#bullied into doing my job
distantlaughter · 2 years
by Oliver Kuhn for Playboy Germany, February 2002 (x)
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The best racing drivers in the world and their fast sons: why the speed gene is dominantly inherited.
That was bitter for Michael Schumacher. This underage kid overtook him twice. In the final of the 2001 karting world championship in Kerpen, Schumi was still just ahead in the end. But the message from Nico Rosberg, 17, was clear. In a few years, he wants to bring the Formula 1 World Championship home to the Rosberg clan. Like his father Keke once did.
There is no other sport in which passion is passed on from father to son as consistently as in the case of racing drivers. The racing gene is inherited in a dominant way. Already world champions Damon Hill, son of Graham (world championships ‘62 and ‘68), and Jacques Villeneuve, son of Gilles (world championship runner-up ‘79), advanced to become successful drivers. And the next generation is just growing up.
Mathias Lauda, 21, races in the Spanish Formula 200. Tomas Scheckter, 22, scion of Jody, races in the American Indycar championship. Nelson Piquet, 17, tries his luck in Brazil. All just warm-up exercises. They're all speculating on one of the lucrative spots in Formula 1.
Nico sat in a race car for the first time in April 2002. Just before his final exams. The first test took place in the rain, and the engine exploded during the second. It looked bad before the race in Hockenheim. "Watch out for the gray tracks, the rain has already dried there," father Rosberg whispered in his son's ear. One hour later, Keke heard his Finnish anthem: Nico started the season with a victory.
"I inherited the crazy from my father,” says Nico. Which means something like: the Rosbergs don't like to brake, they love risk. At least the male part does. Mother Sina has so far not watched a single race out of fear for her son. "It's logical that sons do the same as their fathers," says Keke dryly.
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Nico Rosberg had a lead of exactly 81 points after 20 races in the Formula BMW ADAC championship. The 17-year-old son of Formula 1 world champion Keke completed his A-levels on the side, signed thousands of autographs and claims that racing is Finnish.
Racing kids go straight from bobby cars to go-karts. As teenagers, they then buy into the junior classes. A Formula BMW car costs 45,000 euros, a season at least 200,000 euros, and a race track for testing purposes 10,000 euros a day. A minor accident in a corner not only puts a hole in the bodywork, but also in the cash. In addition to an engineer, mechanic, and truck driver, Nico also employs a computer scientist who evaluates the engine data.
Whereas in the past it was only driving talent that counted, today the quality of a media star is also decisive. Nico Rosberg looks a bit like Leonardo DiCaprio. This appeals to his main sponsor Viva and the music channel's target group: boys who want to become racing drivers and girls who adore them. "The girls are into racing drivers," Nico explored. After the race, he stands in front of the tent and signs his posters. Amused, he recounts how at one event a girl cried out in rapture, "I touched him."
Shortly before the end of the season at a race on the A1-Ring in Zeltweg. This time it goes wrong. 32 cars are driving. One is stationary. Nico is sitting in it. He got a stop & go penalty because he overtook a car despite a yellow flag (no overtaking). "It was too lame," says Nico and laughs. After all, he has an unassailable lead in the overall standings. No one can take the championship away from him.
This is the end-of-season reward: Nico is the youngest ever to test a Formula 1 car. The BMW Williams car. The first son has made it.
At the very back of the paddock, in the small tents, there are drivers who are supposedly much better than Nico. The father of one such talent is an engineer and mechanic in one. But there is not enough money for test drives. The mother grills sausages in front of the tent. The son is not particularly good-looking. The big career is not going to happen anytime soon. It's not easy not having a famous father.
