, having read 15.x I try to imagine that scene now, Amy explaining the train of events from Bonesaw to Wretching and... I just can't quite figure out how it works.
I mean, if I ever write this and get that far, I can probably try to construct something (if I do write this, it won't be the first Wormfic I write) but like, when the idea first came to me, I knew that there was enough ambiguity in the text that large swaths of the readership genuinely didn't walk away from Worm thinking an actual physical sexual rape happened, but I figured there was something to work with, and there just really isn't.
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alovelyburn · 10 months
Okay so..
I came back to a bunch of Asks about some drama involving kojion and an interview that Miura gave. I had no idea wtf they were talking about so I had to look it up, and my understanding is that people are mad because they dont like what Miura thought about his own work and what he was aiming for when writing his own work, and so they're blaming the translator.
This is sort of unsurprising behavior from a bunch of people who have been in denial about the themes and trajectory of the story for like 20 years now. I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just saying there is a segment of Berserk fandom that is extremely, vehemently and loudly invested in being right about things Miura specifically said he wasn't doing. They've been in denial for years, sometimes for decades, and the more Miura's views and intentions come out, the more frantic and distraught they get and the more they double down. It's the same group that have been abusive and hostile to, say, Griffith fans for years which is also funny since everything Griffith fans think about Griffith also turns up in those interviews.
With stuff like the Casca rape thing... I mean, it's obvious why people hate it, but it's also always been obvious that's what was happening. It's one of those things people often try not to talk about in public because the reaction is so vehement and antagonistic from people who find it upsetting and, again I understand why it's upsetting, but don't shoot the messenger. I continue to point out that it's a decades old scene in a Japanese comic, that Japan still treats rape in fiction differently than the west does, and that the West also had that kind of scene pretty frequently until relatively recently.
I don't know, that's a preview of my answers to the asks I guess, just some thoughts off the top of my head.
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I’ve neglected to provide my thoughts on the first 2 episodes of My Adventures With Superman. Simply put, I am so relieved to see that this show is able to portray Superman for who he really is, instead of what Zack Snyder and his bullshit “vision” wants him to be.
It’s colorful, wholesome and funny, while staying true to what makes Superman, Superman. I also appreciate how the show adds new elements to the mythos like giving Krypton their own alien language instead of just having them speak English like every other lazy alien design ever.
This is easily one of the most relatable interpretation of Superman I’ve ever seen, one that has been missing ever since Snyder was given the chance to pillage his good name in order to make a Superman that fits with his vision that also includes a Batman that gets raped in jail. (His words, look it up. WTF?)
I’m noticing people criticizing the lack of action and its emphasis on dialogue and bantering, but frankly, I prefer when characters are allowed to be characters and develop and grow instead of the show focusing on action scene after action scene. Not saying I don’t like action but what good is the action if you don’t care bout who’s doin the fighting? It’s only been 2 episodes but I’m really digging this and I can’t wait for the new episode, and since they just confirmed a second season, I can’t wait for more after this one ends.
PS. Whoever’s idea was it to design Lois Lane like this deserves a raise and a position of power in WB, because… holy fuck ❤️❤️❤️ don’t even get me started on Supes
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trendywaifus · 2 months
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first and foremost guys, this blog is a multi-fandom blog! i write for whatever i like and i also write whatever y’all like thru requests, thirsts, etc. there will be times where ill lean into a particular fandom more than the other so yeah!
this is also a wlw/gn blog so no male reader stuff. men are welcome to interact with blog, idc, just don’t be weird (so far, y’all been chilling bros) when you come to my asks and that goes for everyone else too.
when it comes to requests, im very slow and may not get to all of them. i read all requests/asks so please don’t feel like im ignoring you. if the request isn’t something I like or my brain is braining for it, i’ll go back to it later or i’ll tell you. all of the request pages are in the pinned posts too.
if requests are closed. .request are closed. I won’t delete your asks but it’s going to be marinating for a bit. even if requests are closed tho, thirsts/ideas you wanna share with me are welcome! i might write a lil dabble if it got me kicking my feet.
if you wanna talk to me about anything, go ahead. i’m all ears. as long as it isn’t some deep end wtf did u just say to me type shit, it’s okay!!!
anon will always stay on no matter what. and, if you want to differentiate yourself from other anons, you can join the anon emoji gang! if you want to know which ones taken, go to my pinned post buds!
there’s things i absolutely won’t write for thats considered extreme dark content and makes me uncomfortable like
incest, step incest
and a bunch of others
BUT i’ll consider writing
illnesses (sfw)
disabilities (sfw)
uhh, as for blank blogs, ageless blogs, umm idk, i don’t be checking like that but it’ll be nice if your age is on there. as for minors, if I happen to check your blog and see that you’re a minor and you’re interacting with my nsfw posts. .you’re GONNEEEEE.
k, that’s all folks, lmk when/if you have questions.
