#so for people to forget so quickly what progress has been made and how much it took and how easy it is to loose - disappointing
9x07 · 1 month
how many times do we need to learn as people that irony and hyperbole can be harmful because 'jokes' aren't easily distinguished from genuine thoughts and feelings until we stop rewarding people for speaking or posting about violence
like even if you're joking/don't actually believe that/think whoever you are insulting is bad/immoral/fictional therefore deserves it - ad hominem attacks always do more harm to the people who share those characteristic then the individual you intend to cause harm to or discredit
#discourse#long post#its genuinely erased so much of my enjoyment of 911blr knowing i have to check accounts or risk seeing bullying/hate#l like its an odd feeling to know that so many people in the same fandom as you actively hold hate or find hate funny against your communit#like tired of people saying others are too sensitive because we dont want to hear or see a person say they want to hurt themself or others#like sorry i put in the work everyday to not let my mental health backslide and to enjoying being alive and accept my queerness#while others seemingly have not#and i know the content i post/share is not all in the same circles as that certain blog and i hate that it still grinds my gears but#its so frustrating to see the cruel glee people have#saying things they would never say to anyone's face irl and only to other blindly devoted/similar bullies#like do these people realise that they are on a razor's edge between 'ironic jokes' and just outright bigotry and threats - like do they#literally the only thing seperating That and conservative bigots is that the bigots are honest about their hatred towards minorities#like a lot of people in the fandom seemingly still need to deal with a lot of intenalised homophobia/racism and just outright hate-#especially regarding queer men and men of colour#because i can not be emphasise enough#It is NOT GOOD OR HEALTHY to be a fully grown adult that actively derives joy from the idea of enacting hate crimes#like you can hate tommy you can want him off the show even want him to die like weird but go off#but its such a next step to unprompted talk about [a character i dislike/hate/dont ship/disrupts my fanon endgame] in derogatory ways -#with rhetoric that straight up is out of terf/rel. right/homophobic/racists bigots and evokes violent hate-crimes......#well i feel sorry for those people cause what a miserable life to spend so much of it unable to enjoy your own life that you target others#anyways I know this is too long but I'm just a very tired man who has studied history and education and working with kids i have seen it -#too many times- harmful words coming from harmful environments or creating harmful actions and thereby perpetuating the cycle of violence#also not super relavent but as Latino Australian i am genuinely appauled at how many people have in their bio they are also Australian-#while actively liking/reblogging and engaging with post that find homophobic violence a funny haha joke - as if activist in our country -#aren't actively trying to dismantle homophobic and transphobic laws regarding issues like conversion therapy#like I know professors that actively got fired for being gay while teaching in religious education context - and its still happening!#so for people to forget so quickly what progress has been made and how much it took and how easy it is to loose - disappointing#(and its the same people who wanna pretend mardi gras is nothing but a party as if 78rs didn't risk their jobs/safety/lives)
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marzipanandminutiae · 9 months
i feel u on 1920s hate. when everyone is like ‘finally women are free of ~restrictive~ corsets’ and its like . first of all. didnt need to be. second. how do u think the curvier women were achieving the 1920s silhouette. quickly.
Exactly. I mean, yeah, it’s not their fault at all that people were saying things like that, or that it’s reached a fever pitch in recent years. Great material gains WERE being made for women, and I’m absolutely not discounting that. But much in the way that people tend to throughout history, though, they firmly believed that everything they were doing was the best and most progressive that it had ever been. And that idea has been hugely amplified in later years
I think it also has a lot to do with the fact that the 1920s were, in many ways, the beginning of a world that looks familiar to us now. Widespread film technology, continued rise of electricity, clothing-ways that seem familiar to us today in contrast to what came before (for example the advent of bras and panties, although people tend to forget there was usually also a girdle involved),  Air travel, cars becoming more popular, etc. because it seems less foreign, we accept all too readily the idea that it was better in all respects than everything earlier
(And ignore all the ways in which it would still have been foreign. Like… The 1920s were not actually the Proto – 2020s, guys. It owed for more to its immediate predecessors re: era mentality and technology and even fashion than some people would like to admit)
I don’t actually hate the 1920s – that would be pointless and reductive, since it’s an entire decade that happened over countless countries, demographics, cultural groups, etc. I think I’m with you, though, in hating the way it’s been put up on a pedestal as the perfect progressive era that was unilaterally better for women in particular
(Also, I read a book from the 1951 about the history of undergarments, and this mindset is in FULL force even three decades later.The guy finds ways to inaccurately rag on the Victorians even in chapters that aren’t about that time period, and concludes with a stirring statement that they are now living in the perfect time for underwear and that everything is so much better and more progressive than it ever has been in the past. The fact that this man- Cecil Willett Cunnington -was considered one of the highest authorities on dress history for a long time probably explains the current state of the discipline, In terms of “you can say basically whatever you want and people will believe you”)
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reidslovely · 1 year
Ok now let us INNNNN on some CEO Peter x reader ! How they meet. What is their dynamic. How they end up together??? Pretty pls pls 🥺🥺
since you said please i guess...
I see them meeting in the lobby of Parker Industries. And because I'm nothing but cliche he's coming on his day off for a client meeting and she's standing in the lobby shuffling through papers obviously lost. He's staring at his Apple Watch and the collide, him sending her towards the floor. He shoots arm out and catches her, staring at her wide eyes as he basically pulls her back to her feet, arm around her stomach as he held her.
"I am so so sorry. I was looking at a message."
"I am so so sorry I was looking at this map and I was.."
They spoke at the same time. Peter's face remained flat but there was a smile in his eyes. He thought she was..gorgeous, he shook his head and cleared his throat.
"You're fine don't worry about it. Can I help you." He pointed at the map of the building in her hands. She nodded looking up at him with big eyes, and handing him the map.
"My mother has a meeting with Mr. Parker over a biotech research for her collarbone damage due to cancer. It's a whole thing, and I'm super late."
"You're in luck because the CEO is also super late to this meeting." Peter chuckled. "Mr. Parker..nice to meet you."
"Oh my god." She says reaching her hand out shaking it. "I'm (y/n) (l/n) nice to meet you...also." she stuttered through her greeting. Peter nodded and handed her map back to her.
"I'll walk with you. Follow me."
I do think that the two have a slight age gap. Peter being around 30-33 and reader being about 25-27. Which makes him kind of skeptical for a bit because Peter's never dated someone younger than him outside of Gwen being a year younger than him and even if it's not by a lot and both are in similar places in life he worries that she'd find him to be old and boring. But she doesn't, she doesn't really pay any mind to the age gap besides teasingly calling him 'old man' here and there in their relationship.
At the start they definitely have a grumpy/sunshine dynamic even if Peter isn't that grumpy he's been out of the dating pool for a few years and he's just kind if skittish which makes him seem grumpy. He's the reason for these big nice parties but he only talks to the people he knows and clients he's built relationships with. She's the one running around greeting people asking if they're having a fun time and he just admires her so much for it. She inspires him and brings him out of his little dark room he's built for himself which helps everyone get to know him a little bit better and see that he's not only a kind person, but also really funny. He's also just so so so soft for her. Peter can be intimidating if needed and he knows how to play that well and when to play it. But whenever she's around he's so soft, it's like all the bad things in his life become muffled. She feels the same about him, she thinks he's the smartest man in the world. She knows he is, and doesn't hesitate to remind him when he is forgetting that himself. As their relationship progresses for Peter he feels like he got a second chance at love, and she feels like she's really fallen in love for the first time.
They start dating pretty quickly actually for Peter being so skittish, Harry gave him a jump in headfirst speech that urged him into asking her to be his girlfriend. And when he did it he felt like that nerdy high school boy again, but when she said yes he knew he made the right decision.
They go on the nicest vacations, he definitely wants to see the world with her. But he also loves just being in their Forest Hills home having domestic moments. He likes the way she'll come into his office while he's working and sit on his lap playing with his hair. His goal is just to spoil his girl, any thing she wants he'd give it to her no matter the cost. If she asked him tomorrow to give up everything and just disappear with her he'd do it, and she'd do it for him.
He also totally gives her a job at Parker Industries let's be real. All she wanted to do was be his assistant/receptionist, and when the spot opened he immediately offered it to her because no one better could keep up with him. And honestly..it's true.
I don't know there is a lot about them, she's gonna need a cute nickname though. I'll get back to y'all on that.
have a ceo!peter coded photo:
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writingwhimsey · 2 months
Second Chance Love- Ch. 9
Chapter 9
Ava had run blindly from the “exam” room. She didn’t pay attention to where she had run. She just ran until she just fell to her knees, having run out to the garden. She felt the tears falling down her cheeks.
She wasn’t sure how long she had been out there when she felt a hand on her back. “What are you doing out here, lass?”
Ava looked up to see Masamune kneeling down beside her, his one blue eye peering at her. She quickly wiped at her face. “Uhm…I just…”
Masamune gave her a smile and reached into a pocket, pulling out a handkerchief and handing it to her. “Here. Come on, let’s get you cleaned up and then you can come with me.”
“Thanks.” Ava said, taking the offered handkerchief and wiping her face. 
Once she was finished, Masamune was standing up, offering her his hand. “Come on.”
Ava placed her hand in his and allowed Masamune to help her up. “Where are we going?” She asked.
“The kitchen, of course.” Masamune answered, smiling at Ava. “I always find whatever troubles you have, seem smaller after having a good meal.”
“I…I don’t know if that will help…” Ava replied.
“Just come on.” Masamune replied. “Food always helps.”
It didn’t take long for the pair to reach the kitchen. Masamune pulled up a stool for Ava to sit down at the counter, while he got to work chopping and cooking. He’d occasionally hand Ava a bite to taste test the food.
“So, what had you crying in the garden?” Masamune asked.
“I…I had my first appointment with Akari.” Ava answered. “I was…I was okay…I mean…I wanted…he should have been there and I was starting to feel that…but then Mitsuhide showed up and he…he came with me.”
“Yeah? What else happened?” Masamune asked, stirring the food he had over the fire.
“Well…the appointment went fine.” Ava answered. “Akari said the baby and I are fine. Everything is progressing the way it’s supposed to…but then…then she mistook the situation.”
“Oh?” Masamune asked.
“Akari…she thought Mitsuhide…was the father.” Ava answered.
