#but I think he was just saying the name out of shock instead of addressing his brother directly
pianokantzart · 7 months
I was wondering why Luigi almost never says "Mario" in the Japanese dub, and only ever calls him "Niisan."
I looked it up, and apparently calling your older sibling by their first name is considered impolite in Japanese culture?
So it makes sense Luigi just calls Mario "Niisan." I think the only exception is when he first arrives in the Darklands, where after calling out "Niisan" and not getting a response he calls out "Mario" once... ...probably a last ditch effort to see if his sibling would respond, I guess.
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silassinclair · 7 months
Yandere Wild West Outlaw x Reader
CW// Possession, Obsession, Yandere Behavior, Jealousy, Suggestive Content, Gaslighting, Maddox has a housewife fetish (16+)
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When Maddox first saw you hiding in your wardrobe after having killed your Father he was shocked to see such a pretty woman inside. He knew your Father had a daughter but he didn't know she'd be a fierce and beautiful young woman.
Maddox knew he had to have you. No way was he going to leave you in this bumfuck town in the middle of no where. You're too valuable.
He ties you up and takes you away from your hometown. You're his now so he's taking you with him wherever he goes. Having a pretty little accessory like you will give him bragging rights after all.
He takes you to saloons while he plays cards with his buddies. Has you sit still and look pretty on his lap while he drinks and plays. His friends say dirty things about you. Commenting on how submissive you are for Maddox. Maddox eats their comments up like a full course meal.
"You boys wish you had this fine piece of ass. But she's mine."
When you're at his temporary house he has you play housewife. You cook his food, clean his laundry, and most importantly you take him like a good girl and let him use you to pleasure himself.
"You like that yeah? You don't? Then shut your pretty little mouth n' take it anyway. Don't make me mad now."
But over the course of a few months and after spending more time with you he sees you less as an object to brag about and more as a companion. He sees you everyday so of course he develops feelings. Feelings he denies of course.
"You think cus' I'm being nice lately you can just skip doin' laundry? Well you've been a good girl this week so I'll let it slide... But you're doin' it tomorrow! No excuses!"
Maddox takes you to the saloon with him again as usual. This time the sexual comments his friends say make him see red. He draws his gun and shoots them all dead where they sit.
"I should have never let em' say that vulgar shit bout' you. Shoulda never let you in that shithole in the first fuckin' place. C'mon, we're goin' home."
Fucks you gently this time and prioritizes your pleasure over his. You're so cute mewling beneath him. Praises you instead of degrades you.
"You can take it princess, c'mon! Don't tell me to slowdown when I can feel how good you feel on me. Yeah that’s it, good girl. Doin’ so good for me… Ya’ feel divine~"
He slowly starts bringing you into town less often. When you ask why you can't come with him he simply says that you're safer at home.
A month goes by and you're tired of being holed up in his house. So you take the risk and leave while he's taking his afternoon nap.
Bad Choice….
"You thought you could leave me?! Baby I love ya', I really do but sometimes you're real fuckin' stupid."
Locks the doors, windows, and always has his eye on you. When he has to go out he keeps you tied to the bed by the ankle.
Every night he holds you close to him. He's a light sleeper, he'll feel if you move and try to escape him. If that happens he'll embrace you in a nearly bone crushing hug.
He’ll wrestle with you if you try and fight him, but he’ll never strike you. He’d never do that after seeing the abuse his Mother endured from her customers at the brothel.
Comes home one day with two golden rings. He wears one and forces the other onto your ring finger. It's a perfect fit.
"You're my wife now and I'm your husband. You'll address me as such, got it?"
No wedding, no priest, no judge, no documentation. He says you're his wife now and that's that.
"There's names engraved inside the rings.? That's just the name of the jeweler I got it from... Don't worry your pretty little head about it."
You two never get to settle down. You hop from one abandoned home to the other. After all he needs to always be on the run from the law. It's a stressful but exhilarating lifestyle. Danger lurks at every corner.
Loves calling you by his last name. Though your last name is still legally L/n; Maddox says that since you’re his wife you have his last name. After all you two are wearing the rings to prove it!
"Thank you for the meal Mrs. Graves, God you're perfect. Where have you been all my life?"
He adores your body. Doesn't matter what body type you have. Chub? He's kneading it with his hands while he praises you like the goddess you are. Insecure about how the outline of your ribcage is visible? He traces his fingers down to your tummy and then goes even lower... He can't keep his hands off.
Favorite thing to do is hug you from behind and just press your backside against him while you do chores. It feels so domestic and it makes him feel like he isn’t a wanted criminal for a moment.
Kisses? He loves to kiss you! His favorite spots are your ankles, tummy, and forehead. And your lips ofc!
Whenever you have to slip your stockings on he swats your hands away and does it. He’ll pull them up sensually and slowly, trailing kisses from your ankle up to your thigh as he does so.
“Your skin’s so soft princess, just wanna take a bite. You’ll let me right?”
He loves animals. His horse Jasper is his best friend. Jasper won't let anyone ride him except for you and Maddox. Anyone else gets thrown off and stomped on.
Since this is the 1800’s people don’t really bathe as often. But Maddox is different. He can’t stand having grime on him for too long after you called him stinky once. So now he bathes more often than most. And you bathe with him too. You have no choice in the matter.
“Mmm love it when you wash my hair sweetheart… Ya’ fingers feel like heaven..”
Maddox is a tough guy. He's taken bullets, stabs, you name it. He even survived a hanging once. If anything happens to you he'll fight God himself just to keep you safe. Even if it costs him his life.
Tells you he loves you everyday. And if you don't say it back? Well he'll just bug you until you say it. After your "marriage" he doesn't really punish you anymore. You’re his partner for life, you deserve the world.
Respects women. His Mother worked in a brothel so he witnessed how men mistreated women. He could never do that to you... Even though he did early in your relationship. But he'll never admit that! Bring it up and he'll call you crazy.
"Sweetheart I never harmed a hair on your head, quit talkin' nonsense."
Teaches you how to fire a gun just in case. Hopefully you'll never have to use the skill though.
Spoils you whenever he can. Maddox has a decent amount of money but it's still pretty tight. Buying you things isn't an option because being on the run means you need to have minimal baggage. So he treats you to dinners and cute little dates.
Overtime you get used to this life. You forget he ever even killed your old man.
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Anyone is free to request anything! Don't be shy! I'm hyperfixiating on this oc so I'll happily write anything for him. As long as it isn't blatant NSFW :-)
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to-the-stars8 · 7 months
The Waynes' Nanny
Notes: So, this is my oopsy of adding another story to my roster, but oh well. Here's my other note: Just a little side note. To make this story work, I had to de-age the majority of the characters. So, Dick is 15, Cass 10, Jason 9, Tim 7, Duke 6, and Damian 4. Just FYI. Obvi The Nanny Inspired
Bruce Wayne x Reader, Batfamily, platonically, x reader
Summary: One day, after getting fired from your job by your ex, you somehow ended up in Wayne Manor as the family's new nanny. Working with six kids is tough enough, but the handsome, rich, and emotionally confused father, billionaire Bruce Wayne, who is just too charming makes it a bit more difficult as your feelings for him confuse you. Nonetheless, you love the job and the kids, but soon enough you realize that maybe you're falling in love with the boss, too.
Pilot Pt. 1
“You have to be kidding me, fired?” You said shocked, leaning over the counter.
Your boyfriend then quickly added, “And, I’m breaking up with you.” 
The words could not come off your lips. Instead, you babbled for a good thirty seconds before just turning on your heel to leave. You stopped a couple of times to say something, but the shock was still settling in. It wasn’t until you were outside, watching people on the street that your senses came back. Turning around, you sucked in a breath and threw open the store door.
You pointed at your ex and loudly announced, “You have a small dick, and I’m collecting unemployment! So, hah!” 
Not feeling the victory, but glad that there were more than a dozen people to continue the rumor of your boyfriend’s supposedly small penis, you left.
Luckily, you were quick to find another gig thanks to a family friend. Granted, you hated going door to door trying to sell insurance in Gotham, but it paid you just enough not to be out on the street. This week, however, you were assigned to the other end of the city—The rich part. And, it certainly did live up to your expectations. These people had yards and gardens, and the air even smelled better. If you could only find a rich man, you think you’d be very happy in such a place. 
You looked down at the list of addresses your boss had given you before looking back up at the impressive sight of the house. With a sigh, you pressed the buzzer on the gate and went over your script. 
“Hello, my name is…” 
Before you could finish a British accent came through the buzzer. “Are you here for the nanny position?”
Looking around, you didn’t see a reason as to why you shouldn’t say yes. Absent-mindedly, you said, “I could be.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Oh, um, yes! Yes, I am.” It couldn’t hurt 
Suddenly, another buzz and the sound was clicking of the gate unlocking. Cautiously, you pushed your way through and you headed up the path to the front door. It was a near quarter mile to get to the house and up a hill. By the time you got up to the front of the house, you were winded and slightly sweaty. At the top of the stairs stood an old man in a suit, looking down at you with indifference. Slowly, you climbed the stairs to him. 
“You really gotta warn a girl if she’s gonna take a hike,” You huffed. 
“Most people drive,” The old man said, and you recognized the accent from the buzzer. 
You snickered at the old man, following him in, and you were amazed by just how wonderful the place was. As you entered, you did a turn, and you were amazed by just how big the house—No, mansion—was. 
“Would you like me to present your resume to Mr. Wayne?” Asked the man. 
Luckily, you were quick on your feet, “No, I’ll do it myself. Thank you.”
The man relented, giving you a disbelieving look, and went away. You sat down in one of the chairs in the foyer, quickly pulling out some papers to write some type of passable resume. As you were going for a pen, you realized quickly that you didn’t have one. Panicked, you looked around for one. 
“Ugh,” A voice said, and a boy no older than seven or eight stumbled from a doorway. On him, fake blood and a knife. He cried, “I’m dying!” before collapsing onto the floor. 
“You wouldn’t happen to have a pen, would you?” You asked, but the boy didn’t respond. Defeated, you decided quickly what you said as you saw the old man and a younger, much more handsome return. 
“Tim,” The younger man said. “We’ve talked about this. You can’t scare the guests.”
The boy opened his eyes, “I'm studying people's reactions to gore and pain.”
The man rolled his eyes before turning his attention back to you. He held out his hand toward you to shake, you took it and instantly liked the way his grip was strong. “I’m Bruce Wayne—”
“Oh, yeah! I’ve seen you on TV,” You said excitedly. “I loved the black suit you wore for that ceremony in the park last month.”
Mr. Wayne seemed taken aback by the compliment, but thank you anyway. “Just follow me into the kitchen. We can talk more there.” As he started to lead you away, he turned to the boy still lying on the floor. “Tim, go clean up, please.”
“I will, but only because you said please!” The boy cried out. 
Mr. Wayne shook his head and asked you not to mind him for now. Smiling, you replied that it was no big deal, kids were going to be kids either way. He seemed to agree with you on that and asked you more about yourself. You told him as much as you could think of, not willing or wanting to hold anything back. 
When you finally sat at the kitchen table did you stop talking to let Mr. Wayne talk, but he seemed more pleased to listen. Though, you knew better than to rattle on more than necessary. Maybe, you thought, this was why so many women thought him to be such a charming guy. 
“Can I see your resume, then?” He asked. 
Laughing nervously, you said, “Oh, uh, well, you see, I lost it on my way over here.”
“Is that right?” Mr. Wayne said, sounding like he didn’t entirely believe you. 
“Yes! Yes, it’s the damnedest thing,” You said. “I always seem to have these bouts of terrible luck.”
“Uh-huh,” He said. 
You were going to answer when a voice called out, “Dad!” 
Just then, two boys, one about fifteen and the other around ten, walked in. They seemed surprised to see you when they entered, glancing at their father before telling you hello. You got up, walking over to the boys and cupping their cheeks. 
“My, look how handsome!” You looked over your shoulder at Mr. Wayne. “And those pretty blue eyes! They must get them from you.”
“We’re adopted,” The younger one said. “And I’m Jason.”
You grinned and bent over to look at the boy. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m…”
“You’re the new nanny?” The older boy said. 
You started to answer, but Mr. Wayne cut you off. He told the boy, named Richard, that he could be nicer to you. Richard, or Dick as he called himself unfortunately, protested that Bruce was shuffling his responsibilities on some random lady from the inner city. Bruce was quick to dismiss him to his room, stating that they would speak later, and immediately apologized to you. 
“A kid makes a smart-ass comment, what’re you gonna do?” You smiled. 
“Right,” Bruce cleared his throat, not paying attention to what you were saying. “Well, those two were the oldest boys, I have one girl between them. Then, it’s Tim, Duke, and Damian. My youngest is four.”
