#bro built like a rectangle
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darlin-djarin · 2 years ago
rebels fans be like omg ezra 🥺🥺 he is just a little boy please he is so small and sad and tiny and baby and oh my god he is two sauces tall please protect him pls og my god i’m going crazy he is so oUghHHH-
and then ezra is literally built like a quadrilateral.
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wuve-mwah · 8 months ago
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“auto bots roll out” and then all the batkids rip from the seems of his thighs
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shyra4444 · 2 years ago
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this is old
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moeatsushi · 2 years ago
hmmrggh i need to make atsushi's build more blocky on my art
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mothervega · 8 months ago
and i am here to bring u my own Unpleasant design…… (definitely didn’t make it up as i was drawing him)
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also made this to practice drawing more plus sized people, i think i did pretty good!! :3
what do u guys think of his design? i had the idea of like….. hhrmmm bros a literal rectangle…. MAKE HIM BUILT LIKE A RECTANGLE!!
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
torn between interpreting noah a short king or an average height dude because, canonically, he's fairly average in height (like 5'10ish) but that's only due to his huge ass forehead. his eyeline and shoulder height indicate that this man could only possibly be 5'5 at most and the cognitive dissonance caused by him looking up at characters who are supposed to be shorter than him is driving me crazy.
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for example, both his eyeline and his shoulders are further below than bridgette's (who is assumedly around 5'6-5'8), and yet the top of his head indicates he's the taller of the two- which is what a lot of those "finding out the height of ---" theorists use as their height indicator. look at this image and tell me noah is taller than bridgette. you can't, it's literally not possible to interpret their height difference in this rectangle headed bozo's favour. bro's built like a mario whomp.
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spaciebabie · 2 years ago
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How do you feel about this Glitchtrap costume.
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moggie-bear · 2 months ago
I like 2 boys right? One is purely physical attraction, and the other is mainly emotional right? Well I ran into the really hot one the other day and like he smiled at meeeeee, bro my heart fluttered so much. I really like the other guy too though, but the one at the store is so my type, he's tall but not skinny yk? Like he's lowkey built like a rectangle in a way. Ig I just like my men big or whatever. He dresses like grunge and has dark hair and eyes♡♡ the other guy his code name is giraffe lol, he's a ginger (I have a thing for gingers) he's also tall but he's skinny and not as bulky as the other guy. But ig their bodies just reflect the sports that they're in, giraffe is in tennis and the one at the store is on track (he throws weights)
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sootends · 2 years ago
ok im sorry but i dont understand WHY some religions turned on science specifically evolution n shit like..... science is the study of the WORLD... the WORLD the GODS built........ howHOW can u deny that???? in favour of a string of books or human built tradirions? i dont doubt the divine!!!!! but u supposedly believe this physical world we live on was built by them (or him whatever u wanna call it). like jt just bums me out bc evolution is so beautiful and amazing and hilarious and the way the entirety of life has to work together to keep this shit rolling man ita JUST UUUAAAUUUGGGGHHHHHHH its incredible!!!!!! how could it ever be gods will to deny this divine facit of reality????? like wtf????? and space and the stars and how we r each like made of bits n pieces of the universe-i dont get it bro i dont!!!!!!! like i underdtand there r agendas n shit behind forcing that way of thinking upon ppl i know i know but fuck man. it just bums me out! ppl deserve to know the truth abt our world and interpret it how they want rather than have someone idk propagate weird fucked up ways of thinking. the world is so amazing these days to me the word WORLD holds so much weight bc it doesnt just mean earth, u kno? THE WORLD is everything. u and me and all the lightyears inbetween u feel me? ppl deserve to know it and feel it and see it. its scary but hey at least ur not alone. aint no such thing as just one human. we EVOOOOOLLLLVED to love and care for each other. s'why we r so succesful. thats why we made it this far 2 even b able 2 fully recognize the gods. for me 2 even type this on my magic rectangle from the future bro. ppl deserve to know it.
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camryns-a-girl-now · 6 months ago
I hate tech bros. As a compsci student, we're taught about different algorithms, what they're good at, how they work, and what hardware resources they require. This includes AI. What's happening right now, is tech bros (mostly business people with no engineering experience) are trying to shove AI into everything without considering if it's the right algorithm for the job
So how does it work? AI, is a set of matrices (the rectangle with numbers from middle school) representing the strength of connections in a neural network, that associate a given input with a desired output. These inputs and outputs can represent anything, and the only operation required is repeated matrix multiplication. This means that neural networks for any application can be all accelerated by the same hardware.
What this does is create a very efficient predictive model, which generates a predicted output based on input data, without doing all the complex logic and calculations normally needed to make that prediction. This has similar benefits to a lookup table, which has a set of pre calculated answers to problems that you can look up instead of doing complex math.
This is why Chat GPT and most of the other big models we see suck. They don't understand your questions, or the information they read, or art and symbolism, they just predict how a human would respond to a prompt. Sure, they are an efficient alternative to simulating an entire human brain just to answer questions. But simulating or predicting responses from an entire human brain is useless anyway because we already have EIGHT BILLION REAL PEOPLE who are happy to help each other, make art or do countless other tasks if you pay them, and they're far more efficient And capable than the server farms companies trying to replace them with.
So is AI useless? No, AI is great when you actually need to make predictions, but the thing you're predicting would require more processing power and time to simulate than the AI model would take to make a prediction. The most useful application I've heard of is controlling fusion reactors.
