#but also everything i studied leads me to believe that people will Find A Way to take your data
kaplooie · 10 months
You mean free VPN's sell your data
Paid for VPNs definitely have the capability to sell your data. Idk if they do or not, but if you decide to install a VPN, every action you make on the internet is now through the vpn company’s server, and that data is now all in one place in the company’s hands. Whether or not you decide to use a VPN should depend on whether you trust a VPN company with your data. It’s perfectly valid to trust a company with your data, especially because of how sued a VPN company would be if they got caught doing anything suspect.
VPN companies are still companies, which means they have to act within the law, which can have loose interpretations. NordVPN released a statement about this a while ago, where they said they could give someone’s activity in the event of a law enforcement request.
I personally don’t think I’ll use one unless I somehow build it myself but that’s just me. Also please know that I’m not an expert on this, i took one class in network security in undergrad and my professor said she wouldn’t trust a commercial VPN and after learning about how they work I agree with her.
Here’s a paper reviewing various VPNs from the google play store. There’s a section that separates free and premium VPNs and tries to find 3rd party trackers. while premium VPNs have fewer trackers on average, they can definitely still have trackers.
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samuelsdean · 1 year
Who Needs Time Management When I Have You?
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pairing: spencer reid x reader
summary: one of the many perks of having a boyfriend with flawless memory is that you do not have to remember stuff—he remembers them for you.
genre: tooth-rotting domestic fluff
word count: 1.5k
author's notes: i wrote this because domestic!spencer reid is a guilty pleasure of mine. i can definitely picture him as an attentive boyfriend because aside from the fact that he has flawless memory, he's an overall caring guy. with that said, i hope you'll enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing this! also posted on ao3 (spencereids).
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ONE OF THE MANY PERKS OF HAVING A BOYFRIEND WITH FLAWLESS MEMORY IS THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO REMEMBER STUFF—HE REMEMBERS THEM FOR YOU. Do you have a dentist's appointment at 9? Covered. He will be waking you up at 7 with breakfast in bed. Your sister’s birthday is coming up. No worries! He has already ordered a bouquet ready to be sent on the day. It is amazing, and you thank your lucky stars for him every morning when you wake up and see him cozily sleeping beside you.
However, you were out of luck on the boyfriend angle today. You had your monthly—or if the BAU is free—girls' night scheduled tonight. As much as you enjoy having girls' nights with the BAU girls, Spencer also likes to spend some time out with the guys for a nightcap or something, whatever the men at the BAU enjoy when there is no case. And that means, your boyfriend is busy getting ready to go out as well. Although Spencer has never forgotten a thing in his life—even when he is on the brink of life and death—you do not want to stress him out even more by asking him what you think you have forgotten to prepare.
So, today when you were running around the house like a madman trying to collect the stuff you need to bring to Garcia’s for girls' night, you have no one else to blame but yourself. You have depended on your boyfriend to remember stuff for you that you always leave the preparation at the very last minute. At the moment, you believe you’ve never hated yourself as much as you did now, which is quite the feat considering that you’ve hated yourself a lot before for chickening out on confessing your feelings to boy wonder—your boyfriend, Spencer Reid—only to find out he shares the same feelings.
Scratch that, you hate your boyfriend right now more than you hate yourself.
Currently, that same boyfriend has been snickering nonstop at you dashing left and right and gathering the things you need to bring. Face masks? Check. Wine? Check. What else were you forgetting?
“You know, there’s this study that says only 82% of people have a time management system.” 
Your ever-loving boyfriend, Spencer, decided to share. You were about to chuck the throw pillow at him because you could hear the I told you so in his voice, but you knew his fact-sharing and nagging was his unique way of saying, “I love you, but you could’ve remedied this problem by preparing the stuff you’ll need the night before.”
“No, I don’t, Spence. But, do tell.” 
At this point, you’re pretty sure Spencer was sporting a shit-eating grin and was probably holding in a laugh at the strain in your voice from recalling whether you’ve got everything so you can head over to Garcia’s. You’re pretty sure Garcia is about to talk your ear off if you’re running late. You missed out on the last girls' night after you bailed on them, wanting to spend the night with Spencer, watching Star Wars, and eating takeout.
“There's a survey done recently which revealed that 90% of people say better time management can lead to increased productivity.” Spencer started explaining, hands waving around as if to demonstrate the numbers in front of him. “However, only 18% of people have a proper time management system.”
“Well, it just reminded me of you.” Spencer pursed his lips now, as he tried to explain his thoughts without annoying you. “If you just had a proper time management system like a to-do list or a planner. You could save at least..” He stared at his watch and did the math, “You could save at least one hour and forty-three minutes of your time instead of panicking over whether you got all the things you need for girls' night.”
“I don’t need that when I have you. Don’t you think so?”
This made your boyfriend blush, and you giggled, heading towards his direction, so you could wrap your hands around his waist and bury your face into his chest. You were the luckiest person alive for getting to date someone as wonderful as Spencer.
What you just said would not have made anyone flush and nervous, but Spencer was different. You knew he’s never been in a formal relationship with anyone before you. Thus, from time to time, he still gets embarrassed by your antics which you’ll always be endeared by. You live to see your boyfriend getting flustered because it gives you a reason to shower him with affection like now.
“I love you too, Spence.”
You looked up at your boyfriend, who looked like he was about to burst from your directness. You and he may deal with a lot of blood and gore during work, but he can be the most fainthearted person alive when it came to your affections.
“B-but I didn’t say I love you..” He trailed off, confused as to why you were suddenly proclaiming your love for him. You grinned even more as you pinched the tip of his nose.
“You didn’t have to, Spence. I know your nagging is one way of you saying you love me, and I love you for that.” 
Spencer scrunched his nose and rubbed the back of his neck out of shyness. If you could keep him in your pocket for safekeeping, you would. He’s just too precious for this world.
“But, as much as I love you, I know just as much that Penelope will have my ass kicked by Emily if I get to her house late,” you broke free from your boyfriend’s comfy arms, checking the bags you packed while doing so. “I have to go, baby. I think I got everything I need.”
Picking up your bag and care package, you ruffled your boyfriend’s brown locks, which made him frown a bit and sigh. You snickered at his reaction and proceeded to walk towards the front door. You were about to reach the staircase just outside your shared apartment when you realized something. 
You forgot your car keys.
Berating yourself in your head, you were certain once you entered that door, Spencer would be on your case like a mother duck. He can be too fretful when it comes to you. Oh well, that is one thing you love about him. Huffing, you slowly turned the doorknob and found Spencer leaning on the wall just inside the door with his arms crossed, looking at you smugly. You rolled your eyes.
One thing about Spencer Reid is he can be a cocky little shit when proven right. And that happens most—if not all—the time, with his IQ of 187 and eidetic memory. Unfortunately for him, he also happened to date a cocky little shit—you—who likes to fluster the living lights out of him. And right now, you just thought of the perfect way to get back at him.
But first, your car keys. Spencer next.
Once you have retrieved the pesky item—like it’s the car keys’ fault, you forgot to get them—you turned towards the door, not paying any attention to your boyfriend, who was already cracking up at you. Only when you’ve reached the door, your back towards Spencer, did you smirk. Oh, he’ll never know what’s coming to him. You did a U-turn and 
“Forgot something, sweetheart?”
“Why, yes I did, Dr. Reid,” you stated plainly, beelining towards him, making him take a few steps back until he ended up with his back against the wall. He's so easy to fluster. "I forgot to do this."
You slanted your head and pressed your lips against his. Your bodies were snug against each other as you kissed heatedly against the wall. You could feel the flutter of his long lashes against your cheeks as he parted his lips slightly to kiss you deeper. You could taste your shared breath, smell his faint perfume, and feel the slight scruff of a stubble about to show up. Warmth blossomed in your chest when you felt Spencer caress your face as if you were fine porcelain.
Kissing Spencer Reid never gets old in your books. Despite his lack of romantic experience and being the eager researcher that he was, Spencer was an eager lover—he would kiss you every chance he'd get to know how to please you, which paid off, by the way. This may be a biased opinion but you think the best kisses you have shared were with Spencer.
However, like all good things, kissing Spencer has to end, or Garcia will have you banned from her house for running late.
You pulled away from Spencer and grinned at him, to which he returned with a stunned smile. You chuckled when you noticed your lipstick smudged on the corner of his lips and brushed a finger to erase it. You wouldn't want your boyfriend to be the subject of Morgan's teasing once they're together after this. Noticing the daze your boyfriend is under is about to wear off, and he was about to say something, you beat him to it by pressing a smooch on his nose and pulling away completely. 
"I gotta go, Dr. Reid. Don't miss me too much!"
You scampered towards the door and shot a wink at your bewildered boyfriend—who was now sputtering in indignation for interrupting what he was about to say. He is so cute.
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keshetchai · 5 months
Greetings Friend,
I hope you can help me
How did you go about learning Hebrew? As in what resources, classes, books etc. did you use to get a handle on the language?
I really struggle with languages, so I was hoping you had some advice or tips.
As a bit of background, I am currently a conversion student, going on almost 2.5 years now. I have long since completed the formal learning requirement with my synagogue (conservative) and according to my rabbis, I am free to attend the Beit Din and Mikvah whenever I so choose.
I know my neshama is Jewish, I know this is who I am/supposed to be. I know because of some unusual childhood experiences, and then when I started converting most aspects of the learning and practices came so naturally (granted nowhere near an orthodox level of observance, which isn’t necessarily the goal at this time, but certainly not something I am opposed to perusing) except for the languages.
As previously stated my rabbis say it is okay but something is holding me back from taking that final plunge (lol), and I believe it’s the language.
I still bench in English, and find it really stressful to attend services because I can barely muddle my way around the liturgy, or songs during a Shabbat dinner.