“Trying to build a basketball team, Mr. Wayne?” You couldn’t help, but laugh at your joke. He didn’t seem as amused by it, so you quickly went quiet. 
“Yes, well, thank you for coming, but I don’t think I’m in the mood to hire sales girls from off the street.”
You rolled your eyes, mumbling that you could do it and that you had plenty of experience in taking care of children as you babysat a lot when you were a teenager. Mr. Wayne didn’t seem to hear anything you said, though, nor the phone ringing off the hook. 
“Alfred! Will you get that,” He called, seeming a bit stressed. 
“Oh, you cannot be that rich not to answer your phone,” You said, getting up and picking up the phone from the receiver. Putting it to your ear, you answered, “Wayne residence.”
“Give me that,” Mr. Wayne said and snatched the phone from your hand. “Hello?”
He went back and forth with the person on the other line, talking about how he needed a nanny. Yet, he seemed to be getting nowhere. The entire time, you laid yourself in front of him as he tried to talk to the person on the other end to get him a nanny. After a minute or two, he put the receiver down and looked at you. 
You grinned, knowing that you got the job. “You’re hired—On a trial basis!”
“Oh, thank you, Mr. Wayne!” You threw yourself at him, squeezing him tight. “You won’t regret it.”
“Right,” Bruce cleared his throat. “Well, I’ll have Alfred show you to your room—”
“I get to live here?” You asked excitedly. 
Bruce almost smiled, but held it back. “Yes. If you like.”
“If I like,” You laughed like he was joking. “Of course. Oh, it’s going to be great.”
Mr. Wayne nodded, acting like he believed you, but didn’t know for sure. He wondered if he made the right choice not only for his children but for himself as well. Since he only knew you for half an hour, he found himself being intrigued by you.
Despite this, how he felt didn’t matter. All that did matter was if the children liked you and if you were competent enough to look after them. After all, it wasn’t like he was going to fall in love with you. 
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sunsetsimon · 9 months
simon had just returned from his daily run, drenched in sweat and his cheeks are bright red from being nipped by the cold air. he found you on the couch, folding the basket of laundry fresh out of the dryer. kissing your temple, he grabs one of the piles of towels and walks it to the kitchen drawer to put away.
“what do you want for dinner tonight, lovie?” he asks from the other room. you can hear the fridge open, simon looking for something to make. "we have this chicken we can do something with. unless you want somethin' else."
you're silent, pondering what you want to eat. you aren't feeling the chicken, so you start thinking of every restaurant near you, going through the list to find something appealing. simon walks back into the room, about to ask if you're okay but he can see you're deep in thought.
before your pregnancy, you were usually fine with anything that was in the fridge. but now your cravings are so intense, you have to contemplate exactly what you want or else you'll end up not wanting to eat. although tonight nothing is sticking out to you, for once ot able to tell him what you want.
"i don't really know.. maybe something quick like mcdonalds i guess," you shrug, lowkey upset that you're lacking an appetite right now.
"are you sure?" simon's shocked that you aren't really hungry, feeling the annoyance start to drip off of you as you just huff a yes and he leaves before he pisses you off even more.
his girl's mood being ruined because she doesn't have a craving right now, how cute, he thinks. making his way to the mcdonalds, he pulls through the drive thru line after ordering your regular, and for him a double quarter pounder meal, with a 10 piece nugget on the side. though he knows it's not good for him, his stomach is growling at the smell of the fast food.
he's passing the mcdonald's worker his card as your ringtone erupts in his car, an incoming call connecting to his bluetooth. immediately pressing answer, he grabs the two drinks from the worker and sets them in the carrier. "everythin' alright, love?"
your beautiful voice fills the air, the corner of his lip twitching into a smile as he feels the relaxed tone of your voice, everything is okay. your mood seems better too.
"yeah everything's fine. i was thinking, instead of mcdonald's, we can get that new chinese place that just opened up on cavell street."
as you say that, the worker hands him back his card, then the bag of your food. nodding a thank you, he pulls forward, "m'already leaving mcdonald's now, love. just got our food."
"oh," you say, voice dropping with sadness. he feels bad as he can tell you were excited at the idea of trying something new. "okay. maybe next time then."
he can hear the constriction in your throat, voice quiet as you're fighting back tears. his heart clenches, grabbing his phone to search in the address of the chinese restaurant, it's only 6 minutes from here, he can make it.
"call in your order under my name, gonna go pick it up."
"you already got the food!"
"i'll eat your meal too. call it in so i don't have to wait long! i love you!" he says, quickly ending the call before you can continue to protest, knowing you're giddy and excited at home that you got your way once again.
and of course he's right, as you quickly run out to the car when you see the lights pull in. greeting him with a kiss as your hand reaches over him to grab the bag and your drink, leaving simon with his mcdonalds. it smells amazing, the aroma of the spices and seasonings fills your nose.
"you hungry now?" he laughs, following you in and kicking the door closed with his foot. you're smiling, licking your lips as you nod at him, too focused on opening the bag to speak. revealing your order, you take a deep inhale, humming and buzzing with happiness as you get to eat your craving.
"thank you so much simon!" you say, giving him a few pecks on his cheek.
"anythin' for you, mama."
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theemissuniverse · 1 year
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SUMMARY : To say Liu Kang is in love with you is an understatement. You’re a princess and Kitana and Mileena’s younger sister. You start dating a guy but he doesn’t respect you at all. Liu Kang won’t stand for it. (The lowest of keys inspired by that one “that 70s show” episode. If y’all know know then you know)
WARNINGS : none I think lmao
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Liu Kang was absolutely miserable. The Royal family of Outworld once again was throwing a party but this time in celebration for their father’s return. Of course, Liu Kang would show up to pay his respects but there was one small problem: you were with another man.
Now, it took Liu Kang a lot and I mean, a lot to get jealous. Liu Kang was usually always secure in himself but not when it came to you.
Instead you had your hand over this man’s arm. Your lips on him. Laughing at his jokes. It made him feel physically ill.
Johnny had noticed Liu Kang’s behavior and he knew why too. It was because of you. “Come on, dude. You’re the God of literal fire. You totally beat a guard of a palace.”
“Johnny is right…surprisingly.” Kung Lao said. “I have never seen you so nervous around someone before, Lord Liu Kang.”
“If you created this timeline then why didn’t you get her to fall in love with you?” Johnny asked. All his Earthrealm friends looked at him as if he was stupid. “What?”
“Do you not hear yourself right now?” Kenshi questioned him.
Liu Kang sighed. “I created the timeline to allow people free will. If she doesn’t want to be with me then so be it.”
Johnny let out an irritated moan. “You don’t even know. Why don’t you ask her?”
Raiden shook his head. “And jeopardized their friendship?”
Johnny flicked Raiden’s head and Raiden let out an ‘Ow.’ “We’re not talking about you and Kitana. We’re talking about Liu Kang and (Y/N).” He turned his attention back on you feeding your date with some grapes. “There’s gotta be something up with this guy. I don’t trust him.”
“I agree…again surprisingly.” Kung Lao said.
“Looks like we’re about to find out.” Kenshi said as you started to walk towards the champions.
Johnny gave him a confused look. “Look? You’re blind.” Kenshi flicked Johnny’s head and Johnny let out an ‘Ow.’ Kung Lao and Raiden snickered.
“Hey you guys.” You yelled out happy. They all bowed to you and you rolled your eyes playfully. Compared to your sisters, you were laid back. “I told you to stop that.” You then pulled Liu Kang into a hug. “Hey, Liu.”
Liu Kang was always happy with your guy’s relationship. Considering you were a princess and he was a God, the two of you did not act like there was a power imbalance. He hugged you back. “Hello, (Y/N).” He had stuck it in his head to call you just by your name every time he addressed you because you told him to.
The two of you pull away. You motioned over to your date. “This is my boyfriend, Brady.”
Kenshi felt his head and then turned his attention to Brady. “You’re not from Outworld. I can read your thoughts.”
“Strange…” Brady said with a laugh. “Yeah no, I’m from Earthrealm but my business is in Outworld.”
“Pretty interesting move…Brady.” Johnny Cage said, eyeing him up and down.
“Yeah…it is..” Brady said a little uncomfortable.
You listened to the music. The music had slowed up. “I swear they always do this. I’ll be back.” You kissed Brady’s cheek and walked away. “Hey! I said I wanted fast paced!”
It was just the Earthrealmers and Brady. There was a bit of an awkward silence. Liu Kang, as much as he hated it, did not want to be rude and now felt inclined to keep the conversation going. “So, you and Princess (Y/N)?”
Brady nodded. “Yeah isn’t she something?”
Liu Kang didn’t like how he spoke but decided to push it aside. “She’s a wonderful person.”
“Yeah, but sometimes I kinda hate it when she talks.”
The group was shocked at what he said. They all turn to Liu Kang to see his reaction.
Liu Kang looked pissed as ever. Why was he with you if he couldn’t stand you? Liu Kang was madly in love with you. He could listen to you talk for hours. Even if it was literally about paint drying. How could he not? He still tried to keep his composure and offered a fake smile. “Why are you with her then?”
Brady let off a chuckle. “I mean, I figure it’s worth it if I can nail her.”
Raiden was the only one confused by the statement. “Nail her? Like with a hammer?” Kenshi bent over towards his direction and whispered in his ear, explaining to him what Brady had meant. “Oh…”
He wanted to use you for sex? This was crossing a very big line. Though, Liu Kang still tried to use reason. “You should think about that. (Y/N), doesn’t really get into relationships so-“
“That’s not a surprised.” Brady said. When the Earthrealmers waited for his response, he gave them a look as if they should know why. “I mean, she’s an annoying bitch.”
Again, the Earthrealm champions turned back to see Liu Kang’s reaction. This time Liu Kang looked even more angry. They took one step back, knowing what was going to happen.
Liu Kang was a simple man. He did not evoke violence or promote it. Did not believe that fighting was the first resort to anything.
That didn’t matter when it came down to you.
Liu Kang grabbed a hold of Brady’s shirt and made him look directly in his eyes. “Take it back.”
Brady tried to hide his fear. He scoffed at Liu Kang and tried to get him to release his grip on him. “What are you in love with her or something? Relax. You can have her when I’m done.”
That was the final straw. Liu Kang started to feel himself lose control. In one swift motion, Liu Kang used his power to fling him across the party. Brady hit the brick wall and fell onto a table where he then broke it.
“Yeah! Kick his ass!” Johnny said, pulling out a phone and recording. The others gave him a look. “What?”
Liu Kang was not finished. He walked over to Brady and picked him up by his neck. His free hand started to build up fire and he was ready to use it on him until you came along. “Liu Kang?”
The sound of your voice snapped him out of his rage. Liu Kang looked over towards you and immediately dropped Brady. “(Y/N).”
“What happened?” You asked concerned. You then realized that obviously it had to be Brady’s doing because Liu Kang would not attack anyone for no reason. You turned your attention to your boyfriend. “Did you start the fight?”
Brady looked at you like he couldn’t believe you. He stood up from the ground and pointed in the direction of Liu Kang. “Me? He attacked me! I didn’t lay a hand on him.”
You were stunned by the accusation. You turned your attention to Liu Kang, who looked ashamed by his actions. “Is that true? Did you attack him first?”
Liu Kang kept his head down, not daring to look at you. “Yes, Princess (Y/N).”
You couldn’t believe that Liu Kang would start a fight. No. Something was missing. You turned back to Brady. “Okay, well what did you do or say because Liu Kang doesn’t just go out attacking people.”
“Are you serious?” Brady questioned you in disbelief. “You’re picking his side-a psycho, over your own boyfriend.”
By this statement, Raiden decided to speak up. “Brady told us that he was only using you for intimacy and then called you…” He tried to find the right words.
“An annoying bitch.” Johnny helped him out.
“Yes. That. Lord Liu Kang was just defending your honor, Princess.”
Of course you believed your Earthrealm friends. You were beyond angry. You looked at Brady. “I’m an annoying what now?”
Brady looked scared out his mind. If he feared Liu Kang, he didn’t know you at all. “No, no. Baby, I would never. They’re lying.”
Two of your guards had walked up to you. “Is everything alright, Princess (Y/N)?”
You looked between the guards and him. You didn’t even want to deal with him anymore. “Escort him out of here. Make sure he never enters the palace again.”
The guards grabbed onto Brady. Brady tried to break out. “Baby, wait. We can talk about this-“
“No, we cannot.” You leaned in, making sure your eyes met his. “Be incredibly grateful I offer you mercy.”
The guards escorted Brady out of the party. Not without him screaming after you. You rolled your eyes at his dramatics. Then you turned over to Liu Kang. “Thank you for standing up for me. I didn’t know you could get so angry.”
Liu Kang smiled at you. “Only for you.” You smiled a little, feeling the butterflies you always felt for him erupt. Liu Kang gently took your hand. “May I have a moment with you?”
