#btw I'm not anti-child in any way
silvermoon424 · 4 months
So fucking over the "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!" excuse for censorship and fascism. It's not about the kids. It's never been about the kids. Conservatives just use them to make helicopter parents hysterical over the notion of their precious Jimmy seeing two men hold hands, which makes them vote conservative and support things like book bans. They don't see children as individual people, they view them as extensions of their parents who aren't allowed to think for themselves.
Whenever someone brings up the "BUT CHILDREN!!!" point I just want to tell them
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thecruellestmonth · 4 days
Batman never argues for the sake of compassion or rehabilitation in UTRH. Batman was especially callous, punitive, and lacking compassion throughout that early 00s era. He was not championing compassion, rehabilitation, redemption, justice system reform, or (HA!) abolitionism in UTRH—he did not have faith in those things for *the kind of people* whom Red Hood murdered, and he did not have faith in those things for Jason himself.
Every single person that Jason hurt is someone that Batman would hurt. Every single person that Jason murdered is someone that Batman would've unhesitatingly thrown away to rot in prison (a prison system explicitly shown and stated to be outrageously inhumane even by the horrifying standards of the USA).
If the person was lucky, then prison would reform him sufficiently that he could be employed through Wayne Enterprises (Gotham City's biggest employer, seemingly a monopoly on legal employment options for the formerly incarcerated) once he got out after... however long he'd been sentenced. Non-violent felonies can earn years, decades of prison time. Or if he was unlucky he'd be killed by one of the regular prison-breaks staged by Batman's rogues (including Red Hood that one time when a Batman kept him in prison, but more consistently by other repeat rogues).
Red Hood's argument is ''blah blah my crime is not like the other crime‚ my new cycle of violence is totally better than the current 20-year-old cycle of violence.'' Batman's argument is not "we can't throw criminals away‚ they're people just like us :("‚ but instead more like ''ew Jason has succumbed to his inherent criminal nature‚ sucks how he needs to be thrown away with the rest of the susperstitious and cowardly lot.''
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
I read horror pretty much exclusively. Dark, twisted, monstrous, mysterious, the more fucked up the better.
So imagine my consternation when I crack open the latest horror book I checked out (published in 2023) and find, on the very first page, a note reading thus:
A quick heads-up about the content of this book. You're going to find marriage troubles, parental trauma, child endangerment, talk/images of infanticide, postpartum depression, suicidal ideation, bodily harm, ableism (internalized and externalized), anti-Semitism (internalized and externalized), claustrophobia, some gaslighting, and a whole lotta bug stuff. There's also a character who's a real racist, sexist piece of shit.
A horror book. For adults. With a warning that there might be horrific content ahead. *facepalm* The way it's worded feels like something straight from an AO3 author's note. "Bug stuff"? Could the author be a little more vague? They were all too happy to get very specific about everything else (i.e., internalization and externalization, just in case the reader might be okay with one or the other). Why does this author sound like they're working their way down a DNI checklist? I half expected the final line to read something like: I don't condone any of this in real life btw and anyone who agrees with this stuff (that means YOU proshitters) please kys thx lol.
As if the content warning wasn't already a turnoff, the next page included artsy and I'm sure very personally meaningful quotes from two songs by The Mountain Goats. (I know nothing about the band, but they sound like some flavor of pretentious white boy hipster folk music.)
I mean, a warning for claustrophobia? (Discomfort? In my horror?) What next, author's notes warning for fetishization/glorification of death? In a genre where I anticipate, nay, expect characters to die in gory, gruesome ways?
Christ alive. I feel like I'm losing my mind.
The Mountain Goats? Jesus.
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thebunnednun · 5 months
New profile pic!! Oh and updates 4/14/2024 (Master list too)
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Finally, something that looks like me!
Oh, btw the names Angellica or Angie for short. I don't mind being called BUNNEDNUN either babes.
Now let's get down to business,
An updated schedule will be as follows:
Mundane Monday: The beginning of the week is always dreadful so let's make it fun with some crack fics. Memes, Memes, MEMES galore!
Tearful Tuesdays: Angst posts will be the main thing on here. I'm thinking of some hurt and comfort fics. I'm already working on a Buggy fic for this. I'm not opposed to happy endings but in general, think of an onion cutting itself for these. They don't all have to be romantic and I'm creating something for Trafalgar Law here.
Wonderful Wednesdays: I will update two of the current fan series on this day maybe three if I have the time. So far the list includes:
*Enchanted meeting (Buggy The Clown x Straw-hat reader)
*Shadows of the Blade (Dracule Mihawk x Assassin reader)
*Capturing hearts (Iñaki Godoy x Photographer reader)
*Please Don't Hate Me! (Juan Ruiz x Imperfect reader
*Whispers of the heart (Dracule Mihawk x Maid (Pirate Queen) reader)
*Love Sick (Buggy the Clown x Straw-hat reader)
*Bound by Justice (Sabo x Marine! Reader)
*Carnival Confessions (Portgas D. Ace x Straw-Hat! Reader)
*If you only knew how much I love you (Sabo x Straw-hat! Reader x Ace)
*Make you mine!~ (Trafalgar D. Law x Cheeky~ Crewmate! Reader)
*Throw Me Overboard! (Buggy the Clown x Fm! Reader)
*Gone Fishing! (Sabo x Sea creature Straw-Hat! Reader)
*Good neighbors (Farmer! Bakugou Katsuki x Gardener! Reader)
*Dancing Under the Stars (Red-Haired Shanks X Bar/ DanceClub Owner! Reader)
*In the Arms of a Stranger (Charlotte Katakuri x Bride! Reader)
*Unexpected Dinner Guests! (Koby x Straw-Hat! Reader)
*Tempted to touch! One piece Men x Fm! Reader (Multi fic)
*Shadows in the Night! (Trafalgar D. Water Law x Ethereal spirit! Reader)
*Sweet dreams!~ (Trafalgar D. Law x Hot Doctor Wife! Reader (Modern Au))
*Golden afternoon (Monkey D. Luffy x Crew mate! Reader) *LOYALTY (Katsuki Bakugou x Sugar Baby! Reader)
*You're my Coffee (Shouta Aizawa x Pro Hero/Teacher! Reader)
*Overworked (Katsuki Bakugou x Stressed! gf! Reader)
Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Ace, Law, Robin, Boa, Chopper, and Zoro will be loading soon. I have many, many, MANY, ideas but no time right now.