Of course this is just a personal hang up, and absolutely no criticism or shame on anyone else who converted without knowing/knowing very little of the language. Just, for some reason it just doesn’t feel right. I cannot bring myself to say I am actually a member of this wonderful, beautiful tribe before I have overcome this hurdle.
So… any advice?
A few answers for you, the first is most important:
Very Early On in my studying, one of the two rabbis at my synagogue wasn't leading and so she sat in the back, and I decided to sit next to her because i was still finding my footing in the basic service.
And at one point, it may have been for mi hamocha, the cantor starts with a NEW tune I don't know, and I'm still relying on the transliteration entirely and was still trying to memorize the FIRST tune.
And my rabbi leans over and whispers to me: "I have never heard this tune before in my life either."
And the anxiety broke, then. I didn't know this version for the song already and I was lost. But the rabbi sitting next to me also didn't know this tune.
Being Jewish is about always learning something new, even if you are encountering the same thing you've seen or done before dozens or hundreds of times. THAT is being Jewish. Rereading the same book every year and the same passages over and over, but still being a little lost or even finding something you never knew before?
That is being a Jew.
Jews may open a siddur and know what they'll find there, but we do not open it and expect to know everything about how that material is used or applied. And we don't feel a guarantee that life will not teach us something new today, or that someone's minhag won't be totally different from ours. Jews may know the Torah, they may even choose to memorize the mitzvot by heart, but we don't expect this memorization will ensure we never have a halakhic question in life!
So you see, the big scary fact is this: you might become a fluent reader of prayer book Hebrew, you might someday daven entirely in Hebrew, or even graduate rabbinical school, but still sometimes be thrown into being a stranger to something, even something you thought you knew.
But when you identify this and then embrace it, it becomes less scary and part of your Jewish identity. Being perfectly settled, fixed in your knowledge or your thinking or your skills — it honestly doesn't feel terribly Jewish to me.
And for many people born as Jews this can manifest as a type of reflexive embarrassment or self-consciousness for failing at jewishness somehow or having less knowledge for one reason or another. It can make folks defensive or ashamed or feel frustrated for the disconnect. I'm here to tell you that as converts we get the chance to illustrate joyfully that no Jew knows everything Jewish, and that is the experience of being Jewish. The biggest thing holding any of us back from learning the things we don't know is
a) being afraid to seem not Jewish enough or
b) being afraid to not know something
I have excellent news for your (and my) anxiety:
A) almost all Jews worry about how Jewish they seem in some fashion or another so that's normal and,
B) since only hashem knows everything, our job is to not know everything, but to be willing to learn anything. Also we're better in numbers! Two heads are better than one and a minyan is better than that! Everyone doesn't know something, but none of us are alone as Jews. Which is why we become Jewish in community, and not alone. Because someone else might know what we don't!
Get it?
Step #1: you have to jump feet first into not already knowing something perfectly and start knowing less but learning more.
If you are reading the English words and English translations to daven, this means you need to stop. This was your training wheel. And you are not finding your own balance relying on it.
If your siddur has transliterations of the hebrew, bring a little index card next time and cover up the English as you daven for a start. I familiarized myself with the Hebrew because I was saying everything in Hebrew out loud every single time. Once you know the shema by heart more or less (for example), all you have to do is learn the alphabet to prompt your memory to progress further in your Hebrew learning.
That's how kids learn any language. We speak before reading as children. So speak and chant and sing in Hebrew. Whisper the Hebrew. As you get more comfortable, learning to read Hebrew will be an exercise you can even do during the middle of shabbat.
Because you know what the prayer says, and you just need to match the words you see to the sounds you know.
Step #2: know the aleph bet before you attempt reading comprehension of all words.
Things that I used to learn the aleph bet:
Hebrew scripts (the app by drops)
Write it! Hebrew app
Victoria Hanna's The Aleph Bet Song (Hosha'na) because uh she sings the aleph bet and pronounces it
Behrman House Books: Hineni: prayerbook Hebrew for adults; aleph isn't tough! For adults. The kids stuff is good too, I'm not ashamed to say I own "time to read Hebrew!" 1&2
(The Hebrew by inbal on Amazon looks new but good possibly?)
If you want a siddur set up specifically to practice matching transliteration and Hebrew aleph bet, I recommend Chayim Alevsky's My Siddur (choose the minhag variant you use! I bought the Sephardic/Israeli as I don't use ashkie pronunciations.
There will be slight differences of you're used to liberal inclusion of say, the matriarchs, but in general this is a solid practice book for anyone. Transliteration is given word by word, with full word blocks reading in the same direction as Hebrew. At the bottom of the page certain (possibly newer to the learner) words will be defined.
It also now has an app which looks like this:
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So you see this is pairing the reading direction of Hebrew words with the sounds spelled out in English to strengthen your Hebrew. If you try to read the transliteration in the English direction word by word, you'll be reading it backwards and starting with v'kayahm, instead of "modeh" (or "modah" feminine). Further even if you're starting correctly with modeh, the English word is still left to right over the Hebrew right to left. so this forces you to be attentive to the Hebrew itself and slow down word by word!
The layout in the print versions means you can cover up the transliteration to test your learning of certain words, and only check if you forget.
I still am not perfect at everything and I truthfully attentively practice Chinese far more than Hebrew reading, but this is what helped me.
Good luck!
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astrojulia · 1 year
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PAC: Your witchy side
~Your natural magical skills
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DISCLAIMER. These general free readings are made in good faith for entertainment purpose. This pick a pile is very specific and direct, even certain people came into my mind when doing it... so I already say that it doesn't seem to be for everyone.
How to pick a pile
When you have different cards to choose from in pile 1,2,3… look at each of those cards. Wait until someone reminds you of a memory. Perhaps a character’s outfit resembles one of your own. It is this pile that has its message. What if they all remind me of something? Go for the one with the strongest memory, one might look like her earring but another might be the favorite candy you got from your grandma when you vacationed at her house. But what if none reminds me of something? Take a deep breath and wait a little longer, without charging yourself or creating worries. Relax, some will awaken some memory in you, I promise!
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Pile 1 - My Melody
(Justice - Queen of Pentacles - Ten of Wands - Two of Pentacles - Four of Swords - Eight of Wands)
You are most likely an air witch with a focus on magic involving people, technical knowledge, and extensive research. Therefore, you must enjoy practicing astrology and manipulation magic. Apart from that, as a witch, you believe that you must first give in order to receive, and that everything you receive has the same weight as what you gave. You believe in equivalent exchange, alchemy, and the idea that the effort you put in will determine what you receive.
Your primary area of study is the physical realm, specifically prosperity, abundance, and fortune. You concentrate on the material aspects of your magical practices, performing magic that involves your body and personal belongings. You have a precise way of speaking, addressing your spirituality with respect but also with authority, as if you were the head of a different organization. You admire your guides, respecting and listening to them, but you don't feel inferior to them.
You manage to produce excellent results with your magic, bringing abundance to your home, but it sometimes becomes overwhelming for you. This could be due to your guides having dense energy. As a young witch, you may find it challenging to handle the amount of energy they transmit, leading to instances like an overflowing potion. In other words, even if you try to control the outcome, what you receive is often more than you can handle, whether it's positive or negative.
That's why you should practice more restrained magic. You need to choose between focusing on one aspect or another. Either you ask for love or you ask for prosperity; you can't pursue both with this type of magic. Start by engaging in more basic activities and communicating with "smaller spirits" such as children or fairies—whatever you prefer.
As for magical objects, you can have a diverse range, including daggers and swords, as well as white clothes and furry animals like rabbits, foxes, and dogs with long hair (preferably white animals). Additionally, you feel a certain connection with the cycle of life, understanding that things die and are reborn.
Your shadow side, your greatest temptation, is the desire to curse others. Many times, you want to see those who have wronged you suffer and contemplate whether you should act on it. You genuinely wish to return the harm that was once inflicted upon you.
On the other hand, your light side reveals that your primary focus is yourself. This self-focus is both your greatest strength and power. You have the ability to learn and study quickly, initiate new cycles promptly, and bounce back when things go wrong without being harmed in the process.
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Pile 2 - Kuromi
(Judgment - Page of Wands - The Fool - The Devil - Page of Cups - The Emperor - Ten of Pentacles)
You're probably a generational witch or, at the very least, a member of a cult or coven. In other words, you're not a solitary practitioner and have been on this path for a while. You're deeply interested in matters related to the soul, rebirth, and karma.
Your studies now encompass new areas that you've never explored before, such as herbology and astrology. There's something you have little knowledge of but find highly intriguing.
Your greatest skill lies in the freedom to pursue whatever you set your mind to. Your magic knows no bounds, and you have the ability to accomplish anything you desire. It appears that your specialty lies in magic involving glamour, love, and relationships. You excel at making people like you or even fall in love with you. This can be through a well-chosen word that wins them over or by adding a special touch to food.
An area you should focus on studying is shadow work. Personally, I find this topic too personal to discuss, but it is what the cards reveal. It suggests that you should address unresolved issues from your past. You have traumas and situations that are currently influencing you in negative ways, fostering destructive desires. This cannot continue as it is. You need to learn to free yourself from these chains and rid yourself of greater dangers.
A magical object you can keep with you is a goblet of water, but it can also include fish figurines or an aquarium. Additionally, letters you wrote or received in the past, childhood items like dolls and stuffed animals, can provide you with strength.
As I mentioned before, your darkest side is the desire to destroy everything and start over again, hoping for a "better" outcome. You believe that if you have the power, everything will improve, free from problems and pain. You possess an explosive and uncontrollable urge that can bring harm to others and yourself.
On the flip side, your light side emerges through your involvement in a group. You have people who love you, and you reciprocate that love. You strive to do your best for them, presenting your finest version. You protect and support them, fulfilling their needs. You rarely find yourself alone, and the strength of the group becomes your own.