Fusion reactors could generate enormous amounts of cheap safe and clean energy, usually by compressing plasma in a magnetic field or with lasers. The issue is that the plasma is turbulent, and if it breaks containment, the reaction stops and needs to be restarted, and that's if you can get it confined in the first place. If we could simulate the plasma and predict the turbulence, we could modify the field or laser configuration to get it contained and keep it that way, but the computing power to do this fast enough to actually respond just doesn't exist. Fusion research had been focused on finding a way around this for a while, but recent research showed that AI generated predictions are good enough to work for control and a variety of other use cases and can run on hardware that actually exists. With this development, the first break even fusion reaction happened in 2022 at the Laurence Livermore National Lab, and energy generating reactors are already being built, with commercial power plants planned for as early as 2028.
Here's the article from the LLNL about their experiments with AI for their inertial confinement reactor
That's what happens when you use AI (or any other tool for that matter) for what it's actually designed for, rather than wasting enormous amounts of energy trying to stuff shitty (often unethical) tech demos like Chat GPT into every product imaginable just so you can tell you tech bro investors that you're "innovative"
ed zitron, a tech beat reporter, wrote an article about a recent paper that came out from goldman-sachs calling AI, in nicer terms, a grift. it is a really interesting article; hearing criticism from people who are not ignorant of the tech and have no reason to mince words is refreshing. it also brings up points and asks the right questions:
if AI is going to be a trillion dollar investment, what trillion dollar problem is it solving?
what does it mean when people say that AI will "get better"? what does that look like and how would it even be achieved? the article makes a point to debunk talking points about how all tech is misunderstood at first by pointing out that the tech it gets compared to the most, the internet and smartphones, were both created over the course of decades with roadmaps and clear goals. AI does not have this.
the american power grid straight up cannot handle the load required to run AI because it has not been meaningfully developed in decades. how are they going to overcome this hurdle (they aren't)?
people who are losing their jobs to this tech aren't being "replaced". they're just getting a taste of how little their managers care about their craft and how little they think of their consumer base. ai is not capable of replacing humans and there's no indication they ever will because...
all of these models use the same training data so now they're all giving the same wrong answers in the same voice. without massive and i mean EXPONENTIALLY MASSIVE troves of data to work with, they are pretty much as a standstill for any innovation they're imagining in their heads
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frogs-memoirs · 3 years ago
Interview: Azazel, the Moon Presence
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[image id: azazel is pictured from the waist up, with his hands clasped on top of a cane. his nails look more like black claws. he has whitish-grey hair with bangs, tanned skin, and strange white eyes. he is making eye contact with the ‘camera’. there is intense scarring over both eyes, and a barely-visible scar across his throat. he has pointed ears and several piercings. he is wearing a poofy-sleeved buttoned shirt underneath a matronly looking, sleeveless black dress. he is back lit by a purple background, with a neon-purple rectangle of light overlayed on top of the background.]
hello folks! I finally got the chance to interview Azazel after dinner. It was nice to interview someone without having to focus on keeping the compulsion up, and even nicer to sit down and talk with my brother after so long. He’s about as dramatic as I remember him being before. But way more cryptic. I’m half-convinced he’s being this difficult on purpose. He gave me a good contact to follow up on, and plenty of leads on the rifts around the City. While I’m no stranger to avatar threats, the state of the City is concerning. Azazel implied it’s been split up into different districts, which might make my travel through the City difficult, even without the flooding.
Full transcript of the interview (and a bonus alternate version of the photo) found under the cut.
F: --aaand now it’s on.
A: Are you sure you don’t want to do this by hand like you usually do?
F: Oh, I’ll still be writing it down! But this is for my blog. The one I told you about. 
A: I see. You’re going to share my interview with all of your strange internet friends?
F: Well, yeah. It’s okay, they’ll love you. 
F: Alright, I had my list of questions here somewhere…
F: Here they are! Okay. [sound of pages turning] Are you ready to answer my questions as honestly as possible and to share nothing except what you know to be true?
A: You don’t really have to do this pact thing with me every time, do you? F: Sorry bro, it’s in the rules. 
A: Fine, yes, I swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.
F: Don’t be a drama queen, I won’t ask you anything that’ll get you in trouble. 
A: I’ll hold you to that.
F: First question. Well, sort of question. Can you please state your name, occupation, and role in the city? Mythos, too, since sleepers won’t be able to find my blog, anyways. 
A: My name is Azazel Jeán, and I run the Black Sheep’s Inn in our lovely Downtown. I help maintain most of the remaining shops and cafes in our corner of the Downtown, as many folks find it hard to stay in business with all the flooding. My mythos is the Moon Presence, though I hardly have time to really indulge it lately, what with all the repair work I’ve had to tend to. 
F: Can you tell me more about the flooding?
A: Sure. The flooding started about… hmm. Maybe five months ago? It started small, with little earthquakes followed by intense rain. Eventually the rain stopped, er, stopping, and the river overflowed. The Downtown isn’t built to withstand rising waters-- it hasn’t happened in centuries. But the storms haven’t let up, and the earthquakes still roll through and cause the ocean to contribute to the floods too. The entire coast has been swallowed up by the tide, too. Some people swear that the water rises a little further every day. I wouldn’t be surprised. 
F: That’s… terrifying. When I hitched a ride to the hotel, I noticed something weird about the waters. The Mist is pretty thick in the areas that are completely submerged. Did a rift cause the flooding?
