Dakota Ostrenga, IDGAFF
70 posts
My blogspot : dakotaostrengaidgaf(dot)blogspot(dot)com
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dakotaostrengaidgaff-blog · 12 years ago
Because idfk how to use tumblr On my iPod, sorry for late replies. Just hope this doesn't stir up a new shitstorm with she who shall not be named. Just publishing asks that I answered a while ago so I don't look like an even bigger ass.
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dakotaostrengaidgaff-blog · 12 years ago
wow lily-misao is really milking on the attention, isn't she? I saw your reply to her post yesterday, went to sleep and now it's almost lunch time and she's still going about it?
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dakotaostrengaidgaff-blog · 12 years ago
Um.... Let's analyse the gif she posted a week before the catastrophe she's calling "unshopped" for a second here because I'm pretty sure that doesn't even look like the same person. At least when Kota does it, she does it with some finesse. This is like seeing kotashop circa 2009 and it's hilarious!
I'm not into feeding her attention seeking, but I think I'm starting to figure her out. I'm not even gonna look at the gif, cause in just lazy and don't care about her enough, but I know it isn't consistent to how he says she looks. She keeps remaking her accounts because she is trying to get a following. But this girl doesn't even have consistency, I don't get why she's deliberately trying to be like Kooter with the shoopin and lying. then look at the negative attention she keeps gettin back, and pulling the victim card. I just don't like her. After what she said to someone, she's on V's blacklist. Girl, get yo shiz together, please, so that I don't have to see you in my dashboard.
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dakotaostrengaidgaff-blog · 12 years ago
Don't wanna point out the names but even if a photo is "straight from a tablet or phone" it can be edited in that manner. You just have to know what apps to use on both android and iphone. This comes from someone who uses them to correct awful night out photos on her phone!
Agree fully, anon-sama. I admit that I use apps to touch up my photos, BUT I don't pretend I don't. Also I don't edit my eyes jaw and lips to look like some doll that I'm not. Like girl plz, I look like a fabulous doll without photoshopping. -inb4 I'm conceited. And furthermore, she could have simply edited it on her computer then transferred it onto her tablet. I think I know which app she used anyway, if it was done ON her tablet. Whichever it is, bad editing is bad.
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dakotaostrengaidgaff-blog · 12 years ago
do you like beaners?
Fuckin love 'em.
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dakotaostrengaidgaff-blog · 12 years ago
/all of my secondhand embarrassment.
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The girl highlighted in red is the owner of the webshop Sassynpunkboutique. This is the facebook post where she’s shown her true colours and they’re pretty ugly. She started out ridiculing gyaru fashion, and she’s allowed to have an opinion but she started to say they look “handicapped” “low-class” like “hookers” etc. This type of offensive and out of line behaviour is absolutely unacceptable and a childish cry for attention. Please look at other sellers on etsy and storeenvy before making a purchase from this girl’s shop, as she says she doesn’t “need/want your money anyway.” The fact that she threatened and spoke like this to a potential customer is appalling and I am encouraging everyone to boycott her shop.
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dakotaostrengaidgaff-blog · 12 years ago
Although I agree that she's not doll like at all, even with photoshop, it's pretty mean to say she looks like piss. She's not bad looking, just doesn't look like a doll. To each his own I guess ? But still.
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“lily misao” isn’t a doll, doesn’t even look remotely like a doll. even when she photoshops the piss out of herself, she still looks like piss”
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dakotaostrengaidgaff-blog · 12 years ago
Only replying to this to say that perhaps I was wrong about the beaucons, however in the picture there is no gold around the pupil and the shade is off. It's easy to take a picture of another pair of lenses and say "I was wearing these" in that photo, but I digress. And when did I suggest you couldn't afford them ? Lol victimizing yourself again. I merely think its not the beaucons in the photo because they do not look like beaucons. Simple as that. Like shit, I said I'm finished feeding you attetion, and I am, but it's something else when you're putting words in my mouth making me seem like I was attacking your financial situation. Now be gone with you.
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To all the replies to my last photo: the blur over parts of the photo was a shitty “tilt shift” effect on the camera app I use because I was trying to unfocus my messyass couch in the background. Here’s a non-blurry version, hopefully you won’t cry about this one.