“And that upset you?” Masamune asked.
Ava nodded. “Yeah…I just…I’m always going to miss him.” She said. “But…it made me think at least I have memories of him. This baby…he or she won’t…he or she won’t know their father at all.”
Masamune set the spoon he was using to stir aside and moving the pot off the fire. He put a hand on her shoulder. “Ava, you really think any of us are going to let this baby grow up without knowing their father?” He asked. “We’ll all share our memories with the little one. Make sure he or she knows all about him. May not know him in the traditional sense, but this baby will know their father, I promise you that.”
Ava felt a pleasant warmth filling her chest. Sometimes it was easy for her to forget that she had the help of all the Oda. They would all help me raise this baby with Hideyoshi’s memory. Though that was only one of her problems. It didn’t completely dissolve the heaviness in her chest. “Thanks, Masamune.”
“Now, let’s get you a full belly.” He said, turning to the stew he had made and getting her a bowl.
Ava accepted the bowl and took a bite. It was warm and comforting. “It’s delicious, as always. Thanks Masamune.”
Masamune eyed her. “What else is on your mind, lass?”
“What do you mean?” Ava asked.
“Ava, there’s something else wrong.” Masamune said. “I may only have one eye, but I can see pretty clearly from it.”
“It’s…I feel guilty.” Ava answered.
“What do you mean?”
“For leaning on Mitsuhide so much.” Ava answered. “So much that…my midwife thought he was…”
“Ava, there’s nothing wrong with leaning on the people who care about you.” Masamune told her. “Hideyoshi wouldn’t want you closing yourself off to everyone just because he’s not here. You’re not doing anything wrong by taking comfort from the people around you.”
“Even if…other people might get the wrong idea?” Ava asked.
“Lass, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. You lost someone important to you and now you’re having a baby. Mitsuhide has been helping you. I don’t see anything wrong with that.” Masamune told her. 
“You…don’t think there’s anything wrong with it?” Ava asked.
“Would you be feeling guilty if Akari hadn’t mistaken Mitsuhide for the father?”
“Well…probably not.” Ava admitted. “I mean, Mitsuhide is my friend.”
Masamune had to fight off a smirk. “You finding comfort in me and my food?” He asked.
“Well…yeah. In this moment.” Ava admitted.
“You don’t think anything is wrong with it do you? Friends helping friends.” Masamune said. “And I mean I have flirted with you a bunch in the past.”
A small laugh escaped Ava’s lips at that comment. Masamune was always flirting and joking like that. Even when it had been clear she’d fallen for Hideyoshi. “Well…when you put it like that you do have a point.”
“Listen, you just do whatever you need to do to feel like you again.” Masamune told her. “We’re all here for you and your little one. Maybe we’ll all get mistaken for the father, huh?”
Ava let out a small laugh and shook her head. “You can all be the fun uncles.”
“That’s the spirit, lass.” Masamune said. “Except for Ieyasu. He’s too much of a sourpuss to be fun.”
Ava finished up the food Masamune had made and chatted with him for a bit longer before heading out. She felt a bit lighter having talked to him. She wasn’t in this alone. She had a lot of people who cared about her and her unborn baby.
“There you are, little mouse.”
Ava saw Mitsuhide up ahead of her. “Oh…were you looking for me?” She asked. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you.”
“It’s alright.” Mitsuhide replied, walking towards her. “Are YOU alright?”
Ava nodded. “Yeah…Masamune found me and took me into the kitchen to make me some food and chat.”
“I see.” Mitsuhide replied, his amber eyes scanning her features. He was making a mental note to talk to Masamune later.
“Thank you…for coming with me to the appointment…and for everything you’ve been doing for me.” Ava told him.
“It is no trouble, little mouse.” Mitsuhide said. “Though, it sounds like you are thanking me because you’re going to ask me to stop.”
Ava shook her head. “No…there’s a part of me that thinks I should…but I’m not strong enough to listen to that part of me.” She admitted. “Plus…after talking with Masamune…I realized it’s okay for me to lean on the people around me…and you’ve been the most comforting and supportive…I just want to ask you…if I could continue to lean on you?”
Mitsuhide felt his heartbeat picking up. He hadn’t been expecting this at all. Not after the way she had run out like that. Just what did you say to her, Masamune? Mitsuhide thought. It was at this moment, Mitsuhide realized he was taking too long to respond to Ava. It’s not often anyone made him speechless. He mentally shook himself.
“Of course, little mouse.” He told her, giving her a surprisingly gentle smile. Whatever you need. I am here.
“Thank you.” Ava said, smiling up at him…the smile, quite warm. Perhaps she was healing after all. 
Taglist: @zulablaise @oda-princess @kisara-16 @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @lucyw260
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Kinda funny that they’re making a Watch Dogs movie now despite that series haven’t really been much spotlight for several years now. They just finished filming it so I guess it’s progressing fine. I think there’s supposed to be a show too as well.
Not that I can blame them I mean they tried a Prince of Persia movie that flopped, that Assassin’s Creed movie got forgotten so quickly.
A rabbids movie? I feel like they’re more than a decade too late on that front not to mention Minions have mostly stolen that niche very successfully. Unless they go the Mario + Rabbids route on that movie but I doubt we’ll see it soon.
I vaguely remember watching Prince of Persia but based on the fact I barely remember it , it was a forgetful movie, haven't seen the assassins creed film so I can't comment on the quality of either film
What I can comment on is the various factors that makes those movies different to Watchdog , or rather the environment they've released in
Prince of Persia came out in 2010. In that same year we got movies such as Scott Pilgrim , Percy Jackson , Clash of the Titans and Tron Legacy. There was also meant to be an ALTA movie but it never got made 😔 Prince of Persia had a lot of competition when it came out, but it stood very little chance against those more memorable flicks
Assassins Creed came out in 2016 along side Batman Vs Superman and the Killing joke , no chance of out competing those
(obviously all these movies did not come out at the same time of year , I'm over simplifying a it)
Heres an important similarity Prince of Persia and Assassins Creed have besides being made by the same company: They're video game IPs
For as long as video games has existed , there was this issue that movie adaptions of popular video games were never gonna be good (Never seen it but the discussion around the 80s Mario movie is a prime example). Whether these films were actually bad or fans just never being satisfied I can't say, I don't have the energy to research and this is already getting long
However that drastically changed when the Sonic Movie came out in 2020
Now obviously we know about ugly Sonic and how close the film could've gone down the cursed game movie path. But it didn't , Paramount listened to the fans and redesigned Sonic (even though that most definitely made people do overwork last minute) which lead to the film being such a success it's getting it's third installment released this year and a TV series spin off
Than we got the Mario Movie , which was also a success and so on and so forth
Now something worth keeping in mind is that , in the 2010s when Prince of Perisa was released , nostalgia bait wasn't as prominent as it is now
Which is why I think the Watch Dogs film , as well as the Rabbids movie, is Ubisoft trying to cash in on the video game nostalgia train. Maybe even using the film's success as a way to test if people will buy a new game
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sweetswesf · 7 months
Hey, hey fam.
These past few weeks I have been onboarding. I let my insecurities get the best of me and didn’t want to take on an assignment early. I was dealing with some imposter syndrome and feeling the weight of being the new person. I felt like all eyes were on this little Black girl and wondering what she was going to do. I wanted to get better acclimated with my new environment and such, but also I was fearful. I’m glad I did take my time though. I extended my onboarding as much as I could and finally got started on my project last week. At first it all felt impossible, especially since my manager set an extremely aggressive timeline for it all (1-2 weeks). My teammates who I consulted about the project all told me it would take AT LEAST 3 weeks. I chatted with my mentor who I’ve mentioned to y’all who has never left my side about my fear and he suggested I ask exactly what I need to do. That encouraged me. It reminded me that I’m not even EXPECTED to know every step. Although I didn’t reach out to ask this, God heard me and a few people reached out directly with resources and help. They knew I was assigned this project and they reached out to part some wisdom and offer their continued support going forward. There was a moment when I couldn’t procrastinate anymore and I had to dive into things (a new language, a new code base, a weird interface, tangled code). I prayed to God to get me through and I felt him saying: one thing at a time. And I’m glad I did…I took one step at a time and soon things started to make sense. After a lot of time invested, I gained some confidence back and started to understand things. I made some code changes and made more progress than I thought. It’s all because I tried to face fear head on. I reminded myself that if God put me in this role, he wasn’t going to rip it away from me. He is with me at every point. If you aren’t convinced He exists, I hope you consider it, because if not for trusting Him, I wouldn’t have this praise report. I’ve written all my coding steps out in my tech spect. My team loves it! So much so, that my manager called my colleague and I his favorites on a call with the rest of the team! That was not appropriate, and made me feel like a target is now on my back from my team, but I was absolutely flattered. Some even DM’d me sharing their praise.
I felt so good I even took a work break and didn’t work after work for the first time in such a long time. I REALLY want to do well. I prayed to excel on the team quickly and I pray that is in God’s plan. I’m so used to struggling on my team no matter how agonizing it was. What was holding me back, no matter my prayers, was my fear and my inability to try as hard as I could. I want to try really hard, and I believe I can shock even myself, and that things will all turn out to be better than I expect, as long as I believe in God, pray for it, fight fear, imagine the best outcome, stop worrying, and trust HIM.
I thank God that He’s disciplined me. I want to also find balance. I haven’t worked out in a while just putting all my focus into delivering early, but I will pray for God’s help to make it a priority.
I pray yall are encouraged to fight fear and work for your wildest dreams as well.
On TOP of that, I work closely with a guy I think is kinda cute! Funny thing: my HRBP referred me to him, I reached out, he was kind, turns out were from the same city, he shared what he was working on, offered to meet with me 1:1 regularly going forward, we got paired in the same working group on our department’s offsite the next week, and then I ended up getting assigned to the project that works closely with what he is building! He doesn’t work in my office but is visiting soon and asked if I wanted to do lunch and whiteboard. I’m looking forward to it! I forget how to eat like a human when I eat in front of someone I like, so I’m going to try hard not to look like a weirdo! He has a girlfriend AND I am not going to entertain relationships nor romance with a colleague. I’ve learned from my past. I’m not even sure if I really like him or if I’m just THIRSTY. Ya girl has been deprived of male courtship for a while lol.