Thoughtful Thursdays: Just some random conversations and ideas thrown out there. I'll try to host polls so you guys can vote on what you want next. Basically a rest day for me though because there's just no way I could write everything in one shot. (/@ ~@)/~* I've tried and it ends with me updating around 3AM or sum.
Follower Fridays: Requests from followers are posted. If you have a story request or anything you want to ask go ahead and do so on this day. Just make sure you send them in early so I can get to it in time. If you send something the day of I might be able to make it happen.
Sexy Saturdays: Send me your best Saturday night requests: ie dancing, funny adventures, or crazy antis with the one-piece crew or another fandom. I'm very familiar with Naruto and MHA (and any other anime honestly I doubt there's anything you could request that I don't know.)
It's all about having fun and having those Saturday night vibes babe!~
Sweet Sundays: Romantic One-shot posts! Any character of age and as long as it's not a child. I would be open to doing a reader insert where they are a parent or parental figure though. I find them to be very endearing.
As always your requests are welcomed and comments are very much appreciated. Sorry again for being gone for so long. I want to pick up my serious especially and make the chapters juicy again.
I also have a spring tee shop for merch related to all the stories!!
Every little bit helps me to pay for my tuition! <33
Thank you guys again for your patience and understanding.<<333
Don't forget to check out my a03 account of the same name!!
My new goals are to keep up with the schedule and get 50 followers by the end of the month! I wanna keep growing our family. :3
Most of all, remember that you are safe here and loved.
Until next time my loves!~
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kerubimcrepin · 2 months
Wakfu Season 3, Episodes 1-6
//tw mentions of SA
Episode 1 - Fallen Heroes
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I had a very long discussion with a friend of mine, who is a fan of medical settings, about how cool the existence of IV within the lore of Krosmoz is.
We didn't come to any conclusion. It was just us fanboying about this. Because my friend loves medical things and I love putting character into situations (some of which would not be survivable, if them being put on IV wasn't possible) (big fan of the concept of Joris getting poisoned and very sick and Kerubim and Atcham freaking the fuck out).
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Funnily enough, during the making of my YouTube series, I discovered that there are two Sram-venerating women named Toxine in this franchise.
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Adamai harbouring feelings of violence towards the members of the brotherhood is a good idea, (<- obviously the guy that wants Joris to beat the shit out of Kerubim would say this), but man, it could have been so cool if someone competent was working with this idea.
Episode 3 - Oropo's Tower
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I should admit, this moment was probably a big win for Tristepin Mental Illness fans. Also, this is sadly the most explicit they can get with the reasons why Tristepin might hate being the Iop god in a cartoon.
He has plenty of reasons. Not only had Iop had 394824 demigods who hated him and felt abandoned by him while suffering fates worse than death (all gods have those) and just as many mortals he took advantage of using the power imbalance of godhood and promises of love (all gods have done that), he also canonically sexually assaulted a woman.
Ngl, if I was Tristepin, I would be considering killing myself — however, the kids and the wife would be sad.
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They shuoild do this to Yugo too. He also had other wives. Albeit in an infinitely less insane way than Tristepin. Ankama.., please stop ignoring how existentially horrifying the Eliatrope demigods are.
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In the Dofus MMO Kerubim pretty much calls the brotherhood of the forgotten an emo club of people with too much free time on their hands doing nothing but whining about their daddy issues.
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And he was so real for that.
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Btw canonically, Mishelle/Coqueline makes him feel intimidated (due to her grand age) while she herself doesn't really care about him (besides liking his good attitude towards animals), and is actually besties with Otomai.
Episode 4 - Beastly Girl
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I like to headcanon that Joris's relationship with Coqueline is that he projects onto her ("oh god.... being 7 forever would make me kill myself.... even being 3ft tall is already horrible and makes me want to die..... the poor woman must be suffering") while she's like,, 1. probably doesn't think of herself as a "woman". I think she would describe herself as a creature, maybe a girlcreature, and 2. is literally chilling and doesn't give a single shit about anything but animal welfare and direct anti-god action.
I think talking to her would kill Joris because he'd realize that not every immortal person is as insecure about Literally Everything as he is.
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She literally says, "the only good gods are ex-gods". We stan a leftist girlcreature?
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This screenshot can be used as a reaction image for so many different shows. More fictional parents should say "my child is NOT ascending to godhood and shedding their mortality, becoming something beyond my comprehension, before they're of age. Fuck you."
Episode 5 - A Iop Hides Himself to Cry
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You want to read @bitter-panacea's analysis posts about Goultard so bad.
Despite my negative feeling on s3, this is a WIN for Goultard fans, as far as I'm aware. (and Goultard enjoyers, since I kinda consider myself one)
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I;'m going to walk into the sea.
Episode 6 - The Ecaflip's Scratching Post
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This might not seem like a contentious issue to normal people. Gods have... a lot of different lovers, so it seems normal to assume that Ush has one mom, while Kerubim and Atcham are twins like Eleley and Flopin, and have a different mom...
