#but I was going to draw a shinigami anyway
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delilahhyuuga · 1 year ago
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Day 23, 27 & 29 of Inktober 2023: Celestial, Beast & Massive
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pixelatedraindrops · 10 months ago
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Yuma Month: Day 10: Memories
…but there were none to think of…
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rebisrot · 1 year ago
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the cruel angel's thesis / the sorrow then begins
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gallusrostromegalus · 24 days ago
As someone a bit too young to have seen Bleach the first time around, AEIWAM is still consuming a crucial portion of my brain cells. So imagine my surprise when I looked up Tousen, the reason you started this behemoth of an alternate universe, on TV tropes.
Among other shocking revelations...
WHAT DO YOU MEAN, HE JOINED AIZEN OF HIS OWN FREE WILL IN CANON???? What do you MEAN, TITE KUBO, that the reason your Tousen wants to destroy the Shinigami is that his crush died of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE???
Who is this man and what has he done with my eternally suffering Tousen?
You understand why I had to take custody of this poor bastard.
I can respect what Kubo was going for- Aizen was right in the fact that Soul Society does suck, and the extended canon is that Tousen's crush was killed by her husband, everyone knew it, and nobody would prosecute the husband because he was a Noble. Canon Tousen is, more or less, suffering from the same kind of rage-based brainrot that is unfortunately so common these days- the idea that because a system is imperfect, or ever corrupt, that it's a good idea to tear the whole thing down/restart the universe (the real Path Of Least Harm is of course, the much more complicated and frustrating work of Dis-and-re-mantling the system piece-by-piece without leaving vulnerable people to fend for themselves, but that isn't as emotionally satisfying or fun to draw as senseless destruction, but I digress).
but his arc is only barely on the page at all, mostly after his death and contains one of the blandest and most obnoxious tropes- fridging- and the whole thing falls flat. It also fails to explore the FASCINATING angle of disability and tbh, racism in soul society- two VERY fucked up things that would very much justify his rage. But it's shonen and the series was deep in production hell at that point, and tousen was far from the only victim. I still don't know what the fuck Gin's deal was.
Notable changes between Canon!Tousen and AEIWAM!Tousen and some art under the cut:
Kakiyo is Kaname's adopted sister, and despite looking nothing alike, since they re-incarnated in soul society at the same time, they regard themselves as twins.
Kakiyo does kind of a lot in the plot before her demise- she's responsible for introducing Kaname and Komamura, teaches Zaraki and Yachiru how to read, and unintentionally helps Aizen by recommending him to be promoted to third seat in the 5th division, because she and Kiganjo were thinking about starting a family soon, and Aizen would make a good stand-in for her while she was on maternity leave.
She also gets to do a bunch of stuff after she dies too!
The characters in Tousen's name approximately mean "Necessary Scholar" and make an allusion to a legendary scholar from China who came to Japan to find the elixir of immortality for the emperor. He returns with an elixir that stops the emperor from aging, and the emperor kills him so he can't make anyone else immortal (the emperor doesn't age, but he's still vulnerable to stabbing, and gets stabbed). I thought that was an extremely fun literary allusion so I'm leaning into it- before he becomes a Shinigami, AEIWAM!Tousen took over the library run by his ans Kakiyo's adopted godparents, and ran a children's literacy program. he has a special interest in information sciences and educational methodology. even among nerds, he's a mega-nerd.
Kakiyo meets and marries Gosuke Kiganjo, who goes back to West 51 to meet his beloved's brother and the weird giant monk that runs the library with him. Kaname is immensely fond of Kiganjo, and has no qualms being the best man at their wedding. He and Gosuke are good friends for the first few years of the marriage, until Aizen gets his claws into Gosuke and slowly drives him insane.
In AEIWAM, Tousen is cursed into going along with the plan by Aizen. Aizen was just going to make Kiganjo kill him, but Gin is getting impatient with Aizen's hogyoku progress, and persuades Aizen into cursing Kaname into compliance instead with a Forbidden Bakudō: Kyuunodo — Ningyō Kugi Saiyaku (人形釘誓約, Puppet Nail Covenant)
I do keep the canon!Tousen's reputation for being pedantic, unecessarily critical and generally kind of boring. The reason for AEIWAM!Tousen's reputation is different: He is kind of a pain in the ass, because he is in Horrific Pain and Deeply Traumatized and that makes people irritable to say the least, and he deliberately cultivates a reputation for being Boring to keep people far, far away from him- and hopefully, far from Aizen as well.