“Sure.” You took Liu Kang inside the palace and all the way to your room. When you made it to your room, you closed the door and looked at him. “What did you need to talk about?”
Liu Kang bit his lip. It shouldn’t be this hard to confess his feelings for you but it was. He didn’t want to ruin any friendship he had with you. “I didn’t just do that because of his disrespect for you…I did it because I love you. I have had feelings for you for the longest but I didn’t want you to feel incline to have them for me or push me away. I’m sorry I wasn’t honest with you. Every time I look at you, it’s as if time itself stops. I have never felt so strongly for anyone the way I have with you before.” He took your hands in his. “Please, if you do not feel the same, don’t shut me out. I still would like to remain as friends.”
You were shocked by his confession but not at all surprised. You’ve waited forever for him to say that. You pulled Liu Kang close to you and kissed him.
Liu Kang happily kissed you back, deepening the kiss. He kissed you as if you were the only woman in the world.
The two of you pull away. You smiled up at him. “It’s about time.”
Liu Kang smiled at you and pulled you into another kiss. Everything felt right within the world now.
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
what it would be like meeting mikey berzatto as the most important person in carmy's life:
a/n: ok so it is in fact canon in my 'make my heart surrender' series that the main character never got to meet mikey. however, i've been thinking a lot about what it would be like if she had met him when she and carmy were working together in new york so i wrote a lil somethin' about it. it can absolutely be read as a standalone piece with a pastry!chef reader.
takes place october 2021; reader x carmy are best friends and colleagues but it has not gone further than that.
trigger warnings: drug usage, high mikey b, swearing, family drama, depression
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how you end up meeting mikey:
halloween weekend of 2021. mikey ends up in new york city for the weekend because he followed a weekend fling for a party. they got into a huge fight over who knows what, and he finds himself in new york city, figuring he might as well go see his brother.
it's a busy night at the new-york-city-fine-dining-establishment-that-shall-not-be-named, carmy is knee deep in expediting while the pastry side just happens to be overstaffed.
your general manager, kate, comes in, letting them know that there's a man outside who's asking for carmy. "he says he's your brother." "my brother?" while carmy doesn't think he can step away, in one shared look, you decide to go since you're his best friend -- the only one he trusts to handle it anyways.
you head out to the front of the restaurant to address the situation finding michael standing outside of the restaurant, pacing on the sidewalk. you recognize him from photos, but he looks different, and it's not hard to figure out that he's kind of strung out -- high on something, though you're uncertain of what.
"you're not carm." "no, i'm not. sorry, but carmy couldn't come out. so he sent me." "shit... the guy can't even make time to see his big brother?" "i don't think he was expecting you." you watch as michael's eyebrows rise in reaction to your comment. "he would if he could. it's just... we're doing 400 covers tonight and uh... well, he runs the kitchen so." disappointedly, as if he's accepted that he's not going to see carmy after all, he says, "yeah yeah okay... i didn't know i'd be here either. i just, i -- i gotta catch a flight anyways. will you let him know that mikey stopped by?" "of course."
by the time you get back in the kitchen, you want to protect carmy from the state michael was in so you don't mention the fact that he was high. "what did he want?" "just wanted to stop by. i think he uh... found himself in the city. surprise trip or something." but carmy doesn't completely buy it, instead, focuses, head down on finishing dinner service.
at the end of the night, carmy offers to walk you home, so the two of you head out of the restaurant, eager to unwind from a long night. as you're leaving, michael's still waiting outside of the restaurant and he doesn't look great -- looks like he's coming down from whatever you assume he took.
"michael, what're you doing here?" carmy asks, in shock that he's even here in the first place. "thought i'd come surprise you." "i mean, what're you doing here? in new york?" mikey sighs, a smirk on his face as he answers with: "never trust chicks on motorcycles, carm. they'll leave you high and dry in a brooklyn loft for a few good lines of coke. he chuckles. and while he doesn't exactly find it funny, carmy makes his best effort to try and laugh too, it coming out more like a dry exhale. mikey pivots, as if he's putting on a well-practiced happy face, though there's a sadness in your eyes that you think may haunt you for the rest of your life.
"i'm sorry. where the fuck are my manners? i'm mikey. mikey berzatto. i'm this jagoff's brother." you introduce yourself, and mikey's enthusiastically corralling you to grab a drink with him. carmy keeps looking over at you as if he's checking in, trying to get a read on you as he hesitates to answer. cautiously, you agree, wanting carmy to spend time with his brother. "one drink," he warns mikey.
the three of you make your way to a bar across the street that's open late, and as soon as michael has his first drink, it's like he's a completely different person. he's charming, larger than life, quite the storyteller and you see a side of carmy that you've never seen before. as you watch him listen to his brother, you can see just how much he admires his older brother. while you know carmy is hurt that michael barely calls or makes an effort to keep in touch, sitting here with him now, you can see the way that carmy looks at him -- like he put the stars, the moon, and the sun in the sky. there's a deep admiration and he's almost childlike in the way that he looks up to him.
after the first round, you head to bathroom, wanting to give him and mikey the time. carmy had promised one drink, but you're open to staying if he wants more time with his brother.
"this your girl, carm" "mikey, stop it." "then please tell me you're hittin' that." "michael!" carmy hushes his brother, a warning and protectiveness in his voice as he does. "are you fuckin' serious right now? what, you're teling me you're not?" "she's.... my friend." "shit. wish i had a friend like that. ya friends or are ya... you know... friends?" carmy just shakes his head, jaw clenched, glaring at michael, wishing he'd stop. "shit, i thought i taught you better than that, bear." "just friends. i'm serious, mike. cut it out." "oh come on! the chick's smokin' fuckin' hot. and i can tell that you like her. i'm not blind, bear. i see the way you-."
it's that sentence that pushes carmy in a way that he doesn't like at all. "don't talk to me like you know what's going on in my life." "carm-." "can't even pick up the damn phone and then you just... waltz into town acting like everything is okay?" "well, if you ever bothered to come home. you know mom's been askin' about you. never fuckin' call her-." "oh don't bring mom into this!"
when you return from the bathroom, there is a palpable tension between the two of them that you're not sure how to navigate the thick silence stewing with things left unsaid.
"everything okay?" you ask.
"i think we should go," carmy grits out, clearly upset over the conversation that just transpired between them. "uh... yeah, okay." "it was nice meetin' you sweetheart," mikey grunts, an empty shot glass that wasn't there previously on the bar top. carmy noticeably rolls his eyes at mikey's comment as you grab your things and close out your tab.
on the walk home, you ask: "you wanna talk about it?" "not really," carmy answers. he's quiet on the way home and you can tell whatever was said between the two of them really hurt him. as you finally get to your place, carmy sighs, as if he's ready to get something off his chest. "thank you. for doing that." "for what?" "for comin' along. even though it like... colossally blew up." "you ever gonna tell me what happened?" he shrugs, "i don't know." "okay... well, while i wait for you to burst like a pressure cooker, then inevitably spill the beans," you begin, and he smiles, because you know him too well. "wanna come up for a movie or something? get your mind off of it? it's halloween. maybe i'll even let you talk me into a scary movie this time." you finish asking him. and it's the moment that carmy realizes that you're such a breath of fresh air, especially in contrast with his earlier encounter with mikey. "uh.. yeah. think i'd like that."
the two of you go up to your place, put on a movie, and end up falling asleep on the couch together, only to pretend the next morning that it's not that big of a deal (it is, in fact, a HUGE deal).
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ash5monster01 · 8 months
I would love prompt #1 with Steve Harrington! Pretty please 🫶🏻
Wrong Address
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Valentines Celebration Prompt
Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader
Warnings: fluff, language, miscommunication, instant connection
1. Three dozen roses have just been delivered to your door on accident, in attempts to find the sender and correct the mistake, you discover you might have just found your match.
word count: 1.5k
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While running late for work, the last thing you expect to do is nearly trip over three dozen roses sat outside your apartment door. Shock is what hits you first considering you couldn’t think of a single person who would be sending these to you. Especially today. Being late is no longer on your mind as you bend to grab the note sat perfectly in the center of the most gorgeous bouquet you have ever seen.
I’ll always be your Valentine if you need one xoxo
Steve Harrington
Professor - University of Chicago
Realizing the flowers aren’t for you, sadness washes through you. Sighing you accept being late is just what’s going to happen today. Collecting all the flowers you walk to the phone on your wall and dial your work number. Lisa your boss is understanding when you say you won’t be in for a few hours and to take the day if you need. So with damaged pride and defeat, you hail a cab with enough roses to make you look crazy, and find yourself on the way to University of Chicago.
It takes twelve wrong turns and three employees to finally point you in the direction of Steve Harrington’s office. You prepare yourself for a balding middle aged man when you knock on the door but instead a young boy with dough eyes and fluffy hair surprises you. Confusion covers his face first as you give him a sheepish smile, a little bewildered because he was cute and you were holding three dozen roses outside his workspace.
“Sadly I’m not Robin, but I do appreciate the gesture” you say with a shrug that lifts the three bouquets in your arm. Realization finally paints his face as his looks at you.
“Shit, she is always yelling at me about not writing down her apartment number. I should have listened” he says, sultry voice wrapping around your heart and squeezing.
“It’ll be our secret, I promise I won’t tell” you say, lifting the flowers his way which he immediately moves to grab. The electric shock that vibrates through you due to his touch is surprising.
“A trustworthy stranger, my favorite kind” he says with a grin, red petals now tickling the bottom of his chin.
“I couldn’t just leave them, it’s Valentines Day after all. She’s a lucky girl” you offer and the boy is instantly shaking his head at your sentence.
“Oh, it’s not like that. She’s my best friend and she just got her ass dumped. I was just doing my part” he says quickly and the blush that covers your face surprises you both.
“I don’t know if that makes me like you more or intimidates me” you finally say, a rush of confidence spiking your heart rate.
“Maybe you’d like to decide over a cup of coffee?” he suggests and the smile that covers your face answers the question for you.
“I’d like that” you say and he nods, turning to dump the roses on top of his desk and quickly step out into the hallway with you as he shuts and locks his door.
“Thank you by the way. Not many people would’ve taken the time to find the correct owner” Steve says after a beat, wringing his hands together as you exit the building and step out onto campus.
“You’re welcome, kinda helped you signed it with your job title as well” you say with a chuckle and the realization that you know his name and he doesn’t know yours comes quickly.
“Shit I’m sorry, I should properly introduce myself. I’m Steve and you are?” his big eyes glance over into your own and you can’t stop the blush that covers your cheeks as you repeat your name back to him.
“What do you teach?” you ask after a moment and Steve smiles, his hand reaching up and running through his messy locks.
“Sports History” he says with a soft chuckle like he can’t even believe it himself. “Not really the most noble profession but it pays the bills I suppose” he says, a bit embarrassed. After all the chaos in Hawkins he found himself at community college doing a degree that didn’t bore him and somehow he ended up here.
“I wouldn’t say that. I mean you’re a professor. You’re teaching people no matter the subject” you offer and the soft smile that covers his face shows his appreciation towards you.
“I hope you don’t mind campus coffee” he finally says, nodding towards a small building that you’re happy to go in.
“Coffee is coffee” you agree as he holds open the door. After giving him your order you find a small table for you both, being careful not to glance up at him too much.
“What made you get into teaching?” you ask when he returns, warm cup of coffee now placed in your hand.
“The kids. Back home I was friends with this group of kids and as much as I pretended I didn’t, I adored them. When I planned to move away there was something comforting about the idea of spending time with people their age” he says and somehow this perfect stranger becomes even more perfect.
“Where is home?” you find yourself asking and he smiles, reminiscing on a place he hadn’t been in a very long time.
“Small town Hawkins, Indiana. Me and Robin moved out here a few years back and I landed the job at the University” he explains, taking a sip of his own coffee and glancing up at you.
“That’s sweet, you two have been friends that long?” the suggestion in your voice isn’t masked well, it’s just surprising to hear of opposite gender friends and not assume there are some sort of feelings there.
“Since I was eighteen. We never go anywhere without each other, especially when we moved here. She only recently moved out to live with her girlfriend, the one who thought it’d be cool to dump her right before Valentine’s day” and suddenly it all makes sense. The kind gesture, three dozen roses, saying he would always be her Valentine, how there was no shared feelings between the two.
“That sucks. You’re a good friend for trying to cheer her up” you say, now smiling at the idea of there being a man out there caring enough to send three dozen roses to his friend who had her heart broken.
“Yeah, which I guess now that my office hours for the day are over I better hand deliver the flowers” he says, laughing to himself for writing down the wrong address. Then again it would’ve never led you to him.