But a cancelled game that Tot really liked and still considers canon had really weird "there's an Ecaflip priestess who is the CEO of Giving Birth" lore, and was planned to be the mysterious mom of Kerubim and Atcham (and many other demigods), which contradicts a lot of previously established lore (ankama LOVES retcons. sadly).
I am quite open about thinking this is stupid and not considering this canon until they show her to me in an actual released media (and even then I will find a way to headcanon a better reality). Seeing the series itself acknowledge that Ush is not Atcham and Kerubim's full brother makes me feel quite better.
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Hi Ush were you doing [SEXUAL ACTS REDACTED] upon cats again.
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A normal thing for a Bontarian to do. Blue-clad (metaphorically, he isn't wearing blue but white. Still very Bontarian though) man over here protecting kids and women. While also beating them up.
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But unironically, I think it's cute that he has this gap moe of being an evil man who also saves people and cares about honour (because that's a proper thing to do) despite cheating constantly.
Somehow, his shallowness and "I mostly care about appearances, even if I do have a moral code" sort of behaviour is just as Extremely Bontarian as Joris's.... 30 mental illnesses.
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Hey past me! Maybe he really does pay these cats to put up with his insane behaviours. 🤨
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Yugo, I'm gonna be real with you:
he's probably heard Joris and Kerubim say these exact words at least twice before,
He is reallllllly weird about cats and I am unsure if that's illegal in your setting,
He lured in people to kill in his tower for sport serial killer style.
He's bontarian. -20 morality and honor points immediately.
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juniperhillpatient · 6 months
I know I'm terminally coffin-brained lately but hear me out it really bothers me that the perception of the Coffin of Andy & Leyley is ONLY "hehe incest cannibalism game" which is....not EXACTLY inaccurate but it certainly simplifies it ya know??? like I call it the incest cannibalism game too as a joke but I'm realizing there are a lot of people who think of it as like...a porn game? & btw I'm not AGAINST porny games or whatever I just think it's reductive & inaccurate to call Andy & Leyley that when in reality there is not even (so far) any textual sexual content beyond a demonic vision of a possible future. yes very obviously their relationship does have a sexual & romantic undertone, but it's compelling specifically because it's a complex story about siblings who have been genuinely fucked over by their parents & the world & they have developed a topically obsessive codependent relationship as a result.
like the initial conversation that the game's title is based on is Andrew casually half-jokingly talking about killing himself & it's just so..... narratively delicious. Ashley is not some horny one-dimensional slut who just wants to fuck her brother? Her reaction to Andrew talking about suicide is to joke that she'll race him to the balcony & he says back - semi sarcastically but we KNOW there's truth in his words, that he's clearly thought about this - that it would be too romantic, that they would be smashed together on the pavement, buried in the same coffin & like...the game proceeds from there with these two living in this intertwined fate, tangled together in ways neither of them can ever escape. it's romantic but it's also tragic & awful.
Andrew's love for Ashley will always be bitter & tinted with resentment because he was thrust with the responsibility of raising his little sister when he was only a child himself. he was made responsible for caring for Ashley with absolutely NO example of what caring for someone looked like & he was barely old enough to care for himself. Ashley never had anyone care for her in her entire life except Andrew & so she absolutely adores him to a dangerous & unhealthy degree.
like I hate it when people think Ashley is oh so abusive & manipulative or Andrew is so awful & selfish (she is manipulative & he is occasionally selfish) but like - as if there are not layers upon layers of WHY she treats Andrew the way she does & WHY he's so resentful. (as a side note I think debating who abuses who (aside from obviously the fact that they were both abused in different ways by their mother) or who's "worse" just...misses the whole ass point.)
and the cannibalism is initially about survival & the stakes are very apparent & built super well given the opening of the game spends a lot of time just demonstrating that they are literally starving to death to the point where Ashley is fainting & they're sharing a can of tomatoes out of the garbage joking that it's the best meal they've ever had. it is highly worth noting the way their actions escalate & get worse & worse with time as the game proceeds & you can see the way they're both getting more & more comfortable with violence & taboo. this game just would not compel me if it were just randomly "lol let's eat people!" get real
idk I just feel like people who don't know the game get the wrong idea about it when it's actually SO narratively rich okay bye
(this is not an anti Gravecest post either just to be clear, I fucking love the ship I just feel like it gets oversimplified often & also that Ashley especially is highly mischaracterized a lot, even in the game's marketing sometimes. at the core of the game are two deeply broken people who were fucked over bad & who are tied together in a way that neither of them can ever escape. it's love as horror & I loooove that about it)
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biohazard-4ever · 5 months
How do you imagine Leon as a boyfriend? :333
For both our indulgence and Claire's :D
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This got me while I'm still a little dry of HCs. I have been out of the fandom for quite some time (7 years) and am returning only now so, I don't have many HCs to share with... Yet... So, this will definitely be a little messy and not as good! But I'll definitely comeback to this on later dates and update it constantly.
Are you ready? Are you? (COMPLETELY SFW HCs btw)
Oh, you pressed Read More. You sure are ready!
Maybe you'll want to accuse him of being too aloof for not giving you the satisfaction of telling about his whereabouts. Your friends might even accuse him of being toxic for keeping these "shady" secrets.
If you press him too much, he may let it slip that he is working under a "legal governmental organization" (The president himself, cough) that deals with really complicated things and he would rather not put you in the middle of all this. He is doing this to protect you, damn it! Can't you understand it?