A: Did?-- Yes. I’m surprised you didn’t see him. A few of my employees refer to him as the ‘Siren’. Some young guy, with a head full of tentacles and a nice singing voice. A lot of people see him walking on the water in the flooded streets. 
F: Is he… aggressive?
A: Not that I know of. But, I think he’s been seen with the Phantom. You’ll want to stay away from him. Nasty bastard to tango with. 
F: Has anyone ever told you that you say the weirdest shit?
A: Yes actually-- wait, dammit Frog, lay off the compulsion. 
F: Oh, fuck, sorry, habit. [clears throat] You mentioned someone called the Phantom? A: Yeah, a bit of a Bogeyman. Haunts the residential zones, but once he singles you out, he’ll follow you into any district. It’s better to respect his space and hope you never attract his attention. 
F: That’s so fucking creepy, Azzy, why would you say it like that?
A: Because I know you. You’re going to poke around and you’re probably going to run into him. You shouldn’t. 
F: I won’t get into anything over my head, Az. Promise. 
A: Uh-huh. Did you have any other questions?
F: Hmm. Is there anyone you know who could tell me more about the Siren? I’d love to get some more information. Maybe a few pictures. 
A: I don’t know about the Siren, but I think you should consider asking around about the Dragon. If you’re going to be in the City for long, you’ll have to pass through the Old Quarter, and you’ll need to know the Dragon’s rules. 
F: How the hell is this place still standing? It sounds like a nightmare.
A: [short laugh] Don’t ask me. I just run an inn. Here, I’ll give you the number of one of my acquaintances. He’ll be able to tell you about the Dragon. 
F: You’re lucky I write all this down. This was way more intel than I thought I’d be getting.
A: You’re the one who asked the questions. 
F: Bastard. Thanks so much. I’ll let you get to your evening rituals. I might do a follow-up interview with you later. 
A: Just let me know when you need me. Breakfast is at 8. Have a good night, Frog. 
F: Goodnight, Azazel. Interview closed.
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[image id: same image as before, except the neon purple overlay is now the topmost layer, giving a front-lit effect as opposed to a backlit one.]
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five phones on the table
DCU, Titans Rating: Gen 1,077 words AO3 A look at the fab five by looking at their phones. Sometimes you want to try something weird with your writing style so you get an idea and call it a character study. This is what comes of that.
The long table with its numerous chairs was, by proximity to the kitchen, a dining table but due to the nature of the building it occupied doubled as a meeting and strategy table. The small net, paddles, and light plastic balls stored in an innocuous box in the kitchen meant it tripled as a ping pong table.
Currently, its occupants were not any number of the young heroes who were welcome in the halls. No one sat eating breakfast, though a ring of coffee and stray bit of egg would need to be cleaned off, or tinkering with anything from weaponry or gadgets to video game controllers or motorcycle parts. No drops of blood from emergency triage covered the top or powdery strings from aerosol cans thanks to prank wars.
Instead, five cell phones lay abandoned in the otherwise empty rooms. As useful as they can be, even just to stave off boredom on a stakeout, their owners weren’t in the habit of grabbing them when danger called and they rushed to face it. While their owners had grown in time with the rapid developments of cellular phones — and regularly used and fought the cutting edge of technology — these were not like the phones they started off with. They were much more fragile. Their first cell phones had survived punches, drops, outer space, and arguably a bullet from Deathstroke the Terminator. Even the ones built by WayneTech now had a tendency to shatter when slipping off the kitchen counter. 
The first of the phones was indeed a WayneTech phone, one that technically speaking was still in the design phases of development and wouldn’t even have a prototype for another two years. Yet, on the table it sat in a sturdy black case that was nicked and worn. A once bright red and blue S in a shield sticker was on the back, though it had faded and begun to fray with age. The screen flickered to life every few seconds with a notification coming in. The small rectangles showed only the app the messages came from and the name of the sender, nothing more. Small bat: Little Bro. Small bat: Little Bro. Yellow ghost: Babs. Green speech bubble: Amy. Green speech bubble: Alfred. Small bat: Boss Man. The picture that was barely visible through the notifications was of an elephant dressed in finery, a big top circus tent blurry in the background.
The next phone was older and more beat up than the first. It was made by a company that used a fruit for its name and image. The owner had been given it and it had been gotten for free, part of a family cellular plan years ago. The red case it called home was just as worn as the phone itself with its cracked screen. Though it was slim and light with a chipped yellow lightning bolt painted on the back. The spiderwebbing lightning bolt in the glass showed a young woman’s sly grin as she stared down the camera with her arms crossed. “Linda Calling” framed her. When no one answered, the image changed to a picture of three people with their arms loose on each other’s shoulders. A man with bright, tangled red hair and sparks of freckles, the same dark haired young woman with almost perfect teeth, and another man with long, pale orange hair and a wry, almost annoyed expression. Their faces were covered quickly by the “Missed Call: Linda” notification.
The third was newer than the last and though made by the same manufacturer as the first it was older than that one. In a hopeful optimism of its owner, there was no case. Which was odd as the camera was one of the best found in a mobile phone and many with the same model took great pains to protect it. Which isn’t to say that the owner wasn’t careful and didn’t go through great pains to care for it. The layers of metallic colored stars that stuck to the back helped to prove this as one fell into wear, another bright shine took its place. The photo on the screen of the other side had been taken using that excellent camera by the owner. A large group of people, all carefully posed yet laughing and antsy at the experience, at a picnic or a party. The people all called this building home and the people who moved through it family. A single text message came through from a “Diana” that began with “Dear Sister,” and then was cut off.