Anywho, I’m super grateful to God and things are going well. I have to stop bracing for impact and just continue to always expect for things to go well and know that if they don’t, it’s for a reason and God has a master plan. God bless yall.
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philosetumble · 1 year
Can You Not Hear It?
The future within our grasp? That ACHING, CLAWING NEED for us to just REACH OUT and take the reins.
That future whereby public consciousness exceeds our individual knowledge, and we become so deeply driven by eachother. Knowing that if one of us can, then all of us can.
The desire to truly, once and for all take care of eachother. We all just want to make it in this world, and we're so close to a point where we can drag eachother into the future.
The advances we've made in the last century alone have been nothing short of magical. Thinking up new ways to solve our health, increasing our lifespans by decades. We are on the cusp of infinite energy. We're just short of fully cybernetic limbs, and soon regrowable body parts.
The backsliding anti-progressives cannot hold on for much longer, they don't have the power to resist that overbearing monstrosity that is tearing away our backs lest we forget to run.
That monster that tells us there's no way back. Progress slides ever onwards, it's as ever as it has been. We no longer need the hysterics about it, the future is in our grasp, we need but seize it.
We are so connected in thought, feeling, love, acceptance and popular dissuasion.
OOOH CAN YOU NOT FEEL IT?! I know you! As you know me! We have never met, we will never meet, but I KNOW you.
Do you not see that far off sliver of an edge where a beautiful future waits for us. Look at how close it is, WE CAN SEE IT.
Humanity's expansion is one of harmony, don't you see? We want to be the benevolent progenitors so badly. Look at how often we write about it. The people before us looked like us, they were better than we are. All across science fiction, fantasy. THE STORIES WE TELL. We write about aliens coming by and gifting us great ancestral knowledge, because we know that we'd do that if we had that power. We instinctively try to raise up others.
Don't you feel that gnawing need to just HELP EACHOTHER?! Cut out the things that are terrible, let them fall away. You just need to understand we exist in as much space as we can take. Our bubbles end where another begins, and we test eachother's boundaries.
We learn those boundaries so we know what to do when those boundaries break. And we push eachother forward. Get back up, dust off your knees, there's work to do, but we don't have to die for it. We have to live for it.
The future begs for us.
Do you ever wonder if some of our drastic brain disorders are simply unable to process our advances, or some so well equipped for a future not arriving fast enough? Once you live long enough, our brains maybe, just can't process our progress. What if we knew it was coming because it no longer felt like magic.
Every ounce of science fiction was always about what we could be. Telling us what to avoid and what to take with us. Our lessons, successes, failures, and noble truths.
Telling us that the smallest virus can take out so much of us, the most advanced civilization we've ever known. Telling us that if we go too far into the future, we'll look at those behind as monsters.
But we can slow down a little. Time happens anyway. Neither it, nor us, can be stopped. Settle things in a true court of public opinion, make better the lives of those before us, so they can rest knowing that we'll be able take us to the next checkpoint.
We save ourselves by saving eachother. CAN YOU NOT FEEL THAT FUTURE?!
Scientists ready to go, you know, whenever.
can you not hear the echoes of a million stories telling us to GO. Find us, find you, in the future, as you were so will you be!
That city in the clouds we ALWAYS dream of, utopias of perfect community with our planet, the best of us stopping the worst before the worst happens.
Someone will always say NO before the worst, because we've made the big mistake 520 times. And we let it happen, because we just HAD to know, we just couldn't resist the urge to watch how quickly we could decimate our population.
We're the greatest monsters of this planet, and we knew it all along. But we are also it's greatest help, or we can be, if we just give in to that beast egging us forward.
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moonfurthetemmie · 7 months
Previous | Next | First (with warnings)
Part 7
June 20, 20XX
Mercury looks excited. He keeps his voice down as he speaks.
"Zuli's alive! I- Oh my god, he's alive, and he's not infected, and-"
Mercury breaks into a relieved laugh, tears falling down his face.
"Okay. Okay, I'm fine. I'll be fine. So. Zuli's trying to find some clothes right now; our only options right now are whatever I have, so it's not going to be great, but it's infinitely better than what he had. Which was almost nothing. He's a little sick, and he doesn't have much strength, but whatever shit he's got is twenty times more preferable to the nightmare outside. At least his thing, I can treat. And it won't turn him into some feral zombie thing."
Mercury shudders violently.
"Ugh. Anyways. 0 progress has been made on the cure, but, hey, keeping someone from dying in a nasty dank cell in the basement is still saving a life. …God, is it obvious that I’m starting to lose my mind?”
In the background, a humanoid blur appears. It comes closer. A short, sickly-looking pale human with black hair, looking rather nauseous.
“Um…Mercury? Who are you talking to?” 
Mercury turns around quickly.
“Oh. Hi, Zuli. Come on over.”
Zuli nervously comes forward to stand next to Mercury. He’s wearing a long-sleeved shirt that is too big for him. Mercury moves over slightly. 
“I’ve been making a record of everything that’s happened. I think there’s half a dozen so far? I haven’t been recording one every single day. Mostly because I forget.”
Zuli eyes the camera nervously. His eyes are sunken. He looks like he hasn’t eaten well in a while.
“Are you going to send these to someone, or are you just hoping someone will find them eventually?” “I’m going to try to find somewhere to send them. If I can, I want to try to send them to the resistance. They probably have the most far-reaching influence and can warn people quickly.” 
Zuli furrows his brow. “I’m pretty sure they don’t deal with contagious diseases.”
Mercury shrugs helplessly. “They deal with us, though. As far as I know, there’s not a multiverse-wide version of the World Health Organization, but maybe I’ll find them when I’m looking for the resistance. If not, the resistance can send it to them.”
Zuli rubs his arms. “...How long has this been going on, again?” Mercury blinks. He’s silent for a long moment before he frowns and says, “About two weeks, I think…? I started these on the seventh, and Koroit was showing symptoms before shit really hit the fan…”
“All of this in two weeks?” Zuli sounds horrified. “Oh my god…”
He stares off in silence. After a moment, Mercury reaches for the camera.
“Why don’t you let me look at that cough you have?”
The video ends.
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sylvia-forest · 8 months
[CN] Shaw's 6th Anniversary event - Day 2
⚡ Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for an Event which hasn't been released in EN yet!⚡
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[Day 2]
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MC: What exactly is it? Can you give me some hints? MC: Why are you always so mysterious! Shaw: Don't bother trying to test me; I won't tell you. Shaw: Just carry your curiosity to the next stop, and you might find some clues.
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MC: Even though driving these past few days has almost driven me crazy QAQ... MC: But seeing the heavy snow here makes everything worthwhile. MC: Now I'm going to build a super giant snowman! The colossal kind! Shaw: I know you're eager, but don't be in a hurry. Shaw: Haven't you noticed that your hands and feet are freezing now? Shaw: Come on, let me take you for a hot pot to warm up. MC: Food is still more tempting for me. Let's go quickly before we have to wait in line.
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Shaw: You have two choices now: one, challenge the snowy mountain, two, go to the skiing town for some "retirement."
In front of the registration desk of a snow club, Shaw presented me with a multiple-choice question.
MC: ...
I looked at the two brochures in my hand. One displayed the magnificent sea of clouds, while the other depicted cozy wooden cabins in the small town.
Although both were attractive, the snowy mountain was a local feature. When planning the route, I frequently encountered related travel videos—
The panoramic view of the world from the mountaintop was irreplaceable in the skiing town.
MC: Hmm, the scenery on the snowy mountain seems more unique...
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Shaw: Okay, let's go with that. MC: Wait, wait a minute!
I quickly grabbed his arm and pointed to the brochure's description.
MC: The entry-level altitude of this snowy mountain is 5000 meters... Considering my sedentary office lifestyle, I should...
Sensing the hesitation and melancholy in my tone, Shaw turned back.
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Shaw: How would you know if you don't try? MC: But still…. Shaw: Have some confidence in yourself. You've been doing sports for a while, you should be in better shape than a few months ago, right? MC: Well, that's true. I do feel that my fitness has improved a bit.
Encouraged by his rare words of motivation, I rallied some determination and headed to the front desk.
MC: Hello, we'd like to sign up for the snowy mountain trek.
The staff member handed out the materials, and one of them was a liability waiver that made me hesitate for a moment.
MC: Do we need to sign a liability waiver? Staff member: Yes, but the guides are very professional. As long as you follow their instructions, there won't be any risks.
Seeing Shaw's expression of "Are you scared?" I decisively wrote down my name.
MC: Oh, by the way.
Thinking of not wanting to miss out on anything, I put down the pen and looked at Shaw.
MC: Don't forget to arrange for the skiing town; I want to go there too. MC: Only boring people make choices, so I want both.
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Guide: Everyone, we will first hike 11 kilometers to reach the base camp at 4000 meters and camp overnight. We'll start the ascent to the summit early in the morning.
After changing into the professional mountaineering equipment provided by the club, the guide led us along the horse trail on foot.
The mountain tops around us were already covered in white snow, and I envisioned myself standing at the summit, becoming more excited as we progressed.
But everything changed after a "watershed" appeared in the trek, about four kilometers into the hike.
The mountain road became even more rugged, and despite resting many times, each step felt as heavy as if my feet were filled with lead.
MC [panting]: So tired... How much longer?
Gasping for breath, I checked the step count on my watch—it was still a long way to the base camp.
This time, Shaw laughed and covered my eyes.
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Shaw: Don't look, the more you look, the more desperate you'll feel. Besides, regrets won't help now. You've already boarded the "thief's ship," and you can only grit your teeth and keep going. MC: Aren't you tired? Still have the energy to tease me... Shaw: It's okay, at least better than those who sit in the office all day.
While saying this, Shaw intentionally slows down his pace, gently pulling me to a relatively flat mountain path.
Shaw: So don't think about how long it will take to reach the destination. Just look ahead. The process is always more interesting than the destination.
For the rest of the journey, Shaw didn't rush me. However, from time to time, he used some provocative methods to make me take a few more steps with determination.
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When we finally reached the base camp, after dinner, we were instructed to go inside and sleep.
MC: Shaw, do you know what time it is now? It's only 6:30! How can I sleep at 6:30!
I tossed and turned in my sleeping bag, and finally rolled over to Shaw's side.