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Pile 3 - Cinnamoroll
(Four of Pentacles - The Hermit - Seven of Cups - Three of Pentacles - Strenght - Ace of Pentacles - Wheel of Fortune)
You are most likely an earth witch who focuses on material well-being. You are a zealous and capricious person. You take pride in your appearance, especially when it comes to your hair and jewelry. You are the type of witch who enjoys casting spells using your hair, colors, and accessories. You don't conform to societal norms, but you respect traditions. If necessary, you are willing to engage in mischief as a response to being hurt by others.
Your current path is a solitary one. You are discovering things that only you can comprehend, unable to share them with others who wouldn't understand. It feels as if you are keeping a significant secret and are on a journey to uncover its meaning. You are also pursuing a dream, striving to make it a reality.
You enjoy working with potions and food, crafting spells from scratch using your own ingredients. You are the type of person who can serve others their own poison without hesitation. You possess a repertoire of tricks up your sleeve, knowing the right ingredient for a recipe or the appropriate spell for any situation that arises.
It's time for you to focus on forging new paths for yourself, working with a small group to create something greater for everyone. Additionally, you can start studying flowers and aquatic herbs.
A magical object you can keep with you is images of large animals such as lions, whales, or camels—strong animals that command presence and whose names are generally recognized. Nets can also be beneficial to you, as something you can use to capture things, similar to a Dreamcatcher (although you're aware it's primarily decorative) or, if you prefer, pictures of spiders.
Your shadow side is your ambition—an insatiable desire to possess everything while doing little to attain it. It's as if you planted flowers but never watered them, allowing them to wither on their own. You desire more, craving abundance, but it's unlikely that you'll attain everything you want, which may lead to disappointment.
Your light side is your profound faith and belief in your spirituality. You likely have a daily routine that involves prayer or engaging in magical practices, making you naturally powerful. By allowing your guides to direct you when you're uncertain, you are able to navigate your path.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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nica-my-beloved · 3 months
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Alright! So I'm done with Xeno and I'm surprised. It's a good route but there are some issues.
👇👇👇Spoilers 👇👇👇
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Xeno's route isn't too complicated as say, Gilbert's route. The story is good enough to make me wanna keep reading it. I like that from the very start, we get a clear idea of Xeno's personality. A perfectionist.
Xeno is the center of exeCreed and probably also the lead vocalist. Although he's not the actual leader of the group, the members mostly follow him. Xeno is pretty hardworking and I mean VERY HARDWORKING. He always has a plan on how the members perform their stage shows, he's always the one directing everything and everyone listens to him because his ideas and strategies are very good. In short all the members really respect him. But the problem is, if something goes not according to the plan, Xeno will start throwing tantrums. He would scold his members for not going according to the plan. For example, during one of their stage performance, Finn did a dance routine in front of the crowd which was not according to the group's plan. This led to Xeno and the members fighting. Xeno doesn't like it when something, even if its the smallest thing, doesn't go according to the pre-determined plan. Although the other members are frustrated, they still respect Xeno because he's very talented and hardworking. They do raise their voices but in the end, they would just move on like always.
Xeno's personality is greatly influenced by his past and his current mission in life. The reason why Xeno is such a perfectionist and why he's so cold to others? is what we learn from his story.
Xeno or should I say Rio Seika (his real name), his main goal is to find out about his parents' death and take revenge on their killer. Believe it or not, Xeno comes from a very well-off family. His father was the former president of a very big media company. While he was in New York (for his studies, I assume) he received the news that his parents died in a car accident. Xeno was then adopted by his uncle but his uncle didn't treat him well. Xeno also felt very fishy about the way his parents died. This is where Xeno's story arc starts. He decides to run away from his uncle and started living on his own. He decided to be singer and dancer and polish his skills as each day went by. He wasn't a prodigy or anything. Nor did he had dreams of becoming one. He polished his singing and dancing skills everyday so that one day he could become very popular and powerful singer who could then challenge the current president of his father's media company, his uncle. Who is also the killer of his parents.
Xeno's real reason for being an idol is just so because he can be powerful enough to bring down his uncle. But even so, in a way he did end up liking it because when he sings, he still puts whatever emotions he feel into his singing. It's not half-baked. People still feel mesmerised listening to his voice. Even his members.
Xeno simply only sees his members as just co-workers and not as friends at first. In the story, he suffers an injury in the leg which led to his dancing being awkward. Yet he never revealed the injury to his members because of his pride and wanting to be a perfectionist in every way. But the members were smart enough to notice his injury because they have spend together quite some time to know each other very well. This leads to the members forming a bond of understanding each other, and the ice walls around Xeno also starts to slowly melt. We can see Xeno thanking his members and trying to get closer to him. It's really sweet scene.
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I hate to say this, but the story does have some cringy dialogues similar to Ikemen Prince. Here, it's like "Thank you for melting the ice in my heart and turning me into a human." There are lot dialogues like that and I'm sure this isn't how people actually talk. If you talk like that, I suggest you get therapy. I'm being serious.
Another thing I'd like to shed some light on is, how Xeno and Rina (MC) relationship develops. It moves very slowly but we can actually see their relationship improving from the way how Xeno addresses her. Xeno at the start of the story calls her by her company name - 'Aegis'. Later when they get a little bit closer, he calls her by her last name - 'Kawanaga'. Soon, the tone in which he calls her starts to sound more caring and we see him approaching her first rather than other way around. In addition, helping her with her commercial planning and stuff. But the part where I think looked awkward is when Rina out of no where confessed her love for Xeno in Chapter 20. I was surprised seeing the sudden confession out of blue because I felt it was a little too rushed. I can see these two moving closer and having a nice friendship. But for them to fall in love, I would say maybe give them 3 or more chapters and some nice sexual tension scenes to make it seem like there is something romantically going on between them.
But that doesn't matter because the very next chapter Xeno accepts her heart and kisses her. Also he calls her by her first name from then on. I actually loved it when he called her by her first name, Rina.
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Honestly though, I like Xeno AFTER he fell in love with Rina, because before he was very strict and unapproachable also a little bit annoying. But after he fell in love, he becomes the most passionate lover I've ever seen. He went from being:
Xeno: "Aegis! You better do your work properly or I'll kick you out immediately!!"
Xeno: "Rina....I love you so much *kiss kiss kiss* I wanna melt you with my warmth....do you also want too?"
The route is fairly good for a first play but I have a feeling I'm gonna end up liking Jace's route more because his personality is winning my heart (also he has long hair which he ties up). I'd give Xeno's route a 7/10.
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ackercoded · 2 months
soooo when u get a weirdo in your inbox do u guys respond to them or pretend they dont exist. i feel like both responding and not responding is literally gonna lead towards the same outcome. i dont wanna respond bc why tf would i but also i want to because it involves someone??. people in this platform are pissing me the fuck off i just wanna read and write shit related to levi bro even twitter isnt this controversial?? are yall okay is everything good at home???
i dont wanna turn the anonymous messages option off i feel like thats just not cool i respect people who read my stuff too much but also like idk
dont hop on my dick (again x2) but im just gonna go back to pretending no one is real everyone is just a username on my screen, at least that way i wont feel miserable coming on this app. i dont get on here a lot in general and im not invested like that too, i have a life. its why i struggle with uploading or editing my drafts so much too im not lazy i was joking lmfao i really do have shit to do irl believe it or not. work and studies keep handing my ass back to me and some of yall invent drama on here to stay high on. pathetic.
if youre reading this anon, which i lowkey feel like is the same one as before who tried stirring the pot, find a hobby. theres so many to choose from. im gonna start blocking everyone yall try to pit me against for my sake and theirs. i dont have to exist to nobody except for the people who just come on here to read fics like me.
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divine-crows · 3 months
Grimoire/Bos Prompts or Research Topics for the Witch that Doesn’t Know What To Do Next
(Pt. 1/ ?) 
Okay so, I've been working on gathering information for a couple of years now. (On and off for 4 years probably a little less because I procrastinate), and just now I've gotten an official book to put all of my information in since prior to that I just had loose leafs of paper that I'd stash away at random, and google docs filled with information (which I recommend. It helped me let go of the stress of messing up and helps when you need to edit and add information. I still use my doc as a way to add stuff and as an on-the-go grimoire).
I've practically stuffed this grimoire with everything I've gathered and refined, and this has lead me to reach an impasse where I don't quite know what to do next. Not a lot of BoS or Grimoire prompts are geared towards people that have the basics written down, but don’t know what to do next, so I'll make a short list of stuff I've brainstormed.
Note: These prompts aren't all going to be specific things to do research on, a lot of it is inspired by Molly Roberts on YouTube because I love prompts and ideas that may not be necessarily witchy, but can be when in the context of where it is. These prompts and research topics also are not mine by any means and I’ll reiterate it often because I want people to make these ideas their own. 
- What being a witch means to you. This can include why you decided to use witch as a label for yourself, your specific practice, why you got into it, how it affects your life and it's importance, etc.
- how your religion (or if non-religious, any of your beliefs or theories you support) works alongside your craft. Do you feel a need to separate the two? Do you treat them like they're always together? Are there any specific scenarios where you use the two hand-in-hand? Talk about it.
- Entity and/or spirit Guide! Make a section dedicated to entities and spirits in your area, how you (or others) found them, if you think you know what/who they are, or if you aren't sure what it could be. This can open up great opportunities for you to study new things. I myself have been planning on doing it since my town has a lot of ghosts, and I've had plenty of interactions with entities that I don't know of (ex. some seem like the fair folk, but due to the origins of people that lived in my town it's unlikely, or they have one trait that reminds me of an entity I know of but the rest of their traits are nothing like it).