“I probably should be heading home anyway” you mutter, a bit disappointed that he was already thinking of leaving you behind. You must’ve not left the same impression that he did on you.
“I can drive you, if you like. After all you live in her building” and the offer has you perking up like an excited puppy dog.
“Yeah, if you don’t mind?” you grin and he smiles right back, taking another sip of his coffee.
“I don’t mind at all” so you find yourself in his old maroon BMW, still in pristine condition, with the flowers collected from his office now on your lap. You laugh when he tells you it’s his same car from high school and the more you find out about him the more charming he becomes.
“What floor?” you ask him in the elevator, giggling at his rose filled arms.
“4th” he mutters out, shifting and then sneezing from the flowers in his face.
“Well Romeo, try not to send them to the 3rd next time” you say, referring to your own floor and he chuckles as the doors close and lift you up. When the doors open on you floor you go to step forward before noticing he is following you.
“Oh, sorry. This is my stop, one more floor for you” you say and a sad look crosses his face quickly.
“Oh, I guess I just figured you’d deliver them with me” he says with a soft chuckle and you look at the sweet boy who had managed to crawl his way into your heart within the last hour.
“This feels like something you should do alone but hey, I’m not going anywhere all day and it’s Valentine’s after all. So if Robin is willing to share, you know where to find me” you say with a grin, stepping towards him and planting a soft kiss on his cheek.
“Does seven work?” he asks with red cheeks as you step into the hall and you flash him a quick smile.
“It’s a date” and the elevator doors shut close, lifting him away and leaving you with a dopey grin.
Who would have thought three dozen roses not meant for you would still turn out to be the best Valentines gift you ever got.
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inawickedlittletown · 2 months
Meeting The Parents (BuckTommy) - one-shot
Summary: They liked Tommy. It was strange because Buck hadn’t expected them to.
BuckTommy Positivity Week Day 3: meeting the friends and family
Rated: G
Words: 1.9k
Read on Ao3
They liked Tommy. It was strange because Buck hadn’t expected them to. Of course, with it being Tommy, it shouldn’t have been that surprising because Buck had yet to meet someone that didn’t like him. Buck had, of course, expected his association with Tommy to be enough to make his parents disapprove. Somehow, though, he’d been wrong. Margaret and Phillip Buckley liked Tommy Kinard even if maybe they still didn’t quite like Buck. 
“That looks like it’s going well,” Maddie said, smiling at him. 
“I know. I guess I didn’t think it would.” 
She nodded in understanding. He remembered how nervous she’d been when she introduced Chimney to them. Chim was still convinced that they only tolerated him because he was better than her first husband and because through him they had gotten a grandchild. Buck thought otherwise. 
His parents wouldn’t have gone out of their way to help Chim and Maddie with getting their house and then later with the wedding if they didn’t approve. 
“Buck, you know they’ve been trying. This is what that looks like.” 
Buck nodded. It was a good thing. It was just that he still remembered how shocked his mom in particular had been when Buck brought Tommy to the hospital room where Maddie and Chim got married. No one in that room could have mistaken that he and Tommy had been making out and Buck had just been so excited about Tommy actually showing up that he hadn’t cared if the soot left on his face gave it all away. He’d worried for a split second that his parents might be upset, but they just didn’t comment on it then or later. 
Even when Buck saw them right before their flight back out to Pennsylvania, they didn’t say a thing and so Buck figured that it would go just like everything else. Ignored. He was used to it, and more often than not it was better that way. 
Maybe it was that he and Tommy had lasted past the five month mark, or that the few times Buck talked to his parents he slipped up and mentioned Tommy. And then, when Tommy asked him to move in, Buck had sent them his new address sometime after he’d already settled into Tommy’s house.
He hadn’t expected them to send them a housewarming gift in the form of a very complicated coffee machine that Buck was still getting the hang of. So, maybe that should have been telling, except that Buck had never told them he was moving in with Tommy. With his parents it was always just better to give as little detail as possible. 
When Jee-Yun’s birthday came around, it wasn’t a surprise that they would come for the party, and neither of them had reacted or said anything when Buck arrived with Tommy. That should have been telling for Buck. They greeted Tommy politely and that was kind of it. Until the party was ending and his mom approached him while he was helping put away leftovers in Maddie’s kitchen. 
“Evan,” she said and Buck was trying to be graceful. He was trying not to be difficult, but he hated when she used his first name. 
“Mom, it’s—”
“Buck,” she said and he could hear the disapproval. 
“Yes, mom?” He asked and didn’t turn to look at her. Instead he continued to slip things into tupperware. 
“We were wondering if we could have a family dinner before your father and I go back to Pennsylvania. You can bring your…your…you can bring Tommy. We’d, uh, we’d like to meet him properly.” 
Buck froze and he turned to look at her directly. “Uh, you want to meet him? He’s here.” 
She fixed him with a look that actually reminded him of Maddie. 
“I won’t say it was a surprise to find out my son is dating men now, but I can see — we can both see — that this is different. You actually mention him in our very few phone calls which is more than you’ve ever done before. So, how about it?” 
“Uh…sure,” Buck said. 
His mom smiled at him and she touched his shoulder. “I’ll have Maddie figure out when everyone is available.” 
Buck nodded. 
He’d been nervous leading up to the dinner. Tommy had thought it was cute that he was worried about his parents, but then Buck had never really explained why his relationship with his parents was so frayed. He still probably wouldn’t understand considering how Margaret and Phillip Buckley actually seemed to like Tommy. They seemed to approve of him. 
“Is it weird how much more they seem to like Tommy than me?” Chim asked. 
“They like you more than me so does that help?” Buck asked. 
Chim just grinned. “I’ll take it.” 
“Either way, I think Jee has all of us beat,” Buck said. 
“On that you’re right.”
Buck watched them for a little longer and it shouldn’t have shocked him that Tommy was managing to make conversation with them. 
It wasn’t a lie to say that he’d been nervous when Evan mentioned his parents requesting Tommy at the family dinner. Tommy didn’t know much about Evan’s parents aside from Evan’s comment about Bobby being like a father to him. Considering his own issues with his parents, Tommy had sort of just assumed that it wasn’t a good relationship all around. 
The first time he was anywhere near them, he hadn’t even been introduced to them and he and Evan had left pretty quickly after cake. He’d felt a little bad about it after, but Buck had told him everyone understood how tired he was. 
After that, he only ever heard about them when Evan mentioned his mom calling or emailing him. It happened maybe once or twice a month and he was aware that the conversations were never very long. A whole month after Evan moved in, they received a large box from them containing a coffee machine that had too many knobs, buttons, and options. 
“I told them I moved,” Evan admitted. “I guess this was their response. Mom never liked the loft she she’s probably thrilled I’m not there anymore.” 
The next time he encountered them it was Jee-Yun’s birthday. He and Evan arrived a little late because Evan waited for him to get home from his shift. Evan’s dad had made a point of it to comment on it in a way that felt like an admonishment. 
“Sorry,” Evan said. “Had to wait for Tommy to get home from work.” 
They were saved from further questioning when Jee saw them and ran towards them, first receiving a kiss and hug from Evan, but squirming away from him to get to Tommy and demanding that he pick her up. 
Jee-Yun was giggly and red faced and happy. She babbled at him about cake and the pinata and only let herself be extricated from him when her father appeared with a little pointy hat and immediately she was pointing at Tommy. 
“But why aren’t you wearing one?”
“You wear it!” Jee said and Tommy didn’t think he could ever say no to her. “Uncle Tommy, please!”
“Alright. Alright.”
Once the hat was on, Chim smirking at him and wearing his own hat, Jee wanted to be back down on the ground. Evan reached up and fixed the hat. 
“It’s cute,” he said and grinned. 
A cough alerted them to Evan’s parents still being there. 
“Oh. Sorry,” Evan said. “Mom, dad, this is Tommy. My boyfriend.” 
“Hello. It’s nice to meet you.” Tommy offered and then was saved by Eddie calling his name. 
Evan got his own hat a few moments later and out on the patio they found that they were not the only ones that had been cajoled into the colorful birthday hats. Jee just had that kind of influence. 
He didn’t think it had happened on purpose but he didn’t interact with the Buckleys again that night. Instead he stayed close to Evan and they didn’t approach. Sometimes he even felt their eyes on him, but it was strange because Tommy knew when eyes were on him because of who he was, he knew the disdain and the disgust that some people felt. From Evan’s parents he found confusion and curiosity. He had no idea what to make of it. 
So, when Evan mentioned the family dinner, Tommy hadn’t really known it was because he’d been invited. Not just that, requested. It didn’t help that Evan was trying not to show that he was anxious about the whole thing too. 
“They’re good people,” Evan said on the way over. “Just…they weren’t great parents. That’s all.”
Tommy didn’t know what to make of that except that of course his own parents were horrible people in his eyes and he couldn’t even exactly say that they had been good parents to him. Between the homophobia and the way that they had always treated him like a burden neither of them wanted to deal with, there wasn’t much to redeem them. It hadn’t been surprising to Tommy when he found out that neither of them had ever wanted to have kids. 
Evan’s parents were different. Awkward around Evan like they were walking on eggshells and didn’t know quite what to say to him. They seemed perfectly fine with Maddie and Chim. They loved Jee-Yun clearly, though that wasn’t a hard feat. Tommy hadn’t known her long but he knew that he had the biggest soft spot for her especially once she started calling him uncle Tommy. 
With Tommy, Evan’s parents were at first polite and then they warmed up to him. As it turned out, Phillip was pretty quick witted and interested in Tommy’s work as a pilot. Margaret was a bit harder to read, and he could tell that she was assessing him. Somehow, Tommy felt warmed by it. 
It was when the topic of his own family came up, that Tommy felt his guard go up. 
“I, uh, I don’t really have any family,” he told them. “They’re, uh, they’re alive but they’re not a part of my life.” 
“May I ask why?” Mrs. Buckley said and she looked so genuinely concerned that he decided to be truthful. 
“They didn’t want to have a gay son,” Tommy settled on. “That was a big reason.” 
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Mr. Buckley said. 
Tommy hadn’t expected that. “Thank you.” 
“If it means anything coming from us, you’ve done very well for yourself. When Buck mentions you, he’s singing your praises. He never talks about anyone he’s dating, at least not with us. It’s different with you, it’s why we wanted to meet you officially. I hope you stick around.” 
“I hope so too.” 
At the end of the night, his mom actually hugged Tommy. His dad pat Tommy on the back. 
“He’s a good one, Buck,” his mom said. “I’m glad you found each other.” 
It shouldn’t have had that much meaning coming from his mom, but it wasn’t that they accepted it, as much as that they saw just how amazing Tommy was all on their own. 
“Me too. He’s the best thing to ever happen to me,” Buck said and for some reason he followed it up with, “I think I’m going to marry him one day.” 
Buck didn’t expect to see his mom wiping her eyes, or how she smiled at him with something like pride. Things might never be quite perfect between them, but there was something to be said for how they were trying. 
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captain039 · 2 months
In plain sight
Aemond x niece!reader
Warnings: AOB, swearing, HOTD things, targcest, incest uncle/niece, tension, angst, smut, sexual things, reader is Rhaenyra’s daughter (specified brown hair), plus size reader, fat shaming
Can I fix him? Probably not. I fucking love his actor Ewan omg he is a precious baby boy😭 Aemond can fucking die by dragon fire 👌🏻😂 but I will still write about him because I’m delulu
Your dragon: Another Daughter of Silver wing roughly the same size as Caraxes, looks like Syrax just different colour and size with a different shape head closer to Silverwing mix of grey body and white wings Name - Elea
Set around after Rhaenys’s death
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Being sent back to the red keep was daunting, your mothers story’s of her life in the keep didn’t seem this daunting with her fathers rule and her mother when she was alive. Nobody knows you here, if they did it’d be a shock nobody regards you as a Targaryen, they see you and think of a lowlife piglet as some have said. Despite your mothers proudness of you, despite her always wanting to say this is my first born show some damn respect or suffer dragon fire, you always dressed down, made handmaid dresses, common folk dresses and stood on the crowd or to the side line. When your mother would spot you she would try to beckon you over, you always told her you were too sick to go to the meetings, party’s, gatherings whatever was happening, but instead you’d been there as a servant hidden. When your mother would address it you’d shrug her off, more than once have you snapped at her accidentally before apologising and just saying it’s for the best. You’ve never ridden your dragon, to scared too even when she came out of the dragon pit and claimed you. It scared you that day when your mother was heading to go out on Syrax and another dragon appeared, much bigger than Syrax and the colours of the moon with silver eyes staring at you. She bent her neck to you while your mother beamed proudly urging you to go on. You didn’t, you apologised to the dragon in high Valyria, ordered it to go back to its den and bid your mother farewell. Your dragon Elea did not take kind to being told to go back to bed, you were out taking a walk when she swooped you, landed heavily in front of you and snorted angrily. How you ever explained to dragon that you cannot ride her was beyond you, it took three weeks before she gave in to your demands to reside where she lived and be merry on her own before she chose you. Now with everything that’s happened, your mother has been more persistent about you riding Elea, this war turning to the dragons to take down the Queen of them all, Vhagar and her prince rider. You couldn’t though, so you snuck off.