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His work will often be a problem in your relationship... It is something with the potential to kill him out of stress, yet, it is something he does not discuss with you at all. Don't take it as if he does not trust in you enough to share his burden. He just isn't allowed to.
Every time he comes home, you are shocked about the new scars and/or bruises he appears with. All you know is that he travels a lot, has excellence with guns and martial arts, and the more you think about it, the scarier you get. You're no fool... You know that whatever Leon is dealing with in his work, certainly has the full potential of killing him (and you).
PDA. Please, if you are not into it... Well, what are you doing with the one guy that will imprint on someone as a duckling?! There are days he leaves work and goes back home for lunch just because he wants to feel your scent and hold you for a few extra minutes!
You are his piece of normality, and he wants to keep things that way... Maybe you read somewhere about this "conspiracy theory" where "Zombies and Bio-weapons exist". He immediately pulls your attention to check the pup store! The Golden Retrievers pups are on sale!
Leon is not content that you/Claire have to deal with this in any form or way. But he will not dictate how you/she should live your life. This is your fight too, all he gotta do is do his job twice as well so that YOU will not have to deal with it. He is the pawn at the front line, if back-up organizations need to take action, he already failed his job.
He will show up in the Terra Save HQ. Yes, he will pull his Government I.D at the entry lobby while demanding access to her office in the Non-Governamental Agency. He has lunch to deliver to his girl/wife and he wants to enjoy lunch break by her side!
Every birthday is celebrated as a miracle. It is like being borne again. One more year while living this crazy life? And you two get to celebrate it together? Insane.
IF HIS S/O CAN GET PREGNANT, he will feel a little more of urgency to do just so. You know...? You two live a very dangerous job and... Leon wants to leave a piece of him to you (or have a piece of you, in the worst-case scenario, for him). If not the case, he is completely as eager to adopt a child with you.
They will lay in bed on lazy weekends with their lips touching all the time while talking about sweet nothings. His hands inside their shorts' back pocket. Kneading their hips and buttcheeks lovingly.
When walking through the streets with his S/O, if cold or windy, he will put their hand inside his jacket's pockets while holding their hands.
Leon does a lot of things that, for him, it is only natural and he does not really notice he IS doing it until his S/O points it out, like, when having dinner at a restaurant or just at the table of their dining room... If his S/O leans down to try and fetch something that fell or is under their chair that requires them to lean down and reach under the table, Leon will stretch his arm to cover the table's edges closer to his S/O so they won't get hurt or hit themselves when they sit back.
He has two phones. One exclusively for his work, and one his S/O has complete and free access. When they're ready to sleep, Leon will put his phone on the bed on its side working as a mini-TV. His arm works as his S/O's personal pillow while you two watch videos and whatnot (tiktok, youtube, Netflix... You name it)
Leon does not like anything that has to do with BITES. Just. Don't. Not. No funny. And especially, DON'T BITE HIS NECK UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE PUT IN A SLEEPER HOLD. Don't worry, he will grow to accept kisses and wet, sloppy kisses there. Just try and understand it, poor boy has it rough, and often his neck seems to have a red target in it whenever he is out on an assignment.
Sweet messages are not uncommon. Leon acts as an eager youngster in love and you're his first ever sweetheart! He loves to BE in love. He daydreams about your life together and expectations.
He is not a shy guy or antisocial, and maybe his easy-going personality may trigger some jealousy from his S/O but, please, don't hold it against the man. Leon is a Human-people and he loves social interactions. As he said to Buddy after inviting him to drink some beers: "I like company". And it shows! He also invited Mike for a few drinks after they returned to the USA from Spain. (RIP Mike)
Leon loves shopping. Have you seen the man's jackets and watches he uses on a daily bases? His BIKES? Leon is a good-looking guy and he knows it. He wants to stay well-dressed and always presentable. Proud to always be seen as "the handsome boyfriend of his S/O" He even would use that as his first name if you would allow it. (You don't :( ) So, be prepared for a lot of walking and clothes shopping with him!
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As a African American I always ponder why Asians are often so successful in America. A lot of these people or their parents escaped horrific conditions from their former countries. I recall one Indian saying that her father was taught to hide his religion items in public as a child so he wouldn’t get beaten to death. That some early middle age persecution shit right there. But I realize why.
Most Asians aren’t raised on self pity, learn helpless, and victim complex.
In my community, people love to cling onto slavery, Jim Crow laws, etc to our bad situation. Yeah the government did/ still do terrible shit to black Americans (fuck the FBI) but let not ignore the anti intellectual elephant in the room.
Yes Asians have their own set of issues. But I realize most wasn’t raised on the “Oh woe is me!” mindset so they often break the narrative that minorities can’t succeed with the system treating us like mentally challenged kids.
Yep, pretty much this. Many Asian cultures are, sometimes detrimentally, extremely focused on working hard, excelling, and not bringing shame on yourself or your family. Black American culture is...not, sadly. No one wants to say it, but nothing is going to improve for American blacks, especially urban American blacks, until they have a massive culture shift. And to be fair, it's not all their fault. There has been a systemic attack on the black family from multiple sides since the 60s, from within and without. Somewhere along the way they were convinced that the values blacks and whites used to share--family, hard work, pride in accomplishments, etc--were "white people" things and not for blacks. And that couldn't be further from the truth.
Every single person who thinks that they can't succeed because of the color of their skin is just as capable of success and improving their lives as any white person. I'm not special because of my skin. My advantages in life came because my parents, who both grew up dirt poor in abusive families, btw, worked hard and improved their situations so that I'd have a better launching point than they did. Fuck, that used to be the American Dream. Giving your kids a better life than the one you had. Now, that's called privilege and it's something dirty. Kids are seen as a burden instead of a legacy. Family is seen as a crutch instead of the whole point. Society is fucking ass backwards when it comes to values. And sadly some groups of people have lost more of those values than maybe some other groups have. The solution isn't--is never, can never be--to tear down the ones who did the right thing and succeeded. The solution is to follow their example.