- energy/magic map. This can be used in multiple ways! Map out the energy and vibes you feel when you're in other places, or map out the energy you felt during a spell/ritual, or maybe even there's a song that just speaks to you and you want to show the flow of energy the song makes you feel. How you show this flow is up to you and your experience! Maybe you have synesthesia and you want to explore how that mixes with your experience with the flow of energy in music ( or just in general) go for it!
- any personal ideas or concepts. This might be candle etiquette, or maybe you personally don't say the name of certain entities or deities for specific reasons. Maybe there's something you do that you don't see a lot of people mention in media. Write it down! You never know when you'll come across something and go "...wait a minute" and then you can flip through your Grimoire/BoS and go "oh! Right, that's just a personal belief/uncommon concept so that might be why it isn't in here." Now. This does not mean stealing from other cultures and claiming you believed in it all along. And it doesn't mean disrespecting any basic rules of etiquette.
- if there's items you see and you have an inexplicable pull to, document it! Talk about the energies they had. What they were and looked like. If you bought it or not. This can help you in the future when it comes to incorporating items. Sometimes I find out that an item I bought because its "vibes were interesting" can actually be repurposed and I always feel proud afterwards because my intuition knew all along.
- do certain places or situations make you feel a little bit more magical than you usually do? Make a list of those places (and if you want to add a description of them!) Sometimes when I'm not feeling 100% with my craft just visiting those places makes me feel better.
- Information about where you’re from or where you currently live, and how this place applies to your practice. I’ve seen at least one or two people do this with their grimoire’s and it’s a great idea. It doesn’t have to be an extensive history either, for me, I just focused on the state I live in and I added basic information that I felt belonged there. I also included some common folklore of the area.  
- - - 
I'll add on more as I brainstorm them. These ideas and concepts are not mine and a lot have probably been done already. Have fun with them! Reblog with more ideas (I'll definitely reblog ones with ideas I like)
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moonshine-nightlight · 7 months
Potential Long Stories
hey, while looking to next year, i have a number of long story ideas i'm considering and i'd like to gauge y'alls interest in them and see if there are any top contenders since i'd likely only be able to work on one for the next year or two (similar to how Nothing's Wrong with Dale was posted)
these are all just the top ideas i'm considering at the moment and are subject to change when i get back to writing in Spring 2024, but i really want to know if any of these grabs ppls attention as often more interest in a story motivates me to write more!
see under the read more for summaries of each story in the poll
if ur interested in more than one, vote for your favorite and mention the others in the comments/tags!
See this post for a poll on short vs long stories!
See this post for a similar poll on short stories!
see below for summaries and minor details (titles subject to change - but i'm also lazy and hate titling things so maybe not)
A Perfectly Ordinary Research Position: You'd nearly given up hope finding a research assistant position at your new university, but there is one. The professor has apparently gone through four research assistants in the past year and he’s in demonology, but you're desperate. One hasty proposal for a linguistics demonology minor and an application letter later, you find yourself accepting the post. Now you only have to get up to speed on demonology and juggle your own studies with your duties as his assistant. If only the professor wasn’t quite so old and eccentric, constantly changing his mind and personality by the hour. Why, it’s almost as if he’s more than one person. No matter, you'll figure out a way to handle it all. You have to.
Not a direct sequel to Dale, but takes place in the same universe around the same time; ReaderxMaleDemon
Shadow Diplomacy: You’ve been Shaodd’s assistant since he came to your town to Arbitrate a land dispute that was threatening to escalate to violence years ago. Still, you’re used to everyone paying him attention and disregarding you to some extent, no matter that Shaodd always treats you with respect. This kingdom has finally crossed the line, by barring you from the senate entirely. You’re not sure what you thought Shaodd would do in response—but to say you’re his spouse was not at all on the list. Now you’re stuck acting as a married couple while untangling the mess of a situation these people have found themselves in. You can’t help but think how much easier the charade would be if you weren’t in love with him.
Fantasy; ReaderxEldritchEntity
Patronage: You can’t believe it’s come to this. Your country had finally won the war only to fall on desperate times while trying to recover. Your king, a foreigner in all but on paper, is the one who decides a sacrifice to the country’s patron deity is called for and what more worthy sacrifice could there be than his queen? Unfortunately for him, while the sacrifice works, your patron appears before you can die and he says that since you were the sacrifice, you are the one he will defer to. From figure head to divinely backed, can you lead your country back to prosperity?
Fantasy; ReaderxMaleDeity
Tailor Made: You volunteered to accompany the five students who won the contest for free prom outfits, offered by a local high-end tailor shop. You’re braced for someone fussy and quite frankly a snob, but Calvin is not what you expected. He’s sophisticated, but kind—effortlessly setting your students at ease and making everything go smoothly. After everything, you find yourself striking up an odd friendship with the man. You don’t understand why you feel so comfortable around him, but you don’t want to question it. If only you couldn’t tell he was keeping secrets. Will they drive you apart or bring you closer together?
Modern w/secret demons&angels; ReaderxMaleDemon
Imposter Syndrome: It seemed like a tedious but straightforward job at first. Twelve technicians, with a crew of the long-haul vessel brought out in cyro to restore a large mining rig that had malfunctioned. Yeah, the fact that everyone who’d been manning it had died was spooky, but the medical team had already cleared most of that out. The most annoying part was that you were going to have to be in a full suit since the long-hauler didn’t have enough oxygen to restore it to the rig. Then Crewmember Redman found Crewman Chroma’s dead body and worse yet, there were still 12 technicians accounted for. The logs were no help, everyone was on the roster in the system except you all remember the right number. But you hadn’t met anyone before you were put to sleep for the trip. Problems only mount when not only do you fail to identify the impostor, but crewmembers keep dying. Will you be able to figure out who’s killing off crewmember’s before you’re the one in their crosshairs?
Science Fiction; ReaderxAlien
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loveandmurders · 11 months
Hi! I'm recently new to your blog and in love with sister! sinclair!! (But for your not writing list “slashers killing on purpose reader” confused me) but I wanted to put in a request myself and I don't mean to be bland and not give much detail but
What if Sinclair sister!reader is also a killer but the brothers don't know: and they somehow find out by visiting her and hearing victims screams maybe? If you don't feel comfortable you can ignore this!
Hello there, thank you for your request <3
I'm sorry if I wasn't clear, I'm French so I'm doing my best with English! What I meant is that I don't write for slashers who kill reader just because they want to hurt them. Hope it's better that way!
But I love to write for dangerous!reader so I hope you'll enjoy this <3
Warnings: no proof reading, killer!reader, abusive and insane parents, mention of lack of empathy from reader and the brothers, mentions of murders, violence, pain and blood, mention of dismenbering, mentions of sexual activites/impulses (but nothing explicit).
Your father was a mad scientist who had the reputation to do experiments on his patients. Rumours also said that some of his patients disappeared forever after they entered his office or his home. Your mother was an insane artist, who was using people to make wax statues out of them. She also believed that her business was more important than anything or anyone else.
At the same time, they both tried very hard to love their children in their own twisted way. However their love was toxic and ill; it was turning everything to blood and dust. Especially you, their children, who only knew this kind of "affection". 
The twins were the first ones to understand that it wasn’t what love was supposed to be. And despite everything that happened to you all, they manage to feel real tenderness for Lester and adoration for you. It was hard for them to like anyone else other than their family. In a way, your childhood prevented you from developing empathy toward anyone who wasn’t your siblings. And because of the family business, you could only trust your people, and because you were children who needed love and affection, you started to love and be soft to each other.
You didn’t feel anything when your mother died. The twins were wrecked and Lester was heartbroken when he realised he would never have her attention. You felt satisfaction when your father died and you so calmly helped Bo hiding the body and finding a good lie to tell the police. Bo felt better, Vincent too. Lester hoped things would go back to normal now.
But normal had never been something you knew. 
Any of you. 
The twins needed to get back to the family business, because it was all they ever knew. Vincent needed to be the new artist of Ambrose, he needed to continue his mother’s masterpiece, and more than anything, he needed to get revenge on the world for his face. He needed to kill. Bo would have never left Vincent on his own, and he wanted his Mama to be proud of him, wherever she was now. Lester was lost without his siblings, so he followed the lead, even if he wasn’t too happy with it. The twins never asked him to kill, but to guide the tourists to their traps. It was easy now that Ambrose was empty. They all felt like they were the kings of their own world in this strange and desertic town.
You didn’t care about your parents, so you didn’t care about the legacy. You only cared about your siblings. Nevertheless, you believed you also had to care about yourself, so you left to study. It saddened your brothers a lot because they wanted you close by, but they never stopped you. They simply reminded you everyday that they wished you would be home with them. When you finally graduated, they failed to convince you to come back home. You loved them, but you hated Ambrose. They were worried it was because you were scared of them, but you would never be scared of them. You loved them and you knew they did love you too in return, more than anything. They would have even let go of the family business if you had wanted. But you didn’t want that because you were aware it would break them even more.
You wanted your independence and you were fighting against your own demons. And you hated to admit it but the only way you found to feel better, when you were getting self destructive and unhappy, was to kill people.
You never talked about it to your brothers, because it started when you were at the university, far away from them. You had killed a guy, who had better grades than you, to be at the top of the class. You didn’t even really remember how all of this happened. But after this, you had never been able to stop. You were smart and the police never found you, even though the county was aware of the presence of a serial killer. Your brothers were sometimes talking about it, wondering who it could be and asking you to be extra careful at night, even if they knew you could take care of yourself. They just knew that people could be insane and dangerous sometimes. Your answer was always a soft smile and a “Yes, of course I’m careful”. You never told them it was you because it was your little secret. You shared everything with your brothers but this.
Maybe they would be scared of you. You were killing for the sake of it, for the thrill, for the adrenaline, for the view of the blood, for the almost sexual impulse. You loved to be in control, you loved to have the power to kill someone because you wanted it. You were like a divinity.