You weren’t here to reminisce though, or think about how you left your mother without telling her or Elea. You went to the red keep, managed to get past the guarded gate with the help of Mysaria and her whisperers and got a job as a maid in the castle right under their noses. You thought all was going well till you met eyes with the prince regent and his one good eye glinted. You were pouring drinks at the council, standing off to the side with a jug of wine in hand pretending not to listen. This is what you were good for, listening, gathering information, not riding dragons into war. You see the flick of fingers and walk to pour more wine into the princes cup. You hold your breath, too many times have you caught his scent and frozen from it. You glanced briefly to his face, first mistake, his nose flared, jaw clenching his one good eye staring at you. Another gift from your father no true light purple Targaryen eye colour. You quickly looked away and resumed your post. Nothing of importance in these meetings so far apart from the prince regent taking his mother off the council.
You were roaming the halls hoping to steal some secrets or whispered when someone called your name, your true name and not the servant name you made up. You pretended not listen knowing that voice too well till you were snatched into a thankful empty room, an angry alpha prince staring down at you.
“My prince!” You say surprised and bow your head.
“Drop the act little niece” his words are venom but you keep your eyes on the ground and shake your head.
“I am of no relation to the prince, apologies if I have deceived you in that way” you bend your knees in a curtsey keeping your eyes on the floor and your breath still. He says your name and you try not to flinch at the smoothness of it. Instead you take a small breath regretting it when his scent hits your nose. Two fingers go under your chin and you’re forced to look at him, you don’t know how he could recognise you, how anyone could, nobody knew you.
“My prince I am late for my duties” you say in hopes of deterring him. He holds your chin and tilts your head to the side slightly making you frown before he leans down. Hot breath fans against your neck and your body shudders.
“I could always sense you in the shadows” he mutters.
“Smell you close by but always hiding” he adds and you try to relax your body.
“Are you embarrassed of being a Targaryen?” He asks and your hand moves without warning. You grip his wrist and tug it from your chin his head lifting up. Your hand holds his wrist tightly like you want to snap it off and you struggle to breathe.
“I am the embarrassment” it slips from your lips. You stare harshly at his top buttons on his jacket, eyes narrow.
“So you admit you are who I say you are?” You can hear his smirk and realise you hadn’t let go of his wrist. Holding it between you both.
“Excuse me my prince” is all you manage before you’re holding your dress just above your feet and rushing down the halls to the servants quarters a burning in your chest.
Next part ->
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paperweight91 · 11 months
I was told by Krirebr to send you an ask with a CE character and a scenario (https://www.tumblr.com/krirebr/734440334834253824/do-it-send-chelsea-asks-itll-be-fuuunnnnnn?source=share). So:
Jake Jensen + "some creep is following me. Please act like you know me?"
Ahhh I looove this…
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So I almost went a completely different direction with this, but I restrained myself…
You stepped out of the high rise building excited to start your weekend. It was finally Friday, and you were going to make the most of your weekend. The only caveat? This feeling you had had all day. Like there was someone watching you.
You quickened your pace as you made your way to the nearest bus stop, which suddenly felt like miles away from your office. Maybe you should stay home instead of going out for drinks with the girls.
You looked over your should as you approached the stop, and that’s when you saw him. He was tall, with broad shoulders and legs that seemed to go on forever. You couldn’t make out much of his face from this distance, since he was wearing a ball cap and sunglasses, but you were sure he was familiar. And he was definitely following you, trying to be discreet, but your guy and your brain knew. This guy was following you.
Changing your mind last minute you decided to duck into a local coffee shop and order an Uber. That way at least this creep wouldn’t be able to follow you home.
As you got in line to order something, you bumped into the man in front of you, “Oh God, I’m so sorry.” It was then a though occurred to you. “Hey I need help, do you think you could do me a favour? I’ll buy you a coffee for you’re trouble.”
The man turned around and you got a good look at him, he was probably around the same height as your creep, but his face had this boyish quality about him that you immediately trusted. He gave you a bashful smile, “For a pretty girl like you, I think I can do that.”
Your face heated at his words. “Some creep is following me. Please act like you know me?”
His face momentarily looked shocked, before you could see his brain shift gears. “I got you.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his side. While inconspicuously looking towards the door for said creep.
The two of you made small talk as you waited in line to place your orders. You learned his name was Jake “but everyone calls me Jensen.” He worked in IT in the building next to yours, and you both played a ridiculous amount of Call of Duty. By the time the two of you got to the counter to place your order, you had almost completely forgot about your creep, until Jake nudged you and tilted his head back. After you paid you quickly checked and there he was your mystery creeper.
You both waited for your drinks, placed under Jake’s name fore safety, when he said something that caught you off guard, “I think I should at least take you home, to make sure this guy doesn’t follow you.”
You pause as you think about his request. It seems like the safest way to get home, and Jake seems like a nice guy. It wouldn’t be so bad - would it? You shake your head and laugh as you say, “Yeah you know what, you’re probably right.”
“Great! My cars just outside,” With the the grin that spreads across his face you know you’ve made a good decision and follow Jake out to his car. Your mind far away from the creep who was following you.
It’s only when you’re a few blocks away from your building that you realize…you never gave Jake your address.
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Welp…that kind of ended up where i had visions of it going…
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
I'm so sorry for coming back so quick with another ask, I just really liked the one you wrote for me! I really liked the head canons you put down and how you wrote the bishops apprehension around the reader.
This isn't exactly xreader eccentric, but you you do red crown follower!reader meeting the bishops again as followers?
I would love more reader making the bishops uncomfortable, having that the bishops tried everything in their power to destroy everything in relation to narinder, and besides lamb being proof that they failed, the reader is even bigger proof.
(red crown follower is just an easier way to call the ex narinder follower, now lamb follower that I requested last time)
Awh thanks! I'm glad you loved that fic!
He thought all followers of the Red Crown was eliminated..or at the very least chased out of the Old Faith.
He strongly recalls burning entire villages that had even the smallest tribute to Narinder, hoping his name and deeds would be forever lost to time.
Even when the final sacrifice failed, he thought destroying Lamb would be easy.
But he was wrong, and after being brought into the cult...he notices you again. Your voice alone fills him with nothing but dread.
You were the living proof--the bigger proof--that Narinder's legacy hadn't died.
"So we meet again, Leshy..the youngest and most reckless of your brethren." You tease. "You thought setting a torch to my home would stop me from following the might of the Red Crown? I have served it for ages, and you're a fool to think I'd ever convert to your blasphemy overnight."
"S-Silence, you!!" He hisses. "Our qualms were not with the Red Crown..but its bearer. HE was the blasphemous one! HE didn't deserve to wear it!! We tried having a civil discussion about his teachings...and look what he did to us...to me!"
"It's a pity that my lord took your eyes...but you all took his freedom." You scowl, yanking on one of his branched antlers. "There is no greater treachery than what you've committed that night."
Fortunately, you decide not to snap off any of his antlers that day..but he remains wary around you nevertheless.
He's always been so afraid of the Red Crown, probably because his abilities to cast both sickness and health would have been rendered useless if Narinder's resurrection doctrine was implemented.
You used that fear against him when he was brought into Lamb's cult.
"I-It's you!!" He shrieks, recognizing your garb as the type Narinder's followers used to wear.
You don't have to say much to get him to kneel at your feet, begging for forgiveness and trying to justify himself.
"P-Please understand..I didn't want to cast out the Red Crown! I told them it was bad idea-!!"
"Yet you did nothing to stop them from imprisoning Lord Narinder...and you delivered cholera unto my village when we refused to turn over our commandment stones." You scorn.
He gulps nervously, shocked you remembered that.
"I-I did..but they told me-"
"And you obeyed them like a cowardly dog. That makes you no better than them..you don't get a free pass just because you felt sorry and they didn't."
Your cold words are enough to make the squid weep as he clutches the hem of your robes, asking what he could do to redeem himself.
All you say to him is to cherish this new life Lamb has so generously given him.
For if the Red Crown was atop your head instead...it'd be a different story.
This frog might've had her throat taken, but she still had spiteful words for you in particular.
You were one of the followers she summoned in front of Lamb, vividly remembering how you didn't keel over when she sapped all the hunger from your body.
You stood tall and defiant--just like her heretic brother.
She's convinced that you caused Lamb's execution to fail, believing that because Narinder had at least one believer left, that gave him enough power to bring them into his realm.
After joining the cult, she only ever addresses you as "Narinder's Pet" (despite you reminding her that you're only loyal to the Red Crown..and he wasn't your master anymore).
She hates your guts, and doesn't just express that verbally.
When it's her turn to cook one day, she serves you a Deadly Dish.
And by "serve"...I mean she tackles you and shoves the red mush down your throat.
Your fellow followers are horrified, and are about to get Lamb....yet you swallow the food without even flinching, pushing her off and calmly standing up.
"If that's your attempt at assassinating me...then you need a new strategy, Lady Heket. In Narinder's cult, sometimes that vile concoction is all we have to eat. So I can stomach it."
"Huh.....freak..." She grunts.
But she's left you alone since then.
Knowing how much the spider cared for Narinder and how they gave him ideas...you were just a tad bit softer in their presence after they became indoctrinated.
They admired and respected the following he fostered, especially as you preached his name and became his messenger, although your one true master was the Red Crown itself.
It's no wonder why they couldn't foresee you ever becoming its vessel, no matter how far they looked into the future.
You can tell it genuinely pained them to imprison the sibling they adored most, and being the catalyst for his eventual undoing.
That doesn't mean you weren't bitter about it, though.
So when you saw them as a follower, you came off as cold, reminding them how they brainwashed three of Lamb's followers into attack them.
"You couldn't have possibly understood, [y/n].." They whisper, frowning. "It was the only way for Lamb to see what I saw...feel what I felt...hurt like I hurt when he betrayed us-"
"Those situations are in no way comparable." You huff. "He trusted you...and you backstabbed him and sent your acolytes to kill us and loot our homes. And for what? Because you were scared when he had an idea for the doctrines that you didn't like? You may have forgotten, but it was your teachings that inspired him. Inspired us."
"I have not forgotten..and I deeply regret it. The blame falls upon me, not my siblings."
You were surprised at how humble they were, but you accept their apology.
It seems their guilt was more effective than any words you could have spoken.
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magicalrocketships · 1 year
Hmmmm, remember those 1200 words of de-aged Max that I absolutely wasn't going to write any more of, and then I wrote 1000+ words of de-aged Daniel in the same verse but I was absolutely not going to write more?
Well, anyway, here are 1500 words of de-aged Max in the same universe:
A tiny Max Verstappen is a bit of a shock to the system.
There is none of the blunt confidence and fierce determination that Daniel had just assumed had always been there to some extent or other. Instead, baby Max shrinks away from him into the corner of the sofa and offers one word answers at best ("How old are you, Maxy-Max?" Seven. "What would you like to eat?" Shrug).
It is even worse when baby Max hands him a little creased card, obviously pulled from the pocket of a wallet, which says in grown up Max's careful handwriting, if you go small then Daniel will look after you, followed by Daniel's address and phone number. The phone's been crossed out and updated as Daniel's changed his number. On the other side is presumably the same message but in Dutch. Little Max blinks up at him and chews on his lip and offers him absolutely no explanation for why his grown up self never actually mentioned his Go Small plans out loud. Sure, Daniel's offered, and he doesn't mind, but that was years ago and an actual heads-up that he's the only name on the list might have been nice.
But Daniel smiles at baby Max even though he's not entirely sure what the fuck is going on. He puts the TV on and chooses the first suitable-for-kids thing he finds on Disney+ (Bluey, which may or may not be too young for Max, Daniel doesn't know, but it's fine for now) before going to root in the cupboards by the bathroom to see if he can find a dusty Go Small kit that he's pretty sure he never got rid of. He might have had his turn going small (from what he remembers of it, a pretty cool day hanging out in the paddock in Malaysia) but it's not unheard of to go small twice, and you never know when you might need it for someone else - case in point.
He comes back to find Max in the same position he left him in, drowning in clothes far too big for him and being far too quiet for Daniel's liking.
Getting Max out of his grown up clothes and into the Go Small kit is an exercise in frustration, because Max doesn't want to wear them and won't capitulate and at least he's just as stubborn as ever even if he's so shy and uncertain that Daniel just wants to bundle him up into a blanket and give him a hug, except Max very clearly does not want one.