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lestatthebrat · 2 years
Episode 5 — It works (TW)
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I know a lot of people are upset. I understand we were hoping Louis and Lestat might get a happy ending in this series, and since amc has focused more on their love story, we were hoping Lestat would not be an abusive asshole... 
BUT I don’t feel that we were “betrayed by the writers” or that Lestat is “out of character” or anything like that. Lestat is the main villain in the original book (and also in the 1994 film), and one of the main points of his relationship with Louis in book 1 is that Lestat IS abusive and violent, forcing Louis into and trapping him in a terrifying relationship. In the book, Lestat abuses Louis physically, as Louis mentions multiple instances of Lestat hitting, kicking, and wrestling with him. Lestat manipulates and threatens to kill Louis and Claudia constantly, so Louis is literally afraid to go to bed at night because he thinks Lestat might murder him in his sleep. Louis is HORRIFIED of Lestat, which is why it takes so long before he attempts to leave him. Also, Louis’ transformation in the book is NOT consensual. Louis changes his mind before Lestat turns him into a vampire and tells him to let him die instead, but Lestat ignores him and makes him a vampire against his will. Anne Rice very explicitly equates this with rape, just as Lestat is violently and traumatically turned into a vampire against his will by Magnus. Lestat is physically, verbally, emotionally, and sexually abusive to Louis in the book. So the idea of Lestat being abusive to Louis is not “coming out of nowhere” or being “unfaithful to the character” AT ALL.  
This is not “coming out of nowhere” in the amc series either. They have been making hints and warning us about this from the beginning, like when Daniel tells Louis abuse victims often still love their abusers. When Louis says he “does not consider himself a victim,” the point is Louis is in denial, and he is trying to cover up for his abuser who he still loves, despite the violence Lestat inflicted upon him. Also, throughout the entire show, we’ve seen Lestat losing his tempter/mind, becoming violent, murdering people without restraint, smashing skulls, torturing people for pleasure… The dude is (and always has been) a bit unhinged. He can’t control himself, especially when he gets upset/angry. It does not seem out of character (or even surprising) to me that, in a moment of fury and panic, when he thinks Louis is going to leave him, he loses his tempter and does something horrific like this. Do you remember him ruining Louis’ brother’s funeral, murdering his friend Lily, and then slaughtering a bunch of priests in episode 1? 
Also (Spoilers, for people who haven’t read the book or seen the 1994 movie), in order for the rest of the story to WORK, for Louis and Claudia to plot to kill Lestat and go through with it, something like this really HAD to happen. We all loved seeing them as a happy family, how ever briefly it lasted, but if Lestat was not abusive to Louis, if Claudia did not feel like she and Louis were actually in danger from him, the murder would make no sense at all. It would make Louis and Claudia look like terrible people, and it would be hard to like THEM. Lestat is SUPPOSED to be the scary, unhinged, violent villian, and he always has been. The amc writers have not “ruined” Lestat’s character or turned him into a “bad guy” or a “monster.” Lestat has always been a bad guy: a violent, insane, murder/vampire, who does love Louis but will be sadistic, violent, and abusive to keep him with him. That’s kind of the point. 
And if you want to be mad at someone for “ruining the character,” be mad at Anne Rice. In later books, Lestat violently rapes a woman because they’re about to have sex, and she wants to use a condom and he doesn’t. Fans are okay with that, but not this episode? Wtf? But, at the end of that day, these characters are fictional, and you can imagine your own version of them in your head and ignore whatever elements you choose. 
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lucisprettyboy · 6 months
Blog Intro
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Hi! I'm Luci but you can call me Lou or Luc. I've recently started writing in the last few years, one fandom I'm really enjoying coming up with fic ideas for is Hazbin Hotel. It's one of my obsessions right now. I also draw! So if you ever want art with an ask or a headcannon just ask! I would love to tbh.