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cozy-shootingstars · 7 days
Reminder that all syskids are different
Not all syskids want to be treated like a child, and some do! That is not anti recovery
Not all syskids are the innocent idea of a little kid, some hold bad memories and we are all traumatized, and some syskids are the picture of innocence! Both are equally valid
Some syskids are hypersexual, it's not a choice and you're not disgusting for having such thoughts and urges, I'm so sorry to any syskids who feel such ways. You are still a valid syskid
Some systems allow their syskids on the internet, and some don't, both are completely valid rules to have and it's your decision to make one who is able to be online
Some systems let their littles smoke/take weed, not only is weed a medicine to some, but sometimes it's really nice to be little while high, it makes me feel relaxed and happy which ultimately leads us to regress alot more, it really hurts no one so why waste your time caring?
Some syskids like the "agere aesthetics" and some dont, it's not a crime to like something popular in your own community
Some syskids curse and some don't, it's not hurting anyone at the end of the day, as long as they are directing it to anyone specifically, who cares if a kid wants to say shit? I mean, I don't personally curse often, but my sister in headspace does a lot
Some syskids look like kids and some don't, The appearance in headspace doesn't always reflect that persons feelings
Some syskids are ageless while still feeling little, some simply don't feel connections to any specific age while still feeling small
Some syskids call themself a syskid just because they age regressed or ageslide, the term is actually pretty subjective when you think about it, if you feel like the term describes you then that's you
All syskids are different
Sorry if this is hard to read btw I'm like really high
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thatdebaterguy · 7 months
Poorly Informed
So throughout the existence of my blog I have yet to find a Palestine supporter present factually correct figures and evidence in any debates with me, and here's an example.
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First one, blatant wrongful assumption. I'd have to be a psychopath to think 15,000 child deaths is ok. Secondly
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Don't inflate the figure so much. Although yes, it's sad, 11,500 dead children as of the latest figures I can find, it's innocent unnecessary deaths, but who's hands are actually bloody because of this? I'd say the Hamas soldiers who assaulted Israel with no justification, kidnapped hundreds of civilians, including children btw, and hide amongst their civilian population. I can also say those who harbour the terrorists in their homes and put their families at risk are to blame for the deaths of their children, especially since Israel has warned of strikes on active civilian areas and asked them to evacuate.
I also don't support genocide, I just believe it isn't happening based on figures, evidence, historical references and the definition of genocide. An accurate description is an abnormally high upsetting figure of civilian casualties. Also are you saying that all Israeli supporters go to Starbucks when saying we'd drink their stuff? I've never had Starbucks in my life but that's funny.
The death toll released by Gaza officials states as of a week ago around 28,000, however they don't distinguish between military and civilian. The most advanced intelligence agencies in the world estimate between 5-9 thousand of those are Hamas fighters. Being against civilian deaths also doesn't make you pro Hamas, I'm against the civilian casualties because that's just morals, but if anything that makes me even more anti-Hamas since I hold them accountable for the vast majority of deaths. Also you can't just throw around terms like 'genocidal maniacs' to people who have analysed the situation in a different way to you, I don't go round calling you a terrorist because you support Palestine, who's government is a terrorist organisation, because I hope in my heart that when you support Palestine you're just against the civilian deaths, but blame Israel rather than Hamas. Even if we blame different governments, my hope is to agree the deaths are upsetting, since the polarisation over this crisis is insane, and we need some middle ground to agree on to retain a belief of morality in humans. Either way, please get the right facts and figures, and don't throw around numbers and terms like these peoples lives are a game, I've had an Israeli friend who lost family in the holocaust called a genocidal Jewish freak just for being Jewish, not even saying anything about Israel. Anyway, hopefully I start seeing less brainwashed ill-informed arguments on this site.
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dootznbootz · 7 days
Can I ask why you hate OdyDio? I’m not super familiar with Greek mythology yet, and I’ve seen OdyDio as fairly popular so I’m curious about the other side lol (I personally don’t ship it just because I can’t imagine Odysseus with anyone other than Penelope tbh).
Because people are literally mischaracterizing both Odysseus and Diomedes to make it work and it spits in the face of what Homophrosyne means 🙃
And people are nuts about it in a way that pisses me off more than any other NOTP/crackship I've had before.
I guess this post, This one, and This one that people have done about vague fandom is a good explanation if that's all you want as I do rant here lol. NGL, I don't...really care if I'm being mean right now. Like block, unfollow, or ignore me. I wanna rant.
Btw, yeah, I'm being a "hater" but I'll tag right so you can block "#anti odydio" if you must.
I already didn't care for it in the first place, (I've vented about it before) as I agree, OdyPen are literally soulmates. To the point where they have their own WORD for their love. And yet people will fucking insist that "Oh, Odysseus and Diomedes are more compatible". WHERE?
The Odyssey is literally about him trying to go back home to Penelope and their son. And even in the Iliad, Odysseus mentions her. The Odyssey only mentions Diomedes three times and never once by Odysseus (once by Nestor, twice by Menelaus) so... that goes to show how Odysseus feels about him. 🤷
I was just neutral about the ship existing because it's like one of those absurd crackships to me but with how popular, fanonized, and just...With HOW people have behaved about it to me ;~;
Ofc, I'm a huge Penelope fan but even with Diomedes, you can't go into his tag without OdyDio. I'm not even joking. I'm sad I've had to block Diomedes' tag as well because people don't tag right AND don't apparently see him as more than Odysseus' "fling" ;~; (I mean at least Penelope and Diomedes can relate to the fact that it sucks that a lot of people are only caring about them because of Odysseus and not because of who they are. :/ )
Even with OdyPenDio. I've noticed that it mostly means OdyDio (+ Pen in the footnotes) :/
Just in general, with my own reading of the Iliad, I...WHERE?! xD Where is the "ship"? They are comrades and they're very different from one another personality wise. Sure, they're a good team in combat but in life??? They are not "likeminded" at ALL.