If Max is still little in the morning then he'll have to figure out another outfit, but as it is, it's evening and time for small people to be in bed, but first— food. Daniel cycles through his fridge and then his freezer. Max's response to literally everything offered is a little shake of his head. In the end Daniel makes him a piece of toast and puts a smiley face on it in jam, sits it next to a bowl of cereal and a bottle of milk, and puts some sweets next to that.
Max eats some of the dry cereal, half of a piece of toast, and — without taking his eyes off Daniel, which is only slightly creepy — slides one of the sweets off the table and into his lap.
"Okay," Daniel says, with a smile. "That wasn't so hard, was it? You ready to go to bed now?" With any luck, in the morning, Max will be big again and then Daniel can have some words about preparation and likes and dislikes and planning. Then— "Tomato soup. You like tomato soup."
Max looks at him with bright eyes.
"Is that a yes?"
Max gives him a little nod.
"Perfect, great. That's what we'll get you tomorrow. Tomato soup. Lots of it."
Max follows him into his spare bedroom like a silent shadow.
This is fine. Daniel is fine. Max is fine. Everything is fine.
Daniel wakes up to someone moving around his apartment.
It takes him a moment to think: Max, and another moment to blink away sleep and realise it's still the middle of the night. He rubs at his eyes and goes to investigate, stumbling into his spare bedroom and finding the doona on the floor and the sheets missing from the bed.
He discovers baby Max by the washing machine, his sheets on the floor, an extremely tell-tale wet patch on the front of Max's shorts, and Max trying and failing to get the washing machine door open.
Max shrinks into the wall.
Daniel very, very deliberately drops his shoulders. "Hello, Maxy-Max," he says softly. Max's eyes are wet. "Did you have an accident?"
"I didn't mean to," Max says very quickly.
"I know," Daniel says. "It's okay. That's why they're called accidents. Shall we go get you cleaned up?"
Max glances at the washing machine and back up at Daniel. He chews on his lip. He's been crying.
"It doesn't matter," Daniel says. "It's okay. You're still a good boy."
Max shakes his head. Daniel decides to have an internal meltdown about this another day, and channels his best and most organised self instead.
"What's going to happen," Daniel says, "is we're going to go and give you a little bath, and then we're going to get you all clean and dry, then me and you can have a warm drink and a story, then we'll get you back into bed and back to sleep, okay?"
Max glances down at the wet sheets.
"And in the middle of that, I'm going to put new sheets on your bed, and in the morning I'll look after the laundry. Washing machines are for big Daniels and not for little Maxes."
Max looks up at him, blinking.
"That's right," Daniel says, and he holds out his hand. "Good boys like little Max don't have to worry about things like washing machines."
Max stares at Daniel's hand for the longest time before, finally, slipping his hand into Daniel's.
Okay, Daniel thinks, only semi-hysterically, this is fine.
Daniel doesn't have another Go Small kit lying about, so he picks one of his t-shirts for Max to wear like a nightie after his bath. Max perches on the chair in the spare bedroom with a cup of warm milk as Daniel surreptitiously Googles "how to clean up a wet bed" and, realising he doesn't have the baking soda the first three webpages recommend, settles for giving it a quick spray with some Febreze and covering the mattress with a fresh towel. Going small rarely lasts longer than 2-3 days, so at the end of it he can always just chuck the mattress and get a new one if he's fucked it up. Then he puts fresh sheets on the bed, gets Max settled under the covers, and tries to figure out what the fuck story Max is going to want to hear from his vast collection of zero.
He remembers— he remembers something about Max having a flag poster on his wall.
"Do you like flags, Max?"
Max's eyes light up.
He falls asleep curled into Daniel's side, half way through Daniel reading him a list of facts about the Australian flag from a kid's geography site. Then after gently removing himself from Max's side, Daniel goes back into his bedroom, stares hopelessly at his own bed for the longest moment, and then Googles Go Small specialists in the local area.
There's no real build up to going small. Nobody knows when it's going to happen to them, nobody knows what age they're going to be when it happens, or what season it's going to happen in. Which means there's a very lucrative business market in being able to provide 48 hours' worth of clothes, entertainment, and supplies at incredibly short notice. In somewhere like Monaco, where there are people with money to burn, they offer a 24 hour service.
Daniel orders a 48 hour kit, requests a bed-wetting supplies add-on, and books an at-home shoe fitting for first thing in the morning. He makes a special groceries request for cans of tomato soup. Even if Max is back to his normal age in the morning, Daniel can donate the supplies away. It'll help someone, even if it doesn't help Max.
He thinks about Max's small, tentative hand in his, his silent shadow, and the way his eyes lit up at Daniel offering him flag facts. Daniel reaches for his phone again, and special orders a kids' book about flags for delivery in the morning.
With half an ear and eye open in case Max wakes up again, he tries to go the fuck to sleep.
In the morning, when he wakes up, Max is still seven and Daniel is still way, way out of his depth.
Thank you to Lena @stolemyhheart and Em @powerful-owl for reading this over!
There is now more of this posted here.
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logically-asexual · 11 months
okay consider this.
an alternate version of the same situation of the paris special. betterfly is fighting monarch in gabriel’s house in our normal universe with ladybug and cat noir with him.
he attempts to improve their odds by sending a kamiko to one of the heroes to enhance their powers, but their emotions aren’t strong enough and the kamiko just escapes and goes to nathalie who is in her room literally on the other side of the wall.
her emotions then were so strong and so close that they like.. pulled the butterfly toward her. nathalie had just come back an hour ago from the train and is only beginning to process the fact that gabriel lost his opportunity with the time miraculous. she’s feeling like a hundred things at once, but mostly anger and despair.
it’s still not quite an akumatization because even though nathalie’s emotions were negative, she’s not becoming evil. instead she’s just in a super confused state of being overwhelmed with her enhanced emotions but frozen because betterfly isn’t giving her a magical ability because he’s just as confused as her.
maybe he’s never made a connection with a negative emotion before or maybe he has but it was at some point in his dark past before he lost emilie and chose to become a hero. either way it shocks him. even more so when he recognizes nathalie behind it.
in his world he knows nathalie but she distanced herself from him also during his bad-decisions phase and he knows that the woman did feel a lot but was good at hiding it, and he had only been able to witness her showing any frustration or excitement very few times long ago.
in the meantime nathalie gets over the paralysis and is just hurting because the weight of all these feelings now has been made worse and they’re desperate for betterfly to give them a magical power and a mission to be their outlet, but none of those come. and she thinks (and says into the connection with who she thinks is monarch) what the FUCK gabriel how dare you.
ladybug and cat noir are still in battle with monarch while betterfly has just been standing there one the side. “nathalie” he whispers,, mostly to himself?
and she’s crying and pulling out her hair and she goes “why would you do this to me?”
something happens in the fight that forces betterfly up from his trance (he has to avoid a piece of furniture or something about to crush him) and he blinks for a second before breaking the connection and calling the butterfly back.
and then?? i don’t know? shadybug and claw noir show up and with their help monarch manages to escape? ladybug and cat noir run after them but betterfly stays behind? or maybe he does go with them and they get the whole shadybug and claw noir redemption thing sorted out and then he comes back? i don’t know the point is later everyone is gone and betterfly decides to go seek nathalie.
he knocks on the bedroom door but she doesn’t answer so he just comes in and finds her curled up on the bed crying. he says her name and without looking up she tells him to get lost. and she addresses him by gabriel again so he asks how does she know who he is. which confuses nathalie enough to look up at him and she jumps back when she sees that’s not gabriel. or at least not the one she expected to see. she only sees a stranger because of the magical disguise.
this is getting long i’m going to pause before tumblr crashes on me
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madmaxified · 6 months
dc super hero girls ( 2019 ) swap au because I have no self control. it’s essentially just a role swap of the villain group and the hero’s ( and batman with the joker, mostly for narrative )
the hero ( formerly villain ) group themselves are INCREDIBLY unorthodox, mostly because none of them other than harleen and selina ever wanted to do something for other people before, they were mostly using their powers for selfish reasons ( not evil ones, just for personal gain ) so even though they’re all learning to be better people they’re not super well liked by the general public because of their destructive and frankly dangerous methods ( mostly adults hate them, other teenagers think they’re the coolest ) they’re referred to as vigilantes more rather than actual heroes
harleen swaps with babs, she still retains her canon personality she’s less apathetic, and genuinely cares deeply for a lot of her friends. she still loves playing pranks and practical jokes, but she’s less rowdy and rambunctious in the beginning, especially when she meets new people, mostly because she’s now really worried about making a good impression and not getting into too much trouble. rather than her dad taking a new job in metropolis, harleen got expelled from gotham high for playing a big prank ( it’s a running gag that no one but babs knows what it was ) and her dad was so pissed that she got kicked out of the only high school in gotham that he kicked her out. she lied about her address to her address to get into metropolis high, and she’s really trying her best to do well in school, and like diana was in canon, she was kinda just homeless for a bit. since the joker is a superhero in this universe, harley quinn ( a superhero name the others poke fun at sometimes because of how obvious it is ) is a crime fighting vigilante
selina swaps with diana, she isn’t an amazonian or anything ( that’s still diana ) but instead she’s more of a robin hood type character pre canon. she’d steal from banks or take valuables and sell them on the black market and give the money to people and families who need it, which isn’t an amazing tactic, but her intentions were good. she didn’t have any real interest or intention in starting a superhero group or actually fighting any crime before harleen brings up the idea, but she has been keeping a close eye on a couple girls ( pam, leslie, doris, carol ) at school that she thinks might have superpowers. once the group is formed she is the leader, mostly because she has the most battle iq / experience. like diana, she is the one leading the main training in the beginning, and though she’s the elected ‘leader’ she’s not really the mom of the group. she does care deeply about her team though, and she does try her best to keep them safe. she’s the least destructive member of the team because of how practiced she is at sneaking in and out of places without getting caught but she’s one of the most disliked because of catwoman’s already existing presence pre show, her intentions were good, but robbing banks is bad
the rest of the girls are less obvious swaps, it’s mostly just the villains are now heroes and the heroes are now villains
leslie is the more tech savvy one ( like karen ) she’s actually super smart which comes as shock to people based on her punk looks ( she hates when people say she doesn’t look like she’d enjoy math or science ) she’s not a bully anymore, instead, like kara she’s more sarcastic and just pokes fun at people, though it she takes it too far with people she cares about she’s very quick to apologize. she’s the one who is put under ra’s’ spell ( she’s still super punk guys OF COURSE she loved the league of shadows ) and her lighting gets all red and stuff and she looks super cool. she’s actually part of school newspaper, since she’s nicer, she doesn’t run a gossip column ( though she’s constantly BEGGING lois to let her start one ) she’s instead a field reporter, who always manages her to somehow get the inside scoop and really good pictures ( she’s hiding out the in tech guys ) also her and doris are one hundred percent going out
doris is more the mom of the group, she’s no longer a bully and instead uses her strength to defend people she cares about / beat the shit out of people she doesn’t like, she gets in trouble a lot because she’s constantly beating up kids at school who make fun of pam. her and pam are really close because their parents are both scientists and they grew up hanging out at labs together. both of them were experimented on by their parents, and have been aware of eachothers powers for a while. she’s super over protective of the others in the group, mostly pam ( because they’re basically sisters ) leslie ( cause they’re going out ) and harleen ( because harleen’s always putting herself into harms way ) she’s quite literally the type to just grab her friends and walk away with them tucked under her arms if she feels that something isn’t safe, despite their protesting. she’s the world’s biggest man hater ever, she gets pissed off so much if a guy says something misogynistic to her or her friends, her powers act ho so much it’s not even funny
carol is still the overemotional one of the group, though it’s mostly because her ring is more connected to strong emotions rather than love, but because she still not super sure how to control her ring yet ( none of the others really know what to do either so they’re all just trying their best ) so whenever her friends, or anyone else around her frankly, are feeling something really strong it effects her pretty deeply. she’s not obsessed with hal, though they are still exes, but him being a shitty boyfriend is one of the reasons she became so intune with her ring in the first place. she’s like the opposite of a therapist friend, in the sense of she’s a friend constantly trying to give therapy but also needs it more than anything. her and thaal are the definition of ‘twink and in denial lesbian’ friendship ( and she totally doesn’t dump to him about how hot she thinks lois lane is, even if she is trying to uncover the identities, they’re essentially this aus barry and babs ) she’s still a hopeless romantic, and is constantly gushing to the others about her ‘dream’ guy ( and theyr all like ‘carol you dumb lesbian my god!’ )