The fourth phone was bulkier, chunkier, than the others. It was carefully custom made to withstand the pressure and depths of the deepest seas. One of just a few in the world. It lived in an airtight waterproof case and was kept charged due to what some could only describe as magic. Despite the practicality of the case, it still managed to impart some individuality. A deep, almost royal blue, it was covered in a swirling pattern that some might think of as waves, and others flowers. Its screen stayed dark, though there was a message from much earlier. A small note of encouragement from a “Dolphin” overlaid on a serene image of crystal blue water shining in a lake surrounded by verdant trees.
The fifth and final phone was in as bad of shape as the second. An almost out of date model by Queen Industries, a company that no longer existed or at least not in that capacity. Though the owner would regularly take the small device apart, tinkering and updating the small wires and computer chips within. A thick, almost violently pink case had taken the actual brunt of the wear. Most of the back was covered by a sticker that was the image of a tweet with the immortal phrase “Help me obi Juan whoever the fuck you are.... You're my only ho.” The image on the screen was a young girl in a princess dress and a yellow Robin Hood hat grinning and waving at the camera. It was easy to assume her name was Lian as the text from an “Oliver” could be read saying “Daddy it’s Lian. Love you. Stay safe.”
It might be a few hours and a few battery percentages later, but eventually the owners would come and collect them. Would respond to the notifications. Maybe clean up the bit of egg and the coffee ring on the table.
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nyxigaming2 · 3 years ago
The best third-party Joy-cons that you'd Love - Review Guide!
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Take a look at our buying guide and reviews of third-party joycons you'll love, and choose your favorite. It's time to start shopping! Let's do it!
The dangers of Joy-cons drift are widely known to Nintendo Switch 3rd party joycons owners. With time, the thumbsticks on the Joy-Cons have slowly worn down. As a result, many gamers are using 3rd party joycons instead of twin gamepads.
 Going into the unknown with 3rdparty joycons might be risky. Even after a few usages, a few businesses are selling cheap knockoffs that may not work at all. As well as the best third-party Joy-con controllers on this list, you should also check out any other Joy-cons. After more than a decade of making the best third-party joy-cons, companies like Nacon and Nyko are well-known in the gaming industry.
 1. Hori Nintendo Switch Split Pad Pro
 The Hori Split Pad Pro, the only officially licensed third-party controller on this list, is designed for Switch portable users. You can customize the controller's functions by using the programmable buttons at the back. Despite its larger size, it is possible to place the Hori Split Pad Pro inside the Nintendo Switch dock.
You cannot use the Split Pad Pro without connecting it to a Nintendo Switch first. Others on this list can either use the rails and grip of the Switch or design their own. In addition, it lacks features like HD rumble and even motion controls, which is disappointing for an officially licensed controller.
 2. NYXI Wireless Joy-pad with 8 Colors LED
This wireless joy-con has a built-in 600mAh battery that can last up to 8 hours of gameplay and 20 hours of standby time. Using larger buttons and joysticks prevents accidental presses of other buttons.
 The turbo mode allows you to fire many shots in rapid succession. In order to activate the hard-to-reach buttons, you can use the mapping function to assign one of the X/Y/A/B/Z/L and more buttons to the rectangle button.
 The 8-color and rainbow LED light on the joy-con controller create a fun gaming environment. After the very first time you connect it, there is no need to rejoin again. Clicking the Home button will bring you back to the gaming console.
 3. BestFire NS Joy-Con
 BestFire's NS Joy-Cons turn the GameCube controller into two Joy-Cons. Players of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will like the Joy-Cons' button arrangement based on the GameCube controller.
 The face buttons on the right Joy-Con mirror the original GameCube’s placement, even if the form is different. These Joy-Cons are better suited to those who want to use a GameCube controller to play Smash Ultimate than the conventional Joy-Cons.
 There is no IR sensor or HD rumble on BestFires' Joy-Cons as on other third-party controllers. They employ a twin rumble motor like the rest of the controllers on this list, but unlike Binbok's Joy-Cons, they cannot alter the level.
 BestFire's Joy-cons have the shortest battery life on this list, with six hours of rumbling use. With the rumble off, the battery can last longer. However, many Smash players like to utilize it during gameplay.
 4. Dualies from Nyko
 The Nyko Dualies are the final item on this list. Compared to the Hori Split Pad Pro, the Nyko Dualies cannot be attached to the Switch or even the grip. Detachable thumbsticks are what the Dualies have.
 Particularly in games that require spinning, thumbsticks are susceptible to wear and tear. Depending on the materials used, they may also be slippery. Depending on whether the thumbsticks are removable, you may replace them with more comfortable custom sticks.
 Additionally, the controller's independent charging connections allow gamers to charge one Joy-Con at a time without needing to charge the other simultaneously. The ability to charge the controller is functional when multiple people are using the Switch simultaneously. To recharge a Nintendo Switch Joy-Con, you would have to remove it from the system and wait for it to do so.
 The Dualies, like other third-party controllers, enable motion controls but lack an IR sensor or the ability to scan Amiibos. On the other hand, these are the only Joy-Cons that cannot be attached to the Switch or a grip. There are a few additional possibilities on this list that may interest folks.