An underrated bit of Canon!Tousen is that Suzumushi is not his zanpakuto. Suzumushi was Kakiyo's zanpakuto, and we see him take the sword from her coffin in the manga. Which is insane because it means HE ACHIEVED BANKAI WITH A ZANPAKUTO THAT WASN'T EVEN HIS. Dude is SEVERELY underrated as a swordsman. In AEIWAM, Suzumushi is still Kakiyo's zanpakuto, and only BARELY clings to life on the last reserves of the Spiritual power Kakiyo put into her before Kaname finds her. Suzumushi persuades him to take her up, enter the academy and bring Kakiyo's killer to justice (Suzumushi has fallen to Aizen's illusion and doesn't know who the killer is). She kind of glosses over how they bond, but she more or less crawls into his soul and supresses Kaname's native Yume-kon that would have been his own Zanpakuto spirit if it had been allowed to awaken. She did make an entirely new Shikai and Bankai for him- the chime that makes people lose conciousness is entirely new, the AOE of Just A Shitload Of Swords was Suzumushi's original Shikai. The Bankai of a space where anyone not touching the sword experiences no sensory input? Suzumushi made it first and foremost as a refuge for Kaname when the pain of the curse became to unbearable.
The biggest difference, of course, is that Kaname lives through the Aizen Arc and gets a Happy Ending: Once he wakes up after the battle, he is free, and chooses to marry the wolfman he's been in love with for centuries. Here's some art of them, finally home:
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awzominator · 5 months ago
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These designs were a Meet the Robinsons AU that I fumbled Bc I got overwhelmed w options fjsjjd Mikey was Goob (kinda?) and RaMona kids went back in time to hunt him down to make their fam whole again. It spirals Bc the hat (Doris) still exists and was invented by Donnie. She still wanted revenge on Donnie (and Leo and Raph) Bc they tried to “kill” her. Alas I got lost in the details and plot so I had to drop it 😔 anyways more info on the kids below
Jennika: Just as Raphael was his father’s son Jennika is her father’s daughter. Both the good and the not so good qualities jumbled together to make him go Gray as he had done for Splinter. I love seeing the analysis where ppl show Raph and Splinter were near copies of eachother and wanted to play on that with Jennika. The story will be diff obvi as Jennika won’t be a raphael clone that’d be boring. She has her own dreams and destiny which conflict w Raphael’s overprotective parenting and worry which went overdrive after Mikey’s disappearance.
Venus: imagine living in the shadow of someone ya never even met and ur constantly second guessing if ur acting in such a way in order to keep ur fam happy or if u r truly living as urself. Rip to Venus she is a ray of sunshine and optimism with a flair for rustling up good natured trouble which often invokes her loved ones to draw connections to Mikey. Venus is a people pleaser to a drastically toxic point where she’ll ignore all of her own issues and worth so long as her loved one(s) are doing ok. Shes learning magic from Shinigami and is killing it ✨
Y’thann: most likely to plan and win an all out war! He’s very analytical and quick thinker however he’s the most arrogant little shit you would ever meet. No one would ever believe you tho as he’s also an incredible lair and a momma’s boy. Often found hanging around Uncle Donnie’s lab learning and building tech and weapons. He prefers salamandrian stuff and loves training with his mother. He gets away with so much Jennika loathes him for it as she is constantly thrown under the bus for it.
Koya is their cool/insane older cousin. Sorry Koya fans she isn’t a mutant but she does have a pet falcon named Koya JR.
April/Donnie/Casey have a kid that Casey found and took home but never designed her rip
Leo has the highest honor of being AroAce w no children Bc he’s got a hoard of nieces and nephews to train and care for
Not the best description but that’s the jist my notes on this are all over the place as I slowly lost my mind and plot
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orange-cheetah · 6 months ago
Wind Breaker Song Parody Doodles (2)
A collection of Nii-sensei's song parody doodles posted on Twitter! Will be linking sensei's tweet, the corresponding song, and windbreakerdaily's post of the illustration here on Tumblr.