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pbnmj · 4 months
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the crossover nobody asked for
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ashpkat · 13 days
i can’t believe octavian died like… that. of all things in a middle grade kids books series. and everyone was chill about it. literally no one gaf octavian died so horrifically even if it was ‘just’ —and as the readers… we were chill with it too
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bleue-flora · 3 months
It never ceases to amaze me about how many different dehumanizing labels Dream is cast in. The tyrant, the green boy, the bad guy, the wrong’un, the villain, a psycho, psychopath (which tbh are already rather kinda extreme for his supposed crimes especially at the beginning when they started). But then they go further, calling him a snake thing, pure evil, a monster [clip], a freaking ghoul [clip], even to the point of calling him Lucifer in the finale - The Biblical incarnate of evil [clip].
And what’s really interesting is the inconsistency in which Dream reacts - because on one hand he should stand up for himself, but on the other maybe he should just lean into it and maybe they’ll leave him alone. Maybe the fear and label can be his defense instead of their offense. And that gives him control over it, turns him from the victim to the victor.
In the disc confrontation, Tommy calls him pure evil and asks “how do you sleep at night”, to which he responds “just fine” [clip] {oddly, directly contradicting his comment to Techno about no sleeping btw lol…}. Later, he talks about building the prison with a “little bit of evil” but then counters Tommy’s accusation of calling him evil again with “evil is in the eye of the beholder” and “you’re evil to me” [clip].
In the finale, towards the end, Tommy talks about how he saw Dream as nothing but The villain but that isn’t true, and surprisingly Dream disagrees by saying “I am. I tortured you” [clip] {also contradicting what he says to Sam in Daedalus…}. Which is interesting. In the finale, he also makes statements like ‘we can’t because we’re soo evil’ and “we have done plenty of evil evil things” [clip] (which Punz actually counters with “not for no reason.”) But in instances when they call him a psycho and psychopath he has a different reaction saying “huh, I mean, I wouldn’t say that,” [clip] “I’m not a psycho. Everything I do is deliberate” [clip] and, in the finale, “you guys are psychos. You broke in and tried—and killed me in my own house—the prison.” [clip]
One of the keys here I think is the distinction of having reasons - he’s not evil for kicks, he has a reason and motive and logic behind it. Something, in the finale, he questions whether Tommy has, first because he broke in and killed him unfounded and then towards the end of the stream asking about why he constantly steals and griefs and stuff, “why are you trying to ruin everything all the time.” [clip] - What was your reason? Because that mattered to Dream, someone can do evil things but they have their reasons, it’s when they don’t that they are more so truly evil.
He may have done evil things, he may even be the villain, but in his mind he’s not a psycho or pure evil, or a monster because he has reasons, there is a reason he did the things he did, there is a reason he ended up here. Not that those make his deeds justified and less evil (like Sam and Quackity more so believe) but that just makes him a person, who sure does evil, but also feels, and has reasons, desires, and motivations…etc. Just like everyone else. He doesn’t even see Quackity, who confessed to being sadistic and spent months torturing him, as pure evil or even a psychopath instead saying sarcastically in Daedalus, “like Quackity ‘cause he’s full of feelings… He’s totally not a sociopath…” because that distinction between sociopath and psychopath in Dream’s mind is important. Quackity is a bad person but he isn’t the embodiment of evil, he’s just a person who did evil things.
During the first war, Wilbur calls him a little lizard snake thing, to which Dream responds “I’m powerful” [clip]. Which is strange and kinda sad to me that despite being called an actual animal(s), one more importantly often representing evil like Lucifer the snake, he doesn’t counteract it. Maybe because he’s tired of Wilbur calling him similar dehumanizing terms or tired of arguing with Wilbur in general, since everyone believes him anyways. Regardless, he instead rephrases Wilbur’s words - maybe I am a lizard or a snake but you better not step on me because I am venomous and powerful. Which aligns pretty well with his monologue [transcript] where he talks about “Do snakes just bite?” or is there a reason. Because maybe he can’t change Wilbur and Tommy’s metaphor and maybe he can’t change the label of evil despite his attempts because everyone believes them instead, but maybe he can try and use their own words to defend himself. Maybe then they’ll see him as an actual person. {or not…}
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buckera · 4 months
tbh I am trying so hard to not let this shit get to me... but the fact that people are now doing things that could be classified as a felony (yes, really) over some fictional men dating... and then trying to ride the moral high ground while actively being queerphobic and sending inadvertent death threats to real people and dogpiling poc on twitter over liking a fictional man... idk fam it doesn't just make me wanna not engage with that side or fandom, but also the ship itself.
and if I feel like this, just imagine how the actual creators of the show must feel like... I know no one who is actually stupid enough to do all that will see or understand what I'm saying here, but it sure makes being in fandom feel like crap sometimes
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doodle17 · 6 months
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I just wanted an excuse to draw older Morris... look at him...
