#btw i translated all of these on google translator
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solixfugae · 9 months ago
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La Limerencia de un parásito. A Parasite's Limerence
Hay un aire que me asfixia desde adentro, un hedor toxico que me hace lagrimear. Pero en mi cansancio aparente, no puedo cerrar mi boca, no puedo dejar de jadear. Veo puntos de colores en las esquinas de mis ojos, hay un nudo en mi garganta, no puedo respirar.
En mi desesperación busco un descanso, busco algo en lo que me pueda aferrar. Mis uñas se encarnan en piel tierna, carne sensible, mis dedos se funden entre gotas con sal. Si me tapo, si me envuelvo en la piel de alguien, se que no caeré tan pronto al vacío, incluso aunque no entienda que sucede, quiero manos en mi espalda, quiero besos en mi frente, necesito escapar.
Pero yo tengo este don, de romper la belleza, de infestar lo precioso, y madecirlo con el tacto de mi presencia. Y cualquier ser vivo que me acompañe, se va a desintegrar, deformar como las olas que golpean la arena.
¿Son mis lágrimas reales o es por el químico que penetra mis pestañas? ¿Soy cruel si me aferro a un ser que grita y patea para safarse de mi? ¿Soy un enfermo si disfruto las heridas, disfruto la ira en la que me quiero desahogar, en la que quiero olvidarme de todo lo que sentí?
Aun cada recuerdo lo siento con rencor, las náuseas escalan por mi esófago por cada imagen en mi memoria. La cólera crece en mi como la forma en que el sol sale del alba,  en los sueños de ojos que aferran mi mente, no tengo salvación, no tengo escapatoria.
No puedo matar, no puedo amar, solo puedo fingir la sensación de manos en mi cuello, y los susurros de espejismos en sábanas acolchadas. Entre el espacio de mis dedos y la presencia, casi puedo sentir el calor de un cuerpo humano, casi puede ser una unión con piernas entrelazadas.
Pero no puedo dejar en libertad la fantasía sobre la neblina de un amor imposible, porque la culpa carcome mis huesos en cada reflexión. Y me pregunto si mis sueños tiran hacia abajo la vida, me pregunto si es una visión pesimista, o si debo asfixiar a mi cerebro por aquella infantil idealización. Quizá jamás lo sepa, y todo permanezca en el olvido. La perfección de un fantasma es que nadie escucha el eco de sus pasos, nadie escucha la fuerza en sus latidos. En mi muerte marcare en piedra mis recuerdos, los que tan deliciosos serán para la erosión.
Voy a cambiar cada palabra
Entre la sangre de mis labios mordidos
Voy a leer mis movimientos
Entre el musculo palpitante que une mis articulaciones con dolor
Entre el espacio del corazón a las costillas, de la piel a los pulmones.
Voy a agazaparme de la persona que soy.
Aunque ya no reconozca su color.
There is an air that suffocates me from within, a toxic stench that makes me tear up. But in my apparent exhaustion, I can't close my mouth, I can't stop panting. I see colored dots in the corners of my eyes, there's a lump in my throat, I can't breathe
In my desperation I look for slumber, I look for something I can hold on to. My nails incarnate into tender skin, sensitive flesh, my fingers melt between drops of salt. If I cover myself, if I wrap myself in someone's skin, I know that I will not fall into the void so soon, even if I don't understand what is happening, I want hands on my back, I want kisses on my forehead, I need to get away.
But I have this gift, to break the beauty, to infest the precious, and curse it with the touch of my presence. And any living being that accompanies me is going to disintegrate, deform like the waves that hit the sand.
Are my tears real or is it because of the chemical that penetrates my eyelashes? Am I cruel if I cling to a being that screams and kicks to get away from me? Am I sick if I enjoy the wounds, do I enjoy the anger in which I want to let it out? In which I want to forget everything I felt?
Still every remembrance i feel it with resentment, nausea climbs through my esophagus for every image in my memory. Anger grows in me like the way the sun rises at dawn, in the dreams of eyes that grip my mind, I have no salvation, I have no escape.