(Part 1)
In this post: Panda Hero | Solar System Disco | Shinigami | Mahi | Shin Takarajima
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[ nii_satoru | windbreakerdaily ]
Hachi - Panda Hero
If you find yourself troubled, call for them, on the field enclosed by electric towers
A black-and-white hero of unclear morals, a metal bat in their left hand
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[ nii_satoru | windbreakerdaily ]
NayutalieN - Solar System Disco
Under the boisterous light of that first magnitude star
shall we dance a dance together?
In tune with the heartbeat of our solar system
let's sparkle with tangled steps, star!
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[ nii_satoru | windbreakerdaily ]
Kenshi Yonezu - Shinigami (full ver. covered by dongdang)
Alright, what needs to be taken care of?
Like to get a glimpse of him after he's been put through hell
Want to see his face
After he's gone off flying, slipped, cried and bawled
He can't get away from us anyway
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[ nii_satoru | windbreakerdaily ]
yama - Mahi
Even though I was fragile that I'll break
I was strongly seeking love
I don't want to forget what it means to be standing on this stage
I never want to forget it
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[ nii_satoru | windbreakerdaily ]
sakanaction - Shin Takarajima
In order to bring you along with me now
I'll draw oh so carefully;
With these shaky, trembling lines
I've decided
To draw oh so carefully
Notes: These are the 10 I could find so far! I'm going off on sensei's captions / the words in the drawings, so do let me know if I've missed any. Check out the songs too 🎵 Hope this has been an interesting read to you!
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akq96618 · 1 year ago
[ King ohger soul eater au ]
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here it is! the rough idea doodles for other kings! It's just started with giramie (you can find them here ), but i think it will be fun if i added the others too
+ some more trivia below
(warning: big spoiler for soul eater manga, and me nerding over soul eater)
for those who aren't familiar with soul eater, the series revolve around the story of meister and demon weapon (human who can transform into weapons). The students of of Shibusen, school build by 'shinigami' take on missions to collect souls and protect the city from the world's threats.
The school parted into 2 types of class, N.O.T (Normally Overcome Target, class for those who just want to control their powers, pretty much just like a normal class) and E.A.T (Especially Advantaged Talent, consist of the 10% students in shibusen, class for students/agents who use their powers to battle evil)
-this au sets years after soul eater manga ending, where human and witch can already living side by side
-Morfonia used to be in NOT class, but then she moved to EAT class after reunited in shibusen and being partners with rita (they're childhood friends)
-Suzume supposed to be gira's weapon partner, since the Hastie and Dybowski family been on some kind of..bound? relationship? for a long time. But racles don't want gira to be a meister, so he took both of the dybowski siblings as his weapon (welp, gira still finds jera anyway)
-Top 3 EAT class academical rank: Rita, Himeno, Yanma (it's quite a tie with jeramie sometimes), gira is somewhere in the middle, or below-
-Top 3 EAT class physical rank (as in like, PE class): Gira, Rita, Jeramie, (you know where yanma at right)
-yeah i use racs and himeno's p1 hair bcs i love them
-Rita can see someone's soul, while Gira can 'sense' someone's soul perfectly (like, what kind of people they are) and know kishin's soul before they turned into kishin egg (kishin egg: evil souls)
-Sebastian is not a student but he still go to shibusen to accompany himeno as her butler and demon weapon
-before met yanma, shiokara used to be Mayuta's demon weapon partners along with usuba (sniper rifle) and akka (brass knuckle ring)
-Jeramie is a child of demon weapon and witch, his mom run away from the witch realm because she possesses healing magic, which is unforgivable and hated by the witches
-and jera got his black blood from his mother, who didn't know that she was used to be medusa's (antagonist witch in SE) experiment object. Medusa thought she's a failed object, so she throw nephila out of her object list.