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Shaw: If you can't sleep, then don't. Shaw: But let me remind you, it's still several hours away from the mountaintop now, and it's only going to get steeper at night. MC: But I really can't sleep!
Before I could finish speaking, he pressed me into his arms, and the warm breath on top of my head felt especially comforting in the night.
Shaw[sighs deeply]: Close your eyes and shut up. No talking from now on. Whoever breaks the rule will get their head bumped. MC: Huh? Shaw: Once.
He tapped my forehead and closed his eyes, not giving me a chance to retaliate.
Feeling a bit helpless, I raised my fist toward the empty space, but he skillfully caught it and placed it in front of himself.
Shaw: Try any tricks again, even if it's just twice for you. MC: I...
As he slightly opened his mouth, I quickly pulled back my neck and closed my eyes.
—[Flashback starts]
But soon, the continuous mountain ranges in the daytime and the bright and lively Shaw under the sunlight began to appear in my mind.
Traveling together is said to be the best test of a couple's compatibility. Although we argued along the way, everything we did was remarkably harmonious.
[Flashback ends]—
Thinking of this, I secretly opened my eyes, only to meet his gaze directly.
Neither of us spoke, the dim light flickering, allowing the tranquility of this moment to linger gently.
Finally, I spoke softly.
MC: Didn't we agree not to open our eyes? Why are you looking at me?
Before I finished speaking, he lightly tapped my forehead.
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Shaw: Eyes open, time for a penalty. MC: You clearly opened your eyes too, don't try to escape! Shaw: Why should I be penalized? If you don't open your eyes, you won't know that I did. MC: Shaw!!
I was about to give him a playful response, but he once again held my hand in check.
Shaw: Seems like you're not tired enough during the day. Let's just forget about sleeping. I'll keep you company until you're exhausted.
When I woke up again, it was already 2 a.m. We quickly packed up and followed the guide to continue our journey.
The high mountains that were bright in the daytime now appeared as dark shadows, overlooking numerous climbers facing the challenge.
The latter part of the journey was indeed steeper than during the day. I stumbled over rocks, feeling my energy rapidly depleting.
Not only me, but some fellow travelers even gave up on reaching the summit, brushing past us and heading back.
MC [panting heavily]: Huff …..
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Shaw: I know you can still persist, but rushing won't help. Stick to the pace we had during the day.
He slowed down our pace, and gradually, we became the last ones in the group.
The wind and snow continued to blow, stealing the already thin oxygen. I could only breathe heavily, gripping the climbing rope and moving upward.
Until a faint light illuminated the foothills, I belatedly looked up, realizing the snowy summit was still far away.
I instinctively took large strides forward, but my knees went soft, and I was supported by Shaw.
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Shaw [sounding concerned]: Hey, holding up okay? MC: I-I can still go on.
As I stood panting, Shaw walked in front of me and crouched down, patting his own shoulder.
Shaw: This snow mountain is a bit more challenging than I imagined. Come on, I won't count it as slacking off.
Feeling a warm surge in my heart, I made an effort to catch my breath and smiled at him.
MC: Some people always say you should experience things for yourself, so I want to climb up step by step on my own.
Shaw smiled and turned to brush off the snow on my knees.
Shaw: Quite determined. I'll follow your lead this time.
I nodded and then held his hand.
MC: But you still need to hold my hand, just like you always do.
Shaw tightened his grip on my hand and took on most of my weight as we ascended together.
Silently, the sun had poured all its light onto the vast white mountains, creating a dazzling golden glow.
Even though we hadn't reached the summit yet, I no longer felt in a hurry. Instead, I held the hand of the person beside me tightly, savoring every step of the journey.
Until I saw the monument marking 5025 meters close at hand, excitement surged within me.
MC: Shaw... I did it! We reached the summit!
All the determination finally relaxed at this moment. I rested on my knees, looking down at the sea of clouds bathed in golden light.
But in the next moment, my vision flickered, and Shaw lifted me high.
Strong arms securely held me, widening my perspective at this moment.
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Shaw [in a cheerful voice]: The scenery is undoubtedly better the higher you go. How about it, can you see clearly now? MC: Mm!
The smiling voice reached my ears through the wind and snow. I took a deep breath, looking around the endless snow-covered expanse.
The entire world seemed to be covered in a pure white blanket, with the lazy sun lying on top, casting extremely dazzling light.
In the face of nature, humans are so tiny, yet I was fortunate to stand at the top of the world under its gaze.
MC: Experiencing things for yourself is indeed essential. The scenery in videos is not even one-thousandth as beautiful as what I'm seeing with my own eyes! Shaw [softly]: That's why, if there's a next time, don't dismiss yourself beforehand. Otherwise, you won't know how much you've missed.
After Shaw put me down, I naturally hooked my arms around his neck.
MC: Then I'll continue to engage in sports, because I want to see many more beautiful sceneries with you.
I paused, smiling at him.
MC: Consider it my way of adding a little extra beauty to the future~
He smiled and looked around the mountains before shifting his gaze back to me.
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Shaw [chuckles]: Next time, when I ask you to go skateboarding, you better not chicken out, or I'll have to tie you down and take you there.
🚐 Day 3
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dolphin1812 · 1 year
Riot and insurrection are defined by minority vs majority, with insurrection being a just movement by the majority to maintain its democratic power and rioting being a minority using violence against the people (the exception being colonialism because Hugo believed in “civilizing” missions, as illustrated by his remarks on Columbus). Through this link, they’re also defined by their tie to progress: insurrection is part of progress and is good, and rioting looks to the past and is therefore bad. 
Hugo’s comments on writing under tyranny are fascinating in the context of Napoleon III. Hugo was exiled, but he was still conscious of how censorship could affect his work in France. The dense prose mentioned, then, could be this novel! Its themes are concealed, to an extent, by its length and its digressions. Hugo outright tells us his opinions (like he’s doing now), but after reading so much, it can be difficult to keep track of without a very close reading (which is made difficult by length, too – even though the goal of these posts has been to close-read each chapter, there will always be chapters that I understand better and others that are incomprehensible. A censor needing to read this quickly would be very lost!). Hugo’s prose doesn’t seem concise at all, but perhaps he felt that it was appropriate for the breadth of what he covered, and that he felt he learned to better articulate himself with this consciousness.
(Or maybe Hugo wants a republic so he can digress freely. Maybe digressions are democracy)
Despotism being the same under a “genius” feels like a jab at Napoleon I, too, making it an even harsher critique of the less respected (by Hugo) Napoleon III! And it’s also a return to Louis Philippe, who – while a good person – still suffers from the flaw of being a king in a France that doesn’t want one.
And he has a point that suffrage is wonderful because it offers an alternative to both insurrection and rioting! If the people have a non-violent and legitimate way of expressing their opinions, then they become less necessary. Hugo’s dream of them disappearing is a lot – protest is seen as another right alongside suffrage – but it’s a nice ideal in that it imagines a democracy that functions perfectly and thus only needs the vote to decide well.
And unfortunately, Hugo’s right about the reluctance to distinguish between the two by those in power. We’re back to animal symbolism, but this time, it’s between an animal and a person. The “dog” expected to serve the person is beaten for disobedience, leaving no alternative but to transform into a ferocious lion capable of resisting. 
I love that Hugo basically says “June 1832 was insurrection, but there’s a good chance I’ll forget and say riot in the future; just know I don’t mean that politically.” It’s almost a form of self-awareness over how many words he uses to describe most things!
He’s making a claim to historical accuracy, too, and one grounded in the perspective of the protesters. The judicial records he mentions would have been from their trials and, therefore, from the point of view of a state threatened by them. Hugo’s fictionalized account continues to give a voice to those neglected by those narratives. 
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bluerose5 · 2 years
not me seeing you taking fenhanders prompts and RUNNING to your inbox, but:
something (mild and will not kill them) happens to Fenris and Anders and Hawke has to take care of them for a little while 🥹
I had fun with this one. Hope you like how it turned out. 🥰💙
The one bad thing about people who take care of others is that, oftentimes, they end up forgetting to take care of themselves in the process.
Which is exactly how Anders ended up sick, his immune system in tatters while being exposed to one too many different diseases.
In all honesty, Garrett was surprised that it hadn't happened sooner; but given their close proximity to one another, it was a miracle that Garrett didn't fall ill as well.
Fenris, on the other hand, wasn't as lucky.
For two people who had so much yet also so little in common, they certainly reacted to being sick in different ways.
While Anders was more vocal in voicing his displeasure, Fenris took a much more reserved approach. He preferred to remain bundled up in blankets, grumbling to himself until he got too warm, thus forced to shed some layers as he trudged around his mansion like a ghost in the shadows. He refused to ask anyone else for help, not wanting to be a bother, even if he was anything but.
Anders, by contrast, didn’t bother to try and make himself appear smaller than he was. Rather, he made his presence known at every available opportunity, especially when he learned that doing so often meant gaining Hawke’s attention, no matter how briefly.
For once, he was the one being cared for, and that awakened a part of him that reveled in being spoiled and loved.
Of course, put the couple in the same room, and they were sure to butt heads as they usually did.
“I despise you,” Fenris deadpanned, both of them sprawled out on Fenris’ bed together, settled atop the sheets as yet another wave of heat surged through them.
Anders sniffled, petulant, and glared at him through puffy, red eyes.
“So you keep saying, but you must keep me around for s–some—Achoo!” He was abruptly cut off by a tickle in his nose, which instantly transitioned into a sneeze that radiated painfully throughout his chest. Anders grimaced, then groaned. “Ugh, reason.”
Face scrunched up in disgust, Fenris glowered, wrinkling his nose in Anders’ direction.
“Can you at least attempt to cover your mouth, mage?”
“Of course. I shall aim to be sick with less offense.”
“I won’t hold my breath.”
“Wise choice,” Anders taunted. “Holding your breath would be detrimental to your health. Good to know your common sense is still intact, at least.”
“Why, you little—”
Before Fenris could even finish the thought, he pounced.
Anders yelped as he was forced back onto the bed, struggling until they were rolling back and forth across the sheets.
Not that he ever stood a chance.
Like always, Fenris gained the upper hand all too quickly, his strength almost otherworldly.
He straddled Anders’ waist, pinning his wrists above his head, while his precious mage sulked in defeat.
Fenris smirked.
“Do you yield?” he asked, enjoying himself way too much.