You thought you were good at hiding this from your brothers. Until one day.
You had brought someone to your flat last night. You had sex with them and you were planning on killing them for no other reason than because you wanted to. You had tied them up and as they were begging you. You were about to start the real fun, when you heard your doorbell ring. You groaned and shove a sock into the person’s mouth before putting tape over their lips.
“Don’t move, sweetie, I’ll be back” you winked at them before closing your bedroom door behind yourself.
The doorbell rang again. “Comin’” you cried out as you were quickly washing your bloody hands. You had beat your prisoner up and your knuckles were raw. You finally ran to the door, looked through the spyhole and opened when you realised it was your brother Lester.
“Hello, sis” he greeted you before hugging you. You hugged him back, a little bit surprised to see him there.
“What’s up?” you asked as you let him get inside your flat.
“Bo told me he’d fix my washin’ machine at my place if I convince ya to come over Ambrose for the weekend” Lester sheepishly smiled at you and you rolled your eyes at him. You were about to answer when a loud noise came from your bedroom. Your prisoner fell on the ground, hoping the newcomer would hear it and check it out. “Ya ain’t alone maybe?” Lester asked with a raise eyebrow
“No, it’s nothin’” you tried to shrug but another loud noise happened as they hit the wall with their tied feet.
“Ya sure?” Lester asked. He could tell you were hiding something, which was strange and worried him a little. At the same time, he didn’t want to make you feel uneasy. You simply nodded.
“Anyways, ya were talkin’ about bringin’ me to Ambrose?” you hummed, for Lester’s attention to be back on his first goal. Lester smiled again.
“Well, yeah. Everyone'd be happy to have ya around. We’re missin’ ya quite a bit, ya know. And I can do my best for no tourist to arrive in Ambrose if you prefer things to be quiet. The twins just want ya home” Lester told you
“I’ve been busy but alright, I’ll come home tonight” you offered, so Lester could leave and allow you to finish your work.
“Why tonight? I can bring ya home now?” Lester asked “Or maybe ya’re in the middle of somethin’ already?” he hummed as loud bangs coming from your bedroom interrupted you again. Gosh, you were so going to give them a painful death.
“Can ya forget about this, please?” you pleaded. “Just go now and… I’ll explain to ya tonight?” you gave him your best puppy eyes and Lester looked away. He couldn't resist you anyways.
“Bo won’t be happy. He’d think ya won’t come.” Lester argued
“I’ve one word, ya know that!” you exclaimed but more blows were heard against the wall
“What’s goin’ on, Y/N?” Lester asked, plunging his eyes into yours.
He also noticed your knuckles and gently took your hands in his, concerned. You sighed. It was really ruining your plans. Even if you killed the person now, you were usually waiting for the night to get rid of the body, but Bo would never be that patient and he was able to come over when you would be in the middle of the dismembering. You couldn't let the person on their own or they might find a way out or a way to ask for help. And you couldn’t leave the body here over the whole weekend because of the smell and everything.
“Ok. This’ really not ideal. Where’s your truck parked? Far away from the buildin’ entrance?” you asked and Lester sent you a very confused look
“Just answer”
“Yeah, a little bit away, why?”
“Alright, ya gonna go back to the truck and bring it here just at the entrance. Ya gonna make some room on the back of the truck for a normal sized person who will be layin’ on the floor. I wanted to kill them now, but ya’ve all decided to fuck up with my plans, so I guess I can only kill them at Ambrose. Vince’ll be happy to have a new body for his project” you explained as Lester watched you without understanding. His sweet and cute baby sister was killing people? “Go now, Lester!” you ordered and he left, still in complete bewilderment. He couldn’t believe what just happened.
You got lucky enough for the street to be desertic. So you forced the person to walk inside the truck with a knife pressed against their side and hidden under your clothes. You threw them on the truck floor and closed the door. They quickly tried to scream and escape but you very coldly threatened them and they finally stayed still. You put the radio very loud so you were certain no one could hear them if they decided to be stupid again.
“Did they try to hurt ya?” Lester asked you because it was the only explanation he had found and you send him a little smile
“Vince isn’t the one who likes to kill. I just don’t need a pretext to do so” you shrugged. Lester thought it was all a dream. You had never killed anyone in Ambrose before. 
Bo was waiting for the two of you. He was fixing a car outside of his garage because he was lacking space inside: two groups of tourists came by the past three days, which meant he had plenty of vehicles to deal with. He quickly stopped when he saw Lester's truck parking next to his shop. He opened your passenger door to hug you but he got startled when he heard someone whimpering and begging for help behind a gag. You gently shoved Bo to the side.
“Help me get them out of the truck. I’ll help Vince with the wax for this one.” you informed him. 
Bo sent a confused glance at Lester who shrugged at him, as lost as he was. Bo obeyed though and he pulled the person to the house basement. He tried to question you but you weren’t in the mood to answer so he finally let the subject go. Lester and Bo were discovering a new part of your personality they had never seen before. A very dark, cold and quiet side of you. You were looking like a goddess of chaos, full of wrath and calm violence. Bo was angry and teasing when he was killing. Vincent was quiet, but he was very excited and thrilled. You were icy playful.
You asked Vincent to show you how to use the machine and you both recovered the person in burning wax after Vincent paralysed them and fixed them on the chair. He watched you taunting the person. The statue you made out of them was in a very unnatural position that would quickly become pure suffering for your victim. Even Vincent was a little bit uncomfortable in front of the twisted and broken sculpture you made. He knew he would hide it somewhere to scare the tourists, maybe somewhere in the woods close by Ambrose. 
You asked Vincent how long it would take for them to die and the answer pleased you and you laughed such a terrifying laugher that a tear dropped down the waxed face. 
Vincent finished everything off while you climbed upstairs to take a shower. When you went into the kitchen to get some fresh lemonade, your three brothers were sitting at the table. Lester told the twins what happened and Vincent explained to them what he saw. They all stopped talking when they noticed you. You sighed. You took your glass of lemonade before sitting at the table too.
“Well yeah I’m killin’ people too. And I enjoy it, but ya do too” you were a little bit defensive.
“Since when?” Bo asked
“University. I know what I’m doin’ so no need to be worried” you quickly replied, because you wanted your brothers to leave you alone
“Why ya never told us about it?” Bo continued, he didn't like the idea his baby sister was hiding anything from him
“Don’t know. Wanted it to be my little secret enjoyment. I don’t do it for the family business but because it makes me feel better.” you said
“Could be both though. I’d be happy to do more wax sculptures with you as well” Vincent signed. He knew he would enjoy killing with you.
“I’m not an artist” you shook your head
“You are. I’m now realising I’m way too consensual. You could really bring something to it. You’re impressive”
“I’ll think about it” you softly smiled, a little bit flattered your big brother was thinking that of you.
“Ya’re always impressive” Bo nodded and you relaxed even more.
“Ya the serial killer of the county then?” Lester asked
“Yep” you shrugged, but deep down you were proud of yourself
“It's safer for ya to play in Ambrose, ya know.” Bo added, thinking he could find a way to convince you to come back home that way
“I know. I’ll think ‘bout it” you promised and both the twins smiled at you.
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zibus · 5 months
Theory time!
I dont think Blackbeard is a true D.
Blackbeard is one of my favorite characters in One Piece, and one of my favorite fictional villians of all time. Im fascinated by everything we learn about him, and by how he serves as a foil to Luffy.
The most important way he foils Luffy is the differences between their approaches. Both have increadible ambition and want to stand at the top of the New Era, but the way they approach this goal are completely opposed.
Luffy is bullheaded in the best way. He picks a goal every arc (usually punch the bad guy) and lets nothing stand in his way. He acts impulsively, based on instinct. In Fishman Island, we see how the crew plans around Luffy disrupting their plans. In Film Gold they even purposefully dont tell him the full plan. He is often also willing to risk his dream for those he considers his friends - to help them achieve their dreams. As he travels, he constantly inspires others, leading to him collecting the crew and Grand Fleet.
Blackbeard, on the other hand, is cautious and meticulous. Shanks describes how BB waited in Whitebeards shadow till the time to strike. He tells Ace he has "a plan to reach the top." Above all he his pragmatic. He recruits not by inspiring people, but by offering them something they want - as seen with Shiryu and Aokiji. Even at the moment of hus greatest triumph, when he shocks the world by obtaining the Tremor Tremor fruit, he isnt willing to do anything that might jeopardize his long term goal. When Shanks arrives, even though BB just declared he is now the strongest, he says its not time to fight and leaves.
There are lots of fascinating details about what makes BB special, but the most intriguing to me is that he doesn't sleep. Ever.
If I wanted to be King of the Pirates, and I never slept, you know what Id do? Id use that time to study and plan. I think we can say with some confidence BB does this. The first step of his plan, as far as we know, is that he studied and memorized every known devil fruit to find the perfect one - the Dark Dark fruit - for his plan. Every move he makes is calculated with the risks carefully weighed.
To get to the point: I think Marshall Teach learned about the Will of D in his studies somehow - not the full truth! - enough to recognize that pretending to be a D might give him a leg up. It might intimidate some, or bring certain allies under his banner, for instance. And so he chose to start using it. He didnt truly inherit the will.
Why I like this: the main reason is that he's the only D clan member who is without a doubt evil. Garp is complex and made choices most of us would disagree with, but he isnt selfish or corrupt like so many in the Navy. Perhaps Rocks was truly evil but we dont know enough about him. Otherwise all the other D members are clear allies of the Strawhats. Furthermore, they all seem to display a clear emotional drive to do what they believe is right. Saul betrays the Navy after meeting a single woman who cast doubt on the gov's intentions. While Vivi goes undercover, it reads more as desperation rather than some thought out plot. We all know about Ace and Luffy. Law is the most coniving among them, but in Dressrosa he goes along with Luffy and abandins his comokex plan to defeat Doflamingo, and in Wano he nearly jeopardizes the mission by turning himself over in order to save his crew. They act on insrinct and their strong moral compasses.