-before Jeramie met Gira, he wonder all over death city to find who killed and ate his parents' soul
-Gira don't really like to live in the Hastie's main mansion , so he rented apartments near shibusen together with Jera after decided to be his Meister. As a condition to allow gira living out of the Hastie household, Racles ask Duuga, the Hastie's butler, to visit gira's place from time to time
-Jeramie had this 'madness of hope' that triggered his black blood
-i'm thinking about 'madness of justice' for gira but 'justice' will suit rita more...
i don't think i'll elaborate more about this au, but who knows
here's more giramie in madness + blackblood armor bcs i like to draw them in that
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snivyartjpeg · 7 months ago
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space dandy is one of my favorite anime ever so here's a real self indulgent rain code au where the detectives are space bounty hunters and shinigami is yuma's horrible alien parasite
(lore + spoilers below)(it's a lot so warning for that lol)
so like space mercs and bounty hunters are a classic right? imagine there is a whole ranking system on these guys ran by the intergalactic united government, and there's one guy who's the best in the business: a professional bounty hunter who has no name. he simply responds to his ranking- number one.
he carries out his work anonymously, his face only known by very few elites. born and raised to kill, he's really got no other identity to him.
he's never been fit for close combat, so he excels in stealth and marksmanship, as well as using his little genius mind to macgyver his way out of most situations
well eventually number one gets a little too cocky and gets fatally wounded on a mission. as he's dying, he hears the voice of an alien parasite who goes by shinigami. she's close to death as well without a proper host, so she proposes a deal: she takes over his body, and he gets to live. desperate to survive, he accepts, but the shock of her takeover knocks him unconscious and gives him amnesia.
by the way, shinigami works a lot like venom- she gives him super powers but also she does get hungry. yuma ends up letting her devour (read: she takes over his body and makes him devour) any hunted targets they kill.
anyway, now wholly dependent on her as a guide and life support system, number one manages to escape the planet he nearly died on and reach a trade center to find help. however, once he gets there, he is immediately chased by other bounty hunters and police. while running, he catches sight of a wanted poster, featuring someone with a face that looks just like his...
he finds what he thinks is an old abandoned ship to hide in, but turns out this worn down hunk of metal is inhabited by a man named yakou furio and his band of misfit outlaws that are also hiding from the fuzz. they have a big panic upon meeting, but all calm down and ask their newest guest how he got here. after giving his long winded explanation, number one gets accepted into the crew, and they name him yuma, after fubuki endearingly mispronounced the term U.M.A. (Unidentified Monstrous Animal, the thing the crew initially mistook yuma for).
the nda are all different types of aliens too! yakou is of a carnivorous race from a planet that's always raining. desuhiko is from a shapeshifting race of aliens that often blend into other planet populations. fubuki is a 4th dimensional time being, encased in a robotic body so she can interact with the lower plane creatures. halara is basically a furry from a planet ruled by anthropomorphic mammals (they look like some sort of gray fox). and vivia is like danny phantom- a guy who only half died thanks to a wormhole warp accident, so he can travel between spiritual and physical planes and cause anomalies. they've all got their own crimes and past, but they're all good people. will i ever draw them? hopefully someday!
anyway, this kinda plays out like a humorous, episodic show in which the crew go on odd jobs and missions to scrape by, all while trying to not get hunted as bounty targets. eventually things would get intense when they get attacked by a huge ship that's manned by a masked man... and this masked man seems to have it out for yuma, specifically. who is he? why is he attacking? whatever will this band of misfits do?!
i guess we'll have to find out next episode...
(or you can send any asks about this au. i WILL infodump abt it)
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rainbow-journalist · 3 months ago
Tw: spoilers for sure
Hello! You can call me "The Chief", and I'm here to take a simple test!
Recently, I've started to have an obsession with the game Master Detective Archives: Rain code, and I've started drawing Makoto Kagutsuchi and Yuma Kokohead quite often, so I want to share, I want to see what you think, I evolved my style over time, because I try to find something that I like when I start drawing a character each time. My English is not the best because I use a translator, and my interpretation of the characters may be different from yours. Consider my drawings as alternate versions.
Immediate warning: I use easypose and pose bases, my drawings are bad, I use gacha, I make bad edits, I hope my stuff doesn't make you uncomfortable. There will be some suggestive drawings!! Game spoilers, of course, and there's a crossover games.
First drawing:
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The first drawing I made of these two was a conversation with my friends on discord about: "why is Makoto's hair a different color?" My friends and I started discussing color theory, like, Yuma's hair looks like blue, and Makoto's looks like yellow.
Ignore the Brazilian text.