pam is basically the same, other than the fact that she’s less inclined to use her powers, mostly because she’s scared to. she really only goes into poison ivy form when she desperately needs to photosynthesize and when she’s either completely alone or with doris. her parents exterminated on her when she was little, and because of that fact that they literally turned her into a walking plant she’s completely incapable of eating plants ( people just think she has a weird medical condition ) though she’s still anti social, she does quite enjoy the company of a select few people. when she does finally agree to join the others in becoming a super hero, she really only does it / participates in certain crimes to try and help the environment. it isn’t until she and harley come face to face with batgirl that she finally starts using her powers to actually fight. she’s also less anti social, she still doesn’t have many friends, but it’s mostly because she’s shy and not because she doesn’t want them ( her and karen have basically swapped personalities ) she’s very much the sweetest member of the group ( leslie, doris and her are literally simon, alvin and theodore )
diana is a lot more like her aunt antiope, she spent a lot more time with her as a child and so she’s a lot more reckless and carefree. she doesn’t really care that much about her teammates, and to her they’re really just pawns she uses to achieve her goals and help her have a good time. she’s still new to metropolis, having just arrived at the time of the first episode, but rather than wanting to protect the world of man, she instead just wants to cause problems, have fun and possibly grow rich. antiope sent her the the human world willingly, because in this universe she’s the older sister and is the queen of the amazonians, rather than diana’s mom. she’s less academic and way more sporty, a trait she’s picked up from her aunt since she never really had to study when she was younger. diana is incredibly manipulative in this au, almost every member of her group was manipulated into joining by her, and it continues as long as they remain part of the group
( bonus : the episode #thewarriorandthejester plays out basically the same, including diana figuring out harleen is harley quinn. during nightmare in gotham diana is present, and when harley’s tied up on the roof she reveals to babs that harleen is harley )
babs’ dad is still commissioner gordon, but she instead idolizes batman, and since batman’s a bad guy in this universe, so is babs ( she’s just extra careful about keeping her identity a secret ) like in canon, babs is extremely hyperactive, but in this universe it’s a lot more unchecked. since harleen forced herself to learn how to tone down and not always draw attention to herself in fear of getting kicked out again, her babs’ energy doesn’t match eachother’s as well as it used to. babs lacks a filter, so she’ll often just say what she doesn’t like about someone to their face, which is one of the reasons harleen’s new friends don’t like her as much. batgirl is a lot meaner in this universe, she’s rude, and blatantly makes fun of people, particularly harley ( cough … the reason pam gets so worked up and uses her powers in a fighting sense … cough ) while out of the costume harleen still is the more overprotective one ( she still would willingly kill for babs ) babs is the one who often goes to extreme measures to make sure the other is happy 
zee is somewhat of an accidental villain, she used dark magic one time on accident ( she caused the gremlins to spew out of ace of spades a lot earlier on ) and diana, who witnessed this, pressured her into jointing her villain group, claiming it would help her ‘learn to control her dark magic better’ ( spoiler alert, it doesn’t ) while zee enjoys the freedom and publicity being a villain brings her, she really doesn’t enjoy using her dark magic, because she has no idea how to control it, she avoids using it most of time, because when she does use it, things get chaotic and very out of hand. she’s still the most popular girl in school out of costume, but she’s a lot less nice ( she’s stereotypical mean girl core and I’m sorry ) she’s a lot less open and kind as she is in canon, even to her friends, she’s a total asshole to everyone but especially to her friends 
karen is a little wet rat in this universe, she was tired of being called small and weak and being picked on, so she built the bumblebee suit with the intention of getting revenge, but even with the broken growth tech diana still recruited her to her team, karen being the only one she didn’t have to manipulate in some way. she used to be incredibly shy, and while she’s still anti social ( her and pam have kind of swapped personalities ) she’s just rude now, and thats why she doesn’t have many friends. she’s a little wet rat and will a hundred percent bite you. she’s still constantly fix her growth tech, but she also refuses to let any of her team mates help her. basically all of them besides diana and maybe jessica like hate her because she’s so rude to them all of time and never follows any of their plans and just does her own thing half the time, but diana won’t listen to them when the tell her to kick karen off the team
jessica doesn’t want to be a villain, she definitely doesn’t enjoy it, like zee and literally every but karen, she was manipulated by diana to joining the team. like pam in canon, most of her motives for doing literally anything villain related is when she sees or hears about social injustices that she wants to fix. she does believe in fighting in this universe, she doesn’t love it, but she thinks that the only way to deal with social injustices is to use violence to punish people. in this universe, her fears of not being good enough for the green lantern core got the best of her and she ran off, quitting and instead taking up a yellow ring ( thaal still has his green ring in this au ) she’s a lot less of a social butterfly, she still uses school as a place to voice abut problems around metropolis, but because she’s a lot more self conscious the negative response get to her a lot more. she’s no longer like “I don’t know the meaning of the words leave it alone” and more just “oh … okay I’ll stop 😞” she’s still one who tries befriend pam, and they’re still adorable and probably dating. she also needs a hug asap
kara became a villain because she was really jealous of super man ( he’s still a hero in this universe ) and diana used that against her. she started out trying to be a hero but literally no one cared and they all called her destructive so diana was like “become a villain and then you can beat up your cousin mwa ha ha” and she was like “that sounds dope I’m in” when zod shows up, she still helps defeat him, because she still wants to be a hero deep down, she wants to help people, but diana won’t let any of them leave her villain group. she does try to help people whenever she thinks diana isn’t looking, and she always tries desperately not to hurt people when they’re pulling off heights or schemes. she’s still destructive and thinks punching things is a solution to everything mostly because diana tells her that it’s a great idea to do that, and so she’s never really learned any other way to deal with problems
lena and lex swap, so he’s the little rat child and she’s the super genius billionaire asshole. people don’t love lena as much as they do lex in canon mostly because she’s still a bit of a brat. she’s still beloved and held to a super high regard but people are also like “she’s also super fucking weird and is like a rat” she also has a keytar because fuck it ricky owens reference. so when she’s fighting with the girls instead of some weird dance she’s like putting on a little concert for them. most of her robots that need to be manually controlled have a piano as the control piano, so when lex is fighting the girls in the beginning he’s just slamming his hands on random keys and hoping it works 
barbi still starts out a villain, she’s jealous that harleen became captain of the gymnastics team and was like “magic is the only solution fuck it” her and selina are exes but it’s so obvious they have not gotten over eachother at all ( “why’d she break up with you selina?” “it was over something stupid - I stole from her” “that’s a really good reason to dump you” ) cheetah is still a villain until around after the girls fight when lena because she was captured and then like immediately let her out and selina like was begging her to be a good guy with them, she late becomes an honorary member of the team. while she was captured she was in the tube next to selina and the whole time selina was like “barbi I’m sorry please take me back 😭”
the joker and batman swap so babs is the one who idolizes a villain and harleen idolizes a hero. the hive five also swap with the teen titans
dexter is literally the same except selina is the one who works at the animal shelter and is the one who adopts him
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s1llyalabaster · 3 months
ignore how im a hsr blog for ONE SECOND I HAVE DANGANRONPA THOUGHTS
imagine if the danganronpa games worked like the squid game where they get invitations to participate in the killing game??? MAJOR SPOILERS!!!!! FOR DRV3!!!!!
in drthh it was mentioned that talents get scouted to the school so this could be weird BUT i wanna focus on drv3 (mainly beacause ive been playing it recently instead of hsr)
so the dr team wants to find someone to write the script , they find tsumugi at an anime convention and go "hey, you're a cosplayer, right? wanna take part in producing dr?" and thats how she gets dumped into the killing game
(fictional world UTC)
and after kaede's piano competition, she finds a little invitation note slipped under the trophy she had just won.
and when shuichi steps out of the tapes blocking the crime scene him and his uncle was investigating , his foot sticks to not only a lingering piece of tape, but an invitation letter.
and when ryoma's lunch gets carelessly tossed into the cell, he shoves the food down before finding a note to "escape" to a place far worse than prison.
and when kirumi's client, almost fearfully , hands her a letter, then uncharacteristically slamming the door to his ministerial office shut with all his trembling hands' might.
and when angie bends down after dropping her paintbrush, both her and atua are shocked to find that an invitation to the killing game had been pinned to the canvas.
and when tenko slams another "degenerate male" to the ground for robbing a girl. she couldn't resist taking a peek at the invitation slip that fell out of his back pocket, and was undoubtedly surprised when she found her named addressed on the letter.
and when korekiyo presses one final kiss to his dying sister's lips, he looks at her bedside table to find nothing but one delicately wrapped letter, with paper and ink to his liking. this was bound to be interesting.
and when miu was inventing yet another one of her wacky creations, she pulled off her protective eyegoggles to find said machine uncontrlollably spewing out uncountable amounts of letters, almost harry potter-esque.
and when gonta caresses one of his tens of hundreds of bugs in a glass case (with breathing holes, of course), a paper butterfly lands on his broad shoulder and "open says me", an invitation.
and when kokichi and his "gang" are running away from overworked convenience store cashiers over stolen candy, he trips over a piece of candy, the wrapper unfolding itself to reveal an invitation.
and when kaito forges another document to hand in to some space-related organisation, he finds a slip of paper that stuck out from the pile . Man, I guess he thinks he's going to space.
and when keebo first opened his eyes to see the world that humans reigned over, coordinates and words flashed before his eyes, he knew where he was going to be.
for rantaro, if he was the ultimate adventurer, then after he'd landed from another 18-hour-long flight, a flight attendant would sneakily pass a letter to him, looking as if he was at gunpoint.
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mechaknight-98 · 10 months
Gathering Rhystic Study
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Author's Note: End of part One for Gathering hope y'all enjoy
After retrieving Astrid going to sleep the next day was weird. everyone was avoiding me… well to the best of their ability since I was so integral to everything working for the event. The most annoying thing to come out of this was Dexter and Connor were also not talking to me about Carla. that was worrying because I needed to keep an eye on her in case things got bad. when I couldn't…Well, let's not think about it. So instead of thinking about the weird way I was being treated by everyone I just focused on my work. For the most part, I did swimingly I was able to stop 3 stalkers and a few other unsavory folks but I was also able to garner a more wholesome interaction. you see during one of the breaks a small little girl broke through the lines of people and ran to Yujin and Karina who were right next to each other at the time. she was not intending harm, or trying to be obnoxious (hopefully, but come on she was five at the most… She approached the girls and both hearts melted when they saw her. I approached to make sure no one was going to hurt the girl and let her talk to the two idols.
" Wow, you guys are so pretty! Are you princesses?" the girl asked
Karina and Yujin smiled and nodded as they bent down to get to eye level with the girl.
"Oh, I knew it. is he (the girl points at me.) your knight?" the girl asked
I was caught off guard by the hesitation of Karina and Yujin until Karina shook her head and talked to the girl. "Yeah, he is our knight." "Our strongest and kindest one," Yujin added. I smiled at their words before leading the little girl to her mom.
on the way, she said to me, "You know I hope you and the short-haired princess become a couple. You two would be so cute together." I laugh and say to the little girl
"I don't know but we'll see how it plays out." the small girl giggles as she runs back to her mom.
I walk back to the girls who look at me with guilty looks.
"What's wrong?" I ask
"We need to talk," Yujin says
this talking they needed to do translated to after filming dragging me to a small restaurant where they could begin their assault. (it wasn't actually a verbal assault it was more like they were both asking rapid-fire questions that would bounce off of each other
"We found out you work for BRIPE." Karina started
"We got scared and worried you were going to hurt us, but we should have talked to you." Yujin laments
"Yeah especially after that little interaction with that little werewolf girl we realized we should have talked to you about it instead of becoming standoffish and icy." Karina finishes
I rub my temples taking in everything that was just said to me. I hold my tongue as I try to find the right response before eventually caving and saying, "Well why did neither of you ask me or tell me what was going on?"
"Well BRIPE agents aren't known for their kindness," Yujin said meekly.
I couldn't argue with that so I changed tactics and asked another question. " So what changed y'all's mind?"
"Your kindness with that little werewolf girl."
"Well yeah, why would hurt a little girl I only hurt people who hurt me or hurt people I care about."
Karina laughs at that before they both say, "So how did you get wrapped up with BRIPE?"
"A vampire was feeding off my friends and I addressed it." I said plainly, "The BRIPE saw that and was both impressed and terrified." The two girls stared at me with surprise and shock.
"What type of vampire?" Karina asked
"It was an Empusa named Maya," I answered. The girls' eyes widened.
"You "addressed" an Elder Vampire?"Karina says in shock
"I guess. is that special?" I ask.
"Yes! Very. You are the first Human I have heard of to do so." Karina questions
"Well, I am not technically human but psionic," I explain
"Yeah but still not many even of your kind could take on an Elder Vampire especially one as old as her." Karina continues
"I mean I guess she has been the least of my worries, to be honest." I clarify
"Wait what?" Yujin interjects
"I have fought demons, Cryptids, Werepeople, Titans, Giants, and other things," I answer
"How have you managed this long." Karina interrogates
"I am really good with my powers," I respond
"Which are?" Yujin inquires
"Do y'all really want to know?" I ask
"Yes! We have been seeing and hearing you skirt around them so tell us." Karina exclaimed
Or show us." Yujin added with a mischievous smile.