All except Blackbeard.
So how would this tie to the one concrete hint we have about the Will of D? That they are the enemies of the gods a.k.a. the Celestial Dragins and Imu?
Well, we know that BB is willing to work with the Navy to achieve his goals. First by becoming a Warlord, then by capuring Bonney, and currently with Coby. I think if BB thought he could achive complete personal freedom and power by being a Marine he would. And I think he will, or at least try to. He will try to usurp the World Gov. under his control while the true Ds will try to dismantle it. This will betray him as someone who doesnt truly care about freedom - only power.
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jess-the-vampire · 1 year
What will happen in your au version of for the future
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there's some stuff i'm gonna touch on in comics in more detail but the rundown is after making it back, eda is gonna separate from the group with darius and eber to get king
she doesn't know how long she might be back in her normal form before the beast takes over and she refuses to let her son be in harm's way and never see him again.
Caleb wants to talk to her about the hunter and luz thing in more detail but she's not ready yet, so she leaves and tells him to keep an eye on the kids and find a safe place to protect them.
This includes luz, despite their reunion, she wants luz safe and away from collector.
A part of eda also wants to confront lilith too.
so the caleb gang do eventually get to hexside via survivors, and kikimora, instead of what happens in canon, is actually in charge of the group in a more honest way.
In fact she's trying to figure out a plan to stop collector and free philip.
She actually thought caleb and hunter might of also been captured by collector too, so she was trying to free her family and in the meantime she and steve have been helping survivors.
Basically she finally got the power position she wanted, but it's for good reasons.
so family reunion with her.
They're planning to stay and take shelter like eda asked but luz refuses for them to hide like this, she's tired of being underestimated by eda and thinks they should all go after the collector with kiki's plans.
She is worried sick eda won't make it.
Willow is feeling the pressure of her parents being captured and hunter is doing his best to reassure her and so is gus, who is talking to hunter about knowing his and luz's secret.
Amity however, finds out odalia is working with collector via intel from kiki and kiki's own inventions, collector who captured her dad and has left her siblings in the state they are and she is PISSED.
Both her and luz want to go up there and confront the people they believe to have hurt their family and they confront how they are both being projected onto and that to succeed they need to be their honest selves.
Which is perfect for them and their own confession.
but things are starting to shake up as whatever titan trappers are left get word of them arriving and start to break in to capture them. Leading to a very different fight in the detention pit.
Hunter does get his memory of EAE removed, deciding to do the plan and get into the head.
Hunter's palisman comes to life when he confronts caleb about how he wants nothing more then to stay in the demon realm, to study magic, make palisman, and live his best life there.
Caleb spent awhile considering if leaving earth was the worst mistake he ever made and it made hunter wonder the same, if nothing ever would of gotten so bad if he stayed like he was supposed to.
and this is a moment of caleb being honest and saying "No, you being here is everything to me, i got to live my best life here and so should you. You should get to be anything you want to be, and live as fully as you want. I may of made mistakes, but coming here was not one of them, and neither was having you as my kid".
Fully forgiving himself for the mistakes he made.
they get into the titan head after the fact.
As far as collector goes, Lilith and king have been conspiring against him, but neither want to hurt him. They want philip to join but he just.....sits there, depressed. They have bonded over the months but he refuses to do anything but let himself suffer.
The titan trappers let collector know the gang arrived, and that eda is coming for king and they're planning to end him. He doesn't assume king or lilith would agree to this, but then sees them reuinite with eda and that they are up for stopping him and assumes the worst of the situation.
i can get into more detail later
but that's a good summary of events till then
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
top 10 saddest quotes in obey me
a/n: I'm suffering from having 0 idea of what to write next and my previous shitpost like this did surprisingly well, so here we are. (I actually posted this before but it didn't show up on tags??) Again, this post is all jokes. I'm sorry if I accidentally offend anybody.
no image belongs to me, I just filtered and cropped the screenshots from the game.
content warnings: shitpost! everything is all jokes, mild strong language
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This is a harsh reality many Mammons live in: zero money. You know why? Because they often get hung up upside down, so the cash falls out of their pockets. The Mammons hate it very much, and it's scary for them, but this one is showing his deep fear to the Leviathan to show he really has no money. The fact that the Levi looks like he doesn't believe the other male is truly devastating to look at.
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What we see here, dear people, is a wild Beelzebub who stole a Leviathan's food, and proudly quotes the Joey guy from Friends while doing so. While it is not uncommon for such orange-haired males to steal food, it is sad when it happens to a Levi. Think about it, where do we go to get food when it's all finished? Exactly, the supermarket, which is outside. And what do Leviathans hate? The outside. This poor Levi now has to go outside for food.
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Mammon has returned, this time not sharing his own hardships, but making life hard for another species: Satans. Many people don't know this, but recent studies have shown there are two kinds of Satan, gold and silver. Silver Satans are more emotional than the gold ones, so calling one cheap is very painful for them, dangerous too. Why? All Satans express emotions by throwing destructive tantrums. By the way, our research team couldn't determine what the Simeon is thinking. Hypothesis says he's thinking about an Mc's glutes.
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Speaking of glutes, look at this heartbroken Asmodeus. It's in his name, ASSmodeus. Clearly, this kind of male loves ass as much as he loves the mirror section at IKEA and fake plants bugs won't sit on combined. This Asmo had spotted some potential mate with, in his words, 'a pretty nice derriere.' Imagine the pain he felt when the mate, potentially a Mc dressed as a succubus at a Halloween party, vanished from sight. Scientists were brought to tears by this image. So sad.
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Many of us can relate to this poor Belphegor. It's a sad reality we live in: waking up everyday from precious sleep to go to work, school, or to see your laundry you forgot to fold. As we know, Belphegors enjoy sleep, and are able to sleep in any situation. That is how much they love visiting dreamland. Our team of researchers believe this is due to the fact that Belphegors dream about auditioning for the position of the lead singer of Evanescence, and getting said part. This is their dream they get to live in. Imagine waking up. Ouch.
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Oh my, what a rare sighting! Wild Raphaels don't appear often in front of people. But, think about the reason we found a Raphael. He said it himself, he is missing. The poor thing. Imagine how much he misses his mom. The fact he used the word 'still' indicates he's been lost for a good while. Poor Raphael, we all hope he finds his mom soon.
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When you first look at this, you might think there isn't much sadness to it. But what if I told you our research team found out what the context behind this image is? You see, the Lucifer is talking to an Mc. Said Mc just woke up from a dream and they're still half-sleeping. Sadly the dream was way better than their reality: the Lucifer actually unbuttoned the highest button of his shirt in it. This Mc wishes it was also the case in their reality. One of our researchers quit because this was way too emotional.
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Now, on with the real tear-jerkers. First, I have to point out how sweet it is of the Asmo to try to cheer the Levi up. But, we've all been in this position the Leviathan is in right now. And we sure know how painful it is to relive those memories. Nobody wants to remember the terrible things they did as a young child at 3AM while trying to sleep after all. Just look at this Levi's body language, he's completely shut himself off from the world. I actually cried.
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Oh the pain. The pure emotion packed into this phrase, the hint of sorrow behind his eyes, the blush, indicating the Satan was crying. That's too much, man. Good thing the nearest Mc came running to give this Satan a hug. We have to admit, our team wasn't able to find the context to this image. However, the most popular theory states that the Satan was trying to catch a cat, but it ran away and told him a yo mama joke.
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I needed a moment before even looking at this. Poor Diavolo, getting absolutely clapped in Mario Kart. Everyone hates losing in that game, but it's worse for Diavolos. Mcs rank them not by attractiveness or anything, no, but by skill in Mario Kart. That means this Diavolo's love life got ruined, by his own friend. If that isn't sad, I don't know what is.
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hero-in-waiting · 19 days
Director's commentary: Cockblock
Alright, this is gonna be LONG bc I have so many feelings about this story. So also, a read more, for reasons. I apologize in advance, not really.
Also? Spoilers? I guess if you haven't read the fic. Which if you do wanna read it you can find it here
first off, the moment that started it all bc tbh that's how 90% of these fics start. some random ass comment one of us make and it just takes off. (looking at u blank space)
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So two things that were very evident for me with this fic was that I fully believe Jake and Bradley are capable of embarrassment, but it is few and far between. Which, don't relate in the slightest. You cannot put either of them in the spotlight and expect them not to ham it up in the slightest. They will take it to the next level, and they will not care. And this is important bc the second thing is:
They are competitive. Becoming a naval aviator is not easy, it's not something you casually fall into. It's something you want to do, and you train and study and do everything you can to get there. And on top of that, canonically they're the best. They were chosen for the mission for a reason and so they're the top of their classes/cohort/wherever they are for a reason.
And we know Jake and Bradley have history so when Nimue mentioned this idea I knew I wanted to take those two reasons and just mush it all up into the most competitive fake dating.
This wasn't going to be awkward romance. This was going to be 'i will fuck you on the floor if it means im winning' kinda romance. They wanna outdo each other, they want to be the best and sometimes that means they get in trouble (ie. the bet in the beginning of the story) or when Bradley fell asleep in Jake's lap and Of course jake would take care of him? Who else would it be?
But also, because they had had this antagonistic relationship that essentially had to be put to the side in order to maintain the belief they were the best it finally gave them a chance to see who the other person actually was with the adversarial nature of their relationship not necessarily taking a backseat to everything they're doing, but actually morphing into something else in the same way we see the rest of the Daggers kind of joking around.