They also have a fairly large agegap, Odysseus being one of the older kings while Diomedes is one of the youngest. I have them around a decade apart in my writing If you bring up pederasty, you will be smited. You're fucking disgusting. They also have very little in common other than them both being Athena's pets (which um. Penelope is one too, you know?). Odysseus is a fucked up lil warrior trickster who loves his wife and child more than life itself while Diomedes is a young child soldier boy who is incredibly duty bound and war is where he feels most comfortable.
Diomedes would not put up with Odysseus' rambling about his family and Odysseus WANTS to talk about that. They're like co-workers.
Diomedes is a younger king who looks up to all these older and more experienced kings. "Notice me, senpai" energy, and I love it!
That's just the Canon texts itself as to why I just simply disliked it. The fandom was... yeah ;~; made me hate that it even exists. (Not all! Some of y'all are incredibly kind and respectful of boundaries and I appreciate that! It's just that...Some were not.)
I mean I've had to deal with Aphobia surrounding my OdyPen and along with some asks/people in the past who were TRYING to make me write about OdyDio despite the fact that I've never liked it. "Hey, I know you don't like this thing, but maybe THIS will change your mind. You have fun ideas so I wanna see what you do with OdyDio!"
Do you know how shitty that feels? 😞 To have people, WHO KNOW YOU DON'T LIKE SOMETHING, try to make you like it? By sending you links and "headcanons" that will "still work in your writing?" Sending in your asks, DMING YOU SOMETIMES.
That was like, a year ago and thankfully it's stopped for the most part but I was in such a funk that I didn't even wanna write ANYTHING for a while.
Funny enough? I USED to have this "Oh, Odysseus and Diomedes are exes who fucking hate each other." idea where I aged up Diomedes to make it work, which I now no longer have because I realized I only wrote that way because I thought I HAD to in order to get people to be nice to me. ;~; Because if they're romantic at some point but simply don't click, maybe that'll be enough. To get people to just shut up and stop sending me things. (fuck the anon who sent smut last December. you suck.)
I changed that (now it's Greater Ajax who's his ex. lol. idk ask about it if you want.) because I realized yeah, it was making me unhappy and because I felt like I HAD to. ;~;
I also think it's weirdly because some Odysseus fans almost block out the Odyssey, you know, HIS story, and pretend like he didn't do everything to get home to his loved ones.
I've seen some ridiculous shit about Penelope as well. >:( like holy shit, misogyny everywhere.
"Oh, she didn't trust him and made him cry when she tricked him. She's abusive!" Literally one of the most stupid things I've ever fucking heard. She HAD to be sure it was him and when she knows for sure, she apologizes, explains, and kisses him. Kisses that he desperately and happily returns btw.
"After all Odysseus goes through from the Goddesses, he's afraid of women so he and Penelope separate." ...WHAT?! He literally wants to "embrace in love in their bed" as soon as they stop crying! And she holds him back only to know Tiresias' prophecy, which he DOES TELL HER BTW, before they DO "show love".
"Penelope becomes Odysseus' and Diomedes' surrogate!" ...Wow. Just wow. Love how people will talk about how ancient men in the past only saw women as "breeders" as though they're any fucking different with THIS fucking take.
It's annoying that I'll post a headcanon on tumblr and then the tags are "This but with OdyDio." or that people will often only like/reblog my ODYSSEUS shit and not my Penelope. ;~;
I love how people will be adamant about how "Odysseus never cheated" (true), and yet have him with Diomedes :/ Like at LEAST have OdyPen agree to have an open marriage before they're separated if you're going to pull that stance. (also give Penelope a girlfriend if Odysseus gets a boyfriend, you cowards)
So many people for some reason only see Penelope for what she is for her husband and that's all. As though that's all she is. And as if Odysseus isn't as intertwined with her as she is with him.
I just... stdrfgyh ;~; I wouldn't hate it so much if people were nice about someone not liking it but the fact that I literally cannot escape it and because some people were just so pushy, I just negative memories I guess.
Either way, I love Diomedes and Sthenelus together :) whether as a QPR or romantic or whatever, those two are like bonded pairs that cannot be adopted separately.
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webby-mogai · 4 months
Haiiii ^^ Pls don't take this as hate because that's not what i'm trying to do, just genuinely curious. I came from your post about anti-endos (https://www.tumblr.com/webby-mogai/749454672802250752/hey-this-isnt-my-usual-kinda-post-but-im-feeling?source=share) and I'm wondering what makes you believe that you don't need trauma to be a system (because from the research I've done, OSDDID is formed as a child due to trauma specifically as a means to protect the body. I apologize if any of the info is incorrect, I'm still learning!) I'm just wondering what your views are? I'm not anti-endo btw, I'm just a bit confused and curious about other people's thoughts are! (I'm a singlet by the way, I just like learning about different disorders and I've been studying OSDDID for a while so i'm always trying to learn more :3)
Yeah that's OSDDID not plurality as a whole. Even in a more professional sense OSDD and DID aren't the only types of disordered plurality. UDD, DDNOS, P-DID, MPD, etc. Most endos don't have or claim to have a disorder unless they're mixed origin or disordered in ways unrelated to origin. OSDDID isn't the only way to be plural, and frankly the field is still criminally under-reseached so to make sweeping statements like "systems can only be traumagenic" is not only ignorant but ignores a lot of other studies showing plurality isn't inherently traumagenic. Being traumagenic isn't even required for a diagnosis. I don't have the energy to exhaustively explain this stuff to you but here's an archive of a carrd about research on endogenic systems(link) that has quotes and resources on the topic.
