#bunny at the vet
callmecastiel · 1 month
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Back at the vet clinic. Poor guy has a UTI. Doctors are going to put him on a trial run of antibiotics and if it doesn't work we'll get him in for an ultrasound to see what's going on.
Snickers is NOT happy either way.
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wolfchanw · 5 months
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Looking like cats! Three weeks old tomorrow!
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ciabotus · 3 months
Ciabatta gave us a gi statis scare yesterday but it turns out she was angry her cilantro wasn't organic for the first time in her life. She also refused to drink water until I hand fed her floral water in a glass
She's happy as clam now
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cyberhare · 1 month
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If anyone has the means to do so, please help put my friend and her rabbit, Winnie! She takes the BEST care of her and could use some support 💗. If you can't donate, sharing would be amazing so we can get the word out! Thank you so much in advance 🐇
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spindle-and-nima · 2 months
I'm sure we didn't expect a guest bunny so soon. But let me introduce you to bunbun
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This brave and very tiny girl belongs to my friend who noticed strange bloating on her rabbit. One intense surgery to remove a uterus full of pus later and this brave old lady survived. I will be caring for her post op care so she's gonna be with me for a while!
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She's day two post op, wobby as hell from the anesthesia and pain meds, and yet still mischievous enough to plot her grand escape (before swiftly falling asleep by the door)
Brave BunBun is not out of the water yet and I'm waiting on tissue culture and bacterial culture results to see what the hell in the world did her uterus like that but for now, I'm glad she made it and we didn't have to put her down without giving her a chance to live.
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bunnies-and-sunshine · 3 months
Amos and Naomi's first vet visit!
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Amos and Naomi (and Mr. Giraffe) waiting for the vet to enter the exam room. Amos was remarkably calm and just played with the hay and towel in his carrier as we waited. Naomi was busy hyperventilating while staring into the distance and ended up with a wet nose and muzzle from being so upset. After about 10 minutes of noogies, giraffe kisses, and gentle words, she calmed down and started cleaning then flopped due to boredom. Clearly, I didn't bring enough entertainment with me!
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Naomi was a very good girl for her exam and let them weigh her without much fuss.  She refuses to believe she weighs just over 4 pounds and wants a do-over.  She ate pellets and some lettuce before her appointment, so that's probably why.
Amos had a mini freak-out during his exam and is why everything is on the ground (they were worried he'd launch himself off of the exam table).  It took three of us to corral him onto the scale to get his weight.  He clocks in at a mighty 3 pounds, which is close to what Simon weighed full-grown.  Amos just looks small because we're comparing him to Naomi.
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Seriously, push the button and weigh me again!
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After everybun got their RHDV2 vaccine, we were told to hang out for about 30 minutes to make sure neither of them were allergic to anything in it. Amos took a bit of coaxing to come back out of his carrier to stretch his legs and let me get a good look at him while we waited. This is his new favorite spot to observe his surroundings (since I wouldn't let him crawl under the exam table with all the wires and other neat stuff under there).
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What do you mean we have to come back in 21 days for another shot?!
Yeah, the bunnies were not thrilled to learn that it's a 2-part vaccine.  I'm pretty sure Mr. Giraffe, Esq. will be sending me a strongly worded letter on behalf of his clients.
Naomi is not a fan of car rides and ended up with a wet muzzle when we got home.  At least she calmed down quickly and immediately ate the romaine leaf I gave as a peace offering.  We're going to have to get her used to traveling so she knows that it won't always end in a vet visit.  I also ordered them larger travel cages in case that was adding to her travel stress.
Amos and Naomi are doing well and I'll be keeping close watch on them for the next couple days.  Their vet mentioned that reactions to vaccines are pretty rare in rabbits, so that's good.
One down, one to go! 💉
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asparklethatisblue · 5 months
sometimes I feel like I want to hunt shitty influencers for sport when they post animal stuff. Clearly distressed animals or wild animals that shouldn’t be near untrained humans or animals THAT SHOULD NOT BE PETS kept as pets… animals in situations that are dangerous or unhealthy. people pretending that high maintenance pets are easy and fun. Fucking… i hate these people
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I am Manal from Gaza. I am not a robot or a scammer; I am a mother and wife trying to survive under harsh conditions. My husband lost his parents and all his siblings in the war, and he has multiple injuries on his body. I am the sole provider for our three children. We live in endless suffering, haunted by memories of loss and pain at every turn.
I write to you with a broken heart, hoping to find someone who hears my plea. Any donation from you, no matter how small, is a glimmer of hope in this overwhelming darkness. You are the only hope left for me and my family. Please, help us survive and find a semblance of relief in these dire circumstances.
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dragonagitator · 11 months
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biggest of moods
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I almost forgot to update you all, sorry Darlings, it's been a very long day.
Thankfully I do have some good news! Both Bug and Bunny are doing surprisingly well, though they are both noticeably anxious still. They will be on some medication for a few weeks that I have to give them at set intervals, and I will have to take them back in for a check up a couple of times too, but other than that, they are both doing shockingly well all things considered.
The vet staff was even kind enough to give them both a bath and help remove some of the mats I was unable to remove myself, as well as handle the injuries to their paws and mouths from the neglect they dealt with in their former home.