And then it just keeps growing, because they don't really have defenses for each other in this context. Bradley can say the worst things to Jake (you're going to lead someone to an early grave) and it might hurt, but Jake isn't going to shut down over it. And Jake can call Bradley out (ie: the dad comment) and Bradley can get up in Jake's face but the next (whatever the fucking timeline is int hat movie jfc) day they're fine? They know how to be the antagonistic in each others stories, but friendship? A relationship? That's something new.
Especially for Jake, who did have a crush on Bradley but it wasn't something that was holding him back. It was something there, but it never stopped him from dating, and being with people and I would never classify it as love? Not truly because Jake wouldn't actually love someone who treated him the way Bradley and he treated each other, but he definitely would start sinking into those feelings as their fake relationship progressed. He saw the opportunity in the beginning of the story to get close to Bradley, just for fun, not because he's sitting there wallowing and pining and writing sad poems in his journal, but he's not gonna lie and say it wasn't also nice being that close to Bradley and not have an argument.
And then for Bradley, I really feel like the switch from seeing Jake as someone he's competing against, to someone he could be friends with, is in Chapter 4 when Jake makes him dinner, and opens up a little bit more about wanting to make it to Admiral, and how he's wants to get his PhD and he's got a plan. He's got a family who loves him, and he loves them and, unlike a lot of people, understands that while Mav isn't his biological father, he was the one who was there, and so while the title isn't 'Dad' the actions definitely are. So it was the start of a connection bc of Jake's relationship with his stepdad, who, in all the ways according to him, is his actual Dad. Bc he was the one who was there.
And it's not perfect, bc of what happened to Goose vs Jake's bio dad being a Raging Douchebag, but it's a start.
And following that moment is when we start to see them opening up more and more. Jake coming out as gay, not bisexual to Bradley and wanting to go to the gala as a statement. And then when Bradley falls asleep in Jake's lap at brunch, and they have the most minor argument but it's still them so they don't know how to handle it anymore within the context of each other and it just keeps growing and then they're kissing, and having sex and are intimate in that regards, Jake telling Bradley about his Mom, and Bradley talking about his Mom and how much he misses her even then and it's a grief he can't ever close, and it just keeps growing, and every moment is bringing them closer and closer to the edge.
But neither one of them can really toss themselves over it because they have so much history that they still haven't completely dealt with so it's hard, and complicated, esp with these new feelings.
My personal HC for Jake is that he is, while very gregarious, he also keeps things close to the chest, and he plans. And keeps making plans and more plans bc if he has a plan, then he can account for everything. But Bradley is steady, he flies steady right up until the moment he doesn't. and so Jake has a plan. And his plans have plans but for all their relationship looks real to the outside world, to each other it's still brand new because in some respects, it doesn't exist.
They have a relationship yes, but they're not IN a relationship. Not truly and so Jake can't plan for that. But Bradley doesn't need a plan because once he makes a decision, he just goes. And he wanted to tell Jake, he decided he was going to tell Jake and talk to him but talking is hard but it's a good thing he is the unholy product of Carole/Goose with some input from Mav and Ice so he will sing about it. Because he can use someone elses words to talk about it, and it works.
SO yeah, this was a very long winded way to talk about how their relationship morphed and changed because of the dumbass way they had to fake date to get funding, which is the biggest authors handwave of density ever but it was a good one. They couldn't fight anymore because they were faking it, so they, as Jake said early on, had to become friends but the problem was, there was always too much passion and fire for it to be easy, and it could've gone badly for sure. It could've crashed and burned.
But that would mean they would lose, and it's a lot easier to keep your mouth shut about shit that might once have pissed you off and let it slide off your back when you're a hyper-competitive asshole who likes winning. And when you let a lot of the anger slide off your back? Then it's impressive what can grow in it's wake.
And I had so much fun writing it, and I'm so so so glad it resonated with people.
Random other things:
Jake's Mom and his stepdad bc they were the best part of the Prometheus movie: Idris Elba and Charlize Theron
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Bradley laying on the couch and lamenting to Mav and Ice is a personal HC of mine that I will never let go of. This man is Dramatic and he will be dramatic about it. Even if Ice and Mav aren't together, he will be Dramatic about it to one of them.
I figured out what songs I wanted Bradley to sing a full three months before I even got to that point. Especially You're So Vain bc I just have the image of all the daggers singing it to Jake in good faith, and before it would've made him annoyed, but now its just friends ragging on friends.
I had a whole plotline I ended up discarding where the Daggers had a BBQ style thing for and Marcus, Jake's Dad shows up and Jake is just like DAD and Payback is like "the fuck you mean Dad" and Bradley's keeping a straight face through sheer force of will alone bc Jake was right, it is fucking hilarious trying to watch people try not to ask, and figure it out.
There was also a second idea where someone asked who's sister that was. And it was Jake's Mom, bc she is young.
I may also write this at some point bc it would also be when Bradley met Jake's parents and he is PANICING bc Jake's Dad is a SEAL.
I am forever enamored of the diea that Bradley is Mav's responsibility 100% and he is like THIS CHILD WILL NOT BE A TEENAGE FATHER and proceeded to give the most horrifying, in depth discussion of sex. Charlie, Ice, Mav, Sarah, Penny. Anyone he could talk to gave him input on it. Plot twist: Bradley got laid a lot in college bc he was respectful, understood consent, knew what the fuck he was doing, and like. Word got around and as a result, he had A Lot Of Fun. But he didn't knock anyone up.
One of the first scenes I had in my head was actually the end of the fic and it was this moment:
“You said you weren’t writing sad poems. Does this mean there are other kinds of poems?” Bradley asked. “Or a journal?” Jake tilted his head down enough to see the smirk curling the edges of Bradley’s mouth, and he used his free hand to pinch his side. “No journal, asshole.”
I'm also very proud of the limerick I wrote
There once as a man we loved to mock Ge was always racing against the clock. We called him Rooster cuz he needed a booster. But mostly, I just really like his big cock.
um yeah. so this is long lol so i should shush. but i have a lot of feelings about this fic and i had fun. so 🤣 HOPE YOU ENJOYED MY LOTR EXTENDED EDITION DIRECTORS COMMENTARY ON COCKBLOCK
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indras-wife · 29 days
(Bad English ahead, I'm sorry).
Hiii <3, I want to tell you how much I appreciate that you created this blog! And I'm happy that the blog is growing and now you're getting more interesting asks and requests. I swear you're doing the lord's work feeding us good Indra content. There isn't enough of him anywhere on the internet and that makes me so sad, WE NEED MORE OF THAT MAN.
Anyways I do have a request, but I'm afraid it's not interesting (it's just silly i think haha). I would like to know if you have some headcanons about what the daily life of our serious man would have been like? What activities did he do as part of his routine, besides training and studying ninjutsu? Do you think he had any hobbies? And what kind of duties did he have towards the community in which he lived? In the filler it looked like he was in charge of "enforcing the law", but I wonder if he had other responsibilities (administrative tasks or something like that).
Sorry if my questions are a little vague, boring or if you already have written something along this lines, but you can add other elements that you see fit. I'll honestly read everything you write! ✨ Sending you lots of love. Thanks for taking the time to read this!✨
Anonnnnn, this request along with your encouraging kind words made my day I swear!.💖🥰🥺 Thank you immensely for reading my blog and supporting it! Every encouraging word makes me want to write about this wonderful man even more! Thank you, thank you, thank you!💖💖💖 AND YES!! There's really not enough Indra content here, which is tragic. That man is a too handsome and interesting to be ignored. I take it upon myself to talk about him as much as I can and your interesting request will help me add more insight on him!💖💖💖
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Indra, on a daily basis, is a very busy man. He carries the weight of huge responsibilities on his shoulder. No one asked him to do these, but as an older sibling, and as the future successor of ninshu he feels obliged to do what is needed. Besides training and studying, which occupy most of his time, Indra has other activities or hobbies luckily.
One of the first activity that takes up a lot of time, is patrolling around. Indra believes that setting order around and having people follow the law is actually the only way to harmony. We saw in the anime how he doesn't hesitate to punish those who break the rules. By doing it, he sets an example for others telling them indirectly not to break laws and follow the order his father set years ago. He also takes part in writing the law that villagers have to follow, so this job is a very important one for him.
His other hobby is walking. Is it a surprise? This man LOVES late night walks by himself, as it gives him the peace of mind he needs. His usual walking place is the woods. As a child Indra used to train there and wander around, which helped him discover hidden secret tunnels, leading to extraordinary beautiful scenery. He enjoys laying on the grass or sitting on it, looking at the moon and the starry skies, allowing his mind to take him outside of the earth. Indra never admits it aloud, but he is fascinated by the outside world. He catches himself daydreaming about travelling to space, wanting to experience seeing it with his own eyes.
Indra also enjoys writing. Yes, he enjoys writing! He is a huge bookworm and enjoyed reading his father's works ever since he was a baby, but he also loves writing about his own ideologies and thoughts. He is the inventor of Ninjutsu, so he had to keep up with his creations and document every progress with the hand signs. Every night, he spends an hour or two filling the book with the new hand signs he was able to form, detailing how he did it and what the hand sign can do. He also keeps a small diary, where he writes about himself. He finds it easier to express himself in writing rather than talking. Indra makes sure his diary is well hidden so no one can find and read his dark "secrets" about himself.
Not doing too often, but he loves drawing too. In his mind he is terrible at it, but he believes practice makes it perfect so whenever he can, he draws in his small journal, be it a tree, a pond, a face or whatever his mind tells him to do. He is a very artistic man.
As a part of the council, Indra was also in charge of the security of the village. Despite living in peaceful time, he and others realized that an unexpected attack can happen and their borders need to be strong. He took it upon himself to make sure the borders are secure an the soldiers are well trained in case a fight broke out.