 Best third-party Joy-cons: Buying Guide
Most 3rd party joycons use one of two types of batteries. ALIENGT Joypad Controllers have a rechargeable battery, and others, like the PowerA Enhanced Wireless Controller, use AA batteries. Choosing the correct Nintendo Switch 3rd party joy-cons is a personal choice.
 Choosing rechargeable controllers eliminates the need for batteries, and you'll have to refuel if you lose your charge mid-game. Some controllers have power-saving features, and you can also turn off your controller's light bar to save power.
 However, a controller with removable batteries can swiftly exchange AAs. Buying new batteries may be irritating and costly for frequent gamer.
Style and beauty
Choosing the best third-party joy-cons isn't always about function. For example, Nintendo's Joy-Cons controllers have a universal setup. The Nintendo switch 3rd party joy-cons various colors and combinations add to the charm.
 Third-party Joy-Cons come in neon red, blue, purple, orange, green, pink, and yellow.
 If you already own the best third-party joy-cons, you can pick your preferred style and color. Most third-party Joy-Cons come in a variety of colors and designs.
Controls: wired vs. wireless
There are conventional, and wireless Nintendo switches 3rd party joycons.
 Why do gamers prefer wired controllers? One advantage of connected controllers is network latency, which can be a significant issue for competitive players. Second, a cable controller eliminates battery concerns.
They are tiny, removable game-pads for Nintendo Switch. You can link them to the central controller. This includes 'HD rumble,' which gives gamer of Nintendo Switch 3rd party joy-cons accurate feedback.
IR Sensor
Some of the Joy-Cons have an IR sensor. This sensor can identify shapes and distances from things. It can also distinguish between hands shaped like a rock, paper, and scissors, allowing Roshambo games on Nintendo Switch.
Are joy-cons readily broken?
The lifespan of Joy-Cons varies greatly depending on how rough you are with them and if you have dropped them ever.
When should I replace my Joy-Cons?
To completely recharge the Joy-Con, you'll need to wait around three and a half hours. The Joy-Con controllers' batteries have a 20-hour runtime when ultimately charged.
What improvements has Nintendo made to the
There is no permanent fix for Joy-Con drift. Nintendo has revealed in a new interview that the Joy-endurance Con has continuously improved since its introduction and that the Switch OLED versions will feature the latest controllers.
You don't have to buy the Joy-Cons from Nintendo to use the Nintendo Switch's unique controller. Buying third-party Joy-Cons doesn't remove the opportunity to have fun color variations. Some even improve on some of the original design's flaws. The best third-party joy-cons that you'd love for the Switch are available in the above list if you can't locate or don't want to pay for a fake thing.
 As for me, The NYXI Wireless Joy Pads are a great choice for third-party Joy-Con replacement parts for the Nintendo Switch.
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titusmiller · 2 years ago
General Grognar Bonecrusher stared at the open field. He still couldn’t believe where he was. Three weeks ago, he had been on a battlefield, taking out all sorts of creatures far larger than he with just his bare hands and a club. Then some wizard casted a spell. He always hated those types. Battle was meant to be with your hands not with fancy words or magic!
Other orcs had reported seeing something similar the month prior. A strange and powerful wizard seemed to have gained a new spell that he wasn’t afraid of using. It had been General Rottegar Orcbold who had succumbed to it last time. He was one of the strongest generals and none of Grognar’s men believed he could be taken down so easily. In their rage, they stormed the kingdom in search of revenge.
However, none of that mattered as the magic circle enveloped him. Grognard saw the light rise from the ground and completely surround him. All his rage, all his anger, all his hatred couldn’t stop what was about to happen. In an instant he was gone.
When Grognar opened his eyes, he didn’t understand where he was. It must have been some kind of city, but none that he had seen before. Building reached for the sky and looked to be made of glass. Even worse, humans walked around him. They were even in some strange metal contraptions that moved on black paved surfaces.
‘This must be a trick!’ Grognar raised his axe. Some mysterious force stopped it from moving. “WHO DARES TOUCH GROGNAR’S AXE!” he roars.
“YOUR SUPERIOR!” the powerful voice of Rottegar Orcbold bellowed behind him. The other general’s aura was powerful and all encompassing. He leaned into Grognar’s ear. “Sheathe your weapon, lest we both get in trouble.”
“O-of course!” Grognar shuddered to think what Rottegar could be afraid of. Though, a grater confusion over swept him as he saw a small human standing behind his superior general. The little human was eating a salted bread that had been twisted in a strange shape. His eyes lit up.
“ROTTEGAR! You didn’t tell me there were more!” the human beamed.
Rottegar’s hand went to his face. “I didn’t know…” he grumbled. “Come on. Let’s get you someplace before you get us both in trouble.” He led Grognar into a strange building. Glass lined the front wall and looking inside, Grognar could see a wide variety of body types lifting heavy pieces of metal. Some looked to be built stronger than the strongest of warriors. Others looked to be better fit eating slop with the hogs. Either way, they all seemed to be doing the similar movements.
A male human with a smile approached them. He looked to be built like a true warrior. It was odd to see how tightly his brightly colored clothes clung to his muscular body. Even more so that there was a small rectangle with letters written on it. Somehow, Grognar read it as ‘Austin.’ “This one of your cosplay buddies?” the man asked.