Also trying to police other peoples identities is fucking cringe and a weapon of the oppressor
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ms-hells-bells · 1 year
idk why the dog discourse is back again, but as someone that both lives in a country with high levels of pitbull/staffie ownership and interacts daily with dog owners and dog issues in my volunteer work, they aren't just randomly violent for no reason with good guardians who are shocked that it happened. the way people treat pitties here is fucking horrible, because they have the rep/stereotype of guard dogs or attack dogs, people who are lower class, close to or in gangs, use drugs, or are just hypermasculine get those male dogs, DON'T DESEX THEM (so, more aggression), don't properly train them, but scream at and beat them, because they think that's what will 'toughen' a pittie up and make them attack dogs. 99% of the time it does not, they just become miserable recluses, super withdrawn and fearful (most dog attacks are NOT out of anger or territory based aggression, they're fear aggression, when the dog feels extremely scared, and doesn't see a way out, and the human (often a child) ignores the warnings, like growling, showing teeth, certain poses, etc. another one is food/possession aggression, where their trauma and lack of proper training means that they cannot cope with people in their space and taking their things. you'll see bites at children who grab food from their dog bowls).
but they still love their owners, i have lost count of the amount of times, literally more than the fingers on my hands, i have seen men scream at, kick, punch, etc. their intact male pitbulls (not legal in nz unless a licenced breeder btw, but still a widespread issue), and the dogs still get excited and wag their tails, and want to play whenever the man comes back from work or whatever, they still seek touch and affection. it's just horrible, i have aided in someone else....disappearing a dog to a better life not exactly legally, that was treated like this because the spca wouldn't do shit, unless there's a dead or gravely injured animal, and people physically saw the owner/s do it, they don't care. those dogs have so often been abused from 10 weeks old, and they still seek love. very rarely some are so mentally damaged that they DO attack someone, and unfortunately they get put down, which i have complicated feelings about, but that's a different topic, i won't get into it in this post.
but yeah, you abuse a dog, don't train a dog, and destroy a dog's sense of safety, of course they are gonna be at a higher risk of aggression, because they have ptsd, they are traumatised and in constant fear of harm. and i do believe that there is a biological element due to the bite force of pitties and similar dogs, as well as breeding for specific personality traits. but we also see so many bites (far more than pitties and other large dogs) from small dogs, they just can't cause deaths or usually severe injuries because they are small, but they are attacking for the exact same reasons; fear and lack of training. so many people just have zero respect for other living beings. it's why i'm against breeding and domestication as a whole, because we just completely fuck with their lives for our own benefit. pitbulls as a species should not exist, just like near every other dog on earth apart from wild ones (that do include domestic species, but very quickly become just 'mixed' dogs). which is a similar opinion to many ANTI-pitbull people, but i come at it from an angle of empathy (as well as applying it to all dogs, we should not be breeding 'the perfect pet'). they didn't ask to be here and be treated so cruelly.
i'm not gonna reply to any responses to this trying to argue. i have posted about this before and had all those arguments. i know the statistics, i know the biology, psychology, and i have real world first hand experience. you are not fighting with me on my opinion on this.
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companionplanting · 2 years
This isn't even going into how transage is just... not a real thing. You can't just suddenly identify as a different age and that just feels like a predatory tactic.
Is it a predatory tactic for you have alters with a different age? Maybe you experience age incongruence/dysphoria (uncomfortable in adult body as an kid/teen alter)? Is that a predatory manipulative tactic, or just the way your brain operates?
Singlets can experience age-related dissociation/dysphoria/incongruence too. Just because you assume something to be a predatory tactic doesnt mean it is.
I'm not transage btw.
Alters in our system experience age differently because of the trauma we experienced. Some alters formed as adults when we were young because we had no stable adults in our life. We have littles/middles because of how so much trauma effected us when we were younger.
To those alters that are not the age of our body, they are not older/younger people trapped in a differently aged body. They are altered mind states caused by trauma and how they form is due to how we processed different trauma.
Again, they are not real older/younger people, they are altered mindstates caused by trauma. The littles don't really view the body differently because they're too busy playing legos and processing the trauma they went through. Older alters don't view the body differently because they're too busy knitting and processing trauma.
Maybe some systems experience this differently, form these alters for different reasons, and maybe they find discomfort, but it does not make the alters that are older/younger actual older/younger people, they are altered mindstates. They are not real older adults and children, they are varied alter mindstates.
If you are a singlet and feel a dissociation from your age, that doesn't mean you are "the wrong age in the wrong body", it means there is an underlying issue involving either dissociation, body dysmorphia, trauma, or any combination of the three.
Also, gender is a social construct. Gender is made up entirely and people can choose to participate in it however they please (or not!) because gender has no bearing on how a person functions towards the world.
Age is not a social construct, it is a biological development of a person that can't be accelerated or reversed and DOES have a bearing on how the person functions in the world. It feels predatory because it's telling younger people who feel they're mature for their age to interact with adults in ways children shouldn't (which is an actual grooming tactic), and it's saying it's fine for an adult that identifies as a child to enter children's spaces that can leave kids open to grooming or simply just getting hurt.