Open (If you're paying for a piece, written or drawn, prices are negotiable. I plan to set up a Kofi but requests are all free.)
Things I'll write
Headcannons for any of those three things
Kinks I won't write (or discuss in my asks)
Rape/noncon (unless it's discussed as a kink and boundaries are set by both parties before the scene)
Scat/fart kink
Specifically, I won't write Valentino from Hazbin Hotel. I just don't like him in any way.
DNI List:
CisHet Men (I'm a queer transmasc, I'm not in your demographic anyway)
Minors (that's a bigggg no no)
Pedos and Zoophiles (nothing else to say besides stay far away from me)
Incest enjoyers (big ass fucking EW)
Racists (I'm black, wtf do you expect?)
Zionists (very obvious why)
Nazis (again, you wouldn't even like me anyway)
Loli/Shota enjoyers (again, EW)
If you fall into any of these you'll be blocked on sight and I will send the firing squad.
You can send thirsts about characters (or just horny stuff in general) to my ask box. As long as they fit into the rules I've set, go nuts.
Fandoms I like/write for:
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Invader Zim
Five Nights At Freddy's
Obey Me
Cult of the Lamb
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Resident Evil
Jujustu Kaisen
Honkai Star Rail
Genshin Impact
My Hero Academia (on occasion)
Stranger Things
Spy x Family
Umbrella Academy
The Stanley Parable
My faves to talk/write about
Leon Kennedy
Gojo Satoru
The Narrator from Stanley Parable
Masterlist (Links and WIPs)
AO3 Links:
Holy (Not Really) (Hazbin Hotel: Charlie x Reader)
Thnks Fr Th Mmrs (Obey Me: Belphie x Reader, Beel x Reader)
The Sun Gets Lonely In The Sky (FNAF: Sundrop x Reader)
I'd Give You The World (MHA: Mina Ashido x Reader)
Tumblr Links:
Out Of Salt (Hazbin Hotel: Angel Dust x Reader)
Hazbin and Helluva characters with Rouge the Bat like reader (Lucifer, Charlie, Vaggie, Blitzø, Beelzebub, Veronica, and Fizzarolli x reader)
E.T (Invader Zim: Zim x Reader) (WIP)
The Morning Stars (Hazbin Hotel: Lucifer x Reader) (WIP)
Holy (Not Really) (Hazbin Hotel: Charlie x Reader) part 2 (WIP)
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aw wtf people, i honestly would have preferred Mikihiko had raped her. no lie.
//I'm actually kind of glad that I went down this route and not that one because there are so many things wrong with that. It doesn't just belittle Himiko as a character but also Mikihiko as a villain because it completely invalidates any of his reasoning he has for doing anything.
//This is obviously way worse than that, as severe a crime as rape is, but the primary reason why I feel like this is more "acceptable" (and I use that word extremely lightly) in the context of the story is because of how HIGHLY UNREALISTIC it is.
//I will not deny the possibility that there is some freak out there among the billions of people who live on this planet who does shit like this, trying to turn people in robots that do their bidding, but such a thing is more common in a sci-fi horror movie than in real life, and those are two genre's that Danganronpa Survivor is.
//And as weird as it is, I genuinely do not feel that a plot like this is out of place in a Kazutaka Kodaka inspired work. Rain Code fucked around with conceptually horrific ideas like this, taking full advantage of it's differing genre from Danganronpa to pull stuff like that off. Considering it's still a fairly new game I won't say exactly what I'm talking about, but when Rain Code gets dark, it can get REALLY FUCKING DARK.
//In Danganronpa's main series, I feel like the deepest it goes are the Remnant's of Despair and the things that they did (Mikan especially) and...76% of Ultra Despair Girls, give or take? You see some straight up horrifying stuff from Danganronpa sometimes, and if the man Kodaka himself ever wrote a plot similar to this, I would not be surprised.
//It's absolutely horrific, I know, but it's barely real. Whereas something like that is VERY real, and hits far too close to home.
//Both are absolutely unacceptable though. And I swear, this isn't me trying to justify myself. I don't think I even need to. I'm just explaining things as they are.
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