“Yes…” Rottegar grimaced. Grognar had never seen Rottegar like this before. Had a subordinate ever disrespected him, that creature would soon be dead. Especially if he were human. “He got a little ahead of himself and dressed up…”
“Bro really looks the part! Dude’s fuckin’ ripped! And look at that axe! It’s huge!” Austin’s face lit up as he tried to get a better view. His body was small only in comparison to Rottegar and Grognar.
“Yeah… We really like to get into it…” Rottegar said. There wasn’t the same pride of the warrior that Grognar knew. Instead, he almost looked nervous and far too passive. How could a world do this to such a strong creature? “But I need to talk to him.”
“Yeah bro!” Austin raised his hand up. Rottegar grabbed it and the two bumped chests. Even though, Rottegar was at least a foot taller than the human and had to weigh more than 200 pounds more than him, Rottegar didn’t tear his arm off or slam the human’s body to the floor. It was the best position to crack heads open. Instead, the man simply walked back into the large area and wandered around the other humans lifting weights.
“This way,” Rottegar grabbed Grognar by the wrist and led him to a large room with a mirror.
Grognar stared in it. He understood it was a mirror, but it did not reflect what it should have. Rather there was a human standing where he was. A human that was wearing what he was wearing. Anger welled up inside him. “What trickery is this?” Grognar demanded.
“It’s you!” the little man cheered. “I personally think you look handsome.”
Grognar grabbed his axe. “What say you human?” he hissed.
“Harm him and you will not see another second of this life,” Rottegar stated. Deathbringer appeared in his hand. It was a sword known to have killed thousands of the empire’s strongest knights and brought down many a powerful adventurer.
The tension between the two generals bared down the weight of the room. Grognar was the first to give in. “My apologies. I don’t understand what is going on…”
“Of course. It’s terrifying to think that we would become something as weak as a human, however, I am no weaker than I was in our realm. Rather, this appears to be the form that humans see,” Rottegar explains. "Even my feats of strength don't seem to faze them. Rather, they rationalize it as normal."
Grognar looks over his human visage. He still looks like one of the more powerful ones. He easily stands taller than them with muscles so large and defined that all the men envied him, and the women couldn’t help but make a glance. Yet, it didn’t reflect his dark green skin. Nor his powerful bottom fangs. He could only take solace in the rugged beard that rounded his chin that made him still look rather menacing.
“Magic truly is the evilest form of power.”
“It is,” Rottegar echoed.
“I don’t think it’s all bad…” the human spoke up again. Grognar grimaced. He wished to draw his axe but did not dare chance it with Deathbringer in the room. “Oh! I’m sorry! I’m Matthew. I’m the owner of this gym.” He dusted off the salt from his treat that was on his hand and then extended it. “Oh. Right. Sorry.” He dropped it to his side again.
“Don’t mind him,” Rottegar said, but Grognar couldn’t help but get the feeling the statement was meant for Matthew and not him. “We need to get Grognar a job and then he can start earning money.”
“I’ve always been good with my body,” Grognar bragged.
Matthew grew overly excited by that sentence. Rottegar’s hand pushed the little human down. “No,” he stated.
“Awww… Come on!”
“No,” Rottegar said again. “Construction or some kind of physical labor.”
“Fine… I think I can talk to my brother about a janitorial job at his company,” Matthew said. “It’s just picking up trash from the cubicles and making sure the bathrooms are clean.”
“C-clean!?” Grognar roared. “That is meant for the weak and useless. I shall do no such thing!”
“Grognar,” Rottegar approached him. Somehow his body seemed to have grown even larger than the last time Grognar had seen him. His powerful hand gripped Grognar’s shoulder. “Where will you sleep?”
Grognar shook his head. “I don’t know.”
Rottegar’s grip tightened. “What will you eat?” Again, Grognar had no answer. Rottegar’s grip tightened. “Where will you go to the bathroom?” No response. Rottegar’s grip tightened. Pain rippled through Grognar’s body. He fought falling to his knees. “How will you survive?”
Still no answer. Rottegar’s grip tightened again. Grognar couldn’t fight off the pain anymore. His legs gave out and he submitted to his superior. His head bowed as he was clearly not the one in charge. “Grognar,” Rottegar continued, “What do orcs do best?”
“Survive…” it came out weak and feckless. The sudden realization that he didn’t know where he was, what he was doing or what this culture was like suddenly filled him with fear. Nor did he have subordinates of his own to order around. He stared blankly at the floor.
“What do orcs do best?” Rottegar demanded.
“Survive.” There was a bit more confidence. Who cared about all that? He’d come from worse. Orcs all around him, each vying for the power that he had so ruthlessly sought. They could try whatever they wanted, but his strength was enough to strike fear in the survivors after failure.
“WHAT DO ORCS DO BEST?” Rottegar shouted.
“SURVIVE!” Grognar roared. His body flexed with power. He was no weak or sniveling human. He was a proud and powerful orc. Even if he were to have to rise from the ashes, he would. No job would be too low. No position too small. For he would gain that power back, taking out anyone who were in his way.
A set of odd tones filled the room. It almost sounded like music if it weren’t filled with so many strange sounds. "Sorry..." Matthew pulled out a small rectangular box and held it up to his ear. Grognar watched in confusion as Matthew seemed to grow angry. The weak looking human had a strange fire in his eyes and soul that Gronar had only seen on warriors in the battlefield. Yet, this human spoke with so much confidence, that Grognar was almost nervous to see what kind of army he could control.