I can't kill, I can't love, I can only fake the feeling of hands on my neck, and the whispers of mirages in quilted sheets. Between the space of my fingers and the presence, I can almost feel the warmth of a human body, it can almost be a union with intertwined legs.
But I can't let loose the fantasy about the fog of an impossible love, because guilt eats away at my bones in every reflection. And I wonder if my dreams pull life down, I wonder if it is a pessimistic vision, or if I must suffocate my brain because of that childish idealization. Maybe I will never know, and everything will remain forgotten. The perfection of a ghost is that no one hears the echo of its footsteps, no one hears the strength in its heartbeat. In my death I will mark my memories in stone, those that will be so delicious for erosion.
I will change every word
Between the blood of my bitten lips
I will read my movements
Between the throbbing muscle that unifies my joints with pain
Between the space from the heart to the ribs, from the skin to the lungs.
I'm going to huddle of the person that I am.
Although I no longer recognize its color.
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marimbles · 1 year ago
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a handsome boy with too much time on his hands
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om0000 · 6 months ago
doubleeye nation come get ur food
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leo-woods · 1 month ago
what if I made a spatort 30 day challenge starting a month before next episode
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butterfly-ribbon · 1 month ago
if anyone cares a while ago i made a playlist of all niigo content available (main story, focus events, mixed events, commissioned songs, and cover songs, etc.) and i update it pretty regularly whenever new stuff comes out. i made this for myself but if you're like me and can't be bothered to download a gacha mobile game this might be convenient for you too.
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lowstakesvampires · 2 months ago
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in which a language barrier has the new kid accidentally naming his new friends
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gegengestalt · 2 months ago
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I have been working on something btw. Can you guess what it is
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citrussam513 · 2 months ago
I joined the half life fandom through videos of the half life 2: google translate edition, so for my first few months in the fandom I genuinely had no idea what most of the characters actually sounded like. If you know the google translate edition you know that Eli has the most unfitting voice ever for the character and. I just thought he actually sounded similar to that for a while. Imagine my surprise when I watch a normal hl2 video and he’s just a normal old man and not whatever the hell the gte voice actor did
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halffootguildofficial · 3 months ago
"Hah? Irish? I'm speaking the language I was raised on- An teanga a labhraíonn muintir na páirceanna flúirseach. I can't say the actual term out loud. It sounds a little too similar to a slur in the common tongue, I'm afraid."
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"My wife and I didn't speak much Common before we moved to Kahka Brud. Common is only common because it's the language most people are taught- It's got a lot of roots in Elvish and Dwarvish, with bits of some Tallmen dialects sprinkled in. In terms of accessability, the fact that some races struggle to actually speak it is more than a bit of a pain. It's why it helps to know a variety of languages."
"That reminds me, I need to ask for some Elvish lessons from someone who actually speaks it. Maybe I could ask Marcille or Mithrun to teach me. It would be great if I could finally translate the Half-foot guild manual into Elvish..."
"Maybe I could learn some Kobold too... Even if I can't speak it very well, being able to understand it would be incredibly useful... And I could translate the manual into that, too."
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pitohuimaki · 3 months ago
ACTUALLY. good question (i think lmao) - since the web novel was never officially published and then subsequently deleted (and seemingly erased from the internet entirely lmfao) is it actually a copyright issue to reshare fan translations of it? not claiming it as your own original work obviously but like. people who know law help me here
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obisamya · 2 years ago
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rena & naoya: [passing a singular braincell back and forth] PENDING TRAIN, EP 3
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randomwriteronline · 2 years ago
@ingo-ingoing-ingone you splendid motherfucker. Get your previously italian-only (head)canon Drayden lore here
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akechi-if-he-slayed · 2 years ago
one time i read an entire fic in chinese by copying and pasting every couple of paragraphs into google translate. i was down bad for that rarepair man.
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masonlaend · 2 years ago
Chesed and Netzach speak spanish because I said so
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sl1nkie · 2 years ago
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pharawee · 2 years ago
I'm desperately trying to watch/make gifs of Be My Favorite and translating/editing the script notes for the Chains of Heart special ep that Harikarn posted just now for 7 July at the same time.
It's not going so well 🤡
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