Also bonus Raz I decided not to finish because the sketch was funnier
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davekitties · 21 days
I hate to ask for some help, but I lost my new job at the game store because I "wasn't pointing at the sign" when asking people if they wanted to sign up for pro (I was) because the district manager (who has always been rude to me for some reason???) told my store manager I wasn't, and she said she didn't have time to check the cameras to confirm this.
She also said she should have already written me up 3 times (for not meeting their stupid fucking "quotas") and so the DM was threatening her about losing her job for failure to write me up before, and so my SM flipped out. She sent me a bunch of WORK related texts about my "performance review" on our PERSONAL TEXTING THREAD OF 15 FUCKING YEARS (against company policy), and wildy interpreted how I was responding (I said "it's kind of rude to be talking about work stuff on our personal text thread when I'm not clocked in at work," and she accused me of calling her a "rude boss."
I know this woman very well, so I told her I would start looking for a new job in order to not jeopardize her career. I'm still really confused over her anger and lashing out at me and not even informing me beforehand that I should have been written up multiple times before for not meeting the stupid fucking quotas.
My pay/pal is here, and my ca$h/app is here.
So, yeah, I'm here to ask for help. If you can, even just $5, I would greatly appreciate it. I'm almost broke and I can't afford groceries, and the cabinets are rather bare.
Again, thank you for reading this, and don't stress if you can't send anything, but please do reblog/pass this along if you know anyone who can.
I love you guys; you've helped me so much before, and I can't express my gratitude enough. Thank you for taking the time to read this 💙
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a-polite-melody · 5 months
The fact that the same person who talks about how no one cares about what trans women go through can post a poll (to an audience already primed to say “no” because of how much time that blog has dedicated to saying that transmascs speaking about our issues is outright transmisogyny in and of itself for assuming our struggles can even exist at the same time as these Much Worse transfem experinces, actually) about whether or not transandrophobia is real without recognizing the irony is. Sure something.
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deoidesign · 1 year
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My friends are demanding I post about my shop
I sell books, prints, keychains, pins, and stickers! (I have more than is pictured, you can see everything in the shop)
I also have some Genshin Impact pins (and some prints) for if you're not interested in stuff from the obscure webcomics I make
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But if you are interested in stuff from the obscure webcomics I make, I've got a ton of stuff! It's taking up a lot of space in my apartment, help me out!