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I love making him look angry, because I see him as a tsundere without his mask, and super suspicious of people, he only trusts Yuma. These first drawings, I was still looking for my style of how to draw his hair.
RAIN CODE / Undertale
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Ok, I'm probably the only person making this comparison, let's get to the context:
I started to see Makoyuma as a Charisk 2.0 (Chara x Frisk, Undertale ship that I've always loved since I was 11 years old), And also, Chara = Makoto, and Frisk = Yuma is very good for me, Frisk is always interpreted as pacifist in the fandom, and Chara as genocide. I like to see Chara as a tsundere, my tsundere and mischievous Makoto is not cute ? I'm obsessed and it's your fault, guys. /j
The part there with Shuichi with Makoto and Yuma, is supposed to be a reference to KFC, Kris from Deltarune being interpreted as Chara and Frisk's older sibling, Charisk being seen as family is normal because Toriel adopts Frisk too, This part is more for those who like Makoyuma as a platonic and I'm fine with that, memes about siblings are always funny. Maybe I'll do more of this AU? I loved the concept of Chara!Makoto, Chara is my favorite character anyway.
Note: my age headcanon for Yuma being 23 may have changed.
I may like Makoyuma and be obsessed with them, but their other ships are good too, the other characters are interesting. (I also like Shinigami and Kurumi)
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I saw a really good analysis about Izuru and Makoto being opposites of each other, so I made this drawing here, what do you guys think? Ignore Nagito being gay in the background.
ARGH, I don't know how to draw the floral pattern on Makoto's suit, I'm sorry.
I'm still going to post part two of this blog because it's not finished yet, Tumblr doesn't let me post any more photos, what a pain.
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zabiume · 3 months ago
Hii! I hope I'm not being annoying by asking this, but I really enjoy reading your posts about Orihime so here goes; Recently I've seen a lot of people (that hate Orihime) act as if the fan service and sexualization of her is somehow her fault. Not to mention they seem to think it's a completly valid reason to hate her as well. And what confuses me even more is that the majority of these people claim that they care about female characters and hate when they get sexualized, but then as soon as they see a female character that is (unfortunately) sexualized they just reduce her down to her body anyway and say that the only purpose she serves is to be there for fan service. Even when she's so much more than her body! And that might be the case for some female characters but that's definitely not the case with Orihime. So like do they care or not? Anyways this is mostly from tiktok (I know you told me not to take them seriously the last time I sent an ask... but I can't help it😭) But I know reading your reply will probably restore the braincells I lost from dealing with these people!!!!
i've talked a little about this on my blog before, but i couldn't find the ask, so i think it's a good opportunity to discuss it again with a little nuance this time.
i know a lot of orihime fans are not going to like hearing this, but one of the reasons kubo draws her the way he does is blatantly for fanservice. it's not so bad in some areas (SS arc-FB arc for instance), but it's quite egregious in others (that one hideous calender spread, her TYBW outfit, etc). i've seen people defend this by saying that lots of people in real life do have big boobs, and i wholeheartedly agree, but fiction is not real life. as you said, orihime is not real, so everything about her is a choice an author had to make. kubo isn't drawing her that way for body positivity reasons, he's doing it for his and his male-oriented audience's enjoyment. i think the reason we, as orihime fans, feel so defensive of her, is because she was hated on far too much over far too little for so long, in ways that were really mean-spirited, unfair and yes, misogynistic. some of the criticisms leveled towards her were extremely unwarranted. however, the inverse of this is that you can never discuss any questionable parts of her character without people getting too defensive of kubo. which. is not a great look.
BUT. the real problem here is that it's treated as an exclusively orihime thing, when, in fact, it's not. every female character in bleach has been a "victim" of sexualization, to some degree. TYBW was especially hard to stomach in that respect. harribel's torture in hueco mundo, the disturbing interactions between urahara and yoruichi in god of thunder, masaki and rukia being naked without either of their consent (and masaki having no problem with this at all, while the men around rukia make disturbing remarks about it), the fatphobia that underlies hikifune's entire power structure, the transmisogyny against giselle being played for laughs. even BEFORE TYBW, we had an emotionally poignant moment between rangiku and orihime, where rangiku was naked for no reason. fan service is abundant throughout bleach, so it's a little disappointing that the conversation only ever pivots back to orihime. even outside of fan service, there are several moments where female characters have taken a hit so their male counterparts thrive. karin was introduced as a shinigami,,,,,and then never returned to the scene of action. ichigo got a whole 23-and-me breakdown of his genetics, but does yuzu even know her mother was a quincy? several female characters existed only to die and fuel the Man Pain of their loved ones. we know nothing about katagiri, except for that she lived to serve ryuuken.