It took a while to get them to come out of their new carrier, but once they did, they pretty much went into hiding immediately. I was eventually able to lure them out with a promise of treats and an old documentary about birds so that I could give them more meds, and thankfully they both stayed in view long enough for me to get a photo of the two of them watching it together to share with you all! (Please forgive the mess, they think they're smaller than they are, so playtime clearly results in a lot more chaos than I was really prepared for.)
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(Bug is the chonkiest boy, holy shit. Him Round.)
Once again, I'm incredibly grateful for the support and understanding from all of you, it really does mean a lot to me. I don't know if I'll be able to jump right back into posting just yet, but I will do my best to get back to it again soon.
Please stay safe Darling ones, and try to be kind to yourselves 🖤
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pwouted · 2 months
update on the grocery situation : we now have food [ yay ] thanks to those who donated and a lovely friend of mine we were able to get a few essentials :') so thank you guys !
unfortunately sometimes before things get better, they get worse and my oldest rabbit smokey [ he's almost 8 now !! some of u might remember him, esp since i had to ask for assistance a few yrs ago ;; ] has had reoccurring gstasis, usually we are able to treat this by giving him lots of water, hay, baby gas drops, and massaging his tum. now it's gotten so bad that nothing will work at all and it's so concerning because gstasis can become so very deadly. unfortunately the only animal clinic that is still open and treats rabbits is over an hour away.
this means a 32 dollar ride [ to and from ] unless we find someone who can take us, a regular exam starts at 80 dollars, and looking at posts online [ the vet said as of now she can't give us an estimate until she sees him ] treatment could be around $400+ so in total it would most likely be around 544 dollars [ at the LEAST ]
so i will be leaving my ko-fi below TT
i also want to say that i might be less active for awhile / leave my blog on a q mostly so i can just spend as much time focusing on him as much possible. thank you to those who read this, and those who can help, and those who can keep my sweet boy in your heart !
my ko-fi
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hungarianmudkip69 · 6 months
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formidophobia · 10 months
RB + Like to help with my rabbit's cancer treatment! (No banned tags please!)
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GoFundMe link here
Hello Tumblr!!
My partner and I are fundraising for our rabbit Mushy Snugglebites' cancer treatment. Right now we need to get him a CT scan, which sits at an estimated nearly $1500 without any taxes or fees, to find out if we need to get him surgery, which is estimated around $3600.
(I plan on adding pictures of the vet's price estimates when my partner is home, so if you're seeing this version of the post feel free to check my blog for the edited version. Just want to get this out ASAP)
We have CareCredit for our animals, but we've been using it for meds and monthly checkups for Mush and our other animals, so that's not entirely an option for us. We need to raise as much as we can to do this out of pocket.
Currently the GoFundMe goal is $2000, that's just to cover the CT and any other unexpected fees that go with it. If we find out that he needs surgery, the goal will increase to $6000.
Please please RB and if you can, donate! We want our bun to live the happiest, longest life possible and we're doing everything in our power to make that happen.
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rhymeswithfart · 13 days
Please don't ignore me
Hello, I'm Lina from Gaza🇵🇸🍉. I'm part of a family of 8. I'm married with two young children. We've been bombed, besieged, and starved. Sadly, I've lost many of my family members❗ and I can't afford to lose any more. With a heavy heart, I'm asking you to help me spread my campaign. Please, what I'm asking is too much. Can you write a post about my story and share it with your friends? I desperately need your support. My father and brother were injured in the bombing and are in critical condition. They need to travel for treatment. I need your support. The genocide is still going on
You are my only hope for survival.
Campaign verified by
This campaign is vetted !
I hope this will help, I'll add images so I can tag more things
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spindle-and-nima · 7 months
I gotta start posting about proper rabbit care because going to any pet shop and seeing the Kaytee brand garbage on the shelves is stressing me out (alongside other brands but Kaytee should not be allowed to sell rabbit supplies)
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bunnies-and-sunshine · 2 months
Bunny spay and neuter day!
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Naomi:  OPEN THIS DOOR, little human!
Amos:  [munching] This is a really good papaya bite.
Mr. Giraffe:  I'm just here for the photo op.
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Amos:  Um, I think there must be some mistake...the door's closed and I'm out of papaya bites.
Naomi:  I'm gonna wreck this carrier if you don't let me out!
Mr. Giraffe, Esq.:  As your legal counsel, Naomi, I'd strongly advise against committing any acts of vandalism.  Especially if it's being recorded by the property owner, like right now.
Just dropped the little munchkins off at the vet.  They'll keep me updated on how Amos and Naomi are doing and I'll let you all know as soon as I can.
EDIT: 2:53pm Just got a call from Amos and Naomi's vet that they're both out of surgery and are recovering well. Everything went well and I'll be able to pick them up at 5pm today! :)
EDIT-EDIT: 8:56pm Everybun is back in their own large cage to limit them jumping around and potentially injuring themselves. Amos was eating a bit on his own around 5:30pm when I was able to bring them home. Both accepted a papaya bite and cranberry once I got them settled (usually, that helps them realize they're hungry). Naomi just started eating some romaine, so that's a relief (the tech said she is stubborn and kept spitting out the critical care they tried to feed her)! Poor Amos is looking sad because he was cleaning and realized that he's missing something he had this morning.
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