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rpfisfine · 7 months
alex's job description for every intro: look beautifully into the camera, nod at everything aleksa is saying, occasionally exclaim "yeah", "yep" and things of this nature, sometimes even say a sentence or two. nothing else
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caramelmochacrow · 8 months
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inyuose siblings yay! (i only got a few things abt them done)
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guinevereslancelot · 15 days
decided to leave my job and i'm gonna fr gonna cryyyyy
#literally can't work with my new boss bc i can't trust her#she went to the head of the department with complaints abt me without ever speaking to me or giving me any indication she was unhappy#and various other reasons im not happy w management and the school in general#HOWEVER#i love the kids sm and im gonna miss them and worry abt them 😭😭😭😭#im literally scared for some of them bc it feels like the other teachers have no empathy for some of my favorite kids#one of them who is so so sweet and when he cries i'm the girst to comfort him bc everyone else thinks he needs to toughen up 😭#also my new boss sucks so so bad and is gonna be such a bad influence on him and all the other kids#and my main co teacher said she's gonna quit if i do so i cant even beg her to look out for my babies and take care of them 😭💔#and it would be unprofessional to mention any concerns to the parents but genuinely some of the kids would be better off elsewhere#like im actually worried about it#i dont want some of the really sweet sensitive kids to lose their sweetness bc they're being treated unkindly#and the worst bullies and spoiled kids are the ones the teachers dote on#so it encourages some of the sweet ones to act out for attention#anyway 💔#i really do need to go tho#and i'm sure i'll love the kids at my new job#but im so sadddd#also its unlikely i can find a well paying job w this age group even tho i love this age group#its basically impossible not to get attached to them at this age and i get to pick them up and hold and cuddle them and stuff#and you cant really do that with the older kids sadly#literally on the verge of tears even seriously thinking abt leaving#things have been p bad for a while due to management but i never seriously considered leaving bc i love the kids so much#but i literally can't see a future here#and my new boss clearly hates me and im worried she's going to try to get me fired#she already made up a bunch of lies about me and its only been three weeks#anyway i only make 15 an hour so hopefully i'll at least get more somewhere else and i know i'll still love the kids#its just really hard#which is why i've stayed this long#i was p unhappy before my new boss even started bc of the way they treated my old boss
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canary-prince · 23 days
Any post that contains the phrase "you" in a big, general, plural sense that automatically accuses the reader of being part of the "you" that op is rhetorically berating are deeply, deeply unhelpful in regard to compassion fatigue. It's also just manipulative; the clear intention is to pressure anyone reading it into reblogging it in order to prove they are not part of the "you" being accused.
These posts bother me and I understand that the authors of these posts are feeling powerless and have learned that screaming and yelling and shaming is an effective tactic because they weren't given enough attention to meet their needs through other methods. But again, it's going to increase compassion fatigue and increase the use of shame as a method of social control, which is not ideal.
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termagax · 1 month
re: "good girl" i think they say it once randomly as a joke and its just one of those things that gets him wayyy more than they expected it would. so now its their secret weapon and they use it very sparingly and every single time he gets super embarrassed about it but it works ill tell you what.
#HES MY PRINCESS IDEK.#i dont think it happens naturally all that much because theyre usually in the business of calling each other names and being mean#so i think this would just be a random night where theyre on top and just think it would be really funny. to yank on his leash and call him#a good girl after bullying him into doing something. and well i just think it would get him is all i dont knowwwwwwwwwwwwww#i havr a lot of thoughts on the matter but i will stop for now#but the tldr is that with each other they tend to switch frequently and are always fighting#so i think itd take someone else being in the picture for hog to even realize how much he likes being a good boy :3#and i also dont think fish would be good at straightforward domming in the way he would want and they both know that#so its something he keeps between him and rat mostly. please dont ask me questions abt jrs sex life i have too many opinions on it#anyways. i think even tho fish knows theyd be bad at that they still feel left out so sometimes they go watch. they dont get anything out of#doing that theyre just sort of taking mental notes#all of this circles back to i think fish has always been the more sexually experienced of the two. and romantically.#i dont rlly think hog is a guy who dates i dont think hes ever been that and i dont think he made much time for hookups#(i think its cute if hes a virgin when they meet but 🤷 im not solid on it)#but i think for him hes just only ever fucked this one person and they do a LOT of stuff and it gets the job done so hes just never really#tried anything else. but. and again i have too many opinions on this but i think rat wouldnt be into their usual shteeze#i think hes a bit of a freak in his own way but the blood and weird anger issues is just not doing it for him most of the time#but i do think if given the opportunity he would LOVE to be The Boss for a little bit so i think he and hog can explore that together and it#will work out beautifully for them. this is great because i am not into strict d/s dynamics like that but i know in my heart that hoggy#would be. and i cant do that for him#again i think fish would be butthurt about this. mostly in a 'why didnt u tell me so we could try this :(' and he would go#'because you would suck at it and wouldnt like it' and they go oh. right. well im still mad#ANYWAYS. circling back. i think the good girl thing would be something fish knows that rat doesnt. and idk if theyd tell him or not#because i do think if they tell him he is using that for evil hog is going to be a good girl forever and ever. rat doesnt have the patience#to space it out the way fish does. which idk maybe thatd be good for hog he could work through some stuff...#but on the other hand i think its fun if they DONT tell him and just bust it out sometime when all 3 of them are doing the deed. or whatever#because again they mostly like how embarrassed he gets about it and i think he would be reallyyyy flustered by it#^ this is essentially part of my fantasy about spitroasting my beautiful wife until he cries just so everyone knows#idk i just think when he lets go of himself hed be a very cute and kind of needy subby bottom and i think hed be really easy to fluster#about it and i want it so bad
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sunshineandviolets · 7 months
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Two sisters, forever best friends since day one. The perfect daughter to uphold her family's legacy, that crushes those that she deems inferior. Behind her, the littlest spider lost amongst her daydreams and unable to find a voice of her own. Despite their differences, they remained together, You never saw one without the other - or at least that's how the story was supposed to go.