So please understand that age is not something to experiment or play around with like gender and never will be. Please stop using transgender language to be ableist, sanist, racist, and just simply anti intellect.
edit: just wanted to add, we meant to put 'individual people' and 'real children' when we said "real people". we realized that could be misconstrued (cons of being cocon). also, wanted to add that every little is different so every little will have different ways they'll interact but it still doesn't mean littles are actual children, this is why separate spaces are in place for littles in systems
-🍂 & 🦷
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coffee-shop-gay · 2 years
my god do you just cry about fucking everything ? AI art isn't going to steal anything.. You can make it have NO art style in the style of any artist.. it's just another form of art... Shut the fuck up
hi there anon (real good job standing up for your opinions and being so brave as to not even put your face on your hate, btw)
I don't want to insult you too much (even tho you literally sent this, probably to start a fight), mostly because you seem like a child, or maybe you're one of these self-aggrandizing "Ai artists" who want to pretend they have skill because they don't have the commitment or skill to do real art. I don't really care. But either way, Ai art is theft. Plain and simple.
And I'm not saying it's GOING to steal anything. I'm saying it has already - and if you aren't willing to listen to the real actual artists telling you that this is a problem - i know you're not going to listen to me.
But i am going to keep talking about it. And i wont shut up.
Tumblr media
(Anti ai art image credit: Jeff Simpson)
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
So, I usually check your Tumblr for any updates to #IALS, cause I really like the banners. But I was not prepared for this week's banner. The side by side intensity of Mavid was too much for my heart to handle. Holy s@#$!!!!!
And then the chapter? I was crying. Max's heartbreak and just complete disconnection is felt. But Lance? That child has so much strength.
Then all the parallels in the different timelines this chapter! I know all the chapters have some parallel. But I just loved all of them here. Especially little Arthur with his 'we need to brush their hair cause its so silly' (btw that whole scene just made me want to have a baby and I'm so firmly anti-children for my life that its not even funny) and then teen Arthur learning what silly hair means in different contexts!
I did not know about crown day, but I wish we could expand it to South Asia so people can learn to respect curly hair. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a brown girl with their hair tied back and it just being brushed out fuzz. My mom to this day can't accept that she has curly hair that shouldn't be brushed. It makes me so sad that we're so sanitized to fit public standards without realizing.
Then Max validating his son's needs and not sidelining them with the 'but I did this'. I never thought of my experience with my mom like that. That she loves me, but I didn't get that love the way I need so I can internalize it. I am so happy for Lance and Max to reclaim that home life they both so desperately need to heal.
And David, you obsessive French fu@#$!, 😭😭you're working so hard. I can't believe I didn't realize until this chapter just how much even though I could see it. I was stuck on the Jaden of it all!! Cause David chose to date Jaden, he just never even considered the possibility of moving on from Max. He could have chosen to heal in a way that didn't take over his entire life. But he went above and beyond. David just decided that fuck the rest of the world, if its not Max, it doesn't matter. So he chose to stay with Jaden instead of trying to actually find a less painful love. He could have moved on and tried to find someone he could actually love! But he didn't even try! That's so romantic and crazy!!!!
But then the wall scene, dude.😳 Dude.🤯 Dude.😖☠ I have re-read that scene so many times now. If it has me feeling things then RIP Max. David needs to get angry more. Also, I just kept imagining this whole scene of David losing it in front of Jaden and the kids. Jaden would bust a blood vessel 😈 Like yeah dude, compete all you want with Max. Try to get in the way of his relationships with his kids. It doesnt matter.
Also, you know something? I was compiling a list of my fave couples for my friend and #IALS of course made it to the list. But you know what else did? Hannibal and Interview with the Vampire.
Hannibal - Blond obsessive European serial killer (raised in France) who falls in love at first snark with a rude asf FBI profiler. Eats people. Is a gourmet level cook and loves taking care of his FBI agent husband who doesn't know yet that they're married and have an adopted daughter together.
Interview with the Vampire - Obsessive French fucker who falls in love at first sight with a very mean pimp (who does it to take care of his family). Eats people. Likes to spoil and keep his baby happy. His husband wants a daughter, well okay then, he's going to give him a child.
Do either of those shows sound familiar to you?🙃 But my main question is, when are we getting a dark!David that Max can't resist even when he's trying desperately and falls off the edge of sanity for? And DML doesn't count! Cause I said so!
Fun fact - I made banner ages go and i kept it until we got to this chapter hehe. i was so excited to share it!!
i am a sucker for parallels as y'all know so oops you will always see them generously sprinkled around :)
your comment about south asians and curly hair is so true because here in SL (curly hair is very common in the north because of genes + humidity) and a lot of girls feel forced to straighten or iron their hair (and save up money) because they feel like they are 'not pretty' if they have curly hair. i am so tempted to write a fucking article about this tbh because this is yet another way of setting and forcing unrealistic beauty standards.
the whole idea of 'tell me how to love you' is not always practical in real as you said. not everyone's love language is the same. but i think this is such a max thing to do. i think he cares enough to make that extra step. in fact, he will see it one more time 👀
And everything you said about David made me so emotional. We'll be digging into some of it in the next chapter! Because you are absolutely right in the sense that what he did was also a sacrifice. dating jaden was not an easy option. i wish we could have explored their relationship more but i couldn't without giving too much away but being with David (if you look closely) caused david a lot of pain too.
Hannibal and IWTV are two top tier shows and two of my faves. Not us having fine af taste oof.
Hahaha Dark David is truly something else. I would love to explore it (if yall have ideas 👀) because he truly has the potential to fuck shit up he just chooses not to smh. we will see a hint of dark david (or maybe unhinged david) in lbaf 5. we'll see.
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