Matthew let out a sigh. “So… I might have a different job. Not permanent, but still a job. I’ll still contact my brother about that janitorial one. But until then…” he paused, clearly trying to think about how to phrase his next few sentences. “How do you feel about leading others to victory?”
“Excellent!” Grognar flexed his hands in excitement.
“Perfect!” Matthew cheered. “Then let’s go!”
Rottegar drove one of the strange vehicles that didn’t have any doors or even a roof. It went far faster than Grognar could have imagined. Rottegar told him to simply put a strap around his chest and hold on. Do not move for anything and enjoy the ride. The bright yellow vehicle was oddly spacious even with their enlarged bodies.
They arrived at an outdoor field with a diamond of dirt around it. Matthew and Rottegar stepped out of the vehicle. Grognar was slow to follow. He looked down to see a little over a dozen human children staring up at him.
The children gave a wide variety of looks. Some clapped while others glared. A few even tried to hide behind the other children. “Welcome the new Mudville Slugger’s coach, Mr. Orcbold!” Matthew cheered.
Coach Grognar Bonecrusher stared at the open field. He still couldn’t believe where he was. Three weeks ago, he had been the leader of a powerful army, now he was telling children how to hit a ball. Right now, bottom of the ninth, the score was tied; 3 to 3. Adrian had just gotten to second base. All Grognar needed was a hit. He looked down at his clipboard.
‘Lyle Chesterfield.’ Grognar almost snapped the thin piece of wood out of anger. There had been at least a dozen he’d gone through before. Matthew had started charging him for them. Lyle stood next to him.
“C-coach O-Orcbold?” the little boy stammered. “I don’t feel so good… Maybe you should just let Hunter go instead of me…”
Nothing frustrated Grognar more than weakness. However, he had learned that anger did not work on this boy. Rather he would clam up and could barely even stand at the plate, let alone swing the bat. “Lyle,” Grognar said. “What do we do?”
“Sur-survive,” Lyle answered.
“Good. Now all you have to do is hit the ball,” Grognar said. He watched as the players on the other team called themselves into the infield. Even though Lyle had only hit the ball once, they knew that he couldn’t hit it that far. “See that? They don’t respect you.”
“Bu-but they’re right! I’m weak. Useless. I don’t even know why my dad signed me up for this stupid sport! I’m no good at it and I just want to go home!”
“Enough!” Grognar was not about to let the boy cry. He got down to Lyle’s level. “Do you like that they don’t respect you?” Lyle shook his head. “Do you want to make your dad proud?” Lyle nodded. “Then prove them wrong. Channel your anger. Feel it deep inside of your soul. You will not lose because losing is not an option.”
“No buts! You cannot hide forever! You cannot let others control you! You must make a decision, will you hit that ball?”
Lyle adjusted his glasses. “I’ll hit the ball,” he said with a surprising amount of confidence.
“Good. Now go out there,” Grognar ruffled Lyle’s hair.
He watched as Lyle positioned himself in front of the plate. His eyes were surprisingly determined for how unreliable he was. The ball came flying over home plate. Lyle swung!
“Strike one!” the umpire called.
Grognar was happier that the boy actually tried. There were so many times that he would stand there like he’d looked into the eyes of a gorgon. But for him to actually swing? That was a feat until itself. Lyle repositioned his feet. His eyes were focused. The ball came flying over the plate again.
“Strike two!” the umpire called.
“Good swing. Just keep your eye on the ball,” Grognar called out from the side of the field. He’d heard the other coaches say it. Even if he didn’t fully understand it, some of the kids would do a little bit better anyways. However, the look in Lyle’s eyes was different even from a few moments ago. He was always so in his own head that any distraction from the game was welcomed. His eyes were trained on the pitcher. His hands tightened around the bat. And he swung.
The ball went flying into the outfield. Every person on and around the field except Adrian was confused as it went soaring into the outfield. It wasn’t exceedingly far, but far enough that if the players hadn’t moved in, they could have easily caught the pop fly.
‘Arrogance,’ Grognar scoffed. Then realized that Lyle had yet to start running. “LYLE! RUN!”
His booming voice cut through the confusion and Lyle started off for first base. His slow clunky run looked as though he would fall over at any second. The helmet shook from side to side. However, as he approached first base, the baseman missed the ball, and it went soaring over both of their heads. He ducked, but still touched the base as Adrian made his way home.
Final score: 4 to 3; Mudville Sluggers win. They are allowed to be placed in the finals brackets.
Reverse isekai is superior to normal isekai in pretty much every respect.
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obsidiancreates · 6 years ago
Oh shit right 2, random word!
(I feel very gushy today so
(Word is “partake”!)
Jameson was absolutely fascinated by video games. He thought they were amazing, genius even! He first learned of them when his brothers showed him the channel, and from then on he had loved them.
The only problem was, he’d never played one and wasn’t sure how to.
He couldn’t admit that, of course. It was such a vital part of he and his family’s past, they would probably find it shameful. Instead he always told the others that he was content to watch, or he had to save his hand strength for cooking, or that he would rather read at that moment, or whatever other excuse came to mind.
That day, Jameson was watching Chase try out a new game that he had never seen any of them play before. “What’s this?”
“It’s Minecraft! I might be able to bring the kids over this weekend, and the last time I got to talk to them they said they loved it!” Chase’s character was building a small house made of… blocks. Wooden ones. Jameson watched the TV with great interest.