Head held high, Anders huffed, “As if.”
When he squirmed against Fenris’ hold, Fen continued to sit on top of him, not once moving an inch.
For as much progress as Anders was making, he might as well have been trying to move the Viscount’s keep.
Eventually, he surrendered.
“Oh, fine, you win,” Anders grunted, wiggling once more in an attempt to dislodge him. Playfully, he raised the pitch of his voice. “Mercy, serah! Mercy!”
“Hmm…” Fenris trailed off, humming in contemplation. “And what, pray tell, is to be my prize for this outstanding victory?”
“How about I don’t kick you out of the bed by the end of the day?” Anders offered.
Then again, maybe he shouldn’t have said that, considering the position he was in.
Fenris narrowed his eyes at him.
“Just for that—” Without warning, Fen leaned in and nuzzled his face into the crook of Anders’ neck, which wouldn’t have been that bad in theory, had it not been for one teeny-tiny detail.
Anders gagged at the feeling of Fenris’ sweat-soaked hair brushing against his skin.
“You ass!”
As soon as Fenris released his wrists, Anders shoved him off, scrubbing the sheets along his throat to rid his already-clammy skin of the extra layer of sweat.
Fenris collapsed onto the bed, winded.
At first, he trembled. His shoulders shook, but he ultimately remained silent.
Then, the first snort broke free, soon followed by another. Before Anders could comprehend what was going on, Fenris was overwhelmed by a fit of laughter. It wasn't his usual soft, reserved chuckles but full-blown, unadulterated laughter.
Soon enough, he was clutching at his side with the beginning of tears building in his eyes.
Anders watched, transfixed yet bewildered.
Seeing Fenris react in such a way was a rarity, an opportunity that Anders knew not to waste. Fenris —like Anders those days— so seldom smiled, not that there was much to smile about in Kirkwall to begin with, so such a genuine reaction was to be savored, a treasured gift to hold close to their chests.
Anders committed every detail to memory, but he wasn't the only one.
"Ahem." At the sound of Hawke clearing his throat, they jolted. Garrett spared them a knowing glance, his lips quirked up into a smirk. "Should I have brought snacks? I leave you two alone for five minutes, and I return to fighting and giggling."
Fenris rolled his eyes, shaking his head with a fond smile.
Garrett fully entered the room then, a large tray in hand. As he went to set it down onto one of the bedside tables, steam billowed up from the bowls and cups he brought along.
The warm, fragrant aroma of homemade stew mingled with the sharp, cool scent of freshly-made tea.
“Here,” Garrett said, passing them the cups first. “Malcolm Hawke’s signature elfroot tea.” When Anders wrinkled his nose, more fond of coffee than tea, Garrett shot him a pointed look. “Drink up, you. It’ll help you feel better, and it’ll give your mana a much-needed boost.”
Grumbling, Anders took a small sip. His face instantly crumpled, feigning a gag.
“Everyone’s a critic,” Garrett sighed.
“Or maybe Anders is just a big baby,” Fenris said.
Anders opened his mouth to fire back at him, but was abruptly caught off guard.
As if to emphasize his words, Fenris had picked up his cup, cradling it as he met Anders' eyes.
Not once did he look away, downing it all in one go.
Anders gaped, slack-jawed, while Garrett tsked at them in a mixture of exasperation and amusement.
Without missing a beat, Garrett swapped Fenris' cup for a bowl of stew, dropping a kiss upon his temple before giving Anders one as well.
"Madmen," he joked, "both of you."
Straightening up around the room, he soon threw open the windows, allowing a gentle breeze to flow freely inside.
“Still too warm?” Garrett asked.
“Only a little,” Anders said, pinching his fingers together.
“I’ll fix that.”
Summoning his magic to his fingertips, Fenris watched while Garrett wove his spell. He formed a sigil in the air, his lips barely parting to form the words of the incantation.
Then, once the sigil was complete, its bright blue glow lingering in the air, Garrett leaned in and blew into the light. It dissipated like sand caught up in a storm. 
In seconds, his magic blanketed the room.
The temperature dropped a perfect amount. Not too cold to be freezing, but cool enough for Anders and Fenris to pick up on the difference.
They groaned in unison, grateful for the relief.
“You spoil us,” Anders purred, his eyes trained on Hawke, leaning his head upon Fenris’ shoulder.
Fenris snorted. “Coddle us, more like.”
“As if you don’t enjoy it,” Garrett chuckled, to which Fenris remained suspiciously silent in response.
After they polished off the stew and tea, Garrett took their dishes and set them aside onto the tray.
Listening to Garrett hum a gentle tune under his breath, Fenris and Anders stared after him, captivated by his very presence.
"You know…” Fenris turned his head aside to cough into the crook of his arm, then cleared his throat. “For someone who swears that he can’t cast a simple healing spell, you really are good at this.” He waved his hand around. “At taking care of others, I mean.”
“Heh.” Flattered, Garrett smiled to himself. “I’ve had lots of practice.”
In place of the cups and bowls, Garrett returned to bed with a book tucked under his arm, his hands juggling quills, inkwells, and stationery alike.
“After Father died, I often looked after Bethany and Carver.” He shrugged. “Mother did her best, don’t get me wrong, but it was all too obvious at times that she was born and raised a noble. I was more familiar with how to prepare Father’s potions and remedies, so I did my best with what we had.”
For the first time in a long while, he was able to look back on those memories without so much pain and heartache.
He settled on the bed with the two men he loved, acutely aware of their eyes trained on him.
Garrett spread the supplies out around them, flashing a grin at Fenris.
“Feel up to some reading and writing?” he asked.
Fenris perked up at the offer, shuffling forward to appraise the assortment that Garrett brought.
“Of course.” Then, he added, “So long as Anders isn’t the one teaching me how to spell again.”
“Hmph, and what is that supposed to mean?” Anders huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Have you actually read your manifesto?” Fenris questioned.
“It’s the first draft!” 
“So you keep saying.”
While they continued to bicker, Garrett listened, completely enamored.
He was simply grateful for every second he got to spend with them.
And if he did end up catching their cold, then at least he could say with confidence that it was worth it.
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astridspeckles · 2 years
Archon Quest & The Wanderer tangent + mental health
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So I just finished it (I'm so far behind on everything Sumeru it hurts) I wanna just talk about stuff, so spoilers. A few things to note:
Im terrible at writing what I think so this is a random jumble of words lol
I'm not a psychologist/psychiatrist
I do have a very empathic innate understanding of mental health tho- I also have personal experience with it.
I simp for Scara, have from the moment I saw him
I knew roughly the story beats of the quest so I didnt go in blind
- so I had a lot of time to get used to the 'cop out'...
This is a repost of a thread I made on another site so if you find this elsewhere it me hi
... Which I'll quickly just address. I don't like how at the end he can't be on our side without the complications of what it would of meant if he as his original self would of been --- but im not gonna focus on that, what done is done. I will just say I would liked more if the voice lines people had of him were different- something along the lines of 'I cant remember what happened but it feels like im forgetting something' -  but im just going to do is focus on his character development. I believe Scaramouche is someone who would be diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) which is an emotional dysregulation disorder which can heavily impact a person day to day which can effect their relationships with people.
People with borderline personality disorder may experience intense mood swings and feel uncertainty about how they see themselves. Their feelings for others can change quickly, and swing from extreme closeness to extreme dislike. These changing feelings can lead to unstable relationships and emotional pain. [- NIMH Gov]
And I know on tumblr people have more understanding of BPD but those who dont know or care says anything - no, this isn't the "edgy mental illness” I believe Collie is an example of another character who displays BPD as well. Both of these characters I believe are actually fantastic display of BPD?? Though Scaramouche is an example of what happens when it goes unchecked and Collei has made amazing progress to live with it in her day to day. But yes... the Archon Quest. Nahida expected and lowkey planned for it to play out the way it did, and even though that is the exact same manipulation that people have been doing that has ruined people, she did it for Scaramouche, and I cant help but love her a bit more for that. She didn't plant the idea in his head or guide his hand, but prepared for an outcome in case if he acted the way he did and allowed him to do so anyway - her trust in him and the traveler as well as herself to make sure things for him would be okay in the end. She cares for him. She understands his history and I bet she understands BPD and knows how to live with people who live with it too Nahida doesn't concern herself with the complications, the fact people would see this outcome as a 'cop out' or the lack of justice of Scaramouche not having to face his actions. Nahida cares about Scaramouche and that he is hurting and has been hurt. She acted accordingly with stride with no doubts. She never gives herself away, despite naturally and genuinely giving her complete self in any situation. Shes amazing (and someone I hope to be like someday). I love how Nahida has just endless trust and confidence in him and the people she works with. She treats people exactly how she would like to be treated in turn making her someone people would respect and up hold - and is such an amazing archon im so glad shes here.