I consider then relent "Fine but once I show you there's no going back."
"Wait why?" Karina asks
"It will be made clear as soon as I show you," I answer.
"Yeah" was Yujin's response. I pay for the meal and we head back to the hotel, on the way Wonyoung, Gaeul, and Winter see me with Karina and Yujin and decide to intervene.
"Hey, Unnie where are you going?" Winter asks
"Oh, Tj's is just going to show us his psionic powers," Yujin says with a bright smile
I facepalm while hearing the gasps escaping the group's mouth.
"What?" Yujin asks seeing the shock on all of her friends' faces
"So you're going with him to see his powers. Girls, can't you see he's going to kill you?" Gaeul interjects
"Um no I am not going to be killing anyone. That is not how I do things…well not in this context." Wonyoung stepped to me and eyed me. there was this weird tension that made me uncomfortable but also Wonyoung is extremely pretty and cute up close so my stoic expression broke and I said to her, "Oh my gosh you're even prettier up close. not more so the Yujin but jeez girl you are stunning…actually all of you are." I say unable to stop rambling. the girls begin to giggle as I try and fail to regain my composure. "One last warning though. If I go through this I will be putting you all in significant danger." I explained
Yujin looked at me confused and asked, "What do you mean by putting us in danger."
"My power is a Psionic with a capital P; meaning the more who know about it or are exposed to the stronger it becomes. This is because it feeds and amplifies on the residual psionic energy around it, but it can only do so when others know about it."
"That's weird, but wait why don't Dexter's and Connor's powers work like that?" Winter asked
"I don't know, but the best guess for me would be their powers are less connected and have done fewer "alterations" to them as individuals."
"What?" the girls all asked. I groaned and merely told them to follow me.
We arrived at the tennis room, and on the way more came to follow, (those more included Rei, Giselle, Chaewon, Siyeon, Sakura, Yunjin, and I think the rest of Izone minus Eunbi.)
As I went to open the door it opened by Dexter on the other side. I looked at him and saw the anger in his eyes.
I tried to diffuse the situation but before I could say anything he grabbed me and threw me into the tennis court. He brought out his spear and said, "You're the reason all my friends are dead." I looked at him confused which only fueled his anger further. "Desmond Algeirs, Jonah McDonald, Cameron Boone, Isabela Sumatra. All dead because of you in action" Dexter pointed his spear at me and a psionic bolt of energy arced towards me. it landed straight at my chest knocking the wind out of me. As I recovered he came barrelling towards me with more anger. "Maybe this will jog your memory," he said as he slammed my head into the ground. he brought me back up only to kick my face and shoot another bolt flying at me. Using that small window to recover I got up to my feet. I took a moment to fix my gaze which was blurry on him.
"I just want you to know that you chose this fight, and I am going to try to finish it with the least amount of damage to you but I make no promises you won't die," I said before digging into my face and tearing at the flesh. Once the pain threshold was reached my abilities kicked in. An intense aurora began to fluctuate around me. the atmosphere became charged with energy as my power began to work. Dexter realizing the threat attacked however this bolt was met by something he couldn't consider. his bolt was deflected by the first construct. Ancient dragon Dawnbreaker. the brachiasaurus-like creature lifted its long neck deflecting the bold which allowed the artillery housed on him to fire several zip mini rockets at Dexter. who watched in awe and terror. My gun turned into a staff inspired by Dawn Breaker. I ran to Dexter and launched him in the air before saying stampede, and Dawnbreaker released a full salvo of all its artillery. As he fell to the ground Dawnbreaker switched to Hammer Point the Pachycephalosaurus-inspired Ancient dragon which changed my staff to large gauntlets. when Dexter was within reach I returned the favor and began slamming him to the ground and pummeling him, but not for long as Yujin interceded for Dexter. by interposing herself in between him and I
"Tj that's enough." She said. my clenched fists opened, and I realized I had quite the crowd. their looks were all painted with terror. I breathed in and out for a moment. before relenting as I counted to ten. I lifted my hands and my weapon went back to its normal from a gun attached to my back. I backed off to the surprise of my audience. I left opposite the way I came because I'd rather not deal with explaining what just happened. It would have worked if I was not being followed by a rather persistent puppy. Yujin followed me asking repeatedly
"Tj what was that? Where did that come from? how long have you been able to do that? Why did you use it against Dexter? Why was Dexter mad at you?" I didn't really have good answers for any of this so I didn't answer
I pinched the bridge of my nose as I tried to figure out the easiest way to explain my powers. Yujin still stood in front of me as I tried to come up with something that didn’t sound ridiculous. Eventually, I decided on the most simple answer
“My power makes constructs.”
Yujin nodded, still harboring more questions, but I wasn't in the right frame of mind to answer them. Deciding to approach the situation differently, I gathered from her ramblings and said, "Let's play a game of Commander, and I'll tell you everything." Yujin looked at me skeptically until I added, "My powers are still active, and I can feel them burning my skin, so I need somewhere else to send this excess psionic energy. Let's play a game."
Relieved, Yujin's face eased, and she responded, "Okay, but I choose what you play." I nodded, and, of course, she picked Ellie and Alan. Resigned, we stopped by her room for her deck, then went to mine to start. As we sat down, my stomach rumbled, leading us to order Chinese food. Yujin joined in suggesting entrees, and we were ready to begin.
"Take this game seriously or else I will demolish you," I warned.
"You don't have it within you," Yujin chided.
"You never know," I cheekily responded. As we began, Yujin asked the opener I was expecting.
"So why Robot Dinosaurs?" Yujin inquired as she played lands and two Moxen: Chrome (pitching Abrupt Decay) and Amber.
"Well, every psion's powers are a reflection of them, and I really love dinosaurs and robots, especially combined," I explained as I played Savannah, Mana Crypt, and an Arcane Signet, finishing up with an Esper Sentinel. I passed to Yujin, who drew and "Nature's Claimed" my Esper Sentinel without paying the one. I drew a card, and she played another land, then a Birds of Paradise, passing back to me.
"That makes a lot of sense, but I feel like you are more than just Mecha Dinos as a person," Yujin proposed.
"The dinosaurs are a physical representation of the power itself. In reality, the power is just raw psionic energy focused on something. That's why I named that portion 'Unblinking Eye,'" I explained as I played Jeweled Lotus, Commander, a land, and a Mystic Remora to finish the turn.
Yujin nodded and played her commander after playing a land, then a Sylvan Library. She asked, "Okay, that kind of makes sense, but what about that thing about telling people about your power makes it stronger?" before passing.
I pondered my next move. "Well, as I mentioned earlier, it feeds on psionic energy, especially ambient energy, and revealing it to 12 people made it exponentially stronger than it was before. I call that portion 'Unsatiated Maw' because it's constantly feeding and increasing in power." After explaining, I paid for the Remora, discovering a Mox Tantalite from my commander.
"Oh, I like that," Yujin purred.
"The explanation?"
"No, that play. That's super cool, and I didn't even consider that when I gave you the card. How did you know it would do that?" Yujin asked wide-eyed.
"I have played a lot of Cascade, which works extremely similarly to Explore," I responded. Yujin's eyes lit up with glee, then refocused.
"So why was Dexter so mad at you?" Yujin asked before attacking her commander. I killed it in response because I didn't have a way of dealing with flyers right now, so Swords to Plowshares was the answer for me. I had discarded my two big creatures the turn earlier.
"I don't know," I responded.
"TJ, I know you have some idea," Yujin asserted, annoyed.
"Well, if I were to assume, Mrs. Radames pointed out how I work with BRIPE and how it left him and Connor at the mercy of Astrid's siblings. If she was really smart, she also probably went with the 'he only cares about himself' angle, which isn't true."
As I played my next land for turn, Honored Hierarch, and paid for the Remora, Yujin asked why I didn't deal with Mrs. Radames or talk to them about it.
"Well, it's simple; they wouldn't have listened," I responded as I watched Yujin play a sac outlet, then Korvold, Fae-Cursed King. She sacked the Mox Amber.
"Why do you believe that?" Yujin asked as I played Mesmeric Orb and Chakram Retriever.
"Because good equals naive or dumb to them, Astrid, etc. So I play evil so they listen, but they only hate me instead." After I finished explaining, I demonstrated a semi-loop with my commander and Chakram Retriever, discovering my deck and milling until I hit Thassa's Oracle and Laboratory Maniac. Yujin smiled and said in response, "Well then stop playing evil and let your true colors fly because this (she gestured to the table and around) is definitely something and someone who must be respected. I want them to see you how I see you.”
"Oh, and how is that?" I asked.
"Nope, too early to say, but I am curious, though, about these lines that appeared on my skin after your powers were revealed."
"Oh, those are just the aura lines; it's basically how the residual spiritual and psionic energy moves through your body," I explained. Yujin nodded, then asked, "So why can I see them now?"
"Because my power lets you. It's a fair trade; you gain more power, in this case, Unblinking Eye of the Overlord, and my power gets stronger."
"But what if I don't want your attention or power?" Yujin teased. I laughed and said, "I did warn you numerous times along with Karina and everyone else."
As if on cue the door opened. In came Connor, Dexter, Eunbi, and Yunjin. Eunbi brings Dexter to me his black eye very apparent right now.
“Honey, do you have something to say to TJ?”
“I am sorry for attacking you and causing a scene. I didn’t know that you weren’t working with BRIPE until last year. So you wouldn’t have been able to help me or Connor with our outbreaks.”
It was hard not to laugh at Eunbi and Dexter’s interaction because the absurdity of the situation was absolutely hilarious to me fortunately I was saved by a call from Astrid.
“Yo, what’s up?” I say
“Oh thank god. Then, you’re safe. Zombies are everywhere. We are in a bunker where are you?”
I groaned for a moment then said, “In my hotel room…do we need to regroup because I can have everyone in LA within the hour.”
“Oh god yes, that would be so great. I’ll find out where everybody else is and text you their locations… bye.”
“Wait, Astrid.” I try to say before the phone clicks off. I stand silent for a moment then I turn to my friends.
“I need to go to the restroom really quick. Be back in a flash.”
I go in close the restroom and just yell all my frustrations. I resisted the temptation to absolutely destroy the room only barely because I was in a person’s place of business even if it was in the middle of another outbreak. I walk out and say to Connor and Dexter, “Hey so quick question. How did you handle the Mrs. Radames situation?”
“We let her go because…” Connor started but I stopped him
“Stop right there because nothing else you say will make sense to me. Don’t worry I’ll handle it.
After clearing most of the city of undead I head to the place where I knew Mrs Radames would be. I get to the trifle warehouse and it opens on its own. I walk into the building. Unfazed by the various monsters and test tubes I walk to where I assumed Mrs. Radames would be. She looks at me with a curious gaze.
“You come to my lair alone…”
Before she could really start monologuing I said “No stop. I don’t want a lecture about power and strength. all I came to do is ask politely that you delay your outbreak so me and my friends could film our little video and we go home in peace” Mrs Radames sat back in her chair confused by my statement. “Look I know this is probably not the response you were expecting but look please just leave and my friends out of this grand scheme you have.”
“And why should I?”
“I will have to kill you otherwise and I really don’t want to fight, for or about things I don’t really need to fight for.”
“Why should I believe you? Why should I trust you not to call BSSA and demolish all I’ve been plotting for the last few years?”
“Because I only care about the people I care about whatever nobodies you want to have beef with that's fine with me. If you want to hurt others I can’t really stop you but when you come after the people I care about I have to stop you. if I wanted to I could have just killed you when you revealed yourself and skipped this whole talk; like I usually do, but I figured everything you had in motion was going to happen with or without you so I didn’t. I’m just giving you a chance to keep it in check until my job is done.”
Mrs Radames stared at me with malicious curiosity,
“You aren't giving the response I thought you would," she said
"Well If I dealt with every situation that made me uncomfortable like it was the end of the world I would never be able to accomplish anything. Besides I can't afford to appear shaken or falter because the people who support me and are behind me need me," I reply calmly. Mrs Radames looks back at me surprised
"How are you not taking this seriously?" Mrs. Radames asked
"I am, you're just not a threat," I said
"Oh really? Why is that," Mrs. Radames asked
"you never stood a chance against me nor did you do your research on me. For that it's going to cost your life," I replied before getting into a fighting stance.
"You are certainly the most confident, vibrant, unique adversary I have faced," Mrs. Radames said
I looked at her and with a calm look responded, "I will also be your last."
"You sure about that," Mrs Radames asked.
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