“What an interesting looking game.”
“Do you wanna play for a bit? It’s more fun with other people.”
Jameson chuckled. “No, but thank you, good chap. I’m not really one to partake in video games when there’s a perfectly good novel just calling my name!” 
Oh god, he wanted to play so bad.
Chase groaned. “Uuuggghhh, you never play any games with us! Come on!” he handed a controller to Jameson. “Just for a minute! I need help with this, I don’t have any glass yet.”
Jameson swallowed. Chase wasn’t going to take no for an answer this time. “I suppose the novel can wait. Um… how do I…” He inspected the controller closely, trying to find a button that said “Play Game”.
“How do you…? Oh, how do you join? Here, I’ll do that.” Chase pressed a few buttons, and just like that the screen split in half and Jameson’s character was dropped in. “I’m to you left a little bit, you should be able to see my nametag.”
Okay, okay. He could do this. The little knobby things were usually used by the others to move and look around. Now… which one did which? He pushed one forward. His character started moving. His face lit up. Hey, that was easy! He pushed the other one to the side. His character turned it’s head. He grinned, and made his way over to where Chase had directed him.
Chase’s character turned to look at Jameson’s. Jameson used his real hand to wave at the screen. “How do you do?”
Chase’s character waved his little rectangle of an arm. “Hey JJ!”
Ah. How did… hmm.
“Hey, what’s wrong? You look a little confused.”
“No, no! I just uh… I’m not sure…”
Jameson tried one button. No, that made him jump. Another one made him crouch. One just made it so that he was looking at the back of his character’s head instead of through it’s eyes.
Chase wrinkled his brow, but then a look of realization came across his face. He smack his palm to his forehead. “You don’t know how to play video games, do you? Ah shoot, okay let me help you.” He scooted a little closer. “Okay, so you press this button to smack stuff and break it, and this one is for placing-”
“You… you aren’t disappointed?”
Chase looked at Jameson’s face, startled. “What? Dude, why would I be disappointed?”
“Well, video games are such a large part of all our lives, I assumed-”
“Bro, no-one is good at games right from the get-go, including us. It’s fine!”
“Yeah! Okay, so the main point of the game…”
Chase spent a little while teaching Jameson how to play. After a bit of teamwork and a few extra reminders, they had a pretty nice little house built. Chase gave Jameson a high-five, and Jameson positively beamed with pride.
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killabonez · 8 years ago
ok so i have all these friggin headcanons for the kids so like????? lets friggin do this
John: John is Short As Fuck(tm) and a lil pudgy. (vv soft boy has a belly) he’s waiting for a growth spurt that probably wont come. FRECKLES AND MOLES E V E R Y W H E R E. Probs pale (kiddo is a shut in) obvi blue eyes and black hair.
Dave: a literal rectangle. tall and skinny. maybe a bit of muscle from “training” with Bro, but overall pp lean. Lanky with long arms and even longer legs. A few scars from training, pretty faint, and mainly along his torso. Buddy is an albino w/ an extremely rare (and made up) eye mutation
Rose: Also generally pretty skinny. She has the ideal body... of someone from the 1920s/1990s (which are Very Similar) Average height. She still has a baby metabolism, but is pretty much done growing. Slowly gaining weight, looks more like her mother every day. Mole on her right cheek, closer to her eye. Also super pale, with bleached white hair (naturally brown) and the same genetic mutation as Davey boy, making her eyes purple
Jade: Athletic. If you think she doesnt do some sort of Tarzan Level stunts on that island, you’re dead wrong. Girl is <i>toned.<i> I’m jealous of her legs tbfh. Pretty short, but def still scary when mad, which <strike>thank god<strike> is rare. Looks like they could kill you, but is actually a cinnamon roll. Freckles, but not as many as Johnny boy. (Bonus Headcanon! She wears looser clothes so she looks less threatening.) Jade is probably super tan, just bc she’s in the sun more, and has green eyes and black hair.
Jane: Pretty short, def chubs. Thicc(tm) a bit bigger on the bottom than the top. 100% comfortable in her own skin. No freckles, but def has a few moles. Mostly pale, with a reddish flush on her cheeks and nose (y e ars of opening ovens) Blue eyes and black hair 
Dirk: Dirk is also tall, but a bit more built. He’s got an inverted triangle type body, but its like a thin triangle?????? Pretty defined on his arms. Chicken legs (dont skip leg day kids) Dirk, though he actually does not have the mutation, has very light brown eyes, that in some lights can be considered orange. Goldeny-blonde hair, and somewhat tan.
Roxy: Roxy is a bit taller than Rose. While she isn’t as skinny,as Rose, she is on the thinner side, has “hourglass” distribution for weight, but doesn’t have much weight to distribute. Roxy also has the mutation, making her eyes purple, and has bleach blonde hair that’s a bit on the yellow side bc she did it wrong.
Jake: Average height, maybe a bit short, and built. His muscles aren’t amazingly defined tho only a bit. He’s the type of built to just get thicker instead of having, like, a cut in his shoulders. Has some frecks, and def has some scars from his adventures. He has bright green eyes, black hair, and pretty tan skin.
Lol the mutation basically makes your eyes have a reddish tint. Rose and Roxy’s eyes would have been blue without the mutation, and because Dave is albino, the lack of pigment makes the red shine through a lot more, giving him bright red eyes. 
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