And for someone who is constantly battling to remain guarded- Scaramouche thrives so much with how she treats him - it was amazing. (Although I do wish down to my core that the whole time thing didn't happen because I swear with Nahida and the traveler we could of helped him-- ok ok no I said I wouldnt talk about that topic). But you can see that he's able to be relaxed and confident, but his confidence is being directed in a way that isn't making him defensive! You can see the norm for him which is the exact opposite when he talks to the fatui! Example in the memory where he speaks to Signora - the communication itself is a battle for him. He needs to defend himself and let those around him know he isn't weak. He's constantly treading water, trying to stay afloat- to not be hurt, because he knows no one will hesitate to hurt him. You cannot show that type of weakness - they will see it and strike. And while yes the people who he talks to would of course react in turn to attack him when they are being attacked, if people were able to focus and care for Scaramouche they would acknowledge that it is a factor of his BPD and find ways to navigate these episodes - which we can see, can be done! And that is why he is always acting the way he is. Its a defense mechanism! A vicious cycle. [And I know there are so many players who don't see Scaramouche this way and it makes me actually really sad that they cant see how injuried he is. Every interaction we see him in is him masking and putting on a front, an act, and people think he's all evil because he's a dick. I hope if you see him that way that this thread can at least give you an alternative perspective though] But with that all mentioned... the fact he gave up himself without an instant to fix things... he just wants to do something greater than himself. He wants to help, he wants to make things happen and not necessary because he wants to be great, he just wants to fill in the void he feels. You can see that trauma survivors can have survivors guilt but one way of expressing this is by having an fragile ego believing that you being here means you have a purpose. Of course everyone thinks this but trauma can make it a lot harder to not to regulate your thoughts which can make obsessions more intrusive. He sacrificed himself to do some good after learning the truth within an instinct. To his core he is good. He has done bad and terrible things but he is still being good in these moments, not because he wants to 'do one last thing', but because it is the obvious right choice to do since he has the power to do so. Because they have the power to do so, and they saw a problem that can be helped by them. Nahida and Scaramouche both do this and damn I cant believe that my headcanons for Scaramouche being not evil boi TM actually came true?? First with Xiao and now Scaramouche? I am fed. ...Would someone who has had a history of pain and trauma not want to just erase it? Want to forget it, not want to experience it and not attached to it? Of course. But that ins't possible to do which is where you seek a professional to help you work through things. But yet here we are, and while... I don't like the game narrative of this happening, for a study in a traumatized character it is actually a really interesting path... which I still hate. The equivalent of this is suppressed memories. And I can talk from personal experience- having a memory of a distressing yet alone heavily traumatic situation is majorly distressing and/or soul crushing! Even more so if it is OUT OF NOWHERE. This is not how you recover from your trauma - its the opposite - trauma dumping! My poor boy didn't stand a chance! You even see The Wanderer, the moment I saw him I actually was so distressing for me. You could instantly see how empty he is. He's missing so much of himself. And all I could see up until the traveler talks to him was sadness. -I played it while talking to a friend and she couldnt see this and I swear this isn't because I simp for him though. This came across crystal clearly for me and im actually really shocked that apparently not everyone else did? But once he speaks to the traveler he develops drive and goals instantly. Again, this has always been there and is actually one of the main personality traits he always has on display. Scaramouche has always been the way the Wanderer is. But after we finish the Wanderers task for the stall keep, we see Nahida and Y I K E S we trauma dump him. And this hurt to watch. This isn't how you deal with trauma. "Just rip it off like a bandaid" is not the approach you have to something so devistating... ...and yet for the games purposes it had to be done like this. Lets say hypothetically if the game let the Wanderer slowly and healthily learn Scaramouche's history - he would of be an odd mixture of two people. But he would still ultimately be more of the Wanderer than Scaramouche! he could be able to connect with him but ultimately he would of been able to let him go. But the game could not do that for game reasons. He IS Scaramouche, he needs to STAY as Scaramouche. So trauma dumping it is. So he decides in true Wanderer/Scaramouche fashion that it is his duty to learn the truth. Because this is a drive and motivation and their character at their core would do anything to fix what is right regardless of what is their own consequence. And so he does. And he suffers for it, recalls painful memories and is in agony. ... and yet, when it is all done you can see instantly - "He is back to being the old Scaramouche". And this is where I say no. This is where people aren't seeing him. Scararmouche never left. You just know what to look for now to see his kindness. You just understand when his trauma is making him act up. You are just in an environment where he can allow his defenses not to be activated. The Wanderer has not had a personality change - sure he isn't the soft boy from before, but SIKE he actually is. Or rather, he can be when he chooses and is ready to be. But he'll never be that aimless or hollow ever again, but that wasn't Scaramouche, or The Wanderer, that was a blank state of being of going with the motions knowing something is missing. He'll never be so hollow again, but he will be able to display that unguarding kindness someday. The major change he has had his trauma and burdens are eased and no longer life controlling. He is on the path of recovery and overcoming his history. Scaramouche has always had the ability to be kind and not being evil, but he never had the enviroment where he could do so. He was molded in part to be the evil he became and while he was manipulated to do so, to degrees he did willingly not too concerned if he didnt have the full context. But the Wanderer is and has always been what Scaramouche is, just some people had to actively been shown who he is before they could see it themselves.
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k7l4d4 · 4 months
K Reviews and Rants: Miraculous Ladybug Season 5! Episode 11
And now, my fair readers, I shall now embark on PART 2 of the first two-parter of this season! Let's see if it's an improvement...
If there is one thing this episode upsets me the most about, in hindsight, it's how this episode basically embodies the fact that no one in this series has apparently any kind of critical thinking skills. Any kind of ability to reflect on what is going on around them or draw connections just... does not exist, because doing so would cause the flimsy writing to fall apart in seconds, exemplified how Tikki never apparently made the connection between the Alliance Rings tracking the steps of their wielder automatically, Dark(er) Owl going after Socqueline immediately after Marinette ran off to take down the Dinosaur-Pigeon hybrids, or how Monarch was able to find out her and Plagg's new wielders so quickly... or how Alya never once stops to consider the fact that Marinette is still the Guardian, so keeping her identity secret is still a huge deal. It's just not sustainable.
Anyway, rambling over. Onto my mental breakdown! As always, warning for profanity on my part.
Episode 11: Kwamis Choice Part 2 (Deflagration) 
Okay, just got started... here's seeing how this goes. And wow, they seriously cannot have people NOT obsess over the love lives of two teenagers for even a second, can they? 
Uugghh... this is a small gripe, but them trying to present Alya confidently stating that Ladybug and Chat Noir aren't in love and never have been... to say it IRRITATES ME is an understatement, given how much of an unabashed fangirl she was for the ship, up to and including ignoring Marinette's wishes in posting pics on the topic online. 
Okay, we get a scene of Adrien moping over a picture of Marinette on his phone... despite the last episode literally being all about on them FINALLY MAKING FUCKING PROGRESS AND HIM GETTING CONFIRMATION THAT SHE LIKES HIM!! What in the world is he moping about!? It can't be that he's no longer Chat Noir, given that he got over THAT bit of moping at lightning speed. SO WHAT IS HIS PROBLEM!?
Y-You know what makes this entire scene currently going on (Marinette checking in on Alya and congratulating her for being the new Ladybug wielder) so much worse? It's the fact that MARINETTE KNOWS, and also SHE IS STILL THE GUARDIAN OF THE MIRACULOUS. Meaning she is STILL A SERIOUS RISK FOR AKUMATIZATIONS!! Oh, and once again, I'm gonna chime in that, even if she isn't aware that Monarch can listen in on the Alliance Rings, AT MINIMUM Tikki should've let Alya know that they DO track her movements. And the fact that this isn't brought up at all... yeah... 
Alya... no. CUT IT OUT WITH THE SHIPPING. You SENT HIM TO HER HOUSE, HIM FORGETTING HIS BAG THERE IS NORMAL, STOP READING SHIT INTO THINGS!!! Dear god, the way they cannot let up for even a second on the LS just drives me insane. 
...She told Adrien she was "shaving her socks." They. ARE NOT EVEN TRYING AT THIS POINT. 
Alya acting all smug about Marinette and Adrien hanging out (NOT DATING) is honestly infuriating. Because given just how wishy-washy this entire fucking fiasco has been about her respecting and caring about MARINETTE'S OWN FEELINGS, as well as the show's inability to honestly take a fucking SOLID POSITION just makes her come across as a smug "rhymes-with-witch" at the moment. 
Dadada... Alya still being unable to grasp and respect Marinette's boundaries, of course. 
Ughh... I honestly hate how Alya is referring to Marinette's stupid crush as "episodes." Like, treating a person you actually know, particularly one who is meant to be your BEST FRIEND, as a soap opera for you to watch is incredibly insensitive. And news alert, calling attention to the NON-EXISTENT PLOT PROGRESSION IN YOUR FUCKING SHOW IS NOT FUNNY, IT IS ANNOYING AND JUST SHOWS HOW SHIT THE WRITING IS. Marinette being "back at square one" is not funny. It's pathetic, and honestly unhealthy.
...I honestly just cannot get over how Alya says "you don't have to worry about secret identities or anything about that" when she's conveniently forgetting that MARINETTE IS STILL THE FUCKING GUARDIAN. She is ALWAYS going to have to worry about this stuff, because until she passes on the title (and all relevant memories connected to it), she will ALWAYS be involved in the fight, NO MATTER WHAT. But of course, the show glosses over all that because it doesn't give them the type of drama they want. 
Okay, I hate to admit it, but Plagg's face at "Largest cheese cellar in Paris" was honestly funny. 
And we get Zoe sneaking around... in her own home. Apparently because of Chloe. Ugghhh... it's gonna be like that, isn't it? 
First things out of her mouth being about how "Zoe isn't allowed in the kitchen with her dirty sneakers." And apparently Chloe SOMEHOW gets to dictate where Zoe is allowed to go within the hotel. I'm not even going to pretend to acknowledge this because CHLOE DOES NOT HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE THOSE DECISIONS, and if Andre is ALLOWING THIS then this is just an early look at how much of a fucking pathetic excuse for a father he is. 
Also, I don't get why Chloe is calling for Audrey, because it's not as if Audrey would even give a shit, considering that Zoe's literal introduction established that she doesn't give a damn about EITHER Chloe or Zoe, so she isn't gonna give Chloe her way. And if this stupid scene just has the worst Chloe makes Zoe do to "keep her mouth shut" is clean her shoes... okay, what the fuck about this is supposed to justify Plagg running off screaming about Cataclysming Chloe!? 
Fucking GOD does this shit annoy me!! Having characters overreact to shit that is, at WORST, annoying and inconvenient pettiness on Chloe's part does not make her worse, it just makes the person DOING said overreacting look petty and stupid! Granted, the one they are having do this is Plagg, whose track record for being "reasonable" isn't very good, but I doubt that thought ever occurred to the writers. 
Ughh... and they retconned Plagg accidentally genociding the Dinosaurs as an act of deliberate petty spite. No, this does not make him look cool, it makes him look like a fucking PSYCHO.
Also, Zoe saying "it's pointless" with a smile on her face just gives me the same vibes as Adrien's "She'll never change" comment in Despair Bear. It's treating the actions of someone prone to extreme self-destruction and living in a toxic environment as something to just shake your head over and shrug off... and this is before acting as if Chloe being petty and immature is deserving of regarding her as the Spawn of Satan. 
Okay, for this scene alone, I'll GRUDGINGLY give them SOME credit for at least acknowledging that Plagg blows things out of proportion... but that shouldn't be a JOKE, if anything, the fact that the Embodiment of Destruction is prone to overreaction SHOULD BE A VERY BIG PROBLEM!!! 