these are just a FEW examples. i'm sure if we sat down to list all of them, we'd notice that this is a pattern, and not kubo turning his Misogyny Switch on only when he's writing/drawing orihime. i assume she's the only one getting singled out because her panel time increased dramatically over the years compared to the other female characters, but also. i think it's easier for a lot of bleach fans to narrow all these problems down to orihime so they can pretend bleach as a whole doesn't have problems. if orihime is the only one who "deserves better" then we don't have to talk about anyone else, we can just put her under the microscope and act like kubo exclusively forgets to be a good writer when he's writing her, but he's decent with everyone else. orihime needs to be perfect and meet every standard, but other female (and even male!) characters can get away with the bare minimum because they're well-loved by the fanbase, and, more importantly: none of those girls are in the way of beloved ships the way orihime is (since she's a canon love interest that's so deeply embedded into most of ichigo's major moments that she can't just be ignored or written off).
despite it all, orihime has still managed to retain interest and has a LOT of great character moments, just like the other bleach characters. none of this goalpost-pushing is new. as megan thee stallion once wisely said:
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[UPDATE: i found the older ask. i say the same stuff there that i do here, but here's the link anyway]
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murderlight · 6 months ago
"According to Q&A #560 by Tite Kubo on his fansite "Klub Outside", since becoming an official Substitute Shinigami, Ichigo has a salary deposited in a Seireitei account. Ichigo himself is unaware of this"
What are the boys doing when Ichigo finds out??
slightly off topic to your question, but honestly, i'm skeptical of how much a substitute shinigami would even get paid by seireitei standards 😭 is he considered casual? there's no union for shinigami and i doubt there's an award rate either, so my jaded self wonders if he's just been getting minimum hourly rates per conflict that he steps into 💀 renji as a lieutenant seems fairly skint most of the time too...
anyway! if ichigo finds out he's got a reasonable little nest egg on the off chance byakuya made sure he was being remunerated correctly? well...if seireitei currency can convert to yen, i think ichigo would go shopping. dude loves his fashion and grimmjow has exactly two monochrome outfits forever and ever amen, which simply won't do. we're talking a full kit-out, mirror montage, accessories, five colognes for different vibes followed by a tasteful nipple piercing after a short but loud argument about drawing the line at a small body modification when grimmjow can turn into a literal catman complete with tail just by using his sword as a scratch post for a second.
(they calm down with a few drinks at a local bar later, ichigo's shout. grimmjow obliviously orders the biggest and brightest drink on the menu, using poison frog logic.)
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animeyanderelover · 1 year ago
Happy New Year! Also may I request Ryuken, Uryu, Byakuya, and Soi fon with a proud Quincy darling.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, isolation, restriction, controlling behavior, overprotective behavior
Proud Quincy darling
Ishida Uryu
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🏹Honestly, he'd warm up very quickly to you simply because you're so unashamed and proud of your inheritage. His father has told him his whole life that he should give up on his Quincy life and focus on jobs that can actually earn money and until the awakening of Yhwach, you are the only living Quincy he knows next to his father. That would make him quite protective of you, especially as he believes you to be one of the last ones of the Quincy. Very much against the thought of Shinigami anywhere near you and if he's known you before meeting Ichigo, he's all the more aloof and unfriendly to the boy and strictly against the idea of joining him in his attempt to save Rukia. It might get a little bit less worse around Ichigo and Rukia but with other Shinigami he never shakes off his guarded behavior. Despite his obsessive and controlling attitude, Uryu wouldn't be fully opposed to you being on the battlefield, although that comes with the price of him never leaving you out of his sight. He knows that you're capable with your abilities but that has never stopped him from worrying too much about you.