Got the chance to commission @mavidraws for some portraits of these tragic sisters. Thank you again so much for these!! They both came out awesome 💖!!!
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9x07 · 2 months
how many times do we need to learn as people that irony and hyperbole can be harmful because 'jokes' aren't easily distinguished from genuine thoughts and feelings until we stop rewarding people for speaking or posting about violence
like even if you're joking/don't actually believe that/think whoever you are insulting is bad/immoral/fictional therefore deserves it - ad hominem attacks always do more harm to the people who share those characteristic then the individual you intend to cause harm to or discredit
#discourse#long post#its genuinely erased so much of my enjoyment of 911blr knowing i have to check accounts or risk seeing bullying/hate#l like its an odd feeling to know that so many people in the same fandom as you actively hold hate or find hate funny against your communit#like tired of people saying others are too sensitive because we dont want to hear or see a person say they want to hurt themself or others#like sorry i put in the work everyday to not let my mental health backslide and to enjoying being alive and accept my queerness#while others seemingly have not#and i know the content i post/share is not all in the same circles as that certain blog and i hate that it still grinds my gears but#its so frustrating to see the cruel glee people have#saying things they would never say to anyone's face irl and only to other blindly devoted/similar bullies#like do these people realise that they are on a razor's edge between 'ironic jokes' and just outright bigotry and threats - like do they#literally the only thing seperating That and conservative bigots is that the bigots are honest about their hatred towards minorities#like a lot of people in the fandom seemingly still need to deal with a lot of intenalised homophobia/racism and just outright hate-#especially regarding queer men and men of colour#because i can not be emphasise enough#It is NOT GOOD OR HEALTHY to be a fully grown adult that actively derives joy from the idea of enacting hate crimes#like you can hate tommy you can want him off the show even want him to die like weird but go off#but its such a next step to unprompted talk about [a character i dislike/hate/dont ship/disrupts my fanon endgame] in derogatory ways -#with rhetoric that straight up is out of terf/rel. right/homophobic/racists bigots and evokes violent hate-crimes......#well i feel sorry for those people cause what a miserable life to spend so much of it unable to enjoy your own life that you target others#anyways I know this is too long but I'm just a very tired man who has studied history and education and working with kids i have seen it -#too many times- harmful words coming from harmful environments or creating harmful actions and thereby perpetuating the cycle of violence#also not super relavent but as Latino Australian i am genuinely appauled at how many people have in their bio they are also Australian-#while actively liking/reblogging and engaging with post that find homophobic violence a funny haha joke - as if activist in our country -#aren't actively trying to dismantle homophobic and transphobic laws regarding issues like conversion therapy#like I know professors that actively got fired for being gay while teaching in religious education context - and its still happening!#so for people to forget so quickly what progress has been made and how much it took and how easy it is to loose - disappointing#(and its the same people who wanna pretend mardi gras is nothing but a party as if 78rs didn't risk their jobs/safety/lives)
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