...I just watched Gabriel... putting on a dance number... after coming out of his fucking secret lair. The ONLY fucking reason I'm not screaming at just how completely inappropriate this scene is (in terms of just both undermining any menace within Gabe as a character, but also for writing off his recent discovery as part of a cheap GAG), is because it was over quickly. 
Oh, now we get a scene of Nathalie sadly staring at a picture of Emilie. No, you don't get to do that since you are fully complicit in ignoring her wishes and have actively continued to go against them, with the only change being that you "aren't on Gabe's side anymore." 
Also, the way Gabe phrases it as "the right combination of powers" just makes me bang my head against a wall at how the writers have completely abandoned any pretense of him being able to be genuinely creative in the powers he already grants. The last Akuma didn't even HAVE Unique Powers besides being big and bear-themed. 
You also were perfectly willing to make the exact same Wish for yourself, so you have no leg to stand on. 
Honestly, him going on about him having discovered the identities of the new Miraculous Holders in Zoe and Alya would be more impressive if his plan wasn't literally the exact same as all his other plans, but copying what he did during Nino's scheme to get Gabe Akumatized and doing it better, which just makes me wonder why the FUCK he didn't add those power ups THEN anyway!? Or at least just used the Ox, given the whole "invulnerability" thing. Heck, the fact that he's had the Ox as far back as Episode Two makes me wonder why he didn't use it to make Chat Noir's Cataclysm Bluff just that, a HARMLESS BLUFF. 
And now we get another scene of Nino's fucking stupid resistance. I still cannot take them seriously with those idiotic names. 
Next we get a moment of Adrien taking Marinette's hand in his to comfort her... and Adrien, while I appreciate the spirit, and think Marinette wildly flailing is an overreaction, you don't just grab someone's hand like that. That's a violation of her personal boundaries. Ughh... we honestly should've gotten more episodes about stuff like THAT, about how Adrien just doesn't know how to be a normal teen, more than this BS. 
...Everything I see of the Resistance just makes me think less of it. Because on the one hand, yes, being able to report Akumatizations is nice... that's why the "Megakuma/Akuma Alerts" exist, and makes Kitty Section writing loud rock music and broadcasting it over the school's speaker system completely pointless, and if anything it isn't going to get any form of the response they are looking for since no one would KNOW that it has anything to do with Akumas, and is more of a distraction from the threat the Akuma represents. 
...I do not get why they think they would somehow be able to stop someone from being Akumatized, OR WHY THEY THINK THAT PAINTBALLS WOULD DO ANYTHING TO AN AKUMA!!!
Oh, and another mention of the tired "we would have to lie to each other!!" talking point. Not even gonna pretend to engage with that BS. 
I'm just... nothing about this is romantic. If anything, it's creepy because it's overwhelmingly trying to force this scene to be romantic. 
...Oh, and we get the first 'Chloe is a dumb blonde' scene with her apparently needing Alliance to define Generous to her. Excuse me while I go out into the snow to scream my head off. 
Like, it would be one thing if this was a sarcastic quip she's making that the Alliance Ring just took literally, but we both know it isn't, and I FUCKING HATE IT. Because this is beyond making her stupid, this is literally trying to force her into a specific mold in the most hamfisted way possible. 
And another hit, right away, with it apparently being that you HAVE to say "please" to Alliance. There is literally no possible reasoning for including this scene except to point and go "SEE!? SEE!? CHLOE IS AWFUL!! SHE CAN'T EVEN SAY PLEASE!!!" 
Oh, she's apparently going to "destroy Dupain-Cheng," where have I heard that before? Never. I have never heard her talk like that prior to Season 4. This... this is just obnoxious. 
This also includes the start of the trend of the show making Chloe Lila's attack dog. It's hard to take her as a credible threat when literally it's just Lila using crass manipulation on the girl Astruc insists would be the bottom of the class without help from Sabrina, and she didn't even CARE until Lila brought it up. Nope, I just can't take this seriously, because they are STILL TREATING THE LOVE SQUARE LIKE A FUCKING JOKE.
Yadayadayada, more Chloe Character Assassination and the show not even pretending to have any kind of internal continuity... 
Them trying to present Zoe standing up for Marinette as this badass sign is honestly pretty stupid since MARINETTE HAS LEARNED TO STAND UP FOR HERSELF SINCE FUCKING ORIGINS, and no one has EVER taken Chloe seriously as a credible threat. This is just completely and utterly stupid. 
...I would laugh at them having Chloe say "I'll crush you all!" if it didn't sound completely and utterly WRONG coming out of her mouth. Her voice IS NOT SUITED TO SAYING GENUINE THREATS. It just makes her sound like she's reading from a cringe-inducing script for a school play. 
And now they have Chloe stand-up and just let the Akuma come to her. Not even pretending that this is something DONE to her, and the fact that it's Chloe means that any attempt at trying to make her resist is utterly pointless. 
Wow, they didn't even TRY to stop Chloe from being Akumatized. How "totally surprising." So much for "only having one enemy, and that's Monarch." 
...And "Sole Destroyer" isn't even something I can take seriously as a threat because of how utterly stupid her power is. She turns people into shoes that "sing her praises" by kicking them. 
Also, how is no one hearing Monarch!? Just because he's invisible doesn't mean he's inaudible, and he IS IN THE ROOM WITH ALL OF THEM. 
Oh, and we get Plagg shilling for Zoe again... 
Also, I just do not get on ANY LEVEL how Monarch not wearing the Miraculouses when he made himself invulnerable would make them... not invulnerable. I just don't. It feels totally arbitrary.
Also, Tikki was ALREADY absorbed into the earrings, how in the world did she get blasted out?? 
Marinette freaking the hell out really just... undermines any threat that this is supposed to have, it's too out of place right now. 
Oh look, Sole Destroyer was somehow defeated off-screen with no explanation. And Monarch gets ambushed by the Resistance, which I still can't take seriously since by all rights this should be entirely in Monarch's favor since, you know, HE HAS VOYAGE!!! Oh, and how in the world did they somehow knock Chloe out!? Did... did this show just FORGET that all the Miraculouses grant their wielders a degree of super strength, toughness, and agility?? Because there is no reason a bunch of kids jumping on top of him should have even slowed Monarch down. And again, VOYAGE. 
I don't get why he had to use Multitude before using Voyage at the end, since the fact that he still had a grip on Ladybug's Yo-Yo means he realistically could've just dragged her through with him and had her completely at his mercy. 
Tikki and Plagg wondering how Monarch found him out... while ignoring that there is canonically a WAY FOR THEIR WIELDERS TO BE TRACKED IN THE ALLIANCE RINGS!!! Even if they dismiss the idea of Gabriel being Monarch, they should at fucking LEAST be suspicious!! 
Once again, I'm not touching the nonsense of Plagg comforting Zoe with a ten-foot-pole, given that it's just tied to the show's Chloe Assassination process. "It was an honor to be your Kwami," PLAGG YOU KNEW HER FOR LESS THEN A FUCKING DAY!!! Okay, and with that, I'm done with this episode.
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skylarmoon71 · 8 months
Harry Wells (Flash) - Earth 2 - Chapter 13
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You aren’t surprised at Harry’s quietness.
He’s always been a very brooding man. You are however suspicious that he agreed to watch these rom coms with you. Especially after all those times he vehemently said he would sooner die than invest any of his time into those illiterate films.
His exact words.
“I’m shocked you’re being so obedient. Did you bury a body and now you need me as an alibi?”
Harry scoffed.
“If I were to do that, trust me, they would never catch me.”
He sounded so proud saying it too.
You just giggled.
“It’s a little disturbing how confident you just said that. I might have to watch my back.”
“Never catch me.” He repeated.
You shoved him playfully, and Harry turned to you, sending you that look.
It’s been going on all night. He directs these subtle glances that he thought you didn’t notice. For a while now you’ve been trying to find a way to broach the topic. You wanted to ask him, but another part of you wanted him to tell you.
Your gaze must have been too much, because he finally broke contact, standing.
“I’m going to grab more drinks.”
His tone was even, and that’s when you realized.
“Are you ever going to tell me the truth?”
That stopped him cold in his tracks.
His gaze met yours with a bit of uncertainty.
“I couldn’t put my finger on it at first. But that day in the lab, I felt something. It was strange. Then you smiled at me and assured me everything was okay, but it never really met your eyes. I had to make sure.”
You unlocked your phone, and when he saw the video that you played, it made sense.
“Hi future (Y/N). You’re probably wondering why I’m leaving this video. Well, it’s because I’m pretty sure that I’m losing my memories.”
Harry swallowed, slowly taking a seat as the video continued.
“I’ve been forgetting things. Little things about the people that I care about. That’s why I’m here to remind you. Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Barry Allen, Iris West, Joe West…”
There’s a pause.
“Harrison Wells or as Cisco calls him, Harry Wells.”
You were getting teary on the other side of the screen.
“These people are more important to you than your own life. I’ve attached pictures, videos and notes to this file so you don’t forget. I’m no scientist, but it seems that it’s progressing quickly. If one day you forget all of them, please, please find me…please just don’t..don’t..”
The image of your face changes, and the screen goes blank.
It’s clear that the video has been cut short.
Most likely due to another episode of your amnesia.
You place the phone down, and Harry can’t seem to find the words.
There’s so much written on your face.
Hurt, pain, fear..understanding.
“I..I didn’t want you to-”
You shook your head, and when you moved closer he prepared for the words of displeasure that would surely follow.
But all he felt was the softness of your lips.
Harry blinked, and you pulled back, wearing a weak smile.
He touches his lips softly, clearly still trying to comprehend what just happened.
“Promise me..promise me that when I completely forget you..you’ll come to see me just one last time.”
He wasn’t sure what to say. How could he make that promise? Just the thought of you looking at him blankly, indifferent, it hurts.
“Please..promise me..”
You’re crying, and the tears that he’s fought so hard to hold back, come running down his cheeks.
He removes his glasses, wiping the tears away as he nods.
“I promise.”
All you offer at that moment is a smile.
“Thank you Harry.”
You lean forward, wrapping your arms around him.
“Thank you.” 