Kuchiki Byakuya
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🌸​Byakuya is trying to be subtle about his obsession as he fully knows that this is bound to go wrong. Quincy were nearly eradicated by his kind so many years ago and you live in the human world whilst he resides in Soul Society. Feelings aren't something one can control though and it's frustrating for him. Byakuya doesn't want this really, he doesn't want to fall in love with a Quincy because even if he doesn't harbor any grudges against your kind, he just finds the concept of loving one very strange. Your pride and confidence are traits he admires in battlefield but hates outside of it as it causes you to butt heads with him very often as soon as he attempts to restrict you, draw you back from reckless fights. He's a very controlling individual if he desires to be but you aren't someone who just takes his bullshit because in your eyes he doesn't hold any power over you. You aren't even a citizen in Soul Society. The lack of control he has over you silently torments the Captain but he never shows that to others. He has to proceed more carefully as his high position is in this case not as affective as it would be with a darling who is part of Soul Society.
Soi Fon
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🐝​Soi Fon is a secretive simp but she'd rather not show that to her darling in favor of maintaining her cold demeanor and her position as the Captain of the 2nd Division. She respects you a lot, she admires ans fawns silently over you when no one is watching even but she very much refuses to show that side of her to others or even around you. At least she's partially aware that it's embarrassing but that doesn't keep her from fangirling and obsessing over you anyways and sometimes she slips up with that only to do her best to cover her small mistake up as good as possible. Needless to say though, she has a fear to be abandoned by you because you're a Quincy and she's a Shinigami which means that both of you don't even reside in the same world. Yoruichi's leave has given her a lasting trauma that hasn't disappeared even after she's bonded with the woman again so she's very set on trying to keep you in Soul Society as long as possible, even though she knows that she won't be able to keep you there. Both of you get into a surprising amount of arguments because both of you have a lot of pride and won't back down if you have differing opinions.
Ishida Ryuken
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◻️Ryuken and his darling are bound to get into a lot of arguments because even if both of them are Quincy, both of them have very different views on how to live. You carry yourself with pride and use your abilities to not let the memory of the Quincy die out in which case you remind Ryuken a lot of his own son. Ryuken himself has distanced himself from his heritage and doesn't indulge openly in his powers. Worst for you is that he asks you to do the same, to take a few steps back and just focus on the world you live in, on finding a job that can earn you money. He's fully aware that he's hurting your pride and your feelings but would rather prefer you having a mundane job and forgetting about fighting Hollows than risking your life in battles which won't earn you anything at all. He's trying to be reasonable with you at first but quickly turns very strict about it if you don't listen to him. If you mention as much as wanting to help the Shinigami with their fights as his own son does, he's very quick to stop you from even daring to continue such silly thoughts. If he has to restrict your abilities to stop you from being too cocky, he knows how to do so.
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pixelatedraindrops · 7 months ago
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Poor Yuma... 💦 Journey has been very stressful.
I said I'd doodle something for the winner and...IBS is well, IBS 😅
And if Yuma has it then by default so does Makoto.
Yep. Worlds greatest minds...with stomach issues.
(hc that makoto can see/hear shinigami as well)
Does anyone think that Yuma would have an anxious stomach (IBS) or stress induced stomach ulcers? I kinda wanna try to pin a stomachache on him at some point 🤔
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(okay im cheating lmao)
Sometimes I think that the amount of times his face turns pale and sweaty make him look like he’s suffering from sudden abdominal pain rather than an illness 😂
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BE FR 😂💀
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sillymachiine · 6 months ago
tbhk swap au rambles
i call it hanaswap !! it was gonna be a comic but i gave up lol. now it just lives in my brain. ive had it for like 2 years and only recently got it on the mind again so here u go.
the toilet trio rotate their roles! same people, but this time kou is the ghost, amane is the normal guy (not) and nene is the excorcist. amane is much more like how we know him to be pre-death as well as kinda picture perfect arc. kou's just kou he can never change. nene is still a massive girlflop she's just a weird girlflop now too. who gave that girl a staff. in this au, sakura does teru's role. she's nene's cousin and super good at being an excorcist! amane does not have a crush on her btw none of that sorry. oh also lemon takes tiara's role but he's not relevant i just really like nene lemon siblings hc.