Also as you…
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dakotaostrengaidgaff-blog · 12 years ago
whispers ostrengas from the shadows
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dakotaostrengaidgaff-blog · 12 years ago
I typed this out three times on my iPod and each time I accidentally deleted it, so here's the rundown; I wash my hands of this Lily Misao shenanigans, and my advice to my fellow bloggers and such is to just ignore her ignorant attetion starved person. Shes not worth the time. To "Lily", I only want to say to you stop lying while you're still ahead, and learn compassion for your fellow human beings. I'm not wasting y time giving her what she wants anymore, let her stew in her own broth. Besides I'm simply just too lazy ad do not give enough of a shit to be bothered with her anymore than I have been. So, this is all I have to say about her. LALALALAA STILL NOT WHAT I WANTED TO SAY BUT IDGAF CAUSE I CAN'T BE ASSED TO TYPE IT OUT AGAIN OR CHECK MY SPELLING. Love and French fries, V~
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dakotaostrengaidgaff-blog · 12 years ago
Baby. My eyes are asymmetrical too. But that shopping on your eye lip and other spots were painfully obvious. But you played the victim card as I knew you would. Oh well. I said what I want to. It's not worth arguing about, and I'm too lazy to sit here an argue about it lol I'm not the only one who sees it though, you're transparent. I feel dumb having wasted my time here, I just had to though because I don't like liars who find attempted suicide a laughing matter. And btw , those weren't beaucon lenses. (; liar liar~~ okay, Welp enjoy your whatever it is you're doing. I've said my piece. V, over and out !
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To all the replies to my last photo: the blur over parts of the photo was a shitty “tilt shift” effect on the camera app I use because I was trying to unfocus my messyass couch in the background. Here’s a non-blurry version, hopefully you won’t cry about this one.
Also as you can see my eyes are naturally asymmetrical… no wonder people Photoshop their photos when you pick on things they have no control over.
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dakotaostrengaidgaff-blog · 12 years ago
" Yeah, peoples faces are naturally blurry in spots ! And my circle lenses are just two different sizes ! "Let. Me. Tell. You. I'm not a horrible person. I would never tell someone to kill themselves, for example. I'm even starting to enjoy Kooter a little. But I can't stad someone who is so horrible, nasty, and cruel to another human being, then goes on to pretend they did NOTHING with a new account, new name, but the same lies. And same shitty personality. When they don't even matter to the audience they're pandering to. I know I'm a bitch, but I'm not a horrible human. I do, however, feel like a troll myself even wastig my time feeding this specific attention starved person. But im puttin my Opinion out there. Overtly. Lol. I'd never wish death on you, but I will tell you I hope you get a paper cut. And here's an extra curse : may all your baccon burn. Ha.
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dakotaostrengaidgaff-blog · 12 years ago
Gee I didn't know that people's faces were naturally blurry in spots. Thanks for the unedited shot Lily, I guess I never noticed my face is naturally blurry in spots, too !!! -end sarcasm- (btw. your lenses are different sizes. must be a manufacturers mistake, right ? more sarcasm here ohbtw)
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Photo from my tablet… sans Photoshopping. people have been Internet yelling at me for being fake and edited, so here you go! this is what I actually look like haha. fight me. ♥
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dakotaostrengaidgaff-blog · 12 years ago
Kyle ;A; ilu more bby~~ I wish I came on here more often lol maybe I should give you like my instagram or something and we can break dance or something lololol
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dakotaostrengaidgaff-blog · 12 years ago
Long Time No See !
Just wanted to pop in to say that Cathy is really going HAM on that cleanerharvey YouTube account lol I've been MIA because the community seems to be dying out, or maybe I'm just not following the right people anymore. But I still check in and keep tabs on the delicious drama lol Cathy's threatening to sue me, yo. Don't you need money for that though ? Oh well lol anyway, miss you guys !
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dakotaostrengaidgaff-blog · 12 years ago
Coraline ? :D
Halloween check list
Yellow rain coat Yellow rain boots Blue hair Dragonfly clip Jeans Brown circle lenses
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dakotaostrengaidgaff-blog · 12 years ago
Actually, I just remembered a time that I ventured onto 4chan, can't remember what for tho, and someone named "flan" was getting ripped to shitfor being a dumbcunt fail troll. Hmm I kinda wish I remembered what it was about or what she was arguing about. But all I could think was 'THIS bitch...' to everything she said. And this was a while ago. Seems she's quite the same lol PH 7EVR YOLO
You keep mentioning it in your posts and this keeps popping up in my dashboard. I guess it’s not really flan, but rather jelly, but I’m still confused!
An avid Internet troll, that brags about her lies being taken seriously and then blames others for believing it. She seemed to be a frequent on 4chan that stood out for self-posting and backpedaling like mad whenever she says something stupid. Recently she lurks in the PULL forum and leads the discussions and threads totally offtopic.
My followers bombarded me with screenshots from her stupid, baiting posts,  I am surprised that so many people knew and disliked her with a passion before.
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