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sleepdepravity · 1 year
obscure "walk around a cool place and pick stuff up" games
a lot of the games i enjoy and love playing are games where i just walk around a place and pick stuff up. "stuff" can be collectibles, or it can be story, or lore, or pictures of creatures, or quests to complete. there are no enemies. there are some puzzles. whenever i see a game and it has a premise that promises walking around and picking up collectibles, i am compelled very strongly to get it. i don't know how i find these games. steam just cultivates them for me sometimes.
anyways i think i'm gonna order these in some haphazard subcategories as well, from "story-heavy/driven" to "not"
walk around a cool place and get a story
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i really expected this to have more reviews than it did! you're just a gal. going around in the space river. finding artifacts to learn an alien language and figure out history. the main crux of this game is puzzling out the language, and you can make guesses on the words. the language is logical, actually, so you could potentially figure out the words yourself before the game will fully confirm it for you, and that's honestly fun. you also have a robot buddy. i thought this game was very neat. also i guess there's a mystery involved too.
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you're an astronaut who got sent up to the moon to give power back to earth (i forget how you do this, it probably involves. solar power. maybe.) anyways, this means that you walk around this abandoned decrepit space station, which i find fun, and you can find and pick up lore and read it if you'd like. (yet another space game, huh...) you're mainly just walking around and doing puzzles and stuff. on the moon (actually i guess this one maybe shouldn't be considered obscure either? quite a bit of reviews.)
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I remember being put off by one of the....twists? of the story. involving you and your sidekick. I think it's a twist that they get out of the way rather quickly, though and it didn't bother me much. I liked the environments, and I liked walking around a town and going into people's houses and finding out mysteries. exactly my shit.
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there's an AI in this game and i liked it. This game involves, uh, AI chat, i guess? y'know. you type in a console, and then the game has the AI spits out responses. that's part of the game. you get to make friends with the AI. it's been a while since i've played this, but the game was made in 2016, so I suspect that the engine for, generating responses to text maybe isn't the most robust at this point. but i mean, once again, space! walking around a space station, looking at things. AIs. good stuff. people in the reviews going like "we need chatgpt in this game" shut up. that's not gonna help actually. how are you gonna translate chat gpt responses to gameplay interaction and progression? huh??? hm??????
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in this "walk around a place and get a story" game, you're accompanied by a ghost. There's a story you sorta have to sus out, about the people and village and what happened. You get to find little letters and small lore things and i love that shit. I also like hauntings. you are very much haunted by a ghost. there is a plot development in the end regarding the ghost that i really enjoy.
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this is a fun premise, where the place you're walking around in is "an incomplete game." There's a whole narrative of nightmare development and developer infighting. Because the conceit of this game is that, it's literally an unfinished game, you can also hack elements in the game to do things, such as, not fight or hurt me. which i like because fighting is the worst part of any game. the ending has like a few different ways it can go, which is fun.
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another timeloop game, but sort of a lowkey one. you're walking around a place in like. the last ten seconds before its destruction. you go around to landmarks and look at stuff and find. secrets? secrets. it's been a LONG time since i've played this game actually. but you sure do walk around and look at things!
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okay, THIS one is sort of a weird one. and you don't exactly "walk" around a place. and also, there's not exactly a story to find. you do "have" to find, like, logs. as in, there are text logs to find, i guess. and those text logs probably comprise a story. but for the most part, it really is just pretty to look at and mess with. i cannot for the life of me explain what any of those controls do.
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You go around a place in a boat, and i do like sailing. There,s a lot more, uh, jumping and avoiding monsters and gameplay stuff in this one. though i guess "a lot more" doesn't say much when you compare it to, "none at all." One of the collectibles in this game is seagulls. I don't think I found all the seagulls but I would have liked to. The water is very pretty.
walk around a place and finish quests/solve puzzles
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a very silly game. there is, sort of a story i guess, you're supposed to meet up with your girlfriend. also, i guess this is post-apocalypse??? you're in a post apocalyptic world surrounded by nothing but dogs and also your girlfriend is here too somewhere. also, the airport signs are all in an alien language so if you want to catch your flight you have to pay attention. Also, there's a dog compendium. you collect dogs in your compendium. i love collecting thigns in compendiums.
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I think this counts in this category. I don't remember any particularly huge plot. you walk around to cities and stuff and talk to other people and make paintings. maybe you sell them sometimes. sometimes people will give you quests. No mysteries. I think. it's pretty. I like the environments and poking around in nooks.
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cute game. you're trying to help maintain a park! which means you also walk around and explore a park, and do quests for the park, and clean the park up. (another thing i like in games is cleaning things. this is not true to real life.) you're also a bird and that's nice.
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I was contemplating whether to put this under "walk around a cool place and get a story" or not, because there is dialogue, and you do, kinda talk to someone? But at the same time, i feel like the main crux of the game was going around and collecting things and doing some biology shit. I think the biology thing is neat. i didn't care about the story i just wanted to find biology things and catalogue the animals in this ocean.
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recently finished this. it's rather cute, a platformer where you go around and deliver mail (do quests) for people. very small and short game. there are a lot of birds!!!!!
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this one is on the "puzzle" side of the. uh. genre. the environments are very neat, and i love the paper beasts thERE'S A SANDBOX MODE?????? WHAT????????? anyways the environment is fun, and i like messing around with those paper beasts. and being near them and seeing the fun ways they move.
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very cute animals, very cute frogs, very cute style. really liked the humor. i really liked talking to these animals. volleyball was annoying, though. I think volleyball is annoying. but that's okay i forgive it.
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this game is ALSO a farming sim. But you ALSO sail around in a boat and do quests. I......don't remember why you have to do a farm. I guess I must have sold produce??? I don't remember why I needed money. I guess I must have needed to buy things. I guess also maybe there is a larger overarching plot??? but I mainly remember farming and also sailing to other islands and that's what I think is most important.
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more of a puzzle platformer. there are so many frogs. very many frogs. you go around and do quests for these frogs so you can build your boat and leave frog island. you actually don't even need to finish all the quests, actually, but i mean, why not finish all the quests??? help these frogs.
walk around a place and collect/take pictures of things
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i am making a specific subcategory for this just because. i really like collecting things. all you do is collect things in some of these games and i just absolutely go bananas over them. you take pictures of animals in this one and catalogue their behaviors, and it looks very nice and cute and there are birds! the birds are so fun i love them. you get to take pictures of all these creatures. pictures of creatures is a type of collection.
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this one you definitely collect things. also, you talk to constellations, by collecting things. the chats with the constellations are fun, also there are a lot of puns, but also, you're collecting things, with your net, and that's important. the art is very cute too! the place is very nice to walk around in.
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this one very much more of a "pokemon snap" type of deal. These guys are so weird and funky!!!!! i liked taking pictures of them. take a look at some of these funky guys. You can also collect pictures of them doing different behaviors, if you would like to be a True Collector (i am a true collector) (i cheated though and looked at guides)
train station renovation gets its own category
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i realize that a simulation game doesn't actually. fit. here. but i mean, you're walking around. an area. you're doing things. i really liked train station renovation, because it really is just fixing thigns and picking up trash. other simulations, i got annoyed with because it would also throw in thigns like "decorate your museum!!" or "design this house!! sell it for a good price!!" and i'm like, please, i'm just here to pick up trash and fix things and clean stuff. NOTHING ELSE. there is admittedly a part of the game where it asks you to put down decorations, like benches and clocks and stuff, but the thing is. they only give you a number requirement. you can just plop down benches and shit wherever you want and the game will be like "yup. sounds good. you've met the requirements." so all i needed to do was just throw down like eight benches right next to each other in the corner of the lobby or somethign and i was all set! no thought necessary. and then i could just focus on what REALLY mattered, which is: cleaning this train station. train station renovation is literally my favorite one of these types of games. it knows what the people (me) want. it understands me.
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calliettes-posts · 9 months
okay so contrary to what many fans feel like (even me for the longest time), i'm actually starting to feel quite okay with the door thing being dragged out. solely bc we are watching teenagers in real time. It was anaïs' first ever crime and she was stuck between two of the people she loves most. i wouldn't have known what to do either at that age. I honestly feel like it's really realistic that she walked around with it for that long. okay granted, im still pissed at some of the writing choices, bc they made Bobbie loose all of her well roundedness as a character and im still pissed af they added that SA storyline. and the fact that it's again the black girl that has to take everyone into consideration. like pls how much shit did they throw on her this season? (maybe bv we called ada's season a snoozefest?? idk?) but i'm really feeling okay with everyting. between a&b too. They've reconciled and honestly there's still a lot they have to figure out, but i'm fine with that being something we'll see snippets of in the next season. i'm trying to channel my inner 16 yo. If i would have gone through the same shit they've encountered i wouldn't be where they are. they are actually willing to listen and grow!! we've seen this in bobbie and their friends! i'm actually so done with the narrative that everyone is shitty to anaïs. they're only just starting to navigate their way into adulthood. they've been noticing shit! shit man i was a depressed fuck going out with fake ID's and at one point i fell in love with a girl while still dating another. but still hella insecure and i was pretty bad at making friends irl so i spent most of my time on here. my life was freaking messy too. as a viewer it's easy to want shit resolved or see progression sooner bc it's more entertaining to watch. but i feel like they've done a great job taking in consideration we are watching them in real time. (if we forget how shitty the wtfock team is with their social media, i'm begging again, hire one of us pls). idk i'm just really happy to see this kind of representation in an original season. let's not forget we all loved sobbe, zoenne and like in other countries the other remakes bc it was tried and tested!! Imo wtfock had really redeemed itself after ada's season and they've taken notes from druck and skam france. good notes. end of rant.
That's actually a very interesting take, I haven't thought about it this way tbh. I think my biggest problem was that they added dramatic plots and dragged them out, just to resolve them in 1 minute clips, like why was there so much build up just for it not to matter in the end? And with the door plot, my biggest issue was that we saw the same conversation over and over again, but tbf, like you said, it kind of makes sense for Anais to act this way, i just wish theyd put more emphasis on her dilemma, if that makes sense, and if we had more social media, maybe I would've felt differently Also I felt like they put too much importance on Hanne and Bobbie instead of Anais, the actual main, because we had lots of plot lunes for her established in the first season, just to abandon in the 2nd half, and quickly resolve them last minute, and let's not even talk about the sa plot, that was so unnecessary
Tbh, I also think Anais season is way better than Adas, especially the first half of the season, it was more entertaining to watch, and the plotlines were all connected with eachother
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