next up, broadcasting club! aoi takes sakura's role, akane takes natsuhiko's role and teru takes tsukasa's role! teru is just very much like himself in canon just doing tsukasa stuff. there's also mei, who takes mitsuba's role. og mei (sousuke? kinda) is nene's ex classmate who died yeayea mitsuba stuff and then when teru brings her back, her version of no3 is the art room shijima version. this doesn't make any sense ok sorry
then you got classmates....tsukasa takes aoi's role, and natsuhiko takes akane's role. dropping the whole akaneaoi thing they're just friends because thats a little weird! anyways, tsukasa is amane's brother spreading all the rumours to him and wondering why he's coming home late all the time.
the rest i kinda forgot oops. misc stuff is that yako, tsuchigomori and shinigami rotate in some way, mitsuba takes mei's role and sumire n katakuri swap. might draw more of this and try to think it through but for now. baiiii
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frenchyfoxy · 9 months ago
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Day 26: Role Swap!
So, I was going to draw Shinigami swapped as well, but you can tell what ended up happening.
Anyways, death god Yuma! I imagine death gods would have lots of sharp points in their design (despite Shinigami), but I wanted to incorporate curves throughout the design since they fit Yuma better, so there are a lot of crescent shapes. Also, I thought a sexy outfit would be a funny contrast to Yuma's more modest personality
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bleachbleachbleach · 10 months ago
Rukia is in the WHERE now?
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[Bleach 089]
If there's one thing I know for sure, it's that my mental map of the Seireitei is very wrong, and that there is really no helping this at this point. I also realized that when I think about Soul Society, invariably west is always down, east is up, north is left, and south is right--which like, whyyyy would THAT be the way I orient the map?!
Because of Hisagi's dumb bowl drawing in Colorful Bleach, that's why:
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[Colorful Bleach]
Naturally, I was curious about the directions Ikkaku offers here! Rukia is where?
"the barracks of the Thirteen Court Guard companies"
My assumption has always been that each division's barracks are separate from one another, and exist within the rest of the division grounds. We all assume this. We know we are correct about this. Though it WOULD be hilarious is this massive tower prison was just like, the barrack penthouse and the entire Gotei lived in one very flammable tenement. Also, the Gotei version of Rear Window would be magnificent. But anyway. I guess I assumed the rest of Rukia's Tower Complex was also prison, or that it was part of some amalgamated center where the Central 46 and stuff was, rather than barrack.
So what is Ikkaku talking about here?
Specifically, he says, 各隊の詰所 (kakutai no tsumesho), which he then abbreviates to 各隊詰所, each division's station/post (same "station" as in Coordinated Relief Station). In the Edo period, a tsumesho was basically a rest stop for visiting government officials, or people who were traveling to shrines and the like--a place to overnight, or nap, or wait. In modern parlance, it's kind of like a hostel. So I don't think he means like, the barracks barracks, the primary sleeping locations barracks.
Gotei WeWork
The Wiki article on tsumesho also notes that tsumesho can refer to like, shared office space for factory guards, or people who are coming and going, which makes the most sense in our application. So rather than 'every barrack for every division' I feel like the intention here is "Rukia is in the tower part of the shared workspace/staging area, Gotei WeWork." It makes sense to have one, particularly if this is where the library and reports archives live!
Also obsessed with the idea that the The Tower is just like, next to some crappy portable with one table, a wastebasket, a copy machine with zero toner, a cabinet with a shitton of paper and brushes and ink so you can handwrite your own copies, and a mysterious stained futon that literally every shinigami in the entire Gotei has napped on at one point or another.
But also, I feel like Ikkaku could have been a little more descriptive. "That can't-miss imperious white tower by the giant butte smack in the middle of town," maybe? But I guess if that's not how they talk about that place in their working day, then it's not how they talk about that place in their working day!
I'll also note that in this view, north is actually at the top of the image, unlike in Hisagi's drawing:
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[Bleach e384]
In fairness to Hisagi, his drawing was explaining the POV of Ichigo et al having started in West Rukongai. Because they walked up to the West Gate to try to enter the Seireitei, it makes sense that the vanishing point (that which lies beyond the gate; that is, east) would be at the top of the frame. But I prefer to think of Hisagi as someone who would just draw maps like that, because now he's got me doing it, too.
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