Moving to little softer things, Indra, from time to time, would visit the villagers, in hopes of helping them. He was doing it mostly as a teenager, as he was not too closed off yet. As an adult he stopped this habit, but was still keeping a close eye to the village and having his students search around, asking if there was anything needed to be done. Indra was this hero from shadows as all the problems the villagers reported, have been solved by him immediately.
He also has a habit of sitting under sakura trees and watch the time pass. He usually does it at nights, as he has insomnia and sleeping is a problem for him. Sitting under the trees, reading a book or writing about something helps him connect with himself spiritually. The soft breeze playing with his hair and the cherry blossom petals gives him the satisfaction from life he is hungry for.
Indra also loves travelling. He is the type of person who will take the longer route just to be out in nature more. As a teenager he sneaked out of the house to visit the neighboring villages, to meet new people and find new things. A little mischievous of him, but his hunger for knowing and seeing more could never have him sit in one place for a long time. He was beloved wherever he went, with women falling in love with him, and men praising his skills and knowledge. As a grown up, he would keep a low profile when visiting different places, not wanting to be recognized by anyone.
To finish the list of his activities besides training and studying, Indra from time to time likes spending time with his students. He isnt that vocal about it, but he would not mind taking his trusted friends for a walk, or for a drink. He doesnt drink, but seeing how his two students get tipsy and act weird is always bringing a smile to his face. Being with his "friends" is the only time he allows himself to open up a little bit and show his true self, without hiding behind a mask.
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nymph-ette111 · 1 month
I’m happy to know you enjoy our interactions too and that you liked my little tangent there. I’m glad that you searched for accounts from actual people who have the disorder rather than pseudo-psychologists, because they are often the harshest without a shred of accuracy (just the way they talk about the narcissist’s eyes turning a demonic black is enough to make me exit the article).
To be fair, Quora is one of the worst places when it comes to accepting people with npd. So I’m glad you managed to find something that didn’t conclude in a pro-eugenics rant lead by a divorced dad who is certain his ex wife is a narcissist because she took the kids. And since I chose my first paper this school year to be about npd and gender (we could write about anything, it was to test our abilities in general), I had to go through a ton of those. They ranged from absolutely hilarious to restraining order worthy. Thankfully Google Scholar saved me from that (though I would never suggest reading studies upon studies on a topic for x reader headcanons, I’m only saying this to sort of validate where my understanding of it came from). Since, yk, it’s a relatively fresh thing (recognised since the 80s I believe) and the fact that I had a therapist who diagnosed me correctly and knew how to approach it is pure luck
Also just any dog metaphor is delightful but it fits so well with Toby too?? Like, it just feels so right when people do that. And I can genuinely see Jeff having some npd traits, good call^^
Ben is just so!!! He’s awful in the best way. I want to kiss him and also put him in a blender for fun :3 i want to drive him insane. And also hold hands maybe. Like, yeah, realistically I would lose my sanity if he liked me but he’s so fun
Also yeah, that’s why I like your blog so much. You don’t shy away from making them hard to be around, hurt, mean. All kinds of messed up but also fun to read about. That’s why I also said that they would probably have an easy time with hurting me mentally, bc if they were aware of just how paranoid I am they would absolutely do what I did in that friend example, only 10 times worse (like, specifically saying stuff they know gets a reaction out of me to force me to stay or do whatever). In all honesty, this might be just why I like creepypasta characters (especially this specific portrayal of them). I mean, it does fit into that type of ‚pleople may be nice but they are out to get you at all times so you need to act to survive’. It’s kind of a safe way to experience something that is both natural to me and also absolutely unsafe irl. Like, yeah, I would have to walk on eggshells to be with Toby but also that is the way I see any sort of relationship either way. Sometimes, I’m more uncomfortable with the pure fluff bc that feels fake and unnatural. On that note, Toby to me is so untreated-bpd coded
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Agreed Ben is so fucking stupid I want to gnaw on him and push him down the stairs, what a silly fella. You don't know how happy it made me when you said you liked my blog :') when I shared my first post I thought it wouldn't get any attention, and I would just end up deleting the blog all together so hearing someone actually enjoys these little headcanons I make about fictional serial killers is so nice <3
you said everything so perfectly I have nothing to add, and yes toby is fucking miserable any disorder he has is 100% untreated and yes I love him and yes I want him and—
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dotster001 · 2 years
Enemies to Lovers; part two of how ever many parts it takes for my coworker to fall in love with Vil
Summary: A continuation of enemies to lovers. You hate Vil Shoenheit slightly less now.
Part three. Part Four. Part Five. Part Six. Part Seven.
Part Eight. Part Nine. Part Ten. Epilogue.
"Look! It's Vil Schoenheit!"
"Who's that he's with?"
So…the beach had been a bad idea
You had truly believed that it would not be busy at this time of the evening, but it was more crowded than usual. And, immediately, one of Vil's fans had spotted them, and started a mob. 
Normally, Vil would take the time to greet each of his fans, like a queen greeting her subjects. But one look at your startled and uncomfortable expression had him grabbing your hand, and running.
You'd reached a secluded sea cave, and were hiding in there. 
"You were quite right, the beach was very relaxing, and quite fun," Vil had a smug smile on his face.
"Well it's normally fun," you snapped. "Sorry," you muttered. "It's not your fault the beach was crowded."
Vil gave a soft smile and sat in silence, scrolling through his phone now and then. You also tried to sit in the silence, but eventually, you had had enough.
"Hey," you said. "How did you know Epel likes Deuce?"
He looked at you and raised a single eyebrow. Oh shoot, you thought, I was in the vent, he doesn't know I know.
"Deuce told me." You hastily blurted. He seemed to accept this because he gave a simple nod.
"I told you once that I'm hard on those I care about. Whether you believe in my methods or not, you must understand that I do care about Epel, which means I pay attention to what's important to him. And Deuce is one of those things."
"Huh, okay…it's just you kind of strike me as someone to be needlessly strict about who the people they care about date. I mean, I love Deuce, but I thought that you'd be suspicious of his background."
He gave you an assessing look. Then, "I truly believe people can change. I also truly believe, just as much as you do, that despite Deuce's past he is a good boy. And if he makes Epel happy, that's all either of us can ask for, yes?"
They fell into comfortable silence again. Eventually, Vil's phone vibrated, and he told you that the beach had cleared out. TYou walked back to Ramshackle dorm in silence, and when they reached the door he gently took your hand.
"Believe it or not, I enjoyed spending time with you. We should do this again sometime." He pressed a gentle kiss to the back of your hand, and walked off into the night, never once looking back.  Which was for the best, because you couldn't control how warm your cheeks were.
Lessons with Vil had continued as normal after that. We'll, mostly. You couldn't help but find yourself hyper aware of everything he did. The way held his pencil, the way he gave a half smile when you remembered the material, the way he gracefully crossed his legs while he sat watching you show what you learned…it was all too much. He was too much. But you still hated him! Or maybe you didn't. But!
Having paid much closer attention to him recently, you had noticed that, maybe he wasn't as cruel as you'd thought. You had to sit in on one of Epel's lessons one day, because you had an exam that you had panicked and Vil had helped you to study for, and most of it was just how to treat people so that they didn't look down on you. Even when he focused on Epel's looks, it was about weaponizing it to get what he wanted.
One of the lessons you had had to sit through had led  to….and incident though. They were outside, and Vil was leading yoga, while explaining gold transmutation principles. In the field nearby, the spell drive club was practicing. Naturally, Epel was pissy about this, having had to miss practice, but the practice had been called last minute so there was nothing he could do. 
You found your eyes wandering to Leona, who was leading the practice. Suddenly, he threw the disc, and it headed straight for you. Having no chance to dodge, you prepared to be hit and pass out (deja Vu, huh?) Except….you found herself knocked to the ground as the disc buried itself in the tree behind you. 
When you gained awareness of your surroundings, you realized Vil was calling your name. Oh yeah, and he was above you, looking down at you with frazzled violet eyes, a hand pressed in the ground on either side of your head.
You realized what a compromising position you were in relatively quickly, and scooched out from under him as gracefully as you could, hoping he didn't notice your embarrassed expression. Luckily, he seemed to have moved on from you once you assured him you were fine.
"Kingscholar! What was that, you could have killed Y/N!"
Leona looked at Vil, who was marching his way across to the spell drive field. He let out an intense eye roll.
"It's not my fault the herbivore doesn't know how to dodge." 
"Apologize. Now."
Leona gave a sigh and attempted to go back to practice, but Vil wasn't done with him. Meanwhile, you and Epel sat watching in shock. Epel went over to investigate the disc buried in the tree. It was a solid inch into the bark.
"Darn he's right, that coulda killed you! Imma kill him!"
You had to hold Epel back until Vil came back with an angry flounce. He looked at you with concerned eyes, and once he calmed down Epel, he gazed into your face, searching.
"You're sure you're alright?" He looked so worried. You gave him a reassuring nod, and Vil sighed heavily. "Lessons are over for the day. Both of you go home, cool off," a pointed glare at Epel "and get some rest" a soft look at you. 
Vil dragged Epel off with him, and before You left, you looked over at Leona. His eyes met yours and  he gave a smirk. Then he went back to practice as though nothing had happened.
Summer break was coming, and after what had happened with you and Grim in Scarabia over winter break, your friends were less than happy to let you stay at the school.
They had all been arguing about it, including Epel, who was using some rather vulgar language to make his point. Vil who had initially come over to correct said language had turned to you and said, "if it makes everyone here calm down, you can stay with me. My home is spacious enough for the two of you, and there is a guest house where you can stay without worrying that you have to be part of the 'Schoenheit glamour world'" 
You had attempted to argue, but all your friends had seemed to agree that this was a great idea, and eventually they all convinced you to go for it.
And that's how you found yourself living with the man you "hated" for three months.
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